MUSIC, NO LIFE SJSU WOMEN'S BASKETBALL 111111.1 SCHOLARS Music with meaning is hard SPARTANS THRASH AGGIE Chinese university AiNOto find today sisu holds New Meco Stath administrators learning at SJSU to 21.2 terccnt shooting OPINION 2 vs, NEWS 6 SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPARTAN DAILY VOLUME 121, NUMBER 67 MONDAY, DECEMBER 8,2003 WWW.THESPARTANDAILY COM Creating sparks in a man's world A.S. manages By David Weinstein Daily Staff Writer more than Been there, done that. From flying C141s to Guam in the U.S. Air Force to selling animal balloons at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf in the 1970s, San Jose State University employ- ee Deborah Aiono has seen it all. $6 million Aiono, a metalworker for SJSU's Facilities Development and Operations department, said she learned- to work in a IDEA world- the hard way and By Janet Pak through the instruction of her father. Daily Staff Writer Aiono said she came from a mechanical background. "My father didn't have any sons and I was the oldest As students prepare to register and pay for their next daughter," Aiono said Thursday. "I just followed him semester's classes, on their tuition bill will be several fees around and he taught me all about electronics and tools." that total $73.50 fee that go toward an organization A native of San Jose, Aiono said her father and moth- known as Associated Students. er met at SJSU, and her father graduated from the A.S. is an elected body of government representing College of Engineering. students and providing more than 400 different services. After 12 years, Aiono said she and her father moved The board is run like a nonprofit corporation with a to San Francisco. chief executive officer, chief financial officer and a chair- "My father was the bohemian type, so we moved into person who are elected by the students of San Jose State a hippie, artist community in San Francisco," Aiono University every March. A separate board of directors is said. "We used to make animal balloons at Fisherman's made up of 14 students; some are elected and the others Wharf back when it wasn't crowded." appointed by the CEO. Aiono said her mother was the type who wanted her Alfonso De Alba, executive director of AS., is not an to be a debutante. elected student member of A.S. and said he was hired "My mother always used to tell my father that he was after a search process with about 108 candidates in 1993. going to ruin me," Aiono said. At the time, he was serving as interim executive director The 46-year-old served in the Air Force for 12 years when he applied for the position. as an airplane engineer and mechanic. He said his main responsibilities are to run the day-to- Aiono said she used to dream of flying and having day operations of A.S. and all managers report to him. out-of-body experiences about airplanes growing up. De Ala said he then reports to the board of directors on "I had this thing about Peter Pan and flying, Aiono activities of the A.S. staff said. "I always wanted to be in an airplane and I loved AS. is a student auxiliary, which means it's independ- heights, so I decided to join the Air Force." ent of the university and operates off of student fees and When she entered the Air Force in 1975, she said they generates its own revenues. didn't allow women to be pilots, so she became one of A portion of that $73.50 fee students pay is divided into the earliest female airplane mechanics. revenue for different services A.S. provides such as gov- Aiono said she was like a gas station attendant, filling ernment, child care, transit solutions and a recreation fee. up the airplanes, making needed repairs and sending Fees in each category go toward paying for services them on their way. those departments provide, said A.S. Controller Rachel She said she waited four years to get her flight engi Greathouse. neer degree and then became one of the first airplane "This is something that's totally different from other engineers (pilots) for women. student government organizations across the country," She was first stationed in Athens, Greece, and has also said Greathouse. 'They're just student organizations, served at Kirkland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, not Associated Students incorporated." N.M., and Travis Air Force Base in Northern Each year, A.S. controls a little more than 86 million, California, where she flew C141 cargo transport planes. which is the total revenue that comes from enrollment, "It was like a 'semi' in the sky," Aiono said. "We used revenues from services and grants from the state. to go to the Philippines, Guam, over the Indian Ocean Each A.S. fee students pay, whether it's for the child and Saudi Arabia. center or for transit solutions, is a restricted budget item, An SJSU employee since 1997, Aiono received her De Alba said, and money can't be transferred from one metalworking certificate from San Francisco City department to another to make up for shortfalls. College (SFCC) and spent 12 years in the Air Force Associated Students' budget pays for numerous doing mechanical work before coming to San Jose. expenses including a copyright fee to play music on In an industrial welding class at SFCC, she said she campus, legal counseling and financial custodianship, took an interest in gas and electric welding. which safeguards the financial health of the company. "Then I took machine shop, blueprint reading and "It's a system in place to protect students' money" he said. total quality management," Aiono said. "There (are) just "The university charges for financial custodianship and we a bunch of classes that help you run a shop like this one." have a responsibility to spend your money appropriately." The SJSU welding shop, located in the northeast cor- Greathouse said the A.S. budget hinges on enrollment, ner of campus, is where Aiono teams up to perform a and in times when enrollment falls short, their budget variety of jobs with Facilities Development and does also. Operations metalworker Wilfredo Luna-Pulido. "Tuition is a set amount ... the one thing that affects us Pt university employee for four years, Luna-Pulido is enrollment growth," Greathouse said. "If the university said Aiono has an easy-going personality and is a solid is not accepting more students, but students are graduat- co-worker. ing ... that's when we start to lose money on services." "She's one of the best I've ever worked with because Other factors that affect the A.S. budget are expenses she's not afraid of anything," Luna-Pulido said. "She's so such as insurance and how long A.S. has gcnc without a open-minded and comes up with new ideas for our jobs." fee increase on services they provide, De Alba said. Together, he said they make good team. Insurance costs, he said, have become more expensive "We do a lot of chain-link building and repairs," August Patterson / Daily Staff since Sept. 11,2001. Aiono said. "We weld rain gutters, air condition ducts Deborah Aiono, a metalworker for Facilities Development and Operations, welds a field drag for the For example, students pay an $8 child development but facilitv and child care costs have and build gates, fences, handrails and stairs." women's softball field, a tool used to level off infield dirt. While growing up. Aiono said her mother center fee, the See WELDER, page 3 wanted her to be a debutante. She chose instead to be an Air Force engineer and mechanic. See BUDGET, page 3 Event Center Venues available for court dedicated late-night finals studying By Jenny Shearer reserved, she said. One student was pleased the lower level of the to former coach Daily staff Writer King Library would remain open until mid- night. By Ian Ross Take heart, late-night study fans. "I think it's Bleat that they leave it open for The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library people to study because it's hard to study at Daily Shy) Writer and the Student Union will have extended hours home, it's distracting," said Jody Shaw, a senior

from Dec. 9 to Dec. 16 so students can prepare business major. During a halftime ceremony Saturday afternoon, the for their final exams. Solomon Norman, a senior computer science Spartans basketball court was officially renamed during the On most weeknights during this time period, major, said he wished he could have access to men's game against Cal State Northridge. the lower level of the King Library will be open the upper floors of the King Library until mid- Written in big blue letters along from 10 p.m. to midnight. night because that's where all the tables are for each sideline were the words "Walt "We hope to accommodate as many students group work. McPherson Court." as possible," said Julie Kowalewski Ward, uni- "I don't even know what's downstairs. I've McPherson coached the San Jose versity library head of access services. never been down there," Norman said. State University men's basketball Kowalewski Ward said the lower level of the "Between this and the Student Union, I'd prob- team between 1940 and 1960, King Library, which is one floor below the main ably use the Student Union because I feel like amassing a 264-208 career record. level, will serve as a quiet study area for stu- there's more accessible tables and stuff like McPherson has more coaching vic- is a that." tories than any other head coach in dents. Additionally, because the lower level quiet study area, cell phone usage is not Although laptops may be checked out during Spartan basketball history. allowed. the extended hours, students will not have During the ceremony, McPherson Students wishing to study in groups can go to access to the upper floors of the King Library, said he was honored to have the the Student Union to work, she said. Kowalewski Ward said. court named after him. on a One student made sense for students hon- The lower level has seats for 230 people said it MCPHERSON "It's a good privilege to be first-come, first-served basis, she said. needing to study in groups to go to the Student ored," he said. "I don't feel like I If the lower level reaches maximum occupan- Union. deserve all this, but it's good to be back." cy, students can go to the Student Union. "If people are trying to study for finals, they Before McPherson's speech, Spartan public address to hear .people yapping "I'm pleased that the Student Union has probably don't want announcer Russ Call mentioned several highlights from matched our hours because they can hold away and group studying, said Mary McPherson's resume as both an athlete and a coach at more people, it's a larger capacity, students SJSU. He played three sports as a student and later coached have another place to go," Kowalewski Ward Sei LIBRARY, page 3 four different sports. and said. McPherson enrolled as a student at SJSU in 1934 Students will need to show their Tower Cards Right: San lose State University stu- played football, basketball and baseball for the Spartans. to King Library staff in order to stay in the McPherson was the captain of the 1938 Spartan football dents leave the Dr. Martin Luther King lower level area, she said. Jr. Joint Library on Saturday at 5:45 team that went 11-1. Kowalewski Ward advised students to get to the lower level before 10 p.m. to secure a study p.m. 15 minutes before the library See MCPHERSON, page 4 spot because scats in that area cannot be closed for the day. Autumn Cruz / lady Staff PAGE 2 OPINION THE SPARTAN DA!! Y DECEMBER 8, 2003 Is II FRIDAY YFT? Students face realization that finals week is here Note: The following is pure fancy. Long live finals week, I sighted and dull. "I many think it's a joke to view the semester as not yet over exam issue is just another example of why college is "hard." say. "You're being more than a little stupid about this, the pro- and done with," I told the dean. "This semester's history. I've "Who needs that aggravation?" he asked. "What's the San Jose State UniversityI nearly dropped my apple juice fessor said after losing his temper. "Stop whining and deal even signed up for next semester's classes already. I mean, point, anyway? You'll just have to take more finals again next and kicked a wastebasket into my professor's shins when he with it." what's up with that?" semester." informed me Friday I would have to take a final examination He also pointed out that I had not attend- Talks with classmates over the weekend To my great surprise, an employee at the new library said to pass his class. ed class for three weeks. revealed a general dissatisfaction with the students studying for final CLAMS have been flooding the I declare! "I hardly think that's relevant," I argued. final examination situation. library in recent days. "What? It's complete nonsense that I should have to do this flabbergasted and exhausted by anger, I "God, I just want it to be over," said one "It's that time of the year when we see a lot of students," (take a final) at this point in the semester," I said in response quickly kicked an opportune metal waste- classmate. "I've been meeting with a non- the employee said. "We're busy, busy, busy." to my professor's offhanded remark that a big test would be basket at my professor. study group for weeks to organize non-class The employee said Internet access was first come, first given in 10 days. "I terminated my focus on structured aca- "Foul villain!" I exclaimed. related activities." SCTVC. demics, like, three weeks ago. What do you want from me?" Luckily, it ricocheted off a chair and One classmate questioned the democratic "What if, rather than