2013 Reference Document
2013 REFERENCE DOCUMENT 2013 REFERENCE DOCUMENT EURO DISNEY S.C.A. http://corporate.disneylandparis.com 624122-1-007_cover.indd 1 1/14/14 7:34 PM Certifié PEFC Ce produit est issu de forêts gérées durablement et de sources contrôlées. 10-31-1144 pefc-france.org © Disney, Euro Disney S.C.A. société en commandite par actions, with a registered capital of 38,976,490 euros 334 173 887 RCS MEAUX Registered offi ce: 1, rue de la Galmy, 77700 Chessy, France 624122-1-007_cover.indd 2 1/14/14 7:34 PM French limited partnership with a share capital of €38,976,490 Registered office: 1 rue de la Galmy, 77700 Chessy, France R.C.S.: 334 173 887 Meaux. REFERENCE DOCUMENT Pursuant to Article 212-13 of the Règlement général of the Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”), the present Reference Document was filed with the AMF on January 16, 2014. This document has been prepared by the issuer and under the responsibility of its signatories. This document cannot be used for a financial operation unless it is completed by a note d’opération approved by the AMF. Table of ConTenT A. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE GROUP 3 A.1. Description of the Group’s Activities AnD StrAteGy 4 A.1.1. Operational Organization of the Group 4 A.1.2. Geographical Situation of the Resort 11 A.1.3. Strategy of the Group 12 A.2. corporAte OrganizAtion of the Group 16 A.3. history AnD Development of the Group 18 A.3.1. Development of the Resort and its Surrounding Areas 18 A.3.2.
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