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THE BBANFOED BEVIEW, THqRBDAY, MAY IB, 1930 Udgcunau Xdeyory PaRC Eight -anaunu Baat Haven, Ossim ' vm-.e as a result of the IftUlng birth Toscanini, Eh? Oh, YEAH! -ate which has made It possible tor IS to ccmblno two grades to effect ). ™E MOVIE GUYED f Calendar Of Events * an economy to help off-set the In­ THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A creased costs of high school educa­ THE HOME TOWN PAPER VITAL FORCE IN EVERT TO^VN tion caused by the Increase In - of — 2nd and 4th Tuesday night,' NnsliawenB Council, Degree of Po­ BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD HOU-YWOOD GOSSIP: | school population at that grade PORTRAVING AS IT DOES cahontas in Rod Men's Hall. STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD Dennis O'Kecto on the lookout tor, Ist and 3rd Fridays—Vasa Star Ijodge, No. 150, Svca Hall. level. LOCAL' HAPPENINGS IN SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK a new amateur boxer to sponsor. College Notes Tlnirsdays: 12:15, East Haven Kolary Club. Signed; FAMILIAR LANGUAGE GRANNIS CORNER — MORRIS }. His former champion, Tommy Gar­ First Monday—Indian Ncclt I'^ire Co., Social Meeting. Members of the Board of Education tKJje Pranforb i^biein COVE — EAST HAVEN Second Monday—Indian Neck Piro Co., Business Meeting AND EAST HAVEN NEWS land, turned professional Natj Mrs. Ellen Walt of New York city Kendall Lewis of Wllllston Acad­ Third and Fourtli Mondays—Indian Neck Fire Co., Drills l>endloton back at MOM studios af­ win visit relatives here this week. ter a Vireek's vacation at Palm emy Is the guest of his parents Mr. VOL. Xn—NO. 7 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, May 25, 1039 Springs .Frank Morgan auto- and Mrs. James Lewis of Stony EVERY WEEK Price Five Cents I ] i graphlnB the hood of a fan's auto­ Creek, ' Fridays—Pawson Tribe, I. 0. R. M. at 8 P. M. in Rcdmen's Hall. mobile with a piece of green chalk. FOUND '1 .' Lionel Barrymore still thrilled Wliltby K. Maddern, rising sen­ Undergraduates jPoppy Time Is Raymond Corbett over the gigantic birthday given In ior In Trinity College, Duke Uni­ • MAY 10th White gold wedding ring East Haven Will Honor Patriotic Organizations his honor on the lot, with all of the versity, was this week elected treas­ ring in First National Store urer of the men's glee club for 1030- Auxiliary o£ Indian Neck Fire Co. Meets Will Promenade 'Giving Time Receives Award stars and executives In attendance. Main Street. Owner may When a hat brings $500, Just be­ "10 and was also appointed to the Initiation, Order ol: Kainl)OW in East Haven Freshman Advisory council. • _ MisHJonary .Socioly mcelH with Mrs. C. J. Upson have by identifying at the Veterans Of All Wars cause you wore It—you're famousl Tomorrow Night Once again Poppy time is here For Bravery Unite Sunday Evening In Minstrol, Ijnurel School I'TA at 8 in East Hiiven Town Ha 1 When Tyrone Power climbed out of Young Maddorn, son of Mr. and store. and no doubt there'are still n few Mrs, R. Edwin Maddern, 188 Mon- Tlireo Cent supper. Ladies, Society of North 13ranford fi o clock. the piano at Port Alegre, Brazil, du­ Tomorrow night in the Pine Or­ who do not know,lust where the Raymond Corbett, 13, of Hopson ring his recent 20,000 mile airplane 'tnwesd Street, was graduated from 4-11 Flower and Vegetable Club, HosteHS, Mrs. Wm. Paohco. At Fitting Ceremonieschar d Country Club the Junior Cards, Short Ueaeh PTA, 8 o'clock in tlio school. money received from tho sale of Street was awarded.a cerlltlcale for Union Memorial Service Jaunt to South American, his hat iWorcestor Academy, Worcester, I Shorthand, •rypewrltlng. Book­ Prom will be held with music fur­ Mass., In 1030. Ho, Is following the 11 IS Ailluiio Tdsconiin, ofncer, no fooling. From here it them goes, and Just why they are on bravery by Scout Commissioner Carl was lost In a swirling mob of fans... keeping, Accounting, Business nished by Doc Heller and his or­ Dlekman on behalf of tho Qulnnl- business adrhlnlstratlon course at MAY 20th looks as if 1.1.0 Mnestro \^ gcllinK a lickct--aml not for ".liroad- sale In the first place. Disabled vet­ During the filming of "Rose of Administration, Dictaphone, chestra. plac Council of the Qulnnlplac Coun ii 'i Washington," In which ho Is cur­ Duke. Ho has been outstanding In B. 11. S. Class of 1031 reunion at Rustic Inn. ^ cKst Or maybe it's a ticket tor tho police hall. Ihcn, again, pci- Will Hold Parade And Appropriate Services To Honor erans In hospitals throughout the American Legion Sponsors Timo-Honored Ceremonies musical activities during three Comptometer, Day and Evening Anna Kollch, Chairman Is assist­ cU of the Boy Scouts of America, at rently co-starred with Alice Fayo Pood Sale, Sunshine Assembly, St. Andrews Church haps the reproscnlativc of the law is "l^^'y 1™^'"K '"'cfj" Sessions. Co-educatlonal. Enter Dead, Particularly Veterans Of Civil And Spnish ed In making arrangements by Paul country make thesBjPopples to help the meeting of Monmuguln Parent- Which Include Parade, Decorating Graves And Ex­ ond Al Jolson which Is now show- years, and has also maintained a Ijnst Man's Club Dinner at Barlioni's name and address with a retiuest for a ticket for an NBO bi m- support them and* their families. creditable scholastic record. at any time, American Wars. Blrbarle, Michael Zvonkovlc, Walter Teaeher Association last Thursday. orcises At Tho Green. nig at the Locw Poll College Thea­ phony Orchestra broadcast. Come to think of it, what s the photo­ Tamulevleh, Dorothy Brada, Lois The popples are made during tho \ .•'• • Corbett's award came tor bravery ! } tre tor a 2nd Big Week, Tyrone grapher doing around here anyway 1 STONE COLLEGE ' , MAY 22nd ' ' Peter G. Weber, Jr., marshal of MacParlane, Douglas Bray, Marshall whole year and thpn are purchased demonstrated during the hurricane learned' that the hat had been Ruth A. Huglns, daughter of Mr. 129 Temple St., New Haven Holablrd and Harold Damberg, Arrangements have been made Rotary—12 !l5—Congregational Church Parlors. atlons for themselves and children. the Memorial Day parade of East by Legion Posts an^ sold, by either of last September 21 when he res­ found and put up for auction, so and Mrs, Morritt A. Huglns of Bran- Rotarians Hear , Patrons and patronesses are: Mr. complete for the annual Memorial It Is planned to extend this hospi­ Haven, has Issued orders on the them, their Auxiliary or the Sons cued two elderly women from a cot­ Announces List the people of tho town could pre- ford participated In the 44th annu­ Girls' Prien'tlly Society Banquet „ . , „ Board Members and Mrs. Milton Bradley, Mr. and Day exorcises. tal plan to all the employees who parade. The parade will move of tho Legion. Not 6;ie cent received tage that had become completely •sent him with a remembrance. It al Concert of Sacred Music given by Mother and Daughters' Banquet 0:30, Trunty Parish House. promptly at 2 p. m. In columns of Talk On Alaska Mrs. T. Holmes Bracken, Mr. and Assembly will be at the Armory wish It, as soon as possible. ever reaches the general treasury surrounded by raging water. Of Honor Pupils brought $500. , The Northfleld Schools on Sunday ' MAY 24th WHEN IN NEED OF four over the following line of Mrs. J. Connelly, Mrs. Flora Gold­ at 0 a. m.. The iwrado will list pro­ afternoon May 14. The first half of Continued from page one of the post. The original cost of the The rescue was made In a rowboat ceed to Hobart's Bridge where ser­ Power promptly cabled Instruo- WALLPAPER march: Charter Oak avenue to Ty Hugh J. Lee, editor of the Merl- smith, Mr. and Mrs. Irvlhg Harri­ tho Sacred Concert was broadcast Bridge in Old Stone Church Parish House, AVoman's Aid Society It Is Interesting to know that for poppy goes to the disabled Veteran and moments after the house had vices tor the sailor dead will bo ,tlons that the money bo turned ov­ or PAINT ler street, to Hemlng\iay avenue to den Morning Record and formerly son, Mr. and Mrs. Wliltney Marsh, The following Is a list of honor by the Blue Network of tho National every 100 pounds of metal put In the located In the Borough, would bo who made it, and tlio entire balance been emptied the building collaps­ students Issued this week from the held. Prom the bridge the lino of er to charity. MAY 25th VISIT River street, to Park Place to the United States Commissioner In Al­ Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Morehouse, ed. The row boat was lost after the Broadcasting Company on a coast- furnace by Comeron and his men loss than one half a mile from the goes into a special fund reserved office of the Superintendent of mareh will be via Montowese, South Alice Faye Is a one-woman fash- Military Whist, Musonio Hall, Banquet Hall, East Haven. homes of easily more than 50 per Green, with short halts at Green aska, spoke on "With Perry In the Mr. and Mrs. Jolin B! SUney, Mr. women had been brought to safety. to-cottst hookup- from 3 to 3;30 that only 45 pounds reach Joe Ifko- [UNITE D WALL PAPER Lawn cemetery In Tyler street at solely for the welfate of the sick or Schools, Raymond PInkhnm, Main, West Main, Lincoln, Cherry ! Ion Khow In "Rose of Washington Arctic" at the weekly luncheon of and Mrs. Robert M. Wllllams,^Mr. p. m. (EDST). vlc to be shipped out. 45 of the mis­ cent of the children attending. It The meeting which was In the Inter­ nill Road and Monroe Streets to St. Square". Alloc wears 20 different *IAY 26th CO. the Old Cemetery and the East the Branford Rotary club Monday and Mrs. Raymond E. Plnkhaiti, disabled local vet|ran. Therefore ests of good citizenship, was presid­ Senior Iligli Sohool sing pounds go Into grates and feed who walk to It, and that It would Lawn cemetery In River street where Mary's Cemetery whore the graves costumes In the course of the lUm. lleoUal, Whyte tSudio of Dancing, East Ilnvon High Sciiool ers, 8 pounds lost through ovldatlon be less than one and one tenth 93 Crown St., New Haven noon In the parlors of the Congre­ Mr. and Mrs. Hlllls k. Idleman, Mr. please contribute generously. ed over by Mrs. James McDonough, Freshmen will be deebrated, Tho parade will A visitor stared In awed silence Miss Doris Male, daughter of Mr services will be held. The parade gational Church. He gave an and spills In pouring, 4 pounds miles from the homes of all the nad Mrs. Robert Langdale, Miss On Sunday mofning Memorial tho president. Commercial Course— Dykun; An­ then countermarch via Main, South as ho watched a rifleman shoot and Mrs. John Male, 33 Edward "We Save You Money" win be reviewed by Civil War Vet­ account of his experience 1ft the Arc MAY 27th through defects caused by poor children who attend It and walk to Alice Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John Services will be hold In Short Beach Tlie speaker. Commander Ernest na, Harosklewlcz, Tessle, Raymond, Main and Montowese Streets to leaden slugs Into the water just In­ Street, East Haven was groduated erans and town officials at the Le­ tic, having gone on two Perry ex­ li'ood Sale, on the Green, Trinity Church. workmanship, cracks, gas pockets E. Knocht, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. John Chapel and the Reverend Ernest Pembertori of Harry Bartlott Post, Anna Welles Barbara. Ccntcrj Cemetery where tho graves ches away from the rapidly swlm- last evening from tho Nurses' Train gion Building in Thompson Avenue. peditions In search of the North Chapel Food Sale, Main Street, Short Beach and other misfortunes. Kollch and Miss Emily Blrbarle, Carpenter has ext'tnded a special American Legion spoke on education General Course—Perrlcone, Louls^ will be decorated,The line will then blng Peter Lorro. It was for a scene Ing School of Grace Hospital. The Board wishes to call the at­ Pole. ' . / The parade will consist of two Class officers are; President Paul;, ', to veterans to attend this of tlie young today in the schools College Course—Baldwin, Charles, proceed to the monuments on the In "Danger Island" which Is tho 2nd MAY 28th tention of parents and voters to the FrederickCDahl Jolly Bill Kremsor has a tale fact that one school centrally lo­ sections. In the first section will be There were 30 present at the meet Blrbarle. vice-president, Walter ^^^^,^^ ^^^^^^^^ win meet at and the playground as being the Klssell, Donald, Mellor, James, Ro-- Green where tho exercises of tho feature on the College Theatre pro­ Memorial Services in Tabor Cemetery, 3 P. M. Tamulevleh; secretary, Lois Mac­ senthal Joan, Sullivan, Beryl. about a hoop snake which camo rol cated In the Borough would cause police escort, marshal, chief of staff Ing with the following visiting Ro­ Bradley store at 10:30 for this means whereby youth learns the day will be held. Rev. B. Kenneth gram, PAINTER and aides. Second Company, Gov­ tarians: William Sangster ol Say- Parlane; treasursuer, Anna Kollch Anthony, pastor of the First Con­ Linwood G.Mprt ling down the bank at KllUngworth no Increase In the cost of transport­ 10:45 A.M. service. V rules of lite in the years to come, Normal Course—Pltzgerald Nan­ "Aren't you afraid you'll bo hit?' and ernors Foot Guard Band, National brook, F. H. Holbrook of Madison I and assistant treasurer, Michael cy, Polastrl Doris. gregational ohuroh will bo the and smacked right into his car, ing pupils to and from school even The evening Memorial Services Essays were read by MarHyn Smith tho visitor asked Lorre later. Guard units, Spanish War Veterans, and Hartley M. Hodges of New Ha- Zvonkovlo. Sophomores speaker, Continued from page one bending the right fender beyond re­ If all pupils living east or west of win be held In the Baptist Church and Grace Eno of Momauguin ' "No," Lorre replied. "If ho hits ex-service men and American Le­ ven. One new member. Rev. B. Ken- i Commercial Course—Barker Dor­ with the Delaware & Hudson rail­ pair and throwing the front wheels either, of the traffic circles at the DECORATOR this year at 