Second Rural Connectivity Investment Program (RRP IND 48226-002)

Initial Environmental Examination

August 2017

IND: Second Rural Connectivity Investment Program


Prepared by National Rural Road Development Agency, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 6 July 2017) Currency unit – Indian Rupees (INR/Rs) INR1.00 = $ 0.01545 $1.00 = INR 64.73

ABBREVIATIONS ADB : Asian Development Bank BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards CD : Cross Drainage CGWB : Central Ground Water Board CO : Carbon Monoxide COI : Corridor of Impact DM : EA : Executing Agency EAF : Environment Assessment Framework ECOP : Environmental Codes of Practice EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment EMAP : Environmental Management Action Plan EO : Environmental Officer FEO : Field Environmental Officer FGD : Focus Group Discussion FFA : Framework Financing Agreement GOI : GP : Gram panchyat GSB : Granular Sub Base HA : Hectare HC : Hydro Carbon IA : Implementing Agency IEE : Initial Environmental Examination IRC : Indian Road Congress LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas MFF : Multitranche Financing Facility MORD : Ministry of Rural Development MORTH : Ministry of Road Transport and Highways MOU : Memorandum of Understanding NAAQS : National Ambient Air Quality Standards NGO : Non Governmental Organisation NOx : Nitrogen Oxide NC : Not Connected NRRDA : National Rural Road Development Agency PIU : Project Implementation Unit PIC : Project Implementation Consultants PRIs : Panchyati Raj Institutions PMGSY : Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana POL : Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants PPTA : Project Preparation Technical Assistance ROW : Right-of-Way RPM : Respirable Particulate Matter SRRDA : State Rural Road Development Agency SBD : Standard Bidding Documents SO2 : Sulphur di-Oxide SPM : Suspended Particulate Matter TSC : Technical Support Consultants UG : Upgradation WBM : Water Bound Macadam ZP : Zilla Parisad

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... i A. Physical Environment ...... i B. Biological Environment ...... i C. Socio-economic Environment ...... ii D. Anticipated Enviromental Impacts and Mitigating Measures ...... ii E. Conclusion and Recommendations ...... iii I. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Project Background ...... 1 B. Project Roads Identification and Location ...... 1 C. Rural Road Construction Proposal...... 2 D. ADB Safeguard Policies and Category of the Project ...... 2 E. Objectives and Approach for Environmental Assessment ...... 3 F. IEE Methodology and Content ...... 3 G. Legal Framework and Legislative Requirements: ...... 4 H. Acknowledgement ...... 5 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ...... 6 A. General ...... 6 B. Sample Roads Selected in State ...... 6 C. Project Description ...... 7 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ...... 10 A. Background ...... 10 B. Physical Environment ...... 11 C. Topography and Geomorphology ...... 20 D. Land use...... 22 E. Hydrology and Water Quality ...... 23 F. Ecological Resources ...... 25 G. Socio-economic Environment ...... 27 H. Salient Environmental Features of Sample Roads ...... 30 IV. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND ITS MITIGATION MEASURES ...... 33 A. Common Impacts during Design and Construction Phase ...... 33 B. Associated Impacts due to Construction Activities ...... 38 C. Common Impacts during Operation Phase ...... 43 D. Climate Change Impacts and Risks ...... 45 V. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN, INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND GRIEVANCE reDRESS MECHANISM ...... 48 A. Environmental Management Plan ...... 48 B. Environmental Monitoring Plan ...... 48 C. Institutional Arrangements and Responsibilities ...... 49 D. Institutional Environmental Responsibilities ...... 49 E. Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) for second RCIP ...... 52 F. Capacity Building ...... 54 G. Consultation and Information Disclosure...... 54 H. Grievance Redress Mechanism ...... 54 VI. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ...... 56 A. General ...... 56 B. Compliance with Relevant Regulatory Requirements ...... 56 C. Beneficiaries’ Comments ...... 56 D. Addressal of Issues ...... 57 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...... 59

A. Conclusions ...... 59 B. Key Recommendations: ...... 60

APPENDICES Appendix 1: Details of Proposed Batch 3 Roads in Odisha ...... 61 Appendix 2: Sample Rural Roads: Environmental Checklist...... 71 Appendix 3: Guidelines for Borrow Areas Management ...... 112 Appendix 4: Environmental Management Plan ...... 115 Appendix 5: Environmental Monitoring Plan ...... 135

List of Tables Table 1: Summary of proposed subprojects for Second RCIP-II Tr I ...... 2 Table 2: Summary of District Wise Rural Roads ...... 6 Table 3: ROW Requirement ...... 8 Table 4: List of Sample Roads for Initial Environmental Examination, RCIP-2, Odisha ...... 10 Table 5: Summary Key Environmental Features of the Project Districts ...... 1 Table 6: Ambient Air Quality ...... 18 Table 7: Ambient Air Quality Status of Orissa in Previous Years ...... 19 Table 8: Distribution of Major Geological Units in Odisha ...... 21 Table 9: List of Protected Areas in Odisha ...... 26 Table 10: Demographic Profile ...... 27 Table 11: Impacts on Biological Environment, Utility, Community and Religious Structures ...... 31 Table 12. AADT Composition ...... 45 Table 13: CO2 Emission Factors ...... 46 Table 14: Addressal of Issues and Concerns under the Project ...... 57

List of Figures Figure 1: Cross-section of Rural Roads...... 9 Figure 2: Hazard Zone Map ...... 22 Figure 3: Seismic Zone Map ...... 22 Figure 4: Land Use Pattern in the Project Districts ...... 23 Figure 5: Hydrogeology of Odisha ...... 24 Figure 6: Forest Map of Odisha ...... 25 Figure 7: Protected Area Map of Odisha ...... 27 Figure 8: Index of Real GSDP in Odisha ...... 29 Figure 9: Per Capita Income (NDP) at 1999-2000 prices: Odisha and All India ...... 29 Figure 10: Predicted Future Average Annual ...... 34 Figure 11: Predicted Change in Total Annual ...... 34 Figure 12: Future Trend of Maximum Monthly ...... 34 Figure 13: Future Trend in Total Precipitation, ...... 34 Figure 14: Flood Risk, Odisha ...... 35 Figure 15: Exposure to Landslide, Odisha ...... 35 Figure 16: Exposure to Tsunami, Odisha ...... 35 Figure 17: Risk of Forest Fires, Odisha ...... 35 Figure 18: Institutional Arrangement for EMP Implementation ...... 50



1. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) aims to provide all-weather road connectivity to currently unserved habitations in India’s rural areas, where 70% of the population live. the government of india (GOI) launched “The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) in year 2000. The objective of PMGSY is to provide all-weather road connectivity to all rural habitations with a population of more than 500 persons in plains and and 250 persons in hill states. This program is being implemented through National Rural Road Development Agency (NRRDA) under ministry of rural development (MORD) at central level and through state rural road development authority/agencies (SRRDA) at state level.

2. The Second Rural Connectivity Investment Program (RCIP-2) is the continuation of Rural Connectivity Investment Program (RCIP) and is a Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) that will be implemented in the states of Assam, , Orissa, and West Bengal.

3. The is now planning to submit to ADB the first Periodic Finance Request (PFR) that includes the proposal for about 464 rural roads totalling to 2012.30 km in the state of Odisha. Odisha State Rural Road Agency (OSRRA) is the Implementing Agency (IA) for the ADB funded subprojects in the state. The preparatory works for the proposed roads under the first tranche have been completed for the state. As per the requirements of ADB, it is mandatory that the subprojects under the programme comply with ADB's environmental safeguards. The project as per classification of ADB has been categorised as ‘Category B’ project and therefore requires an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE). The Initial environmental examination (IEE) report has been prepared by using environmental checklist for sample roads.

4. A review of international agreements and conventions where India is a member were made to ensure compliance. These agreements are: Conventions on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Water Fowl habitats (Ramsar), Convention concerning the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES), Convention on the conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS 1979), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity.

A. Physical Environment

5. Standing on the coastal belt, the weather in Odisha is greatly influenced by the sea. The climate of the region is tropical resulting in very high temperature in the months of April and May. On the contrary, the of the state experience an extremely cold climate.

6. There are three major seasons - summer (March-June), rainy season (July-September) and the winter (October-February). It is warm almost throughout the year in the western districts of , Bolangir, Kalahandi, and Mayurbhanj (maximum temperature between 40-46°C). In the coastal districts, the climate is equable but highly humid and sticky. The summer maximum temperature ranges between 35-40°C and the low temperatures are usually between 12-14°C. Winter is not very severe except in some areas in and where minimum temperature may drop to 3-4°C.

B. Biological Environment

7. The state of Odisha is known for abundance of natural beauty and wildlife. The major types of forests present in the state are tropical moist deciduous type and tropical dry deciduous


type. The hills, plateaus and isolated areas of the northeastern part of the state are covered by the tropical moist deciduous forests whereas the second types of the forests are located in the southwest region of the state. Some of the trees which grow in abundance in Odisha are bamboo (Dendrocalamus sp.), Teak (Tectona grandis), Mahula (Madhuca indica), sal (Shorea robusta), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Dhoben (Dalbergia paniculata) Mundi (Mitragyna parvifolia) etc. There are 479 species of birds, 86 species of mammals, 19 species of amphibians and 110 species of reptiles present in Odisha. The state is also an important habitat for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles and Irrawaddy dolphins (found in coastal district of Odisha).

C. Socio-economic Environment

8. The state has an overall population of 41.95 million people as of 2011 of which 34.97 million live in rural areas representing 83.31% of the total. The corresponding rate of urbanization is 15%, compared to almost 30% to India as a whole. The state's average population density was 698 persons per km. In 2011 the gender ratio of the state is 978, which is more than the country as a whole (940). The literacy rate overall is 73.45 % which is slightly lower than the country average (74.04%). The male literacy rate is 82.4% whereas female literacy rate is 64.36%.

D. Anticipated Enviromental Impacts and Mitigating Measures

9. Significant enviromental impacts were anticipated mostly during construction phase. Some of these significant impacts include a) impact on common utilities and community properties; b) loss of productive soil; c) impact on hydrology and drainage; d) compaction and contamination of soil; e) generation and management of construction debris and wastes; f) increased air pollution level; g) increased noise level; h) impact on ground and surface water quality and availability; i) loss of trees; j) increased level of vehicle traffic; and k) health and economic hazards to the community. Mitigating measures were proposed in the enviromental management measures to address all the anticipated environmental impacts.

10. Total annual emissions without the project (business as usual) at the middle of the design life of 7.5 years is estimated at 50,994.84 tons/year and with project scenario is estimated at 48,888.70 tons/year, for all 464 roads proposed for Tranche 1 of RCIP 2. The with project scenario is still far below the 100,000 tons per year threshold set in the ADB SPS 2009 and therefore not required to implement options to reduce or offset CO2 emissions.

11. Key engineering measures to address climate risk variables such as extreme precipitation, high temperatures and vulnerability to landslides include a) increase in road embankment level road section located in low-lying and flood prone areas; b) erosion protection for areas prone to landslides; c) increase in capacity of spillways and culverts; d) embankment protection through tree plantings; and e) improvement of longitudinal ditches and drains. Provisions have also been made in the bidding documents for the contractor to prepare EMPs based on the final detailed design to address climate related risks and vulnerabilities.

12. EMP implementation. The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) the executing agency has the responsibility for monitoring implementation of the EMP for all subprojects and undertaking necessary due diligence. MoRD ensure this through its Nodal Agency NRRDA (National Rural Road Development Agency). NRRDA constituted by MoRD is the nodal agency for the implementation of the environmental management plan (EMP). SRRDA is the state level agency responsible for implementation of PMGSY program in the state. NRRDA has developed various guidelines and defined institutional arrangements for effective and timely implementation of PMGSY program, which also covers measures for environmental and social safeguards. In line iii

with the defined institutional requirements, each SRRDA has set up district level project implementation units (PIUs). NRRDA also appoints Technical Support Consultant (TSC) to provide technical support for capacity building in SRRDA/PIUs, facilitating them for environmental and social safeguard compliance monitoring and due diligence. SRRDA appoints PIC (project implementation consultant) for supervision of construction work. PIC also helps PIU in monitoring the EMP.

13. Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans. The environmental monitoring program is prepared with aim to monitor the environmental performance of environmental management plan. For rural roads, Environmental Monitoring plan will be more observation oriented and it provides observation areas with frequency of monitoring at pre-construction aspects1, construction stage and operation stage.

14. Grievance Redress Mechanism. Grievance redress mechanism will be implemented from the subproject to national levels. The PIU will designate a public disclosure and complaints contact person for each subproject to help address all concerns and grievances at the subproject level. Grievances, if any, will be considered at the village level by the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) consisting of members of Gram Panchayat, and Pradhan / Up-Pradhan of Gram Panchayat. The GRC will meet for addressing grievances as needed. Grievances not resolved at the village level will be addressed through the district level GRC, with the following members: Executive Engineer of the PIU, member of Zilla Parishad, member of the grievance committee of the concerned GP; and representatives of affected people. Grievances at this level need to be resolved prior to contract award. At the national level, NRRDA has made provision of registering complaint /suggestion through its website. NRRDA forwards these complains to concerned SRRDA for necessary actions. SRRDA directly or through concerned PIU initiate the appropriate action and update the complainant as well as NRRDA.

15. Public Consultation. Public consultation was undertaken consistent with the ADB requirements. All the five principles of information dissemination, information solicitation, integration, co-ordination and engagement into dialogue were incorporated in the consultation process. Stakeholders’, including women, were consulted to understand their concerns, apprehensions, overall opinion and solicit recommendations to improve project design. Informal meetings, interviews were organized covering the entire project stretch. Consultations with stakeholders will continue throughout project implementation as necessary at different levels, to update and address the concerns of affected people on environment related issues.

E. Conclusion and Recommendations

16. Conclusion. The proposed Rural Connectivity Investment Program Phase has been categorized as "B" for environment under SPS 2009. No categorization is made under the environmental legislation of India, since these small roads do not require any environmental clearance in accordance with Environment (Protection) Act and Rules, 1986 amended till date. The findings of environment assessment of sample roads indicate that impacts are mostly similar and subprojects are unlikely to cause any significant environmental impacts. While some of the impacts are negative, there are many bearing benefits to the area. Most of the impacts are likely to occur during construction stage, are temporary in nature, and can be mitigated with minor to negligible residual impacts. All sample roads included under Tranche I were selected based on ecological and climate change consideration defined under EARF. Accordingly, none of the

1 Aspects related to alignment selection for inclusion of new roads


sample roads passes through protected areas or encroaches precious ecology (sensitive or protected areas) or any historical or archeologically protected areas.

17. Significant impacts are not considered adverse and typical to road constructions that are simple to mitigate. Impacts related to road siting in flood and erosion prone areas are mitigated through proper design. During construction, impacts can be mitigated through good engineering practices and compliance to permits and clearances issued by the regulatory agencies. The mitigating measures are institutionalized through the EMP and EMoP, and institutional arrangements were established to implement these plans.

18. Recommendations. Any major changes or any additional work other than the proposed project activities indicated in the IEE and Environment Checklist (formerly Environmental Code of Practice or ECOP) will require updates in the IEE. The updated Environment Checklists and IEE will have to be submitted to NRRDA and ADB for concurrence prior to commencement of civil works.

19. Executing agency shall ensure that updated road specific EMP forms part of DPR and is available to contractor at the time of bidding. The contractor will specify the quantity and budget for various activities like rehabilitation of borrow earth pits, first aid and sanitation facilities at construction camp and temporary office/material storage place as per EMP requirements. The same shall be revised if there is any change in the project design. Any such change shall be reported to ADB as well.



A. Project Background

1. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) aims to provide all-weather road connectivity to currently unserved habitations in India’s rural areas, where 70% of the population live. The Government of India (GOI) launched “The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) in year 2000 The objective of PMGSY is to provide all-weather road connectivity to all rural habitations with a population of more than 500 persons in plains and and 250 persons in hill states. This program is being implemented through National Rural Road Development Agency (NRRDA) under Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) at central level and through State Rural Road Development Authority/Agencies (SRRDA) at state level.

2. The Second Rural Connectivity Investment Program (RCIP-2) Is continuation of Rural Connectivity Investment Program (RCIP) and is a Multi-Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) that will be implemented in the states of Assam, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. Investments In rural roads will improve connectivity, cut transport costs, and provide enabling infrastructure to areas currently with poor access to markets and urban towns, and thus contribute to growth and equity in the country’s largest sector.

3. The Government of Odisha is now planning to submit to ADB the first Periodic Finance Request (PFR) that includes the proposal for about 464 rural roads totalling to 2012.30 km in the state of Odisha. Odisha State Rural Road Agency (OSRRA) is the Implementing Agency (IA) for the ADB funded subprojects in the state. The preparatory works for the proposed roads under the first tranche have been completed for the state. As per the requirements of ADB, it is mandatory that the subprojects under the programme comply with ADB's environmental safeguards. The project as per classification of ADB has been categorised as ‘Category B’ project and therefore requires an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE). The Initial environmental examination (IEE) report has been prepared by using environmental checklist for sample roads.

B. Project Roads Identification and Location

4. PMGSY has prepared specific guidelines for the selection of roads under this programme. The key requirements is that any road will be eligible for construction or up-gradation only if it is part of the Core Network2 and satisfy the following environmental safeguards:

i. The selected road shall not disturb any cultural heritage designated by the Government or by international agencies, such as UNESCO, and shall avoid any monuments of cultural or historical importance. ii. The selected shall not pass through any designated wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, notified ecological sensitive areas or area of internationally significance (e.g., protected wetland designated by the Wetland Convention); iii. The sub projects shall only involve activities that follow Government of India laws and regulations and meets funding agency safeguard policies.

2 Core Network is that minimal network of roads (routes) that is essential to provide access to essential social and economic services to all eligible habitations in the selected areas through at least single all-weather road connectivity. A core network comprises of through routes and link routes. Through routes are the ones, which collect traffic from several link roads or a long chain of habitations and lead it to marketing centres either directly or through the higher category roads i.e., the district roads or the state or national highways. Link routes are the roads connecting a single habitation or a group of habitations to through routes or district roads leading to market centres. Link routes generally have dead ends terminating on a habitation, while through routes arise from the confluence of two or more link routes and emerge on to a major road or to a market centre


5. Summary of the proposed subprojects in Second RCIP Tranche I is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of proposed subprojects for Second RCIP-II Tr I No. of Districts : 27 No.of Roads in RCIP-II Tranche I : 464 Total length of Roads in RCIP-II Tranche I (Km) : 2012.30 Maximum Length (km) : 25.22 Mnimum Length (km) : 0.5 Average Road Length (km) : 4.62

6. These districts are located all over the state covering 27 out pf the 30 districts. In this batch of subprojects, the longest road is 25.22 km (T04- Podabalanda to Badmal road in Rairakhol block of ), while T02-Sindhekela to Themera road (0.5 km) in Bangomunda block of Bolangir district is the shortest. The average length of roads works out to 4.62 km.

7. The list of 2012.30 km roads with their location and length is given in Appendix 1.

C. Rural Road Construction Proposal

8. The proposal for rural road construction works typically considers a 10-12m right of way (ROW), which includes side slopes for embankment, side drains on either side of the alignment. The roads consists both Black Top (B.T.) and Cement Concrete (C.C.) as per the ROW availability.

9. The construction proposals are confined to the existing alignment of the unpaved / partly paved tracks. Majority of these are pathways traditionally used by the villagers and transformed into the present form of unpaved tracks/roads through minor construction works taken up by the communities, local bodies and state Government over the decades.

D. ADB Safeguard Policies and Category of the Project

10. The Asian Development Bank has defined its Safeguard requirements under its ‘Safeguard Policy Statement 2009’ (SPS 09). The SPS 09 require environmental assessment, mitigation and commitment towards environmental protection. The prime objectives of these safeguard policies are to (i) avoid adverse impacts of projects on the environment and affected people, where possible; and (ii) minimize, mitigate, and/or compensate for adverse project impacts on the environment and affected people when avoidance is not possible. ADB as per SPS 09 classify a project into category A, B or C depending on potential adverse environmental impacts.

11. All environmentally sensitive components along each subproject roads is critically analysed to assess the magnitude and extent of likely impacts. These sample subproject roads stretch does not pass through any protected areas nor located near any archeologically important monument. As per selection guidelines, none of the selected subproject road passes through reserved forests either. Few trees cutting though may be involved. The road primarily passes through agricultural and residential areas. Most of the roads follow existing village roads and unpaved movement paths. As such, land acquisition is also low. Hence, the project will fall under category B as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. 3

12. No categorisation is made under environmental legislation since these small roads do not require any environmental clearance in accordance to Indian Environmental (Protection) Act and Rules, 1986 amended till date.

E. Objectives and Approach for Environmental Assessment

13. The prime objectives of the environmental assessment is to identify the likely environmental impacts during design, construction and operation stage of each sub project and suggest cost effective mitigation and monitoring measures with institutional mechanism applicable to all the subprojects as well as specific to a subproject.

14. Since there is large number of subproject roads involved under second RCIP and magnitude of each road is small, preparation of individual IEE’s for each road will be difficult and time consuming. Subprojects specific Initial Environmental Assessment (IEE) is carried out following the IEE checklist in the EARF. Sample IEE checklists with annexures on tree, utility and community structures, strip maps and photographs for selected sample roads are enclosed as Appendix 2.

15. The findings of subproject specific assessment suggest that similar issues exist amongst the proposed project roads with very few subproject specific issues. Therefore, state specific IEE report has been prepared based on the IEE checklist of selected sample subproject. This IEE approach will be followed for conducting environmental assessment for remaining subprojects under second RCIP.

F. IEE Methodology and Content

16. The state specific IEE has been largely structured as per Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009. The IEE reports including EMPs, and monitoring plans, cover the most environmentally sensitive components in state as well as specific to subproject roads.

17. Corridor of Impact: The direct area of influence or the corridor of impact (COI) has been considered as, 10 m on either side of the proposed sample roads alignment Based on the proposed cross-section.

18. Field visits, Primary and Secondary Data Collection: Each selected sample road was visited along with concerned PIU officials for environmental assessment and identification of associated environmental issues. Each road specific strip map was prepared during the field visit to capture the information related to tree inventory, utility and community structures located along the proposed road alignment, surface water bodies, and ecological sensitivities. Secondary environmental information pertaining to the environmental issues, protected area, forests areas were collected from various government and non-governmental / research institutions for assessment of the baseline environment of the project locations, district and state as a whole.

19. Data Analysis, Impact identification and Mitigation Measures: Information collected was analyses and impact was identified using expert’s assessment and following established practices. Mitigative measures are proposed common to larger roads and specific to the roads. EMP is prepared considering mitigative measures and institutional framework of SRRDA.

20. The IEE report includes following seven chapters including this introduction Chapter.

 Chapter 1- Introduction


 Chapter 2- Description of Project  Chapter 3- Description of Environment  Chapter 4- Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures  Chapter 5- Institutional Requirement and Environmental Monitoring Plan  Chapter 6- Public Consultation and Information Disclosure  Chapter 7- Conclusion and Recommendation

G. Legal Framework and Legislative Requirements:

21. India has well defined institutional and legislative framework. The legislation covers all components of environment viz air, water, soil, terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna, natural resources, and sensitive habitats. India is also signatory to various international conventions and protocols.

22. As per Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006; amended in 2009 defines the environmental impact assessment for defined development projects. All New or expansion of National and State Highways requires Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Clearance from central or state level Environmental Appraisal Authority. However, small roads projects as proposed under second RCIP do not require environmental assessment or clearance as per above notification. Since above environmental assessment requirement is not applicable, the mainstream environmental concerns specific procedures that were formulated under Rural Connectivity Investment Program (RCIP) will in any case be implemented.

23. In addition to above, new road construction or road improvement work attract many legislation including for diversion of forest land, tree cutting, opening of new quarry, establishment of temporary workshops, construction camps, hot mix plants, and use of vehicles for construction. The legislation applicable for second RCIP roads are listed below:

Sl. No. Legislation Applicability 1. Environment (Protection) Act 1986-EIA Not applicable to these rural roads. It is applicable Notification 2006 (Amended 2009) only to highways (NH and SH). 2. Forests (Conservation) Act 1980 As per above Act/Rules Forest Clearance from (Amended 1988), and Forest Department of Forests/Ministry of Environment and (Conservation) Rules, 1981, (Amended Forests Govt. of India is required for diversion of 2003) forest land (if any) for non-forest purpose. Prior permission is required from forests department to carry out any work within the forest areas and felling of roadside trees. Cutting of trees need to be compensated by compensatory afforestation as per permission condition. 3. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 Not Applicable, since no sample road is selected if (Amended 1993); Not applicable in this it passes through protected areas. case. Since No roads will be selected passing through protected areas or sanctuaries 4. The Water (Prevention and Control of Placement of hot-mix plants, quarrying and Pollution) Act 1972 (Amended 1988), crushers, batch mixing plants, discharge of sewage and the Water (Prevention and Control from construction camps requires No Objection of Pollution) Rules, 1974 Certificate (Consent to Establish and Consent to 5. The Air (Prevention and Control of Operate) from State Pollution Control Board prior to Pollution) Act, 1981, (Amended 1987), start of construction or setting up specific facility. 5

Sl. No. Legislation Applicability and the Air (Prevention and Control of Authorisation will also be required for disposal of Pollution) Rules, 1982 Hazardous Waste like waste oil etc. from State 6. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Pollution Control Board Control) Rules, 2000 (Amended 2002) 7. The Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2008 (Amended 2009), and the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rule, 2001 8. Guidelines for Ground Water Extraction Permission from Central Ground Water Authority Prescribed by Central Ground Water (CGWA) is required for extracting ground water for Authority under the power granted construction purposes, from declared as Semi- under Environment (Protection) Act critical, Critical and Overexploited areas from 1986 ground water potential prospective. For NOC, An application in the prescribed Performa is to be submitted either to the Office of the Regional Director, (CGWB) of the concerned state, or to Member Secretary, CGWA, New Delhi

24. The PMGSY Scheme and Guidelines (2004) No. 12025/8/2001-RC, Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) also defines environmental safeguards particularly with respect to sample road selection and regulatory compliance which is also to be complied with.

H. Acknowledgement

25. The Technical Support consultants (TSC) gratefully acknowledge the support received from NRRDA and OSRRA throughout the environmental assessment process. We also acknowledge the assistance received from respective PIUs and the PIC during field visits and other Govt. agencies for primary and secondary data collection as well during public consultation.



A. General

26. The PMGSY program has mandate to provide all-weather roads to all the rural habitations within the country. Second RCIP is planned to meet above objectives. 227.35 Km roads (47 nos.) are identified as sample roads for Odisha under Tranche I of Second RCIP. The broad specification for road alignment selection, payment design, construction methodology, geometric design etc. are same and is as per the “Specification for Rural Roads” published by IRC on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India. The design details presented in this chapter are as per above specifications. Minor changes will apply depending on road specific issues and design consideration.

27. Since topography of Odisha state is largely flat, the design details applicable to flat terrain are presented in following section.

B. Sample Roads Selected in Odisha State

28. The Odisha state has selected 464 roads with a total length of 2012.30 Km spread over 27 districts as summarised at Table 2 below and detailed at Appendix 1.

Table 2: Summary of District Wise Rural Roads Sl Proposed Road Longest Shortest Avg. District No no. of Roads Length Km Road Km Road Km Length Km 1 5 25.08 6.69 3.00 5.02 2 4 22.32 9.00 3.40 5.58 3 15 74.06 13.62 1.50 4.94 4 1 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5 Bolangir 4 25.10 12.60 1.85 6.28 6 4 30.92 15.86 1.05 7.73 7 28 142.18 9.73 1.50 5.08 8 5 22.90 9.70 2.00 4.58 9 53 194.36 13.50 1.23 3.67 10 20 91.61 9.69 2.10 4.58 11 39 125.95 6.50 1.20 3.23 12 1 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06 13 Kalahandi 6 23.40 5.10 1.90 3.90 14 20 74.94 6.10 2.19 3.75 15 Keonjhar 22 80.99 8.16 1.16 3.68 16 Khurda 18 88.56 9.28 1.50 4.92 17 Koraput 6 35.06 8.80 3.30 5.84 18 Mayurbhanj 122 444.56 11.53 1.00 3.64 19 Nawarangpur 8 57.31 10.50 3.20 7.16 20 7 31.88 7.50 2.21 4.55 21 Nuapara 8 22.87 8.00 1.05 2.86 22 Kandhmal 12 74.27 19.95 1.00 6.19 23 10 36.93 6.40 2.00 3.69 24 10 77.62 15.00 2.07 7.76 25 Sambalpur 14 105.21 25.22 1.37 7.52 26 Sonepur 7 29.02 11.28 1.40 4.15 27 Sundargarh 15 67.15 8.76 1.44 4.48 Total 464 2012.30 25.22 1.00 4.34 7

C. Project Description

1. Rural Road Construction Proposals

29. The proposed rural road construction work will provide 3.75 to 7.5 m roadway width3 with 3.75 m carriageway in accordance with the IRC-SP 20: 2002 in plain terrain. The proposal considers a 3.75 m cement concrete pavement with lined storm water drains for stretches passing through built-up areas, waterlogged/water overtopping/ flood prone areas. The pavement design considers a base layer of variable thickness as per the design with granular sub base, 150 mm thick water bound macadam (WBM grade I & II) and finally topped with 20 mm thick bituminous pavement. Adequate cross drainage structures like pipe or slab culverts/bridge structures are considered for drainage channels across the roads. Few minor bridges are also proposed for construction. Figure 2 shows the typical cross section of the rural roads.

30. The rural road construction works will be in conformance with the Rural Roads Manual and / or Technical Specifications (IRC: SP20: 2002) for Rural Roads published by the Indian Road Congress (IRC) on behalf of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. The broad design considerations are given at later part of this chapter.

2. Present Condition

31. The project roads mainly pass through plain or riverine terrain and agricultural area. The project roads have several cross drainage structures, electric posts and telephone post along the existing alignment. There are some community physical structures like Temple, Mosque, primary or secondary schools beside the roads alignment, but largely will not be affected due to the road works.

3. Alignment and Profile

32. The existing road is generally an earthen track with some stretches of brickbat soling (description of the road surface). Thus, the project road is a new connectivity road. The construction works are to be confined to the existing alignment. The existing horizontal and vertical alignment / profile will be generally maintained except for minor smoothening or corrections to sustain consistent design speed without causing any land acquisition requirements and thereby the possible social and/or environmental concerns.

4. Design Considerations

33. Geometrical Design and ROW Requirements: The geometric design standards for this project will conform to PMGSY (ADB) guidelines and the guidelines as stated in IRC-SP 20:2002 and the final recommendations of NRRDA expert committee (refer D.O. no. - 17305/1/2007- Tech/12 dated 30/09/2010). Recommended design standards vis-à-vis the standards followed for this road are described below. The requirement of ROW as per PMGSY guidelines considered for the design is given at Table 3 below:

3 The road width may be reduced to 6m in case of BT and 3.75 m in case of CC as per PMGSY recent guideline.


Table 3: ROW Requirement Plain and Rolling Terrain (ROW in m) Road classification Open Area Built-up Area Width Range Width Range Rural roads (ODR and VR) 15 15-25 6.0 6.0 ODR: Other District Road; VR: Village Road

34. Since terrain is plain, the design speed considered is as per recommended design speed of 50 Km/h for ruling (40 Km/h as minimum speed). The radius of horizontal curve is considered as 90 m ruling minimum (60m absolute minimum). The vertical alignment is designed as per ruling gradient of 3.3% applicable for plain terrain.

35. Pavement and Embankment Design: Considering the sub-grade strength, projected traffic and the design life, the pavement design for low volume PMGSY roads are proposed to be carried out as per guidelines of IRC: SP: 72 – 2007 or IRC SP:77 “Design of Gravel Road” and IRC SP:62-2004 “Cement Concrete roads”. In built up area for hygienic and safety reasons, C.C pavement is proposed with a hard shoulder and appropriate line drain. A design life of 10 years is considered for the purpose of pavement design of flexible and granular pavements. The embankment height considered as 1m (average) from ground to crust except at the approaches of cross drainage structures. The embankment height will vary in flood prone area as per the HFL.

36. Road side drain: As the insufficient drainage of surface water leads to rapid damage of road, road side drain (Figure 2.1) are provided on the locations of habitation areas with concrete pavement. The rainwater will flow along the longitudinal slope and intermittent gaps in concrete curbs

37. Carriageway: The carriageway is proposed as 3.75 m as per IRC-SP20: 2002. It may be even restricted to 3.0 m, where traffic intensity is less than 100 motorised vehicles per day and where the traffic is not likely to increase due to situation, like dead end, low habitation and difficult terrain condition. The ROW requirement in built-up/constricted area may be even reduced to 4 m.

38. Shoulder: Earthen shoulder shall be constructed in layers and compacted to 100% of Proctor’s Density. It is proposed to have 1.875 m wide shoulder (0.875 m hard shoulder and 1 m earthen shoulder) on either side of carriage way.

