Meeting Pack City and District Council

Dear Member of Planning Committee

You are hereby summoned to attend the reconvened monthly meeting of the Planning Committee (from Wednesday 2 September 2020) to be held virtually on Thursday 3 September 2020 at 2.00 pm.

Yours faithfully

John Kelpie Chief Executive


1 Notice and Summons of Meeting

2 Member Attendance and Apologies

3 Statement for Remote Meetings

4 Declarations of Member's Interests

Open for Decision

5 Chairperson's Business

6 Review of increased Planning Scheme of Delegation in response to Coronavirus Pandemic (Pages 1 - 6)

7 Consultation from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council re. Proposed changes to their Local Development Plan draft Plan Strategy (LDP dPS) (Pages 7 - 12)

Open for Information

8 Planning Appeals Update (Pages 13 - 38)

9 Wind Farm Appeal to An Bord Pleanála against refusal of planning application by Donegal County Council for proposed wind farm development at Momeen and Lettergull, , Co. Donegal (Pages 39 - 64)

10 List of Decisions Issued - July/August 2020 (Pages 65 - 100)

Confidential for Decision

11 Matters Arising from the Confidential Minutes of the reconvened Planning Committee Meeting held on Thursday 2 July 2020 (Pages 101 - 102)

12 Proposed Court Action - LA11/2017/0182/CA (Pages 103 - 126)

13 Proposed Court Action - LA11/2016/0168/CA (Pages 127 - 146)

14 Proposed Court Action - A/2012/0049/CA (Pages 147 - 160)

15 Proposed Court Action - LA11/2016/0041/CA (Pages 161 - 180)

Confidential for Information

16 Update on Local Development Plan (LDP 2032) - Draft Plan Strategy (Pages 181 - 186)

3 September 2020

Agenda Item 6

Title of Report: Officer Presenting: Head of Planning

Item 9: Review of Increased Planning Scheme Author: Principal Planning Officer of Delegation, in response to Coronavirus pandemic

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations 1.1 To appraise Members on a review of the Planning Scheme of Delegation amended on 24th March 2020, to enable effective decision making during the Coronavirus pandemic.

2 Background

2.1 The Planning Department currently operates a scheme of delegation as part of the effective and efficient delivery of planning decisions in the district. In response to the Coronavirus pandemic and to aid delivery of the service, an increased Scheme of Delegation was agreed by Members on 24th March 2020. The existing scheme of delegation is attached in Appendix 10.

3 Key Issues

3.1 The main changes to the scheme included applications up to 49 dwellings, and confirmation of Tree Preservation Orders to be decided under the delegated scheme.

3.2 In reviewing the scheme, officers have considered the number of decisions taken since 24th March 2020.

A total of 276 planning decisions have been issued between 24th March 2020 and 31st July 2020.

Of these cases issued, 25 were issued following decisions taken at the four Planning Committee meetings held during June and July 2020.

Page 1 The remaining 251 decisions were delegated to officers.

There were 5 delegated cases issued as a result of changes to the delegated scheme made on 24th March 2020. These applications fell into the category of up to 49 houses.

Two Tree Preservation Notices were confirmed under the revised delegated scheme.

3.3 Officers consider that the revised Scheme of Delegation should continue for another three months and then a review brought into the December Planning Committee meeting.

4 Financial, Equality, Legal, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs and other Implications

4.1 There are no financial, equality, legal, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs and other implications.

5 Recommendations

5.1 Members consider the key issues and agree with Officers recommendation to continue with the revised decision making powers of the Delegated Scheme, previously agreed on 24th March 2020

Background Papers

Appendix 10 – Current Revised Scheme of Delegation: Delegation of Power to Determine Planning Applications and Consents and Enforcement (March 2020)

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Agenda Item 7

Title of Report: Officer Presenting: Principal Planning Officer Item 10: Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Fermanagh & Omagh District Council Local Development Plan - Draft Plan Strategy (LDP dPS)

1 Purpose of Report / Recommendations

1.1 The purpose of this Paper is to advise Members of a consultation received from Fermanagh & Omagh District Council on Proposed Changes to their Local Development Plan Draft Plan Strategy. A draft response letter is attached in Appendix 11, for Members approval.

2 Background

2.1 Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s Draft Plan Strategy was published and consulted upon between 26 October and 21 December 2018. As a result of this public consultation exercise, they received 322 individual Representations raising 635 issues.

2.2 As all Councils will be required to do, following detailed consideration of the representations received, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council is proposing a number of changes to the Draft Plan Strategy. The proposed changes can be viewed here: development-plan-draft-plan-strategy-proposed-changes-consultation/

2.3 In considering representations received to the Draft Plan Strategy, and the extent and nature of any proposed change required, account has been taken of Development Plan Practice Note 10 ‘Submitting Development Plan Documents for Independent Examination’ (DPPN 10).

2.4 DPPN 10 provides for two main types of change:

(1) Minor Changes: These are minor editing changes for factual correction which do not need public consultation, and which would not affect the soundness of the plan.

Page 7 (2) Focussed changes: These are limited changes, made only in exceptional circumstances, in order to deal with unforeseen issues and address impacts upon the soundness of the plan. The DPPN advises that they must be consulted upon prior to the submission of the plan for Independent Examination.

2.5 In addition to these, Fermanagh & Omagh District Council has also identified a number of other changes which, in their view, are considered to represent logical and rational amendments to a policy or policy clarification in response to representations received during the consultation period. They state in their consultation document that these are not minor changes and they are not in response to addressing ‘soundness’ issues.

2.6 Fermanagh and Omagh District Council considers that the majority of the changes proposed do not fall cleanly within either of those categories prescribed in DPPN 10. Accordingly, they have not described them or set them out as such in their consultation documents in line with DPPN 10 guidance. They consider that whilst the changes in many cases may be important and significant, they are not required to make the plan ‘sound’. To ensure that those interested persons who made representations are not disadvantaged, Fermanagh & Omagh District Council considers that these changes, in addition to focussed changes, require to be consulted upon. Planning Officers in this Council will clearly be monitoring how DFI and PAC consider this format.

3 Key Issues

3.1 The consultation period will run for 8 weeks, commencing on Thursday 16th July 2020 and ending on Friday 11th September 2020. Public inspection of the consultation documents will be permitted, by appointment only, at certain Council locations in line with Fermanagh & Omagh District Council CV19 restrictions.

3.2 The purpose of the consultation is to inform the general public, consultation bodies and interested parties of the Proposed Changes and allow comments if they wish and to demonstrate for the Independent Examination (IE) that everyone affected has had an opportunity to comment before any recommended change is made to the Draft Plan Strategy by the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC).

3.3 Fermanagh & Omagh District Council stresses that it is important to note that comments made at this stage can only address and relate to the soundness of Proposed Changes. This consultation is not an opportunity to add to previous representations or to make new comments on parts of the original Draft Plan Strategy not subject to change, as the PAC may not consider any new representations.

3.4 Officers have reviewed the Schedule of Proposed Changes document, its associated Appendices and accompanying Assessments. The 133 Proposed Changes range across the overall content of the draft PS and arise as a result of;

Page 8  Requested additional / deleted text from consultees;

 Updated housing figures (revised Housing Growth Indicator; updated Housing need & commitments); &

 Revised policy text to respond to the requests of representations or to bring previous wording more in line with SPPS direction and to provide overall clarity.

3.5 Those key policy areas that have been revised by Fermanagh & Omagh District Council include Housing, Tourism, Minerals, Renewables, Transport and Economy. Officers are content that the Proposed Changes do not raise any issues for this Council. It is possible that, in due course, this Council may have to carry out such a consultation on similar changes as part of its ongoing draft Plan Strategy process.

3.6 The Proposed Changes are also subject to Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA); Rural Needs Impact Assessment (RNIA) and Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA). These have been considered within the relevant Addendums published alongside the Schedule of Proposed Changes. Comments are invited on these Addendums in addition to comments on the Proposed Changes.

3.7 Officers are content with the reasoning and findings of each of the above assessments which overall indicates the changes proposed are not anticipated to have adverse impacts on those areas to which they are relevant.

4 Financial, Equality, Legal, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs and other Implications

4.1 There are not considered to be any financial, equality, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs or other implications arising out of this paper.

5 Recommendations

5.1 Members are requested to note the contents of this Paper, familiarise themselves with the ongoing consultation, which is accessible via the link in Para. 2.2 and agree to the draft response to issue to Fermanagh & Omagh District Council LDP team by the 11th September deadline.

Background Papers

Appendix 11 - Copy of draft response on Proposed Changes Consultation to issue to Fermanagh & Omagh District Council Planning-LDP Team

Page 9

Page 10 Page 11 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8

Title of Report: Officer Presenting: Principal Planning Officer Item 11: Planning Appeals Update Author: Principal Planning Officer

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations

1.1 To appraise Members on planning appeals currently in the system. A background table is enclosed in Appendix 12 showing the current status of any live appeals and any decisions made since the last meeting and an update on the PAC procedures following the Covid-19 restrictions.

2 Background

2.1 Since transfer of Planning to local government, Members have been advised on a monthly basis of the transitional provisions for dealing with planning appeals following transfer of powers on 1st April 2015 as set out in The Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order () 2015.

2.2 With regard to applications refused by the Council post 1st April 2015, officials have and will continue to notify the Planning Committee when appeals are received and dates for submission are published by the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC).

3 Key Issues

3.1 Members are advised that one new appeal has been submitted to the PAC since the last Committee meeting:

1) LA11/2015/0065/ (2020/E0014)

Alleged unauthorised concrete walls, concrete base and earth banking. An engineering operation to provide a silage pit. Land approximately 100 metres East South East of 3 Elm Road, Gobnascale, Donemana, Tyrone, BT82 0JE.

