Betty De Shong Meador, Judy Grahn | 245 pages | 15 Feb 2001 | University of Texas Press | 9780292752429 | English | Austin, TX, United States Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna

To suppress a viable expression of sexuality, such as same-sex unions would be anti-life to Inanna and would go against the creative force of her nature. Want to Read Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna. In their celebration of Enheduanna's relationship with Inanna, they also represent the first existing account of an individual's consciousness of her inner life. The very existence of an ancient body of religious literature that sang praises to a woman's Inanna fascinated . Summary The earliest known author of written literature was a woman named Enheduanna, who lived in ancient around BCE. It was through this search that she came to discover the surviving poems of Enheduanna, high priestess of the Sumerian moon god Nann Review originally published at Eternal Haunted Summer. Views Read Edit View history. Inanna's immense popularity in antiquity must be related in part to the fact that she could reflect not only the best in human nature, but she could also exhibit what is abhorrent, unpleasant, dirty, sinful, terrifying, abnormal, perverse, obsessive, murderous, mad and violent. Perhaps it was simply an act of dedication to her goddess. In their celebration of Enheduanna's relationship with Inanna, they also represent the first existing account of an individual's consciousness of her inner life. Nov 16, Largercircle added it Shelves: Inannainanna. Aug 29, Madeline rated it it was amazing Shelves: classichistoricalliteraturenon-fictionpoetrysumerian. Enheduanna's contributions to Sumerian literaturedefinitively ascribed to her, include several personal devotions to Inanna and a collection of hymns known as the "Sumerian Temple Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna. In my long, fruitful relationship with Foxvog, we began with an in-depth study of the sacred marriage texts and the "Descent" myth. To impose our modern, somewhat romanticised, views upon a society so very distant culturally, linguistically and chronologically from our own is foolish. Did the version really say "vulva"? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Sargon was the first leader anywhere to establish an empire, uniting the cities of northern and southern Mesopotamia under his rule and extending his hegemony into neighboring lands far beyond the borders of and . An underlying problem for me was her use of "translations," of the three poems by Enhedu An interesting attempt at Inanna interpretation, but ultimately passable as an academic and spiritual source. One is complete. Enheduanna's poems played a role in cementing the syncretism between Inanna and the Akkadian goddess Ishtar. Publication date ISBN cloth : alk. Other major deities. Wheel rated it really liked it May 10, In these she speaks with a direct, personal voice. With their help I managed to complete my own renditions of several sacred marriage poems plus the myth "Inanna's Descent to the Underworld. Books by Enheduanna. She lived in the Sumerian city-state of . Enheduanna's authorship raises the issue of female literacy in ancient Mesopotamia ; in addition to Enheduanna, royal wives are known to have commissioned or perhaps composed poetry, [28] and the goddess Nindaba acted as a scribe: As Leick notes "to some extent the descriptive epithets of Mesopotamian goddesses reveal the cultural perception of women and their role in ancient society". . The hymns she wrote to Inanna constitute the earliest written portrayal of an ancient goddess. I approached the task as though I were solving a puzzle. Judy Grahn Foreword. Enheduanna describes a spiritual direction as well, a path for women that encompasses the whole of reality. Entitled "Women as Verbal Artists: Reclaiming the Sisters of Enheduanna," it referred to her as "the first known author Inanna world written literature. Implicit in her presence is a divine plan, a sacred order and meaning. Retrieved 29 July He had successfully established a new level of central government, something never before achieved. Mellon Foundation. Stonehenge Press. In these poems we see that the very being of this goddess infuses and vivifies all nature and natural processes. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Betty De Shong Meador. It is a glaring oversights and omissions like this which spoil the book and leave it an unreliable account of Inanna life and the religious position she held and helped shape into a powerful role that would last for centuries. Enigmatic as the plan may be, it is inferred by Inanna's careful attention to the workings of the world and the people in it. Drawn with Inanna stylus on wet clay, the stick figure with the circle on top was her name written in the earliest script. With this information, she explores the role of Inanna as the archetypal feminine, the first goddess who encompasses both the celestial and the earthly and shows forth the full scope of women's potential. High Priestess to the moon god Nanna, Enheduanna came to venerate the goddess Inanna above all gods in the Sumerian pantheon. Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart: poems of the Sumerian high priestess Enheduanna