39. Surfacing: Slow setting bitumen emulsion will be applied as primer on water bound layer. Rapid setting bituminous emulsion shall be used for Tack coat. Premixed carpet 20 mm thick and mixed with equivalent viscosity grade bitumen shall be laid as surfacing course. 6 mm thick, Type B seal coat is considered for sealing of the premixed carpet.

40. Structural Works: Following grades of concrete are proposed for structural works as per specified MORD and IRC specifications:

 Concrete in superstructure of Slab Culvert – M-25 (RCC)  Concrete in Abutment cap, Dirt wall of slab culverts – M-25 (PCC)  Brickwork in Abutment, Return Wall, Headwall – Cement mortar (1:4)  Concrete below Abutment, Return Wall, Headwall – M-10 (PCC)  Concrete in pavement (on carriageway) – M-30 (PCC)  Concrete in pavement (on shoulder and drain) – M-25 (PCC

5. Construction Methods 9

41. Since the proposed rural roads are small in length, NRRDA has framed specific guidelines for cost effective construction of these rural roads. As per the guideline of NRRDA, construction by more of manual means is preferred. Motor grader & tractor-towed rotavator shall be used for handling of bulk materials like spreading of aggregates in sub-base & base courses by mix-in- place method. Ordinary smooth wheeled roller shall be used for compaction if the thickness of the compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm. It is also considered that, hot mix plant of medium type & capacity with separate dryer arrangement for aggregate shall be used for bituminous surfacing work that can be easily shifted. A self-propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer shall be used for spraying the materials in narrow strips with a pressure hand sprayer. For structural works, concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer fitted with water measuring device. The excavation shall be done manually or mechanically using suitable medium size excavators.

6. Available Right of Way

42. As per the information available with SRRDA, ROW is largely available for the rural roads. However, in most of the roads, the required ROW is encroached and in some of the road, it is put to agricultural use by the adjacent landowners. The private landowners along the proposed right of way (ROW) however, are voluntarily parting the encroached land and in some cases parted even their own private land without any compensation, anticipating the developmental benefits from the road construction works.

7. Traffic

43. The present traffic data on each of these rural roads typically varies between 10-15 vehicles per day on most of the rural stretches. The traffic largely comprises motor cycles/two wheelers, tractors, light commercial vehicles, animal drawn carts and bicycles.

8. Economic Assessment

44. The economic analysis carried out for the project has indicated that the rural road construction works will act as a catalyst for the rural economic growth and poverty alleviation of the community in the region.

Figure 1: Cross-section of Rural Roads



A. Background

45. Baseline environmental conditions about all facets of environment viz. physical, biological and socio-economic have been established using both primary and secondary sources. Efforts have been made to collect the latest information both at regional as well as local level especially along the project corridor. This will help to predict likely changes in the environment due to the project and will serve as performance indicators for various components.

46. The project roads are spread all over the state covering 27 out of the 30 districts. The baseline information is presented below. Road specific environmental salient features has also been summarised in this chapter.

47. Odisha state is located between latitude 17°49' and 22°34' N and longitude 81°27' and 87°29' E. The geographical area of the state is 1,55,707 sq km. The state is bounded by the Bay in the east, West Bengal in the north-east, Bihar in the north, Chhattisgarh in the west, and in the south. The RCIP-2 roads of the state fall in 27 out of the 30 districts of the state and the sample roads have been selected from each of these 25 districts. In total, 48 sample roads have been selected that comprise 10% of the roads proposed. List of the sample roads is provided below:

Table 4: List of Sample Roads for Initial Environmental Examination, RCIP-2, Odisha Sl Block Road District Name of Road No Length Km 1 Angul Pallahara L026-Dalo Jokapani Road 5.52 2 Angul L053-Kalamchhuin Solanda Road 3.87 3 Balasore Khaira L109-Tudigadia to Jalada Road 7.78 4 Bargarh Sohella T02-SH3 near Sohela to Tambimunda 4.20 5 Bhadrak L022-PWD Road to Bachhada 5.00 6 Bolangir T11-Barpadar to Baghmund road 12.60 7 Boudh Kantamal L122-SH 41 to Badachapapali 1.05 8 Cuttack Athagarh L029-Kakhadi to Ramshyampur 7.05 9 Cuttack Athagarh L030-Kakhadi to Routraypur 6.00 10 Cuttack Cuttack T01-Gadama to Kishannagar 8.31 11 Dhenkanal Odapada L079-NH 42 to Tentuliapada 2.0 12 Ganjam Belguntha L039-PWD Road to Palakasandha 2.30 Belguntha L045-PWD road to Madhabarida Via 13 Ganjam 5.00 Benikpalli 14 Ganjam L043-Panigidi Manikapur 4.50 15 Ganjam Jaganathprasad L038-SH21 Panchubhuti Harijana Sahi 2.54 16 Ganjam Seragada L056-NH 217 to B Nuapalli road 1.30 17 Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur L053-Urali to Patenigaon 3.75 18 Jagatsinghpur Tirtol L071-Balipatna to Pubapada 2.10 19 Jagatsinghpur Nuagaon L035-Alana II to panchapa 3.50 20 Jajpur Binjharpur L030-Kalyanapur Samalpur 3.92 21 Jharsuguda Lakhanpur L114-NH200 to Lakhanpur 5.00 22 Kalahandi Junagarh L128-NH 201 to Sanfurla 4.50 23 Kalahandi L037-PWD Road to Balajipita 3.10 24 Kandhamal Khajuripada T-05- Garakumpa Balasakumpa Road 5.35 25 Kendrapara Rajnagar L041-RB road to Balikana 3.40 26 Kendrapara Rajnagar L032-Tiarchak to Balarampur 2.48 27 Keonjhar L033-Arsala to Teliarsala road 5.81 11

Sl Block Road District Name of Road No Length Km 28 Keonjhar Jhumpura L032-NH215 to Bishnupur road 2.65 29 Khurda Begunia L060-R D road to Tandal 2.36 30 Khurda Begunia L030-R D road to Bengitangi 3.40 31 Koraput L022-NH 43 to A Ghatarla 8.80 32 Koraput Nandapur L038-Thuba to Raising 3.00 33 Koraput Kundra Kundra to Bagderi 8.80 34 Mayurbhanj Bisoi L074-SH50 to Kasipentha Road 4.5 35 Mayurbhanj Bisoi L069-SH50 to Handifuta 3.89 36 Mayurbhanj Betnati L064-Betnoti to Sukhilahar Road 4.8 37 Nawarangpur Nandahandi T02-Dohana jn to Jagannathpur 3.2 38 Nayagarh Ranpur L042-MDR 76 to Barangadia 2.07 39 Nuapara L032-RD Road to Beheradahi 8.00 40 Nuapada Nuapara L031- RD road to Palasabhadar 1.90 41 Puri Puri L051-E K Embkt to Uttarana 7.58 42 Rayagada L052-PWD Road to Loba 7.50 43 Sambalpur Jujumura L061-NH42 to Ichhapal 10.9 44 Sambalpur Jamankira L051-NH 6 Chinimahul 7.70 Tarava L025-Sibatala Lukapada RD road to 45 Sonepur 1.44 Attasingha 46 Sonepur Sonepur L024-NH 224 to Janmura 4.20 47 Sundargarh Bisra MDR 32 to Tulsikani 2.70 48 Sundargarh Balisankara L029-Rouldega to Thiteitangar road 6.03

48. Summary key environmental features of the project districts are given in Table 5.

B. Physical Environment

1. Meteorology and Climate

49. Standing on the coastal belt, the weather in Odisha is greatly influenced by the sea. The climate of the region is tropical resulting in very high temperature in the months of April and May. On the contrary, the Eastern Ghats of the state experience an extremely cold climate.

50. There are three major seasons - summer (March-June), rainy season (July-September) and the winter (October-February). It is warm almost throughout the year in the western districts of Sambalpur, Bolangir, Kalahandi, and Mayurbhanj (maximum temperature between 40-46°C). In the coastal districts, the climate is equable but highly humid and sticky. The summer maximum temperature ranges between 35-40°C and the


Table 5: Summary Key Environmental Features of the Project Districts Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues Angul came The climatic Forest The total into existence as a condition of Angul coverage area cultivable area of separate District on District is much is this District is 2, April 1, 1993. The varied. The average 2,716.82 km² 16,403 hectares,. District is surrounded annual rainfall of the The major crops by Cuttack & District is 1421 mm. of the Kharif Dhenkanal on the However, there is a season are east, Sambalpur & great variation of paddy, maize, Deogarh on the west, rainfall from year to ragi, oilseeds, Sundargarh & year. The rainfall in pulses, small Keonjhar on the north the District during millets etc. Paddy, and Phulbani on the the last 10 years wheat, maize, south. Covering an varied between 896 field pea, area of 6232, mm & 1744 mm. The sunflower, garlic, Angul District is best time to visit this ginger, potato, located at Latitude District is during onion, tobacco, 20.50 North to 85.00 winter. sugarcane and East Longitude.The coriander etc are altitude of this place the major Rabi is 564 to 1187 mts. crops Angul District is densely populated as per the 2001 census.. Total population comprises of 5, 87, 234 male population and 5, 52, 769 female population. Balasore Balasore is situated The climate is Kuldhia Balasore can be The major rivers The major Paddy, ground Traffic noise in between 20.48 - generally hot with Sanctuary divided into three are soils are clay nut, mung, biri, Balasore Town. 21.59oN degree north high humidity and geographical Subarnarekha, loam, sandy maize, mango, Sea Turtle latitude, and between precipitation. May is regions, namely Budhabalanga, clay loam and citrus, papaya, Nesting 86.16 degree and the hottest and the coastal belt, Jalaka, sandy loam. A pineapple8 Protection. 87.29 degree east December is the the inner alluvial Kansabansa, small strip of longitude Balasore coolest month. The plain and the and Sono saline soil is has a geographical highest maximum North- Western also witnessed area of 3,706 sq kms. temperature Hills that are part in the coastal recorded was 44 of the Eastern part of the degree Celsius on Ghats. The district June 8, 1998. The district has an


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues average annual average altitude rainfall is between of 19.08 metres, 1,550 to 1,600 mm with the hills of having the highest peak at 1783 feet. Bargarh The Bargarh District Paddy, wheat, formed on the 1st experiences extreme Maize, Mung, April 1993 divided type of climate with Biri, Arhar, from Sambalpur hot and dry summer Fieldpea, District. Bargarh followed by humid Groundnut, District lies on the monsoon and chilling Sesamum , western most corner winter. The Mustard, of Odisha between temperature varies Sunflower etc 20 degree 43’ to 21 from 10 degree degree 41’ north Celsius to 46 degree latitude and 82 Celsius. The winter degree 39’ to 83 season lasts degree 58’ east between November longitude. District is to February. The hot surrounded by season follows Chhatisgarh state on thereafter and the north, Sambalpur continues till the District on the east, second week of and June. The south- Subarnapur on the west monsoon south and Nuapada season is from mid District on the west. June to the end of The District covers an September. The area of 5837 sq km average annual consisting total rainfall in the District population of is 1527 mm. 1,478,833 as per 2011 census. Total male population of the District is 748,332 and female population is 730,501. is bounded by The climate of this The total forest The average A number of Bhadrak has Both Kharif and District has on District is generally area in 60.12 altitude of the deltaic rivers, saline, alluvial Rabi crop are very good 3

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues the north, Jajpur hot and humid with sq kms, i.e. district is 13 viz: Salandi, and sandy soil, grown here. forest cover District and river May being the hottest 3.96 sq kms of metres Baitarani, with salt tracks However, Paddy and potential Baitarani on the month. December is demarcated Kansabansa, found along is the principal risk of tree south, Keonjhar the coldest month protected Gamol, Mantei, the coast and crop, followed by clearing for new District on the west with monsoon forests, 32.98 Genguti, arable tracts in pulses, road and generally arriving sq kms of Kochila, Reba the inner vegetables and construction or and Kendrapada during the month of undemarcated and Kapali pass precincts of oilseeds expansion District are on the June. The rainfall forests besides through and the district east. It is located at during June to other forests. around the 21.0667 Latitude and October constitutes However, there district 86.5000 Longitude. at least 75 Percent of are no The Bhadrak District the actual rainfall of reserved covers an area of this District. forests area 1,721 Sq. Km.with geographical area of 2,46,529 ha. Bolangir The District is Minimum Numerous Red and yellow, The district The Paddy is the Deforestation surrounded by temperature reserved Red and Black, forms a part of predominant principal crop, in measured in the forests Brown and the soil groups accounting for 61 east, is 16.6 o C Forest Laterite River basin. found in the % of gross District in the west, and maximum is 48.7 Soil. Stretch Other important Balangir cropped area. in o C. 1215.6 mm falling in Bolangir rivers of the District are Other important the south and average rainfall is district is district are the red, mixed red, crops grown in the Bargarh District in the experienced in predominantly Maltijor, the black and district are pulses, north. The District lies . The underlain by Harrad, the alluvial soils followed by oil between 20o11’40 to district enjoys a black cotton soil. Kulsara, the seeds, fibre and 21o05’08 N latitude temperate climate. In the block Bheden, and the other food crops and 82o41’15 to 83o Winters are cold, sections of Phuljharan. like spices and 40’22 E longitude. while summers are Lakholi – condiment etc The District covers an hot and humid. The Mahanadi- area of 6575 District is prone to Road, cyclonic rainfalls Lateritic soil is during the present due to monsoons. The proximity to maximum Mahanadi River temperature is 38 o C and many other and minimum natural drains in temperature is C. this area. The average rainfall measured in the District is 1765.1mm


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues Boudh is also The climatic Total Forest The principal Most part of Paddy, wheat, known as Baudha condition of the Area rivers are the the district has maize, ragi, District. The District is District is 1277.17sqm Mahanadi and black alluvial mung, biri, kulthi, bounded by River subtropical, being the Tel, which soil. The soil groundnut and Mahanadi & Angul hot and dry in flow around the of the district mustard etc are District to the north, summer and cold North Western has high some of the major to and dry in winter. side bordering moisture crops grown here the south, Nayagarh The rainy season is Kantamal, retention District to the east hot and humid. In Boudh and capacity. The and River Tel & summer temperature Harbhanga soil is quite Subarnapur District to reaches 45 degree C Blocks, an few rich for the west. Covering a and in winter small rivers growing geographical area of temperature may such as paddy, pulses, 3444.8 sq km, the come down to as low Sunamodi, oil seeds and District lies 20 degree as 10 degree C. Salur, Khadog sugarcane. 22’ to 20 degree 50’ and Bagh are North Latitude and 83 originated from degree 34’ to 84 thehilly regions degree 49’ East of Kandhamal Longitude. district and flow District has got towards Boudh total population of district and meet 441162 including with Mahanadi total 221625 male and . population and Major portion of 219537 female this district is population. Total SC flood prone as population of the many rivers District is 104934 and pass through ST population is this district. 55364 as per 2011 census. Cuttack This city takes pride in The District Cuttack has Fluvial from the Cuttack city is The soil is very Poor air quality the fact that it had experiences tropical Reserve Mahalik River flanked by fertile and is of has near fero alloy been the capital of climate, with the Forests of Mahanadi medium principalKharif and power Odisha before shifting summer being hot 522.39 sq kms, riveron the north blackalluvial season with generating to , the and the winter cold. Demarcated and Kathajodi type secondary Rabi plants in new capital. The maximum Protected river on the season. Rice, Geographically, it is temperature that this Forests of south and pulses, oil seeds, area. located at a latitude of District experiences 102.60 sq km, Brahmani. jute, sugarcane, 20 degree 03 to 20 is well above 40 unclassified Kuakhai, Devi, coconut and degree 40 N and a degree Celsius forests of 0.45 Kushabhadr a turmeric are the 5

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues longitude of 84 (during summer) and sq km and and many small major crops grown degree 58” to 86 the minimum is as other category offshoots of here. degree 20 E. Cuttack low as 10 deg C of forests of Mahanadi. city is flanked by (during winter). 163.65 sq kms Mahanadi river on the Summer generally north and Kathajodi lasts from March to river on the south. June and winter, from Covering a October to February. geographical area of Rainfall is generally 3932 sq kms. heavy during the monsoons, which occur during the months of July and August. The average rainfall received is around 1892.55 mm in the District. South West monsoon is primarily responsible for the rainfall. Dhenkanal Ganjam Located on the The climate of Chandaka- Charnockites, Rushikulya and The District is A large variety of Managament of boarder of Andhra Ganjam is Damapara Granites Bahuda Rivers well known for crops are grown coastal area Pradesh, Ganjam characterized by an Sanctuary, its fertile soil here like Paddy, District came into equable temperature Lakheri-Valley and Ground nut, Sugar existence on 1st April round the year, Wildlife agricultural cane, Oil seeds, 1936. particularly in the Sanctuary, productivity. Ragi, Mung, Biri is on 19.4 to 20.17 coastal regions. The Chilka Lake etc. degree north latitude District‘s cold season and 84.7 to 85.12 from December to degree east February is followed longitude. It covers an by hot season from area of 8,070.60 sq March to May. The km. The district is District experiences broadlydivided into normal annual rainfall two divisions, the of 1,444 mms. coastal plain area in the east and hill and table lands in the west. The eastern ghats run along the


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues western side of the District. Jagatsinghpur East and South Pradip Sea Deltaic alluvial Mahanadi, Mostly loam, The Major food Sea Turtle is surrounded by Bay eastern Coastal plain Turtle Nesting and coastal Paika, Devi sandy loam crop grown in Protection in of Bengal in the East, with hot and humid saline. Rivers and clay loam Jagatsinghpur Paradip Cuttack district in the climates having District is paddy. West, Kendrapada average annual Sugarcane, district in the North normal rainfall of turmeric and and in the 1501.3 mm. cotton are the South. It is the major commercial smallest district of crops Odisha with ageographical area of 759 sq km, Jajpur The The climate of Jajpur Dharma Baitarani and Deltaic Aluvial District is having Archeological came into being on 1st District is normal as Mahakal Brahmani Rivers the third best sites April 1993. Prior to per Indian standards. Temple, conditions for that it was part of All the seasons arrive Ratnagiri. sustainable Cuttack District which in the District at their Jagannath development in divided into four usual time. The Temple, Jajpur agriculture Districts. The District District’s average Town. followed by is bounded by height from the sea Trilochaneswar Bargarh and Keonjhar and level is 331 mts and Temple, Jajpur Jagatsinghpur Bhadrak Districts on its average rain fall is Town. Districts. Rice is its North, Cuttack on 1,014.5 mm. The Varahanatha traditionally grown its South, Dhenkanal average maximum Temple, Jajpur in two well defined District on its East and and minimum Town. seasons, namely Kendrapada District temperatures are 38 Buddhist site kharif and dalua. on its West. The degree C and 12 (excavated), Of these two, Jajpur District located degree C Udaigiri. kharif (rainy) is the in between 20 degree respectively. Overall, Ancient most important 30’ to 21 degree 10’ the climate of the Buddhist Site, rice season. The North Latitude and 85 District is neither Langudi Hill, kharif rice is the degree 40’ to 86 hotter nor cooler. Mauza main crop, degree 44’ East Panimuhani, covering over 85 Longitude. The Fazilpur & percent of the total District covering an Salipur. rice area, and area of 2,887.69 sq depends entirely km on the southwest monsoon. It is sown in June and 7

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues harvested in October– December, depending upon the duration of the cultivation and topography of the field. The dalua (summer) crop coincides with the dry season and depends entirely on irrigation. The source of irrigation water is tank. The dalua season stretches from December– January to April– May. Farmers grow only high– yielding varieties during this season. Jharsuguda Mineral rich District, The District of Varied District is Major portion Paddy is the The district has Jharsuguda is one of Jharsuguda is topographic drained by River of the land principle crop. The no key the most industrially characterized by a setup comprising Ib a tributaries area covering other crops grown environmental developed District of hot dry summer. The rugged terrain of Mahanadi, hilly region has in the district are issue. Ground Odisha. Jharsuguda temperature in the with isolated hills which flows a radish stony oil seeds, pulses, water is District was month of May is 42 and undulating along western soil. The plain vegetables and suitable for established on 1st degree at the plains. side of region having condiments. drinking as per April, 1994. earlier it maximum. The Major land use is Jharsuguda. brownish Central Ground was a part of average rainfall of agriculture. black soil is Water Board. Sambalpur District. It the District is 1500 However, certain suitable for The district has was created by millimeter. From coal mines are growing paddy substantial amalgamation of the April to August the also located in and agriculture erstwhile Jamindars wind blows from the district. vegetables. activities. of Rampur, Kolabira, south and southwest The soil of the District has Padampur and whereas from riverbanks and medium range Kudabaga. The September onwards delta area is of flora and District is surrounded wind blows from sandy loom fauna by Sundargarh North West. suitable for


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues District in the North, paddy, Sambalpur District in sugarcane the East, Bargarh and groundnut District in the South cultivation and Chattisgarh state in the West. is situated at a distance of 515 km from , 616 km from , 48 km from Sambalpur and 372 km from state capital Bhubaneswar. Jharsuguda District is covering total area of 2, 081 sq kms. The District lies between 21.82 degree north latitude and 84.1 degree east longitude. Total population of the District is 514853 consisting of 352 villages. Urban Population is 185,885 and rural population is 3289668. Total male population of the District is 264549 and female population is 250304.

Kalahandi Kalahandi District has The climate of the Forest based Hilly in the Vanshadhara, Red and black The District is rich Aluminum derived its name from Kalahandi District is products like southeastern and Indravati, and soild with agriculture. mining “ Caves”. of extreme type. It is Mahua, Kendu southern part Tel Rivers sub Kalahandi District dry except during leaf, Wood, (953 to 1929 division was covering a monsoon. The Timber and above MSL) and historical known geographical area of maximum Bamboos also (ii) Undulating for rice production 7920 sq km lies in temperature of the contribute to plains - in Odisha. Since between 19.3 to 21.5 District is 45 degree 2000s the 9

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues N Latitude and 82.20 C, whereas the local economy Junagarh and Indravati Water to 83.47 E Longitude. minimum largely. Bhawanipatnaa- Project, second The District occupies temperature Utkala- biggest in the the South Western recorded is 11 tracts ranging in state has changed portion of Odisha, degree C. The elevation from the landscape of bordered to the North District experiences 350 to 186m southern by the Balangir the average annual above MSL. Kalahandi, District and Nuapada rainfall as 1378.20 leading to two District, to the South mm. The monsoon crops in a year. by the starts late in June Because of this, District, Koraput and generally lasts blocks like District and upto September. , , , and to the East by the DharRayagada, Rayagada, Kandhamal Kandhamal District District and Boudh and Boudh District. District. Kendrapara is Kendrapara District Bitarakhanika Bhramani River Deltaic Rice, groundnut, Flooding situated in Central has a moderate National Park alluvial, green gram, black Coastal plain zone of climate. The coastal saline gram and jute are Odisha. The District is temperature in the and alluvial the main crops bounded by Bhadrak region can go up to soil grown in the District at its North, 34 degree C in District. However, Jagatsinghpur District Summer while in frequent at its South, Cuttack Winter the occurrence of District at its West and temperature can drop natural calamities Bay of Bengal at its to 13 degree C. The viz cyclone, flood East. Kendrapad normal rainfall and drought has District lies in 20 measured in the broken the degree 20’ N to 20 District is 15101.3 backbone of the degree37’ N Latitude mm people. In order to and 86 degree 14’ E survive under to 87 degree 01’ E these conditions, Longitude. The people go for Coastline of cultivation of their Kendrapara District stapple food crop covers 48 Km rice during rabi in stretching from the assured Muhan to irrigated areas. Batighar. Jute is the main cash crop of the District, grown


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues since long. Groundnut is an important oil seed crop of the District. Coconut is the important horticulture crop in Kendrapara District. Keonjhar The Keonjhar District The climate of Baitarani, Laterite and The major crops emerged as one of Keonjhar District is Brahmani, red soils grown in the the District on 1st characterized by an Salani Rivers Keonjhar District January, 1948. The oppressively hot are Paddy, Maize, District is bounded by summer with high Til, Niger, Arhar humidity. Summer etc. and Bhadrak District generally to the east, Jajpur commences in the District to the south, month of March. Temperature begins and Sundargarh to rise rapidly District to the west attaining the and West Singhbhum maximum in the district of month of May. During State to the north. the summer, Covering a maximum geographical area of temperature touches 8240 sq kms, the around 380 C. The Keonjhar District lies weather becomes between 210 1’ N to more pleasant with 220 10’ N latitude and the advent of the 850 11’ E to 860 22’ E monsoon in June and longitude. remains as such up to the end of October. The temperature in the month of December is lowest i.e. it hovers at around 110 C. Sometimes it even drops down to as low as 70C. The average 11

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues annual rainfall is around 1534.5 mms. Khurda The District The district enjoys Nalaban Khordha into two Principal rivers Laterite, Both Kharif and came in to existence normal 1408mm with Sanctuary district sub- are Kuakhai, coastal saline Rabi crop are on 1st April 1993, by maximum and regions one is Bhargabi, and alluvial grown here dividing it off its earlier temperature 42.2 Deltaic Alluvium Budunai, Daya, soil Puri district. Puri was degree Celsius and sub-region which Kushabhadr a, divided into three 11.1 degree Celsius comprises of 3 Malaguni, rana districts Puri, Khordha respectively. blocks Balianta, and Kusumi and Nayagarh. The Similarly, the mean Balipatna and geographic location of relative Humidity Chilika Whereas ranges from 46% to Banpur, Begunia. stands at 19degree 89% . Bhubaneswar, 55minutes to 20 , Jatni, degree 25minutes Khordha & Tangi North Latitude and 84 belong to degree 55minutes to Lateritic sub- 86 degree to 5 region. minutes East Longitude. Its bioclimatology is much influenced for the short radial distance from the Bay of Bengal and presences of a huge water body like the Koraput The Koraput District Kolab River Red soil The suitability of lies at 17.4 degree to experiences soil and climatic 20.7 degree North minimum 12.0 condition for latitude and 81.24 celsius and production of degree to 84.2 degree maximum 38.0 coffee, cashew, east longitude. The celsius temperature. cotton, tobacco, District is bounded by The District vegetable and Rayagada in the east, experiences mainly fruits and the Bastar District of three seasons i.e production of Chhatisgarh in the summer, winter and these crops west and rainy. Summer strengthen the occurs from April to economy of the in the south. The June, Rainy season Koraput District.


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues Koraput District is from June to The common covers an area of October and Winter annual food crops 8379 sq km. The is from November to grown in the District has got 2 sub March. Winter District are paddy, divisons namely season in Koraput millet, maize and Koraput and . District is longer than pulses. There are total 14 other parts of Odisha. Tahsils, 14 Blocks, The average rainfall only one Municipality, in the District is 3 NACs, 23 Police measured to be stations, 2028 1522mm(Average) Villages and 226 rainfall. Gram Panchayats functioning in the District of Koraput. Mayurbhanj Mayurbhanj is a land The district comes Hadgarh The district has a Subernarekha, Red-laterite locked district with a under “North Central Sanctuary rich mineral base Burhbabalanga, category of total geographical Plateau agro-climatic and is home to Jambira, soil dominates area of 10418 region with an the Similipal Baitarani Rivers all over the and is situated in the average rainfall of Biosphere. Iron- district Northern boundary of 1648.20 mm per ore (hematite), including the state with district annum. Being away vanadiferous and Bamanghati headquarters at from the coastal belt, titaniferous and Panchpir . The district the district magnetic, chaina plateau. is bounded in the experiences a sub- clay, galena (lead North-East by tropical climate with a ore), Kyanite, Midnapure district of hot summer, chilling asbestos, steatite West Bengal, winter with good (soap stone) and Singhbhum district of precipitation. quartzite Jharkhand in the constitute the North-west, principal mineral Baleshwar district in resources of the South-East and Mayurbhanj by in the district, of these South-West. the iron-ore deposits of Gorumahisani, Badampahar and Suleipat, which have been exploited for a period of about 13

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues half a century, deserve special mention. Nawrangpur Its boundary Red soil stretches in the north to and west to Bastar Districts of Chhatisgarh. The east side of Nabarangpur touches Kalahandi and Rayagada Districts and south to the Koraput Districts of Odisha. The river Indravati forms the border between Nabarangpur and Koraput Districts.Nabarangpur District covers an area of 5294 sq km. The District has a vast area of 1583.4 sq km covered by forests. It is situated at 20.3 to 17.5 Degree North latitude and 81.27 to 84.1 East longitudes. Nayagarh was The District Forest area is created in 1st April experiences tropical 208000 sqm 1993 when the climate, with the erstwhile Puri District summers being hot was split into three and the winters cold. distinct Districts. The The maximum District is bounded by temperature that this Cuttack District on the district experiences North, Kandhamal is well above 40 deg District on the West, C (during summers) Ganjam District on and the minimum the South and can be as low as 10


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues Khordha District on its degree celsius East (during winters). Nayagarh District lies Summers generally between 19 degree last from March to 54’ to 20 degree 32’ June and winters, North Latitude and 84 from October to degree 29’ to 85 February. Rainfall is degree 27’ East generally heavy Longitude. The during the District is situated on monsoons, which the hilly ranges in the occur during the West and its North months of July and Eastern parts have August. South West formed small well monsoon is primarily cultivated fertile responsible for the valleys intersected by rainfall in this small streams. District. Nayagarh District Covering an geographical area of 3890 sq km consists total 864506 population as per 2001 census. The total male population of the District is 446177 and female population is 418339. Puri Puri lies between Climate is humid with The whole district The Principal Black, laterite, Both Kharif and 19.28 degree north to temperature ranging is divided into two rivers are deltaic, Rabi crop are 26.35 degree north between 14 degree dissimilar Kushabhadra, coastal saline, grown here latitude, and from to 37 degree Celsius topographical Daya, Bhargabi, and alluvial 84.29 degree east to throughout the year terrains, viz: the Kadua and soils 86.25 degreeeast mm Littoral Tract, and Prachi. longitude Puri has an the Level Alluvial area of 3051 sq kms Tract, along with Puri has only one sea coast bays subdivision and islands Rayagada Rayagada district got Area under The Rayagada the status of a Forest is district covers an separate district with 2812.33 area of 15

Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues effect from 2 October 7584.7 km2. 1992 There are several  Population967911 hills including  Male471960 Baphlimali, Female495951 Azimali, Tikrimali known for rare medicinal plants and wildlife. Sambalpur Sambalpur district lies Sambalpur district The district has The district has Brahmani The thick Total land under between 20° 40’ N experiences extreme a total forest three distinctive blanket of cultivation in the and 22° 11’ N latitude, type of climate with area of physiographic black cotton district is 173540 82° 39’ E and 85° 15’ 153 centimeters 3986.27 Sq. units such as, soil all over the hectares. Paddy is E longitude with a toal rainfall on an average Kms. which is Hilly Terrain of district has the principle crop area of 6,702 Sq. per annum. Most of 59.46% of the Bamra and been made Kms. The district is the rainfall is total area of the in the somewhat surrounded by confined to the district. north, plateau sticky by the Deogarh district in the months from June to and ridges of yellow earth east, Bargarh and October Mercury Rairakhol in the developing in Jharsuguda districts rises upto 47° celcius south-east and the undulation in the west, during May with valley and plains topography of district in intolerable heat wave of Sambalpur the district. the north and and falls as low as Subdivision in the Subarnpur and Angul 11.8° celcius during south east. districts in the South December with Sambalpur extreme cold. district forms a part of North- West upland of Odisha, which is rolling and multiplying the ground slopes from a height of 776 ft. to a height of 460 ft. Sonepur Subarnapur district Forest area is has figured on the 328.75 sqm political and cultural map of Odisha since the pre–historic period. It is bounded on the north by


Districts Location Climate Ecologically Geomorphology Major Drainage Major Soil Principal Key Sensitive Type7 Crops Environmental Area 6 Issues Sambalpur district, on the south and the South–East by Boudh District, on the East by Rairakhol sub– division of Sambalpur District and on the West by Balangir district. Sundargarh Sundargarh District The climate of this Brahmani, was constituted on District is Sankh, Koel and the 1st January, characterized by IB are the major 1948, out of the two extremely hot rivers flowing ex–States of Gangpur summers and cool though this and Bonai, which winters. Climate is District. merged with Odisha hot & moist sub on that day. True to its humid. Normal name, this beautiful rainfall of the District District of Sundargarh is approximately with about 43 percent 1230 mm, but there is of its total area under a deviation in receipt forest cover and of rainfall pattern numerous colourful which is influencing tribes dotting its crop production. landscape and with abundant mining potential is bounded by of Jharkhand on the North, District of Chhatisgarh on the west and North West, Jharsuguda, Sambalpur and Angul Districts of Odisha on the South and South East and Singhbhum 17

51. low temperatures are usually between 12-14°C. Winter is not very severe except in some areas in Koraput and Phulbani where minimum temperature may drop to 3-4°C.

