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Member M«mbor 91 it YEAR — Slst WEEK National Editorial AisocUtloa MATAWAN, N. J.,. THURSDAY, JUNE 16r*960 Mew Jersey Vnu Aiioclillon Single Copy Ten Centi flee Program Opens Phillips Mills Malawen High School Seniors In National Honor. Society The summer recreation pro- Hulsart Figures In; gram (or Matawan Township will start on Monday at I cm. Recreation Park at the CUffwood Park Recreation 25 Acres Sold For Acre Sector Voted field. The program Is open to Marlboro Township Planning residents of Matawan Township It In Holmdel Twpr HnarO w»s tiiianlmoiis In one lliin| ' ..paly and any child Jrom t-to-19- Association To Meet Tii'estlay," ihoT Ilic townslilp iieodl"Z years-of-age who has not regis- Holmdel Township soon may Muster Plnn nnd voted to"roc, tered, and wishes to do so, Is gain a 25-acre recreation cenUir The Matiiwnn Township Taxpny- inimMul Hits tn the tuvviishlp, On- asked to report at 9 a.m. Moil- clubhouse in the Palmer Avc.-Mid- era Association will moot Tuesday li'r.tl\i) mliiui of Monmuuih County day, -----— .-.-,, dle. Rd. area. Mayor James H. night ftt 8 p.m.-at-.tiro Oak -Shade*. ludiw J.l'.ilwnrd Ascjier In lln Daniel J. Slanklewlcz, rec- Ackerson could only inform, spec- I-'Iro llwisn. A speaker will .bu k tators at the ttnvnship meeting lolnulol fuH-m:i'o lot'nl7.o ctist ,.Mi{i reation director, aonouncca Ihe picsent from tho Ni'\v .Icrsoy Tns- DVernlim body coulil koop dvvo|>. program will include a variety Thursday that with nothing before payers Association. Ho will discuss the township officials bodies yet for' pot's out of tlii* townMitp fov tlia . of recreational and athletic ac- taxes, nlsu tlw Rciiinmit School bill wrlod In which Ihu Mnsior' l'lnn planning and zoning-' approval, no sponsored by Asseniblymun CIKlmi tivities. Many types of arts and comment could be made. Howtfver. •oulil lio In llin'mnhlni;, n pcrlni crafts will be Included; an da I, Harknlow, iT'ln" i .iTlinii will [>f J'INIIS, jiulijlnjj by Holimtoi's t'K- Mrs. Mary'Norton, the owner, con- .- 'Inn, Tho liiiaril Vtnifiiit UMirrlvo • Food Fair it ti coninini\ decision tin n loc^niv the program will be posted at h There is a -13-acreTake on the iii'iulullnii to : thu townslilp c(HU the field. Registration for chil- 1 dren In District 1 who do not property which the new owners in; In Browntown nitti'i us to wluil ni'i'u (.liiiiild Im « register Monday, will take place tend.Jo^restore^sq it;,will be suit-' jilSruiliul, Tim. ini'inbi-rsjnvd jit'oat...'. Tuesday at the Oak Shades Little able for• swimming,"boating"and Supermarket Aims .liiflctilly In I'Viin' docldlnn If tlioy - League Field at 8 a.m. fishing. Three big brooks flow Into >liuuli(| trniililc Ilii'msolvcs to liiki) t nnd Waackaack Creek flows out To Opon Christmas 1 Mr. Stanklewlci Is a seventh "it'll nolk'Mit tlw iinVornliid boily. f it, supplying a flow of water Ol«n Iliii'lisoh, bniiiil cliiilunan, - grade teacher In the CURwood llicirlc City loiiniiiu'il nut ol that sufficed to operate grist mills i|iicstlni\('il W, I.nwri'ncn Krui.cn, Elementary School and assistant isll'lil ul Ihu MIIIIISOII Township" there; in. former times when the Proeholil, Its ntloriu-y, tibout IIS basketball coach at -Matawan I'iiinnlnii Iliiiinl inoclliij! last illftht, property stood in the name of Ar- )lill|inllon to mt'et « ilciiiiinj High School He has bees em- but ii'pft'Ntmlutlvi's 'of tho Ilfnwii-' rowsmlth, according to Mrs, Nor- irrvi'il im thu liomcl. by Cununlt- ployed by tba.Matawan Town- town Slioppluu Center, nnotlii'i* ton. Sediment and weed growth romiiii MlHiml 11. l-nrtibtyson that. •hip Recreation Commission for prnju't which recently roused Ilio clogging the lake are to be re- Iw buiml tli'llver l» llm jjiivoming * U-week period, starting Mon- Iro cifMiiyor John Phillips for the moved. . illy for ml km thn rcvlHutl Min|> day and ending, Aug. 22. tic nt nmniint of publicity, yol full-. ;>ii nri'iis to.be plmuid In the iniO' The recreation, area is across Inn lu sock nppnivnl, nt Inut IHU In Route 35 from the new offices of t /into nfit't- twn conlmiinocil' the Merchant? Trust Co._ in Holm- ««n Ihu . two bodies, Mr. •• Aberdeen Road del., This bank was constituted a Ilrnry Suvorln, Siiyro Woods at- li«(ii nnh'il (his ri'vlscil ninji.,' township depositor Thursday by the ointv, itppiiuioil for 1'orsliln^. tvnn nut In ntctfi'il with tlw luNyil,'". township committee. 'aili, Inf., Nnv York, nbniil"HIP f llm plnnnliif! timirtl tin nlimvii on Bids Arc Adopt Emergency Resolution cvntur. Ho dlschiHOtt Ilio it "mjislmil" liui[i nl liiti'iulril up- I'iise hud lu'un Klnnc.it Hinl t dny for liiiiillnr,. 'I'lu' chiili'mnit uukcil llm Council To Award An emergency resolution wat tlu< llrnt of U storON, Thin No, 1 nU(iint.-y II thu Imanl would lu adopted providing for $15,000 to re- Contract June 28 build streets In Old Manor Estates, store Is n Fowl 1'iilr Nupvrmnrkcl, IIIIUIKI l» ml nh tills I'lHiimilliMi- 208-horr.esite development, on n' ili; corner of Hmile 18 niul Oaulj nun was il;iiiuiii(ll;i|( tliu btiiinl nut • Matawan Mayor Ralph R. Den Rd It In 12ll-l>y-lll2-fci'l,' nccyidliiK Ittilnst whiil inl|;lil"lin lln nwit Bethany Rd. bordering Rarit&n tils announced at a special meet- t« Mi. Ki'vi'i-ln, nnd will liuvit four opinion tin bow upiiriullnn iilioulil ' Township. These streets In Sections J ing Tuesday night that the Bor- 1-2 of yie development have been Minim: font nf piuldni; nntn fur lit? cuirk'il nut. ," . cvciy iinii-ti(|iiiirc-lool of flral fluiir ough Council will Award a contract taken over, by the township. The g py funds will be charged against the ' nruu, A toltil ot lllllll cars . .(or .the'reconstruction, and resur- will hu nlik' to park nt unc tlmo Mr, KiOKc-o pointed nut Hint Ilio municipal budget next year if the vmy nuinii nf "plunnlnu hoard"; -t(fcing .of mors than.a half-mile Bl lilt Cllllll'l'. Division of Local Government, put Hit! nispoiiHlblllty for planning . ^portion of Aberdeen Rd. at Its reg- Department of the Treasury, Of llio olhur Btufcii projt-i-.tcil, tilt' un tliu hoily. bended.,. by Mf. ;tu!ar meeting June 28. approves. Inri.i st Thre» bids for the work. Under- Work In other sections Is being Rlnn< nf 200-fonl,ild|)tl\, "All.tilt' ill- In vm-.ulij 'Its vulu lit llm Holds ol merchundlsliig taken, with state aid financial as- undertaken In Joint agreement with Seniors, ^vho will receive their diplomas tonight at graduation •eplilno Ann Quirk, Corutonco Barbara tnilcy, To* CI»PI>! third low ot tlw township ctimmllluu.^ San Fernando, Inc., Belford, the de- exercises at Matawan High School, who are members «t the National John MlcMel Hanson, Edward D.r1lyrne Juno Ann l-ucorro, Buaan loud and bovumco supply am in Aulied nlimit it dnolnriilloii at K' sistance, were received at the velopers'. Otis Seaman, Long Honor Society, are pictured above. Left to r^gfct, bottom row, arc, Ellen SmllUl top row, Allen Barker Blnclalr, William J. Miller, Gtorgo bo reprunonuul In the smullti jihmiiliiH hoard inuotltiK hy lilt Imr special session Tuesday. All bids Branch, the- township engineer, op- Sandra Ccne P<»rce, Margaret Ctuuwlll, M«r»»ret ,M«ry Finn, Ann H^yit«ir,, and Harry II. Carothcrs III. »(orc», urcordlnu to Mr. fovuiln rirm numrliite, Lllflon 'I, Haiku- Mr* referred to Borough Ungrate* posed the expenditure ol JIBQ A. Emm, Norms A. OillenJ second row, Judyarli t»uterw«ld» Jo- >»w, lh» ummttfit ntorn»y, tl\tt , K»rl Heuset.Jor_ttuc!y mid his. mat* by th« iomubip for lb# In- lig board w«« ashed by Mr rnnlun com i |>lio n thall nr//|lnnt» stallation of two catch basins at Now Telephone Book* 10 New, Citizens Sivorln 10 cliaiif,o t'fo pidicnt butl wllli Dm towitblilji roininlllee nnil final recommendation, Knollwood Rd. and a storm drain Marlboro To Blunt Rebukes nisi roue depth on Itnuln 1H from shall hu icferred m the plonnlng ' Of th« three, the Jannaront Con- to the brook. He believed the road The distribution of approximate- Ten new clllxeis, who will .100 lo ft ct 10 nrcdmnindnte hoard only niter they flic Inlio- struction Co., Matawan, offered the had been crowned improperly and ly 1M,13J new telephone direc- take up residence in me bay. Hit) nhopplnjt center. Th» center will iluced, Mr. Krusmi avorred. thli low bid of ,*U,9M.7J. Other bidders the tawnshlp,coutd save money by lorles to cuttomeri In Monmbuth Graduate <# shore area, were naturalized at South River exlemt 7M feel west from Rolilo 9 ileiluiallon by Mr. lluikiilow, In Ills opinion, was being..-jnhundiw Were the Manzo Contracting Co., eliminating the catch basins and County win start on Thursday, ceremonies Monday in Monmoulh mi Rnuln 18. Ills roqufnt ran Into building a "dish gutter" at the In- June JJ, according to New Jer- Exercises Totnorrow County Courthouio. They were Madison Freshmen » sliunbllnit block wlicn • o in e itnatl. /.' *. Inc., at J12.803.I0 and. Charles J. tersection to provide a natural flow sey Bell Telephone Company, At Central School presented for cltlzonshlp by Must Be Taken In member) of iho IIIIIIUIIIIH Ixiiml bo llo, bnlluviid Mr. lliirknlnw mero. of.water through the-gutters. The company Intends to dis- Federal Examiner James J. lltivi'il (lipro should Iw a 20-ftxit but' ly wan nioilonliiK Hie plminnrfi llmt Robert R. Ulunt, ' JW1. ." -•••• •'••':"•'•' ''• . • Mr. Seaman reported San Fer- tribute 53,174 new books In the A total of 69 pupils will receive Tunny, Monmoulh County Na- lor'wine'hfllwSon'llw tliopplnii cell Ilic tuwmlilp commltleo could fleet - \ Include* Reconstruction nando, Inc., was resistant to the Asbury Park area, 85,152 In the their eighth grade diplomas at turalization Clerki Mils Mary County Superintendent of Schools, ti>r In tho ronr and the rcnldtiillnl ID lake, the Inlllatlvo In yiinlnu urn) Work on the .6 mile stretch of moving of trees put on home sites Rid Jsrik "area and 12,804 In the commencement exercises of the Collins, administered the oath of furnished the Mixllson Townslilp lutu lo atljoln.lt, only WON nlill||iited to MiihmU these roadway Includes reconstruction (continued on page thirteen) Freehold area. Last year New Marlboro Township School! to be allegiance. Doard of Kducatlon Thursday with Mr. Sovurln protunlod thai tlioro Ideim |o, Ilio liimrd. Hy n twu- Jersey Bell distributed 142,514 with an eight-Inch gravel baseband held Friday evening at 8 o'clock Included In the new class wcro a copy o( n loUor.ho has forwarded wns an arcn In llm renr Hint ran tlilnlt vole, llm (jovsmliiH Iwdy directories in Monmouth County. in the Central School, Wickatunk. the Installation of drainage facili- Knud and 'Margrelhe llanscn, to the South Itlvcr Uourd ol Ktlu to a depth nf up to fit) fuel m an can pan* tin ordinance' involvlnii ties, curbing, guard rills and con- Planning Director's Of this total, 51,830 were dis- Harvey V, Holland, president ~ of Im own rnnlnii kluan uvur llm ap< Danish, M Pine SI., Keyporl; cation on the refusal of Hint board iiiiliHidlrm cpnen for trucks and a iret« headers, it was reported. Son Hit By Autoist tributed In the Asbury Park area, the Marlboro Board of Education, Patrick Chrlilopher Flatloy, |MI>IIIOII. ol Ilio pliiiinlnK board, . 78,151 In the Red Bank area and to accept freshmen cntorlnjj pupil* parking plani fur cam ol umptoyoco Another section of the road was will present the diplomas, assist- IrUh, Telegraph Hill Rd., Holm- »f tho Klur'ca, Tho lillorncy protest Mr. Knuen did Kld : 12.0JJ In the Freehold area. ed by Edmund S. Falkowskl, eighth from Mndlron Township into ll» Improved last year. Charles JVI. Pike jr., soh of "the del Township; Rclko Umciu iid that u» lliln won u "nelglilwr Mr, lloelncli then • A check for JIM was presented director of the Monmquth County The new Monmouth-area book grade teacher and building princi- hl;di school next September, ! an- Dlckerson, Jspanese, I Virginia liond" end .i«it-»- 'r(!Blonal" nhopp- Itcr nl lllm "ultlniiitiim" made by to council by Donald T. Day, lake Planning Board, Charles M. Pike will contain approximately M,SM pal Qf the Central School. Ave, flatlet, The South Rlvor.Uoard Msolved ' l ld f chairman for the Lpchslea Club, a sr. and Mrs. Pike, 330 Main St.. alphabetical listings of customers, plnjf centercr, 'In lull" i l»nd fur ('DMinilllniimin l,nnilwr«on Hint tliu The program will open with* the Also Christopher, Yugoslavian, lint month (|ia| It could nut tulm tt would lipstit Hid whole inyrrat.nf rinimlji^ Hontd viibmlt Hie upitrad*: group of lakefront homeowners. Matawan, was struck by a car at an Increase of some (W over tail processional, "Pomp and Clrcunv. and Erna Schwacrzll, German) In such pupils when they am only Jir. Day. said the check was-givsn Route 34 and Main St at 3:45 p.m. year's directory. Redesigned in- Siiyn; Wnoda Koiilli In Hint (mm lll|( lllll|l II) till! I'lllllllllllltS It ill. •lance," followed by the Pledge to 51 Edgcvlcw Rd.,. Cllffwoodi to stay a year and Uicn ba with- nnd could wit I)" lolenitod. llul lltti Jiirfo JJ nimly »lng "Catch A Falling Star" and Marlboro Townshln from the I ree Madison township Zoning Board was,struck and knocked to the 250 workers, mostly from Matawan "Climb Every Mountain." Arlcnc of Adjustment Monday- contented pavement. • • and Keyport areas, are affected by hold Regional High School dlttrltt Mendini with speak on "New World KOI advocated Monday by Harry (o the stripping of topsoll from IS ftlh. .Luce Informed the officer the walkout. • - and Empires"; Adele Williams on acres of the Joseph DeGrofl farm the'child got.up and tried to run' SadOtsky. former Frm% Id BoroJiih In Cedar Grove. It will be taken Robert K. Multcr, president of "World Alliances," and Tullls Mo but that "he. Mr.: Luce, caught him the company, made the offer when Crelght and Robert Holland on Councilman,' In an address to (he to a depth of six Inches by Ve'rnon and made the boy lie down and Freehold. Regional Board Of I Director Of MCPAA pay 28 per cent of FrechoW Re- foliage will return to it. Mr. Multcr said the Iftinipany gional High School transportation J A variance was granted to John , Leo G. Holland, Matawan, was has offered the.union » (os«r-c MHS, Willis School costs while not one of• the -WJ pu- C. Hendenburg, 22 StonyJirbofc Dr.. one of the directors of the Mon- an.hour inqreise jrnmBiljtefy. «n pils .from - th* : borough atiemling- fioutliwood, to/erect » garage five mouth County Prisoners' Aid As- additional cent an hour In Decem- Graduation Tonight the regional high school recclvcn ber, three cents more in June 19CI, feet from'a boundary Tine, after socfatlon whose appointment was (continued on page eight) announced by President Jack A. and one. additional cent in Decem- •Due'to the weather yesterday, I no ona appeared af\"i public hear .(continued on page eight) Jng to oppose his plans. , -~ Welnheimer at the group's meet- the commencement exercises of. NiSES To Start Ing Monday night at the Hall of Maiawan High School were post- Proposals for two gasoline sta Summer Hours lions, both on" Route 18, near the Records, Freehold. tio Zoning Bill poned from last night until tonight, This will be the first time the site of Sayre Wotxls South to The association has as its im- ' The Red fl»nk office of the New ferowritown, already held in abey mediate goals helping prisoners "Matawan Township Attorney Wil- graduation has betn . held out-of- Jersey Stats Employment Service ance, again were continued for from the Monmoulh County Jail Ham, J, O'Hagan teported prep- doors. A foul of IV^gr^Qates will begin observance of summer further study, A special meeting secure needed religious counsel, aration of the'ionlnf ovdlnance for wilt Receive their dipfflmairanlght doting hours on Monday, Harry may be called nent week to.take cfotWrigand Jobs so theycu? ; the township iineadng completion. Uit- week The- Matawin Journal Sh'ajllfO,'. manager, announced to action on their status. more oseful lives upon their re- -Mr. O.'Hagtn: earlier said, lie hoped Inadvertently omitted the name of day.- ••;•••'•• : The board adopted » resolution lease*. -The next meeting will be to Have the bill rtady for intro- Madeline Lorraine Shave as I ' The offlc* wlllopen at 8:30 a.m., Mrs. Alia Zelwsk besm* is sh« pins Ihs Eiglo Mondsy nlihl. Also plclurtd »r« Edwird Ke1ljr« . fnitructing Its secretary to write held to September. ^ duction »t lart night's meeting of member of the graduating class. «'s uniaj, bvt>ili cloie st 4. p.m., Seoul bsdg«, scouting'! highest awird, on Mr son, I*ft. Dftlrlcl III Adv«itcvmint Chslrmsn, and on UM to the township buHding inspector the planning board but reported Graduation ,of the Willis School, Instead of 4:M p.m. Jou-seeken Mlchifl, Hi Hit Court ol Honor held In MiUwnn rljfil, Rudolph IlKlcI, Hceulntniler of Tro»p 71. r there are a Dumber pf corrections Madison Township, also vu pott and request Urn to tout no build- '.. -. ' .' Notfc« ' .'• and tinemploymenl ininranc» claim y »nd jchfilarslilp, «nd Torrjr The anjiu»l meeting of the share- and definition! Kill to be made. poned last night, and exercises Michael Zitlwuk wa» awsrded an m«M which li repreKtited hy the ° tog permits without having re- ants regularly scheduled far Inter itfffi Badge. - » »• Clark, clllicnthlp In III* imtlon and ceived signed copies of variances hotders of (he MaUwan Savings Two minor subdiviiions were ap- will, be held tonight at t o'clock I^Klo Scout badjfc ill * Court of p I vicwi or Drocciiing Ix-lwct-n 4 end Olhcr swsrdj' were presented,»» I H h granted. • tad Loan Association will be held proved by the board at |«tt nlglM's at the Old Bridge Sttdlum. A 4:30 pjn. ihavo betn re w heduled Hwiir ot Troop 73,,.Mat«w«O,riaW p In Hie homo, at the. office of the secretary on metting. total of 127 pupil" will b« pad f«r sn tariler h»ur. Mr, Shapiro )it HID Flrtt I'r««l>ylcrl»n Ojjmh. fojlowt: 1'lr/il'clun, llsrold Wnt- Troop 13 mtrl» every Mondsy Tuesday evening. June 21, for the uated. M Md/ nl«lit./coul- toii «nil Harold Smith;,, ittnmd >il«lit st Hi* Flrtt irrnuyicrlw. " NaUee." . clau, R»bort Tsmmnrauo, and The Matawan Saving and Loan election of « president, vice presi- in« * hji nr pf iit Churcli, Milawan, under ih« d|> Association opened its boots for dent and directors for the term of New York Turnpike Express Notice . \ei lidwird Kelly, District III Id- T«ddy Halley; lenderl»ol, John lcc(iori of Rudolph lledfl, siiliteo ' stihscrlptioiut,to shares in the list three years. Palls open from 7 to buses, frequent daily service from I will nut bt responsible for any Yini get tht; 04'st plus aiuitoouf v»»ffrnem i.ln'rinaii, Mrs, All* Jackson, Robeii ,-AUIon, Joseph by • troop ciimmltlfn liMdfd by EeH«>.ot> JuM 3W. |M>. Sub- * o'clock. , Hollo's. Conmuten buy 1* 'K(Hl4 " 1 ; blll hoy* of ««wi »n«, t »crfr«!ooj received natf .Theresa H. Difgin. books and save. For scigdii|e rail D«J*r. ey «"IKeypqr, taypatt Sf*wjrdl ^ i preiMHite Witith « Ispftl'jplripft , « Tlw fiHtawInk scouts «ln wtrs !6C. IX*. £ to " ' -"CarlkM Dtckrr pity. ,Fboo» for appointment COI rcptfcpt i ol tiet r ton't' s HsglHgl « Bdjt ;trt^i(«i1*lt|i merit ludgddi Piul n lllnir, «ro eornllity ' 'rt-'" ***: "' kS-'»t/r <*m4 MrM ; KcliyKli - td' tth«h . *cj)l«ntj W to 0« im- to.it||»tid,,. -••,,,. ,.,,,,,.., Thursday, June 16, Two THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Plus also were discussed for th* {Berkeley Graduate j fnother and daughter banquet to b« League Installs Hazlet Fire Co. Honors Charter Members On 50th Anniversary Open House Held Held on Sunday, Oct. 2. with Mrs, Wallace as chairman. The next New Officers For New Priest regular meeting will be Tuesday Tuesday evening In the pSfish. Oct. 4 The installation dinner ot th Matawan Contemporary Lesgui hall at Saint Gabriel's Church in Card of Tbaidi* was held Monday evening In the Bradevelt, open house was held In The'family of the late John B, American Hotel. Freehold, Mrs, honor of the newly appointed pnest, Becker sr, -wish to thank all their John Kinney conducted (he candle. the Rev. Vincent A. Lloyd who was friends and neighbors for their . light ceremony, during which Mis moved from Freehold to taker kindnesses during their .recent bey renvement. Antoinette Cerrato took the oflic charge; 61 this parish. About 150 of chairman; Mrs. Leon Christinat, people attended, . vice chairman; Mrs. Frank Grazi- ano, retarding secretary; Mrs, Howard Wolvetton, corresponding Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Smith, and secretary; Mrs. Ross Maghan, sons, Newark, were Friday eve- ning guests at the home of Mr. Du BARRY'S . nancial secretary.. and Mrs. Donald Miller, Morgan- Miss .Edith Davison presente ville. Beauty Specialist Mrs" Martin Bell, retiring cha 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owens and •roan, .with her past chairman children, Vivien and Bubby, Mr. 13 here...•with . pin, and a gift from the club and Mrs. Donald Miller and sons, a'pin and earring set. Mrs. Brui Donald arid Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. news of a Hecht,.chairman-elect for the cor Thomas Smith and .children, Iris Feather-Fine ing year, was unable to atten and Willie, attended, the- show at Because she is moving to Massa Cowboy City on Sunday. MISS DENISF CORRINE chusetts, it was necessary for. hei makeup! to decline the olfice, and the club': The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mor- Miss Denise Corrine,' Tennent gift.to her = was a brass firesld' ganville First Aid Squad met on Rd., Morganville, was among the bucket. Thursday evening in the first aid highest honor students graduated Miss Cerrato announced her ncv building. About 12 members at- from Berkeley School for the Sec- executive Hoard members as fol tended. Final count has been re- ,r£tarial, East Orange, recently / lows: Mrs. Christinat,, program turned on the candy recently sold 'Miss Corrine,' a graduate/of Mrs,. Charles Roesch and Mrs At the 59th anniversary celebration of the Hazlet Fire Company, berfson and Peter 0. Welgand jr.; President John Wadington; charter tiy the members. Final plans were Freehold Regional High School, Charles Lockwood, ways a n which was organized on*Mar. M, 1910, charter members of the company members Russell Waning, Ernest E. Peseux and Angelo M. Webster. made to hold a rummage' sale oh Class of 1959, maintained in out- were presented with leather wallets and engraved service awards. Charter members not able to attend were Harry S. Cowles, Alomo F. June 24 and 25, at the home of Mrs. standing scholastic standing con- means; Mrs. Howard Woolley an Laylon, Clarence Pedee, Harry J. Poling. Mrs. Bell, welfare; Miss Daviso Pictured above. In the uiual order, are charter members Roy Lam- Wilmer Kilcomins. After the busi- sistently throughout th^schsioljcse. ness part of the evening, refresh- . music; Mrs. August Schmeling ani The 50th anniversary of (he Haz- ington, president, acted as toast William,H; Hyer, Lemuel H. Jones, The first officers of the company and was one of Berkeley's top five Mrs. Robert Bentley, hospitality George W. Lambertson, Marcus in 1910 were Marcus D. LeRoy, ments were served and games were students;, •. • let Fire Co. was celebrated at a master. Mr. Wadington presented played. ••-•'. . - Mrs. George Kinkade and Mrs dinnerdance in the grand ballroom leather wallets and engraved ser- D. LeRoy, William F.'Morrell, Ru- president; Johri L. T. Webster, , Miss Corrine is employed ,by Al- Joseph Smith, publicity; Mr of the Hotel Edison, New York, on vice awards to the charter mem- dolph Peseux, Frank E. Poling, vice president; Ernest E. Peseux, The friendly set met at the home coa Steamship Company, Inc", 17 secretary; Alonzo F. Layton. finan- of Mrs. Robert McCarthy on June Battery PI., New York, as a pri- Woolley, American Home. May 28. Approximately 100 mem-bers who are still living. 0 John L. T. Webster, William H. The new board will meet Monda; bers and their families attended Deceased charter members of Ackerson, Harry Peseux, James cial secretary; John H. Bahren- 8. Thebirthdays of Mrs. Charles vate'secretary. She hopes to be- evening, June 27, at Miss Cerrato' the affair, making the trip by bus. the company are John H. Bahren- Carter, P. Otto Weigand sr., Ed- burg sr., treasurer; Marcus D. Le- Weiss and Mrs. Frank Weiss were come an executive secretary In the future. - ••-• :-W;-- home, Freneau. ". Holmdel Township Mayor James burg Sr., Robert Bailey, Thomas ward Barnes, Willfiim H. Walling, Roy, second-assistant foreman; celebrated. —-After- - refreshments- Entertainment was provided t H. Ackerson, a member of the Bailey, Judson Conover, Thomas Thomas M: Walling, Joseph H. George B. Roberts,' Joseph H. Web-were served the game "Price'Is the Hawaiianettes- -The four ban company, spoke, and John P. Wad- G. Cowles, Charles X; Crawford, Webster and George B. Roberts. ' ster. P. Otto Weigand sr., trustees. Right" was played. The next meet- 7IATTERHLUEF' foot girls' in costume presente: ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Altar-R&sary Has jHula Town, during which the; John Narzowlch. Those attending riot liquid, not greaiy- . explained the meanings of van'ow Roaring 20'$ Dance Cliffwood Firemen were Mrs. Charles Weiss, :Mro. a creamy fluff of beauty body rhythm movements. Theii County Legion Hazlet Girl Is Frank Weiss; Holmdel: Mrs- Mar- that flatters away tired Held By B'nai B'riih Elect Lieutenant! tin Smith sr., Mrs. Joseph. Lan- Dinner Meeting following numbers were an ancieni ' The final meeting for the season line* and shadows. Hawaiian dance, performed with Tuesday night there was a reg- zarp sr., Morganville; Mrs. Joseph Holds Meeting About 100 guests attended the Feted At Shower Vota,. Wickatink; Mrs. Johfa Nar- of St. Joseph's Rosary and Altar Come see its beauty-power bamboo sticks, a 'comic dance first annual dinner-dance spon- ular meeting of the Cliffwood Vol- The regular meeting of the Mon Miss Bernardine R. Stopkle, zowich, Mrs. James Pellett, Mrs. Society was held June 6. Rosary in seven lovely shades - entitled "The Cock-eyed Mayor' sored by the Ayclet Chapter of unteer Fire Co. held at the Cliff- receive •.free makeup mouth County Executive Commit- f a zlet was fcted Adelo Carapowiti, all of Marlboro. and benediction services were con- a car ride; grass shack, and B'naT B rilh'"women"and"heid'i>J- a > •» • surprise wood Fire House. A new associate ducted at St. Joseph's Church, analysis and aTJuBairy Hawaiian war dance. tee, American Legion, was held re- the Crystal Brook Inn, Eatontown. bridal shower, given by her bridal member, George Kahrs jr.,' was Mrs. Joseph LaMura was hostess Keyport. by the Rev. Francis X. Gift tool The theme of the affair was the elected. Vincent' Gaunt, an. asso- to the Harmony Club on Monday cently "at Belniar Post 151, with attendants. Miss Margaret E. 1 Bader. Afterward the installation Commander Basil Slocum presjd- "Roaring'20V' Highlight of the Weigand, Miss Patricia Stopkie and ciate, was elected an active mem- evening. Those attending were dinner, was-held at Buck Smith's Place Receptacles evening wa.i a musical sketch ber.. Joseph Calamari was elected Mrs. Raymond Brown, Mrs. Leo ing. Following roil call of officers Miss JoAnn Twardy at Miss Wei- Hall, East Kcansburg. Mrs. Vin- For Worn Flags written by Herman Korobow. Mr. second lieutenant. ';•, . Lammers, Mrs.. Holmes Lamber- cenza 0*eiU was dinner chairman, nd committee reports. Homer Korobow also served as commen- gand's home, Holmdel Rd., Hazlet, son,' Mrs. Chester Jameson^sr., assisted byl^lrs, Jane Abarno and Receptacles for worn flags have Chaplain Albert Gilairyi report- Matteson, department executive tator for the skit which had a on Saturday evening. Miss Stopkie ed that be placed 17 flags on de-Mrs, Joseph Lanzaro sr., Mrs. Mrs. Harold Costello. been set up at the Post Office in commilleeman, reminded all posts 'Roaring 20" theme. Florence Far re II, Mrs. Henry Laurence Harbor, thTCTrek-Barber will become the bride' of William ceased firemen's graves on Mem- Mrs. Howard Maimed and Aaron Brautigan, Mrs. Frank Frel. Mrs. Mrs. Alvina Fitzgerald was In- ' Miss. Pat Hamraett • Shop and at the Chevron Gasoline o send their Americanism and J. Weigand on Saturday, June 25, orial Day. This is a service per- stalled as president and Mrs. Ger- Walters danced the Charleston in formed by the chaplain of the com-- LuLu Beal, Mrs. Martin Smith sr. Station ai-the circle. -"._j_ _„-. :hild Welfare activities reports as 960, at Holy Trinity Church, Perth Ind Mrs." Joseph Barbarna. An trude- Leamy, vice president; Mrs. BuBarrj's Rtproenl. •'The Royal boat, accompanied by Mr. Water- Robert G. Weigand and Mrs. Conover. At 345, Gully, Rd, Neptune. At that house and Charles Jakuboskl, Red Walter G. Burkhardt Jr. Frees'e, Miss Elizabeth Senson, 'Knights" who have changed! their Other relatives were present Keansburg; Mrs. Harvey Johnston, name to "The Vibranta." They will ime there will be election and In-Bank. Guests were Michael Dow- from Buffalo, N. Y.; Laurel Beach, Ebglishtown; : Mrs. Harvey Lam- KEYPORT HIGH SCHOOL play .. their recently cut record stallation Of the new_pflicers7 ling, Paterson; Gregory St. John, CWV Hosts To 31 Conit., Bogota; Leonia,; and other Jimmy McKeown, Michael Espo- bertson. Matawan; Mrs. Harry Rat- ; "Hall Stone."" tickets may be pur- parti of New Jersey. cllfle, Morganville; Mrs. James ttaat the door-— L—— fito, Bobby Miller and Jimmy Patfents At Lyons Open house in the afternoon Saturday, June 18 Waterh'ouse, "aif of Keyport. " Alexander,. Miss, Kathy Woolley, Admission $1.00 Holmdel PTcriicT*. " brought calls fromjrnany neigh' Hazlet; Mrs. James DeBow, Lake- In the. evening a family .party St, Joseph^ Post I0», Catholic bors.- THE COUNTRY Aid Fire Department War Veterans/ played host to "31 wood, .Miss Beverly-Tfavor, Misi was held, Guests were Mr. and Dorothy Matthews, Metuchen. KITCHEN The Holmdel Civic Association Mrs. James R. Waterhouse sr. andpatients ot the Lyons Veterans Installed As Member will hold ILs second annual Holm Mrs. Henry Gershgo and daughter, Hospital at Shore Point Inn, Haz- Gifts were sent by Mrs. Richard Tennent Road del Township Outing on Saturday, Lynne, Morgan; Mfjr'and Mrs. let, on Juno. 7. The program, Bayshore W.W.W.l Bergen jr., Mrs. Raymond Mat- June 25, at the Bendlx property on Warren A. Nixon, Matawan; Mr "Operation Cinderella," was origi- .thews, Mrs. Earl Parlin, Mrs. Ma- Morganville and. Mrs. John Dowllng and sdns Bayshore Chapter 18, Widows of rie Carter, Mrs. Harry Woolley and Main St. for the benefit of th» nated scvera) years ago by the (Right Hand, Side Jut Of! - Patcrsoni Sharon Lcc, Jimmy and World War 1, held their/regular Mrs.-Charles Dietrich. Holmdel Fire Department building combined efforts of Veterans Asso- Highway ») fund. The picnic will start at " B. J. Waterhouse, Keyport.' meeting June 1 when a new mem- TAKE OUT ORDERS ONLY ciation of Volunteer' Services. ber, Mrs. Dora Lomardo, was in- DEAR PADS: p.m. and continue until dusk. \ stalled. ' Evangelistic Services Plaa and- Hot Sausage Many old-fashioned surprises "are Jewish^Wqr Vett Each, year, selected groups' of • • Sandwiches - ilannej) in addition to games for patients prescribed to the indus- Attending vert Mrs. Martha Non-denominational evangelistic Weekends Only: young and old. Later In the day Officers Installed trial therapy program are given Ruhman, Mre. Elizabeth Hubert, services are. being held^_at SIB" Spaghetti and Meatballs dancing will be held especially (or a bus ride to the seashore and areMrs. Ann Nesbit, Mrs. Margaret ilront.St:, Union Beach,"on Sun- Jack Gtddberg was Installed com Fogjeo, Mrs. Lucy Fragasso, Mrs. LOWELL KM the teen-agers. fed at a prearranged location day, Monday, Wednesday and Fri- monder of* the Jewish War Veter- sponsored by an organization. Hclene Finneron, Mrs., Mary Ar- day nights at 8 p.m. They are con- This is a special wish' ans, Bayshore Post 737, during eve- Four more such programs are dino,~Mrs. Ann Klhoc and :Mrs. ducted by Miss Rose Molettiere on your big day, ning services held In the syna- scheduled for the summer through- Elizabeth, Sturm. . and Miss Susan Wallace who state gogue. Also Installed were Sau out the county, to be sponsored by Mrs. Sturm donated the all-quota all are welcome to attend. : • MERCURY AND COMET Diamond, senior vice commander; CWV posts. gift which was awarded to Mrs. , Ta haye a good time Milton Krnln, Junior vice common- . CWV members attending were Finneron and Mrs. Sturm was in every way, :" der; Herman Korobow, judge'ad- awarded the special prize, donated * Safe Buy Used Cars * vocate; Sam Korobow, adjutant; Commander Andrew Gcrmak, St. S'TULTZS Joseph's Post; Alfred J. Targon- by Mrs. Hubert.' Taken for granted througii Leon Bleich, quartermaster; Jer- .^Jlefreshments were served. ome Perlman, chaplain; J»ck Alt' sky, county hospital chairman, and FUEL KIDS —.niost^of^thb year, Mrs. Targonsky and Mrs.'Joseph SCHANCK & SIHLER mark, service officer, Rabbi H.O.H Crieesequake Church Levlne was Installing officer and Laurlno, of the hospital committee. You're still in all chil, 10 Lafayette Place, Freehold gave the benediction. *. Group Holds Picnic drens' heartsj never fear, Highway 34, Matawan Six new members were accepted BP.OE Auxiliary OOD'teWSSUBETRAVElS into the group at a membership The Young Churchmen of ther M3UKNOW J HOpkins 2-1230 - LOwell 6-4239 Introduction breakfast held in the Welcomes Members Church of Our Saviour, Cheese- ;So on this day, more than all the rest, synagogue on Sunday. Jack Stein- quake,-heW a picnic Sunday at berg, past Monmouth County ,. Two now members, Mrs. Ted Windward Beach, Metedcconk, to Commander, discussed the goals Lester and Mrs. Margaret Bach- mark the'last event of the season Please know that we know, -: and alms of the JWV, and Corn- mann, were welcomed at the regu- for the group. FATHER'S DAY SPECIA1S! lar monthly meeting of the Ladles QoUttfrg acl«l as host. Richard Seidel •an"d Miss. Marie "~ 'Father" Knows Best? V Auxiliary of Keyport Lodge B.P.O. Bowne, advisors, accompanied Serving on the breakfast com- Elks No. 2030. 3 Days Onlyl mittee were Saul Diamond, Jack them and others attending were Lazar and Herman Korobow. Mrs. Lawrence, Bealty, chair Paul Okner, Michael Catherwood, man of the rummage sale, report- Gerold Miller, John Zyracki, Jef- Sir Walter Raleigh ^ ed that it" was a success. Assist- frey Williams: '••••• Eiseman Demonstrates ing her on the committee were You are in good company Soft Smooth Hair Trend Mre. Henry Dane, Mrs. James At- .. . when yon use our Fuel Half & Half A kins, Mrs. Earl Lewis, Mrs. Claude MorrisGraduates Oil Service. Smart buyers — Larry Eiscmnn, owner oLCrca- Brldeau and Mrs. Charles Vena. buy from us! So Phone right Hcg$M5 William t. Morris jr., son of now! .•• •. ,, '-. : Prince Albert 7 tlve Hair Stylists/ Main St., Key- Members were urged to attend Mr. and Mrs. William L, Morris, A port, was. tho guest artist at the the slate conference ,which is being Church Rd., Robertsvillc,. was meeting of the Monmoulh and held In Atlantic City June 17 and . «• . - arx KINDS OF PIPES TOO graduated Friday evening from Ocean County Association of Mas- the Rlveryiew. Academy, Sljark ter Hairdressers on Monday eve- v% Mrs. George RWrts, mother of River Hills. During the musical ning'in Asbury Park. Mrs, Robert Chenowcth, was^s portion of the exercises, he played Mf. ElsSrWh, who Is a mcmbei guest. Hostesses for the evening a sele;ilon .on .(he electric,organ." Sussmqii's, Stationer of tho U.S. Hair Fashion Council, were Mrs. Laivrcncc Downev and Mr. and Mrs.'Morris and another » W. Front SL j WiM J*hrct models ;i'«j son- Mni..iEiirl ,Lew,ift.Lewift . ,jj '•_ jj j. j (I :fin.-Robert, who nlso js 0 student Watlrif! 'UiS'ncw "soft h 66th ill be'aheMcgtIIWrS af'Riverview Academy, attended irend." ing tonight. the graduation exercises. : June 16, 1960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Page Three

