076 1999 Oct-Dec
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ISSUENO. 76 OCTOBER_ DECEMBER1999 China Council Quarter$ *Eilrrhrffi*L rtn*- NORTHWESTCHINA COUNCIL 102 NW4TH AVENUE, PORTLAND, OR 97209 (503)973-5451 Ab,rve: S{ |.ffi fl# H (ZhanPuLuoPanT'u)adevice Use<i to TellFortunes and Make Feng ffi\ Shui/l Calculatrons. INSIDE: Letterfrom Taiwan ........p9.1 LanguageClasses ...p99 ChinaCouncil Auction ...,,.........,.,..,. pg.2 FalunGong ..., ..,.... .pg.10 CouncilNews.....,... ..pg.3 OfInterest . ...... ....pg '12 CouncilProgram News ............. .pg 6 Fromthe Executive Director... ,, ,pg13 EventsCalendar.... .......pg.8 New& RenewingMembers....... .....pg.14 A Letter from Taiwan We decidedto leavethe houseto avoidthe aftershocks.We stayedin our car and turnedon AttPowerful Naturehas once again displayed its the radio.The momentwe starledlistening, we might in the shapeof hurricanesin the United wereshocked by the situation:7.3 magnitude,120 Sfafes,typhoons in East Asia,and devastating casualties.We stayedin the car for an hour,and I earthquakesin Turkeyand Taiwan. lronically,the persuadedmy wife to go backto the houseto get earlhquakein Taiwanhas a/so had the effect of somesleep. silencing,if only temporarily,the rhetoricalbattle Mainlandand Taiwaneseleaderships. betweenthe The morningafter the quake,all of northernTaiwan present,Chinese everywhere are mourningthe At lostpower, and the governmentannounced through mostdeva'stating earThquake that victimsof the the radiothat schoolsand officeswere to be closed in this century' Taiwanhas experienced for one day. But I knewthat [the company] would keeprunning, so I drovemy car to the office.There ls a messagefrom Sean Wang, the brother Below were no trafficlights at all. I onlystayed at the CouncilBoard Member Shu-Ju Wang' lt of China officefor severalhours as I neededto buy things from Taiwanby E-mailto Shu-iuand was sent for my family. So I drovefrom storeto storeto buy friends,to let them know that he, his concerned batteries,candles. lt took me flve triesto find a were safe>.lt alsopowerfully wife, and chitd smallgrocery store to get a box of #1 batteries.All the disaster has affectedevery day 's conveyshow 7-11 wererunning out of stock.Only the old Taiwan. Please note that the lifein quake areason grocerystores with no inventorymanagement have th'at Sean works with has nameof the company excessstocK. beenomitted at his request.Afew grammaticaland made' spettingcorrections have been The powerwas down untilyesterday afiernoon 2pm,36 hoursafter the quake' Fromthe TV news fromSean Wanst Message we realizedthat we werelucky to havepower back' is neverfair to all the people'My father W"tfLit" The currentpower supply can onlyfulfill 50% of the just backfrom China. In comparisonto them' came northTaiwan requirement. The Hsin-TsuScience we are in heaven. Parkcan notgo backto production'They say staftingfrom next Monday,the wholenorthern At currentcount, over 2000 people were killed in Taiwanregion will haveperiodic power supply for the earthquake.Northern Taiwan lost its power all areas. Thissituation will continue for three supply,and mostof the factoriesare forcedto shut withtheir weeKS. Oown.[Ours] is one of thefew companies powergenerators, but our vendordoesn't; so own All my familymembers and relativesare safe'But graduallyshutting down production' too' we are thereare aboutone hundredthousand people who losttheir homes. We aretrying to helpthem by Thefeeling is likewe hiavejust beenthrough a war' donatingmaterials and moneyfor recovery'Today' our companydecided to donate160 million NT$ [to] At1:47am 9121, I was woken up by the strong helpthe homeless.(That's from our MoonFestrval shakes.My wife and I grabbedthe baby and hid bonus.)Also we are donatingsome clothes, since closeto thewall of our bedroom' I had neverbeen the weatheris startingto get cold All the major afraidof an earthquakerbefore, but thisone was enterprtsesrn Taiwan are donattngwhat they can to different. helpPeoPte. stopped At that moment,it lookedlike the world had Today(9125), several days afterthe initialmajor - therewere no lightsat all' The TaoyuanOil tremor,the deathtoll continuesto riseand several plantburnt thr:ir oil in thetower with full Refinery tremorshave occurred' ln Taiwan (inOicatingthat they were shutting down)' more serious strength and elsewhere,the usuallyjoyous Mid-Autumn onlylight I ioul'i seewas the huge fire torch Sotnl festivalholiday has beentransformed into an SkmawaY. occasionof mourning.