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thea wilfridCord laurier student publication volume xxxvi issue 11 thursday, nov. 11,1993 INSIDE news Taco Bell says goodbye to Laurier Pg3 sports Rich Newbrough retires Pg. 9 feature To eat meat or not to eat meat, that is the question —.pg. 14 entertainment Beer Chat samples discount brew Pg-19 cover photo : by Aaron Betik Taco Bell rests in peace due to poor sales jujla stuaeirfafes j4 'yj inm \Li r F "1 I ITHURSDW^N^FRIDAYSI I I MIIM. I I I I ■ ■ ■ BHH THURSDAYNOVEMBER 16 I I I ll| 111 S iff S FALL. DOWN QO BOOM | I ' I ill llf ■ SATURDAYNOVEMBER 13 I DJ'B on spotlight I I I ffIPP lit - - I | T —j— || , TVESDATNOVEMBER&I \ 112 rawer ™ ' E E_?A 5 ___ _ sp tF^ 2 __ i Ey B -"■■■niMUMlMMMM—WMHH—l——MMilMl—————^—hii——■—miiwiW. JL REMEMBRANCE REMEMBRANCE DAY DAY CEREMONY CEREMONY November 11,11 am November 11,11 am Flagpole, Flagpole, University Avenue, University Avenue, outside TorqueRoom outside Torque Room • Tribute • Tribute • Lowering of Flag • Lowering of Flag • Placing of Wreath • Placing of Wreath • Silent Prayer • Silent Prayer • Last Post • Last Post Please take time Please take time to remember NEWS to remember Campaigning for kids Save the Children Canada Head to help set up the club. AMAL MOUSSAOUI Office in Toronto, and was invited Most of the money raised Cord News to the Annual General Meeting in from the coin boxes wiii go to Dave Depuis, your average third September. He promised at the nine developing nations around year Political Science student at meeting to start up a group in K-W the world, as well as the India Laurier, did everything that his and to raise more funds than all the Disaster Relief. Save the Chil- fellow students did. "I read the other groups across the country. dren Canada has found from past papers; saw disparities in the world. Although realizing that his experiences that children ben- There are basically two ways to promise might not become reality efit more when projects improve handle it: ignore it or do something by the end of this year, he does the whole community. The about it." hope to have a Save the Children money, therefore, will be di- Depuis, unlike many other Club at Laurier University by then. rected towards setting up vari- people, decided to do something Depuis is working with a ous projects, from day-care cen- about it by starting the Save the friend, Scott Meyer from the Uni- tres to clinics. Children Campaign. versity of Waterloo, in setting up The World Affair Society "If you look at Somalia and the club. The University of West- has already been sponsoring Bosnia, the common denominator ern Ontario is also in the process of Depuis' campaign. The Save the is that children are treated the setting up a club. McGill Univer- Children Club is, however, in worst," Depuis said. "The children sity has just recently and success- the process of becoming a full arc the world's future, so we have fully organized a Save the Chil- fledged Campus Club, but more to be concerned." dren Campus Club. volunteers are definitely needed Save the Children is a world- Currently, Depuis has started before going through the proc- wide organization dedicated to the a fundraising activity by putting ess of Board approval. protection and improvement of the up five coin boxes around the Depuis encourages students rights and the welfare of children school. The coin boxes are located to help out. "A little bit goes a all over the world. Save the Chil- in the Bookstore and the Centre long way," he stresses, ''our ba- dren Canada has over one thou- Spot. "If everybody puts in a quar- sic philosophy is some for more sand volunteers committed to rais- ter once a week, we can raise a rather than more for some." Dave ing funds through various means, great deal of money," Depuis said. can be reached at home by call- from walk-a-thons to charity din- He is hoping that with the height- ing 886-2899. As Dave pointed ners. ened awareness the coin boxes will out before, it is time to stop ig- Dave Depuis contacted the bring, more students will come out noring the Children. The tragedy ofHaiti: Another model ofUS oppression DAVID RAY Today it is in Haiti, but the same The pattern is painfully ob- in other words), the United States an almost fool-proof system for Cord News Commentary pattern of events has been evident vious. Whenever a government government overthrows that govern- retaining the status quo. Recog- Once again, the United States gov- in Chile, Dominican Republic, comes to power that wishes to ment and replaces it with a repres- nizing this fact, the American gov- ernment has seen it fit to destroy Guatemala, Grenada, Panama, represent the interests of the sive dictatorship more in