Page 13

3.2 Members are advised one appeal decision has been notified since last Committee meeting. Copy of the decision is attached in Appendix 13.

1) A/2014/0086/F (2019/A0086)

Redevelopment of vacant lands for an unattended 24-hour operating filling station incorporating new canopy, 4 fuel dispensers, new underground fuel tanks, upgraded associated site works & site boundaries plus a fuel cash and carry sales building and car wash. Lands adjacent to Rossdowney Road and Crescent Link Junction, Derry.

Commission Decision: Dismissed (17/8/20)

3.2 The appeals schedule has been updated accordingly with dates for PAC hearings and PAC site visits.

4 Financial, Equality, Legal, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs and other Implications

4.1 Paragraph 3(5) of The Planning (2011 Act) (Commencement No.3) and (Transitional Provisions) Order 2015, states that an appeal made to PAC against relevant decisions or determinations of the Department under the 1991 Order before 1st April 2015, the award of costs shall not apply. In all other cases the award of costs shall apply.

5 Recommendations

Members note the update on the appeals.

Background Papers

Appendix 12 - Appeals Schedule

Appendix 13 - PAC Decision

Page 14 Appeals Schedule District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12


Reference PAC Appeal Type Proposal Location Applicant Summary Update Appeal Status Number reference

1 EN/2016/0199 2017/E0040 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Buildings and Michael Enforcement Notice Decision received 20 Enforcement change of use of land to land at 15 McGonagle Appeal November 2018 Notice Issued a clothes recycling Beragh Hill Road, Enforcement Notice facility; of buildings and , Upheld land for the storage of Londonderry

Page 15 Page materials, storage containers, vehicles and trailers; of a dwelling to flats; and of an outbuilding to a dwelling

2 LA11/2018/0160/DE 2018/C004 Appeal on EIA Proposed restoration by Lisbunny Quarry, W & J Delegated Decision Decision received 15 TEIA Determination infilling with inert waste Longland Road, Chambers to request November 2018 of Lisbunny Quarry, Environmental Decision upheld - ES Longland Road, Claudy Statement required

3 LA11/2015/0137/CA 2018/E0018 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Land and Mr John Quinn Enforcement Notice Decision received 15 Enforcement erection of buildings premises at 69 Appeal November 2018 Notice Issued and change of use of Peacock Rd BT82 Enforcement Notice the land and buildings 9NP, Sion Mills, Terms Varied for a manufacturing Tyrone workshop Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

4 LA11/2017/0085/CA 2018/E0024 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Lands at former Mr David Enforcement Notice Enforcement Notice Enforcement use of land for the Gilmore Appeal Quashed notice issued deposition of controlled Industrial Estate, waste (as defined in the Drumahoe Road, Waste and Ardnabrocky, Contaminated Land (NI) Londonderry. Order 1997) causing BT47 3SD. infilling and raising of land.

5 LA11/2017/0242/F 2018/A0068 Appeal against Retention of conversion 20 Barry Street Dermot Committee Decision Appeal Allowed decision to of two storey mid Pennyburn Derry McSorley to refuse

Page 16 Page refuse terrace single BT48 7PJ occupancy dwelling to a house of multiple occupancy.

6 A/2012/0401/F 2015/A0102 Appeal against Wind farm comprising 7 Barr Cregg, Renewable Committee Decision Appeal Allowed decision to turbines and associated Ballymaclanigan Energy to refuse refuse infrastructure and Systems Ltd Slaghtmanus, 14 passing bays to near Claudy, Co A/2014/0112/F 2015/A0168 Appeal against facilitate construction Londonderry Committee Decision decision to of wind farm to refuse refuse Additional on-site A/2014/0114/F 2015/A0169 Appeal against access track associated Committee Decision decision to with wind farm to refuse refuse Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

7 LA11/2018/0182/L 2018/E0043 Appeal against Existing business for Sproule Road, Mr Jim Robb Appeal Partially DE decision to vehicle diagnostic and Castlederg with Certificate of Lawful Allowed refuse automotive electrical additional access Use or Development repair workshop - onto (CLUD) Delegated Carrickdartans decision to Refuse having been listed for Road, Castlederg commercial purposes for more than 5 years. Page 17 Page Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

8 J/2014/0027/CA 2018/E0041 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Lands North , Riddles Enforcement Notice Informal Hearing Enforcement winning and working South and East Brothers Appeal 29 May 2019 Notice of materials, of 33 Limited stockpiling of Castlewarren Await decision on first stage of appeal minerals and export Road, of materials; Alleged Donemana unauthorised change of use of land for screening and crushing of minerals; Alleged unauthorised Page 18 Page erection of cabin used as an office, staff room and toilet; Alleged unauthorised erection of storage unit; Alleged unauthorised ponds; Alleged unauthorised earth bunds; Alleged unauthorised deposition of waste material, scrap metal and disused vehicles. Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

9 LA11/2015/0518/F 2018/A0129 Appeal against Amendment to Wind Lands 260m Mr Gordon Committee Decision Appeal Dismissed decision to Turbine planning South West of Thompson to Refuse refuse approval 76 Strabane J/2009/0340/F. Road, Birnaghs, Erection of a wind Newtownstewa turbine - change in rt, Co. Tyrone. hub height from 30m to 40m and change in rotor diameter from 26m to 54m. 10 LA11/2017/1111/F Appeal against Change of Use from 2 Grafton Mr P Committee Decision Appeal Allowed

Page 19 Page decision to dwelling to HMO Terrace, Derry McCrisken to Refuse Full Award Costs refuse Against Council Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

11 A/2013/0125/CA Appeal against Unauthorised use of Land at Enforcement Notice Enforcement Notice enforcement land for importation, Carrickeel Appeal Quashed notice storage, processing Drive, Derry and distribution of fossil fuels, sand, ash and other minerals. The alleged unauthorised stationing of a container unit; weighbridge; the Page 20 Page stationing of concrete blocks forming walls; the stationing and use of plant, machinery and equipment in association with the above unauthorised change of use.

12 LA11/2016/0597/F 2018/A0193 Appeal against Amendments to Approximately Miller McElrea Committee Decision Site Visit held - refusal existing 250kw wind 125m North of to Refuse 29 June 2019 turbine to increase Bunderg Road, tower height from Strabane Appeal Dismissed 8 Feb 2020 31m to 44m and to increase blade length from 14.5m to 19.5m Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

13 LA11/2016/0223/ 2018/E0052 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Lands to the George Kelly Enforcement Notice Hearing 9 Jan 2020 CA Enforcement winning and working North & East of Appeal Strabane Enterprise Notice of minerals Alleged 5 Derg Road, Agency 10.30am unauthorised Victoria Bridge, Await Decision installation of a Strabane, BT82 drainage pipe 9JW

14. A/2014/0026/CA 2018/E0065 Appeal Against Alleged unauthorised Land at 23 Mr Michael Enforcement Notice Enforcement Notice Enforcement erection of building Monnaboy McColgan Appeal Quashed Notice Derry and Strabane Road, Derryarkin Page 21 Page Upper, Eglinton, Londonderry

15 LA11/2018/0758/F 2018/C006 Appeal against Determination that 26 by N & R EIA Determination EIA required and EIA Proposal for 25 no. Road, Devine for Appeal confirmed

Determination dwellings must be , accompanied by an Derry, Environmental Statement (LA11/2018/0758/F) (2 no. detached 2 storey, 16 no. semi- detached 2.5 storey, 4 no. terraced 2.5 storey and 3 no. terraced with 1 no. Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

2.5 storey and 2 no. 2 storey)

16 LA11/2016/0008/ 2018/E0067 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Land at 120 Rev John Enforcement Appeal EN Upheld CA Enforcement erection of buildings Melmount Withy Road, Sion

Page 22 Page Mills, Tyrone

17 LA11/2016/0041/ 2019/E0009 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised on Land at Mr Roy Enforcement Appeal Appeal Hearing held CA Enforcement Construction of a Approximately McCrea 14 Nov 2019 Notice Slurry Lagoon, Fence 215m NNE of 191 Glenshane Appeal Upheld and Associated 23 Dec 2019 Earthworks Road, Crossballycorm ick, Co. Londonderry Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

18 LA11/2016/0168/ 2019/E009 Appeal against Alleged unauthorised Land at Mr Roy Enforcement Appeal Appeal Hearing held CA Enforcement Construction of One Approximately McCrea 14 Nov 2019 Notice Wastewater Lagoon 190m East of 334 Longland Appeal Upheld and One Slurry 8 Jan 2020 Lagoon Road, Co Londonderry.

