Board- Teacne r Talks Resume Tonight


IVotlonnl Newspaper Aa.vouluUon M .‘rt'lbor 98th YEAR — 35th W EEK M e m b e r MATAWAN, N. J, THURSDAY, MARCH 1!, 1967 Jorsoy Press Association Singla Copy Ten Cents Zoners Split Matawan Regional Board Of Education For 1967-68 | Citizens’ R e p o rt •■'V ' '"""On Car Lot Matawan Borough Zoning Board of Adjustment split 3-2 lost nitilit on Rrailtinfe a use. vnriunco tn Mira Land Development Co., Matawan, 40Per Cent Increase whereby their Dou Quixule Inn, Route 34, would acquire an added half-acre of land for parking necdr for their restaurant, being expand­ ed with the addition of a banquet ttnd wedding receptions hall, The In Sewer Rate Urged . transfer would involve takinp, fit ^ sq. ft. from a 3.2 aero tract owned A *i!) per com increase iu sewer increase ri*venties to meet anuuul \ were sewer metering, separata by William nnd Marion Kuhns, ral'-s wa.-, recommended to Ihe sewer utilily deficits. j meters for outside use, general tux- Middlesex Rd„ Matawan, and 13.­ M .in van borough Council 'tuesday For tbr majority or property \ ation, a temporary surtax, and 503 sq. ft. from Mrs, Elizabeth night by a citizens advisory. com owners who .pay . sewer charges ,| basing amount nf sewerage oa tha Fierro, 1 Elizabeth Dr., Matawan. niittee appointed nv Mayor lid- ! based oa water usage, thy advisory i number of people In a family, After a long and involved discus­ waid I-.. Iivine ak Ihe i ■. onuiuuce piopo.sed Hit* *i0 pel i Possihie eMubosJunnd «>f u ulill* sion, the vote taken placed John live - mcvr.ue: committee v.v.s: t ent hike be based on water cun-; ty authority was vetoed on tho J. Bradley, board chairman, Stev­ nnmed niier pu>u'sts mounted | sumption during winter months. j claim that authorities nre autono enson M, Enterline end John A. against the boroughs plan to hike .A straight -J" p'lr cent hike is ap | »,ou.s and remove the control and Tassinl In the majority of three to sewvr rales UU) per omt. Sewer |plicable lo those paying minimum | operation of the militv from l h o forward the special use variance rates are n< w fu'ured at one - half I water charges and customers out* (people through elected officials. to the borough council for final ap­ tlu* ,v;ib*r c a a t g e . | sit!*; the borough paying contract | There are approximately ' ' 230 proval, and Harry J. Guble, board Council nltviuW has introduced , rules. . homes in the borough not connect- tccretary, and Thomas F. Ryan an ordinance containing its pro­ Would Meet Deficit |e d to the system, most of them in Voting to reject the application. posed revision ot the sewer rates The committee noted a 40 per ;t he Preneau area. Connections When the rosult was announced, and )i;is concluded public hearings cent hike would meet annual : total 1^00 individual units and U42 Mr. Ryan received permission to on the rate hike. Hmviver, it has deficits of approximately JI22.1NIO : aparlntents. Outside the borough file a minority opinion report with pledpcd it uni consider the rec­ in the sewer utility for the nc.\t ; there ar«* about 315 homes in tha ■> * the documents In the case being ommendations of th** citizens ad­ five years which were estimated : Lakeridge area connected to the forwarded to the borough council. visory committee betore acting on by Henjsmin latwin, auditor. j sewers, billed by a gallonage rate. Mr. Ryan thereupon affixed a tin* projwisal which is designed to Findings further indicated that j Anticipated Revenue two and one-half page statement The board organized Monday for it new year. Three long time | John J. Brndiey (borough), board president; Herbeit I eder (township): flip committee pay u sewer charge based on wat-. estimated at 511,000 Members of tinw no justifiable condition nf (tali io right)! j F* Davis ^township) board vicc-presldent; Alfred U. ManviUe (butuu^b). ; er usage. the committee are William Ii. “hardship" existing, as required by Seated: Herbert J. Parker (township); Harold E. Davis (borough); ' Since little w ater if any is used Boyles, James F.. Orafts, Alfred T. statute, that the planning boat'd Program by consumers outside during the Morgan. I’liilip V. Moyles, and Improperly exorcised Its runcttona winter months, the committee Michael Pipcrno. In creating a subdivision ol the Bliil^rl l)i‘fr Ihe entiie comimmity at would be billed to each user each . $*W), reducing the contract amount V defended their position by noting Aides Reappointed; Set Pay Talks rent expense Item went clown by , tho Stratliniore School, beginnhig qtiurtnr. ’lor renovations lor A. C. Schultes the general characteristic ot the 114 votes, llv,‘ poll bvinp, U4(j at 0 p in. Alternate Method : and Sons to $92,IM. area is predominantly business and Matawnn Regional Board of Edu­ reorganized for a new year. as deDOsitorioa: the third Monday Myes” and 14SO "no”. A $3-4?,toG An alternate method was also in- Modifications were approved for that the xone plan of the borough cation Monday Inducted three new­ John J. Bradley was elccted of tho month as the meeting date. capital outlay appropriation was eluded which would level a flat . the state highways plans for ream* along Route 34 so Intersperses busi­ ly elected members, Franklin Gil­ unanimously for a new term as Vincent C. DeMalo was chosen lost 1335 “ yes" to MfiO "no". Ihe iate chaige on all users Other struction of t h c intersection at ness and residential zoning as to bert and Mrs. Virginia Sutlllf, Mat­ president o{ the board, but then a board attorney without opposition. budget now ^oes to (he township methods consideted and rejected. (continued on page four) allow substantial latitude In the ap­ awan Township, and David Enga- divergence developed. Nominations Mr. Parker abstaining b"cause lie i council to be cut down. plication of the use variance. brctsen. Matawan Borough, then were presented for a township hud had private business dealing The l.akeridjje district support­ meinbor to be vlca president, in with Mr. DeMuio recently. ed the budget by a 122-.12J **vesM that Mr, Bradley Is a borough May Chango Mnllngi plurality. Sayre Woods South Rider's Opinion member. Herbert Foiler and Wil­ turned nut In force lor (he bud­ Benefit Musical Revue To liam F. Duvls were presented. Mr. The Matawnn G iam nuir School get, giving It n 613 MytV to 281 Gilbert, Mrs. Sutliff and Mr. Park­ on broad St. was named the site “ noM majority. Rut Laurence er voted for Mr. Fedcr, but Mr. for meetings, but Mr. Manvllle Harbor and Old bridge otfset ran Bradley, Alfred R. Manvllle, Ilnr- felt (here could be rotation among up blj; “no** pluralities to over* Aid Community Hospital old Davis, Williun F. Davis and this school nnd the Strathmore and com€ the ndvtmtape Iniild up tor Time Running Out Cliffwood Schools to induce hettci Mr. nnpcljretsou were opposed. the budget elsewhere. attendance at meetings. This will j The Holmdel Auxiliary of Bay­ called "The Gropes of Wrath" will Mr. Fedcr passed. Tha motion was When submitted Feb. U> Peter Kmlwh Uams wi’5 be e M tc.o cu>\vde<| shore Community Hospital will pre­ appear, and they arc Chuck W’.il­ be studies] | declared Inst nnd then the hoard M the budget Inst 100.1 “ \e s M to Tiiii'* is lu m in u : otif o n the Si***; c- ion:! :he W orld I rade '.'enter ,S sent Bayshore Follies, Mrs. Trod ia ch, Paul Humphreys, Blaise Ras- joined In a unanimous vole fur Wil- Divergi nee appeared on u 1 1.1S.1 “nn” on current expenses I,un- v'i>t:itUkiit I '.'ho -s !" do’.'.-:- ,om|,!" Ot! if.d ten car trams can Andrews' musical revue, "Around pantl, Mo Bosak, a n d Jimmy llum F. Davis motion lo adopt lor the n,-n! i and 9.HH “ yes” to IS7S *’no“ ou to w n> i!t tu i>r into l< tv’ v >.,• fii'p1 !'.'-tl. i’)n the w nt/,,s mmd The World In Less Than Two Mnuio. On Sunday afternoon, "The Unanimous votes then reappoint­ the rules of ihe l%(i li7 board. Mr. 1 capital outlay. (,‘ilv. ’I b*1 .Mo i' I'i 1 i -a t" ‘ii I >'' r\c a !?>»*' w.-n't al'iv ia te tlr* «itua* Hours," F rid ay and Saturday Rebel Kind" will appear, und they ed Kdward J. Scullion as schools I’arkiT opined . they . should he p a i t u v .i t ts d i*-to>;.> -.1 t ' ■■ i’.t::i ih; Fori Amiioruv h is pre» niRhts, at 6:30 p.m. and a chil­ aro John Andrews, Renan Quail, business administrator, effective 1 thanced. rspeciall.v us lln-y j>ppl»'d meat tin' A!di in* I* an cn Ajo'. ■ da U d (*MO piop’e vv ill Wolk in dren’s matinee Sunduy afternoon in I.nrry Youngman, a n d Ronnie July 1; Dr. S.M. J..vw. school i *« tlie duiies of ihe pi.-sul. i.t o' i n in e v. h *t itj.t\ Ine t-'iiip.*^ A ■! iii- »liie M).l-tl’J Will the Holmdel VitlaRu School Audi­ Munn. .i',,; e, -:b> 0 ,lv r i.tca'*' pie- physician: Monmouth Conntv Den-I11"-' 'rwi> members, NTr. Git 1 fumble Oil W .! ion-, «on : ;uuti ; i;t<*;:p^ an d torium. Dlicolhequc Dancers tal Association fur denial seivices; Ibetl Mrs. Sutliff. si.|.|,,ii-.d c i v i c i . h i c i . J ; t ;«»:•1 b > t h t h e «’* 0 do i )i;,■ i'■ i firm ’ ' Many of Mending tho production nre Mrs. The Dlscuthequo Dancers a re Joseph J. Seaman Co., Perth A m -!1'™ 1,1 11,1,1 l»'' IIh'v 'w'" ' 11 1 main bnr and lb*- l.ue* lave tb«-‘.e wiii t*c .1 ci m % 111 s an«l ihe Andrews and Joseph Quail us Rnlph Kolhv Sabnlos, Doloi.-s Zilinrir, Ikiv, niulilnr^; tlie Central Jersey ^ mmoiily on roll tall, tl’.'1 t^ io r ti'.o Plea Refused In-* n l r \ ;ri:*. s.u t c s s t 1,'.- J).-* ■ u.iv 'o }'c! I >: - -: e will h* end Alice, who have boon advised Sue fcchlert, Dolores Sabln, Virgin­ lln’nk and Trust Co. and tho Farm . 'inem beis 'otint: to roin.tou!.' t!i. Jar, !«. b.iv- i! p'isip f..' •: ■ PA I II • it v. ■ i aa i;i t on ) I might mnihi>'i Mt Mu wa.i by their doctor (plnyi?d by Ralph ia l.cpre, Susan I vie. Amie Gemm- els and Metelumts National Hank, 1 Uouttnu.'cl on p.i:1" t-hit t •ik* m-.ww, { V .s ' llvU'.-'d Aid- i\c I”.an. O n - ot »Ue Robinson) to lake a vnratinn ns a ia»l i.nulul at the nflo ia! st le-il- nm, IJebhie ViimVukiis, l.eairice a i> qiu’st to < !m;i,!!,- •1 IIn '.'.II i III '• thiiii’s * I* .il e. ;; >t li"ip;ne V\f-»- !>■ ■’ lest cure. Robert (.iebcnaw, ticket llusile, l.ynn linker, I iiulj I-i^luT, p!.' p, *h. , :>i\tini!' d a p a th v cl t ’-* u'e h. a i niis on tic Ahb'nc Plan ic< om no’iulatt'ui I O f.. »nenl, »,lls plant tickets tn Rnlph Wanda Gainer. Susie Schartt, Itiur- c ..n t * c u i f im\.>I«-. *l*1 ‘ •■'•Mmi. d .i|- ia Id ill v waiW ;.»M Nnsvn'H' r. and Alice for a trip to Ifollyuoud. le Sclmrt'. Juliet ICinerian, t’attl hv the M.i’sivsan l' op I! .i:d pc.iU lot b:s a .M1-1i- t.n .lie c c b.iv*’ A h ill * pf -enfafue at 111# They nre creeled by Airline Cap­ Am-M'.i-i ('otnnv.i'er A,v>'K lafion Clanclvilll. Mark Feristo, Ronald Behind Closed Door*s ol AdjitstinciU 'IhuiMl.iy ai,'lit I b'1 u n a !''- w • u il ai'.d b s ‘: m m - ,i -'d tain (John Stout) »!«> informs them nn - :i;!;: :ji R< o Pank i*’■ I eb. Mann, Jolm Andrews. Hrnndim l)u bo-od rci'ninni''! '-I' d .ipjM" • ill ft»; n . m nm uih i oii-ani/ation otm i.i! they are on a nonstop flluhl to rar, Regnn Qtmil nnd Jolm Smith. l*-|M I'.!".,1 lo ! -fl ll s ll l i 'f < u-l VI UT,! If!,. A i .•!, J * sa ; d I' Iti HMj.iest to I'm! I .i i.1 t-, .-Mtt.''i a! London. RcalltinR Ihclr mistake, Mary llomik mi' ks siilti “ A Tnstc Mata W ft a To.v:i'tiip INan- loinpl.iinf nf Rohr} I Kijh.i.t At" I VI tt'svl'.C'- rsetvttunv: b-' v it-*., j :ij • [hi- (»'!rr.ti.t’ ‘ ifuation, tunii lioard nmdm »ed its monthly iat\*»n. O ne. I b nj'th' ucd, but 'be im • i i ' t n n i :e « hour of !i')’b lev^’t buddiing wherr a u jy io l«*.iv*» i! in a l .iMol j »i sith'U.ilk un iii-1 Av*'. belts, as they are about to land al arrordionlst, and eniiie envmlile MttrjHl.if.! ' n \«'UI I'A IM t idc to re»,e i!,ili\« X ol (hr Slab* I ! tlixj>*»l * sid'1 and !i"i Imi it to» on London Airport slnR "R iver Seine". Mr. nnd Mm > i -l n\i;|vard was jio.’iHiiin. was di'< u*'*- I | lit > *! i • j i m > v rcJ’ion Meoling i St*’*' irji.i r ' '.'* I l‘o • id- n . ;ii an .tl->’.! PA Ml ( ft .vilow, Vany «f thow them th<* woiUi. At h disco* • ulnR “ lU nd^nimw hn\e in PatiM (oi‘is weiil b.n k intu t'n ir l-fi-titil- ' p u t tli it U«--\ Am- tr*a!.. U ■». told Hu- '•!•<* i*. v- '-'.'I’.-u v.»*v’d ot r.^'.d !\ b' v, ' V>-a vv | !i*ut ' ' onlmK Ihcquc, Mod Medlies are played On | Ihmard l)< *»ne nnd hi« Frejnh M l"svd tl:wnh deliln rat.'in^. Uii'* .i‘ll It’d off a» f« -**•' iiM.ui, I Mi I. b«* "ctonomu, Iv T »i 'le.,.. ' Pm . ,} tn.* f..'r»-*d‘u-i- |. I | ‘li ,! 1 ot;* th" «*u1f .o.< Nfliv -d A ‘. Hoft ( iinon- . 11 v .. 111 I. hr l.i' 1 ! tb.l! Ih-'f I -rt'il wan n aUniv weie \ all .1 i^.ta 111- i .-i» «'t b v i .nn! i ,n t ’.nti' , Al*ml F taitm n s" will tippoar, and th«*y ! I elintib. Mrs. )lov\.»rd KennMv unit . *d .*(• 11 o.- ii?’- 1' .< »i» .• 1 1 h>' Iv i.i fd i!■11!>■ tt fV l II" >|Of| t.» nl.i?ii-»ulbiv I.. ,| ' j V V 'di .of,: o-.'i at 1> ■ % v* v i f 't m-v .I'HO' a \ thi'V p i'S 't' ‘setl. ,*o of »ii *:*or '• of \ : i in 1! and. are Frank Snl*f>. TuHo !)rfnlcl<\ \ Mrs. .to^ph lern u -/. M if. .loioi I 'i',--. f •* i Is* -1 .«r!- u . i • ■;» b t l b d tlie « ' la!" C 1^ * .HIM it n 11bt 1'Nl‘llM:;' *dat Cl tin tllb i 'i*1 I ’ ter f]i ou!. It-’ ,'t'* o u .1». D’*uk Afcsay. Sandy Deltf nnil K» ‘th Ihiyhan, and Mi.s, W ijjun Il.ttn I of tl-*’ l<-\v tn n n r«s t • I p Hi- ll I 1 I I |1 . 1- I !>«• i h.'wa? ! ! t hildfi-U lUitoue.a It i irmpb.itM’ in f.tatin,* that P.MH |».ir||.,-ai tl .. paf «' Ihwi) n:i!u.< ‘ t i O- orilnr...... On S atu rd-it ay ftlitht, ' ■ ft Krtmp 1 tn»atd was iu ojku « }>< >;iN. th - tl i d f a p. 'I h e teph -i (o!d tb.’ I I.tlii tt;i conj|i.o'V r d pfoVid'- . . fiaoi * ihi'Ufr. v\.uc o: b*'. .md >.^i) t-i tel! joot-i' fbc * !itf * rl v> n , Award Presented To I). Louis Ton/i MRUS Teacher To Head European Tour i it- i-t\ \\ iii o i t ii nrf» > 'k h * , tn nAt High 1‘ailn of t >u f li.on f.Oith', v.b-re ;i bfam it of itt« K o f S»fhi'ol goinf( to jri ncin*^ in** nnnv of t l r Mud‘ hU Will b<- bu M‘e pioup a*k«d |f< i?ou>. ^tlantlr ihif *urnmrr with h gmup If-t.M J. it,lit!; to P- -s of d ft l.i i b of tUideftU to nttdul il.w-‘i. at it W.ili.CU ftic ‘ l‘ - I > P t 11 i v l i .ttllv.rU t.flfnpui in Finland Mm. jcvsfl •iilv !h.t .f H.n fiuiiiit'd in t^H Srrh-n JJ»f* tioM'ilion wul loii'-n^ id IA f« f Study (All 5) to i lmppjonp a unm p l ' I Mj’.b’- •. * 1 ‘d i'tn Milf nn iind pf» at d p . i»f high *(hd) t"Uf durlnfl tnu f.- k\ r!< • io e*. a , , 1, . JeW flf'd August 1 h«v wilt attrnii t)r I--. • 1* - -»• I b5 f ‘r*‘.«rs at {hr I nlvct^ ty ff th;? «rh I n,* art t- « I ' ' " » iv at I hr Anti ?h :»M ih-h'-.T I ... i Ki.i^-o "o ’ 3f>'l i :dud\ M • eon onJd tiiria'* t HU 'p *<-\ t-«.|*d ring bus ft>ip in /e i f * nn ! l< 1.1 l -r j n too t tti« V ilbi- li-4rb< fk nf\t| tin-ic»»U >-'1tf » ..n t «,i I -R..f (** » . d |.» ‘- Ib. v v.itl, [*, rdni‘i’'o ^ id Ml it.i* { ;}|l .MbAt *n »*,'*«■ ■’ «* *oiO \ i i . if! Mtfltf ad o i I A\ J I !*(.«).} S !>!« • > t«lv Ur»‘f !hf» i s p! «n>d, rt ddf^ i wilt Vi'if iftn trh <-»i{ orti4rfci;v -je.jit.-5. in «•*--« m t^ d ‘fUS du ^ ll«U< t.3»y «t^\ Hi 11 | iifip" n-nnlt*' * .»f?b rr ttf.llib I -IJ'il rtt ^ a 1 ft? AU % t do and ’ti, t Ml" * ’ I5t M U .JT. 1 ■<>;_. I fin tr*!/• *mM t |4M’'k*tV <*1^1 ^Ttfud'ef.T VI (O jtif g Jw }fi ai » 40 * tfe silfr * NVtbr I ! fHfcrvI Alt «t»»drnl I* ftrrhfltjt a/.d ll’ f irOr:..* |'|H ,t #.:'r 41 !.»-,* W iFi'S |lff' I**) k»'Ji i 't i , n f 1brrt b ta /1 p-» |l4 r-.. ii^wb I’+'P r ' ' ”1” 0 l Mif‘ I I V.*-e- ■«••• rt' >»•( ’ • ------3 fitiU IM f»* i ; :r3 r y :i.• t t » t i . iH* M I * i ' hfntmin «»j| o| Filial ■■ i-; r- j-‘ > « to , * ■* »-o k »* }i|M ^ h» « 1 4 » > %: * l o r » Mn ' ...... '...Im • ':a* trf, r.lltfrf I« ^ | 1 -i* « f«fal f .* * I **4’>S * •« rtuf -f ; i , • ♦ p - i .. fl o»iJ Hfd In * A rW wdiHSt In |I*A | rtpo**i ll'j'o .ii • ** l».: •»?mI bi It •i it*. ’- t *« i' m r m m » H A m a t . M =■ * !<*!»*•* t M- o j-fb pt|>KbiM (fihif In Im !!•*■ t*lt«*»f. ttf . w d t t ’flfb III ttl *>'-■ -M,| -V"‘ *'-■ »t- M Ifce cijw'i.rh^ \7 t»ilnt i>t Vii»i|,i>i*l, rtt by ctrbtfc^'jfiD *• i* # | l » l n p |l< •!. rM |^Oih|{ llw’f Uttn. }” tt U i irir H I) |,. T ■ , 1. , •>. • • -t • i lt* ro !l ) Ap->«^t p.« v '•■'d i f,. «,|. * !»*♦ •»** 4 (,,f f ■ • - Mv-r M -' - • - - • ! 1 ' ' • I I-I * • * i\%< i»r f«4 i f f* tfi'TT fJbfwfi fl-.j; I tt(‘ » *3 I. r | I* - i£ir- -li-f t - I „*t j*. . .• d rtj !**! I ♦*«*»** !»» *'»»*«* nf tfv^ ^.Mf*/I « A u m ft I* m < il.i.|„| , .1 I l o n * *‘ * : ■ > <- ■ « 1 ■" Jtfly M Inf f jsfT^ust ^ 1 * 4 iff «d * **■- * l.t,l ’ t * * I * • - * J .• .? • *!# Ian irf l».I \p»l « Atm-tl. *!* Ii.»lll,ii» I I itirljn «i.i«> *-l ' iK-t •t+i'f «rt «»*?«**? b* Ibf t»l V n ...... «•> i <•. • • • •• • '■! : • .: . '. i 1 »i> | i 4 o»jl*^»#"Jf'*^ I r ***• Nt « f ,r *• "*"■* ."i t . , x , ».»*i-»« .,,-.i,..’t >.» Air-. (t, ,^ ,,. ,.^^oJn'-j A vtjhl *rt Tw’*i11>‘ Uti/ r .. H ’ ■*'*» \ *’*< • 1 fw tM AMfllfti , ^ •IMl M II* Mil*) » Uli-wt 0 « . « i h * t 'f r ti m u r •» l>«(h*rt* K* W » W l W * l , j fM 4* #>f lit* I |l^ l|M f* N*I Page Two THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, March 2 , 1967

H om an’s Ciuh Presents Washington Engine Company Officers Third Crash Plan' Dinner Dance T o P r e s e n t JkintJ Pfaque Tu School -- _ - , T=~=r.--= fXV*6£ Suit Filed , The Woma.,;',i Club ci Lauren::'.' Schoi L tt a kj H a rb o r wiil pivi'Oiit ?; pla ^.U! co Tlit* Of.l. 8 collision iu'i'.vv*;!! a I the Memorial School, Laurence bn; ('mjjiir nnd an auto in Old ; ■msm s Club c! Laurence Harbor, hereafter to be known as , i:i present a rcholarphip < Pru!«:i: in which four w :!'; ' TVto John Pi'.’lip Souse. Band Award. ' has been w rved with irs J j'.v.ue of Madison Tiw n- * third law suit. Frank Mavchwin- j Mrs. William Matthews, chair­ SdiooL man uf the music duparunem of j ski, il f*mc la'ii Rd,, Old Htidgo, the first schularshio (hat the local club, and Mrs. Joseph ; mutated the suit as administrator ctnb hci'; nwardort. The* ! of the esinle of h?c Edward, Detain, club preside, d*«'.U‘s1*d ■ the idea wiih James Moloney, prin­ larsnip will b'j aw ard e d j 14. who was u pnssemH'r in the or f^irl who ’s college- cipal, and Donald Torresi. band I UU l". director of the local school (unit

IT'S MARCH 26! TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH HIGHEST RATES ALLOWED m a t a w a n • PLANTS • CUT FLOWERS SUNDAY SERVICES 7:45 A.M. at the Church - 74 Main Si. BY FEDERAL REGULATIONS • CORSAGES 9:15 A.M . at Kavino Drive Elementary School (Family S«i



CALL M A T A W A N OFFICE HARRIS HARDWARE or AUTO - LAWN OFFICE W VE-IN and WALK-UP WINDOW 130 Main Street, Matawan OPEN SAIUHDAn I,ID A.M, I . 11.00 MOON 5 6 6 T 0 1 3 5 6 6 - 0 6 0 6 W i Vfarch I9&7 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, K\ J, Page Hires

i H o a r d S;-<-r<‘!nr\- i .\nv m " ,io b ,r wo-ldji-i! io of.Vr h^i* jiUiimvttit Sea it h llt’hi 'on/de^ Cinb Plans Dr. irOldfin h Tt> I i < I u iM *ji 111 y Present 6 a les Conference ■ tm i^ovi r. o':;.‘.r,nai’. Thinking Day Party inuntil (,hej .< >M< | i/V ',7 1‘ I O | n - / / t , i><< k i Ii l 7a I r ro t t A Co-operative Intti natu »iuil I ne Couple CJuu ut ii!t‘ f-irsi : Lcoiuira C.o!dia:h. M.D.. a T (X\ ’S il l L \t *' ti 1 t l 1 C IJ t M W | T hinking I'\irty v/as neld by P i w i i v I Niahiwun. li M Ml (I I I Tha Shore Elem entary School Yj<\y 1 ) ( 1 i t t 11 T t \ 1 0 1(1 t y junior Cor! Scout Troop aOi) and will nold Ma armoai I h \ i i i f ^ha’ > r f ir Band cUk ! Orchestra Association •ori.-vs P.^vciiKjirie f.em cain.;n. wi!; be >he smest spe cr at j ISiowtuo Troop ■ii)j !jf the M atawan urdav evenin'! al F-el; fi t lernpU ' H-.lh Ahm. .\laiaw a:i to w n ­ pi,os?r.*!.,d Us fcVo annual “An Eve- I iln ivt»i:-:n i'iiiiu'ip\ m eet neighborhood. u j .cc aMuin me men or tii • nionn-oiiin i.(;untv. v.ih ( \\ ship, on I-rtaav. Mar. j-f. nin.n of Music" in Mainwrni Region* I [ i 1 m Cl i c f will plan ana serve the dinner i ihe iL.’oU im ore I'arcm I t ^ - al Hip,h School oa Tuesday evening. “Friends Around The vVuna.' a hndav. K*. in ‘.i;e iln- aad | There were M Matawan children film strip loaned by Council, was Aiex 'uoidberger \vu; st-rv . Or{>nni;\'Uion at ilu- m ontntv '..odder I-ni‘ t onm anv. tici-ifi si j Nev/ OT^cers in tho band and thro:: in th:; niches* shown. The brownies prepared a h ead rhct ?oi the (‘vr’ninv’ uu: •.V,;do--sdav at n:.ju p.m .lames lae.'son. vice piesn;em tiu . Elem entary .school children of display ot dolls from around the j la r rv Albutton. bnuajus T. lie • Goldfaro s smIiicci will of*. p ru ^ ran . c n a u m a n . annou>ie--'d ihijj Monmouth County trieJ out for ihe world ond laughi the som:. "Our and Micnae! 1-anev lencm . ihei i pevis oi r.muli'.'iiiil IJevvioDmeiit o »veeK dial S nilhon wiuild h.ave ; Doan .tame-' \. Onfto jr. o; tho barrel and orcie’slra in December Chalet." Juniors talked about the ctiliaarv talents in the k;tchi*n. ! the K arlv School \ rttti-^noi t Li 1 I \ I o 1 i \ i un « t ai and those who wen: selected ro- four world Seoul centers anu \ O ^ ' r a ). \ II 'a n d an sw er p-’noo wdl foihr.v hi mp the New boara (,*i ; I ok.'! ^K-.uobon Umvcrsilv an* tauuht a Mexican dance. Ine flag mif.i.-e an* i*d .\lack. Kd Wem- K;v‘’ch. i fiouiu.t'ci : h«s i:nrm:.s of tne n e u i v bm rsed cn Saturday.; a t vaii'-jus b re d Di'.'lr’cn the o rean i^ aao n s j ceremony was perforrneu bv par- h eu n e r. w jh Jnniis.m. ow iw va,. . i k. Ijmveisitv and he on. woi.nd read tor tne second a n d final brm th. tie o rte f*ov. 1 Im' Newman C-iuh, the Catholic re* i Rita Dennis, a Junior, planned •turned hi;> medical deiiifo at r>is* ■time, a r-.-'ebtior to in: urporiit the Le.lunvood .Symphony Orches­ l»voo»i^ onMuemv.'i! on cam per, is tra. conducted tu.e iviminv'ulh Youth \lh*} ccrep'/jny of rrdrdicntion and Ma\:ni Raplcino. director ot toe ■ l-’aris CnMi-rs-iv of Mtdi- tne Huh aiu; amorulrneiu^ to the i inKier tae advisorship ot Kuvsurd Orch'.T.tra, and Joseph Clouser, Mrs. Peter Robinson, Mrowme hi for :>ntn.n and Instruction C enter . cnv. lie served his miemshio at •'s ''ooMi'ution it tlie meetmi:. . Mi C»:vna. as:-'Siant instructor ff county music helping teacher, leader, presented W orld Pips to al! of SMcnlifie ll\’’>ri'>sis in w : 1*ast Orane.e u e n c ia ; lfosm ta! am! Mrs. Jean lamburn. eaatrman ot 1 ivjeioioL’v. I he newlv o\eeled aale* Ocean County, conducted the band. first-year Brownies. Mrs. P e t e r Hron;-:u ick. will !><• tne Ruest • a two-v/ar resiliency u\ ^ ’nerjl . the membeislnp corn rim nv'. saio : f*aic.' !o siud'.ui-f.ieeltv moral Symphony Sslv.ctions Robinson and Mrs. Daniel Mtbman soi'/u u t . Mr. kapkmo |;ns spoken ■ p sv ch m irv at .-.ssex CooiiU’ O'.-vr- that .sue wi!i accen t apolicatioivr ;ii are tiie Brownie Troop 495 lea d ers Vo tn-,- ”roui) nrt'vunislv and is a brook liosniiat. Dr Ooidtarb eame • ! Ufe ronmutt;i* mciudt Jov^e L u g The program included: Overture- the mcenne. for anviMie m iho ■ai.d Claiit i'.-tanij of Nolan Rd,. with Mrs. O taris Lubow and Mrs. ctMti;i''d fn'ono-ti'clHiinan .ii-d con- .to ihe children s l'>vchia!t:c ( en- ; om-.mimuy desinni! to !(>’n the or- '% Rosamsmde, Baroque Suite, Ernest Cicjkt. Junior 'Irnop a 0 y .valunt to the pr«i!''ssti)ns. ter m Julv of 1 . ! Mor^anviiii.-. ;v “ Sptm'sh Dance No. 1, Rohiv Race, ean:;Mtion. Afi r iho busmen por­ leaders. Both troops are sponsored j The (.lub meets on the T h t Syncopated Clock and i'h : Red • A short business nieeimj* will i tion ol the meciiiu' ref:eshmi,nts bv the Strathmore F.loim'iuurv first SaUire.av evvjun^ os everv ■ nre(\'(l(' '*'{ p re era m . Th^' r.oa'iinal- v.ii, !)•• ov Mrs. L:ara Mill by The Monmouth Youth Sym­ School r*-TO. phony. iiii'iitii i id t'M ends a weli'onii* to • m;; co m m itte e wili he announeed • nor, club hoste>s. The Shore Elementary Sand se­ all married couples of the com* i bv D iana Ka.lick, president of the > m uniiy. TAXES lections were: America The tjeauti* ’Strathmore P-TO. At the April! fut, A Little Handel Suite, High Madison ILS. Hand Mr. ond Mrs. William J. Clifton, 147 Washington Ave., Matawan, meeting the nominatinu conunittee j i vclet Chapter Plans Schcol Cncfcts, The Afternoon Of A are shown checking in at the Cuncord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, N. Y., for will pr*;s‘‘nt a sincle slate of pro- 1 l'aim, Holero For Rand. Autumn Sets Winter Concert a three*day conference of State Farm sales and service representatives fctizv{>vfh Main i'o posed offiecis for next year. j Summer Holding UNLIMITED In New York, Highlights from Pur- from New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, * „ s c t i gy and Bess. AU In An April E vn Tne Madison Township High and New York. In a series of business meetings und panel discussions, j Kopt'CSVUt oCrtool A Summer Bowling League for N. Y. State, N. Y. City niny, and The Golden E&pje. School Symphonic Band will pre* some 500 State Farm people were briefed on companv plans and current Wotnan'tt Club Kntors } husbands and wives is being form­ sent their seventh annual winter Miss Klizabelh Main, of 25) Caro! M atawan members of the baud trends in the insurance industry. Conference hiyhliphts included a ed by Ayeiet Chapter, B’nni B’ritn and Federal played the flute, Amy Blumenthal concert in the high school auditori* recognition ceremony for those with outstanding insurance production Matawan, will represent Mat­ i inipraVK'mvnt Program Wome:>. The league wall bowl on “ and Julie Melin; clarinet, Susan um Sunday afternoon ut 3 p.m. The und a banquet honoring the agent* and Iheir wives. awan Regional High School iii the M<»nda.vs at S:H0 p.m. starting in Las«\o and David Alexander; alto program will include selections 29th annual Poetry Heading Con­ ! The Woman's Club of Matawan : June at thi* Strathmore Howlin'’, Income Ta* Returns saxophone, Frank Dugan; tenor from Die Fled'rmous to sound? of test at the Rutgers College of Arts i has entered the* Community Im-; Lancs, Matawan, and trophies will saxophone, Paul Uurket; trumpet. the Tijuana Urass. Kindergarten Teuchen liur Mitzvuh For and Sciences in Newark Saturday. j provement Program sponsored by j be awarded to the high scorers. In­ Expertly Prepared Judy Miller, Richard Carter, Joel The highlight of the program wilt M iss Main, a sophomore, will j the Stale Federation of Women’s \ formation may be obtained by con­ Friedman and Michael Greenberg; he a trombone solo with band ac­ Plan Annual Meeting Mi ch a d C reen berg read poetry by Wilfred Owen. She I Clubs, After considering many pro i tacting Mrs Jack Crumet, 5M- trombone, Randy Charlsen, Rich­ companiment by Porpr PYfvhi»tte, will compete with students from ; jects for improving Matuwnn, a) 314*. or Mrs. Howard Friedman. ard Thieme and Steven Koenig and who is a member of Region II and Plans have been announced for Michael Greenberg, son of Mr. some 70 New Jersey secondary I resolution was made by Mrs. Bay- j 264-3659. schools in the State University For Appointment Call percussion, Christopher l.und. Ihe New Jersey Al! State Dand. the third annual dinner meeting of and Mrs. Barnard Greenberg, 29 ■ urd Lamborn, chairman of the Civ- ; At the February meeting it was competition. Taking pari in the orchestra from The concert vatt be duelled by the Middlesex County branch ol \he Ivanhoe Lane, Matawan, became ‘ics and Legislation Department of. announced that on Mar. 15 at 7:39 Matawan were Heidi Ramsay, Bill Joseph Kaschak nnd assisted by Association of Kindergarten Edu­ A pane! of \2 poets, critics and i the local club, lo sponsor a Senior j p.m. the annual bingo party will be Bar Mitzvah at services held in the 566 - 8970 Jucobs and Bonnie Zibulsky, play­ Anthony Bockowski. David Diehl, cators (nn affiliate of N.J.D.A.) educators will select six finalists I Citizen program. | held at the New Jersey Horn? for ing violins. high school chorus director, will which will take place on Mar. 8 Washington Hotel, Belle Harbor, during preliminary readings, from ! The screening of possible local i Disabled Soldiers in Menlo Park. Among the participating music narrate. at the Oak Hills Manor. Metuchen. Long Island. Rabbi Walter Hoing which the top three prize-winners j improvements and tlie final rec* j educators were Davul MiUcr and Mrs. Jean Mayburv, of the Stale officiated, A reception following will be named. Copies of poetry > ommeridation took place at the! Miss Mary Moran, Matawan. Department of Kaucuiion, will the services included among the books will bi* given to the top ; meeting of the Board of Directors j Soyro Woods Shopping Center, Ernjton Rd. A Rl®. 9, Parlin, N, J. Class Party speak to the group on areas of the guests his sister Linda, Mr. and winners, and the high school of the t in the clubhouse on Jackson St. ( Kindergarten Curriculum which arc Mrs. Nat Kagan, maternal grand­ winning reader will keep the con* jon Mo.uhiv, I-'eb. 27. Membeis a lso ' parents, and Mr. and Mrs Herman PTA Spring Dinner Th \>e»e ttJiispieted tor the terim step between Kindergarten ih" [.!-'yn Kd. Intenm duuo S»-liu;»l. by I he t ’liffwooi! Purcnt - Tcaeher enth an d cirh th c?raih*s wili hol.l a ! The piehm ipaiies \v;i! [>e:-,ui at * club be.-nnrss mt-''tiny Mnnd;iy. ! music center and first grade, value of repcathu1. i lie plays tivimpei in the Uiidi AsswiatiQii ti) be held on Apr. 15 ot bowling and pti/.a party Sundav, |9: hi a.m. at Pi.; j.Mar. (>. at 1:110 p m . in the dub*' 4:30 r,r*d C p.iii. at [Sic '.iiu '\ * 'i.t! Mar. 5. ihe group will meet nt the Kindergarten and pressures con­ | school band and is also a member I semi finals will start nt la p.m.; i nf the All S hore B and. Jfe is also [house. Mrs. William P. Latrbert. MUSIC LESSONS DIAL 721-5171 School Cufi'tori'.im. The menu will ch u rch nt ’S p.m. The driwrs and fronting tho Kindergarten child. , and fmult; at it: 15 p.m. land Mrs. Chnii-*s P. Springhorn \ include fruit cup, lasagne, tossed chaperones are tl c Rev. James H. Following Mrs. Mavhurv’s talk ! ways and inearii vice president of i there will be discussion groups ' Temple Belli AhnTs prc-United Wil! conduct a panel discussion