[end of message] TheYear of the Dragon NorthwestChina Council ChineseNew Year Feast and Auction February19,2000 At CreatChina Seafood Restaurant Threelhings We'd Apprecrate: MarkYour Calendar Volunteer DonateWonderful Auction ltems Thisis the Northwest China Council's big fund raisrng event. Themore help we gef themore money we raise, the moreprograms we canput on for thecommunity. Volunteeringneed not be arduous and is fun. Workrngat theevent means a meetingbeforehand. Thenattend the party and have a goodtime. Thereare also opportunities to volunteerlbr various.iobswhich necd to bedone as the auctronapproacnes. Youcan help as little or asmuch as you want. NOtime? auct io n : A,"i,uff t::#:T',,.?:l x:i,"# ::? if ["#:: SomethingSilken or Jade,or Auctionable. li allhelps create an excitingfun, serendipitous evening! Of course,we willbe pushingthe Dragon theme, so anyspare Dragons you mrghthave to donatewill be gladly accepted TaiwanReleif Fund Organizations FalunGong Reputableorganizations that are dedicated to the reliefeffort would certainly appreciate contributions SinceApril of thisyear, the Chineseauthorities to assistthem in theirimportant work. A fewof the havewaged an intensecampaign against organizationsthat have been widely acknowledged organizersand membersof a qigongsect founded fortheir role in Taiwan dlsaster relief are: by MasterLi Hongzhi.The Westernmedia has widelycovered the story,Sect leader Li HongZhi AmericanRed Cross (whonow livesin the US) has gainedconsiderable lnternationalResponse Fund celebrity,and notoriety,in the process,and manyof POBox 37243 hisfollowers on the Mainlandhave been jailed by Washington,DC 20013 the Chineseauthorities. www.redcross.org Locally,activities related to FalunGong and qi gong MercyCorps lnternational havebeen numerous: 303SW FirstAvenue Portland,OR 97201 BetweenSeptember 4tn-12th, a video seminar on www.mercycorps.org the publiclectures of Li HongZhi was heldat the PortlandVA MedicalCenter. The seminarwas TzuChi Buddhist Foundation US Chapter: coordinatedby a localchapter of FalunGong. people TzuChi c/o Taiwan Earthquake On September15, over 100 attendeda BuddhistComPassion Flelief discussionabout Falun Gong at ReedCollege's TzuChi Foundation, USA VollumHall, led by professorCharles Wu and NorthernCalifornia ChaPter journalistJonah Greenberg. 175DemPseY Rd", the ChinaQuarterly contains an Milpitas,CA 95035 Thisissue of article,"The Lessons of FalunGong," by Reed professorCharles Wu (Pg.10). China Council QuarterlY Local ChineseCommunity Celebrates *EEJnffi+lflt#€ 50thAnniversary of the PRC Manymembers of the PortlandChinese publisheclby the Nortli'wcstChina Council - CommunitYcelebrated the 50th fbtrr times e )'ear Copl'ngl-tt 1999 Anniversaryof the foundingof the People's Republicof China(PRC) in September,with a 'i'r'Aventte 102 NlX' banquetat the GreatChina Restaurant in Portlancl.OR 91209 Hall (i03) Chinatown,a photoexhibit at the PortlandCity Publisheclb1' the Phone, 973-5451 Atrium,and a performanceby Beijingentertainers NrX/Chrna Council I'-ax: (i03) 97J-5'il I t>rg HighSchool. Portland Mayor Vera Katz F()ur timcs a Vcar Fl-rnail:nu china@orcclnet at Madison \\ ('Xp()flOtLF,()ll n\\t llin.t for the photo Copvnght 1999 \\'\\ joinedin a ribbon-cuttingceremony exhibit,which included pictures of morethan a centuryof contributionsby ChineseAmericans in Executive Director: RorsarioAglialoro Oregonand a pictorialrendition of the first50 years Office Manager:Shawn Wall PRC. The entertainmentby performersfrom Programs:Mtllh' Petcrs of thl Weiland Chinesemusic and dance that is Membership& Dinner Menus:Amina Beijingincluded Koe] Archivist: Mr. GeneTom popularin mainlandChina. [Richard Editor:Richard Koe Quarterlv Communiqv News FoundingDirector of ChinaCouncil WorldGlass Puppeteers at Heading "East" InterstateFirehouse Cultural Center JaneLeung Larson, founding director of the China Renownedpuppeteers Yuqin Wang and Zheng Li Councilwill be movingto New York City in (Rocky)Xu, along with a teamof skilled November" Jane'smany frrends were quite puppeteers,recently gave several performances of saddened whenthey learned that Jane and her "MaidenPead-A Legendof theSouth China Sea." husbandPaul Overbywere leaving Portland for Thestory is basedon an ancientChinese legend of Manhattan,but hopeful when they learned that familyloyalty, self-sacrifice and true love. Wang Janeand Paulplan to rentout theirhome in andXu, who learned their art at theBeijing puppet SoutheastPortland, not rsellit. Theatrebefore immigrating tO the UnitedStates, ledthe troupein a veryimpressive demonstration you lf are lookingto renta spaciousVictorian-style of traditionalChinese rod puppetry. After the home(on SE 13rhnear Dlivision) with high- performance,the puppeteersinvited the audience ceilingedrooms and plentyof charm,give Jane a to askthem questions and demonstrated how the callat 503232-4377. Below, is a farewellnote puppetsare madeto moveso gracefully. fromJane. InterstateCultural Center is locatedon Interstate Dear China Councilfriends, Avenuein NorthPortland. Aside from the theatre space,there is a verynice gallery that regularly