7:30. All verans are school, tho former on "Our Country" At 7 a, m. tho American Legion mo he win lose his Job." cut-off and east or west Main: gion, Sons of. America Legion and neth Anthony was inducted by the othy, Dickinson .George, Potts Dor- road Mr. Mort accepted a position out of line. A little girls hoop would ESTIMATES OHEELFULLY specially requested to attend and and the latter on "Our Flag." Boy will assemble at tho armory and Streets were transported to and Legion Auxiliary. president T. Holmes Bracken under Is, Woods Ruth. WATCH FOR COMING HITS: as Inspector for the Now York State have done the same thing if you Charity Board and girl scouts attended. will visit tho Mill Plain, St. Agnes from school (as the Board believes GIVEN The second section will comprise the classification "Protestantism." win meet at Bradley' store at "Bridal Suite" with Annabolle, Highway Department, after which had stayed In Branford, Bill. 7:15 P.M. ; ,. General Course—Hamre Janet, and Damascus, Cemeteries, holding ho was appointed Town Engineer should.be done) If one school were] Tel. 4-0988 the Drum Corps, Plre Department, Thursday night 18 from Branford Polastrl Diana, Softer Jacob. services "at each. They win then Robert Young plus "The Kid Issues Report On Tuesday rhornlng Leglonn^ for tho Town of Grlswold. He came John Cameron has rejoined the built to house all elementary pupils 4:29 Main St. East Haven- Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, BrownleS: attended the Saybrook Rotary club College Course — Bradley, Dor- proceed to stony Creek to partici­ From Texas" with Dennis O'Keefo school children and town officials, annual shad dinner In the Pease aires will assemble dt the Armory at Margaret Whyte to WPA In October, 1035, as assis­ office staff after three years of ac­ In the .Borough together with all ralne. Gate Bancroft, Johnson Ken­ pate In thopn:rade In that commun­ and Florence Rlco„,....."'nie Return The school children will join the House, Saybrook. Those who went tant engineer and was rapidly pro­ counting and other- experience In elementary school pupils from Mill Tho following Is the report of the 0:45 sharp to decprate the graves neth, Lawrence Alvln, TcrwUlln'ier ity, which will begin at 8 o'clock. of tho Cisco Kid" with Warner Bax plain, Branford Hills, Brushy Plain parade at Bradley avenue and Main were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Bige- moted through various grades to his New Haven that makes the score Board of Charities for April: 18 and blow taps In all outlying ceme- Will Present Gordon. Services will also be hold In tho tor, Lyn Barl Only Angels Have and Pine Orchard who presently street and each pupil will report the low, Mr. and Mrs Fred P. BUcker, present position, which he has filled for Cameron two again as we lost famUy cases. 10 Individuals, total 341 terles and to participate In the Normal Course—Anderson Marie Stony Creek Cemetery. Wings" with Gary Grant, Jean Ar­ The M. I. F. Co. Duck Pin bowling Tony Is very well aware of the fact are being transported to and from school, which he or she attends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cate, Dr. 24 State cases; eight child Stony Creek parade as usual, after thur with, exceptional ablUty. that hens lay only In the day time Barbara Cameron to matrimony on Pupils Friday Symonds Anna. C. Itobart Page of the Spanish team, which competed In the New ly a few weeks ago. Alex Cameron, school and who would be housed In BRANFORD Children .will be provided with flags and Mrs Charles 'WT. Gaylord, Mr Welfare cases one child committed which they will; tVjeh; meet; at; the See You In The Movies A Potesslonal Engineer In Conn­ so he has installed dark shades on ]unlof:s V/ar, ,y.qtor:ans^gwUl. \M^hona a brother leads the melting gang In the centralized Borough School, If Cbinmandei: ;Erhest*L. Pemfcerton and Mrs. "V. T. .Hammer,; Jr., Mr. to the, county, homj,; two ..chll^ren^ •Armbryi;at.jOi!!ACM&j;ior;4.ilie'v local ecticut, Mr. Mort leaves WPA to be­ England Duck Pin Bowling tourna­ his coop windows to/fool the poor Miss Margaret whyto will present CommetoldLOi Your Movie Guyed the malleable foundry. . one were built. LAUNDRY and^}Mrs,JFrank.?S>';;rKlrihfey,tsjMlss lh5th^sCKlldren8tC?ntMHfl?ve;ii^^ come an associate and Junior part­ ment, held at Woonsocket, R. I. birds. Wlien he goes home to lunch Mary; Sllneyi MrSii'Johtf Waters; Mr. <-^e-A&: chaltniteTI&^irrtTTSciaEBEf If tiie town sees fit to build such lowing ;retho -toai-aWlgone'Sr'McSaacs sanltor- ,^11 ,^bp^of the LiJi^iJiitp, take their highest recommendation was that a school the Board's preference as FLAT WORK ven'high school tomorrow evening. • TJio high ; school band and th() Consulting Engineers, of Boston, home tho winners with a total of chickens go to roost thinking It ''^/<:''Y'"' ' Oreeh! Ahthbnyjij.;* Caruso, clialr' PaImer''an(lC?Mk'frray'Upson.' jum,i $12;: seven i'at*Sprlngsldei,'$20d boxes'an"d'Poppleffr;wi«v''thein'oh Stow.Creek,Fife,and Drum Corp« he had been able to sell Frank Blg- to sites Is OS follows: 'Those: taking part are; Claire Mary Ga^lellon Mass., and will serve this firm In 1700 pins In the "Booster Division." nightfall.'When he stairts back for WET WASH Contfnued on page three seven at Mansfield, $200.99; four Memorial Doy. Hope Davis, Ann Davison, Joanne will furnish music, ' ' . , Pequot Theatre their New England territory. Ho will work after lunch he pulls up the elow an Insurance policy. Well any 1. The whole of the old A. E. They competed again 63 teams from Widow's Aid, $245.70; two hospital Fltts, Sylvia Grist, Carol Malq, Au-, Continued on page four continue to reside at Short Beach, one who can sell an Insurance pol­ Hjfmmer estate. ^rove^-Sew E^larul. ™g|^-c^^^ SOFT DRY Playhouse Plans cases, $59.42. one patient admitted drey Jane Uedflcld, Ri|t,h Roller, Married Monday Branford, whore ho ond Mrs. Mort,| icy to Frank who Is sort of an ex­ 2. The property on the hill on to Norwich insane hospital; one Fri.,Siil.—JInyan-2n pert Is deserving of consideration Hitchcocks Will Virginia Sedon, Babs Thomas, Paf- 1 the former Miss Cathorino Madden, tho west side of Cedar Street at the TenWeekSeason transient case; state bUI for the first Richard Brewer trlcla Kennedy, Carlyno Ann Ros- To Mr. B.Ambrose I'M FROM MISSOURI of Norwich and their daughters, n:r33S!9S t^Jg^-----^^ w;ic^^li^ek-John, Please teach cut-off quarter, $1939 submitted to the state enqulst, Barbara Wilson, Ann;Elv- Mary R. Proto Linda, 3, and Kada, 1, have made 360; Linden 377. "Let hall t-^" ^;'„\*b,7wlth sweet musle to cheer us not to use red ink tor awhile, 3. The present Laurel Street, Spend Summer $1,704.03; express paid for commod­ Makes Statement Ington, Prank Plcclrlllo, Carolyn with Bob Burns, Gladys Georgo new champs. ' Ithem up, you may d|compllsh what' Harrison Avenue, Center School site The Chapel Playhour In Guilford ities, April 20,1,220 grapefruit, $3.05; Miss Mary Castcllon, daughter of their home for tho past year. FINISHED WORK announces a ten week season start­ Lehr, Barbara Harlow Np,al, Bruce Married This ALSO . If James Proto gets stuck In the with additional land as needed. At Pawson Park April 27, 200 pounds of butter, $.50 Collopy, Lillian Lewandaskl,, Jac-i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V, Castcllon, wo have not heard as yet how you are after. mud alorxg our country roads much These sites have been scored by ing June 26 and ending September total $3.55; bills paid to East Ha­ More than a third of million dol­ |i05 Main Street, Annex, East Hav­ "DEVIL'S ISLAND" -j^r^-' BACHELOR SERVICE 2. Louise Piatt, who has returned to quelee Ann Polrot, Nancy Lee Poet, Paul Mead, son of Mr. and Mrs. after, we will have to furnish our State Department of Education ven, West Haven, Nuagatuck, $83.80; lars a year Is turned Into the town Shirley Kaiser, Marcla Fltts, Paul en, was married Monday morning In Morning At 9 Raymond Mead Is HI at his home Miss Janet Helen Ferguson, daugh Guilford for the summer after a and city treasuries, from the liquor him with the tractor shoes we are according to nationally accepted ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fer­ bills sent to New Haven, Salisbury, Goss, Joan Marie Wells, Betty and St, Vincent do Paul's Church at Sun., Mon., Tuoa.,Mny 21-22-23 In Forbes Place. making. standards and have been rated In busy year in Hollywood picture ma­ Stamford, Greenwich, New Canaan, permits which are held by the drug I rnVernla^rhTs Z^t^^^^ortT^ Tack fl"h. guson of 39, Glenwood Road, Upper Shirley Post, Gloria June Billings, 10 o'clock to Mr. Benjamin Ambrose, The wedding of Miss Mary Rose I that order. king, will be a featured player at New Britain, Madison and Old Say­ stores of Connecticut, It was stated Doanna Durbin in Montclalr, N. J., was married Sat­ the summer theatre. Her latest pic­ John M. Kaiser, John Marlnan, son of Mrs. Jennie Ambrose of 58 Proto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pupils of tho Congregational John Bmolnlkar, Electric Furnace Such a school would make It pos­ brook $90.05. today by Richard Brewer of the MlUer, George Thomas, Lois Swan- Woolsey Street, New Haven. Church school are sponsoring the urday night at 8:30 o'clock In Un­ ture, "Tell My Tale" In which she ap Pasquale Proto of 113 South Mon­ 'THREE SMART GIRLS nace Foreman, attended .a meeting sible for all children attending- It Tel. 672-2 — 572-3 ion Congregational Church, Upper Brewer Pharmacy, 42 Main Street, son, Joan and Mildred O.sborn, Lor­ She wore'a white gown with full pictures "Blondlc Meets tho Boss" ed about the place. Was his lace red hooks on some big ones. pears opposite Melvyn Douglas will towese Street, and Anthony Streeto, GROW UP' on Steel Melting at the Metallurgi­ to be taught In a room housing only Montelalr, N. J. to Mr. William Ed­ be released In the near future. Mr. Brewer Is one of the 840 mem­ raine Blanchard, Claire^ Hagetrey, skirt, ,and puffed sleeves and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Stree­ and "lee Follies of 1039" in Bran­ B. W. Nelson, Prop. Rosemalre Onolia, Loono Peter­ Also ;:rpa"elagrottr'ee^ S Kl Many, many, years ago the wr, cal Laboratory of Yale College at one grade. The Board believes such win Hitchcock, Jr., son of Mr. and bers of the Connecticut Pharmaceu­ shoulder loijgth veil. Her flowers to of Branford Hills, was solemnized \ I ford Theatre May 22. The proceeds The theatre staff Is busily en­ Weight Lifting son, Shirley Post, Janyce Smith. "Persons in Hiding" ches high—what ho auoui; iti in- *..«..j,. -, .. „ ,., -rrm 4:00 Friday. a centralized school must be built Mrs. William E. Hitchcock of South tical Association, representing all wore gardenias. this morning at 0 o'clock In St, will bo used for tho annual chlld- expected was ter first saw the grounds of the Mnr eventually. If such a school must be Main Street.. gaged In New York planning the the drug stores of tho state. The Carol Walker, Janice Walker, Joan with Lynno Overman, and rens Christmas party. , trees 0 to 8 feet high FOB RENT— Furnishefl room and schedule of plays and casting the Marie Wells, Carlene Pottci', Betty As mald'of honor Miss Jennie Pe- Mary's Church. The bride wore ft Are they anspacesd wa, sthe amazen unoccupied to sede thadornee frondt John Hlnes Furnace scrap shove- constructed eventually It Is obvious­ Clbotlum ferns, palms and white Exhibition Mon. Association is opposed to the pas­ tronzl was dressed In malzd net iirlneess gown of bridal satin, soft Patricia Morison still the same size Fred or did tho board, Mrs. W. E. Mumtord, 95 permanent acting company. The Post, Pay Garvin, Nancy Anderson, with trees and flowers. ler expects to have his car In order ly most, economical to do It now. flowers decorated the altar, where sage of the bin, now pending In the trlnrmed In orchid with a leghorn Oreeclan . lines ending In a long I > Narpes Society will meet Juno 1 In hurricane demolish them? The Board has been Informed by Rogers Street. Telephone 1035. company wlll.be augmented from All boys and men of Short Beach House of Representatives, wliloh Lorraine Blanchard, Bernadctto This was such a strange sight for the Steel Foundry Outing. the Rev.. George Clark Vincent of­ time to time during the season with hat and matching aeoessories, She train. Her plain tulle veil was Wed., Tlmrs.—May 24-25 the home of Mrs. A. T. Borgqulst Mr. S. Stevens, traveling engineer. are Invited to the Claremont Hotel would eliminate, the Druggist Per­ Cassel, Dorothea Caswell, Laura ficiated at the ceremony. Niiptlal guest stars_ of note. Olive Warren, carried a colonial bouquet of spring caught from a tiara of orange blos­ Ilopson Avenue. Mr. George Shemouny, Supt. of Cedar Crest Sanatorlun. Hartford, LOST—Pass Book No. 11621. If Monday evening at 9 o'clock to wit­ mit to seU liquor by the package Grace Clvitello, Suzanne ClvlteUo, Sapphire TaWewaro Nights music was played by Mr. Mark An­ one of the acting mainstays of the flowers. ..'.:• soms and her shower bouquet was of Steel Shipments, attended a meet­ Connecticut, that a project for such found return to Branford Savings drews, organist. ness a weight lifting and athletic under restrictions, and give a mon­ Betty Elvlngton, Ruth Parquliar- 2 largo Qlassoa to Each Lady Playhouse last year will again be In exhibition. Contlnucd on Page Two Sal Ambrose was his brother's white bridal roses and lily of tho RETURNS HOME ing of the Connecticut Business a school has been approved by PWA Bank. The bride, whose father gave her opoly for such sales to the package most any time of day. It may be ^,„^„„„^„. ^..^ .„.. ston„- and the permanent company. In addition best man. valley. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. George be surrounded with dust stones and Men's Association at the Taft Ho headquarters and that funds for Its In marriage, wore a gown designed to Jean Piatt, sister of Louise. The Alton Ellason, director ol the stores. •.;•.,. "SECRET SERVICE Myron of Moose Hill will bo glad to that Sam is happy because things At a reception; that fonowed In The matron of honor, Mrs, Prank all refuse. tel. Mr. Shemouny advances some construction will be available If ad­ princess style with a white Chan- theatre will have as business man­ Palace Academy of Health In New "There Is no group of establish­ STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL OF THE AIR" learn that Mrs. Myron has returned are going along pretty WQU or It JLOST: Poss Book No. 107O3. U found San Remo Mrs. Castcllon received Oummlngs of New Haven, wore a The company has consistently very original Ideas on Business Ad­ ditional appropriations for PWA are tlUy bodice and a Southern bouffant ager, Nate Beers, prominent New Haven will be one of the partici­ ments In donnectlcut that has a The Social Workers have changed with Ronald Regan, with her Infant son to her home may be that Sam Is training his ministration . made available by Congress. Such pants. Another wUl be Bob Fleming, with the bridal party and wore a princess gown of mimosa pink lace adhered to the policy of Improving return to Branford Savings Bank. net skirt with a lace motif. Her York theatrical agent. more honorable record In connect­ the date of their Strawberry festi­ and net with watteau hat of net to ALSO from the Grace Hospital. vocal chords to go on the air. It has aid would cover 45 per cent of the princess veil was made with a lace former Southern states weight lift­ royal blue chiffon dress and a cor­ the aspects of their premises and Plans are being worked out for a ion with the sale of liquor than the val from June 10 to June 23. match and carried o bouquet of pink been noted lately that his voice is John Skolonls Is taking up sing­ cost. , . • ' . . coronet, and she carried white or­ ing champion. Michael Purcell, drug stores." Mr. Brewer said. "The sage of yellow tea roses. 'Symphony of Living" Improving rapidly. Good luck to you nowadays even the waterfront along subscription service for patrons of Mrs. Grace Hunter and Mrs. O. : Mrs.' Ambrose was dressed In a roses and blije for-get-me-nots. Baptist Welfare League will spon­ ing. We are wondering how his In the event that the town should chids and miles of the valley. Conneotleut's 118 pound weight lift­ drug stores comply with the law, Irving Fold ore cochalrman with Sam and keep It up. I think we can the river looks very neat. the Chapel Playhouse so that they ing champion will also be an at­ goWn of black lace and wore a cor­ The bridesmaids, Mrs, Peter Wit- sor tho picture "Huckleberry Finn" horse "Bessie" Is going to like It. feel that It does not want to build Mrs. David Ferguson of Summit without providing any enforcement the following assistants; food, Mrs. In the Branford Theatre tonight and stand It. one modern, fire-proof elementary Business Directory may come to see all ten plays at a traction. sage of gardenias. kowsky. Miss Vinta Proto, sister of The "Mill House" on Harbor St. New Jersey, was matron of honor substantial reduction. problem whatever. There have been M. A. Hugnls; novelty, Mrs.'.W. R.' the bride, and Miss Minnie Streeto, tomorrow evening. George Terrell has recovered school in the Borough at this time, and the bridesmaids were: Miss The bride wore a tweed suit for In Its reconstruction progress at­ Hardle Albright, well known stage The exhibition Is sponsored by fewer suspensions or revocation of Morgan and Mrs. Ilulda " Fpote of this town, sister of tho groom, Capitol Theatre Tony Dumkoskl of the Grinding from his recent Illness. your Board of Education belleVes Betty Hitchcock, a sister of the traveling. The couple will live at 47 tracts the attention of those who and screen actor, will direct all pro­ the Men's Club. Refreshments will licenses of drug stores, becaiise of cards, Mrs, Warren Hopper; white wore Princess gowns of caprI blue : 281 Main St., Eost Haven No repairs are contemplated at Dept. Is still experimenting with that the present Canoe Brook 42 inch sink and tub comblnntloni bridegroom; and Misses. Natalie Burwell Street, New Haven. see It. The location Is unlQue look ductions at Guilford. Mr. Albright be served during the social hour to Infractions of regulations, than any elephant, Mrs. Winiam Oliver and net and lace, watteau hats of'net to the Almot Reed Latson property. his White Rocks and is trying to The first annual concert for the should be repaired as follows: Macdpnald of Chicago, and Nancy Ing both up and down the Branford $29.95 complete. Toilet ontflts Is also an established playwright. follow. other class of permit." afternoon tea, Mrs, R. Lockyer.; match ond carried Colonial bou­ Sun., Hon.,'rucs.,Mny 21,-22-23 Stony Creek. make them lay two eggs a day. 1. Take the second floor pff Klrkpatrlck of Dayton, Ohio, room­ River the way tho house Is built and Elizabeth Walworth Scholarship His drama, "AH the Living" produc­ completely and pei:manently and complete $12.95. Bath tubs $1(.50. mates of the bride at Pine Manor quets. handled In remodeling gives an or­ was attended by an appreciative ed at the Fulton Theatre, New York Lutheran Church Doanna Durbin in make the school Into a two room Junior, College. Mi's. Ferguson car­ The best man was PaSquale iginal arrangement. audience Monday night In Library Wall Basins $5.45, Conn. Flumblnt last year, won bravos from the crit­ "3 SMART GIRLS LET Hall. bungalow-type wooden school hav­ ried Talisman roses, delphinium and All In A Day's Work Streeto, Jr., of Branford, brother of The wing projecting to the South­ and Heating Materials Co., 173( ical gentry of the press. Confirms Class the groom! The ushers were Prank US "SUMMERIZE'^ci™ west Is the main living room light­ Artlstlcs lighting and floral ef­ ing exits directly from each class­ African daisies.' The bridesmaids by N. IT. and 13. C. Carpenter GROW UP" room to the groiind at the rear. State St., New Haven, Conn, had bouquets of Talisman roses and Pastor Is Acoiued Of Having Cummlngs of New Haven, Peter AUO ed on three sides and with a fire fects were especially atractlve. Wo Who Have , Moat Blessings 2. Construct at the rear of the delphinium and' wore clusters of Tabor Lutheran church was very Wltkowsky and James Proto, brother A LUBRICATION JOB NOW— place, the garage being underneath Fhone 6-0028.> I Lost His Religion When He Ex­ the conversation I told him that I Should Peel Obligation To Ex­ of the bride, both of Branford, "LAST WARNING" Those who care to see a gorgeous building an exit from the toilets the same flowers in their hair. Lillie J. Hessel beautifully decorated with flowers It. This living room Is on the same plodes In "Wratli And Indig­ had no objection to Its coming out tend Them To Tliose Who with Preston Foster rock garden In full bloom should adequately protected from the boil­ Continued on Page Two Sunday morning wlien a class of 11 A dinner was followed In the It­ May Save You an Expensive Repair Bill Later! level as the kitchen and furnace nation." of the committee, but that I see the one at the home of Mr. and er room by a fire wall. TYFEWRITERS — ALL MAKES Laolt. received confirmation, each one be­ alian-American club, on Beach St„ Wed., Tliurs.—:Muy 2-1-2,3 room and connects with a stair-way Funeral Monday would not vote for It in any case ing garbed In a white confirmation Mrs. Andrew Laurence In South 3. House therein grades 1, 2, 3 New, Rebuilts, Rentals, Portables, the occasion also marking tho 27th to four rooms on the main floor. GBADE SCHOOLS "ON THE SPOT" unless I happened to have a lapse of cr day over the matter of forfeited robe. Each received from the con­ "WIFE, HUSBAND Montowese Street and one some­ and 4 and send grades 5 and 0 to Supplies wedding anniversary of the bride's Rooms can also be constructed EXHIBIT TONIGHT The funeral of Mrs. Llllle Judd Do you know how It seems to be consciousness. Then ho acted mad. rights restored. But as the matter gregation a beautiful bible and from parents and the birthday of the and FRIEND" Brennan's Service Station what smaller across tho street at Laurel Street School where a va­ Convenient Terms In the attic. There arc three open Hessel of Rlvervlew Avenue, Short "on the spot?" Well, I do. I suppose "I would never be sent to the legis­ some serious crime his citizenship the pastor a book entitled, "Chil­ bride's mother. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril cant room will be available this AI.SO -— 302 Main St. Branford Phono 886 fireplaces In the house. All citizens as well as parents of Beach, was held Monday afternoon It might In some cases, be a disagree lature again," and various other rights are torefelled. They copnot dren of Light," The choir a3,slsted Newton. fall and for a number of years to RELIANCE TyPEWRITER CO. Mr. and Mrs. Stretto left on an Loretta Young, Warner Baxter all pupils in grades one through six with services In the parlors of able experience. But in this case It threats and excited remarks. Yes, I be restored without a two thirds and the class rendered an anthem. ALSO C. B. GVY, Mgr. unannounced wedding trip, the The shower room In the Steel Beecher & Bennett, New Haven. seems like a good Joke. It just hap­ Telephone 1-2738 and the kindergarten, are urgently know' how It feels' to be "on the vote of the legislature. That Is an Those confirmed were Helen bride traveling In a blue print silk "" Foundry Is being completed very Rev. George E. Knonmeyer of Mil- pens that I have won the disappro­ 109 Crown Street, New Haven and cordially invited to visit any el­ spot," and be threatened. - amendment to the constitution, and Oeorglna Constance Cuslc, Norman dress with chiffon redlngotc and WITH Paint Tools rapidly under the supervision of WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT CHOICE OF ementary school In town to Inspect ford officiated. The burial was In val of some of the people who are Incidentally I wish to say that no was In tended to be a safe guard Robert Esborn, Alice Oerrtude Han­ navy accessories with corsage or Kiiy Francis, William Gargan Varnislios Machinery Domnlc' Bontatlbus. buUdlngs and exhibition of school Evergreen cemetery. Interested In one of these projects political leader has ever tried to against an easy way of getting subh sen, Henry Lonnart Holm, Doris May gardenias. After June 1st, they will Fields & Keegan Roof Cement Ladies Gift Nights Roof Coating GOOD USED CARS MATURO BROS. work done by pupils on Thursday, She was a native of New Haven that are supposed to be a sure cure coerce me. I will listen to friendly rights restored. But as the motter Johnson, Edith Viola Linden, Ellen be at home at 8 Montowese Street. HARDWARE Stanley Jennings spent the week­ May 25 from 7:30 P.M. on. and had been coming to Short for all of the Ills that society now advise from any one, and gladly get has flinally developed It has be Irene Linden, Charles Frederick [ Fi-i., .Sal.—May 2(J-27 end In Bridgeport with his wife and Loam—Sand—Stone and Fill PupUs win not be in attendance Beach for a great many years. For suffers under. Its advocates are sure It, 1 will try to accommodate any of come a, very easy way to get them Montellus, Robert William Maars, CHOSEN DELEGATES y WHOLESALE and RETAIL daughter. AT REAL LOW PRICES that it is the one sovereign remedy Edwin Ebenezer Sandford and "THE HOUNDS of the Contractors and General Trucking at school at that time but each tea­ the past 15 years she had made the people of East Haven when It Is restored. No one likes,to publlcaUy Eldorado Council No, 10 Knights Trade-ins On the New Dodge and Plymouths cher .will be in her class-room • to Short Beach her permanent home. that the world has been long wait­ In my power to do so, regardless of appose a committee's report, and Geprge H. Stalf. The confirmation of Columbus recently chose the fol-, BASKERVILLES" n For Your Garden and Lawn—Seeds, Grass, Tools Ray Wright, George Hansen and Bradley St. Tel. 726 Branford, Conn. m»et parents and talk with them She was a member of the Chapel ing for. It seems that thelr.leglsla- party. But when it comes to bull­ no one likes to get up in public and class remembered the pastor with lowing delegates to represent it at __ wmi — Tony Dumkowskl can well congrat­ SERVICE Workers. Surviving her is a sister, tlve bill Is slow in coming out of the dozing - methods, and silly threats, protest against any one personally. a gift of money. tho state convention In Danbury ulate themselves that they were In concerning their chUdren. Richard Greene, Wendy Barrio I PAINT UP WITH PIITSBURG PAINT | M. R. Ziegler SALES and FOUND—Kowboat. Owner can (lave Mrs. Lottie Upson_ who made her committee (I presume there are sev well—it Is a mighty weak cause that So the custom has developed of let­ this week; Grand Knight, Timothy ALSO —- :, solid In the hospitalization plan, 4i y OUTSIDE and INSIDE | s."»me proving property and pay­ INTERNATIONAL SALE home with Mrs. Hessel. eral hundred more bills that are needs that sort of help. ting any case go through perfunc- •DAMES ELECT J. McCarthy, Jr., and Past Grand each one had Immediate benefit Phone 880 Branford Knight, Frederick R. Houdo with [ "The Arizona Wildcat" | 302 Main Street ing for this ad. 9 Montowese St. Food of all countries wiU be on Mrs. Hessel passed away Thurs­ having the same experience) This torlaly If it has a favorable report Mrs, Alfred ' Hjammer has been W 4(17 aialp Sfrcpt New Haven, Conn. M which they will never forget, oper- John Zvonkovlc and Edward B Lon- with Jane Withers sale Saturday morning on the day following an Illness of but a few particular party wished my help In FORFEITED RIGHTS from tho committee In charge.Somc elected associate registrar of the »,I i»iit.if ergan, alternates. Green by Trinity Aid. hours. I getting It out of the committee. In We stirred up a little dust the 0th- Continued on page two Connecticut Colonial Damea. 1 \

^ «>'W«J'*»**»'-I 'jSf.--ffz:.\\-' ~\ .^Vff*** e'li-tsw-^ .jj«Mf»^^, _»/,.'