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ALSO 50c OFP 345 & Arid iiere are dozens 1,000 Sq, Ft. . lirrg, 3.93 - NOW Haltsliil ft *1 O F F of reasons why. %1 O F F Turf Builder *1 !•»,» ** J*' «’*■» - U~n* AftOf) V»iMC,l('J U n W<;t III < t.j'Oj toft! ho? K InU.MlL a I 0^v fttyliog, t-<- -* "i • a ,» I * ! * «?*•». l pquplinlr^r, tt Uuroidn po*-M-6rn. r ■ I nno chnnjq Id Halts Plus • •- « ^ ;<»H *11 i»H •*- m — -=j h»*M liran c^.oMlnoiJ n !« ■ t oe fcaf ta ^lo.d f ninp-utmohL M {)wnt ej'PO'J ^ 0 |t!^ \ r i nut- J P ■ i:v Mt.i/ioa, ■ «t “'•< I- »r,g . JO'lt AAkhff, I ll’l h' -'f4 t - J*', *i':l { « .! aj »!*#or |* 9>i*t *1 »fi4, QUt*. V IV ia 1 io/i'p.-i \ o.i-n 0 I i t1 * t nratd a i i n j pn i I rt ■: »». f • t; - n Hattfior. 4* • ■ - • >>•! j o i , k«.*t *:**i Th»( I II ( nal hioalcf fv "' !e| t f vlf 1 v»in 1 ♦ ‘ rt 11 •: • q ! ’ » a i O' c r«!DH ai:1) «v a io f y t-yfil H >lu>i l a !t hoi flnf c# H *j 0 »*-» «"■< "> t-* ' * **irt ' i W j r tti><: a o f «**!• B f ^ l f.n lf «'hiiS‘.r»y i o a l c a |;Ooa f’j fl inq SOrJ fir r p t.8 jj* 10,000 »q. fl. 7 9 5 Ai.iiJ.illlJUit lO'Btrt. K |”nprg> I ’-s-MfiiC-J m ( • i os ili P nr- m i h i wiqc» rn UT.n e 3,000 tq.h. a» n*!c?- R p tj. % \ i M B !: -.ilda (tny.htuld rhtMtif, nio!pt« (Jaro f. AU FM 1 2 9 5 !W Hhrf #iofbo fptjiQ, r&it a » '. m l < t «is!r\fr hon. Air fM t I fr-■ I. ft (•. < t { I ■ . . - . | Ai ;t . e f ■ ar.<{ j'r ? r*s • ^ K J>oa -| »r '“ >■*». f ; * ^r. 1/ I rinv t 0 “’ O » f l t »*:?»!'« nr V »«sv r *»c r rt * t i ) I $ \ ,< HARRIS HARtttfABE @ H’ill IRAHimTATMM m m 1 W MAIN ST., MATAWAN W o D c liv i'i - C f l S 6 « - 1 0 1 3 ! Pag® F«?ui- THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thurs ciay, March 2 , i 967 I Blli Introduced 21 More Parki. Chu Lai, Kcpobli:: of Viemai 17 Members From that day through Ocl. I = (JH otate <3mmtal State Sen. Ittahard R. Stoui has Tiekvtn fSHUVfl 1%5. C:\pi. Kane flcvY *31' combat J ? itttroduced legislation whieb missions egainst toctirai targeU i = would require construction uf a Matawan Polico issued 2! mere and in support of Marine opera-1 = 4. MABEL. tfSOlV.V I'UttLlSUEB; Accepted new motor vehicle inspection sta­ summonses for parking violation':, ;.ion,?. s ti&TAUUSfcircD vm tion in the bayshore area. Sen. .mostly for overnight parking on Capt. Kai'e’:? r-V.-rsouai 'tv/ards ir,- j I ^ e Y N ° T ^ S \ Telephona J}U4»3(J30 Seventeen new members have public streets, during ihe past ten been accepted by the Monmouth Siout utaied that ’‘the people oi eludfi .six Air Medals, ihe Navy • I | Published €7ery Thursday el 140 Alain St.. Matawan, N, J, the bayshore area have been ne- days. Tills brings to I Si ihe nu li­ (Jonivnendation for Achicverncm ! r-<,*i-<''"nn.Mii.iim/iiiiii,MnitMiii)!miiii»iiniiMiiin!i:iHiiini>triniiuitu.Hirf BY BROWN PUBLISHING &NQ PRINTING COMPANY Civic Chorus and will perform in ber of ticlwis issued ?nr parking the next scheduled production of greeted by the incumbent ad­ t h e Nationai Defense Service I ministration. It Is timo they re­ violations in the borough during the Medal, and the Armed F,\ 1 PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S Social Security benefit pro­ I Mubel Srov/c. Editor - GcfaJdloa V. Brcwn. AaaoGialo Editor Douglas Moore’s opera, “The Devil month of February, Qaorgq T. McCarthy, Managing Editor and Daniel Webster,” to take place ceive an equitable measure of poditionary M:-dal. _ ram will cost employers.... dr-arly, more than doubling _ their service In return for their taxes.” Thomas Regan, attendance of­ Capt. Kan;? returned to the! taxes oa liigh!y-p«jid employees, when fully effective in Tfcs Motawan Jcumaj b it mjwspupftr “<*2 tho p*cj?lo, by tho people, May 5 and 6 at Riimsoc - Fair Ha* ficer, brought in Charies FranK, and for tlie people " Its aim I* to aerva tho boat Infurests cl M&tawan end ven Regional High School. Sea. Stout pointed out that United States in Oelohf.-r and j 1974. . . .At present employers rrxusf pay 4.4 pnk occurred when part of the announced by Arthur Cox, presi­ and $3i)0 G4 for plans on tennis cratic freedom to read minority opinion. If that happens, and church solo work. (rout cobin ot the uirlinvr blew out dent of the New Jersey Develop­ courts never built. Mr. Scullion al­ who do. . . . financial stringency will have nchieved what Nazi Ger­ New member, Mrs. Robert Pn7- in • depressurization explosion. ment Association, ut its recent so feh it advisable a bill for Peter ACCORDING TO THE Office of Economic Opportunity, many’s bombers failed to accomplish during six years of meiee, Matawan, taught music In two of nine passengers were meeting in Princeton. “The associ­ J Sakvr. Freehold, in the amount early marriage and parenthood entrap poor people in their ation/’ Mr. Keaveney saul, “is not elementary schools for three years, slijilitly injured in the accident and of S5U0U for work ou the Ravine Dr. wav.” only trying to bring new industry School, be held up. Mr. Scullion poverty if help is not forthcoming. . . .The first crucial A free press is the lifeblood of a cultured civilized so- sang leads In musical comudy with some of the bs'geoge \va« s'.r ked 1 . , - ■ . - . . local groups end sang with the out through tht opening. The. plane I “ , , J 01,1 ‘oeU.un.ust a.,d declared tbat, by his reckoning, Mr. t- " ’*s "A’hcn two pout L'riiayers decide lo get married. dety. Without It, in Milton’s famous words, “Wo can grow Babylon Chorale. nmade ,» l. annt, emergency Inn.lir.olanding at , • . . byb>' the »l.He - Finne had made a mistake in arith- Studies show that couples who marry in their teens, or gnorant again, brutish, formal, and slavish.” Kennedy Airport in New York City legislature for Industry aircady lo­ Dieiic in presenting claims ot jsOuO, whose first child is born ut that time, are more likely to be cated within tlie s'.aU*.1, not in the board's favor. These bills Britain Is farther along the road of Inflation and wel­ following th e unusual accident, poor all their lives than those who marry and become par­ which occurred at 2:26 a.m. were then lifted farism than the United States. But, the penalty of setting Holmdei Recreation Approved were bills of $'>2,505 to j ents later.UltPr. Why? V* hy. Becauseh>eca neither the wife nor tlie husband The plane was a four-engine DC6 security as ihe highest goal of life is becoming apparent B J Bu.ideis, VYc.m l.cng branch, conjplote.s his education. The husband enters the job mar- Unit Notes Activities und was making scheduled non­ 10 Per (lent ta both countries. Tho crushing burden of the welfare pro- for work ou the t.loyd Rd. School kot with few skills and gets only the lowest-level jobs. . . , stop flight from Philadelphia to (corliiuR-l lti_;n pag“ on« ) and to K & 7. Fieciric, Fairfield, jraras and profitless prosperity gradually squeeze ihe The Holmdei Township Recrea­ Boston. It had iust made n turn tfarly marriages also tend to break up, in part of tion Commission is planning its Route 3-5 und Middlesex Rd. Con­ for $1!772, also for work on the duality of life to the point where anything that does not over Preston Aircraft Beacon in tracts to Maui'U ContiUL’tmg Co.. IJoyd Rd. School. the pressures oq Hip w a g e -e a v n e r tn a ^ r o v ’ir'.g tontrlbute to our material comfort becomes “non- Adult Recreation Program ior this Colts Neck and was sweeping out spring. Courses in sewing, women's Inc.. wil! be reduced by Mr. Gilbert held it impera­ family un moaner income. Frequently the husband, in to sen when the accident occurred. Council adopted a resolution tive the new' board move directly lssential.” physical fitness and boating safety Kennedy Airport officials were no­ despair, walks out. Only half the women married at 17 or Newspapers and a free press are expenduble, when will be offered. A 10-week course ngreeirg to install drains on Mit- to resume salary guide negotiations younger will still be living with the same husband 30 years tified of the accident and emergen­ awan Ave. Application was ap with the Matawan Teachers Asso­ living becomes a race for a free meal ticket. in sewing, with Mrs. Mary Hancik cy equipment was standing by l later, ... ' returning as instructor, wiM begin , , puned fur stale aid formula funds ciation. A meeting was arranged v.iifii tne cuungejuy landiug wtih , for S '''50 for i%7 with representatives present for to- Mar. 23 at the Indian Hill School made, I ______Library at 7:30 p.m. each week. Found On Grounds >tr> T '’liti is p**.*«.-*,\» * • c j ’y l_i». c" i r d "I ovc Sauce For The Goose The women's physical fitness shore Community Hospital, a ; Makes the World Go Round” is It was not until atter d:iy!;ght Time Running member of the Ixxird of directors sung by Five I.nvely Lasses. Mary course, again under the direction that parts of ihe plane were found u The National Association of Manufacturers *ays, “A of Mrs. Jauet Ens, Is scheduled Bcliind Closed of Peoples National Bank, a form-1 Hatuik, Linda Sehcvw, Piggy Upie. on the grounds of Dell Laboratories (Lumlnui'd from in t‘) . er president ttf the International j Trudy ('raney, and Keny Kojola. prominent accounting firm has advised its clients that In- to begin Apr. 3 at the Village off Crawfords Corner Rd. in Holm- You sec, there will he a IM ner School gym from 7:30 to 9 p.m., (coi'iuuied irum page one) Bridge. Tunnel and Turnpike Asso- i In Moioeco. Mrs. Fred Andrews, W nal Revenue Service Is concerned by the level of expense del. cent increase in passengers, nut taining wall provided against ero- ciation, and an honorary dnector i Joseph Quail and Dave Lewinski for a period of eight weeks, wom­ Ed Bond of Rumsun, an employee only a 100 per cent imn-asc in recount spending again, and suggests that substantiation en's basketball games are held sum or a slide-down, ’i he engineer j of llu* Golden Gate Bridge District, t sing ‘ Road to Morocco”. In this of Hammond Co., maintenance con­ trains, and even today there are rcpoi ted the apartment project nev« i San Francisco. ! scene, Alicc goes shopping in the Requirements be met scrupulously.” Thursdays at the Indian H ill tractor at the laboratories, discov­ many standees on PATH during the j er advanced .mv further t|i.m the | }Io sorvl,s as ., dircc((,r „f l01ia : Market Place, and the Jtuide ti’':« Citizen taxpayers would be Interested In knowing School. ered the plane parts while making regular morning rush hour. Your J levelling off of tlie ground. He noted College. Young Men's llfbrew \s- I l^dph to the Sultan's Parlor. Suk vhether the expense accounts of their public servants, paid Flotilla 23, United States Coast a routl&f Inspection of the grounds. fun wil! be compounded bv the also thriv was an ice pateh de- | socia'aon of Bergen County, and 1t;ul i!> P^nr iyed by Dr M'cV'le »lth tax dollars, are scrutinized as carefully from tha Guard Auxiliary, will present its He nttifiod Stata Police ut keyport thousands who storm those trains js< lopuig oa the Abcideen IM. sule , Columbus Hospital, Newark. j Cri^tufaro; F.unuchs, John Stout : tandpolnt of their relation to public business, as are those eipht-week course at the Indian of hla discovery and Trooper John In Jersey City every morning (they I of the tract that could be a hazard ^ Pomi.inowski, Hai-in lhil School auditorium beginning Yrusczich made a preliminary in­ are being deprived of the Journal i to motorists, U, , giadiuted from rf their taxpayer employers, From what oaa readi, they damvr is Mis. l\ttr Spellman. Apr. 5 from 8 to 10 p.m. Tentative vestigation. Square local, their one escape, it i Cautioned By Schuchart !\.av„.tCi,Useits institute of 'le. t:i’,o, events coming up in the near fututc luggage rack. Stute Police notified of train scrvic.’ and who must turn I for Mr. Kipukt in his plight, there n(i :U!(1 three children Andrew Sinu*T->«n and lam-'s M d- Signs To Teach will include the annual Easter Erk FAA and FBI officials and the to PAIM as a substitute. These are was nothing to be done about it ! r in Hohmkt. ton Son-.; .oui d-Hi' O, "Ste;on 11 •t" Moves On Hunt and Kite Fly. Details on any parts of the plane were sent to no bus lines to downtown M anhat­ legally as the township had no or- I In addition to memb* rs und is done by If irt m Ib’bjls. Untler LEAP Program of the above programs may be ob­ Kennedy Airporl for study on the tan as an Alternative. dinance covering exenvations and j guests of h’mii iVrith, attending ; John P.ovhau, Mrs. C.m.o , S:t: ' *z, tained hy contacting Mrs. Shirley cause of the accident. This commuter apathy has al­ grading of lands and that to move i weio deu-gatusns fuun Ravshore Mis Jo^-pi*’ Fns Mrs. I’red An' Mrs. Rhoda I. Alexander, Mle- Stab Case Lagattuta, 264-2326. CAU Probe ready cost the Shore Line rider onto thL* liel-Aire Inc. tract after | Hospital. Columbus Hospital, and ! d.-ews. Kenneth George, and brook Lano, Strathmore, has sign­ In the ease against Joseph Hun­ The plane, which earned h crew dem ly. When the .state authorized a variance had beeM granted for I the Higbwav Autlvoriiv. Mrc. Cv" r-e ll-lde a l a contract to tench in the LEAP ter. who is accused of the fnlal of five, was taken to u ha . r tor tho final abandonment of the High­ their garden apartm ents would con- j H c:k-il P o m e ra n t/ Ai'-. ld Kan- hack In llvllyvMmd rognim at M atawan Schools, I.u- stabbing of a Madison Township Winter Weekend inspecting by the Civil Aeronautics lands Brartb, one of the reasons stiuite an invasion of private lamR ; laa. Wallace Wjldman Mr tia’e lu H e|!v\^n.| >' •,;* t ; v\i ski ler A. Foster, superintendent o( man. a first define murder con­ Ihueau. Passtngus of tlie plane...... given was that inly three tom- Uonnnl Men nn a mem her, felt ,,u| Mr. Sawwr c, stags "Yt'u'vc tu;t fHisSibtbtits" Bichooli, confirmed Monday. The viction will be sought by Middle­ fn Pot'ono Mountains were put up at a hotel ‘ near "the ‘ i niulers showed up io piutest the I he bo nd nr health imild mlervene ;h, nwarJ c,„n, and Dehb:r K a-o^; da'*c s. ’ r.')l* luperintendent »sid Mr». Alexander sex County Prosecutor, Edward J. airport until they could resume Uie proposal. AtgiiUU’iit.s that the h ear­ j in tha. a danger to tho security ot [ ______lyw-od ‘ ts >ung I v the ent .w* cn- 1 a eraduata of Brooklyn College Dolan. Assistant Prosecutor Jack A winter weekend wav held by ti ip on a later flight. ings wete held in Newark during i (KTsons e.Msteil. L aw ren ce l.ciner, \ .** v.’tvble, " [ 'i v c; W ’eie Y»ut \ *^1 the d fkI lP | 11 It . is Jang by Ang I t raney. lachclor's Degree, permitting Iter Joseph Pcrsky or Jersey City, und awan, on Feb. 24, 25 nnd 2G nt the it was "niirucuiou'/' that no one many tv' alte'ul, fell ftn di-af <\irs. vised this, lb- ueontniend , “ I iv. le F» nn a <1 “ Hho- M* <*• of is ttiguiir’nt never has had any to RO on the guldo under the nias- County Criminal Court Judge John llenryvdle Lodge, a Pocono Moun­ was seriously InjuieU in lhe mis­ 11 wi a letter of notification to the j (cenJimied from pajre one) Kentueky*' ate t*v thn Cor- iry effrct oa the state I'uv many V 8 rating (or a beginning teach- B. Molineux met in the judije's tain resort, Henryville, Pa. Winter hap. One official said. “ If some«>ni township council that th*- condilions isvT, do a number »o “ I al.a.I a.’*. Sijaires ‘Till! Ha-'t v" d 'o ced by rars. At the AC A nu-etinu siteni Ir In the system. chambers Friday In a clo:ed-door sports including skiing, tobogganing had been seated near where the , , ------tlfsv rib.'vl Ijy Mr. KtpuUi existed. M iv So! Mamifs sm^s '1 Wiil Wait Jan ti’ and Pal ( firuu iii, Her name was mistakenly men­ taring on Hunter's request for ond ice skating wore enjoyed by fusrliige blew out. ht* could have I11* i*orm* >:*fJ peojile tin l-eb. 21, 'lhe attorney noted the governing For Yoti”. nnd Mr*. J(.s,ph Las “ Rinka'iyi1 Mv Hahv*' <'ini: hv . ! s. tioned In connection with conversa­ ball. the group been blown out with it.” ! N,r I,)*IV "f ,h(1 Transport*. body could then decide if it were sitiRv “ Big Spender” . Rnbert h'reedh-ve. I’byihs and l*i is- . An aulines spokesman said it ap- ! *uul Ih'paitment lomic.euted that u math! for poli*v action or re­ cil'a Dane san; a ’d t'a m . tti ‘ C-at* tions at a Matawan board meeting After the hearing, Judge Molin­ Attending w ere: Mr. aiul Mrs. Beer Garden Scene i pea red that the hull if tlie aircraft ! id't.ul people must Ik* delighted voking the permit for the garden !'h* 'd Sw ll'.". ‘Ihlt’ » :I»M’* there teaching on an other than eux denied hall for the 31-ycar-old Vincent Gentile, Mrs. Frank Uro- In a Getmnn Meei Garth n. contractual basis w»i being dis- gan. Morgnnvrlie; Mr, nnd Mr;:, ’ luid been pieiced, eausm^ th** sud- . '\iVi otaeiwise why didn't npattmmt-’. “ Di iiiVing S«»ng" is sung by Ih" bv Mi ** l't •• r K; up*». Jersey City resident who Is accuscd , den depres^uri^tion of the * abin. I,U4V attend ihe m.vmg. vjssed. of stabbing to death James Dentley, Louk Scluavonc. Mr. and Mrs. Ted |Uen tleprf Male Frvscn-hle. cousiMing cf Al­ in ilolmdt'I, " l i e Rotil to Gftll. Mrs Richard Mruier, Mnta- A gaping h* le was rvulent in the rV a m ettm g held in M iddhtjw u bert Neihau>, Da\td ClaviM . Rob­ H olnel'T’ is v j r j,,-M ' Anti ■W, in lk'nlley's home nt 2M Mata- •t Sum! iv ru.-ht. and th.-ioueluv 11 wan; Mr. and Mrs. A n ^ln DiGLmi- forward wavhieorn and »nv»^tiiW ert ( lau^ n, Wesley U;».k, I d.v.ud h»>epf» Quad and h ase Lew i*'•*'<1, wan Rd., Madison Township. ».a v. m N' v era I lo.-.d< s Tonli Dinner Dane* For "Singles" In order to obtain denial of bail battistn. Mr. nnd Mr*. Jam es Red I.UH ^.tul r\ p’eee had been taken Stilvveil, W111 ■ .i >o St**ven‘Ofi, H a o \l '1 he enti rr* c..>; s,’-,- s ' i !> i! s I av inond, Mr. and Mis. William Si\ :>ut ef the No. J pioj>elh r. j •> was a maUci of pm nc um (eorit :r,:i d Jrera p.ig > t'ae) Hiaun, Wavn*' llaruvi.n. J ti,\ d H.i'v- tvi 'a .r m te " a n thi* I.•; d •. tho prosecutor must convince the to tnoM- pt« m ltf ’.b"ht m- o Mi Single, widowed, or divorced man, Mr. tmd Mrs John Seal/*'. 1>1 ah. »tv wa; ieio^iu/fj la»". Ri-bt-i? in l v h iu , U i’iiam I !- b onj 1 .-.I'- '•!-. i-f Mm (»er Judge that there Is a fair ctuincc Ihe an hue said the fmthl. '.i lh.,t a im :u: t’. m aM.-i'* « ;j>v in N'W ,1c; ty and III men and women age 30 to 55 are that the Mate eoiilil obtain n Jury Mr. and M is. Lien S tn n ic m Mr. the cotnmnnd nf ( apt. William l^ n 1 n h< ntivv Howauf D*-ane t'd l!(\i>; = -. |-auo: t i'*'rj:e Tiavis, f and Mrs. Anthonv Strunlero and 1- Jov* pi, of in- State ' 11;;'11' ’; 1. |) ( . hr( thrOlH’hoUt "Wunilerliat". ■|ley Iher,- • 'i.ivi'rs of Mi,;,! - red. Older I I .11 nt fur I,.. a«iM- j iunR by iKvne. Mr-. Jam tunday evening from 7:30 to 11:30 tuch iltuatlnm. tlcnllry was stub­ . 1 as;d K.iriuri Itnvnstup. ot- p.m. at tha Rustic Lodge, Route 46, In tl.e - Hr Uan tilRh-Ajy |e » l.elllanc, Male l-.n.semt.le ni.d bed lo death In lhe early morning al-» 1 i th. M.inicipal (o o i.h on uwsril siinihr tn rt- fast Palersiin. Invitations hive 1 hours of Feb. 3. Rrbt'kah l.od^i1 Mi'l i t r,.!r'l*< ’ . th e 1 «» M i MHHS Teacher hceti trn l tn mnnv bu>lnr«i firing Preliminary Hearing 1 ’ I k n t H | L 1 1 Jam e* V.onV.ilo ! lb W n !>ii s. n % !•-> v la m i v on lived at tho Mai- Ihe it»:u!ar 1111 I ’m,: cf lad y Col* 1 I 1 h 1 ! 0 V 1 t 1' U t:\ .ps. a n it \ Jl M'U-* ' *•« m . p f.i\ ieh-k.ih I *m!|*«* I.! u .n l.ilil i«n ‘ t 1 1 h of M m I n , V „ ) ■ xh n M i< J a m Ibimighout nnrlhern New Jersey ; awan Rd nddie^v t«-Attficd that she :t en.. n fit Ol t ■rouphtu th<‘ bv I t n \.im\HkjV lie*' n V nod N’ew Yoik, and a large crowd ! saw Hunter jit.d.huig Ih ath v with Wedru ^lav. i -b at the ha’l on Campaign j - M •1 .M n v id thtM' IHoplr n d M.o'i Si Ai'i.j 1 * * f»' i Nt)!iU» Grand. ‘ • •>n t 1 1 . v n i i u n i l » 'H 0 • . • K« U'U Kr« n a a M is V i | i'i*.. i- Is c„\ptcled. There will he live | a knife m w u I time>i, 41ml h< ir»l 1. t . ts-Miile M'St an ih- • 1 music for dancinc at this M,ig jwr* j Hunter s ir. "I'm killing you, Jim* pMsuUtl. Mii* was a <.fed hv Nat At a ii < ru; mt Ug \ \ h- 1 1 1 Itiane. Mrv Kt r ( e - 1 \ t v t r . ta d » K i n s j f ( ; u nt if w,i% o f I f. M r. l o f u . M M 1 I P'i 1 » \ ty. The group's objective is to pro- my Hentl -v. I'm killing you.** . (iiaiul. M.ufge Vaiut'ibi!?. of D iitit. IS tf t l lli n S o! t , d t * p Iii- »• t»i't - iL fiv e '! 1 t 1 t! it he r,:t I vide a proper, pleasant mrani Mm . McNeill said i-br u ru cg ln t JeH » S» *'0 ;u . \ 1 ht fo shtr«1 tn a* | j vuia! t ve \t«,r!n«.nlh ( »v I )*»i a f v Av i h t 0 !•’. 1 1 k’ ta4 Ihf t m n ir utt r r j t o Rroup can hccame acquainted on n oui*.tlf a U m minuoji l*it«; a ttu a: to but* I vm r \ : <11 (t.iith \ tu h 'f i:ir>,d>rr* attrndi'h: ••■:t »>t. Klaletl tha? .in AO -;d i o m p t a n ft t a i v u t { u o o | id. ‘ . ^ .. Hunter fliul hi* wih- h o i M l. She 1 Ihe l.iihio ** y i.1 \- iNhi. Wsiium 'Ibomp*»n. Mtv wo I- i-!t p ia m p o |.n rt*’ atid da'll i fiflul \l»i- biou^ht him Uuk i-to Inr pi it Veil banj M I v at ul Mi*. U *= ;| l-.m 1 t (h o d ; th e k!jt» t A t» kilt hefi < f dt.' ,ioy-.. ,md mo >.. (| 1 1 1 10 1 I f ' ii llr,n!'. Mm t.isiltu iU \ >011 i! fh '1 new id tiUV in Nhtf’ttftl-.j; t. Coiiiiuunicatioii P' * 111 ■ * dv ard < h ad et Pi.kl- 1 Mi! ing. lb*’ mr!i*n»n.jiv loamu’ un ■ e.-ei Mm S-Mh Alla!.*: H r'i t-.’r wnuh we wutkt'd m» dtiiR«’»ov- \ ariiHi^ t* ‘d Ifn* I . » t. Ufti.1l ter Middlesex < n i. '.IMli, 'd » * }-::UkOll . ff »v*d b<* a r»ahtv.*- ‘Mt^.d d ^ wax.t-y f.iu t fv nt ih.*» \ 1 ; v i .i *f u*.uaiiv Jiet 11 btiff note 10 »jy "Tlisnk • > hrAO*-jMtjj nnd Mm A '\ . i la.* ti’.-.Hl/ I I t 1 i| tst.r «<; -,r-r fn.n f.f'litti! I«\ nmi iHttefiin Ch'orh of MftirtWatt Mur! I an! Ml « M< 1 > 01 pi mih* » « • - v m > I moil 'Sre pr»v fin i i -m«'i • ta w o th in e o n it Int* *it «ui» f.^ . ♦ FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE »«‘otmut* to |rtft.nn u u n i v r< »ub u s “tl* O V . the fttatr ha* #ii\ ■ r lu i | the pucellrnt cnvctJK'’ Of j Thr hriiiin* w.n , .tn nn rN ait tht* jBitrntiil nnd I- IIUKhl tv letnod IIUIIK-IV duel, hl.-ull,lint! il^lli .tllmi ■ „ ,u„| h u m .,. Ihr M„Mit ttie u !lt i P ;0 try Matartai i h i^ r r f f ,,M | , (Hi-** h r D 1 "t^ - 1 P m fi at dm n imi !»> i» f Mrs l.lrshor WriRil i lUdj'iflh I ir ih itn id M fltt. Ihe tfoiro.nh ahdPAU i h4i J Uhhcitv ( h a lfman. A t J i> dollar ClflUlflrd Ad hM . ftt m |n*MPt4 t • It vv ,U \, }., ,1 Jf, O r i.M*ld n- h) o .toy A |V» . hu»E?| ■ ne,J 1 ) J ■ I *i|-' •>1 '.!»■' pi: j 1 r I ry 'iv . Now 1 O. ! V, , id* 1 ».f Itir > Ml w e !<«.»!.*' It OF tf vm th n f r»* ft! u. Mil If — In :o Pi.) frutulis th a t i t * t - ‘ > A v. I U hr ie Ihm -^h a f laTsififd Ad! i tf tiUjrb i m i tan 1 Wl -tl >>avr >' il V'Hi h h'-tit. Inlm « writ i J ti* t *0 At * • | itie '*),i f.' 1 j* -di r ot f «;< t p i ' I s ’ir i^ if. in rd »nn r im . « *1 Ibbh * * I of l' | »->» 1 ;u *• ay I 1 * t 0 f r ■mil ’ I iti|| Ir^kf «t*»nt I ' < h.irict titr.-l (1 \ k pilH |itrn',*^l i ai |«l d‘-tAb f Inf Ihr *vfi'pu .»M |f»I on |h)< 1 W‘1b 0 I ' .1' 1 i # * I •.< "•» b tf • 4..-V : Ut I.MiJ tf 1HU- 11>. i •. • f ■ - I , i ' " •tv-Uth 4 ',d y <4 <« ri;i»n*1 cf y T v i 7 '.m i * ' w t £ 3 i v : \ w •• v | t. i l . 1 IM- p ;O t | . | | f . 4l , . ®!{e (iihxiafnau ^Ituintal ToVff* *»»d I* i 'I d Ih" t* »•# f r n * n * »» e l in* ; le | *f H. p r O the it„| c 1 1 *» i*f t st V \ b ; , J t 411 h» I f JSf, I if. . f n 11 k »r J m.-f M« W f* W sP ( \ -a tv-tfo Iblf rffi-M .» (kh « « . Ii I %{•*■• nl r AllpfiiJoJ Patty p * S 1 * 7 ' •'* ■«-*, * 1 :: *;'! V iV .,;/ /,vv > a*w-iW»»i* J -Hi t. 1. , , '« n |r , t tfy ^,1 1 1 , . .. , . , , 146 Main St., Matawan ' e. I *t n >-.t :*J r rtrahUy i -fji \ A. fo d <»|*j f|o. 1 1 • k a h ** t ' « | t 1 • ^ |. -a-O** ; I-IhMm j " 10 j I..) i;if i U *r-d M r Sf>? M m • f*. ,|»l O -: '« Ml* »* 1 ‘ I’hon,. 566-1 ft I li Mf 1« Jnhrt RntifU l-nw tt I*? frifv (h*l ■ M»# T „ u - I Id , ■ ’.r-ttH f..( l»-r IV* t, . . M- '•(♦•••.,11. C •'! > s t~ . -.i v/rrl< v N«rw<^,f^r t i .l't-*.. VV' tVr r.^flt ... , , r * ■ I’.tt Uitf) Ih 1*11 « r u 1*1 . « I J 1 r P 1 tgiiwit M4/u i. 1 u f u * ' k I’ r *1- * 1 <1 »!. I , t t, IJC) 4 (‘ --•M t <,! <, ) t l t w f lj im * f» e o t ( M ** j, M**# . , •»*,., a> >*«»* *1 »■»*» *(*») *f» HrttI a**, dh tttii »*?**», iu, 11. ^ 1 ■«.« ( . , « * *• »)»*»■* In M l i w i i w* • ^ 1 1 * . « » yv* * f n .n^-a I <* fi^t. I i* I- ( W w W t . |WM)< I I Thursfla1/, March 2 , !9 i ? THE MATAV/AN JOURNAL, N. J. Paga Five Plan For Fashion Show Mid-Year Dinner Dance