18 LA11/2017/0763/L 2019/A0054 Appeal against Change of use to 39 39 Shipquay Bentley Committee Decision Informal Hearing BC refusal of Shipquay Street to Street, 1 & 2 Leisure to refuse held 24 Oct 2019 Listed Building provide extension to Bank Place Appeal Allowed Consent approved amusement Derry

Page 23 Page 3 Jan 2020 arcade(A/2014/0314/ F)

19 LA11/2017/0764/F 2019/A0055 Appeal against Change of use to 39 39, Shipquay Bentley Committee Decision Informal Hearing refusal of Shipquay Street to Street,1/2 Bank Leisure to Refuse held 24 Oct 2019 application. provide extension to Place Derry Appeal allowed approved amusement 3 Jan 2020 arcade (A/2014/0314/F)

Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

20 LA11/2018/0476/F 2019/A0066 Appeal against Section 54 application Land to the FP McCann Invalid Application Written Rep invalid to remove/vary north of 22 Returned Oct 2019 application condition no 9 of Umrycam Proceeded to planning approval Road, Londonderry Informal hearing (24 A/2001/0726/F (PAC April 20) 2004/A266) to allow the continuation of Hearing cancelled - extraction activities Await new hearing date or revised until 31st March 2025 procedure

Page 24 Page 21 A/2014/0086/F 2019/A0086 Appeal against Redevelopment of Lands adjacent Dan Committee Decision Written Rep sent refusal of vacant lands for an to Rossdowney O’Loughlin to Refuse 4 Oct 2019 application unattended 24 hour Road and Crescent Link Appeal Dismissed operating filling 17/8/20 station incorporating Junction, Derry new canopy, 4 fuel dispensers, new underground fuel tanks, upgraded associated site works & site boundaries plus a fuel cash and carry sales building and car wash. Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

22 LA11/2019/0268/L 2019/E0033 ) NON- Access point into Castle Warren Robert Non- Determination Informal Hearing DE. DETERMINATIO lands C.360m north Rd, Donemana Riddles of CLUED scheduled for 26 N APPEAL - east of 35, Feb 2020 not held, revised procedures Castlewarren Road, issued to advise the Donemana, Strabane case would be dealt Existing development with by Written and use of an Representation entrance, access haul

road and crossing point connecting the existing sand and Page 25 Page gravel pit and washing plant site to the Castlewarren

23 LA11/2017/0053/ 2019/E0034 ENFORCEMENT Alleged unauthorised Land North of Assured Enforcement Appeal Hearing 5 Feb 2020 CA - APPEAL Anerobic Digester 53 Dunnalong Energy Strabane Enterprise Plant consisting of Road, Bready, Agency

primary and Tyrone, BT82 0DW 11am secondary anaerobic digesters, Vielfrab Await Decision solid feed unit, combined heat and power plant and office building, electricity substation, flare, weigh bridge, feedstock storage Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

clamps, concrete apron, hard standing, effluent storage tanks, pre pit and use of sheds and slurry tanks for the storage of digestate

24 LA11/2018/0817/ 2019/A0127 Appeal against 2no dwellings and Immediately Mr Liam Committee decision Written rep SoC O refusal of domestic garages (in- south (and Caldwell to refuse submitted Dec 2019 Page 26 Page application fill site) adjacent to) 114 Duncastle Appeal Dismissed Road Cullion 10 Feb 2020 Londonderry

25. LA11/2018/0376/F 2019/A0133 Appeal against Proposed 6 no.1 Site 20m south Mr N Maguire Committee decision Hearing 29/1/20 refusal of bedroom apartments of no's 22,24 to refuse Strabane Ent Agency application and 26 11am Townsend Street on Back Appeal Dismissed 26/5/20 Row, Strabane Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

26 LA11/2017/0251/F 2019/A0156 Appeal against Retrospective 511 Glenshane Mr G Committee decision Informal Hearing rd refusal of application to Road, Rosborough to refuse 3 June 2020 application retention of part Killycor,London derry Hearing cancelled – change of use from await new date or agricultural building revised procedures to dog/cat kennels

27. EN/2019/0152 2019/E0051 Enforcement Alleged unauthorised Land to the Mr JA Enforcement Appeal Await dates Appeal siting of portacabin rear of 41 and Mc Laughlin

and change of use of 42 Springhill land for retail sale of Park, Strabane Page 27 Page goods.

28. LA11/2018/0226/F 2019/A0200 Appeal against , Retrospective 23 Old Bridge Kellys Sand Committee decision Await dates refusal of planning permission Road, Victoria and Gravel to refuse application for the retention of Bridge, Ltd works carried at sand Strabane & gravel quarry, with associated works and access. Proposed Western extension and southern extension to previously extracted areas. Proposed works to include new Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

haul road and realignment of existing internal road. Works to also include settlement ponds, development of screening bunds, 2 no. compounds, relocation of existing washing plant,

Page 28 Page stockpiles and the creation of a staggered crossing on the Derg Road access, and full restoration of combined sites and retention of temporary buildings.

29. LA11/2015/0114/CA 2019/E0057 Enforcement The alleged Land at 511, Mr Graeme Enforcement Appeal Informal Hearing Appeal unauthorised change of Glenshane Road, Rosborough rd use of land and Killycor, 3 June 2020 buildings for dog Londonderry kennels and cattery Hearing cancelled, business. await new date or revised procedures Appeals Schedule Derry City and Strabane District

Please Note: Applications are listed in order received by PAC Appendix 12

30 A/2014/0592/F 2020/A0017 Appeal on Erection of 39 Ltd 8-10 Victoria Clanmil Committee Decision Await procedures refusal of apartments (4 storey Road, Derry, Developments to refuse planning and dates for Planning building) with rooftop BT47 2AB permission submission. Permission amenity space, new access arrangements from Victoria Road, servicing and drop off provision, bin stores, cycle parking landscaping and associated site works.

Page 29 Page 31 LA11/2015/0065/ 2020/E0014 Enforcement Alleged unauthorised Land John McCrea Enforcement Appeal Awaiting Dates Appeal concrete walls, approximately . concrete base and earth 100 metres East banking .An engineering South East of 3 operation to provide a Elm Road, silage pit Gobnascale, Donemana, Tyrone, BT820JE

This page is intentionally left blank

Park House Appeal 87/91 Great Victoria Street BELFAST Decision BT2 7AG T: 028 9024 4710 F: 028 9031 2536 E: [email protected]

Appeal Reference: 2019/A0086 Appeal by: Coal Company Limited Appeal against: The refusal of full planning permission Proposed Development: Redevelopment of vacant lands for an unattended 24 hour operating filling station incorporating new canopy, 4 fuel dispensers, new underground fuel tanks, upgraded associated site works and site boundaries plus a fuel cash and carry sales building and car wash Location: Lands adjacent to Rossdowney Road and Crescent Link Junction, Derry Planning Authority: Derry City and Strabane District Council Application Reference: A/2014/0086/F Procedure: Written Representations with Commissioner’s Site Visit on 1st July 2020 Decision by: Commissioner Diane O’Neill, dated 17th August 2020


1. The appeal is dismissed.


2. The main issue in this appeal is whether the proposal would prejudice road safety and inconvenience the flow of traffic.

3. Section 45 (1) of the Planning Act (NI) 2011 requires the Commission, in dealing with an appeal, to have regard to the local development plan, so far as material to the application, and to any other material considerations. Within the Derry Area Plan 2011, which is the statutory area plan for the area, the appeal site is whiteland within the development limit of Derry.

4. The Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS) sets out the transitional arrangements that will operate until a local authority has adopted a Plan Strategy for the whole of the council area. The SPPS retains certain existing planning policy documents and amongst these is Planning Policy Statement 3: Access, Movement and Parking (PPS 3). Development Control Advice Note 15: Vehicular Access Standards also provides relevant guidance.

5. The relatively flat appeal site is located between the Rossdowney Road and the Crescent Link dual carriageway. A junction between the two merging roads is located to the south-west of the appeal site. There is a left-turn slip lane off the Crescent Link onto Rossdowney Road for southbound traffic. Northbound Page 31

vehicles on Crescent Link wishing to enter the Rossdowney Road can do so by availing of the right-turn lane which is located adjacent to the central reserve area of the dual carriageway. There is no right-turn possible from Rossdowney Road onto the dual carriageway; drivers wishing to turn right have to travel approximately 135m to Crescent Link roundabout and u-turn onto the northbound carriageway towards Foyle Bridge. Approximately 70m from Rossdowney Road on the Crescent Link, just before the right-turn crossover lane, there is a signal controlled pedestrian crossing across the dual carriageway. This section of the Rossdowney Road provides vehicular access to a cemetery, Rossdowney House, which is a Western Trust social and care facility, as well as to a modest number of residential properties. A substantial residential development, Blackthorn Manor, is located to the east of the appeal site. Only pedestrian access is possible to Blackthorn Manor via the Rossdowney Road.

6. The proposal is for an unattended 8 pump 24 hour petrol filling station which would be accessed off the Rossdowney Road. The 8 pumps would be located in a 4 island format and covered by a canopy finished in red metal cladding. In the northern section of the appeal site there would be a fuel cash and carry sales area. Along the eastern section of the appeal site there would be a car washing area.

7. The sole reason for refusal related to Policy AMP 2 of PPS 3: Access, Movement and Parking. Policy AMP 2, which relates to access to public roads, states that planning permission will only be granted for a development proposal involving direct access, or the intensification of the use of an existing access, onto a public road where: (a) such access will not prejudice road safety or significantly inconvenience the flow of traffic; and (b) the proposal does not conflict with Policy AMP 3 Access to Protected Routes. The acceptability of access arrangements is to be assessed against the Department’s published guidance. Consideration is also to be given to the following factors: the nature and scale of the development; the character of existing development; the contribution of the proposal to the creation of a quality environment; the location and number of existing accesses; and the standard of the existing road network together with the speed and volume of traffic using the adjacent public road and any expected increase. In terms of petrol filling stations, Section 12.2 of DCAN 15 states that on main traffic routes they should be accessible without dangerous right-turning movements across traffic flows.

8. The planning authority considered that the intensification of the use of the existing access at the Rossdowney Road/Crescent Link junction would likely both significantly prejudice road safety and inconvenience the flow of traffic on the public road network as it would significantly increase the risk of collision and so would prejudice both road safety and traffic progression.

9. As this would be a self-service petrol station site without a convenience retail store it was accepted by the planning authority that pedestrians and cyclists would not be attracted to the development. Due to the weight and bulk of the cash and carry home fuel sales, this would require vehicle transport. Therefore virtually all customer trips to and from the site would be via a vehicle.

10. The section of the Rossdowney Road via which the proposal would be accessed is an unclassified local distributor road. As it serves a modest amount of Page 32

development, there is a very small amount of traffic attracted to the road from the Crescent Link. This low level of existing traffic was demonstrated in DfI Roads’ most recent traffic survey in 2014 which counted an average of 987 vehicles per day (vpd) on the road, 634 vpd being westbound towards Crescent Link and 353 vpd being eastbound from Crescent Link. Given its proximity, the assessment of the proposed is linked to the right-turn crossover junction from the Foyle Bridge bound lane of Crescent Link to Rossdowney Road.