Kirkmaa, ' Fair Haven: New Stat»Worin« Patrol are c«rltccM(mW, Mir patroli fwl r: Frank Bonifacio Hecetve Degrees At ifyCE Exericses Attends Meeting Shrewsbury, represented by Mri. a particular responsibility to In- The olflcers have been Instructed R. J. Lione; R.FJ)., Hdundel. Recjulating Boating form^ at., well as ((if^rc*. J|i« to take a "dUn^Yiirw" ot repeater*. drowning victim hW no.cUan"cja'td Is New Doctor cluirms,n, Mrs. Robert BoyMn, The st»t«'a approach to marine A class of U. assisting of 82 plead .Ignorance of the rufes,"i -' Offt Ltncrolt, and Mrs. Joicph Dern- law enforc«rnenl on coastal and in' men and pne Woman/ Iward U s berger, Matawan. ' ' la a further cfforCto Ififwin' MW Senator Hugh Scott deliver the beth, chalrrnan of. garden therapy, land waters this season will stress and Inexperienced1 boat opefuwra, WANT commencement addreu Sunday Garden,C)ub,pf New Jer*qr,\at- The other garden clubs In theeducation In boating safety ai well each violator will receive a letter ani received (heir D 0. Degreed tended ibe :*nhual Jneetiag of the area were Invited ^to participate. as observance of -regulations. "We from the department outlining 4he from Philadelphia College of Oste- Green .Thumb Corps at Marlboro There still are many vacancies in hope this will reduce the number circumstances ot the vlqlatlpn and State Hospital] !juhe 6, • She, was opathy. The exercises were held at the greenhouse schedule, mostly on of summonses necessary," Salva- cautioning that It must not be ra- Irvine Auditorium of the University "accompanied by Mrs. Carltpn, Rob- inson, chairman of the:.'Green. Mondays and Fridays. lore A. Bontcmpo, Commissioner ot IKiated. Each week'.(»<;(>, #»trol of- of Pennsylvania, where 16 others the Department of' Conservation ficer'will receive a list, ol flames received Masters-of Science De- E , An herb lecture Is being planned grees Hospital and advisor to th« Marl- at the hospital on Sept. S to which and Economic Development, TSBtd, Frank "Anthony Bonifacio, son of boro Corps.:V '-.•.•'. :'• ' ,- .• '',' ' all the garden* chf)S in tha area "New Jersey's 700 marina law en- .Mr. and Mrs. Donato Bonifacio, 351 A picnic was planned far; the will be Invited. Tuts will be fal-forcement officers, ijnd power ves- Maple PI, Keyport, was ao^jng patients in the garden • therapy lowed by a tour of the gardens sel Inspectors already .have had those who received D 0 Degrees spring briefings to prepare them groups for Jiily T. .They will be and greenhouse, • to acquaint the BUSES to He will interne at South Bend Os- guests of Percy Clark, occupation- for the boating'season now start- clubs with iho'aqtlvitieiot tithe teopathic Hospital in South Bend, al therapist at the hospital, at his ing. .-.»•, .•"•:....•,, .; • • (Expross Vlq N, J. TURNPIKE) Jnd During his four years at Phila- home In Xong Branch. Members Green Thumb Corps. •". "Our uniformed men on patrol delphia College, Dr Bonifacio was of the Green Thumb Corps,,assist- will not be out to^nall' boatrneij active in Internal Medicine Society ed by trie State, Garden Club, will Awards Preiented To and so make a record for them- and. the Undergraduate Academy provide (he food. • " • selves hi the number ol summon- of Applied Osteopathy. MMC Junior Aides A bourse in : flower- arranging ses Issued and; convictions obtain- The commencement weekend In- Among the graduates receiving agement, He is employed by John- 0fii ed. They will be polite andhelplul, cluded a rjiimbcr of alumnt func for the women patients will start Parents ot Monmouth Medical degrees at the commencement ex- son & Johnson, New Brunswick. Sept.. 1. the first lecture to be Center's junior volunteeri were but also f|rm. Since boating acci- For Schedule and Rate CaH CO 4-2222 tlons, beginning with a day-long ercises of Newark College of Engi- dents, more often are fatal than seminar in the college auditorium Mr. VanMeerbeke was awarded given by Mrs. William Mulheron, guests with their sons and daugh- Dr. Edith M. Incababian, Wilming- neering on Thursday from this area a Bachelor of Science Degree In R.F.D., Keyport. ,<-_^J~: . ters at t h e semi-annual junior • Orientation. Course.--.• , awards supper held, recently in Buy 10 Trip Books ^D Save ton, Deli, was chairman of the pro- were John fe Bbttger. 125 War-Mechanical Engineering. He li ren St., Keyport, ton ol Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan stressed the im-Auxiliary Hall at the hospital. More gram for the .?5-ycar P.C.O. class. member of Phi Eta Sigma, • Na- In this case, the: alumni of 1915'jjk- .-Mrs-JRobert Bottger, Bethany Rd., portance of the orieiWation course than 150 persnjii attended the af- tional Freshman,Honor Fraternity; fair which was planned by Mrs, NORFOLK The papers.concerned cardiac dis- tor all Green Thumb Corps volun- Rollo's Charter Service Hazlet, and Ronald C. VanMeer- W, J, Wllkln», director of volun- ease*, probable .malignancy beke, formerly' of Keyppji who Pi Tail Sigma, National Mechani- teers. The. corps is made up of members of* the local garden clubs teer services. , • causes, manipulation of low back, now is residing in East Orange. cal Engineering Honor Fraternity; For Groups and. oxygen tierapy. American Society- of Mechanlca who work w|th the patients In the Awards for 100 hours service Mr, Bottger received a Bachelor greenhouse and garden's.:. were presented to Miss Gall Ham- Offers The Best In Comfort and Experience Saturday evening the college and Engineers, Honors Option. He wil! the alumni association combined in of Science Degree In Mechanical The following clubs attended.the mer, Miss. Lynn _Schappert' and a commencement prelude at a din-•Engineering, He Is a memberot be employed this summer by Wor- meeting: Atlantic Highlands, Miss Marilyn MaUck, H a 1101. ner'and dance in the Union League. Pi Delta Epsilon, National Journal- thington Corp^.HEast Orange. chairman, Mrs. Elizabeth Leon- Awards for 50 hours ot service ROLLO TRANSIT CORP. "At this;dinner the entire graduating ism Fraternity; was a class coun- Mr. VanMeerbeke has accepted ard; Grow and Show of Ailen- were presented to Miss Linda Hull class, their wives and invited cil member, for. four years; circu- a position as an assistant instruc- hurst, chairman, Mrs. t.A, Fol-and Miss Patricia Hendryx, llailet, 275 Broadway Keyport guests were entertained by the col-lation manager o[ "Vecter," the tor in mathematics at Newark Col- lansbee, West Long Branch; Na- and Miss Dandra Johnson, Mat- The Smart Driver Takos The Bus lege...' '.-' college newspaper, participated in lege of Engineering, starting In veslhk, chairman, Mrs. Robert The 1.960 graduates represent basketball, Softball and bowling He September, at which time, he also •even states and only one of them Is a member of the American So- will enter graduate school to work it ft woman, Jessie C. Mauro, New ciety of Mechanical Engineers and for his Master's Degree at the col- York, a recent bride Society ..for Advancement of, Man- lege URRMC EXCLUSIVE OFFER!

V««r Aem pnvi I* Mr* r*« *• O«IHr W CamM •«

•cmomlral l«w, bw pHc*. %vpm •biatbyn(n*lii Um vtbroM, wnlnt

<»tir«Hr tltn. Ntw—« vwy ipMld |HIN •! yiw imifcy ASM SPORT SHIRTS Cannon Bath Towels and SLACKS each c cS only Extra Discounts off Grants wMi 39puithiH >l 19 Ot 2with nurthan ol %) V) Regular Low Prices

. WJMMJPS/JPJ LANCASTER BRAND - REGULAR STYLE Loot for. Grants famfld Pennleigh label on &>en.'« wear. If s your assurance of top quality LEG 0'LAMB 59 DAN RIVER* WASH 'M WEAR LANCASTER BRAND-OVEN READY i COTTONS HAVE THE RIBS 0' BEEF '•*6 l« PLAIDS WOVEN IN TO ed^ Zrooat .KEEP THEIR BRIGHT COLOR LANCASTER BRAND - POT ROAST Birds Eye Peas 10 oi. BONELESS CHUCK 59 87 ry ,'•••.>• Birds Eye Spinach Uncailar Brand Lanc»»iir Brand > - ' Birds Eye French Fries Arm Pot Roast ^ 59* Plate Soup Beef * IS Sufnmer-wcjsht, short sleeve style for the Uncttltr Brand - Bondaii Uncailer Diand Ovtn Ri««ly Lonj Itlaitd hot weather. Carefully tailored Mtl» top' e'tltched collars, pormanont stays; styled Brisket Beef - 79< Ducklings *> 45* With 2 matched pockets, matched collar. UncatKr Brand Shall Shanfc .Assortment In Summer "shades) S,M,L,XL, MIX OR MATCH Short Ribs «>45« Smoked Calas »33< Uncaitv Brand Slic*d \ Bacon S3 5« £:69« NO-IRONING FOR KNIT Orange Juicer^t:, 37c iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SHIRTS OF COTTON. DACRON8 POLYESTER Bumblo Boa 7-ot,

Cotton for good looki and Dacron to hold the shapa. Waffles Placket-front style with cheat pocket. S, It, li. Scallops. Mott's Drink * • IS DAIRY MOI^JTH

STAY ON THE LIGHT SIDE OF Borden's Chateau ' ">'»' 69« Evap. Milk ' ••••'» 8 THE WEATHER IN WASH 'N WEAR SLACKS OF DACRON*-NYLON NibletsCorn 3 49 75% Dicron poljcster, "ZSft nylon jx-bWa cords. Cantaloupe JX.2 '* 39< 1 Pleat-front style, fcwk 'n ll «y« closure, cuffed bot- Sweet Peas -: 4 :.:: 69 tows. Cool ahsdei, 2»42, Bananas °^^ »10< f Cucumbers £5 3 « 19* ~ KetchupI-•»\«L1£.*U OUR WASH 'N WEAR POLISHED - VJahery JridtiirU M COTTON SLACKS STAY CRISP AND NEAT Dulth Apple Pie >*49< Welchade °^ 2 im Sl&ejci M Mat a&d mMotli Pecan Sticky Buns ^45« fluylookcuitomtallond. Dog Food ™ 6'; 43 Wash la w«ar tot any- »40. Layer Cake 'i**?*** «*99« P^M^— • Ehlon-Sc Off Desl Mb. ML ML Bar Cake01"01^0^^ ••(*39c VOflWV Rogubr, Diip, Extra Fin. . can (){) /Jo Mt>r,-: - Do.., n ... jh G irj(ni.-.l( Hun r Raisin Bread Gran* Sugar 0*1^ U 47 AM Ad»»((l<«J frlc« f/l«tJiv« W*d. ifuu S.I, /«• vl^lh toIB * iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AIRPORT PLAIA SHOPPING CENTER ROUTE 36 AND MIDDLE ROAD- .... ROUTE 35 and 36 Plenty Of Free Parking fi'ilt Four TOE MATAWAN JOURNAL N. X Thursday, Jura 16,1960

Communication I GETTING HOTTEB AH* HOTTEP// dafmm ,3mmtal To toe Editor, Now that Mental Health Month has pined and everyone la. pre- paring tor a lew moaths of re- laxation, U» Monmouth County 3. Mat*! Beam. Batter — Genldlna V. Brown. Aaapdat* Bolter Strolling along * slde-strttt the Mental Health Association wishes otter day, I bad Is tend almost ODDS AND ENDS..~. Fred Scbeio just installed as the everyone • pleasant cummer. We double to get under the branches new president oi the Keyport lions Club. Succeeds George also want to express our tlncei of a Norway sntple tree standing Weinman as top lion. Another club member, Bob Pryor is appreciation for the splendid co- at the curb. operation and support which .has Bending struck me M an < going to take a district office this year . .. Keyport business- Mntamui Journal .!• been given by the residents, TOHTO- treme form of exercise that men planning to add kiddie ridea to the mall during the •ad Kir UM peep] nVili U t> Mm IM taiemta of ttetswia -and fcsdu't bargained for when I set U Jth new. ( tt UM workers, organisations, ana Hawaiian Sales Days, Friday and-Saturday, July 1 and 2 ... lUlil oat on a not-too-tsst walk, but «Lr SSuaTwd thwdv nuklflt D*li cenfldene*. agencies of the community to our to craw! forth on (he Civic Affairs Committee mulling a Keyport Day celebration

, RMptmtlblllty for typo£TBpMc»l trnm li UmllKl to 0i« cort ol Ox «p«cl Mental Health Fund Drive. While other aide, none the worse as far the latter part of August this year. Plans' under study now •ccupled t* IUCB «ror, •. r < • • : • * ... jnir returns are at present far 1I codM tell from the experience. .... Some businessmen to fCeyport thinking cf inviting near- Entered u lemnd-clau matter at V>t port offlia, «» MaHwan. H. from complete, early indications But I couldn't help wondering by fruit and vcgetabJe truck fanners in to sell their wares *nr through support (o our disposing lent awarded diplomas !o exercises in Jersey City Tuesday paratrooper home en furlough:' "Son, how many successful completing one phase of his education, an education which lowing graduates: Mildred Joseph- night was Myron A. Hulsnrt, a ward, they're easily trimmed. jumps must you make before you graduate?" All of them, if a car, which Is now underway, Aphid Dew continues throughout his lifetime. . • ' - • ine Brown, Helen Corton, Cordelia former, resident of Matawan, who ma'am . . . Overheard in the office: You know I wouldn't' . • Life is.a continuous process of education. No matter would'be for tod expensive, and Also, pin-oak doesn't get full of May Clark, Charles LeRoy Close, attended night classes.of instruc- say anything about her unless it is gopd -and boy is this what you plan lo do, remember that you always can in- iternlly Impossible, to thank each Emma Cox. James Mathias Van- tion in the Dickinson IHigh School, iphids that rain down a sticky good! . . . The poor man's philosopher says the only trouble crease your knowledge and better yourself if you make ontributor personally. However, Brakle,' Hazel IVina, Gertrude Ce- Jersey City, throughout the past lew. Finishes of cars.parked u/i- one of your goals in life to do your share in making our jur Board of Directors and our ilia Vanprunti-Pearl Woolley, Lil- winter.. ler trees such AS maples have with' trouble is that it always starts out like fun ... All men ieen seriously damaged by aphid world a better one. Upon the knowledge, understanding 'oluntecr workers pledge them- ian White. ' . are born equal but some, outgrow it and become leaders . Twenty Years Ago. lew. . • ••' end progress of our June graduates, the history of the entire Harry Bolte and his daughter, A wife is absolutely essential to a liusband's long,life. She elves to - spend Mental Health (Issue Thursday, June 13. 1940) And while we're on (his good- world will be written. ..•-.-•• Miss Milan Bolte, went to Wilber- shares half his troubles and gets two-thirds of-his'ill humor und monies wisely in services to In response .to numerous requests leighbor kick, you'mayTfnd that ic Mentally 111 in whose behalf fiam, Mass., last week lo attend .. A daughter is an embarrassing and ticklish possession... !he commencement exercises' at a Matawan Auxiliary to the Mon- well-trimmed hedge along the The Heights Of Lochslea lese funds were contributed! ireeleyan Academy, in. which Mr, mouth Memorial Hospital . has idewalk is less likely to catch and (Signed) lolte's son is a student. The ex-been.recently organized with a :ar the skirt of a summer ""-..-• It you don't, know what 'ragweed opks'like, send, fpra'.copy of & i^&tWi$£&ffi:-&'^-&i^Vtfa3s- go see the latest •section of MaUwan. True,i. on issues, .they may_rwrang!e ot, adjoining their present quart- AND BESEARCH An elaborate fireworks display Leaflet 238, "Ragweed and ,'Ils trench imports.on the screen "ca; wafcfi'the'Japariese Daric- among themselves, each intelligently choosing sides on the :rs. The building will bT2ii by 30 will feature the annual carnival of ers,. the.caballeros-or.theBritislL stout and. marching society basis of their own conclusions, , ' (The Washington Post) eet and will cost about $700 when :ontrol," that bears its'„ picture, the M.E, Haley Hose Co. to be held nd there's quite a lot about kinds perform . i, Didn't mind a thing as long as they still serted However, one thing certainly stands out. They are Nearly a, century ago. in re- completed. George tangan has the sponse to a petition to the gov- at the intersection of Broad St. and those Swedish meatballs at the Taft New Jersey Press As- working together to improve their neighborhood and im- contract for the work. Route 34, Matawan, tonight, Fri- trees in Leaflet 97, "How to ernment signed by Charles Dar- .andscape Your Home.V . sociation has its DAY tomorrow at Monmouth Park. Heaven" prove the natural advantages the area in which they live rin, Thomas Huxley, Edward The Atlantic Tile Company's new day and Saturday nights. Tonight plant is progressing and It is ex- has been designated as firemen's You can get both of these from help -the working class ... Astound Your Friends . , ."Shock offers for the price of a little patience, labor and honest enner and. some other^ distin- our. county agricultural agent or ir neighbors, fool your wife ... WIN. ....•••.. Ingenuity. . ' •'•"" -, - guished scientists,' Great Britain pected work will start up within night; Friday as politician's night l month. and Saturday as fireworks night. y sending a card to Garden Re-

Their latest project-is the preparation of a swimming idoptcd legislation designed to ' .,' '< ^ . • ' '• • The Matawan and Holmdel Turn- •ter,.College of Agriailture. Rut- urea on Lake Lefferts where families can relax and enjoy irevent the Infliction of needless Qov. A, Harry Moore signed into; ers University, New Brunswick. BANK NOTE DE3»ART5IENT . . . The Duchess of uffcring upon animals used'in ike is to be graveled by the law Tuesday a legislative bill mak- nature. They are working to terrace a hillside to eliminate loard of Freeholders, as a result Windsor personally.paraded her champion.Pug in a recent a muddy condition; Sand has been donated for a beach aboratories for research purposes, ing Saturdays from June 15 to lie United States. has no com- it the complaint sent fay Mrs. Wick Sept IS bank holidays. dog show at a New York bank. •- Other celebrities in banks and they offered the borough a possible solution to lake md ethers to Ihe Board « month irtjund the. country are appearing at ice shows, fashion pa- . weed control problems which affect all; larablc national legislation, A bill Receipt of a report that 14700 is' Social Security now to be submitted to Con- igo. , , the total amount due from the •ades, flower displays, beajuty contests, concerts,; auto shows The borough, of course, purchased the chemical to be ;rcss, however, to provide for the Rev. Norman Schcnck of Holm- township for district tax payments and a. host of other functicdis . . ; Banking-by-trailer is the ' used to destroy the underway growth for $350. Graciously, lumane treatment of animals used Icl has accepted a call to a Dutch lo the board of education, elicited Questions latest thing in ,suburban living. Recent figuites show there ' Lochslea Heights residents chipped in and a check for $100 experiments and tests bjt^re- toformed Church in Waterloo, favorable comment from members are 15 trailer banks in the_^ountry today. Their purpose is 4. Y., and begins his duties there to help defray a part of the cost was turned over to council iplents of grants from the of the municipal body at last to bring full-financial services to people in communities too ; his week. - . Q—I am planning a tour of the Tuesday evening. • . • , __ ales and by governmental agen- Thursday night's Matawan Town- ew to have permanent bank buildings . . . More than $£- Township Clerk Daniel Martin rest this summer. What can I do Such, community spirit, not merely expressed .in the les. Carefully drafted so that it ship Committee meeting. Chair- bout my social security checks ^0,000,000 will bespent on pleasure boating this year, say donation to the borough but seen clearly in the improve- ivill In no way inhibit or impede has a new automobile, a Rambler. man John Marz jr. termed it "the In his outsidifbusiness, it will per- bjle I. am away from home? industry sources. Higher incomes and longer vacations have ments these people have made in their own neighborhood, genuine research, such legislation best condition in this regard since A—If a responsible person will deserves support. • 7 ~ " " mit him to extend his route, there- made it possible for the man-in-the^irtreet to enjoy what was Is to be heartily commended. ••—....- have been on the committee." IB at your present address during once considered a millionaire's sport. 'f Two postulates should be recog- by gaining more customers and do- Lightning which accompanied a ing more business. ,. our absence, he might keep your nized. One Is that - experiments heavy •storm striking this area at hecks for you. If you prefer, you ivolvlng pain and death for ani- Richard Cogan has cold a 1776 about 7 o'clock Sunday evening1 an nave your checks mailed to Diminishing Return mals have enlarged man's knowl- iwcnty.five cent, piece. to a Phila- struck and fired three large barm our,bank and.deposited to your edge and brought great gifts to delphia dealer in old coins, for on the farm of Mrs. Pauline Bertel- ccouni. For information about this A tax can reach a point of diminishing return. In other humanity; such experiments are, tvhlch he received a good price. sen, on the Motawan-O!d Bridge arrangement, contact. your social •wotds; it can become so excessive that it produces less-and therefore,'entirely Justified. The it is said that of the five known Rd., Madison Township. The loss iecurity-offic*/ le,ss revenue, and thus defeats its purpose. That, as the ilhcr postulate Is that needless o have been issued two remain in was estimated at tlO.OOO. inknown bandi, Q—When I moved I notified the president of the National Gasoline Association of America. pain Is often Inflicted on living The' graduation exercises of the tost office. Mow all my mail ex- now points put, may be true of the gasoline tax. , • creatures through carelessness, Thirty Years Ago Laurence Harbor School were held :ept my social security check callousness, ignorance and wanton In the Laurence Harbor Firehouse, arnei to my hew address. What is ...... Bj Haraam 4. tearj ,- The history of this tax can be fairly described as one of neglect In handling animals; the (Issue Friday, June 1}, 1930) more and more gouging of the consumer. From 1949 through A large delegation came before Friday evening. The guest speaker he matter? infliction of such suffering is tin-' was the 'Rev. Robert B. Bcrger, 1959 there were 62 separate state tax increases, plus a rise he Mayor and Council Tuesday A—The matter Is. you should • . - , Mixed-Up Puppy • justifiable cruelly demeaning to pastor of'the 'First Presbyterian ave notified your social security of from l';5 cents to 4 cents a gallon in the federal tax. This human, beings. The aim of any light at the Borough Hall when Fire Chief Charles G. Van Pelt Church, Matawan. l/ice too. The post office delivers Little PoUy Puppy didn't !o^'ta"'«''chlck^"lten"ir*"wnaVyoV' totaled an overall jump of more than 40 per cent, By way of legislation in this a'ren must be to Awarding ot letters, sweaters and ;ociai security checks to the ad- hat to make of it. Nobody seemed want." " contrast, the actual price of gasoline at the pump rose only promote the one,and prevent the asked the official body If they would listen to and consider cer- certificates featured the athletic, Iress printed on them. You were know just what she was. Polly Puppy turned'on her tail 4.5 per cent, making the rate, of gasoline tax Increase nine other. . banquet, held by the Matawan iot at that address so the check Her mother licked her /ace and an. WHIP ine? FISH 15 oet&H NATURE ERUPTS Schock is the youngest commuter ed to da in act for someone, and an igreed price or consideration " (Newark Evening News) on this line and" as such, adds said, "You are a silly goose. Toe "Why the crocodile tears?" ask- J vntH >buf» HOD/ although In good conscience you and mutually understood by two dog was just having a litUe joke," ed her mother. A shift In the earth's surface 1 much amusement to his seniors. meant to.be cf some service, In- competent parties.' " . "A gftose!" thought poor PoDy. Polly cried harder. "Oh, Mother, near th« coast of southern Chile Some «f the ponies which every- stead you learn that not only did The same reasoning Is applied hat set off a chain of natural dis- How can 1 be, a saiy goose wheir I'm not a crocodile too, am I?". one has so often seen this winter, your contribution of service do him where you have agreed to care tor m a little deer?" - "What do you mean?" said Felly, asters half Way around the world. will be returned thlTweek' to their harm,' but that you have subjected a two?ear-old child while the pa- even more puzzled at "this morning you said I was a Chile itself his been wracked by owners for the.summer. The young yourself to a law nit? The law Is.rent is away for the day. Certainly, death-dealing earthquakes that top- people hope to have them again that where we offer our services dinnertime when she heard her little deer* then you called me a you cannot leave the child alone in lather say, "You'd belter watcfi silly goose. Father said I was * pled homes and smashed factories, mother year. to another without consideration or the middle' ot tht; street and then cut off utilities and polluted water. remuneration, we still must use Shes making a little pig of little pi& Aunt Nan called me a Two Matawan students received deny liability bated on the premise ,.„. -'•••• chicken. Will you ten me what I Like milk In a teetering bowl, ti- their degrees from Rutgers Univer- that degree of care which Is at that your act of gratuity was not dal waves spilled over! Chile's sity at the lHth commencement least commensurate with the con-of legal effect because this did not "Oh, myl" thought Polly, her really amr coast and cascaded over the far- list'week, John C. Eggleston was ditions that prevail at the time. constitute a contract. The law will ad spumiiig. "I've been a deer, Mother .look Folly down, to the goose, and a pig today. I w»- pood. ("Look Into the water," she away shores of Japan, Okinawa, iwarded the degree of Lilt. B. and, If sou offer to paint your neigh- imply a standard of conduct and h re 11 Hawaii and other Pacific Islands. Carl F. Hcuscr that of B, Sc. bor'* house, or if you agree to help hold yon responsible for any failure £* »«' « y»n>?" said, "amJ ten-roe what you see." The death toll has reached several During the past week the tracks him build a garage, the" law im- on your nut to act with due ore. PoUy decided she would ask her "I -'-see a little poppy." said tout Nso. Aunt Nan seemed to PoOy. thousand and millions have been rf Martin-jjk --Brown hivefbeitl poses an oWlgatloo on you at leatt .This by no means should;, dis- p med to Pcfly. made homeless. • • lumping i'gravif o» Edgemerc, to da nothing In th« way of color courage an' act of Uadncst cr as- inow everything else. "I've'tot t to "Then that to what yon are." To those spared by Nature's con- Drive. The road is Mm open to or construction to cause harm, or sistance to thy fellow man bat 1 U "nll " '*" saM MoUl*r- "W> jou took In , WHO penssm vulsion, the. Red Cross has appealed traffic 'and several cars have al- damage to another..The obligation B RRSTTIW stuce Hen should apprize ut of tin tact that US!BufAun t N«*, loci* " * tor .ceatrttMtonj. Tlio-cajl. sbould ready used It, w a means-of an- to complete tf>o> pointing or coo- Iho law in some respect-has furl*, hewriLE nave «v Haettth voice itrucflon of your neighbor's Houte, not go unheeded In this bout or preacbtolhe btautlc«iof,Uk« LWr diction over the moral duties we" of course, ii pot legally tills broad owe to society. and scolded, don't / Thursday,. June 16, 1960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Page Ftv*