Mr::. C harles Ciorar.. Ir.'. T h o rn -; son C areen a n d M rs. C har Iv.. Per- a. O'Donnell, and Mrs. Joseph j rino. Other quests were Mr*. Bay* j D/.wil were tho Thursday eveninga vd Land>orn, Mrs. Ross M;ighan, j br’dge guests of Mrs. George IX>»U. j Mrs AiUtn. J . Morrison. Mrs, Mr'. sn d M rs. Russell l> a fs , U t- j A rth u r Hull, an d M rs. A rne Kalina, j tlo S'., have reUoned hMjm‘ after j ai--j r,{t;j TosettO and i two \v'-nJiiib| Mrs William R. CruiLv Mrs 1 several daw al Cant- f.oil. , rra„|, ,,„J Mi!,. Lcioy Sick- 1 M r .t .k.I ,.lis. .ki\k U iis , r. i ,.|s wi:re (|„. p n ,,. ivirmovs ivlion the Sunduy guests ul M'. and Mis. ^,-v John V\g;',ie:-:tnn entertained al Ainu UernAein BiooKlvn. who en- , ^uu.}, .l>(l !>|;f Tuesday Other tcrmincd m honor of ihoir sou, ; :i,fmlillR worc Mrs_ Mar. Howard Rus-s, on his fust birthday. 1 ..u,.-},<» Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Harold Katz ami : kab*\. Mrs wiliiam H. f-'cng; i;h;ldron. Jericho, L. I., and Mr, ! m - 'ilwouia elMvud. an d Mr:;. A aron Feins'tem an d ' " ” Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Fullard grande.m. Rayside. L. I,, were (he 1 Pompton Plains, wen* the weekrnd ; Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I quests uf Mi and Mrs, Allan .!. | Lawrence Can us, Stralhrnou'. , Mot risun. ! Mrs. Gertrude Woifson, Brook- 1 , lyn, was a j.;uer.t ot her son and' , Lavrv -\hm.son. M u ,. R oss : daughter-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. M«ghar., and Mrs. Johnson Curtail: E v iv cfi Stralh m o ie . iw c r t the rrc-Mit guests of M rs. Mr. and Mis. Henry Kaplan i ” a-va u * Mr,J- ; wort* the Thursday evening guests. Mr. and Mrj. George Clark. v/ere of Mt. and Mrs. Sam l-'ieischman, Ihe Wednesday guests ot Mr. and; Kcunsburg. M r s. Walter Mihm, Monmouth j Mrs. Widt'T Faus, West Orange. [ Beech, wa the Tuesday evening dinner 1 David Smith, son nf Mr. and Mrs. and overnight guest ol' Mr. and : liavna rd Smith hy* been ph:d:yd Mrs. {., I-,. Krebs. Strathmore. ' lo Rela TheUv Pi fraternity at Mr. a n d Mrs. Sam Rangos. j SLvei’.s Institute, Hoboken Strathmore, were the Saturday eve­ I Mrs. William Lambert. Mrs. Al­ ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt ' l'*’i ! A!;*.*!!. Mrs. »V. I\uHiit Smii!Ii, ' Ca risen I Mrs-. William NtxIJiiiRs, nils K.ili- , Approximately 230 bnnkors from Monmouth. Mid- j B arbara t.ub.v. Farm ers a n d M erchants National Mr. and Mrs. Jack and | eft H-.ilk r, Mrs. G. J. SUiiiai; ! dlesi-x anil Ocean Counties attended Hie midwintur j BanU, Matuwan, and Mrs. Adelaide Stanley, First Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seaman, ■ (,-> ■ I-.- -vr. ■,‘hon‘l>-<«'!. and Mrs. William Bur. j dinnor-dancr sponscied by the Monmouth Chapter,; National Bank of Middlesex County. ■ Strathmore. wcr ' - ‘ ’ |i,ie.sLti ut'nj tiu* V.;"u:K‘^.iav aitn-. | American Institute ol Bank inf, at Diamond Jim's ! The invocation v;as given by chapter president mug quests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ noon quests of Mrs. Harry Wi lls. ■ Restaurant in Cheesequalte Saturday t-veniiiK. j Norris Horsman, MonniouDi County National Bank. vin Wain, liriektown. Mr. and Mi's Lawrence L.oniairc*. Uomcr O'.v-'ii Chii-»»n III -,vris ' Amonn ((vse present were (IcJt to riRht) James ! Arrangements weie under tlie direction of Gerald Udt;emeroV1U Dr., have returned...... honn ti,L' Friday overnight' guest ’ ot Mr. ' — mm- Kcansbure-Miditletown National liaiik; Mrs. I Murphy, Ki'uasburc-Hitldlctown National Hank. aft<’miK in llol'vwimd, I a"t]' Wrs- ‘ l-Varcc | I Mr. M r. aand n d MMrs. rs. WiWilliam n m C.f* Nod- , I'lu Selected CommiHce Sunday guest.s uf Mr and Mrs [din^sarul Miss Sarah Noddmgs at- | First \il(M017. Mt held open house on Sunday. Howard WoWcrton. Malawan - Marlboro, have express-1 more, were the Monday guests of Jay . who was celebrating his fifth Mis. Ganz has N*cn with the A special prize was awarded to Somewhere, someone wants the Feb. 19, to celebrate their silver Plans were made for the mem­ ed appreciation for the gifts pre­ Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Pesner. wedding anniversary. Flower ar- hirthday. Guests attending were his Monmouth Welfare Hoard since Mrs. Mel Insley and refreshments things you no longer need. Sell bership soiree which will be held sented at the kitchen shower on Stanford. Conn. maternal grandparents. Mr. ami t 19S4 and is a resident of Keyport. ■ ranfiements were the decorations Monday, Mar. . Mrs. John DeWiti Feb, 21. They especially thanked were served by Mrs. Lawrence them nt little cost through Classi­ 6 Mr. and Mrs, Carl Cierber, Maz- Mrs. Julius L. Samuel, paternal She graduated from Hunter College Walker and Mrs. Richard Joyce. fied Ads. a»nd a large bouquet was the cen- is chairman and she urges anyona the women of the community who, let, were the Saturday evening erpiecc. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris in Sew York City with a B. A. j having an interested guest to although not members of Cross oi guests ot Mr. a n d Mrs. Clyde Yucht, hU patornul great • grand­ Degree and received her Master o! j Attending were Miss Toni Alt; please contact her. The program G lo ry , contributed generously Frcint. Strathmore. Mr. and Mrs. John F. AU and son, mother. Mrs. Anna Kaufman. Social Work Degree from the Rut-; will be, “The Art of Decorating towards furnishing the kitchen of Mrs. David Bruce entertained at Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Harold gers Graduate School of Social I lohn; J. Qougtas Alt; Joseph A. Easter Eggs." by Mrs. Joseph the new chut ch. luncheon bridge on Wednesday and Mt; Mr. and Mrs. Victor AU; Vic­ Eckstein a n d children. Daniel, Work. She also completed courses j Pekar, The program should prove Present at the kitchen sh.nvor the prize winners were Mrs. Peter Uachelle, and Gail. Teaneck, Mr. tor D. Alt; 2d Von Kodcck; Mr. al the Federal Workshop on Stuff * to be interesting and timely. were: president. Mrs. James Hub­ A. Read, Middletown, Mrs. Thom' and Mrs. Carl Yucht and children, Developmenl m Washington, D. C. ' ind Mrs. F. Joseph TaMura; Mrs. as Welstead, and Mis. John Tan- Lori, Jeffrey and Steven, Belle Herbert B. Royle; Mr. and Mrs. The club’s annual buffet dinner- bard; vice president, Mrs. William At the Monmouth County Welfare j dance will be held at the Amerh Hansen; secretary, Mrs. Karl sey. Other guests were Mrs. Fred­ more, L, I., and Fran nnd Madelyn Board she was a caseworker and I George Spafford, Mr. and Mrs. erick Dederick. Mrs. Howard Yucht. ' Joseph Lanznro sr.; Mr. nnd Mrs. can Hotel in Freehold with Mrs. llaer; treasurer, Mrs. William supervisor before becoming Direc- t Albert Niederreuther as chairman. Thies; Mrs. Efford Schncffer, Mrs. Veale, Purlin. Mrs. John Robert­ Mrs. Jennie Castiglia and son, tor of TrumiuK. j Roy Smith and son, Allan; Mrs. son, Colts Neck, nnd Mrs. Donald lames Cary; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Interested members may contact llcdwig Uacr* Mrs. Paul Meyer, Anthony, the Bionx. were th** Sun­ Active In Community \ MAIN CLOAK COMPANY her. Mrs. John Sadowski, Mrs. Wulter W. Robinson. Toms Kiver. day guests nf Mr, and Mrs. George Tostura; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mai I’hee, She has bi-en active in Keypoit ' Becker; Lawrence lanzaro; Jo­ Money will be collected on Mon­ McGill, Mrs. William Beverly, Mrs. McGniw, Sliathmore. 37 STOKES ST., FREEHOLD Strathmore, were the Saturday community affairs nnd is t h e ; seph Compoly; and Mr. nnd Mrs, day evening to buy candy for U\o Elsie Carlson, Mrs. Kun Carlson, Miss 1‘iiylhs Pnjnj><>nu). He\!e- Mrs Robert Mindheim, Mrs. I'd- evening gm sis of Mr. nnd Mr». ville. was the W^lo'-sitav guest ot mother of twin sons, one now serv- ! NEW JERSEY'S LEADING LADIES Ralph HahrLsky, all of Morgan* Easter favors to be made for the ing in the I ’. S. Air Force, .md the ■ John L Montgomery Nursing Ward Loud, Mrs. Kenneth Schaef­ Walter MacPhec, Orange. Mr. and Mrs. G m rge MeCiiaw. COAT & SUIT FACTORY STORE vttle. Mrs. Ralph Bedle was the week­ Strathmur.*, Mh*‘i attending Parson's Co'lvge in! Also attending were Mr. and Home, according to Mrs. Peter fer, Mrs. Paul Kr/yston, Mrs. rn Johnson, Mrs Kenneth Soren­ end gw’st id Miss Lois Slonev. Aid- t Mr. and Mis. B'-rr-itd N'lifht. Iowa: and a daugWei, ytt>*hding ; Mrs. Kdward Tilton, Marlboro; Mr. Melnik, chairman. Krs’jvui |{tgh School. j sen, Mrs. F red Meyers, Mis. Ruh* mote Pa | Strathm orr. eat--i iait;-\l on N’.> in- NOW READY WITH THE LATEST and Mrs. Mel Instey; Mr. and Mrs. ard WVeden, Mrs. C. J. Gallagher, Miss SaSlv Joyce, Ravpori, I.. L. dav ;dU’rm>n; in hf .?• m ni th» u son, 'Hi*1 R*‘v iLiv o Perry nf tin.* See* ; Hugh McGuire of Matawan; Mr. Mrs. A. J. Toitiasello, Mrs iV.ivid I was the w .ikend guest of s,s i .lav. wIm wa^ fr. • v.-.i• s n ! J nnd Baptist ( huivh of Mahr.vnn is 1 IN SPRING FASHIONS & COLORS and Mrs. Hobart Johnson and Coufib C.rlvbnttv 6 OI/1 Lrttney. i ter, Mrs. Matth -w J. Healy. SM.u'n (iu est\ UM' iJin;* \ P.i:,irv .nd thi* pu-M.l nt of ji-.e NLitavsan Inter* j daughter, Gayie, of Keypoit: Mr. Also: Mrs. Henry Wndik«v Mr« inoi‘ •. M lfflvl) I I'-.fil, ll it ' V .il' * | . , denomu:.»!h»:ial M;ni .’.fi !al A llianz : • PEflTHS MISSES • HALF SIZES nnd Mrs. Fred . Von Rode^k nnd W e d d in g .1 n u i r v r s a r y Fred Reid, Mrs. Alma Wolf. Mr**, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Can ‘li ; Alvanos, IXmgi.1^ I u t!, ■ |l.-na-1: and will p u u j-l'* at the meeting, , children, Dorothy. Carl, Joseph, John Kozloff, Mrs Donato Canta- have returned Jhihm' aft-'r ihi-e •'Trurnnn. and 1 :.m anil M u l’'mi • CRFA'.t PESISTANT DOU3LE Kf^iT J PC. BELGIAN Thrrcsa and Gilbert, of Union Mr. and Mrs. William Bowie, 21 : Yu>M. ’ Reach: Mr. and Mrs. J. W a r d I nd, Ave., Savievlll,.. recently j 1 Jl 1 ' '' KNIT SUITS , . . • FULL LINE? Of t00°a VIKGIN WOOL tt 1 I I 1 I t ' l U niet inu: fu the pi:ip »sf of orgrtni/- Gene Carroll and children of l.ake Loodm-r, M#n. I red Barih. Mis. C l 1 K 1 1 Mr, nnd Mrs. W.r!--r P .d.|> en All Woo! Spriflj Nv*# S*H*** For and Colbert J. Bowie, all of South ...... 1. . 1...■ 1. , Hiawutha; Mrs. F.velyn lonysftecl. lelond Peny, Mis Aithur Mar­ O 'ii'111 ti 1 in 1’ ir 1 i ni i n i , V. ami daught'Ts, l-ui und f.inl.e in>; a South *m B.tptr-t Cluirth in Greater A Kit, Fr«* M.v;;ngt I No Ch#rg« For Amboy: Mrs. William Chevalier, ‘"Spring I.nke HeiRhts; Miss Pengy tins, Mrs, Georue Hamilton, Mrs M 11 ivrre th«* Satutdav afteio.ion yin».ts Ihe Mataw.m at'-a will he held at Ah.)fAt or> ! l.4)rAWJyl I Sh'i A»jIUU#: Wintfr Coitl Cnmpbell, Mrs. Mnrgnret Camp­ Sayrevjlle; Mrs Frank Dmgan ...... i...... Joan Goddatd, Mis. Riihard Pali.i. (K llll • .1 u * 1 so--iiiiinr of Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd IVd.M^n, tin* h 't-ie id Mi and Mi*. I ;it ry S!i#» 6 to 21. 20'/* Off. "Hft* Coati it Seni’bl* P/le»»." bell aad dau|*htor, L’laine, and F’oe and Milton T. Bowie, Matawnn. and Mrs. L'rank Johnson, M »ai n i. L la . UoH)Ulyn. There »re 11 grandchildren and G. Sin M l:.i|:."i Tim-, M .iu Reynolds, of South Amboy; and The next regular meeting of th" William Mallei! is a p aM M ! 1 Mr. and Mrs. Loo s loires, Ha.*­ nino gri'al grandchildren. Colin Burke, Englishtown. Lutheran Chutch Women, a work­ M fill C*-Mh*r . let, were the Saturday owning d.n Wan, t«*moi mvv (i i ul;vyj evening STOP 8 y — SAY 'H r TO MOLLY Mowm were sent by J. Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. Bowie wire natives shop night, is .M-hi'duled toi Mar. It M C I ! ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. (;.*t»rge at 7,.10 p m Anv on* Interested Ij Postmaster of Tuckciton; and El* of Indian Head, Md, They were al K p.m. in the new ih u n h nn a i i Sueiro, Strathnmo*. m arried In Washington. D.C. on h, 11 invited to atte nd. lie Hugbet*, Postm aster of Qarne* Cambridge Dr, Ih e women will u n d hot LMK'SU w n - Mis M it ti Hourst Feb. 11. 1%7. OI.OSCO SUNDAY* crt. who were unable to attend prepare KuKly Kiu, winch (imiam n 11 1 I t IS ’A li?. on - A Frenchman, Nlch >la§ Appcri Mr. and M is. Alt also have a son. Mr. Bowie was employed ot Hrr- B ii.tus, wheei >;«►*nl^ niu most / a.m. ta a r.M. m on. h-tUHS. a h#ndt:«Mchfnf, a iom b, a bar of N 1 I ' id credited with discovering tlu* Pfc. Theodnre F, AU, who is sta­ tides, iu*, fdilla, as a imUwrighL » A M. lo 6 P.M. FRI. • SA T. Tol. 462-1174 soap, a washcloth anti hand towel. M ^ \ » 3 pmces* of canning fiKrfh 01 the always m demand SeH youts via tioned in Vietnam, and wa* unable He retired 18 years aj«n. U toothhruvh, a tuler, five j^rn ik. K 1 1 S Ward. t\u cglnnlng ol tho 10th Century. Cl J.ssifietl-i. to attend. and a writing tablet. The omi M I A Paronti O f Son ft! kUs will be di^nbuU d to un M C 1 tl Rotiromenl Parly Mr and Mri. Byron M. Hicks, derptivilegod childrm hv Ihe 1 uth S la y u u iM 0 ! U M r >WtWWWHtWWIMWWW IW mW >W W W W tMW Kennelh Miller of Old Tenncnt l^vnvllle, form er re^identv of M«t- eron World Rebel. l* i a k M u Rd.. Morganville, wa* honored on owan. are the (urrnU of a first M 1 W .ih a m 1 1 1 Saturday, Feb. f at a farewell din­ child, a fon, born Feb. 11. IM7, of H a l 1 1 1 -1 tm Me ner al buddy's Tavern in Paritn. Perth Amlmy General Hospital. L i l I Sjtvakt'r AI k i * vM u u b I i h o i- by h it co-worker*. Mr. MiMer re- ’The bibv ba« In'en nnnv d |)«v»d , . . , Wri I fit V Mi W .l! I 1 1 t\tr liickt in tirrd n )0 yvni* v Mr* the fnin\er Kaien ' l#<'»ltl/4(l/l W at Inc , Parlln, Alxiut 40 of his to* tiarey, daughter uf Mr and Mr* I r 'A \ u t r ! l „ - V 1 fs of Mt , Jt *« 1 .J ft! 1 ts'lrv w o rk m itl r m H and Mr MiUrr Jolm It. Cidif-y, Sunset Ave., Mat "Wt» tiv* tu infnfni *he v.»i«*r M I wai given • preirnt In the men •wan a non partin 1 msi;»tc-d •d»>s I v-.' Its i*»g S; hw,i(t,‘(t.ii h of the N M i 1 wan I irtinn- nl Whom n 1 Ait il w - 'ie U - !.»■>. tnwtmi! of thr Mna*'.m < Imj-i M» h I t - d . - n k h 1 CAFKTFRLA Ml-.MJ IkdHimh H‘>4-pitil a? Mf.ith. 1 1 ! • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS l4nf>. Houto !tt. Mata»>,»M von ALL fuitln f thr | < .> wa! 1.0!'. 1 R V -1 • HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN! Malawan Regionalr IIi<;li n School n«H a fund ijK .i'ii !V . I 11:■ ; Mi Ih «!.»■» A t l'.O S ' mth^r fli> >*f 1*1 f*r*t«* FINANCIAL • CHECKIN® ACCOUNT! (Mn. fllerla Ilunjtci, C a lr t « t i« M anager) forming tho i! ,!• 1 t W. .f.- tn g‘>v*'tnnirot M » A • 0ANK, • BY - MAIL WeirK ol M irth • IM! f iff .}ia : } r i , s f r v u i :^ M UM M t V|t r* p irn d rn t. HJ* 111* <1 m\ l* r H o t lunchi on • AUfO LOANS lim it U,>d wh'» v..»% !,> id | • Veal Patmeaan •I I'1.- Aie* f i* .ti Ihe<'i. I i »•' OvfA IlnwMil FtUfoti Hutlrred Frmch Xlvle Heana • PERSONAL LOANS Ml • l l l l ' i l p I}t|-| 1 • fc. I ? Ml ‘d -V; a 1 «an I R«tt «ftd B u tttr A?pU«*uee that a |Vu»‘»i 1 i wtM In* A I j Carle Unhtc t.| v. *,| iv I ■*. Ht tl » I I t, l; • SAl-'E DEPOSIT BOXES CaM fut Salad rlativr ttrrad and rtwltft li,-. I .trM i t , Kabjtna Sandwich fr*Jil« *a,s«! ;■-> tiintid it • IRAVLI.ERS CHECKS . Cream of Muftftrwm Soup wl(l) Crarken fote ,.!.v U I I M U M M Y %.h ft in«n a * J 9 MOPT0AGE LOANS H ot luorhfftft llaVed MpsI (out A if | l« |«h4Mt % j!f (ft i i <’ of st 41th k t 111 . . ^ dl lie tel j'od di* I • 1 l IR'S]MAS CLUBS &ut<«re4 ttk a P o lic e d Mlre^t tattM * hiui a! t'- l l I.I ll I t? jMt.r lloflif M«d* I nio B rttd wilh H nt^r I MiM tn p M il y} a» I I4'>| t M< . o ' ’(/i.'pnAl LOANS A I a r>rte Sprrtpl* I I* V ?»aU4 P U tu r ,1,1 « 11 usr ocp/.rimEnt Him H^nitnlrh | Wil' I it Split I‘r* ,'«OMp »Uh ( f Hr V c t * { \ \ /> /!/* * 1 ♦. M , , I I *4 r < • > ® t suuvgaii1 J WALK.UP WINOOW* w rn M s M A V i ml .it hr'dgr f m; i {■ :■ tloi ltnxh^(>(t i / 7 f imitut tty t /nh ptifr pti.t Mu (. |*(« «* '*K ) W i 3tn, M* m | ^ % 1 finji IM lrm ] IrpinarH a-.’: >*f»| S»l d>»* Mfl't fr'-n r u t f^Jtr f*ft«‘l I jTli* C ai * : . # > • 1 hoVjl>*n «r»it lU* \f*of I'r^n #fxl i !“ >-> A t*M<# * Ut* ]>»«*, r««*vIViM. ( ’«4*t PI lit**! flc**f B*et'l flvMUf <«| M fIs- • rd » td|p(if*o Pi't*i|»»«r.r-'d »i Mu*** * •«*** h iv't fvf*\.«g t ««(.<♦ p t.ti * ‘ I I i * -■ . } i« t * # A t * -Tl :.r. -1 I " . „ , , H u .11 I l*it fdltM '•id* l*)im " 1 Mf Und M tp Ad;* r \ *• 1 • ■ I*IMA Pi# VrffUMf* ; fn| tin* " I trnin# | I na » a»rd Hrt J*”’* - PmOfeJ . IM irfiUIrM tttm PrltH |> I . T^»;**1*»4 Cv*s’ » *1 i J 7 ycars or PA iim o fcxptitifiae at"your suivice im w , ^ |U f Mt f M u . W*W»r TMfia rt*h N lid PUM*» ! N > F#*dn Hi U f‘ tjf KMtt M------i* , , ...... t?...... « - I 6fi

r.»vtcn Primary ‘Fducatloii. She has Durabrn Gernki Dorr i. u l ux fir^t grade Mr. and Mrs. Joscoh Dun.biu, 35 ! Faueral S ^ s - v i e e s Double Ring tt‘>‘.chor in iTOehoki Tnv.’u.ship. ‘VlCC: were held Friday in the Carol t.uny. Macawnn, CiT.: ja^eiits Bedl^ r-'uaei'i'l Mome. Keypo.-t, /or OIshA intiT ?.;r, Vote grtidilated fro m Key- of a born Sunday. Feb. *i6, V^-0 », Joseph Cultao. pore ll:nh Sfh:u)i and k Jdco tt s e n ­ Gerald LH)rr, 'Si, of 223 L.uppatuiong ut Shore Mcdics? Center. Satvicis w;:ie heki at /w e., I\«;vf;«>rt, who died Moadav, Ceremony ior ar. Iiviunn StaU- CoiiesC and iy II a.m. in the Robert C. Keory ni3 »orinj.' in Social Siisdies. Feb. 20, 19*>7. a1: Monmouth Modi* KorJt Funeral Ho.t?v/, 3!) South Sr., Mau- Inu d ate h a s be«»n set. for the- cu! Center. Uuno.t was in Shore- Miss Brenda K ay Pleai! er ^ Mr. and Mrs. James Iiork, 42 asquun, for Joseph Caltan, 2!) At* land Memoiiat Gardenj, Hazlet. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren W!.‘ddin:>. Center Ave., Keansburg, a»e par­ Ijmtic Ave,, who died Thursday, H»rn in Union Beach, Mf. Dorr A. Pleacher, 251 Atlantic kev­ I'lKnslaeh-WisntiHvsId ents of u dauRhtor born Saturday, Fob. 2't, 11K57, a: ins home. ' port, becam e the bviUe of llocco Feb. 25, \%'l, a t Mnnwowth M edi­ was the son of Mrs. Viola Dorr, M r. and Mrs. Stanley Wihniewslii, Amoni' the survivors is a brother, Kcyj>ort, and the late Charles W. Salvatore Autero, 251 Atlantic St., 1 Miriam PI., Matawan, announce cal Center. Eugene, Old Bridge. Keyport, Saturday, Feb. 25, 19'jy. 1 )orr. Ihe eri^auomont of their daughter, The bridegroom is tiie son of Mru. V/atson Rom in Newark, Mr. Callan lived Surviving, besides his mother, A»nm Murie, to John F\n:hhloch, in Irvington before, moving to Man- Anna Autero, Yonkers, N. Y., and son of Mr. and Mrs, Anton Fuchs- Mr, and Mrs. John Watson, 90 arc his wife, Carmela (Sanwlla’i asqufio three years ago. A bartend­ Don; tww sons, ocraht Dorr jr. the late Uocco S. Autero. The Roy. K>ch, Lily Kd., Freehold. Woodland Dr., Cliffwood Beach, Thaddeus Wojeiehowski, oastor. nm of c. aau,;;hU'.r born er fui 2\i years, he had worke«i at :«nd Toddy !>;rr; a daughter, Jaycc Ih e biul.; elect Hll.-;ideu Si. the Squuu Tavern cilice performed the double ring cere­ r.laiy b mjin School, Souiii Amboy, Saturday, Feb. 25, 1967/at River­ Dorr, all of Union Beach; three mony at 8 p.m. in St. Catherine's and the Wilfred Academy of Hair view Hospital. James' D. Ainsworth brothers, Charles Dorr of Port Ciiuiuli, East Keansburg. and Beautv Cultuic, Newark. She Monmouth, Kenneth Dorr. Key­ Mof>re Sc-rciees were held Monday at 9 port, and Edward Dorr, Union The bride was given in marriage va employed at The Magic Cottage, a.m . in Ut. G.^briel’s Church, tfrudc- by her father. Her floor-length silk Uhfwood Beach. _Mr, and Mrs. William Moore, 12 Beach; and two sisters, Mrs. Fredwood PI., Matawan, are par­ veit, uituei the direction of the Dolores Dougherty. Havre de organza gown, trimmed witn Mi. 1’uchsloch was graduated Freem an and Son iMineral Home, Alencon lace, hud three - quarter- lrom Freehold Regional High ents of a son born Saturday, Feb. Grace, Md., and Mrs, Vincent 'zft, \%1, at Riverview Hospital. Freehold, for James D. Ainsworth, Brown, Matawan. length sleeves and a chapel train. School. He is a member of The I JO, of Union Hill Rd,, Roburtfiville, A crown of pearls held her elbow- National Guard, Freehold, and is Koklnda ‘who (bed Friday. Feb. 2-i, l&t>7, ia Morris Daniels length veil and she carried a cas­ associated with his father and Jersey Shore Medical Center, Nep­ Funeral services were held Fri­ cade bouquet of white roses. broUieis m ih e Woodland Fur Mr. and Mrs. John Kokinda, Tcl- star Dr., Holmdel Township, are tune. day tu 10.38 tt.ii'i. in I.'. Ucrnheim Miss Bonnie Drown, Boothwyn. I'nnn. Vreehold. He waa a fifth-grader at Marl­ and Sens Memorial Chaoel, Pa., was tho maid of honor Wr her ih cy will be m arried Apr. ?9. parenta of a son born Sunday. Feb. AUSS MAULl-ND WINTER 2o, 19(17, at Riverview Hospital. boro Township Central School. He Newark, with Rabbi Julius Eiuer- cousin. Site wore a floor-length was a member of the Robertsville bauni officiating for Morris Dan­ gown of rose silk with LhretMnmr- Mouney 4-11 Club nnd a communicant of iels, 67, of 187 Midland PL, ter-icngth sleeves. A circular veil Mr. and Mrs. -Joseph Winter, lv!l First St., Kuyporl, announce Lhc St, Gabriel’s Church, Roberisvi!!e. Newark, who died Wednesday. Feb. fell over her matching clustered Births Mr. and Mrs. William Mooney, engagement of Uioic daughU'r, 322 Furman Ulvd., Cliffwood Surviving are his parents, Charles 2'.!. I:)tj7, at his home He was the petal headpiece and she carried a Mnrlonc, to John Olsh. <"*n of Mr. ' Ueach, are parents of a son born father of Kenneth Daniels of Mata­ cascade bouquet of pink carnations. 5 Hyjne H. und Jeanette (Coe) Ainsworth; und Mrs. John Olsli, 553 Gatfiold A daughter was born to Mr, and Sunday, Feb. 26, 1967, at River- two hrothers, Charles H. Ainsworth wan. Three Bridesmaids Ave., Hi!|furd. Mrs. John Byrne, 98 Cambridge ‘view Hospital. jr. and Robert J. Ainsworth* *hr,,e A partner in Art Craft Press in The bridesmaids were Miss Ar­ Miss Winter graduated from Iv-y- Dr., Matawan, in Perth Amboy c.ihu*rs Jean M., Oi?rothy M. nnd Newark. Mr. Daniels was born in lene Alien, Keyport; Miss Victoria General Hospital on Fob. 17. 1%7. Brooks Phyllis A. Ainsworth, all ot home; Romania and eamc to New York Autero, Yonkers, sister of th e port Hifih School and attended Ann M ay School of Nursing und Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brooks, his maternal grandparents, City at the age ot two. He lived in bridegroom; and Miss Alberta Shahbich mouth College. She is employed as IVee Haven Village, Mutawan, are Mr. and Mrs. Jam es A. Coe, Biairs* Newark until 11*07, when he moved Dean, Union Beach. They wore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shahbich, parents of n daughter born Sat­ town. to Hillside, where he lived 35 white gowns with pink trimming. u dental assistant by Dr. Sanford Cold, Keyport. 42 W Concourse, Cliffwood Reach, urday, Feb. 25, 1907, at Rivei ciew years, returning to Newark in 1942. Circular veils fell over their match­ are the parents of a son born Feb. Hospital. Mrs, Alexander Black A graduate of Delaware Valley ing clustered petal hcadpieces and Mr. Olsh Rraduutcd from Middle­ 17. 11)57, in Perth Amboy Genural Funeral services were held Mon­ College, Doylestown, Pa., Mr. they carried casrades of pink car­ town Township Hifih School and the Hospital. Wes lover day at 8 a.m. from the Colonial Daniels was a member of Hillside nations. Electronic Institute of Ealontown. Mr. und Mrs. C. Patrick West- Funeral Home, Hricktown, with a Lodge, B’nai B'rith; t h u Roth Debbie Pleacher, sister of the lie is employed as an analyst by Howlcy over, 30 North Circle, Matawan, requiem mass offered at 9 a.m. ia Lodge, Knights of Pythias; the bride, was the flower girl. She Wcstinghouse, Metuchen. A daughter was born to Mr. and are parents of a son born Sunday, St. Dominic’s Church. Bricktown. Beth David Jewish Center, Irving­ wore a knee-length pink silk frock An Aug. 13 wedding is planned. Mrs. James Howley, 112 Church Feb, 10, 19B7, in St. Peter’s Gen­ for Mrs. Mary McGuire Black, 7-1. ton; the Joseph Horowitz Lodge, St., Keyport, in Perth Amboy Gen­ with matching pillbox. She carried Iveson-Seurls eral Hospital. of 1321 Curtis Ave., Point Pleasant, Newark; the Sinai Congregation, a basket of white rose petals. eral Hospital on Feb. 17, 1967. who died Friday, Feb, 24, 19G7, in Hillside; and the Muster Printers Albeit Arnold, Keyport, was the Sasso Hayden Point Pleasant Hospital. Association. MRS. ROBERT WILLIAM STODDARD best man. Ushering were Fred M r. and Mr.s. Anthony L. Sasso, A son was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. She was the mother of Mrs. Hel­ Manclnelli and William Geseli, 4-1 Appleton Dr., llazlct, are the Juhn Hayden, I Thomas Ct., Old en Templeton of Hazlet. Real Estate Listing Cards (or Mies Gall Barbam Sari, daugh­ nations, pink-tinted gypsophelia, Keyport, and Allen Brown, Booth­ parents of a daughter, born Fri­ Uridgt-, on Friday, Feb. 17, l!Ki7, in Slu* was born in Scotland and sale at this office ter at Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. nnd pink ribbons. wyn, Pa., cousin of the bride. day, Fob. 24. 1907, in Riverview St. Peter's General Hospital. moved to Point Pleasant front Michael Witkowsky, Matawaa. Douglas Pleacher, brother of the Kearny seven years ago. She was Satl, S William St., Old Bridge, bo- HosptUl. Lopez camc the bride ot Robert Wlllinm was tho best mail. Ushering were bride, was the ring bearer. a communicant of St. Oominic's Stoddard, son of Mr, and Mrs. R o b e rt Mitchell, Matawan; Hold Reception Nuppi A son was horn lo Mr. nnd Mrs. C'huuii, lit ick Township. Everett W. Stoddard, 20 Wooilbrook Michael Cremeans, Little Silver; After a reception in Iialbach’s Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nappi, £17A Juan l.opiv. 2U Jiast Front St., R ichard Cook, Sliverton; and David Restaurant, Keansburg, the. couple A bm k'“ n T-;d., MaUi.Viui, ate par­ iievjam , on Vv«dm-youy, beo. 22. Chris I.. Chrish\.svn Dr., Matawan, Saturday, Feb. 25, j Funeral services were bold Sat* 1967, In tho First Presbyterian Shinn, Rumson. motored to the Poconns. When they ents ot n daughter, born Friday, 1957, in Perth Amboy General Hos­ pital. 'u rd av afternoon at the Van Hist* Church, Mntnwan. Tho Rev. Ches-, For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. return, they will reside in Keyport. Feb. J4. lPt>7, in Riwivie*v Hos- Tho brMe was graduated from Tit:’.!. Culhgp.n Funeral !isrr.c\ Point { ter A. Ga!to'.vay, pastor, officiated Sari sc'cctcu a t.oor-Icrijgui Stieh Pleasant, for Chris I.. Christns-’n, 1 at the double ring ceremony ot 4 lame gown trimmed wilh opposum. Keyport High School, She is em­ Cahill A son was b«'in to Mr. end Mrs. HI, of IMS Bradford Dt., Point p.m. She wore n feathor hot, brown ac­ ployed as n secretary by Seaboard (*-- n.' „ Refactories Co., Fords. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Stieh, 142 Shoreland Cir., j Pleasant, who died Feb. 21, 11*07 _^L \ > y t j' \ u ) The bride was given In marriage cessories, and a corsage of brown Paul I. Cah\ll, 25 Uv ail ley Lane, j at his home. cymbidiums. The bridegroom's The bridegroom is a graduate ol Lnneoc.e Harbor, on Wednesday, by her father. Sho wore an ivory Yonkers High School, nnd a cum Hnzlct. cm Friday, Feb. 21, 1%7. Feb. 22, l‘>lT, in Perth Amboy Gen­ i Ham in Newark, Mr. Christnsen velvet floor-length gown with mother chose a floor-length pink ln Riverview Hospital. eral Hospital. j moved to Point Pleasant three mid Kreen brocade gown with pink laude of Manhattan College, River- chapel train. A satin band acccnt- ilalc. N. Y.. with a Bachelor of [years ag“ from Fast Oranj»e. He I here is no be lt**' woy ;o show ed the Empire waistline, and heavy beaded hat, pink accessories, and Benson GoMdenker was a retired automobile mechan­ a corcugc of pink cymbidiums. Sciencc Degree in mathematics Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benson. 93 your Icao and ictpecf than with cord lttcc cuffcd the long tapered and computer science. He is a Mr and Mrp. Richard Gottdenk- ic - ! ulecve#. Her bouffant veil of Reception Held Hazlet Ave., Hazlet. air i^r^nts of j Mr. Cliristnsen was an Army vet- j a Bcrrc Guild Cent* member of Pi Mu Epsilon and Ep­ n son horn Thursday, Feb. 23, 1067, er, 12 South Atlantic St., Matawan, French illusion was attached to a After a reception In Diamond are parents ol a daughter born Seran ol \Vt»rld Wai U nnd Korea) fied M onument Call IWARREI silon Sigma Pi National H onor nt Riverview Hospital, crown of matching lace over satin. Jim’s Restaurant, Checsequake, Fraternities. He Is employed oy Monday. Feb. 27, 1%7, in Mon­ and a member of the Uisnbled [ lodxiy or virit our tCAJlLf^l She carried a nosegay of snow­ the couple flew to San Juan, Puerto mouth Medical Center. American Veterans A^ociution at Bell Telephone Laboratories, McMahon m onumoi't display- Monument! drift pompons with satin ribbon Rlro. When th ey return, they llolmdcl, and is a candidate for MISS JANET SiiARLS Mr. ami Mrs. John Thomas Mc­ the L-ast Orange V ettians Hospital. puffs nna streamers ol satin in will reside ln Mctuchen. his Master's Degree in mathemat­ Mahon, 2 Jasmine Rd., Matawan, Gullapher He was also a member of the Vet­ lover's knots. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Scarls, Mr. and Mrs. Jtimes Gnllogher, erans of Foreign Wars, Post 4715, Tho brido was graduated from ics at Rutgers University. 315 Main St., Matawan, announce are parents of a daughter bun WHARTON MEMORIALS Mrs. Peter W. Andrew*, Mat­ Madison Township High School and Thursday, Feb. 23, 1967, ut River* 32 Jubilee Cir., Matawan, are par­ of Poinl Pleasant Bouch. awan, sister ot the bride, was the the engagement of their daughter, ents of a daughter l>orn Monday, Surviving are bis mother. Mrs. Hwy. 36 rwar Mom St. the Electronic Computer Program­ Janet, to Michael li. Ivoson, son of view Ho&pital. matron of honor. Sho wore a bur­ m er Institute. New Brunswick. Slie Mias Hendrickson Wvd l eb. 27, 1^j7, in Ktvervk-w Hos­ Anita Oitisvinsfh of Oid Hrid^u. and Keyport gundy velvet floor-length gown Mr. anti Mrs. Robtit Ivcson, 19 Wilson pital. u Mstei, Mrs. i>.»rothy Petersen, Is employed by Chicopeo Mfg. Co., Marc Dr., Matawan. 264-1124 with long fitted sleeves. Matching New Brunswick. Mr. ond Mrs. Robert Wilsun, 20 also nf OUl Hndi’e. To Alfred Jt. Mangino Miss Scarls, a j^ii.duate of Mata- Spring Valley Hr., Holmdel, ato Kltitnb velvet rosebuds topped her bubble Tho bridegroom was graduated wan Regional }|l^j| Scliool, ( lass of IMii-nts ot a son born IhiD.idiv. A sun iv as hot fi to Mr. and Mrs. veil and sho carried a white fur from Matawan Regional High Miss Judith mien Hendrickson, i%5. is employed ns an order re­ muff adorned wilh n spray of min­ Feb. 23, 1W»7. Ht Rixctvicw llosp:- < arl Klumb. l;> R avine l)i.. M.»!- School, He attended Rutgers Uni­ daughter it Mr. and Mrs. Frank viewer by tho New York Tik phone iature pink carnations nnd bur­ versity, New Brunswick, nnd is C. Hendrickson, 24 Walling Terr., tal. !nwan. on MundaV. beb. hnji. ni gundy-lipped nypsopheila and bur­ Keyport, been me Ihe bride of Al­ jHiveiMe.v Hu'|»:Uii. gundy ribbon. employed by The American Hos­ Mr. Ive.son, who was pr;uliKited Penlield pital Supply Co., Edison, He Is a fred R. Mangino, son of Mr, end from Matawan Regional it:r.h A sop. vas boia t<» Mr. and Mir. \ac;-h a Mrs. Allred J. Mangino, Schenec­ Bridal Attendants m em ber of the U. S. Coast Guard SVhoel, f !a>s uf IMI, is employod PiMUilt! i'm fii'Id. J2 J< ii ii r-iuii St, ! Mi anil Mr>. i>u\:d Va.edia. M tady, N. Y.. on Saturd.iy, Feb. 11, Tlis bridal attendants were Miss Reserve. l»V the VwiM tif A-»1rntu it *!el. i\t w Mat.j\\:in, on luciday, F*b. 21. V.tlm ii St.. v*'- : t. a;, j ,itt ,n>; vf Clalro Denman, Elizabeth; Miss 1%7, at St. Steven's Cluitch, Pcnn- Yoik, a c••leputet pKs^rammer. l‘w-7, in Rivcivii-.v Hospital. uu l r I i Iti C all Stoddard, Matawan, sister of saukeu. He nb o aUiT.^injj ra c e Colh.^e jl'V.T. .11 KiVi I . I; the bridegroom; Miss Loulso Kick. Luncheon Guest The bride was graduated from in N‘-w York H tv. Connolly Scotch Plains; and Mrs. Robert Keyport High School nnd nt tended A summer weJdinR is planned. A son \\a^ b'Mii to Mi. nnd Mrs. Srtarliel Mlclralowski. Lakewood. They Mrs. Helen Kelly Clcmensen, Glassboro State College. Sho luid John Counollv, 1*1 Tallin Dr.. !hi»- Mr and Mrv, K,U! Swarl^*!. S‘« Were attired like tho honor attend­ Santn Cruz, Calif., was the lunch­ licen employed by Peoples Nation­ Ndf-Ctisuinano h-t. on Imvsd.jy, Feb. 21, IM.7, in Hro;»dv\ay. Ktyj'urr. m e paruits o{ ant. They carricd white fur muffs eon guest of Miss Rose Ann Pow­ al Dank, Keyport. Mnmroiith M 'im to Mr. nnd Mrs. Klein Institute, is employed by Du Pont Robin Halvorsen. 22 Franklin A ^t>n was N un to Mr nnd Mr* la Philadelphia. He is a first lieu­ Ave., West Keunsburg, on Tiu^dav, Phil Kirin, If. l-airview In, Rari­ eft ST. PATRICK S tenant 111 tilt) Army Reserves. I’et), 21. IW)7, in Monmouih M«ih- tan Tuwnsh;p. mi Monday, beb. 27, COME IN F OR A CORNED BEEF - "AND" Tlie couple ure lesiding at Coop­ < :d Center, l%7, in H her\n.w H '^p ial. COU5ULTA1IOK OH CALL er Rlvor 1’Uiza, Peimsauken. HOURS: Mon.. Tue*.. W»d. ^ lo 6 264-6390 Ihun, ind fri. 9 lo 9 DINNER DANCE M onmouth Hoy Scout* S tu d io s Sdt. 9 B 8ponto(«d By Ituluiil HAIR OUADALCANAL V.F.W. POST 4746 Plan Philmont Trip I'llOlOOH/MMIV Cliffwood Av*., Cliffwood Furiy Bov Scouts am! Iheir lead* WEDDING ALBUMS IN NATURAL COLOR STYLISTS crs from Monmouth Council will Q u b u u tb m SAT, MARCH 18 hit Uio truil on Sunday. July 9, f*»r Porfrailuro AirportAitDort PlrtirtPlflirt ProfiProfnsvionfll Building Clmnrrnn. N M , on ihHr rimmiiI FE A T U R IN G trip westward to th<- Pluhnunt 10 MAIN ST., KICVI’OHT Noxt To Plaia Thoator — Route 36, Hatlet JAY ROSS QUARTET Seoul Ranch. ERIN Local lluy Sunils nuikiujt this AIL REFRESHMENT? INCLUDED vear's trip nre William Witulhnv, GO • ENTERTAINMENT • DANCE CONTEST 2 Mallnrd St. an d G i'm jv l ’ntt«*r* DOOR PRIZE •wm, 3 M i'iuul S t. It i.• U t, iKilh ftum TnH.p Mo, I.ivvirnn Suk.v DANCIN9 » In I — DONATION tJ.OO PER PERSON 1 man, 140 MMn St., Ktv|*irt, IriKtp BRAGH TICKETS AT DOOR, ClIFFWOOD AV5. MISS LAUOUNV. H SUMAKt^ 2.V); William May, fl F(ii;« men- Dr,, OR RES. CALL ItM IIS MaUwan, Trtop W; Jin I Mr and Mfs \’iftt J ("murna" », kinson, P.O. Ifox 32. Van»l nimn: <4ol I'‘/4i'Pit.l Av<*. Pnmn B^i'h, Ud , Mfltllntrn. Ti>*f>p 6C; aiul i mi* I #*?»*!««♦,nt e »lu* % fj‘«-i»! - f th .r ton Starter, I2fi Mum St., ' d Hi:: Ist, r, C.M'-lint-, o- /;»v M< ff, Tfr»op I V ‘ V S N* t\ v. Milt » f \t( ond M f .* The Doll House I'h© ikniiUAl fxfr'riiiioni •rt' II Us­ \ S ' tf, We.t Vi!, 3 WAYS TO M rfd hy thr Mnnmuuth r < nxutfWHJ•> *;tadu,1 l- <1 Council of Iloy Scroti a i i*nit of ; fp'ni Hij’h b\ !■•««!. l l.iss uf COIFFURES iU high •d v rn tu rt projimm for i l!'-0. Hh-.j ll ft 264-0/78 By Appointment S-T-R-E-T-C-H older DctiuU. lUrh trout |vt, < hu wan f e, own way trel the coit imludn hit Ml N *1. fl fiunJi. j ‘? t!;>• ‘ |rt tor fchakHown Itnining rump. tf.ihi 11 S Navy, Ii M'lVfhi! ihr YOUR PAYCHECK MRhHrrlTiR. ?mM*. ftrrt f s s anil T«-.< .ry f, tu 'n Tlio Manngomunl It PfOlid To all tt th? mfnli ii,i huj. .-,1 Itmn lu imwth*’ ilntv «iih ihr Inn hufirlw rk riding. Sov.- f.lh I-'IpH »upj»iit f. i . » * (>ff (he i • f '*,* Itnui' lb u hw.v itn- W«lcotn<* To Ms $lrnUv i\f«,ii(», M»f. I), R \% \w Inf», |t« fh shnw uio v it) 1 Duo io our tpcnnl purdiatn of a v.v.l in.v lily of l)io«o goodt wo ora Im *ctvn1. fl(>rU mny r»M«m abio )o of(»r fhuni (o our clinnlclp /it fl lui il.mtlal lavingi, Financing oif fr«*vn M i» P'-f-n lunpt *h»it 4 (‘«»iirlbntl I .» . M i‘dir.1 i. and l»y-sw«y plum on? «vnlUMo, ZtAtM

Budget your e>p»ni«t . , . plan «4i«od COSMETICS CYQ f wricfion for regular bill* and male «Howenc«i (or pftf (he fjfil iiii-p i » (lit g , ilu: fSfl/'-i'H' fm,i 0 complete lino af Tl* |!rif tr.fffi Ita w>wp«ct«d, nt ihr m- „r<|»'«l« laiiifaillen wilh a minimum a t time. FORMAL U W , FROMT ST,, KfiYPORT WEAR TO HIRE Wmi„ Fit, 9 le 9 q CUP THIS C*,CUJ**QN ^ Tu©*.. TW i., 8 M , 9 t o (• rKOrrjS:* NATIONAL BANK Q S:i-,:i >i,T ( { ( t i l l l ', 0 »s% . . 8H*idlo(» On AW S«tvleet h GIuh * ■ - ’ r i.^ F fif , XfiYfORT • HAZUET • UNION BEACH ..'■vl Mtfth M Iii Men., Tufki, A W«d, *• I i »!.-(* l« M M l* * M 1 Thursday, March 2, 1967 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. P s § s Sevan!