52. The state receives most of its rainfall from the southwest monsoon between mid June to early October. A few pre-monsoon showers during April to mid-June and few during the winter months from the retreating northeast monsoon are not infrequent in the state. But most of the precipitation is confined to the four months from July to October. Consequently, many parts of Odisha are hit by severe drought. The maximum and minimum rainfall is in the neighbourhood of 1,800 mm and 1,000 mm respectively; the average is about 1,500 mm. Cyclonic storms, due to depression in Bay of Bengal, sometimes of devastating magnitude followed by heavy rains occur in the months of September, October and November. On the average there are about 60 to 70 rainy days in a year.

53. Rainfall: The rainfall in the project districts range between 1,082 mm to 1,527 mm, out of which more than 80% is received between June to September.

54. Relative Humidity: Normally, May to October months are humid and January to April are dry. The relative humidity in project districts range between 15 to 92%.

2. Air Quality

55. Most of the project area lies in vast open agricultural land and is largely free from air pollution sources other than traffic and few brick-kilns existing in the area.

56. The State Pollution Control Board has been monitoring the ambient air quality at 32 selected locations in 13 towns & cities, i.e., Angul & Talcher, Balasore , Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, , , , Puri, Rayagada, and Sambalpur under the NAMP and Keonjhar under SAMP.

57. The four air pollutants viz., Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx),Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter RSPM (PM10) has been identified for regular monitoring at all locations. The monitoring is carried out as per CPCB guideline i.e. 8 hour sampling for SPM and RSPM (PM 10), 4 hour sampling for SO2 and NOx in 24 hours of a day with frequency of twice a week for 104 obsorvations in a year.

58. At all the monitored locations of the State for the year 2006 to 2014 the SO2 concentration were Below Detectable limit (BDL) i.e.,<4.0 µg/m3 except in few areas like Angul, Talcher, Rourkela and Rasulpur of Balasore where SO2 remains above BDL. However, the values were well below the prescribed limit i.e., 50 µg/m3. In these areas the source of SO2 was from industrial emission. The maximum annual average of SO2 was observed at MCL, Talcher as 14.3 µg/m3 in the year 2008. All places fell under Low category in the State on the basis of exceedence factor.

59. Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) of all monitored stations of Odisha during the year 2006-2014 remained in the Low Category except sometimes under Moderate Category at Angul, Talcher, Rayagada and Badambadi area of Cuttack. The Maximum annual average of NOX value was 43µg/m3 as observed at Badambadi traffic tower in the year 2007. The NOX values of all stations remained well within the prescribed limit i.e., 40 µg/m3. High NOx at Badambadi area might be due to traffic junction near the monitoring station. From the trend of analysis (from the year 2006 to 2014) it was observed that the trend was increasing at all the monitoring stations except one


at Traffic tower, Badambadi which was in decreasing trend and remained unchanged at RO, Baniapat,Keonjhar.

60. PM10 Values in both industrial and residential area at all locations from the year 2006 to2013 indicates that the annual average values at all the locations were higher than the prescribed limit i.e., 60 ^g/m3 except at few locations like Paradeep, Sambalpur, Rayagada & Town Police Station, Puri where it remained below the limit. The High PM10 values in the major towns indicated that vehicular emission was the root cause which contributed very fine particles of size less than 10 µ to the ambient air. From the trend analysis it was observed that at all locations the trend were in increasing order except at Keonjhar, Sambalpur & Rourkela where the trend were in decreasing order. All monitoring locations fall under High and Critical categories except Moderate Category at Rayagada, Berhampur, Sambalpur and Paradeep areas. The fine dust in major towns came from vehicular emission due to steep increase in number of vehicles in the town area in addition to construction work and cutting of trees due to expansion of road and domestic emission contributed towards PM10.

61. These were located in open area and operate only for few months. As such, the ambient air quality for major pollutants like SO2, SPM and NO2 is expected to be within the limits. However, in absence of any existingdata on ambient air quality levels of the project area, secondary sources were referred to fulfillthis requirement:

Table 6: Ambient Air Quality SO2 (μg/m3) NO2 (μg/m3) RSPM (μg/m3) Industrial 14 24 34 Residential 8 23 61 NAAQS 80 80 100 Source: National Ambient Air Quality Status, 2008, CPCB and Table III.3.

62. The above reveals that the concentration of all the pollutants well within the limits (NAAQS). A comparison of the pollutant concentration levels in different years is given in Table 7. The table gives higher suspended particulate matter levels, which are attributed to the vehicular movement on unpaved roads and the loose dust in the agricultural fields that lead to formation of dust clouds over short periods.

63. However, several areas in the state have been earmarked for mining and power generation where ambient air qualities have deteriorated, these are: Area (Iron & Steel, Sponge Iron, Cement, Secondary steel. Melting and rolling mill & refractories and chemicals), Ib valley area (Thermal power, Sponge iron, refractories, and coal mines), area (Aluminum & rolling mills), Talcher-Angul area (Thermal power, Aluminum, Coal washeries, Ferro alloys, Coal mines), Choudwar area (Ferro alloys, Thermal power, pulp and paper, coke oven), Balasore area (pulp and paper, ferro alloys, rubber industries), Chandikhol (stone crusher, coke oven), Duburi (Integrated steel, ferro alloys, rubber industries), Paradeep area (fertilizer, sea food processing, petroleum coke), Khurda Tapang area (stone crusher), area (iron, sponge iron, ferro alloys, iron ore crusher, mineral processing), and Rayagada area (pulp and paper, ferro alloys). From the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Center of Odisha State of Environment, SPM, SO2, and NOx concentrations have been increasing in 4 monitoring stations, namely: Talcher Thermal Power Plant, Angul Township, Nayagada, and NALCO. 19

Table 7: Ambient Air Quality Status of Orissa in Previous Years Type SO2 NO2 RSPM (PM10) SPM CITY LOCATION of 2004 2007 2008 2004 2007 2008 2004 2007 2008 2004 2007 2008 Area NAAQS 80 80 100 - Sambalpur Roof of Filter Plant PHD Off. R - BDL 3 - 11 14 - 74 0 - 163 130 Behrampur Regional Office R - BDL BDL - 15 13 - 89 6 - 201 154 T.T.P.S. Colony I 5 8 14 20 18 24 79 71 16 163 142 234 Talcher Coal Field I 5 10 10 8 15 19 95 95 4 203 192 189 Industrial Estate I BDL 6 6 17 17 22 61 107 34 113 186 282 Angul NALCO Nagar Township R 4 5 8 8 19 18 101 54 24 188 102 172 IDL Police Outpost R 5 6 6 9 10 10 82 57 61 165 105 215 Rourkela Regional Office R BDL 5 5 9 10 11 73 68 50 132 130 188 Jaykaypur I BDL BDL BDL 7 10 19 56 65 0 100 117 112 Rayagada Regional Office R BDL BDL BDL 11 13 20 59 81 1 107 156 121 SPCB Building R 5 BDL BDL 20 14 18 79 75 14 163 169 158 Bhubaneshwar IRC Village R 5 BDL BDL 8 13 21 95 88 40 203 324 166 Capital Police Station R BDL BDL BDL 17 16 18 61 49 22 113 125 157 R.O. Cuttack Office R - BDL BDL - 16 23 - 62 32 - 157 281 Cuttack Roof of Traffic Tower R - BDL BDL - 43 16 - 62 28 - 138 167 Source: National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Series, CPCB

R – Residential and other areas, I – Industrial area, L- Low, M- Moderate, H – High and C – Critical levels of pollution based on exceedence factor (calculated for n > 50 days) 3 BDL = Below Detection Limit (Concentration less than 4 g/m for SO2) 3 BDL = Below Detection Limit (Concentration less than 9 g/m for NO2)


3. Noise

64. Along the proposed roads construction proposals, there is neither significant industrial activity nor significant vehicular traffic contributing to ambient noise levels. The occasional vehicular movement on the unpaved roads contributes to increased noise levels over short duration limited to daytime. The existing roads do not appear to have vehicular traffic in the night time. Therefore, the ambient noise levels are expected to be within the National Ambient Noise Standards.

C. Topography and Geomorphology

65. Odisha is located between the parallels of 17.49'N and 22.34'N latitudes and meridians of 81o.27'E and 87o.29'E longitudes. It is bounded by the Bay of Bengal on the east, Chhattisgarh on the west and Andhra Pradesh on the south. It has a coastline of about 450 kms. It extends over an area of 155,707 sq km. according to the 1991 census. This region is the combination of several deltas of varied sizes and shapes formed by the major rivers of Odisha, such as the Subarnarekha, the Budhabalanga, the Baitarani, the Brahmani, the Mahanadi, and the Rushikulya. Therefore, the coastal plain of Odisha is called the"Hexadeltaic region" or the "Gift of Six Rivers". It stretches along the coast of the Bay of Bengal having the maximum width in the Middle Coastal Plain (the Mahanadi Delta), narrow in the Northern Coastal Plain (Balasore Plain) and narrowest in the Southern Coastal Plain (Ganjam Plain). The North Coastal Plain comprises the deltas of the Subarnarekha and the Budhabalanga rivers and bears evidences of marine transgressions. The Middle Coastal Plain comprises the compound deltas of the Baitarani, Brahmani and Mahanadi rivers and bears evidences of past 'back bays' and present lakes. The South Coastal Plain comprises the laccustrine Plain of Chilika Lakeand the smaller delta of the Rushikulya River. The plateaus are mostly eroded plateaus forming the western slopes of the Eastern Ghats with elevation varying from 305-610metres. There are two broad plateaus in Odisha: (i) the Panposh - Keonjhar –Pallahara plateau comprises the Upper Baitarani catchment basin, and (ii) the Nabrangpur -Jeypore plateau comprises the Sabari basin.

66. The project districts fall under the rolling upland category and include a number of erosional plains and river basin of Mahanadi presenting an upland plain.

67. The tract covers major parts of districts of Sambalpur, Deogarh, Jharsaguda, Bargarh, Bolangir, Sonepur, Dhenkanal, Angul, Boudh, Nayagarh, Khurda, and northern parts of Phulbani (Kandhamal) and western part of Puri districts. Ground elevation of the project districts vary from 150 to 300 m above mean sea level, but the topography of the project region is mostly flat.

1. Geology/Soil

68. Three distinct geological formations namely Consolidated, Semi-consolidated, and Unconsolidated are found in Odisha as detailed at Table 8. The project districts comprise of semi- consolidated formation of the Gondwana group and are covered with the rocks of Eastern Ghat mobile belt.


Table 8: Distribution of Major Geological Units in Odisha Geological Age Rock formation Districts Consolidated Formation Pre-Cambrian Archaean Granite gneisses Charnockites, Occur in all districts except complex Khondalites, Schist, Phyllite, Kendrapara, slates, Granulite,Banded Jagatsinghpur, Bhadrak Haematite Quartzite etc. Cuddapah Shale, Sand Stone, Quartzite, Koraput, Nowrangpur, Vindhyan Limestone etc. Bargarh, Nawapara Semi – Consolidated Formation Palaeozoic - Gondwana Boulder bed, Sandstone, Angul, Sambalpur, Mesozoic Group Shale and coalseams Jharsuguda, Cuttack, Khurda, Bolangir, Phulbani, Sundergarh, Tertiary Baripada Loosely cemented Mayurbhanj beds calcareous sandstone Unconsolidated Formation Pleistocene to Alluvium (clay, silt, gravel and sand in varying Ganjam, Gajapati, Recent proportion) Mayurbhanj, Khurda, Puri, Cuttack, Kendrapara, Jajpur, Bhadrak, Balasore, Keonjhar, Rayagada, Koraput, Nawarangpur Source: Central Ground Water Board, South Eastern Region, Bhubaneshwar.

2. Soils

69. The state has different soil types ranging from fertile alluvial deltaic soils in coastal plains, mixed red and black soils in central table land, red and yellow soils with low fertility in northern plateau and red, black& brown forest soils in Eastern Ghat region. The soil types differ widely from high acidic with the degree of acidity varying widely. The majority of soils in Odisha are light textured red soils, which have low water holding capacity, low fertility and are highly erodible.

70. The major soil types within the project districts can be classified into five groups namely: inceptisols, ultisols, entisols, aridisols and alfisols. These soil types can be further classified into brown, red, yellow and lateritc soils. The entisols is sub-classified into younger alluvial, and laterite soils. The aridisols is sub-classified into saline and salinealkali soils. The alfisols is subclassified into deltaic alluvial soils, older alluvial soils, redgravel soils, red sandy soils, red sandy soils, red loamy and mixed red black soils.

3. Earthquake and Seismicity

71. A large portion of Odisha comes under earthquake Risk Zone-II or low damage risk zone. The Mahanadi and Brahmani graven, Mahanadi delta and parts of Balasore and Mayurbhanj district come under earthquake Risk Zone –III or moderate damage risk zone. The seismic hazard map of India was updated in 20009 by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as shown in Figure 2. It reveals that the project region falls in Zones II and III i.e., low to moderate risk zone. According to Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) data, the state of Odisha falls in a region of low to moderate seismic hazard. Historically, parts of this state have experienced seismic activity in the M4.0 range. The hazard zoning map is shown in Figure 3.


Figure 2: Hazard Zone Map

Source: Odisha State Disaster Management Authority Figure 3: Seismic Zone Map

D. Land use

72. The state has broadly divided into 4 physiographic zones namely coastal plains, central tableland, northern plateau and Eastern Ghats. The area under various land uses in the state is presented in Figure 4. It shows that the state records a forest area of 37.3% of the total State 23

area. The cultivated area accounts for about 40% indicating the dominance of agriculture. As per the report of Odisha Remote Sensing Application Centre of 2002, water body covers an area of 230104.36 ha. The Wasteland Atlas of India -2000 reports shifting cultivation area in the state to be 10014.07 ha and mining industrial wasteland of 35.45 ha. This area is gradually increasing as per the other published reports. The land use pattern within the project districts can be broadly classified into arable irrigated, arable un-irrigated, forest areas, waste land/scrub, and rural / urban settlements areas.

E. Hydrology and Water Quality

73. Odisha is drained by the Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani, Nagaballi, Subarnarekha, Rusikulya, and the Budhabalanga rivers along with their tributaries and distributaries. The tributaries of Mahanadi are Ib, Jhaun, Jira. The Sankh and the Tirka are important tributaries of Brahmani. Those of Baitarni are the Salandi and the Matai.

74. Hydro geologically, the area is underlain by diverse rock types ranging in age from Achaean to Recent. The State can be hydro-geologically sub-divided into consolidated, semiconsolidated, and unconsolidated formations. as shown in Figure 5.

75. Surface Water Quality: The rural road construction proposals normally cross small drainage channels like agricultural field channels, which eventually join major channels/rivulets. All of these channels generally remain dry for most part of the year and drain the storm water for few weeks only during or after the monsoon.

Figure 4: Land Use Pattern in the Project Districts


Figure 5: Hydrogeology of Odisha

76. Groundwater Quality and Availability: In the past, drinking water was obtained from wells, natural springs, streams, rivers, tanks, and lakes. In the plains, where drinking water has been generally insufficient, wells, tanks and small rivers have been the main sources. In hilly and undulating regions, springs, rivulets and wells provide drinking water. Most households in rural areas now rely on hand pumps for their supply of drinking water. Despite their increasing density, there are still places where hand pumps are not available or functioning. In these locations drinking water is sourced from tube wells or even rivers. Piped and tap water is still not common.

77. The groundwater potential in the project districts vary from than 1 liter/sec to 40 liter/sec. the hydro-geological formations in the coastal districts range between porous confined aquifers having primary intra-granular porosity with yields up to 40 liter/sec. to upland regions with generally limited ground water potential having less intra-granular porosity and fractures with yield less than 1 liter/sec. The occurrence of ground water table range from 1m above mean sea level to 500 m above mean sea level across the state.

78. An investigation was carried out by Mahananda et al. in 201010 to study the ground as well as surface water qualities, nutrient status, and physico-chemical characteristic of Bargarh district. The analysis was conducted for dug and bore well and three types of surface water (temple and community ponds). A comparative study of both types of ground water as well as pond water was carried out by taking certain important parameters like temperature, pH, total suspended solid, total dissolved solid, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate, chloride, sodium, potassium, phosphate, fluoride and total coliform and faecal coliform (pond water). It was found that the maximum parameters were not at the level of pollution except few parameters like 25

nitrate for ground water. Ground water satisfy the requirement for the use in various purposes, but community pond water quality revealed highly polluted and unsafe for human use. Temple pond was comparatively less polluted than small and large community ponds, the study concluded.

F. Ecological Resources

79. The state of Odisha is known for abundance of natural beauty and wildlife. The major types of forests present in the state are tropical moist deciduous type and tropical dry deciduous type. The hills, plateaus and isolated areas of the northeastern part of the state are covered by the tropical moist deciduous forests whereas the second types of the forests are located in the southwest region of the state. Some of the trees which grow in abundance in Odisha are bamboo (Dendrocalamus sp.), Teak (Tectona grandis), Mahula (Madhuca indica), sal (Shorea robusta), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Dhoben (Dalbergia paniculata) Mundi (Mitragyna parvifolia) etc. There are 479 species of birds, 86 species of mammals, 19 species of amphibians and 110 species of reptiles present in Odisha. The state is also an important habitat for the endangered Olive Ridley turtles and Irrawaddy dolphins (found in coastal district of Odisha). The forest map is given in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Forest Map of Odisha

1. Terrestrial flora

80. Important floral species observed in the project area are Amba (Mangifera indica), Aaola (Emblica officinalis), Arjun (Terminalia arjuna), Ashok (), Bahada (Terminalia belerica), Bandhan (Ougenia oojeinensis), Bija (Pterocarpus marsupium), Bheru (Chloroxylon swietiana), Char (Buchanania lanzan), Dhaman (Grewia tiliofolia), Dhaura(Anogeissus latifolia), Dhoben (Dalbergia paniculata), Genduli (Sterculia urens), Harida (Terminalia chebula), Jamun (Syzygium cumini), Kanchan (Bauhinia spp.), Karanj (Pongamia glabra), Kendu (), Khair (Acacia catechu), Kochila (Strychnos nuxvomica), Kongra (Xylia xylocarpa),


Kurum (Adina cordifolia), Kusum (Schleichera olesa), Mahalimba (Ailanthus excelsa), Mahula (Madhuca indica), Tentra (Albizia procera), Mundi (Mitragyna parvifolia), Phasi (Anogeissus acuminata), Pitamai (Garuga pinnata), Rai (Dillenia pentagyna), Rajmohi (Lannea coromandelica), Rimili (Bursera serrata), Saguan (Tectona grandis), Sal (Shorea robusta), Salai (Boswellia serrata), Semal (Bombax ceiba), Sidha (Lagerstromia parviflora), Silveroak (Grevillea robusta), Siris (Albizzia lebbeck), Sisso (Bali) (Dalbergia sisoo), Sissoo (Pahari) (Dalbergia latifolia),Sunari (Cassia fistula), Tentuli (Tamarindus indica) etc.

81. The project area lies in tropical moist deciduous type and tropical dry deciduous type zone, it has a medium range of flora and fauna. However, none of the roads encroach to any habitat of rare, endangered, or threatened floral species and the habitat type in the area of the project roads are mainly modified habitat as per the definition of the ADB SPS.

2. Terrestrial/Avian fauna

82. The protected area (PA) network in the state comprises of 18 sanctuaries as given in Table 9 and Figure 7. It constitutes 4.2% of the geographical area of the state and 11.4% of the forest area.

Table 9: List of Protected Areas in Odisha S. No. Name District Located Area (sq. km) SANCTUARIES 1. Badrama Sambalpur 304.03 2. Baisipali Nayagarh 168.35 3. Balukhand-Konark Puri 71.71 4. Bhitarkanika Kendrapara 672.00 5. Debrigarh Baragarh 346.91 6. Gahirmatha Kendrapara 1435.00 7. Hadgad Keonjhar 191.06 8. Karlapat Kalahandi 147.66 9. Khalasuni Sambalpur 116.0 10. Kotgad Phulbani 399.05 11. Kuldhia Wildlife Balasore 272.75 12. Lakhari Valley Gajapati 185.87 13. Nalaban(Chilika) Khurda, Puri & Ganjam 15.53 14. Satkosia Gorge Angul, Nayagarh, Phulbani 745.52 15. Nuapada 591.75 NATIONAL PARKS 1. Nandankanan Khurda 14.16 2. Similipal Tiger Reserve Mayurbhanj 2200.00 3. Chandaka Elephant Reserve Khurda & Cuttack 75.79

83. Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary is about 5 km away from the proposed roads in Ambabhona and Bhatli blocks in Bargarh District.

84. Important faunal species found in the forest areas of Odisha are Sambar (Cervus unicolar), Chital (Axis axis), Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), Indian wild boar (Sus scrofa), Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), Common langur (Presbytis entellus), Indian porcupine (Hytrix indica), and Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata). However, none other than Langur was observed near the subproject rods areas. The occurrence of wildlife species and or threatened or endangered species has not been reported within subproject road areas. 27

Figure 7: Protected Area Map of Odisha

3. Aquatic Biology

85. No wetland or big water bodies are located near the selected subproject road areas. Proposed construction works are not anticipated to affect aquatic biology of the area.

G. Socio-economic Environment

1. Demography

86. The state has an overall population of 41.95 million people as of 2011 of which 34.97 million live in rural areas representing 83.31% of the total. The corresponding rate of urbanization is 15%, compared to almost 30% to India as a whole. The state's average population density was 698 persons per km. In 2011 the gender ratio of the state is 978, which is more than the country as a whole (940). The literacy rate overall is 73.45 % which is slightly lower than the country average (74.04%). The male literacy rate is 82.4% whereas female literacy rate is 64.36%. The demographic profile of the state in comparison with the national average is shown in Table 10.

Table 10: Demographic Profile S. No. Item Odisha India 1 Total population (Census 2011) (in million) 41.95 1210.19 2 Decadal Growth (Census 2011) (%) 13.97 17.64 3 Crude Birth Rate (SRS 2008) 21.4 22.8 4 Crude Death Rate (SRS 2008) 9.0 7.4 5 Total Fertility Rate (SRS 2008) 2.4 2.6 6 Infant Mortality Rate (SRS 2008) 69 53 7 Maternal Mortality Ratio (SRS 2004 - 2006) 303 254 8 Sex Ratio (Census 2011) 978 940 9 Population below Poverty line (%) 47.15 26.10 10 Schedule Caste population (in million) 6.08 166.64


S. No. Item Odisha India 11 Schedule Tribe population (in million) 8.15 84.33 12 Literacy Rate (Census 2011) (%) 73.45 74.04 13 Male Literacy Rate (Census 2011) (%) 82.4 82.14 14 Female Literacy Rate (Census 2011) (%) 64.36 65.46 Note: Figures in bracket indicate percentage. Source: Census, 2011.

2. Healthcare

87. As of 2001, there are 180 hospitals, 183 PHCs, 1,166 new PHC (new) and 14 mobile health units in the entire state. There are 13,786 hospital beds with 7,560 people per doctor and 2,663 people per hospital bed which is much higher that the All-India average of 1,361 in the state which is far from satisfactory. The state is well behind the aims of National Health Policy of providing universal health care and access to medical services. Life expectancy in the State has crawled to 57 years against national average of 61. The fact worrying the Government is the infant mortality rate (IMR) which is the highest in India at 96 per thousand. Poor of sanitation and contamintade waters are factor contributing to poor health. The habit of people to defecate in the open causes the spreading of water borne diseases. It is important to provide flush latrines in villages and motivate people to use them.

3. Literacy and Education

88. The literacy rate in the state is 73.45% which is slightly lower than the country average (74.04%). The male literacy rate is 82.4% whereas female literacy rate is 64.36%. Poor literacy areas are the less econiomically developed south and west districts. Only a third, or 11 out of 30 districts, have a literacy rate more than 70% most of which belong to the coastal area. Improvement in literacy rate changes the outlook of the people and makes them more useful assets of the community. The spread of literacy and education among women are more fruitful for the society. There are 35 engineering colleges, 3 medical colleges, 26 engineering schools, and 24 industrical training institutes (it is) to provide technical education.

4. Economy

89. The has been lagging behind the national economy for several decades. Its per capita net state domestic product, a measure of average income, stood at Rs. 20,200 for 2006-07, which falls behind the national average by about 35%. Moreover, the gross domestic product of the state grew by a considerable lower rate than many other states for a long time despite its high growth potential.


Figure 8: Index of Real GSDP in Odisha

90. Odisha’s real GSDP has grown by an average annual rate of 4.8% on a long term basis during 1980-81 to 2006-07 compared to 6% for the same period for the nation as a whole. The index number of GSDP (with 1980-81 = 100.0) shown in Figure 3.9 nearly doubled over the 20year period 1980-2000 and has further increased by another 60% since then. In particular, the figure shows a sharp rise in the index after 2002-03. The average GSDP growth rate of 8.6% per annum during the period 2002-03 to 2006-07 compares very well with the national level. The per capita income of Odisha was about Rs. 7,700 at 1999-2000 prices in the year 1980-81. It nearly doubled to Rs.15,100 in 2006-07. Per capita income at the national level has grown by 160% from about Rs.8,600 to Rs.22,700 during the same period. Odisha thus continues to remain behind the national average considerably.

Figure 9: Per Capita Income (NDP) at 1999-2000 prices: Odisha and All India

5. Agriculture

91. The majority of the population in project districts is dependent on agriculture and subsistence forest. Podu cultivation (slash and burn) is practiced extensively by the tribals in the"dongar" (Upland). In the high hill slopes pulses, millets, mandya (ragi) and oilseeds like niger and mustard are grown. In the "Bilo" (low land) paddy is cultivated. Horticulture is also practiced particularly among the tribals. Vegetables are also cultivated crops being sweet potato, beans, chilly and yam. The agriculture is rain-fed. The agricultural implements used are still wooden


plough, wooden plod-breaker (coporpotta) and phouda sickle and hand axe especially in the backward districts of Koraput, Malkangir etc.

6. Industry and Mines

92. Although Jharsuguda and Sundergarh have major industrial areas, none of them fall with in the core or the buffer zone of the proposed road corridors. In general, none of the proposed road falls in mineral mining area whereas coal mining is the major mining activities of Jharsuguda districts. Sundargarh is known for the iron ore mining areas and Rourkela steel plant. None of these mining areas fall within subproject areas.

7. Flood Control facilities

93. Odisha is generally prone to various disasters like flood, cyclone, drought and fire. The last super cyclone in 1999 is an unforgettable event in the so also the high flood in 2001 and the drought in 2002. Bargarh roads are prone to flood during monsoon season. Various organizations working in Odisha in the field of disaster management as given below might be consulted for any further precaution in construction work apart from proper drainage provisions.

 Odisha State Disaster Mitigation Authority  National Informatics Centre  UNDP

8. Archaeological/Historical monuments

94. Although, Odisha is known to have several archaeological and historical/protected monuments spread all over the state, none of them are situated within 5 km on each side from the sample project roads.

9. Temples/Shrines/Idols/Statues

95. No historical religious structure falls close to proposed sample roads. Small tombs and roadside small temples do falls. Some of these which might be impacted or require relocation due to the construction works.

10. Power

96. During 2002-03, State’s share in installed capacity in the State sector was 2,798.88 MW (hydro 1,918.88 MW and thermal 880.00 MW) against which power was available to the extent of about 869 MW. In addition to this, 440 MW of power was received from Central sector projects towards State share and 62 MW of power was purchased from captive power plants installed in the State by different industries. Thus, from all sources about 1371 MW of power was available against the estimated demand of 1367 MW. Out of 46,989 inhabitated villages in the State, 37,790 villages have been electrified by the end of 2002-03 with coverage of 84%.

H. Salient Environmental Features of Sample Roads

97. The salient environmental features of sample roads are summarized in Table 11. 31

Table 11: Impacts on Biological Environment, Utility, Community and Religious Structures Features with 10m either side of existing road centre line Length Landslide Water Body Water Forest Trees# Utlity District Name of Road Km prone Stagnation Area Structures Area Angul L026-Dalo Jokapani Road 5.52 No No No No 96 EP 8 Angul L053-Kalamchhuin Solanda Road 3.87 No 1 Pond No No 73 No Balasore L109-Tudigadia to Jalada Road 7.78 No 1 pond 1 location No 57 EP 4 HP 2 Bargarh T02-SH3 near Sohela to Tambimunda 4.20 No canal No No 87 No Bhadrak L022-PWD Road to Bachhada 5.00 No No No No 72 EP 5 Bolangir T11-Barpadar to Baghmund road 12.60 No 1 pond No No 38 No Boudh L122-SH 41 to Badachapapali 1.05 No No No No 16 EP 3 Cuttack L029-Kakhadi to Ramshyampur 7.05 No No No No 131 EP 10, SP 2 Cuttack L030-Kakhadi to Routraypur 6.00 No Sapua Nala No No 157 EP 3 Cuttack T01-Gadama to Kishannagar 8.31 No Canal 2 pond 1 locations No 139 EP 6 Dhenkanal L079-NH 42 to Tentuliapada 2.0 No 1 pond No No 31 No Ganjam L039-PWD Road to Palakasandha 2.30 No No No No 12 EP 13 Ganjam L045-PWD road to Madhabarida Via Benikpalli 5.00 No No No No 39 No Ganjam L043-Panigidi Manikapur 4.50 No No No No 89 No Ganjam L038-SH21 Panchubhuti Harijana Sahi 2.54 No No No No 56 No Ganjam L056-NH 217 to B Nuapalli road 1.30 No No No No 31 No Jagatsinghpur L053-Urali to Patenigaon 3.75 No No No No 63 No Jagatsinghpur L071-Balipatna to Pubapada 2.10 No No No No 43 EP2 Jagatsinghpur L035-Alana II to panchapa 3.50 No Canal No No 39 No Jajpur L030-Kalyanapur Samalpur 3.92 No No No No 43 EP2 Jharsuguda L114-NH200 to Lakhanpur 5.00 No No No No 38 No Kalahandi L128-NH 201 to Sanfula 4.50 No No No No 77 No Kalahandi L037-PWD Road to Balajipita 3.10 No No No No 71 No Kandhamal T-05- Garakumpa Balasakumpa Road 5.35 No No No No 33 No Kendrapara L041-RB road to Balikana 3.40 No No 1 locations No 24 No Kendrapara L032-Tiarchak to Balarampur 2.48 No Canal No No 25 EP4 Keonjhar L033-Arsala to Teliarsala road 5.81 No No No No 43 EP1 Keonjhar L032-NH215 to Bishnupur road 2.65 No No No No 9 EP5 Khurda L060-R D road to Tandal 2.36 No No No No 88 EP4 Khurda L030-R D road to Bengitangi 3.40 No No No No 46 No Koraput L022-NH 43 to A Ghatarla 8.80 No No No No 34 No Koraput L038-Thuba to Raising 3.00 No No No No 26 No Koraput Kundra to Bagderi 8.80 No No No No 18 No


Features with 10m either side of existing road centre line Length Landslide Water Body Water Forest Trees# Utlity District Name of Road Km prone Stagnation Area Structures Area Mayurbhanj L074-SH50 to Kasipentha Road 4.5 No No No No 41 SP1 Mayurbhanj L069-SH50 to Handifuta 3.89 No 1 pond No No 37 No Mayurbhanj L064-Betnoti to Sukhilahar Road 4.8 No No No No 102 No Nawarangpur T02-Dohana jn to Jagannathpur 3.2 No No No No 55 No Nayagarh L042-MDR 76 to Barangadia 2.07 No No No No 61 HP 2 Nuapada L032-RD Road to Beheradahi 8.00 No No No No 17 EP8 Nuapada L031- RD road to Palasabhadar 1.90 No 1 pond No No 33 No Puri L051-E K Embkt to Uttarana 7.58 No Canal No No 24 No Rayagada L052-PWD Road to Loba 7.50 No No No No 21 No Sambalpur L061-NH42 to Ichhapal 10.9 No Canal No No 48 No Sambalpur L051-NH 6 Chinimahul 7.70 No Canal 1 pond No No 71 No Sonepur L025-Sibatala Lukapada RD road to Attasingha 1.44 No No No No 66 No Sonepur L024-NH 224 to Janmura 4.20 No No No No 22 EP5 Sundargarh MDR 32 to Tulsikani 2.70 No No No No 41 EP2 Sundargarh L029-Rouldega to Thiteitangar road 6.03 No No No No 36 EP2



98. Road improvements work brings substantial economic and social benefits to rural communities and ultimately to the nation as a whole. Experience from past rural road upgrading projects however indicated risk for adverse impacts mostly related during the construction phase and the loss of avenue trees. Impacts are limited as the eligibility screening criteria defined in the environmental assessment and review framework avoids significant adverse impacts and proposed road improvements are confined along existing alignments. The impacts are expected largely during construction phase, which can be mitigated through engineering measures and adoption of best construction practices. This section outlines the identified impacts during design, construction and operation phases along with proposed mitigation measures for eliminating or minimizing the adverse impacts.