FvrmeirCliffwood, Madison Scout Trodp 117^ | Receives ISA. Degree) Matawan Personal Items chslea €liib - Completes Course Teacher Marks 94th Birthday Nine* iHUMnrulI) it ApBiccblM *» uttln Holds Co#Oiits Works Ow Project Miss Margaret-W t n t o r. who advice to hive a .good time «nd During the past four"weeks, the The Lochaloi Club of - Matawan taught school in Cliffwood and in to buy candy and^peamits. "The members of Girl Scout Troop 117, Madison Township for more than heard a report-bn the lake,front next time I law him,: -1 .«sked Jo- .Mrs; Richard Erdmann, Mrs. Jo- liars. James G,' 'Nell/ returned Matawan, have been learning lire 40 yean, marked her 94th birth- seph Baler and Mrs. Leroy Sickels borne .Friday after a week's, visit project SfoSoay.evening »r» rnect- seph, it he had enjpyed spending building and cooking outdoors in day at her home in Keyport on were prize' winners Thursday when with Miss Ultra, Grieshaber,* As- preparation for. their Troop Camp- Ing held at the Matawan Recrea> Thursday. To celebrate the occa- his dollar.'! she said, I'Hls eyes Mrs. Edward Currie entertained bury Park,---: ine in July. tlon Hall, Middlesex Rd., Motowan. sion friends called during the shone as he told me he had gone her bridge tlub. Other* guests were : Mrs. Floyd TV Taylor,'Columbus, The first cook-out "was held at Donald Day discussed the aeaweed afternoon- and Miss Winter was ,to Keyport and bought his' mother Mrs. Paul Egan, Mrs. Elmore Katt- Ohio, is visiting frith Mrs, «'," 3. presented with birthday cakes. : ; the regular meeting held In the control project In which the club » comb with diamonds for herner and Mrs. Gerard Devlin. Eggleston.:.,.:.„. ,:. .;. -....•• ...... parish halt of Trijnlty Episcopal Mis» Winter, the daughter q[ the hair." -. -. ••••.-_-*:-:.,; ; Janet Claus, daughter of Mr. and .Miss Louise kerliey; Brooklyn, Church when tinfoil cooking was Is co-oporatlng.wlth Matawan Dor- late'Mr. and Mm. Christopher Worn 'oui-by the', arduous leach- Mrs. Karl Claus, Zenesyille, Ohio, learned. The second cook-but was ough In an, effort to reduce the Winter, Cliffwood, came to this fpent Tuesday and Wednesday with ing conditions, Miss , Winter re-, and Barbir* Billy are visiting Me Mr. and Mrs; Allan J. Morrison. rained out, *o" the girls prepared amount of seaweed In Lake Let' area with her famljy from Carlin- signed -and \ accepted'; a .position and Mrs. W. Rulon Smith. Mr. Mrs. George Barbanell entertain one-pot"- metsHi namely "Sloppy 'erts."' ".••••.'.'". '. • . >. •-. ville, III. She Was graduated from tutoring * small .£irl -in-Harris- Claus, was a weekend guest. Joe." In the kitchen at Trinity Carlinvilte High School and Black- burg/- Pa, 'Things!, were' much ed at bridge-Friday evening", The Mem.bers ot the club have been • Mrs. Edwin H. Dominlck euid prize winners were Mis, Wv Oliver EplscoparChurch.the third cook- burn College in Carlinville. easier, but surprisingly.enough I out was held outdoors at the home devoting the past few weekends "We- came to CUffwood in IMS. found that I missed the challenge Mrs. Fred,M. Buriew attended the Diggin, Mrs, Leroy Sickoli, and the barbecue Thursday evening of the •hostess,, Other" guests: were; Mfoi of Mrai Wilbur Schneider' Ravine lo the spreading of a chemical in Just two years before the bigof teaching a large group of chil- : Dr., also a one-pot meal, "South- the third lake, where most of the blizzard in '88," Miss Winter re- dren and soon I knew that I would: Monmouth Chapter of the Daugh- Patricia McKeeii. Mrs; Frederick ters of the American Revolution K. Dederick, Mrs. William J.Ra ern Stragonoff." Mrs. Schneider seaweod grows. The Matawan called. "I remember that it start- return to a "regular teaching posi- provided- the beverage.. The.final ed to snow' on Sunday night and tion.". After a year or so Miss held at the home., of Mr. and Mrs. bel and Mrs. Frank Bliss. 'Irst Aid and Rescue Squad, Inc., J. Wilson Beebe, Oceanport. tt also lesson was held at the home of kept-right on. Wei were complete- Winter returned to Cliffwood and Miss Grace Thompson, Westfield, Mrs. Daniel Smith, Wopdbrook Dr., hai supplied the boat used for the ly., snowed In, but it didn't matter wai employed by the Madison was the 60th anniveriary- of the MISS DEBRA LAZOW MARGARET ANN VENA chapter, , -was •-•weekend-guMt-of-Mfc-snd Matawarir "Each girT' cooked her work. . too mucbj because in those days Township Board of Education to Mrs. Franklin S. Thompson.. own kabobs In the "stick cook- MISJ Dcbra Lazow, daughter of Mlu Margaret Ann Vena, daugh- families provided food for Jong teach In the Morristo'.vn School. Mrs. David M. Bruce. Mrs. Fred- On the club lakefront, masonty - Mrs. Charles Mandeville, William out," Mrs, Smith provided the bev- Dr. SrM. Latow end Mrs. Latow, walls (re being built ta terrace tor of Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph J, periods of time." She , remem- .."There I stayed for 49 years, most erick K. Dederick, Mrs. Russell Chapman, John Sykora, Matawan; Main St., Matawan, received her erage, . , : ho hill, overlooking the swimming Vena,' Matawan Rd,,- Clllfwood, n- bered that no trains went through of that time teaching eight grades A, p.Stetlerj Mrs,_DpnaldRobin- Mrs. Calvin Hart, Keypbrt;:,Mr. Bachelor of Arts Degree; Sunday celved a Bachelor of Arts Degree Cliffwood until Thursday." and, on occasion, a few high son, Mrs. Elmore Kattner, Mata- Each cook-out was held during afternoon at Emerson College, area." • Flagstone patios will be and Mrs. Alfred LaMura, Morgan- regular meetings. from Trenton State College whore' ' Started Teaching In Cliffwood school pupils as well." • • wan, and Mrs. Peter A. Read, Mid- ville, were members of the chorus , Mass. built between the walls which are Bho majored In English. She Is t Miss Winter began her teachingL! Miss Winter told an amusing In. dlelown, were luncheon and bridge Regular Meeting Today about slx-lo through eighth grade were housed lived with his family on a farm Mrs. Read we're winners at bridge. Long Branch. mencement festivities and exer- experienced. Sand for the bench rarity. Sho served as a student in one room. She said that- she which adjoined the school proper- graduation. A cook-out will bs hold has been donated by one of the Mr. and Mrs. William R. Craig Mm. Robert Erdmann attended at the home-of Mrs. Herbert Cot-_ cises over the weekend. Mrs. counselor for two .warn. Miss V«n> had very few problems as far as ty. ... "One day--Ceorge_stood.. up, spent from June 7 -to Friday In Cjrccnberg Is the former Miss Jo< residents. has accepted a position In tho Mid- discipline was concerned, but He was terribly, excited and asked the alumni graduates reunion = of troll, Browntowh."-'-'-'"---"--" •• Manchester and New London, N.H. Beth Israel, Newark, held Tuesday Ann Lazow. Anthony Tomasello and Arm; dlotown Township School district teachers in those 'days did many to go home for a few minutes," The troop plans to go camping ID a h!nh school English teacher. she said. He was so .upset that Edward W. Currie attended the Levtning at the Chantlcler, Mill tho week of July 19 at Camp No- Kalma are aorvlng as cn-chalrmcn tilings besides teach. "In the one- 1918 class reunion dlnndr of Prince- room schbol we built the fires, I asked him if he felt sick. He burn. .'.-',-• mqco, Smlthburg. Five building and Tor (he terracing ot the hill, A supplied the fuel, swept the floors; told me that he felt fine, but he ton University Friday evening at Mrs.A. Edgar Palm spent Mon- cook-out sessions are reviewed each Malawan WSCS [amlly picnic-will be held July 4 washed the windows and brought had' just seen a man drive /Into the Nassau Inn, Princeton, . ... . day visiting her motKer, Mrs. Al- year before the girls attend troop with Hiram Waro -as. chairman, Prize Winners At in drinking water from a natural the farm and he felt sure that Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich en- bert H. Angeriteln, Wilr#»£to», tnnipli^JsD itavUnp becomo fa- The CD-star American flout, order-. ed by the club, will ba tKitrfdu(ixf\ spring .nearby," she said he wanted to buy the minks that tertained at dinner and bridge on Del.'./- • - / '• ;' c^,»:.:.- miliar mf better-equipped for liv- H»lds Meiifing to residents who Imvo pi acini their While Miss Winter was teaching he raised.. "George said he never Saturday evening when their guests Mr. and Mrs, Rollin Richards ing In the outdoors. This training A covered dish supper yvaa hold told his family where they were, were Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Holey allows them moro time at camp for before Iho regular nioellng ot tho orders. Mn, Chris Konpmun an- In Cliffwood one of her pupils was have,mpved fiflo,their new homo nounced plans for a food diilo to Leadership and acholanhlp -Joseph Ferrante, now a member I gave him permission to go and nod Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin War- other activities. The girls are re-Women's Society of Chrlslinn Ser- ren, Fair Haven, and Mr. and Mrs. oil"'-Edgemero Dr., formerly occu- quired lo attend three but of five help rolne money for the Inkotroiit iwarda were prcicnlod to Rrad- of the Keyport Board of Educa- in no time at-ail he was book. pied by Mr, and Mrs. Richard vice of tho First Mothodlst Church, He must have run all the way,Lewis Ford, Tinton Falls. cook-outs.. , , , • area liuprovcmynts. nthi(! itmlcnts of St. Joseph's tion. Bauer. Malnwan. Mrs. Earl Smith pre- School, Koyport, Bt ocremonles at but he was very pleased and told Miss Carol Craig spent Tuesday I' Participating In the "program Following the buslnoas session, "One time 1 employed Joseph 1 Mn. John Kinney, Holmdel, en- sided and read an inspirational t. Joseph's Church, Tlio nciternl to assist me with the school chores me that he had made the sale, evening with Miss Nell Harhlln, were Patricia Cottrell, Madeline J. A, Puvolsky of. tho Transconlln. she added, "I felt that justified tertained at bridge on Thursday Lauro, Jean Morris, Patricia Papa, menage. •••-,- ental l'lpo Line Coiidiowod a movio i«ct award], Rifts ol the and agreed to pay him $1 per*| New York.' evening when the prize winners the short time he was absent from Mr«, William Ohnsman entertain- Louisa Loekwood, Susan Smith, Mrs, Rhea Longstreet led tlin and niirruted on '.'Naturnl Oa»," Third Deiirot •IWghti_o|jC«luAi^__ month," she said She laughed were Mrs. William Wilklns, Mrs, devotions, Mn, I.utlwln Polanowskl as she told of paying the first school." '' ".•••:' ed her bridge club on Thursday Carolann Schneider, Ann Smith, Rofreihments were aervrd. mi went In Joann Mnrlu Howard 1 George Barrett and Mrs. Douglas Katherine Hudson, Sharon Nealls, read the minutes of tho May meet- mpnth's- salary. "Joseph left the Miss Winter has been retired evening. Tha "winners were Mrs. Ward, Matawan. Other guests were ,nd Sandra Mary Hunt. _ . Richard Cermak, Matawan, and and Karen Smith. ing and communications and Mn, v school, bu( came running back and for 25 years, but she still keeps Mrs. August Schmellng, Crawford's Edgar Pike prcsonted liar trea- Retital Saturday Tho Unitllsli prlica went ta ju- Wanted to know if the Board of track of many of her pupils. She Mrs. James Lederman,. Fords, Corner; Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Co-leaders aro Mrs, Aldo Bonln- llth Muiy Uiivnslt uiul Muilnllno . • Other guests were Mrs. George A. acgna and Mrs. Schneider, surer's report for May and the an- By Piano Pupils Education had paid the money or enjoys good health and still has Richard Miller and Mrs. Leon nual report. - Kllinbelh Schnnzlniter, The Cntho< if I had given It to him out .of Deltz. Mrs. Bruce MacCittcheon, a keen rrjind. She has taught the Chrlstlnat, Matawan, The piano pupils of Mrs, Con-ll(r Dauiihtori of America presont- my salary. He knew teachers' Mrs. Russell Weber, Mrs. Nicholas The meeting was lurncd over to fathers and mothers and sons and Mrs. Briscese, Guest stance Jockson will «lvo a recital salaries were very small at that daughters of many families in the Francisco, Mrs. Roy Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brundage the now president, Mrs, GcurftQ II. •il the prices. History prlies, a Rift Mrs. Joseph RankI Jr., Matawan. and son", Jeffrey, Trenton, were Hicks, whi> presented a past pros- on Saturday ovoiilnit at j) o'clock " Koypart Pout 4147, Vclernni ot Of Honor, At Shower In Ilio Koyimrt Reformed' Church Miss Mary Lisk entertained «t weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, Idont'K pin to Mr), Smith far tho Forolnn Won, wuro won by Nlclm-. canasta on Friday evening" when Karl Heuser. . ' Mrs. [Anthony D r I s c o s e, 1C9 sorvlco given durliiB tho post two IlotlHO, l Adam lloncoskl and Kathleen her guests were Mrs. E. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dolce and llrooilway, Keyport, was guest of years. ' . TnkliiK par! will bo Dolly Muller Clirlillno l-'isrro. Tcdd, Holmdel; ^Mrs. Harry. 0. children, Gary,' Richard and Janet, honor at a shower given June 4 Announcement wan mauV that and June Rogers, Mutawnn; Ray- Hop'ewell, Va., formerly ot Hazlet, by Mrs. Winifred Plath and Miss mond Orothoit and Patricia Von- Mulhernailcs awards, alia «, (lilt Jones, Freehold; Miss J. Mabel the Homo for tho Agod In Ocoan (it tlio Cntliollc Uauuhtors, Woiu Brown, Keyport; Mrs.' Edwin H. visited relatives and friends this DJnne Hycr at the home of Mrs, tiroyo will hold a fair on Aug 3, ry, Cliffwood: Mary Ann Thornton- 1 week in Malawan and Leonardo. Dominick Brlscesc, 20 Middlesex sen, Belforil; .Susan SllvoMrl, prcaontcd to John Ouorno Cotmo? Dominlck, Mrs. J. Franklin Doml- 4 and 9 and Bancroft Taylor Rest imtl Mlolmtl Joseph Slratio. Tho nick and Mrs.' Joy F. Hosteller, St., Matawan. doorclna Aumnck, Chrlatlno Bull' Mr. and Mrs, Earl Turner, Wit. Home will havo tho annual bazaar prlte for rellKlon, lnosentel d byy the Mstawan. Gifts were arranged, In andAug. 18 and 19. Any Hums that can lor, JanU I.ijwlori- Judith Wallace, p mington, Del., are visiting Mr. and l'hll'hlrd D ii KlhKnlithlit l i wan awardd- Mr.and'Mrs. George Rltter, Mr. around a yellow and, white bas- be used by either of these groups Patrlco Strand, Madeline Slovenz, Mrs. Randolph Harris this week, Joan Schwaru,. Uatbura Cavas, ed tiharort Ann WnluliWll , n eonteilunltt and Mrs. Bruco Hecht, Matawan, flnc-1 arid the decoration! were In cajt ha slvcn to Mrs. Hicks who l« Mr.. and Mrs. Kennrth Pike en- yellow and white, Tlio. tabT* cen- Barbara W • f I a n f o 1 d, .Polly In tlio llUhop'* l>loce«« Pxumlna- and Mr. and Mrs, William Zaho, tertained Friday afternoon for their will ton that they., are .delivered. tlNl Tl MMary_.U«hb«d,.. New Shrewsbury, were Saturday terpiece consisted of a stork-and S B h a n c k, Sttsnn .Ionc», Nanty daughter, .Diana, wli'o-waa cele- Plans aro being RiRdo to start a I^Ckwood, Udltli Loekwood, ROROI Othor l'cln Winners evening bridge guests of Mr. and a largo shbet cake.. sewing circle. Tha Cnthnllo Action prlcva, a ftlft •brating her seventh birthday. The Guests attending .w »r e Mrs. Wuettefetd, Bruce Rathbont, Ml Mrs. ,Ddnald Nellls, Holmdol. - Quests were Valerie Taylor, Lauro A mooting Will bo.held .this of the school faculty wtjtit to Judltli Mrs! Eugene B, McKlnney and, Dominlck Brlscese, Mrs. Howard clmel Unposlto, Richard Muber, •Soto; Judy , Trctnpor, , VicW ?et, •mn: Rocco darlfccldio-, Mrj, month to mako plans for a churcl: Jean Silianck,, ^ ....,..,-,. Mmlo'Cliorry mid liilwtnl J»iitbt children, Bruca'artd Ann 'Elizabeth Nixon, Carol Engebretson, Chri, ,-ilpTi freuwriMwrs. WflKiini 'Hyeri .,'•(• vWttag' Mr»i ' 'Afso Otrliin ,tioyc: Sherry phcr Boehm, Donnli Latei Mrs. Mary 'Hyer'j- Mrs. HorUlirt with *ll organlzatloni partlelpmfnK.' Watr", Patll Hows, Dorak Rowe, fcdgmmils, « gift from Ilio Cnllio- fljekinriey's parent'*,'Mr.'aad Mrs. Nancy'and Charles Pike Jr.; David Hyer, Mrs. Myrtle Jones, Mata- llo Doughldrs wore won by Jimcpli Fred M. BUrlew. '... ' Susan Noo, Stophbii Senlc, Anlhony Patrick Mullanoy AIKI Clirlifliie Pike; Barbara and Alan Pike. wan; Mrs/Frank Caraedolo, Miss William Stratfon Scnk, Manlin Wallace, Ilrida Mr-land Mrs. Garrett-McKeen k Ttoie, I'm no. llerniidelto Mary Mrii Karl Heuser entertained the Constance Caracciolo, Mrs, Mary Tcnaro, l'alrlclc fella, _ entertained at a c>' John J, 'inirlli Doorou Knlnhn of C'nliiiu- Baynard Smith."' Mr. and M r s. children, Barry and Joan, and Mr. thew Pcllfgrino, Mi's, Arthur Waltt, Mn. Slilrloy Mecks,. Mrs, McCloy, chairman of thii board of, George Pecferson ma w«i given Froncli Xnvlur i>9< Charles Mandeville, Mr...and Mrs. and Mrs. John Blaln spent Sunday ml, ....:. : •_ i. at Busiikill Falls, Pa. John Caracciolo, Mrs. A. Carac- Chase Manlmtiaii Bank, N. Y,, aiid Is IOOF Officer j Wyman Bedle, Mr, and Mrs, Her- clinlnnuii of the board of trustees bert Cottrell, Mr, and Mrs. Ran- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells spent ciolo and Mrs, Stacy Carhart. Olhi'r award* worn piiKenled (a Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. of the Ford Foundation. Gc-orijo Pi'diiiVon, Wi'ldon Rd,, unnii Mario lluwurd and Vincent dolph Harris and Mr, and Mrs. Matuwan, was limlnlled as Dlmrlct Richard Boehm. Mr. and MrsCharle. s Hess, Egg ilarbor, Mr, McCloy wan Assistant Sec- omiph Hunt, hlniiny, iilvitn ,liy Miss Clark Receives retary of War from April lllil lo Jrpuly (Irnnd MuHlnr In Atlantic •'uiii ill Di'iircn Kiilghii of Colu|ii. Pike were presented with a gilt. Mrs. Ralph Bedlc entertained at City at th<) lliilh annual cimvanllnn It also was their I2th wedding anni- Masters From N.Y.U, November 1049, Lalor ho surved ius: Geiirnu Patrick fimllh, oxcel- bridge on Tuesday evening when of tho |O,O,I-', Grand LIIIIRO ot I'lici) In »piOlln||, by ilio Holy N111114-- Miss Margaret Winter, Keyport, Is pictured cutting cake at tier versary. • her guests were Mrs, Milford L, cuccDsslvdy at prosldcnt of the Miss Joyce Ann Clark, daughter Mnw Jersey by Thenduro fChren,' jiCirty and Nnrmmidln Diinun Ml- home as she prepared to celebrate her 81th birthday Thursday. Mrs. Henry L. Zycker and Mrs. Nealli, Kumson; Mrs, G, J. Ster- World Bank and as United States «.f Mr, and Mrs, Myron E. Clark, Military Governor and tin IIIKII Cliand Muster ol the Htale of Now lynlk, excellcntui In reading, township and is particularly? In- Edjvin 11. Dom'l'nlck' attended the ling Thompson Jr., Middletown; time I fibbed a little and said 109 Second St., Keyport, received Cbmmlatlunor for Germany, Fol- 'Jersey', Patrick McAmliewM, terested in the achievements of 94th birthday celebration Thursday Mrs. Everett Carlson, Mrs. Kath- that the money came frotrMhc her Master of Arts Degreo from lowing his addroia.ha received Deputy Sovertlun (Iriin(l7>1o 66, ol which Mn Aldo Boninsegm Engineering Saturday at com. Conclude Meetings Funeral Home, itraml conductor; Jottpli Sladl- ton ' will mend Mslawan High has returned home after' visiting tan ichool system'. Jlns-adv 19 - is den mother. The outing was mencement exercises at Pennsyl- relatives In Cos Cob, Conn,; Scran- For The Season miner, grand guardian. School In September. ton, Pa., and New York. held at Farry Pofnt, Cheesequake vania State University, University A doling meeting for the itison State Park, where a baseball game Park, P«. ^ . . Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kidzuf and children, Ravine Dr., were was held Tuesday by the Ladles between the Cubs and their mothers He received his commission a*! iuefcti of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Aid. Society of the First Baptist was played. a second lieutenant in the Corps Hgrnshur. Westfield. on Sunday. Church, Malawan, A covered dish The menu consisted at frank- of Engineers Branch of the tf. S.During the day they visited Ujg. luncheon preceded-the—business Trallslle Museum in Mountainside? | meeting. Mrs. William Smith sr. i furtcrju. hjunburgen, health salad, Army, following his graduation. presided snd Mrs. A; Adam Banke home-made--potato salad, assorted The commission was awarded by John J, Muller was'elccted presi- led tlvjj devotions. The hostesses dent of . the Monmouth County pickles, (foblo chips, marshmal- Col. Ellis B. Richie, - Infantry, were Mrs. David Martin and Mrs. Health Officers Association at the Harry M. Munson. . lows anu coffee cake. Beverages Professor of Military Science and recent election. "were lurnished by Mrsv'Thomas Tactics at the'University. :.-. Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Gunkle Mrs. Martin extended,an Invita- tion to the members of tho society Slddons, Mr«. Spencer Hyman and Lt Strolhcr, the soil' of Mr. and nnd.children, James, Susan and Deborah, attended the. June" week to spend Tuesday, July 19, al her Mrs. Foster Lessen. • •*•" Mrs. .William M. Strotfcer, will re- »ummer home In Ship Bottom, port for active Army duty on Man festivities last week st the U.S. Attending- were Philip "Cherry, Plans werivdiscussed for the an- day. at Fort George-G. Meade, Md. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Vance Hyman, Foster Lasscn Jr., Mrs. Charles Loekwood entertain- •ruial bauar which will be held on He will be on temporary duty with Wednesday, Oct. 19. There will Iw Worsdell Pearson jr., Edward the 19lh Engineers Battalion at ed at bridge on Thursday evening Pearson and Earl Siddons. when the prize winners were 'Mrs. a dinner served ami sprou, Jewel- Fort Meade until Aug. 3, when he ry*"and pantry shelf •booths will be Guests included Douglas and will take a 13-week course of in- Calvin Pearce,, Mr«- Everett Carl- Kin andTMr*. William Quinn Jr. featured. '•. ' , peanor Boninscgna, Kevin, Sid- struction at the U.S. Army Engi- The next regular meeting wfll be neer School, Fort Belvoir, Va- At Other guesu were -Mrs. Duncan .dpns.Brent Lassen, Mrs,. Wprsdell Black. Mrs. Winston Schaffer, Mrs. Sept. 13, "SpenUiK with a covered the completion of i this course, he dish luncheon. . Pearson, Mrs. Hyman, Mrs. Lassen will Join the U. S. Forces In John Slgmund and Mrs, Robert Erdmann. -j tad Mra.JSId*ms; '.[ ."•" Europe. ., Mr, and Mrs. Bayard Lambora Palms Feted On , : entertained stt djonw Friday eve- . v Attend, Dedication 1 Wilt Graduate Tonight ning st the Rumson Hotel, follow- 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Giu and ing tho rehearsal' qi ihe wedding George Rummler, a,former resi- party of Miss Wancy Holmes-Trad; _Mr.' and'Mn. A. Edgar P*1m family, Malawan, have returned dent of MflUwan, will be graduated Bayard hamborn Jr, at the Baptlfl were thejjuests of honor Tuesday horns after spending the weekendfwilh.a,claw of 409 ctudeqis Church, Holmdel. ThMr guests evening at a surprise buffet supper at the home of Mr. Gitj's.parents, evening from ApjcoSJia II i g b were Mr. snd Mrs. Harold Holmes, " yi lor -them at their home In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gixa, Pine School, Washington. D, C. Thesind'.Mr,. and Mrs, Harry Pitcher iwlebiation of (heir KUi wedding .g tMlng.,, «re olwdd for you wlwn you go Island, N. Y. They attended ihs will be -held at 6 p;m. tni daughter, Karen, Holmdel; pnnlvertary. The honored couple Olil«m/)l,ilj,l Ami rluhl now is tlu> Ixvit tlrn« ev«r to so* your Old* dedication of the "Shrine of Our]in the school stadium.,GeorgedGi ! fc Mr, and Mrs. Peter VanSchaick, were presented with a gift. Voftkr. U*'U »)wif you that« rww VlJtcotUlm ih*n you'd Guests H-cre Mrs. William ,C, ..Fields.** Mr. Ciza's niece, Sharonin«j~—•j• t"o™ visit (n Matawan in Drew! Hill, Pa.; Mr. auidMr*, Git- ' ' y VOU'U. OO MTTWI AT YOUR OLO8 Ol 1 l.udj, Summit; Mr, ond Mr*. Peter Paioniak. , four-yeart-old/y w »'sVAugust, morn Clark, Botfon, M*n.; Mr. b d h i i ««d JMn;lsm Anderson,- mootn- A. Re»d MiddWjmn; Mr. and Mrit, crown bearer and her cousin. Miss] John L; Chiirhlwrlain, Bjowhfo&i; M. Pllonialt. *aj thy qUfi-n who -Have you read tbi' ctutifi«d Min Sawn Chipttaa. Mala- f Mr, mi Mrs, ;Th«na» M. AnaW- JOHNSON-GIBB MOTOR CO. l!0 Main 5U Matawan L0 61040 •aav'.MRtawwci •»».«.1.'- •.-••,- ;• .:•-' :...- ""• • • ! '. .' •'• v«u A'j.tfV" iiv..•'•>'-:'•,'•"• •'-•'*i ,iri:iii l-il THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. ..Thursday, June 16, 1960 § ifejSchaetfer Bride Of Matawan Man Miss Gormley Is Couple Married At Si* Johifa I Amboy Girl Weds | Engagements I Cliffwood Man Married Supday Bride Of F. Fisler Mr. and Mrs. John, J. CrowIey.V Si" Mary's Church, New Mb The-wedding ol Mis« Louise 410 First St., Keyport, announce tbe .The Rev. H. H. MCConneli of mouth, was-the setting Saturday, Marie Bertagna, daughter of Mr. • Belated; at the marriage of Miss June 11. 1960, for the wedding of and Mrs. Gino Bertagna, 213 Fat- Barbara Schaeffer,' daughter Mrsa Margaret Mary Gormley, erson SL, Perth Amboy, to John Mrs. Elizabeth Schaeffer, 59 Sea- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George William DeNardo, son of Mrs. breeze Way, Keansburg, and the Chasraar, > Park Ave., Port MOD-| Gertrude DeNardo, Shore Con- late Wilbert Scbaeffer, and James mouth, and Frank Jacob Fisler, course, Oifrwood Beach, was sol- Mclnnes, son of Mr. and Mrs sou of Mrs. Elizabeth Fistar, 139 emnized Saturday afternoon, June. John Mclnnes, Eighth St., West Center Ave., Atlantic Highlands, ir, I960, in St. Stephen's-Church, Keansburg, on Sunday, June 12, and the late George Fisler. Perth Amboy. The Rev. Vincent '-19-| a Chantilly lace bodice with a de- con lace trim arid extended into a Schaef/er, West - Keansburg, Jbe coilete, neckline and long pointed chapel train. She wore a crown ot bride wore a floor-length gown, de : sleeves. A front peplura fell over seed pearls and sequins with a signed with s fitted lace bodice, tiers of lace cascading down- the fingertip veil of imported illusion. round neckline and short sleeves. full bouffant skirt. A tulle crown She carried a white orchid sur- . Split" panels t>f matching lace fell trimmed with pearls, and sequins rounded by white roses and stepb-