Mrs. Kenneth Toyior Mrs. Olcott ic survived by two Monmouth Park, Oceanport. ■MianwrtniBMa Friday services were held at sons, Roseo* H. Olcott of Hazlet, Rummage Sale F“ Funeral Services Dies Sundav Mr. Reilly w-^; a conmiunicanf. of SIH-J IIV* IV. O >0 * V llll vl ill IftW >+ t %*.<*• j fur- • a 11;30 fl.m. in the Bedle Funeral */ and Kt.ibeii K. Oicoii u? luiuulc- town; two daughters, Mrs. Cora St. Arus’s Church, K(*iir»sburg. He To Be Held Home, Keyport, with th? Rev. William E. Krk-kser Stoeiler uf Riviera Beach. Fla., nnd was fl member of the Holy Name and nearby ccmrntiniHos f’hdl tlie Bayshore Nursing Sharon Schoft&n, pastor of the lie* Plans for a cn.'Tiinage sale to be Fun«nd services were held Sun­ Mrs. Alva Lang of Ordar Grove, Society, the Bay-hor** Gyjucil 2J55S, formed Church of Kcyport, officiat­ In Florida and six grandchildren. held iu the spring were made dur­ day for William £. Krickscr, 75, of ing, and burial In Laurel Grove Albert E. Bedle, 09, of 41 Eliza­ Knights nf Colombo uf Kcangh»:#, Homo locatac! «i 178 W . Front Si., Keyport, N. J. a niCefiiirt of the Rariran Town­ 80 St. Peter PI., Keyport, who died Cemetery, Totown, for M rs. M;y Funeral Home, Keyport, with 21, 1967, in the Brookdale Nursing apartment in Kivioru lieacii, Fla., strong, 71 Bayvicw Dr., Laurence, j , n ‘-‘ was •v;ir> theun husband of the into Mrs. Edward Koval, 3 Vermont fional origin, on admission of patients or any in- Home, Ha/.let. ’ where lip In d (wen spemlir.f; the the Rev. Chester Calloway, pastor Harbor, who died Saturday, Ivlv. , ^nni? (^nDozen) Keitly. l.»r., IU\Zh:t. Mi’s. Harold }'(villy, o» the Presbyterian Church, Muta- Born in Jersey City, she was tlie winter months. 25, in South Amboy Hospital. ' ’ivinf’ -'"'e two diiu^hk-r:--, Mr;. wan, officiating. FJurio! w as Mon­ chair int. a, will atiiiouiice details torasl activities within the nursing home. daughter of the lute .John Stahl and Mr,ss was offctwl st Ml a.m. ir; I I'.',r',lll,y Kcatuibure nnd The dep;.i:tnii‘nt iy making urrangv- day ia the Chatham Rural Ceme­ the late Elsie (Klink) Shihl. She tery, Chatham, N.Y. St. Lawrence's Church. Burial i « s ! | 'lrs- A" nottc' M(,,;n r!;n, of rue'its u> paxticipatc in Che annual Kay Patchln had lived in HolwdcJ "seven years. in St. C e rtru a /s O w tp r v , Rah- !,hui>f *•'*?? 8,ra«dO»M>vi,; and » “’fii'iinv Hup” lo be held fer Mi. Kriokser was born in New She was a veteran of World War way, under the dilation "of Dnv the Munniouth Lourity Association York City and lived in Davonnc H, having j.cived in the Army Funeral Home, Kcyport. * ' Tea '-sifters :n sttu's >!mon « . Perth Am- boy, a resident: of Avon. for ReuircVd Cli.'Ulrea in Red Bank before moving to Keyport 22 years Nurse CoipN. in April, uj/to. Born in Liverpool, England, Mr. She is survived hy her husband, Armstrong lived in Brooklyn, N.Y., Services wili be held soda;ay at 9:30 r.m . from the John .T, Monthly visitations nre made by Until his retirement 18 years ego, Kenneth H. Taylor, and a son, Ken­ befoie moving io r.auronce Harbor fcyati, the group io various area nursing he was a pump operator with the neth II. Taylor 11, ut home, and a 17 years ago. Home for Funerals with a lit snass ol requiem nt St. Ann’sV' ! homes uiul nv-ntn* Institution . Standard Oil Refinery. Bayonne. daughter, Roberta Louise Taylor, He was a World War I veteran ‘ Gilts, clothes and tcinkeU are dis­ Mr, Knckser was* an Army vet­ ul«o ut hume, Church, fiuria! will be in Holy and a member of St. Lawrence's Niimc Cemr-bny. Jersey City. tributed to tho pati?tits. Cancer eran of World Wav I, a mem­ dressings arc also made by the de- William T. Hitt Sr. Church, the local American Legion ber of Guadalcanal Post, Veterans post, the Uniformed Fireman’s As­ ipartment for tbe Monmouth Coun- of Foreign Wars, Cliffwood, and Services were, held Saturday at 1 sociation of New York City, and Always be alert for school buses j ty Cuncer Society, the F.A. MacKenzie Post, Ameri­ p.m. in the John W. Mehlcnbeck the Lions Club. He was a retired when they stop to pick uo or dis- The distribution o: food and cloth- can Legion, Bayonne. Funeral Home. Hazlet, with the New York City fireman and past charge children. When you stop,llnS to area needy families is a Ho also was n member of the Rev. Edgar Filby, pastor of the president of the Laurence Harbor Church of tho Master, Howell make It nnklualnr»,ln.-,l if possible nnscib!,, to fn <-!vo olvn I i continuous projcctproject ofoi tHotho (i'p;(li'part- Quarter - Century nnd Annuitants Lions Club, - 1 , „ mont. useable nrudos ot clothina Club Oi Standard Oil, Bayonne. Township, officiating for William Ho is survived by his wife, Mrs. adequate warning to following i!m»j Keansburg. Services were at 1:30 p.m. in the Surviving, in addition to his in Clo'vrleaf Memorial Park:r) created for you hy Mrs. Carey was born in Jer0 years. He had been j! ': Cl.CWI-r* MONDAY? Mrs. John Johansen the ticket ni*<.m at tlie Keansburg ;! Mrs, CharloUe M, Joh:taseii, 262 railroad statum. j ^ Shoreland Cir., launnce Harbor, Surviving aro his wifj, Lillian C. 1 d.ed Saturday, Feb. ‘JV l‘>07, at her (Randolph) Adams: a daughter, \ 4=% | % home. 4 FEBRUARY* ?v!rs. Frederick KaiJiof of Keans* ; Mrs. Johansen wv.s born iu South burg; a snn, Alvin t\. Adams, alio ON TIMS.SAVING OH PASSBOOK Amboy, the daughter ot the late of IveansDure. a lister, Mrs, fVarl ' S e a f o o d Mr. and Mis. Charles Pet^rs^n, CERTIFICATES SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Gra/'ana of Buena Park, Calif.; n i r&ld bj Chtrk i:\rn 9 Ufnth. C»inj>our(J*4 Q narU fl/ and find niuved to Laurence Har­ brother, Wilbur Adams of Little , A T ITS bor 1G ycirs ago from Little Feriy. Silver; and three grandchildren, j Dcponti Injured Up lo 915,000 By F.D I.C. Surviving arc her husband, John I.-, Funeral Fervic< s were held yes- 1 V Johansen; I wo daughters. Mis. terday ot 3 p.m. at tbe lVdlp Harriet Cincotta nf Savrevillo and Funernl Home, Kev(xjrt. Burial! Mrs. Sylvia v olka of RidgefieUl w:,5 ui Slmrelaud Memorial Gar ! IHf BIS t PCOPII Park; u biother. Otto, o! de’15, Ha/let. 'Ihe Kev. Newton W. I AT HAKE A Hrighis; six grandchihlren and a pioru tiiviner, pn‘tor of tlie Methodist i : m BAKU three great-grandchildren. Church, Keansburg, officiated. ; Tlie Rev, Jam es H. Silver of Um rence Harbor Cnmoiunuy FEBRUARY IS OVER (PHEW !) John M. Reilly , •\V (S-ottage Church conducted tho funeral ser­ Jolm Redly, To, uf 1FJ Ram.svy vices at 10 yefterdav in the Ave., Kear^.’ourg, died Sunday, NINfc CONVfNltNT C0MMUNIH OrfiCD Hmne for Funerals, The GundriMn Feb. 20. UK)i, in Riv rvu w Hos­ Service, 237 Bordentown Ave., pital, ; M l n t t Atbtjry Pork / Rod Dtmk / Monoiquon / North Aibury Poi4 South Amlnty. Intermcm was m bom in Hoboken, he wa.s t’n.' sou l « W . FRONT ST. Pair Haven / Holmdel / Hr Idle / Cotfi Nucfc / Avon*N*ptun« O tj J English Neighbor hood Reformed of the late Pan irk and Anm KeiMy. 1 H«od OHicc: 601 Motllion Avt., Asbury Pork jChuu’h Cemetery, Ridgefield. He was a nu mber of tlu.* Team- . "MARCH ' KEYPORT Drivp In oi Wolk*Up Facllitlst and Kitepdcd llouri Al All OHIcm sters I'muii. I.^eid ‘I0‘>, Peith Am-, i Francis Moore sr. FINE FOOD — P1.EA5ANT ATUObrHLRS boy, for more than 4T> voars, He T.l, 264-1263 A-.ipl. Frtf. I U.#mhfr fp tfict Ki'irrec r*«*y l ,nemph*yment t)f* fiee in Perth Andxiy und (vas prev­ May w@ F O R A R E A L iously employed by thp Penh Am- ly)y Depnrlincr’j nf pitbhc SafUy Cvorythlng you npftd ! until his iftu rn u ut. H»* was K to call ii hero. I parishiomM of Si Peter's Episcopal show off our Either Up holdt handitk i Phurrh. Pick up tho phono, and tho push buttons whll« you U av» phone ivmporarll^, | 1’unenit s e r v h e s 'u 'ic ht-ld ut !! flfo in the p a'm ot your hand. Jutt hflHQ phono on s'tffl of base. j P.m. T u esd a y ut thi» M vnn rtnd ! ‘vim H'»me. i : \ Im m A v e . new baby? CAR I with Inc Rev. Lanon (iimye H llovd nfhfi.'.t.n,:. Inh^rient was i in St. Peiei t ( luiicbv ud j Anumg the survjvuiH i.s a '^ter, .Mrs MirjMtt i M<*mmiip I u o fen re ! . BUY Gomforlab!« cflrplcco, | Mi*. Allred New ! .Set Vli >’S w r u hf’ld Mi.jid.J*’ hjr R u ts oatlly UirnU tiiiliico Mf:*. iMti-i N--w. 11 i>.,r In palm pf hand. tj .'•’% Iu ty. MERCURYS • COUGARS • COMETS j field I n . , Mai.iWart. uIm d; 1 SM Movysujust j btttfnmg cor/. i urdav. V 'b ‘ > Hxi? at to*. .• ■,»»■* CMfJia tiio pheme j !H- gonlty. No mo jo Sfflilitr b lit : Pi n .to - • i , , ;ilu| , i^in.ituin SAFE BUY flnpp^-g i M t » (p a c t. ; wen* '•••Id ot t ‘ie- It * "lmti smalll# tn r tipi limn ordlmry h'-n- i-; ,ii’ ; t-i! \ :l, s\ 1 well phono, N -v •• l?'«* d.o«i'hhi of Mi*. Jo. U 2 CYCLONE GT S 2 - I ’ I*' C v '• : * •. of NV,e F ill In hanrif ■ R”' b- lie. *. Y . nr-d tho U fr Wii* Mw toM lioni. Ii * in I:« Touche fiiftC* bUit) fcuttsftl CONVERTIBLE - BLUE - BLACK BUCKETS A n J« nt nf M-Oa^an fivc pesh Luttoni mak« ■ '"oij In ha' 'J«l. • fi.< otb^ *'tf^ ti diaHno twlrv a« foil. you UJti I uttrij 4 SPEED E Q U IL O C K :Y o iK I V . p -.:d-id Iirf hu%h^iitf * k ! vi, ^ ID IM tho Alh t-I is »jmMv r u i i i r i ) ) » n-c cof.n^c1^ ! mrtti.■«!■-I*r M.r W I C .iin c<- , b t io lo phono N. a s , *i 1 t, »:V>i €4111, 8ovH liitthon opteo HARDTOP - WHITE - SADDLE BUCKETS A!-*'» fijfvjving Pwh huiiont ' by tiinging on w Jtii ■ ««urtior. toll h .l:- |far*H fiuMnn witnnov* *0 ^ t.oiU tfllnfc n « f Io n * Miidolph Mulli iVflU *jp f Ml *«»»-»<'* »oit <4r % p fn fh* .N«. ,»r« SPil r% with push buttons that come to you. 52295. to M f lo kM p e l'in . ||. r j'.j. : VI d fi i lt/1 f SHJV i. fiullci'S SlSrfil J** \ - II .If fa'QM «* H tm .tvM m» It Til'll I’t) »« *,0 pm4 trwn tSuti t , ^ I'JfJ Mmi M .t! ,•:»«. i -1 I!*r HOI ItfUr |«*»l «t |M*(iy Ns* tial «f IWI p n m i i m i m uMk huiiin. htm Itwp 1 ttnl*i0 ijhof-ff I. th* n fiftil. trni/ . Ar --r- ia C1 fcrHt, l ‘ j! I «V I 16 fli, »e»or-,o t *11 tl.e i«mt’ i II"-’ 61 Ui# < 1 e .* ~ 1 *' .....«>,. Y’.? v*l*aSiS BBte W W iti '.(fi |fc.(ir:P V id riiil *.<»■, ( .* w» t f r»;Hit»o1rd YM * "* # (c* t |n>l < ' » 14 . ■:-» * l'» f. V#ll C e filrfll I In ry k . .;t,-> ii c - • ■ (■: * f.M II M5‘* H. ft*, Id 19 H frtHll yttrf I'*-*** hut** « t* Uffwo Wt Wilt f t l»t»5* I • fO> M . % e| |t< IrnitO 'leM ^..St.l' Jlt‘ >.» W 0 »Uh,(4irf di*), d •! «- Im. I b 1^ :* XI fuv* MtRCUHY • r.OWi.A.K - f,OM H .~ ■ttw . s . f * « f-»n 1) 4,i r* l M f /S'** e . > ** i S A F E B U Y UStD C A R S ' p .1 - .« in I Of V-- ft f Vfr W p .{ M’.i. ,o n RTS. 9 fc 33 ai th» cm, FREFHOLO • i.i !},^ fair- M' m i , ti;i Tn f Ii :» IM H (MMl I M* |j< 4( (f. feHl* 1#^ ‘j "Only 2f» Mlnulei ffom OayiliDte * .h .| h \ktni Idl' itrt* m i .(’ el 4*1 out on fouls, and tha Bearliers sank Opposing the Dinlomals will be and Keyport Gram m ar learns in Keyport Grammar was cut of sighr. ten free throws Lo take the game.. a team made up or the area high the Moasignor Casey tournament But ihtif was so much the closest Altogether, the de.speialii.ui - press* schtud coaches, in a oreinmnarv give a promising outlook to the par­ call that any rival ha used to tal y School Basketball tourney at hailod Jor their groat showing in n advantagt? of 18 r’tml shots f o r ! help detrav the expense nf the Asbury Park Convention Hal! this losing cause as they left the court. then!, which neumlteed the Lons ! new baskets installed in the gvm. '•■'vek, Ih e C>3 rdCu State tourney i* Tii? ^isiite vu.s their second one or j isranchers ...... superiority iu making i n v w n o i« inaitiime. sponsored by the City of Asbury the Casey tourney as they had : field goal- The public is invued. Park's recreation department Thic edged o\ft ow Joseph ■* School, Key [ Rebomiuiiip, uv,^ hugely tiie kev { year there are 37 teams entered, port, in iheir opera r. i to Union Deach .success. Mila* ; ranging from Mast Rutherford to t B eaten By Sliul! I Q uinn pulled in 19, M esco getting : thi1 Brooklavvn School in Camden. 'ih e J u n io r R aiders played a no r- i M osco ran his sew inf' t.olai to MUS Girts 1 lie Garden State opened yesterday tourney game Saturday with Sum- UC5 points a Union Uench wilh Union IJeach playing Pt. *iel E. ohull School, Perth Amboy, [Schools piavcr, a virtually amazing I ’lciisunt borough. * V t'» ' «V7UiV'c«r .* . . and wore Jarrupcd 87-13. This eon- | accomplishment for a grammar 14 Straight St-ji of the Sea, Long tf ranch, is j eiuded an undefeated senr.on for ! school basketballer. ? S « !IS ^ ^ .n¥i?“ -._.Ho“e,vc'‘> 'ho Sl)uil l'am' for w,lpm r'levc- I i.ast Monday -lie Union Beach M.ilauu'i l,ich ^irm their outlook" ...... is not very yood * as"* land Flowers made 13 points and i twain, who have tho nickname of I team will piny a crucial uame at Union Bcach spilled them out of Upward Dillard n . Th'ise p’ ; iM'istni ^s, took on tiu* lrcne:.tdak', St. Robo Mi{.'.n. ]U*hnar. tomorrow. the Monsljinor Casev at Red Bank will no'.v move on up to 1-erth Am- j Kunison, Seliool, The lJei;chers lost A victory over the Purple Kno's; Catholic iii£h Sunday (15-61 in a girls t<’am will sec u re for the M a ­ quarter final (bund game, The vic­ boy High School tu provide O-ach M-M. but largely because Couch Bill Bnjdovsky with material for : Thompson held out most ct iii; iei:- roon an d Steel c a q c r *-:t!s at Umm tory seat Uiiiuu Beach against St. a tic I I ( j | j r > ^ | , M ary's, New Monmouth, nt 4:30 neiv alt-winning combinations after u,ilrs •nr >!'.e sreatcr part dl tin; the current i.arrv Larsen - L u c i Ka,nu, resting them for the Pt. High Schooi Baskeibnil lrai’ue ti­ p.m. ne.\t Sunday in a semi-finn) tle. round Ramc. St. James, Red Bank, Williams • Jim Ferrier -Brian' Pleasant Borough Grammar St nool Taylor - Noel Lugo npgrenation j encounter lhat would open the The mam with whom Jhtv would who pulled it out against Keyport have gone on iheir 'way. | Garden Stale tourney. be tied ib ot, Joseph s. loins Kiver nrunim ar Saturday with 1:50 to go Union Beach's advancement to ln the Garden State basketball This leant defeated tho Malawan to win by 52—17 takes on St Rose r»irl« ill rh?; gam e of the tin; :,enii-fiiial round of till! Moiisik- tourney. tirst . ,mu fame's, stalling Grammar, Delmar, in the other season, Hu.- Matawan puls racking term-final round game, nor Casey tournament is a tribute yesterday, will continue to War. 8. to the skill in fuut shouting that Second and third round games wiil up 14 siiiii^ht vans trom that day. St. James, a prohibitive favorite B arry Rizzo, Matawan oirector o f ’ in the Monsignor Casey tourney, Coach Jim Thompson has develop­ be Mar. 9, 10, 11 and 13. the semi­ ed in his boys. finals Mar. 15, and the finals Mar. athletics, stated Monday that if i pulled U out against Keyport after 17. the Junior Raiders hnd rallied from The Benchers opened their plav in tho Casey tournament Feb. 22 There will nlso be foul-shoot­ viewrs"*"inV"'their* one''remaining 1 „ team T ^tho'1* .‘V 7 ’lv <’n<‘ of, lho, l- High, South Amboy, are favored to win the C-J, flrmip 1 title a 38-29 deficit at the end of the ganie, there will he a playoff nest f|.v“K,f-r l .Ins season. Tin- Keys were due io by beating St. Catherine's, Spring ing contest between tho semi-final 1 Ihe_kc>port team gnmg into the touruev (left to right) kneeling - third quarter. Tlie Keyport Gram­ week between them on a neutral ,.“!i alk';, Ke«1l,on‘‘|. «>e tormer hrenchiown High School, Boo R john Olsen, Jim Kelly, Oli-nn Smith, loin O'Donnell. mar team spread a bit of panic in Lake, 34-29. Their margin of vic­ games and a cheerleaders contest 1 11 « •h'-\ Bridgewater West High, on Route 22, lust west of Somerville, in which Keyport Grammar nnd court. Standing - John Crews, coach; Mario LoSapio, Ron Panrera Charley St. James ranks a* the start when tory whs tiieir five-poim superiority last— night...... Delaware...... Valloy was ..... coming into lluu the ,,I|; game Kt,JUO with wur> a IG-l u iit-i i ivenneuv, retev uurke, l.f over the team from Spring Lake in Union Beach will compete between Coach Pe^y Kmvin'i Maioon Kennedy, Petey Burke, Larry Phillips, Chet Meehan, manager; and llicy confronted the Red Bankers rccord, so the Keys were underdogs. However, Punellen or Hoffmau ! EdF r i Burke,K u rlro ntcic.l-.massistant t i>n.i,ui Not CrumpleLrumpie Thursday, inursuay, niar, Mar. & 2 tape point. In a survey of schools and some of the boys from Herb the Daytona Permatex "300'* race [ Keyport, lfd and Dick Smith, But the Beachers did not crumpl * 3—Uradley School. Asbury Park, the scoring necessarily has lo be in Ibis area at Ihe end of a basket­ position with a 18 0 record. less than in boys basketball be* Kupf^r’s Royals, o( the Raritan - ut Daytona International Speedway s Sayrcvilie, and his brother, Tom, Cut Off Rebounds under the pressure. Rich Belmont.* v *». H. W. Mountz, Spring I.ak<». ball season that was rather on the Holmde! loop, a team lo have won looped in a shot to restore tiieir A J—Dangs ” Avenue, ‘ Asbury ‘ ‘ • cause of Ihe limitation put on the frustiating side, the outlook for ‘he Saturday on the 97th lap of a ttO- ! ^ “r!l?0™ T"'P;- as hi3, P',1. crew Wnt It was mu to be. The Kcy- players against moving out of (heir straight gamf‘s, rotild hri>;ht''n *vau,lead, uifTwth«n Mikemine mo^coMo^co aiKieoadded iwotwo 1Park. •“ rk»* St. Peter’s, r c iri s*, Point r'uim j'ledS* Picas­ coming year does not nromiseise a up the Green a ad G raV s pn.spects I kp speed J««n:mle2> :m le j \6 w porters cut off all the rebounds zone or over the centerline of the Bnd the pass-ins a , I it was St. fouls to put the Thompson forccs in ant. great deal more. ' in lot. ’ i racing oval. Jim Hoffman. RnbnrK- the van 30-27. Ur.ioa \st'tu “—! i'l o ,1, li is, Suutii Plain- court. Bnth Mins McCrr«i emu ?**!■>:» tames who were having the prob­ Iwo seasons have gone by 0...^ AS for Madison Township, Coach I ' ,ill,t>',v,Wal1 Studiun' racing champ into n stall, forcing St. Catherine's field. ” ' ' White ore assured of nil-state des­ a Maroon and Steel five qualified lem of stopping Keyport Grammar ignation in girls division basketball. .... Reeve Tracy admits he has a long I ^ SI'W}V«h 18 <>( crips and pass-ins u n d er the to come out and foul for posses­ Friday, Mar. 3 for either the Shore Conference tertn job on his hands. This year's ? original at) starters .still in rac- sion.- By - doing g tins,this, tlietne Beat h eathers hers J—3—Itcd Baak n.uiA vs. Keansburg.tveaasourg. Mnuwun (47) Or«'an playoff:; or the Central Jersey lour baskel. Perry Disbrow had Key­ C entral (-JJ) vaibiiy did not win a game. Two 1 tnl” l,n,1'!n. "'hen an oil pressure port Grammar away to a !(M lead were able to sink four more free 4—Keyport vs. Semch Plains, nainent action. This is an off-beat throws that made up their margin I 5—St. Agnes, Atlantic Highlands, fi * 1’ (5 V V of his better players, Hobby Sands I faii“ri; ei'dcd its run. until the Red Bankers shifted to an M cC rea 16 *1 Wh.ti- II s 27 period as for years before that in and Al Robinson, wiil b« back. And 1 car had hit us high ill-court press that brought them of victory, I vs. Kast Rutherford. Dolan 1 0 2 Connell 2 J tJ the u y im e of Coach iJruce Mae- WttKOAVS OrtN 6 30-M0 vtrs AT ^.10 Kevport SllviMS 4 0 8 Gh-Mor 0 il 2 t h e freshmen, wimvis of five ‘ a5 ^ * -’udes - per - hour on the ivcn and then out in front of the St. Catherine’s is a perennial j Sl' Jal"es t« ) Fl.iiuury I Cutcheon, the Huskies wort* alwavs SUNDAY SONlY-OMN i 30-M0VII^ AT 6 00 parochial school basketball power | G K ,. Grammar (i?) 1 vl Rentier I ii 4 games ia a hard league, might j straightaway in the course of its ilower-hoofed Keyporters. (i r »* C’hirco 0 0 0 Kuriim; 0 I 1 in one post-season tourney or both, send up a few possibilities. run- racc was won by Jim and was the school that sent Bob ; Koeh fl 6 ta caitpr fl 4 18 lliimUlon 0 0 Maitm (* 0 0 Bui it se»*ms now that they wiil Harry Palmer hoped St. James led 25-21 at the half'C But the Madison situation is „ I'asrlm l. Hi^h Pom! N C who nnd then seemed to have the game Vergti, now nn all-Anterlcan with ' O'Wiea 7 1 ni .liimis 0 0 0 0 0 0 ltumj>2utcii 0 0 0 be back in the thick of things next this lovely funeral i a Trr»ntinann 0 0 0 under control as they pulled away Duke University, up to St. Rose I Sf*l’n‘Ifls J i « ;,v'!!l:"i’s 2 season, with the. reservation they bad one. so long us the Spartans I “ nl,c t1°,,ak^ ovt’r.thc !cad t.",m High, Belm ar So the Union Ucac!, ' | ? i 2 3 7 are locked in the Cealial Jersey i *'i1" 1 Goldsmith Munster, Ind., wouldn't be h is ... In the third quarter. But Doug Car­ 0 0 0 2 \ 9 47 14 14 42 could stand more strength under ” ,. The i" 1’0 overstayed his pit stop nnd triumph over the Spring Lake team ; Fitz.perflM y o o iiishop 1 t :i Srort* by quarterA; the board*. They have a holdover|,i,r [Clr<»ii|) IV, conference. __ nti.rr__ ter sparked a fast-break in the last was a signal accomplishment. I o o u dlihuw 7 2 U* Miit.iu a.i Ritf, 13 0 ifi IJ - 47 schools in tMj, comVreiicc ate most­ i! c,,h.v »-! >VP3.5 seconds. quarter against t h c tiring St. starting five of Randy Davis, John Pascal awraged 14S.18S miles-p-'r- • ThenT h a n thellifi DrachersI)« '1 ,-<1* , tc.ok .t, on (i.,Star .. ! *'• •* - Ovt?iiti Cvntifll 13 0 b 13--1J ly city schools whete the boys have MinMtirm James team. Keyport Grammar ; 1^ H ,V! 18 11 47 Collins, Vern Rossin, l,nrry S’uuv hour, hilling a top *p»-«d of lTu.723 ; of the Sea. Long Branch, Ihe school P't»rc hv v|uarlt*jjit and Tyrone Russell that can take been playing haskinson tn i St. J,u:ics Ni 12 ::i U--52 up right when* they left off this Christian Brothers. tie* • ICf'Vtwirt P 8 a iy-47 crav.-lcd out of the crad'e. The av­ llolfman gauged his pit stops. ! brow. But St. James snowed the i I’muti* lii ach (ev'i) season. In addition, the Huskies Bcachcrs raced out to a big lead, star <•« ihe erage opposition basketball player coming in on three caution laps, , jFuniral ft Wrestlers had iayveo nnd fiosh teims that quality of true champions heie by (61) to tho Spartans represents at least 'iwenty two laps of the 120 - lap i refusing to panic. Their Mark had a 30-25 advantage nt one point, (I K I* 15 I P were on the winning side, even if only to let it slip away. j N o srn io h at nji-h n n 33 not worldbeaters. two moro years m' individual ex­ grind had to ho sun under tho j in^erlinis Petraitas looped in a onc-hander to J Ik-iiiifiite 2 2 0 <)d m x rt 7 perience in basketball. caution flag because of ctuckups. i restore their lead. He was fouled in Make Comeback ; I ’t t.ia Eliminated 0 12 Um»’ 2 0 4 Up From Jayvees However, nohxly was hurt in the | -4m nSX^rrry tho drive-in and »ank the free Star of tlu> Sea made n gallant i q„. 2 0 (ili'.ihnn O O 0 Regional III somi-finals at New In addition to this. Coach Tracy . From ihe iayvoes suih players mishaps. Hoflman’s last pit stop ; throw to Kivc the Red Bankers a comeback in the last quarter after ! *''r '•i J li.t!u im ^ 0 4 Brunswick High Saturday prosed is running into an oddity that there 1 » 4 K* ;,‘i o n o as Billy Kcuins. Glenn Ol was m.idt* at an c.^pecially opj^n- \ Ume-point lead. trailing so hadly. The |,mt qu..rter " to be the last stop in this vear’s i tV K^auis. O.cnn Olv.-n, . laik _is no gunwh aovin* his canualaics saw a great individual effort by t a i :i NJSIAA tourney for four ' » > ‘>>w AimU)!- and Ken , to compare...... v.uh iht>...... tj fr...... (I in.. tune jun. ture as ihe othei'top con- \ EIV1S They then put on a freeze and Nt-i-vea ; o i temUr.s came in off the track while | Star of the Sen's Justin Itieh, a I’i-.'I Township High School and one ! ,K»vc tne Hti.sUc* a siutabje i young giants tlmt ahoutul on the Kcyjjort G ram m ar had to foul to o o o ‘ Iicre Mil! a a u rn f!a^ fur a I stop it. Tony O'Shee tossrtl in two Atlentod seventh grader, w h n Si:*: o o o lita” n ta n Township ‘ High wreMlf’ !3 I'ciivh uj liiero c.m hf itfldcd !t pixr-itu n. 'Iiie Spaitaas to mm scored all 18 of his team's point'- I who mad ' their wav up from the jh llv i a^ ig iartd c. M u rk H urni'p. :? ;iv e board control a w a y . l h ‘V iii>‘ i ; ' v V'ivcav i,U ur. |; ‘fiy.r.p. JVa‘.p. Cloivl,Cioivl -iJth *vi» including two tree ihtmvs «,tli !K or. li 15 fll Ian Seai le and Kent Jolmvm (nun ‘ not as \uil! as K. vn-oi r Ki" U;'>: U:r ‘‘i4'; : *tn ;ilU’ H-.*;t:.r»n, . :n ;c;l. • | District T2 eliminations. tluee seconds left to s nd ilu ■•.une ' I;, . j;-, 'i- ] ‘ 'e 7 in r,;, ■ Co,ich A> Kitey, Mltidistui, sn.v , the .. ireshiran .. team. i for in:.t.u-ce. to giv- koii.* te !cam> rc,”nm^,n,il 0 »i:t tuition. k N o w T*ri into overtime. i!o\vevei. he lu’ied 1 ^, lr ‘ '* 'a v t- tn ! At K e\ ;;o i (. the ootluok is s !im ' "* .* giar'.t', tike Penh Amtn-v '"’,Sl0; , N‘|!’! ‘‘;w‘’'1,ni' ;’!hI out a t the start ut the fir; 1 lira, li (in si. t.,i!,, < ;"> Ihis be>r hope [or making the slate i f ‘ LAZA ' I" tale I’, ,ev See.l, Km r an.! l ast Hiunsuick/ i iwMh r|i-’e I m I t hu OK^ai x thru j tlntc after he seored 31 j- i:its iu l i V »• .finals, li n iti illy, a hoa\’vweighl, ‘ uV. i . ^ !, -, t , Hawaiian Style M-> i o a j put out hy Jav Bar '.nrr, P\cn’- ‘'u,l,.‘7 I , ['V’, i,lu|,A'! ‘ ROUTE 36 at regulation llmr. 1-c laps Oil. p, T ts iU I failed, Tuesday! j i* t J MIDDLE ROAD Hut the loss of Kich to the |.on,: Ttii.i-i 1 a«.iy, in a ■•!•*.• 3-4 decision. Reilly ; r l L" .j!*’*’ K,ll!1,.'r ' " ‘" n- ! . . . . . „ 1 hoi h< i" t a ehh lo in, the had dtcisiored llartiu-t iii-femliu ' 1! " a,!;| Kl !Iv ThU ; S l n p v t l fttISS Roi *.ii‘\ ille Ornt-i HAZLfT B iaachers was offset by the ii; h CJu.f.n • o'.Id h*v»‘ Ot t 0 4 Kegion II! champ, m ,he Mid.ll,” , ’ n *' .‘'V ’ 'v‘Ih ’,1,:n ' . . . . ^1 • il up ;if die li:Msh. v*itn , Union lteach of Helm mt,-, «|,.| K« > re-;- ■ I <11). > Mell and .tun k.-i.v a . h , , A„ ■ Si-tlxntl Aoir OlH’H 264.44:!4 CountN tiMinu-y tin Wn ,, . , . the clot r !- a«!nr du- ■I> a'l losiai: ' WohrrlMvt**! .rVn) also nopiired Ilu- rer- 1 I.M4 knoan S!.|||,.|^ tur I'H,,'IS. II- has ' WitMJ '&/ sonals In Ihe fiisi oMitime. Kin I , t'hristnia:. K lidass. so h.ip. s f ';r , . , ! l ine tor p;: st-.=p.s the >.;^t J i i: , 1 prew,ded in ihe Spartan caien eainn iI n"! "!'“*” h ,rn,l!lrnil! "lueh M l'i I"p. Hum" o m l| Sniped bass fishing lr, New ,Tei ACADEMY AWARD Orr came un to upl.ite lli lni 'ete. j Reilly could repeat, ll was eon- : ll1-" did not ",.n a sey npcn.d yest.-rdjy ase.uding tl 1 I h- fiout runn* is Mere driving NOMINEE fOR fa toiv cats to adv’ ttis' th*- ni.ike He Kink throe fouls and g.ithi'ied in Ufii-*!' i n ... I 1 'j » - 34 ceded Bi»rtner w.o the ‘ Motk ' i sl!)g:c iMiru'. WiDstttri MtcVlm utid ( rutuni'-^nmcr l^f'li.-m A, Rn" nf th< BEST ACTOR I three rebound*. 'Ihe Iteachrrs h.ut xt c\iUicru.» 1 MIL* 5 • J‘i W<-n/t 1 ii j * iln'iih I- to :1 Stale n f .u:!o. lliis bronchi piot."« fr.-r:» ^ r i t t . ^ t ii'oti liraclt (44_ \ to the Spait.uo; j'e!(inj» a man In ■ I*- D-p.>itmrnt uf tV'lM'i 'iofi n J4.r.l lead wilh JU sin.ials led ia i> !«' i J*.!-- |>, a i.ti I 51 <• I! vO i ' m i -'• >-»n e.i'i ’id nod l.kt iy (l <; v i» th ‘ final* at Avlu:y Park Conven- i < 'ii.mih I \ '•'"•Mrent, Michael Caino in lh<- lirsi overtime, but ll'.h M lK’a Tnnfc* 0 ie T i1'.'! • i . ( ''.Mil f v r in h.iiMHk, thesv vch- ('io'. I tiuii Halt (I -is tfMniiu! Sa'urt’.iy No I he Mnpri \s oao of the most ic'i-v f \i ;,| I l f I ).rt. t = m » '>'0." MICHAEL CAINE ■lid ilnippetl In d Iona m t fur the Tiflii'.i^ 1 n t > > la•**1 h;tb e \cr h:itj a WitM '.'V » i :ne .,!t‘i : p tu u l i t th-- vN.uer l-ong llranchfrn, then tV 'r Yen, I i> mi 9f I S Sf< i 5. i But the bin tjoistn*! the f l.e.v-i- h< Id ( ll t(.• d.iV dlit'l "FUNERAL IN < lir 1 h Mt i' i Jor go that fui. m.iik ut gair-e vjK-etes. o( their fH»p Acadomy Award 114 K *v jn 'rt i r 1 eny I at or*tc If ti n . the iV iiratrx, is for tin s "M'dpMl tVlom sank in,, t, . ,,^ & t« i’U IO m »l H 0 \3 * Ltiacn i-Miik hartell, Ruiitan. uUinty with sjKMtsmen. no netting I Star cf the Sen led .'.Wt uilh ),1\ ^ ne'eineti' Jrati'ler froni S|at« f l)i i p;ii«; in up' t-» mid m th#- nuto maket n BERLIN" jhad the 5 iti.'ifaclion <*f svi'ing his of Mnp- rs U p rrm tt-d In New pioti^e and (he use of suili eats Nominoo as 1 (CCOndl left With four !.e,',,n.K to I tu i.h 1157-lb, entiv. Icirv Kennev. give ; heave w o r k at th- N-ok. tin, Jeiv-V w lit if, A k’je limit go. O rr wo? fi.uiid ou n -.le.t. m.,,le 'J " 1" ', , s |»; OIL', IO piof* ( \ his };, in tie* ".lNe' ts tjiieiluc.t!. Mann KIDDIE SH O W SAT. I SUN. In tfood /uiitn-f <•? hui,1' ! lidim* (if IS mo lies ur.d a creel limit Andotti, N:,/a?.ih, Pa, aiii the Tho Bojt Actor one ef his 1MO ch.iritv :e .. ail! 1 £, 7 " ! lulling oul on n 5 4 dcn«inti to Cecil tins |I m jujtcniial oi mr oin j |l«*n hdi applies hi nil sl h»n«l >Ph k nunlel showing in Ki tting as far a« he did ■ nrl m \ It,' , ...... l)el.,».uc Kiver l» »een “FUNERAL IN BERUN" 'ONE MILLION B.C." In the Acc«»nd_ «.."U VIovciiur.r. 1.1 llil.l , thtccI 1 11 I \ ; 'us’1' 11 1 in hiepmg Nuth. the t' finv i*e. which 7 l i »< n jtta i R deligf t to Ihe Raritan camp. | h r(moui null Ihe si, los, p|, » Ne» Jeijev mid I’emisylvunia, the ! tw w m owwtwtwM mor« Sinr or the Sea rcguliri v*eni Sch'xtt buk'thail team iwi v 15 ’• !»i l; i ;w tlio Roek^ts w reitleis, new lu l “ ...... minimum u/»* is 12 uu hen, find i. tluit face is »titi the competition, ho.i h ,J hard ! f,* i|J ii'<|l|,h',e o‘'," r ', lOinch limit apphei in the lower Hoffman cm.thfntl rally in the time of It through ihe WMh kcr V ». ,|V ,,, li V ‘ I>« !,*"a ie fMver and Bay. week "iol 'in tin l'ii « ri:..»texi i m» * "lOO’* .l'i* t»v ilichit’ 3rd SMASH WEEK! ^ •ippuncntk nf , lu .k lo g of r ,p r ,e | ^ ^ " X ll! Anrlerfc. usunllv catch »tiip. ri« j l,ng as high n% 1T(» tnilet p« r hour ACAorut Cross Golden Gloves 175-lb. Chum p till «’vl WU'Mlt'O, 'WlHHfR Of (j'_ nughiy M atnujn ti>t> f.di 1 ui n itt ll-ro'(>i i-.;t t! c upeti !• .)»«<(), « lin h ,jiu ihin lull. He i ul lMi,v t*^*n Th? other Mndipnn ureitlcts to AHO )TA««MO in the h:uk' iu.M t> t.tliy all nim f»« fit ,N!atvh thiougli Dec. in ! - |*is« out of He* pi lu re iri the R. !k>(lHI| kr.M.. t».Hl ihf* l»t*vp»)rt b nvku b .tl! * ts! l*»*i |ti»* bed fi*hmg ik m tin* I jdon IH Ou i'lr f fmal* ^ r ie R< <> , Ainf.-i kpiiiij» «od titc fkll. H!tw.drtofnv I ; M icrerlh m the 123 lb tim a: lj»r t*r 4cuatmn 1 r o r t and (Iftook m<* tM j^idcud th'1 hcM ‘ iy, m Hu' 11^ Iti fln^« dfl 11:\% M* ‘i :f* n ;'f . r Ivut in d,«* ijiriv p in < f the n«.oo ! xih -r.i i a-.’ oi i,i j v ,.^i ih , I ,,J tif. K K el ,• O N<-el In th« f V! lb <•>*«« ■•'■'I i d Inn.!', in rtr 17H |b # f '• t. laM i ' 1 I "'I. o v j.»i tti tht sr \ : r ;■!«-! s , . t . . .1*1,1 I |'-rfonn« rt ff-.m pn?t (

LOOK SEE RASSAS PONTIAC i;l III " I I If: I'H K U l‘ OF USD BANK TMb ' I-i -} I ‘ NOW O H e t i l U t i 1 KfcMI f *1 u M ii PPM*! st I -?,i U. f »v. . J ON OVER too n e w A OSlO CARS MKHflEl CAINE