THE lih'ANMb'.JREVyiw; TriaRSDAt MAY sK xm :..j?m!. *• 1 •* « ,, "'"" I -II- II —— fin- , I II I ' IPagfl Two THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1939 llyn Keith, Janyce smith, dernlte so much hatred and contention (n Whyfe^ School Sboy, Laura Grace Clvltello, Sii- the world today If. all Christians Speed $fars Make Final tune-up For tn^ignapolis zanno Clvltello, Katherlne Foley, News Of General Interest To Women All Ih Thfe eveJiywhot'iS wo\ild' Wabltualiy' maltB I CdnUnucJ frbH page one Florence Fountain, Fay Oarvln. mention 6f art ottt'tirs I'rf fttelii prajl- son, Kaitrteiilne' Foley, foggy P'oley, Petty barvW, Emily belmonlco, Barbara Anstcy, Gloria June Mill­ '"••''• •. , . ,.. , > J. li'iol'ende Fountain, Betty Jaspers, Day's Work ings, Betty Hagerty' Norman Hartlln There a holy, high vocation Need­ Lois SWanson, Janet Hamre, j'anet ; New Tricks With Strawben-ies Tasty Meat Dishes Hints to Gardeners ing workers cvc'rywherd; Carol' si'monY, BbrnliJ Lawrence. HERE ahd THERE Cherry Parfait By ft O. And N. rf. CAliPftiW'EK Oonofrlo, Jean Alterma'.t, Dolores 'Tls the highest form of service, Hagerty, Loretta Slmonl. A clock that tolls twenty-four For Busy Days By GMM Horrisin Continued from page one 'Tls the ministry of prayer. Mrs. Margaret Belts plans to open win tilso lioa'sl a disalipearlng Ice Something ixtra 5ffi/,, Drtcdtr Pearl Bass, #llilam Fletcher, Ma­ times at once has Jusl been com^ of us sat silent for several months In these days of tribulation her store in Stony Creek In a few rink. Ferry SeeJ Sltitiott plcled by the Palok, PhlUppp Com "The world Is so full of a number and saw the door to restored cit­ Wickedness pervades the air. rlon Caley, Russel Miller, Pearl days. , In D'esserf Line izenship belnB op6ned widely to ad And tho battles we engage In Brockelt,, James Bolger, Madelyh puny of Rockefeller Center, New of things," especially In Springtime, Slsson, Bobby Brdckett, Virginia York. The SS City bt Delhi recently ar­ thnt_ iiistend of being "hapily as^ mlt almost any kind o( a criminal. Must bo won through f ervant prayer A In these dnys'ot clccli'li! Ice'boxes Brockett, John Marlnan, Rhodp. •• Mrs. Robert Plumb's name ap- L,^' v^,-4,#-^tet Thl.s woiider-clock, which took rived at tiiij Pbi-lt of NliW York with itlngs," we are more apt to be busy Well, you know when you place a There's no weapon half so mighty It is wonderfully possible to kedp a Ipeatis alhong tii£ li'?t ol eponsol- of as bees, \rfhat with the gardtin to' kottlo or wateti on.the slove for a As tho IntqrcSssors btSar. . Cassel,, Kitlierliie ahd\Pe&3> Foley, five years to construct, tells you to $2,500,d00 vJbrlU'of Sdtlth African •tho.CiilldVen's' 6Jhtir atouSl tali. pianl aiid weed, the rcmnanV-s of, Bpod, supply of cold . refreshments time all Is. QUliJt aAd' peaceful, bVit 1, rfor a brolldpr Atold of^ servlde Pearl Erbckett, R^a'rj'Arl^' Dltelhriian^^, the mlnuto the time In every one of dlairjbiids" as piVt of.^hcr ciaV'go.^^Tlie ijbusocleanlng' to look after , and| right oil liahd for all timtjs aiid 6c- when the heat gets strong enough' Tl'laiV. £ho ministry* of prayer. Bernlce Lawrence, Loretta Slmonl the twenty-four time belts that glr JewejS.wm fprm a pijrt ot $6,o63,000 ' Members of the.Ladljis Au'xll'ary of Spring sewing to finish, Just Where ciisib'iis. Thcrti are Icc!, shhrbcts, somothlng happens, 80 at lost I cx- So sings Annie Llnd Woodworth Edward Simbnl, Em\lj> iJvilUarhls, die the earth. It also .chimes, the dlsplfiy. in tl\c pbuse of Jtiwelfe til IthC Indla'n %, ,-,,... ,,,,,^1 pcs.nnd.what not, all of which arc tWri, not forgot that real intercessory Barbara Anstoy, Glorle June Bill­ tates a tiny niopn set hi its rim to Prolotigliig II10 Garilcn charge are: Mrs. Mary.Rpurke, Mrs. '^,y^.^..^L.^'LI^^i^i," , . • 1 . , , . ., , ;iM:iJ^ v Willwinii y;ix-ugrdnvt auocuastlcfePsas imn mUiee ICIcO b prayer always finds some practical ings, Betty Hagerty, Norma Hart- show you aVlead of time how full One woman sentlmontollst de- Virginia' Nowton', Mr3.:Ma'i:y Hlgney, In'.Iilodltiyal'.lSHpraiid', bread',str- al the onbrgy vye burn up, dashing .,i.^yg, j^ ,g „i ^^ , , ^ , . aXrtDliJN la' (ill a"nmiKl vlBlior means' of expressing Itself, which lln, Ca'rdl Slmhril.Rosdmary Hess, the moon will be t^iiit night. olarpd Hiat I hW "lost all of my ivii's.- GerieiJa Ohlil and Mi's. Louise ved thb doii^le'plirpos^ dV fobd'a^id from one thlhg to another, good'| „„„d j^ j„3,_ „,„b, » A wo like to have aliiy \}illi lis ii BdtinddbttS' o'a.*iSi,- JeariWne ^Itts, lonR no posBlblo. fflUJloV." i^y bS I hRVd, Uiit I haVo directly' 6f Indlrdotiy tends to bring platcjV according to, findings. tlf tlio Jiouiishlng food is p.. essential' now ^-.; ^ disl? iii thb' aflbrnobh and Audrey Fowler, Claire Hagery, Mar- ^Brown. Early ddteotlon ol*"cpnoeBied" tu-^ as at any other limp ot the year, Tjif re are vol lolls ways ,of pro. a Utile common sense and patriot­ It's own a'h.swcf. Amei'jqan .^, Instllulb of Baiting of anolhbi^ Just bofpro rbtlflnE. Not herculosls will bo made .possible at Tho honiijnlal^er who is onto her loneViS illo lite of the udrdiin, but ism left. To sit Idly by and see the N, II. C. RDcHerfoi&' CoUffir^jN^.W 'V.ork, Sirtce exactly, p,s a, dessert, but aomclhlnE the mnlnr factor la care. A well- the New.Yprk'.v/orlii's'Faif.for. $1.00. jjbbmebts't'lic mluit'tloiv by hayi|ig at great blessing of citizenship tossed plates w.ere a.rttiity^ liV tiftsp'; dHjiiV extra. For csample; wnlorod Burden won't burn up; a k. In. the Medltitncand Public Hoaltli her fingers' tip's'so to,speak, a num-^ well, ciiltivalcd , carden won't bo ba'tiR rii66iy t6 a'fliiltdrei's, ra'plsls, SUMMIT HOUSE meats:aridptlti:r foods were brought fciicrri! WrfiilV t .« Building... physicians' will', eJiShilhe biir of sati'stylhg nieiils which tnke| oubWdvito'd III' woods; a priirdon pro- . torpors', dvunkon.killers, rpbbora, to tnij table In hoUowed'-bVit loaves, 1 cilli sugar ' . tectcd from Insect ami disonio at- Personals Atop The Branford Hills . Branfoi'd, Conri. visitors by high'-^spfed!. X-rays! Ra­ .very,.Uttlb,preparation. Elthbr they| rioters, embezzlers, and such like, of bread, .,Tho,,J.uloe-s6ttl<'e!i' lii^piia' 'are quickly cooked dishes, oV—M^ i Vfi oup water ' '' tnck won't be destroyed, . , diographs wlir.be,,sent tpi the yis'17 aiVoiV itropor diiril, aniiittil (IdWJf's was too much much for me. I told then! liiii^^c a' tiisty liibi'sol ibfliVUh this may' seem contrrttllctbi'y-^thoy] 3 egg,whites ' ' tors' personal physlciil'ns "back may .l/o proloMcd njost easily, atoy tho legislature that It ought to pr­ BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH : m^ oft tho m'ljiil. can bo cooked slowly arid fbi' a' long 1 ieaspBp'n vblillldV. - ,} '" Mr. ond Mrs. James Walsh and liome." by liooiilnB tlifciu plbVAl, AniiuiVi,' efer the nig puf ath'Al'f ftiastwhen CHOICE OF Toniato Juice, Grape Fruit Jiiice, Pitiea^fiU Juice, •r«f« ; 2 cups ohbppbd frbsU cliori'ies, family of Norllr Brapford are n'ow Wiicii I!:) Ill' liie wiirld's fiiuist drivers line ii]i I'lir llir sliirl of llic liKliaiiapulic, Hace Ilio iiioniiiig ^^^1^3 time. In, that case, almost the,ori- n|i\iast ,ivl,tli9Ui oKcep.tloii,, will,con., Ih'is M/rfs' aiiWi. "TM coHimltfied' 6n Clam Chowdci' or C6iis6i)ime tlre dinner is cooked in one dl.ili, Do.ll tho suui\,r:a,nd, \yatcr iinlirit; tliiuo blooming Wiill Into tall If living In Stony' 6i'eek. of May :i()tli, tills (piliitcl of spi'i'd acii's will be raloii niiiniii,' tin' iiicist riiriiiicl'aiilo ircirilL'iiiU'rs fur llie ,l')ig rrHERE le an old sajliig alimu Hospitality at the New York tlioli; blDSSQnig' ar6 removed • roRii- SotiGii eclutlno III Vi cup cold AH the mala highways leading ^6 and, l|t requires little watching. Iii siiins d ibng thrbii'd, ."rhcii iibt^j'slb^V forfeited 'richts Is not Entirely. t6 eiisli purses. A yiMir iil' I'liirineerihg ri'lliu'iiieiit and sizciilile cash I'drliiiu's have lioeii s|)i'iit on llicir CHOICE , , *.. Slrawbcrrlea "Doiibiless God water Biiuiuer sliced borrios -.ylth World's Fair is on an organljted, Dl|- larly, A aecoiid blooni Into i| tlie the New- York ,World'^ .Fair;,have liVii'y bo brought to the table In the'l y Into tho stiffly beaten egg whites ?.'??"i''°'r this. «;is S custom that; ^,1^ ^^^ -^^g. jo,,,, Lutz of Pal- cars, hike every liidiniiapiilis wiiiiu'r for Ilie last 1) ycii.rs, llicy will ride on l''irest(iiic Clniii-Dilipi'd Creamed Turkey on Toast, Hamburg Steak,, Singlb BVoiled .Loihb could have niado a bettei' berry but % cup water apd euB.ir.uiull all llcient basis. tJnder the spotls\)rshliii sdnsoil' la odniV olitrtiiiod 'oii such' doubtless God never did." which Juice Is out. mashiiig berries tia Ihoy been studded with, markers, 0,{, st^in dish in which It Is cooked.' boating constantly, ,^,pbiitli)up heat­ Ooronnlnla .ns delphinium, iwont 'I'in^H. TOl', Ifex Ways, (leri) llie speed artist I'rniii fHiiiriliilc. Caiil'., puis llui liiiisliiiig I(iileli6s oil liis of Mrs. Vincent Astpr ai)t^ Wliithrop ^m 8',a5'"?"5?.Bf,°?'!' .^.P.'