studying, I wanted to sit in the library The professor, a bit miffed, argued that the final exam is a missed its intended target. integrity of the class. and surf the Web aimlessly to distract myself from responsi- vital piece of the class and that it should come as no surprise "Ha!" the professor said with a smirk. "If "What is this, an autocracy? The sense of bility?" I asked. "Could special accommodations be made for to have to take it because he announced it in August during your trashcan kicking is any indication of the constituents is clear this term is histo- that?" the first week of instruction. your psycho-sociological-algebraic- ry," she said. "I move that we put this matter The employee said "probably," but a subtle hint of sarcasm "If you had bothered to check your syllabus regularly during mechanical-computeratronic-global-lit- TONY BURCHYNS to a vote on Monday." cast doubt on the sincerity of the remark. the semester you would have noted the final exam and taken erabreaic skill, than you've got some serious The professor was unavailable for comment "Man, I just can't believe it," I said to myself Sunday morn- steps to prepare for it," said the professor. studying to do." on the question of a vote determining whether a final would ing. "Just when you think you know the system, when you get Diabolical thoughts entered my head. After hurriedly leaving the classroom I placed several take place. comfortable, you get rudely awakened to this parallel universe "Ogre!" I thought. phone calls to school officials to ascertain if I really needed to Another student said he had forgotten about the final and where everything you hold sacred is foreign and confusing." A ferocious quarrel erupted, during which I almost dropped take a final exam to pass my class. had bought plane tickets to go home instead. my Tree Top juice box while in a fit of impassioned argument. "It is an outrage! It is ludicrous!" I balked into the phone. "Man, this is going to cost me," he said. "Now I have to pay "Look, if you wanted to give a final, you should have given "I don't really see this as an issue," said the dean of the col- a huge penalty to change my reservation. This sucks. And I Tony Burrhym is a it in October before everyone got bored," I said. "The last lege. "Please don't call me again." have to study, too!" Spartan Daily senior staff writer four weeks have been like slow death." I informed the dean that I have been feeling intellectually According to one college-aged individual who chose not to This is the last appearance of The professor countered by calling me irrational, short- sluggish since the week prior to Thanksgiving. seek higher education after graduating high school, the final 'Is It Friday Yet?' this semester Viewpoint I How to improve the WST NO MUSIC, NO UFE Dear editor time with not one discrepancy. Our readings are almost perfect. Here are my suggestions to the campus communi- Please allow me to respond to Dr. Grant's letter of Oct. ty: Depth and meaning hard 31. 1) Acknowledge that composition instruction is a The students at SJSU should get the best instruction and respected assignment on campus, taught mostly by part- academic support we can provide. The Writing Skills Test timers and Teaching Associates. is required at all CSU campuses. I believe the best qualified 2) Pay instructors .25 for each section of composition to find in today's music person should coordinate the exam, not necessarily a Ph.D. because the course is labor-intensive. The WST coordinator arranges and participates in the 3) Do not assume labs and tutors will solve our stu- holistic scoring of the essay part of the exam. He/she dents' writing problems. Instructors must participate in Where have all the lyricists gone? But deep in my heart / The answer it was in me / And I should be an expert holistic scorer, trained by ETS writing instruction. Mainstream music is so superficial and trendy and it is made up my mind to define my own destiny." (Educational Testing Service). I also hire the best holistic 4) Agree that ALL instructors must hold students to a sad because it is a reflection of our money-grubbing These poetic words were written by Miss Joni Mitchell readers in the nation who read for many programs, such as minimum writing standard no matter what the field of country. and Lauryn Hill, respectively, two ladies I think are the English Placement Exam, GMAT, PPST, etc. These study. There is a lack of depth in today's lyrics I don't even classy and should be admired. readers are composition and ESL instructors from other 5) Agree that ALL instructors must teach good com- turn on the radio anymore because all I hear is the There are some recent bands that come to mind when CSU campuses, community colleges, or high schools. My munication skills, not just the LLD or English instructors. "bling-blingers" escapades and their glorification of how I think of politics: Rage Against the Machine and readers come from all over the Bay Area, from Vacaville to many "bitches and ho's" they get in every area code. System of a Down. Santa Cruz. I do not hire my Ph.D. colleagues because Besides being degrading to women, it has become an "Yes I know my enemies / They're the teachers who they are not expert, practiced, holistic readers. anthem for young "bling-blingers" to think its OK to taught me to fight me / Compromise, conformity, assim- The discrepancy rate fora WST reading is around 1/2 of Gloria Collins treat women that way. ilation, submission / Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the 1 percent. A normal rate for a holistic reading at ETS is English Lecturer Why does this crap sell? elite / All of which are American dreams." around 4 percent discrepancy. We've read 800 essays at a WST Coordinator I think because it's just so catchy and on "I've been walking through your streets high rotation that one's forced to listen / Where all your money's earning / GUIDE and buy. Where all your building's crying / And SPARTA What happened to the simple life, clueless neckties working / Revolving Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon when Otis Redding was "Sittin' on the fake lawn houses / Housing all your fears three working days before the desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the Spartan Daily office in Dock of the Bay," or Bob Dylan was at / Desensitized by TV / Overbearing Dwight Bentel Hall, room 209. Entries can also be e-mailed to [email protected] titled "Sparta Guide." "the watch tower." advertising, Space restrictions may require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. There are only a handful of current God of consumerism." Rage and System utilize their fame to TODAY per student. For more information, call Sherry at artists that we can admire for their 924-3362. inspiring and thoughtful words. get a message through that too many SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Coldplay, U2, Ben Harper, Ani Ignore. Student galleries will exhibit student art today WEDNESDAY DiFranco, Tori Amos and Raciiohead. Musicians that put themselves into from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Art building. For Songs with messages should be blaring REBECCA VILLANEDA their lyrics are commendable and people more information, call Sam or Bill at 924-4330. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN the airwaves, because radio is a medium can relate to the music more. Student galleries will exhibit student art today with so much power and influence. No Doubt wins the prize for this one. Gwen Stefani SJSU CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY from 9 to 6 p.m. in the Art building. For more John Lennon's message of peace and Bob Marley's doesn't hesitate to let it all hang out and their fan base is Daily Mass takes place every weekday at 12:10 information, call Sam or Bill at 924-4330. demeanor are in dire need because they ere such admired so strong and loyal because they understand her. p.m. in the SJSU campus Ministry Center. For people with a positive vision. "Can you tell I'm faking it / but I want to be myself/ more information, call Sister Marcia at 938-1610. CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST AT SJSU I guess I could be thankful the music business has the counterfeit disposition / cant be good for my health Wednesday at the SJSU Meetings are held every turned in the direction of a materialistic one because it / so many different faces / depending on my different DEPARTMENT OF NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE campus Ministry Center at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call Sheryl Hilario at 431-2459. has made me look into classics. phases / my personality changes / I'm a chameleon." Body fat testing using cutting edge analyzer will "I see trees of green / red roses too / I see them bloom Good beats or not, artists should take advantage of be held every Monday from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the 5.15U GRUPO FOLKLORIC LUNA Y SOL / For me and you / And I think to myself what a won- their record deals and give people something worth lis- Central Classroom building, room 221. It costs $5 Flklorico dancers from various regions of Mexico derful world." tening. per student. For more information, call Sherry at perform every Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Simple, yet Louis Armstrong had a grasp on how life All I'm asking for is music with meaning and I thank 924-3362. Mosaic Cross Cultural Center in the Student should be celebrated. God for the musicians of the past, because a lot of SJSU GRUPO FOLKLORIC LUNA Y SoL union. Beginners and advanced students are wel- "Blue / Songs are like tattoos / You know I've been to today's music has no longevity. Folkloric dancers from various regions of come. For more information, call Malenda Wallin sea before / Crown and anchor me / Or let me sail away Mexico perform every Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at 247-1220. / Blue / Here is a song for you / Ink of a pin / Underneath the skin / An empty space to fill in / Well in the Mosaic Cross Cultural Center in the CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Student union. Beginners and advanced students SJSU there's so many sinking now / You've got to keep think- Daily Mass takes place every weekday at 12:10 ing / You can make it thru the waves." are welcome. For more information, call Malenda p.m. in the SJSU campus Ministry Center. For Wallin at 247-1220. "My world it moved so fast today / The past it seems so Rebecca Villaneda is the more information, call Sister Marcia at 938-1610. far away / And life squeezes so tight that I can't breathe Spartan Daily arts and entertainment editor. TUESDAY ASIAN AMERICAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP / And every time I've tried to be / What someone else This is the last appearance SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Meeting are held every Wednesday in the thought of me / So caught up I was unable to achieve / of 'No Musk, No Lig this semester. Student galleries will exhibit student art today Costanoan room in the Student Union. For more from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Art building. For information, visit ANOTHER DIMENTIAN PAUL DYBDAHL more information, call Sam or Bill at 924-4330. THURSDAY SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN (46-do4tlIt19G- CitAM "Tuesday Night Series" will take place at 5:30 SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN UGC"' It/I) p.m. in room 133 in the Art building. For more Student galleries will exhibit student are today information, call Sam or Bill at 924-4330. from 9 to 6 p.m. in the Art building. For more information, call Sam or Bill at 924-4330. - HE SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN fIATTN.f NB INEE RI NG, Student gallery receptions will take_place in the SJSU CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY SulL DING 4114. Art building today from 6 to 8 p.m. For More Daily Mass takes place every weekday at 12:10 NOW CLO$L AT information, call Sam or Bill at 924-4330. p.m. in the SJSU campus Ministry Center. For Ile.n DAILY more information, call Sister Marcia at 938- TECNOLOGICO DE MONTERREY 1610. There will be an oral presentation about study- ing abroad in Mexico today at 2 p.m. in the SJSU CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Ohlone room in the Student Union. For more Alpha Omega meeting takes place from 8:30 information, e-mail Virma Benitez at virma_ben- p.m. to 10 pin. every Thursday at the SJSU cam- [email protected]. pus Ministry Center. For more information, call Kay at 938-1610. SJSU CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Daily Mass takes place every weekday at 12:10 CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST p.m. in the SJSU campus Ministry Center. For Meets every Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Spartan more information, call Sister Marcia at 938- Memorial aapel for worship, prayer, sharing and 1610. fellowship. G:21 ei)iir DEPARTMENT OF NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Body fat testing using cutting edge analyzer will Bible study is held every Thursday at 6:30 .m. DON'T THINK OF IT A.S STUNTING THEIR be held every Monday from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the in the Ohlone room in the Student Union. For EDUCATION, I SEE FORCING, THEM TO room 221. It costs $5 more information, call Andrew Kim at 674-3000. IT AS Central Classroom building, ENGAGE IN ACTIVE SOCIAL LIVES."

