Talks Resume Tonight
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Board- Teacne r Talks Resume Tonight U ', OUT COVERING MATAWAN BOROUGH THURSDAY AND THE Home TOWNSHIPS OF MATAWAN, MARLl'OKO, Ail week WMAIDEI. anii MAD!SON IVotlonnl Newspaper Aa.vouluUon M .‘rt'lbor 98th YEAR — 35th W EEK M e m b e r MATAWAN, N. J, THURSDAY, MARCH 1!, 1967 Jorsoy Press Association Singla Copy Ten Cents Zoners Split Matawan Regional Board Of Education For 1967-68 | Citizens’ R e p o rt •■'V ' '"""On Car Lot Matawan Borough Zoning Board of Adjustment split 3-2 lost nitilit on Rrailtinfe a use. vnriunco tn Mira Land Development Co., Matawan, 40Per Cent Increase whereby their Dou Quixule Inn, Route 34, would acquire an added half-acre of land for parking necdr for their restaurant, being expand ed with the addition of a banquet ttnd wedding receptions hall, The In Sewer Rate Urged . transfer would involve takinp, fit ^ sq. ft. from a 3.2 aero tract owned A *i!) per com increase iu sewer increase ri*venties to meet anuuul \ were sewer metering, separata by William nnd Marion Kuhns, ral'-s wa.-, recommended to Ihe sewer utilily deficits. j meters for outside use, general tux- Middlesex Rd„ Matawan, and 13. M .in van borough Council 'tuesday For tbr majority or property \ ation, a temporary surtax, and 503 sq. ft. from Mrs, Elizabeth night by a citizens advisory. com owners who .pay . sewer charges ,| basing amount nf sewerage oa tha Fierro, 1 Elizabeth Dr., Matawan. niittee appointed nv Mayor lid- ! based oa water usage, thy advisory i number of people In a family, After a long and involved discus waid I-.. Iivine ak Ihe i ■. onuiuuce piopo.sed Hit* *i0 pel i Possihie eMubosJunnd «>f u ulill* sion, the vote taken placed John live - mcvr.ue: committee v.v.s: t ent hike be based on water cun-; ty authority was vetoed on tho J. Bradley, board chairman, Stev nnmed niier pu>u'sts mounted | sumption during winter months. j claim that authorities nre autono enson M, Enterline end John A. against the boroughs plan to hike .A straight -J" p'lr cent hike is ap | »,ou.s and remove the control and Tassinl In the majority of three to sewvr rales UU) per omt. Sewer |plicable lo those paying minimum | operation of the militv from l h o forward the special use variance rates are n< w fu'ured at one - half I water charges and customers out* (people through elected officials. to the borough council for final ap tlu* ,v;ib*r c a a t g e . | sit!*; the borough paying contract | There are approximately' ' 230 proval, and Harry J. Guble, board Council nltviuW has introduced , rules. homes in the borough not connect- tccretary, and Thomas F. Ryan an ordinance containing its pro Would Meet Deficit |e d to the system, most of them in Voting to reject the application. posed revision ot the sewer rates The committee noted a 40 per ;t he Preneau area. Connections When the rosult was announced, and )i;is concluded public hearings cent hike would meet annual : total 1^00 individual units and U42 Mr. Ryan received permission to on the rate hike. Hmviver, it has deficits of approximately JI22.1NIO : aparlntents. Outside the borough file a minority opinion report with pledpcd it uni consider the rec in the sewer utility for the nc.\t ; there ar«* about 315 homes in tha ■> * the documents In the case being ommendations of th** citizens ad five years which were estimated : Lakeridge area connected to the forwarded to the borough council. visory committee betore acting on by Henjsmin latwin, auditor. j sewers, billed by a gallonage rate. Mr. Ryan thereupon affixed a tin* projwisal which is designed to Findings further indicated that j Anticipated Revenue two and one-half page statement The board organized Monday for it new year. Three long time | John J. Brndiey (borough), board president; Herbeit I eder (township): flip committee <!i^agre<‘s with the 1 AnMc'puted revenue fn»m non* of the minority's position on the members, Harold J, Dolan, Mrs. Dorothy Smith And Floyd Brown, ure i Mrs. Virginia R. butlitl (township). j method now used to determine the ! water users in Lakeridge and other issue. In general terms, It pointed mi^vtlanemis fnr W*2S no longer serving. Tho newly-constituted membership wilh designations | Standing: David Engebrcteon (borough); Franklin M. Gilbert r t f i t degree of use for tho^e u«»*is who out that Mr. Ryan and Mr. Gable as whether they are from Matawan Dorough or Matawan Township' (township); Edward Scullion, schools bazoos administrator; William Vietnv« M i t> pay u sewer charge based on wat-. estimated at 511,000 Members of tinw no justifiable condition nf (tali io right)! j