.A" »°*^.o^ mer Street, Stony Creek have mov Chop, Minced Ham and Scrambied Eggs, ITried Scollops, Tartar lust u.boui oxpressea our Icelings ' cook Strain olt Juice. Add-softencd dard two-foot size and sltiiple de­ ing at Intcr'vals liiitil It Is" cool: willlaiii, corciiyis', ptii'iiniiiiil dia'A'. pr6ss(ir6(si')\itup\)nths,c6mmltoo ^^ ^,^^^ i„^„, ^^^^ „o,„(, ,„ ^^^^^ 11'1'olor. FJOU Meyer, (riijlit) llie niil.Y tjiroe-time Irdiaiiap'olls winner,.iiialu's iul,iiisliiicnl.s 011 the inot'or W. Aldrlch, National Advisory cbiii- Sauce, Fried Clams 'Tartar Sauce, Broiled Fre.sh Mackerel, tor these Juicy rod bits ot goodiicBs gelatine, lonion Juice and.salt-vO sign, tUesp consist ot.anorangt; Per- ,, Beet Birds And Cnrrols Wliii) tlie breaift, liddl'iVi? Ili6 varillltt, '1,1'lf., (111(1,,iiy('otliriim,. It tiio,.,lint SDoml, buslnes.s, political,,to glvo aifpni- that lio, hiinscll', Has lihilt with wnteli-iilie prueision. J{EI'j(ny, (iiil't) Hulie Sl.ijjii) maUes a few last iiiiii- ,,,There 1^ one.thlug to roiuember mlttriP Cliall'man foi' thd Fair, mqi'c bltiBBonis art! picked in tlVdlr prirrio; Fried Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce hut Juice and stir until dissolved. Isphere and Trylon wlth.a bliie bor­ uhtu It begins to Ihlolton and,hold' b'doK ih'6s'ii righ'ti OltoW I khoW it though In using these delicious ber­ Cool and when starting to tUI(H^I<- than 1,000, hpStesseS are being In- 2'pbltrid'.s'rb'ii'iid steak Many uardoneni hnvoj.hijoii; ailc- utb uliiirtties in lli.'i J'luliii'u Alfa-Homcb.ear. Stnpp lias led thftrncd !l of llic last 11 yen;rs until inechniiicnl ..; P(iiat6es' and Vcgclablcs Served x\>ith Aiiove Orders Its shppB,.thon told lt,into iho colled' ihiist b6 liard to ^o'slst, ^u't howdyer ries and' that la not to cover up pour over whole berries arranged der. Left and right turns are, indi­ .doxed.fpr^falr ^uty, , ^ , ... (i's'iimll curro'ts: cosatul in iilantliii; a packet or two Howard.^tqpp of Princeton, N. J. I'rouMo forced lilin to t'lic Jiit. FlttyiT Kblici'lH, (eenter) I'ast year's wi'niier, eslal'dislied ,11 new ree,ord, av- tholr, delicate flavor. In desserts first ml'xtiire, Aidd thb chtiri'ltis;. is Of albiiini seed late, tliealdlgglili It cam'o fli'dut. It Is n: shaniofui be­ DteSSER'T COPF'ISE or TEA in Individual baked tart shells or cated, by blue "L" or "R" In tho mid­ Whenever a liner a'rrlvds lA p'lAg- ' 1'oup bread crumbs, .sifted , was a week end visitor here. eriigiiiK llT.'i miles per liOiir for the fiOO liiiles, .Jimuiy Snyder (right) (lie Fl.viii;; C'liieiiKo Milkniiin, aqd aalads, use as much ot tho berry crumb crusts. Chill and Just bo- thby do' nrit niak'b'lt pink enough, up,and pottlnR plants Just liotoro trayal of oltlzirish'lfi, arid I certainly dle ot the Perlsphere. appre, it Is met by a man whb Wallcs' r taljlcspoon milk VviU dVivc' a' cii'r aluViiKt ideiitieaV iii desljjii to, tlie nlii' lieiii'p used liy Itox Jfoys. In 1111)7 Snyder estidillHli- Juice, OS, possible, and the addltiou tare serving, garnish with whipped ,Bdd a little,rpd.vegotabl,e,oplor|iig. friHii nrrlvd. The plniits droW n^d' ho'p'e IH6 pe6'ibl6 of ,tlio state Will pay of JUBfa Utile lemon Juice helps too. tip the gfail'gpldnk and dfound' thn X 'egg,., ,.., .„ ,'.;•. n.owor |ii,tli.q linuai) tor ninpy wcokii Merltt Tayior of' Snort Beach Is eilii liij)'record'of 1!!0.4'liiiles' p'or hour tiif tliiV 2l^-liil1c'dlsla'iii'.e. cream...... Pou'r into freo'/iinR traV, Wlicii mix-, KitBntl6ii to a, and ^nter a strong Another trick is to use plain mi- IJut desserts are not "i" "hly way ' World-famous orchestras, conduc­ shit), looking for destlt'wtc refugees. 3 .tablbsppbns.biittbr nttcr tilings' In ilii dpon iafiWrt InWalllh'gfdrd lor nl fdw days. turb Is frP^eri.tb a' niuslv, stli' It liavo boon killed,, .Try, this .jii llig pi'otiist. flavored'geliitlnc. tor it has no flavor to servo these iusoious berries. They tors and siilolsts will appear In con­ Salt arid popper dro pdsslng the summer In Holly- qfjts own to cover up the fragrance Not ,very. long, ago ho .was (loelng thorbughly until It Is smooth. Com­ tall with any of tlio following; ARO- are equally at homo In salads tub. certs, recitals, opera and ballets du­ Hav'e' rbuna steaU b\it tli'hV in E. 0. C, Mrs, John W. Bafrdh of ftast Wood, Shbrt Beach. and ^^g o( the berries. Strawberry Ring Salad from the Jewish persecutions, ond plete freezing. riitmil, boKoiiln, cnlopduia,-. carnii' ring'the Miisio Fsstival oftlie New plbcoV 3ult!abl(S fbi' Iridlvldual Ser­ tlon, eploun, pinks, dimorphothocii, Main Street a'nd I^rs. Howard B, Oscai' Boldtmann of Short Boach .,-,.»'re8h„strawberry (arts ero- the (Scruct-li) j ,, y(hen he^gpt to .Singaporb, a fellow next best thing v(o know of to eat­ York World*s Fair. Among the ar- vings'. Season with salt and pepper. roholln, dwni'f liitti'lBoId, plinsy, id, TAlNKlTJfcl fN WOULD 'TERMS Barthblombw 6f Willow Rbdd wore propl'letor of the Krahl Station, 1 .envelope plain unflavored gelatine pa.s'senger suVprt'Sed' lilltt bii glvliV^ tunl!( ond snupdiaBpiij ing- the berries rlglil off the vine. % cup cold wnlcr-- - tl'st's will be Fritz Kreislor, LUj; Place a carrot In ..each, ploeo ,and ,^ Paul' ^elt that lie was a debtor In HaVtford FrM'a'y'. Hemingway Avenue Is suffering UNION CHAPEL chapel Workers. 2. cups cottage cbcess him' a ijiibhd nbto. Vogctilhlo giird'min lilsi Ibiiior It i^ They.areeasy'to prepare aiid easier Vt teaspoon salt i;oll..Fasten se.ourely wltji.^trln^ 91; both to the Orqolta ond to tho bar- from tho effects of an Infected Sunday, May 28, 11- a.'m. St'rmon ilarry 'Thompson of Rbnssolaer ta Berv^ too. No last minute fussing Pons, Jaicha Helfetz, John Charles So, because by a' Qpod.Samaritan East Hayen.Will siscucn.^lpn .qf,.,c,rop!io,(^ Planted, Lj Vi teanpoon paprllta toothpicks. Roil Ip egg bea'toiV with barlons, both to the. wisq and to the hand. by the pastor, Rev. E. O. Carpenter Poiytcclihlb In.stltute, 'Troy, N. Y. • WltfiS.yoii use.il)^ time-saving plain t| cup cream 'Thomas, Josef Hbfman and Jan he was kept from, starving ,uiitll, he Cohiinued jrbni p'Aga ani SorvliiEH or truah tndlBlioB, carrots, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cloric of. East Ivj tnblespoonB lemon Juice milk arid iirib bread briiriibs. Brp\Vi\ turnips, bbutH, l)oniiB mid corn may unwise, y;itll ho hod fuiflllcd his Haven are host artd'h'ostess' tV the appropriate for Memorial Sunday. was iVome for the' webk eiid. unflavored gelatine. l;bDx strawberries . ,.,. ^ . ^ Klepura. found, wflrk,, ,h_e, hands on this, .kind­ in' biitter, v)hori iilcoly bl'owritid pian; Fred Shlppn, John Copk,, pus he liopt oonilnR \n the taljlo well rosponslblll'ty oY preaching Josus to Soften gelatine In coid..woiQx,a»j, ness, arid offiirs a poiiri'd'note'to iriy into fall by Dbwlni at inlerviiin attar Past MatrohS'tl'rt'd ^ADt Patrons As Athem by tho Choir. ,^.-•• r • Strawberry Tarts add 1 cup water and aook In sliiw PV-; Dlbklarid, Johii Slattern, Roy Spbn- all of tho thein whom ho co\ild pos­ soolatlon a't ItS. Ma'j> ni'dotliVg. dissolve over hot water.. Mnsii ehijese Five hundred "Jlfterbtigs" broke penniless refugee. the original spring planting, ' 0:45 a. m. Sunday School. George Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kells will i'..i. -.i.; >. (Servcj 6) .. very line. Add seasonings, cream en until rolls are done, about onb cer, Nod Artgolb, 'ThDrti'iia Clancy, sibly ro'aoh',,eltlior personally pr by into' a tree "Jarn session" reoehtiy fito Biimmbr la nn oxcolwnf, 'inl'i Brown, sUperiiU'endent. Lesson tOr move iiva few d'ays from Alps riba'd 1 envelope plain unnavored gelatine and dissolved geiatino. Stir well and hour, and ,a half, , ,,, , : .. ftarry Oummlngs, Harry Lewis, Loon tqj' a. linni.plantliiK of,n|io!i;:,i)rpna Iptter. Sn'rciy we of tho.'ie United , 34 cup cold water at the New York World's Fair when PaVihs In the United States will bp Mrs. C. T. Warner of Fo^ton Is B. H. S. Notes plo: Pa'ul Thinks' in World Terms. to one' oV the' Sollywb'od cottages. ^-cup. water . turn into -individual ipolda, ripscd Boardslcy, Michael Amatrudo, Jpr- nn I'lilabngns, bclins, boots, Ohlnoio In cold water flrst. Chlll,and whRu .stocked.with mulberry, trees finti Place pblaloos• iri, tl'ie oven' to States,,wlio hayo .w many more bles homo from a rocorit operation per­ By pSCAR KOGANSON Senior topic; Sotting Hlghor Stan­ 1 cup strawbcrrlCB, sliced before ejrbund ,wa^ (jrofc'en' for the Savoy ,17 MqCoomb,, Joj-iii Daniels,and Jo­ oablmge, lurnlpmindonbbngflpliinta. • nieasurln? firm, unmold onto lettuce ,and flli .Theatre,i^hloli has become the na­ silkworms. If,the request, to the gby- bake. S'e'rvb with molted b'ultor and Many Huch vegetnhlen are qygn hot- sings thtin moat other peoples, formed at the Hopteltal of St. Ro- dards in Dally Living. 