SPARTAN DAILY ADVISERS I Richard Craig and Jan Shaw, News; Dennis Durdeavy, Photojournalism, Tim Burke, Production NEWS ROOM 408.924.3281 OPINION PAGE POUCY I Readers are encouraged to express them FAX oa .124 1282 selves on the Opinion page with a letter to the editor. Chlet. 'his I lendrick, Advertising. A letter to the editor is s 200-word response to an issue point GIOVANNETTI Editor ADVERTISING 408.924.3270 or a CHRIS Executive of view that has appeared in the Spartan Daily STAFF WRITERS I Robert Hong; JaShong King; Ken Lotich; Jennifer McLain; Michelle Meier, Janet Pak Ron TAMMY ICIUKORIAN Managing Editor A viewpoint is the tome as a letter to the editor. crept it isas 400-woni THERF.SE BRATBERG Opinion Editor Parigrac; Ian Row; Jenny Shearer, Dave Weinstein; Mark Comfit); Alexandra Prock Mike Lerma. SPARTAN DAILY (USPS*509-490) .WOMIE to an issue or point of view that has appeared in the Spartan Dash is published every school (full Submissions become property of the Spartan Daily and may be DANIEL LOPEZ Sports Editor SENIOR STAFF WRITERS I Annelinda Aguayo; Lea Blevins; Tony Burchyns; Janine Stanhope; Veronica Mendoza; day for academic year) 1135 and (semester) 820. edited for clarity, grammar, libel and length. Submissions must con REBECCA VILLANEDA A&E Editor Carrie Mattingly, Rims Shah. Periodicals postage paid at San Jose. rain the author's name, address, phone number, signature and major Submissions may be placed in the Letters to the Editor box at the FALGUNI BHUTA Projects Editor August Patterson; Janean Brongersma; Autumn Cruz; Lisa Inman; STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS I Rine Ota; Mail subscriptions accepted on a Spartan Daily office in Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209, sent by fax RYAN BALBUF.NA Photo Editor Yvonne Pingue; Josh Sturgis; Vicki Thompson; Loretta Gibson. remainder of semester basis. Spartan to 14081 924-3237, e-mail at or mailed ICRYSTI LATOUR Production Editor ADVERTISING I Nanonal Advertising Director Jr:warms lisa;lione; Retail Advertising Director Gianni P Guetnercr, Daily, San Jose State University, One to the Spartan Daily Opinion Editor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, San Jose State University, One LEA BLEVINS, Copy Editors Art Director 13avid Roden; Assistant Art Director Ricardo Flank Account Executives, Gamic B. Law Jr.; Tourahi Washington Square. San Jose, CA 95192-0149 Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0149. RIMA SHAH hal*: Victoria Monroe; Magali Channot, Eiden VVatansbe; Kim Duch; Reena Tendon; Cathy Liebmann. Edtionals are written by, and are the consensus of the Spartan POSTMASTER Send ackfress Daily editors, not the staff. JANINE STANHOPE Tony Abad, Illustrator ARTISTS I Jonah Ptak. Paul Dybdahl, Cartoonists; changes to the Spartan Daily. San Jose Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily Teller CIIRISTINI MIHAIEK Advertising Director THE SPARTAN DAILY I ONE WASHINGTON SQUARE I SAN JOSE, CA 95192 I State University. One Washington the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and Mar, ii Commtirwelons. Or SNIT (408) 924-32811 SPARTANOMLYOCASA.SJSU.FDU, SPARTANDARYADSCrASA.S1SU.EDU Square, can jotr. r5 uciu? I9 DECEMBER 8, 2003 THE SPAR 1.1. I), \IL NEWS PAGE 3 S

LIBRARY I )2)A4tio1NniMitclaMb Jt.)14S continuedfrom page 1 Learn in an actual night club setting Bhattacharyya, a graduate student in accounting. Local job placement assistance is our top priority Gloria Robertson, information services manager for the Student Union, said the facility provides students with a safe and Day, Night, and Weekend classes available ..t.100.4s0a comfortable place to study. $40 per hour ."tas wis te 91-t *There are limited places on campus where students can study Earn $15 - after 10 p.m.," Roberston said. On most nights, the Student Meet Union will also close at midnight. Have ft" Maiw Pe"18." She said Spartan Food Service will offer coffee for students in JI I-800 BARTEND (227 8363) the building around 9 p.m. On the first two days of finals, Robertson said, No. 2 pencils and final exam schedules will be passed out on the Ninth 11 Street Plaza outside the Student Union and the Seventh What's the best way to prepare for finals) Street Plaza near the Event Center. In addition, Spartan Bookstore has donated scantron forms and blue books For stu- 0 JACK DANIELS S3.50 dent use. ® KAMIKAZES S3.00 The Student Union as lounge seating for about 250, said Terry Gregory, manager of the facility. COSMOPOLITANS $3.01) If more space is needed, some of the meeting rooms could also All OF tHE ABOVE be opened if they aren't in use, Gregory said. 0 He said tables and chairs could be set up in the meeting rooms, which would make room for several hundred students. Gregory said keeping the facility open for an extra 34 hours for 114 a 10-clay period is not that expensive. "The total cost is between $800 and $900. We're closed down for winter break, from Dec. 20 to Jan. 20. Because of the clo- sure, we will save money during break time. We're going to put money back into helping students during finals," Gregory said. Chinese Cuisine Mazur Moessi, operations coordinator for the Associated FOOD TO GO Students Computer Service Center in the Student Union, said liox Lunch to Go the computer lab will also stay open late. I 10111IIIMI Ste, burin Cue s i sss "If the Student Union is open, we'll always be open with them," I an, I. and limner Calerong Available Moessi said. I rm.. IMA dated Sunday We do deliver io "Esplanade" Moessi said the lab has more than 100 workstations and Can VISA MC AMEX DIS also accommodate 20 to 50 wireless computer users. Students may also rent one of the 70 laptops. I'll F. Jackson Street The King Library's lower level will be open during the follow- VV(ING hi Blocks North of Santa Clara ing times: Dec. 10 and Dec. 11, 10 p.m. to midnight, Dec. 12,6 294-3303 or 998-9427 Between ird and 4th Street p.m. to midnight, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. to midnight and Dec. 15 and Dec. 16, 10 p.m. to midnight. The Student Union will be open during the following times: Dec. 9 through Dec. 12, 8 a.m, to midnight, Dec. 13, 10 a.m. 10, loin the to midnight, -Dec. 14, 2 p.m. to midnight, Dec. 15 and Dec. rank, ot 16,8 a.m, to midnight and Dec. 17,8 a.m. to 10 p.m. AADA * It! , alornm Left: Jason Doherty, a senior computer science major, Redford MOMCsI ftSt.,1 SWING, Worm Act now packs up his papers before leaving the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library Saturday. The library will offer extended hours during finals week. Autumn Cruz / Daily Start Audition 41Ik in San Francisco, City builds up bioscience, SJSU expects jobs February 7 By Therese Bratberg be of particular interest to students. David Vossbrink, communications to an article by the Silicon Valley/San "We are actively seeking ways for the director for the mayor's office, said the Jose Business Journal. Daily Opinion Editor center to provide services and pro- idea of the incubator has been devel- When they move out of the incuba- College Degree grams of use to SJSU," said Crothers oping over the last two years and the tor to be on their own, they will not be Conservatory Program San Jose State University is working of the project, which is expected to be project was approved by the agency on alone. Edenvale is home to several (Scholarships available) with the San Jose Redevelopment complete in June. Nov. 18. fie said the facility will other bioscience industry leaders Agency on the creation of an innova- The bioscience field, which is an area accommodate about 15 small compa- including Clinimetrics, a clinical Six-Week Summer School Ile American tive bioscience incubator, part of a where biotechnology, nanotechnology, nies and have room for office space, research company, and Stryker larger effort to strengthen the eco- medical device and information tech- wet and dry laboratories and common Endoscopy, a medical device company, For application information: Academy nomic future of San Jose. nology industries converge, will most space. Flynn said. HOLLYWOOD Boo 222 2867 0 The bioscience incubator and inno-, likely benefit`thirolfeges of Science, The shell of the building already "We have other incubators down- CA Dramatic vation center is a facility space for Business and Engineering, he said. exists in the Edenvale Technology town a software incubator, an envi- NEW YORK Boo 463 8990 Arts small startup companies, located in "They're trying to discover things to Park, but the interior is under con- ronmental and an international busi- Hollywood a New York the Edenvale area of South San Jose. make our lives easier," said Peggy struction, according to James Robbins, ness incubator," Flynn said. "San Jose The idea is that these companies will Flynn, communications director for a consultant from Business Cluster has the name of 'The Capital of is remain in the incubator until they are the agency. "Either it is hair cures for Development, who has been helping Silicon Valley' and is always trying to ready to be on their own, a process hair growth or the creation of plants to_get the project started. diversify its economy and be on the that can take anywhere between two that grow in all seasons there are so The pre-existing building is owned forefront of the industry." and three years. many possibilities." by Mission West Properties, but the Although San Jose has about 1,900 it it is the intention of the city that The incubator will provide scientists agency dished out $6 million for information technology companies the small startup companies that get and entrepreneurs with the technolo- design