ClirXK WltH TUB COUNIr* OLOtst. )u ■ » ni\j» . j- : r TJ: 'FUNERAL * s"-d f i. i d i.nt rmo ^# iAiiGf:;r f r tusi up. w t tstutvt I*n1r» r* fstSft {.j- tV?45lt| | j|r!a| A ’ t l , 1 Irp «H«, p1*#«*!■*. ^ ?**** I '** ^ \ , 4Mk< f fin# Aht> >itf ntf J.^b ai,« I»^ Y o m t nr c o t iv iu T p n i IN BERLIN" I** |^*r r- ^ fv« f«,f |f, t 1 / • » B « -f Orwi * If I t\i *£••», ' ’ 'f fmnk . a*tp »| in iM* . . , \. . , • — : f« *He t»lf |«h?1 J* «.M«N Irt ihft l»1 i i i i ! Till IIIKtD Kiiitn 395 BROAD ST. RED BANK I l l , M i M - U i in R M M u n n ( r . . , J i Thursday, March 2 , 1967 THE MATA WAN JOURNAL.- N. J, Pag© Nirto

At convention M organvllle * Nominate Mrs* Giesler

l a c * t h ! U i 1 B L r U L V r B £> v w r.latawan Junior Woman’s t h e Midland School io r Brain* ?f-\ voted io nominate Mrs, Gcr- Damaged Children. ; ’• ;!>.£ K^jutiicnn Omuer rONCW j UM rl ' :i SVUK Ik-M on Sntnrd:-v **y , a member of lhe local Wilt Suirl Survev . Uio Marlboro Fire. House witn I , »he State C h airm an of the Mis. CutUeii also announced mat >■$* D^Pftrtraenl of the Junior b lit I I) pi >, s n iltcm hnct 1 y'.^^ToiV'h/Mx-hip r.'f the New Jersey d u b members v.'ill be slatting to .. . - . hiova Wvricoif '.von t*-o door prize take a survey of the arciiitecluml Stole Federation of Women's • - • . • -;r • dj and M?s. 1,. vjaener \voo unother barriers to the handicapped m the • . •• -“i pni't viuritiK me Clubs. ' v . . (t 1 • • Miss Jennnc Grogerson, presi­ [ bayshore area. Other Jumor clubs dent, conducted the business meet­ thu couuty will also bo survty* i'.irs. -jo^rnn ! r.tiz.iro ir. t>:iior- j ii'ig oCClltrUfi Oi IMuu.UvUUii ing in tne clubhouse, Jackson Sl. ' ••ji tamed on .yjnuav eveouiff in I j The public is asked to co-onerrite R e p o rt rjn the Spring Knit io he • ■"'Jjot her huw'ainl who veus ccu'hi^t held Sutiirday, Apr. j, in the Mag* by rtporung such hazards to then • < ■ ■■ iny his birthday. AttetkiiP!* *\ol*n hm, Matawan, were given. local Junior Woman’s Club. §'!\lr. anu rdrs. Joseph ^ia;i Ku^VMUions and further informa­ Members voted to send Mrs. I* M t i l l i li I r i tion may he obtained by calling Frank O’Neill as the second dele­ • • CiinMiiv.' !.dn/;\n:. Mi' Mr: Maris Gultnitks, i Prospoet gate to the Spring Convention In - " . hu-ione, PI., Mutawun, or Mrs. John Atlantic City. ’ ■ ,‘v • . • . Jodv l,.a after spendme a six-weok vacation lenneut Cemetery. Miss Anna Marie Wisniewski, 1 Mrs. Joseph Casey, newlv - in­ daughter and Internationa! Ins th-* appointment of S:uort K. Pack* Miriam PI., Matnwan, was the stalled o 'esid 'n t ul the LuiIics Aux- Mr. :tnd M is. C, A, ihchup of Mnlnwan. are shown nt Esso Dealers’ I ,” 1 Bomcmuim !uP!H>lnlL"l mrec men as pnniuct Conveatiun held «t the Concord...... Hotel Kiameshn la k e , N. Y. While 1 and Mrs. Wilhaiv aid. Old budge, as manager of KUcst of honor at a miscellaneous iliciy of the Washing'im tnpnie and fanulyof Oakland. Calif managers and a lourth has b"en bridal shower given by her matron Co. 1, Little St., M atawan, present­ the men participated m business sessions covering product inlormatiim, named a ?ales service manager. J /iti 11 eaUttrtt‘fd Lnil thoir commercial real estate de­ Mr. and Mrs. Viacom Gentile of honor. Mrs. Jnir.cs MischcUo. ed a past president's pin to Mrs. customer service and uiercUaadLsmg, the wtvc» of the 12CKJ dealers 'Lhe announcement was nv(\de by partm ent. attending took part in planned recreational activities. He is proprietor spent the weekend skiiny in the and Mrs. Carl Cherundolo, both of George Hudson, immediate past Dudley T. Colton, vice president Meets Tomorrow Form erly with the J. L Kislak Old Forge, Pa., In Arcaro’s Res­ ol President Park Esso, Washington Rd., Pariin. Poconos at Camel Back and Tim­ and general manager of Johns* president, at the meeting held in ber Hill. Organization in Newark, Mr. Pack­ taurant, Old Forge. the fire house. Mrs. Casey also Manville International. The junior group of the Matawan Miss Joy Cottrell of Bradevelt Mineralogies! Society will present ard served in the capacity of a - Attending were M rs.- Stanley presented a three-year treasurer’s One of those appointed is Edward spot loan and conventional mort­ viSWisnie-.vskt, Mrs. John Kane, Mrs. pin to Mrs. Alfred Biel. Lakeridge 4~II Girls spent the weekend at the home of the program at the meeting of th» G. Hummel, 33 Margaret St.. Old society tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in gage representative in Now Jersey Milton Bowie, Mrs. Donald Marvel, Serving with Mrs. Casey for the 8-15 League Miss Christine Lunznro, Morgan- Bridge, who has been made prod­ viUe* the Matawan Regional High School. and Delaware far nearly four and Mis. Richard Kerschner, Mat­ 1967 term are Mrs. Biel, vice pres­ Form Sewing Club uct manager for packings, friction rr, • ■ . , , , year?.year?, prior Prior to ms his posiuposition with awan; Mrs. Anton Fuchsloch, ident; Mrs. James Benner, treasur­ John Sweeny is n patient at Mon­ m aterials and Oolite. Tlie juniors have planned a swap j , Ki , k M pacl|ar(, . was The Girls From S.E.W., the mouth Medical Center, Long Freehold; Mrs. Casmira Kachurak, er; Mrs. John O'Reilly, secretary: le.ssion and show. Vis. ors are wel- j pbv0(, K5 lndustria, engi In Matawan Lakcridge Chapter of the 4-11 Club, Branch. Mr. Hummel has held a variety ployed r.s industrial engineer by E a st Brunswick; Mins Dorothy und Mrs. Hudson, sunshine chair­ come. Memberships are now open iho Phillip Casey Manufacturing hold their weekly meetings at tho Miss Patricia Anne Fisher of of sales positions since joining J-M Guioiwski, Middletown; M rs. man. The trustees are Mrs. Jerry 1£. Scotl Sun.strom, president of for both the senior nnd junior home uf Mrs. Carolyn Bancroft, 84 Englishtovvn spent Sunday visiting in 194-1. Most recently he was nian- Company. Perth Amboy. James Cherumtolo, Miss Francos Almcnas, Mrs. William Clifton, and lhe Matawan H-li> BasebaH League groups. for Boys announced this v»o.:k that Lakeridge Dr., Madison Township. Miss Barbaia Lynn Smith. Ufier tor packings and friction ma­ Mr. Packard attended Fairlcigh Chelland, Mrs. William Chclland, Mrs. Hudson. terials. Immediately prior to join­ Mrs. John Cherundolo, Mrs. Nor­ registration for youngsters desiring The dub has 11 members ranging Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glaster, Silver* member™ f H s'i!!!,.!fi the Annual £?!?.Rock and Dickinson University where he Plans were made for a 'rummage in age from nine to 12. ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Larry ing Johns-Manvllle, Mr. Hainmel majored in industrial engineering. man Tedesco, Mrs. Anthony Car- to participate in league activities was with the New York Central |^ CI]! Show to be ht*!d May ti «ind 7 sale to be held In early May. The Del.a Cruz, on Tuesday. medelli, and Mrs. Joseph Mar- this year wiU be held oa Saturdays, Each Thursday afternoon the Railroad. He will be located a t thu the M atawan Regional Highat attendance award was won hy Mar. 4 nnd 11 between I and 3 p.m. girls learn the art of sewing under Mrs. Helen Morgan. Newark, and chese, Old Forge, Pa.; Mrs. Johns-Manville headquarters School. Mrs. Biel. Mrs. Casey and Mrs. at the Middlesex Recreation Cen­ the supervision of Mrs. Bancrolt. Mrs. Blanche Emmons nnd grand' in Recruiting Members Andrew Zalonis, Larfcsville, Pa.; New York. Mrs. William Wasser, Dallas, Pa.; Diel were hostesses. ter, Middlesex Rd. To date, each m ember has made sons visited Mr?. Elizabeth Bmvne Mrs. John Grahin, Enyon, Pa.; Boy« eligible for league play a head scarf and a tote bag. They on Saturday evening. Earns Certificate The Madison Township Auxiliary Mrs. Frantc Martin. Stroudsburg, must fall between eight and" 15 are now working on a pop-over James Denton and sons. Blake Police Force is looking for new J ’n.: and Mrs. Michael DiSimont, Mrs. Smith Hostess years of Hge on July 31, )%7. At blouse. and By: on, attended the Chinese Man Charged With members. Interested persons may New Year celebration on Saturday, Wallace Mitchell, 25 Bechstein 'SJyrnKhamton, N. Y. least one parent must accompany Club officers are president. An­ Dr., Matawan, received a certifi­ contact Lt. George Grieco, 174 Feb. IS. in New York City. ' Miss Wisniewski will become the To Social Club each player for the signing. Reg­ drea Mangini; vicc president, Wen­ Assault And Buttery cate cf membership in the Cadillac Marlboro Rd., Old Bridge, or telo* bride of John Fuchsloch, Freehold, istration forms may be picked up dy Bancroft; secretary, Judy din­ Frank Ratcliff and Mrs. A. Mrs. Martin Smith sr. was hos­ Magistrate Irving B. Zeichner, CrustCrest Club Club from John P. Connelly | P''one 23.-193»._ IT.e ''^J^orrned Apr. 29. at the Matawan Police Headquar­ gy; treasurer, Deborah Davis, and i Domenico visited M r s. Martin tess to the Morganvillc social club ,..Jamie Hi-iiianris Mnndt-v niuht i lr-. i'ew ^orn zone manager ot | » «imiIi io ai>0 Iuokiiiu ters, Muia St. Cn i-iiiuT diiy ot reporter, Wendy Lee. Smith m . on Wednesday. Mij.innnu., . imiui.j nii,m r „ r r . , nm1MV M r for members. Anv woman over _>l at a •'Hatorama" on Thursday eve­ 011 „ ,| continued tne 55(H) bail on James <-»<"i ai. Motor Lar ^unipanj. Mr , . r. registration at the Recreation Cen­ Miss Doris Ann Kircher " - Cross Rd Matawan Mitchell, a new car sales represen- ™,a-v ' or ndonnation contact ning. Mrs. John Smith, Keyport, Bruce Mirclo visited Mr. and Mrs. R. DiCono, Set Services For ter. ‘ • tative for Central Cadldae Inc., Wrs' AUS‘'n and Mrs. Florence Farrell were the Kenneth Miller on Sunday evening ponding Grand Jury action. He is . , , . , I Ave,, C d Bridge, 357-fOB-l. judges and they were presented This will m ark the 16th consecu­ Three Arraigned charged with assault und battery on was presented the award f o r : ______Mi's. William Freeman with a corsage from tlie hostess. tive yenr thnt the organization has a 21-vearuld Rumson wuman. given un opportunity »o boys in the Before L'fgart ...... | Cadillac - selling achievemenU so i ^ two-dollar Classified Ad has Services will be held tomorrow for Mrs. Edward Becker won a prize Democratic Club 11,c- wemu:n tod police DiCono 10UtsiandiiiR tiut they merit special sold mimv a no - lonyer - needed for the funniest, Mrs. Joseph Lan- borough, and Mr. Sunstrmn stated Mrs. Clara M. . -(.'man, 91, 5 Sher­ drove mlo a parking let on Route j litio,, •• article. Try one, now! zaro sr. won a prize for the most that over 290 boys will play base­ M agistrate Lloyd P. Elgart, M at­ iff St., Freehold, widow of William Tlie next meeting of the Ho!m- Jb. and then climbed through a w in -; ll ______J original and Miss Theresa Walling, ball this year, lhe league consists awan Township, fined three traf­ H. Freeman, who died Tuesday, del Democratic Club will bo held duw into her c^r about 8 p.m. Sat­ for the prettiest. Also atiendinn of six m ajor league team s and six fic offenders in a brief session Feb. i . 1967, .it Monmouth Medi­ Tuesday. Benjamin Hunter, County tomorrow at 9 p.m. at Township urday. | 8 were Mrs. Robert Owens, Mrs. minor hai'ue teams for boys be­ ZSA ZSA GABOR soys - "*™ \ cal ('enter. tween right ond 1*2 years of age, Rd., Cliflwood, paid $15 and Ci» Hall, Crawford Corner Rd. The en­ Walter Sebcr, Mrs. Harry - tire agenda of the meeting will hu .^Tomorrow's services will be at 8 walow, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs, and thiee UMms for hovs between costs for careles driving on Coun­ Somewhere, someone wants thr? WTtii. from the W. II. Freem an and ty Rd. Jan. 24. Patrolman George devoted to o full discussion of can- J August BoUlt, Mrs. Donald Miller, the ages of 13 ar.d 15, which par­ di dates. Issues and plans for this I V™ ■» •“"«« need Sell j SAVE MONEY at AAMCO Son Funeral Home, Freehold, with ticipate in the Babe Ruth Boy- Kuhrs summoned hun. Mrs. Joseph Lnnraro jr.. Miss Bar­ year’s elections, A social hour with ’ them at uttle cost through Class!* ^ nrnuMii AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION a requiem mass at 9 n.m. at St. bara Lynn Smith, .Mrs, Kenneth | shore League tor Roys. j Patrolm an G.U. Dickey, town* Ruse uf Lima Church with the refreshm ents will follow. ' fied Ads. Miller, Mrs. Robert Sebcr, Mrs. | Mr. Sunstrom, who is serving his \ ship poVce, arraigned loins Artem* SPECIALISTS! Kev. Joseph G. Ford olficiating. Mody Walling, Mrs. Martin Smith j second year as president, an- i iseo, i ' '.way, for having too loud l!urinl will lie in St. Rose of Lima jr., Mrs. Louis Becker. i nounccfl ilir reoppoi.itmcnts of Jo- i muffler* Jan. 27. Magistrate Elgart Cemetery, Freehold Township. soph Mai.on aj> commissioner of the ! fined the youth $5 and $5 costs and COMPLETE INSPECTION SERVICE Horn in Marlboro, Mrs. Freeman Plans were made (or the next meeting lo be held ut the home of major league, Klmer Heck as com- ! udd«*d $2.p> for contempt of court in Non. ALL HAKES was the (lJUKhter of the Inte Mr. inissioncr of the minor league, and j not showing up on the return date. tlighar JL& Of Cm und Mrs. Martin McCue. Her hus­ Mrs. Martin Smith jr. Ross W . Maghan Agency Neal D<-vino as cuinim.vsioner of ! Ca'n>!l W. Hansi^h, Monmouth li-chjcki; band had been a funeral director in the three Uahe Ruth teams. Mr. j Ueaeli, y-aid $15 and $5 costv* for D’sn’.an!l.''.9 li.ip^S^icri, Fru'hoUl for many years. Mahon aKn serves as viee pvesi- ' causing an accident on the Garden "Save W ith Safeco .Vir\ i\hip, a ,e a daughter, Mrs, Junior Cirl Scouts ixeiustvt WfVII AAMCO d^nt Ltnd Mrs. Ann Fierro as sec­ State..* Parkv.av I'eb. 6. JlfEflME CUARANUE J .id1 l;, litiii, with whom she retary. Mi*. Suostr<>n‘ said that t ile , Aulo and Homeowner Polities" c. No-frijn RJ. lived, ?. fnn, I-'. (iiliKiv Freem an, a I Will Attend Play Philipp Krame**, v. Ii<> served fur,.' ?! iiirtrt !,<>r in freehold, four RANK | ‘‘Around The World In Loss Than I with the league Un* n»aay years. A l u m n i Fond Chairman 847-750C j'.r imU! lilien, nnd nine grcat- , Two Hours”, presented hy the I resigned tirs year a* th-jMir*r. pY.n;U-'‘ !flr*’n. She was a inem’o'.r ! Holmdei Auxiliary of the Bayshore Replacinjr Mi. Kiamer I ■■ the IS*7 SC? R.-i'rcjd Av*. James L. Slna, Mauovar.. has : Real Estate—Insurance ASPtJRV PaRK of t. of I.lma Cliurih in f Community Hospital, will be seen , season will he Maivin r.i.^enherg. h«*en aptxiinted group chairman Lu' . 7/4-W Q O FiV.’hul'l. i by Junior Girl Scout Troop 509 o( M(>nmouth, Orean, M.iddl'-seK and MATAWAN 138 Main St. 566-0003 the Matawan Neighborhood on Sun­ SohUTs-.’t Counties in the !W7 S:iiut I dav, Mar. 5, at the Holmdei Village h e y ;■s C-J I icttu's, Peu-r’ri College Alumni I oyjhy School. l-’uiid Campaign Mr. Shea, ,-> i«“s> j The theater party has been plan­ P /a y lliulilslotr/i (deni of 11 Washington St., Mata- J “«rh:;»(( interst holastic basket­ s ni residents in the four counties. . m Bergenfield, as pen pals. ball iPUMiainen! taun this area tins Mr. Shea, vsho vs employed by Mrs. Charles I.uhow aad Mrs. season seorod an un.;ct victory i Buuness Week Magnzmr as Adver- ; Hrru*t Gold are leaders of this over Delaware Valley KeguMial Itism^ Make up Manager, is chair- j Troop, sponsored by lhe Strath* (Frenchto^n) in Central Jersey. * imm of the Maluwan Planning more Elementary School P-TO. Group 1, iast mght. The Kev;; won 1 Board, u first lieutenant in th?» L'.S ANNOUNCES 77-til in a gjnu* played nt Hridge Army , Keserw\ nnd tpresident of water West High court. IH aw are \ the Matnwan Republican Club THAT R E X D I N E R Valley went out ahead 7-0 nt li e ‘ start, but then K<'>p>iri rullied un­ Pancako Supper — RESTAURANT - der th** driving t»f P«*u Burke and Rt. 35 & Broadway — Keyport boards conliul hv lorn OTxmnell The men ol ihe Laurence Harb<)r •n d Hob Rikcr to lead by 13 poim* BUSINESSMEN'S Community Chui< h \uli v rve a * BILL LANZAROS IS NOW AN at halftime. Delaware Valley mnd** Pancake Supper Saturday. Mar. 4, \ COMPUTE B A N Q U E T • fourth qmnrter bid but lost too manv regular* i.u |t >t pe»>-t.u,i|s from 4 ptv* tn M pm. Originally ‘ LUNCHEON planned Un Sal.uday, Feb. is, the ; URVfD lit* ) R O O M as (hey kepi fouling the Itcd and sup|M*r was postponed iR'cauv of j White player* to keep thorn fmin AUTHORIZED NEW CAR DEALER weather. The menu mil include From ‘ I 00 to ’ I 25 F o r 10 t o •hooting. 'J*hr Keys won «oing away. ukes. v.iunik’^v coffee and deg- \ MON. THRU fSI. *eit. Andrew (iullowav, gcnetal ! 1 2 0 P e r to m Keypott had btrn thr undtrg eh.iirman, will U' r.<*.ist^l bv Wil- I COMPLETE going into the game ni Delaware CHOICE OF ham Mofict ir , Wiihnrn Moffot sr., ; DINNER Volley had n IH I *eav>n u e o td tkorge Smith, IN rt , ’Inckn. L.\an COMPLETE Coach John f'tev-> KHS ca/rt h n*>w Sbulett, l:(hv.inl An-h-rsr -n. Jc-hn play Htf!htst|vntTi»; g.« jn fi-(j» tn the u w. f pottt st. Ktrpost JM 40H1 — tASV CHARQt hiuti g.»mr i f the J b r t h e , ^

fu n of it... for tho vacalion of Your Dro/irm Try U» For The Do»l «l(l| tefore you go . , AND (Chinesetiiiese ^J^Fooi V m j t h r f e n AC »V» thr fdv. ' .ft ahd nff 'o1, *V|.4t> iivtr^ lhf ;r » t.n >'itia Shanghai Inn fnr m>f » m , ri » , t l l t l « t « ■».*!*» -t i . - I, \\o i;i i> r \ \ ! < n s imim>ims » rn i r» -».« r ,•» ?! J t . !fc, I ■ > 4.j. •»- i ,( I’ *• i t - Brown Travel Bureau 0 t *i>i Ml I it” ! 0 Tomonn Lncj, I !n*ir| CHRYSLER S 5-YFAR or 53,CC0 MILE WARRANTY 0 i0 'f\ I n ’) ^ <»iif %n OtfViPf'* C)|' MOIIMOUUI # T a Vt (J >!■;!•: hum: m w c.vks. DOJO COllfJIY, INC, 0 Dnsif t vri y f'lo/ i-iii.w iw a v e... i i d won. \OW ON H l^ ri,\v IN (H If MIOWKOCMI '( i-»' T i ,r 11 » ; > * • : r *- , M. i ■■■ , t. i i i i 1 nil » i \ * = = ANNOUNCES = i i i r>» j \\ i M *v » I , »i k j i CIAMOW - A"- i h i hff>m V A M . IN § r,C.()|f'M on. Mil I'. f t V. I VLiiV !iA 1 1 IM |>AY 1(1: 1'. I’ M , JUDO - KARATE t# I : tAt 10 AM » r u OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 ru * j j MOM *015 "'IM S r II. n.-tn« S6A.3600 mmmmmmmmmmmmmwmm Yew THF. MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Tliurscidy, March 2 , 1967

! e«1 to the Monmouth County Chap* First Spiritual Giufefc <£ I to r of i.hc Am erican Civil Liberties Divine Rojo |Union. Tne public is invhed to Matmvan Woman Honored immis Services In The Bavshore Area i u U r . u . sTij ftsuta St.* fciolfoftl Rov. Phoebe Dailey, Pastor Marpoaiha Conservative Baptist t’iiurch Services nre held Sunday und Trfctfty Church (Episcopal) will be, ‘’Which Mind Are Ye?" Si. Mary's .Episcopal Church ttolmdel-Keyport Rd. ar.d Hi’alUey T u esd ay n v v i n m at fc p.m. Mai» SI- Matnwan There is a nursery in operation '(Jnlted Hebrew CongregaMoa East Front St., Keyport I.a. St. Clemt-ni’s Church ‘ Rev, Carroll B. Hall, Rector during tho 10: '15 service. Church 70 Broad St., Keyport Rabbi Henry Michelman Rev. IU'r.ry A. Male, R-cctor Matawan Grammar School Sunday, 7:43 a.m., Mattlns and School is ln session at 11:30 n.m. Rev. Lawrertcc Rccd, pastor 51o!y Communion at tho church; There are classes for those in the Sabbath services will ho held at Morning Prayer and Holy Com­ Broad SU Matawan Rev. Joseph S. Rurln^ki, Pastor 8:15 a.m., Morning Prayer and nursery through senior high. the Synagogue tomorrow nt S: 30 munion will be at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday School meets at 0:*15 Holy Communion, Family Scrvice Spanish-Speaking Service is at 11 p.m. wilh the Rabbi In attendance. Sunday: family service and Church a.m. with classes for rdl ngeg. Mavsofi a r rf iiold Sunday at 7, ' find Church School nt Ravine Dr. a.m. in the Chapel, under the direc­ School. 0:15 n.m.; and Holy Com­ Morning worship, 11 a.m. Pastor's 10, and 11:30 a,m. and d a ily ’ A!1 friends and members are invit­ «t a.m. In rectory chapel. School, 11 n.m., Holy Eucharist tion of the Rev. Francisco Sanflel. ed. An One,-’ Shabbat will follow munion and sermon, U a.m. messngo: "A Pillar and a Cloud.** 8 nnd sermon at the church. Confirmation Class will meet at the services. Holy Communion on workdays Is supervised m isery available; A:30 p.m., Baptismal and Church IV’nn- Lutheran Church of tha The Sacram ent of Penance will 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at Good Shepherd First Baptist Church bersVdp Class. Evening Gosp**l Ser- be administered at the church on Sunday evening the School ot i' a.m., Wednesday and Satuiday at Routes 9 and 51C Main and W. Third Sta. vii*o. 7 p.m. w Saturday, M ar. 4. nt 7:30 p.m. Mission will stnrt nt fi p.m, with n K:*i5 a.m., nnd Friday cl. fi: 15 n.m. Madison Township ^ Keyport l.enton Evening Service is on Wednesday cv«.‘ning Prayer and Holy Communion will be celebrat­ study. “AHtuencn nnd Poverty. Rev, Harley K. Meyer, Pastor ed ou Saturday at 0 a.m. on Mon­ Christian Dilemma.” Tha teacher Rev. Eurftiw F. Giirjiory, Pastor ThuiiiUiy ut 8 p.m. Pldiiiti SrivilJvt, 7 30 p.lit. Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m. Family Bible hour i? field a i fl:15 day at 9 a.m.; on Wednesday, the of the youth will be M rs. Elizabeth a.m. on Sunday and family wor­ LaCount and the teachor for the on Sunday, morning worship ser­ St. John’s Meinodlst Church Pentecostal Church Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, at 12 ship, 10: H0 a in. o’clock sjoon; on Thursday at 9 adults will be Miss Joyce Clark. vice at 10: *15 a.m. This Is a com­ Florence Ave., Hazlet Union ond Sidney Ave,, Rev. Norman R. Riley, Pastor B.m.; on Friday nt 6:30 a.m. At 8 p.m. will be the supper hour. munion service. A nursery Is pro­ Union B»?ach firewniown Cumniunlty Church Beverage and dessert will be vided during the scrvice. The Associate Ministers, Ur. O. C. F. The third ln the series of Wed­ Mrs. Isabelle Wood, Pastor Browntown Union Sunday School served. The closing program will Broukdale Nursing Home service, is Janke, Donald E. Caroll Route 18, Browntown nesday Evening Lenten Services On Sunday there will bo Sunday Will be held nt die church starting be nt 7 p.m. A representative of nt 0:45 p.m. nnd the evening t»er- Sunday morning worship ser­ Rev. Francis Cantel, Pastor vico Is .scheduled for 7:30 p.m. « t 8 p.m. Thn Rev. Paul Jackson, Ranch Mope, a home for delinquent vices at. 9:30 and U a.m . Sermon School at 9:48 a.m. and morning Sunday School la held from 0:45 iastor of the First Baptist Church, boys, will show slides and discuss The Junior and Senior Baptist tonic: “A Stubborn Weakling." The worship, 11 a.m . P ray er tim e will to 10:4.) a.m. and tho church ser­ this work. All a r e Invited to 7:30 p.m. service theme: “The Mrs. Klaus Breltbarth, S5 hllehrook Lane, Matawan, wus presented /lat&wan, will be the speaker. Youth Fellowships meet at 0; 15 be held at 7:15 p.m. An evangelis­ vice h from ll n.m. until 12 o’clock. attend. p.m. and the Young Adult* at 0 Power ot a Lie/* Methodist Youth Everyone is cordially invited to at­ an awnrit for meritorious .sendee to the community nt the 10th anr»l* f Temple Beth Ahm Fellowship groups meet e.t 8:30 tic meeting will be held at 7:45 vorsary dinner of tho First UnKarian Church of Motunouth Connty, p.m. tend. ■ Conservative Reformed Church cl Keyport p.m. p.m. Lincroft. The award was presented on behalf of the trustees ot the Warren St., Keyport F irst Aid Building Bayvlew Presbyterian ChurcB Morganviilc Methodist Church church by John Schuster, Belford, left, who is president of the congre­ Rev. Sharon T. Sdioltcn, Pastor Church St., Matawan Cliffwood Beach Tomplo Shalom St. Joseph’s Church Mor^anvillo gation as tho Rev. Harold Dean, minister, looks on. Mrs. Breithartb Morning Worship Services will The Reform Congregation Sabbath services tomorrow night Rev. David L. Buccl, P asto r Maplo PI., Keyport Rov. William N. Frantz. Pastor Is the leader of a J-H Club for Negro girls which meets weekly at the be held nt 3:30 nnd 10: -15 n.m. on Rabbi Mbshay Mann Ot 8:30 p.m. in the all purpose Church School will be held at Rav. Cornelius J. Kane, Pastor Sunday Services include Sunday Wicker Memorial Church in Morgunville. She also is a miimhcr of the Sunday. The Junior Choir will sing 9:30 a.m. for aeea three to senior Sabbath Eve Services will bo Social Concerns Committee of the Unitarian Church nnd a member of voom of Strathmore School. The at the 8:30 service, and the Senior Masses will be held Sunday School, a.m. and church ser­ ftobbl will officiate. B arry Pres- high. Tho morning worship service hold tomorrow evening at 8:30 vice, 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship Matawan Neighborhood Council. Dr. J. Alvin Parker, Red Hank, was Choir at the 10:45 service. Sunday is at 11 a.m. with one great hour p.m. in tho double kindergarten morning at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 3:45, master ot ceremonies at the dinner held Sunday evening at Crystal oer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard School convenes at 9:30 a.m. meets the second and founh Sun P resser, 31 Beaver PI., will clutnt of sharing offering to bo received ronra of tho Strathmoro Elemen­ 11 p.m. and 12:15 p.m. days at 7:30 p.m. Brook Inn, Eatontown. lte\. Dean concluded the program with a talk the klddush. Mr. and Mrs. Presser Grace Methodist Church this Sunday. A nursery is hold dur­ tary' School. Matawan. Tho Kabbl about the significance of Unitarianism In Monmouth Cmin*v. will host the Oneg Sh&bbal follow­ St. James PI., Union Qeach ing the service for young children. will officiate. Tho Church Of Our Saviour David's Tabernacle | ing the services. B arry 's B ar Mitz- I'he com m unicants class will Tho Ones Shahbat following ser­ (Episcopal) Apustolic Faith llev, Franklin H. Bird, Pastor King nf Kings Lutheran Church Fourth Mt. Pitcairn * vali service will be at 9:30 a.m. Regular worship services are meet at 0 p.m. on Sunday and tho vices will Bo sponsored by Mr. nnd Cottrell Rd., Madlsoa Township Mlphfleld Ave., Matawan j youth fellowships nt 7 p.m. Cherry Tree Fatm Ud., Spiritual Church ^ Saturday in the all purpose room. held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. and a Mrs. Arnold Katlnsky. Tho Tempio Rov. Thomas A, Kerr jr., Vicar Evangelist Ruth Depree, Pastor j Shalom Social Action Committee Middletown 203 Shore Rd., Union Beach nursery Is provided at tha 11 n.m. First Presbyterian Church Sundny School will be lu-ld nt 101 Monmouth Reform Temple will sponsor a talk and discussion Sunday thero will be morning a.m.; morning service, 11 a.m.: fl'-j S52 Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury service. Church School Is held at Route 34 and Franklin SL Rev. C. Roger Burkins, Pastor Rev. Katherine Miller, Pastor 9:30 a.m . with classes for all ages. Matawan after servlcos. The talk Is entitled, prayer and Holy Communion, 7:30 (ernnnti service, 3:30 p.m. and eve- > Rabbi Edward Ellei'bogcn, D.D, “ Civil Liberties fn Monmouth Sundny School: 9:15 n.m. to 10:30 Servirps are held on Sunday ond Rov. Chosiei A. Galloway, Pueior a.m. and family service, 0:30 a. i:ng service, 7; CO, Tht-i'e will 1 Sabbath Eve Services will be Luther Memorial Church County,” and will be given by Mr. Church School will be held t 0:30 * i be a 'lorry scrvice every Wedney j a.m. Church Services 8 n.m.; 10:45 Thursday evenings at 8 o ’clock held tomorrow evening nt 8:30 p.m. Rov, Dennis G. Jacobs Missouri Synod R obert I. Ansoll, chief legal court* n.m. i day nt 7 p.m. u.m. and on Friday afternoons ji 2 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Tho Rabbi will Tlnton Ave. nnd Freehold Rd. Assistant Pastor officiate. His sermon will be "The Now Shrewsbury M orning Worship Services ot 9:15 Will of The M ajority." Rev. Daniel D. Rcmfieimer, Pastor and 11 a.m. The pastor will preach. Tho sermon topic will bo ‘T ho Man First Methodic Church Sunday School anf Bible class will be at 9 a.m . this Sunday. Tho By The Pool,” fourth In a series of 147 Main St., Matawan Lenten sermons entitled “Confron­ Rev. Donald T. Phillips sr. morning service nnd Holy Com­ munion will be at 10:30 n.m. with tations With Jesus.” Church School Minister meets at 9:15 nnd 11 a.m. Child­ Rev. Donald W. Shaner live sermon topic boinf; “The Mer­ ciful and the Pure in H eart," M at­ care Is provided for children under Assistant Minister thew 5:9-8. three years of age every Sunday Divine worship is at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Lenten services will morning during both services. , and a.m. when the pastor will - V '.P 11 bo at 7:15 p.m. with the serinun A Fellowship Tea will be held on M lCM ^PCwft, ^'•Spreach on, ‘‘ 1 Am The Way.” There topic, "1, Janies the Elder," Mark Will be special music at both ser­ Sunday afternoon a t 3:30 p.m. In 1-1:33 31. tijo Fellowship Huii fur thoso who vices and also the Sacranvyit of The guest speaker at alt services Baptism. A nursery is provided lor have united with the Church since Infants and toddlers. is Rev. Louis C. Meyer, executive the first Sunday in December. secretary of Stewardship aad Evan­ Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m. gelism, the Atlrntic District, Mis­ First Rnptlsl Church A special program for children souri Synod. 232 Main St.. Matnwnn from 5 to 9 is provided at the 11 Rev. Paul L. Jackson, Pastor 8 .m. service. Jr-Ill Confirmation The Faith Reformed Church Sunday Church School will be Class meets in the church house at Middle Rd. and Poole Ave. hold ai 9:45 a.m. nnd morning wor* 8 p.m. and Jr-Hi and Sr-Hi MYF llluWt ship* 9:45 and U n.m. The P asto r’s meetings, 7 p.m. Rev. Theodore C. Muller, Pastor Communion topic v.ii! be “ llo.v You Sunday School wilt be held at Cahraiy Methodist Church Should Pray." A supervised nur­ 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m . Sundny Wor­ sery is provided during both ser­ Third St., Keyport ship Services will be held nt 9:30 Rev. David Propert, Pastor vices nnd children's church is held and 11 a.m . The pastor will preach at 11 Junior Choir will sing a t the 8:30 on "Tho Day of Relaxation and «.m, morning worship service and Discourse." At 2 p.m. tho Youth The Junior, Junior Hlftfi and Senior Choir will sing at the 10:45 Fellowships will leave for tbe Re­ Senior Hip.h BYF Gioups will meet a t 7 p.m. a.m. service. Tha Pastor’s message formed Church Home in Irvington. Church Of God Central Ave. off Union Ave. Union Bunch First Presbyterian Church Rev. Bion 12. Cecil jr., Pastor Sunday School Is hold at 10 a.m.; Of Matawan morning worship, H o.m.; evan­ SHORT CUT gelistic scrvice, 7:30 p.m. CLIP THIS COUPON SHOULDER Highway 34 (near Main Street) Y.P.E. services are held Wednes­ \m Rib SloAfe Ib. 78c FRESH day fit 7:30 p.nt. Lamb Chops Ib. 88e LEAH SLtCfcO or Harvti) Brand ROCK Lenten Messages First Chinch Of Christ, Scientist SUCREST GRANULATED Bacon Ib. 68c 84 Broad St.. Keyport Cornish Hens Ib. 48a HOT OR SwfET Sunday service and Sunday HQULDERS fROZEN ORUMSTICKS “Confrontalions With Jesus” School, 11 n.m. Wednesday, testi­ L Italian Sausago Ib. 78c M Turkoy Ib. 35« mony mating 8 p.m. Reading room SUGAR 5 59. IE AN 4. The Man By The Pool open Suturduy from 2 to 4 p.m. FRESH “Man” Is the subject for this LIMIT 1 . WITH A J5C0 OR MORE PUR­ Ground Chuck Ib. 68c Chickon Livers Ib. 65o CHASE. COUPON GOOD THRU SAT, BOfJELFSS Wfiok’a Lesson-Sermon *o ho road SLICED Two Church Services at 9:15 and 11:00 A.M. in dll Christian Science churches M ARCH 4th. Delmonico Stoalc Ib. $1.68 Boef Liver Ib. 48c on Sunday. The Golden Text ii a (SHOUIDER CHOPS 1 STEW) Boneless - i DIAL-AN-INSPIRATION 566-1222 from Jeremiah: "Blessed la the SMOKED BONELESS mun thnt trustcth In the Lord, and 2 in I Lamb Shduldw". 'm ^ r whose hope the Lord i.i ‘ Pork Buffs Ib. 75c 3@BSBBSE1s^ 5 SPEEDY SAYS. 1 1 1 # To«'ard The of “ Bill Lanzaro's Used | Family Sit* TOOTHPASTE CRISCO SHORTENING LIMIT I . V-'ITH A S5 00 OR MORE PUR a m RIGHT CHASE. COUPON GOOD TH R U SAT. PANTRY PRIDE ORANGE JUICE Pantry MARCH 411.. Pride IfWIL. PEA OR DOWN YOUR PROGRESSO SOUPS MINESTRONE fjltl Ol REP CLIP THIS COUPON DAD'S ROOT BEER tiO DEPOSIT t o n u s ALLEY... VJ & >• ef GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN OFF! Or*f 50 to Choose from 20c INSTANT COFFEE BUMBLE BEE TUNA k™ ...and they are backed by a V-r\ 30 - DAY 100% GUARANTEE

66~£h EVJi 6 l £t Impala '65 OLDSMOBILE "S lflrfir0" |-Pr« Top, B C)L Autif. T»*m . ? p. H„.) , * .... | . , m H, |f.# S!«tl 1 PERX COFFEE LIGHTENER 65 PON MAC Grant! P,i, '65 FORD Country Sudan l i . l i / . u *; • ) WI I 10c OFF! ,v:.v W«y.*n. f Cy? . An**, Tt* M T» ORANGE JUICE • 'tH a (Ml TH H0| Teft# end WM*#, *65 PLYMOUTH '•Uf y l r - »0 » M H 1 !ii(>iVir JA U V '6 6 RAMBLER Marlin j I V » BUTTER SLICED CHEESE w*AfPlt) AV(Hf*AH IIHClH I C il, Aw'f. ■ I A V I I u ’’-I. riiii, CAiT. P*OC. j '65 OPEL K ,1 rlR11o . i- >: :i Tn c u 1*T '64 VOLKSW AGEN 4 C , : 4 t Do*# 0 *.| SPICE!) HAM '65 BUICK S| ioi t Wagon Y> >Yu>) Yn »Y> )\Y M '64 CHEVROLET Impela : I’i ,,.. J». t r , ' * ,i- t '..( I ice! r ,,r. v« Avi„ t»«m , P I » M l CHICKEN ROLL V/Ml., i't,* Tl IUNDUHWH) ’61 CADILLAC j i : . i u J t - r ?. 4 r..v ^ i [ h H V - a l Of I r J EVENING' UNIII. 9 A u ih o r t/ ril ISI'.W < Alv D rnlrr Sl'/ris! MOTOKCVCf.K SAM'S ^ SKHY1CK uAri-i. uM