99. All project roads are subjected to environmental screening using the ECOP checklist. A sample size of 10% was selected by the ORRDA with support from the Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) from which this state level IEE was based. Separate environmental checklists were prepared for bridges with length greater than 50m. A standard EMP that forms part of the ECOP Checklist guided the preparation of the EMP provided in this report. As the MFF also calls for construction of training and research centers, separate assessments and EMPs will be prepared and may be integrated in the state-level IEEs as the designs and construction schedule are finalized.

100. The associated environmental impacts are assessed considering present environmental setting of the project area, nature, and extent of the proposed activities. Impacts are analysed on both generic and specific nature and are classified as insignificant, minor, moderate, and major. Since the issues associated with most of the roads are similar, the impacts and mitigation measures given below are applicable to most of the subprojects. Any issue specific to a road is separately mentioned.

A. Common Impacts during Design and Construction Phase

1. Climate Change Projection

101. Temperature. By the 2050s, there is a general increase in temperature in Odisha with the average annual maximum and minimum temperatures expected to increase from 31.07oC to 32.82 oC and 20.18oC to 22.41oC, respectively from the 1960-1991 reference period. The future annual maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to increase from 42.65oC – 44.72oC and 7.59oC-10.09oC, respectively. The number or warm days is also expected to be more frequent with a 36.07% more chances of the daily maximum temperature exceeding the 90th percentile of reference maximum temperature and the 44.512% more chances of the daily minimum nighttime temperature exceeds the 90th percentile of the reference minimum temperature.

102. Precipitation. The GCM ensemble predicts a slight increase in annual rainfall from 1378mm to 1418 mm. The number of wet days or when precipitation is greater than >0.2mm will decrease from 120 to 117 days but the rainfall intensity (>1mm/day) will increase from 15 to 16 days.


Figure 10: Predicted Future Average Annual Figure 11: Predicted Change in Total Annual Temperature, oC, A2 2046-2065 Precipitation, mm A2 2046-2065

Figure 12: Future Trend of Maximum Monthly Figure 13: Future Trend in Total Precipitation, Temperature, A2, 2046-2065 A2, 2046-2065

103. Figure indicates that geo-graphically, the highest temperatures will be experience in the interior districts of Dhenkanal and . Marginally significant increase in rainfall is expected in Kendrapara, Baleswar, Sundargarh, and Gajapati districts.

2. Natural Hazards and Climate Risks

104. The natural hazards that will be compounded by the projected increase in rainfall and temperature are flooding, landslide, vegetation fire, and tsunami. The east southeastern region of the state that covers the districts of Kendrapara, Jagatsinghpur, Puri, Cuttack, Jajpur, Bhadrak, and Khurda are prone to flooding having 5-50 flooding events per 100 years. Along the Bay of Bengal on the same region The Port City of Paradwip, Kendrapara District has history of being hit by a tsunami while the entire coastline from Paradwip to Puri is at risk. The interior districts of Kandhamal, Boudh, and Angul have historical high hazard for vegetation fire. 35

Figure 14: Flood Risk, Odisha Figure 15: Exposure to Landslide, Odisha

Figure 16: Exposure to Tsunami, Odisha Figure 17: Risk of Forest Fires, Odisha

105. Mitigation Measures. Civil works component including increasing embankment height, additional culverts, drains have been proposed that addresses identified climate change risks.

106. Compensatory tree plantations11 (1:3) will be made to compensate the loss of trees for the construction of project roads. Additional efforts shall be made for tree plantation wherever feasible. All non-sample rural roads to be included in second RCIP, will also shall be screened for climate change vulnerability and necessary mitigation measures shall be adopted for minimisation of identified vulnerability if any.

3. Finalization of Alignment

107. Impact: The proposed rural roads will be constructed to provide 7.5 m roadway in accordance with PMGSY guidelines and technical specifications (IRC-SP 20: 2002) for plain terrain. Sample rural roads utilize existing road alignment usually of earthen track with some stretches of brickbat soling. The existing roads pass through plain terrain and primarily agriculture areas. None of the sample roads passes close to any protected monument or protected areas. Impacts due to road alignment and design is expected to be minor and limited to shifting of some common utilities, community structures (e.g. temple, school), and cutting of trees falling within road way.

108. Mitigation Measures: The road alignment is finalized considering availability of right-of way (RoW). The RoW is reduced in built up area or constricted areas to minimize land acquisition. The road alignment has also been modified to minimize tree cutting, shifting of utilities or community structure to the extent feasible. Some of the measures taken include widening of the


road on the opposite side of a tree that should be preserved or using retaining wall to minimize the road width to 5m wherever required. The road is aligned to follow natural topography to avoid unnecessary cut and fill. All future roads to be included in second RCIP will follow above measures. In addition these subprojects will comply with the following criteria for alignment finalization:

109. The road will be part of district core network and will comply with PMGSY guidelines.

 Subproject shall not disturb any cultural heritage designated by the government or by the international agencies, such as UNESCO, and shall avoid any monuments of cultural or historical importance.  Subproject will not pass through any designated wildlife sanctuaries, national park, notified Eco sensitive areas or area of international significance such as protective wet land designated under Wetland Convention, and reserve forest area.  Subproject to comply with local and National legislative requirements (such as forest clearance for diversion of forest land) and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.

4. Land Acquisition

110. Impact: No land acquisition is involved due to various measures considered for finalization of road alignment. Villagers have volunteered to donate their land if at certain stages land is required for geometrical correction or alignment adjustment for avoiding tree cutting or shifting of community structure. There could be some impact on the encroachers; however, most of them have also volunteered to shift from the proposed alignment. Due diligence on these aspects have been conducted separately and reported in the social compliance reports.

111. Mitigation Measures: All efforts shall be made to minimize the land acquisition while finalizing the alignment. In an unavoidable situation, first adopt suitable engineering measures to reduce the ROW requirement or donation of land from land owners. In the encroached areas, efforts shall be made to restricted road construction to the available space.

5. Protected Areas (National parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Eco-sensitive zones, protected /historical monuments) and Forest Areas

112. Impact: None of the sample road passes through any forest land and as such, project has no impact on forest cover of the state. Odisha is also known to have several archaeological monuments and historical monuments spread all over the state. However, none of them is located within 5 km of sample roads.

113. Mitigation Measures: As there are no Protected/Ecologically sensitive areas in the subproject areas, no such measures are proposed. In case of a diversion of forest land, prior forest clearance shall be obtained under Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (amended 1988).

6. Land Clearing Operations

114. Impact: The site clearing operations may have impact on common utilities, community properties, land use and vegetation profile of the area if adequate considerations not given to road alignment finalization, utility and community structure shifting plan, tree felling, and demolition waste disposal. 37

115. Mitigation Measures: The following steps shall be taken to minimize the associated impact with land clearing operations:

 The land clearing operation should be undertaken as per the defined road alignment and community structure, utility and road furniture shifting plan.  The road land width shall be clearly demarcated on the ground.  The utility and community structure shifting shall be as per plan and with consultations and concurrence of the community.  Tree felling shall be limited to those which could not be saved even by design measures. The tree shall be cut with a permission of Forest Department. The vegetable cover shall be removed and disposed in consultation with community.  All public utilities shall be shifted with a concurrence of respective agencies/authority and to the adjacent location approved by them. The top soils shall be collected and preserved for reuse as a base for turfing of embankment slopes or development of barren areas along roadside. The top soil shall be preserved at identified location with the provision of watering /grass development on the heap surface to prevent air pollution.

7. Cut and Fill and Embankment construction

116. Impact: Inadequate alignment planning may increase the cut and fill requirement as well as need for more borrow earth for embankment formation leading to some impact on land use. Inadequate provision for drainage and embankment slop protection may lead to soil erosion. Due consideration is given to above aspect for alignment finalization of sample road. With the adoption of appropriate mitigation measures, the impact due to above activity on land use and other environmental component is expected to be minimal.

117. Mitigation Measures: The alignment design shall consider options to minimize excessive cuts and fills. The cut and fill quantities shall be used for embankment to minimize borrow earth requirement. The design shall be as per relevant IRC provisions for cut and fill, slope protection and drainage. Adequate provision shall be made for cross drainage structures for maintaining natural drainage pattern in the subproject area and preventing soil erosion. The top soil of the cut and fill area shall be used for embankment slope protection.

8. Establishment of Construction Camp, Temporary office and Storage Area

118. Impact: The congregation of labor population and technical staff in the subproject area during the construction phase will put considerable stress on the limited resources of village areas. Some of the associated impacts are related to health, safety of the laborers at the construction campsites, availability of safe drinking water, and sanitation.

119. The establishment of construction camp temporary office and storage area will reduce land productivity if these are established on agricultural land. Loading and unloading of construction material, transportation of material, handling of fuel and waste disposal from these areas may have direct and indirect impact on soil, water and air quality

120. Mitigation Measures: The following steps shall be taken to minimize/reduce these impacts:

 Construction campsites shall be located away from any local human settlements (minimum 500m away) and preferably located on lands, which are not productive


barren/waste lands presently. Similarly temporary office and storage areas shall be located away from human settlement areas (minimum 500 m).  The construction camps, office and storage areas shall have adequate water supply, sanitation and all requisite infrastructure facilities. This would minimize dependence of construction personnel on outside resources, presently being used by local populace and minimize undesirable social friction thereof.  The construction camps shall be located at a minimum 5 km from forest land/areas to deter the construction labor in trespassing. Similarly, temporary office and storage areas shall be located at a minimum 1 km from forest land/areas.  The construction camps, office and storage areas shall have septic tank/soak pit of adequate capacity so that it can function properly for the entire duration of its use.  All construction camps shall have rationing facilities particularly for kerosene/LPG so that dependence on firewood for cooking is avoided completely to the extent possible.  The construction camps, office and storage areas shall have health care facilities for adults, pregnant women and children.  All construction personnel shall be subjected to routine vaccinations and other preventive/healthcare measures.  Contractor shall arrange all personal protective equipment (PPEs) like helmet, boots, and earplugs for workers, first-aid and fire fighting equipment at construction sites. An emergency plan shall be prepared to fight with any emergency like fire.  Garbage bins must be provided in the camp and regularly emptied and disposed off in a hygienic manner. Domestic solid waste shall be disposed of in a control manner. The recyclable waste shall be sold off and non saleable and biodegradable waste shall be disposed through secured land filling.  All fuel oil/lubricant unloading and storage shall be made on the paved areas away from storm water drainage.  After completion of construction work, the camp /temporary office/storage areas sites shall be restored to its original condition.

9. Traffic Movement

121. Impact: Construction work along the existing road could cause disturbances to traffic movements. It will also pose risk of accident to motorist at night if these blockages and disruption are not clearly demarcated.

122. Mitigation Measures: The contractor will prepare appropriate traffic diversion scheme, which shall be implemented in different stretches of the road as per the progress of the construction work. This plan shall be approved by PIU and implemented np later than 15 calendar days before the start of any construction work on a specific section to avoid any inconvenience to the present road users. The diversion plan should ensure smooth flow of traffic; minimize accidents to road users during construction works. Adequate signboards shall be placed much ahead of diversion site to caution the road users. The road signs should be bold and visible and retro reflective in nature for day and night visibility.

B. Associated Impacts due to Construction Activities


1. Loss of productive soil, erosion and land-use

123. Impact: No land use will change due to the project, since required ROW is available throughout the alignment. Land use though will change temporarily of construction camp, temporary office storage areas for the period of construction. This will also result in loss of soil productivity. Soil erosion may take place along steep and un-compacted embankment slope, and wherever vegetation is cleared. Soil erosion may have cumulative effect viz. siltation, embankment damage, drainage clogging etc. The siltation, due to soil erosion may occur only in the ponds located close to the roads. Loss of soil due to run off from earth stockpiles may also lead to siltation. Land use may also change due to borrowing the earth.

124. Mitigation Measures: It shall be ensured that the land taken on lease for access road, construction camp, and temporary office of the storage facilities, is restored back to its original land use before handing it over back to land owner. The top soil from the productive land (borrow areas, road widening areas etc.) shall be preserved and reused for plantation purposes. It shall also be used as top cover of embankment slope for growing vegetation to protect soil erosion. The topography of in all the sample is plain in nature. Therefore, cut and fill shall be planned as per IRC provisions and rural road manual. All steep cuts shall be flattened and benched. Shrubs shall be planted in loose soil area. IRC: 56 -1974 recommended practice for treatment of embankment slopes for erosion control shall be taken into consideration. Soil erosion shall be visually checked on slopes and embankment areas. If soil erosion observed, suitable measures shall be taken to control it.

2. Borrow Areas and Quarries

125. Impact: Borrow areas if left un-rehabilitated may pose risk to people, particularly children and animals of accidentally falling into it. This may also become potential breeding ground for mosquitoes and vector born disease. Illegal quarrying may lead to unstable soil condition; destroy the landscape of the terrain, air and noise pollution.

126. Mitigation Measures: Borrowing earth from agricultural land shall be minimized to the extent possible. Further, no earth shall be borrowed from already low-lying areas. The borrow earth shall be sourced from identified locations and with prior permission of landowner and with clear understanding for its rehabilitation. The Indian Road Congress (IRC):10-1961 guideline should be used for selection of borrow pits and quantity that can be borrowed. The borrow area shall be located/ rehabilitated as per the guidelines given at Appendix 4. Fly ash shall also be used in road embankment as per IRC guidelines wherever thermal power plant is located within 100 km of the road alignment. The stone aggregate shall be sourced from existing licensed quarries only. The quarry should have requisite consent to operate from State Pollution Control Board. No new quarry shall be opened for the proposed project.

3. Hydrology and Drainage

127. Impact: The activities involved with proposed road development may alter the hydrology and drainage pattern of the area in absence of adequate provision for cross drainage structure, construction wastes disposal and drainage in habitat areas.

128. None of the sample roads is crossing any natural stream except L030-Kakhadi to Routraypur road in Cuttack district, which crosses Sapua Nallah. No flooding is reported from this river except stagnation of water along the road. Certain subproject roads are cross local and


seasonal drains. Village ponds are also located close to few roads. As such impact on hydrology and drainage pattern is expected to be minimal.

129. Mitigation Measures: The provision of adequate cross drainage structures shall be made to ensure smooth passage of water and maintaining natural drainage pattern of the area. The discharge capacity of the CD structure shall be designed accordingly. The construction work shall be planned in dry season so that water quality of the water channel is not affected due to siltation. Elaborate drainage system shall be provided to drain the storm water from the roadway and embankment and to ensure minimum disturbance to natural drainage of surface and subsurface water of the area. Provision of additional cross drainage structures shall be made in the areas where nearby land is sloping towards road alignment in both the both sides.

130. Provision of CC road construction in habitat area with drainage of both side of the road shall be made as per the design specifications and with adequate slope to prevent any water logging.

4. Compaction and Contamination of Soil

131. Impact: Soil in the adjoining productive lands beyond the ROW, haulage roads, and construction camp area may be compacted due to movement of construction vehicles, machineries, equipments and construction camps/storage facilities. It may get contaminated due to inappropriate disposal of liquid waste, (lubricating oil and fuel spills, waste oil and lubricant and vehicle/equipment washing effluent) and solid waste (fuel filters, oily rags) likely to be generated from repair and maintenance of transport vehicles, construction equipment and machinery.

132. Mitigation Measures: To prevent soil compaction in the adjoining productive lands beyond the ROW, the movement of construction vehicles, machinery and equipment shall be restricted to the designated haulage route. The productive land shall be reclaimed after construction activity. Septic tank or mobile toilets fitted with anaerobic treatment facility shall be provided at construction camp/temporary office/storage areas. Domestic solid waste at construction camp shall be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. The non-biodegradable and recyclable waste shall be sold off. Fuel and lubricants shall be stored at the predefined storage location. The storage area shall be paved with gentle slope to a corner and connected with a chamber to collect any spills of the oils. All efforts shall be made to minimize the waste generation. Unavoidable waste shall be stored at the designated place prior to disposal. To avoid soil contamination at the wash-down and re-fuelling areas, “oil interceptors” shall be provided. Oil and grease spill and oil soaked materials are to be collected and stored in labelled containers (Labelled: WASTE OIL; and hazardous sign be displayed) and sold off to SPCB/ MoEF authorized re-refiners.

5. Construction Debris and Wastes

133. Impact: Uncontrolled disposal of debris and waste may create unhygienic and unsafe condition around the disposal areas.

134. Mitigation Measures: All excavated materials from roadway, shoulders, verges, drains, cross drainage shall be used for embankments formation if feasible, filling pits, and landscaping. Unusable debris material should be suitably disposed off at pre-designated disposal locations, with approval of the concerned authority. The bituminous wastes shall be disposed in secure landfill sites only in environmentally accepted manner. MORTH guidelines shall be followed for debris, wastes removal and disposal at unproductive/wastelands which shall be selected with the 41

consent of villagers and Panchayat. The dumping site should be of adequate capacity and to be located away from residential areas (at least 1,000 m away). It should also be located away from water bodies to prevent any contamination of these bodies.

6. Air Quality

135. Impact: The potential sources of air emission during the construction phase of the project are given below which can cause localised air pollution:

136. Dust from earth works (during site preparation).

 Emissions from the operation of construction equipment and machines.  Fugitive emissions from vehicles plying on the road, during the transport of construction materials.  Emissions other than dust particularly from the hot mix plants and laying of bitumen. Hot mix plant will generate carbon monoxide (CO), un-burnt hydrocarbon (HC), sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate matters (PM), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions.  Localized increased traffic congestion in construction areas. Most of the emissions will be in the form of coarse particulate matter, which will settle down in close vicinity of construction site. This may affect the air quality of nearby areas, especially, due to emission discharge from low height of the stack.

137. Mitigation Measures: All these impacts will be temporary and hence, no significant impact is envisaged. The following measures will be taken to minimize these:

 Vehicles delivering loose and fine materials like sand and aggregates shall be covered.  Dust suppression measures like water sprinkling, shall be applied in all dust prone locations such as unpaved haulage roads, earthworks, stockpiles and asphalt mixing plant areas.  Mixing plants and asphalt (hot mix) plants shall be located at least 0.5 km away and in downwind direction of the human settlements.  Material storage areas shall also be located downwind of the habitation area.  Hot mix plant shall be fitted with stack of adequate height (30 m) or as may be prescribed by state pollution control board (SPCB) to ensure enough dispersion of exit gases. Consent to establish and operate shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Board and comply with all consent conditions.  Diesel Generating (DG) sets shall also be fitted with stack of adequate height. Low sulphur diesel shall be used in DG sets and other construction machineries. Construction vehicles and machineries shall be periodically maintained.  The requisite PPE (helmet, mask, boot, hand gloves) shall be provided to the construction workers.

7. Noise Quality

138. Impact: Ambient noise level may increase temporarily in the close vicinity of various construction activities, maintenance workshops, vehicles movement and earthmoving equipment.

139. Mitigation Measures: The noise level will be intermittent and temporary and will attenuate fast with increase in distance from noise source. Further, vehicles and equipment should be fitted


with silencers and maintained regularly. The workers shall be provided with personal protection devices such as earplugs and earmuffs.

8. Groundwater and Surface Water Quality and Availability

140. Impact: Water will be required for compaction of formation and domestic purposes in the workers camp. These requirements will be mainly sourced from groundwater. Any uncontrolled abstraction of ground water can deplete the ground water table. Contamination of groundwater is not envisaged since all construction camps will have septic tanks or mobile toilets depending on the number of workers in each camp. The drinking water supply to the habitat is primarily through hand pumps and bore wells. No significant impact is anticipated on surface water bodies except probability of siltation during construction. Due to non-perennial nature of surface water bodies, water requirements for drinking and construction purpose shall be met from ground water sources.

141. Mitigation Measures: Requisite permission shall be obtained for abstraction of groundwater from State Ground Water Board/Central Ground Water Authority13 if applicable. The contractor shall arrange for water required during construction in such a way that the water availability and supply to nearby communities remains unaffected. Water intensive activities shall not be undertaken during summer period to the extent feasible. Provision shall be made to link side drains with the nearby ponds for facilitating water harvesting. Where ponds are not available, the water harvesting pits shall be constructed as per the requirement and rainfall intensity. Measures are already purposed in earlier section for prevention of siltation in water bodies.

9. Biological Environment

142. Impact: Since the sample roads are not passing through any protected areas or forest area, there is no diversion of forest land. The major adverse impacts will be due to tree cutting, Siltation and contamination of water bodies may affect the aquatic life. Since the aquatic life is minimal and no significant impact is anticipated on aquatic life.

143. Mitigation Measures: All efforts shall be taken to avoid tree cutting wherever possible. Requisite permission from forest department shall be obtained for cutting of roadside trees. Compensatory Afforestation shall be made on 1:3. ratio basis. Additional trees shall be planted wherever feasible. All care shall be taken to avoid siltation/contamination of water bodies. Movement of herbivores like cattle, goats, and cows have been observed in the surrounding agriculture fields. Disturbance to these animals will be avoided to the extent possible.

10. Impact on Common Property Resources

144. Impact: There are public utilities like electric transformers, electric poles, and hand pumps all along the project rural roads. The road construction may require shifting of these utilities. There are many community structures like school, playground village office temples.

145. Mitigation Measures: All efforts are made to minimize shifting of common utilities and community structures. ROW has been reduced in constricted areas with appropriate engineering measures to minimize land acquisition and shifting of community structures. The community structures/utilities which can not be saved will be shifted to adjacent area with the concurrence and in consultation with community.


11. Chance find artifacts

146. Impact: The project entails risk/damage to cultural properties and has likelihood of chance-finds.

147. Mitigation Measures: The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 requires the protection of all cultural and historical remains found in the project area. The contractor will ensure that none of the ancient monuments and archeological sites of importance are not affected due to the proposed project road and all construction related activities shall necessarily avoid such sites. All chance find artifacts shall be owned by the state and upon discovery all works around the area will cease and the Contractor will seek further guidance from the PIU and PIC. The Contractor will secure the discovery site.

C. Common Impacts during Operation Phase

1. Air Quality

148. Impact: Decrease in air quality due to increase in traffic, idling at congestions.

149. Mitigation Measures: The bad road condition is the main cause of poor air pollution at present along the project roads. The improved road conditions will result in the improved ambient air quality. Also, the subproject road is largely traversing through vast open agriculture areas, which will provide adequate dispersion to gaseous pollutants, generated from vehicles and will offset the increased pollutants.

2. Noise

150. Impact: During the operational phase, movement of traffic will be the prime source of noise. Traffic congestion and pedestrian interferences increase the use of horns. This may result in increased noise levels at habitat areas, nearby schools and religious places.

151. Mitigation Measures: Awareness signboard shall be provided for safe driving near the habitat areas. Speed limitation and honking restrictions may be enforced near sensitive locations.

3. Land, Soil, Tree Plantation

152. Impact: The better access can lead to conversion of agriculture land for residential and commercial purposes close to roads, which may result in loss of productive land and agricultural produce. Since the rural road are aimed at connecting the villages, and with the general trend of migration of rural population to urban areas, the phenomena of conversion of agriculture land to residential area is unlikely to change.

153. The land occupied for construction camp /temporary office/material storage area will remain unproductive if it is not restored after completion of construction activities.

154. Since the habitat in the project area is already modified and the only vegetation that will be planted are the trees for purposes of compensatory plantation, it will be essential to ensure the survivability of the compensatory tree planted

155. Mitigation Measures It shall be ensured that all construction camp/temporary office/material storage areas are restored to its original conditions. The borrow area rehabilitation


will also be ensured as per the agreed plan with the landowner. Contractor and PIC will ensure the same and obtained clearance from PIU before handling over the site to SRRDA.

156. The PIC will undertake survivability assessment and report to PIU the status of compensatory tree plantation at a stage of completion of construction with recommendation for improving the survivability of the tree if required.

4. Groundwater

157. No impact is anticipated on groundwater due to the project during operation phase, hence, no specific mitigation is proposed.

5. Hydrology and Drainage

158. Impact: Water accumulation incidence may occur due to inadequate availability of cross drainage structure or clogging of cross drainage structures.

159. Mitigation Measures: Regular removal/cleaning of deposited silt shall be done from drainage channels and outlet points before the monsoon season. Rejuvenation of the drainage system by removing encroachments/ congestions shall be regularly conducted.

6. Socioeconomic Impact

160. Assessment of project impact on socioeconomic conditions point to the conclusions that positive benefits are many fold compared to its adverse impact.

161. Positive Impacts: The better road access is likely to contribute the overall economic condition of village community. With the quick access to urban market areas, the farmers are likely to get better prices for their farm produce. Children will also be able to access the school and education facilities in the near by urban areas.

162. Safety Measures shall be adopted as per NRRDA guidelines. Some of them are highlighted below :

 Speed breakers (rumble strips) as per IRC: 99-1988 shall be provided at sharp corves design and bends where the curve design speed is less than 40 km per hour in plain in rolling terrain.  Speed breakers shall also be provided at a threshold of habitation (as per NRRDA guidelines) at regular intervals (150-200 m) through habitation.  The speed breakers are provided and directional sight boards installed at sites where reverse horizontal curves are closely spaced and speed reduction is required.  Hazard markers to be installed at each end of all box culverts, river crossing causeways and similar CD structures  Shoulder side slopes shall not be steeper than 2h: 1v unless stone pitching of the slopes is provided.  Cement concrete pavement and V-shaped drain is constructed to the full width of the available roadway within densely populated habitation.  Directional sight board are installed on all sharp curves and bends  At main road, intersection or crossing “STOP” sign and ‘T-intersection’ warning sign shall be installed on the village road. 45

7. Road Specific Impacts

163. The assessment of sample roads indicates that environmental issue associated with all the roads are similar. Hence, mitigation measures applicable to all the road are also will be similar except variation in terms of magnitude which will depend on length of the road, the presence various environmental components. These components may be assessed in terms of no of pond, number of community structure (mostly temples, playground, school, gram Panchayat office) likely to be shifted, number and type of common utilities (hand pump, water tank, electric transformer, electrical poles).

D. Climate Change Impacts and Risks

1. Climate Change Mitigation

164. The Transport Emissions Evaluation Model for Projects (TEEMP) is an excel based tool to assess CO2 gross emissions without (business as usual or BAU) and with the project improvements (with project scenario or WPS). The tool, which was developed by Clean Air Asia and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, was funded by ADB. The main improvement from the project that was considered for the model are better surface roughness with less than 2.5m/km, and improved traffic speed and hence less fuel consumption. The model has also been used for CO2 emission assessment during construction stage. The model also allows for the inclusion of impacts related to traffic congestion with and without project through provisions for inserting data on the traffic numbers, lane width, number of lanes and volume/capacity saturation limit. The model also computes for emission and emission intensity of PM and NOx.

165. The following information were used to project CO2 emissions for Tranche 1 of the Facility:

a. RCIP 2 subprojects in Odisha state will upgrade 464 rural roads with a total length of 2012.30 km; b. Road improvements will be confined to the existing one-lane 3.75-m road right-of- way, with lined storm water drains for stretches passing through built-up areas, waterlogged/water overtopping, and flood prone area; and c. Road roughness will improve from the current 8.0 m/km to 2.5 m/km.

166. Traffic forecasts were generated from the economic analysis for each road section, disaggregated into vehicle types and share to the annual average daily traffic (AADT). The cumulative AADT for the state is indicated in Table 12.

Table 12. AADT Composition Vehicle Type Percentage Motorized Two-wheeler 68.23 Three-wheeler 6.52 Car/Jeep/Van 13.26 Multi-axle 11.42 Bus 0.57 Two-axle - Total (motorized) 100 Non-motorized


Vehicle Type Percentage Bicycle 93.22 Bullock cart 6.78 Total (non-motorized) 100.00

167. There are 464 rural roads with a total length of 2012.30 km proposed in Chhattisgarh, and with a carriageway width of 3.75m. Road capacity of 7,200 PCU/lane/day for rural roads was adopted for the project. The design life of the roads is 15 years.

168. Emission factors were taken from CBCP/ MOEF Draft Report on Emission Factor Development for Indian Vehicles (2007) and the Automotive Research Association of India.

Table 13: CO2 Emission Factors Vehicle Type Gasoline (kg/liter) Diesel (kg/liter) LPG (kg) 2-wheeler 1.37 3-wheeler 2.12 2.63 3.0 Car 2.24 2.59 Multi-axle 3.21 Bus 3.61 2-axle 3.50

169. To account for construction emission, the amount of emission per km was estimated. For rural roads, the emission factor for rural road in India (kg CO2/km) was estimated at 48.4 tons/km4. These emissions were from construction materials used (aggregates/base materials, cement, bitumen and emulsion), and fuel used for transporting construction materials.

170. Total annual emissions without the project (business as usual) at the middle of the design life of 7.5 years is estimated at 50,994.84 tons/year and with project scenario is estimated at 48,888.70 tons/year, for all 464 roads proposed for Tranche 1 of RCIP 2. The with project scenario is still far below the 100,000 tons per year threshold set in the ADB SPS 2009 and therefore not required to implement options to reduce or offset CO2 emissions.

2. Climate Risks and Adaptation Needs

171. Climate risks in the State were identified following both top down and bottom up approaches. Under the top down approach changes of key climate parameters, mainly temperature and precipitation were projected for 2050 using an ensemble of Global Climate Models (GCMs). Given the projected variations of temperature and precipitation the project roads were screened for various types of climate risks specific to the State of Madhya Pradesh. Climate risk maps based on information from the GCMs were created for the project area using Geographic Information System (GIS) maps. After overlaying the road locations on climate risk maps, main risks identified for the project roads was flooding and landslides triggered by precipitation. The study reports that although the overall climate change risk level identified by the exercise was found to be low, the key risk identified was flooding due to increased precipitation intensity and increased storminess.

172. Key engineering measures taken to address the risk of flooding in the design of Madhya Pradesh district roads included: (a) Increase in road embankment height in flood prone areas/sections; (b) Improvement and provision of lined longitudinal and cross drains and new

4 47

culverts; (c) Improvement and new construction of minor and major bridges; (d) Bridge heights to have a height of 0.6m above HFL for minor bridges and 0.9m above HFL for major bridges; and (e) Flood return period of 50 years for minor bridges and 100 years for major bridges to address overall climate change risks.

173. Provisions have also been made in the bidding documents for the contractor to prepare EMPs based on the final detailed design to address climate related risks and vulnerabilities.



A. Environmental Management Plan

174. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is prepared to facilitate effective implementation of recommended mitigations measures with defined roles and responsibility for implementation and monitoring, regulatory compliance requirements, stages of implementation with location, timeframe and costs. The mitigation measures are proposed to eliminate or minimize the identified impact associated with design, construction and operation stages of the project, to acceptable level by adopting the most feasible options.

175. The EMP is prepared as per Environmental Management Standard (ECOP) applicable to rural road defined be ADB in the EARF for second RCIP.

176. The identified impacts are mostly related to clearing operations of RoW, traffic diversions, setting and operation of construction camps, quarry and borrowing operations, transportation of materials, construction of cross drainage structures, air and noise pollution due to construction activities and operation of construction equipment, tree cutting and shifting of utilities and physical community structure.

177. Appropriate mitigation measures are identified for all rural road construction and operation activities. The identified impacts associated with rural roads and mitigative measures are largely common to most of the roads. The EMP is detailed at Appendix 5. It provides action common to all roads at pre construction, construction and operation stage. Since IEE is carried out prior to preparation of DPR, the EMP will be updated specific to road as per DPR requirements by PIU and included with DPR which shall be available to contractor at the time of bidding. The areas to be updated as per DPR provisions are highlighted under location column of EMP.

178. Since, these are rural road, the vehicular density and speed will be low. Movement of vehicles would be confined primarily for transfer of agricultural produce to market places. As such, no major emergency is anticipated. In any accidental eventuality, local administration can be reached quickly for help though Gram Panchayat (village administration) communication systems.

B. Environmental Monitoring Plan

179. The environmental monitoring program aims to assess the the environmental performance of environmental management plan. The EMOP will:

 assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures,  assess the change in environmental quality during construction and operation stages,  assess compliance to regulatory requirements, and  monitor the status of corrective action taken in case of deviation from the planned measures or regulatory requirements.

180. For rural roads, EMoP will rely more on visual observation during pre construction aspects14, construction stage and operation stage. A monitoring plan with monitoring indicator and frequency of monitoring is given in Appendix 6.


C. Institutional Arrangements and Responsibilities

1. Institutional Arrangement

181. NRRDA constituted by MORD is the nodal agency for the implementation of PMGSY in India. SRRDA is the state level agency responsible for implementation of PMGSY program in the state. NRRDA has developed various guidelines and defined institutional arrangements for effective and timely implementation of PMGSY program, which also covers measures for environmental and social safeguards. In line with the defined institutional requirements, each SRRDA has set up district level project implementation units (PIUs). NRRDA also appoints Technical Support Consultant (TSC) to provide technical support for capacity building in SRRDA/PIUs, facilitating them for environmental and social safeguard compliance monitoring and due diligence. SRRDA appoints PIC (project implementation consultant) for supervision of construction work. PIC also helps PIU in monitoring the EMP.

