From Top to Bottom!
For those loving to from top to we’ve got you uncovered - bottom! December - January 2021 Inside Surprise, surprise! Waikato mini rally 2-3 Federation AGM at 3 WOS Mangatutu hot springs 4 Nudity & Friendship 5 Photo Nudity & Friends 6-7 Group bares all to 8 fundraise Parkinson support in 9 Marlborough Mass photo shoot 10 WNC Berwick Naturist 11 Retreat Gardening Calendar 12 NZNF Notes 15 I’m indebted to Michael P. Moore, previous editor of the gonatural magazine; for most of the articles and pictures reproduced in both this and the previous newsletter! (On page Very near the Mangatutu hot springs, photographer Jeremy Kelleher captures 12 of the first Federation news- Wepiha (left, TNC) and Eru (middle, WNC) who met at the end of our HB rally, letter, I did refer to Mike’s con- having never met before - to discover that they are cousins! Wendy (right, HBNC) tribution, in passing...) JL The Waikato Outdoor Society annual The dedication of people such as WOS and Paul’s introduction of 3 Mini-Rally was created about 20 plus Bruce B and Gail R have been so Down [Corn Hole] became an im- years ago when times were tough and instrumental in ensuring this Mini- mediate hit and was soon a fa- we had a zero bank balance and a big Rally remains in the top echelon of vourite in some other clubs too. mortgage plus power payments due not to be missed festivals on the Recently Susanne’s cryptic treas- and ongoing. naturist calendar. Traditional natur- ure hunts enticed punters to in- Rose came up with the idea of initiat- ist sports, mainly played as doubles vestigate all corners of the pictur- ing a fund-raising event on Waitangi are mainstay events, the gumboot esque 4.58 hectare WOS complex weekend - a weekend of sports, throw is always a favourite, the in search of clues to solve the games and socialising; a festival of 2003 hot air balloon was a hit, we puzzle and win an award.
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