: :: over the full skirt of nylon tulle. held her veil of French illusion. anotis. "•";• -'"'"'•-• ; ~•'•-»••••"•'-•:•• "••••' Her fingertip-length veil of French She carried a cascade bouquet of The maid of honor was Miss Illusion fell over a high crown of white roses centered with a white Brenda Srinsky, Perth Ahibgy. rhincstones and she carried a cas- orchid. . ••-.., : '•'• Bridesmaids were Miss Claire Gal- MISS MAUREEN J. CROWLEY ' cade bouquet of gladioli fleurelte Twin Sister Is Maid Of Honor V lop an9 Miss Dorothy Niemiera, Donald, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jo- with a while orchid: center. Miss Catherine Gormley, .Port Perth Amboy, and Miss Susan seph McDonald, 120 Second.St., Mrs. Thomaa Grant, Keansburg t§;fc^S^IS|S^iftl*ft^S#*4S Monmouth, was the maid of honor Buckiewcz, Metuchen, cousin of Keyport. ' was the matron of. honor for net for her twin Bister. Her cocktail- the bride. Flower girls were Jamie sister. She wore a ballerina-length length gown of pink Chantilly lace Buckewicz, West Linn, Ore,, cou- 6! *' the '.brid^ I wWch.th«-coupli!,Jeftfor.Moiir,,olj of Keyport.-High,School and. Is em- tin Veil ol Venetian lace which the of the bridegroom. Kenneth Kllln- i(ons. ~:",<}'•:'•'. . • . : lete, Lewltlcn, Me. Bltt hnn been gmom, was Die Junior 'U«hsrj I,I h e,. JNew JEngJanft ,Stafes. •,, ~ flftr 'Saturday? ^ptoyedtbyi. the ^.PaplesisNatipnal bride had brought from' Europe and sky, Welt Keansburg, nephew, cf Slater ,tt Matron Of Honor ; a' 'medical secretary at Marlboro Woy\ie'EcJiel,M6fg»riyillo,mephew traveling, tie .bride, wore «b iri Holy 'Bank,' Keyootti iHei .fiance-igivt-, • the bridegroom, was the ring bear State'. Hospital. Her husband Is a she carried a cascade bouquet of : Mrt. Va/iSchaick was- her lin- of the bride, was the'ring bearer. two-piece suit, a white hat ,. and Family Church, Union Beacb, be- uated from Keyport High, SchooUn... graduate of Matawan High School phaleanopsls, lilies - of '•the - valley er.j' :"•• :.• ••'•'" '•• - '-.' er's matron of honor. She wore After a reception in 'the Union accessories .and a corsage ol red fore an altar decorated with white l»9_andJj.ernployedat_Canterbury_ The 'bride'* .mother wore an and Union Junior College, Cran- and eucalyptus.- ,- sheath dress pf apple green taf- Beach American Legion Hall, the sweetheart roses. '-. :, . : „' gladioli and snapdragons. John Mills, Keyport. He is a student at' aqua lace dress with a white hat 'ford. v, • . ... . Blue Shades Give Ombre Effect !eta with a matching nylon organ- couple left tin a motor trip through ' The bride was graduated from Cooper played traditional wedding Rutgers University. --•••----- and; accessories :and-a corsage ot the southern states. For traveling, Miss Noele Doyle, West.Keans- keyport High School, Class ot I9M, music. •'• ••••'' No date has been set for the white carnations: The bridegroom's burg, was the maid of honor for the bride -wore-"a black sheath and from Hope College, Holland, wedding. .mother chose a blue late" drets dress1 with a black and white' her sister. ,An ombre: effect wat Mich.. Class of 1960, 'where she re- Given in marriage by her father, ; with a White hat and accessories checked halt Jacket, black whim- attained in shades of blue, with the ceived a Bachelor of Arts Degree, the bride wore a nylon organdy McGeerHounds • and a corsage of white carnations. Parents Welcome New Arrivals sey studded, with white flowers, honor attendant's in the darkest majoring irjEnglish.. She. studied at gown designed with a sabrina neck- Mr. and.Mrs. Charles A. Rounds, A reception followed at Buck and a corsage of white orchids. tone.' Her floor-length gown was The University of Vienna during line bordered with ..lace and long Box 45, Matawan, announce the en- • Smith's Restaurant, East •Keani- When they return they will reside styled with a taffeta bodice, scal- her junior year anil has accepted pointed sleeves. The lull skirt had gagemerit of their daughter. Joyce a wide insertion of matching lace burg, alter which the couple left Blliukl Caprlo in 1A Park Ave., Port Monmouth. loped sabrina' neckline and cap a teaching position in Atlanta, Ga. Annette, to Petty Officer - Third and terminated in a chapel sweep. on a motor trip to . For The bride attended Middletown sleeves. The full Bkirt .was made The bridegroom was graduated Class Mitrk J. McGce, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Zilinskl, Mri and Mrs. Ralph Caprlo, 8 Her fingertip-length veil of illusion traveling, the bride wore a white Township High School and was of matching organza.' ; from Baldwin High ..School, Wis., wil wtllte 25 Bayview Ave,, Hazlet, nre the Ridge Dr., Hazlet, are the parents was held by ft fitted lace head- " linen sheath dress " * employed at the Morganville The bridesmaids, who wore Class of 1958 and from Hope Col- parents ol a daughter, born' In piece with pearl drops' on the fore- hat and accessories and a White of a daughter, born Wednesday, Poultry Farms, The bridegroom medium blue, were Miss Ruth Ann lege, Class of 1960, with a Bachelor South Amboy Hospital. • head. She carried a prayer book orchid corsage. June B, 1960, In Rivervievv Hospital. was graduated from Middletown Williamson, Erie, Pa.i roommate ot of Arts Degree in Philosophy. He adorned with a white orchid. • -• " ZiMdt ' Township High School, and is self- the jbride at The 'University of has been awarded a Fellowship to The bride attended Middletown Sullivan employed as a commercial* fisher- Miss Beatrice Cardelfi, Union Township High School and her hus- A daughter «wos born. In St. Vienna; M i s s Patricia Nagrosst, [£mory University, Atlanta, Ga., Peter's Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Pfc. Henry, Sullivan ]r. and Mrs. Wesf "Keansburg..and Miss Karen where he will do_ graduate work Beach, was the maid ot honor in band attended Keyport -Jfigh (he rainbow wedding.. Her yellow Donald Zicrdt, 319 Sunset Ave., Old Sullivan, 310 Stringer St., KSIIeen, Voskuil, Baldwin, Wis., sister of in Philosophy. He~was a member School. Both are employed by Ike chiffon gown had a strapless fitted Bridge. • 'lex., are parents of a daughter the bridegroom. The junior brides- of The American Student Informa- Grand'Union, Route 38, KeariB- bodice with an attached stole and buxg. The bridegroom served Hi born Thursday, June 9, 1960, at the maids, gowned in pale blue, were tion Service spending the summer Beuonl Birtiis balloon skirt. The bridesmaids, the U. S. Army. U. S. Army Hospital, Fort Hood, Miss Lou Voskuil, Baldwin, Wis., of 1959 in Germany. ••'..-.- . Mr. and Mrs. George •Bcjlonl, S7I sister of the bridegroom, and Miss who wore the same style gowns In -- -They will reslffe In West Keans- Tex Mrs, Sullivan is the former Bobby The couple plan to spend the blue and orchid respectively, were South Concourse, Cliffwood Beach, 1 Toren Doyle, Keansburg, sister of burg. - - Miss Regis O'Neill of Broad St., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bobby, H summer jn, Baldwin and will reside Miss Irene Vivian, Port Monmouth,. are the parents of a son, born in the bride. All the attendants wore Keyport. The child has been named Thornas St., Old Bridge, are the in Atlanta in September. sister of the bridegroom, and Miss St. Peter's Hospital. - Lynn Dorothy. parents of a son, born in Perth Marie Cardelfi, Union Beach. They ill Filed Dolfont * Amboy < Hospital. wore matching pearl tiaras and A daughter was born Tuesday, Wormann carried white lace parasols trim- Aha H. Macan June 7,1969, In Rlverview Hospital med with pastel roses. Mr; and Mrs. William Wormann, A daughter was born in Perth Alva H. Macan, Rarltan Town- to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolfont, Deaths Reported During Week 523 Sunset Ave., Old Bridge, are Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith, Keansburg, was ihip, who died May 19, left her 91 Franklin Ave., West Keansburg. the parents of a daughter, born in Lawrence Roche, 11 Edward Ave., the best man for his cousin and estate in trust for a daughter, Perth Amboy,Hospital. ^ Sayre Woods South. ushering were Harold Mcrriscn, ' Marlon Macan, Her daughters, "'•:••..• King Louis J. Rnssert War I and a former chief 'warrast West Keansburg, brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King, Bound- Eileen Barnes, Elizabeth Chcval - Smith "'""• Mesgher -• Louis J.. Russert, 71, Monmouth officer in the US, Na.yy..__:.....;_. the. bride and .William Crosson, ary Rd, Holmdel, are the parents • and Grace Macao were named ex- A daughter, was born In Perth Mr. and Mrs. William Meagher,*; Junction, died Friday morning, 'Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Port Monmouth. MISS JOYCE ROUNDS Kutrlces, according to terms of of a daughter, born Tuesday, June Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, June 10,. 1960, at the home of his 4 Stevens pi, Hazlet, are the pa- Janet (Woodworth) Brockie; a son, A reception followed in the West _ her will probated recently frrthe 7,1960, In Rlyervlcw Hospital. son, Lou#P. Russert, Richmond, and Mrs. David McGee, Ansonia, James Smith, 58 Edgar Rd., Mata- rents of a daughter, born in Perth William W. Brockie, Keyport; AVo Keansburg Fire House, after which office of Monmoufh County Surro- Va., after a two-week illness. Ohio. ' •'•.'• Tlptoa wan, Amboy Hospital. ' sisters, -Miss Edith L. Brockie, the couple left for a wedding trip Edward C. Broege. ;••-.-• Miss Rounds graduated from A daughter WBB born on Tuesday, 1 Mr. Russert, maintenance-of-way Baltimore, 'Met., and Miss Mary to Canada. Schechter • Williams . : Matawan High School. She joined June 7, I960, In Patterson Army foreman lor the Pennsylvania Rail- The bride was graduated from A son was born In Perth Amboy Brockie, Milwaukee, Wis. and two the! U. S. Navy on "Oct, 6, 195S, Hospital, Fort Monmouth, to Ens./l Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schechter, road- for 35 years, had been re- St. Cecclia'sHigh School, Kearny, Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James grandchildren, - • • and took her recruit training a_t Osier R. Tipton and Mrs. Tlpton, Tenncnt Rd., Morganville, are the tired lor eight yean. He was visit- Class ol 1956,-and Is employed by Formal Williams, 1 Second Ave., Clilfwood. Funeral services were hetd Tues- the Naval Training Center'in Bain- Holly Hill Mobile f errTHMnaibttrir parent* ol a -daughterr born- In JEngelhard Jndustries,-EMt_New- day snerriodii aITpnTi7afJhe"J6rinr brMge.-Md.-She graduatcd-on.Apr< Perth Amboy Hospital.' 1 He was born in Brooklyn and was ark. The bridegroom attended Wear McFarland Carras " :.' W. Mehlenbeck Funeral Home, 30, 1959, from the Hospital Corps the husband of the late Mrs. Delia Middletown Township High School • ' Wagner . Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Carras, 110 Hazlet, with the Rev. Norman R. School at Great Lakes, lll.^ and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarland, (Barrett) Russert. and is employed by Middletown interest Rd., Hazlet, are the par- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wagner, 16 Broadway, Keyport,, are the pa- Riley, pastor of St. John's Metho- presently is stationed at St. Albans,, Mr. Russert was a former chief Township in the Rqad Department. ents ot a daughter, born Thurs- Shore Haven Trailer Park, Hazlet, rents'of a son, born in'Soulh Am- dist Church, Hazlet, officiating. In- L. I., as a member ol. the, staff W.S. WALLACE day, June 9, 1900, in Rlverview are the parents of a daughter, born boy Hospital. of the North Brunswick Volunteer terment was in Fair View Ceme- it"Die"United States Naval-Hte- - cumasa Hospital. Saturday, June 11, I960, in River- Fire Department., He was a com-, tery, Middletown. pital. municant ot St. Cecelia's Church, Body Identified view Hospital. Petty Officer McGee graduated Men awl Beys' Furnuhlngs Monmouth Junction, ;and a mem- , . Ernest J. Colavito As Henry G. Walker •;. '• Shoes - , .. Funeral, Services, ber ol its. Holy Name Society. He from Ansonia High School and A.son was born In Rlverview Waddell Ernest J. Colavito, 45. o* 719 attended Ohio State University in 1 also was a memDer of the New Henry G. Walker, 64. formerly Hospital on Wednesday, June 8, A daughter was born in River- Mrs, Ceasar Carocclolo Holmdel Rd., Hazlet, died suddenly Columbus. » He interrupted his - W. Front St. Brunswick Lodge 32*. BPOE. of 15 Celt Dr., Hazlet, whose body I960, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray, view Hospital on Friday, June ID, Funeral services were held Fri- Friday morning, June 10, I960, at studies to enlist In the U. S. Navy was found, near the graveside, of f South Atlantic Ave., Mstawan. 190), to Mr. and Mrs. David-Wad- day at &30 a.m. from the John J. Besides his son, Mr. Russert is. Jijs home. Mr. Colavito was born and completed recruit training at his wife in Clifton was. buried be- dell,' 51 Ramsey Ave., Keanjbiirg. Ryan'-Funeral Home,' Keansburg, survived by a daughter, Mrs. Aideri" lit Newark. He was the son of the San Diego. Calif.,.,as well is at- N side her, Monday. He died there a and at 9 a.m. • high requiem 3. Ryan. Monmouth Junction; an- late Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cola- tending Hospital Corps School 1 month ago and was not found un- -,'.. ' . Jaconee mass was offered in St. Ann's other son, George T., New Bruns- vito. • ' - . oh ag there. He works in the medical tiill SaturdaySd . ' PAMPAS Studios Mr. »ml Mrs. Ralph Jacques, __ Church, Keansburg, for-Mrs. Gina wick; a rbrother,. John J. Russert, Mr. Colavito was employed by photography laboratory and is a Weit Brunswick Ave., Matawan. Caracdolo, 10, of W Center Ave., Keyport; 10 grandchildren and the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. He Mr. Walker died ol natural member of the staff at the U.S. causes, according to police. NO are tbe parents of a son, born Fri- Keansburg, who died June 7, 1960, nine great-grandchildren. was a U. S. Navy veteran of World Naval Hospital' in" St. Albans. CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY missing person reports were Tiled day, June 11, .19(0, In Rlverview In the Atlantic Highlands Nursing Funeral services were held Tues- War II and was a communicant of II MAIN ST. TEL CO MSN KEYPOBT because he recently had moved to A July wedding ii planned. Hospital. ...,•'•• Home. Burial was in SL Joseph's day morning at 9 a.m. from the St.'Benedict's Church, Hazlet Cemetery, KfVport. New York where be lived alone. . home. At 9:30 a.m. a high requiem Surviving are his wife, Mr'- ^ SpwTffiiig.Schm.ky ' Cetomaa ' mass was offered la SL Cecelia's His body was found by the super- Mrs. Marie. Schuttky, 161 Luppa- • Born ta , Mia. Caracciolo Catherine (Matozzi) Colavito; two Mr. and Mrs. William CeJeman, Church. Interment, under the di- intendent of East RidgeiawV Ceme- talong Ave., Keyport, 'baj ' an- had lived In (be Keansburg area daughters, Rose Marie aad Cath- S Seventh St., Matawan Township, rection of the Gleason Funeral tery' ia Clifton. He wu a retired nounced tbe engagement erf her for 10 ytin and was a member erine; two sons, Ernest J. jr., and for the vacation of Your Dreams ar* tht parents of a son, bom Home, New Brunswick, was In Our employee of a Newark Burglar daughter. Dorothy Marie, to WiV of St Ann't Church, . , . John, all at home; four brothers, Tuesday, Jane H. IBM. In Men- Lady* Of Lourdes Cemetery, Tren- Alarm firm. He is survived by « liaia J. SnmMing Jr., •» of Mr. ;: «Mttlwk>M ' mouth Medical Center, . She If survived by her husband, Anthony.', Mountain View: Joseph, son. Rkhart, IS Calt Dr., Hjoltt; Ce«s*r Caracciolo. ton. • •• '•"•• - - ;.' • J. - and Mr*. William J. SpauWiDg »r., Long Island; Frank, Newark, and a daughter, Mrc. Audrey Hotkins, Richmond tm, Qaeess, N. Y. r.!':Wam'l»isip .'.''•.' v - WMam J. Brockl* | Vincent, Nixon; three sisters. Mrs. Boontoo, and four grandchildren-. Miss Scbotsky it i gradoate of A drowning' person must have Philomena DeCre&ne, Hatlel; Miss You hav* tb» fun Mr. and Mrs. Rtchard Perrln, William J. Brockie, sinK?was planned by Robert Westerdahl, Holland Rd., formerly ot Ma(av>an, and the ton Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs,>ran- Mis. W, J. Wllklns, Monmouth Middletown. T h e' Rev. Anthony late Albert Thiers Anderson, Sat .els Ii. Within, 7 Morningside PI,, Medical Center'* director of volun- urday night, June 11, I960, at 8 Luisini performed the double ring Port Monmoyth, on Saturday, Jvinc teer services. ceremony in St; ^Ann'sT -Ifchurch, p m in tke Princlpia College Chap- II, I960, at 2 p.m. Tho Rev. Stan- Taking the course were Mis* • Keansburg, and celebrated the nup- el, Elsah Ens Anderson Is the grandson of Mrs J. Carle Ander ley Levande.ikl jwrforme'j t h c Mnry Ann Kurlmsky, 428 Aumack ' tial mass which followed at U Avo,, and Miss Virginia Konlth, a.m. on Saturday, June 11, 1960. son formerly of Keyport and Mat- ceremony In ; St, Ann's Church, awtlfi, and th» fate Mr Anderson 1311 Patterson Ave^ both ot Union Mrs.' Eileen Brennan was the- solo- KoMisburg. Jolui Cooper was thellcncli; Miss Arlene Major, MIM ist and she was._accompanied by The Rev. William D. Watklns, ori;nnist, Lit Cox and Ml" Pat Mess, Key- pa tor of the Pre byterlan ChuTJl, John Cooper at the console Given in marriage by her father, port, and Lcsllo E|aiiu> Iiloy, Wood-' officiated. Traditional wedding land Rd,, Ilolmdel, : ' ' music wa played by Mrs Wihla- tho bride woro a fujl-tcngtli gown Given in marriage by her father, designed with a fitted lace bodice the bride wore a gawn of em- niena Nordman, organist, who also accompanied the soloist, Richard over satin, with a Queen Anno col- broidered silk nytun designed with Shank. lar, lonK pointed sleeves and a full a sabrina neckline," short sleeves satin skirt cmbrplderotl with and. a chapel length'"train Her Given in marriage by her father, pearls that terminated Jn n chapel* fingertip-length veil of French Il- the bride wore a wedding gown Of ichRtli train. Her tlhgcrUp^Kngih lusion tell from a crown of seed white,silk organza over taffeta; veil of French Illusion fell from n pearls, and she carried a prayer trimmed with bands of Chantilly crown of sequins and pearls and" book adorned with white orchids lace, which also was appllqued to she carried a coscailo bouquet of -and stephanotis the bell-shaped skirt and the train, gladioli fleurcttes, ' ; • Miss Susan Byrne, West Keans- Her fiifgertlp' veil was caught to Mrs. John Savacool, Corona, L^I., burg, was the maid of honor. Her a pearl crown and she carried a (v«s her ulster's matron of honor, aqua silk organza, gown over taf- bouquet of white camellias, steph- Her bluo nylon tulle cocktall-lonftlh feta had a scoop neckline, puff anotis and lllies-of-the-valley. gown was trlnimoj with white tullo sleeves and a full street-length Sister Is Maid Of Honor mines. The- strapless fitted bodlcq skirt. A circular' veil covered her Miss Mary Margaret Wilson, Dcs had a mulching mole and she woro •matching organza crown'and she Peres,' sister of the bride, was the a matching crown of sequins and carried a cascado bouquet of gladi- carried a' colonial bouquet of pas MR., MRS. MICHAEL A. TRAVISANO maid of honor. Her gown was tur- MR., MRS. JOHN ANTHONY GARGIULO JR.. tel spring flowers. quoise embroidered silk organza oli fleurettos, Thomas Lee Cook, Asbury Park, Tha Rev. Edward Blaska, pas- the bridegroom, and Mi s Odette over matching taffeta and she car- Miss Patricia Marl* Fosarty, (er, Sayrevlllc; MISJ Janice Hem- Daniel Wilton, Port Moninoulh, was the best man and ushering tor of St. Benedict's Church, Hat- llertle, Hazlet. Their gowns and ried a bouquet of multi-coicred daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Nicholas mlrlln, Keyport: Miss Vivian Han- was the host man. were Lawrence and Thomas Sea- let, performed the "doubles-ring headpieces were styled like the spring flowers. '•*.-•.• C. Fogarty, 198 Furman Blvd., sel, South Amboy, anti Mri. An- For her dataller's woilding^Mrs, ceremony- which united in mar- honor attendant's, but their head- thony Cogllano, Keyport, bett, Keansburg, brothers of the The bridal attendants were Miss Ciiffwood Beacfv becamo the bride Doherly chosn a blua laco and chlf. bride. ' . :< riage Miss Julia Artelli, daughter pieces and accessories were dark of John Anthony Gargiulo Jr., jion The.best man was Nell Gargtulo, fpn . jlreet-length[ dresj with « Your Rugs look pink. Their cascade bouquets o lane Ldechner, Wynnewood, For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Artelli, of Mri and Mrs. John Gargiulo, 8 Matawan, brother of the bride- matching loquln hit, crystal ac- 25 Mapfe Dr., Hazlet, and Michael dark pink carnations had match- Pa.; Miss Marian Mere, Win- Seabett chose a blue embroidered ter Park, Fit., and Mrs. Richard Washington Ave.. Matawan, Sun- groom. Ushers were Frank Gar- cessories and a corango ot pink newer...last longer Angelo Travisano, son of Mr. arid ing ribbons. Miss Carol Lewis, Hai- day, June 12. 1000, at 4 p.m. In thegiulo, North Bergen, cousin ot Ihn Blumt'lllns, Tho brldenrnom'i organza sheath dress with "a let, was the junior bridesmaid. Her Shank, Brentwood, Mo. Their matching-hat and accessories and Mrs. Angelo Travisano, Route 35, dresses, similar In design to the Sacred Heart Church, South Am- bridegroom; Robert Sklslnk, and mother woro a white tmck^roimil when cleaned by ensemble matched the brides- boy, The Rev. Francis Grabowskl a corsage of white cymbidiums. South Amboy. The ceremony took 1 honor maid's were in pink, yellow Anthony Cogllnno, Kcyrwt; Frank Rreen print droaa with > whlti) list place in St. Joseph's Church, Key- maids and she carried a cascade performed tho double ring cere- O'Nell, Mntuwan. ' and accessories and a cursnKO ot S. B0YES ' The bridegroom's mother selected bouquet of dark pink carnations and light green silk embroidered a blue silk pleated print dress with port, Saturday afternoon, June 11, organza over taffeta and they also mony. Mr, and Mrs. GnrRlulo loft for white Klamclllns, Our TRIPLE-CLEAN m.lh.J 3. at 3 p.m. Mrs. Michael Cox with dark pink ribbons. a wedding trip'to Florida. The a white hat and accessories and a _Anthony Travisano, _ hroU.ec _j)l carried bouquets of multi-colored Escorted to the attar by her fa- Alter a reception at Duffy's Irish p ——torsago-otwhite-cymbidiums.L __. was the soloist and Miss Loretta spriiig~noweT*T "~ ~"" ther,! tho-brldo-wore a gown of brldo wore a liyaclnth blue sheath .HQUgc.-Keffli'burBi•..ihsjHniiito left dirt Ihut olhar m«tliod« «»n'» Durante, organist. the bridegroom, was the best man dress with black patent 'leather ac- / Leave For Trip To Colorado . and ushering were Ranlero Travl French imported hand-clipped on a mplor (rip throuah Now York raachr Dor«« ilillUd ttxhnUUm David Thomas McCrea, Camaf- Chantilly lace with a scalloped .sa- cessories and a white orchid. State. know how ta pratnalth* fj>"* ' : After a reception at Buck Smith's sano, another.brother of the bride- Illo. Calif., was the bent man and Oivcn In marriage by her father, brina neckline, Her bouffant skirt Mrs. Gargiulo, a gmduttta of Tho-brido altcwlod MiibcL,,.Denii of rugi and •llmlnHU MKCVMIV* __Bestaurant, East Keansburg, . the the bride wore a full-length goivn groom and Richard Clune, nil -of ushering'wore Kobert S. Wilson, : couple left for Colorado. For travel- South Ambpy. " of scalloped laco with tullo panels Shyrcvlllo )ll«li School, Sayrovlllo, Uacnn Hljili .Srjioiil, N#w York, nnil *»#«f imuiad by dirt. Ypur rtiii designed with « Schiffll embroider- Des Perm; Robert A. KottwiU III, had a back of shirred ruffles of is employed as a secretary In tho *rt ttXutn*A ipftrlttlng farl|M ing, the brldfc'wore a blue sheath New Orleans, La., and B. Thomas was employed' as an operator by ed nylon organza fitted bodice with For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. lace and tullo extending Inlo a ch»- ColloRCrof Agrlculluro at .'Rutgers tho New York TclojiKano Co. Tlw or mothptoofttl and i»Ud (or dress with matching jacket, a white a scalloped v-heckllne and long Clatk, Clayton, Mo. hat and accessories and a corsage Artelli chose a light blue silk dress pel-length train. University, Tho bridegroom was bridi'ilrooin attended Middletown •torus* I'ilUE till SipOmliir, pointed sleeves. The flpuhced full with a matching lace Jacket, white After fl reception at Anderson The mold of honor.was Miss Gall Brmluntcd from Matawatt Hliili Township Illjih Schnnl and la em> of white orchids. skirt was attached to a dropped accessories and a corsage of pink Schoul, Mutuwun, und |a an cm- Phone PA 1-1382 -.- The' bride was graduated from Hall, Princlpia College, the couple Fogorly, Cliltwood Beach, sister of ployed as a sliwt metal winker waistline and terminated in a roses. The bridegroom's mother left for a wedding trip to San the bride. ployeb of J, ,G, Hoff Construction by lleuntad Slucy, Inc., Now York, Rarltan Bay'i Only Red Bank Catholic; High School, chapel-length train. Her fingertip- wore a toast Iacq dress with beige Francisco, Calif, After July they Co., Laurcnco Harbor,. Class of 1955. and Is employed as Attendant! wcr»-MtSf-Blmre-rfo. When limy return, tho couple will length veil of silk organza was held accessories and a corsage of yellow will be at home at the Naval Alt ' ' t' roildo In Knit Kcannhuru, Rug Cltanlng Plant . a secretiry by Morgan Stanley & by an organza crown trimmed with roses. Station, Agattu, Guam. Co., Banking Investment firm, Wall Ham G. Schneider, Malnwan Town- St., New York. lace and seed pearls and she car- Trip To Pocoaos The brlds was graduated from Obituaries ship; three jons, Wlllnrd, Union The bridegroom was gl luated ried a cascade bouquet of white After a reception" at the Harbor Kirkwood High School and Prln Beach; Herbert, MorganvllUv awl Married Sof urday XrortKeyport High School, Class of rose buds.and carnations with for- Ballroom, "Laurence Harbor, the Henry Sober cipia College. While In college she Kenneth, Mutnwnn; a titter, Mrs, Mm, Kiitherlna Roain, 37 OMio.ro Sfloyes 1954, and attended Colorado Col- get-me-nots on the streamers. couple left for a wedding trip to Henry Scber. 81, of 70 Mt, Ver- was president of Anderson East, non PI., Newark, died of a heart Ann Davenport, Newark, and fivo St., Keyporl, was,. mn'rrlutl to ir- lege. He served two years of his Mis« Catherine Artelli, Hazlefc the Pocono' Mountains, Pa. For the women's dormitory. The bride- grandchildren. ~ four-year enlistment in the U. S. was the maid of honor for her sis- traveling,-the bride wore a beige attack Thursday, June 9, 1000, at vine P. Vrcoluml, 59 !ioc(md St., Rug Cloanlng Co. groom was graduated from The work In Klmmcrlo Bros., Inc. Funeral services ara being hold Koyport, on SnlurJay, June 11/ - Air Force in Japan and is employ- ter. She wore a street-length gown suit with a matching beige and Princlpia Upper School and Pi ed by Eastern Acceptance Corp., paint store at 581 Springfield Ave., this evening at 8 p.m. at tha Dcdle 1900, In tha Methodist Churclr, INCORt>OftATE0 of pale pink organza with an In-malz* plaid companion topper, cipia College and is serving in the Funeral Home, Matawan, The Rov, white accessories and a corsage of Newark. ,_ i • Iliuhlitnili, by the. Rov. William 4th and StivtM An...... Mburyl.Park.;:_ • verted v-panel of rose organza ex- United-States Navy. Leon' Zlnklar, pastor of tho Graco Luti, Mrs, IVoam ailendcd this ' ' The couple will reside at M Nep-tending from i~r6ieTumrlicr6uhd yellow roses/ "•• Mr. Seber WBI. born In Marlboro lowlk Ambtf, N«w Jtntf . Township and had lived In Newark Methodist Church, Union Beach, church as a ynunu ulrl when *\K tune Ave., Deal. and bow to the back hemline. The .The bride wai graduated from will otllclatu, Interment will b« In fcildod In Highland!;" ; ;— fitted bodies had a draped sabrina Keyport High School, Clan of 195a, since 1839. Since May IBM ho had 1 Shorellnd Mernorlal Gardens, Il»«- Your advertisement: In this pa- neckline urn was sleeveless. A cir- and waj tqvployed in her father * boen.:,emplay'»a;.ii *,:*»,le«m,tn by Kiri A let.,.,-,, ,,,..;..,,,, .»w.'.,^»,;,il, per will reach prospecUvBAJtiur. cular veil, covered her hilt-hat' of firm, R»ritflfru|)hte'r, Mrs. George f A.M. to « P.M. •nU, Mr. and Mri.LeRoy C, Au-Dougherty .performed • the, double Wright, Ciiffwood Botch;" her Rumion and Sea Girt Friday* » A.M. lo i P.M. . ' '" James F.' Biylfru . . , - mack, keyport. • .. ring ceremony. Mri, • Edgar. Lah- Ington Ave.AUnlon Beach, died mother, Mr«. Ida Anderson; doted All Day Wednesday! James Fulton Boyless, 55, of 32' man wu th« soloist and Mist Eliza- Friday, June MO, I960, lii Kings Private funeral services were brother, Charles Stenborg, and a 30 W. Front St., Furrnan Blvd., Ciiffwood Beach beth Phatlcan, organist.- . Perk, N.Y., State Hospital. ulster, Mrs.-Hllma Thclem, all of Supplementary Coursoi in BpsJc Skllh for held Tuesday afternoon at the died Thursday, June 9, 1960, at Given In marriage by her father, Mr. McNeil was a U.S. Army Port Richmond, L, f., and a grand Better Suceen in School and Colhga "Keyport : Perth Amboy General, Hospital John W. Ttfehlenbeck Funeral the bride wore a floor-length gown veteran of World War I. He" was chill __'_.. COIfax 4-2020 Mr. Bayless was born in Knoxvitle, Home, Hazlet. Interment was In designed with a fitted lace bodice, born In Newark and was the son Tenn., and had lived In Ciiffwood of the late John and Mary (Qulnn) Funeral sorvlcos wero hold Mon- Green Grove Cemetery, Keyport. high round neckline and lone taper- day afternoon at 1 p.m. at thu Day READING & ENGLISH Beach for the past five' years. He ing sleeves. The full tulle skirt fell McNeil, Funeral Homo, Keyport, wlllt IIIB was a member of the Bayview __j ' Clarence E. ^; over peaiiede solo*. Her fingertip- He Is survived by hl» wlfc,-Mri, Rev, Francis Oslorstock, pitnlor ol Presbyterian Church, Ciiffwood Gertrude? (Fleming) McNeil. , READING, WRITING, STUDY SKILLS Clarence Edward Watersffi, of length veil M>tut mui oUtyrttiiMfttim, \n WJJIB HTJHMtmiw- Joyce (WinIielaTBayIeSs:' B'aaugh- white roses. eral Home, Keyport. Interment Mfddlclown. Allll y (tndd ll>u(!iillvl<>ui(!iillv>> Hfi(t t'i liu'tt'mjfl |ti»tir ttiMiwlPiiiia nf via'ttt'iilnry, Slipcover Roosevelt Hospital, Edison, after a was In tho U.S. National CemetfiH!, 'Hill (.'iiiiri-(iiri-n .4 wrw v j)H|Milrtr w^hi noihni-i flhtilnnl-i who •(« BUJHIIUH er, Mrs. Paul DeWayrie 'Thatcher Miss Mary Ann Sommers, Union U llimintvc tluilr nrl.'x-l HTIU\P* mut to u\)\n\u rutiMlimim iirvpnrnUuii Deqattir, Ala.; three.sisters, Mrs long illness. Bench, was the maid of honor. Her Beverly, -^C wr CKlltid0 l»"»r.I mill oilmr t.vium of untrdn-'d ttNHn>lnntloii4, Special David Carrie,. Shrevepgrt, ta; ,Mr..Waters, an employee of Orr floaMength gown had a blue laco Mr£ G. C. Bailey, Knoxville, and .Mrs. William G. Schneider Motors; Freehold, until his illness, sleeveless bodice and tulle skirt Mrs, Florcnco Schneider, 70, dliul ELEMENTARY READING MrsM . EdEdward Fry" , ""' CUSTOM-MADE was born In Howell Township. He with ruffles of matching lace. She Monday, June 13, lDJJO.'at the Mnt- . . fur children In urmU'B I-fi . * Tenn." Wore a matching "headpiece and SOFA & CHAIR was (he son of the late Robert and nwan Homo for tho Auyd, Uoutu I (woliimr Bfiiliuu uficli week Fineral services were held Frl carried a colonial bouquet of yellow M, Madison Township, - Tiih courfifl pmjjl.Bnli'oH ()!HHIIC« ft ml night wx'Rlitiiaiy mi\ oitiPr day 'evening at. 7;4j> p.m. at theMary Waters. roses. . • • ' nui{,tif)ri4 'if wont ptir.'t'MHi'ii, (.juatfiuplt emviircHi'Mlntt, iiUttHfH f(»*)il' Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mrs. Schneider had resided on f-fijf, vui'iitiiilitry hiillalDM. 'J'iiti (.'hildtoik inftfl In »rnnll ^rr<(. Day FunerarHofne, Keyport, with Brother Is Best Man Church St., Matawan Township, Jt'K Uf fc.-iflJiu U'vi'l. $88 the Rev. Francis Osterstock, pas- Mary (Seitz) Waters; two daugh Chooie £um out new Dublin ters, Mrs. Victor Piscitelll, South Joseph Stanley Thorlault, Sah- for 15 years. She was born in New- Knroll Ni collection: 30 print! . . . ftU tor of the Bayvidw Presbyterian duskle, Ohio, was Jilt'brother's liest ark nhd was tho daujibicr. of the MATHEMATICS with ttltt smsrt Hnrn-texiun. Church, officiating. Interment was River, and Mrs. Michael Oudas, School of Businsit Machines tht w»r of eoitlr Utteiul * Linden; four grandchildren; two man and * ushering were James late Theodore Schmitl and Ann Wo hallnve Hint nil MudimU nlmutd davcl.jjt u lilijli tivgrin tit fthltl W«'JI Din-Hi tnj tut Tour «IID-I jn KnoxviHe, Tenn. Nappl, Peter Shane and Edgar Cot- (Fcngar) Schmllt. i . III Slalo 81., Penh Amboy m applying ttr.tlimotltf to * yvltlv vftiwy ut i.r.i^l^nt*. 'ilivt inuny eom« rtiht oa your xuroUiirfc brothers, Robert, Ea»t Orange, and Call lor InlonWi — VA 0-fltJO flo mil I* hh'Mvn (>>' I-Ml lo* urnrOfi (npt"|* 'lfwl. Budtet tennf. j The Infant daughter of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Stringer, St. Peters- • I'tKli-'ut »[>("HH"II (i. prfiik'in^ritvIiiH "ml lo-ilvV(tl/>p tttdUiy lit #i>pl>- of the bride. • l.tR iiuUitmtnllcNl i>rd|i*tth4i)it avvurtifly, Shoo-at-Home Only Mrs. Harry M. Aumack, 75 Main burg, Fla.; Mn.'Iola McLaughlln St., "Keyport, died Sunday, June and Mrs.. John. Kllllan, Newark; The bride's mother wore a blue PHONE chiffon dress with white acces- GI M7H — FR MJ23 12, 1960, at South Araboy Memor- Mrs, Roberta .Gray, Ciiffwood Wall to Wall Carpet BASIC ARITHMETIC FUlton 8-3709 ial Hospital. The baby was twoBeach, and Mrs. George , Roberts, sories and a corsage of yellow . - - for iludenli In grtilen 14 ,dayi old. Old Bridge. • roses. The. bridegroom's mother : 100% Nylon - Wool . - t one-hour nation* csrl) WetU ':., KOOS BROS. chose a blue-silk dres» with match- Linoleum - Vinyl -'Rublier Ttioi* miurmn •!• iilmniiij In vllU lli» Vsiiilni liuliinl|f.i\ lo M Mill «rail; rnalli aluifttllf, Uill count Mrs. William D. Walling an-orange floral print, whlto ac- mvmwf nrlllimatk: Ami lint >ti>it or.lln utiotl u d«voted Ut ilitetiri. . . Walling was the daughter of the tories, Morganville. The bride- late James and Jane McCue Dlg- groom attended Cheverus High gins and the widow oi William, D. School, Portland, Me., and has MATH SURVEY III Walling. She was a member of St. served tin years In the U. S. 1 thren-liour iMilonm c»cli w«k' Real Estate—Insurance lit 11 ttwrtM iftnintuiffi Ut Rlva ft*tr« h«Iii (a 'crmiptttnt Mnfor* wtw Rose of Lima Church, Freehold. Army, He it itatiocicd at Foil Mon- • re filnnnliif in iik« cfij|#ji» ma Hi, li tncludt-i ninny uf t)i» " MATAWAN 138 Main St. LO 6-0003 Surviving are four urns, William mouth. ... .'• Uuftti In ':«ilfi(* algtiUtt, revletVa \tinw\ati\*uy, tnd Introduce < D. Walling Jr., with whom ; the The couple will reside In Union lived; Wesley R. Wailing . andBeach. • YOUR AUTHORIZED LANGUAGES James J.'Walling, Freehold, and I Iwo-hour MMIOBI «Kh w*ek ^- Jicob M. Walling, Howell Town- hlw cluwa lit t«lln, l"r*ncti, «tid Aptnlnh it vtrtou* ship; a daughter, Mr», Richard TV LEAVY Hanaway, HoweU Township; three BUICK end OPEL PUBLIC SPEAKING AND DRAMATICS brotben, Jobn Piggiiu and Jim« RICHMOND 111 Middlesex Rd. Motawan Pgglns, Marlboro, and Thomas DEALER 1 lltrM-hour Miilon* t»cli Digging Syracuse, N. Y.; M grand- "BottGr Boy" USED CARS LO 6-6210 children and five greit-grnndchil- — SEND FOR BUUITIN- dien.» '• >-','• SALES and SERVICE Television Service Calls Answered Days. Service* were held yesterday it And Cvenfngs "' I • m. (a tha Frcemttt Funeral COIfox 4-4000 Rumson Reading Institute Home, Freehold, and at 9 a m, a Wf HftrotM'IVMnr Wr¥l« OHKAflOM. All Service Calls Handled By requiem oust »n ciitni at St. RUIMII G. I-Jonney, Dlr. Rumton Vatt of Una Church by the Rev. rent CM »ii mio on OVK KIMltd Tom Leavy Persono'V Paul S. Hammond. Burial wu In ' J4MMHMMUJ HIGHWAY 35 «» BEDIE RDi.— KEYPORT_ RUwwh lr165O . SL Rtae of Lima Conetery. , IA *» mursaay, juna to, ITOO Page Eight THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. instead ot red for the outside. Mr. LEGAL NOTICE Troop 67, Cheescqiroke, Holds Court. Of Honor KonJzuuki »as_of the opinion the •Utility Veteran ) Plan For Final P-TA Meeting architects, the Merchant linn, New Take notice that Irint Touilne, }r , Brunswick, and the contractor con- ha> applied U> the Major and ComKil of the Boroufli of Malawan fpr 'a cerned, should appear at > meet- plenary-retail eooaumption-Jicense for Of Season; Cheesequake Items ing where a change order is to go premises known as Dutchie'a Italian The executive committee of the into effect so the board will have Kitchen, tUiuled at 40 Main St. Mali. Waited Brown School P6RH- record in the minute* that it waa OolecUons, if any. should be made Added Summons Immediately In wrillnjr to: Arthur c .Teacher Association, Cheesequake, done on professional advice. Hall, Clerk of the Borough of Mats'- •let Monday at the home of the William T. Hogan, 243 Main St. Charles Aumick, chairman of •*"• ""• <«*„« •president, William Fnti, Cottrell Keyport, was fined J10 and ii costs the high school project, reported FRANK TOUHINE, JH., Rd, to discuss plans for the final 160 Broad St., by Magistrate James H. Martin, 24 per cent of the general contract- Uatswan, N. 1. meeting of the season to be held Matawan Borough, Monday for work completed with 303 days gone J23I3M at the school Monday night. Pres- not having his registration "In"hht of the Ml allotted. ent were Mrs, Robert Catherwood possession. When it was produced NOTICE vice president and Mrs. Edward Hire Traffic C«-Ordlnat»r - Take oolice Ihat Herbert Lawton haa in court, it was found to have ex- James White, a former board applied to the Mayor and CpuncU* of Cannon, secretary. Miss Mar pired. Another ticket was issued the Borough, of Matawan to.' • plen- gucrite Regan, treasurer and sec- member,, was hired as traffic co- ary retail consumption .license ftr for driving an unregistered vehicli ordinator for 1960-61 at a salary premise* .known at The Town Tavern ond grade teacher, is recovering by Patrolman Carmen Messina situated at 111. Vain St., MaUwan, "st'Jier Some from surgery and was of $4500 a year. the investigating officer. Approval was given to 52 amend- Objections, it any* should tie road*, unable, to attend. Immediately In writing tot < Arthur ed teachers' contracts. Recommen- C. Halt, Clerk, of lh« Sonugh of dations for extra pay for 24 teach- Matawan. The Browntowo Water Co. held (Signed) tours through the plant* on Satur Attend Program; ers also were approved. The extra HERBERT LAWTON. v pay is for duties performed. It is 57 Brosd St., - day. '-.: ' . UaUwau. N. J, not covered in the. contracts. It was J23 15.81 'Cheesequake residents, grad Browntown Items agreed to grant $600 for the lease «uated from Newark State College the board had with the Bay view NOTICE •»;. ' last week, were Miss Carol Del- Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Arace and JAMES NEID1NGER Take nctics that ToteMe M«lin. son, William, and Miss Marie Gaub, Presbyterian Church, Clilfwood conica. trading as^ Fla a-Bar-har.-ap- basco, Morrisffiwn , Kd.,-• wh* re- Beach, for the 195940 term. ' James W. Neidinger, Beers St., plied to . the Towhship Committee of ceived her Master's , Degree and Browntown, attended the class day the Township of'-Matawan for a plen- Henry Spitzer, Perth Amboy, was Hazlet, this month, marked his 30th ary retail consumption. license for i Mrs. Hazel White, Mercury Circle, program and open house »t The year of service with Jersey Central premises situated. No 1 Central 'Ave- rehlred as board attorney for the nue: also known and designated as a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Ledge, Rutgers University, on coming term at a salary of $800, Powur.ft Light Co. Mr. Neidinger Parcel No. £ 425 c, us shown on Garden State Parkway Map of Stc. _ The eighth grade class of School June 8, when Mr.' and Mrs. Arace's Francis Clooney, Perth Amboy, is an -engineer at Union Beach in IB, Sayre Woods South, will hold the Utility's Bay Division. He Uon No. 7, April It 18Mi- son, "James, was among those was retained as auditor far the new Objectlon. If any. should, be made commencement exercises on term at a salary of $1000. started his career as a meter read- Immediately in writing to: Rote K. graduated. In the evening Mr. and Weniel, Cferk of the Township of Wednesday In the Cheesequake Change Salary Guide . er- and also has been a clerk, col- MaUwan, N. J. . Fire House. Mrs. Otto Gaub, Matawan, joined lector and senior layout man, (Signed) - ••• . The teachers salary guide was FLSRENCE MAUNCONICA The second grade class of the them at the Rutgers Stadium where Scoutmaster Bernard MlcbaeH presents Daniel Trabafluk, Cub Scout Pack (7, extreme left; Robert changed by eliminating four clas- • 34 Lower Main Slreel, Rehfuss School, Cheesequake, en: the 194th commencement exercises Price, committee chairman Pack 17, with American Schmelzte, left d scoutmaster, and Bernard Michaeli sifications, .giving veterans all their Matawan, N. J. - Joyed a trip id Bros* Zoo on Tuts Jr., on «be right, both den chiefs of Troop «7. LEGAL NOTICE JU W.eo . - . were held. flag and pack flag for newly formed Cub Pack §7. military credit at hiring up to four .&*.;..- ---:,-• '•;.••. •: Looking on during (be presentation w»-re Eddie years maximum, adding aU present UONMOUTH COUNTY . NOT1CB . ".. Take notice that Walter i, Jankow- Raritaa • Council Thunderbln teachers to the guide and providing SURROGATE'S COURT '•'. . F Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaub, Route Bernard Michaeli, Scoutmaster, kenbout, Raymond Ryan, Bernard, first Den Chiefs for the newly form- _^i.-tradina u Walt'M Tnmrn hu a> - Donald Levy gave * basic training ed Cub Pack 87, which also is spon- that all new teachers be hired un- TO CREDITORS TO PBB. plied to the Township Committee of 18, had as their dinner guests Mon- of Troop £7, Cheesequake, was hon- Michaeli, Philip Okner, Matthew SENT CLAIMS AGAINST. ESTATE the Township of Uatawm for a Dleor' ' course for 12. den .mother! and ored at a Court of Honor held at sored by the Cheesequake Inde- der the revised system. TJie move Mrt nttall confumptlcm license-for' day their ion-ln-law and daughter, Tucker, Thomas Stauback, Roger ESTATE OF MH-TON T. AUSTIN, De- premises situated at 23 Lower Ualn cemmitteemej of the newly form- the Cheesequake Fire House Fri- pendent Fire Co., . generally means increases lor ceased, . ed Cub Pack 67 on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Nesslage, Miller, Willard Ryan, Oifford Sch- many of the teachers. St. Mstswan Township. N. J. • day night. The Mothers Club-Of The Boy Scouts had Pa'ok (7 as Pursuant to the order of EDWARD Objections. 11 any, '.should, be made v Central Park Boys Club will hold Spdtswood. Mr. Gaub was cele- nuck, George Perry, first aid; Mat their guests and presented the Cub New teachers were offered con- C. BROEGE,-Surrogate, of the Coun- immedauu in wrlUni to: Rose K. Troop 67 presented Mr. Michaeli ty, of Honmouth,. thle day-made...on Wenzei, Clerk. «! the Township of .» barn dance at the Turf Club on brating his birthday and Mr. Nes-with a gift in appreciation of the thew Tucker, swimming and me» Scouts with their Amerifajl flag tracts »s follows: Joseph Alverez, (he appUcatlon of the . undersfriud, Matawiri, «: i. "www slage haa been graduated that work and time he has devoted to chanlcal drawing; Joseph Crinv and pack flag. Robert Carstens, $4100; Ruth Crevel, $4300; Peter Simon t>. Hill, Sole Executor of th* 3m 25. : estate ot Uie aald Milton, T. AuaUn, ER J, JANKOWSK1, ' K square dance contest, under mornlqg from Lthlgh University, the troop. mlns, safety, public health and neighborhood commissioner, pre- M, Delaney, James V. Hlgglns. deceased, notice 1* hereby aivea to Walt'a Tavern the direction of Joseph Kaschak, Bethlehem, Pa. The following boys received citizenship in the nation; Gerald sented the charters to the Boy Leatrice Kaminsky and Alfred E. the creditor* ot «aid deceased to pre- Woofleyy SI' Miller, farm records, bookkeeping, Scouts and the new Cub JPack. Kiley, all $4100; Vincent Kloskow- sent to the aald Sole Executor their MaUw, Madison Township school director, Miss Susan Pitney, New York, awards at the Court of Honor: claim* under oath within six months Will be a feature of the annual Patrick Cannon, David Weston, reptile study, insect life; Raymond Frank Lisbon, district executive; ski Jr., $4400; Nancy Milter, $3900; from Utla date. spent the weekend with her pa- Ryan, personal fitness; Bernard Harold Pearson,' executive board Clare Weal, $4700; Sylvia Smith, Dated: June 13th, 1M0. . .-•' • NOTICB ' • school picnic for all students at the Tents.' Mr. andMrs. W. Cr'Pitney Steven Florek, tenderfoot; Charles Simon P.-Hall Michaeli, scholarship, and Victor member, and Todd Krunacker, Cub $4600, and Christina Swlda, $4300. Atlantic Avenue, Take. noUce that Sarah Hick*, trad- Browntown School on Wednesday. and family, Freneau Rd. Tucker, John Brady, second class; ing a* Moonlight Bar .-;... .- ;.•'. -J,.,..:.., 44 Mercury Circle, celebrated their Beryle Lee Burke sang a solo, ond regional district high'school Is Plaintiff v*l Daniel Sarrapere and Fefriman To Address and both retroactive to Feb. 1, Hilda Earrapere Defendants • ; NOTICE •:•"-•.•...;.•"',, JJIh wedding anniversary on Satur- 'Jesus Loves Me." Next'Sunday built In the Howell Township sec- By virtue of a writ of execution in Mis^ReifierHeads 1960. ' the above slated action to mi di- Tike notice that Paul Smaller, trad* day. Father's Day will be observed and County Aid Unit tor and large scale- housing de- rected, l'SHall expfcieTomai* »» pub- ing aa John'* Bar and Gril), DM ap- The salary of Thomas Ruggerio plied to the Township Commltee of ihik Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ryan, .hi sermon topic will be "God's lic . vendue. at the Court House in : velopment takes' place' in both waa advanced from $4300 to $4500 the Borough of Freehold, County of Townjfhip of Hatawan. for a-plenary Route. 34, will celebrate their 16th Favorite Father." A small token Joseph Felnman, Union City, fit- Legion Auxiliary reWJ coaninpUon license for prem- Howell and Marlboro, greatly in- and that of music teacher Jean Monmouth, New Jersey, on Monday, wedding anniversary tomorrow. will be given to each father orney-at-law and legislative chair- Miss Mary Reiher was elected the nth day of July, low, at a o'clock, ise*' situated at northwest corner of iresent. The men's monthly group creasing the transporting of pupils Pyatt from $4300 to $4500, both by P.M. Prevailing Time. State.Highway 35 and Cllffwood An.. • August Myers,-Route 9,-Is « ps- man, of the New Jersey. Astocia- .resident of the Ladies Auxiliary reason of a change In certification. 'All''the: defendant** 'right, title and CJJffwood, N. J. ilent in South Amboy Hospital. if the'church Will hold their meet- if the Laurence Harbor American jit those two large townships to jntereat, if any, In and to.In* follow Objection*, it any.tjvhould be made Ing Monday at 8 p.m. when D. Lee lon for Retarded Children, will be the regional high school. : , A contract at $200 was awarded immediately in writing to: Rose IC Miss Judith Wilkoskj, Newark, guest -tpeakertfat- the regular Legion Unit 332 Monday evening JEING KNOWN and designated u Wenzel, Clerk, of Matawan Township. was the weekend guest b[ her Chestnut, Schenectady, N. Y., will at the-meeting held in the post Fred vonRodeck, board member to the! Dean Fencing Corp., Key- lots not. 9, 10; 11 and 12 lnBlotk H I Signed) give an Illustrated talk "The Atom port, to fence1 a 102-foot-Iong right- aa ahown oa a map entitled, "Map - PAUL SMALLEY, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- meeting of the Monmouth County home on Summerfield Ave, Mrs.from. Marlboro, told Mr. Sagotsky, ot Ravine Cardans, Matawan Town- • Route 35, liam Fritr, Cottrell Rd. Speaks And Echoes The Word of Jnlt, New .Jersey Association for 'ack Olsen presided. Serving with t wag not appropriate for the of-way betWeen the Madison Park ship, Monmouth County, New Jersey, CUffwood, N 1. God." The annual Sunday School School and adjacent homes to keep madet Jlprll, 1931, by Richard ileuser, J16 IS «!• Mrs. Ida Arrowsmlth and daugh- Utarded Children, Wednesday at ler forthe coming year will t>e board to act. to dissolve its own ters, Laura and Frances, Route 34, ilcnlc will be held June 25, Mrs. - William Toster, •;• first vice district or to cut off portions of It, children from destroying the prop- .Also part of the premise* described 1:30 p.m., at Unit Headquarters, erly and shrubs. in Deed of Lochslen Heights, Inc. to have returned home after spending The Jay Gees 4-H Club held > president; Mrs.. Milton Fiala, sec- even though there might be some John J, Muller, dated May 31, 1943 the winter months In Florida.._ picnic at Cheesequake Park on 23 Riverside Ave., Red Bank. ond vice president; • Mrs. John members who would not be hos- Lennox Associates, Mountainside, and recorded fn-the Monmouth Coun- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pat- tile-to such _a__move, Mr. vojn- Were retained to make detailed ty Cl«k'« Office In Book 2211 of I- iT| Mrs.. Robert tewickl, Cottrell Mf. Felnmsn's subject will be' VachUls, treasurer; Mrs. Leroy Deed« on Page 331&0 -- - - Rd.,-is in charge of collections In, terson" and Mf: ait^ Mrs, Howard wills, and>eslate planning tot par- Halbert. Wstorlttn; Mrs. Walter Rodeck,dec!ared there would have I specifications at a contract price of Property located on Forrest Avenue, (he Ch wsojuake ,«reai/o|v Jha Jeu? p»rkerwer»; chaperohei. ' * Mrs. ent* t>l j ftlordcii cbl|dren,.,j°Mr. Schllchtin*; -to«Ui«r with The Browntown P-TA will hold a sAvell as damage to neighboring r observed her 12th birthday on Sun- :ducatlpn of the VS. _House of to be held Saturday, were com- Warrant! Consideration the coil* of this aale. - : for th» hard of heating rummage sale-Frldayr June -24, DoiiElas_T,'..'.Newbold, Atlantic properties. , ISA E. wdLCOTT, Sheriff. day. " • r-v ;•-:•.-- .- Representatives Committee on Ed-pleted. Tables"wjUv be'^iet iip;;at X>»led June 1, 1960 • :.<• , Martin Ryan, Brooklyn,, was a itarling at 6 p.m. -and Saturday, ication and. Labor at the public Township, board p«sldeni; acv 1 Heuser, Meliier * De M*Io, AttyoV V une 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m..Mrs. four locations, in front '.of ".Hoff: knowledged lheferwas "a body of 1' «•< :• . ,. W7.O0 weekend guest of Mr.-and Mn. nearings held by the "sub-commit- man's Drug Store, Byrnes Hall, the -Raymond Ryan and family. Stella .Zatorski will be chairman.' :eo In Jersey City, • opinion" for such a break-up that New Offer Made • NOTICE Th I Browntown -School picnic pungalette colony*in Laurence Har- wouidrwarrant. consideration. of •%+; TAKE NOTICE that Veteran* Me Miss Shirley Kreskl, North Bruns- The urgenfneed In New Jersey bor and on the beach in Clldwood (continued from page One) ' mortal Home. Inc. a corporation of wick,. Miss Judith Wilkoskl and will be held Wednesday at the survey to determine what advan- the State of New J* Cnsadtr. New _~,,. Rapp and daughter, Christine, Lau- Seek Bids For Or of dividing the regional district original union demands for a five- officers of the corporation 'are: Felnman, ere on display In the vacant store Into two or three smaller regional President, George Brenun. 18 N. rhon* MogMt nokei ^™" rence Harbor, recently, cent an hour increase for em- Shore Concourse, Keyport. •elephone oonverwIkMr SAC '"."" Mr. and Mrsi Steven Jany and in Hoffman Plaza . and «t the districW.' ployees and a ninth paid holiday. Vice Pro., Theodore Soltys, 32 clsanr tke» ever. 'Wt* family, Trenton, were guests at a Tiiciipike Barrier Chevron gasoline station on the Edgevtew Road, Keyport Summer Studies At But Mr. Newbold emphasized, The firm originally offered a three- Jr. Vice Pres., Raymond Hammond, barbecue Sunday at the'home "of The N. J. Turnpike Authority an- circle. . "We only can consider what* is best cent an hour across-the-board In- 33 West Concourse, Keyport. Monmouth College Treasurer, Charles Candlloro, 24 AIN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cressman. nounced another major step in Its Selling Dojiee Tickets for the entire (regional) district, crease. . Matawan Hoad, Keyport . Evelyn Fritz observed her ninth program for greater traffic safety Simplified admission procedures Mrs. Halbert, chairman ot the and not Just one section." ' Mr. Multer said the negotiating Secretary, James Moffat, 1813 Wood- birthday by entertaining at a party along the 131-mile toll road. Au- dance committee, reports the sale The board has retained Mlckel- committee took the company pro- mere Drive, Xeyport. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S for summer studies at Monmouth The names and reiidences of the GREATEST DRUG STORE for 10 school friends. A buffet sup- thority Chairman Joseph More'crafl College, West Long Branch, have of tickets Is being conducted. The wright & Mountford, Trenton, posal under advisement and will trustees of the corporation are: per wag served after which, game* public is invited to attend and tick- Trustee, Charles Hobby, 7a W. |r. said the Authority will receive been- put into effect as an aid to architects, to.design a second:re- meet again with management to- Prospect, Keyport. were played. ' ' contractor's i}ldsron-June-30 for teachers who wish to take refresh' ets for the dance which will be held gional high school unit, presumably morrow morning. In addition, a Trustee. Vincent Gaunt,' 810 Sher- 1 In the Laurence Harbor Casino to be located in the Howell Town- wood Drive. Keyport. . . .. - > the erection of a median barrier er courses or courses toward .ad- general meeting of the union mem Trustee. MJke Jock, 887 Woodmere Saturday evening, June 25, are ship area. Dr. Robert Norris, the Drive. Keyport. ~ ] Chestnut Hill Tots along the remaining 73 miles now vancement, Admissions Director bership may be called tomorrow 1 iackinjt>thls type of protection. Elinor Tilford has announced tha available Irom any member of the superintendent,:estimates the cur- afternoon and may vote to ratify Objections, If any, should be made post.or auxiliary. rent enrollment ot 2022, with fresh- immediately: In writing to Ttoae K. Stage Bike Parade The project calls for the con- teachers need submit only applica- the tentative agreement Wenzel, Municipal Cler%k of Matawan 27 W, Front St., Keyport tions and KtatemenLs on place'ol Mrs. Olsen and Commander Wit men on double sessions and the Township. - - (Next to Peoples N.t'l Bank) More than 50 children partld struction of aBalvanlzed steel oi VETERANS MEMORIAL present employment and places o: Ham Foster are accepting boosters entire school to go on double ses- ' HOME INC. Rollp & MaraOwa Biues patcd In the second annual,bicycle aluminum guard rail, median bar- LEGAL NOTICE rier between Mllepost 0 at Deep- former study. •.... , end dinner reservations for the sions in September. Dr. Norris - ~ George Brenon, President Pass Our Door parade sponsored by the Chestnut Middlesex County American Legion finds ! enro!lmen,t will mount to H-41B Jit 112.87 Hill Civic Association and held id water and Milepost 90 at Garden The teachers will be considered SHEHIFFJS SAlh State Parkway Interchange 10. Convention to be held in Carterct 2694 in 1945 and 3368 by 1970, ob- BUPERIQR.BQimT the Chestnut /Hill Development, special students, having no need to July 8 and 9. The deadline for viously indicating the need for add- OF NEW JERSEY Raritan Township, Saturday. Win median barrier presently exists for go through formal admission pro- «• CHANCERY DIVISION a distance of about 15 miles be- boosters Is Wednesday, and the last ed facilities. . MONMOUTH COUNTY tiers in the under slx-years-of-age cedures, Only if a teacher Indi day for dinner reservations will be Docket No. r J«28-3» . group were Sklppy and Craig Heun tween those two points. cotes an interest In applying However, Dr. Norris will nSk be The Bank Tor Savings In Ui< City Thursday, June 30. > available to supervise their build- of Ntiw York, a corporaUon of the Jot;' their " interpretation-' of a Contractors will be bidding- on credits earned at Monmouth Col- State ot New York, Plaintiff vi. Rich- four contracts providing also for n The auxiliary will conduct a ing. The board has declined to re- ard C. SLurt «l«o known us Richard "Pirate Ship." Second place' was lege toward a degree must he Jpl CarliOn Stun, and Florence T. Sturt, reinforced concrete barrier along tow regular admission procedures bazaar Aug. 12 and 13 at the post hire him ami Mr. Newbold spoke awarded to Peso y Atkinson, home. Mrs. John Paris, general hu wlft, Dc/endaots -••-,— .--. "Miss America 1975," and honor- two. bridges at the"Raritan River Miss Tllford said. • : Monday of interviews from ' a By virtue or • writ of execution in and at Cranbury. All other Turn- chairman, announced her com-"strong administrator" .that will the abova »uted action to. me di- able mention went to Cathy Car- The college will sponsor a sum- mittee chairmen as follows: Mrs. rected, 1 Bhall expose tor sale at pub* pike spans will get the metal guard deliver the board from the turmoil Jlo vftndue, at ui# Court Houfi* In RADUATES roll, for her "Doll Merry-Go- mer session, July 6 through Aug. nil. In addition, a jingle guard John DIGIovannl, doll booth; Mrs. in which it presently finds itself tin Borough of Freehold, County ol llound." 19, A special teacher education pro- William Brldgeman, while ele- Moomouth, New . Jersey.on Monday, rail will be Installed at selected lo- gram will take, place from July 9 In its faculty relationships and the Kith d«y or June, 1WO, at j In the 6-td-lffcjige group, Janice cations along the tides of the Turn- phant, and Mrs. Vachitls, 'hand-: other fields. o'clock, P.M. PrtvatllnK Timt. Pause to reflect, when setting tslie Orr, "Chinese Glrv^was awarded until July 28t . . ] made articles. Mrs. Rollin Rath- All that tract or parcel ot land, pike for a total distance qf four situate, tying and being |n the Dor- your cap and gown, oa what the prac- first, .pface, and...Judy Phillips, bun. Is collecting redeemable ouih of Matawan, In th» county of ' "Pnrisol,""gained •second-place nilles* <_:_ 'j stamps for obtaining prlics. MoiudouUi, In the Slate of New Jer -Tint Of Ita/KInT Job Acquisition — - ~ Blunt Rebukes ' tical and theoiedcal appHations of honors. Prizes were, awarded Jo "Jkima lot. frtorsarsjrBtocai j-t. Completion o( the project, Chair A social hour followed with Mrs. (continued from page one) the winners and refreshments were Subject Of Poll George Lebert and Miss Betty Rel •a shown on a certain map or plan your education will mean to Yon. served to tho children participat man Morecraft said, will see tho River Board they have no legal of lota.known u"flavin* Girdeni of lj her serving as hostesses. , MaMwan Tlurp., Mon. Co., N. J. made .lag' In the .activities. - " :" ', New Jersey Turnpike as the firs Information on how people gel jTlght, In his opinion,' to refuse to Feb. 1024 by .Richard lltunr. Ct. Aloog with the lectures, courses, teach- road of Its kind with a median bar- Jobs will be obtained trom special receive the Madlsort pupils. The Matawan. N. J.", which aald map (• Mrs. Chester E. Johnson and filed In the Monmouth County Clerk'a Warren Roggem'an served as Judg- rier along Its entire length. questions to be asked In the June County Spending (s South River Board will be told that Office on Auguit 4. 1D34 in Caie ea-19. ers and experiments which marked Specifically, the contract! call Current Population Survey, It waa The forctolnf descripUon 1> In .ac- es. Fred F. Iverson was chairman the State Commissioner of Edu- cordance with a aurvey mads by for the construction ot a total ol announced by Regional Director Oh Upward Trend cation sees no fault in the moving your school years, You developed of the event, and Lou tozlto, pres- Utltoy F. Qury7 , Land Surveyor, dal ident of (he association, welcomed 396,000 lineal feet of .table guard John AJ'a Bn VAN'S SB.green pepper on the skewers. Place Remote'the transparent wrapping on the new high school. He found k Grill altqated it » Hl»h 8L, Mala the kaboba on • greased broiler when you get them home 'from so many orders being approved by * Ob)ectlon, If any, aiwuld be 'made Mitawaa tfiarkel. Wrap loosely. The slight (he board that the1 new high school Immadlately In willing ta: Arthur pan and brush with seasoned but- FRHS District HaU, Clerk, of Via Dotougli of lO ter. Broil about five minutes. Turn drying of the surface will slow (continued from page one) building may lose, most bf its sem- &atawan bacteria] gnxrtk. Stan brollora ao blonceuf «how. Mrs. DeFazio served as com and Robert C, Gianettino, directors ntentator (or the show presenter) and Joseph ft-Wilson, parliamen- ~l>ju The .Sweater House, Lonu tarian. FERRIS CANNED HAM ^3.1* Branch. Background music was •tMtluttn Okiti « tiiwlaif""" furnished by Mr«. France! Getr, Keansbiirg. The favorite of the Report Number Of shew, a black CMhmere evening Cancer Dressings LAMB SHOULDERS ;.aSU 39' sweater with a sailor collar of JtMMoa«l "tuj>T-*l9hr Quality M*at any.l—— whjte mink, was worn by Mrs. In the past fiscal year over 40(10 0NllBiqHUW RIB LAMB CHOPS „•;::> w Brank Palone. West End, the win-New Jersiyjnien, women^ and_chjl- nwih UilT year's Easier parade dren stricken with cancer have re- POT ROAST • BREAST OF LAMB :••£&> al Asbury Park. AD Announcement was made that ceived free dressings from their lo- the date and place are to be se- cal chapters of the American Can- PORTERHOUSE STEAKS STEWING BEEF SMOKED BEEF TONGUES 49' ~ fcscted in September for the "School cer Society. In. fact, this gjoup was Of Politics" to be held for the third the recipient 2441,922 separate TOP SIRLOIN ROAST - ^89* GROUND CHUCK BEEF year. Coordinator will be the club BOILED HAM SL 99* president, Mrs. Hill. dressings. '• - . ' 1 1 The regular fall meeting will be Local cancer society sewin ROUND ROAST ^SS " ? * 89« BONELESS SOUP BEEF BOLOGNA . heU In, September in Matawan groups, prepare-these .dressings from salvage material 'which they when the county club will be guests CALIFORNIA ROAST "Ci^S' MATE BEEP FANCY SHRIMP tin of the Matawan Democratic Club. collect themselves or which is col- Attending the luncheon /rom this lected for them by other civic or- ana. were -Mrs. Leo Weinsteln, ganizations. Alter the material has Mrs. J.-Harold Costello and Miss been collected and the local needs Reglna Bromberg, Matawan; Mrs, ascertained the women' from the James Brady, Mrs. William sewing jjroup make various siied Greene, Mrs. Edward Cullen, Mrs. dressings., .. .,''"•" CAMPBELL TOMATO JUICE 2»65« CANTALOUPES Morris Everett, Mrs. William Mur. "In many cases it would cost ray and Mrs. George Resetcr, Rari- family upward to $55 per week foi tan Township; Mrs. Greta Barker, the., dressings which are prepared Union Beach Tax Collector and by these local groups and given tD Mrs. James McCoy, -Mrs. Joseph the family free of charge," laid Scbfller, Mrs. Helen Brown, Mrs. Oren G. Hunt, president; American HAWAIIAN PUNCH 2 65« ^ -!»• Howard Smith and Mrs. Joseph Cancer Society. New Jersey V Cunnikgnarhr Union Beach. vision. Inc. • c«h» tUvwlftlo wat- CT.without knowing what lies un- APPLBERRY-jmJ 3 » 49< WATERMELON '"' deroeath often needs to-Jiave his —;Tie»d eramintd?"*Always find out 14 M. . lbs depth of water before diving Id;'also make sure that there-are CHOCOLATE SYRUP DO bidden rocks, crags, sandbars ttisubmerged junk. Lummoii surams ^ 29< PEACHES 17«