~ x .. . ,, - O r . ~ “

HAZa.^i, N. J n r : / M O N to n t-1.4. vV-f AUTO SAltf O l'in SUN, 9 A M IQ 6 f M , V \ | i \ font*, pi r ; t o w r \ i ^ HOiut & y , ...... • . . ' . . . . . AA\M M H l l .l b MWAY Mf, » MAIAV//I1 Complete Discount Dept. Sior© and Food Center HAUIT ROAD * IN THE J. M. FIELDS SH0PPIMG PLAZA V/8 itiPiv* llis fijjlit fa limit Net f«paniSbl» ht m m . wticis ifftcnve rnau m a r c h 4»h iTli!!irsr,aj', M-ircf; 2, 1967 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J, Pa$o Etavan

ithc dcd;ccti3n weekend Apr. 7f o, Temple ui o p.m. Siuiiiiy, Apr. 5? Seminar On Mar. 28 For Matewari Appearance Members Interfaith aud 9 have been formulated. an open house tor tho general pub­ Groups Have Program On Friday, Apr. V, a t 8:30 p.m. lic will be held. regular senvces will bf> liL*)d in the O f Choir A Iwo-fuUi program i.vjv; g?ven Sunday School Teachers cently at the Second Bapt/M Sing Planned iiew Temi>le on }lance Ave. off Syeamcro. Ave., N«:w Shrewsbury, Purch a s o S N e v / Bibles Mrs. Arnold Lewi:*, Mrs, Bar­ Chinch, UOf* Atlantic St., Keyport, The Christian Education Com- three through adult will meet at 10 bara Prince, Miss Linda Rogers, which was sj/on.sored by the Sun­ Temple Shalom, M atawan, will Oi'fici-uling will he Rabbi ];.tiward EHenbogcn, spui‘\t;d leader of I’he Rev. James H. Silver, pastor of Cross of Glory Lutheran a.m . Mrs. Robert Mindheim, and David day School Department, wherein a sponsor an intorfaith choir sing on Monmouth Reform Temple. Rabbi of the Laurence Harbor Cmrmumity Uv.'tfcii, M atawan - Marlboro, will The next Christian Education Sechrist havo recently joined tlie Youth Fellowship program initiated Monday, Mar. J3, at &:3t) p.m. in conduct a seminar for Uie Sunday the beginning uf ilrothw hood Week. the auditorium of ihe Matawan Re­ Buifour Briekner, director of inter­ Church, has announced the pur­ Committee meeting will be in the choir of Cross of Glory Lutheran faith activities oi the Union of Church School teachers Tuesday, new church on Tuesday, Mar. 14, Church of Matawan * Marlboro, J??'t+id{>acipg in t h e program gional High School, chase of new pew Bibles from the Mar. 28, in the row church build- lhe adult choir new has 28 mem­ were the following: Junior Choir, American Hebrew Conpregations, gifts given to the chureh in jn<-ru- ut 8 p.m. .Joining the Temple Shalom choir, wiH be the f*uest preae.her und will lug on Cambridge Dr. This semi­ bers, with 12 sopranos, nine altos, Wicker Memorial Baptist Church, directed hy Lwm Ouru. will be ory of deceased friends aad rela­ n ar is the first in a series plan* Morganviile; the Spanish Children’s deliver a scrmoa on, "The ivle^n- tives. A dedication scrvicc will ba five baritones, and two tenors. choirs from: Temple Beth Ahm, iag of the Moment," jjied for the purpose of developing Senior Citizens Walter Born is the director of Choir, Cuivary Methodist Churrh, directed by Fred Gates; Trinity conducted for the new Bibles hy new 2 nd Impi'uved teaching meth­ music. Knynort: the Crusader and Teen Frm:r-‘,>pu! f'h'.O.'ch, by Following services r reception in tho pastor Sunday at the 11 a.m, ods. The sopranos are M rs. Arnold Choirs, First Baptist Church, Key­ Stephen Dorko; Cross of Glory iionoi ul Rulioi B rkkner will be church rcrvicc. TOs program, under the leader­ Activities Noted Lewis, Mrs. Kenneth Sorensen, port and the Sunday School and Lutheran Church, directed by Wal­ held. Various dignitaries of the ship ul Mi«, Thomas Mu^ce, 0 Tuiuh C it o i r s, Second Baptist community and state have been in­ New car dealers loaned without In spite of the innlcmunt weath­ Miss Linda Rogers, Mrs. Barbara ter Born; The First Methodist Fountain La., Matawan, chairman Prince, Mrs. Lucy Macallister, Church, Keyport. Chureh, directed by Fred Bopp; all vited. Saturday, Apr. 8j u Dinner- charge 82 per cent of the cars used vft the Christinn Education Com* er, tho St. John’s Methodist Church Dancc for members and guests of in courses during tho 1951-65 school Senior Citizens group, Hazlet,, hus Mrs. Richard Weeden. Mrs. Leon Piano selections were tendered of Matawan; and irom St. Bene­ ynillee, will be made available to Hayes, Miss Judy Rccde, Mrs. Wil­ by Miss Dolores Fraser nnd Lionel dict’s Churcii, Hazlet, directed by the Temple will be held at die year. all the Sunday Church School been attended by large numbers each Thursday. The group, which liam Beverly, Mrs. Walter Dorn, Cuftie. Keyport. aad the Misses Mrs. Kay ratler.son; and The First teachers with the professional guid­ Mrs. Carlton Schultz, and Mrs. Willette Mill and Tavern Anderson, Baptist Church of Koyjv?rt, directed ance of Mrs. David Lettney, 28 is composed of retired adults of MISS 1UJTH CSIERTO FF the bayshore area, exists for the Kenneth Anderson. Matawan. A trumpet solo was pre­ by Mrs. Robert Parmelee. . tagilon La., raid Ken Robinsun, 96 The nine altos are Mrs. Douglas sented by Richard Anderson, Mat­ jawwikl La., Matawan, and Mrs. cultural, educational, anti serving Ruth Chertoff is scheduled to The two-hour program will value it can havo fo< its members. bring Sholom Aleiehem’s other “lit­ Doughty, Mrs. Robert Mindheiin, awan. Miss Valeric Hunter, Red fonlnre introduction of choir Wilbert Bankes, 23 B Cyprus La,, Mrs. Loren Johnson, iV'i&s Junkie Bank, «:tvc u vocal rendition. A Old Prid£L\ faculty members in In the past few weeks the s rouP tle pcuple” tu Temple Shalom ut by ihe congregation’s clergyman, has contributed significantly to the the Slrathmore Elementary School, Johnson, Mrs. Betty Gallagher, Youth Fellowship welcome was a selcetion sunj» by each choir, M ach ines local school systems. At this time, & AddingD areas well being through preparing Matawan, Saturday, Mur. 11, at Mrs. Willis Hines, Miss Florence Riven hy Miss Valerie Jones and and three selections sunj; jointly hy tho Sunday Church School teachers Schindler, Miss Barbara Herokl, cancer bandages, making toys and 8:i 0 p.m. In the. all purpose room, tho meaning of Brotherhood was the seven choirs. This is the sec­ ALL MAKES may discuss problems they may and Miss Linda Schneider. The expressed by Mist Phyllis Tnylor, have encountered in teaching. It novelties to he sold for the benefit in her one-woman show, "Prom ond year for this event. Admission of the new Bayshore Community the World of Sholom AJclchem." five baritones include David both of Keyport. Refreshments is free and all are welcome and in­ SOLD was decided that Mrs. Bankes will Scchrist, David Metz, Lclnnd Per­ were served later in thu church answer questions re gat'd ing prob* Hospital, visits in hospitals and A graduate of the American vited to attend. Co-ordinating the homes, and other benevolent activ­ ry, Mark Johnson, and Fred Barth. dining room. Sing are Mi .s. Raymond Biebcr, RENTED lenis encountered by the Sunday Academy of Dram atic Ait, Miss Thomas Magee and Douglas Church School teachers teaching ities. They also have enjoyed in Chertoff has appeared in off-broad­ who conceived the idea last year, REPAIRED February instructions on furniture Doughty are the tenors. AHar-Rosary Meeting Mrs. Theodore J. Aucrbach, and the nursery through second grades; way productions. A member of the Rehearse On Thursdays Mrs. Lettney, the third through refinishing and home modernize- American Guild of Variety Artists, Mr.s. Arthur Axelrod. tion, n taik by Chaplain Sigmund The choir rehearsals aro at 7:30 LARGE SELECTION grades; and M r. Robinson, she is currently touring cities in the p.m. every Thursday at the church The regular monthly meeting of *Wn*rvpnth through adult grades. Schade. U. S. Navy, a moving pic­ U. S. emortninipj’ Temple Sister­ St. Benedict's Rosuiy-AItar Society NEW AND REBUILTS AT LOW PRICES ture, and a Valentine's party. building on Cambridge Dr,, Mat Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Lettney hoods, Men’s Clubs, Hadassah, awan. will ba held Monday at 8:15 p.m. Tetnplo Plans For 6 YEAR GUARANTEE arc working on plans for a Jong Plans are being made for the B’nai 13’rith, and Jewish Commun­ with recitation of the Rosary in spring program which will include Mr, Born, director, resides at 2 range continuous teacher training ity Contoi s. An artist of great ver­ Beaver PI. with his wife, Ihe for­ church followed by tho business Dadica li on Woeken d program with new material avail­ activities which will take the group satility, she is particularly noted meeting in the school cafeteria. SERPICOS on trips into all parts of the state. mer Miss Mary Bogden, nnd two able. Plans are also underway to nnd ucdaimed for her humorous children. The Borns are originally Guest speaker will be Sister Juan Monroe Deutseh, chairman of the Iiavc the parents of the youngsters Membership in this organization is and poignant character portrayals Maria Banks, member of the Mary- Ritual Committee of Monmouth 101 Monmouth St., Red Bank open to all retired people who can from Cleveland, Ohio, Mr, Born is in the first and second firades meet from the “ Sholom Aleichem Show.” presently employed at Colgate Pal­ knoll Order, who will speak on her Reform Temple In New Shrcws- Phone 747-0485 with their Sunday Church School benefit by this association. Infor­ cspcnciicos in Africa. Refresh­ Irniy, hus mmuunCeu tiiut plaits fur mation ubout the group may be The show is sponsored by the molive Company. He recently di­ teachers. The touchers will discuss Temple Shalom Program Commit­ rected the pageant, “ Song of ments will be served by Mrs, Jam ­ what they ate teaching nnd ask the had by contacting the church - ap­ es Rainsford und her committee. ran pointed leaders to the group, Mrs. tee. Tho cost of a ticket includes Christmas," for Cross of Glory parents to relate what is being the show and bagels, Io k , danish Lutheran Church. taught in Sunday Church School to Elizabeth Pappas, Mrs. Grace Hartley, or Mrs. Ethel Smale. and coffee catered by Tnbatch- Appoints Chairman tho home. nick’s of West Orange. Tickets Tlie first airplane fiiRht of the Moving into the new chinch has m a y be obtained from 13urton Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, Gary Leffer, president of Temple tallowed for the expunslon of the A survey disclosed 3 of Moruchnick, 8 .Iordan l ’l., Mata* N.C. lasted only 12 seconds and Beth Ahm, Mntawan, announced Rather S w it c h classes from CO to 75 minutes. The every 10 farmers worked IM or wan, 506-03*27, or Arnold Kaplan, 6-1 the plane traveled 120 feet. the appointment of Jerome Fox, ll JfejaK£ry through second grades will more days cnch year oft the farm Fordham Dr., Matawnn, 5G6-1RQ5. Jasmme Rd, Lukeridge, as ways Jfiuiot at 8:30 a.m. and grades In part-time endeavors. A Frenchman, Nicholas Apprrt, and means committee chairman. is crediu*d with di.scovonnt* the Mr. Fox has bum active in syna­ process of canning foods at the gogue fund raising activities before Thao F i g h t ? ” n WEREN'T YOU GLAD VOU HAD Speaker For bet'innlng oi the l&th Century. hi: inow d to this urea. H E A P B IG Witnesses The Keyport Congregation of "Insurance for Anything Insurable’1 § SNOW PUSHER? Jehovah’s Witnesses has completed St. John s Methodist C k rd i plans for welcoming Earl K. THE 'NEW Stewart, circuit representative of SERVING THE BAYSHORE AREA the Watchtower Bible and Tract 2000 Floronce Avo. — Hailet STANLEY G. SIEBENBERG Society, according to Uusscll A. Lowe, presiding minister. “ A full B E T W EE N HIGHWAYS 35 end 36 schedule of activities has been plan* HWY 34, M ATAW AN, N.I. ncd tor Mr. Stewart’s visit,*' said Sunday Morning Worship Sorvices Mr. Lowe, "with spccial emphasis on helping youths to appreciate 9:30 A.M . and 11:00 A.M. 583 - 1300 8 0 0 their heritage,” IDENTICAL SERVICES * fight the other agent* "don't caro" attitude, that li 1 Mr. Stewart Is supervising mia* IVENINS . 7:30 P.M. BY INTERNATIONAL ister far 17 congregations of Jehov­ ah’s Witnesses throughout the shore area. He has been in the ministry for 34 years and has • • • • STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to6 p.m. • FRIDAY OPEN 9 9 p.m. • • • • served in Australis’, Canadu, India, the Philippines and Islunds uf the Pacific; Tho week's program begins Tuesday nt 7:30 p.m. with the & school of ministry nnd ministry development class. Speakers on the © program will be Mr. Lowe and as* suciato ministers, Ii. Lemlnger © 4 X 4 TRAVEL TOP und A. Angclillo. O (WITH SHOW PLOW) The weekend will feature lec­ tures bv Mr. Steunrt. with the Mib- 0 jiM.t, "H us the Truth M ide You m SEE IT AND TEST DRIVE IT Free1.' ' scheduled for Sjturday nt S p.m. and the public lecture, " ’lhe Horo’t tho c»ttf way cloar your drWtway Heritage of Youth — Will It Re ar.d parting area . . . your urvico ttation Good rr nad?” to be given Sunday "300" plo*i inow with a purpoiefjl vengoflnco. ut D:JU n.m. AH sessions aru free drivn . , . buliftm palling ore* , . . The Seoul and Mill la* held at Kingdom linll, Snow pbwt aro available for tha Scout "600“ Third and Division Sts., Keyport. by International. The public is Invited. Somewhere, bomcone wants the thing* you no lungnr need. Sell RARITAN GARAGE them at little cost through Classi­ South Main St. — Koyport fied Ads. 264-0361 Clmnije used toys into moneyl How? With a Classified Ad!

: SHOP FRIDAY 9 A. M . TO 9 P. M. • ;------

furnishings Dvctstic&lly R gcI u c g c I S MEN S P r ic e s • WORK CLOTHES For Quick Sale * MEN S • WORK and DRESS SHOES 2 BOYS' SAVE • FURNISHINGS on Spring and Easter f INFANTS' UNDERWEAR S DRESSES and SHOES Q uality M erchandise • GIRLS' BLOUSES, SLACKS • DUNGAREES, SHOES Everything must go ~ LADIES' UNDERWEAR BRAS, BLOUSES, SHOES Before W e Close Y A R D G O O D S PATTERNS. NOTIONS G ur Doors Forever

.... m 3 T O N FIRST m YORK QUALITY A l t FAMOUS Conditioner BRANDS For Sal© ONLY s 17 w. FRONT MHI.1.1, Kl-Yi’t pt s * O a U t i / u l # Ntplwf# City * * Mi-I')int(iwn !•••••••••• ALL FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE •«•••••••« Paas Twelve THE MATA WAN JOURNAL, N. 4. Thursday. March I?,: * %T.

drum. Hu had tt similar ]ot> last by learning about Spain’s origin is Selinger, a senior at Matiuntri FUBUC NOTiCE WHSUC NOTICE PUBLIC NtT.nCE summer. Whca asked what lie en­ nnd its people. Regional High School, who was Oth»M* Ey.pvn-iiis ...... i,?00.00 150;i .'W W5.W *h!3 joyed most about his summer job, There nre many different types. . . chosen as "Miwf L ik e ly T o Suc- Boiitvi \ rl:i.’.-i?a;ont J.P, replied, “I met a lot of nice or projects foi'nd In Ih” Spanish j ceed" in liu- .■.eaiot s Who. SM ai’.es titid W af.v; ...... OtiM-:- t'.N .'ens^ '...... M. 1,410.00 kids frtnn nl! over." room . One, a P in ts, re sem b les th e ! V n V 'i r u - i lY''';|'!‘UT’|,' ! ' ‘ly e l- S h a Jf Trr.* School News ’ ’ . agn o[ iin.slJ utinng his previous Oth«i d x , ...... a.tSe.OO 1,600.0^ l.iOO.OO , M7.M 1,122.60 Besides basketball, J.P. likes, to shape of a drum. is deeo' ateo i |)n-oe years in li'-'1-, ‘.cVi'il Industrial play baseball and enjoys watching with colored flow ers «,.,J is about j H(, js / ; ' , ; , all sports. eight inches long ihe.e also is a varil)US scIlooi activities, president SnUiriiv :u’.J W .iqoj ...... ,., SOO.OO 330.00 \l ot'o.ou 3C0.W O thor ...... 200.M s.wn.oo 3.009.09 ; 21U.S5 ,1,7,1s fl donkey which is four feet long m.o - , S( )p , c ,, hJ „ as Hiii'b ir C.iiinni.'ii'i:: two feel high. It IS made of plaster chiUrnm lhp p.-,,, Student Outstanding . nst vt'ar, ... 20U.v>0 2W.W 1 •» w 150.00 Fiesta Atmosphere In of Pnris and is gray, black and ItiMK. !•.<•>.» ‘ ...... is a int-mbcr of tho Varsity Gulf iit'i-i* V*ia«s white. A portrait of a matador, a Team, and has a tead role in the Spanish calendar, and diffem! 4.000.00 tf, 331.02 4,Kl.M M R IIS Sp finish € kisses senior play. Ol1; I I-I iS 16.0i'0.00 Jt OO'I.IK) iz.'iw: types of mantillas decorate one of O-M ... - By Howie Eitiilsloin By Jackto tie Witt And tr.c walls. Recently, 84 mobiles Howie has apn!i«'d to Princeton, PUllLlC S.A-- hTY: Harvard n n rt C«.»!p’.nb:a Univer­ Tiu A DRtive of Brussels, Belgium, By Jackie Dc Wilt Lynn Gardner were htnm from the coilin'' a Inn- sities. 1W would !ik»* to iriajn1' in Ot:i'T ...... 200.00 . 200.0,1 .’.Od.W Mrs. Noelc Lowe is n siudr'nt Carolyn Hamilton, an onUlaiiding Ruugc seems to be more fulfilling Pohi-L' Joseph Ciunot, a S|>:tni.?h teach­ political science, atuitut tuw school, athlete nt Matawan Regional High when tuUfihl in this way. Sal.iv'i-*-- n,ui v», ... isi.'j-vt.oo;i-.i.64 tsachcr at Matawan Rvgional Hiyh - , , . . , j . / “*>■; er at Malawan Regional Hifth and euloi u in poli­ ;'.5'J.3;-4.0i: 4.0W.3I School with French teacher. Mrs. School, has ivmintn.ned the trend Sch00l> mainlaln8 » uesta Olher !...... 3(i.56j-00 38.000.00 35.SM.ti9 5,W la Doris Hevkms. Mrs. Lowe, n stu­ of her brothers, Bunny und Hutch. tics. F irst .At’.! Or;;ri:.Jxatioa phcre in his classes. Every six ... 7,soa.cifl SaIOO.OO •5.00t».W s.wt on dent at Monmouth College, hopes Presently being a senior, she has weeks his students arc required to Says Extra - Ctt n'icu lur 'When asked 'vho was '.he poison .Mii»--.ioit>:ti“c*/u*:r '* ...... to teach high school French in the participated in all girl's sports pos­ isubmit a project that may range he most admired he simply replied, ■ and Wat;.-.; ...... 'i.m.M 5.ri‘M).«K> 5 .1100.00 5.B00 00 vicinity of her Rumson home. sible throughout, her high school “ tlie late Pre*id'>ni .lulm Irit/);ei- 1 :o>.oo 9T»?'.W) I.20LI.W I -r? «a M.1.5 From food to a papier macl.e bull). Activilios Important aid Kcnnr'dy.” •••li IT! »irs and Mrs. Lowe’s interests include .Maii'tiMi.m^e this year when she said, “ II was Salarie.-; nnd W a re s ...... 52.75d.00 'classical music, literuture.'phlloso- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ... 62,o:>a.oo 61.952 -U t.03a.5fl great cheering for :pi*n>-e.» ...... 40.S6n.0n 41). 300.00 43.0W.00 ECv'US phy, and bridge. She dislikes math ball team who always worked to- Consti-.H-.ioa. fU vom truet! and "students who chew gum In gthor to reach their goal.*' i m LOCAL MUNICIPAL TiunnET Repair;; and M .U:'.tt'nat"*e ith class, or turn a classroom into a Slate Aid I"- t'l M onm nullt tor the fiscal y e n r h 11??. Street Lii.htmi' ...... 53,000.00 55.000.00 5t.H30.tW student teaching is a good experi­ girl’s basketball leain for two SANITA'I'UIN years. This year they ure tied for ""It ta hereby ccriidcd that Iho budget antiexcc1 hct-oto Hnd horohv made n pari hi* fof I.i a true inijn ol the Gar'bajre .1 r.d T i.< h ence, for she has “ learnec( about budget approved by resolution of the governiu# budy on ihf* tOtli day tif February, 1U57. iContravlu-'h ...... 110.000.03 frscliirt/; from all Hie teachers; first place with Saint Joseph’s. In Ur-5t* JC V.Vnztd JJK.U.TH AX') v;KI.FAm:: they are all different." order for them to become the niia.-it of llM ltli T'.vp. Hall, lo w e r M:t!n St.. Mat.i'.v.iti. Nf.J. ^.l'.t’- •s t:i. \V. .... n.i!?" oa 3.1»75.U0 When asked about Ihe advantages champs, St. Joe’s will have to lose :?,075.00 nt least one game and MiUnwnn Certified by me Address O iV r V M'l- ... ? :M".oo .1,000.00 1 17-4 00 or disadvantages of an American This 10th day of February, 20M .C-'i-li'7a Servn e oi \* education as compared to the Euro­ will have to win the rest of theirs. l»h«:ns K u m b o r Nil! Sf. -- ..,. •VHHl.OO fl.200.00 Adniiio trnfi.) She also has demonstrated ability It is hereby cortifiel tliit tne approved budget pean, site said, “ in Europe yon go i'-dih.' A; in track. Carolyn participated in annexed hereto nnd hereby :uae ‘hone Humber education.” However in Europe, low hurdles; Iwr timing was 7.9. 1 KDIJ) ‘AT if‘ “There nre more places to fio to Carol received a varsity letter far This 10th d a y of F e b ru a ry , ll*u7. ______\{ learn outside ihe school, and there her performance during the track S ..,. .‘i.4n;*.oo season. The entire track team LOCAT, HUUGtlT NOTICE O il'll t-:xp, .... ?.4,r^ SO.OO'i.OO 2iXOOn,Ol) 32.075,13 7,024.87 are more places where the students C elehra !!in. .> can sit nnd talk." placfd third in the state. Carolyn Scctton t. . Am VloV.da Mrs. Lowe hopes soon to visit hopes that she und her team will Iiornl Iluciflet of the Township of Matawan, County ;»f .Moionouth for the year I0S7. OtllJ! E\,»e . 500. Oil 500.00 - m u o 500.00 her homeland and see her family. do even better during the ’67 truck Fie It Unsolved, that the foltoWMiR «Utements of vevm.e'> apmopriations shall lons’UoS4 tV* local iv Ptto! season. bitrffjci fnr the >v:«r 1^*37. l.a:-.-l ... 3l.02»6a S7.570.8I 27.570.31 27.57il.3t Since coming to America in 1940. Be It F u rth e r ttesolved, that t a i i budget bo«Kl in V he M n tu w an Jo u ra a l In the i^ii’ie of M a ro h 2. she has visited Belgium once, a After her senior year, Miss Ham­ ICflT- Tolai three year visit beginning in 1951. ilton plans to attend a business Ttie Koverning hotly of the Township ot Matawan fioea horcuy jpprovo Uie ujllowlan as tlie huogid tar Pie Ojier tions t‘ ; A) ) ... 75 *.!; /: oa 703.il4.3t 6»8,447.a4 G67.02a.00 ;<1.42H.44 school. y e a r 10U7: (ll) Cont . .. ”,CK>(> 00 2.000 00 2,f)OO.OCt 1.090.40 y o o . o ^ .^ (Mr. Arnold ( O per. IfomeiHukar W inner (Mrs. Brenner ( 11U‘ tiding ..... 7 j^.-i 1 -r,3 705.514-31 7C'l».417.3t fl&'».72=1 M AITHW RECORDED VOTE (Mr. Downey ( es (Mr. Kuye t Salr.r; M 3;iii.U2.i.0J 3^500 235,118.75 200,WI.»I4 3,11'G.M -i /s “Shocked” At News Yearbook JMi. /umbo,* At>sont (Mr. Ledfard O ther Km w s m (Mr. Uehrk’ke t lui'fiKitnK Cin'itijjent) 42S.-S-lfi.Cfl 42<5.F»fXl> 31 411.328.76 3B7.72fi.40 By Suidce Notice U hereby Kivca that the budget and tax resolution vis, aanrovcct hy the Goverulua B«»dv of tiw KM Cr.i*;*../. Township of Matawan, County of Monmouth, on February iu. l!;(i;. Capital Tir.p’. r'ku.d .. 1 j.iwo.ou J3.000.00 15,iH)0 00 Kathy Lehn was “shocked" when Co-Editor A hft.iring on the budget ond ta>. tos^Uidun wiu ne held i\t CUftwMKt Memorial School, on Mutch li>, 1M7. ihe was told she was Matawan's Road Cun-.traeMnn. or By Jackie De Witt at 8:00 o’clock (P.M.), at which time nnd piuce ubjcctioas t\> sa:tl budjjet and tax resolution for the yon: to7 y^.OOd.Oi) kitchen at home,” she explained. E X P L A N A T O H V STAVFJM KN'T When asked if she expects to con­ marked Harlan Rausch, co-editor, K qm pnu'id ...... lfl.nOO.t'O and the boy who was voted by his SUMMARY OF CURRENT FUND SECTION* OF APPROVRD BUDGET l’urehase of Vehieulir K^ail tinue her career as a Betty Crock- senior classes as the one who "Did »r Homemaker, Kathy laughed and ItKJT Total Capita! tm p io v e m e n u 40.’i0i).0ii 15.500 00 15,500.00 13.50-100 Most for the School." Vcar Year !Wnd Prineipat .. yo 28.000.00 28,000 00 Katherine tilhbs this summer and 4. Total fJeneral Appropriations ...... l.OW.tWO.iV) 97M15.3G Interest 011 Ronds ...... 19,015 00 11.078 00 11.150.00 11.159.00 this year being clected as co-editor. on Note.s ...... IMiC.OO S.200 CO lit,43a .53 1 2 .4:10 53 hopes to becomc an executive sec­ He has been wotking on the senior 5. Le«s*. Anticipated Revenu«s Oth^r Ilian Current Property Tux ll.p. Surplus. retary In New York City. Mliccllaneout Rcvenuos and Rfcalpts from Dellniuent Tf«ices> ...... layouts and sports pages. Everyone 6, Diffcrencc. Amount to be IXoisel by Taxes for Support of Municipal Budget T«.tid MnnJeipd^ Wherever Kathy sets up her own 45,270.00 51,509.83 31.599.53 looks forward to the distribution of (as follows): Ucht ftmiee .. home, there is »ur* lo be some of (a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Retetve fyr Cfncoliectod Taxoc 575.037.00 her own art work around the house. the yearbook at Matawan Regional IE) Deferred CharfiOi and Her favorite piece ts the oil paint­ and this year for the first time Statutory Itvocnclitures — there will be a class reunion on SUMMARY OF 1964 APPROPRIATIONS EXPENDED AND CANCFLED M unicipnl ing the I i working on now. "it's a Sept. 5. The yearbook will be dis­ (1) DKFKHH£D CJIAIUiUS: little girl surrounded by toys. It’ll G enorat W ater F m rrK c ro v Authi*ri/atlO!m M tributed this date aud will include HudRet Utility t2) STATUTORY M perfect tor a child's room," Oil. MX) 00 everything from fall to graduation Budget Appropriations — Adopted Budget. 972.155 11 KXPKNIUTUHM: Kathy said. 13.0c0.0<) and will be in color. Emtrgancy Appropriations ...... CotnrituiiUM to Italian food Is her favorite and Katlan sold food nt the home l*ul»Uc K.n’pUnvvs* Ihe hopes to learn to cook It well. Total Appropriations - ...... 973.I9.VM 79.50i).00 Retlreitu-n! S.^.ttejn ...... - l.ftou 00 1.4S9 00 1.409.00 football games to raise money for Expenditures: Social Securnv Svsten the yearbook under the direction of Paid or Charged (including Reservo for UncoilvcteU T*x««i M'l,Oil 34 7J.V.7 77 t() A S I i ...... 0 .0)0 00 7, 131M* I f you don't need It, sell it- William Lawlor. R e serv ed ...... i t . till »2 I.'t.i J.M C n » ,’--lldrt’*“il J'.iJii-e and ttirough a Classified Adi FiieiiiCti’.-i l’»MM<»n Fund .... 8.500.00 1,W M l.30T!4 In ‘66 Harlan also participated in Unexpended Balances Canceled Police ar'fl Fhepien* the Pep Club, He enloys nil sports, Total Expenditures and Unexpended Pittances Canceled 37?,153 30 7!».5'KJ 'W Retlrern*- .’•n ,>f N.J. 0 071.30 8.<>71.30 bowls and plays basketball. Two years ago Hnrlan war, an Explanation of Appropiutioas for Otlior •’* Total De. ar*c«s and St.ilUtit: t ne* officer of the Biology Club. As vice 45.111.10 The amounts apjiruprljteJ under the title of "Other ar* far opJiatinfj c>v.U otiu'r tlun "St!ir* - Miml 43,(164 54 president he helped to arrange the les and Wat'es " club's dance. He was then also an Some of tho Items Included In ‘‘Other Kvpei ca” are: active member of the student coun­ Material, .suppilcs i'h I noidtond.Vi’r ctitiipint ’;t cil taking part as a home room R ep airs and tnatnte>une« ot hulKlau!'-. e tn’/m e t.!, road,. C o n trrclu al se rv ic e 1; for K.t.i>-i«e ami tr.W i io ih o v jI, flro h> i\l id t j v .lu; representative. cto. OU Ml.t&S.ft! Tia.lTt.7^ After high >rhoo] llarlan Rausch Printing a;vj arh ertlaiiis, utlHty rervVes. insura pee and tnar (-tn<*r 1 t plane to attend collope. lie has nl- by m u n tcip il Ri%verutnent. ready been accepted to Northern Tlie Council |ue»e'.'.t', h-'iew l'n t'n? d^l d>< •vt M\mu'>p.»l ttudije t ft f..-* Mw n u ii 77B.I71.7fl Michigan University. Ills oilier col­ Tl^e T a x R ate f>r tin* '.oar ta07 ts es'.um W<\ M H per floolK) 1 pared lege choices nre Long Island Uni­ Uo, VII 76 1G0.7M 7J versity, Faiileiph Dickinson and T.ix Hate "f |.* II p?r |pm ^h) m' ;i ->t < ' •; t I 1 Temple University. 1 k* ,• i: .59 DKDK'ATKD WATTH UTtUTY ffU7>OKT . . . I* aver quite equal to the Waits Until Vcif*nm** and Senior C ititetu ...... 1! .It llejlued In (\»*h Municipal Tax ...... ,. ______A* M Anticlpate-l warm welcome extended to tirtA In l-*00 newcomer! by the Welcome DF.DH’ATVII Rt-VI.NTKS FROM W.MLII ITII.ITY Wagon Hostess. Next Year | 3 « i i H OjwialiMK A. il;-ip.iti»d ... J.n'kj no 3 O0 Hor tmlle may bo no brighter, By U nd a ItJoMland O ppratm n uf.:; IN jor NVr.;itn (v,>.teiit i>f Dirfi t'ii .if I.. 1 al r.,.\.>mtflt .t ..... tVj 5 'mo Mt 1.1)00 00 her greeting no more choer- John Patrick Collins, populurly CUHRKNT FUND — ANTlCtPATKU Ur.VFNt’ FS ful, but c h i'* road* the wol- known os ii a junior and QKM’ILVt. UllVKNUK^ t T--t#t Oiu-f,4lrm K atpia* A nticipated to tw tw a/vio *w aipm 04 come more » work oloitthan a member of tht* Mulmvan Region* Aptfrin't*l fn I' , *: * mere greeting , . . com. al Basketball Team. J.P. lias bern in t Vprt It* t.t. IJ t.'H'W W.'Wt M 1W7■ tw Mm. . 2.0gd V0 2 !Qit M ojaymx school basketball sincc Ai« I j' >>n 10 ploto with o gela*y of g ill, Addi? V-’rt^t Hflde ... , . . .. n ,;x>> no and holptui ln(otm«tion on nis frtuhman year ond was the top- S u tp h u A nhnp^N vt 157,Out fl 117 («■>) in J ichooli. churches, shops scoring piny or on the' trim until a l-d ii. t?t»Utv Hftvetv.tftl I * t)i« W 7 4 IJ J ^ and community facilities, recent accident. Although J.P. i-> Murell Rr» to whan a new neighbor not able lo ftntah out thr spiiton, 1 Ajii»ropfi#l>*l J l>v moves In, follow up your due to nn ln|uroti ktu'c which he J ^ i 'i O ) J.5» JO 3..44 0u! r o t t m TiH \ W Ter.i «» Fe< » u d I ti 1* >- fly >:|tf!*(| happy hello with a Welcome rccHvrd durinc tin* ( I) A «anuk liti.idi e i ' m uo «!. *>» '>1 4 M l '»u E oseti^o tt p .ii Wagon gutting. A Hottest on J a n . 2J, he Im pcs to b«* b ack on r.t.^^ Tf4. 01 t>*uM awaits your callot the court w U Vcar M iM. lin! <’ 11 a.'M i >> t l * 4 M 11 M 'l notMtlAMdSit .1 4 VI «» J IM "1 .1 I VI After ^radii'iiiM from high ?«* It ..vl Aid tniu?4 F i..t<1 MU v vn.M irni.try lAlt « »f 1 1 ,r< ' • ti.i4d A ’d t l 'H l '*} t school. J.P. want* to M ttnd a small !<:'» I l . . >M 7 »***1 . I » t irt J 1 »i «l an. vi t* • . t W « f M ....-™ ■ 10.10000 low {•} Jj.Q'n l! J il )t 72 rolfr;?? when* In* will (niilwuk nl.*y Ili. M. H t'j V*i ft) 5r\i a £ in ^ t ; tW.i* I,!)*!!*** , . M O u a q n . m 00 M 14' fvj Si ill W lt i t It n-s- n inu basketball n n J &tmly to )»• a Fl 4« a n .-^ i u >« <«H x l !»<»!,t ( J t. » 14.5’-** •» 0* M .1 1 w I.l<*» W !».?*- f«*« ' 0,. ||«J...ft ...... 4 lft,T « « n m o o »t.4H W If ill Al er. •«;. '* 1 • ■ . .» Mrti r«r Cti*?*** and Why n upail i ’ r I?k B U u i 174 o>*4 '!) VM 0 i | 44 «■ f : !' *1 vti(U I#4i *\ . .d'n Hk»» hinh r.rhtKi) a;ifi you **d Tiifei | M (IM >1 13 AM ’Hi ii><4 ^ t * ? r w Why a hist irv tra i!»- r? irrejyillnf rttiMrtr far STA J1*» «»*V tA iw tfjtsruilM ; 5 8 3 -1 3 7 0 “ It‘.% tny faviirif'1 Mibjert '* l»k ■ ^ i M o j * w i l i # < Thin ittmm«*r t I’ h' (*■% i'i istifk ^ t u i t r l u , for HummM r t • w iu1 m- « »#**'». ! *t* t«* Vflt.-.fH Matawan Hoifoii ♦ »<*» ■ ■ - ■. , ■... h i i m n n n i h \ i n ...... - m n IU « ■ In P<>5t M'uinviuth tmd««r tt»«.‘ 5 4 0 -S 434 d rh t’K Y.iwth I-Jnployfin-ni P u 1 W 4 »*l *Tf*f M M t W 4 M 9t 1 T . '.f . : j t ’ 't U i M M 199 t«. K U | * -i1- •*» 1 mro-M U I»l IftM I Mir Uv fMUr-NIt W\ 4-11 *1*4 lh« *•»« l^4T y f)#t O * * li1+ ’ TVtit 1«t \*4 . . rif ...... A ... il ftw...... _...... f t _ i n ^ i t r « i u»*| wu ii r — 1 t u x i h mi a i« w • a tls * i At ** \*\» -^ \* \ §^»}an}t»*p4 t-M u» V* *»l4 tr%«nyv X* Hr » m 1IAUKIS IIAItDW AItt; IS YOl It IU All f I Al O.'Ct »!.•»** TM IH! r*f IMt ItWHtvd AM*K.kwtx to mmirtrr I ti IN | m i IISMI I '0 I r.trnjU-. rt»»rtrn*l tlW* n)Mi‘,\nATiv^ (O.utMtrHT or '-fniit'd ii‘*m MM *# Ol'r.lUtluH*) Aiil>,»'.(!« IH tl'KIM.M MrftH.t * 1 II* I Ml fgJHOME IMPROVEMENT 't n t»M W«r \m If Ml# IUM il tl loiij • •• W .tfl II RWIM IN'I'tl.. 1.1 tnrt.tWIt M iH lH p U C E N T E R *• I I AM *» u ■ ' HfVr.Mt'* u'i « «**(*• )M»«t *m w 1 I M H H » 41 U-. • f t):i. ■ ' • -. • <**»* W* f-i« iVr }B^ K I I) Pr ‘ I # ^ t t i i I t t t l tf Cnll C66-I0il for Ftpg l;tlirnafi» t vn w W t 3 *1 • M l fi T4# tv*?* 1 , t^»*« ...... ■. lia n i H V **§% MM A»-» *»* * ■ f «• rHHf * * 4 N o Ja b T o o Sn>/)!i • N o Too l o i g p ! t^i?* j ffi-i »*.• '■» .... . A41d.not# fc- *. WJ 9ft * IM' M *»»/*■' «*':>!■ fi ' ... T^1*l fVhk...... •/. i w j .m JT iim i’ '»"M *•«« .»it.i flu-' r-..!'.''1. . •!*,**»** i ll .n l t t • it •M l. MIMI M M 41 R:-* **1 «t * t* . I. - .1 £ Piiintiny h (loin t< l.m IU ISJ£ .^4 n.tH'.i - - . lU M li tt ! N 1*1 ft > l-i - *#• til « t S hi ^ • * *^ii%.< IB T ln n r W '/* 1 *«« ! « t | IJU.M i t i i M ( M l Ml _ 4 , V 1 '« • »■ M.W1 U 0 tlbor SaiuI!»uj 0 P- ")'i WMt !*•># *M *. *' 4 |V, : !*^U' UMM l l * r t « |W 4 V*** , HtDIII iW II W fl Af.**.« k .« N M IM* > * l l H ,,. *... ■ .1 , ti - U m i t» ^ **f r -*!>«»# t o e * ,, H.iMM t.m.m l > * M DKMF-VrKIt CONS l lil « TION CO. -lr t V*t at iie* '« m U tK tl •* tv at <|. ">« ...... Iti tii II fa- tt*«4 *- - ti i —>4, i)5» o r 1 ' nrtt-'.f ri'«l» H* h a Hitts 11 u u > w a r m . ’ : l**» tn.'IKtfel o '* n . -• - ".-s iiss im mu JS(3 m m IJO M*!n St., — 566 I OH ..... V ,^w." IS- ■■ m w m •titi m m ISUP * * tu * *»#*** :r m m mm - pMlfr Thursday, March 2 , !967 JOUKt'JAi., IV J. ■■.. Page Thirteen.