'The , Sba'^ide 4-H Garden Club centers with biillcd berries. If do- llies S'anso. The triirispbrtiitiori cpiii- tablespoons lemon Juice ei:nors of ten southern states 6y tll'e a dash of paprika. tor when maturing In the inalstJ • should' also feel, our obligation to phacll. ,.Friday; IVIay 20, 7:30 p. m. Choir aired, berries may be combined with tions home of swl'rig since the op'eiV- riilttee, to prpvldo tranlipbi'lla'tlori for meets tomorrow afternoon. •oup «uBiir -, Sllkwo'rm Industries, Irto., of RPbkb- A' coinblnatlon fresh vegBtable cool full,thun when pluntcil (srsijm'' Ity to extend them to those who I Doxco strawberries other chopped fruits. Ing ot the Pair. the tiralitl Aririy veterans, consists nVor harvoat. Spring Is the tirto The high school will; hold Its Rehearsal. '• 'i feller Center, Is accepted. I^ho bb- lack. A't this time Paul had not yot| Miss Audrey Wright, 620 Thomp- salad and an easy dessert,of straw- of Elmar Springer, Frank ahorke tor ^119 (irai BlmUlnR ot the Bn-ldon MeiiibrlOl' Bay exercises' Friday and i The O'Neill cotta'ge, Acacia Lodge ject of the request is.tp holp create boen to nopie, but ho had hoard of | son Avenue, East Haven has I'oturn- A $750,000 exhibition ot Ihteriia'- ljerrlcs,,,pr,s,t(;wcd, ,tr,u.its or rlm- and Doiii.Tliomtis, , . season, bill the lirat plaiitltig BhoUl* Monday when representatives of Miss Francis.Mable.Shepard.prlnv Ih'as' been rented- to Mr. and Mrs. an. adequnte, supply' bf _ American, not bo tho liiBt. the faith of the Christians there and cd from St. Eophaal's Hospital fol- tlpnal horsemanship iwlU be staged' barb, with bread and' IjoVc'rajiic'cbtt- tho Arnorlco'n Legion will speak. clpai Invites .tlib_ mb'inbers of the Hfeayy Meal Calls Appetites Need Xf^yf,, s)l.k ..and, enable ",A'mefl(!anq to :, Rev, William H,. Nicolas will con­ 'Joseph: Imriisrati of New Haven who at the fiew Yprk World's Fal^^. "The, pli'llc's' an' ealsy and appbtlzlhg moiil. adds, "That without ceasing I make lowing an appendectomy, Iteep. at' horiie''&m^ ot tfi'6' niftUoWs duct tiispebial Meiriorlal Service In Short Beach Parent Teacher Asso- ;will arrive thl^ week end. sh'ov7, whibh has , been named th'e A'nbtli'er combination which 1? .al­ CtiN'rftA^X- W- SAt!M>',.,-':i&fcii.-,';'-";''' "•• „,;,.,,,;4;^;:„ 4*'S'^ife'W«l»ys1Jt#«K«'*oit5lJdi^ -••^'r(,.ii>'.-.;*--.'>','ti-^;t-si'*;..••: '-."--:,.*. ,.;-,.. ,Thookti;a,,.l:ias .i\)Vlt.Qd.. the seventy- school wbrlc at Jhe_school tills eve- , Edwa'i'd Hegotot Highland Park "seen in an, arena 2S5'-feet lon% arid ,thl>;,-',:;«;:^'»;*4*K-«*>''*!5*#St##S'iiS . • .'Actjordlng. to .Adani'F. 'Lpeclipr, of bttendsln unltbhii. Thb riawr vpguo for sdlad drbssiniis flve jjupfls ;lh gtSae3'^Sr'*.;'Bp*Wfa~(i- jAppetitps^aieed.,tfl, be. temptsd.,.0ST!i^b-"feeli,wl'dev,:WlIcl'rlder«-frdiA"-li,IeX^ aiiiMi.j!Sat"aiJkAl«3!X!lwbbd, ootta'gS to the Silkworm Industries, Inc., ''If , Sliftn'tsli. Lamb'Slides • who are, or have been this year, on iiec^nliy.'ciurlnB the Il'rst onslaught'Ico,. Au^trajla, Argentina' and other Vnrk)'iiso7gantzgitloris,bf tho.town),''';'^^^ flnd.tt.Jn' _;, •Hdrbl*MS^marbrof'Fdtf*Hdv^^^^^^ farnxers ,ln thp, tJnited states were 0 neck slices of lamb ANAR ANDERSO N the honor roll to attend (.he. show­ ,,'A, fju^t compote is an especially are making preparations'fo'r thb r,'?''",'''?.''"'"''><=''.'."™ ^Uh thl,s ba- Mr. and iMrsTaPjbrge; .Costoljo of ii, [•':'.,'.• :'". '':' of hot weather. .Luncheon dishes for parts of the i;lobe will perform p'erm'ltte'd to stock up_wlth ni'iilberriy 0 slices,onion , , ing of "Alexander Graham Belt" as (f^'y, ^ nana peanut butter mdyonridlso; •Successor to OiUeite ( Short Beach Ro'd'd are moving tor 'fhb fibjon Hoin'bstb'ad'will be'oc- jiiile^^lhg.,...dessert to serve after a this reason should be attractive .in trees and silkWoifmS, thils country fl rings green pejiijer opriotA^- his guests on the afternoon of June appearance and cppl and refreshing. A toboggan slide ,160-,feet long. The Groon Is b'elrig Boautlflbd for .^""'"""^ ^ '''"° bnnann, mashed 220 Mjun,.H).„, .J.lniiil'nrd, Stony Creek.. ,^ ' 'dUpibd b^ R. P. Uptbn this summer. ^Ipavy.m'eal, in France they are. ex­ .woiild be on a pai> with Japan with-. >/i 6\xi> rice Memorial Day programs, Planllnter"'" ''' cup mnyonnatso and 3 table ., ^'Pt!lupli.ni)e,.!l,'j7, 5th. T,he open sandwich fulinils all of.cpmpjete with ,banked turns and ceptionally popular and hardly a 0 s'lfoes' tbiVia'to . of trees and shrubs has bpcn made f.P,'"'""!""'""^ '^""i-'''' " '"o "''ck, All such pupils win be excused For Your Becoration Day Trip the.se specifications. [.dip's will ba a "winter .atraptlph" at'In five years iiuithe production of WE CARRY^ A Mr, and Mrs. Ralth Holabircl bt Mrs.'Emma Soberer, Jefferson sf^^ni, passes .without a compote ot Sijason ncok sllciis and brp\vn In a imslble by the Gnrdon Club, thin with n little thin croanV.Mnkos froni soi-)0ol sessions that day id Pldeb has rented the Alpine cottage protect your lif.,.Wji?}} the cherries and drain thor- ;:^] ---i.n.-T.T.1I?n__ _jr ,_- ..A. ,.!• nT~- -•- ^- ..- -«.-^^5»i pw^^w"! -v^^^^s'- *^i^^tL'^''-''*M'. FuesCbne saCclfy fea^uxc. butter, may be a crab, shrimp, sal- jofe their burrows wreck valuable Sunday June 4, 8:15 p, m.; Senior oottopje, BradioyAvenup is a patient qughly.,,ivlake .a syrup with the su A bouquoii o't oarndtlo'ns wore Hitcticocks Will ^ Oum-DipSimg safety- -•• -i' -1 J , ,1 u . i"°" 01' tuna flsh salad which ha5'„i-„fo For perennial blues, sow delphin­ We Have A Complete Stock of High Graduation Jun6 0, 8:15 p. m.; in New Havon^ Hospital. . placed in Tdbor Lutheran Church Continued from page one locks the fibers, cords and . gaivWd^wMer and,^when it begins^^^„^,^^^ mayonnaise, ^!P'='"'^ iums, perennial phlox, and peach- Jtinior High Graduation June 15, Central Shoe Rebuilding Go. plies together, giving tjJ.W.l^ put In-the cherries. Simmer' '' '"""'-i leaved bellflbwers: for yebllbW, Sunday In memory ot Mrs. Charles 8:15 p. m. Mr. a)ii|, Mrs, 'W.it' Joy,and their Mr. a. Hbriry .Derlcks of LaYulr gentlx-'lpr 10 minutes The cherries I Other good combinations for open 1 Plant canas, dahlias and another Peterson. JOHN PANICO, Prop. sbns, •Wllllatn, Heriry and p'rankUn 1,™™'. N-Y., was best mo!^.^"^ ^e grc:;(cr protection against coreopsis drid ari'themls; tbr pink, GRADUATION DRESSES Pinal Exams in all schools in 'blowouts. should'be 'slightly soft, but not losel^''"''*''''^^^ are sliced ham and new batch of gladiolus bulbs, have arrived at their summe'r home I "f^ors were:,Messrs David Fergu- pirilts and reds, oriental popples. 'J70 Main Street Phono 4-1380 Must lliiveii, Cimii, town will bb hold Juno 5, 0, and 7. Azi^o titer cr^clusiye their-shfme'or .become at all shriv- <='''\b,=-Be and green pepper salad, or lOlernbrial services will be hold SUMMEE COTTON'S and SHEERS Hat Cleaning — Shoes Dyed arid Reglazed i'n Rbclila'rid Pdrjt for tAe, su'm'mor. I ?^n.^. '^'^^''\^'t^.^^,l:„^^lZ°^. Fxres^G'n6 safety ^catuxe. elled.;Wh-en dorie, nut the cherries i^'''f'"f'f'"'"'* with sliced lemon Thin all early sown root props SOndfty dt Td'bbr cbmotery at 3 p, Boyd of Branford; Henry Hawgooa pn .a,,'glasV ,'dlsh and simmer tho'^"^ f'"='=d tomatoes. Elther:Prench rigorously. It wlU pay. In. bettor and , .Th/: fose.,bed.must bc,wg)iidra|n- Prices $5.95 and $7.95 Tho Library Club has generously of Cievciana; Lebh'ardC. Crewe of m. If rainy the sbrvlces will be hold weekend .guests .were ,lrfrs,, Ah)\e ,^ 'i^yjQ extra layers o£ sy;t^^n;tlll',lt iibglns to thicken slight '"'.^f'"K of-mayonnalse may be used bigger vegetables. Sow mustard,jEpr ed.. A heavy soil is preferable be­ SHOES BiEPAIREB WHILE YOU WAIT dondidd the gift of a year's' sub­ Spdrro'ws Point, Md., aiid James W. Sajety-Eiock Cords June 4 Instead, Cplybr,, Jdhe .6arey. and Ted Daly ly, wlen it is poured pver the fruit. w'«^ "^e latter. , . . greens. It doesn't like hot weather cause It holds ^ moisture well, and PRIVATE BOOTHS scription of Lite Magaziiie to the Hofrbh.'Tr., of Pitfshureli. Under the Tread of Lbwell, Mass. • • • ^ •— .... Mustard Butter but will outlast spinach. stnee this drains' slb'wiy; iinless bed sohobl.' • ; At the recpitio'ri which followed in pfoyido greater protection Let stand, till quite cold. Golden Links r^iet Tuciday night THE toWNE TOGGERY Roasonaljlo Prioos — 'Worlnuanship Ruaranteod ',i cup btitter ' is no a slope o'r In an elevated pos­ the Upper Montclalr CouA'try Club, againjt puncture's. In the hbm'e of the Misses Evd and 2.")2 Main .Street I'llOlH! 515 Hriiiil'ord, Cbiiii. The teniils Courts are .being, put 1 tablespoon mixed niustard Roses, currant bushes and snpw- ition, artificial drainage should be i Work Called for and Delivered FREE The last Issiie of the Hornet was terns. Palms afid white roses, co'm- . AiiotlteV exclusive Fixesione F1.0YD P.OBCRTS Lily Kamb, Indian Nook Ave. in order for the comlhg'seaso'h, 1938 Nallonal Race Ghampton 1 teasppoti Worceshlre sauce balls are favorite nurseries for plant provided. :;2i.* issued Wednesday under the direc­ bffid with spring flo'tters,^ fbrmbd d More champion race drivers Baked Beans Soften butter, add mustard and Uce. Clean them .with nicotine tion of the Junior staffJif ,next year, b'SckgVbwh for the re'cbivlng line, select and buy Fircatoric Tirea Mr. arid iliti.