and construction of the incuba- and more than 26 bioscience compa- their start in the incubator will stay in gy and equipment necessary to tor, Flynn said. Another $500,000 will nies, this is the first bioscience incuba- the immediate area as they expand," explore innovations in the fields of be put forward during its first three tor in the city, Flynn said. said Stephan Crothers, the director of bioscience. years of operation the projected But this is not the first time SJSU biotechnology and biomedical initia- Crothers said some of the opportu- time it will take the incubator to has been involved in similar projects. tives in the College of Science at nities the 36,594-square-foot incuba- become self-sustaining. Crothers said he believes a software SJSU. "It is also hoped that the .tor might offer include teaching labo- The daily operator of the incubator, company incubator and an interna- `0* biotechnology focus of the center will ratory space at the incubator site, who will be in charge of the nonprofit tional business incubator are coopera- attract established companies into the training programs, places for graduate corporation, will most likely be chosen tive ventures between the city and DOWNTOWN Edenvale area." students to have internships or con- in the spring. SJSU. This, in turn, would not only lead to duct research and opportunities for The incubator companies, expected "We're working very closely with the the establishment of more businesses, faculty to extend their research into to be located at 5941 Optical Court, College of Science to make sure it's a but it could also generate more job the development of commercially will have month-to-month leases and successful launch," said Flynn. "San opportunities, something that would important products. pay below the market rent, according Jose State is an integral part of this." WELDER I 'I like being an (honorary) dude' 1 Next door in the auto mechanic's Many employees go to her for guys," Aiono said. "I like being an (hon- PRESENTED e ANIGHT RIDDER) continuedfrom page department of Facilities, Development advice, Duval said. orary) dude. I guess my dad did ruin me, Aiono added, "We each have our and Operations mechanic Travis Duval Aside from her work at SJSU, Aiono but guys just seem to have more fun." individual strong and weak points and said Aiono is great to work with on a spends her free time doing a variety of She said she plans on working here together we balance it all out." professional and personal level. art and building. until retirement and can think of no Student VIP Night While patching up a field drag for "She's like a woman working in a "I do painting, glass blowing and better place. the women's softball field Thursday, man's world and she holds her own make custom furniture," Aiono said. "I "I'm happy I'll be here forever at a Every Tuesday Aiono said working in the shop makes weight," Duval said. "And if you ever also build gates, porch swings, fences place where they let us do our job," her feel young. want to talk about anything personal, and handrails for people." Aiono said. "They don't bug us, they Save $2 on admission when you "I'm physical all day long, going up she's a great resource for job advice." She said she also enjoys salsa, Wcst give us a chance to do a good job and show your current student I.D. card. ' and down ladders and moving steel, Duval said Aiono used to be a union Coast swing and Cajun dancing. we get acknowledged for it." the passion outside of metal Aiono said she couldn't ask for much COMP or' t,r+f t,e, 8 f) M session and skate Aiono said. "I think working in representative and still keeps up with "Dancing is my favorite music shop keeps me young." recent news and important changes. work. art and hanging out like one of the more. -- Nov. 21 - Jan. 19 BUDGET I Li a :1 reivi NlifeL Market Street at Viola, one block south of the Convention Center funding requests based on how much Starting Times for 90-Minute Sessions continuedfrom page 1 they have asked for in the past, and ItVIRIM to go! increased at least 3.5 percent annually how much the organization needs. Wednesday 6, 8 p.m. and the fee they collect isn't enough to Any request less than $500 doesn't NW cot/1011MM Monday - the increases, De Alba said. brought to the A.S. finance Thursday 4, 6, 8, p.m. cover need to be BREAH '04 PACHAGEJ De Alba said when he became exec- committee, she said. OKJPRII1G Friday 4, 6, 8, 10 p.m. utive director at the end of 1995 A.S. If a club doesn't request money dur- , AIR 4 HOTEL package prices starting at was 90 percent dependent on the ing the semester, the amount doesn't 111 Saturday 10 a.m., noon, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 p.m. roughly $1.9 million budget then. roll over into the next, Greathouse said. > HONOLULU $485 Sunday 10 a.m., noon, 2, 4, 6, 8 p.m. Now A.S. has reduced its dependency Organizations are required to fill out > PUERTO VALLARTA $768 holiday sessions on student money to 65 percent of the a finance request form when they Special $6 million budget, and the other 35 need money and it's very specific, she > CABO SAN LUCAS $469 from alternative Admission Skate Rental percent comes said. > sources of revenue other A.S. entities The form asks for the exact cost and ND MORE! Ao, .. SI 11/11, Nuttol .o.nmgdn, such as the print shop and the child they have to provide invoices, she said. hosnd on doable inple qnan r npanry P. S7 Monday - Thursday 53 Monday - Thursday development center generates. Students also have to make three nor no,n,. %Ale. In wonlitbliety md IbPb Em OM 58 Fri - Sun and holidays S4 Fri - Sun. and holidays toward aar knoN and 'ow... Num apply The fees students pay go co_pies of their finance request, Lee said. (Free skate rental tor kids 8 & under) 'St services A.S. provides such as the The requests are reviewed by De Alba computer lab. The money is used to and Greathouse, and four weeks later Ice Rink Information (.1 pay for events A.S. puts on such as theyy are sent to the committee, she said. dY. Noon events such as bands who play Most requests are approved in the (408) 287-6423 www sjdowntown com be in the amphitheater and recreational committee meeting and sometimes n- A a Al\ Jou activities such as campus intramurals, they are approved in the board meet- he said A.S. Vice President Alice Lee. ings if they are time sensitive. 290 South 7th St also allocated for of fax Part of the budget is However, Lee said, there are a lot Event Center 1014 (408) 924.7721 led student Tule/anon funding, which the stipulations, for organizations to .. >KNIGHT RIDDER) 2,74) md controller is in charge of; Greathouse receive funding. Inc said. The A.S. logo has to be printed on things are happening a Metro 4048(11 \ \. said each club that is material and A.S. doesn't exciting an Greathoilse all publicity STA TRAVEL approved by Student Life and provide funds for travel or food. 66 11814 AVF _. SW% UNONIIIID WM !Cs Leadership Center can request $3,000 Organizations can receive funding WE'VE BEEN THERE. to $4,000 a year. for bringing speakers to campus or A Son Jose Downtown Associonon Proctuchon a semester onLinc on THE PHODE on CAMPO/ On THE /TREET She said she approves or rejects putting on events, Lee said. PAGE 4 SPORTS I I l'ARTAN DAILY DE( 1 MBER 8, 2003 San Jose State University 55, Cal State Northridge 49 MCPHERSON I 'It's a great honor'

Late free throws help SJSU interrupted for three years by World University in the first round, but only continuedfrom page 1 War 11. 16 teams made it (to the tournament) In the summer of 1942, McPherson then" Clark said. "I played fullback," McPherson said. said hr left SJSU and went to the U.S. Clark explained how McPherson "We did all the ball-handling, passing Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. looked out for his players during his outlast Cal State Northridge and Eunting, and we played both He trained for six weeks to become coaching tenure. ways. basketball By Janet Pak an ensign but never left the United "Back then, there were no McPherson said he played defensive scholarships," he said. "(The universi- Daily Staff Writer State during the war. He went to back on the other side of the ball. He Texas for two years and said his naval ty) paid your tuition and tuition was also played forward on the Spartan With 18 seconds left in the game, San career "wasn't a heroic one." $7.50 a quarter. basketball team. McPherson returned to SJSU in the "(McPherson) helped us get part- Jose State University guard Bim McPherson graduated in December of scholarships," he Okunrinboye made two key fire throws fall of 1945. time jobs in lieu 1938 and became the head baseball I come said. to help the Spartans withstand a late coach in January 1939. "I came back and asked, 'Can back to work?' " he said. "Dr. Clark said McPherson related to his rally by Cal State Northridge in a 55-49 "From the time I was a little kid, I "hard- win Saturday at the Event -Center. MacQuarrie said 'How about players extremely well, wasn't wanted to get into coaching," he said. and never swore. The Spartans improved to 2-3 while "Within two years, (then-SJSU head Monday?'" nosed" Northridge fell to 2-3. McPherson coached the Spartan "He took an interest in his players' basketball coach) Bill Hubbard went said. "No one over there Guard Michael McFadden also to the University of Rochester, so I basketball team to 12 winning sea- lives," he scored two free throws in the waning sons, three conference championships knew their players like he knew his." became head basketball coach in the honor of seconds to round out the team's second 1940." and three postseason appearances. McPherson compared win of the season. Former Spartan basketball player having SJSU's court named after him McPherson was also an assistant UCLA "We needed the free throws ... it was coach on the football team for two George Clark said he played three to the same honor that a close game and we had missed four seasons and coached the Spartan golf years for McPherson from 1949 to bestowed upon their legendary bas- out of the six free throws in a row," team to a national title in 1948. 