11. Almost all traffic attracted to the site would originate from Crescent Link. Crescent Link is a 50mph dual carriageway which is a protected route, trunk road and forms part of the Key Transport Corridor (KTC) network. In 2014 DfI Roads stated that the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) was approximately 25k vpd; 14k vpd were travelling southbound towards the Crescent Link roundabout and 11k vpd were travelling northbound towards the Foyle Bridge. Due to the existing high traffic volumes both the appellant’s Traffic Impact Assessment and DfI Roads’ assessment demonstrate that the proposed development would not result in the intensification of the Crescent Link dual carriageway or the Crescent Link roundabout. The appellant and DfI Roads both accepted that at peak times (08:15-09:15 and 17:00-18:00) queuing occurs from the Crescent Link roundabout, located to the south of the appeal site, past the Rossdowney Road/ Crescent Link junction.

12. Vehicles manoeuvring from the Crescent Link into the Rossdowney Road have to enter a right-turn lane and cross either two lanes of a considerable volume of moving traffic outside peak times or stationary traffic in one or two lanes when it is queued back from the Crescent Link roundabout during peak flows. Given the distance from the roundabout, southbound traffic at this junction location is still travelling at a considerable speed. The Crescent Link rises in a southerly direction towards the Crescent Link roundabout which adds to the difficulty calculating the speed of the oncoming two-lane traffic and the grass within the central reserve area, which at the time of my site visit was of a considerable length, restricts a car driver’s view.

13. The queuing and delays that presently occur along the Crescent Link are due to the considerable existing traffic flows and it is not the appellant’s responsibility to correct any existing problems on the road network. However, the introduction of the petrol filling station should have a nil net detriment on the road network. The appellant considered that such facilities draw the majority of their customers from the existing passing traffic and that trips generation from TRICS also take into consideration a retail unit being present as part of the petrol filling station. In the appellant’s technical expert evidence dated 15th October 2018 it is however stated that from the Transport Assessment that the hourly level of trips on the right-turn crossover from the Crescent Link into the Rossdowney Road would be 50 trips in the morning and 43 trips in the afternoon. Whilst this would include the existing trips that already use this lane to gain access to this section of Rossdowney Road and would be less than one vehicle per minute in the crossover lane, the proposal would result in more than doubling of the number of vehicles using this crossover which would be over 100% intensification.

14. Although the development would result in only an approximate 1% change in the flow on the Crescent Link due to the high volume of existing traffic that use this route, the intensification of vehicles carrying out the crossover manoeuvre moving Page 33

from the Crescent Link to Rossdowney Road would pose a significant safety hazard. It is also noted that vehicles cannot access the Blackthorn Manor residential development via the Rossdowney Road in order to prevent the intensification of the usage of the Rossdowney Road/Crescent Link junction. The suggestion of a yellow boxed area would not be appropriate in this instance in order to facilitate this private development as it would inhibit the free movement of traffic on this protected route and key transport corridor. It is currently not required as the traffic flow on Crescent Link has priority on this trunk road.

15. It is estimated that up to 10 vehicles could queue on the right-turn crossover lane before impacting on the movement of the traffic on Crescent Link. The appellant considered that the length of the lane would be sufficient to ensure that this would not occur and that the average queue would be 1 pcu (passenger carrying unit or equivalent of a car). However, at peak times when they estimate that there would be 50 trips in the morning and 43 trips in the afternoon availing of this crossover lane, queuing could occur as motorists wait for sufficient gaps in both lanes of the Crescent Link and the traffic may not arrive at this locality at equal intervals throughout the peak hours. If the vehicles are not sufficiently contained within this narrowing area there could be the possibility of waiting vehicles being at risk of rear collisions with northbound traffic. This queuing traffic could also interfere with the operation of the pedestrian crossing and the Crescent Link roundabout.

16. Traffic leaving the site and emerging from Rossdowney Road would be restricted to only turn left. Drivers wishing to travel northbound towards the Foyle Bridge would have to manoeuvre from the nearside to the outside lane before doing a u- turn a relatively short distance away (approximately 135m) at the Crescent Link roundabout in order to continue their journey. Queues frequently tail across the Rossdowney Road junction. Although traffic would be able to queue safely on the Rossdowney Road, the increased amount of exiting traffic generated by the development travelling northbound would either have to carry out the u-turn manoeuvre while the two-lane oncoming traffic travelled at up to 50 mph at off peak times or cross one or two lanes of queuing traffic at peak times in order to negotiate the roundabout. The signal controlled pedestrian crossing across the dual carriageway is located approximately 70m from Rossdowney Road on the southbound carriageway of Crescent Link. While this crossing facilitates the safe movement of pedestrians across the road, even at off peak times it inhibits the movement of vehicles along the Crescent Link thus adding to the difficulty of vehicles negotiating this junction. It cannot be assumed that drivers will properly engage the highway-code rather than carrying out more convenient and permitted manoeuvres.

17. According to the appellant’s evidence using PSNI’s statistics, 12 slight collisions have occurred at Crescent Link from 1/4/10-31/3/13 with one accident having occurred at the entrance to Rossdowney Road. Although the appellant’s traffic expert considered that the accident rate is not unusual, not all collisions would be reported to the police and whilst these are the statistics that that were available to the appellant at that time they are somewhat dated. Given that the proposal would amount to over 100% intensification of the use of the right-turn crossover and result in more vehicles making a u-turn in order to continue their journey northbound I am not persuaded it would not increase the danger to road users.

Page 34

18. DfI Roads presented evidence that the Crescent Link was designed to accommodate existing junctions including the Rossdowney Road. The junctions were designed in the early 1990s to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) standard at that time taking account of the existing layout, accesses, traffic volumes and their peaks. If the road were to now be upgraded DfI Roads indicated that it would compare with the proposed dualling of the urban section of the A2 Buncrana Road where it is anticipated that, due to safety concerns, all vehicle right-turns will be removed. The fact that other existing petrol filling stations in the locality are accessed via similar arrangements to the proposal is not determining as evidence was presented by DfI Roads that they are long established and pre-date any improvement to the priority road which serves them. The presence of other right-turn opportunities elsewhere on the road network would not justify allowing the safety risk that would arise as a result of the proposed development.

19. The presence of other identified existing and proposed petrol filling stations within proximity of the proposal would not prevent a customer seeking to enter the proposed filling station especially if it was on their route and considered to be more convenient. It cannot be assumed that customers would automatically calculate whether there would be safer options, availing of other roundabouts, in order to enter the site or continue their northbound journey by more convoluted means. The Council’s evidence indicates that there would be objection to permanently stopping up the right-turn crossover due to it providing access to a cemetery. Potential customers may also not have sufficient local knowledge of the area in order to locate alternative petrol filling stations should there be a high volume of traffic at this locality causing delays entering or exiting the site.

20. Planning permission was granted for four dwellings on the appeal site (LA11/2015/0033/F). However, the traffic generated from this modest scale residential development would not have a comparable impact on the road network at this location as the appeal proposal given the considerable amount of vehicular traffic that would be attracted to the appeal development. The use of the traffic controlled pedestrian crossing by the potential residents of the four dwellings would not have a comparable impact on road safety nor inconvenience the flow of traffic on the public road network to the same extent as the proposed development. DfI Roads also acknowledged that they had not fully assessed the impact of the residential development on the Rossdowney Road, Crescent Link and Crescent Link roundabout prior to raising no objection to the proposal. Although DfI Roads had initially also not raised objection to the current appeal proposal and while there has been no change to the policy context, it is the final corporate opinion of the Council that has to be considered and they acknowledge that they had at that time underestimated the impact of the development.

21. Irrespective of the proposal using adopted roads and junctions and being conveniently located, as the development would significantly prejudice road safety and inconvenience the flow of traffic on the public road network the Council’s and objectors concerns in relation to this matter are sustained.

22. Given the separation distance, intervening boundary treatment, the positioning of the objectors’ dwellings within Blackthorn Manor and the location of the existing developments in close proximity to a major road, I am not persuaded by the unsubstantiated arguments that the proposal would give rise to unacceptable Page 35

noise and fumes or adversely impact the residential amenity of the residents of Blackthorn Manor or the users of the neighbouring Western Trust facility. Subject to the imposition of a number of proposed planning conditions, it is noted that the Council’s Environmental Health Department also raised no objection to the proposal.

23. As the reason for refusal and objections in relation to this matter are sustained, the appeal must fail.

This decision is based on the following drawings:- Drawing 01 1:2500 site location map dated 23th May 2013 Drawing 02(Rev 3) 1:200 proposed site plan dated 25th May 2015 Drawing 03 (Rev 4) 1:500 existing site plan, 1:200 proposed elevations and cross section and 1:50 offset fill bunker plan and elevation and fencing date stamped received by the planning authority on 2nd June 2015 Drawing 04 1:20 pump island plan and elevation dated 13th August 2015 Drawing 06 1:200 proposed drainage site plan date stamped received by the planning authority on 30th December 2016


Page 36


List of Documents

Planning Authority (Derry City and Strabane District Council):- Statement of Case (PA 1) Rebuttal (PA 2)

Appellant (MCI Planning-agent):- Statement of Case (A 1) Rebuttal (A 2)

Third Party Objector (W McGowan, No.22 Blackthorn Manor):- Statement of Case (OB 1)

Page 37 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9

Title of Report: Officer Presenting: A McNee, Principal Planning Officer Item 12: Wind Farm Appeal to An Bord Pleanála against Refusal of Planning Author: A McNee Application by Donegal County Council for proposed wind farm development at Momeen and Lettergull, Lifford, Co. Donegal

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations

1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Members of receipt of a letter from An Bord Pleanála dated 24 July 2020 in relation to an appeal for the erection of a wind farm in Co. Donegal. The letter advises that An Bord Pleanála has decided to grant permission for the wind farm development (see Appendix 14).

