Survey and monitoring of seagrass beds, Studland Bay, Dorset Second seagrass monitoring report (reporting on data collected between October 2009 and October 2011) A report by Seastar Survey Ltd. for The Crown Estate and Natural England June 2012 J/09/169 Seastar Survey Ltd, Ocean Quay Marina, Belvidere Road, Southampton, SO14 5QY Tel/Fax: 023 8063 5000 Email:
[email protected] Seastar Survey Ltd. – J/09/169 Studland Bay seagrass monitoring survey report SUMMARY Survey and monitoring of seagrass beds, Studland Bay, Dorset Background Seastar Survey Ltd. was in 2009 contracted by The Crown Estate and Natural England to investigate the long term potential impact of anchoring on the seagrass habitat at Studland Bay. The study has been overseen by a project steering group comprising of the Dorset Wildlife Trust, Natural England, the Royal Yachting Association and The Crown Estate. The study was to be run over two years, with the potential to extend monitoring to a third year, in order to assess whether the seagrass is exhibiting decline due to the potential effect of anchoring associated with recreational boat activity. The null hypothesis for the study: “no differences in seagrass health between the voluntary no anchor zone (VNAZ) and the control zone (CTZ) in Studland Bay”. Main Findings The Studland Bay seagrass monitoring study only started in earnest in October 2009 following the installation of the VNAZ marker buoys. Since then, baseline diver survey data and five sets of monitoring data have been collected. A large amount of qualitative and quantitative data has been collected and analysed since then.