1952. ketball coach. Olcunrinboye said. "With basketball and baseball, I "He was a good coach who loved his "You've heard of (former UCLA Okunrinbove scored a career high 16 thought I knew the sports pretty players," Clark said. "It was a lot of fun head basketball coach) John points and Spartan center Eric Walton well, he said. "In golf ... they were all playing for him." Wooden," he said. "UCLA's court is added a game-high 17 points and 9 were ranked as high as named after him. Someone like rebounds. better golfers than -1 was." The Spartans Although he coached several sports, 17th in the nation and made an Wooden you name a court after, and I The Spartans started off with a 6-0 while think I was in that classifica- lead in the first half, led by Eric Walton McPherson is best known for roaming NCAA tournament appearance didn't the sidelines as SJSU's head basketball Clark played for McPherson. tion. in the early stages of the :came. he said. Northridge forward Ian-Boylan broke coach. His career spanned 20 years, "We were beaten by Brigham Young "It's a great honor," the scoring streak with a three-pointer. Northridge center Thomas Shewmake continued the Matadors run for the ball 49ers rack up 50 points in win over Cardinals scoring with another three-pointer. Alociated Press al yards ot Inm in the lett side ot the end late! in the quartei, with Owens per- Northridge took their first lead at 10- zone. forming some sort of mime act in Streets and Cedrick Wilson also celebration of his 1 -yard scoring With the score 20-19 Olcunrinboye SAN FRANCISCO Happy Tai hit a three-pointer at the buzzer to give birthday, TO. Love, the Arizona caught touchdown passes from Garcia, catch. Cardinals. who started the rout with a short scor- Jeff Blake couldn't complete a pass the Spartans a 23-19 lead. At the end of the first period, the Terrell Owens caught seven passes for ing run. Safety Tony Parrish had an until early in the second quarter, Sprtaris widened their lead .28-21. 92 yards and two touchdowns on his interception and a fumble recovery as throwing seven straight incomple- Two fouls by Boylan early in the sec- 30th birthday, and Jeff Garcia threw the 49ers' defense recovered from its tions as Arizona fell behind 21-0. ond half gave the Spartans two free four TD passes and ran for two more humiliating 44-6 defeat at Baltimore. Julian Peterson stripped Blake's sec- throws by 'Eric Walton who sank both scores in the San Francisco 49ers' 50-14 Backup quarterback Josh McCown ond completion away from rookie baskets giving SJSU a 30-21 edge. victory over the lifeless Cardinals on threw his first two career TD passes for Anquan Boldin rnoments later. After The Spartans tied their largest lead of Sunday. Arizona, which has lost all seven of its Parrish recovered, Garcia hit Wilson the game, 13 points, at 46-33 on a driv- Kevan Barlow rushed for a career-best 2003 road games and 12 straight over- with a 27-yard TD pass. ing layup by Spartan forward 154 yards and a touchdown as the 49ers all. Coach Dave McGinnis'job security Boldin was a bright spot again for Demetrius Brown. (6-7) nursed their faint playoff hopes has never been more tenuous, and the the Cardinals with nine catches for Northridge started their rally when with their sixth win in seven games at Cardinals must finish the season 123 yards and a TD. He also made an reserve guard Sergei Lepiashinslci came Candlestick Park. This one was almost against Carolina, Seattle and unbelievable spinning, one-handed into the game and started making embarrassingly easy, with Owens and Minnesota all likely playoff teams. catch late in the first half three-pointers. August Patterson / Daily Staff Garcia leading the Niners to their high- Garcia, 19-of-28 for 252 yards, was Lepashinski, a second year walk-on, Spartan guard Kareem Guilbeaux drives toward the hoop as Cal est-scoring performance since 1994. outstanding in his second game back scored his team's next 12 points, pulling The sad-sack Cardinals (3-10), who from a three-game injury absence. He Sprin Sreehfr the Matadors within 51-45 to give State Northridge guard Joseph Frazier attempts to block him beat San Francisco in overtime six tied his career-high for touchdown Mazatlan, Mexico them a chance at the end. during Saturday's game at the Event Center. weeks ago, lost their fifth straight. They passes while accounting for six total The Matadors pulled within two anyone. ful," he said. were gracious guests at Owens' party, TDs for the first time. points at 51-49 on four straight points falling behind 34-0 at halftime with The 49ers were without running back via Party sas He said this year Guilbeaux has In the last few games, the Spartans Alf rIgot varlubl, by_Shewmake. played more aggressively. have been shooting poorly at the free- equally pathetic efforts on offense and Garrison Hearst and Pro Bowl offen- JamaicaWCancun The Spartans won the game at the While Johnson said he would take the throw line. defense in their biggest loss ever to San sive tackle Ron Stone, but Barlow also Acapulco Nassau free throw line, hitting their last four win, he said his team should have put Free-throw shooting nearly cost the Francisco. occercd in his first NFL start, breaking straight for the final margin of victory. Northridge away earlier. Spartans again, as they made just 6- Owens even got a gift-wrapped a 46-yard TD run in the fourth quarter. They were also able to win despite "We should have played with more of-14 shots before hitting their last touchdown 33 seconds before halftime San Francisco needed just five plays to having three starters guard Kareem when Arizona apparently forgot to move 73 yards on its opening th-he, Guilbeaux, Brown and Walton foul poise," Johnson said. "We should have four. been more patient with better shot Johnson said after the game that guard the All-Pro receiver, who caught scoring on Garcia's 3-yard scramble. 1-877.4167.2723 out. a 2-yard pass with nobody within sever- The Niners made a 56-yard TD drive Demetrius Brown fouled out with 2 selection by getting inside." sophomore center Keith Everage www ParadiseParties com minutes, 39 seconds left before the end, Northridge head coach Bobby would no longer be playing for the and Walton fouled out in the final 23 Braswell said his team's shooting was Spartans. seconds. the biggest reason why it lost. The head coach said Everage had The Spartans stepped up and played "We didn't shoot the ball well at all," lost playing time this year behind aggressively with several players fouling said Braswell. "I have to give San Jose Brown and Walton. out. State credit ... they shot well." "He just didn't play as hard as he did basicall "I'd rather have them foul," said SJSU Braswell said he played many fresh- last year," Johnson said. head coach Phil Johnson, referring to men in the game to prepare them for The men's basketball team takes a the play of Guilbeaux. conference matches. week off for finals and is scheduled to Johnson said last year Guilbeaux "It's important for them to play in dif- play Sacramento State University played conservatively and didn't touch ferent environments and to be success- Dec. 13 at the Event Center, everything Portis scores five Are You Using a Steroid inhaler YOU need. touchdowns as to Help Prevent Asthma Symptoms? Enrolling ages 16 and over in an 18 week/6 visit cash . software . gifts Denver routs KC clinical trial for asthma. Must have diagnosis of Associated Pres asthma and be a non-smoker: DENVER Clinton Portis had - Physical examination Respiratory Test 218 yards and a team-record five - EKG & tab Testing Receive compensation up to $775.00 touchdowns, keeping the Broncos within reach of the playoffs. for more Information please can impressed teammates with a B ks Portis shf 34-carry, 170-yard game in the rain Allergy & Asthma Associates of Santa Clara Valley Research Center last week against Oakland, but was 4Iss Moorpark Avenue, Suite 6, Son Jose, Co even better this time. 237 He had touchdown runs of 11 and (408)553-0709 ext 410 no matter where 1 yards in the first half, then added scores of 59, 28 and 53 yards in the Owed ceeA.nPhyskoon +OM ow,. 05 yews overt.. (endue/tog Advil gel Araliark ("Wok& 70o0s second. you bought them Portis had 188 yards after halftime and finished with his fifth consecu- tive 100-yard game third straight with at least 160 yards. e Portis' effort helped Denver (8-5) .ilatfr".1""gnqf tie Miami for the final AFC playoff "013,11+ spot and prevented Kansas City (11- -^ail';':..41, we'll buyithemback!1 2) from winning its first division title since 1997. *16 The Chiefs' Trent Green threw for ANNORAI 397 yards, and Priest Holmes scored -41PrApt two touchdowns. Staseleinit Staff are December 8-19 December 11-12, 15-17 Douai rig isoi lEcirrystocce!!! Spartan Bookstore Duncan Hall Dining Commons All normal business hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm :00 am - 2:30 pm Resident Advisor December 15-16 (5 pm 630 pm) Program Advisor Peer Advisor for Residential Pedestrian Mall 10th Street Garage Computing_ MacQuarrie Hall 7:30 am - 600 pm 8 am -5 pm (doses at 5 pm on Friday) TO L_E_AIRN MORE, ATTENID AN INFORMATION SESSION!!

