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Friday. May 14. 1943. T H E SALEMITE Page Three. Field Trips Are So-o-o Educational “BATRE!” TEACHINGISFUN (Naney Stone) (Peggy Nimocks) (Rosalind Clark) The other aspiring designer and grabbed us firmly by the arms and Ho-ley— di-bo-ki — wotten — Have you ever seen a station I piled hopefully into the instruc scattered our precious sketches to dotten-choo—sold to the highest wagon pulling away from ye olde tor’s ear. With eyes bright with the winds. “ Just what,” they bel bidder— room 279, was the sound campus at the luxurious hour of Yes, room-drawing is over and all anticipation we were now on our lowed, “ are you doing? They put heard on Wednesday night as hun 9:30, and did you ever envy the way to take the long-awaited tour folks in jail for activities like the agony that accompanies it— dreds of room-hunting hags gath heaps of good-looking gals (Salem— roommates are happy; rooms have supposed to aid our creative in this!” ered to find a spot of comfort to beyond a doubt) who looked at you Weakly we assured them that been swapped (and some still in the stincts. We settled our pencils and live in next year. equally as envious? Well, they have sketch pads on the seats and waited sabotage was not intended—and that process); and everything is fine— “ No, I want that room.” more of a reason to envy than you except the seniors do feel oh, so with indrawn breaths for our first we were liieek and lowly students of “ You can’t have it; I have it have. They are going out on their Costume Design. Gathering up our left out. Well, we’ll miss you too. stop—the Reynolds Building. engaged.” duty as practice teachers (Need I From the building we were sup papers, dignity, and courage we de But this is no time for weeping, or “ Engaged! Why you son-of-a-sea- say more?) which lasts morning aft posed to glean the inspiration for parted. crossing bridges before . or count cook, if you dare to move in I ’ll er morning for six weeks or mor^.N a dress. We leapt from the car Children were playing in front ing the chickens before . T'here’s sleep on top of you”— Anyway it is different—where else and began scanning intently the of the church as we went in—and a big week-end at Davidson, start And so the battle started. would you find out that your solid stylized decorations on the build each dropped his jaw open to reg ing Friday till (?) Off they go, Rooms! Rooms! Rooms! 275 is name was “ Cutie,” and that “ neck ing—backing up artist-like, squint ister amazement. The inside was NORMIE, CAROLYN, MOTT, not taken— 1013 isn’t taken— inspec ing” rhymes with “ peeking.” Of ing professionally. Mutters of “ in cool and quiet. With a completely BUTCH, JULIA GARRETT, STU tion of respective rooms. Just as course it is quite a shock for the teresting pattern for a print” came unsanctified air I went about copy (poison oak and all) and KHACKY. I thought . I’ll take the “ tub pipsqueaks to tell you to take out from my fellow student. So engross ing the colors in the windows—■ Perhaps there are more, but we’ll room.” your gum ’cause they can’t make ed were we, that we were quite “ cathedral colors” I would call my have to let you know about that “ Anybody want a roommate? out what you’re mumbling or to unaware of the bizzare effect we creation. next week. But one last plea, girls, Along with the turmoil of rooms suddenly pop up and ask for a date. gave—blocking the sidewalk, scrib As I gazed at the stained glass remember I. R'. S. comes roommate trouble! Some Then after the trial and error meth bling madly and gazing intently at windows, a feeling of awe and al Then there was SUE at Davidson body ain’t got a sleeping partner. od, you put the thumbscrews on last week-end. And imagine our sur th peak of the building. At one most reverence came over me. My T oo bad, take a transfer. and never say, “ Will you please do point my companion forgot that traf matter-of-fact contemplations were prise when we asked enthusiastical After effects: Let’s see now—you this,” but instead say, “ Now list fic ran down Main street at noon broken, and I walked quietly out ly “ Well, how was the dance?” and swap with Suzie; Jane moves out en here, you rats, you’re going to —and backed into the asphalt to into the open to turn my sketching we received an equally enthusiastic of