Roza Diversion Dam
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Engineering Geology in Wuhington, Volume I Wuhington Division of Geology and Earlh Resources Bulletin 78 Roza Diversion Dam DANN. MAGLEBY U.S. Bureau ofReclamation PROJECT DESCRIPTION good example of an antecedent stream; the canyon alignment reflects a strong relict, meandering pattern Roza Dam (Figure 1) is located on the Yakima River across the Yakima fold system. Relatively short, steep approximately 12 mi north of Yakima. The primary pur drainageways enter the master stream from the east and pose of the dam is to divert water to the Roza Canal, west. Alluvium of various compositions and thicknesses which has a capacity of 1,350 cfs, and supplies irriga is present in the drainageways and occurs as terraces in tion water to about 70,000 acres of land north, east, and some places along the Yakima River. Slopewash from south of the city of Yakima. The canal also supplies a few to many tens of feet thick is present in many water to the Roza power plant located about 10 mi places along the master stream and in lesser quantities downstream from the dam. along the side drainageways. Landslides, mostly in the The dam was built by the U.S. Bureau of Reclama overburden materials, are also present in places in the tion (USBR) in 1939 (USBR, 1981, 1983). The dam is Yakima River canyon (Campbell, 1975; Swanson et al!; a concrete gravity ogee-weir-type structure and has a 1979). movable crest. It has a structural height of 67 ft and a Bedrock length of 486 ft. The movable crest consists of two 110- ft x 14-ft roller gates. The canal headworks are located In the area of the dam, the Yakima Fold Belt is ex. in the right abutment area; the left abutment contains pressed as the Selah Butte anticline, a northwest-trend the main fish ladder facility (Figure 2). ing, doubly-plunging, symmetrical anticline about 10 mi long (Figure 3). Exposed in the anticline and forming In 1985-1986, the USBR replaced the fish passage the foundation of the dam is an unnamed basalt flow facilities on the right abutment with a multiple bank of (flow no. 5) of the Grande Ronde Basalt (Campbell, angled, rotating drum screens in the right forebay area 1975). The basalt crops out on the left abutment as a of the dam (Figure 2), where there was room to accom near-vertical bluff of hard, columnar basalt. The basalt modate it. The fish screen structure, the largest fish pas in the right abutment area is covered by a large deposit sage structure on the Yakima River, contains 27 drum of mixed alluvium and colluvium. screens, each 17 ft in diameter and 12 ft long. Five 30- in.-diameter pipes with capacities of 50 cfs are provided The dam is founded on hard, dense, jointed basalt. to return the fish that encounter the screens to the river. The dam site was explored with 11 drill holes prior to Associated with the fish screens are the fish bypass construction. Very little is known about the engineering structure, the fish return pipe, the fish counting facility, characteristics of the basalt from these old drill holes or and the canal pumpback scheme (USBR, 1985a). An ad from the brief remarks of the construction report ditional low-level fish ladder was built on the left abut (USBR, 1983). One drill hole bored in 1985 for inves ment in 1987. tigation of the juvenile fish counting facility in the right abutment area encountered basalt bedrock at a depth of SITE GEOLOGY 36.3 ft. This basalt is lightly weathered, moderately to General intensely jointed, dark gray, nonvesicular, and mostly hard (USBR, 1985b). Roza Diversion Dam is within the Yakima Fold Belt of the Columbia Plateau province in the central part of Washington. The bedrock is part of the thick pile of lava GEOLOGIC ASPECTS OF flows of the Yakima Basalt Subgroup of the Miocene SITING AND DESIGN Columbia River Basalt Group. The Yakima Basalt is The dam site is located in a relatively narrow part of further divided into the Lower Miocene Grande Ronde the Yakima River canyon where a prominent outcrop of Basalt and Middle Miocene Wanapum Basalt (Figure 3). basalt is present on the left riverbank. This siting was The Yakima River flows south through the Yakima also topographically favorable for the elevation of the Fold Belt in a deep, steep-sided canyon. The river is a canal headworks to serve, by gravity, the intended ir- 522 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY IN WASHINGTON Figure 1. View upstream and into the right abutment area during construction of the new fish passage facilities in 1987. Roza Dam is in the lower left part of the photo; the new multiple-drum screen structure is in the center of the photo. Roz.a Dam is founded on basalt. and the fish passage facilities on the right abutment area are founded on al luvial-colluvial materials. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation photograph, February 5, 1987. MAGELBY-ROZA DIVERSION DAM 523 Fish Screens N Fish Ladder 100 0 100 Scale of Feet PLAN Top of Dam El. 1225 ft Trash rack ~rior 1986) Spillway Spillway El 1205 ft El 1205 ft ::--.... ~ ___ _£ Top ---of rock -- Bottom of excavation --~~--l, Grande Ronde Basalt~~~~-·- LONGITUDINAL SECTION Scale in Feet Figure 2. Plan and longitudinal section of Roza Dam. Plan view adapted from U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (1981). 524 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY IN WASHINGTON Tyl EXPLANATION Tyu Gal Stream alluvium Gls Landslides Selah Butte\ anticline Te Ellensburg Fm. Tyu Wanapum Basalt \ \ Tyl Grande Ronde \ \ Basalt I \ I I I / / / / SYMBOLS / R>ri / ~// _L Fault. Ball on Te /~ downthrown side, // ::::---.. T y u // if known. / / Te / Anticline N + + Syncline Tyu YAKIMA ':~Yakima River \ 0 5 Scale in Miles Figure 3. Generalized geologic map of the Roza Dam area. Adapted from Campbell (1975). MAGELBY-ROZA DIVERSION DAM 525 rigated land. The exploratory drilling showed favorable seepage problems at the dam. There has been no under rock foundation conditions for a concrete gravity dam. cutting of the basalt formation at the toe of the dam due The old and new fish screen facilities on the right to spilling flows. abutment were founded on compact alluvial materials. The reservoir area bas bad a high silt load contributed The new fish screen structure was sited in the forebay by the river. Water is discharged through the left roller area of the right abutment near the canal headworks gate of the dam most of the time to maintain a channel (Figure 3). (USBR, 1983). Explorations for the new fish screen site CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS showed this extensive reservoir silt fill to have a maxi mum thickness of about 10 ft. Part of this large silt Preparation of the dam foundation included removal deposit was removed from the reservoir prior to con of alluvial deposits to depths of about 25 ft in the struction of the new fish screen structure (USBR, canyon bottom and right abutment area. The lowennost 1985b). 2 ft of excavation in rock was done using a chipping gun. The foundation was cleaned with water under high REFERENCES pressure prior to placement of concrete. Small gravel Campbell, N. P., 1975, A Geologic Road Log over Chinook, filled drains covered with waterproof paper were placed White Pass, and Ellensburg to Yakima Highways: to control water from several springs in the foundation Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Infor area. After placing concrete, the drains were grouted mation Circular 54, Olympia, WA. 82 p. shut. Swanson, D. A.; Bentley, R. D.; Byerly, G. R.; Gardner, J. N.; and Wright, T. L., 1979, Preliminary Reconnaissance Geo. Most of the pressure grouting was done at the heel logic Maps of the Columbia River Basalt Group in Parts of of the dam. Grouting was done on 5-ft centers in holes Eastern Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File 15 ft deep. A total of 2,161 sacks of cement was used Report 79-534, Sheet 6 of 9, scale 1:250,000. in the grouting. Concrete was placed in 5-ft lifts, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Water and Power Resources Ser vibrators were used to create unifonn placement. The vice), 1981, Project Data: U.S. Government Printing Office, water-cement ratio was 0.54-0.58. The concrete had a pp. 1337-1356. placement slump of 2 to 4.5 in. and an average unit U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Examination Report ofRoza weight of 154.00 pcf. The average compressive Diversion Dam for Safety Evaluation of &isting Dams strengths tested at 7 and 28 days were approximately Program, Yakima Project, Washington: U.S. Bureau of 3,000 and 5,200 psi, respectively (USBR, 1983). Reclamation, E&R Center, Denver, CO, 15 p., photos and drawings. During construction of the recently completed fish U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1985a, Roza Diversion Dam, screen structure, a large cofferdam was required in the Fishscreen, Pumpback, and Fish Ladders, Specification No. right forebay area Reservoir leakage into the excava 6-SIJ0-03480: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise, ID, tion required considerable grouting in the alluvial 120 p. materials in the foundation to retard seepage. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1985b, Geologic Report for Design Data Collection, Roza Diversion Dam, Yakima Fish OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS Passage Facilities, Yakima Project, Washington: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise, ID, 19 p., illustrations. There have been no displacements or major cracking of the concrete structure, nor are there any notable 526 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY IN WASHINGTON Aerial view downstream of the Roza Diversion Dam and fish passage facilities on September 30, 1987.