1.2 Members are advised that a previous paper regarding this application and appeal was presented to Planning Committee on 4 September 2019 and a letter subsequently issued to DFI (see Appendix 15).

2 Background

A planning application for 6 no. wind turbines with an overall blade tip height of up to 135 metres and associated ancillary development at Momeen and Lettergull, Lifford, Co. Donegal was submitted to and determined by Donegal County Council (DCC). The decision was subject to an appeal which has now been determined by An Bord Pleanála.

3 Key Issues

3.1 Donegal County Council refused planning permission for the proposed wind farm development and the applicant appealed that decision to An Bord Pleanála. DCSDC previously responded formally to An Bord Pleanála through consultation response to DFI Strategic Planning Division in September 2019.

Page 39 3.2 The letter received from An Bord Pleanála dated 24 July 2020 is to advise Council that a decision has been made to grant permission for the above proposed development.

4 Financial, Equality, Legal, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs and other Implications

4.1 An Bord Pleanála are responsible for the decision in relation to the proposed development. There are no financial, equality, legal, HR, Improvement, Rural Needs and other implications.

5 Recommendations

5.1 That Members note the contents of the attached letter.

Background Papers

Appendix 14 – Copy of letter to Derry City and Strabane District Council from An Bord Pleanála dated 24 July 2020

Appendix 15 – DCSDC letter to DFI – Sept 2019

Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Planning Applications Decisions Issued

From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2018/0130/F 660m north west of 37 Cavan Replacement and relocation of 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Road wind turbine approved under J/ REFUSED Castlederg 2012/0038/F including an

Page 65 Page Co Tyrone increase in rotor diameter from 26m to 44m and change of hub height from 30m to 40m LA11/2018/0133/F 680m north west of 37 Cavan Replacement and relocation of 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Road wind turbine approved under J/ REFUSED Castlederg 2010/0068/F including an Co Tyrone increase in rotor diameter from 26m to 39m and change of hub height from 30m to 40m. Agenda Item 10

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2018/0189/F Part of vacant premises at 6 Erection of supermarket with 06/07/2020 PERMISSION Springtown Drive access from Springtown Road, GRANTED Springtown Industrial Estate provision of car parking, Derry landscaping, associated site BT48 0LY works and improvements to vacant site to the South East junction of Buncrana Road and

Page 66 Page bounded by Springtown Road Springtown Road (relocation of and Buncrana Road existing Lidl supermarket at 24 and junction of Springtown Buncrana Road - existing building Road and Buncrana Road to be retained but retail use to be extinguished (Amended description, plans and additional information) LA11/2018/0277/F Lidl Store Change of use from food 06/07/2020 PERMISSION 24 Buncrana Road supermarket to class B4 storage GRANTED Derry with ancillary trade counter BT48 8AB LA11/2018/0343/F 1 Rossdowney Park & 10 Demolition of all buildings on site 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Rossdowney Road and construction of replacement GRANTED Waterside convenience shop, off licence, Londonderry two hot food units, petrol filling Co. Londonderry station and associated access, BT47 5NR parking and servicing arrangements (amended description) LA11/2018/0356/O Immediately sw of 92 Camus Site for dwelling and domestic 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Road garage GRANTED Douglas Bridge

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2018/1053/O Lands 30m South West of 67 2 No. infill dwellings under policy 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Corrody Road CTY 8 of PPS 21 GRANTED Waterside Derry BT47 2QH LA11/2019/0052/PAThe Quay Trail Proposed shared cycle and 28/07/2020 PROPOSAL Along Bay Road and the River pedestrian path connecting the OF Page 67 Page Foyle Quay Trail to the proposed cycle APPLICATIO Londonderry and pedestrian path within Bay N NOTICE IS BT48 7SH Road Park (LA11/2018/1199/F), ACCEPTABL to include the provision of a E footbridge across the River Foyle and a shared cycle and pedestrian path along Bay Road. LA11/2019/0204/F Site 15 Manor Hill Amended Plans - Erection of 2 07/07/2020 PERMISSION No. Two Storey Split Level Semi GRANTED L'Derry Detached Dwellings BT47 2JT

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2019/0329/O Lands between no. 44 Construction of social/affordable 31/07/2020 PERMISSION Derrymore and 42 Springtown residential development and REFUSED Road and to the west of St. community centre with works to Eithne's Park include new access to Derry Springtown Road, upgrades to BT48 0FN Springtown Road and junction of

Page 68 Page Hawthorne Drive to include 2 no. right hand turning lanes, part culverting of existing watercourse, demolition of existing building, development of associated communal amenity spaces and landscaping and associated site works, road and car parking. (Amended Plans, P2 and additioanl info) LA11/2019/0353/F Lands adjacent to/37M. North Proposed 2no. detached (7.5m. 23/07/2020 PERMISSION of 40 Courtauld Way ridge height) industrial units with GRANTED Campsie Industrial Estate associated parking L'Derry LA11/2019/0354/O Lands adjacent to 55m north Proposed 5no. detached (7.5m 21/07/2020 PERMISSION east of 40 Courtauld Way ridge height) industrial units with GRANTED Campsie Industrial Estate associated parking L'Derry LA11/2019/0437/F Lands to rear of 38 Main Street Proposed 2 storey detached 06/07/2020 PERMISSION Eglinton dwelling and removal of 2 No. GRANTED L'Derry outbuildings, to gain access via Cottage Row

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2019/0711/LB Liskey House Alterations and repairs to listed 02/07/2020 PERMISSION 10-12 Myrtle Road building GRANTED Victoria Bridge Strabane BT82 8QB LA11/2019/0727/F 125-139 Strand Road Proposed redevelopment of 09/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry (Formerly Cafe Roc Bar/ existing building to provide 27 GRANTED Page 69 Page Night Club) unit self-contained apartment accommodation for over 55 active elderly persons including wheelchair accessible unit at ground floor LA11/2019/0822/F To the rear of 507 & 509 Proposed storey and half 30/07/2020 PERMISSION Baranailt Road dwelling with a detached GRANTED (and also to the side and east domestic garage on a infill site on No. 513) LA11/2019/0915/F Lands immediately West of 21 Proposed 4no. 2 storey dwellings 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Copperthorpe (2 pairs of semi detached) GRANTED Drumahoe L'Derry BT47 3LT LA11/2019/0929/O 40M. South of No. 15 Mullintill Proposed site for a dwelling on a 17/07/2020 PERMISSION Road farm GRANTED Claudy BT47 4JN

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2019/0945/F 53 Ednagee Road Proposed replacement dwelling 30/07/2020 PERMISSION Castlederg and garage GRANTED BT81 7RD LA11/2019/1006/F On grass verge adjacent to Proposed 17.5M. 14/07/2020 PERMISSION footpath 67m south east of the telecommunications column, with GRANTED junction of 6No. antennae (3No. enclosed Page 70 Page Rossdowney Road and within a shroud, 3No. not Kilfennan Link Road enclosed) and 3No. radio units. Londonderry Proposal includes the provision of BT47 6ST 4No. new equipment cabinets and associated ground works LA11/2019/1035/F On grass verge C. 51M. South Proposed 20M. 21/07/2020 PERMISSION West of the junction of Glen telecommunications column, with GRANTED Road & Northland Road 6No. antennae (3No. enclosed Londonderry within a shroud, 3No. not BT48 7NF enclosed) and 3 No. radio units. Proposal includes provision of 4No. new equipment cabinets and associated ground works LA11/2020/0030/O 66m S.E. Of 18 Loughneas Proposed dwelling and domestic 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Avenue garage GRANTED Ballymagorry BT82 0AY

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0051/D Tievenameenta Discharge of Condition 19 of 17/07/2020 CONDITION Co Tyrone (townlands of planning approval J/2011/0335/ DISCHARGE Crigshane F : No turbines shall be erected D Ballymongan until a scheme for the Shanaghy remediation of any interference Tievenameenta with domestic television reception Crighdenis) that may be caused by the

Page 71 Page operation of the windfarm has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Department LA11/2020/0061/R Site adjacent to and 8m south Proposed single storey dwelling 21/07/2020 PERMISSION of 44 Dergbrough Road and detached domestic garage GRANTED Plumbridge BT79 8JX LA11/2020/0071/A 82m south west of the Church Community centre signage. PPC 06/07/2020 PERMISSION of the Immaculate Conception metal lettering directly fixed to GRANTED 10 Trench Road building or fencing around Derry building BT47 3UB LA11/2020/0073/O 390 metres E of No.52 Bearney Proposed dwelling and domestic 30/07/2020 PERMISSION Road garage GRANTED Strabane BT82 8NU accessed off Carrigullin Road

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0081/A Village Centre Proposed external freestanding 22/07/2020 PERMISSION Temple Road totem signage column GRANTED Strathfoyle Derry BT47 6TJ LA11/2020/0086/D Tievenameenta Discharge of Condition 26 of 17/07/2020 CONDITION Page 72 Page Co Tyrone (townlands of planning approval J/2005/0104/ DISCHARGE Crigshane F : No turbines shall be erected D Ballymongan until a scheme for the Shanaghy remediation of any interference Tievenameenta with domestic television reception Crighdenis) that may be caused by the operation of the windfarm has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Department LA11/2020/0087/D Tievenameenta Discharge of Condition 23 of 17/07/2020 CONDITION Co Tyrone (townlands of planning approval J/2012/0391/ DISCHARGE Crighshane F : No turbines shall be erected D Ballymongan until a scheme for the Shanaghy remediation of any interference Tievenameenta with domestic television reception Crighdenis) that may be caused by the operation of the windfarm has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Department. LA11/2020/0122/F 22 Road Replacement dwelling and 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry domestic garage GRANTED