-abbrge Foiispr who' AGea^-Grip Tread is so deep', so •wbrceshire s'auce and cream tb- sprays and you will save a lot of Do your exlsitlri^ wrilKS arid driv­ hdnVbly; editor,,,Paul Blrbarfb; as- Mr. dhd' iJir's.' iiitchcbtk d'bp'drted tough, so long-wearing that it is setting for their racing cars than' x\\ have been livlhi hi the Hohcysublile other makes of tires combined. •With Sherry gother until well blended. work in the garden. es need edging arid irading. .slstdnt editoi'. Hazel Louise Lang- for n: weidding trip; dnS the latter sensational new non-skid mileage libu'se tills past Wlhtb'r expect to These men, whose ivcs depend . irorsc.ilaaish' Bu'iter dale; business hoard, .William. Sch wore a blacli siili sute with a bodice re'cdi'ds, diovo Into,th'bir hew' wdtbrfroiit on tire eafcty, \nop tire '/a cup butter The cardinal climber grows very Are washings hung in your front Castelloh Bros. wantblder, William. Mu^^ger, ppug- of black dnd' vi>hlte cheblis aiid a Asiother e^^cluslvc Fixcslbnc safety construction and they refuse to Going on a 'picnic? If you are, ion hb'me the first of the wb'bii. 1 tablespopn, horse radish I fast when Jhe weather gets warm, yard In full view to the general las. Brdy, Harold Ddmborg, Harold white straw hat. They will mdke risk their. lives or chances of 111 Monto-wese St. victory on any other make. try tlijs'. array of sbm'e of the nec­ 1, t^blespppn minced .parsley and Is a brilliant bloom vine. pui)llc? Bakers — Caterers — Delicatessen Boldtmann, Robert LaCrolx, ^ean- their home in Pawson Parle after ^'Salety-Pro^ved. on, the Miss rfe'riam p'etersbn. of Miami. essary 'food and beverage Items ,Spf ten , .biitter, ,add liprs'e radish ette Harrison, Ruth lyicCdy, Ellza- JUnb 8. Spec^dweiy {or Voiir Protection they have become soiled, what a 224 MAIN STililET PHONE BKANFOED 41 Flo'ria'a, was thexVoelt end guest of and niinced parsley arid cream to­ Ijoth Bradley, Irene RadowUz, Carol oh ilie HigHway-^FIrcstone Gum- which make a meal In the but-of- pleasure to be able to launder and Mr. a'rid iJiri John Cbolac of Dbubie I Mrs. Hitbhbo'bk attened Pine gether until well ijlerided. • Pardee,, Qiadys Hbltberg;. typists, Dipped Tires hold all the outstanding doors so, delightful. put them away for another season, fleacri. , IMahbr J'uriio* Colle^b in Wbllesley FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Morjl Bdllo, Helbn Se^ecke, Marie record's for safety, speed, mileage and CHAMPION As tp the beverage, l^hose who pre­ _ TIPS ,,, making the chairs as th6'y cbrrie A food sale will be held M"dy 27 Mass. Mr. .Hitchcock studied at cnduranc6. Thoriipsoli, Bernico Tisko, Shirley fer .coffee may arrange to take this .; jiiiks",, Fooffe ki . , from their Summer hiding seem like in the home of Mrs. Elizn:beth Rog-, Tabor Academy and Dortmouth 6.25/6.50-17._ $14.65 Fenn, Marjorie Doollttle, Arline AnotKcx Exclusive Ftiesione sa!fety alb'ng .In a thermos bottle or .]ug, or , 'The-condition, pf,,Mrs; ..'vi^llliain new furniture. Hom'b Made Sp'aghotti ers. The sale Is, sponsored by the'Coilbgb. 6,00-16 Apdste made of sour milk and ROAST CHICKEN Genrich; school news, Claire Bra- fentuxe'. Foptc.ls not fetisfabtpry.'TwQ weeics i'&^v'^#•.5•••^•^c -.'^-j-ir'. .•... ': • •.T;;;;V..,..,^!.••'rt«^'v':^:v- ^^ •••'••'•• with real Itahan Sauoo 6,25-16 is.« prepare It at your picnic site. If a starch spread over an Ink spot on S'T'DPFBD' 95" 25° doc, Lois MacFarlane. cliib hews^ i^gP she,,fpll,dri'd Is, u'iider. jh'e citre To pro.vent ,soaklng the, bottom 9TUFJFED *^Prxcer-All of these extra advaiitages 6,50-16 .— 17.95 cold bevera:ge' is desired, bottled a rug. will usually remove the spot. Marjorie Doollttle, .Edith Carsten; are yours at a price no more than you — 19.35 beer, br lemonade will answer the of a physician arid two nurses. cxkst of a ple,_t!riish it. wltli melted CRABS 7,00^16 Let the paste, remain on until dry, OHiOKBN 10^ artist, Bernard Brown; Alumni would pay for an ordinary tire. 21.95 purpose • admirably. butter .arid dust S little flbur^ over OTHER SIZ.ES PRICED then brush off. SALAD news, Dorothy Bracja, .Joh^^ Mooney ^ ^^SUMMERIZE"12r Another exclusive Firestone economy PROPORTIONATELY LOW • ; Those.; who insist on serving hot , qPEfJS .SEASOlil, . that, thin ddd thb filling firepared 68 sports, Charles McCarthy, James feature.' lb. ilsKcs; on i picnic nia:y delight In „.,Branford. 'S'ach.i; Clnp will hold.Its according to the recipe you are mmfmmmmm is CoSgrovo; class, Vihc'eht Galina, When pressing ties, with a hot preparing baked bea!ns with sherry f orrrial opening June 4. Charles Mac using. A LUBlilCATiON JOfe N6W— Iron, piaco d thickness of brown p|i- HOl^E JWADE l^IM]?NTO Carolyn Glance, Jerry Collins. wine. To prepare baked beans for Donald Is chairman, of .the affair, per bvoi* the tie; the crea.sc will dis LOAF : SALAD lb. The issue was dedioated to Miss a picnic, bake them in a glas.s cas­ and ^''•'^^ Stowe. is chairman of the TO MOVE IN TJIEIIl.NEW HOME 45"^. 25 May Sci've You ah Expensive Repair BiU Later! Bigh QuriUty^tow Cost ^ atpoar, making the tie look like ^.'.iK and pa="" Elld Mddfail, retiring principal. serole. Plan so the bean's will get enlcrtainm'ent committee. iAi. and Mr^. Z, Zafflno and two new. SALADS OP ALL KINDS done' Just before you are ready to sons, will move from Moritoweso X,atlePov,nmment I r *!'" "• 'ft* Hem SATURDAY ONLY June ,18 will b'o ob?ervbd as Chil­ leave. Immediately upon removing FIRST ANNIVEBSAPV Street to their new home on Klrk- Brenriaih's Sefvi^^ Station •The' wide le'gged, colorful pajamiis ham Street, Saturday, J, inmui's ma dren's Day in the First Congrega- the beans from the oven, wrap the The Italian Amerlcjin Club will wo'rh at beaches are nov/ being tlb\ial Church. 302 Main St. Branford Phone 886 casserole and its contents in layers hold its first anniversary banquet Prb^h STElAWBEEiiy WHIPPED worn (h the fcltcHeh and for gar­ ot newspapers. Hours later you will and dance, Sunday, Jpne 18 in the ENGAGI-IMEI^T Al^Nbui^CEIJ PIE CREAM PUFFS 'en, dening. SO Flowers wore placed hi tho First be able to serve them hot-as-hot. Beach Street Club house. Mr. and Mrs. B. Palmer Lln.sley of J Here is a real economy refrigerator ,,. 'Hie bdth towels yoii carry to the Paved .Strpet annpupcc tho engage­ a real Fn'sitlairc and General Motors ValucI Prosh STRA-WBERRY Cpngregatloiial Church Sunday by Baked Beans Willi Sherry Wine GENUINE DANISH 0 beach sKbii.ld harmonise with the ment bftti^lr daiighter, Marie Eil- Qives you the satffe Simplest. Jlefrigorating LAYERS _ liars. Herbert Harrison, Mrs. Adolph Paints Tools Mechanism — ^(vw* Worla-famous^, Meter* 39 Prepare baked beans in your fav­ The new Resnlck house. Stony cblbr in yoiir b'athitig siiit. it Is just ith to,Sir. Robert Cdrtc'r, son of Mi', PASTRY 40'JOB . Mlsohler and Miss , Lena. Ham in •Vai'nishes Machinery orite manner and during the last Creek is about ready for occupan Miser—MOT* bhc'picce alMtiicl cabinet con- PrMTSTRAWBlSRRY Fields & Keegan Liihn to The Voice 0/ Firestotie with Richard See Firtsio/ie Tires viaJi /« the Firtslartt as easy to buy ,a towel that harrti- arid Mrs. Robert Carter of New Brl- «tructlon-ww« finest features ofquality an4 '-'-"w'.^/ijrxv; memory of their mother, Mis. W. W. Roof Coating Roof Ccmont Crooks, Marsartt Sptdis anti the 70-pitce Factory and Fxhtliiliott liuildins at Netf hour of baking add 1 cup of dom­ cy. SHORT OAKE ITALIAN TOMATO PIE PirrstQHe Sy/upbouy Orchestra, uniitr tbf Yori K'arlii's Fair. Also visit the FtreHorit bnlzcs as one tlidt clocsn't Idlri. ierformancc as othpr l'rii{i(iairo models cost- Haria. tiirerthn oj Allrttl Wdllemtein, Monday Exhibit at the Colden Gate Inlerfialionat estic sherry wine for each pound of ng up to $100 more! Come In I I tteninni over KaiionW/Je S.ii.C RedNetuvrk f HARDWARE Exposition at San Fraacitca, beans used. Unless you are partlcu- Come in and see dilipace-setter for low- f« JflK sotaruiui POTATO BUTTER ham added to the beans In the be­ .If you like gay colors In your Mrs. 'William Phillips Is chairman cost, hfgh quality Refrigerators. Learn |iow dnd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoyt have •WHOLESALE and RETAIL larlly lond of salt pork of bacon with BBEAD 25" '="50"° ginning of the b'aKlrig period. This rboiris diirtng tjie wafHl weather, of the Trinity Church footl sale to easy it is to buy . . , }xov, economical to 10" iaked, beans, try them prepared moved to Palmer Street, Stony Is especially good -when wine Is iriake crettiHKe sliiJ-cbversfor your Pu1Uixcu.ft.cip»dty.>J'*«a-ft.lhclfarM. operate. Ask about olir easy budficc terms. PBOAN 0 DATE NUT GENTRAL GARAGE be held on the Green, Saturday, ^470) Creek. j with small pieces of raw smoked used. chairs and couches. In the fall, If 6 lb*. Ice, C3 cubM.UulDUIHHX rxterioi' fJnlifi. ROLLS 40 dbz. BREAD 15" PAINT UP WITH PIITSBURG PAINT 68 Main St. Phone 968 Branford May 27. •-. Large iiosortmout of French and Danish Pnstrioa and Ooefl'e Cake Miss Elslo Montgomery will be a SUNPROOF Outside and Inside WALLHIDE member of the lunohobn committee Birth'dSy and We'ddin|f OaRbs Our Speoidlty at the .Children's,. Cep.ter annual dGT State Strcot NP\V Iluven, Conn. ^ SPEEDWAY TOR Yflk^PROTECTtOlflON /tllE JBIGHWAY county fair, September 10.