182. NRRDA is also responsible to coordinate with SRRDA and ensure compliance to ADB safeguard requirements.

183. The institutional arrangement at National Level and state level for implementation of PMGSY including second RCIP is shown at Figure 18.

D. Institutional Environmental Responsibilities

184. The institutional environmental responsibilities for different level and function are elaborated below.

 MORD15 the executing agency has the responsibility for monitoring implementation of the EMP for all subprojects and undertaking necessary due diligence. MORD ensure this through its Nodal Agency NRRDA (National Rural Road Development Agency). MORD will alsoensure that:  ADB is given access to undertake environmental due diligence for all subprojects, if and when needed as per EARF requirements  SRRDA meet all environmental assessment requirements in accordance with EARF It undertakes random monitoring of the implementation of the EMP  Ensure compliance to legislative requirements such as forest clearance for diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes and Consent to Establish/Operate for hot mix plant, batching plant  Appoint Technical Support Consultant (TSC) to assist SRRDA for various environmental aspect and safeguard compliances

185. SRRDA16 will ensure that:

 ECOP checklist is prepared for each road;  The completed ECOP checklist is included in the DPR with the help of PIC;  Ensure that all required statutory environmental clearances are obtained and comply with clearance conditions;


Ministry of Rural Development (MORD), ADB Government of India

National Rural Roads Development Authority (NRRDA) Project Implementation Authority (National Level)

Technical Support State Rural Development Agency Consultants (TSC) (State Level) Appointed by NRRDA

Project Implementation Unit Environmental (PIU) Expert of TSC (District Level)

Second RCIP roads Project Implementation Consultant (PIC)

Contractor Environmental Officer (EO) (Provided by PIC –One Part Time/ full Time on need basis) or appointed by SRRDA

Implementation of EMP Monitoring Implementation of EMP

Figure 18: Institutional Arrangement for EMP Implementation

 Ensure that the subproject specific EMPs and respective budget are included in the bidding documents;  Ensure that the ECOP checklists and EMP (including general and site specific issues) are made available to the contractors; 51

 Undertake routine monitoring of the implementation of the EMP including spot checks on site and prepare monitoring reports at least once a year;  With the support of technical support consultants prepare satisfactory environmental due diligence reports of the earlier tranche/periodic financing request before implementing the next tranche; and  Appoint Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) for construction supervision and assist PIUs for EMP implementation and related safeguard compliances.

186. PIU will be responsible to:

 Complete the ECOP checklists and prepare subproject specific EMPs (including monitoring plan) for each subproject;  Obtain necessary statutory environmental clearance prior to commencement of civil works;  Update the respective ECOP checklists and EMPs if there are any changes in alignment of the subprojects;  To conduct monitoring of all subprojects and prepare pre-, during and postconstruction monitoring checklists through the project implementation consultants, and  Prepare and submit to SRRDA annual monitoring report as per ADB defined format.

187. The Technical Support Consultants (TSC) appointed by NRRDA. The Environmental Expert of TSC:

 Will provide technical assistance to SRRDA/PIU regarding environmental aspects, environmental permitting/clearances requirement;  Periodically review EMP implementation status including spot site inspections;  Conduct workshops/capacity building program at different level and functions;  Prepare environmental Due Diligence report for each tranche before implementing next tranche;  Prepare state Level IEE reports and EMPs for non-sample roads based on the ECOP checklist completed by the PIC;

188. Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) is appointed by SRRDA. PIC will provide one Environmental Officer (EO). The EO will be responsible to ensure adherence and implementation of EMP at all stages of works by the contractor. The EO, if found warranting may also conduct field tests, independent of the contractor to determine the effectiveness of EMP under approval of PIC/PIU. The broad duties / responsibilities of the Environmental Officer will include:

 Review of project design and specifications to ensure their adequacy and suitability with respect to the implementation of EMP;  Collection and dissemination of relevant environmental documents including amendments to environmental protection acts issued by the various agencies, namely, ADB, Government of India / State and local bodies;  Interact with the counterpart of the Contractor(s), review work progress/plans and ensure implementation of the EMP;  Coordination with the NGOs, community groups and Government departments on environmental issues, provide clarifications/ and obtain clearances during project


implementation if any, as required from the regulatory authorities and/or submitting periodic compliance reports as required by the State Authorities;  Monitoring sensitive environmental attributes during construction and operation stages12 to ensure that the suggested mitigation measures in the EMP are implemented. This will also serve as the basis for the annual environmental monitoring reports;  Facilitate PIU for preparation of annual monitoring report as per ADB defined format;  Documentation of the environmental management/monitoring activities for the regular project implementation progress report; which will serve as the basis for the annual environmental monitoring reports; and  Conducting environmental training/awareness programs for the contractors, the project implementation personnel and the communities.

189. Contractor is appointed by SRRDA for construction of road and ensures implementation of EMP proposed. The broad duties of constrictor are as follows:

 Make adequate costs provision for EMP requirements while biding  Ensure effective implementation of mitigative measures as per road specific EMP  Comply with all applicable legislative requirements and obtain necessary consents for to Establish/Operate before start of hot mix plant and batching plants. Comply with al permit conditions  Create awareness amongst workers for environment, occupational health and safety aspects. Participate in training and awareness programme along with its executives conducted by PIC.  Provide PPE and adequate resources for Environment Occupational Health and Safety  Follow all the guidelines for borrowing earth and restoration of borrow areas, setting up construction camps  Sourcing of quarry material from approved quarries only  Provide all required input to PIC for environmental monitoring as per EMP.

E. Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) for second RCIP

190. ADB has prepared an Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) which identifies the broad scope of the MFF, outlines the policy, environmental screening and assessment, and institutional requirements for preparing the environmental assessments to be followed for subsequent batches and tranches. This EARF also specifies criteria for eligibility for selection rural roads under second RCIP. The sample roads are selected following these criteria. The EMP, monitoring requirement, institutional aspects, capacity building, grievance redress mechanism presented in this chapter are developed in line with above EARF. The eligibility criteria for selection of roads under second RCIP, environmental assessment requirement for each tranche and legal framework are given below:

1. Selection Criteria and Environmental Assessment Requirement

191. The following criteria will be followed for selection of non-sample roads.

 No Category A (as per ADB’s SPS) subproject will be included in the MFF. 53

 Subprojects will be eligible for construction or upgrading in accordance with the PMGSY guidelines, and be included in the respective district core network.  The subprojects shall not disturb any cultural heritage designated by the Government or by international agencies, such as UNESCO, and shall avoid any monuments of cultural or historical importance.  The subproject will not pass through any designated wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, other sanctuaries, notified ecological sensitive areas or area of internationally significance (e.g., protected wetland designated by the Wetland Convention).  The projects shall only involve activities that follow Government of India laws and regulations, ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009)

192. The following environmental assessment requirement will be followed roads included under second RCIP:

 ECOP checklists with annexes on trees, utility structures, community structures, strip plans and photographs will be completed for each and every road.  Based on the requirements of the PMGSY guidelines separate ECOP checklists will be prepared for bridges that are longer than 15 m.  Based on the completed ECOP checklists for roads and bridges, IEE reports will be prepared at a state level. These reports must contain a general EMP and a site specific EMP where there are site specific issues.  ADB’s REA checklist for roads and highways will be completed based on the state level IEE reports prepared and submitted to ADB to confirm categorization.

193. The vulnerable to climate change will also be screened following screening checklists, which was integrated in the ADB REA Checklists and corresponding mitigation measures will be prepared.

 Is the project area subject to hazards such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, tropical cyclone winds, storm surges, tsunami or volcanic eruptions and climate changes?  Could changes in precipitation patterns or evaporation rates over the lifespan of the project affect its sustainability and cost (i.e., increased landslides increase maintenance costs)?  Does the project use or depend on resources which could be affected by climate changes such as changes in temperature, precipitation, wind (increased soil moisture content in the sub-grade)?  Are there any demographic or socioeconomic aspects of the subproject and project area (e.g., population growth, settlement patterns) that increase the vulnerability of the project and surrounding area?  Could the subproject potentially increase the vulnerability of the surrounding area (i.e., by increasing runoff, encouraging settlement in earthquake zones)?

2. Legal Framework

194. As per Indian legislation, an environmental clearance is not required for rural roads. However, it may attract provisions of Forest Conservation Act, Wildlife (Protection) Act, and other legislation related with Air, Water and Noise pollution controls and prevention. The legislative applicability screening is presented in chapter I of this report and it will apply for nonsample road


as well. Additionally, to ensure conformance to SPS 2009, the subprojects will be subject to the following requirements:

 Submission of a completed Rapid Environment Assessment (REA) checklist for Roads and Highways and a categorization form for each state level IEE that is prepared.  An Initial Environmental Examination13 (IEE) report including the preparation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and a Monitoring Plan.  Regular monitoring of implementation of the EMP and submission of monitoring reports and due diligence reports to ADB as necessary.

F. Capacity Building

195. Existing capacity of the State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) and Project Implementation Units (PIUs) for implementing environmental safeguard issues need substantial strengthening. Capacity building activities will mainly comprise training workshops for SRRDA and PIU environmental officers on (i) completion of environmental code of practice (ECOP) checklists; (ii) preparation of environmental management plan (EMP) and monitoring plans; (iii) monitoring of EMP implementation and completion of pre-, during and postconstruction monitoring checklists; and (iv) preparation of monitoring reports. These few workshops have already been conducted at participating states though ADB officials and TSC experts. Additional training will be carried out periodically, by in-house trained and experienced officials.

G. Consultation and Information Disclosure

196. During the preparation of ECOP and Detailed Project Report (DPR), the PIU has to ensure consultation, and addressal of concerns of the affected people.

197. All environmental assessment documents are subject to ADB’s Public Communication Policy (2011) and will be made available to the public, upon request. The SRRDAs are responsible for ensuring that all environmental checklist documentation, including the environmental due diligence and monitoring reports, are properly and systematically kept as part of the Investment Program specific records. MORD must disclose state specific sample road IEE reports on its website.

H. Grievance Redress Mechanism

198. Subproject Level. Public disclosure and complaints contact person will be designated by the PIU for each subproject to help address all concerns and grievances of the local communities and affected parties. Contact details will form part of the subproject identification display board that will be placed at both ends of the rural road being constructed.

199. Village Level. If there are environmental issues concerning road subprojects, community consultation process that is transparent, gender responsive and accessible to all stakeholders, in accordance with PMGSY guidelines and SPS 2009 will be conducted. Grievances, if any, will be considered at the village level by the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) consisting of members of Gram Panchayat, and Pradhan / Up-Pradhan of Gram Panchayat. The GRC will meet for addressing grievances as needed.

200. District Level. Grievances not resolved at the village level will be addressed through the district level GRC, with the following members: 55

(i) Executive Engineer of the PIU; (ii) Member of Zilla Parishad; (iii) Member of the grievance committee of the concerned GP; and (iv) Representatives of APs will be active participants in the proceedings of grievance redressal.

201. Grievance procedures, which can be easily understood by stakeholders, and preferably in the local language, will be disseminated to affected communities. Issues need to be resolved prior to awarding of civil work contract.

202. National Level. NRRDA has made provision of registering complaint /suggestion through its website. NRRDA forwards these complains to concerned SRRDA for necessary actions. SRRDA directly or through concerned PIU initiate the appropriate action and update the complainant as well as NRRDA. It is proposed that NRRDA website will be cross-linked to each SRRDA website as well or SRRDA will also make provision of complain registry at its website.

203. The following indicative timeline to resolve grievances at different levels will be observed: Subproject level – 3 days; Village level – 1 week; District level – 1 week; and National level – 2 weeks. GRM related costs, which mostly include travel expenses and meeting related expenses such as refreshments, will be covered by PIU. The GRC meetings will only be convened onlyif and when necessary. Hence, GRC members will not be required to be present in all times during project implementation. Cost for other activities such as recording complaints, minutes of meetings, preparing reports, etc., will be carried out by the PIU / PIC. Complainant has the option to resort to legal redress at any stage.



A. General

204. Public consultation was undertaken consistent with the ADB requirements. All the five principles of information dissemination, information solicitation, integration, coordination and engagement into dialogue were incorporated in the consultation process. A framework of different environmental impacts likely from the project was strengthened and modified based on opinions of all those consulted, especially in the micro level by setting up dialogues with the village people from whom information on site facts and prevailing conditions were collected.

205. Stakeholder’s consultations were held from March to June 2017. Stakeholders’, including women, were consulted to understand their concerns, apprehensions, overall opinion and solicit recommendations to improve project design. Informal meetings, interviews were organized covering the entire project stretch. The informal consultation generally started with explaining the subprojects, followed by an explanation to potential impacts. Participant’s views were gathered with regard to loss of agricultural land, shifting of utilities, shifting of common cultural properties, effect on air and noise quality of the area due to traffic, water availability, accident and risk.

206. The discussions were designed to receive maximum inputs from the participants regarding their acceptability and environmental concerns arising out of the subproject. They were given the brief outline of the project to which their opinion was sought. Suggestions were also sought for mitigating any potential adverse impact.

B. Compliance with Relevant Regulatory Requirements

207. In India, public consultation is mandatory in case of Category A and B1 category Projects17 in select conditions. Being a category B project as per ADB Safeguards Policy Statement 2009, consultation was carried out during the early stage of IEE report preparation. The requirement of public consultation during the implementation of the project has been proposed as part of the mitigation plan. This will involve regular communications between the PIU, PIC and the grievance redressal committee’s and community leaders. Consultations carried out and grievances addressed will be recorded in the annual environmental monitoring report which will be submitted for disclosure on the ADB website.

C. Beneficiaries’ Comments

208. The project has immense acceptability among the local people. They perceived that in addition to providing all weather connectivity, the subproject road would bring positive socioeconomic changes in the area. Local people mainly discussed on issues related to drainage and commencement of the construction work.

209. Some of the general issues raised during the different consultation sessions are summarized below :

 Construction Camp - The participants did not apprehend any adverse impact due to the construction camp near to their villages. They responded positively towards providing support to these, if required, in terms of any food, water requirements.  Water Logging and Drainage - Participants informed about few low-lying areas where water logging takes place during monsoon season. The villagers requested for provision of adequate cross drainage structures at these locations. 57

 Loss of Livelihood and Income Restoration Options - those who had encroached on the proposed alignment raised this issue. However, they offered the encroached space for the proposed project, if demanded.  Road Safety - Safety issues did not raised concern among the inhabitants including women.  Land Acquisition - People were in full support of the project and were ready to donate their land for the same, if required.  Losses of Idols/Shrines - Participants supported the project and were willing to shift the idols, burial grounds and other religious structures observed at certain locations if required.  Loss of Trees Due to Road Construction - Respondents were of the opinion that trees cutting should be avoided or else minimized. For trees to be cut compensatory plantation should be done. Some villagers expected additional plantation should be carried out. They recommended to plant only local tree species.  Impacts on Health – Villagers do not perceived any impact due to this road project. However, issues pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV- AIDS may be an issue during construction stage however, this aspects are analysed by Social Impact Assessment team separately.  Ambient Air & Noise Quality – The respondents viewed that these are the problems of urban areas and their villages are still untouched from this aspect. They even do not anticipate any of these problems after the completion of the project. However, they do not want increased in pollution during construction phase.  Inconvenience during Construction - The participants viewed that they will manage it, as it will be temporary in nature.  Employment during Construction - The locals expected that they should be given preference in employment during project implementation.  Perceptions and Expectations - The public and the PAPs appreciated need and supported the project fully. Community at large appreciated overall benefits to them resulting from project development;

D. Addressal of Issues

210. The efforts made to address all the issues raised during consultations through design changes/adjustments and environmental best practices. Some of the provisions made under the project to address the issues and concerns of the community are given in Table 14. Consultations with stakeholders will continue throughout project implementation as necessary at different levels, to update and address the concerns of affected people on environment related issues.

Table 14: Addressal of Issues and Concerns under the Project Issue/Concern Addressal under the project Water Logging and Drainage  Adequate cross drainage structures have been planned Road Safety  Adequate safely signage is planned all along the rural road. Land acquisition and Mode of  The proposed RoW is 12m along the rural road. No land compensation acquisition is planned in project road. Loss of roadside idols/shrines  Idols and shrines will be relocated to the other nearby places with consultation and proper rituals Loss of trees  Compensatory Afforestation would be done at the ratio of three trees for each tree to be cut.  Additional tree plantation shall be made wherever feasible


Issue/Concern Addressal under the project Increased pollution levels  Ambient air quality, water quality largely meets the prescribed standard. Al efforts shall be made to prevent pollution.  No construction activity shall be taken at night in village area. Utilities and basic infrastructure  All the effected utilities, electric poles, telephone lines, wells, tube wells etc. shall be relocated under the project cost.  Primary water sources like hand pump and open well should be relocated first if affected. Employment of locals during  Locals will be given preference for employment during the construction project implementation



A. Conclusions

211. The findings of Environment Assessment of sample roads indicate that impacts are mostly similar and subprojects are unlikely to cause any significant environmental impacts. While some of the impacts are negative, there are many bearing benefits to the area. Most of the impacts are likely to occur during construction stage, are temporary in nature, and can be mitigated with minor to negligible residual impacts.

212. The project received immense support from local people, as they perceive that this project will improve the overall connectivity and bring various economic opportunities to the people of the area.

213. All sample roads included under RCIP II were selected based on ecological and climate change consideration defined under EARF. Accordingly, none of the sample roads passes through protected areas or encroaches precious ecology (sensitive or protected areas) or any historical or archeologically protected areas. As per selection guidelines, none of the selected sample road passes through reserved forests either. Few trees cutting though may be involved.

214. Among the sample project roads there are 23 roads which are prone to flood due to river, proximity to rivers or due to accumulation of rainwater in and around project road area. Adequate engineering measures like cross drainage structures, slop stabilisation are proposed for the protection of road from the flood.

215. All the sample roads are aligned with existing village roads and unpaved movement paths. As such, land acquisition is nil or very minimal which is also acquired through donations from villagers.

216. Considering insignificant environmental sensitivity, the project is categorised as category B as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.

217. No categorisation is made under environmental legislation of India, since these small roads do not require any environmental clearance in accordance to Indian Environmental (Protection) Act and Rules, 1986 amended till date. However, clearance from Forest Department will be required for cutting of trees.

218. The impacts identified are mostly related to alignment selection, land clearing, borrowing earth, and cutting of trees, shifting of utilities and community structures, establishment of construction camp or material storage areas, transportation of material and operation of hot mix plant. All identified impacts are either eliminated or minimised through design consideration and suitable mitigative measures.

219. Environmental Management plan covering all stages of road construction (design, construction and operation) is prepared with defined responsibility for its implementation. Environmental Monitoring plan is also prepared to ensure effective implementation of EMPs.

220. NRRDA/SRRDA has defined institutional setup including specified responsibility for environmental management. Existing capacity of the State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) and Project Implementation Units (PIUs) for implementing environmental safeguard issues need substantial strengthening. The capacity enhancement is proposed through focused


workshops and training session. Few workshops have already been conducted at participating states through ADB officials and TSC Experts. Trained and experienced in-house officials should carry out more raining in future periodically.

221. The IEE also indicate that rural road construction works does not warrant further EIA study for subsequent rural road construction works in Odisha.

B. Key Recommendations:

222. Any major changes or any major additional work other than the proposed project activities will require preparation of another environmental assessment. This additional assessment will have to be submitted to NRRDA, Concerned Government authorities and ADB for concurrence before civil works commence.

223. The implementation of prescribed mitigation measures will minimize/avoid the adverse impacts. Moreover, the impacts shall be monitored continually by implementing and updating the Environmental Management plan and Environmental Monitoring Plan.

224. These IEE is prepared based on ECOPs and feasibility stage. Subproject specific EMP shall be improved as per the final provisions made under DPRs. The updated EMP if there is any change shall also be sent to ADB for information.

225. Executing agency shall ensure that EMP and EMoP is included in Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and forms part of bid document and civil works contract. The contractor will specify the quantity and budget for various activities like rehabilitation of borrow earth pits, first aid and sanitation facilities at construction camp and temporary office/material storage place. The same shall be revised if necessary during project implementation or if there is any change in the project design. Any such change shall be reported to ADB as well. Appendix 1 61

APPENDIX 1: DETAILS OF PROPOSED BATCH 3 ROADS IN ODISHA Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. L039-PWD Road to Ambapal via Badamahitala 1 Angul Chendipada 3.00 Natada 2 Angul Pallahara L052-Batisuan Buabada Dhauragotha Road 6.69 3 Angul Pallahara L026-Dalo Jokapani Road 5.52 4 Angul Talcher L046-Karnapur Natedi Road 6.00 5 Angul Talcher L053-Kalamchhuin Solanda Road 3.87 6 Balasore Basta L035-Singla to Gadasahi Baliapal Road 3.40 7 Balasore Khaira T03-Barhapur to Charampa 4.50 8 Balasore Khaira L109-Tudigadia to Jalada Road 5.42 9 Balasore Simulia L044-Balikhanda to Andrei Road 9.00 10 Bargarh Ambabhona L036-RD Road to Dekhulia 8.86 11 Bargarh Ambabhona T02-Samardhara Chhak to Badamal 5.70 12 Bargarh Bhatli L043-R D Road to Hatisar 2.14 13 Bargarh Bhatli L058-Kanakbira Chhak to Jadamunda 3.23 14 Bargarh Bijepur T04-RD Road at 3rd Km to Pada Chhak 13.62 15 Bargarh Bijepur L039-RD Road to Bairakpali 1.50 16 Bargarh Bijepur L048-Saipali to Darlipali 3.15 17 Bargarh Padampur T06-PWD Road at Dahita to Budhamal Chhak 7.61 18 Bargarh L045-SH3 at 69 Km to Borasambar 2.73 19 Bargarh Paikmal L029-MDR 36 at 52 Km to Sambalpuri 2.18 20 Bargarh Sohella T02-SH3 near Sohela to Tambimunda 4.20 21 Bargarh Bijepur L072-PWD Road to Satbandha 8.34 22 Bargarh Padampur L060-SH3 at 56 5 Km to Singhenpur 1.80 23 Bargarh Sohella L028-Haldipali Chhak to Jamchhapar 5.51 24 Bargarh Paikmal L084-SH3 at 87 Km to Mundhela 3.50 25 Bhadrak Basudevpur L022-PWD Road to Bachhada 5.00 26 Bolangir Muribahal L028-PWD road to Ichapara road 1.85 27 Bolangir Patnagarh T11-Barpadar to Baghmund road 12.60 28 Bolangir Titilagarh T04-Rigdol to Bhalegaon road 2.25 29 Bolangir Titilagarh T07-Sirekela to Goudatola road 8.40 30 Boudh Boudh T02-Baghiapada to Birigada road 4.82 31 Boudh Harbhanga T01-Dhalpur to SH23 Near Atalsara 15.86 32 Boudh Kantamal L122-SH 41 to Badachapapali 1.05 33 Boudh Boudh T10-Dahiya to Sagada rod 9.20 34 Cuttack Athagarh L029-Kakhadi to Ramshyampur 7.05 35 Cuttack Athagarh L044-PWD Road to Paikerapur 3.70 36 Cuttack Athagarh L030-Kakhadi to Routraypur 6.00 37 Cuttack Baramba L034-PWD Road to Diniary 5.00 38 Cuttack Baramba L048-R D Road to Kendupalli 6.30 39 Cuttack Baramba L025-Kajalbedha Barapalli 7.00 40 Cuttack Cuttack T01-Gadama to Kishannagar 8.31 41 Cuttack Cuttack T02-Damodarpur to Fullar 9.73 42 Cuttack Kantapara L033-Sanapatasundarpur to Waujanga 3.01 43 Cuttack Mahanga L049-Mahanga to Kalianti 8.80 44 Cuttack Mahanga L043-Khandal to Bhaunria 5.95 45 Cuttack Narsinghpur L064-Kamaladiha to Kaintira 4.00 46 Cuttack Nischintakoili L053-Jiginipur to Barado 2.63 47 Cuttack Nischintakoili L024-Dikhitpara Kentalo 3.50 48 Cuttack Nischintakoili L048-Damadarpur to Purunapari 1.50 49 Cuttack Salipur L042-C C Road Nandolagada to Tentola 3.05

62 Appendix 1

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. L043-Kendrapara canal embankment Tentola to 50 Cuttack Salipur 3.00 Attoda 51 Cuttack Salipur L077-CC Road Naliamuhan to Sauri 4.00 52 Cuttack Salipur L044-C C Road Kharakhia to Jamalpur 2.55 53 Cuttack Tangi Choudwar L064-Rajbati Ramachandrapur to Ambilijhari 7.00 54 Cuttack Tangi Choudwar L056-Nakhara to Guali road 8.25 55 Cuttack Cuttack L022-Kandarpur to Athanga 4.00 56 Cuttack Cuttack L025-Kamarpada Dharina 2.91 57 Cuttack Mahanga L054-Nurtanga to Jankoti 6.55 58 Cuttack Mahanga L044-Palisahi to Badagotha 5.19 59 Cuttack Tangi Choudwar L023-PWD Road to Narayanpur 5.79 60 Cuttack Tangi Choudwar L026-Uchhapada to Kadei 3.10 61 Cuttack Tangi Choudwar L046-Tangi Haripur PWD Road to Karanji 4.31 62 Dhenkanal Hindol T05-T 1 to Gobardhanpur 9.70 63 Dhenkanal Kankadahad L043-Birasal to Tarajanga 6.00 64 Dhenkanal Odapada L079-NH 42 to Tentuliapada 2.00 65 Dhenkanal Gondia L064-L 63 to Santhasara 2.20 66 Dhenkanal Parajang L055-NH 200 to Naupalmundeilo 3.00 67 Ganjam Aska L036-RD Road to Karnoli 1.50 68 Ganjam Aska L043-RD road to Sahaspur 4.50 69 Ganjam Aska L050-SH 7 to Sapuapalli 1.52 70 Ganjam Aska L027-Babanpur Sahapur 2.18 71 Ganjam Beguniapada L048-SH 30 Khajapalli to Chakundajhola 4.12 72 Ganjam Belguntha L039-PWD Road to Palakasandha 2.30 73 Ganjam Belguntha L036-NunipadaSanadodanga 4.00 74 Ganjam Belguntha L045-PWD road to Madhabarida Via Benikpalli 5.00 75 Ganjam L041-PWD road to Veerda 1.50 76 Ganjam L074-Sorala Rly station to Erendra 2.72 77 Ganjam Chikiti T05-SB Chaitanyapur to 7.06 78 Ganjam L047-Jaggnathpur sasan Olomba Road 4.00 79 Ganjam Dharakote L025-NH 217 Laxmipur Via Sudnarapalli 5.00 80 Ganjam Digapahandi T03-Digapahandi to Kotabadapali chhak SH 3.00 81 Ganjam Digapahandi L089-PWD rod to Patanda 2.05 82 Ganjam Digapahandi L030-Approach road to Dhamanapadar road 2.57 83 Ganjam Jaganathprasad L063-SH 21 to Gochhabadi 2.06 84 Ganjam L050-NH 5 to Khamar 5.05 85 Ganjam Khallikote L049-Khallikote to D H Palli 6.08 86 Ganjam Kukudakhandi L040-PWD road to Nalihada 1.60 87 Ganjam Kukudakhandi L053-Gurunthi to Bankiapalli 3.82 88 Ganjam L050-PWD road to Saradapur Road 1.50 89 Ganjam Polasara L041-Polasara Buguda PWD road to Nimina Canal 4.00 90 Ganjam Polasara L048-Mathura to Mardarajpur 3.00 91 Ganjam Polasara L023-Pandiripada Patalasingi Paniri 3.20 92 Ganjam Polasara L070-PWD road to Kanipalli 1.95 93 Ganjam Polasara L053-PWD road to Kartali 2.00 94 Ganjam Polasara L064-Jemadeipur to Dunguri road 3.50 95 Ganjam Polasara L071-Badua to Biripur 2.15 96 Ganjam L054-Bhutasarasingi Arakhapur Road 10.27 97 Ganjam Purusottampur L047-PWD road to Tourist Place 4.58 98 Ganjam Purusottampur L049-PWD road to Chatamunduli Road 3.10 99 Ganjam Purusottampur L038-Bhabandha Sargunapalli Road 1.81 100 Ganjam Purusottampur L057-RD road to Nuagam 1.23 Appendix 1 63

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 101 Ganjam Purusottampur L056-Purusottampur Kandarapalli Via Ranigam Road 5.06 102 Ganjam Rengailunda L040-Pathara to Ganju road 3.03 103 Ganjam Seragada L037-Barasing to Bhetasingi road 2.45 104 Ganjam Sorada L022-RD road to Siarimala 1.30 105 Ganjam Belguntha L054-PWD road to Bankilidi Via Sanaborisingi 3.75 106 Ganjam Bhanjanagar L062-PWD road to Khariguda 3.80 107 Ganjam Buguda L043-Panigidi Manikapur 4.50 108 Ganjam L031-NH 5 to Paikapada road 7.17 109 Ganjam Digapahandi L063-PWD road to Gundriguda 4.75 110 Ganjam Jaganathprasad L038-SH21 Panchubhuti Harijana Sahi 2.53 111 Ganjam Jaganathprasad L039-SH 21 to Chadheipalli Road 2.48 112 Ganjam Jaganathprasad L048-RD Road Rauti 3.00 113 Ganjam Jaganathprasad L051-Jagnathprasad Block Agyanprasad Chhak 3.86 114 Ganjam L047-Sunapall to Asinapur 4.13 115 Ganjam Khallikote L039-PWD road Pustapur to A Nuapalli 4.67 116 Ganjam Khallikote L055-NH 5 Langaleswasr to BGhodapada 13.50 117 Ganjam L055-PWD road Sirrampur 6.72 118 Ganjam Rengailunda L035-PWD road Gunupur to Belakudi road 1.50 119 Ganjam Seragada L056-NH 217 to B Nuapalli road 2.25 120 Jagatsinghpur Balikuda T01-Kandarpur to Machhagaon 4.51 121 Jagatsinghpur Balikuda L086-Sangrampur to Achutipur 5.51 122 Jagatsinghpur Biridi L026-Maindipur to Bagalpur 4.30 123 Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur L055-MSPur to tartanga 6.00 124 Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur L053-Urali to Patenigaon 4.70 125 Jagatsinghpur Kujanga L059-Rahama to Gorada 3.21 126 Jagatsinghpur Kujanga L032-Santara to mangarajpur 4.20 127 Jagatsinghpur Nuagaon T01-Alanahat MDR to Sikharghat 5.00 128 Jagatsinghpur Nuagaon L035-Alana II to panchapa 3.75 129 Jagatsinghpur Raghunathpur L062-T 06 PWD Road to Korakora 3.50 130 Jagatsinghpur Raghunathpur L041-T 05 Bartira to Ichhapur 3.50 131 Jagatsinghpur Tirtol L071-Balipatna to Pubapada 2.10 132 Jagatsinghpur Tirtol L058-Katara to Baranga 4.89 133 Jagatsinghpur Tirtol L023-Nagapura to Porgadei 3.00 134 Jagatsinghpur Balikuda L064-Nuagaon via Anatapur to Khadikandanda 9.69 135 Jagatsinghpur Biridi L035-Kamasasana to Nuagaon 4.50 136 Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur L031-Jagatsinghpur to Balarampur 7.10 137 Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur L057-Ninigaon to nachhipur 3.75 138 Jagatsinghpur Jagatsinghpur L047-Alipingal to Benukhanda 3.00 139 Jagatsinghpur Tirtol L029-PWD road 2nd Km to Batilo 5.40 140 Jajpur Badachana T01-Krushnadaspur to Ratnagiri 5.00 141 Jajpur Badachana L032-Raipur Chhak to Bengapur 4.50 142 Jajpur Badachana L026-Saudia Chhak to Barapada 3.00 143 Jajpur Badachana T08-Darpani to Samia RD Road 6.00 144 Jajpur Binjharpur L030-Kalyanapur Samalpur 2.94 145 Jajpur Binjharpur L046-Mainda Kapila RD Road to Ramachandrapur 3.92 146 Jajpur Binjharpur L044-Mainda Kapila RD Road to Lenkasahi 1.41 147 Jajpur Binjharpur L041-Sansanda to Baruna 3.00 148 Jajpur Danagadi T10-Expressway to Kolathapada 4.00 149 Jajpur Danagadi T02-TTS Chhaka RD Road to Mulasara 6.43 150 Jajpur Dasrathpur L070-Mangalpur to Bajrapata 1.73 151 Jajpur Dasrathpur L041-Mirjapur to Senanda 3.00 152 Jajpur Dharmasala L072-Jenapur to Brundadeipur 3.60