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0127/R Approx 60m north of 46 Proposed 2 storey detached 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Crockan Road dwelling and single storey GRANTED Artigarvan detached garage LA11/2020/0132/F Strathfoyle Village Centre Extensions and alterations to 22/07/2020 PERMISSION Temple Road existing centre to include 6No. GRANTED Strathfoyle additional (class A1 and A2) Derry units, together with additional car Page 73 Page BT47 6TJ parking throughout the site LA11/2020/0157/R 15M. North East of 15 Proposed dwelling & domestic 21/07/2020 PERMISSION Lowertown Road garage on infill site GRANTED Ballymagorry Strabane BT82 0LE LA11/2020/0162/F 55 Marlborough Road Proposed rear wet room and 06/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry bedroom extension, minor GRANTED BT48 9BH internal alterations and new step access to front of dwelling LA11/2020/0181/F 29A Lyndhurst Road Proposed single storey side and 08/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry rear extension to dwelling GRANTED BT47 5HS LA11/2020/0183/O Approx. 160M. N.E. of Renewal of outline approval for 30/07/2020 PERMISSION Rockwood House farm dwelling and domestic GRANTED Knockbrack Road garage Spamount Co. Tyrone

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0185/F 50 Church Brae Proposed 2 storey side extension 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry to dwelling and new access to GRANTED BT47 3QG Church Brae Road to resolve parking issues to rear of dwelling. LA11/2020/0190/F Lands immediately adjacent to Application under Section 54 to 02/07/2020 PERMISSION and including 1 Foyle Road remove Condition 4 of approved GRANTED Page 74 Page Derry and completed development Ref: BT48 6SQ LA11/2017/0634/F with regards to the requirement of a piling risk assessment to be submitted prior to the commencement of development LA11/2020/0225/F 1a Ballycolman Avenue Proposed single storey 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Strabane standalone modular extension to GRANTED Tyrone existing GP practice including BT82 9AF associated site works.

(new accommodation to include 1no physio room, 2no interview rooms, 1no open plan office & 1no accessible wc) LA11/2020/0231/F 164 Glenshane Road Two storey gable extension and 10/07/2020 PERMISSION Londonderry minor internal alterations to GRANTED BT47 3NA dwelling

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0236/F 23 Lisaghmore Avenue Proposed single storey rear 08/07/2020 PERMISSION Trench Road extension and change of use of GRANTED Derry garage into family room, dining BT47 2JJ room/utility room at existing dwelling LA11/2020/0237/F 3 North Meadows Proposed single storey side 22/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry extension to provide new utility GRANTED Page 75 Page BT48 0QB room/store and ground floor shower room. LA11/2020/0241/F 26 Muldonagh Road Front, side, rear extension and 21/07/2020 PERMISSION Claudy alterations to existing dwelling to GRANTED Co Derry create one and half storey BT47 4EH dwelling. Proposed new detached one and half storey double garage

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0254/F Lands at Galliagh Proposed material change of use 28/07/2020 PERMISSION South of Skeoge Link Road to the existing ground floor of the GRANTED and approximately 300m North retail and community building (as East 14-16 Lower Galliagh approved under ref Raod LA11/2019/0130/F) from class A1 Derry (retail) to Class D1 (community

Page 76 Page centre). Proposals to the ground floor comprise a community cafe including retail facility with small community office and WC facilities. The first floor will remain unchanged from that approved under the above planning reference. LA11/2020/0259/F 61 Blackthorn Manor Rear single storey extension to 22/07/2020 PERMISSION Londonderry accommodate childrens bedroom GRANTED BT47 5ST & ensuite & family room LA11/2020/0260/F 5 Wallace Heights Rear extension to existing 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Magheramason dwelling to provide ground floor GRANTED Londonderry bedroom and associated BT47 2SD bathroom LA11/2020/0261/F 89 Oakbridge Park Single storey rear extension to 30/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry City existing dwelling to provide GRANTED BT48 8PY ground floor bedroom accommodation with en-suite LA11/2020/0262/F 22 Mosley Park Single storey rear kitchen 30/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry extension with mono pitch roof to GRANTED BT47 5HR existing dwelling

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0264/A 70c Strand Road Totem sign with LED display 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Londonderry GRANTED BT48 7AJ LA11/2020/0267/R Approx 30m West of 35 Archill Proposed site for dwelling on 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Road farm GRANTED Newtownstewart Tyrone Page 77 Page BT78 4JJ LA11/2020/0274/F 60m north west of St Caireall's Proposed double domestic 17/07/2020 PERMISSION Primary School Trienamongan garage GRANTED Road Castlederg Co Tyrone LA11/2020/0275/D Site of former Ebrington Discharge of Condition No.17 28/07/2020 CONDITION Primary School relating to planning approval DISCHARGE Lands south of Glendermott reference LA11/2019/0383/F. - D Cricket Club Asbestos Demolition survey Derry BT47 6ES LA11/2020/0280/F Happy Landing Bar & Proposed alterations/ 30/07/2020 PERMISSION Restaurant improvements (new windows and GRANTED 4 Main Street external improvements) and Eglinton single storey entrance porch Londonderry extension to existing restaurant BT47 3PQ LA11/2020/0283/F 38 Mourne Drive Single storey rear shower room 10/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry extension to existing domestic GRANTED BT47 2HX dwelling

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0287/A 2.No existing ATM Machines to 2 No. halo-illuminated ATM 28/07/2020 PERMISSION the side of 15-17 Shipquay surrounds GRANTED Street Londonderry BT48 6DJ LA11/2020/0293/F 5 Ardnafoyle Proposed single storey extension 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Page 78 Page Strabane to gable of dwelling GRANTED BT82 8RA LA11/2020/0298/F 27 Glenmore Park Proposed single storey side and 27/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry rear extension to domestic GRANTED BT47 2JY dwelling and level access ramp to front LA11/2020/0299/F 14 Lyndhurst Manor L'Derry Proposed two storey rear 17/07/2020 PERMISSION BT47 5WU extension to domestic dwelling GRANTED LA11/2020/0300/F 22 Gulf Road Proposed single storey kitchen/ 10/07/2020 PERMISSION bedroom & shower room GRANTED Londonderry extension & internal alterations to BT47 3TW existing semi detached dwelling LA11/2020/0302/F 13 Lansdowne Road Proposed single storey side, rear 28/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry and front extensions to dwelling GRANTED BT47 5QT LA11/2020/0306/D 8-12 Clonmeen Drive Discharge of condition No. 2 of 17/07/2020 CONDITION Strathfoyle planning approval DISCHARGE LA11/2019/0514/F D

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0307/F 7 Killycor Avenue Proposed single storey rear/side 10/07/2020 PERMISSION Claudy extension to dwelling and the GRANTED Londonderry provision of front and rear level BT47 4BX access ramp, with new parking space to front garden. LA11/2020/0310/F 11 Highmoor Road Proposed single storey rear 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Cross extension to dwelling to provide a GRANTED Page 79 Page Derry new kitchen, dining and living BT47 3AY area LA11/2020/0316/F 30 Lisnarea Avenue Two storey extension to rear & 06/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry side of property to form new GRANTED BT48 7SS kitchen/dining room, utility room & ground floor WC. Single storey dining room extension opening on to rear patio. LA11/2020/0322/F 5 Summerhill Grove Proposed single storey rear 07/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry extension to incorporate new GRANTED BT48 7TT larger kitchen & dining area LA11/2020/0337/R 40m south east of 17 Kildoag Erection of equestrian building to 27/07/2020 PERMISSION Road include tack room and stables for GRANTED Legaghory two horses and horsebox storage Killaloo under Planning Policy statement BT47 3TQ PPS 8 open space, sport and outdoor recreation. Policy OS3 outdoor recreation in the Countryside paragraph 5.33 Equestrian uses, with new access onto Kildoag Road

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From: 01/07/2020 To: 31/07/2020

No. of Applications: 94

Reference Location Proposal Date Application Number Decision Status Issued

LA11/2020/0342/A 76 Duke Street Black rectangular aluminium 15/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry powder-coated sign with green GRANTED BT47 6DQ illuminated lettering and canine images. Sign to be fixed directly to the front wall above the entrance. Sign dimensions 4.0m

Page 80 Page long by 0.7m high by 0.1m deep LA11/2020/0344/F Seagate Technology Proposed new switchroom 02/07/2020 PERMISSION 1 Disc Drive GRANTED Springtown Industrial Estate Derry BT48 0LY LA11/2020/0351/LD40m West of 4 Lough Road Dwelling house 06/07/2020 PERMITTED Drumlegagh DEVELOPME BT78 4HH NT LA11/2020/0354/N 53 Oakbridge Park Alterations to the internal 28/07/2020 NON Derry arrangement at ground floor level MATERIAL BT48 8PY only, resulting to some changes CHANGE to the external facade, including GRANTED removal of initially proposed/ approved bay window. The proposed does not exceed the approved footprint LA11/2020/0357/F 57 Messines Park Proposed rear bedroom and wet 21/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry room extension with associated GRANTED BT48 8AS alterations to existing dwelling

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LA11/2020/0358/F 8 Kildrum Gardens Proposed rear wet room 17/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry extension with associated GRANTED BT48 9RY alterations to existing dwelling LA11/2020/0359/F 20 Culmore Road Proposed side & rear extensions 17/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry + internal alterations to existing 2 GRANTED BT48 7RS storey detached dwelling LA11/2020/0367/F 20 Primity Gardens Proposed single storey rear 16/07/2020 PERMISSION Page 81 Page L'Derry extension to include ground floor GRANTED BT47 2RG WC and new rear/back lobby LA11/2020/0369/A North Wing Entrance Building mounted signage to read 23/07/2020 PERMISSION Hospital "Altnagevlin Hospital". Individual GRANTED Glenshane Road letters to be mounted on granite Derry City cladding, finished in brush BT47 6SB stainless steel and backlit LA11/2020/0370/F 7-9 Bishop Street Section 54 application pertaining 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry-Londonderry to Planning Permission GRANTED BT48 6PL LA11/2019/0764/F, for variation of Condition 13 seeking variation on finish/materials LA11/2020/0375/F 3 Laurel Park single storey rear extension to 21/07/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry dwelling GRANTED BT47 5PL LA11/2020/0376/D Lands Adjacent to & North of Discharge of Condition No.2 30/07/2020 CONDITION 170 Road (Archaeological programme) for DISCHARGE Londonderry previously approved planning D BT47 3NP permission LA11/2020/0100/RM.