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5. DECEMBER 8. 2003 I H sPARTAN DAILY SPORTS PAGE 5 Giants re-sign J.T. Snow, San Jose State University 69, New Mexico State University 41 sign outfielder Tucker SJSU women dominate Aggies A,so,iated Press Snow was limited in 2003, playing only 103 By Ian Ross games for the NL West champions because of Daily Staff Writer SAN FRANCISCO The San Framisco leg injuries. Giants brought back first baseman J.T. Snow on He hit .273 with eight homers and 51 RBIs For the second time in as many games this Sunday and added outfielder Michael Tucker. and was thrown out at home plate for the final week, the Spartan women's basketball team Snow agreed to a one-year contract with a out of the Giants' season in Game 4 of the first- dominated the paint and picked up their team option for 2005 that guarantees him 11.75 round playoff series against the eventual World third win. million, while Tucker agreed to a $3.5 million, Series champion Florida Marlins. Four players scored in double figures for two-year deal. He still believes he can play every day. San Jose State University (3-1) as they put The 35-year-old Snow is a six-time Gold "With today's signings, we certainly deepened the game away early in the second half and iis Glove winner who has speraseven seasons with our 2004 roster and have expanded (manager) coasted to a 69-41 victory over New Mexico the Giants. He hoped to stay with the club, but Felipe's (Alou) flexibility on any given day," State University (4-2) Saturday at the Event was also realistic it might not happen because Sabean said. "After watching J.T. on a day-to- Center. rs' San Francisco intends to cut about $8 million in day basis over the last seven years, you'd be hard Spartan head coach Janice Richard said .re payroll for 2004. The Giants declined his $6.5 pressed to find a better defensive first baseman she did not expect the game to be as one- million after the season. in the game. He's meant so much to our success His new deal calls sided as it was. of for a $1.5 million salary during his time with us and we feel that his pro- "I definitely thought we'd have a bigger in next year and gives the Giants a $2 million 'fessionalism and winning attitude will continue option for 2005 with a $250,000 challenge on the perimeter," she said. 'rm A buyout. The to help our club." very pleased with our defense." option would become guaranteed if he has 450 Tucker, a p'ne-year major league veteran, plate appearances next season. played at least 20 games in every outfield posi- SJSU outscored New Mexico 36-16 in the "He's going to be given as much playing time tion last season for the Kansas City Royals and paint and held a 49-31 rebounding advan- as we can possibly get him," general manager would be a likely fit in right field, where a spot tage. hn Spartan center Teoma Taylor led the way is Brian Sabean said. "fin production on a per at- was left vacant when the Giants declined their bat basis is too strong to ignore." $4 million option on Jose Cruz Jr. in October. with 15 points on 7-of-9 shooting, with the ke on post-up I Snow and Sabean spoke Fridayabout his role But the Giants aren't calling him the starter yet. majority of her baskets coming :a- for 2004, and Snow still wanted to stay in San Tucker played 47 games in right field last sea- opportunities. Francisco. He had interest from several other son, 30 in center and 21 in left. lie hit .262 with Spartan forward Tatiana Taylor added 13 teams but wanted to be with a winning team. 13 home runs and 55 RBIs in 104 games in points and pulled down a season-high 11 Personal issues came into play, too. 2003, but had his season cut short because of a rebounds. "I'm getting older now," said Snow, who lives broken bone in his right leg. "I thought Tatiana and Teoma worked very in the Bay area in the offseason. "When you "We've admired Michael from afar during his well in the post tonight," Richard said. "I have a family and kids, that's the No. 1 thing. career," Sabean said. "He's a versatile veteran was impressed with our post players and the er- My son needs a father, my wife needs a hus- outfielder who is proficient in playing all three defense of our guards." Yvonne Pingue / Daily Staff in band. To go somewhere else wasn't really attrac- outfield positions, while also being productive Coming into the game, the Spartans knew ng tive to me." with the lag." they'd have to slow down New Mexico's Spartan forward Tatiana Taylor, left, shoots for two points in the paint as Aggie high scoring duo, guards Princess Moore forward Elizabeth Foy tries to block the shot. The San Jose State University ass and Sinnamonn Garrett. women's basketball team trampled New Mexico State University 69-41 at the ter, A's offer arbitration to Tejada, Foulke That assignment fell to a trio of Spartan Event Center on Saturday night. .1e- guards, Cricket 'Williams, Jessica Kellogg -0. A.uotiated Press long contract he wants and that the A's wouldn't and Erica McGlaston. 4-2. more points the rest of the way, achieving cc- want to offend him with a lower offer. Moore was coming off a 30-point outburst With the game tied at six, Williams hit a their biggest lead on two free throws by kie OAKLAND, Calif. The Oakland Tejada has hinted he might be willing to take in an overtime win at the University of San three to put the Spartans up for good, spark- Williams to make it 62-31. Eta' Athletics offered salary arbitration to star short- less money, but he wants a multiyear deal. He ing a 23-8 run that ended with another three Williams finished the game with 10 points, a stop Miguel Tejada on Sunday, leaving open the made $5 million last season. Diego. son Moore and Garrett were averaging more by Kellogg. season-high 13 assists, but also 10 turnovers. possibility they could re-sign the 2002 AL It's unclear whether his performance in 2003 During that stretch, Spartan forward "(Cricket's) definitely our floor *eneral," MVP. down considerably from his MVP season a than 34 points peegame combined and had for hit 22 3-pointers in five games already this Lamisha Augustine went Richard said. "Shes been a Yet it doesn't seem likely. year before will affect his value on a free agent on her own personal run, leader since the beginning for The Seattle Mariners seem interested and sev- market that's expected to be tighter this year. season. an scoring eight consecutive "I was impressed of her freshman year." eral other teams that may need a shortstop also Tejada batted .278 with 27 home runs and 106 The Spartans held Moore and Garrett to The Aggies were credited ied have more money to spend than the low-budg- RBIs. six and 10 points, respectively, each on 2-of- points to take the score from 18-12 to 26-12. with just two assists for the et A's. In 2002, Tejada hit .308 with 34 home runs 8 shooting. with our post players entire game and were held Also Sunday, the A's offered arbitration to and 131 RBIs to help the A's win 103 games and While the Spartans The Aggies did not hit a three-point shot found their rhythm on to two field goals for the closer Keith Foulke and lefty_ reliever Ricardo the AL West. all night. and the defense of first 17 minutes of the sec- Rincon. They declined to offer arbitration to Tejadis top objective is to reach the World offense, the Aggies could "I heard they had good 3-point shooters," never get their offense ond half. They shot 21.2 outfielder Jose Guillen and pitcher Steve Series, and he believed he could do it with the As Teoma Taylor said, glancing at the stat percent for the game. Sparks. last season. Instead, Oakland lost in the first rolling, scoring just 11 our guards." sheet. "They were 0-for-7 so we accom- field goals the entire. Augustine finished the The 27-year-old Tejada wants a long-term round of the playoffs for the fourth straight sea- plished our goal." points, five deal so he can settle in one city for a while and son despite winning the AL West for the second game. Janice Richard, game with 10 ensure his children of stability in school. year in a row. Richard said preventing the 3-point shot SJSU took a 34-20 lead women's head rebounds and all three of He has said he would like to remain with the The sides didn't negotiate during the season, was key to the Spartans' victory. into the half, out-shoot- SJSU the Spartans' blocks. A's the franchise signed him as a teenager out but As general manager Billy Beane said he'd "It was our main focus todaz," she said. ing New Mexico 50 per- basketball coach Spartan center Nica Gemo of the Dominican Republic and he has played been in touch with Tejacla's representative. "Our perimeter did a great job. cent to 21 percent. hit all four of her field goal all seven of his major league seasons with Foulke went 9-1 last season with a 2.08 ERA For the first seven minutes of the game, Tatiana Taylor then attempts and scored nine Oakland. and 43 saves in 72 games, striking out 88 and neither team could get into an offensive scored the first six points of the second half, points. But owner Steve Schott said during spring walking 20. He has been negotiating with rhythm, scoring just four points each. New allowing SJSU to double up New Mexico, The Spartans next game is at Sacramento training the club can't afford to give Tejada the Boston. Mexico took their only lead of the game at 40-20. The Spartans held the lead by 17 or State on Tuesday at 7 p.m.

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EVERGREEN VALLEY COLLEGE COURSES '4-74)00 Communicadon Studies 424.0041.. COMMUNCATION *31 ,CO WNW, 0500.020594 0207 SHELTON MINN/ ,L1 01 r.erar. 0400 0112590$ 010, SmEITON 21 241144 . PC; /ro N -Ns NI SUNNY Of ART 0457010 .0010411001 1111012014 001100 .5.1 Economics 201 MINV7Of 01130713SAM RE101 ARNOLD 101011 tEC 010A PRINCIPLES Of FAACROSCONCOM TINORY 3 0 70 STW, 0000 1120A0 0E123 TICFL. 034433, IC Astronomy 0100 INTRODUCTION TO N11101001NNIC EA, ormi amiss sowings ml,, Pfloica1 Soonest dm Cnittooto, Enomonfolal 50000 OmmnopmpA, Ph,ocs Plly,0t Scnence NNORT 3.0 O10 INTROOUCTION TO ASTRONOMY' 31 04 319W, 0002. 04:500 CoF 12. TR 244341(0 10, WW1,' MOO 040394 0C162 STAFE 14411 LEE &POW, Otology 09111 .10004.1541 COMPOSiTION 00 HI NANO 1411M0TI 3 '20 MTLYT01 0901122SP14 GE 213 S'00 0 44444. 201 erwroor 0030 0SAN1 5100 801.10703 0 34099 I4C MOM. 04050 ,21 LEV04400N. 1444111111111131 . per . 3 ' ole anon.," &CC 000,1101113n1 040040 coorws eNo 'mon.. /Dole Pm Commutilcagon Studios 4424/81 MN nlOn0.1at7 ononPloon .100100 On Mon., 207,.073 O20 - ORAL CONNUNICATION 3.9 onTATEEMoR ) 470011301. PIMP FON 71.1 MIT .3.11 SITANTNE 0030 D30AM Cat INESER E 84491 (EC 041 /MANNAR INVIS11, ONION MINTIFICATION a TIMID MIT... STAFf 144751.312 MO INTROCUCTON TO ANCIUMMITATKIN ii ,03 /TWIN 0101,22012 002Ii Ill MTWDir 1230-033510M C202 IGESER E 24401 LOG 002 INNIMMINTALl Of 00111011TION 3.1 PoNtoo.N. 