F* Davis ^township) board vicc-presldent; Alfred U. ManviUe (butuu^b). ; er usage. the committee are William Ii. “hardship" existing, as required by Seated: Herbert J. Parker (township); Harold E. Davis (borough); ' Since little w ater if any is used Boyles, James F.. Orafts, Alfred T. statute, that the planning boat'd Program by consumers outside during the Morgan. I’liilip V. Moyles, and Improperly exorcised Its runcttona winter months, the committee Michael Pipcrno. In creating a subdivision ol the Bliil^rl l)i‘fr<ilet/ As a public service, on Tuesday, feels that the individual user's total ; Council voted to relocate thi* la- Fierro lands to meet the expansion ' tho Township Auxiliaiy annual sewer rate should bt5 based goon closer to the water treat- needs of the Mira firm, find that Bradley RenamedBoardPresident; Madison Township Board of j of the Hnyshure ('oiumuiiity !lns- upon a fixed percentage of the men! plant, eliminate 1- inches ot the total effect of It all wai the Edueution's 1SG7-GS budget was i pital will sponsor a program eon- winter quantity of wa*er used. ’Ihe cast iron pipe and add fencing illegality ol zoning by variance. rejected by the voters a second ■cerninn Vietnam. \Much vvtU be charge determined on this basis around the plant for a savings of Tho majority of the board had time last night. A $3,H5MD3 cur | open ti> Ihe entiie comimmity at would be billed to each user each . $*W), reducing the contract amount V defended their position by noting Aides Reappointed; Set Pay Talks rent expense Item went clown by , tho Stratliniore School, beginnhig qtiurtnr. ’lor renovations lor A. C. Schultes the general characteristic ot the 114 votes, llv,‘ poll bvinp, U4(j at 0 p in. Alternate Method : and Sons to $92,IM. area is predominantly business and Matawnn Regional Board of Edu reorganized for a new year. as deDOsitorioa: the third Monday Myes” and 14SO "no”. A $3-4?,toG An alternate method was also in- Modifications were approved for that the xone plan of the borough cation Monday Inducted three new John J. Bradley was elccted of tho month as the meeting date. capital outlay appropriation was eluded which would level a flat . the state highways plans for ream* along Route 34 so Intersperses busi ly elected members, Franklin Gil unanimously for a new term as Vincent C. DeMalo was chosen lost 1335 “ yes" to MfiO "no". Ihe iate chaige on all users Other struction of t h c intersection at ness and residential zoning as to bert and Mrs. Virginia Sutlllf, Mat president o{ the board, but then a board attorney without opposition. budget now ^oes to (he township methods consideted and rejected. (continued on page four) allow substantial latitude In the ap awan Township, and David Enga- divergence developed. Nominations Mr. Parker abstaining b"cause lie i council to be cut down. plication of the use variance. brctsen. Matawan Borough, then were presented for a township hud had private business dealing The l.akeridjje district support meinbor to be vlca president, in with Mr. DeMuio recently. ed the budget by a 122-.12J **vesM that Mr, Bradley Is a borough May Chango Mnllngi plurality. Sayre Woods South Rider's Opinion member. Herbert Foiler and Wil turned nut In force lor (he bud Benefit Musical Revue To liam F. Duvls were presented. Mr. The Matawnn G iam nuir School get, giving It n 613 MytV to 281 Gilbert, Mrs. Sutliff and Mr. Park on broad St. was named the site “ noM majority. Rut Laurence er voted for Mr. Fedcr, but Mr. for meetings, but Mr. Manvllle Harbor and Old bridge otfset ran Bradley, Alfred R. Manvllle, Ilnr- felt (here could be rotation among up blj; “no** pluralities to over* Aid Community Hospital old Davis, Williun F. Davis and this school nnd the Strathmore and com€ the ndvtmtape Iniild up tor Time Running Out Cliffwood Schools to induce hettci Mr. nnpcljretsou were opposed. the budget elsewhere. attendance at meetings. This will j The Holmdel Auxiliary of Bay called "The Gropes of Wrath" will Mr. Fedcr passed. Tha motion was When submitted Feb. U> Peter Kmlwh Uams wi’5 be e M tc.o cu>\vde<| shore Community Hospital will pre appear, and they arc Chuck W’.il be studies] | declared Inst nnd then the hoard M the budget Inst 100.1 “ \e s M to Tiiii'* is lu m in u : otif o n the Si***; c- ion:! :he W orld I rade '.'enter ,S sent Bayshore Follies, Mrs. Trod ia ch, Paul Humphreys, Blaise Ras- joined In a unanimous vole fur Wil- Divergi nee appeared on u 1 1.1S.1 “nn” on current expenses I,un- v'i>t:itUkiit I '.'ho -s !" do’.'.-:- ,om|,!" Ot! if.d ten car trams can Andrews' musical revue, "Around pantl, Mo Bosak, a n d Jimmy llum F.