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LA11/2020/0379/F 41 Pinewood Crescent Proposed rear bedroom and wet 17/07/2020 PERMISSION Claudy room extension, access ramp to GRANTED Derry side of dwelling and associated BT47 4AD alterations to existing dwelling. LA11/2020/0385/F 52 Braefield Proposed single storey sunroom 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Claudy to rear of existing dwelling GRANTED Page 82 Page Co Derry BT47 4DX LA11/2020/0387/F No. 119 Kildoag Road Single storey rear extension to 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry dwelling to provide wet room GRANTED BT47 3TH LA11/2020/0389/F No. 63 Iniscarn Road Single storey rear extension to 17/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry dwelling to provide bedroom and GRANTED BT48 9NR wet room, new front door with level threshold access LA11/2020/0390/F 80m N.E of 150 Sallowilly Road Proposed replacement dwelling 21/07/2020 PERMISSION Claudy with garage GRANTED BT47 4JG LA11/2020/0392/F No. 17 Melmore Gardens Single storey rear extension to 20/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry dwelling to provide bedroom and GRANTED BT48 9NE wet room with rear external access ramp and hand rail LA11/2020/0394/F 114 Grangemore Park Conversion and extension to 27/07/2020 PERMISSION Ballymagrorty exiting garage to form ground GRANTED Derry City floor living and utility space with BT48 0RZ associated alterations to exiting 2 storey dwelling

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LA11/2020/0396/D Nazareth House Discharge of Condition 16 of 28/07/2020 CONDITION 174 Bishop Street application LA11/2017/0358/F DISCHARGE Londonderry requiring programme of D BT48 6UJ archaeological works LA11/2020/0397/N 9 Creggan Broadway Proposed single storey bedroom 07/07/2020 NON Derry and wet room extension to rear MATERIAL BT48 9LX and ramp to front application CHANGE Page 83 Page approval LA11/2019/0838/F. GRANTED

Increase width of lobby and wet room to be in line with bedroom wall (from 3.5m to 3.9m internally).

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LA11/2020/0402/LB Building 80/81 Removal of ventilation stacks 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Ebrington Barracks from building and roof made GRANTED Derry/Londonderry good. Windows of former gallery BT47 6GZ opened up and openings made good. Removal of wooden shutters and installation of

Page 84 Page aluminium screen door and glazing to rear entrance. 1 no meeting room with glazed partition with wooden slats in lobby area on the ground floor. Installation of 2 no new kitchens one on the ground and first floor, installation of 1 no tea point on the ground floor. Removal of gallery lighting to be replaced with office style lighting. 6 no new studio spaces on the ground floor. 2 no new meetings rooms on the ground and 2 new meeting rooms on the first floor LA11/2020/0409/F 21 Ballygroll Road Single storey extension to rear & 31/07/2020 PERMISSION Slaughtmanus side of property to form new GRANTED BT47 3HT kitchen/dining room & bedroom. Replace front entrance porch with new

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LA11/2020/0410/F 17 Inishowen Gardens Single storey rear extension to 31/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry dwelling to provide ground floor GRANTED BT48 9NN bedroom & shower room LA11/2020/0412/F 7 Brookhill Retrospective planning 21/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry application for garden storage at GRANTED BT48 8PJ rear of property LA11/2020/0414/F 58 Melmore Gardens Single storey rear extension 22/07/2020 PERMISSION Page 85 Page Creggan GRANTED Derry BT48 9NE LA11/2020/0427/F 25 Cashelmore Park Single storey extension to 28/07/2020 PERMISSION Derry provide sunroom to rear of GRANTED BT48 0RU dwelling LA11/2020/0444/N 48 Millbrook Gardens Proposed extension moved 30/07/2020 NON Castlederg 700mm to the south to reduce the MATERIAL Tyrone lobby size and provide increased CHANGE BT81 7DF window to existing kitchen GRANTED

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LA11/2018/1047/O 25m N E of 13 Letterbin Road Proposed new dwelling 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Newtownstewart (amended plans) GRANTED Co Tyrone

Page 87 Page BT78 4HR LA11/2019/0002/D Monnaboy Windfarm on land Discharge of Condition 5 of 04/08/2020 CONDITION located east of 62 Monnaboy application A/2009/0868/F NOT Road regarding submission of a year DISCHARGE one Habitat Management Plan D Co Derry BT47 3HP. LA11/2019/0155/D Gortnagross Townland Discharge of Condition 2 of J/ 27/08/2020 CONDITION Magherakeel Townland and 2013/0187/F in respect of the DISCHARGE Meenamullan Townland Construction Environmental D Killeter Management Plan Strabane District

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LA11/2019/0714/F Land behind Unit 31 It is proposed to replace the 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Springtown Avenue steeply sloping ground between GRANTED Springtown unit 31 factory unit and the land Derry to the rear of this unit with a BT48 0LY retaining wall. This will involve To North & West of 13 & 6 the removal of the existing vacant

Page 88 Page Springham Park industrial unit on the site to allow room to construct the retaining wall. The land to the rear of the unit will then be re-graded to a more gentle slope using existing spoil from the site LA11/2020/0060/F 12 Crockmore Road Erection of replacement dwelling 17/08/2020 PERMISSION Claudy with double garage and GRANTED BT47 4AX associated landscaping (Amendment to extant approval LA11/2018/0236/F) LA11/2020/0083/O Approx 100m North of 46 Proposed site for dwelling on a 26/08/2020 PERMISSION Ballymullarty Road farm GRANTED Newtownstewart Tyrone BT78 4NL LA11/2020/0102/F Site 47m NW of 20 Proposed dwelling and domestic 26/08/2020 PERMISSION Magheracreggan Road garage GRANTED (Accessed of Ratyn Road) Castlederg

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LA11/2020/0120/F Lands 30m south of 119 Erection of 4no dwellings 21/08/2020 PERMISSION Butlers Wharf consisting of 2 no of semi GRANTED Strathfoyle detached dwellings of 2no Derry City detached with associated car BT47 6SQ parking (Change of house type from previous planning A/ 2007/0708/F)

Page 89 Page LA11/2020/0216/LB Magee College Partial demolition of a Listed Wall 26/08/2020 PERMISSION Northland Road to allow formation of a new 2.1m GRANTED Londonderry wide opening within the existing BT48 7JL Listed Wall on the University campus to facilitate the creation of a new path network LA11/2020/0234/F 20 Steelstown Road Demolition of existing attached 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry garage to extend existing GRANTED BT48 8EU driveway and erection of two storey rear and side extension to dwelling. Erection of timber shed and new parking area in rear garden with covered path from dwelling to shed LA11/2020/0238/F Lands to the sw of U Bake LTD Proposal for a warehouse/ 26/08/2020 PERMISSION Skeoge Industrial Estate storage unit for storage of dry GRANTED Beraghmore Road goods & packaging materials Derry City supplementary of existing bakery/ BT48 8Se factory use.

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LA11/2020/0239/F 6 Kensington Road Proposed single storey rear 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Kilfennan extension to dwelling GRANTED L'Derry BT47 5TY LA11/2020/0247/F 24 Killeter Road Proposed single storey side and 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Castlederg rear extension and alterations to GRANTED Page 90 Page dwelling to allow bedroom/kitchen expansion,retention of replacement single garage, proposed new vehicular layby and alterations to existing dwellings finish. LA11/2020/0249/F 32 Waveney Park Proposed single storey rear 28/08/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry extension to dwelling GRANTED BT47 5YJ LA11/2020/0258/F 13 Clooney Park Gardens Single storey rear extension to 12/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry provide sun room GRANTED BT47 6NU LA11/2020/0272/R 20m west of 27a Cavan Road Proposed dwelling and attached 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Kilcroagh domestic garage GRANTED Castlederg Co Tyrone BT81 7TP LA11/2020/0294/F 196 Woodbrook 2 storey extension to gable of two 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Buncrana Road storey semi-detached house with GRANTED Derry single storey extension to rear BT48 8FG

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LA11/2020/0311/F 35 Belmont Crescent Proposed single storey side 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry extension to dwelling GRANTED LA11/2020/0315/F 5 Finn View Single storey rear extension with 12/08/2020 PERMISSION Castletown kitchen, utility room, toilet and oil GRANTED Strabane burner store BT82 9RZ LA11/2020/0325/R Site between 220 & 222 Removal of existing shed & 24/08/2020 PERMISSION Page 91 Page Tamnaherin Road proposed single storey dwelling GRANTED on a gap site Derry LA11/2020/0328/F 7 Malin Gardens Single storey bedroom, kitchen 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Creggan and wet room extension to rear GRANTED Derry and ramp to front BT48 9NQ LA11/2020/0331/F 40 Mourne Drive Proposed 2 storey extension to 28/08/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry provide ground floor bedroom en- GRANTED BT47 2HX suite, utility and kitchen extension, first floor bedroom en- suite and replacement garage and store LA11/2020/0347/F Lands between 25A and 35 Proposed single storey 21/08/2020 PERMISSION Slaughtmanus Road replacement dwelling and single GRANTED Derry storey detached garage BT47 3EX LA11/2020/0348/F 29 Aghyaran Road Replacement dwelling 20/08/2020 PERMISSION Castlederg GRANTED BT81 7YA

