Terror in the Peaceable Kingdom UNDERSTANDING AND ADDRESSING VIOLENT EXTREMISM IN CANADA Edited by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross & Senator Linda Frum A DIVISION OF THE FOUNDATION FOR DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACIES WASHINGTON, D.C. Copyright © 2012 by FDD Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First Edition For more information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to:
[email protected], or Permissions, FDD Press, P.O. Box 33249, Washington, D.C. 20033 ISBN: 978-0-6152506-8-7 Publication design: Basis / www.basisbranding.com Table of Contents Acknowledgments i Introduction 1 I. HISTORY Canada’s Historical Experience with Terrorism and Violent Extremism Ron Crelinsten 9 II. TERRORIST GROUPS AND TERROR-SUPPORTING STATES Hosting Terrorism: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Canada John Thompson 31 Somali Identity and Support for al Shabaab in Canada, the U.S., & the U.K. Michael King, Ali Mohamed & Farah Aw-Osman 47 Hizballah’s Canadian Procurement Network Matthew Levitt 61 Iran’s Canadian Outposts Michael Petrou 67 III. PROBLEM AREAS Terrorist Financing: A Canadian Perspective Angela Gendron 77 Is the U.S.-Canadian Border a Security Threat? James Bissett 97 IV. TOOLS The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act: A New Weapon in Canada’s Counterterrorism Arsenal Sheryl Saperia 119 Risk Assessment and Terrorism: The Canadian Context D. Elaine Pressman 139 The True North, Stronger and Freer: How 9/11 Changed Canada Jonathan Kay 155 Tackling al Qaeda Today Brian Michael Jenkins 161 The Contributors 169 Endnotes 175 Acknowledgements his book is largely the product of a Leading Thinkers policy workshop on terrorism in Canada sponsored by the Foundation for Defense of T Democracies (FDD).