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1 PAGE 6 NEWS FT Tr SPARTAN DAILY DECEMBER 8, 2003 Visiting Chinese university officials get a feel for SJSU By Run Pangrac philosophy, a person is aware of their 1982, Crowley said, Joseph Wang was position. one of his interpreters, and the presi- Daily Staff Writer "You don't offend people in a higher dent of Qingdao University was a stu- position than you, she said. "It is dent who attended one of his lectures. A special educational program began respectful, but it is also restrictive." "I didn't discover that until I went to on the San Jose State University cam- Tie Zhu Zhang, dean of the college of (the welcoming ceremony)," Crowley pus on Nov. 10. science and engineering, said he thinks said. "It was a wonderful coincidence. Although Mandarin is the native lan- there is a place for Chinese students to Novak said with both schools on the guage students and the teachers participate more in their classes. Pacific Rim, there is a natural link speak English, everyone in the program "In some basic classes, it is better for between the two that can be fostered. shares one language in common the teachers to teach more," Zhang said. "With China's growth as an econom- language of higher education. "In the major classes, I want the stu- ic power, our students have an opportu- A delegation of 29 senior adminis- dents to ask more." nity to get involved," he said. "Our stu- trators from Qingdao University in When comparing the two universities, dents need to become more worldly." China is learning both the academic Fang Bo Du, director of the office of the Novak said some cross-university and administrative sides of an president, said structures in the Chinese programs are already being discussed. American university. system may be too well-defined. Besides receiving lectures on such "There are so many independent Out of School topics as education and career plan- administrative departments," 10u said. ning, faculty development and student "They are parallel with no right to After a full day in the program at services and administration, the team intrude on another's area." SJSU, what do the members of the will plan a model university that uses Du said, on the academic side, the delegation do? the best of the Chinese and American colleges in China rely on the universi- "Our schedule is very full," Du said. educational systems. ty to a greater degree than in America. "I spend evenings reviewing the mate- "If they were allowed complete con- "Here, there is more independence rial. trol, (how would they) design a perfect within a college," he said. For many members of the delegation, university?" said Peter Sterlacci, senior this is their first trip to the United lead of international projects for inter- Benefits of the Program States, Wang said. He is serving as a national and extended studies at SJSU. tour guide for them on the weekends. Sterlacci said the team will present Zhang said visiting SJSU has been a On Saturday, many of them took a trip their design as the final assignment of good experience. to a winery in Sonoma and shops in San the six-week program. Instructors and "There is a good job of developing Francisco. Along the way, they stopped others at SJSU who have participated Hr 1.1 Daily Staff teachers, developing students," Zhang at the corporate headquartersof Intel in in the program will be invited to Qingdao University scholars take pictures at The Lone Sailor Memorial at the Golden Gate Bridge said. Santa Clara and Oracle in Redwood attend the presentation. north vista point near San Francisco during their field trip Saturday. The president of Qingdao City and at the Golden Gate Bridge. Zhen Jia iang, dean of the graduate University visited SJSU a few weeks The group has previously visited school at Qjngdao University, said, "I ago with government officials from Fisherman's Wharf and Monterey. want to combine two systems into one English language skills, said Xiaoli "They're anxious to learn the admin- Feinstein, D-Calif. , helped solve the also attended a Warriors visas, he said. Shandong province, Sterlacci said. They have that is our own." Zhou, director of international pro- istrative side. How we support teach- delay with the "The officials were impressed with basketball game and had a Many of the instructors delivering grams at Qingdao University. ers and research, and how units organ- Qingdao University is located in the what they saw," he said. Thanksgiving 'dinner at the Park Plaza the lectures are the SJSU counterparts Even so, materials for a class are ized support functions, budgets, city of Qingdao in Shandong province. There was a surprise at the meeting San Jose Airport hotel. to the Qingdao administrators. reviewed ahead of time so that ques- facilities," Wei said. "It is one of the 10 largest cities in SJSU will end on is one of the as well. The program at "It's always a good and interesting tions and clarifications can be anticipat- China," Wang said. "It Crowley met two people who knew Dec. 19. experience to meet colleagues, Eartic- ed, and a translator attends the lectures. A 20-month Project most developed cities." him from a visit he made to China 21 Wang said the group will then visit ularly from another country, said Sterlacci said there are similarities and the and years ago. Los Angeles, Las Vegas Monica Rascoe, vice president for stu- Peer Meetings Sterlacci said the initial contact for between Qingdao University "In February 1982, when I was presi- Grand Canyon. After that, it will dent affairs. "We have so much more the program came in April 2002 SJSU. Washington, university in dent at the University of Nevada-Reno, I spend time seeing in common than not." Each member of the delegation also through Joseph Wang, whom Sterlacci "Each is a metropolitan received an invitation from what was Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Mark Novak, assistant vice president has a meeting with his or her counter- called- an agent who builds bridges a big city," he said. "Each school has group will students." then the China Institute of Mining in On the East Coast, the of international and extended studies, part at SJSU. between China and the United States. about 30,000 Beijing. I went with the dean of the visit Harvard, Yale and the said, "This group has a desire to learn Rascoe met with Dianzhong Sun, It started before that, however, when of University, Differences school ofmines at UN-R," Crowley said. Massachusetts Institute what we do. This is about the best stu- the director of students organization, the president of Qingdao During the course of his visit in Technology. dent you can imagine." and Hong Jun Chen, the director of Jianpei Xu, was presented with the Interim President Joseph Crowley students office. idea, said Zhou. Zhou said she can see differences feels that both Qingdao University "They were very interested in the "He gave it his full support," Zhou said. between students at the two schools. and SJSU benefit from the program. degree to which students are involved "I think this was the first time a universi- Some of the differences are based on "It's terrific for an institution lido this on campus," Rascoe said. "The degree ty organized (such a program) for their the two cultures. SPECIAL OFFER! to have the major administrative staff of of student participation and influence whole staff of senior administrators." She observed that teaching methods Delicious & Affordable a significant Chinese university for six that does not happen in China." Sterlacci said he prepared a package in America extend beyond book and weeks learning about American higher Rascoe said they wanted to attend an for Wang,_ which was presented to classroom learning. 4 pieces of . education," Crowley said. "What will Associated Students meeting to see Qingdao University. , She also said American students are California Roll A go with that is a stronger relationship student government in action and Some setbacks were encountered more active in assessing the material with that institution in China." were interested to learn that the uni- during the process. presented in a class. AND versity provides funds to support stu- The delegation was originally sched- "The Chinese students are more 2 To give the team a fuller experience Crab Roll *with coupon only .. of an American university, Sterlacci dent government. uled to be here last summer, Sterlacci reserved in the classroom and in their Spicy s Mon Fri 11AM-10PM Sat Sun 1151.4-i IPM MonFrl I tAM-9PM 5at-5un 12-8PM 1 said they have been issued identifica- Belle Wei, dean of engineering, met said, but first SARS and then a delay thinking," Zhou said. "But they are 920 El Paseo de Saratoga III Paseo de San Antonio, tion cards as students in studies in with Jia Min Liu, dean of the college in processing visas pushed things back.. hardworking and better organized." Nest to the AMC 14 Theaters Expires 01/24/04 S 3rd SI off San Carlos 111 408.275.9491 American language. of higher technical training. The office of Senator Dianne She explained that in the Confucian 409 374 7777 (INN 7 1.14 ism 1 They are staying in the university's I. Esplanade dormitories and can use their identification cards to get around San Jose on light rail, he said. SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL AND EXTENDED STUDIES Different Systems and Styles Gifts You Give, The program has been designed to be a thorough introduction to T . Give Back. American higher education. On Mondays, the group visits one or two other local universities. The visit anua usually consists of a tour of the campus sof50/0 it Men Gift aturiLts and either a lecture or a meeting with senior administrators, Sterlacci said. much more' Visits to Stanford University and St. Pm Mary's College allow the group to see 2004 private institutions. They are visiting Money (lip Santa Cruz and Berkeley to see the UC Ktychatn system and San Francisco State to see another CSU school. The group is also visiting two community colleges, De Av: (able on lin: 5-monday Anza College and Cabnllo College. at the LIFW Store. Tuesdays through Fridays, the morning session consists of classes on university management. The students '14 6-tuesday are invited to interact with the teacher during the lecture. Supplies Limited "We wanted them to experience the - Order Yews lady! Voir- American style of teaching a col- ww I 7 - wednesday Mir womb Rram, sir roma, . J.. ow mg Amu days laborative style they may not be used to," Sterlacci said. Afternoons are spent in English as a Second Language classes which have Could YOU have a STD? 8-thursday been developed specifically to assist the administrators with academic ter- Anyone who has sex could have one and minology and other topics pertinent 2004 NOT EVEN KNOW IT! Winter Session to their needs. 9-friday Sterlacci said when Sig.; was approached with this opportunity to You are more at risk and need to be tested if you are: work with Qingdao University, it was II A woman or a man and have a new sex partner, have decided that the program would be Classes meet Januar\ 5 - 23. 200.4 12-monday conducted through the College of more than one sex partner, or have another STD Education. A woman younger than 25 years old Register online through December 12, 2003 "Mark Miller, the associate dean at the time, developed the curriculum 13-tuesday through his office," Sterlacci said. "It or in class in Januar). was taken over by Xiaolu Hu. She arranged the lecturers and coordinated them to fit with the overall themes." Hu, chair of educational leadership 1ievi courses. get registration 14-livednesday and development in the College of Education, said she had no problem and panient forms online no finding people to teach the classes. "I called faculty and administrators to 15-thursday introduce the theory and experience of higher education management," she said. "People were delighted to have the 113 Planned Parenthood www.winter.sjsuiedu o ... nullity to share their experience." NIfullo 16-friday ; efore arriving, the members of the Visit our website at www.ppmarmonte.orti or call the delegation worked to improve their F.1(-,ts of Life Line at 1 .800.71 1 .9848 for the clinic nearest you. Pick up a FREE printed schedule 20-tuesday Sign up with AT&T Wireless In a campus parking garage rack, ACT -Now! '& get a Sony Ericsson T616 Student Services Center, 1-wednesday Camera hone for Spartan Bookstore, Student Union State Bluetooth world phone mMode $39.99 plan , hides 600 anytime minutes, .!Jose Information Center or mMode wireless inter net access unlimited night & weekend minutes, 1000 Mobile-to- UNIVERSITY 22-thursday Send and receive color photos Mobile minutes and Nationwide long Distance INTERNATIONAL AND International and Extended Studies AVAILABLE ON CAMPUS AT SPARTAN BOOKSTORE (408) 924 4155 EXTENDED STUDIES lobby, 210 N Fourth Street, Suite 301 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY! ORDER BY PHONE AND RECEIVE FREE SHIPPING -friday SfMrt,5JIISP Iii ii,' RIST vv,,, 4

Newotfil 10 I. ,,,, up to $16 YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ALREADY ATTEND SJSU TO on See nnra $150 Moll. ENROLL. ochrolmn leo and up s $1/$ ellos, Iee ovtblobla In, punhom ts all wens ',aim tan enInts ,nrnu,n, /n 1'1,2 uln, A ,f 7' ,on, nnrer,,, 'Mho, P IT, M.