there; Liz moves in; and Ginny do this or else— !” Of course you get a better view. A screech of to outside views. Tlie children answer “ Oh, we didn’t go to the may not come back; so Jane rooms always have the'lessona planned be brakes and a muttered, “ Darn screw thought this fine sj>ort— and nudged dance, but it was a wonderful w'eek- with Mary; Mary’s engaged so Jane fore and long in advance so you ball” on the part of the taxi driver each other, pointed and giggled- end.” hanges plans. TVo with; two lever have to rush. (Enough of One grimy eight-year-old made saved her from a severe whack in LAURA HINE seems to have had without and still going strong! Jane that). the nether regions. whirling motions with his forefinger. a wonderful time at the Med dance takes th’ transfer. And on into Maybe you’ll keep on being a After copying faithfully th? de Completely disgruntled ajid with a last Saturday night, but we hear the hours this infernal fire burns. teacher, and after you have se- tails of the Reynolds building, we last-straw feeling, I strode to the luite a different report from ADELE After the motley battle, all we traveled to the Telephone building. ear and slammed the door. Idly I and CHARLOTTE RICHARDS — were able to do was to grab the ‘ured the jiosition of professor in Again we stared, scribbled, and mut looked over both of my drawings, seems the weather was a little too nearest clothes pin and stick it on a famous university and you find and mused over a statement once tered. Just as we were leaving— warm, or something to that effect. our respective noses and thank Zeus that lots of yqur former friends with necks cramped from so much heard, “ Field trips are so-o-o edu And then there was JANE FRAZ that we couldn’t live on but one don’t remember you, come back to upward grazing—two uniformed men cational.” - IER who was lamenting that every- floor, and with but one girl, and body, positively everybody, was the event of room drawing was the school where you practiced teach — DEHYDRATED— turning out for the affair ■ except over! ing and they’ll remember you. NOTICE! her. lustrations. Africa, the E. A. F. dumped a KATY LOVE eyed with envy the You must see BIDDY CRESS’S heavy bomb tonnage on Duisburg, a Let’s make the Salem College girls who ;ivere invited up to Hang new ring . Poor LOUISE TAY steel, railway, and waterway center Art Exhibit a success! Bring ing Rock to the Signal Corps party HOME EC. ClUe LOR has lost ’em all to the Army— in western Germany. your hobby art for the hobby —her Henry is up there, you know. Tommy left Wednesday . MAR Other good news from this front corner—cartoons and sketches of And while we’re on the subject of THA is closing with Mrs. Rondthal- poured in from Holland and Bel college life—portrait sketches— said party, we must mention JOHN er’s words to tanned DORIS SMITH: HAS RECEPTION gium. A revolt in occupied Holland art work and craft work—to the NIE SAYLER’S embarrassment “ DoTis, you just aren’t going to spread like German measles across art studio by Wednesday, May when she ran into two old friends. The silver si>oon Mrs. Meinung take JANE RIERSON to the mov the border to Belgium. Other ac 19. The exhibit will be held in NOR'MIE is literally claiming used to dip the launch at the Home ies an afternoon next week!” . counts of sabotage seeped in from the Club Dining Eoom. kissing kin with the Suttons of Economics Club reception was made Take heed, girls; it is pretty close Poland, Yugoslavia, Norway and Fayetteville after last week-end. in 1797. Mrs. Meinung is the fifth to exam time. ^feece. Chee, the family was wonderful. generation of her family to own this 0^^ THE AMERICAN FRONT- McMURRAY IS NEW And then there’s a story of COOT valuable heirloom. Tuesday night Prime Minister SPANISH CLUB HEAD IE’S er, ah, graduating present. — STOKES— Tlie reception, at which this al Kinston Churchill arrived in the IX. Mrs. Richmond was sweet to send most two-century-old spoon was used, S', to confer with the President and On Tuesday night the Spanish her a white satin night-gown, wasn’t Freude, die Wonne denn tragen” was the bright spot of the campus other Allied leaders. Not until Wed Club met and elected officers for she? (Magelone) by Brahms- were sung Tuesday night. It was held in the nesday did the world realize the the coming year.