A CLASSIFIED AUTHOR and TITLE INDEX to PROCEEDINGS 21-40 (1958-1984) and to Other Field Club Publications Issued During the Period
Proc. Hampsh. Field Club Archaeol. Soc. 44, 1988, 137-151 A CLASSIFIED AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS 21-40 (1958-1984) and to other Field Club publications issued during the period By ANTHONY KING This index is intended to fulfil a long-felt need the Newsletters issued up to the end of 1983, a amongst members and others who use the date which conveniently marks the final issues Field Club publications. It draws together the of the Section Newsletters, old series, and New authors' names and titles of articles, classified Forest Report number 20. The only Newsletters into broad subject areas and chronological not to be included are the Bird Reports, issued periods, for the publications given in Table 1. by the Ornithological Section, which became These include the first of the Field Club's an independent society in 1979. The oppor Monograph series and an occasional publica tunity has also been taken to index Rescue tion on fieldwalking techniques, as well as all Archaeology in Hampshire, a valuable collection of Table 1. Publications indexed, and abbreviations used. Full Title Volumes Indexed Abbreviation Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society 21 (1958/60)-40 (1984) P Hampshire Archaeology and Local History Newsletter (HFCAS Newsletter for first 3 issues) old series 1,1, (1965) NOS - 2, 9/10 (1975) new series 1 (1975)- NNS 12, (1980) HFCAS New Forest Section Report 1 (1962)-20 (1983) NFR HFCAS Section Newsletters (old series), Archaeology 1, 1 (1980)-1,5 SN Arch (1983) Local History 1, 1 (1980)-1,8 SN Hist (1983) Historic Buildings 1 (1983J-2 (1983) SN Bldg Geology 1 (1980)-3 (1981) SN Geol Rescue Archaeology in Hampshire 1 (1972H (1978) RAH Shennan, S J & Schadla-Hall, R T (ed), The Archaeology of Hampshire from the Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution (HFCAS Monograph 1) 1 (1980) Monograph Fasham, P J, et al, Fieldwalking for Archaeologists (1980) N.B.
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