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ANNUAL MEETING OF HANNA RATEPAYERS HELD MONDAY Provincial Library NIGHT; SMALL ATTENDANCE THE HANNA HEB Jas W I Only 90 Persons Turn Out To Hear Accounts From Members "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS Of Council; Arena Shows Deficit VOLUME XXXXVII — No. 15 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1960 $3.00 per yeor in Conodo—7c per .QgM^ Reports of councillors and a ! standard it needs and had DIESEL CAUSE OF "SLACKNESS bnef talk by Mayor Peter Kennedy | eri its Provisional Accreditationreceiv-. • were heard at the annual rate- There are only five small hospitals ANNUAL MEETING OF CHAROLAIS ACADIA M.P. payers meeting of last Monday ev-1 in Alberta that have this, she said, ISSUES REPORT ening when about 90 persons ga- There are now 53 beds in the thered in the Memorial Hall. 'hospital. BREEDERS HELD IN CALGARY; J. H. "Jack" Horner, Member J. G. Odell acted as chairman The town's total expenditure for of Parliament for Acadia, this for the meeting. the year amounts to $247,388. The week writes for the Herald the It is understood that there are surplus for the year is $6,807. The RAY BRANUM AGAIN PRESIDENT first of a series of reports some departments that can never town is reported to be financially from "Parliament Hill". Mr. show a surplus. Last year there sound. Fast Gains Being Made By Horner, in submitting his re were two departments that did Each councillor has a firm grasp Cross-Bred Beef Animal port from time to time will have a small profit. These were of the workings of the department deal with matters pertaining the waterworks and cemetery, he heads and together with the Stimulus To Beef Industry to legislation which affects his The arena report showed a defi mayor all are doing a conscientious constituency in particular, and cit of $5,862 which adds 2 mills to job. At the annual meeting of the was established that the breed had other matters of a more gen the taxpayers. Assistance from the Canadian Charolais Cattle Assoc, made tremendous gains as a beef eral nature. The first of his Kinsmen Club, Lions' Club, Cana held in Calgary last Saturday, it animal and crossbred beef type an parliamentary reports appears dian Legion and the Civic Sports imal since established in Canada on page 7 of this issue. Read Association were gratefully ack Hoar Frost three years ago with importations ers of the Herald will no doubt nowledged. from the United States. be interested in these com The public utilities report show Roy G. Snyder of the Waterloo ments from the Acadia M.P. ed that it is imperative that sev Raises Trouble Ont., artifical insemination unit Any correspondence to Mr. eral blocks of water main be re said more that 12,000 cows were Horner should be addressed to placed this year. bred to Charolais bulls last year. J. H. Horner, Cjo House of Steps are being taken this year Commons, Ottawa. Mayor Kennedy, in answering On Power Lines to have the breed recognized by questions about the possibility of the Canadian National Livestock • a water shortage, told his listeners Telephone Service Records. When that happens Can CHURCH SANCTUARY Also Interrupted that the PFRA, town council, Ducks adian pedigrees will be recognized BEING RE-DECORATED Unlimited and the provincial gov In Town and Country in the United States. ernment are at present formulat Heavy hoar frost over the week The Church of Christ is current ing plans by which the water level end has raised havie with both The Canadian Charolais Associa ly in the process of recovering the in Fox Lake will be raised from local and rural telephone lines. tion was organized last year in walls of the sanctuary with decor six to eight feet. This would assure Canada and Saturday was the Canadian Utilities, Limited, also first annual meeting. ative materials which will not only an ample supply of water. The con reports several power line 'bumps' provide insulation against cold and stant growth of the town's popu due to the same reason. Secretary Mrs. Lee Shelstad of Craigmyle said there are 76 active heat but which will also improve lation coupled with the low run In Hanna phone service has been the accoustics of the building. This off the past two springs has forced members and 19 associate and ju noticeably interrupted by the wea nior members. is one of the Sector projects which this action. ther conditions, while on rural was planned by the congregation Plans are underway for the sett lines and connections with outly Because of it's fast gains the for the year 1960. The work is be ing