AU mm # pIRMAHINT MTInti lfl«X SnUNO-lAUNCID Jnki Ibn J«r Red Plums X 25! Plan th» battmtnt of your mw homt with • modwn til fttal Mf Bilco Door. Its tfnet acctM Blueberries ffi tuppltments th» Insld* stair- Clapp'iBobyFoodf 10 89' Bitnd*d Juice ;::: "2 :.: 55* imkw your bntfntnt UMful, «onv*nttnt and safe. Call us Easff^ksMasiisMtf sDjakAjataKjai^sssV ^M^mt Sliced Beets TT 2 forffte, informitivt foldtr. ri 6IICII9 MMTI«J arfPiQfOOS r-U-Ai String Beans French Frlef ^ca. 3X 47* Kellogg ^-^ o Matawah Lumber to. Orange Juice Sweet Peat Cucumbers 3 19 Tht FriftuU- J.i. in In r ) a MI Dairy Monthl Grape Juice 9UICKPI10ZIN 4 ••»• Ice Cream Allfltvwi Telephone lOwell 6-4500 — 4501 MM.nl. A MM. «•« •r SWIM—f«ili«r1i»«1 PrMiM OlttW Temato drtwp ^7 2 35* , HHnHroSf ; ».)«• «H^W ****** UWh C5/T* ffmnf Wwlwi AipVw Duu Ul»