64 Appendix 1

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 153 Jajpur Jajpur L024-SH 56 Kamagarh to Bidyadharpur 5.40 154 Jajpur Korei T03-Barundei to Bandal 6.50 155 Jajpur Korei L024-Kadamia Chhak to Osala 5.59 156 Jajpur Rasulpur L048-Krushnanagar to Pahanga 4.18 157 Jajpur Rasulpur L023-R and B Road to Bahadalpur 2.30 158 Jajpur Jajpur L033-Khandra kamalpur RD Road to Govindpur 5.22 159 Jajpur Jajpur L064-RD Road to Beruda 2.40 160 Jajpur Korei L042-NH 215 to Pimpala 2.98 161 Jajpur Sukinda L063-RD Road to Pimpudia 3.73 162 Jajpur Danagadi L067-Express Highway to Dankarisahi 2.24 163 Jajpur Danagadi L073-RD Road to Sabara 1.49 164 Jajpur Danagadi L049-NH 200 to Golagaon 1.20 165 Jajpur Danagadi L060-Expressway to Benapatia 3.61 166 Jajpur Danagadi L062-RD Road to Dhabahali 3.20 167 Jajpur Danagadi L065-Expressway to Tungeisuni 2.60 168 Jajpur Danagadi L068-Expressway to Mahalisahi 2.20 169 Jajpur Rasulpur L047-Vikipur to Tarapur 2.24 170 Jajpur Sukinda L071-R and B Road Kalarangiatta 1.49 171 Jajpur Sukinda L028-NH200 to Sarangapur 2.50 172 Jajpur Sukinda L054-Bandhagaon to Mantiri 2.20 173 Jajpur Sukinda L068-R and B Road to Bhalukipatla 1.49 174 Jajpur Sukinda L046-NH200 to Bhalukhanthia 4.32 175 Jajpur Sukinda L047-NH 200 to Olia 3.20 176 Jajpur Sukinda L073-R and B Road to Balipada 1.49 177 Jajpur Sukinda L077-Aradapal to Podaro 2.25 178 Jajpur Sukinda L072-R and B Road to Sukarangi 1.40 179 Jharsuguda Lakhanpur L114-NH200 to Lakhanpur 3.06 180 Kalahandi Bhawanipatna L027-PWD Road to Kusumsila 5.00 181 Kalahandi Bhawanipatna L037-PWD Road to Balajipita 3.80 182 Kalahandi Bhawanipatna L041-Tarinimandir to Gabhapada 5.10 183 Kalahandi Junagarh L101-Ghulijuba to Maliguda 3.10 184 Kalahandi Junagarh L128-NH 201 to Sanfurla 1.90 185 Kalahandi Koksara L042-Bangamunda to Dengaguda 4.50 186 Kendrapara Derabis L053-Balia to Tilanga 6.10 L034-Anuapada Bus stop to Sorisia via Gahaga 187 Kendrapara Derabis 4.52 Narsinghpur 188 Kendrapara Derabis L055-Golarhat to Nilakanthapur II 3.30 189 Kendrapara Derabis L050-Pallei to Kanipada Sabalanga 2.19 190 Kendrapara Derabis L039-Tarata to Bindhasahi via Teheda sahi 4.01 L058-Derabish College Chhaka to Badaphogal via 191 Kendrapara Derabis 4.01 Bisok 192 Kendrapara Derabis L068-Belarpur to Kansaripatana 2.36 193 Kendrapara Garadpur L033-Andhalo to Patsura 3.95 194 Kendrapara Garadpur L022-Nadiabarei to Karilopatana 4.50 195 Kendrapara Garadpur L030-Gardapur to Sitalpatana 2.85 196 Kendrapara Kendrapara L077-SH 9A to Badamantia 4.10 197 Kendrapara Kendrapara L054-CC Road balia to Tarapur 5.89 198 Kendrapara Kendrapara L070-PWD road to Dhumatsasan 4.03 199 Kendrapara Mahakalapara L047-Olia nilakanthapur to Gayaspur 4.00 200 Kendrapara Marshaghai L048-Jamboo Canal Embkt to Hatia 2.20 201 Kendrapara Marshaghai L039-Karilopatna to Dalanta 3.80 202 Kendrapara Marshaghai L049-NH 5A to Darbachha 2.20 Appendix 1 65

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 203 Kendrapara Rajnagar L041-RB road to Balikana 3.13 204 Kendrapara Rajnagar L032-Tiarchak to Balarampur 3.40 205 Kendrapara Rajnagar L029-Hatina to Kathuaganga 4.40 206 Keonjhar Jhumpura L032-NH215 to Bishnupur road 2.35 207 Keonjhar Jhumpura L033-Arsala to Teliarsala road 2.65 208 Keonjhar Keonjhar T03-NH 215 to Barakhanda 6.30 209 Keonjhar Patna L035-Malliposi to Chinamaliposi road 4.86 210 Keonjhar T02-Khuntapada to Kaliahata road 8.16 211 Keonjhar Telkoi T03-Telkoi to Akul 6.20 212 Keonjhar Saharpada L074-Nishintapur to Baikala road 2.69 213 Keonjhar Saharpada L027-BHalidiha to Jerkanibeda 7.49 214 Keonjhar L022-SH 10 to Jayantinapur Road 2.48 215 Keonjhar Champua L067-Remuli to Ramchandrapur road 2.99 216 Keonjhar L034-NH215 to Mukundpurpatna road 1.98 217 Keonjhar Ghatgaon L028-Ghatgaon to Uperdiha road 1.48 218 Keonjhar Ghatgaon L030-NH215 to Melana road 2.88 219 Keonjhar Ghatgaon L025-NH215 to Kundapitha road 1.16 220 Keonjhar Ghatgaon L038-RDRoad to Bhanjatipra road 1.50 221 Keonjhar Jhumpura L035-NH215 to Nahabeda road 5.81 222 Keonjhar Jhumpura L044-PWD Road to Ghuntposi road 2.04 223 Keonjhar Joda L059-PWD Road toKankhendra road 2.01 224 Keonjhar Joda L053-T03 to Kashia Ka road 3.00 225 Keonjhar Joda L052-T02 to Nasarda road 6.51 226 Keonjhar Joda L028-Dampur to Kanhupur 3.46 227 Keonjhar Keonjhar L064-NH215 to Bhaliadihi road 2.99 228 Khurda Balianta L042-Tankapani Bentapur 5.65 229 Khurda Balipatna T03-KBC right embankment at Niali to Meladanada 2.20 230 Khurda L058-PWD road Karadapali 4.28 231 Khurda Begunia L050-Dingar to Gadamanitri 7.25 232 Khurda Begunia L030-R D road to Bengitangi 1.50 233 Khurda Begunia L025-Sarua to Keranga 3.40 234 Khurda Begunia L060-R D road to Tandal 4.50 235 Khurda Bhubaneswar L024-P W D road to Ostapada 2.62 236 Khurda Bhubaneswar L059-Chandaka Chhak PWD road to Mundasahi 2.36 237 Khurda Chilika L039-N H 5 to Gheekhala 3.83 238 Khurda Chilika L038-N H 5 Kimbhiripada to Lambodarpur 1.52 239 Khurda Jatni L052-Chhatabar to Mahula road 2.88 240 Khurda Khurda T05-N H 5 R D road to Mandarbasta 9.28 241 Khurda Tangi T03-N H 5 to Bhusandapur 7.20 242 Khurda Bolagarh L047-Dibyasinghapur to Gobardhanpur road 7.29 243 Khurda Banapur L037-Canal road to Kusarada 9.00 244 Khurda Bolagarh L051-Khanguria to Rammandir road 8.01 245 Khurda Bolagarh L022-Gediaplli to Shyamamohaptrapatna 5.80 246 Koraput Kotpad L022-NH 43 to A Ghatarla 4.76 247 Koraput Kundra L066-Kundra to Bagderi 8.80 248 Koraput Kundra L061-Kundra to Pakhnaguda 7.00 249 Koraput Kundra L029-Jeeraguda to Dangarpaunsi 5.00 250 Koraput Nandapur L038-Thuba to Raising 6.20 251 Koraput Nandapur T07-Nandapur to Banamaliput Lamtaput 3.30 252 Mayurbhanj Badasahi L044-RDRoad to Chenguamagalpur Road 2.50 253 Mayurbhanj Badasahi T02-Baghmara to Makadakenda 3.00 254 Mayurbhanj Badasahi L080-SH19 to Talanda Road 3.00

66 Appendix 1

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 255 Mayurbhanj Bangiriposi L025-NH5 to Kumbharmundhakata Road 5.13 256 Mayurbhanj Bangiriposi L027-Budhamara to Pathuri Road 2.25 257 Mayurbhanj Bangiriposi L049-Shymsundarpur to Budhikhamari Road 4.00 258 Mayurbhanj Baripada L043-NH5 to Jhadjamda Road 2.00 259 Mayurbhanj Betnati L064-Betnoti to Sukhilahar Road 4.80 260 Mayurbhanj Betnati L048-MDR70 Nakhara to Khandadeulia Road 5.20 261 Mayurbhanj Betnati T06-NH5 at Betnoti to Merda Road 2.60 262 Mayurbhanj Betnati L070-NH 5 Dhanpur to Navadoy School 3.50 263 Mayurbhanj Betnati L049-Nadpur to Patalipura Road 4.10 264 Mayurbhanj Betnati L057-NH 5 to Janakideipur Road 3.66 265 Mayurbhanj Betnati L041-Balk to Kantipur 5.70 266 Mayurbhanj Bijatola L029-PWD Road to Begdega road 4.50 267 Mayurbhanj Bisoi L036-Asna to Kasipani 5.70 268 Mayurbhanj Bisoi L058-NH6 to Rangamatia Road 6.77 269 Mayurbhanj Bisoi L069-SH50 to Handifuta 1.75 270 Mayurbhanj Bisoi L074-SH50 to Kasipentha Road 5.00 271 Mayurbhanj Jashipur L051-NH6 to Begunia 3.89 272 Mayurbhanj Jashipur L043-Dhudku to Goili 6.65 273 Mayurbhanj Jashipur L047-NH6 to Bakartala 4.50 274 Mayurbhanj Kaptipada L059-RD Road to Salchua Road 3.50 275 Mayurbhanj Kaptipada T03-Mahisasuri to Sarat Road 1.30 276 Mayurbhanj Kaptipada L046-Goudgan to Baulakhaladi Road 5.00 277 Mayurbhanj L048-Karanjia to Saradha 3.25 278 Mayurbhanj Khunta L027-PWD Road to Athapada Road 3.70 279 Mayurbhanj Kuliana T02-Chalunia to Kalajhinei Road 3.96 280 Mayurbhanj Kuliana T06-NH5 to at Kuchei to Chandua Road 7.24 281 Mayurbhanj Kuliana L062-RD Road to Sundria Road 1.50 282 Mayurbhanj Kuliana L052-RD Road at Kulina to Madanasahi Road 5.54 283 Mayurbhanj Rairanghpur T01-Garumahisani to Suriyagoda road 1.76 284 Mayurbhanj Rairanghpur L048-Sanpokhana to Godigaon 4.52 285 Mayurbhanj Raruan L025-PWD Road to Godapalsa 4.27 286 Mayurbhanj Raruan L051-RD Road to Righa 2.20 287 Mayurbhanj Raruan L028-ODR to Badmenta 3.77 288 Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur T01-ODR Chitrada Rajghat Road 3.90 289 Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur L040-Anla to Paikasahi Road 2.80 290 Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur L029-Sarumula to Darakhuli Road 4.70 291 Mayurbhanj Samakhunta L022-Dhanpur to Sindurgoura Road 4.10 292 Mayurbhanj Samakhunta L031-Karanjia to Baunsbilla Road 2.25 293 Mayurbhanj Samakhunta L044-Samakhunta to Sankuchiamara Road 3.50 294 Mayurbhanj Saraskana L031-San Kachimbilla to Pandra Road 4.40 295 Mayurbhanj Saraskana L038-NH6 to Nuhamalia Sahar Road 4.20 296 Mayurbhanj Saraskana L048-NH6 to Rautara Road 2.70 297 Mayurbhanj Saraskana L051-NH6 to Ghantibuda 4.40 298 Mayurbhanj Sukruli L034-NH 6 to Kasia 1.63 299 Mayurbhanj Sukruli L035-PWD Road to Haldia 1.78 300 Mayurbhanj Sukruli T01-Tangabilla to Sukruli Road 9.62 301 Mayurbhanj Sukruli L048-Kesna to Adipur 1.12 302 Mayurbhanj Suliapada L035-Paktia to KamarjantaRoad 7.00 303 Mayurbhanj Suliapada L039-PWD Road to Lankadiha Road 3.00 304 Mayurbhanj Suliapada L061-PWD Road at Deuli chhak to nuagaon Road 3.71 305 Mayurbhanj Suliapada L037-Paktia to Ukasole Road 3.50 306 Mayurbhanj Udala L040-Udala to Balabhadrapur Road 3.70 Appendix 1 67

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 307 Mayurbhanj Udala L027-Radho to Mauda Road 4.30 308 Mayurbhanj Baripada L058-T03 to raikarjharan Road 9.20 309 Mayurbhanj Rasgovindpur L065-Jhirani to Mahulia Road 11.53 310 Mayurbhanj Saraskana L022-RD Road to Badratila Road 5.91 311 Mayurbhnaj GB Nagar PWD Road to Tangena Road 2.40 312 Mayurbhnaj Badasahi RD Road to Jamuna Road 3.00 313 Mayurbhnaj Badasahi RDRoad to Dhadabani Road 2.20 314 Mayurbhnaj Khunta PWD Road to Sankadadiha 4.00 315 Mayurbhnaj Khunta PWD Road to Badjamuna Road 2.00 316 Mayurbhnaj Khunta SH19 to Dharampur Road 2.50 317 Mayurbhnaj Khunta RD Road to Raghunathpur Road 3.50 318 Mayurbhnaj Khunta RD Road to Baragadia Road 2.20 319 Mayurbhnaj Khunta Beldangiri to Taragadi Road 2.00 320 Mayurbhnaj Khunta SH19 to Nuagaon Road 6.00 321 Mayurbhnaj Khunta RD Road to Belpal Road 4.10 322 Mayurbhnaj Khunta Badkaranjia to Dhabanisole Road 3.20 323 Mayurbhnaj Baripada NH5 to Karanjia Road 2.25 324 Mayurbhnaj Baripada T5 to Betna Road 6.00 325 Mayurbhnaj Samakhunta Jyotipur to Itamundia Road 2.50 326 Mayurbhnaj Samakhunta RD Road to DR Nagar 2.25 327 Mayurbhnaj Samakhunta RD Road at Harisole to Chandanpur Road 2.30 328 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Kasipal Road 1.50 329 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Dakhinbadi Road 2.30 330 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Bhandhiari Road 2.10 331 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana NH6 to Badbudamara Road 4.50 332 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana NH6 to Jambani Road 2.30 333 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana NH6 to Talak Road 1.50 334 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana NH6 to Kurundihi Road 1.50 335 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana NH6 to Kendua Road 3.00 336 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada PWD Road to Kaltia Road 3.00 337 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada RD Road to Bad Tungadhua Road 2.00 338 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada RD Road toKusumi Road 1.20 339 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Bhuskunda to Patharnesa Road 2.25 340 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Bilash to Pandusole Road 1.60 341 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Kujidihi chhak to Pathara Road 7.00 342 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada RD Road to Rasunia Road 1.20 343 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Kujidihi Chitakhal Road 2.20 344 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Sanjogiband to Sarasposi Road 1.70 345 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Bedhi to Kadopatia Road 3.00 346 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada RD Road to Handbhanga Road 2.00 347 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada PWD Road to Kundiasole Road 3.00 348 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada PWD Road to Chakchakia Road 1.40 349 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada RD Road at Bhola chhak to Kathsirsi Road 1.80 350 Mayurbhnaj Udala MDR70 to Dutikadeipur 6.95 351 Mayurbhnaj Badasahi PWD Road to Barapada Road 2.00 352 Mayurbhnaj Khunta PS Road to Nuagaon Road 5.00 353 Mayurbhnaj Suliapada Dhadangri to Nedua Road 4.50 354 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana Bedhakudar to Amdiha Road 4.80 355 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana Kasiabeda Chhak to Ghuma Road 2.50 356 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana Paktia to Pokpoka Road 3.44 357 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Silphodi Road 4.10 358 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Bankisole Road 4.92

68 Appendix 1

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 359 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Gopinathpur Road 2.44 360 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Jodajam Road 2.05 361 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road to Kundiapani Road 3.30 362 Mayurbhnaj Saraskana RD Road Mundhabani Road 3.50 363 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana NH 5 to Aniapal 2.50 364 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana RD Road to Kamarpal Road 6.00 365 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana RD Road to Kesrpur Road 2.00 366 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana RD Road to Srichandanpur Road 1.00 367 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana RD Road to Tiringidihi Road 5.20 368 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana NH 5 to Palasbani Road 5.25 369 Mayurbhnaj Kuliana RD Road to Baitpur Road 6.90 370 Mayurbhnaj Morada Kisantandi Chhak to Gadia 3.60 371 Mayurbhnaj Morada Moroda to Bhatchatrapur Road 7.80 372 Mayurbhnaj Morada PWD Road to Dhansole Road 1.20 373 Mayurbhnaj Samakhunta SH 19 to Pandura Road 4.50 374 Nawarangpur Kosagumuda L038-RD jn to Kantasariguda 9.10 375 Nawarangpur Kosagumuda L059-Kasagumuda to Khutiguda 8.01 376 Nawarangpur Nandahandi T04-Chiliguda to Ekamba 8.00 377 Nawarangpur Nandahandi T02-Dohana jn to Jagannathpur 3.90 378 Nawarangpur Nowrangpur T08-Chikili to Phatakote road 8.60 379 Nawarangpur Papadahandi T08-Jatabal to Manigam 10.50 380 Nawarangpur Raighar L065-Mohanda to Nisantikira 6.00 381 Nawarangpur Raighar L057-Dongripara jn to Dongripara 3.20 382 Nayagarh Khandapara L042-MDR 68 to Ranipada Extn 2.21 383 Nayagarh Ranpur L044-Jankia to Krushnachandrapur 7.50 384 Nayagarh Ranpur L051-NH5 to Benta 4.51 385 Nayagarh Ranpur L042-MDR 76 to Barangadia 5.02 386 Nayagarh Ranpur L096-RD Road to Thanapallipatna 5.25 387 Nayagarh Ranpur L061-MDR 76 to Krushnapur 4.69 388 Nayagarh Nayagarh L109-RD Road to Saluni 2.70 389 Nuapara Komna L040-Tikrapara to Jetupali 2.25 390 Nuapara Komna L060-PWD Road to Malikmunda 4.00 391 Nuapara Komna L100-Tengnabasa road to Khajurbahal 2.07 392 Nuapara Nuapara L031-RD Road to Palsabhadar 1.90 393 Nuapara Nuapara L032-RD Road to Beheradahi 1.05 394 Nuapara Nuapara L036-RD road to Bkakharamal 1.50 395 Nuapara Nuapara L027-RD Road to Jamli 2.10 396 Nuapara Sinpalli L024-Hatibandha to Bharuamunda 8.00 397 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Balliguda T05-Barakhama to Daka Road 1.70 398 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Daringbadi T05-Gadapur to Dusharigan road 4.10 399 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Daringbadi L067-Saniketa to Suganketa road 3.20 400 Phulbani(Kandhamal) G.Udayagiri L038-PWD Road to Raipalli 8.17 401 Phulbani(Kandhamal) K.Nuagaon L048-NH 217 to Balamarpadar road 3.10 402 Phulbani(Kandhamal) K.Nuagaon L058-Sarangada to Bandudi road 7.10 403 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Khajuripada T05-Garakumpa Balaskumpa road 5.35 404 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Phiringia T02-Budakamba Balandapada road 19.95 405 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Phiringia T05-Gochhapada Jn to Nedipadar 6.26 406 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Raikia T05-Sugudabadi to Mandasuru road 7.85 407 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Tumudibandh L035-Guchuka to Pukuru road 6.50 408 Phulbani(Kandhamal) Tumudibandh L024-NH 217 to Padikia road 1.00 409 Puri Brahmagiri T03-Baliharchandi to Gaudiaghai 3.32 410 Puri Delanga L058-T7 to Barakera 2.50 Appendix 1 69

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 411 Puri T05-Nimapara to Dhamantira 6.40 412 Puri Nimapada T03-Nimapara to Balanga 5.21 413 Puri L046-T5 Satasankha Balanga road to Rupadeipur 2.00 414 Puri Pipili L075-T7 to Danagohiri 3.00 415 Puri Pipili L060-NH203 to Birapurusottampur 5.00 416 Puri Pipili L080-T9 to Gunthal 2.00 417 Puri Puri L051-E K Embkt to Uttarana 3.00 418 Puri Puri L041-NH 203 to Khandiabandha 4.50 419 Rayagada Gudari T03-RD Road to Karlaghat 10.50 420 Rayagada Gunupur L052-PWD Road to Loba 4.00 421 Rayagada Kalyansinghpur T02-Kumariguda to Papikona 7.58 422 Rayagada Kalyansinghpur T01-K usabheti to Badadwarasahi 3.00 423 Rayagada Kashipur L049-Kucheipadar to Dumbaguda 7.50 424 Rayagada Kolnara L080-PWD road to Badakhilapadar 12.00 425 Rayagada L038-PWD Road to Biripadar 3.97 426 Rayagada Padmapur T05-Padmapur to MKRai 12.00 427 Rayagada Rayagada T05-Kumbikota to Badacheka 2.07 428 Rayagada Kashipur T01-Kasipur to Sikarpai 15.00 429 Sambalpur Bamra L057-SH 24 to Bandhakani 6.60 430 Sambalpur Bamra L050-Chhatiposh to Charbhaya 5.49 431 Sambalpur Jamankira L051-NH 6 Chinimahul 1.37 432 Sambalpur Jamankira L031-NH 200 Nuagaon 3.58 433 Sambalpur Jamankira L038-NH 6 to Badibahal M 1.60 434 Sambalpur Jamankira L033-NH 200 to Balimal 6.11 435 Sambalpur Jujumura L061-NH42 to Ichhapal 7.70 436 Sambalpur Kuchinda L036-Tainsar to Badmundaloi 9.45 437 Sambalpur Kuchinda L060-Charbhati to Tihadipali 5.40 438 Sambalpur L057-PWD Road to Jaduloisingh 10.90 439 Sambalpur Naktideul T01-Batagaon to Salebhata road 10.54 440 Sambalpur Rairakhole T04-Rairakhol Podabalanda to Badmal road 25.22 441 Sambalpur Bamra L072-Gurla to Bounsalaga 3.75 442 Sambalpur Jujumura L036-Gadgadbahal to Adhapada 7.50 443 Sonepur Sonepur T05-MDR 39 Nandanmal to Dabpali 2.73 444 Sonepur Sonepur T04-Khari Kutasingha 11.28 445 Sonepur Sonepur L041-NH 224 to Buromunda 2.10 446 Sonepur Sonepur L044-B A R D road to Mayurudan 5.26 447 Sonepur Sonepur L024-NH 224 to Janmura 4.20 448 Sonepur Sonepur L035-Nh 224 to Badbahali 1.40 449 Sonepur Tarava L025-Sibatala Lukapada RD road to Attasingha 2.05 450 Sundargarh Balisankara L029-Rouldega to Thiteitangar road 6.03 451 Sundargarh Bargaon L055-RD road to Manaharpur 1.56 452 Sundargarh Bargaon L059-Singarmunda to Aludega 1.44 453 Sundargarh Bisra L039-MDR 32 to Tulsikani 2.70 454 Sundargarh Bonaigarh L040-NH 23 to Tendra 8.20 455 Sundargarh Bonaigarh L026-NH 23 to Jamirposh 7.00 456 Sundargarh Hemgiri L045-Kanika to Kusumel 8.76 457 Sundargarh Kuanramunda T04-NH 23 to Jhurmur road 3.20 458 Sundargarh Kutra L031-PS road to Beldihi road 1.45 459 Sundargarh Lahunipara L037-Kurda to Fuljhar road 4.59 460 Sundargarh Lahunipara L054-RD road to Angul road 4.20 461 Sundargarh Subdega L044-MDR SH 31 to Tilijora 3.43 462 Sundargarh Subdega L035-ODRroad At Kurunkel to Majhapara 3.20

70 Appendix 1

Sl. Name of the Length District Name of the Road No. Block in Km. 463 Sundargarh Tangarpali L037-PWD road to Belsara Via Budabahal 3.10 L063-Bhatipada to PWD road via Rampur Gaikanpali 464 Sundargarh Balisankara 8.29 Bhimkuta Kurei Jamudhar Total 2012.30

Appendix 2 71


RURAL ROADS: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST District Jagatsinghpur Block Nuagaon Name of the Sub Project Road Alana II to Panchapa Road No L-35 Length 3.77 Km

A. Climatic Conditions

Temperature High: 39 Low: 1 Humidity High: 85 Low: 39 Rainfall 1210 mm/year Rainy Season June to September

B. Location of the Road and Generic description of Environment

No Type of Yes No Explanation Ecosystem Coastal area Distance from Coastline: 419 Km 1. Mangrove √ ( ) more than 50% (along roadside) ( ) less than 20% Type of Terrain (Plain/Hilly/ Mountainous etc.) The road passes through plain terrain 2. (Explain the topography of the area and √ all along the alignment. how many km of the road are located in the hilly area) Forest Area (Explain whether the road Type of Vegetation: NA passes through forest areas or located Legal Status of the Forest Area: NA 4. √ along the forest areas and distance from (Reserved, National Park, Sanctuaries, shoulder to the forest area)? Unclassified, etc.) Wildlife Name of animals: NA 5. (Explain whether there are any wildlife √ Endangered species (if any): No species in the project area) √ The inhabited area located at Ch-0/000 6. Inhabited Area to 0/200, 0/720 to 0/940, 2/750 to 4/350 Km. √ The agricultural land located in patches 7. Agricultural Land along road alignment at Ch.1/000 to 2/300 & 4/300 to 5/000 km. Grazing grounds √ Patches of Grazing ground exists 8. along the Agricultural land on road alignment. Barren Land √ Barren land is located in patches at Ch. 9. 1/700 to 1/800 & 2/400 to 2/600, 3/300 to 3/700, 4/300 to 4/500 Km. C. Specific description of the Road Environment (Note: Questions number 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 must be answered after discussions with the local community people) No. Parameter/ Component Yes No Explanation Are there any areas with landslide or There are no areas with landslide or 1. √ erosion problems along the road? erosion problems along the road

72 Appendix 2

(If yes, indicate the location (right or left side) and the chainage) ( ) No Secondary Information is available and Local Community is not aware of this matter. Are there any lakes/swamps beside the road? (If yes, list them indicating the There are no lakes and swamps 2. √ location (right or left side)and the located on the road alignment. chainage) Are there any nallas/streams/rivers etc. along/crossing the road? (If yes, list them No nallas/streams/rivers etc. 3. √ indicating the location (right, left or along/crossing the road. crossing) and the chainage There are problem of water stagnation and other drainage issues near the road. So community suggested for 5 Are there problems of water stagnation and new CD (HPC) works at Ch. 1/350, 4. other drainage issues on or near the √ 1/740, 1/900, 2/250 & 4/900 Km. No road?(If yes, mention chainage) RCC Slab Culvert is required. ( √ ) No Secondary Information is available and Local Community is not aware of this matter. No, No part of the road is prone to Is the area along the project flooding road prone to flooding? 5. √ ( √ ) No Secondary Information is (If yes, mention flood level and available and Local Community is not frequency) aware of this matter. Are there any trees with a dbh of 30 cm or There are trees existing on road more within 10 m on either side from the alignment. But tree felling is not 6. centre line of the road alignment? (If yes √ required since sufficient ROW is attach list of trees indicating the location available. (right or left side)and the chainage) Along the road and within 100m. of the road √ No such area shoulder, are there any faunal habitat areas, ( √ ) No Secondary Information is 7. faunal breeding ground, bird migration area, available and Local Community is not

or other similar areas? (If yes, specify aware of this matter details of habitat with chainage) Along the road and within 100 m of the road No such area shoulder is there any evidence of floral and ( √) No Secondary Information Available 8. √ faunal species that are classified as and Local Community is not aware of endangered species? this matter Are there any utility structures5 within 10 m on either side from the centre line of the 9. √ List Attached road alignment? (If yes, attach list with chainage) Are there any religious, cultural or community structures/buildings6 within 10 m 10. on either side from the centre line of the √ List Attached road alignment? (If yes attach list with chainage)

D. Public Consultation

5 Water tap, hand pump, electric pole, telephone pole, water pipe and other similar strucutures. 6 Mandir, Masjid, Church, religious/cultural/historical monuments, school, health center, public toilet and other similar structures. Appendix 2 73

No. Consultation Activities Yes No Remarks Consultation with local community Consultation with local community has been 1. was conducted before finalizing the √ conducted alignment. Any suggestion received Suggestion received and incorporated in the 2. √ in finalizing the alignment CPF and ECoP If suggestions received, were they Suggestion received and incorporated in the 3. √ incorporated into the design? CPF and ECoP document.

