
Starring ". We're writing because we are in the midst of our latest search for young inventors to feature on our recurring segment, Fallonventions. We wanted to share our submission information with you in case there is a young inventor you know of who would like the chance to be on the show.

Our most recent Fallonventions segment was a huge success - September 2019 Fallonventions Segment - and we would love it if you would send some more brilliant inventors our way while we work on casting for the next Fallonventions episode.

Ultimately, we're looking for inventors, age 18 or younger, who have invented something brilliant, creative or funny, and have made a working model or prototype. Please find below information on how inventors can submit their inventions.

I hope you'll consider sharing this information, via email, with your colleagues, friends, teachers, parents, and inventors. *Please don't share this info on , websites, or with the press.*

See detailed info below. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions. Thank you so much! There is currently no deadline for submissions.

-Vikki and Sean

"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" is looking for incredible young inventors to feature on an upcoming Fallonventions segment! Do you know an outgoing student with a clever, fun, visual invention? This opportunity is for them! Inventors must be aged kindergarten-high school and have a working model or prototype.

Here's how to submit an invention to the show:

Make a short video (60 seconds max) that showcases only the inventor and invention. Have the inventor talk directly to the camera, and keep it simple. No need for skits, music, voice-over, graphics, special effects, or text. Keep edits to a minimum. Do it in a quiet location with good lighting. You can use a smartphone - make sure the videographer holds it horizontally (landscape), and not vertically (portrait).

Make sure the inventor says/does the following things in the video: • Name, Age, Hometown • Invention Name • Demonstrate the Invention. Please make sure to show the invention working! Upload the video to YouTube and email the link to Sean and Kristina at "The Tonight Show" ([email protected]). You can mark your YouTube video as "Unlisted" to protect your privacy (so it can't be seen by anyone who doesn't have the link). Unfortunately, we cannot accept videos sent as email attachments.

Make sure the email you send includes the following info: • Inventor's name, date of birth & age, hometown, grade • Invention name • Parent name, phone number, email address (if it’s a team of inventors, provide all parents’ info but designate one to be the main point of contact.) • Link to YouTube video • Has the inventor been on TV before? Tell us more! • Has the inventor entered any contests/competitions or won any awards with this invention? Tell us about them! • Has the inventor researched to see if their invention already exists? Please briefly explain why this is an invention, including how it differs from any similar products already on the market. Submit your medical innovation competitive event –it is YouTube ready!