line with ernment has in this manner in- democracy and support the massa- Nicaragua and El Salvador in the majority of the population (a le- American interests. stalled "friendly" governments cre of thousands in Latin America. last twenty years. gitimate democratic government, A cycle of violence inevitably throughout the globe. follows. In the face of wide-spread This view of American foreign public opposition, the new regime policy is not a view commonly Tolling the Bell for festive cuisine invariably resorts to intimidation, held by the North American pub- violence and murder to secure and lic, nor is it reflected in the mass AMANDA DOWLING tives to Dining Hall cuisine. extend its power. Campaigns of state media which claims to represent Cord News Wilf's offers food, but does not accept meal terrorism systematically seek to un- them. This is to be expected. Few Laurier students have to go further to "make a run for cards. dermine all democratic institutions Americans would condone the ac- the border" since the closing of the Taco Bell cart on The cart which costs $35 000 to purchase within thestate; inevitably thousands tions of their government if they was a was November 5. , outright, rented to the University for trial are jailed, tortured and killed in the realized what being done in The cart, which once graced the south-west cor- period by Taco Bell California. Sales between process. their name. ner of the Torque Room was removed due to lack of $7 500 and $8 000 were needed in order for the cart The United States, the source of It is therefore necessary for revenue, leaving Mr. Submarine, The Second Cup, to be financially viable. Revenues averaged a dis- these illegal governments in the first the U.S. government to deceive and Pizza Pizza slices as the sole on-campus alterna- mal $3 000 a week in September and October. place, continues to influence events their citizens; to create myths and The Mr. Submarine cart, on the other hand, is by providing the finances and the distortions (which are readily re- doing well, with revenues averaging just under military hardware necessary for the produced by the mass media) about $7 000 per week. This surprised Cliff Bilyea of dictatorship to carry out these acts the United States and its role in Ancillary Services, the university department re- and to stay in power over the years. world affairs. sponsible for acquiring the carts. If the rare case that the U.S. The myth of American for- Bilyea was told that at universities south of the sponsored regime is ever seriously eign policy, (in stark contrast to border, with both taco and sub carts, tacos outsell threatened by a popular revolution the model laid out above) rests on subs by 50%. Taco Bell California attributes this oran 'anti-American' political party, the notion that the United States is difference to the fact that Canadians have different the U.S. does not hesitate to wade the global champion of democratic eating habits than our American neighbors. into the conflict, guns blazing, to ideals and a proud defender of As of Wednesday, Bilyea had received no restore the primacy of its elite gov- national sovereignty. complaints from angry taco fans. ernment forces . An examination of the situa- Rage on campus over the cart's removal has American motives are simple to tion in Haiti today rapidly dispels been virtually non-existent. "1 don't like it. 1 never understand. Dictatorial governments these myths and reinforces the hard ate there," said Brad Miller, a first year Economics arc employed by U.S. intelligence reality that American foreign Major. "I didn't eat there all the time, it's too agencies to repress the majority of policy regularly seeks to create fattening, but 1 would have liked the option,", said the population. This protects and and support dictatorial terrorstates Alex Lawson, a first year Political Science student. advances American political and throughout the world. Will the cart be replaced with another fast-food economic interests. Haiti is one such terror state. venue? "I'm looking at grab and go food type By utilizingthe institution of the Located in the Caribbean just options," said Bilyea. government as an agent of control, south-east of Cuba, Haiti bears the The Dining Hall plans to offer more Mexican- the U.S. ensures that no other gov- dubious distinction of being the type food to make up for the loss of the cart. ernment can come to power that poorest country in the entire West- No more mexican. Pic: Aaron Betilc Lucky us. would threaten their interests. It is Continued on page 8 4 NEWS THE CORD Thursday, November 11, 1993 & Commentary fails PROSSteveNewsCONS Doak Cord Ranking again Furthermore, the government are being excluded.