i« SALE HaffffA»af Imi RIIMBIIW BuiDriMfMrt '» 275 UpMktafiMrf •r TM. f If«. Hi 52 Pfyinoutli m 175 Me* «fUah* tbrt^h Saturday, ium* « 225 hi 8«*«r Mtrtwh *nd WW-Smk* Htm ••rf. 52 fORD * 175 i» ATFOOUE AVt, tUUOTAN TM HT, M AT MAIN ft. IWANMlrM 52 Ptymrath *"> 225 MM.. law. • Vrf. • limits IMI • PJ* IMI » 9M, • riMty Ua«u ii r JML Friday UMII UtM. ^ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, June 16, 1960 Bennett State Bayshore Junior High. School Baseball Champs .Of 1960 I Eight Teams In RaioW Tofce ft Red Sox Near Keyport 8-11 League Jfpl pm* f« the end of Ihfr first half of AAU Champ In 10 Triboro Colts lu season this week with the Firet Half Title RIUi Bennett, Matawan Hi. Triborough Colts League It oper- Raiders la a commanding p6- half of tire Matawan Bor- speedster, annexed the N J, Sta ating with eight teams this season •illoa. The team coached by ough 812 League season will wind "Casey" Schultz and Ed Burke A A.U.- title in the IW-yard da for boys in the 13-14 yean bracket. _yp tonight with the Red Sox seem- have made a shambles of all op-* ingly "in" (or the first-half title.. Staiofay in the animal champion Al Caruso, former Keyport 812 position, losing only one game In ships of that body held at Chltoi league manager. Is president of the 10 and having put all opponents The team managed by Ed Harris ! schools stadium Bennett's triumpl league. far In the rear. was undefeated on the first half going into the final-week. The only was .eensatlonal in that he ovei The managers of the league There have been other mana- team with any chance at all of ~ came collegiate opposition, in a teams are as follows: Raritan gerial changes in the league this year, Frank Leonardis having stopping them was the Blue Jays ditlon to that of a state high sclioc Township Rovers, John Cusano; taken the place ot Larry Insley with a 6-2 record. The Jays had champion. His time was 10 tec Matawao Township PAL, Francis with the Cardinals and John to beat the Sox in the final first- onds Cherney, Keyport Jets, Bud Hul- Marurowskl tunning the Braves half meeting and then wjn against in place of Al Caruso. Bob Strung Al Krumeich, a college runnei sart, Raman Township Ramblers, the Tigers tonight if the Terriers competing under the colors of,thi Dan Cooley; Keyport Aces, Bill remains la charge of the Bears. The iccsnd half starts Monday somehow could upset the Harris- Central Jersey track club, was th Gdger, Matawan Braves, Neil De- men in their final game. > opponent to push Bennett, to the with the Cardinals opposing the vino; Matawan Hawks,,Jack Tri- champion Raiders and theThe Terriers and the Tigers met wire. But the prized portion ala; Holmdel Tigers, Warren Bennett's triumph was the outrun Braves battling the Bean.. The Monday in a battle in which Man- rung of Ernie Wilson, Group I' Baumgarliier. league officials are considering ager Mike Eovino's players man- state champion for PJainficld High, ways to bolster the weaker teams aged to pull up out of last place The Raritan Rovers maintained to make the competition better into a tie with the Tigers. Denny In the century. Also outrun by Ben- a sizzling pace in the Monmouth nett were two Rutgers sprinters, In the second half. Nuccio.blanked his former Tiger Bruce Tisher and Ed Hawkins. Ccunty Colt baseball league this teammates and the losing pitcher past week taking three teams into was Paul Eovino, obtained for him • Bennett's triumph was scored 01 camp. The Rovers downed the In a trade. « track made a bit heavy as ra Kirby Flips In was starting to fall In the 220, Holmdel Tigers 12-0 behind the A double by Georgie Androivs with two aboard in the first set Bennett found the going much mor neat no hit pitching of Hooks Rach- lin, then dropped the Keyport Aces Wall Novice up the Terriers win. troubling In that he had to pusl The second half ot the season his way through puddles em The Matawan Elementary School team emerged from • great battle Gerald Ban; third row, (standing), Peter Raymond, manager, William 7-? and the Matawan Braves 44. Crackups abounded in stock oai will open Monday with the Tcr- treacherous going underfoot. Thi with Rarltan Township and Union Beach for the league title this year. Schanck, George Morrell, James Walker, George Selbert. Stephen The week's action brings thei rec- racing over tile weekend. A crash riecs playing the Blue Jays at Mid- more experienced club and colleg* The squad members of the championship nine shown above In the Russell, Thomas Devlno, Robert Walker, John Luczkovlch, coach, and ord of the Rovers to seven wins at Wall Stadium Saturday in thi dlesex Rd. field. The Tigers and - runners took hirrt in this' one, Scool usual order are: First row, (seated), Dennis Reeves, batboy, Peter Harold Zlegler, who is wearing.hit uniform of the Matawan Hawks, and no defeats on the .season. In novice event involved pick" Kirby, Red Sox will meet the' following Oren, Lehlgh 1/niversity sprinter, Eovlno, William Hammond, Robert Barrett, Richard Klngshotr Wil- the new .team from Matawan In the Trlborough Colts League this the seven games played, no errors Keyport. Two other" novices also night. .: J 'being the victor, and Jack Rogers, liam Volk, Michael Creamens, Richard Ratclitfe, scorer; second row, season. ' .-•"•••«' • ' • •• have been committed by the in- spilled at Wall, Frank Fraley. Bel- •a Central Jersey track clubber, out- (kneeling), Peter George, Harold Dolan, Louis Tontasello, Robert Coon, Absent When this picture was taken were William Andrews, James field. The CUffwood PAL team is Terriers (4) Ronald 3 1 wan.. runner to acquit himself with JOKING IT OVER 1 Team . Wipej.00,0 Jack Case, Irvlngton, figured In Andrews, cf 3 0 1 distinction. Brad Bradach, the Ma- Group IV Games Chalk Dp Win Raritan Rovers 1 0 ,857 a spectacular crash in a preliml- L. Johnson, cf 0 0 0 roon and .Steel's flash in the 4, Stan (Tuffy) Baker, • athletic di NOT ONE HIGH SCHOOL BALI won off at price of 30-1 or higher. ;:'• Hazlet'Dynamos chalked up their Matawan Township PAL 6 1 .625 nary race at Old Bridge Stadium Byrd, If 1 .0 ..D. took a second in tint event, being rector of Keyport High School, com PLAYER graduating, in Jersey thl When one-recalls that not many Initial win of the seasonal their Keyport Jets I J .500 Friday and his car was practically Gissiibeli If - " 0"D 0 beaten only by Don Davis, Penn year has shown the potential ot more than that used to go oft in Bethan/"ftd. field Sunday,, trim- Raritan Ramb|er* " '""•''* 4,375 demolished though he seemed :im- 3 0 0 - State collegiate middle distance tented Monday on reports thai c ^uCdo; p big leaguer, Hank Mujeski, eastern a whole spring meeting in such ming the Matawan Rams 4-i. Dan Matawan Hawks ' 11 ,280 hurt other than a severe shaking K. Jackson, 3b 1 0 0 man, hy a step. The time was 51.2 eyport had "decided" to rema U district scout of the Los Angeles brackets at the old Jamaica race- Kuzma, a basketbjller whose pitch-, Keyport Aces 2 5 .250 P- In the closing race- of the Langbein, rf 0 0 seconds, again slowed by the rainy i trie Shore Conference. He- state, Dodgers, h quoted as saying in an I track. It Is a bit startling. At Aque- ing talents in baseball have come Matawan Braves 14 .167 night, Tom Greene, New Egypt, Ingram, rf 1 1 0 going. Skeets Anderson, a Central lere never was any Intent or wlsl Interview With the columnist of duct this spring about one-seventh to light too late to be.ot benefit Holmdel Tigers I 8 was.leading with five laps to, go Jersey club runner, trailed Brad- in Keyport's paiHo withdra daily newspaper. Majeskl rates thi of the horses to go. off were In ™aeh-ln-third-place, Anderson Is to'his Matawan High teammates, Race Tightens * when he scraped a slower car he' 21 4 t rom the organization, but that th top sought-after senior, a pitchei such a "long shot" bracket, with wasjwlnning.hurlerjor Jthe_Hazlet was lapping and piled into the Tigers («) ftlaeni college runner. with a Group IV club,aiTuriabii The league race tightened Mpn- ichopl's continuance in the confei about 25 coming-in the money the team. Rocky Jones, a speedbaiier, guard rail to tear down 75 feet of ab X h to get beyond Class A ball eve Mata- John Caracciolo, former MHS 10 weeks Aqueduct was opened. It did mound duty, for the Rams, yp timber, Greene was able to pull C. Geran,,cf 3 0 - !nce would/be up to that body though the" lad is demanding $50 is something on the exciting side, wan PAL nine took the Keyport 0 track coach, has volunteered to out of the wreck without,aid. His '. Devino, ss 3 9 O iiiingness (to accept the prior au 000 to sign with a big league club. therefore, when nine of such horses The Matawan nine stepped away jets into camp at Cliff wood Ave. train the boys during the summer car was badly damaged. Second- Reith, 3b - '. 3 0 1 lority of the Keyport Board ol Majeskl rales him as a $1500 bonus came In the money the first two to an early lead when Doug Par- field. The same night the Keyport for the AAU and club'meets they place Bob Howard, Port Mon- R. Davis, c 2 0 1 ducatlon in determining whnl player. In that Hal Deitz, Mata- days of a'50-day meeting that Mon- rish walloped .out-~"a> .Irigle^and Aces, behind the.slants of Bill will undertake with Bruce Mac- mouth, was awarded the victory '. Eovino, p 2 O 0 •v. Cutcheon, basketbaH coach, and le athletic policy of the schoo wan, who pitched Holy Cro9s Col- mouth Park, was open. Despite scored on ;an\ error 1h the first. Geiger jr,, turned back the young Barasso, lb 0 1 lege into tho collegiate Worli in the race, a novice event. 2 Barry Rlzzo. MHS track coach, lould be. hese sensational performances, That leaCstood up for the Rams Holmdel Tigers nine 12-2, Artelll, It - 2 0 1 helping the cause along when they leries never got anything IJJke $50,- until^the fourth when the Hazlet "Ron David won this Important Baker pointed out that the Key playing these long shot nags across Jim Hendrlckson, Merrlck, L.I., Born, 2b 1 0 0 can be available.' MacCutcheon 000 forsignin g with the St! Louis the board would have returned batters came to life, Bob Rankl victory for the Matawan Township irt Board on May 2 ruled thai Cardinals, we cannot see a kid outran the field to win the 25-lap R. Devino. 2b 1 0 0 . was slated to take a delegation to 5303.20 for $324 imwsted, or a defi- got a life on an error and Dan nine. The Jets got away to an early pro feature for his second tri- Germak, rf 2 0 le school should not engage I pitching for a high school club and : 0 the Olympic Fund meet at Plain- cit of $20, which teems unbel!ev Sakowskl and Kuzma followed with lead against him when Butch-Ra- umph of the year at Old Bridge. field last night." Ihlctic competition, especially in totally unproven against the kind hits to score Rankl. Pete Sakow- polla got a walk and raced around lOtball, with schools beyond its ible. With such goings-on,- it was The drivers who trailed were Joe 2ID4 J }f batters •Deitz had to face in his only to be expected favorites com- skl also hit safely, to load the to third on David's bad throw on The A.A.U. competition, Is far b8- vn..enrollment category. This ap- college career getting anything like Kelly, Conshocken, Pa.; Al De- Score by Innings: yond the level'Bf anything the Mat- led in particular to the conferenci ing In to win would be a bit, on sacks and a second run was forced an attempt,to sacrifice, Buster Angelo, Flushing, L. I.; Nick Da- erriers - 310 000—4 $50,000. Dellz has gotten put of the Ihe scant side. There were five of in when Fred DellaPietro was hit Brown forced Henry, Rapolla scor- awan boys have encountered or are relief role and has won a couple dian, Leonla, and Bob Malzahn, Tigers 000 000-fl likely to encounter - at the high rouping plan to take effect In them In 15 races, so that* the by a pitched ball. But Jones bore ing. S2 in which Keyport was placed if starts for Memphis in the South- Rarltan Township. . • -- ' school level; Running in such com- "chalk" player would have gotten down to fan Billy Lambertson and The Keyport lead did not last Win Qualifying Heats the "A" group and would be ern Association Class AA ball, We back only $22.60 for $32 bet on petition will bring their times and wonder what this high school pher- Pete Sakowski was picked off /olong. The PAL nine burst out with Kelly and Hendrickson won the •quired to play Freehold Regional, hem to win. Maybe, with Willie end the uprising. ,_ • performances to a college grade o n g Brunch and, Middletown nom could do: In that: league, or ai four-runs off Hal Robedee, Jets .qualifying heats in fast time while Today Thru Saturday! level before they are even out ot liartack back this week, the sjtu- The Rams bounced rlghfback in pitcher, fa their half of the first 'owhship, all Group IV schools, any of the other nigh school won- Mike Rubino, Hoboken, snared the Sllvana Mangano high school. •••'•.•- the top of the fifth to tie the garffc. irnong others. ders that break Into print every tion wlii get more "regular." and held control to the end. Benconsolation ' rice."" Bill';; Lacef ield, Van HefUa The only regret the_MHS runner As the enrollment ot boys In the day. A dime a dozen iar the whole Don McCoy got-a walk with one Smith" walked and Dwight Batson Edison and Ferrara ^on the rookie Vera Miles had Sunday, other thari the,rain, lot of them. But Majeski appears out and was sacrificed along. Duke hit safely; to start It for the Cliff- preliminaries. Barbara Bel Ceddes iper three high school grades li CALIFORNIA will be sending Edwards. singled to score McCoy. wooders. Ken Szyarto fanned, but was that participation in the na- « Criterion, of clasjlllqatlon.j, In more hopeful for 1981-ind two of Howard'* win came in the 20-' "FIVE BRANDED • «on«l IntenehplnU\e,rlY$rithe>itri in* /our W'JSpttwai.tiMytui he Jack Kuhns, as, a letterman, with: Kujfms put himself ln» tight spot David aided his. own cause with, WOMEN" "Wtht expected uppwgr.de m»J» its! Jrack /squad/to th» National.1 lap rookie feature, with following • before kept H/Jhlinrf-gfrr* «8>!eie» 'avorg, Andy Dustal and Tom Beck, ky Bl»O'WalklngJ>arriih tftid Jones • tajb hit, ,t9,,sc9M Smith. John driven being Bernis *Reai)p)w»kl, "•' •'•""— •nd—'•' ' enrollment of ' Freehold Regional Collegiate ;< Athletic . Association' 1 Medo/ja then pounded.put a triple • l.t State:Group H champs and arch Will ba 9611, of Long Branch* 833 >lsyer» with South River High. to load the sapkj.but'Dart Sakow- .South.. Amboy; Mlk«. $!ckto,, Mid.' foes of/thi Mar/Joii-and Sttel, oul Justal was the pitcher who elimi- championships at -Berkeley, skl saved the day'for the Dynamos to score Batson and. David and * MnUelM and o( Middletown 810. Against this Calif., this weekend. This event dlesex, pick Lewis, New. Egypt; "PRISONER OF Ofthe Stl)U) AAU,-' •. "••-. isted Keyport In the. Central Jer- by gathering In Hank Phillips' long raced horn* himself, on a poor re- ' The crowd got a charge out of thaupperithree-grsdej male enroll ajid the national decathlon at Eui : lay." '.". •" -: •' . r •••-• ,-• .• ' THE VOLCA" tnSnt of, Keyport that year, with ley, Group III, playoffs, but he had drive tonight for the final out. the all-girl race, which brought Sue Color-' •• 10 margin over •Keyport's Alex gene, Ore., July 8-9 will.be the r The"Hazlet team then went on •-: Giveir thli lead, David settled Hor*« Prlxsi Rsritarr Township pupils withdrawn supreme'!, undertakings of, the Kisch, Springfield, second place be- to their own high school, will be 'letrewlcz that would indicate- he to. win In the.sixth. Kuzma and down.'The Jets threatened him Inhind Christine Bivinsr-Freehotl ljBiTi1inSTDd«! was any tetter than the KHS south- former Mattwtn High track star the second on two walks and Bud All Cinemascope Show! Birbar* yirfcjiien, KeyjspTt, u a.U.S.C. athlete; Kuhns has, Pete Sakowski led off with hits. Next was Barbara Signore, Elfta- •cored two Uilrds in tho fourth an- jaw; incidentally,> high, school :Tony Infantl fanned, but Chick Or- Delaney's hit, .to-load the bases "CRACK IN THE MIRROR'" Will Return Contracts g been doing both:the sprints and beth; .ferry Wauchuk, Singac; Joan • '^ aftd —" ^.-T- ••"• player who graduated last year and with one out, but David fanned Ra- : nual Lincroft' Moris Show. . She - Baker said In view ol this If con- hurdles for the, Trojans, and as lando sacrificed the runners along. Linnett, Irvingtoo. '*: •' •.:••-.-:- ••--:•-'-" .h Color •'••,£" ' 'finished' third in English• horse- tracts to play the three Group-IV deserved more notice than' he ever Allen Stypol made Manager Dan polla and a pickoff at third retired Elliott Take* Feature At Wall "MASTER OF THE got was Ben Ochinegro, the Keyi a decathlon athlete of standing, manship over fence«' and her pony,. schooli in 1982, -under -the "A" h« fills in at other events when Ferrante's move pay oil by deliver- the side. ' Tommy , Elliott, Perth Amboy. CONGO JUNCI.E" Hlghfield '^ep .da.l.HooUe, ..was, plan, are presented^ to Keyport port catcher of the Shore Con- ing the, pinch single to send home Matawan Twp.' PAL W ference "B" Champs of 1959. Per- in emergency arise*. If he can Inct DeArigelo copped feature races fudged third In the children's they "will . be returned unsigned bring In a mark in any event of the two winning runsr ••••-, abr h in the' nine-event stock"car racing Juinter hack event , -' • Baker emphasized this is not to be iaps the fact that Ocri wors glasses Hazlet Dynamos (4) B. Smith, si'"-' killed off his chances.. The dif- certain standard, he can qualify abr h program at Wall Stadium Saturday taken as a show ot *ny unfriendli- «t the NCAA lor' the Olympic Batson, 3b night.•.Elliott set si new track.rec- Jump'Up and My Lou have been ness on Keyport's part toward the ference in Keyport's fortunes this Stypol, si 0 2 K. Szyarto, lb wts wholly due, In our opin- trials at Palo Alto, Calif., July Mlele, 3b : ord for the 30-lap distance in win- added to. the (table of Tommy three Group IV schools, only con- 1-2. Kuhns is looking for the U.S. 0 0 Isaksen, cf '•-- ion, to loss of effective "back- Granato, 2b 0 ning the opening event of the night. Heard jr. at Monmouth Park, formity by the athletics and super- decathlon in that lie has gone, be- David, p The victory was his second of the being vanned In from the farm itopplng. It hurt the" efficiency of Rankl, c 1 visory administration with a policy yond the 6000-polnt mark in two J. Medolla, « season, tying him with RidgefieU Mlddhjburg,. Va. - laid down by the board ot educa- CHS pitchers and the opposition D. Sakowskl, rf 1 T. Cross, rf • :ould run 'loose on tho bases such.events on tho West Coast Kuzma, p. Park's Don Stumpf. . ' , tion ot the school district. this spring. He hit 5600 points 1 Marsh, rf KEYPORT igalnst the Red and White. . , P. Sakowskl, lb 1 Zambor, 2b Elliott's Thunderbird whipped The athletic director pointed out in the Mt. San Antonio decathlon, DellaPietro, It the Lincoln-powered racer driven tt 33 at Circle -Liberty 2-42J* then'moved up to G047' points In 0 Green, If that on Its 1962 expected enroll- Infant!, If » o Frazier, If ' by Kelly. Third in the 10-mile con- CHILDREN ALWAYS FREE ' ment, Koyport may drop back in ...... • • • . the South Pacific Association de- Lambertson, ct o o test was Rumson's Bill McCarthy, Box Office Opens 7 P.M. state ratings from Group III to cathlon at Occidental College, At ALE STATE teams will be cho- Orlando, cf 0-0 24 6 5while Stumpf was fourth and Walls 'Shows Nightly From Dusk." AIR'CONDITIONED Croup II. At this time, the out- sen for the high school baseball the 7000-point level one Is In the Dallenbach, East Brunswick, fifth. championship bracket, even Keyport JeU (2) Now.Thru Sat. . .:•> NOW THRU SATURDAY look Is as yet too obscure for gy season this coming weekend. Also 25 4 7 The second 30-lap main evenl port to have-plans for football-thai though C.:K. Yang, the. Asian abr • Jules Verne's all shore and all-Uiis-and-that,. a. Malawan Rama (2) Rapolla,' ss 3 1 saw a'bitter battle waged by De season other Jhan'tho Intent to en h)t of it Just a newspaper circu- phenom, has pushed his total' Greatest Spectacle! - over tho 8000-polnt mark on one ab"r" h Henry, cf " 0 0 AngeUvNjck; Dadian, Al Pomponio gage such traditional rivals a» lation pitch with playors chosen 4 0 1 and Charlie \Cregaf' during ' the Matawan, Runison and Metuchon occasion.' D. Edwards, If L, Brown, If 0 the team picker jieyefiias ever D. Parrlsh,4b 3 1 1•J.,Pangborn, lb 0 0 early laps. Cregar, Trenton, faded in Group'H and Lakcwopd In Group seen. We could pick the- better back early In the event, with de- III. Keyport also. has ihod long- R. Jones, p P. Pongbo'rn, 0 0 0 players'we have"seen this season H. Phljlips, o tending champion Pomponio, Lake- MICHAEL BRANDED standing and pleasant relationships Gale'i'^b- 0-0 without classifying them, some Bowling Proprietors J. Rice, ct Fischlsr, ri 0-0 wood, taking the lead and keep with'Tonis River and Point Pleas better at hitting, some at/f lejd- Ing it through the half-way point. ant, Baker noted. Matawan and Royster, lb '.-• Siegel, 2b " 0 0 WOMEN Ing and" so on. Eor example, Have Annual Session B. Edwards, rf Delaney, rf- DeAngelo came on rapidly Rumsott would be "Q" schools and pitchers, righthanders, Jerry Ko- 0 1 SmOGOFF MN HEflJN • S1LPXHA HANGANO Lakcwood and Toms River "A' The Now Jersey Bowling Pro- McCoy, 2b Hohensteln, rf 1 0 though, battled for three laps side- bara, Sayreville; Andy Dustal, B. Parrlsh, sa Robede'e, p by-side with Pomponio and finally cum . «P ' KM MIUS • BARBARA BEL C£0DE8 schools under the regrouping plan rietors Association, which repre- 0 0 South River and Don Roonoy, forced his way through on the in- - Also — Lakcwood also has stated opposi- Freehold -Regional, lefthanders, sents the vast majority of the JlfiENS •? tion to playing any Group IV state's commercial bowling estab- 25 2 4 27 2 2side. Pomponio took second, while Len Popwoskl, Sayrevllle, L e-w with — Curt Jergons EASTMAN schools in football. Ishments, celebrated its Second Score by innings: Score, by Innings:' Kelly came .ori at the end for third. Wells and Alex Pletrewici, Key- Matawan Rams 1000 100—2 COLORS .As for Keyport "deciding" to re- port, Jack Lackey, Princeton Vnnual Convention with a four-day Keyport Jets 1000 001-2 Stumpt finished fourth and Dadian Phis — 2nd Action lilt . ' TOTAL»COPEI Hazlet Dynamos 0002 02x—4 fifth, \ main In the conference, Baker em- High; catcher, John Prlbllla, Lin- irogram last week at the Berkeley- Mntawan T p^ PAL 4011 OOx-fi T John Wayne phasized there never was any ques- den (In a class by himself); first Cnrteret Hotel, Asbury Park. The Two is company, and also safer tion about It es long as that body "The Conquerors" 1 base. Bill Falgares, ; Sayrevllle; daytime sessions'were devoted to Angels Unbeaten In Indian Hill Bowmen when swimming. The "buddy sys- was ready to accept the' ruling ot second base. Rip Rlofdan, Moht- business matters-'wlih the evening tem" is one of the best guaran- Extra Friday . Saturday the' Keyport Board of Education Matawan Twp; 8-12 Score In SFAA Meet 1 clalr, (very-much in a class by ij>ent in social functions. tees of. safety for-bathers. ..Espec- Cartoon Carnival the school should only oppose In himsclt); ihortstop, Charlie We'Horror Shaw Irving Borek, of the Matawan- CUffwood Angels were Installed Mefnbers of the Indian Hill Bow- ially avoid swimming alone in un- InterscholDstlc athletics schools Wothlngton, Matawan; third familiar waters. near Its size in Group III and eyport Recreation, was re-elected solidly In the top bracket At the men Club, Keyport, fared well In base, Ken Ruby, Middletown; Matawan Tbwnshlp 8-12 League Group II enrollments. But II the left field. Bob Jackson, Matawan, reasurer qt the association. the recent State Ejeld Archery As- conference -persists in demanding when the circuit suspended opera- sociation meet.at the Unnml _ Sunday - Monday - Tuesday Frank Accisano, Freehold Re- tions during the schools gradua- Keyport compete In Group "A" and gional, Pete Henderson, Highland course, Leonardo. Edward Lawton Shamed In Ihe slnets . , . play thi Group IV schools In Group 450-Pound Wrestler tion period this week In their finished in third place In the Double fighting for survival . , , SUN. .MON. - TOES, Park; ccnterfleld, Bob HeuSch- last outing before the recess, the "A," then that body will be, In- kel, Union, Fred Moser, Mata- A expert class and John Pittius AND VENGEANCEt h Sunday An Italian twist Is given the Angels made it five, straight when scored a first in the expert A com- cited, forcing Keyport out of the wan, Charlie Schackle, St. vrestling program to be presented conference or even ejecting the they overcame the CUffwood Pi- petition. Mary's, South Amboy; right field, imorrow night by Roland Hlnes rates 4-2. Rodney Franklin held school. In that event. Baker notes, Dove Stout, South River. Oddly Tock Wharton finished In third I the Asbury Park Convention the Pirates safe for the winners to plnce In the expert B shoot over every effort will he. made to con nough, a pitcher, Ed Apilinskl, loll. The Great Antonio,'-g 450- llriue friendly competitive relation- the^sbtth when he weakened and the sanctioned course and Hobble Linden, was the hardest batter ound giant, from Italy will wres-' Bjlly Vena came on for relief ships with conference schools who uc saw all year, but, alas, he Is Johnson, second in the bowmen's le in the feature event against pitching to secure the win. division, Mrs. Edna Wharton finish- long have been KHS rivals in lot particularly a pitcher. Mike Bearcat Wright, an American who sports. imlth. Highland Park, and Pun- The Angels lineup with hits was: ed first in the women's bowmen squares off at a mere 260 pounds. Plal, 3b, 0; Vena, c, 2; Drake, division and Mrs. Marl* Koppcri- kin Brown, Keyport, are slug- Another Italian muscle man on the gers, but not from third base. ss, 2; Franklin, p. ct, 2; Jbcrge. r copped first place in the irogram is Bruno Sammartlno Kearns, lb, 0, Green, If, 0:women's archer competition. Dave Mckelvey, Lakewood, un- who will seek to pin down the bi- Top Bowlers . doubtedly will be an ,"all" but Szyarto rf, 1, Schaufele, cf, 0, It was announced the club will ceps of (he Zebra Kid. In a team Savitsky, 2b, «. ^CeypOrt Locos topped tour- he was just so-so, against Mata- match, two falls out of three, Lou sponspr a Junior (relational Tour- wan and South River. We shall The Pirates, lineup with hits con- nament for junior bowmen up to fnr faurcls in th* Wnlh annual Albano and Tony Altamore will — Starting _ men's bowling tournament of the be .interested to see how many engage Prince Lalava and Johnny sisted: of: Batson, If,' 0; ° Worden, lGyear&otagyg e Julyy 30. Thl* is the }f the above rate all-state.' 2b, 0; Isemann. cf, 0;, Vandevere, h ffd f Silvan. Mangaao Npw Jersey Bell Telephone. Co. Walker. Single bouts pit Miquel First state-wide s,hoot offered for Vera MU The team, comprised of Howard 'crez against Larry Simon and Al lb, 0; Hamilton, 3b, I; Silva, rf, juniors by any club. Mrs.- Grant Recluti, Thomas Nagci, Richard imlth agains; Fritz Mueller. 0; Bell, ss, 0;, McKmney, p. 0;Reynolds, director of the Girl - Phis 2nd Hit - * * • Abrams e, 0. Scout's Camp Nomoco thanked the Schrunki George W«U and William MONMOUTH PARK;S first two Gregg,- racked up a three-game Club for its donation of target bulls CIWCI-t».V,'r*i» Thursday, JUM 16,1960 WEMATAWAN JOURNAL, N. j. PBA IN iuc Leads New Residents At Sayre Woods South Regret, Tyro Bowffng Standings West Keansburg Scout Council Plant Disabled Protected M1DDLET0WN TUESDAY N1TE For Annual Dinner linger Social Security SUMMER MIXES LEAGUE When Rained Out At Monmouth Team . _ W |L.Expanding Lead The annum meeting of Mon- It you have • severe md long- Jersey Shore. League race con- Moaniauth Park's tecond week George Kallsta'c Five 10 2 The West Keansburg Fire Com- mouth Council, Boy Scouti lasting disability-which prtveiili tinued tohold Interest In this area of Its racing meeting will feature DuoUme'a' I ' 4 pany Increased its lead in the East- ol America, will be teldTVtdneg. you from engaging In tny nib- A. Mnhlers Five •* d«pile tiie Keyport Arrows pass- the Regret Handicap for fillies and ern Division of the Rarltan Town- day evcnlna It the Sprii>8 Uke jwntial gAinful activity, you mares three-years-old and up atJim Fonti's Five f ing oat of the picture. The. Madi- ship 8-to-12-Lcague by downing the Golf and Country Club. Mayor San- son Township PBA nine give prom- six furlongs Saturday and the Tyro Bachstadfs • ' Rarltan Sweet Shop Tigers 3 to 1, I'llRlWe for- protection under the ise Sunday of becoming • more Stakes at flve-and-one*aU for Keyport Packlae •- A The team record now stands at ford C, Flint, Iriterlaken, vice presV disability provisions of the Social potent factor in the league race colts and geldings Wednesday. The G«)rgc Adcock's seven wins and one defeat. ' dent of the council It In charge of Security Act, Allan "A. BJSJ, man- when- Manager Art Glbb's boy» RcgrcRinamed th^, only fitly to win AI; Leo's Keansburg Park, with three wins the program, WilliamTrledlaender, E. Trepp's ager of the Perth Amboy Social cracked out a, 7-1 lead before they the Kentuclry Derby, carries $20y durlntfthe week, climbed into a llatk't, Is a member ol the dinner were rained out In the fourth inn- DM in added money while the Tyrd l^Kl' Security District Office stated. - second place tie with the Veterans committee,'. ing against the'TJelmar .Merchants run for JM.COO in added cash T. Caprioni's of Foreign Wars and Keansburg Umlcr these disability provision's, at trie shore diamond. also. . Brfgadoon Village Park, each having records of four The annual event brings'together you may be eligible for * monthly Rich Wenner was on bia way to The Regret attracted three more U. Werse wins and three losses. The Wood- tho ullicers ol the council, repre- disability benefit If you are tge SO L. Scoras to 65, or it,you are under ago M, an initial victory on, the mound nominees than last season, ami land Park Builders Pirates have sentatives of tho districts, and tho Suburban Gulf Station' you may have your social security when'the rains came. The former numbers five three-year-old flllhrt, yet to win a game and occupy tho members of the council who are MHS and Monmouth College pitch- J. F. Giles . cellar of the dlvi*lon wilh seven record frozen to protect your own including a pair from the Wheat- appointed by the institutions which er was. tapped by the shore nine ley Stable, trained by Sunny Jim Bob Otr's State Farm Iossc8.- and your family's future benefit for a run in the first. But the PBA Fitoimmons. They are* Stretch E. Morson sponsor Scouting In Monmouth rights. _ •: Happy Five . In the Western Division there Is nine came back against Biff Robin- Drive and Warlike, 1VS Ihrce-way tie for first place' County. The election ot officers will In onieHo qwallfy for cither th« eon, Belmar pitcher, to tie it In E. Deutsch , Mommy Dear, who won-Moo- Kahle and McFarland Flyers, take plncc. On the nomlnnlinfj com- wie or disability Insurance, you Uie second on an error, a hit by Bill Fischers Cities Service Yankees mittee are'E, Murray Todd, Main- must have worked at leart flvo out Haberman and a sacrifice fly. In mouth Park's Sorority Stakes as a two-year-old In 1958, has returned ond Kopushy Brothers Esso Hawks wanj anil Ernest E. Pescux, Hni- of Iho. lost 10 years under social the third, the Gibbjeam went, Schedule Safe have Identical records of four wins security. The work does not huv« ahead_when Wcnner," Bid Benni to ,lop form this season with vic- let;'. • . • tories in the Correction and Distaff and three losses^ The Hnzlct Fire to ho continuous but it mmt be • and Laird Stratton connected safe- at Aqueduct to-her credit. TheBoating Week Company with two wins and five Guest spenker for the affair Svili within the Id-ycir period bofora ly. speedy daughter of Polynesian al- losses ar£d the sacks. Benni iliary in the. Third Coast Guard were: Kcansburn, Park U, Jlntlct the JntrllifienCD Inim who Inter- Crocodile, first winner of tho Long- •\ One-of the quintet of three-year- District In National Safe Boating 2; .Yankees 9. Kawka 7; Tigers 5, then cleared them with a two-bag- olds named to the Regrejt is Joseph viewed the returning prisoners fellow handicap oivtlio tutl at Man- • jjer and Wenner hit safely again. Week. The period, July 3 through Yankees.A; Keansburtt Pork 8, alter the Korean conflict, _v._ mouth in 1932. • M. Roebling's. Be Cautious, winner July 9, has been set aside by pres- Pirates 0; Keunsburu park 8, VFW But'then it started to rain hard of the Betsy Ross Stakes at Gar- and (he Madison effort had been idential proclamation as an obser- 2j West Kennsburg Flro Company den State Park agajnst fillies Of vation ot National Sato Boating 3, T!(ier. I; and Hawks 6, Flyers for naught. •' her own age. yPJay;-Home Suntf^y Week. The participants of the Na- 3. The Gibbmen will play home Reginald N. Webster's Quill. tional Safe Boating Committee Jn the home-run derby, circuit Sunday at Sayreviiie High field champion two-year-old filly of 1958comprise leading organliations of clouts were hit during the week by against Oakhurst Legion. The and winner of two stakes In 1959 the marine Industry, safety coun- Lofton Swaneer, Kcansburg Park washed out game "with Belmar before sustaining an injury, has cils and boating organizations - (3); BOtmSWtttll, HaJlct Fire Merchants will be played off on a been nominated by .Trainer Lucien "The Coast Guard Auxiliary in Company (1); Glen Waltsak, return date.. Laurln. Quilt signified her fitness the Thir-d Coast Guard District is Hawks (1); Jack Hunt, .Hawks, ; Bob toPresto, former Keyport upon returning to action by win-particularly well lulled to assist (J); Pat McDonough. Hawks (1); High and" Rutgers pitcher,-started ning en overlght race »nd, finish-not only In publicizing National and. Bell, YankeM (I).-.-:.-.-.- . . •on the mound for the league'lead- Ing a fast-closing second to Royal Safe Boating Week but In-promot- Native in the Top Flight at Bel* ing Red Bank. Towners against ing safety on the water on an-an- damming Licsnte . South Belmar Knights. toPresto mont Park June <.., Still another nual basis." held the Knights in check until his Ernest Crystal, employed by Insurance firm al offices In Key-consistent performer on the list of Commodore Levltan also said, Required By State teammates could burst forth with port, Is pictured With his wife, associate director of Perth Amboy Regret ellgibles is Jack N. "during July 3 through July 9, the General Hospital, School of Nursing, aad tbelr, son, Robert, four-years- Welch's Tinkalero who has placed an -eight-run foray in the third. The old. Coast Guard Auxiliary will be tor the benefit of the .many Keyport'player materially aided In four stakes this season and re- 'available in local communities to thousands, of residents who soon the Towner—cause in .this outburst Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Crystal and prepares a girl for a career as well cently Won at the seven furlong prpvide one-lesson courses In boat- will swell the summer population by delivering a timely Wow with their four-year-old son, Robert, are as Motherhood and horaemakinft" distance over the-Aqueduct course. ing safety, to stand by to assist along the stale's bays and tidal men aboard. new residents at 2 Kenneth St., she said. "The Perth Amboy Gen- Dixiana's Wind-Rose, twice an the Coast Guard In tho event of waters, Chris H, Rlley, director boating disunities and primarily ol the Division of Shell Fisheries - Once safely installed behind a big Sayre Woods South. Mr. Crystal Is eral Hospital, a nationally accredit- impressive winner in overnight ed professional school of nursing, to insure tho boatman that his In Uie Department of Conservation lead, LoPresto grew wobbly and employed'by the All-State Insur icesand Rockburn' Farm's Re- : Vinnie Cioglia, Rulgers frosh hur- has sent many fine nurses into the (te. victress In the Miss Woodford vessel Is a sate vessel by grant- nnd'Economic Development, calls ance Co. at their offices in the new field and others have become ex- ikes in 1959, also rates as form- ing him the courtesy motor boat attention to certain stato laws con- ler, came on to relieve him and Sears building, West Front St, hold the Knights in place for a cellent wives and mothers." ible candidates for Regret hon- examination Insures that tho boat- cerning tho inking of clnms and PAINT SALE nuin does more than comply wllli crobj by Individuals.. 1M Red Bank'victory.' Keyport. Mrs. Crystal is associate Mrs. Crystal shows her faith In the minimum legal aspects of both * SUndlnEi * director of Perth Amboy'Hospital her student nurses by entrusting i complete list of ellgibles fol- "Just because "Cousin Norman" IV lows: Addle Belle, Aesthetic, Be stiilo and federal laws. likes clnms, you don't go out on KEYSTONE Team I3 School of Nursing. The couple, na- them with the care of her small Hed Bank 3 Cautious, DShdy Blltzcn, Fulmlnc, Assures Boatmen the Hats at low lido nml get wmo Oakhurst tives of New Jersey, came to this son while she is at work. ."Robert 3 ,750 attends the Rolling Hills Nursery roanie Gal, Lastborn, Lucy Locket, "It should give every boatman tt for him, unless you have • ilalfl MASTER PAINTERS .• Aumson • H .6(17 area from Union. • ' 1 L/>ng Branch - 3 .e«7 School in South Plainfield," the ex- lisa Clludy, M'»" Royal, Mommy feeling of tccurity to himself and license," Director Rlloy snld. Belmar 2 Mrs. Crystal's work at the hos- Msq son 'Dear, Mrs. Helta), Norrlssa, Quill, his family to know that his boat Tho clamming license lor a New MMadiso'n 1 1333 pital involves the directing, plan- plained, "where our nursing stu- OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT 1 Recite, Repetitious, Starettn, qualities for tho 'Oscar' of boating, Jersey resident not engaged In South Belmar 1 ning and implementing of the cur- dents get their training in pedlatrlc Freehold 1 Stretch Drive, Tinkcralo, Warlike, the coveted auxiliary decal,' With that pursuit Commercially costs Ktlport • . .. 0 riculum of the School , of' Nursing. She describes herself as a "school Wedlock and Wind Rose. ovpr hall-a-mllllon pleasure boats JJ.50 a year and- non-reslilcnt, principal In a white cap." Judges Named For - Joseph Gavegnano's Errard King in this district there.is ample op- |7.M, Non-residents are prohibit- 4.58 •••< Federal Liens • ed from -sellinu tfiellflih taken IMrs. Crystal was graduated from Jr. and High. Bush have arrived portunity for all booting organiza- White Only • tions to educate the public In safe- from Jersey waterti II you have Federal liens were filed by Jo- Setoa Hall with a B.S, Degree. VFW Essay Contest (mm. New'England and are being pointed for the' Tyro and they ty. , **" -' • •' • • ' ' a license, you can go clamming seph F. J. Meye*, district director She also holds a Master's Degree Leo A. Hoegh, director of the from and did come fresh, front a leoond-ihird /.The auxiliary Intend* to co-when lancy dictates, except before of Internal Revenue,-Newark, in Office of Civil and Defense Mobil- sunrise or. after sunset. kEYSTONE 100% PURE the office of Middlesex County pjst graduate work in obstetrics at finish to the-Myles Standlsh Stakes operate wholeheartedly with all ization, will head the pane) of at,Suffolk PswwL;-.i.,-i.-|i.i; '•-{ .. Clerk M. Joseph Duffy. John Civi- li Margaret Hague Maternity participants ot,Natt FUMY EVEMNQ. :> .180 Main St. 9 to 6 Daily Matawan JOHNSON - GIBB CO. Pagt Twdlve THE MAJAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Thursday, iun» 16, I960 -Pleas, Sentences! _ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Tike notlea tyiat Matawan Fosl 171 American Legion his mads «p i pllcstlon to the Mayor and Court 16-Joe's CocVtall Lounga have ,«i>pll< Given In Court of the Borough at Matawan for a cl to tha-uaysr and Council it Uis Bo A 39-year-old Keyport woman license lor the club premises, 1 Main Street, Matawan. tau consumption liquor "cai*, who nas spent more than three Officers of tlie Poat are: the rramUea sit uselfieltfant AdS Commander, Clyde Sandara, R. -D Ihe premises situated on Routa -••flpajj in the Vroom Building in 1, Box Z4, Malawan. N. J. ObJecUons,' If any. should Mmm 1st Vice Commander. Thomas Lai tmmwiatelr In writing lo Trenton, pleaded not guilty Friday in, 25 • BUi St., Keyport. N. J. C HalfHall. ClerkClerk, of the BBorough 2nd Vice Commander, Lester Ash, HELP WANTED FOR RENT SERVICES FOR SALE to a charge of atrocioui assault 107 Broad St, Matawan, N J, - """"•"•"•SEPB BACHARDB HOUSES FOR SALE and battery before Monmoutb 3rd Vice Commander. Richard Bsi LRV BACHARDE BUS DRIVER, commercial KLSASANT fumiiked room In key- WEST KEANSBURG new ranch; FREEZER.upright, practically ar. Park- Ave, Mstansn, N J. Jir port; near gchoolt, bui llne^ralr aCALX US FOR SMAXL JOBS new, IT cubic foot. Call LOwell County Judge Jghn C. Giordano. Adjutant, Joseph Corrpoly, R. D perlenca necesnrynbus ICC at X bedroom* modem kitchen, til Be* «0S, Matawan, N. J. NOTICE , . PUC common rartier experleace road (Utlon. Write Box A to care bath. »U,9O0, Inquir. Saturdays 6-M15. I - wJU Ellen Wilkins, 215 Atlantic St., Service Officer, Bsy Oormley, Taka notlca that Joanne W. Hai Holl -o? |h,ls newipaper wJU Replace windows, hang doors, re- Broad St. Malawan, N. J. man and Robert E. lUrtmsn trad- helpful, (tetdy work. Apply Hallo or Sundays. 154 Essex Ave. j CANDLED EGGS Keyport, has been in the Vroom Finance- Officer, Oscar H. Smltti ing uTIit Cork -N Bottle have ap Transit Corp., 27S Broadway, Key- BUNGALOW, 3 rooms. Highway 34, pair lock*, .sump pumps eto. 199 Main St. Malayan, N. J piled to tha Mayor and Council Paint • spray be brush outside or PARK AVENUE, Bellord, 2 bed- FARM FRESH. Building, a state mental Institution, Chaplain. Walter Swanson. Edge- the Borou«* of Matawan tor • pi porW Matawan. Call LOwell 6-9852. rooms. Call L. Karku«, KEIiogg inert Drive, Matawan. l 7 CANDY SHOW CASE, 1? foot, ad> town Reformatory for breaking in- Union Beach, New Jer*ej ; ISIgned) " " B O O K K E E PB H, experlenSea, PRrT, men and .women:. 24 hour super- : justable^-ishelves, all glass, -ex- to the Rarltan Essd'Service Sta- ~ STEPHEN D. QLAU3 vision; Individual diets. Licensed 18 Freneau Ave. steady. Apply Keyport Cleaners, ed. Desirable location In Key- VET NO DOWN cellent condition. Can be seen ot tion, Middle Rd., Raritan Town- Uatawan, N. J. by State of (Jew Jeresey. Reason- ship, Sept. 24, 1959, and failing W. NOTICE 3rd and Division Sts., Keyport. Call port. Call COlfax 4-3405. wjtf 1956 Cape Cod, 3 bedrooms', storm Appliance Repair, 34 E. Front St.. Tflkii nolle* that Richard E. GlIUj J23 »3.et . COlfax 4-100O.-' "W]l ablo -rates; 1W miles south of windows and doors, large shade Keyport. "' . -•?- -•' wilS* -•••-• " • n Wins and Liquor NOTICE LARGE ROOM for sleeping 5 Matawan light. Highway 31; oppo- trees, , fully landscapoij, cycloae to the Maydr ant Take notice that Lawrence Evangel- BEAN PICKERS, .. Call LOwell people, kitchen privileges and GIRL'S English bike, 28", excellent Borough of Man ists has applied to the Township Com- site White Gate' Ino. Call LOwell fence, concrete driveway,-to over- condition, good tires, (IS. Call _ ,.,„_„ reital) distrlbiiUon 6-072V if no answer, WHItney laundry privileges. Call COlfax 64611.. ' ' '••: Jtt Ucenso for premises situated at 120mlttet of tho Township of Matawan ; sized garage, 1 car detached. Neat COlfax 4-7325. w]18 term. . for a plenary retail consumption U- -S871. . '•:"-• .."ill 4-5823. " wJ16* ___ t , UA Main St.,,Mat«wan._H. J, local and city transportation. In- ~ "Aaron Nelson: HienEstovvh, re-J Objections, it any, ahouia fas mad Hiss for premises known as The DIKES REPAIRED; also parts MAPLE DRESSER._ mirror; table, w ri n Arthur .'hits Gate Inn situated at East side MODERN 1 room apartment, furn- spection invited." Approx. $79.00 --ceived a suspended indeterminate ^ii^cL'" - C * -»' ;tats Highway 3i, Valley Drive, Ms WANTED TO RENT sold; bikes painted, new fenders bed, Simmons ihnersprlHg' mat- d a sp C. Hall. . irk, of the Borough ished or unfurnished, for 5 monthly payment. '-Selling at $12,-tress; also 1 sliding door wardrobe, le In Bordentown Reformatory Matawan. :awan Township, County of Mon and lights Installed. Call LOwell (Signed) IOUUI. N.,J. . • • WANTED for July 1st occupancy, monlhs. Availabla JulyMst. Swim- all for $40. Call LOwell 6-2703. for carrying a concealed weapon 6-0593. -.. > j!6 ooo.- , RICHARD E. QILLIS, Objeotloru, U any, should ttf.madt 3 bedroom house In Keyport or ming pool available, .fall COlfax. > wJ18 In a car In Marlboro Township Jan. 120 Matn St., . mmcdlstely in writing to: Roso K. Matawan. Call COlta-4-7185, Matawan, N, J, Wenzel,.Clerk, of ths Township oi Ma- 4-3989.- ••,"• •- .-,--\ ..•-'•WJW. AUTOS FOR SALE ; ONUy, J5O0 DOWN . 7^He was fined $250 and placed ' ' wJ18 MAYTAGyfirrlnger type washer ' APA'^MENT, 3. roonrif modern^ i Bedrooms, recreation room, base- witrVWump; 3 years old, $45. Call . on probation for two years. (Signed) ' a-' • 1958 M. C. Magnette, 4 door sedan, ment, VenetlanM)lind3, Aluitiinum / Eugene DeRosa, 21, of 518 Flor- NOTICE LAWHENCE BVANamSTA Situation Wanted oil heat. Inqulra Joseph Stengef, black, red leather upholstery, ex- COlfax M-7987; •••.-.-• wJ16*' Take notice that Hollywood Liquors Ii.F.D Box ISA Highway 34, 1 mile south of light, combination . windows and doors, ence Ave., Rarltan Township, was Routs M - cellent condition, Call COlfax 54" extension table, 6 chairs and k Groceries Inc., a corimratlon of the ITILL wash and Iron all .types ol Matawan. •>. wJ16 cyclone tonce, ,'JniIt trees, Al sentenced to Bordentown tor break- State of New Jersey, has applied to curtaks; also 'stretch curtains In 4-2912. • wjl6 a buffet; also seml-automatls the Township Committee'of the Town- PARTMENT, 3 rooms, heatand utilities ": including city : sewersi |ng; entering and larceny Jan. 24ship pt Malawan tor a Plenary Retail ly own home. Prompt lervlca. 1953 P0NTIAC Catallna, hard top, Home in excellent condition. 3S Bendix washer. Call LOwell 6-0929, at the Flo-Dar Cabinet Shop, Cliff- Distribution Llc'*\ ot State Highway No."35 in the Town- thahann 19 perr cent oott anyy s stoctock In aaiidd outh. State ot New Jersey (Cleo COlfax 4-3968. wjl6 shin ot Matawan; County ot Monmomh crportcorporatiopatioi nn is thththe esaiidd WilWillial m r. Iva being the agent therein, and in if fresh air' in country, 2nd floor. distanca to churches, schools, No Money Down ' «nd Stato of New Jersey. Daniels *onndd PhilliPhillip BhBhadyd . targe thereof, upon whom process WANTED TO BUY >S5 per month. Inquire 334 Wilson 160 TRIUMPH TR S, black, white stores and railroad. 'Call LOwell Karl A. Frantz, COlfax 44405. • Objection, It any, should be nude Objection. It any, should be made iay. be served), has compiled with 3TOCK o! Farmers & Motchants — Immediately in writing to Boaa K. Immediately in writing to nose K. to raqulramcnta ot Title 14, Corpor- Vve.. immediate occupancy. wjlS' top, radii and heater, White 8-0929. JM •- jtf WenM!. Clett 61 me Township ol -Wennl,-Clerk-or Matawan Township, lions General; of Baylsed-SiatuuM ol Bank. Bid (48.00. Call CApltal IPPER apartment, 4 rooms and walls,, only 4000 miles. Call COl- USED refrigerator*, $49.95 and up. Matawati, Matawan Township Mu- HOLLYWOOD LIOUORS ' (aw Jeraey. preliminary* to the tssu- ? ; MATAWAN HOUSE. 7 rooms and . nlclpal Building No. 1« Lower Main AND OROCERIES INC ng of this SarUftc&te ot "QlssoluUoni 9W.'--' •;:~ ~-~-r:':~ --J* "bath, at 69 Maln St:,-KeyporL fax 4-2695 after 6 p.m. - w)16 Good condition, Pete's Inc., COl- "'Strut,t,: Mauwan, NoNww J Jerseys . ' William F, Daniels. HOW THEREFORE, .1, th» 8«rfc bath with-.hot-lwater.heat, full •'-7SJ«e * s<*on>p Ifry ol HierSUto ii th«-8tate of New Vyailabla June J5th. jF. W. Bltt- dining room, basement and 2 carfax 4-2700 or KEanjburg S-110Q. , ffl.jtan nSchorp Sch p 5*r«ey. w*ITaralW '-CarUfy" that tH» LEGALNOTIGE ner Agency,' SSTiiain St., Keypjort. WANTEti;;TO BUY, Highwayy 33SS garage. LotlOO.jc JM. SterUng IfiKssh said corporation did, oh -the Twenty- 1 s CUUi i N. JJ, aeventh 'day of May, ,iOGQ< Jlle In rny NOTICE WALT BOYS ANVTHING - McCanni Hear Estate , JBS' Brpad TYPEWRITERS. ADPING mv lie (7.2«. offic* a duly executed'and attested Taka noun that Kay Knterprisia All kinds of tools, outboard motors, onsent In writing 14 the dissolution Inc. a .corpontion ol; lha State of )NE large room at 96 Main St., St., Keyport; COIlax 4-1376, chlnes. AH makes, new or used,. •.'. NOTICB TAKE NOTICE that Cliff wood life, >f said corporation, -executed by si lew Jersey trading as Matawan k Keyport ^available July 1st, lady electric fans, bikes, old guns, ma- Guaranteed. Easy terms, ^Bujr Take notlca that Roy B. Uatthawa, _ corporation ol tho State of iTciv he stockholders thereof, which said Cayport Bowline U Racreatlon Cen- MATAWAN, Cape Cod," 2 bedrpomsr tradlnr as Ksyport Ion, bai nudo Jeraey, trading as Cliffwood-imrf has :onsent and the record of the pro- OT Tias applied to the To*nshlp preferred. F. W. Blttner Agency, rine equipment and used furniture; 'em where they fix 'em." Low af application to tho Township Commit' applied to the Governing Body of the :eed!nss aforesaid are now-on-file !oramlttee of the Towruhlp of Mats- Call Walt; KEansburg .6-0846. WJ23 ' 'expansion' attic partly finished, van for a.Plenary Jtetall Coniump- 56_Main St.', Keyport, call COlfax $25, Serplco's, 101 Monmouth St, tea ot Mitswan Township lor ranew Township of Mstawan-for a plenary my s8ld office as provided by law. 4-2916. .' . ' : w]16 recreation room, basement and retail consumption license for prem- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 on ucense C-B for premises situated jarage. LqflSO x 26O."i Sterling Red Bank. Nest to theater. SH license I ises situate at Nortlieait corner Koy- : hsve hereto set my hand ant >t No. 2 Lower Main Street, in me For Sale Or Rent 7-0485. .:.•••;-.. . ; , WjU port-South Amboy rtoad and'Cllffwood - affixed my official seal, at township of Matiwsn In the CounW CLIFFWOOD Beach, 1 side double McCann, Real Estate, 253 Broad HOUSE, 2 apartments, Lloyd Road, : Avenue, ClllfwoDd, Matawan Town- L.9.) Trenton, this Twenty-seventh it Monmoutn and State ot New Jer- house, unfurnished, 3 rooms, bath, St., Keyport; COlfax-4-1376.- 4 WrUTE WALL TIRES and tubes,. '• Objections, u any, viiuuiu w "'"i1,1 ship. New Jersey. dsy ot May A. D. one thousand iey.- • rorch, heat and hot water supplied. Marlboro, each. 3J4 rooms. Hur- Immediately In writlni to Rosa K. The names and residences of a.. nlM hutidrsd and sixty. The names of the officers, directors 800 x 15, lots of tread lelt on. officers, directors and stockholders Edward J, Patten < 173 per month. Call LOwell fl-2220. ry. Call ovenfngs, KEllogg 1-1172 wenul, Cleric, of the Township •>(. secretary of State. •nd owners of more than lr» of the TOST Will sell complete for $60. Call Matawan. are as follows: ' itock are as follows: j6 for appointment.' wjtf George J. Pouienc. Jr., President, 3O»2I.Ut •..-• Irving Borek, B. D. No. 4 Freehold, PEKINESE CApital 2-0648. wjt< s! MATTHEWS, Director and Stockholder, nutwood lew Jersey. President. FOUR ROOMS and bath, heat and rl-Amboy nd., Avenue, cutfwood, New Jersey; TAKE NOTICE, that on Friday, tho Ellsworth P. Baker, 51 Hance Rosd. INSTRUCTION Small female with brown, white and rt I< } Alfred Pomenc, Treasurer, Director r.1 day of July 1M0, at 10 o'clock Fair Haven, New Jeraey, VlccPresl- hot water. Inquire after 3 p.m., black marking], on Saturday, June SHOPPERS 11815.94 and Stockholder. 1116 '"Woodmeri n i the forenoon of that. day, at the Delbort,. Box 420, Old Tennent Drive, Cllffwood, New Jcrsey; ~ remlnos of OK sales It Service, Hy Albert I. Duvnll, 74 Rlnor Edge PIANO LESSONS lth, in the vicinity of Main St DELIGHT ; - NOTICE Muriel Senk, Stcrotary, Director and o. 34, Malawar), N. J., will be sold Drlvr, LHtla Silver, New Jersey, sec- Road, Morganvllle. J3Q.* Beginners and advanced instruc- and Route 34, Matawan. Answers Taka notlca that Charles Messina Stockholder 326 Bayview Avenue, Un- X PMbllc vendue to Uie highest bid- retary. has applied to the Mayor and Council ion Beach. Mew Jersey. !cr: 1 Dodge;- 1934, 4 door sedan, Objections, If any. should be made \PARTMENT, 3 roonu. Call LOw- tions InJazZi Popular and Classical to name of Chee Chee, Reward" YES MR. ft MRS. SHOPPER of the Borough of Matawan r any of their successors In rliht, RUGS 100% virgin wool, nevei Itlev and Interest; snd. PINCUSHION water syitcms Installed.. Pumps ' srees,: 13 minutes West. 101.00 feet • Take notlbe that Antonio Cerrato CLUB repaired. Wafer Conditioning, usedr also matching pair 9x11 fo a point (herein; thence (3) South ha» applied to tho Mtyor and Counci Ralph Robinson, President -v THE STATE OF NEW JEItSEY,,- TOP SOIL SLIPCOVERS • DRAPERIES 07 degrees, 37 minutes, S3 seconds of tha Borough-of Matawan for a t , Defendants. 0 12x28, Sail Scapn&it 2-0549. West, 10.71 feet to the. westerly aldo plenary retail consumption license tor Upholstery, Custom made, choose wjtf of Lino Aoad to a point and comer' promises known as The Magnolia Inn j ' ' NOTICE ; " TO: BEATniCE .KNIGHT, her heirs, TRUCKING, trenching and bull- 1060 fabrics at home.' Free esti- COLFAX 4-M93 of the lnnda' About tr> bo convoyed lltuated at east side of Matawan-Frea- •Take notice that WUU«m J>orter hat devisers, and ftoraonal reprcsmitn- )NE 8 foot lhtHfl and dairy ahmt -uhlch ii the licglnninK point ot this hpld Hd,,Ma.tawan, N. J. applied to the Mayor and Council o tlves nnd her, .their, or any ol their dosing, mason Band, graver, drive- mates. Call Dorothy Smith, LO- 614 HOLMDEL RD. . IIAZLET rlctcrlpllon; ihence (1) . along tlie tin) Borough ot Matawan for a plenary successors In right, tltlo, and inlof case.'one rlcat scale and ono Objections,-If anyi should be mad* : way gravel, bluestono, cinders and well -6-1296. , w|7/28/60 We.Icily side' of Line Road. North •Immediately In writing to: Arthur Dtall consumption Dcensa for prcm- ost, and JOHN DOB, husband or llca- moat block. fiM COlfax 4-2953. 11 degrees,. ID minute), West, 190 C. Hall, Clerk, ol Uis Borough of ses known as tho Central Tavern alt- trlco Knlflht, Bald name John Due op soil. - ' i VVJ16 foet, to the new division line dividing Matawan, N." J. . . mod at 113 Main St., Mntawan, N. J, bclnft fictitious,-Ills heirs, dcvliccs, Miscellaneous' ~ wjlfj f land herein conveyed nod linds of fSlsned, Objections, if anyi ahould iwrnade and Jitreoiwl rcinescnlnllvpj nnd tho Aforesaid Jnmcs V omork Jr - ANTONIO CERRATO. mmcdlately In writings.to Arthur his their or any ol their cui'ccssora MCIHGAN PAY LOADER SAFETY BELIES ,IR CONDITIONER, Gibson 3/4 thence (2) along the snmo South 07 Hall Clerk of the Bo-ouih ft! In right, title, nnd Interest; Television I ton, $75. Call COUax 4-1155. degrees, J7 mlnulcs. 25 seconds V,al J18 *» 'i1'"0*'"'- N J- 'ttanan, N J ~ Fot all -make cars. Larry's Uphol- S732J feet lo a point In lands of (Slencd) SAMUEL KNIGHT.. hla heirs, de. stery Shop, 33 Little St., Matawan. wjlt said Wnrnock thence (1) along lands WILLIAM PORTER vlsecs. and personal representative!! DIETRICH bROS., INC. Of said Warnock Jr South III de 111 Main SI. Coll LOwell G-3010. .- wJU DON'S TV SERVICE IF YOU ARE planning on finan£ , Take nollco tint application has and his their, or any ot their sue- 28 SPRING LAWN AVE. For fast efficient radio and tele- rees SI minutes 11 tecontls Bust , .. „. Matuwan N J. cuiors In rlKht. title, and lutcrcit, MARL.B0RO Lawn Mower Repair. Ing a new or used car and an ' been riado to the IViunahlp Lommlllee and MM SAMUEL KNIGHT, "its MATAWAN vision service call LOwell 6-3844. Interested in saving up to $3 a fIS JS feat, Hcnco M) North 67 dcof the Juunship oi Mntauan bj of Samuel KnlBht. her heirs, de- LOwcU 6-399J - 21» School St., Marlboro. Jacobsen, ft, 31 minutes is feconda I lit F « M liquors Irtc a IVotv Jcrsei NOTICE vbees and personal roprpacnl.ilivcs wjtf month on charges, call Bob Orr at 9 feet to the Wcslcrly side of ^ornorallon trading as F It M Liquors TAKE NOTICE that Mldtown Tav nnd her their, or any ot their sue- Brigfi* A Stratum, Clinton and Iload- tne point snd place of laving its principal oftlco In Store Lauson engines. Mowers repaired COlfax 4-5022. wjbt - INNING r>o 3 of building In Iho Cenfrsl Shop- irn of Matnwjn Inc , trading as Mid castors In rlgnt, title, and Interest, W]U Thla df-sorlpllnn In, acoird ulth aur yt ti J , dated November 6 19311 Mntawan To» nshlp Iain direct Mat-man Now Jersey censors In rlg'it. title, and Interest, out, 48 foot long by 10 foot- wide. Premises known at 540 Una Iioad, Tim narnci anil rcsldenrrs of nil The mines and addres-ea. of all of' and MRS, LEHOY KNIGHT, wje Antiques Call COlfax 4-S52. wjlJ* Malawan, N. J officers and directors nnd the nnmes Icors dlroctora and stockholders an of Lero\ Knlsht, lier heirs, devlseoa, AND TEN EYCK RONSON INC. -* Subject to restrictions and sale- and rosldoncm of mi stockholders 9 folnui *nd personal representatives and OPPORTUNITY SHOP PIECE bedroom suite, a lie) jnenla of record If any lotting and loldlnn one or more per centum of Paul Pourene. Pre^tdfttt Director her, their, or »ny,of their auccsjors -EXCAVATING , ANTIQUES MATAWAN , * municipal ordinance! and such farla the stork ot said corporation aro nd Stockholder residing at 118 Main in rlBht, title and Interest, and Slrjglc bed «nd baby crib. Call as gn sceitrate survey and exnmfn Irecl Mailman New Jersey THtf bTATE OF NEW JEHSEY We buy and soil Antique Furniture, PERSONAL SERVICE 30 YR3. LOwelPtV5823.- L 4Uon of the: premlsos would rilsclcuc *rnnk Alloluh Cornor1 County Itoad Rose Fourenc Secretary Treisurer. SHOVEL DOZER SERVICE Bric-a-brac. China, Glass, * Dolls. - , Joeelher mth all fixtures now at nnd lute Itrcct Clltfnood N J- Ircilur and Sto(.hliuldei> residing al PLFASC 1AKE NOTICE that on , Top Soil, $13 Per Load* Jewelry. U. S. and Foreign stamps wjll (ached to or used In cdfilterUon nim Brrllia Holuli Corner County lioad a JUaJu Slrec! AJalanan NCK Jcr rldaj. Ihe 1st day of July, ism ol BIRE HOSPITAL ttav aforementioned prtmlses and and Rose Street ClifhVBOd N J v 1 o clock In the forenoon, or ns soon Fill Dt_rt,."$7 Pet Load TV Matthews. 1U Broadway. Key Rebuilt Bikes, all sizes in stocks' lany houtotioia appliances, and Includ llUr.1 Wolier, 123 Morrlstoml Hold I'aul PoUrcnf Jr Vice President, crcafter as counsel can be heard Load Is Approximately! 5 .Cubic port CO»a*' 4-1440. W]U .Maintenance Int mots particularly therein Uis M Ellraheth N J l-eclor arid Stotklioldcr reildlnit ni thnll jippl.y ID the Slondlng Mnircr priced from $4 to $21 Trade-in* "fewlngi Keixmora Cool kllolion range. , Objctllons If 4iiv. should be made ID Main Street Matau in New Jcr thn Superior Court of New Jersey, Yards accepted; alsd English lircs 2S x ^6 • f" W.P screens mmeUlatelv In wrllli g tu Itoso K jy ihunccry Dlvl»ltin.;St-' VI' - .' . . - * ^" oz». '• .„ a.,,,fl-.' wi» f-iv-.i. ." HE, 1 i to >xi hii ^ i | ll.i ,.„( ifcumUiy, Jum 1*, 1HE MATAWAN JOURNAL, H, J. rttpB IttwMMl

