Unified Algorithmic Framework for High Degree of Freedom Complex
Unified Algorithmic Framework for High Degree of Freedom Complex Systems and Humanoid Robots A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Drexel University by Daniel Marc Lofaro in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Engineering May 2013 c Copyright 2013 Daniel Marc Lofaro. All Rights Reserved. Page ii To Mommadet and Father. You made me who I am today. You prepared me to become a better man tomorrow. Thank you. Page iii A message to my friends, family and colleagues: Thank you for spending your time with me. I would not trade our experiences together for anything. You are all truly unique and wonderfully people and deserve the greatest of thanks. Mommadet, Father, Andrew, Squirt, Aunt Genn, Uncle Matt, Big Bimmel, Momma, Bucky, and Burnidet Dr. Paul Oh, Dr. Youngmoo Kim, Dr. Tom Chmielewski, Dr. Timothy Kurzweg, Dr. Adam Fontecchio DASL: K. Sevcik, C. Korpela, R. Ellenberg, R. Gross, D. Lofaro, A. Alspach, S. Mason, B. Sherbert, J. Hing, K. Yuvraj, P. Brahmbhatt, B. Killen, R. Vallett, Y. Jun, K. Sohn, T. Kim, Jaemi Hubo, M. Orsag, D. Castley; ECE: Moshe, Tanita, Kathy, Amy, Delores, Chad, Tai, Dan, Wayne, Scott, Alyssa, Dave, Manu, MET Lab and the rest of the ECE Dept. Friends: Kevin, Jess, Liz, Sharon, Rob, MLE, Rachel, Nate, Sandy, Keyur, Trey, Shoko, Jon, and the rest of the Elite Gang; Louis, Maggie, Duck, Carl, Caroline, Chris, Alex, Bella, Andrew U., Ttalg, Sarah, Mayank, Will, and the rest of the Goon Squad. Korea: Dr. Lee, Dr. JH Oh, Inhyeok, Jungwoo, Chelsea, Hubo-Lab, Woojin, Kayla, Jonghee, Meejin, Mahin; Special Thanks to: Jaemi Hubo, Leoben, Dirc, Simon Cavil, D’Anna, Caprica, Aaron, Mini-0, Shoko Robot.
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