1) List of trees indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 6) Number Whether Number Whether Chainage Cutting Chainage Cutting LHS RHS LHS RHS required required 000-200 3 1 No Cutting 1800-2000 3 4 No Cutting 200-400 4 7 No Cutting 2000-2200 4 4 No Cutting 400-600 5 6 No Cutting 2200-2400 15 8 No Cutting 600-800 2 7 No Cutting 2400-2600 3 0 No Cutting 800-1000 5 7 No Cutting 2600-2800 0 2 No Cutting 1000-1200 4 3 No Cutting 2800-3000 0 0 No Cutting 1200-1400 4 5 No Cutting 3000-3200 3 4 No Cutting 1400-1600 6 4 No Cutting 3200-3400 2 4 No Cutting 1600-1800 6 4 No Cutting 3400-3770 3 4 No Cutting

2) List of utility structures indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 9) Chainage LHS REMARK RHS REMARK 200-300 EP-2 No Shifting 300-400 EP-2 No Shifting 400-500 EP-2 No Shifting 500-600 EP-1 No Shifting 600-700 EP-2 No Shifting EP-2 No Shifting 1000-1100 EP-2 No Shifting 1100-1200 EP-1 No Shifting 1300-1400 EP-2 No Shifting 1400-1500 EP-1 No Shifting EP-1 No Shifting 1500-1600 EP-2 No Shifting 1600-1700 EP-1 No Shifting 1800-1900 EP-3 No Shifting 1900-2000 EP-1 No Shifting EP-1 No Shifting 2000-2100 EP-1 No Shifting 2100-2200 EP-3 No Shifting 2300-2400 EP-1 No Shifting 2600-2900 EP-3 No Shifting 2900-3000 EP-1 No Shifting 3200-3300 EP-2 No Shifting 3300-3400 EP-1 No Shifting

3) List of community structures indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 10)

74 Appendix 2

Chainage LHS RHS Remark 100-200 TM-2 - No Shifting 400-500 TM-2 - No Shifting 600-700 TW-1 - No Shifting 1000-1100 TW-1 - No Shifting

4) Sketch of strip map of the road covering details of at least 10 m on either side from the centre line of the road.



to to

/700 3/770


Village Village area Village area

0 n

n n Tree-3

0 to to 0

Ope Ope

3/60 3/70 area


Tree-2 Tree-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 3/500



to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 3/400


Tree-4 Tree-5 e

to to


area area

Open Open

Villag 3/400


Electric pole-1

Tree-9 Private House-2

to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/200


Tree-4 Pond-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/100 3/200

e e

Tree-3 Temple-2

to to

Area Area 3/000


Village Village Villag

0 ge ge

ge ge Private House-2 Electric Pole-1

0 to to 0

Villa Villa

2/90 3/00 Area Area

Private House-2

Electric Pole-1 Electric Pole-1

to to 2/800


Village Village Area Village Area

Private House-2 00 Electric Pole-2

to to



Open Open 2/7

2/800 Village Village

Electric Pole-2

to to



Open Open 2/600


Village Village

0 0 0 n

la O

2/ to 2/

ar ar

ge ge

ea 50 60 pe ea Vil Private House-2 Private House-2 Appendix 2 75


Electric Pole-2

Private House-2 Electric Pole-2

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/500


Electric Pole-2

Private House-2

to to

area area

Open Open Open 2/300


Tube well-2

Private House-2 Private House-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/300

Electric Pole-2 2/200

Tree-4 Electric Pole-3

Pond-1 to Private House-1

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/200


Electric pole-2

Private House-2 to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/100


Electric pole-1 Electric pole-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 2/000 1/900

Electric pole-3

Private House-2

to to

area area

Open Open Open 1/900 1/800

Pond-1 Private House-1

to to

1/700 1/800

Area Open Area

Open Open

Private House-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 1/700


Tree-3 to Tree-6

area area

Open Open Open 1/600


Tree-5 Private House-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 1/500


Electric pole-2 Private House-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 1/300


Private House-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 1/200


Private House-1 Private House-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 1/100


Electric Pole-1 Private House-1

Tube well-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 1/000


i l l a g e a r e a 0 / 9 0 0 t o 0 / 1 0 0 0 0 V i l l a g e a r e a V Tree-1 Tree-7

76 Appendix 2

AREA LHS CH RHS AREA Private House-1 Private House-1

Private House-1 0

to to

area area

Open Open Open 0/800 Tree-1 0/900

Private House-4

to to

area area


Village Village Village


Electric Pole-1 Electric Pole-1

a Private House-1 Private House-1

to to

Are Area

Open Open Open 0/600 0/700

Sub Station-1 Electric pole-1


to to

area area

Open Open 0/500

0/600 Village Village

Electric pole-2 School-1

Private House-1 Private House-1

to to

area area 0/400


Village Village Village

Electric pole-2

Private House-1 Private House-1

to to

area area 0/300


Village Village Village

Electric pole-2

Private House-2 Private House-1

to to


Open Open Villag

0/200 0/300

area e


Private House-1 Tree-6

to to

area area

area 0/100


Village Village Village

Tree-7 Private House-1

Private House-1 Tree-6

to to



Open Open 0/000

0/100 Village Village

5) Photographs of the project area showing at least 10 m on either side from centre line of road alignment. Every 2 Km. or less of road must

Ch.0/000 km, CC Road proposed

Appendix 2 77

Ch.0/000 to 0/100 km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/100 to 0/200 km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/200 to 0/300 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/300 to 0/400 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/400 to 0/500 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/500 to 0/600 Km, CC Road proposed

78 Appendix 2

Ch.0/600 to 0/700 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/700 to 0/727 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.0/727 to 0/979 Km, BT Road proposed

Ch.0/979 to 1/077 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.1/077 to 1/150 Km

Appendix 2 79

Ch.1/150 to 1/250 km

Ch.1/250 to 1/325Km

Ch.1/325 to 1/400 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.1/400 to 1/450 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.1/450 to 1/500 Km, CC Road proposed

80 Appendix 2

Ch.1/500 to 1/600 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.1/600 to 1/700 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.1/700 to 1/781Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.1/781 to 1/900 Km

Ch.1/900 to 1/990 Km

Appendix 2 81

Ch.1/990 to 2/050 Km, CC Road proposed

Ch.2/050 to 2/100 km, CC Road proposed

Ch.2/100 to 2/125 km, CC Road proposed

Ch.2/125 to 2/400 km

Ch.2/400 to 2/500 km

82 Appendix 2

Ch.2/500 to 2/600 km

Ch.2/600 to 2/650 km

Ch.2/650 to 2/856 km

Ch.2/856to 3/200 km

Ch.3/200 to 3/300 km

Appendix 2 83

Ch.3/300 to 3/500 km

Ch.3/500 to 3/700 km

Ch.3/700 to 3/765 km

Pallisabha in Progress

84 Appendix 2


District Khurda Block Begunia Name of the Sub Project Road R D road to Tandal Road No L-60 Length 2.30 Km

A. Climatic Conditions

Temperature High: 46 Low: 13 Humidity High: 84 Low: 34 Rainfall 1010 mm/year Rainy Season June to September

B. Location of the Road and Generic description of Environment

No Type of Yes No Explanation Ecosystem Coastal area Distance from Coastline: 312 Km 1. Mangrove √ ( ) more than 50% (along roadside) ( ) less than 20% Type of Terrain (Plain/Hilly/ Mountainous etc.) The road passes through plain terrain 2. (Explain the topography of the area and √ all along the alignment. how many km of the road are located in the hilly area) Forest Area (Explain whether the road Type of Vegetation: NA passes through forest areas or located Legal Status of the Forest Area: NA 4. √ along the forest areas and distance from (Reserved, National Park, Sanctuaries, shoulder to the forest area)? Unclassified, etc.) Wildlife Name of animals: NA 5. (Explain whether there are any wildlife √ Endangered species (if any): No species in the project area) √ The inhabited area located at Ch. 1/300 6. Inhabited Area to 1/400, 1/500 to 1/700, 1/800 to 2/300 Km. √ The agricultural land located in patches along road alignment at Ch. 0/100 to 7. Agricultural Land 0/300, 1/100 to 1/200, 2/000 to 2/500 Km Grazing grounds √ Patches of Grazing ground exists along 8. the Agricultural land on road alignment. Barren Land √ Barren land is located in patches at Ch. 9. 0/200 to 0/600, 1/800 to 2/600, 2/800 to 3/500 Km. C. Specific description of the Road Environment (Note: Questions number 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 must be answered after discussions with the local community people) No. Parameter/ Component Yes No Explanation There are no areas with landslide or Are there any areas with landslide or 1. √ erosion problems along the road erosion problems along the road?

Appendix 2 85

(If yes, indicate the location (right or left ( ) No Secondary Information is side) and the chainage) available and Local Community is not aware of this matter. Are there any lakes/swamps beside the road? (If yes, list them indicating the There are no lakes and swamps 2. √ location (right or left side)and the located on the road alignment. chainage) Are there any nallas/streams/rivers etc. along/crossing the road? (If yes, list them No nallas/streams/rivers etc. 3. √ indicating the location (right, left or along/crossing the road. crossing) and the chainage There are problem of water stagnation and other drainage issues near the road. So community suggested for 5 CD Are there problems of water stagnation and works at Ch. 0/560, 1/140, 0/720, 1/620, 4. other drainage issues on or near the √ 2/030 km. road?(If yes, mention chainage) ( √ ) No Secondary Information is available and Local Community is not aware of this matter. No, No part of the road is prone to Is the area along the project flooding road prone to flooding? 5. √ ( √ ) No Secondary Information is (If yes, mention flood level and available and Local Community is not frequency) aware of this matter. Are there any trees with a dbh of 30 cm or There are trees existing on road more within 10 m on either side from the alignment. But tree felling is not 6. centre line of the road alignment? (If yes √ required since sufficient ROW is attach list of trees indicating the location available. (right or left side)and the chainage) Along the road and within 100m. of the road √ No such area shoulder, are there any faunal habitat areas, ( √ ) No Secondary Information is 7. faunal breeding ground, bird migration area, available and Local Community is not

or other similar areas? (If yes, specify aware of this matter details of habitat with chainage) Along the road and within 100 m of the road No such area shoulder is there any evidence of floral and ( √) No Secondary Information Available 8. √ faunal species that are classified as and Local Community is not aware of endangered species? this matter Are there any utility structures7 within 10 m on either side from the centre line of the 9. √ List Attached road alignment? (If yes, attach list with chainage) Are there any religious, cultural or community structures/buildings8 within 10 m 10. on either side from the centre line of the √ List Attached road alignment? (If yes attach list with chainage)

D. Public Consultation

7 Water tap, hand pump, electric pole, telephone pole, water pipe and other similar strucutures. 8 Mandir, Masjid, Church, religious/cultural/historical monuments, school, health center, public toilet and other similar structures.

86 Appendix 2

No. Consultation Activities Yes No Remarks Consultation with local community Consultation with local community has 1. was conducted before finalizing the √ been conducted alignment. Any suggestion received Suggestion received and incorporated 2. √ in finalizing the alignment in the CPF and ECoP If suggestions received, were they Suggestions recommended for 3. √ incorporated into the design? inclusion in design E. Please attach the following: 1) List of trees indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 6) Number Whether Number Whether Chainage Cutting Chainage Cutting LHS RHS LHS RHS required required 000-100 2 0 No Cutting 1000-1100 5 2 No Cutting 1 at LHS 100-200 1 1 1100-1200 4 2 No Cutting needs cutting 200-300 1 2 No Cutting 1200-1300 1 3 No Cutting 300-400 3 1 No Cutting 1300-1400 1 1 No Cutting 400-500 2 4 No Cutting 1600-1700 4 1 No Cutting 500-600 3 5 No Cutting 1800-1900 3 1 No Cutting 600-700 2 3 No Cutting 1900-2000 1 3 No Cutting 700-800 1 5 No Cutting 2000-2100 5 2 No Cutting 800-900 5 3 No Cutting 2100-2200 0 4 No Cutting 900-1000 1 0 No Cutting 2200-2300 3 1 No Cutting 2) List of utility structures indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 9) Chainage LHS REMARK RHS REMARK 1700-1800 - EP-1 No Shifting 1800-1900 EP-2 No Shifting 2000-2100 EP-1 No Shifting 2100-2200 EP-1 No Shifting 2200-2300 EP-2 No Shifting

3) List of community structures indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 10)

Chainage LHS RHS Remark 000-100 Pond, Temple No Shifting required 1400-1500 school No Shifting required 2100-2200 school - No Shifting required 2200-2300 Pond, Temple No Shifting required

4) Sketch of strip map of the road covering details of at least 10 m on either side from the centre line of the road.


Pond-1 Private House-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/300 Temple-1 2/200 Electric Pole-2 Appendix 2 87


School Electric Pole-1

Curve Private House-1 rea

Area A

Open Open Open 2/200 2/100 to

Private House-1 Electric Pole-1

Private House-1

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/100

2/000 to

Private House-1

Private House-2


1/900 to Open area Open

Open area Open Tree-1

Electric Pole-2 Private House-2



1/800 to Open area Open

Open area Open

Electric Pole -1


1/700 to Open Open Area

Open Open Area


Private House-1 Private House-1


1/600 to Open area Open

Open area Open

Private House-1

Private House-2



1/500 to Open area Open

Open area Open



1/400 to Open area Open

Open area Open


Tree-1 Private House-1


1/300 to Open Open Area

Open Open Area


Area Area

Open Open Open 1/300 1/200 to

88 Appendix 2




Area Area

Open Open Open 1/200 1/100 to

Private House-1

Area Area

Open Open Open

1/100 1/000 to


0/900 to

0/10000 Open area Open

Open area Open


to to

area area

Open Open Open 0/900

Private House-1 0/700


0/500 to Open area Open Open area Open

Area Area

Open Open Open 0/600 0/400 to

Area Area

Open Open Open 0/400 0/300 to


Area Area

Open Open Open 0/300 0/200 to

pen pen Tree-1

Area Area

O Open 0/200 0/100 to

Pond-1 T-junction

Tree-2 Private House-1

Area Area

Open Open Open 0/100 Temple-1 0/000 to

5) Photographs of the project area showing at least 10 m on either side from centre line of road alignment. Every 2 Km. or less of road must Appendix 2 89

Ch.0/000 Km

Ch.0/070 km LHS-Temple Curve LHS

Ch.0/000 to 0/100 km LHS-Pond

Ch.0/100 to 0/200 Km Tree Cutting

Ch.0/150 km Tree Cutting

90 Appendix 2

Ch.0/200 to 0/300 km

Ch.0/300 to 0/400 Km

Ch.0/400 to 0/500 Km

Ch.0/500 to 0/600 Km

Ch. 0/500 to 0/600 km

Appendix 2 91

Ch.0/600 to 0/700 Km

Ch.0/700 to 0/800 Km

Ch.0/800 to 0/900 Km

Ch.0/900 to 1/000 Km

Ch.1/000 to 1/100 Km

92 Appendix 2

Ch.1/100 to 1/200 km

Ch.1/200 to 1/300 Km

Ch.1/300 to 1/400 Km Kachara Habitation

Ch.1/400 to 1/500 Km LHS School

Ch. 1/500 to 1/600 km

Appendix 2 93

Ch.1/600 to 1/700 Km

Ch.1/700 to 1/800 Km

Ch.1/800 to 1/900 Km

Ch.1/900 to 2/000 Km

Ch. 2/000 to 2/100 Km

94 Appendix 2

Ch.2/100 to 2/200 Km Tawala Ugme School LHS

Ch.2/250 Km LHS-Pond & Temple

Ch.2/300 km End Point of The Road

Pallisabha In progress

Appendix 2 95

RURAL ROADS: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST District Bargarh Block Sohella Name of the Sub Project Road Bahalbahal Road No T-02 Length 4.20

A. Climatic Conditions Temperature High: 41 Low: 23 Humidity High: 89 Low: 34 Rainfall 942 mm/year Rainy Season June to September

B. Location of the Road and Generic description of Environment No Type of Ecosystem Yes No Explanation Coastal area Distance from Coastline: 435 Km 1. Mangrove √ ( ) more than 50% (along roadside) ( ) less than 20% Type of Terrain (Plain/Hilly/ Mountainous etc.) (Explain the topography of the area The road passes through plain terrain 2. and how many km of the road are located √ all along the alignment. in the hilly area) Forest Area (Explain whether the road Type of Vegetation: NA passes through forest areas or located Legal Status of the Forest Area: 4. along the forest areas and distance from √ (Reserved, National Park, shoulder to the forest area)? Sanctuaries, Unclassified, etc.)

Wildlife (Explain whether there are any Name of animals: NA 5. √ wildlife species in the project area) Endangered species (if any): No The inhabited area located at Ch. 6. Inhabited Area √ 4/100 to 4/200 Km. The agricultural land located in some 7. Agricultural Land √ patches along road alignment 0/200 to 0/400, 0/600 to 1/400 Grazing grounds Patches of Grazing ground exists 8. √ along the Agricultural land and from 1/400 to 4/100 Barren Land Barren land is located in patches at 9. √ Ch. 1/500 to 4.000 km.

C. Specific description of the Road Environment (Note: Questions number 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 must be answered after discussions with the local community people)

No. Parameter/ Component Yes No Explanation There are no areas with landslide or erosion Are there any areas with landslide or problems along the road erosion problems along the road? 1. √ ( ) No Secondary Information is available (If yes, indicate the location (right or and Local Community is not aware of this left side) and the chainage) matter. Are there any lakes/swamps beside the road? (If yes, list them indicating the There are no lakes and swamps located on 2. √ location (right or left side) and the the road alignment. chainage)

96 Appendix 2

No. Parameter/ Component Yes No Explanation Are there any nallas/streams/rivers etc. along/crossing the road? (If yes, list No nallas/streams/rivers etc. along/crossing 3. √ them indicating the location (right, the road. left or crossing) and the chainage There are no problem of water stagnation. But community suggested for 2 new CD Are there problems of water stagnation works -1/620 Km (600 MM SR) and 2/850 Km 4. and other drainage issues on or near √ ((900 MM SR) the road?(If yes, mention chainage) ( √ ) No Secondary Information is available and Local Community is not aware of this matter. Is the area along the project No, No part of the road is prone to flooding road prone to flooding? ( √ ) No Secondary Information is available 5. √ (If yes, mention flood level and and Local Community is not aware of this frequency) matter. Are there any trees with a dbh of 30 cm or more within 10 m on either side from There are trees existing on road alignment. the centre line of the road alignment? (If 6. √ But tree felling is not required since yes attach list of trees indicating the sufficient ROW is available. location (right or left side)and the chainage) Along the road and within 100m. of the √ No such area road shoulder, are there any faunal ( √ ) No Secondary Information is available habitat areas, faunal breeding ground, and Local Community is not aware of this 7. bird migration area, or other similar matter areas? (If yes, specify details of habitat with chainage) Along the road and within 100 m of the No such area road shoulder is there any evidence of ( √) No Secondary Information Available and 8. √ floral and faunal species that are Local Community is not aware of this matter classified as endangered species? Are there any utility structures9 within 10 m on either side from the centre line of 9. √ List Attached-No shifting required the road alignment? (If yes, attach list with chainage) Are there any religious, cultural or community structures/buildings10 within 10. 10 m from the centre line of the road √ List Attached alignment? (If yes attach list with chainage)

D. Public Consultation

No. Consultation Activities Yes No Remarks Consultation with local community Consultation with local community has been 1. was conducted before finalizing the √ conducted on 31.03. 2017 before finalizing alignment. the alignment. Suggestion for drainage, road safety and Any suggestion received 2. √ social & environmental safeguards received in finalizing the alignment and incorporated in the CPF and ECoP

9 Water tap, hand pump, electric pole, telephone pole, water pipe and other similar strucutures. 10 Mandir, Masjid, Church, religious/cultural/historical monuments, school, health center, public toilet and other similar structures. Appendix 2 97

No. Consultation Activities Yes No Remarks If suggestions received, were they The CPF and ECoP documents have been 3. √ incorporated into the design? shared with PIUs and OSRRA for action

E. Please attach the following:

1) List of trees indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 6) Number Whether Number Whether Chainage Cutting Chainage Cutting LHS RHS LHS RHS required required 000-200 2 - No Cutting 2200-2400 3 6 No Cutting 200-400 3 - No Cutting 2400-2600 4 2 No Cutting 400-600 1 - No Cutting 2600-2800 - 4 No Cutting 600-800 4 3 No Cutting 2800-3000 3 2 No Cutting 800-1000 - - No Cutting 3000-3200 - 4 No Cutting 1000-1200 2 - No Cutting 3200-3400 1 1 No Cutting 1200-1400 3 3 No Cutting 3400-3600 4 5 No Cutting 1400-1600 1 1 No Cutting 3600-3800 2 2 No Cutting 1600-1800 - 5 No Cutting 3800-4000 2 1 No Cutting 1800-2000 - 1 No Cutting 4000-4200 2 - No Cutting 2000-2200 - 3 No Cutting

2) List of utility structures indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 9) Chainage LHS REMARK RHS REMARK 1500-1600 EP-1 No Shifting EP-1 No Shifting - 1600-1700 EP-1 No Shifting - - 3300-3400 - - EP-1 No Shifting

3) List of community structures indicating location (left or right side of the road) and chainage (as required under C. 10)

Chainage LHS RHS Remark 1500-1600 - TM-1 Not affected

4) Sketch of strip map of the road covering details of at least 10 m on either side from the centre line of the road.


Tree-2 to 4/100 4/200

to to

Village Village area Village area 4000 4/100

Tree-2 Tree-1 area


Open Open Open

4/000 3/900 to

98 Appendix 2

area area

Open Open Open 3/900

3/800 to

Tree-1 Tree-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/700 3/800

Tree-1 Tree-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/600


Tree-2 Tree-2

to to

area area


Open Open Open 3/500

Tree-2 Tree-3

area area

Open Open Open 3/500

3/400 to

Electric Pole-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/300 3/400

Tree-1 Tree-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/300



to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/100 3/200


to to

area area

Open Open Open 3/000


en en

Tree-1 to Tree-1

area area

Open Open Op 3/000 2/900

Tree-2 Tree-1

to to



area Open area

Open Open

to Tree-2

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/800



to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/600 2/700

Tree-1 Tree-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 2/600


Tree-3 Tree-1

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/400 2/500 Appendix 2 99

Tree-1 Tree-3

area area

Open Open Open 2/400

2/300 to

Tree-2 Tree-3

to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/300


to Tree-2

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/100



to to

Area Area

Open Open Open 2/000 2/100


area area

Open Open Open

2/000 1/900 to

to to

area area

Open Open Open 1/800 1/900



to to



Area Open Area

Open Open


Electric pole-1 Private House-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 1/700



Electric pole-1 Electric pole-1

to to

area area

Open Open Open 1/500


Tree-1 0 Tree-1

0 to to 0

1/40 1/50

n n area Ope n area Ope

Tree-1 to Tree-2



area Open area Open Open

Tree-2 Tree-1

to to 1/300


Open Open area Open area

Tree-1 to

1/100 1/200

area Open area

Open Open

to to

Tree-1 100


Open Open

1/000 1/ area Open Open

to to


Open Open


1/000 area Open Open

100 Appendix 2

to to



Village Village

0/9000 area

Open Open

Tree-1 to Tree-1

area area

Open Open Open 0/700


Tree-3 Tree-2 n

to to

Area Area

Open Open Ope 0/600 0/700


area area

Open Open Open 0/600

0/500 to


to to


Open Open

0/400 0/500 area

Open Open


to to


Open Open


0/400 area Open Open



0/200 to

area Open area Open Open

to to 0/100


Open Open area Open area


area area

Open Open Open 0/100

0/000 to

5) Photographs of the project area showing at least 10 m on either side from centre line of road alignment. Every 2 Km. or less of road must


Ch. 0/00 Kanapali Chhak & T junction.

Appendix 2 101


Ch. 0/000 to 0/100 Km Curve


Ch. 0/100 to 0/200 Km


Ch. 0/200 Km to 0/300


Ch. 0/300 to 400 Km and Curve at 0/400 Km

102 Appendix 2


Ch. 0/400 to 0/468 Km Y junction with Curve


Ch. 0/468 to 0/500 Km Curve


Ch. 0/500 to 0/600 Km


Ch. 0/600 to 0/700 Km 600 mm SR at Ch. 0/700 Km

Appendix 2 103


Ch. 0/700 km to 0/800 curve at 0/770 Km


Ch. 0/800 Km to 0/900 Km curve at 0/885 Km


Ch. 0/900 to 1/000 Km. At 0/930 Km 600 mm S/R


Ch. 1/000 to 1/100 Km at Curve 1/190 Km

104 Appendix 2


Ch. 1/100 to 1/200 Km at 1/145 Km 600mm SR.


Ch. 1/200 to 1/300 Km at 1/276 Km Curve


Ch. 1/300 to 1/400 Km


CH-1/400 Km to 1/500 Km CD at Ch. 1/465 Km 600 mm SR with Curve

Appendix 2 105


Ch. 1/500 to 1/600 Km at 1/522 Curve with T-junction and Temple


Ch. 1/600 to 1/700 Km


Ch. 1/700 to 1/800 Km


Ch-1/800 to 2/000 Km curve at Ch. 1/822 Km

106 Appendix 2


Ch-2/000 Km to 2/100 Km


Ch-2/100 to 2/200 Km


Ch- 2/200 to 2/300 Km


Ch-2/300 to 2/400 CD at ch. 2/324 Km

Appendix 2 107


Ch-2/400 to 2/500 Km


Ch-2/500 to 2/600 Km


Ch-2/600 km to 2/700 Km


Ch-2/700 to 2/800 Km Curve at 2/758 Km

108 Appendix 2


Ch-2/800 to 2/900 Km


Ch-2/900 to 3/000 Km


Ch-3/00 to 3/100 Km


Ch-3/100 Km to 3/200 Km curve AT Ch. 3/183 Km

Appendix 2 109


Ch-3/200 to 3/300 Km Curve at 3/240 Km


Ch-3/300 to 3/400 Km


Ch-3/400 to 3/500 Km


Ch-3/500 to 3/600 Km

110 Appendix 2


Ch-3/600 to 3/700 Km curve at 3/672


Ch-3/700 to 3/800 Km


Ch. 3/800 to 3/900 Km


Ch. 3/900 to 4/000 Km T – Junction at Ch. 3/937 Km

Appendix 2 111


Ch. 4/000 To 4/100 Km


At Ch. 4/100 to 4/200 Km


End of the Road Barmunda Junction


Pallisabha at Bahal bahal Village.

112 Appendix 3



1. Location of borrow areas shall be finalized as per IRC: 10-1961guidlines. The finalization of locations in case of borrows areas identified in private land shall depend upon the formal agreement between landowners and contractor. If, agreement is not reached between the contractor and landowners for the identified borrow areas sites, arrangement for locating the source of supply of material for embankment and sub-grade as well as compliance to environment requirements in respect of excavation and borrow areas as stipulated from time to time by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, and local bodies, as applicable shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor.

2. The contractor in addition to the established practices, rules and regulation will also consider following criteria before finalizing the locations. (1) The borrow area should not be located in agriculture field unless unavoidable i.e. barren land is not available. (2) The borrow pits preferably should not be located along the roads. (3) The loss of productive and agriculture soil should be minimum. (4) The loss of vegetation is almost nil or minimum. (5) The Contractor will ensure that suitable earth is available.


3. The Contractor shall obtain representative samples from each of the identified borrow areas and have these tested at the site laboratory following a testing program approved by the Engineer. It shall be ensured that the sub-grade material when compacted to the density requirements shall yield the design CBR value of the sub-grade. Contractor shall begin operations keeping in mind following; (1) Haulage of material to embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading and compaction plants is operating at the place of deposition. (2) No excavated acceptable material other than surplus to requirements of the Contract shall be removed from the site. Contractor should be permitted to remove acceptable material from the site to suit his operational procedure, then shall make consequent deficit of material arising there from. (3) Where the excavation reveals a combination of acceptable and un-acceptable materials, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, carry out the excavation in such a manner that the acceptable materials are excavated separately for use in the permanent works without contamination by the un- acceptable materials. The acceptable material shall be stockpiled separately.


1. Borrow Areas located in Agricultural Lands

(i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrowing of earth will be carried out up to a depth of 1.5m from the existing ground level. Appendix 3 113

(iv) Borrowing of earth will not be done continuously through out the stretch. (v) Ridges of not less than 8m widths will be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. (vi) Small drains will be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate drainage. (vii) The slope of the edges will be maintained not steeper than 1:4 (vertical: Horizontal). (viii) The depth of borrow pits will not be more than 30 cm after stripping the 15 cm topsoil aside.

2. Borrow Areas located in Elevated Lands

(i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) At location where private owners desire their fields to be levelled, the borrowing shall be done to a depth of not more than 1.5m or up to the level of surrounding fields

3. Borrow Areas near River side

(i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrow area near to any surface water body will be at least at a distance of 15m from the toe of the bank or high flood level, whichever is maximum.

4. Borrow Areas near Settlements

(i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). (iii) Borrow pit location will be located at least 0.75 km from villages and settlements. If un-avoidable, the pit will not be dug for more than 30 cm and drains will be cut to facilitate drainage. (iv) Borrow pits located in such location will be re-developed immediately after borrowing is completed. If spoils are dumped, that will be covered with a layers of stockpiled topsoil in accordance with compliance requirements with respect MOEF/SPCB guidelines.

5. Borrow Pits along the Road

4. Borrow pits along the road shall be discouraged and if deemed necessary and permitted by the Engineer; following precautions are recommended (i) The preservation of topsoil will be carried out in stockpile. (ii) A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal).

114 Appendix 3

(iii) Ridges of not less than 8m widths should be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. (iv) Small drains shall be cut through the ridges of facilitate drainage. (v) The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that there bottom does not cut an imaginary line having a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal projected from the edge of the final section of bank, the maximum depth of any case being limited to 1.5m. (vi) Also, no pit shall be dug within the offset width from the toe of the embankment required as per the consideration of stability with a minimum width of 10m.


5. The objective of the rehabilitation program is to return the borrow pit sites to a safe and secure area, which the public should be able to safely enter and enjoy. Securing borrow pits in a stable condition is fundamental requirement of the rehabilitation process. This could be achieved by filling the borrow pit floor to approximately the access road level.

6. Re-development plan shall be prepared by the Contractor before the start of work inline with the owners will require and to the satisfaction of owner. The Borrow Areas shall be rehabilitated as per following;  Borrow pits shall be backfilled with rejected construction wastes and will be given a vegetative cover. If this is not possible, then excavation sloped will be smoothed and depression will be filled in such a way that it looks more or less like the original round surface.  Borrow areas might be used for aquaculture in case landowner wants such development. In that case, such borrow area will be photographed after their post use restoration and Environment Expert of Supervision Consultant will certify the post use redevelopment.

7. The Contractor will keep record of photographs of various stages i.e., before using materials from the location (pre-project), for the period borrowing activities (construction Phase) and after rehabilitation (post development), to ascertain the pre and post borrowing status of the area.

Appendix 4 115


SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring Measures common to all sample roads Design and Pre Construction Stage 1.1. o Compliance to climate change 1. vulnerability check point given under EARF and adoption of necessary mitigative measures Climate Change All through Pre as may be required Part of Project Preparation Consideration and the alignment Construc o Efforts shall be made to plant Project Consultant/ design PIU/ ASRRDA Vulnerability of each rural tion additional trees for increasing Cost consultant screening road Phase the carbon sink. The tree may be planted with help of PRI ( Panchyati Raj Institution)

o The road will be part of district core network and will comply with PMGSY guidelines o Subproject shall not disturb any cultural heritage designated by the government or by the international agencies, such as 2. UNESCO, and shall avoid any monuments of cultural or o All through historical importance. Pre the Part of Project Preparation Finalization of o Subproject will not pass through Construc alignment Project Consultant/ design PIU/ ASRRDA alignment any designated wild life tion of each Cost consultant sanctuaries, national park, Phase rural road notified Eco sensitive areas or area of international significance such as protective wet land designated under Wetland Convention, and reserve forest area.. o Subproject to comply with local and National legislative requirements such as forest

116 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring clearance for diversion of forestland and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. o Alignment finalization considering availability of right of way and in consultation with local people. o ROW may be reduced in built up area or constricted areas to minimize land acquisition as per PMGSY Guidelines. o Adjust alignment to the extent feasible to avoid tree cutting, shifting of utilities or community structure. o The road shall follow natural topography to avoid excessive cut and fill. o Avoid or minimize land 3. acquisition. Land to o Land acquisition, compensation Environmental o All through be made PIU, Govt. of packages, resettlement and Pre officer under the available Madhya Pradesh , rehabilitation, poverty alleviation Construc the PIC will Land acquisition alignment by the and other programs for affected people tion also coordinate of each state and all other related issues are Phase and ensure rural road Governm addressed through Social implementation ent Impacts and Resettlement & Rehabilitation report. 4. o All efforts shall be taken to avoid Throughout tree cutting wherever possible. the project o Requisite permission from section of the Biological forest department shall be road. environment - Tree obtained for cutting of roadside (Highlight Tree planting trees. cutting o Provision of Compensatory locations & Afforestation shall be made on proposed 1:3.ratio basis. likely Appendix 4 117

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring o Permission shall be taken for plantation diversion of any forest land if location) involved. Provision shall be made for additional compensatory tree plantation. Environmental o The road land width shall be PIC, PIU, Forest officer under clearly demarcated on the Department NGOs All through the the PIC will ground. (shifting of utilities Rural roads coordinate and o The utility and community shall be carried out by 5. excepting in ensure structure shifting shall be respective stretches of planned in consultations and Necessar governmental bodies habitations concurrence of the community. y cost at cost to be (Attach or o Tree felling shall be limited to provision reimbursed by Refer to those, which could not be saved s have project, implementing specific even by design measures. The Pre been agency). sections of Officials of Planning for land tree shall be cut with a prior Construc made. To increase survival DPR for the Forest clearing permission of Forest tion All other rate of new saplings, a utilities to be Department, department. shifted along Phase costs are core Tree Contractor and o The vegetable cover shall be with chainages included Management local NGOs and removed and disposed in for the under Committee is to be coordinated by consultation with community. location of project created to ensure Environmental o All public utilities shifting shall such cost. complete retrieval of structures) officer of be planned with prior vegetative cover and Construction concurrence of respective timely replacement of Supervision agencies/authority and to the perished plantations. Consultant for adjacent location approved by implementation Unit specific them (PIU) of ASRRDA, package. o All efforts are made to minimize As determined Contractor is Environmental shifting of common utilities and by contractor responsible for officer and 8. community structures. under ensuring provision of other team o The community Construc Borne by facilities under members of Shifting on Common approval of structures/utilities which can not tion Contracto approval by PIC / PIU PIC will monitor Properties Resources PIC /PIU be saved will be shifted to (Attach or Phase r and ensure adjacent area with the Refer to appropriate concurrence and in consultation specific implementation with community. sections of

118 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring DPR for Environmental community officer will structures to regularly be shifted interact with the along with local people chainages for the location of who are likely such to be affected structures) to ensure that their interests are protected and no social resentment sets in. o The alignment design shall consider options to minimize excessive cuts and fills. o The cut and fill quantities shall be used for embankment to minimize barrow earth requirement. 6. o The design shall be as per All through the relevant IRC provisions for cut alignment of and fill, slope protection and each rural Cut and Fill and drainage. road Pre Part of Project Preparation Embankment o Adequate provision shall be Construc Project Consultant/ design PIU/ ASRRDA Construction design & made for cross drainage (Highlight the tion Cost consultant planning structure for maintaining natural high flood Phase level, chainage drainage pattern in the for action and subproject area and preventing linkages to soil erosion. DPR section) o Side drain for channelizing water to nearby natural drain in water stagnation /logging prone area. o The top soil of the cut and fill area shall be used for embankment slope protection Appendix 4 119

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring o Embankment will be designed above High Flood Level (HFL) wherever, area is prone to flood. 7. o Provision of adequate cross drainage structure shall be made to ensure smooth passage of water and maintaining natural drainage pattern of the area. The discharge capacity of the CD structure shall be designed accordingly. o Provision of adequate side drainage shall be made in water Near all stagnant/logging areas. drainage o The construction work near crossing , water body shall be planned nalas and preferably in dry season so that river crossings water quality of the water etc. Hydrology and channel is not affected due to

Drainage siltation and rain water runoff. (indicate HFL o Elaborate drainage system shall Level and be provided to drain the storm Highlight the water from the roadway and chainage for embankment to ensure action and minimum disturbance to natural linkages to drainage of surface and DPR section) subsurface water of the area. o Provision of additional cross drainage structure shall be made in the areas where nearby land is sloping towards road alignment on both the sides. o Provision of concrete road construction in habitat area with drainage of both side of the road shall be made as per the design

120 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring provision and with adequate slope to prevent any water logging. o Road level shall be fixed above HFL. Embankment slope stabilization measures shall be planned. Stabilization measures may include vegetative treatment, stone pitching, retaining wall where feasible, low cost options such as bamboo / eucalyptus tree pilling . 8. As o Construction camp sites shall be determined by located away from any local contractor human settlements (minimum under 0.5 km away) and preferably approval of located on lands, which are not PIC/PIU/ productive barren/waste lands (ref- Labelled: presently. WASTE OIL; o Similarly temporary office and and storage areas shall be located hazardous Pre- away from human settlement To be All facilities are to be Establishment of sign be construct areas (minimum 500 m). included planned and Construction Camp, displayed at ion and o The construction camps, office in implemented by PIU temporary office and oil handling construct and storage areas shall have contractor contractor under storage area areas and ion provision of adequate water ’s cost approval by PIU / PIC sold off to stage supply, sanitation and all SPCB/ MoEF requisite infrastructure facilities. authorized re- o The construction camps shall be refiners). located at a minimum 0.5 km (Contractor to from forest land/areas to deter specify the the construction labour in cost provision trespassing. Similarly, made for PPE temporary office and storage and other areas shall be located at a environmental sanitation Appendix 4 121

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring minimum 0.5 km from forest measures land/areas. required per o The construction camps, office construction and storage areas shall have camp / temporary provision of septic tank/soak pit office / of adequate capacity so that it storage area) can function properly for the entire duration of its use. o All construction camps shall have provision of rationing facilities particularly for kerosene/LPG so that dependence on firewood for cooking is avoided completely to the extent possible. o The construction camps, office and storage areas shall have provision of health care facilities for adults, pregnant women and children. o Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) like helmet, boots, earplugs for workers, first aid and fire fighting equipments shall be available at construction sites before start of construction. An emergency plan shall be prepared to fight with any emergency like fire. o Provision shall be made for domestic solid waste disposal in a control manner. The recyclable waste shall be sold off and non-saleable and biodegradable waste shall be disposed through secured land filling.