Has* skcliae* traliftea* tor a I icr.KsjiNrtMk** AlJass-at;*- Xabert Turn. ' MM putatkm tor Mate aid. nVBatUM nate la Masalaaaa, Be averred to southwest s«£as> at th« tawaalip lot sites whesi * ISMSS «f H2.AM Brother Witness ujnry. She (old Ac oKccr • car OB wtit. Issued! snmmaBsre tar QuackaAbusk, Lwrafat Ma« JR»a- found, there would he a art taxwould otstcat this toterpretatloaa t west of Rauta If and ssutfc «f Vf valuation esvW a>q«i full* maMm • kft tanbttrastaf htt seS, Jimti P«ttr Santiago, deficiency for aehqal- purpoaea aa «ka bavadi U tne aoa-act* saga e» Brook and Wyncrert Rd. Mr. «Ua> acre lot if anly *»» assart iMtata reticle barf cause* ber to etc* hi Tbamas SHatt Snaft, Trmtii the houte ot 12X143 par ytarla at m "arnssr m? wtusm a jm If refvlrtsV T ——j, parted pa would no* attest the amcaoV Against Sister tk* traffic. lane, wtf>Mr. Garter Ctorge Schoberjr., Martin Franda made up by other taxpayers, On bit fans aadtt aiMcr* toning and Mr. Hasps, at *uJWer, Imujtoi. The unusual circumstance of a thereby havta*. to stop also. Smith, Jemet E. StalgcHM, Phil- tbe aane basic, the 1.S •cbool child 1st pt aot mut Ha properly xened ment. However, Mr. Hnaktcn ruled attly dMHMftst Mr. ItuttachV hatter appearing «a behalf cf his C* Tuesday, neither Mr. 6ard- bp Gordon Swanson, Janice May per J17.800 house would incar a OK my. a vote was la order «n svenidlng statement. Ha sMM A* ehalrnW s*o*hcr-in-l*w and against hU sis-ner nor Mrs. Siana appeared in Phiffir^MiUs. Syfcy. Laurence TamewaU, Li»*i tax deficit of fl20.lt pet nouae. Tha J eem»n W. Uodsay Le- Mr. Rappa's reAist) to aewpt 9m ta> ihsw • bouts «f kts thin »«,• ter devetopea in * cast heard by court and Benjamin Klefnberg, • {continued from page cae) Tergls/ Douglas Sioclaire Van- CO,tO9 boufe with «M jcbosTelia* Mam«. a ptaaaing board mtrnber, MO cost cootf bt put up on ths Magistrate Luther A Foster. Mala. South River, attorney fur Mr. Eve- Mater, Stephen Frederick Vota, would have a deficiency of aaly amendment * . at setbacks not in keepinf vitb ft* thea ditputed that ID* map Mr.The m»ve to tore* acceptance of ssfracuaw-foM art*. Mr, JMsbteJi . wan Township, TuawJiy, land, accordingly was able to gettubdivisioa sattnuutce. Adele Rose, WUUanu. llU^Mr. Hutort noted. Huebsch was calling the "original" declared that Mr. Kapaa tu con- •Three .charge* preferred by Mr*. the charge* dismissed Jar Jack «f the amendment wu tost «. Vet- Gala li Tnw Valua Ratablea map of. lot planning bsard truly Ing for It were Mayor Charles Me- struing the Matter tram the point, JM Decker, » Woodland Dr., testimony to sustain the officer, U Webb <> Knapp adhered to theTwaWaa Uw wigtoal map of that body of a custom »uW houir, but that who did not aee the accident PuWie hearing an an erdjaaaee Cue, Mr. Huebsch sat* Mr. Wtft- > €Hf/wood Beach, acainstijber to lay curbs on the southerly aide Food Fair batia at, their rtport ef cat third on wolog. Mr. UMohw claimed ti dti. Oppoatd w«r» Mr. RBpps, Mr. a developer, living qa such nllne- estranaxt husband, CarUon, New oT Betkaay Rd. from ftelmdel Jtd. the township line at the Van-Community Planning Amtiates, the-annual achooii cost tax jump «iver« from tha oat that Mr. liam Meytr, board secretary, A would bs ablt W put »p a boost iBfflBbsed lot lack of corroborative would be SU1.M0. the auditor re- HuebKh was calling the "original" fur st but fM.CM on the m- , Cliffwood Crash Mater lands brought no •kjecUooa. Princeton, makera at a Master vote then followed an Mr. Ratfi'a evidence. Mrs. Dicker daiaaed Mayor Ackersaa expressed satia- Plan: lor tbe township, June 73. vealed. Those figures of impending map-aad he wastttf actiaa on this nnhilloo. Only Mr. Huebsch ind square-foot area. '. prior map. "It will IM a itart," he ste-saw her husbtad tack a car faction at this as aU the «wnera .Mr. Severin emohasized the pro- ruin spurred'a strong outburst Mr. Wcndel oppwed It, M it «sr- Again thert wu a isjlt with Mr. into her car at her place el resi- Two can colUded on Route 35, from the audience, but Mr. "Hul- commented. •- Cliffwood, early Saturday morning must assume an ascenmeot. to nwtert could not afford much de- rltd M. ."."- Alt, Mr. LeMolne and Mr. Meyer dence at 5:49 a.m. May 7. Bt- share the cost of the bBpravemeBt. lay as (he agreement with. Food sart reminded them then would lnttved VaUat Prtcew DsuMs Csmmittt* WIB Pass It sause of the damage to her car,injuring both driven. Inclining to support Mr, Hipp*. Question was raised if the awnera Fair calls for the start ef con-be a £$,000,009 gain lit tru* valut It waa a start on an Involved Mayor McCue, however. Joined John Prtuler, • spectator, becams . «he filed complaints cf disorderly PatrobaaB Janes Hurt, Mata- had been informed July el the hear- ratabies lo offset the large jump process of trying to get a vote. wan Township Police, said a'car struction an the supermarket with- Mr. HuebKh In otubting tha involved supply township police. erty, Manee'PI.,, until Mr.' Bailey Mr, Severin contended the agree* the plants* and pipings needed, Mr. ge for you. ark, and George James Gothe, Carteret, were fined J2S each for had obtained, a deed from,all the ment with the sewer authority and Hulsart observed,- and the- annual owners concerned dedicating a 50- the school board had been reached. operating costs here could be con- wing loud and abusive language trucks Collide, te a police officer when flopped foot, right-of-way for an ingress He acknowledged . the agreement fined only to tha persona buying merely for an inquiry. A charge Two .Men Injured street. This will.permit the build- with the school; board might have the new houses through making •f fighting in public against Mr. ing of a T-road system instead of been involved with Sayre Woods the new development a ' separate Beltsville Callcgos was dismissed. The men Two persons reported - injuries a turnaround. Mr. Bailey refused South matters because the de- water, sewer and lire district ol its were stopped on Route 35 by Pa-Monday in an accident on o I to build a turnaround of a size pre- velopers of Pine Haven hud gone own, assuming all costs for such trolman James Hoyt, township po- Route II, Browntown, when twi scribed in the subdivision ordi- in with Cantor A Goldman, New services and divorced from any tax lice, because the car in,which they trucks collided. Patrolman ;Cli nance. The township, in turn, re- York, developers of Sayre Wooda levy to the.rest of the township. -were riding answered, the descrip- ford Jaegger, Madison Township fused to permit anything else, so South, on a joint building of en 18- "Town Within A Town" tion'of a car wanted in Raritan Police,'issued a summons for care- the T-road was an alternative. room school or a 14-room school Township for leaving the scene of less driving to Richard Harris, 25, with multi-purpose room. Mr. Sev- R. W. Johanson,. a •spectator, did Richard Levins, 6 Crescent Rd., erin averred that Pin,e Haven, by an accident. Magistrate Foster Neptune, after investigation of thewas named to the zoning board ol not fancy this. He foresaw "a town said he would tolerate no abuse of crash. - itsejfcjjidjnqi have the number of within a town arising." "~: adjustment In the place of Robert houses to sell to moke it economi- the township police and that a sec- Taken to a Keyport physician by Chenoweth, who resigned. Mr. Le- Mrs.~Mary Carroll denounced tho •'and offense would bring a jail State Trooper S. Mahaley of the cal to build a school. Hence the Webb & Knnpp proposal as adding vins ia former president ef the coming together with Crestwood, so term. •••.-, Princeton Barracks, who .was i Holmdcl Civic Association. ."over a million dollars a year" Magistrate Foster levied the the area and assisted Patrolmai that school could go up on a suit- In jchool taxes by Mr. Hulsnrt's nunmvnj of a. year m-thfrcsuojy jaegger, were Carman Ressi, •', able sized U-acre lot In Sayre figures. He cautioned her . this jair and $1000 fine, on Raymond Sunset Ave., Matawan, and Alex Woods South, instead of the five- would be the case if Webb & Knapp Wisniewcikas, 10 Prospect Ave., Marenskl, also of Matawjn. Marlboro To acre tract remaining In Pine Ha- were to build all their houses at CHffwood, when that defendant Mr. Harris was following a truck % (continued from page one) ven. the $H,000 price level. However, could give ha reason for an as-operated by Donald W. Walling, Caskins will discuss "Communist with them pledging to build one- 1 •The board still' could not find aault upon his wife, Mrs. Susan 32, of 24 Lower Main St., Mat* Challenge." satisfactory record of action of fi-third at three separate price brack- Wisniewcikas, as complainant, waa, when the first truck stopped "Liberty Means Responsibility" nal approval in the minutes and ets, the average comes to the $20,- later when the court had cleared, and the second bit it In the rea Joseph J. Dlgnan, eighth grade the matter waa adjourned one 000 house, he noted, In this cam! Mr. Wisniewcikas pleaded he was the officer said. teacher, will speak on "liberty month. Mr. Severin warned, how- the impact of the 2100-homes de- "loo embarrassed" to talk about Patrolman Jaegger reported the Means Responsibility" after which ever, that a proposal,,now before velopment taxwlte did not appear it Before a crowded courtroom. as alarming, he said. STEMS injured were passengers in th Mr. Falkotfski will give out-the the township board of education fo Whereupon the court put him onWalling truck. The two men wen awards. Robert A. Sena, •superin- stfp up the required contribution Mr. Barkalow then was asked If suspended sentence because of toe reported to have neck injuries. tendent of (choc-Is, will, present the to .school* fron) one, classroom per there were any way to make Webb Breadtd class to-Mr. Holland. The gradV « houses *9jd to, one dasaroo'tp pir, aV Knapfl adHere to.thelr cntthlrd ^.:...,*foeeCs/ C^W"*^,,..,. uat(ni:"^HTwiII7:ain«i''May;;YdBi^7iy 3iF, /ibu«»' sold must not iijiply tolo. MC^prJc* brockrt ty l«w. Mr. 'Oil May" 31/a threi-tlir efloMo- Always" after which, the Rev. Fred his clients. The alternative for de-Barkatow did not see how. this end-'collision occurred on Route Hurt In Collision Bowen, pastor of the Morganville velopers not selling' enough houses could be done except WrOnlng - SS^OifrtrOod.^Henry.5. Evelina", Methodist: Church, will give_ the to make it worth while to build a with house dies set; in (he de- •45, driver of a truck of the South /Twoiiiiere Mured when;a ca school is on increase in cash con- ferent areas In which/ th«- houses driven by Maustino S, Gomes, 3«, benediction. 1 IK GROUND 65 tribution from (450 per house lo In the separate price bracket* were River Appliance Co., headed south- Ushers will be Gloria Godenich, But Slock bound, acknowledged to Patrolman' Manville, and a pidtup truck driv $750 per house. The planning board to go so that It would bo nigh Sllcuud en by Thomas E. rluhert, 35, Shore HoIIey Hills, Agnes Mack; Clare John McCinty that when he saw Manzo, Kathleen PolihyY «n3 Char- members acknowledged that Pine U> impossible lo erect a house' of ears cf Wilson E. Gardner, 29, Concourse, Cliffwood, were in col' Haven had been in the process be- the size required for less than' tha FRANKS 2ibPfcB89' BACON listo* at the intersection of Broad lotte Waken'fietd. Middletown, and Ada Siana, X, In addition to Mr. Holland, mem- fore this change was oontemplatedr cost stipulated. v-WBlter Hills, n Schlekhaus ' Hiked Union, stopped in his traflic laiif, way, Maple PL and Route 35, Key- spectator, demanded to know why port, Tuesday. , ben of the Marlboro Township Otherwise, the board moved to ' he could no? stop in time on ap- Board of Education, are Carl W. ask the township committee to In-the township should not' Institute a SAUSAGE PATTIES kg39' BOILED HAM plying his brakes. Mr. Eveland Mr. Gomes suffered a back and troduce an ordinance . to control minimum house size that would P neck injury and William Carrol, 18, Binger, Harry. V. Holmes, Kenneth kg39' said he swerved his truck to avoid Huebsch, Thomas E. Kocovsky, both private home and commercial insure no house could be built for collision, but the Gardner car, Hawthorne St, Matawan Town- swimming pools and to change^ the less than $20,000 and on a lot size ship, a passenger in the truck, John Narzowich, Michael Rynie- PORK CHOPS Ib39* I0ND0N BROIt . secsnd in line, was sideswiped in wicz, Leo J. Scully and J. Daniel ordinance on trailers that the num- that would guarantee there would Ib39* Circus the rear and impelled into the suffered face and nose cuts, ac ber to be allowed would advance not be a multiple number ol houses cording to police-report. Stattel. Frank J. Dugan is secre- Oallans - Siflna car, first i» line. tary. from one per 18,100 population to per acre. ": • ' '".. Clorox 39 Both were treated at the office ORANGE _ Mr. Gardner's son, Wilson Jr., The- administrative staff consists one per 15,000 population. "Reasonabh" Limitations age three, was treated by tire Laur- of a Keyport physician. The Key Mr, Barkalow informed h I m Hanover port First Aid Squad responded to of Mr. Sena; Mr, Falkowski; t* oi. Can ence Harbor First Aid Squad and Charles W. Sokolowskl, . building there was nothing In, (lie law that DRINK released for Ms father to take him both accidents which were inves- would bar the planning board or Beans tigated by Patrolman George Nad- principal, Morganville School; Dor- Mat. to their family physician. Mrs. othy H. McCue, building principal, Hulsart Figures township eommlttw from attempt- Van Brads Assorted . Marlboro School; Naomi R. Wie- (continued from page one) ing this, but that the courts had Can 19c land, school secretary. Mrs. Lera be a dumping ground for Atlantic found in zoning cases the limitation Imposed must be "reasonable" and 1RYOUR G. Miller is Monmoulh County and Holmdel Townships." Cereal 29c Uadtn llouia — Isilasi Helping Teacher Tor Music. The board chairman then de- not obviously imposed by those al- List Of Graduates cided tie would order the discus- ready settled In a community with Uadta. IktMt the Intent of preventing other per- PIZZA PIES Members of the Class of 19(0sions of the meeting along three 8 8S1-... COFFEE topics, the Master Plan, upgrading sons desiring to settle In that com- Milk are Oaire Ann Barbella, Row Ma- I 01. - : ^ . : •'-'And •'••••••'••• •"•'"•' ' •• lot i\usr and raising minimum. munity from doing so, rie Barbolinl, Linda Marie Barker, SN0* WIIITT, t .Jir Edward-H; Becker, tochard An- floor areas 'of houses from the But this caution by Mr, Barkalow 69 drew Bjornsco jr., Elaine S. Blake, present 860 tqutre feet lo at least did Bof dttcr'Mr.'Hill* from mak- SANDWICHES Allen Ray Boyce, Helen Frances IMO square feet. He found these ing a pier before tho planning To Eat Here or Tolte Out, _• • Beyce, Samuel James Beyd, Jef- Fast two propositions were bound board the following night for the NBC COOKIES - Fig Newtont Twin Pack 39' frey David Brodnitk; Branle^IMn lfix results of a report given by upgrading of house sizes and lot Brown, Janet Marie Callahari, Roo- Armour Hulsart, special consultant* •Ices to a point to where thine who HydaPark ' ' lJadun llausa ' ' LO 6-9858 ald .Thomas CallBtufl^ylvia-Aotl- to the township committee, on thealready had made an Investment 00 aide 'Catuico, Donald Edward Impact-ol mass housing on the;In homes in tha township would COOKIES ASSORTED 39* TUNA ligftt if**! Chapman, Karen Ann Collins, school taxes problem (n the town- hay* "security" against pernicious Ll»d«n IJeui* - Tta. Urcik : TOWN TAVERN George P. Conomos, Leslie Donna ship. This report was delivered (o lumps In taxes from those coining 172 MAIN ST. — MATAWAN Cook, Robert Grady Crews, Jean the governing body Monday. Mr. In and settling In hotnei-'of'lew SODA . 5for89' TEA BAGS 64'. 29' Ellen Croddick. . Barkalow found it applied to anythan the $20,000 valuation. Made Special By Verna Paris) large development to be ' sought Henry James Davit, Wllllsm Mr. Huebsch cat Mm off In ih!» FP0W FOOD mt. DAIRY — even though the field of reference as not material to the Immediate Kitchen Closed /Monday Nights Duane, Susan Barbara Erichson, was lo the report Apr. $ of Webb Cjlvin Jerome Fesui, Bernard J. tituallon facing the planning board. KHAH'S ft Knapp, Inc., New York, on theIt did not solve what sort of an LEMONADE .O.«89< Fiorentino Jr., Ruth Ann Forman, 2M0-housc development they plan 00 Robert J. Freudenberger, Jeanne answer to give Mr. LaiAberton and for 1000 acres north of Wyncrest the township committee for the de- TIP TOP DRINKS 10 for*. Louise Gaskins, Gail Patricia Get- Rd. and west of Route 79. SWISS CHEESE mand (he revised map be returned WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR ormine, Helen Harriet Gueria, Study Based On Tax Impact MORTONS DINNERS 2 lor 89' Thomas Robert Hanscn, Peter L. In the governing body by Juno 23 SUCES Hayes, Janet HeUenbrecnf,. Theo- Mr; Hulsart declared at the out- (or action. Rlvar Vslhv llsllsn _ : . _ WHEN YOU BUY dore Allen Uindin, Robert Michael let of the Monday (pedal town- Warts Orlgfoal Map HoJJand, Kenneth Webster Huebach, ship meeting, he based his study Mr. HuebKh found the* revised GREEN BEANS 5fer»1» .01 Iiada Ann Humes, Carolyn Joyce on foe. lax impact from houses In map the township committee wont- Hualey. . •• , • ' the ' $14,000, $17,500 and $20,MO ed back did not plica In a cine- Ruth Jean Jacheoi Stephen Mi- price brackets. He stated he didacre zone any of the." properties on AUTO chael Kane, Linda Joan Keo- this because Webb & Knapp indi- which Wtbb It Knapp held option*, wprthy, Paul Francis Ktoepptng, cated they would build one-third The chairman declared ha v/tu CANTALOUPES Cvnthia Uene Kring. Diane Harper of their houiws- to sell from $14,000 utlifled with the advice given by Legier, Rosemary Lucas, Eliza- to $M,000; a second third to sell Mr, Knurs Out the planning board beth Barbara Mandni, Frederick from |UM$> to »M.00O and a third did not have lo act on tbe revised Man ft., TuUis Ann McCreight, lot lo sell 1rom$U,m to $30,000. mup it II were not v> iitpnti and INSURANCE? Carat Joan McCue, Artene Kalhrya He related hla figures would be he was all for going back to the Yes, we can invariably Mendlni, Trnresa Eileen Munyak, based on a study by the Monmoulh "original'! map drafted by the Terry Lee Mordock, HidMd Count; Planning Board that Indi- plnnnlng board which would lake beat the price. : Kemetb. ! cated there an two sttwol chil- In area* with WebD-aV Knapp for dren per house in the f I4.M0 home, James Anthony Nonjialo, Wayne a full-acre Hme.. Mr. Muebsch found Individual and IS school children per house In the the revised map of tlw lowmhip ttlJMI home and one. child per tomralltee distrimlitated against SERVICE? personal service. ~ home m the 120,00* home. He add- the land owner In the area cast ed Ha figures would relate u ele- of Route 7» and around fleasant mentary school cofls aad they V*B*t aod Beacon IUH Rds. could be raited from a to SO per cent, fur high .school costs. Thurtlon Whlt«on, a spectator, demanded that the planning board Mr- Hulsart rraSStarmr he define tnoft •exuUy th» «wa ia go bad determined there now were 1.4 Into one-acit tonlag under the eat dMiea get hunt la the••original" map. Mr. Hutb«ch Imind W*id&p and that school costs per It would be the area bounded by NaiMe now Vere about J3M.7J. MiUWd B«** that :orlglnatM-J» From thli itttt h fd.be deducted Mantlapan Townthlp, accordlnn (• » Years la Ike lassuaetl I IMB/14 W) state aid, making a net the draft pflftnrcd by frank Tot*, to liafrfct taxes of tB»,«t ptr Keyport, townthlp engine*/, Mr. 126 tifain Street ^"™"~~~ Matowon house for achsati. (WWtton dltouM tha corre«tm>n of tOtVIMI • Matawan MM. Tbn. fit 8t15 AJA. U 9.00 PM.UtmUf «»13 A.M, To 6t00 Pi ailag a tUJHt house with two thii. lie tallied fh«re w*r« im Prlat EOieflw 1sm«jllst«rasy, Urn <34dr« and makiog proper cto- brook) and (nil they did not origi- l EOifl 1jl U l» Page Fourteen THE MATAWAN JOURNAL^ N. J. Thursday, June 16, 1969