up of a good working commit ing communities conditions have Charolais is coming to be recog ing done by volunteer labor and been worse. Disruption in power nized as the broiler type of the tee to make good use of the prov beef industry. is expected to be completed by the incial recreational grant. service had been restored almost end of this week. one hundred percent by Monday, A. W. Cobb, Charolais breeder The Mayor does not plan to run of Augusta, Mont, said steers will as mayor again and suggested that this week which was greatly spee ded up by a sudden spell, which reach 1,000 to 1,100 pounds at ap the town is big enough for a town proximately 13 months, which is manager. unloaded hundreds of pounds of Use of Farm ice from both power and telephone about seven months faster than Mayor Kennedy also stated that most beef breeds. he does not expect the millrate to lines. be increased this year. It has stood "This quicker growth is especi Dugouts Said CNR APPOINTMENT Ray Branum ally valuable to the commercial at 62 mills for the past two years man who sells pounds of meat, not and with good sound management John Fox has been appointed prominent rancher of the Craig purchasing agent for Canadian Na myle district was re-elected presi head of cattle", he said. Increasing he feels that it need not be raised. He added that just because the W. O. Turner, Chairman of thc tional Railway's British Columbia dent of the Canadian Charoiais As district, with headquarters at Van sociation at its annual meeting in Charolais was a new breed, buyers P.F.R.A. Office At Hanna School Board, read his re couver. on the market were hedging and Honna Reports* port which showed that 63 per Calgary last Saturday. farmers were being docked in price Stepped Up Program cent of the monies spent are for "Association members will have teacher's salaries and 17 per cent to work to overcome this" Mr. Is. J. Kroeger, supervisor of the for debenture payments. He said TWO IMPORTANT MEETINGS Cobb said. P.F.R.A. (Prairie Farm Rehabilit that there is approval amongst the He said that while some opposi ation Act) Hanna, states that more parents for the book rental plan tion might be met from other beef concentration is being placed on that has been adopted by the CALLED TO DISCUSS INCREASE breeders, "my policy is to go my farm dugouts rather than large re schools. own way and let them go theirs". serves as a means of conserving There is a full staff of 25 tea The association has declared it water lit this area. Mr. Kroeker chers instructing in 23 classrooms states that he is convinced that of tne three Schools. IN LEASEHOLDER'S RENTAIS self in favor of performance test ing and concentrated its attention dugouts on individual farms or Mrs. Hans Lund, hospital board ranches for stock-watering are of member, also read her report. She One ot Cereol and One At on this subject by inviting to speak Dieselization of motive power on the Canadian National Railways has token much of the W. F. Hart, Calgary livestock field more value to the stock owner. was pleased and proud to tell that Sunnynook; Both Start At Due, possibly to dry periods in glcmour out of operations in the Hanna terminal. Above is the "roundhouse which at one the hospital had reached the high man for the Canada Department of time housed the old type steam engines, and below is one of the last steam type locomotive to 2 p.m.; MLA's Will Attend Agriculture; Neil McKinnon, Bass the past several years, the number ano, Alberta Beef Cattle Perform of dougouts surveyed by the PF operate out of the Hanna yards. Today there are no steam locomotives on the Hanna sche •M•mm Leaseholders through the Special Areas are showing keen ance Association and Dr. Roy Berg RA has increased steadily. The dug dules and the roundhouse, once a bustling place is practically shot down, with men laid off interest in two meetings called to discuss the recent announce associate professor of the animal out program more than tripled in permanently due simply to the fact thot railroading hos gone "Diesel". Six Enter ment of a one hundred per cent increase in lease rentals. The husbandry department, University 1957 and almost tripled again in public meetings have been called at Sunnynook on Saturday, of Alberta. 1958. The number last year almost February 13 and at Cereal on Monday, February 15. Both In his speech Dr. Berg advised equalled that of 1958, a rough esti • , | Kin Carnival mate being between 400 and 500 meetings will start at 2 p.m. breeders to use integrity in selling WILL DECIDE SIXTEEN TEAMS TAKE PART «i breeding stock.