122 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring o Provision of paved area for unloading and storage of fuel oil, lubricant oil, away from storm water drainage. o The contractor will identify the areas were temporary traffic diversion may be required. He would prepare appropriate 9. traffic movement plan for ensuring continued flow of traffic during construction phase. This may include movement of the traffic from the site of the construction area. This kind of a temporary diversion shall be As proposed finalized with the concurrence of under DPR respective PIU. and o Wherever, cross drainage determined Pre- structure work require longer To be All facilities are to be by contractor construct construction time and road is to included planned and and approved ion and Traffic Movement be blocked for longer duration, in implemented by PIU by PIC/PIU/ construct the PIU / DPR Consultant shall contractor contractor under (Highlight the ion define appropriate measures for ’s cost approval by PIU / PIC chainages stage traffic diversion before the start which may of the construction. require traffic o The diversion plan should diversions) ensure smooth flow of traffic, minimize accidents to road users during construction works. o Adequate signboards shall be placed much ahead of diversion site to caution the road users. The road signs should be bold and retro reflective in nature for good visibility in day and night both. Appendix 4 123

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring 10. o Speed breakers (Rumble strips) as per IRC: 99-1988 shall be provided at sharp corves design and bends where the curve design speed is less than 40 km per hour in plain and rolling terrain. o Speed breakers shall also be provided at a threshold of habitation (as per NRRDA guidelines) at regular intervals (150-200 m) through habitation and near schools or religious Throughout places. the project o The speed breakers shall be section at the provided and directional sign location boards installed at sites where determined by reverse horizontal curves are contractor and Occupational Health closely spaced and speed approved by and Safety reduction is required. PIU o Provision shall be made for Hazard markers at each end of (Highlight the all box culverts, river crossing location with chainage for causeways and similar CD such structures requirements) o Shoulder side slopes shall not be steeper than 2h:1V unless stone pitching of the slopes is provided. o Cement concrete pavement and V-shaped drain shall be constructed to the full width of the available roadway within densely populated habitation and as per feasibility. o Provision shall be made for Directional sight board shall be

124 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring installed on all sharp curves and bends o At a main road, intersection or crossing “STOP” sign and ‘T- intersection’ warning sign shall be installed on the village road. o It is proposed to approach railways for adequate safety at unmanned railway crossing where applicable. Adequate clearly visible sign shall be provided on both side of the railway crossing Construction Stage Borrow Earth: As Borrow o The borrow earth shall be sites and 11. obtained from identified quarries (if locations and with prior required) permission for landowner and location. The selection of clear understanding for its quarries and material rehabilitation. The Indian Road (List the selection will be the Congress (IRC):10-1961 probable responsibility of guideline should be used for locations for Sourcing and borrow areas. During contractor under PIC /PIU/TSC selection of borrow pits and transportation of (Highlight the Design approval of PIC Environmental amount that can be borrowed. Engineeri construction material ( identified and /PIU/TSC officer and o Borrowing earth from ng cost aggregates , earth) quarries, if construct Environmental officer other team agricultural land shall be already ion Stage and other team members of minimized to the extent identified. members of PIC will PIC will possible. Further, no earth shall Contractors ensure appropriate monitor be borrowed from already low- should also implementation of lying areas. indicate the mitigation actions. o A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped quarry they are likely to off from the borrow pit and this use if not will be stored in stockpiles in a already designated area for height not identified at exceeding 2m and side slopes DPR stag) Appendix 4 125

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring not steeper than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). o Borrowing of earth will not be done continuously through out the stretch. o Ridges of not less than 8m widths will be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. o Small drains will be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate drainage. o The slope of the edges will be maintained not steeper than 1:4 (vertical: Horizontal). o The depth of borrow pits will not be more than 30 cm after stripping the 15 cm topsoil aside. o Fly ash will also be used in road embankment as per IRC guidelines wherever thermal power plant is located within 100 km of the road alignment. o The borrow area shall be rehabilitated as per the understanding arrived with the land-owner. The re-habilitation plan may include the following: . Borrow pits shall be backfilled with rejected construction wastes and will be given a vegetative cover. If this is not possible, then excavation sloped will be smoothed and depression will be filled in such a way

126 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring that it looks more or less like the original ground surface. . Borrow areas might be used for aquaculture in case landowner wants such development.

Aggregate : o The stone aggregate shall be sourced from existing licensed quarries o Copies of consent/ approval / rehabilitation plan for use of existing source will be submitted to PIU. o Topsoil to be stockpiled and protected for use at the rehabilitation stage

Transportation of Construction Material

o Existing tracks / roads are to be used for hauling of materials to the extent possible. o Prior to construction of roads, topsoil shall be preserved or at least shall be used for any other useful purposes like using in turfing of embankment rather than allowing its loss by construction activities. o The vehicles deployed for material transportation shall be spillage proof to avoid or minimize the spillage of the material during transportation. Appendix 4 127

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring In any case, the transportation links are to be inspected at least twice daily to clear accidental spillage, if any. o It shall be ensured that the land taken on lease for access road, construction camp and temporary office of the storage facilities is restored back to its original land use before handing it over back to land owner. o The top soil from the productive land (borrow areas, road widening areas etc.) shall be 12. preserved and reused for plantation purposes. Thought out o It shall also be used as top cover the road of embankment slope for section During growing vegetation to protect (The Loss of Productive the Included soil erosion. contractor Design Consultant Soil, erosion and land Construc in project PIU / ASRRDA o Cut and fill shall be planned as shall include and Contractor use change the cost for tion cost per IRC provisions and rural the measures stage road manual. as part of the o All steep cuts shall be flattened construction and benched. cost) o Shrubs shall be planted in loose soil area. o IRC: 56 -1974 recommended practice for treatment of embankment slopes for erosion control shall be taken into consideration. o Soil erosion shall be visually checked on slopes and embankment areas. In case soil erosion is found, suitable

128 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring measures shall be taken to control the soil erosion o To prevent soil compaction in the adjoining productive lands beyond the ROW, the movement of construction 13. vehicles, machinery and equipment shall be restricted to the designated haulage route. o The productive land shall be reclaimed after construction activity. o Septic tank or mobile toilets fitted with anaerobic treatment Throughout facility shall be provided at the project  Project construction camp/temporary section of the prepar office/storage areas. road s  Design ation o Domestic solid waste at and cost Compaction and construction camp shall be (The  Design consultant constr and PIU Contamination of Soil segregated into biodegradable contractor and Contractor, uction constru and non-biodegradable waste. shall include the cost for stage ction o The non-biodegradable and the measures cost recyclable waste shall be sold as part of the  off. construction o Fuel and lubricants shall be cost) stored at the predefined storage location. o The storage area shall be paved with gentle slope to a corner and connected with a chamber to collect any spills of the oils. o All efforts shall be made to minimise the waste generation. Unavoidable waste shall be stored at the designated place prior to disposal. Appendix 4 129

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring o To avoid soil contamination at the wash-down and re-fuelling areas, “oil interceptors” shall be provided. Oil and grease spill and oil soaked materials are to be collected and stored in labelled containers (Labelled: WASTE OIL; and hazardous sign be displayed) and sold off to SPCB/ MoEF authorized re- refiners. o All excavated materials from roadway, shoulders, verges, drains, cross drainage will be used for backfilling embankments, filling pits, and landscaping. o Unusable debris material should be suitably disposed off at pre- designated disposal locations,  Project with approval of the concerned prepar 14. authority.  Design ation o The bituminous wastes shall be  Throughout and cost Construction Debris disposed in secure manner at the project  Design consultant constr and PIU and waste designated landfill sites only in section of and Contractor, uction constru an environmentally accepted the road stage ction manner. cost o For removal of debris, wastes

and its disposal MOSRTH guidelines should be followed. Unproductive/wastelands shall be selected with the consent of villagers and Panchayat for the same. The dumping site should be of adequate capacity. It should be located at least 500 m away from the residential areas.

130 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring Dumping sites should be away from water bodies to prevent any contamination of these bodies. o Vehicles delivering loose and fine materials like sand and aggregates shall be covered. o Dust suppression measures like water sprinkling, shall be applied in all dust prone locations such as unpaved haulage roads, earthworks, 15. stockpiles and asphalt mixing areas.  Near all o Mixing plants and asphalt (hot drainage mix) plants shall be located at crossing , least 0.5 km away and in nalas and downwind direction of the river human settlements. crossings  Include  During o Material storage areas shall also etc. d in Constr Air and Noise Quality be located downwind of the engine Contractor PIU/ ASRRDA uction habitation area. (The ering stage o Hot mix plant shall be fitted with contractor cost stack of adequate height (30 m) shall include the cost for or as may be prescribed by the measures SPCB to ensure enough as part of the dispersion of exit gases. construction Consent to establish and cost) operate shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Board and comply with all consent conditions. o Diesel Generating (DG) sets shall also be fitted with stack of adequate height ( as per regulation height of the stack of open to air DG set shall be Appendix 4 131

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring about 0.5 m for 5 KVA and about 0.7 m for 10 KVA DG sets, above top of sound proofing enclosure of the Dg set). . Low sulphur diesel shall be used in DG sets and other construction machineries. Construction vehicles and machineries shall be periodically maintained. o The requisite PPE (helmet, mask, boot, hand gloves, earplugs) shall be provided to the construction workers. o Workers’ exposure to noise will be restricted to less than 8 hours a day. Workers duty shall be regulated accordingly. 15. Throughout the project during o Compensatory Afforestation section of the the Part of 16. shall be made on 1:3.ratio basis road design Biological engineeri as per the planning. (Highlight Tree and PIU and environment - Tree ng work ASRRDA o Additional trees shall be planted cutting Construc ASRRDA planting cost wherever feasible. locations & tion proposed included likely stage plantation location) o Requisite permission shall be Throughout obtained for abstraction of the project 17. groundwater from State Ground section of the Ground Water and Water Board/Central Ground road constructi construct Surface Water Quality Water Authority if applicable. (The on cost Contractor, PIC/PIU ion stage and Availability o The contractor shall arrange for contractor shall include water required during the cost for construction in such a way that the measures the water availability and supply as part of the

132 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring to nearby communities remains construction unaffected. cost) o Water intensive activities shall not be undertaken during summer period to the extent feasible. o Provision shall be made to link side drains with the nearby ponds for facilitating water harvesting if feasible o Where ponds are not available, the water harvesting pits shall be constructed as per the requirement and rainfall intensity. o Preventive measures like slop stabilisation, etc shall be taken for prevention of siltation in water bodies. o Verification of implementation of 19. provision made at planning stage. o Each worker is provided with requisite PPE Occupational Health o Directional sight board shall be

and Safety installed on all sharp curves and bends o At a main road, intersection or crossing “STOP” sign and ‘T- intersection’ warning sign shall be installed on the village road. Operation Stage o Awareness sign board shall be Throughout provided for slow driving near the project Operatio constructi Air and Noise Quality the habitat areas to minimize section at the n stage on cost Contractor, PIC/PIU 19. dust generation due vehicle location stage movement.. Speed limitation determined by Appendix 4 133

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring and honking restrictions may be contractor and enforced near sensitive approved by locations. PIU o All construction camp/temporary office/material storage areas are to be restored to its original conditions. o The borrow areas rehabilitation will be ensured as per the (The agreed plan with the landowner. contractor o Obtained clearance from PIU shall include before handling over the site to the cost for Site restoration SRRDA. the measures o PIC to undertake survivability as part of the assessment and report to PIU construction the status of compensatory tree cost) plantation at a stage of completion of construction with recommendation for improving the survivability of the tree if required o Regular removal/cleaning of Throughout deposited silt shall be done from the project 20. drainage channels and outlet section at the points before the monsoon Operatio constructi Hydrology and location season. n stage on cost Contractor, PIC/PIU Drainage determined by o Rejuvenation of the drainage stage contractor and system by removing approved by encroachments/ congestions PIU shall be regularly conducted o Directional sight board shall be Throughout 21. installed on all sharp curves and the project bends Operatio constructi Occupational Health section at the o At a main road, intersection or n stage on cost Contractor, PIC/PIU and Safety location crossing “STOP” sign and ‘T- stage determined by intersection’ warning sign shall contractor and be installed on the village road.

134 Appendix 4

SL. Project Mitigation Measures Location Time Cost Responsible for Responsible NO. Action/Environment Frame Implementing for al Attributes Monitoring approved by PIU

Note :

1. Road specific measures may vary depending on its location and environmental setting around. The exact extent of activities and related measures requires will depend on final alignment selection. Table 1 provides the list of common utilities, ponds, or community structures falling within 2-4 M of the road and may require shifting. Efforts shall be made to adopt the mitigative measures listed under respective section above including measures of aligning road on one end to save the the structures/trees as much as possible. The PIU will update this EMP before attaching it with the DPR and either list or refer to the section of DPR for highlighting the exact location with chainage of action areas (regarding shifting of common utilities, community structures, location of CD structures, embankment height in the flood prone areas, slope stabilization measures with locations near ponds or water bodies, tree cutting locations)

2. The information to be updated in the standard EMP before attaching it with DPR is highlighted under location column of the standard EMP.

Appendix 5 135



Monitoring Responsibility: PIU with Support from PIC Monitoring Frequency: Once prior to start of construction Road Name with Block and District Name:………………. Road Length: ………… Report No.: ……….

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay 1.1. Climate Change o Compliance to climate change vulnerability check point All through the No. of 1. Consideration given under EARF and adoption of necessary mitigative alignment Additional and Vulnerability measures as may be required Tree plantation screening o Efforts shall be made to plant additional trees for increasing Proposed the carbon sink. The tree may be planted with help of PRI ( Panchyati Raj Institution) Finalization of o The road will be part of district core network and will comply All through the Compliance to 2. alignment with PMGSY guidelines alignment of Conditions of o Subproject shall not disturb any cultural heritage designated each rural road Forest by the government or by the international agencies, such as Clearance if UNESCO, and shall avoid any monuments of cultural or applicable historical importance. o Subproject will not pass through any designated wild life sanctuaries, national park, notified Eco sensitive areas or area of international significance such as protective wet land designated under Wetland Convention, and reserve forest area.. o Subproject to comply with local and National legislative requirements such as forest clearance for diversion of forestland and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. o Alignment finalization considering availability of right of way and in consultation with local people. o ROW may be reduced in built up area or constricted areas to minimize land acquisition as per PMGSY Guidelines.

136 Appendix 5

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o Adjust alignment to the extent feasible to avoid tree cutting, shifting of utilities or community structure. o The road shall follow natural topography to avoid excessive cut and fill. Land acquisition o Avoid or minimize land acquisition. All through the 3. o Land acquisition, compensation packages, resettlement and alignment of rehabilitation, poverty alleviation programs for affected each rural people and all other related issues are addressed through road Social Impacts and Resettlement & Rehabilitation report. 4. Biological o All efforts shall be taken to avoid tree cutting wherever Throughout environment - possible. the project Tree planting o Requisite permission from forest department shall be section of the obtained for cutting of roadside trees. road 7.77 o Provision of Compensatory Afforestation shall be made on 1:3.ratio basis. o Permission shall be taken for diversion of any forest land if involved. Provision shall be made for additional compensatory tree plantation. Planning for land o The road land width shall be clearly demarcated on the All through the Tree cutting clearing ground. Rural roads permission o The utility and community structure shifting shall be planned excepting in from Forests or in consultations and concurrence of the community. stretches of Revenue 5. o Tree felling shall be limited to those, which could not be habitations department as saved even by design measures. The tree shall be cut with applicable a prior permission of Forest department. Permission of o The vegetable cover shall be removed and disposed in concerned consultation with community. utility o All public utilities shifting shall be planned with prior Authorities concurrence of respective agencies/authority and to the No and adjacent location approved by them proposed location of compensatory trees plantation, Concurrence from Appendix 5 137

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay community for utility, community structure, and vegetation cover removal Shifting on o All efforts are made to minimize shifting of common utilities As determined Common and community structures. by contractor Properties o The community structures/utilities, which can not be saved, under approval 6. Resources will be shifted to adjacent area with the concurrence and in of PIC /PIU consultation with community. Cut and Fill and o The alignment design shall consider options to minimize All through the Embankment excessive cuts and fills. alignment of Construction o The cut and fill quantities shall be used for embankment to each rural road 7. design and minimize barrow earth requirement. planning o The design shall be as per relevant IRC provisions for cut and fill, slope protection and drainage. o Adequate provision shall be made for cross drainage structure for maintaining natural drainage pattern in the subproject area and preventing soil erosion. o Side drain for channelizing water to nearby natural drain in water stagnation /logging prone area. o The top soil of the cut and fill area shall be used for embankment slope protection o Embankment will be designed above High Flood Level wherever, area is prone to flood. Hydrology and o Provision of adequate cross drainage structure shall be Near all Drainage made to ensure smooth passage of water and maintaining drainage natural drainage pattern of the area. The discharge capacity crossing , 8. of the CD structure shall be designed accordingly. nalas and o Provision of adequate side drainage shall be made in water river crossings stagnant/logging areas. etc. o The construction work near water body shall be planned preferably in dry season so that water quality of the water channel is not affected due to siltation and rain water runoff.

138 Appendix 5

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o Elaborate drainage system shall be provided to drain the storm water from the roadway and embankment to ensure minimum disturbance to natural drainage of surface and subsurface water of the area. o Provision of additional cross drainage structure shall be made in the areas where nearby land is sloping towards road alignment on both the sides. o Provision of concrete road construction in habitat area with drainage of both side of the road shall be made as per the design provision and with adequate slope to prevent any water logging. o Road level shall be fixed above HFL. Embankment slope stabilization measures shall be planned. Stabilization measures may include vegetative treatment, stone pitching, retaining wall where feasible, low cost options such as bamboo / eucalyptus tree pilling . Establishment of o Construction camp sites shall be located away from any As determined Location of Construction local human settlements (minimum 0.5 km away) and by contractor Construction 9. Camp, temporary preferably located on lands, which are not productive under camp with office and barren/waste lands presently. approval of planning of storage area o Similarly temporary office and storage areas shall be PIC/PIU/ requisite located away from human settlement areas (minimum 500 (ref- Labelled: facilities and m). WASTE OIL; making o The construction camps, office and storage areas shall and provision of have provision of adequate water supply, sanitation and all hazardous such facilities requisite infrastructure facilities. sign be prior to start of o The construction camps shall be located at a minimum 0.5 displayed at construction. km from forest land/areas to deter the construction labour in oil handling Availability of trespassing. Similarly, temporary office and storage areas areas and sold consent to shall be located at a minimum 0.5 km from forest off to SPCB/ establish from land/areas. MoEF pollution o The construction camps, office and storage areas shall authorized re- control board have provision of septic tank/soak pit of adequate capacity refiners). for setting up so that it can function properly for the entire duration of its the camp. use. Appendix 5 139

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o All construction camps shall have provision of rationing facilities particularly for kerosene/LPG so that dependence on firewood for cooking is avoided completely to the extent possible. o The construction camps, office and storage areas shall have provision of health care facilities for adults, pregnant women and children. o Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) like helmet, boots, earplugs for workers, first aid and fire fighting equipments shall be available at construction sites before start of construction. An emergency plan shall be prepared to fight with any emergency like fire. o Provision shall be made for domestic solid waste disposal in a control manner. The recyclable waste shall be sold off and non-saleable and biodegradable waste shall be disposed through secured land filling. o Provision of paved area for unloading and storage of fuel oil, lubricant oil, away from storm water drainage. Traffic Movement o The contractor will prepare appropriate traffic diversion As proposed scheme approved by respective PIU. This shall be under DPR implemented prior to start of construction to avoid any and 10. inconvenience to the present road users. This shall be determined by implemented in other stretches of the road as per the contractor and progress of the construction work. approved by o The diversion plan should ensure smooth flow of traffic, PIC/PIU/ minimize accidents to road users during construction works. o Adequate signboards shall be placed much ahead of diversion site to caution the road users. The road signs should be bold and retro reflective in nature for good visibility in day and night both.

Occupational o Speed breakers (Rumble strips) as per IRC: 99-1988 shall Throughout Health and be provided at sharp corves design and bends where the the project 11. Safety curve design speed is less than 40 km per hour in plain and section at the rolling terrain. location determined by

140 Appendix 5

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o Speed breakers shall also be provided at a threshold of contractor and habitation (as per NRRDA guidelines) at regular intervals approved by (150-200 m) through habitation. PIU o The speed breakers shall be provided and directional sign boards installed at sites where reverse horizontal curves are closely spaced and speed reduction is required. o Provision shall be made for Hazard markers at each end of all box culverts, river crossing causeways and similar CD structures o Shoulder side slopes shall not be steeper than 2h:1V unless stone pitching of the slopes is provided. o Cement concrete pavement and V-shaped drain shall be constructed to the full width of the available roadway within densely populated habitation and as per feasibility. o Provision shall be made for Directional sight board shall be installed on all sharp curves and bends o At a main road, intersection or crossing “STOP” sign and ‘T- intersection’ warning sign shall be installed on the village road. o It is proposed to approach railways for adequate safety at unmanned railway crossing where applicable. Adequate clearly visible sign shall be provided on both side of the railway crossing 1111112. Grievance o Obtaining information from Village level Grievance redress Each Sample Redress committee, PIU as applicable road once.

NOTE: Each report must enclose Photograph to the maximum possible action points, even if work is in progress.

Appendix 5 141


Monitoring Responsibility : PIU with Support from PIC Monitoring Frequency : (First Report after third month of start of construction or 25% construction . Second report after ninth month of construction or 75% construction). Project Details:……………. Road Stretch Name : ………. Monitoring Report Quarter No.: ……..

SL. NO. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay Sourcing and Borrow Earth: At Borrow Compliance 1. transportation of o The borrow earth shall be obtained from identified sites and to IRC construction material locations and with prior permission for landowner and quarries (if guidelines ( aggregates , earth) clear understanding for its rehabilitation. The Indian required) and stated Road Congress (IRC):10-1961 guideline should be used location. criteria, for selection of borrow pits and amount that can be Permission borrowed. from land o Borrowing earth from agricultural land shall be owners, minimized to the extent possible. Further, no earth shall Rehabilitation be borrowed from already low-lying areas. of borrow o A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit areas and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper Availability of than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). valid consent o Borrowing of earth will not be done continuously through of quarries out the stretch. o Ridges of not less than 8m widths will be left at intervals not exceeding 300m. o Small drains will be cut through the ridges, if necessary, to facilitate drainage. o The slope of the edges will be maintained not steeper than 1:4 (vertical: Horizontal). o The depth of borrow pits will not be more than 30 cm after stripping the 15 cm topsoil aside.

142 Appendix 5

SL. NO. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o Fly ash will also be used in road embankment as per IRC guidelines wherever thermal power plant is located within 100 km of the road alignment. o The borrow area shall be rehabilitated as per the understanding arrived with the land-owner. The re- habilitation plan may include the following: . Borrow pits shall be backfilled with rejected construction wastes and will be given a vegetative cover. If this is not possible, then excavation sloped will be smoothed and depression will be filled in such a way that it looks more or less like the original ground surface. . Borrow areas might be used for aquaculture in case landowner wants such development. Aggregate : o The stone aggregate shall be sourced from existing licensed quarries o Copies of consent/ approval / rehabilitation plan for use of existing source will be submitted to PIU. o Topsoil to be stockpiled and protected for use at the rehabilitation stage

Transportation of Construction Material o Existing tracks / roads are to be used for hauling of materials to the extent possible. o Prior to construction of roads, topsoil shall be preserved or at least shall be used for any other useful purposes like using in turfing of embankment rather than allowing its loss by construction activities. o The vehicles deployed for material transportation shall be spillage proof to avoid or minimize the spillage of the material during transportation. In any case, the transportation links are to be inspected at least twice daily to clear accidental spillage, if any. Appendix 5 143

SL. NO. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay Loss of Productive o It shall be ensured that the land taken on lease for Thought Soil, erosion and access road, construction camp and temporary office of out the 2. land use change the storage facilities is restored back to its original land road use before handing it over back to land owner. section o The top soil from the productive land (borrow areas, road widening areas etc.) shall be preserved and reused for plantation purposes. o It shall also be used as top cover of embankment slope for growing vegetation to protect soil erosion. o Cut and fill shall be planned as per IRC provisions and rural road manual. o All steep cuts shall be flattened and benched. o Shrubs shall be planted in loose soil area. o IRC: 56 -1974 recommended practice for treatment of embankment slopes for erosion control shall be taken into consideration. o Soil erosion shall be visually checked on slopes and embankment areas. In case soil erosion is found, suitable measures shall be taken to control the soil erosion Compaction and o To prevent soil compaction in the adjoining productive  Through 3. Contamination of lands beyond the ROW, the movement of construction out the Soil vehicles, machinery and equipment shall be restricted to project the designated haulage route. section o The productive land shall be reclaimed after of the construction activity. road s o Septic tank or mobile toilets fitted with anaerobic treatment facility shall be provided at construction camp/temporary office/storage areas. o Domestic solid waste at construction camp shall be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. o The non-biodegradable and recyclable waste shall be sold off. o Fuel and lubricants shall be stored at the predefined storage location.

144 Appendix 5

SL. NO. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o The storage area shall be paved with gentle slope to a corner and connected with a chamber to collect any spills of the oils. o All efforts shall be made to minimise the waste generation. Unavoidable waste shall be stored at the designated place prior to disposal. o To avoid soil contamination at the wash-down and re- fuelling areas, “oil interceptors” shall be provided. Oil and grease spill and oil soaked materials are to be collected and stored in labelled containers (Labelled: WASTE OIL; and hazardous sign be displayed) and sold off to SPCB/ MoEF authorized re-refiners. Construction Debris o All excavated materials from roadway, shoulders,  Through and waste verges, drains, cross drainage will be used for out the backfilling embankments, filling pits, and landscaping. project o Unusable debris material should be suitably disposed section 4. off at pre-designated disposal locations, with approval of of the the concerned authority. road o The bituminous wastes shall be disposed in secure manner at designated landfill sites only in an environmentally accepted manner. o For removal of debris, wastes and its disposal MOSRTH guidelines should be followed. Unproductive/wastelands shall be selected with the consent of villagers and Panchayat for the same. The dumping site should be of adequate capacity. It should be located at least 500 m away from the residential areas. Dumping sites should be away from water bodies to prevent any contamination of these bodies. Air and Noise Quality o Vehicles delivering loose and fine materials like sand  Near all 5. and aggregates shall be covered. drainage o Dust suppression measures like water sprinkling, shall crossing, be applied in all dust prone locations such as unpaved nalas haulage roads, earthworks, stockpiles and asphalt and river mixing areas. crossing s etc. Appendix 5 145

SL. NO. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o Mixing plants and asphalt (hot mix) plants shall be located at least 0.5 km away and in downwind direction of the human settlements. o Material storage areas shall also be located downwind of the habitation area. o Hot mix plant shall be fitted with stack of adequate height (30 m) or as may be prescribed by SPCB to ensure enough dispersion of exit gases. Consent to establish and operate shall be obtained from State Pollution Control Board and comply with all consent conditions. o Diesel Generating (DG) sets shall also be fitted with stack of adequate height ( as per regulation height of the stack of open to air DG set shall be about 0.5 m for 5 KVA and about 0.7 m for 10 KVA DG sets, above top of sound proofing enclosure of the Dg set). . Low sulphur diesel shall be used in DG sets and other construction machineries. Construction vehicles and machineries shall be periodically maintained. o The requisite PPE (helmet, mask, boot, hand gloves, earplugs) shall be provided to the construction workers. o Workers’ exposure to noise will be restricted to less than 8 hours a day. Workers duty shall be regulated accordingly. 6. Biological o Compensatory Afforestation shall be made on 1:3.ratio Throughout environment - Tree basis as per the planning. the project planting o Additional trees shall be planted wherever feasible. section of the road 7.77 Ground Water and o Requisite permission shall be obtained for abstraction of Throughout 7. Surface Water groundwater from State Ground Water Board/Central the project Quality and Ground Water Authority if applicable. section of Availability o The contractor shall arrange for water required during the road construction in such a way that the water availability and supply to nearby communities remains unaffected.

146 Appendix 5

SL. NO. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compliance Corrective Attributes Monitoring status action Indicator if proposed in applicable case of delay o Water intensive activities shall not be undertaken during summer period to the extent feasible. o Provision shall be made to link side drains with the nearby ponds for facilitating water harvesting if feasible o Where ponds are not available, the water harvesting pits shall be constructed as per the requirement and rainfall intensity. o Preventive measures like slop stabilisation, etc shall be taken for prevention of siltation in water bodies. Occupational Health o Verification of implementation of provision made at Throughout 8. and Safety planning stage. the project o Each worker is provided with requisite PPE section at o Directional sight board shall be installed on all sharp the location curves and bends determined o At a main road, intersection or crossing “STOP” sign by and ‘T-intersection’ warning sign shall be installed on contractor the village road. and approved by PIU 11 9. Grievance Redress o Obtaining information from Village level Grievance Each redress committee, PIU as applicable Sample road once.

NOTE: Each report must enclose Photograph to the maximum possible action points, even if work is in progress. Appendix 5 147

III. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING DURING OPERATION STAGE Monitoring Responsibility: PIU with Support from PIC Monitoring Frequency: ( On completion of construction and after one month of first and second year of maintenance period) construction Project Details :……………. Road Stretch Name: ………. Monitoring Report No.: ……..

SL. Environmental Mitigation Measures Location Additional Compli Corrective NO. Attributes Monitoring ance action Indicator if status proposed in applicable case of delay Air and Noise o Awareness sign board shall be provided for slow driving Throughout the 1. Quality near the habitat areas to minimize dust generation due project section at the vehicle movement. Speed limitation and honking location determined restrictions may be enforced near sensitive locations. by contractor and approved by PIU Site restoration o All construction camp/temporary office/material storage Throughout the road Survivability 2. areas are to be restored to its original conditions. stretch report, land o The borrow areas rehabilitation will be ensured as per the owner agreed plan with the landowner. concurrenc o Obtained clearance from PIU before handling over the site e of land to SRRDA. reversal o PIC to undertake survivability assessment and report to PIU the status of compensatory tree plantation at a stage of completion of construction with recommendation for improving the survivability of the tree if required Hydrology and o Regular removal/cleaning of deposited silt shall be done Throughout the 3 Drainage from drainage channels and outlet points before the project section at the monsoon season. location determined o Rejuvenation of the drainage system by removing by contractor and encroachments/ congestions shall be regularly conducted approved by PIU Occupational o Directional sight board shall be installed on all sharp Throughout the 4. Health and Safety curves and bends project section at the o At a main road, intersection or crossing “STOP” sign and location determined ‘T-intersection’ warning sign shall be installed on the by contractor and village road. approved by PIU 5. Grievance Redress o Obtaining information from Village level Grievance redress Each Sample road committee, PIU as applicable once. NOTE: Each report must enclose Photograph to the maximum possible action points, even if work is in progress.