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LA11/2020/0349/D Site Bounded by Clooney Road Discharge of Condition 25 - 04/08/2020 CONDITION (to the West) Planning Approval DISCHARGE Crescent Link (to the South LA11/2016/0422/O - Invasive D West) and Rossdowney Road Species Management Plan (to the East) LA11/2020/0353/F 2 Thornlea Gardens Proposed single storey side 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Page 92 Page Derry extension to dwelling GRANTED BT47 2JW LA11/2020/0366/F 44 Collon Lane Proposed single storey rear 12/08/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry extension to incorporate a small GRANTED BT48 8LG lobby, bedroom and en suite toilet/shower room LA11/2020/0374/F 24 Mosley Park Proposed single storey rear 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Waterside kitchen extension to existing GRANTED L'Derry dwelling and one and half storey BT47 5HR domestic garage. LA11/2020/0383/F No. 25 Fortwilliam Terrace Single storey side extension to 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry dwelling to provide bedroom, rear GRANTED BT48 8DH access steps & handrail and rear access ramp & handrail LA11/2020/0386/A McDonald's Restaurant Installation of 4no. freestanding 21/08/2020 PERMISSION 37-39 Railway Street signs and 1no. digital screen to GRANTED Strabane booth BT82 8EQ

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LA11/2020/0388/F No. 37 Enagh Crescent New front access pathway with 06/08/2020 PERMISSION dropped kerb to dwelling, GRANTED Derry installation of mechanical step lift BT47 6UG to front access door, widening and replacement of front door and side panel window LA11/2020/0395/F 86 Rinmore Drive Proposed single storey side 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Page 93 Page L'Derry extension to provide ground floor GRANTED BT48 9TH bedroom and proposed front porch extension with ramp to provide level access. LA11/2020/0399/F 4 Grangewood Manor Proposed single storey rear 20/08/2020 PERMISSION Grange extension to dwelling GRANTED Newtownstewart BT78 4GA LA11/2020/0400/F 51 Rossbay Single storey extension of front of 17/08/2020 PERMISSION Londonderry house to extend same out by 3 GRANTED BT47 6JG metres (3m) to extend the lounge, hallway and downstairs toilet LA11/2020/0401/LD61m NE of 11 Birch Road Proposed Agricultural Shed 11/08/2020 PERMITTED Cross DEVELOPME BT47 3ES NT

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LA11/2020/0417/F 12 Ballycolman Road Demolition of existing garage and 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Strabane store and proposed erection of GRANTED single storey rear & side extension and first floor dormer type extension to form attic bedrooms Page 94 Page LA11/2020/0419/A Exchange House 2no "HALO" illuminated BT brand 07/08/2020 PERMISSION Queens Quay logos. Replacing existing signs GRANTED Londonderry BT48 7AY LA11/2020/0426/F 17 Cooleen Park Proposed single storey extension 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry to rear of existing dwelling GRANTED BT48 8AQ LA11/2020/0431/F 9 Creggan Heights Single storey side and rear 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry extension to dwelling to provide GRANTED BT48 9QS bedroom and wet room. Front porch extension with ramp and handrail. LA11/2020/0433/F 36 Bard's Hill Single rear/side extension to 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Waterside dwelling to provide bedroom and GRANTED Derry wet room. Ramp and handrails to BT47 2DR front access with new opening onto public footpath. LA11/2020/0438/F 71 Oak Country Manor Proposed two storey rear 11/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry extension to dwelling GRANTED BT47 6HG

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LA11/2020/0439/F 6 Nixons Close Proposed single storey side 20/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry extension to dwelling GRANTED BT48 9XX LA11/2020/0440/F 7 Cypress Grove Proposed single storey rear and 24/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry side extension to provide utility GRANTED BT48 8QU room, bedroom with wet room and new 2 metre high privacy Page 95 Page wall to north and west boundaries. LA11/2020/0441/F 4 Hall Lane Two single storey side and rear 13/08/2020 PERMISSION Ardmore extensions to existing dwelling GRANTED Co. Derry BT47 3RQ LA11/2020/0442/F 29 Edanmount Park Glen Road Proposed demolition of existing 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry BT48 0DB rear kitchen and garage and GRANTED provision of new rear/side extension to provide new kitchen/ dining room LA11/2020/0445/R Lands adjacent to and North of Proposed 2 storey infill rural 21/08/2020 PERMISSION No.112 Old Clooney Road dwelling, detached garage and GRANTED Eglinton associated landscaping LA11/2020/0447/R Immediately West of 4 Tristan Site for infill dwelling and 20/08/2020 PERMISSION Road domestic garage GRANTED Evish Strabane BT82 8NG

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LA11/2020/0454/D Nazareth House Discharge of Condition No.40 11/08/2020 CONDITION 174 Bishop Street regarding submission of Traffic DISCHARGE Londonderry Management proposals for D BT48 6UJ previously approved application LA11/2017/0358/F LA11/2020/0458/F 20 Inishowen Gardens Proposed single storey side 06/08/2020 PERMISSION Page 96 Page Derry bedroom and shower room GRANTED extension to existing dwelling LA11/2020/0460/F 104 Duncastle Park Proposed attic conversion to 21/08/2020 PERMISSION Newbuildings single storey dwelling (first floor GRANTED L'Derry gable and rear dormer windows) BT47 2QL LA11/2020/0463/F 15 Ervey Court Proposed single storey side and 17/08/2020 PERMISSION L'Derry rear extensions to dwelling GRANTED LA11/2020/0464/F No. 238 Primity Crescent Proposed level access platform & 20/08/2020 PERMISSION Newbuildings handrail to front access to GRANTED Derry dwelling. Alterations to existing BT47 2RA garden wall and access gate. LA11/2020/0465/F 3 Lyndhurst Road Two storey rear extension, single 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Kilfennan storey rear extension to existing GRANTED Derry kitchen, dormer extension to side BT47 5HS elevation LA11/2020/0467/F 20 Nicholson Terrace Proposed single storey rear 12/08/2020 PERMISSION Edenballymore extensions to two storey existing GRANTED Derry dwelling BT48 7LN

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LA11/2020/0474/F Hunting Lodge Hotel Proposed lowering of one window 27/08/2020 PERMISSION No. 3 Litterbin Road on front elevation, minor GRANTED Newtownstewart elevational changes and internal alterations LA11/2020/0475/F No. 3 Tamnyreagh Road Single storey side extension to 20/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry dwelling to provide bedroom & GRANTED BT47 3WL wet room. Rear access ramp & Page 97 Page hand rail LA11/2020/0476/F 6 Creggmore Drive Provision of carport to South 27/08/2020 PERMISSION Claudy facing elevation with private first GRANTED BT47 4HT floor terrace above. LA11/2020/0480/F 66a Road Internal alterations and extension 26/08/2020 PERMISSION Claudy to side of the existing dwelling to GRANTED BT47 4ER provide dressing room and ensuite extension, with porch over new back door location. LA11/2020/0481/F 6 Carrickreagh Gardens Single storey rear kitchen and 13/08/2020 PERMISSION Creggan utility extension and alterations GRANTED Derry BT48 9UB LA11/2020/0485/F 322 Carnhill Proposed access ramp to rear 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry with minor internal alterations to GRANTED BT48 8BW bedroom LA11/2020/0489/N 35 Kimberly Hill Shower room extension to be 26/08/2020 NON Kilfennan made longer by 1m to include a MATERIAL L'Derry BT47 5QL lobby and escape door. CHANGE GRANTED

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LA11/2020/0490/D Lands Opposite No.s 1 To 8 Discharge of condition 5 in 11/08/2020 CONDITION Hazelwood Avenue relation with planning approval DISCHARGE Road LA11/2018/0481/F - Noise D Derry Assessment BT47 2NX LA11/2020/0500/F 65 Foyle Road Single storey extension to 27/08/2020 PERMISSION Page 98 Page Derry provide bedroom and shower and GRANTED ramped access to rear of dwelling LA11/2020/0501/F 19 Drumleck Drive Single storey bedroom & 27/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry wetroom extension to rear and GRANTED BT48 8EL ramp to front LA11/2020/0506/F 45 Tullycar Road Single storey side extension to 26/08/2020 PERMISSION Castlederg existing dwelling GRANTED BT81 7YB LA11/2020/0512/F 64 Blackthorn Manor Proposed 2 No. 2 storey 27/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry extensions to side and rear of GRANTED BT47 5ST dwelling, side extension consisting of study and shower room with bedroom above and rear extension consisting of garage & utility with bedroom over LA11/2020/0514/F 113 Templegrove Proposed single storey extension 27/08/2020 PERMISSION Buncrana Road to side of existing dwelling and GRANTED Derry replacement roof to existing sun room

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LA11/2020/0533/F 1 Grange Avenue Proposed single storey extension 28/08/2020 PERMISSION Derry to provide family room and utility GRANTED BT47 5YN room LA11/2020/0543/LD1 Petrie Way Single storey rear extension, 27/08/2020 PERMITTED Derry enclose existing entrance porch, DEVELOPME BT48 8PW existing access, existing foul & NT storm drainage, existing site Page 99 Page enclosure - boundary fence

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