ert Green were in charge ot It hOw pvpose of this board with special emphasis on "th» LPNs Install State President. Yjtsits Rebekah Lodge change booths. Center Donates to establish • psychiatric center healthy .emotional development of "Others who helped WW» Dr. «here_tdfhly trained r«ni ,-upwj- shildrta.'-'. „ . ., New Officers Attracts1500;/"; Walter pgens," David Lemberg, To Founder Fond ienced "prelessiooUs", will* help Jerome Feuer, • Mark Goldman, children, and their .parents, with Ji- tht licensed. Practical Surje The'Hebrew Women's League of • Arthur J. White, president of the Safe''. \' Saul Waldman and Mrs. Harry the emotional problems of growing ^^tmUon."oj NeW jersey, Dlvl- Keypdrt deld a fMMofti fair on Children's Psychiatric "Center' of June 9 featuring TV personalities. Hlmtlfarb, Mrs. Joseph Jacobson youngsters. Insuring them a future The Ladies Auxiliary of the Mor- tloa 10, held an Installation dinner Monmouth County, 'recently an Bozo the CJotyirand Pritjcesj Tic- and Mrs. Leignton Levy, fn charge nounced that the Grant Foundtflfei of emotional maturity and the pos- ganville First Aid Squad mil boll at their meeting place In the klefeather. Tttere wen' 1500 pres- of tickets. or New York has contributed $3000 sible prevention of many social a rummage sale at Kllcominj Y.M.C.A., Asbury Park, on Thurs- ent and children received auto- Barn, Tejiaefli Rd, one mile from to the Founders Fund of the Cen- disorders. " L day. Mrs. Stella Harris, Midland graphed pictures 'of .the WP1X Route 79, Morganville, on Friday stars. There also were games o Summer Sessions Are ter. This fund has now reached a The Grant Foundation was or- Park, a past state president, was and Saturday, June 24 sr.d 29. 1 skill, kldd.e rides and pony rides, total ot 1220,000 toward the cam-iginated in 1S36 by W. T. Grant. the installing officer . balloons,- cotton candy, popcorn, Scheduled In Area paign goal of $250,000. Chairman~of Hlus Board of the Hours on June 24 will be 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on June 25 the sale Those installed were Mrs Emma snowballs and all kinds of food, A number ot secondary schools Before Initiating "the Founder's W, T. Grant Company of New Berry, Eatontown, president; Mrs Neil Eiseman, Key port, was In the shore area are offering stu-Fund Campaign, Mr, Whits ex- York. Since that time the Founda- will be open from 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Mildred Yost, 109 Osborn St., Key- awarded the bicycle for guessing dents the unique plan of combining plained, the need for a child guid- tion has shown special interest in Signs will be posted giving direc- port, vice president, Mrs Edna there were 1774 beans In a Jar.education with their vacation in ance center In Monmouth County all areas of mental health work tions to the barn. Elgler, Main St, Keansburg. sec By actual count there were 1784. the summer. Commissioner Salva- was firmly established. Based on rctary, and Mrs. Lois Stouffer, Home baked goods, plants, white tore A. Bontempo ot the State De-extensive surveys and in consul- Long Branch, treasurer. Mrs elephant Items, used toys and partment of Conservation 'and Ec-tation with highly qualified profes- Berry is the only member to have books also were available A magic onomic Development states that sionals in the- fields of medicine, held the of/ice of president foi show was presented and palms students from the seventh to the mental health and juvenile court two terms. She was tha division's were read by "Madame Stanley." twelfth grades have an opportunity work it was determined that there QUESTION: "Hey Bill - you're always second president after it was or- The League expressed thanks to to make up courses or take "en- are approximately 2500 mentally ganized in 1953. Mrs. Yost als all those who co-operated Mrs. richment" subjects while they and disturbed children in the county. looking for a bargain — how about a muffler Is beginning her second term an Mark Goldman'and Mrs. Richard their families enjoy a vacation. To meet this need the Children'* has been membership chairman Ackerman, fund-raising chairmen, Several area schools having this for four years. Psychiatric Center was. organized guaranteed for as long as you live?" acknowledged the 'donations of Vlc- program are the Asbury Park High as the only out-patient facility in Mrs. Berry his been division ki's Floral Nursery, Kahlert's" Nur- and Rumson Regional Schools andthe county explusively for children. educational chairman for (our sery, Jerry's Brook Farm; Mary St. Rose High School, Belmar. . It was incorporated In : 1958 under years and through her efforts Mon Carter Paints. Rarttan Township the laws of the State of New Jersey ANSWERj"Heck No, Joe, the doctor mouth County has had several Sweet Shop, Family'Circle Stores, as a non-profit charitable organl- 64-hour, courses end a local L.P.A Food Fair, Food Circus, Keyport Kenny Appeal zatlon.-to be supported by volun- vocational school. Lumber Co.,' Bay Drug," St. Former Attorney General Grov- tary contributions together with gave me only 6 months to live!" Outgoing President Reports Mary's Episcopal Church, Keyport er 0. Richman Jr. has been named such state and_.county aid as Is ..Mrs. Jane Fisk, Port Monmouth. Mrs. Helen C, VioOrden, left, state president of the Rebekah Asso- First Aid and all' who assisted. New Jersey State Chairman bf the provided by law. - the outgoing president, gave her ciation of New Jersey, is welcomed to the 15th anniversary celebration VSY Decorated For Fair Annual Sister Kenny Fund Appeal Governed By Trustees report. Mrs. Fisk also has served o) Lady Colfax Rebekah Lodge by Miss Amclle Baumgartner, Noble Grand of Lady Colfaz Lodge. . Credit goes to tha llSY -for • the for the third consecutive year. The The Children's Psychiatric Cen- HOWEVER-If you're looking for a four years as division secretary, drive, (o be conducted from Aug. ter Is governed by an independent The convention was held last week air's decorations, Mrs. Jack The 65th anniversary of Lady Other special guests were Mrs. Kreuter, for the white elephant 20 to Sept. 30, will seeli funds to- board of trustees representative of good muffler — GET A WALKER. Have your In Atlantic, City. Colfax Rebekah Lodge was obrFlorence Potter, Lodge IX, Kissim- ward support -pi the Kenny pro- the medical and legal professions, Mrs. Fisk reported 561 regis booth; Mrs. Jack Goldberg, bakery served at a meeting held in themce, Fla.; Mrs. Em-A. Acker-booth; • Mrs. Charles. Prager and rams of patient care and research the courts, health and welfare or-, service dealer install the very best, ' < tered with 219 new vocational sty Odd •Fellows Hall,. Main St., Key- man, marshall, Bergen Lodge 62, In polio and other neuromuscular ganizations,. the clergy and pro- dents attending from the nine N.J. Mrs. Joseph-Kaplan", plant booth; port. Mrs. Helen C. VanOMen, Hackensack; Mrs. Theresa Schuy- The Emanuel Baron family, dart diseases. minent civic leaders. schools; 'The course Is rearing state president,, made an official ler, conductor. Victory Bell Lodge game; •Bertrand Goldstein family, completion. There-.were 21 divi- visit and guests from 11 other 103, Closter; Mrs. Margaret Klger, snowballs and penny pitching; The REMEMBER: Something for nothing sion delegates present when the lodges attended the affair. color bearer, Naveslnk Lodge 79, Harry Poppick family, treasure 22nd and newest division was or- A special anniversary cake was Red Bank, chest; Mrs. Irwln Rubenfeld, toys, OUTBOARD MOTORS - NEW and USED IS WORTH NOTHING ganized in Dunellen on Friday. prepared for the occasion "and a and games booth; Mrs. Jerome Mrs. Florence Clover, the new covered dish supper was featured. Also participating in the cele- Feuer, hoop - a - bottie booth; from 45.00 • state president, was tiMMnstalllng Entertainment was provided by thebration were Mrs. Melvin Poling, Gary Shapiro and Lester Brown; officer. She also reported there 30-plece accordion band of George Mrs. Victor Bennett, Mrs. Louis lown ball game /uid kitchen! and BOATS - from 85 OO •re 190 L.P.N. members of the Johnson's Studio, Keansburg. Solos Shuttenburg, Mrs. George Porter, ood department. [sociatlon,"not including the newwere featured by Greg Durka and Mrs. Aivln Fitzgerald and Miss '••'•_ FUUY GUARANTEED MATTY'S AUTO PARTS Mrs*. "Stanley. Kalech, Mr. and its who will be. eligible in Janice Shultz and a duct wai pre- Amclie Daumgartner, all of Key- , Authorized Jqhnson Sales and Service -the fall. sented by George Johnson and port; Mrs. Carl Hardy, Matawan; rs. George Frankel, Mr. and Lower Main St., Matawan . The meeting was the concluding Greg Durka. Mrs. William Edmonds, Mrs. Don- Mrs., Saul Diamond, Mrs. Paul one until Sept. 9. Mrs. Berry an- Waffenfeld, . David Miller,", Jack GALBRAITHS BOATHOUSE Gifts were presented to Mrs. Van- ald Burgess and Mrs. Gilbert Ray- • 118 W. FRONT ST.,\KEYPORT nounced that the state's annual irden, state president, and Mrsnor. , Union Beach;; Mrs. Russell Lazar, Marvin Olinsky, Mrs. Jujes Selinger, Mrs. David temberg, COlfax 4-1214 LOwell 6-1088 picnic will be held at McGiiire's louella Ayres,. District Deputy Wyckoff, Keansburg; Mrs. Ken- OPEN EVENINGS - SUNDAYS TILL 1 P.M. Grove, Mlddletown, on July 19, President: Special prizes also were neth Smith, Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. Albert Goldin and Mrs. Rob- tnd that the local division will warded.'...; and DeWitt Carhart, Red Bank. bold'a lawn party at Mrs. Berry's home with Mrs, Bessie Covertjyrf)*^" •; , , _ .' ' • •listing.-••: " .^ Freeholder Group To Blue Cross Makes : . The rnaln summer project for Honor Legislators New Films Available the local division Is tho country 'bazaar to bo held Aug. 25-20 at The 1960 "Legislator" of the Hospital costs and the impor- Monmouth Beach Borough Hall. 'ear" awards of thtj New Jersey tance of. medical care are the sub- There will be booths, refreshment Association of Chosen Freeholders jects ot two new color sound films, counter, entertainment for chil- will bo presented Saturday in The"Little Herman's Operation" and dren, ; Nurses will assist tho as-Sheltnime Hotel, Atlantic City, to "The" Guardians," now available sociation and a special old-fash- lunterdon County Senator Wesley from New Jersey Blue Cross and . toned . square dancs will be held L. Lance and Middlesex County Blue Shield for showing without ', Aug. 28, open to the public. Mrs.Assemblyman William Kurtz, Glen cost at meetings vt employee U.S. CHOICE • ARMOUR STAR Berry will be chairman, and allGardner-and-South Ainboy. groups, service clubs and civic as- members will assist her. Announcement was mads by thesociations. ._..„. iresident of tria~A8soclation, Mid- Depicting the many hands and - .;••:,: • TwoGradupJB '; '' dlesex, County. Freeholder William skills required of today's hospital stalt,, SLUtit'tterfiuht 1* Operationpri ? Two bayshcre area residents Ifio gold plaque- io Mr. Kurtz. A points out that although hospitahil were graduated from Soton Hall imllar gold plaque will be given costs have, r 1 s e n-1 considerably -University .at-the. 104th commence- Senator. Lance-'by first vice through the years, this increase Is ment exerclso Saturday at South iresident Frank C, Dalrymple; more than offset by the dramatic Orange. A Bachelor of Science vho is a Hunterdon County Free- achievements in the science and Degree was awarded to Miss raider. - techniques of hospital care which M u r 1 o 1 Cahlll, Lorlllard Ave., Both awards are for "mcrlt- have shortened the length of hos- 1 Union Beach, and John Lehotay, rious service to Now Jersey Coun- pital stay, improved the cliancos 44 Highland Blvd., Keansburg, was y government in the Legislature." (or recovery from many chronic the recipient of a Bachelor of Arts hey .will bn given at a "High Illnesses and substantially in- Degree. • ' •• r ,.-.." 'ashion" luncheon In the ballroom creased the life expectancy of the The Shelburne with Atlantic average person, ..If you need printing of any kind, :ounty Freeholder Director Albert VTho Guardians" stresses the ;we ara here to serve you. Our . Smith, convention chairman of importance of medical care and quick service and-reasonable prices he association's ninth annual con- presents an historical review of will please you. •, • rence, presiding. the major developments In medi- al practice from ancient times SUPERMARKETS ntll the present ft also illus- PIZZA PIES trates tho dramatic role played by the nation's Blue Shield plans In bringing modern medical care WALT'S TAVERN & RESTAURANT within easy financial reach of all . ITALIAN FOOD'•- SEA FOOD who need It. f •• ORDERS TO TAKE OUT Vine Ripened WE CATER TO SMALL PARTIES AND BANQUETS Camp Sayreville First of the Season— PACKAGE GOODS TO TAKE OUT Filling Up Rapidly Waller J. Jahkowskl 22 Lower Main Street Bob. Kerles, director of Camp O ^ layreville has announced that' all four periods of the camp aro filling CREEN PEPPERS -19' 10 6.9843 ip very rapidly. Mr. Kertes stated that the complete staff has been MMAIftf LETTUCE 2 Idred for Camp'Sayreville and that parents are urged to register their Special Grocery Buys? From foods Gm More leisure lime! ' children Immediately If (hoy deslro to hove n choice- of camp periods, EARLY MORN CRAHD UNION Mrs! Michael Losyk, YMCA ENGLISH camp committee chairman, ex- pressed her pleasure at the great MARGARINE MEAT POT PIES AGENCIES number of applicants from the Hazlct and Sayra Woods South PHILADELPHIA man FORD - COMET-MERCURY - UNCOLN areas. This Is the first season that SAW TUMET the YMCA will,be transporting 5c MOST ACTIVE USED CAR LOT youngsters from theso areas and 2 29 CREAM CHEESE DOWNN CONEY ISWND the flow of applications has' Indl C IN MONMOUTH COUNTY cated that there Is a sincere Inter- FRENCH FRIES 3 49 est In the camp. SALAD DRESSING ^ s 39* Monmouth Street, Opposite Carlton Theatre LIGHT TUNA ^ 2-4* maun O/MIN 1 RED BANK Carnping Trip SPINACH "»*»«»» 2I5S25 SHadyslde 7-4545 — 1-60OO seAnooc FA«MS • ' Miss Elizabeth Erlckson, Key- PURPLEPLUMS • 2-35' CHASE & SANBORN port; Miss Judy Orenger, Union MIXED VEGETABLES 2^39* Beach; Miss Shirley Sllbcr, West IDEAL DOG FOOD 6^89* Orange, Miss Ruth Gay, Maple- COFFEE CRAPE DRINK 5-49* wood, slid Miss Jean Rovere, West' GRAND CAT FOOD 3^25' Orange, aro vacationing at Nicker- NOTICE I son's Slate Park, Cape Cod, Mass,. M| Prown'i Tak«i Pleasure In Announcing Their Appointment POTATOES »w«»w*w «sr 31* 1 " -As Sole Distributor Of , People who "swim llko a fish' ORANO nMteCtMTEQ should remember that It is possible MM m nnars MT maui even for fish to drown. It Is estim- WAXPAHR eORD£N'5 P&iUlimiD PROCESS MALLARD ated that 6500 drownlngs will oc- Food Layer Gika Aluminum Combination cur this year as a result of boat- ONW — " ing and bathing accidents. Many CHATEAU S victims will be skilled swimmer* STORM WINDOWS who made tho mistake of becom- IN THIS AREA ing overconfident, v • utrupw • unou • sMann tua EKE! 100 sans STAMPS Mallard Windows Cut Bo Purchased With • sMCRnn mn MAT MU» . No Down Payment. First Payment la Dec. MILK REGULAR OR GOLDEN iFRBiaPnouSilf DELIVERY '. Hull BUDGET TERMS - FREE 0EUVERV (or any -. - HAWAIIAN PUNCH DAJL* U4 Sat t AJB. M < PJH homsswki)' SAVE Hum nu, i AM. »i PJH I6t -- find it Fast In the tH YELLOW PAGES BMtt STAMPS for FREE Thursday! Juno 16, I960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pog«fift*i» Hebrews IMfeurk Luther Memorial Annual Christian Srienre Bar, BasTorah Church Services Announced For Bayshore Area incorporates Bur an* Baa Torah will be cele- Flnt Ctarch Of Ctatot, SdeaOst HM Faith Bdwmed Omrch Utbtr Memertai - The article* ol Incorporation for brated at the United Hebrew Syna- Davio-t Taberaaele H Broad St, Keyporl Narth Cenlervtll* Fire Heua* , The I '.•rao Church the Luther Memorial Evangelical gogue', Broaa St., Keyport, this Lutheran". Church ot New Shrews- weekend. Tie program Friday at Sunday aervlec and Sunday MkUU IUL, Rarilaa Tnraablp aUuourl Synod Elder James MOM. Pastor 9: IS p.m. will be aa follows: Janet School, 11 a.m. Wednesday, testi- Jlev. TheodprB^C Muller, Pastor TUtM FafU PubBo School Sunday School I* at It a.m.; bury were signed at • special con- morning worship, 11 aum. Lee Goldstein and choir, Kabalat mony meeting i p.m. Reading room Morning worship on Sunday will Rev. Daniel a Relnhelmer, Pattor gregational meeting June 5. On Wednesday evenings the tarry Shabbat and Maariv; BBT class be held at 3:30 a.m. at the North Sunday School and Bible CUuea The following tiv* (ocorporetors open Wednesday and Saturday from are held at 9:30 ajn. Sunday unde service Is at» p.m. and parents, processional; parents, Centerville Fire House. -> Sunday represented the congregation In Sheheheyonu; David Michael Gold- 2 to -4 p.m. the direction of Arthur Bitter, su- signing the article* of incorpora- School will recess for the summer, St Joseph's Cburth stein, Kiddushr Ellen Rachel Ka "Is tho Universe,, Including Man, perintendent. The morning wonulp ' Maple PL, Keypert • tion: Frederick Bremmer, Middle- mlnsky, valedictory address; Rab- Evolved by Atomic Force?" is theresuming Sept. 11. t will ha held at 10:45 am. with ser- Rev. Cornelius ). Katie, Pastor town; Harry Carbon, Lincroft; bi H. 0. H. Levine. charge: con- subject of the lesson-sermon to be mon by the pastor. A nursery sorv- On Tuesday at 9 a.m., trie Class!* Massea will be held Sunday Lambert Gleseke, Little Silver; gregntion and choir, Olenu 'and read at Christian Science services Ice b available. Communion serv- morning at 7, «, I, 10, 11 and U A. Edward Lackas, New Shrews- ot New Brunswick will meet at the ices are held .the first Sunday ol Adon.Olahi; Rabbi Leviae, bene- Sunday. John's account ot .the o'clock. bury, and Dwlght Young, Shrews- diction; BBT Class and parents, re- healing by Christ Jesus of the man Spotswood Reformed Chujtcb. every month. bury^-'.. '. : ':' :.' cessional. Floral decorations, pneg who<"was -.Wind from his birth;' V-The Board of Christian Education King CM Map Lutheran Church Tl Church Of Our Saviour The*8fgnlng>|if these articles of Shabbat and.Kiddush are made (Ch. IX) will be included in the will" meet; Wednesday at S p.m. at Bayvlew School incorporation solidify Luther Me- Bible readings.' v '•,' •.•':•.' CottreDRd.. possible by the parents of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. James LeonairdvUle Rd., Middletow* morial Evangelical Lutheran BBT's, ,••••;•:-••.-.,,. •; . , From "Science £M'Health' with Rev, C. Roger Burkina, Pastor. Church of New' Shrewsbury an a Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Barrett,: 27 Cornell Dr. Rev. Henry A. Male, Rector Sunday School Is held at 9:30 Saturday at ID ^un., the pro- The Guild for Christian Service churo.h In the community," sold Baker Eddy the following will be Rev, Clarence A., Lanioelet, Vlcai a.m. and church services at 10: the RevT Daniel D, Rclnhelmcr, gram will be: Shalmris, Marlene read (539:27-30): "The divine will meet at the fire house on if Sunday services :i» *t.JfeSB. a-m, JJlsonoff; .Torah service and read- Thursday at S p.m. pastor. "Legally and financially," origin of Jesus gave him more The first, third and, fifth Sundays, the pastor continued, "wo have a ing, Eric Burl Poppick; Haftorah, thin hujman power to expound the ' Vaestton' Bible' School will fie there Is Holy Communion, and the Gethsemsne Lutheran Church Roy Charles, Schwartz; Musaph; solid foundation, but a. church or- facts of creation, and demonstrate held Aug. 8 to 19, Monday through second land fourth Sundays, .morn- Maple PI,, Keyport . - . : -presentation-.v.pf .diplomas,. Jules Friday,, from 9:^0 to, 12 o'clock Rev: Frederick Boos, pastor ganltaMon Is unique In (hat 5 the one Mind, which makes" and ing prayer., Church ichool meets foundation and strength Is not in • Selinger, chairman, and Mrs. Abra- governs man and the universe." noon. Children four-yearwif-age There are two services on Sun- ham Kamlnsky, co-chairman, through sixth grade will be ad- day: Matins at 8:30 a.m; and thethings seen! but In the spiritual school '.committee; presentation of The Golden Text is from Nehj- vised as to location ot school. Special services will be held regular service at 11 o'clock, Sun- foundation of which Jesus Christ gifts. Dr. Harry.Poppick, president, miah (9:6): "Thou, even thou, art announced. Himself Is tlie chief' comcrslonc. •"' • -; "'[' day School begins at 9:43 a.m. - U.H.C., and Mrs. Jack Goldberg, Lord alone; thou . hast made Second Baptist Church . The Women's Guild meets the SliLSrsji, worshipping commuitlty ^president ol the Hebrew Women's heayen, the heaven of, heavens, Atlantic St, Keyport first Tuesday o! each month In th Union Beach Fun Geapel Church collect together to have fellowship League; presentation !o congrega- with all their hosf, the earth, and Rev. Nicholas J. Tate, Paslor church' hall at 8 p.m. The Parent. 651 Park Ave., Union Bench In,Christ. To this end the work tion, Ellen Rachel Kamlnsky, En all. thjrigs that are- therein, the On Sunday.afternoon at 3 p.ra Tcachen Association ot the church Rev. Evan Scth Williams, Pastor and progress o( our congregation Kolehenu; Olenu and Mourners seas, and all that is therein, and the Sunday School choir will spon- school meets the final Tuesday of Sunday services are held at 10:45 is dedicated." Annunl mccllns crowds In the Interior <tit)lls!icd "Science and Health The BBT's and Rabbi levine will , Monday at 7:30 p.m." there wil tor alt ages. nrticlcs' of Incorporation, Mr. Jehovah's Witnesses. Oldest Church 1 with Key to tho Scripture*" In, I87J. be In the reception line Friday arid i Keyport Congregation. - be morning choir rehearsal. ' Prayer meeting Is.hcld on Tucs Ck'scki , chulrrnon of Ilio CVHIIJJC- Saturday,. , • ••: Kingdom Hall, U Division St. Wednesday, at 7 p.m. is Bible The Shrewsbury Meeting, of day at 7:30 p.m. • • .' ' llsm and sfbward committee, re- Decisions about nittlonnl rrecllonn tics o n (1 mihvcrslve Influences, Student Council Elections Thursday at 7:30 p.m. the Minis study; 8:30 p.m., senior choir re- the Religious' Society of Friends Mid-week service Is Thursday »1 ported the excellent response Ehould come, out of each votcr'a claim the power lo lake over" Student counca, elections, have try School .will consider-study 36 heai?al. •* (Quakers) has been declared 7:30 p.m. shown in tho recent .."Olvllig to communion wi(',f God un'J ths piild- government In one community been announced as follows: Presi- Friday at J p.m: prayer meeting 'New Jersey1!, »lde«tijwal Qod," campaign conducted among anco obtained ihrouRh prayer, The 'nftur another,:,," in the Bible aid book, "Qualified St. John's Methodllt Church dent, Roy Schwartz; vice president, To-Be Ministers." The subject is is held. - •;.-•• church. The New Jersey Slate the members ol the congregation. Christian Science Hoard of Di- Thrquiih reliance on God's jiowei South Main St, rectors said last week, Ellen Kaminsky; secretary, Janet "Letters." The first student talk Grange awarded a commenda- : Compared with tho past fiscal year, and Kiildnncc, these rhullengo will Goldstein; treasurer, Barbara Trinity Church (Episcopal) tion to the church at a session Rarltan Township the financial commitments huvo More than 7000 Chrlnllnn Rtlcn- be mot anil mastered, he declared, will cover material in "Your Will Rev. Norman ft. Rlloy, Pastor Newman; Gabaim, Eileen Gale, Be Done On Earth," Chapter Hi Mala St, Matawan of the annual Institute (or Town Increased 100 per cent, tlslH at tlm Annual Mectlnu o! luldinil tlinl "the boncllccnl Carroll D. Hall, Sunday worship secyices arc a I Todd. Sahner; • Shaniashlm chajr- Second student will read from the and Country Ministers at the The land survey committee, Tlie Mother Church, The rir«t ttovcrnment of tho fuundlnu fallion man, Marlene Nisonoff; welfare Bishop'i Mafia-Charge 'College ol Agriculture, Rutgeri > a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m Cluirclrof Clirlat, Sclenllst,.ln Bos- will bo nnwrviMl, and civil and book of Psalms; third and fourth Church school meets at 9:30 andheaded by Mr, Lockaa, reported ex- chairman, Holly frager. students will cover material from The "First Sunday after Trinity, Unlvenlty. .The certificate, act ton, Mass,, hoard (hi) director** rolluloiiit freodami rdRit supremtj," _ Holy Communion will be at 8 a.m.; 11 a.m. The evening service Is add cellent progress toward tho acqui- Eileen Gala won the 'soloist the Bible eld books, "From Para- forth (hat the Shrewsbury Meet- sition ol church properly. Several message which cnlletl for nn «nd Renorli of kuy olllclala covWid" church school, 9:45 a.m.; Holy ing has been active since 1I7J. at 7:30 o'clock. Intermediates meet to npntliy, IrrctfKinslbility ami blind award for the junior choir, and dise^ Lost To Paradise Regained,' for the sixth, seventh and eighth land sites are under consideration) (ho (nr-itncliliiH ncllvlllrn of the and "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Eucharist!and sermon, 10 a.m.; partisanship, denomlnnllon which hai brnncliei other awards go to Ellin Diamond, Holy Baptism, 11:15 a.m. with the Another certificate lor the old- grades at 6:49 p.m.; Senior Method- yet no definite .decision hag been Janet Goldstein and Stacey Ogens. Divine Purpose." est building in continuous use lot Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p.m.;reached'at the present time. "In the United Stolen," the d|. In more tlmn 4,1 countries throujilu Rev. Canon Edwin W,. Tucker as nut the frcir- world, Public lecture* ' Awards were based on attendance, At 8:30 p.m. the service meet-the celebrant. Corporate Com was a warded the SeavlUe Post High School M.Y.P., 7:30 p.m A vacation Dlble ichool proitrtinr rectors unit), "(ho current year conductj.ablllty, performance, ing will be held. The theme will Friends Meeting la SeavlUe, will record Intpdrtiuik' political do- on Clirixiliin Sclenca were given toi. munion of Trinity Men's Club will was announced by the Superinten- Ilia drat time, it wua iiimounced, creativity, co-operation, obligation be from Proverbs 15:28. This meet- be held: at the 8 o'clock service Cape May-County. The.building Morganvllle Methodist Church dent of the Sunday School,, Arthur clslons OB well as Intcanllonul n|v fulfillment, and development. ing helps members In their minis- has stood since 1711. Also MorganvlOe proacheii." They added thai In many .distant aroai Including with breakfast at the Shore Point Bitter. Harlet. Tho school will be Cihonu and tlio FIJI klnnds, . The U.S.Y.: will sponsor a car try. Inn, Hailet, following.' awarded were 1W "Century Hon- Rev. Fred H. Bowen, Pastor held July 11-21, two full weeks, -"through prnyor, wo can ritte above : •wash on Sunday, June 28, (ram 9 Saturday Spanish speaking peo- . The vestry meefi Wednesday tit or Roli" cerllflcatea to churches Church services are held on Sun Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to blind iKirllsimslilp and Ilie Irrcvpnti- Kcipomo To TV-lliidlo Series a.m. to 3 p.m. at the home ot Mr.ple are invited to attend the Span- 8 p.m. In the pa'risVhouse. lM-years-otd or more. day at 9 a.m. and Sunday School I] noon. "Because of tho tremen- aiblo tumult of aegrcaalvo menial VlBurotii rotponia lo lh« Inter- and-Mrs. Charles Goldstein, 7J Wai ish Bible itudy using the Bible The conlut •» discover old meets at 10a.ro, dous'response to Ihli program last nallnnnl WOVIHIOII and radio lerlei The annual family picnic will be How Chrlntlnn Rk)l«nbe Hindu" won ling Terr.; Keyport. Andrea Rosen- study book, "You May Survive Ar- held Saturday, June 25, at Thomp- cburehea mi sponsored by the yuan, when 100 students were en- New Fresldenl Named thai will be\ chairman. Tt)e Junior mageddon Into God's New World.' Grango and to* Co-operntlv» Pint Spiritual Church rolled," sold Mr. Hitter, ""prepa- Named president of Tho Me repotted by Will 1), Davli, Man- son's Park. Meeting time at the Of Divine Rote tiyor of CommltlfoK on Publlcnllon, U.S.Y. has contributed $16.30 to the Sunday at 3 p;m. there will be church will be 9:30 a.m. Extemton Service ot Rutgers rations are being made to accept Church tor the comlny year wni - UJXFurid. ...".... University. It was la charge el 170 Main St., Belford ISO student! this summer." Arlhur W,. Kckman, Cnmbrfduo, More tlmn 175,004 peopla linvo writ, a public lecture entitled "Are We •• Rev. Phoebe DaHey, Paslor ten to Boston [or Information about Llvjng At The End "of the Worfd?" Flnt Presbyterian Church Dr. Frank V. Beck, extension Mass, A lawyer, ho in a native ol Route W and Franklin St., eceiMfflUt at th« College of Agri- ~ Services are held Sunday at t Vlcksl)iir)i,-Mlm. He wan educated chfliilair HeKw* ilnce the nro- Picker? To''Speak * Tuesday the service centers will p.m. and Tuesday at 2; 30 and 8Jehovah's Witnesses pram started, he unicl. In addltlan, continue their study in the Bible MaUwan culture. During the three-day nt the Unlvartlty otTexat, the Unl Old Shrewsbury Day Rev. Chester A. Galloway, session ending yesterday, the p.m. . • • . :• vcrslly ol Southern Callfornln, und Bomo COQO rtqucali a month, h« aid book, "Your Will Be Done On to Attend Convention noted, Imvie come lo Chrlsilnn Pastor clergymen heard spcakera dis- CUIfwood Community llarvord L&w School. '„ darence E. Pickett, executive Earth.". The addresses are as fol- Uoloneo Kendlnu, Hoomi from In' lows: F. Anderson, 331 Wilson Ave. Morning worship service Sunday cussing a variety ol topics re- \Methodist Church' Jehovah's Witnesses ot the Key- secretary of the American Friends Tho directors held that peoples iciolt'il llMcnera, Matawan; J. Gondoly, 5 Atlantic Is at 10 a.m. Sunday School meets lating, tou rural sociology and Rev. Lee Cotter. Pattor port Congregation have been'-. In- of all Unil« Will l)u delivered from Service Committee from 1929 to vlted to allend • four-day eonven- Many iiulalandlnii licallngi /ye., Matawan; R. Lovelace;, Pros- at 10 a.m. for .children from (he ccoBOBilcs •» well as church- ; Sunday rooming servlcl will 'M tyranny through the Ircodom^W JI 19% will be .the guest speaker on pect Ave.i. Cliftwood; A. "~" ' nursery c^partment ;V|(ag«'three jrtlated subjects. -;'.. •, •• ' -. lion In Washington's Griffith Sta- ihrounh rnilrply .«plrliiiAl mttmt Ing power o( unlillual Unil«r*land- wcin Tllfil In the rrnorla, They In- ittwniEh»li»^gn»* SiW^ dlumi July W-ir. Edw«m J, Olanl, Ing, "With ciwiplele confidence In ville;' W- W«lter»M6nm6%th"Ave.L; and jlghth7grade indents wfl^at- Calvary M*thodl»t Church 7:30 p.rii. ' ' " • ':'' < overseer ol the Keyport congrega- cluded heallngi of alcoliollsm, leu- Hotisit-Broad St. and-Sycamore God'* uulctance," thoy dpetared, kemia., pneumonia, cancer, ailh- Port Moamouth,. and < Kingdom tend-church service. At' 3:30, p.m. •; Third SL} Keyport tion, announced that he plant lo Christian Scientist forcioa the Ave.;: Shrewsbury. HeSvilt attend the chancel choir will participate Keyport Reformed Church head a dclcgntlon of 80 to the ma, lubcrculiuli, broken bonei. In- Hall.; • "••/:/• •' ' ." Rev. a t... WilllaiM STD, doom of tile evil forcct which Meeting for Worship at 11 a.m. in a service at the Haddonfleld • •., Warren St., Keyporl atiembly. iianlly, hay fever, heart trouble and and give the.main address at 2:30 ' Pastor - Rev. Roderick N, DeYoung, would n rider in I no righteous govern cerebral palsy. • St. Mary'a Episcopal Church Home for the Aged. . Sunday School meeU at 9:30 a.m Mr. Gianl laid tho convention rnont, weaken human freedom, and Jar. .. . : East Frost St, Keyport : The executive board of the V Pastor '* II one of 14 large "Peace Purmlng Tim total number of Chrlillan Several father will assist the pas- Sunday School meets at 9:30 sink monklnd deeper Into ma- Sclenco orRanlMtltnu at college! ; Old, Shrewsbury Day is,an an- Rev. .Henry A. Male, Rector Women's Association will meet on tor In the 10:4$ a.m. worship ser- Dlitrlct Assemblies," scheduled nual affair ol the Shrewsbury Boy Scouts will'meet tonight at Monday evening at 8 p.m. at the "a.m. under the supervision of Rob- this summer for the United Slates and unlvcfnllletlma nearly doubled- vice at which the sermon topic frt Wllkcnloh; nursery, 10:30 am-; Tlie new president, Mr. l-ckninn, In recent yrari, Udward I'roder- MeeTtogof the Religious-Society 7 p.m.- iuid the. Scoot Committee! home of Mr*. X. J. Altai, 51 Little will be "Toroarr6w'a..Man." _ and Canada by the Wotchtowcr ! morning •worship, -10:41- a.m. Dlblo and Tract Society, Brooklyn, nerved three termi on I ho I,oi man, Manager of (he Department of Friends; (Quakers) to which the at 8;30~p.nt.. : -••''.- .; .,-.. • St.; Mawwin.- The Mothers' Association will ; community iflarge ft Invited to " Summer schedule will (tart an The Ctasils of New Brunswick New York, From 20,000 to 25,000 Angolfs Doaftl of Educaltnn—and of 'BrahChtr « n d Practlllonerf,:, ' The chancel choir will meet tor>meet Monday at 7 p.m., beginning come and bring a picnic lunch. Sunday with morning' prayer at will meet Tuesday at 9 aim. at Jehovah's Wltnesiei from »even one term on tho California Board staled, Newly Ilitel nrj!nnl«at|nni their/rehearsal on Thursday eve- with a covered dish stipper. The Dessert-and beverage are served 1:40 .a.m.; Holy Communion", 8 tlie Spotswood Reformed Church. states are expected to attend, of Education. A former Mtnaitcr Include thoie at the Unlvcnlly ol ning at 8 p.m. . . intermediate and junior cholra are by the Meeting. The ShrewsbVrr a.m: This Sunday, Father's Day, Thomas Anderson, primlus Rele- 'instruction in the Blhleji tho Of Cominllleea on I'libllcollon, lie H WHwr poli- Korea, and IWchtenadcn, Qtt- . Browntown Community Church for the whole family will be held Ject of a Christian Science radio S. Browntowa Union Sunday School gin each day at » a.m. Garrett each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. church .", . from tho fnifuo. 1 McKeen Jr., general Sunday School program over Station WOR New Boat* IS, Bnmtewa. - The Women's Association will York, In It* Mutual "Radio Chapel" Rev. Fnuids Cantel, Pastor- • superintendent and Mn. Martin Lauterwald, primary department meet In fellowship hall Monday at oh Sunday morning at 8; IS o'clock, ' Sunday School Is held from 9:43 8. p.m. to 10:45 a.m. and the Church serv- superintendent, will be In charge ol ice from II cm. until U o'clock. the vacation school Morning wor- Tuctday, Brownie Troop' 110 Everyone I* cordially Invited to at ship services wilt be conducted at meeti In the cottage at 3:30 p.m.: Authorized Dealer for 10 and 11 a.m. The graduates of Boy Scout and Exploring Post 10 t*ad. :':.••• I960 will be honored at the.U a.m. at 7 p.m.;-teachers for the vaca- audivox service. " ^ tion church school In fellowihip ceisor to MMmOtt hell, 8 p.m.. HatrlngAldDlvlslofl Grace Methodllt Church The board of deacons will meet Auto I'iiiuncing UnlMBeaei>» In the cottage Wednesday at 7:30 RENAULT" Rev. leoo ZInkler, Pastor Keyport Hearing Aid p.m.; Cub Pack 10 msct»" at the Saturday at 10 a.m. there will Be same time in fellowship hill, youth-choir rehearsal. Center ' On'Sunday there will be Sunday St. Beaedld'a Chui Jt W. Front St., Ktyport . When you buy your new car, don't pay more than li School at 9 a.m. for fourth through ' Holmdel School / COIfM 4-JW sixth grade; 8:30 a.m,, for 7th ' Hehndel Rd, HoMel i EVea by AppvinMient nect'ssury In flnuticinn conts. Yvu CMI urrimgo your Auto through Uth and 10 a.m., three- Rev, Edward P. Blaska, Pastor yeare-old through -third grade. Muse* are held Sunday at 1, t, Uban directly with u« at modernU bnnk rntei wltliout Morning service will be 11 a.m. on 9,10 and 11 a.m. and at 12 o'clock the second Sunday after Pentecost. noon.. commlnslona, !evn or other extra clinrgea. You bei)r>(lt by At this service the school gradu- Coefenknu are heard In the prompt, convenient local nervlce, IiiBiiruiiL-e mny It* ates wift.be honored ind there parish borne Saturdays between 7 will be installation of trie newly and I p.m. OTTLED placed witliyour own ofjent, anil tho full ummmt vl the elected officers ol the Senior Youth Fellowship. At J p-m. the Youth reateeaat Full Gospel Church ncluded In your 'loan if dcnlrtd, Fellowship will have • picnic and Church of the Uving Cod swimming party at Sea Bright 1S7 Mala SL, Keamburg ' Vacation Bible School will begin Sunday School II from 3 to 4 GAS on Monday at 9 a.m. tmtil 'U p.m.; evening KrVIce at 7:30 pm. STOP IN AT o'clock noon for a two-week pejriod, Prayer meeting 1» held Tuesdaj at t p.m. and Bible' • tlisi on You Get.Clean, Quick THE- There will be an official Board Thursday at g p.m., meeting Tuesday night at S pm. Saturday school for.children Is Heat For Cooking FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Wednesday afternoon O i r I held from 18 to I!:W a.m. Frank Van Syckles ScouU, Troop 9J* will meet at 3 Prompt, Efficient PMtectetal Church p.m. and, at 7:30 p.m. there will NATIONAL BANK UahM aad Sldiiey Art., Service INC. * > fenlor' choir rehearsal. ' , Unfco Beach . , Matawan Iteaauli Franchise Deafer - Parti aad ferric* Eaaasaul AateabBc* Of CM Mb. Herbert O. Wood, Pattor' MJddtoRA, Nertb OeatervlO* Worship services are mid Sun- KEYPORT CAS CO. Rev.' Timothy Adams,, Pastor day at II a.m. and 7:49 p,m, Sun- Route 35 Morgan-PA 1-4425 day School l» at S;« am. Affiliate of- : morm>g worship, U o'clock; Ev*n Bihto ttnoy-groop'Wetf Tuesday Drive This New JL960 Renault 7 gdlstlc tervice, 7 pjn. The flru at 7:45 p.m. Sunday of each month, there la • Thunctey prayer meeting li held, KEYPORT LUMBER Communion service at II a.m. at 7:45 p.m, Up to 43 Miles on a Gallon of Gasoline Youag People* service will be Fourth MI. Plteilrn & SUPPLY CO. held Thursday evenings at (V.49 SpMlual Church Moil MO4K« Ittah I* Mmmanui 1'MMif - IIM 5 , before the regular Thursday at SfmtM., UOIOT Beach' service, - instead, of Tuesday eve-" Rev. «Ca%rine Miller. P#tflr „ Tel, LOwoll 6-1872 No Money Down- 46 Mo. Semfcei.'afc'jKld m Sunday «tt .« od! but*a>v,m*iw. «• Jl i 1960 Sixteen THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. "for fitting and proper punish- Part' Monmouth and , Campbell'* One Way To Sell Needles Keep Tots Away ment." Junction areas which in recent Special J&yport lions CTiifcCalls For "It's not that we want ta be yean have grown electrically at tough on the children. We're doing a rate of 19 per cent per year From Railroad this for their own good. Somehow Explaining the electrical growth, Volunteers To Aid Eye Bank Mr. McGalllard noted that the, Bel The Keyport Lions Club recemjy/Cj'Ti) Insure speed the person who Parents of school-age children we must, impress upon them and NYLON ford substation in 1950 had a peak *wrt*come active In a vital pro- n&s decided to donate his eyes were given a bit of advice by Frank their parents that the railroad is a hazardous place to play. If we load of 1490 kilowatts; cram designed to aid In tucras^ b de8th carrle, a card w 11 h J. Holslag, Pennsylvania Railroad and Tyrex*' JestoraUonot slght.^ Robert j[ JMhlm at aU'Uipes and the next o chief- of pO»ce for the' New York can. avoid-just one tragic occur- By 195$ the peak load has in- creased to 350Q" kilowatts. In 1356 non, committee chairman,, kin hold] a formal authorization so region. It was: "Teach your chil- rence, we will be thankful. We're "Since one of the most basic ijb. hopeful that with parents working part of the load was transferred to that Jha nMMsaryloperatLoS Jnay dren to stay away from the rail- the new Mlddletown substation re- Joctivej of Llonlsm is 'Sight. Con- be performed legally without run- road when out playing.", with us we can record a sub- servation,' it was decided by thening Into any delaying court tie- stantial decrease In'children tret- ducing the demand on the Belford local Lions Club- to participate in The police officer «ald, "Now is unit by 1500 kilowatts. Growth ups, the time, as th» school year ends, passing accidents." JUNE the wonderful work 91 the Eye; since 1956 has resulted in a peak foundation of Delaware Valley, "Arrangements Include schedul. to Impress upon your children that load on the Belford station In 1959 Inc., by lending-financial support ing transportation,.and if neces- playing around railroads could Belford Substation' of 3800 kilowatts. to it through a club membership. sary, police escorts, operating mean serious, injury or, possibly rooms' and alerting -the prospective even, death. Children, for the most Completed By Utility •fplent. Everything must work part, do not realize the dangers of TIRE Jersey Central; Power- ft Light W precision, of a navigator'i trespassing on railroad property. ilal, piece of equipment called a Co. has completed the rebuilding chronometer, because the corneas It's .up to parents to instruct them of its substation on VanNostrand tub-station. This container, which are useless If they ore not trans- of such dangers and to exercise row Is stored in Rlvervlew Hos- Lane, Belford, it was reported this planted within 24 hours. vigilance to see that their children week by Jack R. McGalllard, man- pital, Is uniquely designed for use • Services Are Free stay away from the railroad when lonely? In transporting the donated cornea agcr of the electric utility's Bay Di- "The services of the Eye Bank plajing. • SALE to the, waiting blind recipient. vision, Union Beach. The $196,000 Pick up the phone «nd "As with any bank, however, it and its affiliates, are free. The "Warning children of the dangers project included installation of a visit * friend. Com little {•necessary to have many deposi- bank is supported Only by. private of trespassing on the railroad 1> new transformer with a capacity to call anywhere. Boston, tors or pledges to make it function. donations and does not employ the every bit as important AS teaching of 7500 kilovolt amperes to replace for instance, from Asbury In order to understand more clear' use of professional fund;raisers. them to be on the lookout for the former 300D KVA unit. Park only 601. i min. The .national;office Jn Philadelphia ly how-this 'Eye Bank'- works, autos. Hundreds of children were The rebuild was necessitated, ac- itttion me after after harm." velops blood, A cornea cannot be Jour death, giving some sightless Don't Throw Stones FIRE and HOME OWNERS taken from the eye of.a living per- person the blessing of vision you Everybody enjoyed this event-and certainly Jhe participants show' It Tonl JansOn, Mls« Duolonc/and Sieve Nestor, President of the The PRR police officer also son without destroying his sight. have enjoyed since birth," Mr. Len warned children against the harm- non sold. Duolone Co., Kcyport, chat at Duolonc headquarters at Iho Chicago flealthy' corneas are removed Parts Show at the Conrad Hilton, May 18. Significance of the dlspUy ful practice of throning stones at KAHLE and, DAYTON from the eyes of the deceased and According to Mr. Lennon, 500 was to emphasize the fact that Duotone Diamond Needle guarantees passenger as well as freight trains. transplanted within 24 hours. Sight, Americans go blind every week a full whole.diamond every lime Inslead of a wclded-on chip. t._ '•A stone vary easily could break a McFARLAND, INC. flan be restored by such trans- Blindness Increases with old ago window and cause Injury to pas- plants. Pel i whose corneas are About;Jiirrer cent mt the 316,000 in only two or three sets of eyes each sengers. Some youngsters may feel not perfect hough .to be trans- u^SSjrjf States who are blind Pennsylvania Has that.they have a throwing arm Airport Plaza planted i recontribute to this pro- suffer from corneal disease. Of this year. To meet the challenge of the Ladies Day Plan like Willie Mays, but the place to gram research, investigation number- it is estimated that 10,000 blind eyes many thousands of demonstrate- that is on the ball- Shopping Center and - stud . The removal of the can be helped by corneal trans- donors will be required. Ladies Day on the Pennsylvania field where It's appreciated." «yes will not mar the appearance plants. Experience ot other eye Therefore, Chairman Lennon Rallcoad will be every Wednesday - of the ; "D ln any way. banks Is that 1000 pledges produce Chief Holslag said he it Issuing points out, "It is urgent Chat we and Thursday throughout the sum- Orders to his men to be on the look- mer, J. B. Dorrance Jr., New take stops now to bequeath the gift out for youthful trespassers, whose York passenger manager, said. Ex- CO 4-7100 of sight to others. The pledge~of : off-hmlt activities will be brought cursion fares will be in effect those to the attention of their parents yfluge Alteration your eyes, without any legal obli- days from North Jersey Coast gation, Is as simple as writing your points between Point Pleasant and name,on the pledge coupon pro- Pertlf Amboy to Newark and New vided for- you on this paga and York for the tallies, Mr. Dorrance then mailing it to: Robert Lennon, said. THESE MARY CARTER PAINT FACTORIES SALE* 41 Coral Dr.. Hailet." The extension of the bargain fares for wdmen through the sum- Means Extra Savings Bloodmobile Visit mer was tried as an experiment Of Red Cross Aides last year. "The combination of the To You on 1960 Model the low fares, air-conditioned Mrs, James H. Grady Jr., 50 trains' and plenty to do in the New Plymouths and Valiants ParkAve., Shrewsbury, was co-Ydrk area were so successful in ordinator of Red Cross Voluntecps" attracting the women that It was [rom the Monmouth County C:Kapp- decided to extend the bargain fares y Plus Bonus Savings :er at the recent bloodmobile visit again this year," Mr. Dorrance f the New York unit' to the fields said. FLYER house, Fort Monmouth. Mrs. The special tickets, good Wednes- Grady reported that 20 adults and day and Thursdays on. all trains $ 55 even Junior.Red Cross members scheduled to arrive in Newark* •JO-II" irtlclpated, giving a total of 150 WILL BE MAKING FESS PAINT afterSjjiiO a.m. aiwfrNew York after OSEDCARS volunteer hours of-service helping 9:05 a.m., are available at all sta- U '51 FORD, R. & H. '49 PLYM., R. & H, he donors, the Red Cross doctor tions from Point Pleasant Beach to and the specially trained nurses South Amboy, They can be used HALF THE GOMINOYE&R! on the >unlt. • on any,train returning until the Tti» next' bloodmobile. operation 12:35 am. train from New York. t "HajtLto bilieve?, Well, It's, truel For ttx months of tKe eomina 95 69 will take place Thursday, July 14, arwfifcn nrn»"R«r'icrojj volun- Plan Meeting • yar, •v»ry«n# of my thrarblg p*int fyetorlts will bp' working full '53 DeSOTO '55 MERCURY teers from tha Monmouth County Mm* turning out FREE PAINT foi'yout' That'* btcauie, with «v«ry «on Chapter again will serve as regis- The Bayshore Electrical Associa- of paint I sell In tha next 12 monthi, I'll be giving • second «an awty Ridlo and Hentcr Radio and Heater trars, in canteen, as motor service tion will hold Its regular meeting Tyrex* :ourlers, at the, bottle assembly Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Mag- free of extra cost. nd ai volunteer nurse's aldes.ac- nolia; Inn," Matiwan, All members cordlng to-Mrs. Grady, ' " are urged to attend. "There's no limit to this offer, and It's available right now at THOROBRED 295 nearly S00 Mary Carter Paint Factories branches from,Cape Cod to Key West,'and from Jacksonville to El Paso! Whether you come Into $1445 '54 FORD, '54 CHEVROLET one of my famous stores to buy a quart, a gallon or a truckload ef Automatic, Radio and Heater A Real Buy V Keyport Lions Club | -top quality Mary Carter paint, enamel or varnish, you'll be given an equal amount absolutely tree of extra eostl

395 395 Form For Donation Of Eyes After Death - ' - "So — If you need two gallons of paint fo do that |ob around the house, don't ask the man at your Mary Carter paint store for two «5PLYMOUTH '55 MERCURY Automatic Date , gallons: just aslr him for ONE gallon, |uir pay Mm for/ONE gallon, Radio and Heater . Radio and Heater ••** Hardtop Gentlemen: _,, and he'll give you TWO gallons! I hereby donate my eye* at the time o( my death to the Eye Foundation ol Delaware Volley Inc. to be used by that foundation I ."That's the way I like to do buiiness; that's the way millions of 495 to reitoro the sight of some blind person and/or (or research | my satisfied customers, have indicated they like to buy painti THAT'S NYLON •caking to prevent bllndneia jesd to find cures for dtseasei of the eye. THE MARY -CARTER WAY I"- • Thorobred '55 MERCURY '58 RAMBLER Convertible American Automatic, Radio and Heater Automatic, Radio, and Heater NAME $1485 Plcasejtrlnt Plainly HOW IS THE FREE WHY NOT JUST CHAROI llt>( GALLON POSSIBLE? . . . HAIF PRICE.? . 795 SIGNATURE OF DONOR "IM«IJM of tkf "My pahh «ra qiialHT P bu coil nt, I* (Mltlca, I'm pri« M' *oH*» •> IwM, hrtaad at tMnt • Fully Loaded — Outstanding Automobile STREET , CITY Ktbty«- wHfc • VtfM ff.paulai |xr (•Ural Ui—m fraa *Hk Imf — • Mil kat I nfua nimtaillm •( »Mdltmm'i t»nti vltk «m- M '-Mm* rat.' ay fhH k> than tkaa «• MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE ITI On receipt ol ^our 'eye donation card an Identification card ft»r n4 t—Ur-vnti mall mm , . . •»*• %mMlMt<, h* prin^Na, m imt claarftr will b* lent to you staling your donation, and, on. the reverse sldo •m palnf fattarfai ; • v •ttaemllnaa' marchandl** Maiy «aH»r fatah *Hn aar al tki akaap Instructions" to your next of kin. tn$ mtiktii .,. mr «w> lltat •! DUHI Iniiki Inltatlani kah| alhni, aar *III I avar An. (a HI cam at oblal«l«| n> naDriil, and •> and* ml pndaatt a* mart Up ta prUa radaa- '58 CHEVROLET tlaat, dlM4mila ar apaslal aaUf. I manafartara '5(TOLDS - 98 aklpptal paint < • • All al HiaM alfaat tarlnii, Gorgeous Car, Automatic vhkk I pan an ta r»» with trwf ind tan al tk» Mm M|k ««amr paint far •* my aa«- tamar^, at Hia' aaiaa. lair. prka far avaryana." • Radio and Heater Holiday, Hardtop, Loaded Hint abulltalr '"• •> •»"• «•»" 4-Door Sedan 1395 1995 WANTED AS ADVERTISID IN THI SATURDAY EVENINO POST

'59 ENGLISH FORD ,„ CH,V p „ M Perfect Condlllort 52 CHEV., R. & H. 995 149 '60 DODGE Aulomatlo Trans., 4-Door NO MONEY Radio and Hester, fa 2385 ACRYLIC . MARY CARTER TRIM ft DECK ROL-LATEX OUTSIDE OIL ENAMEL DOWN •Italianla ! kMhp aMity aaf '57 DeSOTO UjM, brl(M and aim k, Hih mm, « < Firellyte, 4-Door, Hardtop Par '"latailar -mi aatarial tatltl M U ll. If a U OLD BIAMIP rURNACI WANTED.FOR ROBBERY Of na. la«y ta aparf, »• Wttfte Excellent Condition 1295 FAMILY HEALTH, COMFORT'AND POCKETBOOK. -"dildH Always lOOJfp Top Used Cars To Choose From ARMEO WITH SOOTY SMOKE, INEFFICIENT BURNER AND DUSTY BLASTS. DANGEROUS WHEN OPERATED. q Se.flgel. SMIqt. IMI fad, •» REWARD trtry tut C«n tm tvtfy tai Cm Frt«' SAYREVILLE Wl Witt PAY HANDSOME REWARD FOR. INFORMA- BON LEADING TQ OUR CAPTURE OP ANY BIAT-UP ND OTORS MB PURNACI AND IT| REPLACiMBNT WITH A McVOERM-EFFICIBNT-lCOMPHTELY AUT6MATIC EVERY 2 CAN FREE of extra cost Colof t Strvlc*, In*. .. AMERIGAN-<$ fendard - Ml M«Ia St HltMSW _ . .. . WARM AW PURNACI jnlartaat MARY CARTER Paint Factories toustf VALIANT 1 . ,5 Year Payment Plan Walllng't Satvlw Ha. : ",youi? AUTHORIZED PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DEALER f -< EASY CREDIT TERMS CENTRAL JERSEY CAS APPLIANCE SERVICE In*. tl* Highway K, Waumjiin n Broad St " KenM • ROUTS 9 AND ERNSTON ROAD Raul* M, IMUM Saath a( MIUWUI PMJn U) MW "< , (Opp- S*yn Woods Shopping Center) ~ W. J. Dwyer - Heating )SUbNkUlBfcll CO4-B7I , Abo: , Sayfeyf fl* — Opin From 9 *TII .9:30 BvrUottui, CHUM*. Park, EaloalnnL UMatW Newark, Vmf» Urar 431 Atlqntic Aye./Mdtawar^LO 6-26V5 •• •~"™rn- XrtMam y\M\ttA, Weil Allude Ctty, ~