6 DECEMBER 8, 2003 THE SPARTAN DAILY NEWS PAGE 7 Laptop initiative reactions mixed Kisses in the wind ... By Sunita Vijayan "Especially for the photojournalism find it very, very helpful," she said. Daily Staff Writer students, they are able to do a lot of Antokal said she has been demon- their work on the Internet." strating to her students the various Dunleavy said although he had his applications on how they can use this According to San Jose State doubts at the beginning, he now project and, as it continues, it will be University officials, the Wireless thought the project provided an incorporated into the first year design Laptop Pilot Project was set up to encouraging atmosphere for students. in foundation classes. provide an opportunity for students to "Students need to know the technol- For some teachers, the program has link state-of-the-art technology with ogy in order to be able to work in this already been included in the classes le academics and join the ranks of the world," he said. "Sooner or later, they they teach and has produced construc- nation's most tech-savvy collegians. will need itwhy not now?" tive outcomes. Partnering with Apple Computers, Although there's no denying that Alice Carter, a professor in the the initiative includes several depart- students do make use of the wireless school of art and design, said students 1- ments in the College of Education, the access for their own personal usage, are able to use the Internet to research 1- school of art and design and the school Dunleavy said it does not bother him complex paintings of an entire ecolog- of journalism and mass communication. in the least. ical system of the environment in Pt semester after first being initiated, "If they're not paying attention to me Intermediate Illustration. the project has acquired various reac- in class, it's going to just come back to "These changes have helped stu- tions from Sc- students, faculty and staff them later on," he said. "It's their loss." dents to work much more efficiently," across campus. Some students said they do not Carter said. Mary Fran Breiling, the wireless lap- think the project is measuring up to its In the traditional animation classes, an top project specialist, said the initia- high expectations. increasing nunkber of students are able tive has obtained a positive reaction Jen Simon, a senior design studies to use laptops to edit and add sound to since it was set in motion. major, said she did not think the proj- their exercises and short films, shc said. d. "The project has worked extremely ect was worth the expense she has had "Access to research materials is C- well," ffreiling said. "The faculty has to go through. almost instantaneous," Carter said. been well pleased as the quality of stu- "It's not very effective because I don't "Digital editing software has revolu- dents, work has improved." really take notes on my laptop. tionized the editing process, Breiling said there are a total of 40 Sometimes they do have us look up enabling students to quickly produce a classrooms equipped with the wireless stuff on the Internet, but as far as learn- effects that in the past required very s. technology in the selected departments. ing, it's not that effective," Simon said. expensive equipment and hours of Janean Brongersma Daily Staff ip "Next semester, we will be focusing She added that one of the improve- work." an on incorporating the wireless into the ments she would like to see next One complaint Carter does have has A performer in the "Once Upon a Time" San Jose Holiday Parade blows a kiss to the crowd. ed curriculum," she said. "From there, we semester would be for more class- to do with the technical side of the The parade began on Santa Clara Street near the HP Pavilion and turned down Market Street, in will go on to see if the other depart- rooms to be equipped with working wireless convenience. ending in front of the Hyatt Saint Claire Hotel. ad ments need it." outlets, especially in the Art Building. "Students are frustrated when they Dennis Dunleavy, an assistant pro- Laila Rodriguez, a senior advertising are unable to connect to the Internet ed fessor in the school of journalism and major, said she liked the program for or when the connection is slow," she ey. mass communication, said he views the easy accessibility it provides. said. Profs object to online evaluations sri the project as a means to improve the "I just like it because when I have to Breiling said because the wireless education of his students. do research for my other classes, I can project is solely for the benefit of Assocaited Press the Board of Regents to make the Reno Gazette-Journal. "There are a za Dunleavy said although .he has not use it anywhere in the building and it's SJSU, students are expected to honor evaluations public record instead of lot of good teachers here, but there are yet incorporated the project into his free," she said. certain licensing agreements for some private confidential information. a few inept ones. on classes, he is giving his students the Gale Antokal, an assistant professor software. RENO, Nev. A plan by Leaders recommended approval of "Some of them don't care anymore. opportunity this semester to get them in the school of art and design, said "The Adobe software is sublicensed University of Nevada, Reno students the plan at the urging of student sena- They're more concerned with holding sit accustomed with the program. she used the wireless accessibility to the university, and the expectation to post their evaluations of professors tor Travis Hoppe, a math and physics onto their jobs than teaching us," he he "The wireless is a great tool to have mostly for her office work. would be to use the software when =fine is drawing opposition from fac- major from Las Vegas. added. nil at your fingertips for the information "The use of it in my classes is very they're here, not for people who are ulty. "Making them public would hold But UNR's Faculty Senate opposes that's right there," Dunleavy said. limited, but for administrative work I working," Breiling said. Student government leaders want teachers accountable," Hoppe told the the proposal. - vill gig,iii: - 1=M of FAX: 408-924-3282 Email: [email protected] S'sglfrat Online: The SPARTAN DAILY COMPUTER, ENTRY LEVEL LOS GAlOS SWIM AND MASTERS SWIM COACH EGG DONORS NEEDED! HEALTH & BEAUTY SAVE GAS-WALK TO CLASS DOWNTOWN APT. FOR RENT makes no claim for products Sales Associate $10-$12/HR RAOUET CLUB is currently Coach adult Masters Swimming Healthy females ages 18-31 2 TOWN HOMES FOR RENT, For as little as $695.00/mo. a or services advertised below Aggressive. Willing to make 50+ accepting applications for posi- 5:15am-8:00am Tues. & Thurs. Donate to infertile couples 68 & 70 S. 8th St. Completely newly remodeled 1bd/1ba nor is there any guarantee FREE NUTRMONAL CONSULT calls per day. Fax resume to: tions in the following depts.: Coach adult swimmers in stroke some of the many eggs your Weight loss. our most popular Remodeled. 1/2 block from apartment could be yours! implied. 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PAGE 8 NEWS THE SPARTAN DAILY DECEMBER 8, 2003 SJSU dance club breaks form Editor's note: This will be the .final article "When we teach, we teach baby steps, under jazz because hip-hop doesn't profiling a campus organization this semes- the foundation of it, so they're not doing sound so serious," she said. ter. FR anything crazy. Everyone always associ- Mak estimated that her group of four ates break dancing with spinning on your has rehearsed for more than six hours By Jenny Shearer head, but that's like the last thing you during the past week in preparation for learn because that's one of the most dan- the final exam. Daily Staff Writer gerous," Moore said. "We have to choreograph eight eig_ht- Another student, Eduardo Bertrand, counts of anything that we want," Mak Break dancing is back. from Barcelona, Spain, said this was his said. The Urban Arts Club is a group of San third time practicing with the Urban The students, who were practicing Jose State University students who get Arts Club. without their fourth member, rehearsed together on Friday afternoons in SPX 89 Bertrand performed several quick steps, their routine to the beats coming from a to practice break dancing and hip-hop almost skipping-like motions, before he portable stereo. dancing. got down on the floor to his hands. They looked like they were auditioning Cameron Moore, president of the The movements looked like what male for a music video. Urban Arts Club, said he's been a b-boy, gymnasts do on the pommel horse Indeed, Torrefiel said he gets ideas for a hip-hop term for a male break dancer, Bertrand's hands alternated supporting choreography from watching music for the past six years. his body on the floor as he did scissor- videos on MTV. Female break 'dancers are known as b- like leg kicks. Pagtaconan said Britney Spears is one girls, he said. Bertrand also practiced a half-vertical of her favorite artists. Moore, a senior illustration and anima- handstand in which he balanced his body "I think it's a cliched thing to have a tion major, said that most break dancers on his left hand. pop singer (who uses) choreography, who fit into one of two categories: power and He said his wrist felt numb for a few can sing and dance," Pagtaconan said. style. seconds, but that this maneuver didn't "Britney can't really sing, but Brimey can Power is all the acrobatic, aerial moves hurt. dance. Christina (Aguilera), she has that you see people do, really amazing spin Bertrand said he started break dancing vocals and she tries to dance, but it does- moves you see all the time, spinning on in Spain, where he's part of a b-boy crew, n't look right." your hand or your head. Style is more your Lunaticks crew. Mak said she thought Janet Jackson dancing, your footwork, stuff like that." "What I like is, you have (total) free- and Justin Timberlake s dancing are also Moore said he's more of a style break dom. You can create whatever you want. inspiring. dancer than a power break dancer. There's no rules or anything like that," She said she, Torrefiel and Pagtaconan "My body aches too much to do Bertrand said. each bring a different style of choreogra- power," he said. Bertrand said that he and other mem- phy to their dancing. Break dancing incorporates elements of bers of Lunaticks crew have traveled to "I'm girly, he's more martial arts and martial arts, gymnastics, house dancing Colombia, France and England to per- (Pagtaconan) is more straight hip-hop," and salsa, Moore said. form. Mak said. He said that break dancing, like many "You can go anyplace in the world and Torrefiel and Malt agreed rehearsing things hip-hop, is an amalgamation of as long as you break dance, you're going to the routines over and over calls for a lot what s come before it. get along very well with people," Bertrand of patience. At 23, Moore said he's toward the older said. "Ninien we went to Colombia, it was "Yeah, it's a test of like friendship end of the b-boy age spectrum. The aver- amazing, all of these people feeling the because you can be at each other's throats age b-boy is between 16 and 21 years old. same things that we did. In Colombia, or you can just be really like patient. You Between those ages, you have the most most of the people who break dance are already (have) to expect to -like do the time to do whatever. One of (my) friends, poor kids. You break dance exactly the routine a lot, even if you know it," Mak he's like 17 or 18, and he's really, really same that's amazing." said. good because he goes to high school and Behind Moore and Bertrand were three Pagtaconan said it can take up to five then he breaks and that's it, Moore said. other students who rehearsed an athletic hours to perfect the same count of eight Moore said the club membership routine of segmented arm movements, steps so it's clean and precise. includes has between 20 and 30 members pelvic thrusts and karate kicks. In addition to watching videos on this semester, which is a bit lower than "Ever since I've listened to music, I've MTV, Torrefiel said he often choreo- usual. always wanted to move my body to it," graphs by standing in front of a mirror "And that's like a majority of SJSU peo- said Neil Torrefiel, a junior graphic and practicing his steps. ple, but at the same time, we're open to design major. "I've always felt that "Hopefully, you can get the beat down the_public as well," he said. instinct to dance." and remember it," he said. Moore said anyone can be taught how Torrefiel was practicing a dance routine to break dance if they're willing to learn along with Kimberly Mak, a junior mar- Right: Edward Bertrand, a mas- and to do things that they're not normal- keting major, and Leizl Joy Pagtaconan, a ter's of business administration ly used to doing. freshman business advertising major, for student, practices break dancing Jazz I final on Monday. One of the club's rules is that if some- their in the Spartan one asks you a question about dancing, Mak said the class is called Jazz I, but moves Friday you have to answer it and help the other that it is really a hip-hop dancing class. Complex Ballroom with the person learn, Moore said. :The teacher said before they put it Urban Arts Club. Autumn Cruz / Daily Staff

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