■W. 4!>, DO, W, W. w. t»>.. fr), tW, i" Vjspcnsfs...... M.OOO.W 24.4f>0.cl0 2-l.2y3.92 10«.C3 SHERIFF'S SALE a n d O'j cr, kuIkHvis'io.*?. m o p of M arlin LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET S an itatio n SUPKUIOU COURT OP NEW states, Jjcction 1, M;:r!bafu Town* CiarlujH; ;.mvj "I'msh Kemov.t] JEftSUY LAW DIVISION ship. Monmouth County, New Jersey. Lac.-d Hud;jet of the I!ci';uu;'i i f M 'i a .van. County of Moauwi.itli lot flu; Tl Jy hereby certlf>&ci:> and hereto ma.-n* ttiiri. nevi: is a tru e vojv/ ot th* O lhev I'xftonyc:- ...... a;i,501' oo 35,*ire.5t; 13,42 MONMOUTH COUNTY ."7,500.1X1 All the -above lots arc vacant ond b u d g e t app ro v ed b y resolution ot the *:ove.-nintf body o n ihe liUli d a y o f F e b n i a : ; ' l‘J07. HcaP.M a r d ^Vfifir.- O o ck « t Mo. L 3HITHSS then* is no construction thereon with yoard of HcaJth J*U)4«-(18 C ertified b y mu: M srjjai *.-1 l-\ Vi(4?i0v!: the exception ot a house being on Lot T his l0t!i d a y oi F e b ru a ry , 1 007. Clerl; an<-.I W .iyes CHANDLER & MAPS CO. INC., a 48. J Sl' M ain St.. Mjitav. r,n, Pltjir.bii.r-, ln.speeiol" ...... 2,300 OS) 3,«t)O.CO M2S.OO S.I15.W 1.010. w corporation of the Slntn of Ne.w Jer* Tiie following loti aro released from i\ttcljcr»3 Others ...... a.^w'.oo 1600.00 3.074.M t t t . 6 7 PlcUvti'f va: PINECftEST tho lien of m or'iaatfe: I-ot.s (W S0MSMJ3 Otl.oi* lixm I'.'o.'i ...... fOO.OO 1100.00 600.0? 43&.12 3t>l.£& -v^lOMSS. INC,, a corporation of the a n d 61. $3 and 84 on subdivision W ap Pfwro* Num ber Ptibllc As.-sisiiin^*: ...... S,50i),Clif ?..;.v0.oi> S.COt‘,00 I.PS5.M J1J4.73 State ot New Jersey el ol5, D efen­ of Marlin Estate.*, Section I, M atltoro AUl t'j M ataw nn Public d an ts Township, Monmouth County, New It te hereby certified that tho approved budget Hoalfh Afi.viiilM., ...... d^vfin oa 4 91V. cr 4 200.W i.w o.oo By virtue of n writ of execution Je rse y . annexed hereto find hereby made a part r.ereof is au Aid to Ho5pit,U ...... £,00(1.00 i ‘ww .00 2*000.01) in lhe above stated notion to me UU Premise? are loeated off lit. 557. eicaot oopy 0 / tho oriEinnl «»>*. fi!c v.itl* the ele/n rf rne UeiijCiuim Litwiv; R c v i e a b or. a mi I' due r.Mon reeled, I Phull expose for salts at between. Rt. 6 and Tcnnent Ti™*?.. in «to\ukiihiK bodv. that r 11 nrtditlmie :»re correct, ii? iitotc- nc^’iilcrcd Avc\»uniaiil F aiks and t.aKea tinWJc v*»n«Jij<* e? th e Ccui*t H ouse the- R^lrtii’MVlue Section of M arlb o ro menti contained herein are in proof and tiie total of a n ­ 1-iJ Bayard St., New Biunswirk, N.J. OthcM1 Evpen'.es ...... 8,900.0') 7,400.00 3,800.00 S.3I3.M 206.03 in tti^ PorougS; of Freehold, County Township, New Jersey. ticipated revonues equals the toUl cf appropriations. A(Ulrt*s Recrealii»n c»f Monmouth, New Jersey, on Mon. 12.400.00 . $.300,00 B.VMM :I50.3Z The approximate amount of ihe Certified by me 5-15-3000 Salaries and W^ges ...... 3,BOO.CO (he flth d a y of M a rc h . 1067, a t 8 li.SoO.o^ . 7.400.W 6 ,^2 ;.4? 475.57 Judgment to be satisfied by «aid sale This lUth day of February. 1067. PIiL'rie N u iu te r Other Kapt-nsey ...... 7.400.W o’clock, P.M. Prevailing Time. ia the s u m of $38,335 together w ith Celebration of Public Everts, AU the d e fe n d a n t's Tight, title. anti th e costs of this kttle. A'iniversat" and Holiday Interest, II any, in and to tho iol* LOCAl, BUDUET NOTICE Other Expenses ...... 5,000.00 i.lW.GG 171.15 33H.7S PAUL KIEHNAtf, Sheriff. lowing: Section 1. Maiidvnariee el F i e e L^cal Budget of the Borough of MaM*van, County of Monmouth, for ttic fiscal year ICA7. 15.100.00 36,100.00 15,100.00 ALL that tract or parcel oi loud Dated Jan. Zli, 1967 Public Libiury ...... 18,570 ..*12 Be It Resolved, that the following juatcniems of revenues and eppropiiatlons ehall constitute the local and premises, hereinafter particular Samuel S. Sagot$to\ Atty. budget wr the year I9S7, ly dftsortbed. “Uuate, lying and iw* Tidal Operation.'; jlfl 541).«u . Be It Further Rc-dolved, that said budget be published in The Matawan Journal lu the issue of March 9, 3W,fi'J5.IX> 3fi8,3S5.U 21.Va9.8tl injj In the Township of Middletown, itiein biA) ...... -140.7113 .S2 38M3:».W 1W7. l.5i'0.lXI !.300.00 l.StiO.OO 415.24 1.0S1 78 County of Monmouth end State of r the Now Jersey; Take notice that Burlew's Ciiffwood y e a r 1307: Inn Inc.. hnn applied for the transfer Total Operations »v Known aad designated ay Lots 4, (B U C C O ( 391.105.00 391.19S.00 3 22,3&4.6& of tho Plenary Retail Consumption Including Cc«5tJrg?nt .... 41? -t?. •7 9, 9, 7, a n d 8 in B lock 1, au la id out ICONNOII ( Abstained (NON& License C*3 Issued for premises lo* on map entitled “Map of Section 1, HECOFIDKO VOTE t\yeb \DE1T£ Nays iNONK Detail Atlantic Highlands Gardens, Middle­ r a te d a t the n o rth e a st c o rn er of Cliff* (ELLISON { Absent (FERHANO 173,050.00 ltl9,rf).8A 2,821.14 wood A v en u e an d A boy R oad, Cliff* Salaries and Wages...... 101,470.00 162.440.00 town Township, Monmouth County, (HENDERSON < ( Other Expenses N. J., surveyed and -mapped March wood. New Jersey to Southeast corner Notice is hereby given that the budget anti tax reiolut.'on was approved l»y the Mayor and Council of Ihe (ivdudmK CouUncsnt 2rX,Sl?f. 52 22».*555.00 . SiO.HS.OO l00.5Pa.4li 19.5C3 51 21, 1026. by H e rb e rt 0 . Todd. Civil of Highway 35 and Ciiffwood Avenue, B o io u g h of M u taw u n , C uualy «f M om noutii. on F e b ru a ry lOUi, 19*1. • Ciiffwood. New Jersey. !(") Capital In.p!overn**otj> Engineer and Surveyor,’* and flltd A hearing on the budget and tax resolution will ht' held nt Borough Hal!, on Myjch 15, 11/^7. ;it Ji o'clock , t'upital ifiprovomc-.t I'uud ...... a5.0w .00 a.1.000.00 33,000.00 a5.oco.w In the Office of tha Clerk of Mon* The Officers and Directors and (P.M.), at which time and place obiuoitnjis to said bacl^et wnd t.ix resoluiicit i<>\ lhe year ti*G'J may be p.oenk'd S to ckholders of U u rle w ’s Ciiffwood Jr.n K-'oil (.'.•u>»i-Mcli/,n cr m o u th C ounty on J u n e 3, 1020. by the taxpayers or other Interested persons. _ — ______! Inc., a r e : Rei'finstnviion Mi'.li Being iltuatJ at the norUiweat 1,000.00 1.0 00 .0 0 James R. Burlew, Sr„ Ciiffwood, Sutic Aid OUuijcipat Share) l.OOO.OP corner of Garrott Uil) Boulevard and E X PI .AN ATO Ft Y STATIC M E NT New Jersey. Extraordi:::>i-.v ^Ute North Fox Avenue, Middletown, New SUMMARY OF CURHENT FUND SECTION OF APPROVED BUDGf'' Y ear pjCfi Sarah A. Burlew, Ciiffwood, New Rind Aid-t?Pi' ...... 13.700.00 Sereey. General Appropriations For* Par'.i.i* C<»ft — Pii.-eh.vsc Je rso y . 5.000.00 3.000.00 The approximate amount of the L Municipal Purposes ...... - . c;f I' uiure Ptre Tnu-k ...... 5.COO .00 James R. Burlew, Jr.j Ciiffwood, 3, Ruberve for Uncollected Taxes — Based on Estimated U0.5 pm ecnt «-f Tax Coll Burlew’s Ciiffwood Inn Inc. Tidal D o te d J a n . 3, 1907 follows): (a) Local Tax for Municipal P.irpi‘»ses Iru-hHiluv* R»*>.orve Sidney Alpern, Atty. by James U. Byrlew, S»*., Cnnit.d 1 mpTwenwiKs .. 73.700.00 41,000.00 tc-r Dncollocted Taxes ...... J2 ?iCMI0 P resident ‘ 1)\ Munii'i'Kii l>ebt Servicc J2 f 10.40 SUMMARY OF VjfcQ APPHOPMATlONS EXVENDKP AND TANCKLr.:’ 5.C-OO.CO :,cL>,, ..... 5‘ 1* !«K». -»7.1! En.orn,t’nry Author./ai ons .... 2.000.00 ou \he ftppV.vaUon ol 'he undersigned, } Reserved ...... 'i\i C)\ ^rtKi>i’iier..linn;i ...... •J7.W5.97 B2.200.3l at which time Application will be given to the creditors nf tJ d deceased j s t a ’I" n - o ::v made for the allowance of Cominis* to present to the said Sole Executor Ovevcxpvnahures* ...... 1' .l!»t».70 ->-filnUI.KS- their claims under onth wPhln six r •, ^ Dnti-d February 20th A.D. 15167. months from thi? date. Usi.!.ina;'-.I1 of Am- ;ni • 'T i.h r' i’Uuin' Einpla. FinST NATIONAL CITY HANK, Uf lol- a|>L*l;.Ut;i; ro>;ts oth.*r !finn .»■- 4 8 9 . 7 0 D a te d ; li.i. y J J l>, i :>0 * • Uil- jtiiiuiint.; ..'.Uil tiiiO.'i inc titi< "t 0 Pet' . l-’.‘in . l.TW M l.roo.oo 1 .5 W .W ) 2 ,0 1 0 .3 0 (B_y.Aii.imr u . Lane, Jr., nnd Wi:nrs." Philip G. Becker *;1 u tu Trust Officer), boniG ot the lieu,s included .n "Other Expeiiscj 4.5,00 On I'fl 4 . IM rf*. f.O i* ,7^ S SF t ?rt.| i t ?99 P a r k Avenue* 325 M ain S treet Material, supplied and nonbnndsit>le equipment. Matawan, New Jersey *i ‘ u I , Fund ; n>;-«“) i.CrXI 00 s y v .b e j L A b v u I O n , Cct.Vidua! services for garbage and trasi rvn '\al, tire u^umm *«-iv 1.1, ,i.d lo ^u1 ntci.i fl.c *-v»n 1 i- I! ‘. lu-i- .i'ii t Messrs. Walter E. and P hilip G . BeeUer, Er.q. . 3 8 etc. Krti: fiiHMit 7.034 7 *1 5,701.00 (t,70!.no 5.70C.62 Walter M. Cooper, Esq., 325 M ain Street Prititing and advettising, utility sirviies, inru •ancc ;ind many ctbei item s essential to the seivice Counsellors at taw , Matawan, New Jersey dered by municipal government. \ m Mi)n Street. A tto rn ey Cranford. New Jeraty. “See Budget Appropriation Items so marked below “Expr nletl lflOti • H« erved.” JIB $24.80 }23 J-2.4C -Ml,nnkf»at . B a se d ::u r«» A ssessed V hluatinn r,f |3:>,540.0C5 f0 ‘or Re;,l I'^t.Me T ixes m>: «Ht58 «o for 2-360 NOTICE T.«*.11 l ,w .r" .ii alty, it is estimated that the lfM7 Tax Hate per ot Asafrr,si*d W.IutUun will he i3.~s'l f'r A.M'J -J'i, .’!■ SHERIFF'S SALE TAKE NOTICE that the follow to* Vi.tW lt>r tiusinvi.s Pejso^auv, u>mpaloU as Ivltows: P'..!! SUPERIOR COURT OF offer for the purchase of lands and V EA H it*67 NEW JERSEY I "Kip*. «. A » tu premises situate, lying and being in 50fi,*103 no CHANCERY DIVISION tho Township of Matawnn, fn the MONMOUTH COUNTY County of Monmouth and State ot T ax l ‘atp A c tu a l Td\. P a t t (f.) futttotiii (*em 1. te P er*onaltv T a x L evy K>tate i\T'i.:-a^t\ for *he puymtm of the amount tel T ax Levy .i:\d »K> ) . . •Jifv 5O5.C0 i^*^GROS^O. his wife. Plaintiff vs: forth l.«U«w as the equivalent of tho (Ml RrM-rvt* tor UM'olUvted JERSEY CENTRAL ROME AND DE* annual »ax levy ng;dn-.t the said ... $7;*L2 fiS.108.36 - P5.!05.3ft VELOPMENT CORPORATION. i premises ior the current year and a County Tax ...... 2-J3.000.t)'l .Nll i n v 13 Tdi' corporation of the State of New jer* like sum for each of the following Local Purpose Tax ...... 3«.l508 j ’J l.»r« .l’0t l.“4') *«y. CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND 9. T"M1 General vr.ars until tald pvetidscf. Qie a messed Deduction Allowed Seutot Al)p: M'ii UiMiS ...... 7l4.a»J.6'i 310.23 2 t ,M \ 12 LOAN ASSOCIATION. LITTLE S1L* for taxes, and further i-nymen; of ad Citizens and Veterans 30.-UO.OO .0i<7 ‘ S5.Hj 3 1C VEU I.UWBER & SUPPLY CO.. a fees and expenses incident to this corporation of N«w Jer*ey, MON* ofler, w h s submitted to, cot aidered TOTAL LEVY 91.111 m.?t> l) L .) i( A M I) W A T E R U T IL IT Y U l’D G H T MOUTH LUMBER CORP.. a corpora­ and approved by the Tovvnsbi ) Coun* U ra b z e d tion of New Jersey, LANDIS & LAN* ill nf the T>e held in the Cuuiu-tl Cb< mber m Opn Ming Sirphti A.dnlpated ...... ro.ow.^o !7 .^ :0 ;>o In the above stated action to m e di. the Municipal Building at 1<7 Lower recU'd. I >halt expose for saie at Main Street, in tho Township of Mat. t’otht Operating Sur,vhu; Antic'.p. Ud ... jp.t.nn to |7.X'0 WJ 17.3W.00 public vendue, at the Court House tivvbu. N ew J e rs e y q n tn e G*h d a y of CURRENT FUND - ANTlClPAl'EO RLVENUES In the IUumukIi of t-'m'U'vtd, C ounty M areh. VJtVi. at 8:IX> p .m , wnit fu rth e r U4.7K' 00 W .ru i C4> 1I4.7&3 13 of Monmouth. New Jeney, on Mon. su b ject t<> tiie of i ll m-'injrs H.vdi; i.t Sir v'W IX) •I'.'O.tW 315 WO ttif* 2 0 th d a y nf M arch , IPflt, a t 2 due in connection uith sfJd - ffcr wiih- Anticipated 5.4(K- 00 7.ono cxi 5.4 M.iiO o V ’-.vk. P.M . ptovoiling T im e. in ten d a y s of :he dn(n ‘if the resy* GENERAL REVENUES uv I l»t v* Alt unit i-dVtaln' tr.iut ot' p a rc e l of luiioa oi in.-il app ro v al r s a fo iesaid ; T . tm W; le*t 1.’: 140.4'W 1IL72U.0<| 137.871.45 land ard premUe*. hercjnalter par- O ffer of the s u m cf fG3tVjo in cash, Surplus Anticipated ...... .W i £b.‘.iV OO tlcui.uiy described, ri'uate, lying and and |54 tn), tax c<|ulvalent, for U>ts Surplus A nticipated w ith f ’Vior W riUe C ":sii’t Al’riM »p»: 5 Ci-o.oo U.WV.V II A'I iONS FOK l/i-Mtj* in the Tuwnsnip cf Marlivtri.. n u n iS rre d 5,1 ar.d f»4. bU*ck n u m b e r 3, Local U u' eri;M* :.t ...... 1 0 w a 1 1 - H ' r 'iM T Y In lhe ('m inty i.f M o n m o u th and Stjite M a p of Ciiffwood lic-icii. OlMT ot N l -.v HOSe: K. W KN7.EL Total Surplus Anticipated ...... IW.IXHJ t'*> 35.70*7 p 1?? ft? BEtNti KNOWN AND DF.StGNAT Township C’kiK o JU.WjO.IW M.'JtU.Ul El) iks Luts 'Si, •13., i* . aa. 37, 38, 3l', I Ji $7.20 Miscellaneous Revenue*: C*.H .• .H-'.tl . LUen>es- c ( f t hl'T ,nation Ai.'oholie Beverages - ...... VtnAuO 15.U»0,«i 12.01:.CC j.ew .n a O t h e r ...... WIMO SPECIAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ll**t • F e e s aiui P e n u lts : ...... 8 ,fH\l oO a &,ooo no 8 rw 'Hi v.< -.1 i'i i,at ll.ilicllnK ...... a.ijo j.Sio H ^ Antiripnted Water Utility Opcr^tirg Surp'us lti.WM.31 k K\‘VM>Vk'fUKi: INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Total MlrreUaneuu* Kw^eni.r# ...... i;!.m«.t>i I ■ ?.0rn i»j J.OTOtO ' M7.«a Rct-»‘ipt» f/on^ D plln.innd T ax< s ... „ ^ « Tt .KiO.lK) ' U K 'i 1 M3* ut TUW.W FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MATAW AN >*u»plu» d ln .i' i Lgrtgf'J .. »*0f0 0# H I G H W A Y 34 (noar Main St.) 566-2663 iubt«.''.fll f t* f « '* l Reve'.av* vlletus 1, i . 3 ai <1 41 . 3«;‘a4i« rd Ap»’roi UT.WiiU, IMMN 13?,WM !4:.t>l«a S o S. t o tmt’Unt to Ih* tij T ax es•S f'»:fo; S,.NjnSi.Nt.oftAm f Mu cipal UudiM: (A) Lofi'l T^< f

al (.»• ,i r;d lit : ti w j t^ 2 » n i: ;i*T w : ll.P'.l u 6J -»44 ‘M *T« -t * - J7 V»0 OP srr.w t?.V J»7| i. ij; ^ A} 1 til ' -... ^ »». cr a -u A i. 1N t ATIONV4 For bwt * h'a! f« T I*'£4 i Al l>j‘* r 11- f' •97 <*»r !?** U\ ,\l V/ flilliKi J3 MM |:ni*HlAt K'NM > Mdi *KATIt »TIUTV. l-t* .ef«teo-y tt AN IV«! (H ^ ’«tU‘ii ' : ■ . ■ l i ki»il Cl I f «*4»i oa . issUHe* ■ 4 4.1 . .-,.v . -■ 44 ^ ■: MUI.M .«» W..t rs i; V' ■ Dehl V i t m # ■■ I'.lvfM 4/-40.W i , u * HI M l # rm$0, I IS U ttd 49 f*9 • »■ .... , • r*»j**f ,4 I it r i ■ i .-.■ ■*■ .■ ■ ,ei u n i W. 'lea ■ J.Cl^ * i t «i i".Jl i'IMNMW! " ■ '■ v .. : I 4 1 0 0 0 0 fl Anew .. !>-. H . " l.*P"*l t » l,U f ■ ." ,.- .. /» 11 ft»» W f. r •» \\ e n . 9 ro I V.o (4 t . m w |TAI(Stf»ltV r «i • rMM.Mnm'iiM: . : t 1 al t «^tr»i*wt‘ '« m V|.» r ! >0 i fcO U r n n r m r u r n sir vr.sur* mu>i * tv .iw <» H,WN * t <’**♦» : ■ ...... t t m h* ■ s. ' w i i « i »i il t T» WI i V . d i , n V. tfr» 5 M«5 to s ti» i.ttvm !«•'« ♦*4 I.WW 1,416 47 IH ! U A|-l'liOI MUl|UN4 roll AUkKMMKHT URIlf ( ’ - a,.* ' rt.wrw > M K r.« f I'Aiiit.nt rl l 0,1.. ti .) II ?«♦!!« llittte iv it*. t>i . t i t I N \,VV ? T> («1 « • » « eillilt A* A n m y i >•«* «■>. m m - *1,639 1 r t ) tPl'KNDItt 1t1 ClfliflfT »t»rkW I;te1 to 1«• J . 5 ',<» (•« i*mw M l* et'nitr.M ir« i I'-'.i <0MI'AhAttV vrAit’Jfiw o p L ' v n M r n r •■h w o |t..a U M M A llO N lI ASD IN tPflkrKt W h o ! 4* t h # c o t < h | i^ljll.f* i MAM n*m f i f t ’f V4*Ktl ¥f»f v««r IW m t o^y. > . 1 hn M0 im U 1 f ^ M /n o ln g tl n d of A't>- 4 K fit ■ ■ ’ ill ,-*■ noin.M 11 t*St i* ih * f*!oii u t t f p o ! 0 ^ r o i l •1 \V ' | , J^I fUJ f 4 f « ,J»W pf* it ii » o n l 1 ti«l lb*> \'V* ipiitlM « H f r : : 1 m«r I# {.Mil* . tfti <* j H* 1 4 ^ / C # flW A C / M 11»«» ft k u ) i I rtilorfil * »< Im* ',t I ^ l*r O tffU t # ttftt t « t * i • .. ■ . ***** *1*1. .MS 5» IK irt S’r w .. M i l | » « * • *i «i « * IK-94 1 I.j M 1 1 «» «*l« i m m i : . «i hi Hmt \i» I I m o t r 0 »p ♦I t> f ' i t i »o> >n J-^< »l»(.M ir!fu»lfft 1 M * t--’ ‘:-r. il I * I J*i j ^ tM*Wf ••J'l A*rt%Uw,* *vo, *tr.herf Ajnd»M«Ul i MM I » j-.rv-ta. MM tm. w \ H II H I W j . dirtftiMn . -il,ill It ■ I** Ml*''**' 1 . 5 . ■ ■■.*%*»•• ijijn w . I * p' < •* hi f * yelt* un i* ,* i‘««i rv » i l ! M ■ , ■'■ ■ -■ - , l»i '« 3 « 7 5 IM dm |th»o tfl fhp fpnl iltfQ. hoi (I tll*p|»bil* t 0^ IM I . I n M i rus. ,« * !» MM W i* 1'f UI A H t t t A* ilovif' w* let fjtl**f tr'SHMf're |( HV M HN«« u #f*.« ».»».»I VVl -it «ltci U' yc'< Kdvo P> |Htjy^ I I^nll ?U»t» t*t fc* ii’iT. A, j : . -f’- 'r . . i m W « m m i i ■ p f- < ...... 1 . - t l ■* . thfl frtf « * ’»•.(» *» it >¥•((«.« .. n 4 IM ** 1 tw . ... •. ^ . * IU ) ‘ *^4 i t , i . 1, ■ ■ • *« ,», I , r*t V' » 'a r. lf « “ «« _ w it »'*JJ n» h i l l ?o» I l i a . . *(-'MI ■ : J'sS M ti* ■■ iM- t** W i \ -ir i*.». an***.* ii e %!#*■*... ** ■ ■■■ . __ tit _ _ , li HliH I r r r d I , r% f|U a";.l W sgH ...... » liAwf >« H i 0 l>"! t-!"wl»* * * (*.(!« ifc*, M l! |.»‘j"*.* MD hHiiitml Ihul rt ‘7 1^ ift-e m t.tmm ’ H fit \&m i*-i «T*, Ibrt Ip O fh fm M B Xfi,. tviel »M tMiiM t *i . ■ >» t. M !*.*<*> W IIM n l r ' r 1 $Mm M l) f.. #»(*»#»«•. v a, l U l M P f >»ly p f b 'y r r i f t t H » r - ■»»**•» d f 1*?^* tl thUP**.fUl'rrrt ,r >1(1Cl IK-f j #!*» »lij’» C' ’ " h * f " I ,,,'.‘l * I. it MW.W IMH - t ? '■"■imi*i : . J* ' ¥"#.#4 j:.k .. ' - ' ;■ i •> © j * j f 'jn# <« fi »y f f e r - I . . . j ■; ijf.i , -Vip*' V ^ 'il , * |H ; t J iri - f t f •**, f*' -< F.tlrfttftM ...■ r t < t w l i t ■ I * .» t* .< ; be. uo ‘-.H+& ... ' s'.. . ' ’ ;■ IV»W Hi ■* * IKrtTnl*. 1‘*t I * . * ! * 9MtM« V*J»'» Only AlHHORI(fcl) V U tK iW A O lN O tA U R «|IMiHl M M ixnw lifl Ml* 1* wrt* Ol ‘i lit * • -. .. >a>*4 l.tFHAt m e t IUM t 'f n f MJPN.feS W |s#l- jSiJoflBf Ih iii - - 6*;*t •* * *" *>w J P-sg

Siwti’ Fhv College station calls within New Jersey. Major Pay R^tsc I h as been an n o u n ced kii.r.ldy b y vhe. ’I’he reduced rates bees me tttec- j ( Bottle ttkiv,-.t s Association Telephone livo yesterday. Announces Sessiiuix j Some 00.000 production worker* i {A‘ ;;.C!0|) w ‘d th - Monmouth Adopts RecordBudget The increase oi' frum three to . i . • • . . \,}V iVianulaciurets Institule. the The New Jersey State Fire Col- •> four minutes in the bask film- in the glass cotitamet industry win : p;iy jiv.t>.a;se nnd o'lditmnnj holiday lej'O spring training .sessions oC five j Rates Down period applies to ah imavsUUe mu- recoil pay meieasi s of 10 corns i are provided for in ihice-yoaV i tion-t'j-.suitioj) calls, day, evening an hour starling in March, plus an j labor contracts signed bv GBBA By u four to one vote Tuesday, get are, in many eases, only small j adoption of the county budget and night lectures conducted l'o: the : A reduction in telephone raies ! or night, in the 21 to 25-mi!« range? Additional paid holiday in 19i>7, ;» !and GCMf in 1^5. ' the Monmouth County Board of down payments on the costs of the that he hadn't been advised of this past years in the northern, south- j which will save Nt:n Jersey Bell Freeholders adopted the $lS,Sti7»07i years to come." action. customers S4,00o.000 annually was ’ For example, under this new rate ern and cac['cee*“il ureas of the \ schedule, all calls between Newark budget. The budget is up $3,398,329 Mr. Daly then pointed oul that “Thu Wing Oi these new wage announced today by the Stale and cailii for a county tax rate oi atato will be extended agahi this ; Board of Public Utility Commis­ and New Brunswick, except person- in past years budget increases have scales was, in my opinion, an ac­ year to offer instruction to the j to-person cal's. will have a basic 05.36 cents for each $100 assessed tion that should not have taken sioners. William F. Hyland, piesi- been covered by large increases in growing number of volunteer fire j time period of four mimihrs. The valuation, an increase of 6/4 cents. ratables. but thut this year, in spile place. I have had no satisfactory dcnl of the PUC, said New Jersey CLIFFWOOD PiZZA Dissenting wds Freeholder Marcus companies in the west-central area t Bel! TwCphOiiO Company agieed to rcduccd cluum-s wilt uffec, more of a great growth in the trsx base, explanation of thi:: action. It would | of New ./eisey with sessions at the ‘ than 17,000.000 culls made annually Dt.\yt who had voted against the the budget increase far exceeds the appear that tha matter:, ol financial the reduction following u review of & S U B S H O P budget when it was introduced last i N.J. Neuru-Psvchiatric Institute in ! the company's earnings initiated during the -after 8” and Sunday increase in ratablcs. responsibility ol tho Welfare Do.ud ‘ Skdlman. The program for the j calling times. ’ month, arc, in some instances, not being by the Commission, Cor. W est Prospect Ave. & Highway 35 Attacks Welfare spring sessions was announced by Also announced are reductions Mr. Daly objected primarily to handled by it;> members.*’ Joseph J. Drew, president of the i Highlights of the redut tions are: tncrensed welfare costs, and in par­ Mr. Daly aimed his attack on the Lowering the maximum rate for on some person-to-person calls, and CLIFFWOOD, N. J. — 566-4465 area of welfare. He is a freeholder Mr. Daly also complained about New Jersey State Fire College. ’ ticular the salary raises given wel­ “after 8 p.m." and Sunday intra­ sharply reduced rates for volume representative to the County Wel­ the hiring of additional case work­ The sessions are op::n lo paid j control telephones, the sels made (Just South ot Cliffwood Light) fare workers. Tlie only public com­ ers. saying •*! do not believe this state calls from 35 lo 25 cents. The ment on the budget came from fare Board, “in the welfare area,” and volunteer fire companies;; us charges for all long distance state especially for persons with impair­ he said, “there has been provided is required.” He criticized the new well as members of industiial fire I ed hearing. The special $1.90 one­ Come in and Meet Matawan Township Councilman welfare salary guide, which hr snid calls of over 20 miles during these Mrs- Marilyn K» Brenner, who increase of approximately $1000 brigades. The same program ol time periods will also he reduced. time charge for the volume control per year to 70 positions which are raised the eounlv from the second five lectures will be conducted in telephone will ho :*mj wanted to know how plans for the lowest in the state to nearly the The reductions will benefit approx­ SEORSE RUTH and JOHN BAMBRiCK county college were coining. iu the- 5*1000 to $7000 a year wage each of the centers. Cettifieafes will imately 17,100,000 calls made each the monthly rate will be reduced bracket. Similarly, a number of po­ highest. Under the proposed guide, be awarded to those attending a from $1 to 50 cents. Tho now rate Freeholder Director Joseph C. starting pay for case workers would year. Proprietors sitions in the higher wage cate­ minimum of four sessions. Kxpanding from three to four wili he effective in the first billing Irwin told her that the Board have been $5774. Freeholder Direc­ period in M nrrh ‘ gories have been given even higher Thf* wist-central area sessions mimit»*s the initial time period for would be meeting soon with the wage increases. tor Irwin said this was dropped to Open 10:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. county college advisory committee S57U0 to conform with other coun­ will he held m Mnnasqunn High all intrastate station-to-staiion calls The downward adjustments on “The welfare board salary scale Sunday thru Thursday to .take action on a state recom­ ties, School on Wednesday evenings, in the 21 through 25-mile range af­ person-to-person rate*;, which « ill fur 1987 calls for increases of from Mar; 15, 22, 29 and Apr. 5 and 12. fecting some 11,000,000 calls each apply lo most intmstate long-dis­ mendation that the county estab­ 15 io 20 per cent in the overwhelm ­ Daly Overruled 10:30 A.M. to 12 Midnight Friday & Saturday lish a college. He said uctlon had year. tance calls between G-» and 150 ingly majority of cases. Thu sal­ Mr. Daly asked that the board miles, also became effective yes­ Tiot been taken sooner because of Reducing charges for almost ary range for the overwhelming table the budget for further study. Art Guild Exhibitor 500.000 yearly person-to-person in- terday. The reduction on long-dis­ ★ PIZZA KITCHEN NOW OPEN * preparation of the county budget. number of other county employees This touched off a lengthy debate tance calls will make all intrastate Daly Statement traslatc calls of certain distances. in the $4000 to 57000 range has been on voting procedure. Mr. Daly A spirit of fantasy pervades the Reducing by 50 per cent the rates equal to or less than those take h o m e o n e o f o u r w ide variety o f delicious pizza's . In detense of his position. Mr. in the neighborhood of 6 lo 8 per made his recommendation after for interstate calls of comparable Daly Issued a four-page statement work of Guild * exhibiting artist monthly rate for volume control OTHER SPECIALTIES INCLUDE cent.” Clerk William Ulrich had begun Betty Hart whose one - man show sets, used by people* with impaired time and mileage. on why he opposed the budget. Mr. Daly called the difference in taking the vote on the budget. Mr. opened at the Guild of Creative Art hearing. There are about 16,000 of The reduction in toll charges will HOME MADE MEAT BALLS “The taxpayer in the county,” the salary range “iniquitous" be­ Irwin refused to allow Mr. Daly to on Feb. 25. More than 20 recent these phones in use In Nesv Jersey also affect the independent tele­ he said, “is faced with a large in­ cause one group was favored in make his motion, saying it was"too paintings and drawings, th e at present. phone companies which have AND crease in the county tax rate, spite of recommendations by tho late. majority of which are landscapes, Bulk Of Savings adopted the N. J. Bell state toll which, coupled with the increasing State Civil Service Commission, After considerable debate. Mr. wili hn'on view nt the gallery in The bulk of the savings for tele­ tariffs. The reduction in revenues SAUSAGE SANDWICHES tax rates nf tho local communities, which reviewed county salaries two Irwin went along with a sugges­ Shrewsbury through Mar, 31. Pen­ phone asers will come front a $3.* of the independents are estimated makes the burden more onerous. years ago. tion by Democratic FifeehnWer Eu­ cil drawings predominate in the 300.000 annual reduction in charges to be in excess of $80,000. — PLUS — In my opinion, governmental units Mr. Daly noted that the Welfare gene J, Bedell to allow Mr. Daly collection of the Little Silver artist, for “after 8” and Sunday long-dis­ A VARIETY OF must exert a stronger role in re­ Board administration had already to make his motion. Mr. Bedell who also has included some pen tance calls within the state. The I ’he first vacuMon Bible school sisting ever-increasing budgets. The filed with the Civil Service Com* argued that to do otherwise would and ink drawings and several oil now rates, which will save cus- for youngsters was opened in COLD SUBMARINES monies called for in this 1967 bud­ mission the new salaries before give the impression that the free­ paintings, all sharing the unmis­ , tomers moro than 40 per cent on 1901 in New W k City by Dr. holders were trying to confuse the takable quality of n highly Indi­ some calls, will uuply to practical* Robert Boville of the Baptist Selling Lunch Meat By Tho Pound public with “procedural trickery.'* vidual interpretation. ly all customer - dialed station - to* City Mr. Daty then made his motion to table the budget. It was lost for lack of a second. The board voted to adopt the budget with Mr. Daly opposed. B u y W it h In support of the budget. Mr. Ir­ win said more than ICO meetings had been held and that mme than $600,000 had been cut from btuh'rt requests, including those in the wol- fure a »en. He said many of the items o»n- UibuUng to the mcrenve wi.-re those . C o n fid e n c e which the* county had no control r i r r n r t ^ f i over, such as vvjnty residents in state irotitutinns, which 24 MONTH, 50,000 MILE was up more than WARRANTY A V Al LA BLE Agricultural Agent ON POWER TRAIN FOR 1964, 1965, AND 1966 FORD BUILT CARS

’82 FALCON Del.we 2D, Auto. $ 595. ’S2 FORD Galaxlo “500" JD, Auto., PS 730. ’63 FORD B Pnss. Country Sed. SW, Auto., PS 9D3. ’(3 MERCURY "S55" Convertible, Auto.. PS lt)K. •M FORD Fatrlanc "500" Sta. Wai;on, Auto., PS 1293. 'ti FORD Galaxle “ 500" 4D, Auto.. PS 1293. ’*5 FORD Custom 2D, Auto. 1S30. STEAKS •«S MUSTANG 2D H.T., Standard Trans. 1J95. Porterhouse or T-Bone ’SI FORD 0 Cyl. Custom 2D. Auto.. PS 1450. ’M FORD Country Squire, Auto.. PS 1450. *63 FORD Custom 2D, Auto., PS HW. Ai.m r.T p. NOHDIII.mW ’«3 THUNDEKBIRD, Full Power HW. MW- t I \ t ’S3 MUSTANG V8 2D H.T., Auto. 1393. ! h is dr s a s nn . ; w ith i ’« FORD Gnlnxle 2D H.T., 4-Spced Trans. 1650. | sron ,S l!)t*l i’ll S IMS. 1 1 XI s Km 4 t *1.00 ■W PLYMOUTH Station Wni’.on, Auto. 1830. C o lle y f \ i.i I. | onincn 1 s M TttUVDURBIltD, Full IMft'fr I9»5. 1 ‘ Pi t t 1 t 1 l;mvi tsdv JOIN THE GROWING 11ST OF ’8# FORD 6 Cyl., 0 l’ass, Country Scd., Auto., PS 2095. Sill ...,i ...... ’M FORD 0 Cyl. Gulaxie "500" 4D. Auto.. PS 2093. t n ’ ,IHM « »|?f j m r r n 1 la i lAHCAirif BPANO BONUS BINGO 'M FORD Galaxle "500" XI. 2D H.T., Auto., PS 2295. cv iv«*d t 1 1 DYNAMIC D ill SAVINGS' <.l—. .1., i,.-*, (M lF O R N tn I fl .. », WINNERS! M*V t„ pi ,1) DOILCO Bo' B Owtil Chit it t n l . 5 9 CHUCK ROAST •M 1.1NCOIM-CON1TNKNTA1. 41). Air Condition--! 20W. ] of lU r MOHI $1,000 WIMNIRS I HAM limit Stiloml . 69' '8® MliRCURY Montclair ID H.T.. Kmr. Car, "ViO 5 9 , 11­ i k if Dio Sctlad ■ . '68 LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL ID, l-xot Cur, 6500 MIIm ' DEL MONTE ,4 ^ Q c p0'“ 1 j .M,J. , IM..• .m u }. ' • Pit. V I.nk...... 9 7y IttdUur Chrcto ‘84 I.INCOLN-CONTINKNTAI. ID Convertible, Air Conditioned t 1 V 1 Tomato Saucc V1 ^ ^ ** f I r ^ ‘ 111 . (u \ \ 8 ih * 4 d i * ' WMUmAiiI. '-.V ' S hi'I nut" IDEAI W ill fl k n » , 1 1 .y SC O TT T o n m lo S i i ik c 1 -n is i a | h i !*‘ti to in:»K«* !t ENGLISH 1 i l\ v 1 d If I t 0 'T-. llw h '.iiw m \n rlH ;i id n»Mit'M-r J > 1 TSSSUE H14009 A G I'i N (j 1 I'i S MMiU al h n ta u m n M \i\Ui ( \ n r . (h riAlj!'H

I h - >n 1’ SINCE If0< r;n .*> l* <1., f|i.r | | « ( f Coffee...... 75* fORO MIBCURY ■ ItNCOtH CONTINENTAL t>,| . . i ’/ :;. • \ 1 I' V M i J | a 1 Coffee...... 69* Monmouth and Moplo * Rod Bank S)Kif|lnUio'l 2 29'