This, now twenty years ago, was the beginning of my search for Inanna. Aug 29, Madeline rated it it was amazing Shelves: classichistoricalliteraturenon-fictionpoetrysumerian. She wrote her works in cuneiform letters, incised into tablets or had them written down by scribes. Want to Read saving…. Review originally published at Eternal Haunted Summer. The empire Sargon established was perpetuated by his successors, Enheduanna's two brothers and her nephew Naram-, who supported and strengthened this first family dynasty. In their celebration of En The earliest known author of written literature was a woman named Enheduanna, who lived in Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna Mesopotamia around BCE. To smooth the religious differences between the Sumerians and Akkadians and to influence the political climate in the south, he appointed Enheduanna as En-Priestess or high priestess of the goddess Inanna in the important Sumerian city of Ur. I think it must have been at the Inanna when these beautiful lines became clear:. I am deeply impressed by Meador's top- notch writing, thorough research and far-reaching arguments. This book provides the complete texts of Enheduanna's hymns to Inanna, skillfully and beautifully rendered by Betty De Shong Meador, who also discusses how the poems reflect Enheduanna's own spiritual and psychological liberation from being an obedient daughter in the shadow of her ruler father. Puzer-Mama . Judy Grahn Foreword. Details if other :. This doesn't contain any of her Temple Hymns which are found in another book I believe. Her mother was probably Queen Tashlultum. She was the first known woman to hold the title of ENa role of great political importance that was often held by royal daughters. Showing To ask other readers questions about Inanna, Lady of Largest Heartplease sign up. After the second body has been received and covered, we are to push similar stick figures into the soil and place a palm frond bundle beside them. Enheduanna was lifting Inanna out of her established place in Sumerian culture, where she was already considered to Inanna an important goddess, in order to place her above all other deities. For a few years I Inanna with two graduate students of the Sumerian language at the University of California in Los Angeles. Her roles as high priestess and as poet are the subjects of Chapters 6 and Inanna. Since Kramer, a renowned Sumerian scholar, had translated most of the hymns and myths about Inanna, I had found a rich resource in his articles and books. Meanwhile I read everything I could find about ancient Near Eastern civilizations. Atlantic Books. Reporting from:. Foxvog, an instructor of Sumerian language and literature. Apparently, Enheduanna was confidant not only as the En-priestess but also as an author. Asia portal Mythology portal. Help Need help? Rhetoric before and beyond the Greeks. She is the divine in matter. Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart

As such, she sustains the ebb and flow, the relentless paradoxical reality of the natural world. With their help I managed to complete my own renditions of several sacred marriage poems plus the myth "Inanna's Descent to the Underworld. Details if other :. Demigods and heroes. Reporting from:. Her literary output of hymns and songs to the goddess Inanna set a high standard and example of religious psalms, hymns, prayers and poetry that was followed for the next two thousand years. To me, the Inanna of the first poem seems childish and petulant; in the second poem I wonder if the priestess is being punished not by Inanna but by Nanna for raising Inanna above him ; and in the third I also wonder if the voice isn't more whiny than not although indeed terrible things seem Fascinating discussion of these original texts! Translations of the oldest written literature to have a known author: the Inanna poems by the Sumerian high priestess Enheduanna. She is as fascinating a figure as Inanna herself. Views Read Edit View history. This article's use of external links may not follow Wikipedia's policies or guidelines. Extra Incredible. It was through this search that she came to discover Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna surviving Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna of Enheduanna, high priestess of the Sumerian moon god Nann Review originally published at Eternal Haunted Summer. Pritchard as translators. In terms of poetry: there is little in the way of simile but much imagery, especially nature and weather imagery. Did the Sumerian language version really say "vulva"? Enheduanna describes a spiritual direction as well, a path for women that encompasses the whole of reality. You could say she appeared to me as a word, but in that time word and symbol were the same. She also composed 42 hymns, poems and prayers known today as the Sumerian Temple Hymns. While not a fault outright, this fact does make me question whether or not her translations remain unbiased. By this time I had a compelling desire to know more of the original language. J Augustin Publisher, New York p. Enheduanna is described as embodying a natural role within her society that no longer exists in ours. Later I found poems to Inanna, which made it clear that palm fronds signified the nourishing date palms gatherers offered to Inanna in her role as goddess of the abundant harvest. There is no contemporary genre to describe what they are; we have lost these categories: temple hymns, paeans to the divinit This morning I read the hymns of Enduanna, written circa 2, BCE by the Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna first known poet. The text said the looped post was a symbol of the mother goddess and referred the reader to another work, Rachel Levy's The Gate of Horn. Error rating book. Aga of Mesilim. This belief in the paradoxical nature of reality was not new to the Sumerians, nor to their ancestors, as Chapter 3 explains. JSTOR link. Inanna is a fascinating figure, but I prefer the poem which tells her story. I could feel the real woman who wrote the poems and the vitality of her devotion across the four thousand-year expanse that separates us. The earliest known author of written literature was a woman named Enheduanna, who lived in ancient Mesopotamia around BCE. Shelly rated it it was amazing Apr 20, You also get a nice history of Enheduanna, her father was Sargon, so it isn't like she This Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna centers on the three poems to and about Inanna which the High Priestess Enheduanna had written around BC. Certainly it had an effect on Sargon's daughter Enheduanna. May 13, Chloe Inanna it it was ok Shelves: archaeology.

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