FlMIIUli BuHcr 55‘ *- •: «• ‘ < li • I'cuiuil Bullcr ...... 49' t i Toituitoos .: 33' GOING TO NEW YORK? ToiikiIoci 2 45 Polnlooi 2 , 27' t I AT All S tAMM Al O K (t',..t(ilJ MAt W>« 1,000 - 1 jOQ - MOO - ".0 - '70 - M0 - S - 'I Pork & Bcoiis....6 . 79' I M > • v* < ( M j t FUN BEGINS. . f I I >V i . f I , Olives ...... ' 43' r - ' f . » | ,r* ( YOU* WHEN YOU TRAVEL VIA THE ASBURY PARK ’ im r Mtir(|(irinc 2 .. 53' ; tioH U t MEW YORK TRANSIT CO. YOU ANRIvn ' nfNOO Rl'.lAXCD AND UHADY I OK BUI.lUr ','. OR PA(ir iiXt’LNSE... rA sr Ttmr-jfjKrr IVORY v m r A E ROUND TRIPS DAILY n o u s o « 1 \ M,. If l>tj>lf f I. p,.« » ll » _ 5; * ? R t' ' i'i i»IA b E L K h i M 1 1 yii.nt'.t* i ■ n r i n n ) f* i t f r ■ TOOTHPASTE t m m m E fiPItM fUANS B R IA O Cream Clicc-o Phone 264-2222 PIJHWA'iHtl! fU u U U . . ^ CUUW.-.M ft. ttt ♦ a n tt- nil tUtt JL - w j Q c C R I S T 6 9 i r n i m n ; ; M a t io m A f ti • 0 I• A 11 *1 im t -p .* I 5M ^M PU D . , 6 -* A d (y I'/tflr Mnw Vntk (’ 3 7 ‘ 6 0 . } t t W i , ______a» v' tfH nrt i , i 9 i KOLLO »«J3i

' t . - O • / t SOUTi 15 AHO n , KEYPORT PlINTY OP FftEI PARKINS ROUTE M AND CAMB*tD6f! OR,, MATAWAN Thursday, March 2, i 967 1 I He MAl/\Vv>\N JOuk; I. j . Page Fifteen

ent of tho total levy of school . A W I t;ixcs. * i m w j m St s # . i n v. >'< n X " / M f /, V IL fcU 'S S 36 W. PRON": ST.. iCEYFOPJ JL' v ' ^ \ ; ★ 2i*:-5S50 ALL f'ERMANLNrii REDUCED $ 6 .0 0 - $ 8 .0 0 - $ 1 0 .0 0


iVIMNG AND CLERICAL WORK l.l-.i-. (.'Aki’ETS, almost new, 9x9, INCOME. TAX RETURNS ‘.‘Xpcrtly MATAWAN BOROUGH, LARGE j fl.v'J. 5,\9, all have pads; alio a pre parrd. Is id f) re F i it*d rnan, 23 vacant lot zoned for duplex (2- ; Atkerson, Van Buskirk GUARANVEEIJ CAKS at home. Call 5uf>-7483.' wj2 MATAWAN! BOROUGH m m m b r s y e frw ihrow reasonable. Call \V Main St.. Freehold Call *162- Mniiiv liouso). Exceilvnt location, j a u t h o r iz e d s u z u i a 5CG-?.24!t. wj2 • I H H . _ _ A': niilitit*;. Walking (Usance to & Eiliott, Inc. MOTORCYCLE F O R R E N T INCOME VAX FORMS prepared ^hoppiit*.*, jiChot»Js and railroad ' SALES & SERVICE GA RIJEN A PA R I'M ENTS SECTION C H E S llitt UAU2IS in your home or in my home. SJ2..m V a !l jKC-‘j1l8. wj2 ! 3 E. Front St. — 2IM-11W MAIN ST. CR. RT. 516, MATAWAN MODERN 3 ROOM unfurnished DESIGNED 5B6-7221 BEST TOP SOIL Jam es J. FJc*.rrott. For appoint­ Local Agents for opt. Idea! for newly married LIKE PRIVATE HOMES CuMom hnincs in of ment ou!! H71-12G8 v/j4/Li/H7 VU^TF^VT* piRE OPEN EVES. TIL 9 Matawan ticrougb. Wii) build to suit WANTED TO RENT 2 0 couplc. Call 264-.1405. wjli INSURANCE GROUP _ wjtf Like JiviiiR in your own lins lit>»'«_• nr fr'jiri r>ii.v.icU. 4 G ’ul a>’e rack, excellent ensino, lots. V/a!kin” distance to sciioois. fi!;ly rvaircd Cr.II 4-i2^oi7*i: \\ K>/- three rooms anil bath, heat sim­ MORGAWd.Lf-:, Nf. i. HOME OWNERS and -slpnti’d fi"ir(-T. Best ?,ffi;r ever WCS. ehurel\l.‘s, cornnmter si.'ivitT on^ i n c o m e Y ^ ' W ™ plied ?90 per month, immediate A N D 4*4 ROOM A PTS. 5£J*-J5707 cSjjll 566-8339.______wj2 shopninp. Easy t(‘rir.s, stnrlinj; at. proj>«ireo your homt*. File occupancy. 1 year lease, 1 month F R O M $110 M O . (N E T R E N T ) ?34,!)!«). (’all 5bT*lii8l now. ______jvjtf Debt Ceiling iBS^ CORVA1R MONZA 900, 4-door security in ad.ance. Inquire apt. 3, eaily. Small business. M. Wall nWj- automatic deluxe model, excel­ 1NCL. AIR-COND., HKAT, W AI.L GAS “ H'EATKUr Empife, 823(j evenings. wj-J/13 Amboy Rd., Cliffwood. wjtf reasonable1. Call wj2 lent ^condition; also 1960 Falcon HOT W A T E R IH M A T A W A N ODD JOIiS, painting, papering, and WANT TO START auton&^c reasonable. Inquire Lani- ULTRA MODERN apartm ent. 3'/, 0 LYi\iPur~v " i f r~'c6ss6LiC pamdlaij;. Call 2fi-MT7H Escalating bertsofy. 3l Myrtle Ave., Keyport. rooms, scienco kitchen, best lo­ MARC HAMPTON Meaiuud bfoado walnut finish i ...... wjtf; ° cation. Ask for Me. Pacelli, 787­ Call -M l- 5 1 6 1 . ______w g IT'S VAN'S AGCY. with doors KxcHlont for rer\ room PFiliSONAl. & SMALL BUSINESS j Conjiivs*) is aU>ur to push the SAVING NOW? 9157 or 787-0396. wjtf or_d«'n, only S^fi^Call ;»GS-1418. wj2 1057 itLYMOUTJI, i)*door» good APARTMENTS tax forms prepared by oxperi ; “tip" buit' n ap.ain, on Unde Sam’s (Ire'l l passed N. J. inspection KEYPORT APARTMENT, 3 rooms. REALTOR S-FOO’f PR AM ~ST AINiTiISS ha rd- enccd tax accountant Call 5Gfi-728t. ;icmark?,bl'? escalati»:R debt coiling. were, rub .ail $65. 50-lh. ? _ wj-|/J3/«7 This Is sJatutoiv limit imposed Our big Buick Vaiue Car­ ^ $ u n u a ry \ 1967 $50. Call 56G-7G19. wj2 Electric, jjos, heat, hot water Matawan Ave., between Ravine Dr. CR MAIN ST. & HWY 34 rooin, 2 larfje air oilers. 211-L ilNC'OAlF I’AX return;; prrv>arrd by upon puiillo d“bt uedcr a series; of | supplied. 1 month sfjcurlity. Call & Aberdeen Rd., Garden Stnle MATAWAN nival has been bringing in 20M (jr 2h4-«U)5-L______wjO public a('i'.uuntant in Matawan. laws daiir.;; back to the Liberty 2G4-3729. wjtf Parkway 120 onto jrrislawn MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING Pond Ac: of World War I. By 19*15. | Help W anted - Female 2 Koad lo Ravine Drive, ri^ht to OPEN 7 DAYS TWfT"SAF!£S,' FI LING CAHINKTS, Call for appointment 583-8538. Buick buyers at a record CLIFFWOOD PEACH MODERN auditorium e.hairr, blov/ors. wjtf Woild War ll hud pushed the ceil- ; property. _ in.u to SV-O billion. ' Ri-.G!STlW > NURSE OR Liceas- apartment. 3 rooms, heat sup­ w]30 — - ______pumps, motors, tanks, etc. Call “ TELEPHONE ANSWERING clip. A s a result' w e h a v e cd praqtical nurse examina­ plied. Call 5£G-1952. wjtl 56tJ-2-J(J0 between 9 a.m . and 4 p.m. SERVICE Fplknvin*; the* wai to n i'iess re- ! WANTED TO BUY the year's best selection tion, parti®* M l time, days ft even­ wj2 Lor us bo your secretary, no need duct'd rl,e debt limitation and set I KEANSBURCi APARTMENT, 3V4 KEYPORT APARlTrfENT, 3 rooms a “ pernwnt nt” ceil>n£ at S284 bil- j ings. Call! Holmdel Nursing Home, LIKE-LIKE MANNEQUIN, sweater to miss rails, part or full time m’i - of clean, dependable used Hwy 14, Holmdel. 946-4201). w jif rooms, 1st floor. Call 787-IM6 or and bath, heat and clectrie sup>- BUILDING LOTS individuual or lion. Hov'.vvcr, a sd d ic its continued inquire 172 Carr Ave., Keansburg. plied. Available M arch 15ih. Call small tracts. Will pay top dollai bust for ladies wear. Call 2B4- vicr. Call ?G 4j'0G a_ \yjl6 to pile up, Cnngr.'ys adopted suc- cars. Stop by a n d look wj2* 2(14*1237. w|2 no real estate brokers. Call SfflS 1295. ______u]2 PAINTING, CAR Pe'n TRY* niufai- cessivelv higher “temj-oiary” debt OPERATORS 5200, if no answer call Murdock 7 PUPPIES, TOY FOX TERRIERS ! terutions. Very ren.souable rate.s ceilings, ino lutes: peroiittinj; the ; th em over. APARTMENT, furnished, 2 rooms, UNION BEACH APARTMENT, 3 0767. wjtl $35. Chihuahuas $35 and up. j Cnll for fr<*c estimate 5W7-5373. wjtf Federal Government to borrow up j 1st floor, private entrance. Call rooms. Inquire J21 Florence Grown dogs, 1 large malt* Chihun- j to $330 biMion j F.xporioi'ccd sewing machine oper- 566-2746. wj2 Ave., Union Jfrach. wjtf COPPER .30. brass .15, all types o'nrs and trainees^ union shop, 35 of scrap iron nnd metal. Pick up hua $15. Fox Terriers $15 and up. W ANTED Even iN? is nyt ciiouKh, how- : '56 BUICK $AVE v\L*r. As !(>S7 opened, actual debl J hours per week, plant under new UNION BEACH APARTMENT, f-tTvicf, vour home or shop. Call Few lonj; coat Chihuahuas reason­ Cttntjry 4'Dr. Hftidtop, able*. (609) 199-1148. wj2“ uutstandfHK was oushinj; within a | -juanagement. Apply Jonathan Lo- newly decorated, 4 rooms, avail­ HOUSES FOR SALE 94WI12Q.____ wjtf JUNK CARS RliMOVEO, no tow :-$ai>, 1 Johnson Ave., Matawan. DOUBI.E BF.O, BOOKCASF. heml- hMf bill;mi dollars ol the $330 Lul- \ ’58 C A D IL L A C $ A V E able now. Call 2M-85G8 or iuttuire UPRIGHT P"fA N O S \ BOUGHT" io*' charge. Call 787-2071 wjtf Call 566-9383.______wjtf lioard, spring and mattress. 1 § !ier» ee'!;r.^ and lu. ■ Treasury ' O^Vill© Sot. Ccupt-. Auj-ie’s Amoco, Hwy 36, Union picked up and sold. Cat! 44'i-X-l74. U>TS,T'A^RMS.'ACR'HAGE. Prop- hard prcssfsj tu keep wilhin tlie, Beach. wjtf wj 3/2 headboard wih rolling fram e. Call i FAST PERSONAL SR. 2G4-5S8I alter 3 p.m . wj? I crtv owners, our N. J huildor^ '58 CADILLAC $AVE. OPERATORS KEANSBURG, completely private. . invt'Sl?1 . land developers nefvl <»r hvM’irr.s b« fore this year's D*Vi!le 4.Or. Hardtop. 3 ey.trs Isrgc, newly uei.onitixi F O R SA Lfc 8 126’* GIRLS BICYCLE, good'con- fmore land for n« w construction ‘Jith Ciill}*!app«*-:is lo he Irjvsla . Single needle sewing machines, for rooms, furnished or unfurnished, New ranch on approximately 2Ws Jdilion $15. Inquire 91 Oshorn St.. No propertv tr.n small, too larf»e. tion fu rt^ e ‘- elvv:i».nj» the debt ceil­ '59 PONTIAC «AVE children’s dresses, union conditions. enclosed yard, near schools, bu^es, acres, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, dininj? (OOF SIIINGI.F.S - SI.75 bundle »K'e\'nort. i"|^’ ’«r U'O far av.-ay. Every >id>- ! 4-Dr. Hardtop. we! - 1 srcorti, hot vvaUi l»cul, guia^e. Asucstos and brick siding - (10 mitted vvill receive immediate at­ jtiuppiMj:, Ciiildl i-ll hllll puis DINING ROOM SUITF., also relriR- O vt»spending Continues PATRICIA SPORTSWEAR INC. come, immediate occupancy. Cull 524,OOfl. sc}. Cedar shakes - $\ti.f,0 c(]. Finer tention. Contact or send details to '59 TRIUMPH $AVE erator, sofa and chair. Cnll 264­ This, p4'i:*ts out the New J e rse y 38 FRANCIS PLACE 787-0834. wj2 Hoofing Supplies, 52 Wilson Ave­ P. Ridiard Rscotta Realtor. I-aod 1R3A'.tcr Conv. 1261. wj2 Ptpartinfnt, 730 Broad Street, C'lif- ! T a.'p aw r.? A s w u im m i, will he an- KEANSIiURG Retirement home. 2 bedrooms, hot nue, Englishtown. C82'. wjtf otir r *n * ion^ sc‘hs ol -.t minders ______wj9 HAZLET HOUSE, 6 rooms and ton. '•}. 3. vvj2 j '60 BUICK $AVE w ater heat, full basement J! 1,700. HAlMMOND cF IT ^A ’i^ 'r a c e lle n l ithat fhe l-f-d'Tal ‘'-'ncrninent tun bath. Call 26:-5080. wj2 “2^5" Hafdlop Coupo. condition. L-100 model. Call 264­ SERVICES 1 0 i t intes ut over.*n*;nd its in. uine LIGHT BOOKKEEPING KEYPORT APARTMENT, 5 rooms. Kcyport Rnncn, 3 bedrooms, form­ 1225 after i p.m. wjuf PETS 1 2 ; while ui;!)',in)^ dvep.'r into d* ln '60 PONTIAC $AVE t TYPING al dining room, fircplacc, full base­ '.‘Inert? have hi.rn ten -uch “rrinind- reasonable. Call any day but BUILDIng71!-STORY” Broad- St.. PARKER BOARDING HOME tor Cafjllna 2-Dr. Sedan. Wednesday 264-1455.______wj2 ment, garage, $18,30V. Keyport: available op or before aged men sad women. State ROIU.HOW KI-NNI-LS, home In r r s ” in the past m.\ y ea rs a** Con- ""Jtftrnctlve opening—pleasnnt work­ UNION BEACH APARTMENT, 3 April 1st. Formerly Keyjwrt First licensed. Call 565-0611. Matawan, cilities for cats. Individual pons I rros iackvi) up the -tem poraiy" '60 BUICK $AVE ing conditions—local modern ri- N. J. wjtl | debt c« ilir.j; lo acc ommodate addi- rooms and baHi, tile floors STERLING McCANM Aid BuildinE. Call 261 U73U. wjtf with vu«s for do^s. Tender loving *‘225'‘ Ccr)*. Coupe. flce. Sund hand written resume to 1 unnal iH.rnmiin: throughout: heat and hot water REAI. ESTATE UPRIGHT PIANOS f7om~ $% ' to YOU bust 'em, we’ll fix 'em. Glass care. Pets own diet. Mrs, Bowman Post Office Box 538, M atawan. ' A in*’sstre c»f Ha hkh cost of '62 CHEVROLET $AVE supplied. Private entrance. Inquire HWY 34 5C6KS6 SI75. Call 112-8474. wj3/2 and screen repairs. Bayshore 4G2-2&95. wjtf 221 Dock St.. Union Beacti or call ,H?rro\\*nj* is tbe annual inlcst'st Imp^U 4.Or. Scd^n. wj2 Hardware Co., Front St., opposite ' i han’t’ >n the rriitonal debt, ex­ 7G1-6037. Wj2 Post Office. Keyport. Call 264- 1145. WOMAN FOR HOUSEKEEPING, COMniNATION ALUMINUM MISCELLANEOUS 15 peeled m tojal 512 j hii'ion tla.s fis- '62 BUICK $AVE MATAWAN BOROUGH, 2 family MATAWAN STORM K- SCREEN i al veui provide own transportation. Cull house; one 5(4 room apartment DICYCLE need flxin’? I3rin{i it in 4-Dr. H.udtop. WINDOWS ft DOORS LAMINATING. IIF.AVY GAUGF 506-9371. wj2 and one 4J$ room apartment. Call to Western Auto, 112 Main St., !h,j p!o taut shue "( t!us ile'tt niSCOUNT PRICKS plastic, Prot'-ct lod^e and credit J;iu rest i ' ar^e, alfie, to i,«\jiay- '63 PONTIAC $AVE BAUYSITfER 12:45 p.m. to 2:15 5ai-I386. wj2 3 bedroom ranch, llvinp room, din­ Mntnwan. Wo repair all makes. wjtJ caid\ plaques, diplomas, etc. i'j ,! I M'V (•‘'tlOM'.ed at S*«»r Chill 4-Dr. $*d«». p.m. dnilv, own transportation. ing room, kitchen plus recreation KARL A. FRANTZ "C4-3-1Q5 KEYTORT APARTMENT. 3 rooms, BICYCLES domestic nnd foreign Won't crack, peal or discolor. Max­ jr»U? euo.U-J If tai» atnnuut w ere Call 566-790i. ______w p room and 2 bAlhf. Ib is home is wjtf near town, heat surpllod; 1 repairs our upcdolty. Boyshore imum ,V;.\7?v ('harli's llollwetf. 25 ;n;ailablj t ‘ New .I'-i.vy, ,1 would '64 BUICK $AVE TRIM AND EXAMINERS. Apply moth security. |85 per month. Call only S years old ar.d within walk­ ing distance to St. Joseph's Par­ SINGER PORTABLE Hardware Co,, Front St., opposite h,tn)ire Lane, M-i(4*man. Call 555­ ih- en.aiph to pay G4 |h t cent of the L* -'flbrr * Dr. rt. #5 ensh or U> monthly. 6-1 $A V E around. Write Box D in care cf this and S p.m.______wj2* CREDIT DEPr. 2M 5W1 "SUCH LOVING CARE;'* nfwspapiT. wjl APARTMENT, 4 roomj, small ______wjtf A T T R A C T IV E M A R R IF.D LADIES". family. Call 2B4-8J2C. w)2 b u c $A V E MODERN RANCH Ijirfjo srlVctinn E v erg reen s, SUCH THORO RENOVATION" •64 : ;( Work cvrnlnps hs a fnsltlcn styl- KEANSBURG APARTMHNT, 4 Shrubs, Shade Trees, nnd Azaleas. ' ir.if' i Sf,t. Cc.fp' If (. Free war lioiU. No investment. roonu. just redecorated, heat, Thus- bedrooms, larpc Uvmp room, Lime, Fertiii/er, Insectkidrs, lop Nu delivery or colkction. ill per "THAT EVERY USED CAR hot w ater and gas Included (95. efficiency kitchm willi wall oven Soil, Humus nnd Manure by (ho '64 BUICK $AVE .eriin^ KU.irantcrd. Call 591-9640. Kens* nnd security, Immcd'oto oc­ y/ird and the bushel. < Dr. Haidfop w j2 nnd counler raw , M hatlii. al- & cupancy. Call SW-5090. w j2 tiichcd nur,\((<\ Fully uir-condition- SALE WE MAKE" •65 BUICK $AVE Mtviiit ;s T i e l p e r . s u m m e r " 2-HOOM APARTMIsNrr, co/y. com­ ed home. Full hascment. f’nverrd SPECIAL t^Sahrp 4 Df 1’relcr Slrnthm ort Swim Club fortable. Completely furnished. patio. F.xpress cftv tmnsportntion, "BUILDS UP OUR REPUTATION" n um ber, Ciill 5M-84I7. w jl All utilities supplied. Ideal for also local. Shopping, schools niar- J lo 3 fe n White Spruce Trees '65 BUICK $AVE hy. Inspection invited. SellinR for widow o r wldowti'. Call after 4 while they last. W 4 D*. C *i*Ofn. Help Wanted - Male 3 p.m.. K6-4572.______wjtf 5-ROOM APARTMENT, refined, Now open 8 a.m. to 6 daily. EACH OF THESE ’65 PONTIAC $AVE THIS NEWSPAPER doc* not know­ furnished, 1st floor, new private Sunday 9 a.m. tn 1 p.m. Raritan fleflwr. !-• 4 Pf Sfdin. ingly accept help wanted ad* home: plus hill, baiement and liar- WALKER & WALKER landscaping, ItiRlivs^y 35, J>mitU from ctnpl^yci, tuvtntil by Uie age, bay view, near marina S175 REALTORS Atnhoy Call 7:»l-02(Mi. wjtf ‘65 CHEVROLET $AVE Fnir Standard! Act, which per month, all utilities Included. GKRMAN~Sli; I’llFRB PfPIMCS .« f ti‘ *jnc'1 CV -r# MIDDI hTOWNIIOLMDKL, N.J., BEAUTIES CARRIES A applies to employment In lnter- Call 291-13*4 after 6:30 p m1_ w » 2 AKC, ^uarnntced breeders, cimIc Prosidcnf Ml-I.TIPLI! I.ISIIN'CS A TKADlv ‘65 ELECTRA SAVE Unte e>,ir or fail to pay time HAI.DWIN ACMtiisONKisiMNI’.T in i t s c>ccup»ncy. Inquire 33 Atlantic 67I-J.1II perfect mndition JWd. Call fi!H '65 El.ECTRA SAVE ami nn^lialf lor houra over 40 i Ave., M atawan. wj2 3 0 MECH­ week. CnnliHl tho U.S. L*hnr D*- v.j2 'i.^3 pfti-r fl p in, wjl r , , . . r '!b.'rtiiH"nt's lo« nl officc for mow i i m m 1 0 0 % G uarantees >Hiifotinn'.ion. Iln> laldreM ft Pe«l' DAY ANICAL •65 CHEVROLET SAVE era' Trenton. wjtf t " ’ R O Y S ! ’65 O L D S M O M L K * 2 2 % '{>2 Tluindcrhird .SIT).') '65 BUICK SAVE Opi«ti'Ni.w i”r a *nul, llnltrd BUSINESS SERVICES C> ;r«. ntim l'fr of Srninn, j '.bthrMii t^iy* Villa Cruiinr Wagon. H a rd fo p , 8 Cylindur, Id nt ‘1 lie K-yiHTt ttVrkly ; '65 FORD SAVE nml/'or ll.e li.m u il on 0 Cyl., Aulomallc, Powor. Automatic, Po*rr» c- »ampli: and rt j’ um trs ((!n- miy . Officu Furnrluro I Top Soil I Conlr:{ ciiam ) rm v Evury it fl qiifiuinft (.km.N f*. Hut Mnjie, dnvrw ,iy i;rav- H lD ti s.ifes. fiirprt>of fllri, hifd.nj* tafil»*« At Ii) Ml > ItANH. r^priirnrtM t, j rt ftil 0 i* I, m u l r r InM'rhriR ami t? SOtitll Kt I US M‘. lieu MOW. dn, fl C y lin d ff, full ArpJv Iii prrdcn los (' bulldof >n^. t t Ot|t;t« ie |»|i.i !.r C orp. MUy, »n«t lUfmr* ty^writfrn, l*Ctmomy S t r a n h Mf, ll-ini.'C ^rlivvyr1* | iu * \ rairy, p Aulornallc, Powi,i. Aiifornnfie, Powor, t, fn:,!, N l W. I i>mt M Hod I ML?' l-‘wtnitatr & I jjuipmrnt Cn . FR t*5. j pltnUn \i. U Ittil'h wjtf, Im*-. vV-rhtfiRlnn St. Kryport Ni w b i 'i ‘N'lWh k avp: :nt ;.*oi TV MTtVICI MA?l.”liH| v,r> i ’o k h s i ' M j r , iv>\ jp ij 11 AI«f' * M i'll Rtid I ll d:fH' i-'tim r TKUI.MIMI 81(1% lw , 44 W 1 ; nit “ " le t. I ti Mr tu . J r: ti,.- * M f , BUICK ttj , | 1 lr>lnviuon Uf i.>l| '**17 w i n« . Rood»;«(V.r|’i;Fr' Vl^’fi'l U | vi'- rflll v/, if a ut-r rtr m ntOifl IIMMI- »M |-nn\ I Ml ' 1 ri Ni MAI M U VP I : t n V> CHAM) Pill\ ‘hh VOI.KMVN 1 7 S 1 W V IM t' V-4H h IM'j v.t Mn; < <> H I t II - I' I. ila'dlop, 0 Cylirnlnr, Tw<*» And by o u r 4«fr | ’•(« 1» At K rt : i : ! ; VA' E» M t I I J It fliMiiili- I, t‘t ri * O; •nvttf retli i|t «.AN I.I' nt'jitpy • saving D ou b la • l<«); f »• IM A u lo n is Me, ' V f i , f ! Ir/ At li«*f<» HllJ V J i | jf.l* I H I t |t: Pirl, StA w W r s ^ , 1 rM . vt « V t-’ ; •A -fl 1/lfi (.liffli LHod C-i f W it* ■ t H M I H I t * f< pi r, ft, '■ M I !i ’■ I* it, I Aw Mat ■(>;< < iii,M C (n .i;r si : it AU ttftit* im u M l ' 1 At. V. S:; 11 It It/il) f; ( iiiMtouii r.inty! I ill Ttlirlii n y . -I|-!'l » Wrtyr»n( 6 CyHt'J*4*, S^Allon V/.igtfM, IIJb'i'JANCF MAHAC.IK ■*t, 4'(S ttf Wjtf IMI I' WOUH • f tin PUCK ,' * 1/ ! I A IT ! W-- I n WOOD At A f 'y l | M ''»- U 1 1 ! I K I iC .r I H G ■ f »♦*»!♦< l -'A in * 1. ]i f Fl'o «'.il-!:' t it IIM M ! M’b to i MAM MAH imi i; I I V !■ «ffiJFTr Ii r,*ii.-t f •' • . I - v " i AVI: U ll ( ^ (Hill ( !.,t MiU >.igti b( »all»* i nr tf-* V o»i tni^ )\ •«}*>) | a ) » rl tW- TO M S FORD Inc 6 6 6 UU M iscbB^ooO'/i t^ic Mf)n, ?im |? »* P? *»>v I CFR/M I', 711 r in"U.Ml‘M , l ' - n lil* iwiiri't, niAit's .[Ith'-*. tfrPM ht < *f -^ t*-•!r> - ip^iI m |p, rttaftM’ J|>lloUlgly _ k* B1 V i C ' l r »f H>dl^ >»t V^ t i n T f t|*> ' ■ «'! •. I. * -,*5 i ilie Promise is Performed' 2i0 n t « r- «- « .1 f 1 f M-v I i in ** al li!?: Aieue-' M STRAUB I A!-Ti* I* | Uf, 1< )| N'iif I*# Hi t l ^ t’{r* f .Hllifllf' •II IV r ,^ ‘r r ,1 I t I 1,1 11M 200 HIGHW AY 3 5 K E Y P O R T S m J / o T o N W A M t i E 4 AlltO StAI C t.tV L K 'i r.'JS CAtliKlNO .lit s ir O A t . BUICK M -P V ir g AH. ISI'i fl lAHlTSTRV I nil VICI n o . ' . I I i 't v iii M r m viwyt. o m t ovj .fMi« Nr, «*»?«*. w l’rt Opp. Howard Johnson's (*df VI;| »-*ii jti ;o ;l UlHfltM t'MAlRS CUMI’I IvlI, I IMt- Ml' t Pathway Exit 117 «jll II M H ill VAlff) Mi MU tit Mi mm ' Mtf’ l KIPV . I'AM I t*»l * . t® rtfiitf. f rililfi*1! trjisif* **w! f i i U fj*t h».«> P iiiW 'j m ii>» WW HWV « MAlA%AM - im*-*# »•“ • # (■ # I sli,on A W M nv*tw. f~»lf All. AffA!" ' fu ll '» l i*t • t*jb um n. *t* •ill I HI: M a T A WAN JOURNAL, N. j. Thufiday, Mr>rc'n 2,1967

I Teltdyne School Srh(t(.iJ ]ti iSk o tt'n I wish the film the Keiin^burt Par-;f h e P-TA, 3Rd j JtA. UlJJJJUW, Private Gary E. Hicth, iH. son oi j ent-Teache.r A ^ociatiim sijemsr.rerf j Awards nf $5 apiece were made to Mr. and Mrs. L. Riein, j,?t ^ liaziel Man I W Mtisl C anj Film a “Ch;Id .Safety Poster C onies'.” j Vxt5nhevUjv M.ei.ihev, M r C a s s 's Aberdeen Ud,, Matawan. complet­ I Judges were Mayor Leonnrd Boi- i second prode: Frederick Del?*, NOTES ed a radio teletype operation course i Earns Modal The of the Keansburg ilwzn, Mrs. John JCc-rbii, ivpp.vfnl- 'Sand, Mrs, Siano’s fifth j’.radc; and at the Aimv Soiithinviorn A Ha-.k’i \ivin the Public School were s'i'twn a fiirn j iiift the Women's Federanu-i, arui ■ \:\[\^ McKenna, Mr. Delaney’s School, Ft. Gordon, Ga., Veb. il. j •Jack Crdlincn, i (.prised', ing ) tixth grade. Supervising principal, c s h o u ) Navy hxpuJitioaarv Medal at Oil* L'ntirlcd, “Say No To Strangers," During his U weeks of training. 1 jJaycees. I William DiMaio. congratulated ti»«j Naval Air Reserve Training Unit, recently. The film, sponsored by Area Men nnd Women he received instruction »n the op­ Lakehursi. Lieutenant Commandvr i A spccial awards assembly was \ winners. The '.sinning posters will eration of radio transmitting and We Muct Cure, h .used primarily to I held Tuesday, Feb, 21. at !0 a,:n. I be forwarded to the National ChCj£’‘,r*" crank h . Dowd of Parkview Dr. '.‘dueafe die yv»ung child on how lo in th® receiving sets bv voice and Moiat received the nu*i:ociation pfoyram Keansburg, completed advanced tenant Com wander Lkuvd nuiv.ii committee, introduced and mod- training as a conibai engineer Feb. antisubin'irim 1 p a tio ’s from J u n e *1 er'-ited the film. In conjunction Engineer In Vietnam with the Second Battalion, Filth 17 at Fl. Leonard Wood. Mo. t.«i June .'50. IM!* in su pport o f the Marine Private First Class Paul Matine Regiment, First Marine Nuvi-.l forces bWu kadinji C u b a an d During his eight weeks of train­ inadi* landings ;u ihe Cuiantanartio J . tfurcz. 10 Cardinal Rd., Holm- Division. The battalion js engaged ing he received instruction iu ilel, is serving ar» a member of Bay Wava! Air Station there. in a two-pronged program in its combat squad tactics, use of infan­ “ A” Company, 11th Engineer B at­ The niedai was uwwrded to ‘ per­ SICK ROOM area at An Hoa, 30 miles south of try weapons, and engineer recon­ IU W M CI \ talion at Dong Ha, Vietnam. His naissance. sonnel of the Navy who actually battalion is a unit ol the Third Ma­ Da Nans. Seaman \ppr m ta t Jo urns Niolfc, lauded on foreign territory, and rini? Division. He also wus trained in the tech­ operated a n d e r circumsbuiec s RENTALS The Marines perform search and niques of road and bridge building, ■ USCG, son of M» tu.d Mis Albert The engineer battalion is one of destroy missions against t h e A. Niola of AiO 1’aiU A\e., Union which, merit special recognition,” FREE camouflage and demolitions. ! the Station rtaH. V’,S751 was also the main supporting units of the enemy, and pursue a constant ef­ Bench, has been assigned to the Third Division in the. field. It spe­ Signal Officer Coast G uard’s electronics school in I called on during the Berlin Crisis DELIVERY fort to win the people to the side of in The Miuadron was re­ cializes in various types of mine Second Lieutenant Ronald Miller, 1 Groton, Conn. I laying, and the building of fortifi- the legitimate government of South called to active duty Tor a tw eiee « Hospitei Vietnam. 21, sun uf Mr. and Mrs. l’.vart S. He recently was graduated from ! m onth jn-iind, Btds callous, bridge3 and roods. Miller, 41 Leocadia Court, Mavlet, eight weeks of basic training ut the i They also provide the penpln As a “WeeV.end Wurrior“ of the With First Marines completed a nine-week signal offi­ Coast Guard Recruit Training ('en- { 9 Crutch«o£k duties or a signal officer and v/as mentals of such military and naval L&mpA WALL PANELING trained in communications, use arid subjects as seamanship, infantry The hair coloring industry esti­ maintenance of signal equipment, drill, shipboard procedures, and at- ! mates tlut 3R p^ii cent of all COME IN AND ASK FOR DETAILS : and administration. sea survival techniques. The basics I American women color their hair. SURGICAL I.t. Miller rocuivtid his commis­ of military customs and courtesies, HAZLET LUNCH sion through the Reserve Officers' and familiarization with tlie Coast APPLIANCE Look For Tho Airplane On The Roof Training Corps program at Pan­ Guard’s mission and responsibili­ ___ ^and DRUG C a handle A & M College. Goodwell, ties polished the skills he needed to 17 W. Front SI., Ki'yport Okla., where he received a 0. S. make the transition from civilian Matawan Lumber C ROUTE 35, HAZLET, N. J . (Nont l‘> I’BOiltP* NAt*l Degree in 1915(5. to Coast Guardsman. Unse* I **1 ou r _Door ..t , Every Fri. & Sat. Night Earns Promotion Serves About d LST tov^Uitng lo AU Tyy« 8urfl«< William R. Ki)hlbeck*jr, son of ippllaucei »nd G»L}irm«ati Sutphin Ave B 6 6 -4 5 0 0 mM a+ ajw an Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kohlbeck- COCKTAIL HOUR, er of 602 Columbia Ave., Union FROM 9 P.M. to 10 P.M. Beach, has been promoted to Air­ • Mmlc 4 No Advonc* In PrScsi m an Second Class in thi> U. S. Air . • Hor* D'utuvtea Force. Airman Kohlbucker is a supply inventory specialist at Mountain FROM 10 P.M, lo CLOSING ^ Home AFB, Idaho. He Is a mem­ • Dancing • Contlnuoui Mutic - V i ber of the Tactical Air Command • Enttrt«Tnment which provides battlefield firepow­ er, precision Jet photo reconnais­ Music By sance, and air mobility for the na­ tion’s ground forces. Tha Soldtones Trio The Airman is a vraduate of Keyport High School.

£DMUND J. RYAN Fireman Apprentice Kdmund J. ONE - STOP Ryan, US. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ryan, 621 Puiehurut Dr„ Cliffwood Heuch, is serving DECORATING aboard the U.S.S. Park County and ia on an Iti-mouth duty uiur aboard tho ship wilh Iho Seventh Meet. CENTER Seaman Ryan was graduated aft er busic naval training at Great H I G H W A Y U & UNION AVE. I-akos, III. He also was graduated from Matawan Regional High At Hm Haifet m i Union Beo


PM-FINISHED MOULDIN® COLOR MATCHED TO PANELS IN STOCKI voun o* t>« j J . o trr n nuAurv *. v«.v«. \ f «!<••*•#•>•i•••••#•••••**‘- f U C t O 'i . * V.f).lO ii!, ,»OJ, I jl'srj., f, if J I "** ?,Mri 01 •>! • l utik liiml You y d your pick o f Iho&o VO’c: n n Impnla Up e TILES » » A c To 1 1 •• Sport Coupo or 2-Door or 4-Door Ool Air S o d n n . Murry, h o r o 'g whal you flOtl 50% l l y i r from * m , h. Oot (Mt with Ovfiiy nun.lnirt CAH And tlinl'i not thl»l

lnV? I .?( • »i>i J«<>io .Nntttl. vmI A AM <11 li > v["< WOUMtV! w/»l't ! j Wnt’t l 9-1 v 1 iifUu'l tri V5 u-Wttl l > « w i i i i D u i » t ■,.-?*( l i ' M t i n i r l i u n i j w y u n t u # . « »'»h1 U m V h , r i j t/Oh’ IuihJoi Hjl.ia ntu 0 lO llfh ftflsi y»u U“l 1I»pw bwlli hi V19 10* tlOPOlM C o v m Booutffgll/ M i v w Req. 4.3P ®al( »>>n t II Uh v Ol BliCllI u O'JilMl H, f p u l h(V'>)l!0"»» (itk ff. I *|*i so*- h f ! AM*rih'J» Hlj3 u .flit* til ,»• .1 C ft.n to lot Dip ilm s c y V '.i liVo | iy I'* , . , 0 (in lv lM n If.lsrii,.* |c-hft l: ■ b Tfuc^ btrye'i h v c , lo o . rtu tln g lh«t II il % iM « I v p h.' t jrilv v COLORS if *huv j[,^ (Wf.Hr! ttt'0 3 ?4 ) *nh f(><|» Another way you can isvs nowi r» Imp A|’|irOf, 1 I 8 ln/ p{ (!»H # t« avittW > r 1 VM 4 •* 69 ■, fa o rt if* if ♦l.-fI { '** O w in g t i # » < i i i 6 w itf,you can a>i , Monmouth’s N owas) * \ « «- ■ " ' «* rt «* • 9» ttut fnitt*,t'n9 Oat Sale Too Hardy V e st lo 8Hfil l-e Tour Oherrc-kt Oeclor ! i •«<, »»»•''«• t'.rt *♦>”^>1 r*, k j }., nmnnmit 1W 809 U i b f » * t u t f t i • e t n i u e K a m i I m Mliefr IV# * til '■&HP • # , J 1.1 I! ■■ V f i a • *y 1 . llll WAIhUt * • I I- 1 nn i *ai!< ’ hu i- f M , { .. 4-44M * md*.* m u <»» M !♦* < I • (lunti n ^ a 1)* * WAII/AFM |?i< li« M * M <•»*».< * 11* a va * n u i ) i t , U h , * an p»t.r^ jtf :m « rt *1 * t v r n !H p/)t rAIHUH* r " * . 1.1. >u< i » ?fi II ^ * t * II . • CtlllK* (llll MULLER CHEVROLET, INC. I> '" i I i M n n l V'( • «>« « IHdOOl WiHrOW I . . . ' I n m l . 'X - p ? * t ! 'i * < ‘• H * ( * p ')f)« t.IP. , !..* • M I A M I • t c a i i M i t p u n ' l l ! IP* ; x %l: I l f V f * | MATAWAN, N.i. 07747 »« Wu.k. 1 l , , ^ 1 U -W l ft M * t f i f A l V » »