, f .. ^^ f. * . „. ' V,' ^ * A A^ \:\\-A\ i'., J \. •T'-r^'^'f'^^*'^

page Four THE BEANPORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, MAY 2B, 1939 TKi3 BRANFOaO REVIEW, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1030 PafaflT* ^sVWW* g <-* * < V* as hostesscss at the World's Pair on The department Is having several Icy Street, will take place Juno 20, SCOUTS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Masters of mutcd\cast June 2. drills and all members arc urged to the anniversary ot her parents' mar­ Eight scouts of the Short Beach Woodslde, N, Y, were recent guests THE BARRIER IWASHINGTON THE CONSUMER SPEAKS NORTH BRANFORD attend. riage. Troop passed Scout paces last ovo- ot Mr, and Mrs. Qcotge Corbett ot i ' of the booths 19 about itiinO, this Hillside Avenue The North Branford • Memorial Miss Esborn wa^ al.io tendered A nlng In Short Beach making otie KatablUhtd 1028 being only the, cost of matcriulB North Branford Congregational WEDDING PLANS HADE mile In just IS minutes. Tlioso ma­ By HOWARD PATE Ave years. Mrs. Stanley Williams had charge personal shower In tho homo of PablUhed Ererr Thartdfty At SNAPSHOTS Church, Rev. G. DiUard Lessley, pas­ Day Committee have met several king tho test to Qualify for second na tlie National Yoiilh Administra­ Said Harold B. Sloan, executive of the library on Tuesday In the A miscellaneous shower was re­ Miss Helen Ives ot West Haven last James H. Htinscomo ot Monto- Brantord, Conn. By JAMES PRESTON tor, Mrs. Douglas B. Holabird, or­ times and plans for Memorial Day Tliursday evening, by members ot class scouts were; James Martin, director of the Sloan Foundation: absence of the librarian.. cently, given In the home of Mrs wcso Street has as his guest his by tion provides all of the labor. The CONSUMER NOTES have neared completion. her sorority, Robert Poullon, William Hayden, Good buymanshlp means getting ganist and choir director. Miss Ethel Clifford Cherry on Goodsell Road sister, Mrs. Frederick Bush ot Oak­ TBI BRANFORD REVIEW, INC. "Salt Box" type, which is con­ Here is a little Item on prices to I Maynard, assistant. Morning wor­ in honor ot Miss Ruth Esborn. Albert Poullon, Jr., Donald Barry, land, California, the maximum satisfaction from the The Board of Selectmen met on n Ron Street Washington, so the tourists say, remember: According to "Illinois ship will be at 11 o'clock, Sunday A large percentage ot the mem­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swan Es­ BEALS MOVE J. Barry, Robert Rowley and Wll- sidered to bo tlie more altrnctivo, money we spend. On .this level, con­ Saturday in the town hall for the llom Jackson. Is never remembered for Its restau­ Labor Notes," a large manufacturer sumer education alms to put-Indiv­ school win convene at 10 o'clock. bers ot the North Brantord Volun­ born ot Stannard Avenue whoso Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Deals moved Robert Foote was taken to New MEYER LE8HINE PublUher has nn inside floor area of approx­ transaction of routine business. teer Fire Department have earned marriage to Frederick Swift, son of this week from Westwood Road, rants. In fact, the lack of good eat­ of breakfast food recently conduct­ idual buyers In possession of inde­ Miss Edna Grlswold, superinten­ Next week cooking tests will be Haven Hospital yesterday for ob­ AUCE T. PETERSON Editor imately 80 aq, ft., and inside their First Aid certificates. Mr. and Mrs. George Swift ot Brad- Short Beach to Brockotts Point given. servation. ing establishments in the Capita! ed a test sales campaign offering pendent and presumably authentic dent. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hurder and information regarding a wide var­ hcifflit nf 8 and one half feet. The City Is the subject of much "beef­ Identical packages of his product at Miss Ethel Maynard are In charge Telephone Brantord 4M two prices—a single package at 10 iety of cbmmonly used goods and St. Augustine's R. C. Church, booths can be filled wllh lablcs, ing" by most Washlngtonlans. of a theatre party for the members Subscription Rate: cents, and two packages for 23 services offered the public. Armed Rev. William Brewer, pastor, Mrs. of the Young People's Society. The Nevertheless^ the natives are eat­ t2.00 a Year, Payable In AdTanee ehnii's, eahinclR, shelves, cic. cents. When sales were added up, with sueh information, it Is expected Edward Daly, organist and choir di­ group will attend a picture show In Advertising Rates. On Appllcatlan ing their beefsteaks with more than It was found that 33 per cent more that consumers can make more ef­ rector. Mass will. be celebrated at [ Branford. DORACO Smoluad Aside from the eonslruclion of fective selections which moans, of 0:15 o'clock. Instructions for the' usual vigor these days and the ar­ packages were sold at the two for Ihe booths, the NYA is In provide course, more real income an a bet­ children will follow, FIRST NATIONAL Member Of gument now Is not over the quality 23 cent price than were sold tor 10 Mrs. Frank Stone ot Church St. ter level of living." opened her garden to the Clinton N(w Enilaad Prem AmoolalloK Ihe slalT personal. These will be 0 tthe restaurant, but over the qual­ cents each, Miss Mary Taylor, editor of "Con­ ZIon Episcopal Church, Rev. Fran Garden Club on Friday afternoon. I'ompctent .youth workers from ity of the.beef. , , Consumer demand for grade la Entered nn second class matter. sumers' Guide which incldently en­ els J. Smith, rector, Mrs. Paul R. Refroshnicnts were served after the Cause of It air Is an argument be­ beling ot packaged food. products ters Its sixth year with the current Hawkins, organist and choir direc­ October 18, 19^.0, at the Post Office Ibo iinnicdinle locale who will be highlights at the tour. ! at Branford, Conn., under Act of tween the President, the Navy De­ was one of' the Issue asked how consumer educa­ tor. Holy Eucharist will be celebrat­ trained in their dulicH and will he hearings bqfore the Temporary Na _ ^ ^^^ H AM S March S, 1807. partment and Congress over the tion would benefit the large number ed at 10 o'clock, the new summer Mrs. Clarence Pair entertained able lo act n.i guides as \vcll as at relative merits of American grown tlonal Economic Committee held in j small-Income families unless a schedule.. the Paddlers at her homo recently. beefsteaks, and the beefsteaks Washington this month. Witnesses | j|,jj ncadamlc approach Is made to Thursday, May 25, 1039 tcndimls. This work will bo liiir The women's groups of the var­ A sum of money was voted tor the MILD'DELICIOUS shipped in from the Argentine. tor the consumer Interests led by'^i^^ subject. "How long," she asked, ious local churches have met dur­ tree fund and for the Branford I'icd on in close cooperation with Donald E. Montgomery, Consumers PLAN A SUGAR-CURED The President contends In an oftl 'arc we going to ask an $18-a-week ing the present week for their work Visiting Nurse Association. the Cliambcrs of Coninicree wlio clal statement that Argentine beef Counsel of the A. A. A. were Insis­ family to examine the warp and tor the parishes. WU0LE9f>.HAUvt EITHER END HELP—NOT WANTED tent In their declaration of the need woof of fabrics In order to learn how will sec that the booths arc sup Is cheaper and better. So strong does The North Brantord 4H commit­ the Chief Executive feel about the tor more Informative labeling and to save a few cents on a coat which On Tuesday the Zion Parish Guild tee met on Wednesday evening in PICNIC! the A. B. C. system of grading came m Five kinil.s oC hl^h HCIIOOI or plied with maps, directories, and superiority of foreign beefsteaks the woman In the family buys once met In the home of Mrs. Stuart the home ot Rev. and Mrs. Q. Row- .25 in for specific support. date pertaining to history, indus­ that he has ordered the Navy De^ In seven years?" Forbes ot Beech Street. A covered ell Crooker. coUogo graduatcH aro dcflnlloly partment to buy Argentine beef for Another complaint of consumets At a recent luncheo_ _n meetin^ ^g dish luncheon was followed by a MILLBROOK 28 oz tries, educational institutions, not wnnlod when It COIIIOH to cm- 1110^110^8" Congress"'rec"eniy" fcYt'lbefore the T. N. E. °-"•""i^^lf'fj^^^^ i" the Sales Executive Club, work period, business meeting and Mrs. Carl Smith ot Sea Hill Roal AND ALL btis CHICKENS scenic points of interest, hotel and lust as strongly against Argenttae J number _oJ__slzes^_oJjans_used^ for ^ew ^,,^ city, Mrs; Anna Steese social hour. and Miss Joyce Bean of Quarry RADIO FLAVORS contents ployincMit in a husinesR organiza­ food products. Although In recent' uj^har^son- director of the consu- SOPAS H^' restaurant facilities, ote, beef and wrote Into the Navy De­ Road attended the recent meeting 3 tion. First are tlio kids witii THINK AGAIN partment appropriation bill a stipu­ years the number ot can sizes havej,„5p division of the Crowell Publlsh- The Ladles Sewing Society of the of the Juvenile Musical Art Society FRESH been reduced to 27, consumers think I l„g company launched a Hwellod heads. Tlio Hort wlio malccs Harretl lulds that tills pro,ioe1 Jv (From the Adams County, (Pa.,) Independent lation prohibiting purchase of any­ program Congregational Church held an all held in the Blackstone Memorial BROOKSIDE NEW ENGLAND DRESSED thing but American beet. that this Is still too many. Stand' doz 2i^ - 3 LB AVG will not only nialtc the above in for Selling America the Truth day meeting In the Chapel on Wed­ Library. Joyce Is a member of the STRICTLY FRESH 25' un early HHOUCSH and Ihoii reHts on Ifjjas some ot our politicians argue, the steady and rapid bxpan ':• About 48,000 pounds.iof beef are ardlzatlon of can sizes was advoca­ About Advertising. nesday. The luncheon was followed group. formation aeeessihlo to tourist vis- ted. . GRADE A their hinrols. siqn of government control over individuals and businesses marks.the involved in the official dispute. And She declared a high necessity for by a business session. Mrs. Henry the saving that would be effected Dexter Masters of Consumers Read was the hostess; Mrs. G. Dll- ScBond, there are complainora, ilors and stimulate Ihcir desire to 'royal road to seenrily and plenty for lliq people, the lolalitariau states advertisers to answer the attacks Mrs. R. Earle Beers opened hei by purchasing the South American Union spoke of tests his organlza- made agains^_ t nationally-advertise__^ d lard Lessley presided at the business home for a meeting of the Board ol BrooKside RIB ROAST slay in Connecticut, but will also BhouriVbo vcrllublo nmi'vels of prosperity. Iciekcrn or gnpcrn; tiioso who arc] product would amount to less than Hon had made of New York City.gog^s Including foods made by .».var-- session. Library Directors on Tuesday eve­ TUB or lbs $4,000. ' milk. The tests showed that grade.lo^s consumer organizations.' This never satinfled despite Ihe nionl enable Ihe youth workers lo gain : The fact is, as everyone'who has studied the suli,icoli knows, that ning ot this week. ROLL % HEAVY CORN-FED totolitariauism tends to promote a,lower, not u higher standard of The whole argument has most B milk to be very close to grade A,Uiie Crowell Publishing Company The Altar Society of the Congre­ EOTTEM favoroblo conditlonH. practical experience in skill that STEER BEEF living! n lower, not a higher wage for the workerj,a smaller, not a Capital observers puzzled. both In bacteria count and butter Uym JQ through a truth-adobut-ad- gational Church melon Wednesday A safety program was given at The third is llio natural born necessary for both the construe They are asking Just .what kind fat content. This In spite of the^yertlslng program In their maga- afternoon In the home ot Mrs. Ed­ the meeting of Totoket Grange on 29' MILDLY larger return for farmer and manufaoturor. • • f y", of economics the government Is prao tact that grades milk sells for three zines: Collier's, Womian's Home ward Daly to discuss the work of the quitter. They couldn't stick to a tion and the staffing of the booths. Tuesday evening in the North Bran U» In Russia, articles tliat Americans ot all eopnomie levels consider tlclng^ when It curtails American cents less than grade A. Companion, American Mnigazlne parish. tord Town Hall. CURED Ijob in a glue factory. The ten­ almost hbsolute necessities——such as woolen clolhingi good leather; farm crops ,ln order to boost prices, Miss Persia Campbell, executlveLnd the Country Gentlemain.• Tlio- CHEESE dency to give u)) loo readily nin.v boots, meat niid butler tor tlio'.table, and adequate turnitiire—are pos­ fixes . arbitrarily wage rates and secretary ot Consumers National j n,as H. Beck, president of Crowell , The Zlon Parish Guild will hold a The Sunshine Girls held their CHUCK ROAST A TWO-OYLINDER OAR work hours, adds BUTTER 1 lb 2 lb sessed, only by the relatively, tew, tlio favored ones of 'totalitarian new taxes-that jFederatlon, led the committee complained that • manufacturer's food sale on Saturday afternoon on weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. bo obHOrved in evor.v pluiso of liu- - ,, , , ,, "'"","" "'".T",.." "iT,»i.„„,. further raise prices, and then re through the maze of controlled | products which cost millions of dol- the church lawn. Burton' S. Colter and following the jar jar BONELESS OVEN ,. "^^JC "aristocracy. FINAST 15c 25c mau oudeavorH. The quitter is one Mai-ked interest surrounds the In Italy, wages and the standard ol living have been ^^^^^ ^^ .^^y American goods be "co.nsumer" organizations which.i^rs were being destroyed by the business session an entertainment consistently lowered by governmental fiat, and even so common a or POT ROAST '" j^ ^^ wlio •wiiuts to 1)0 employed, is) ourrout introduction of an inox- cause the price Is too high. They commercial Interests have set up In attacks of persons In influential • The Altar Society will hold a food was enjoyed. FINAST commodity as wholewheat bread Is unavjiiliihlo to.tliii bulk of work. can't. understand, either, why the an effort to divert consumers from positions in the sale on Sunday morning directly 32 oz ponsivo two-cylinder automobile consumer move- willing to he paid well, but docs or». In Cicrmany the govornmonl-sponsn'rcd spread-ill*'.'.ersatz" foods/| government should bring the wrat bonatlde organizations. ment.. after Mass. Olaf Aho, principal of the Jer­ AISE 16 o: Jar |9c lar 35c to motor'-oonscious Aiuerieaiis by Consumers again proved that the not wisli to give HaliHfaetory sor- and materials—that; is, substitutes,for rubber, eggs, butter, bread of American cattle raisers and pro­ ome Harrison School was absent on Orosle.v radio interests. From an cessors down on official heads to consumer movement is a national . Schools In town will be closed on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs. Dan­ vieo. made of grains, eotfe, etc.,—•testifies inuteiy to .whatlKis happening to' 1 lb 4 oz PORK LOINS automotive standpoint, the von save a few dollars; and at the sam6 movement when 550 persons from Tuesday In observance of Memorial iel M. Doody served as substitute. WHITE tlio ordinary citizen's slandar(i of living and cluince td'progross lliero. 31 states attended the first National Day. loaf The fourth hoy or girl deflnite- turo will represent a signifioant time think nothing ot pouring mil­ Memorial Day BREAD 8c Conference held last month under There isn't any mystery as to why'this is so. As Harry Cijrran lions Into economic theories, Continued /rem page one Curtis Thompson Is a patient at WHOLE or ly not wanted is one wlio wiistcH test of the sales possibilities said the sponsorship of the Institute for schemes, experiments and projects. The annual Memorial Day serv­ The Northford Public Library will the Meadowbrook hospital. EITHER END Wilbur has said: "Government is a non-producoiv;,nnd has no rc- Consumer Education at Stephens size 1 Hi size time in dissipation, cither nioitul to bo inherent in the untapped ice for the patriotic organizations be closed on Tuesday but will open . 19' sourccs/iwo what it tiilces from the producers, distributors and those j College, Columbia, , Missouri. The can cans or phyiiieal. lie who cats and reservoir of wage earners who Unbalanced budgets are no longer of the community ^wIU be held this on Wednesday from 12:30 until 4:30 Mrs. R. Earle Beers and Mrs. Al- MEAT 45c 2 45c Instltjulie .was .tq^mded last year, by sorvioiug both processes.'' Taxes and'ciompotitior-i, uiiiier, paternalis- a novelty around Washington. Yet year In the .Plrst.t Baptist Church, .olclopk tor, the, loaning of books. dcn J. Hill have been Invited to act dtin'kB UvingR \io h\\ou\il »ut, RUiyslwnnot now afford the luxuries of .the Aifre.a P.; Sloan'' foundation to ^ya^ggwOTumentj gradually drive tho.-priy there was-.a" novel: storyf.out ot thie Sunday at 8 p. m. The ministers and further-consumer, education.. up Into nights, etc „ is not a B°o'llJr'^^'')>*"*^*!?™r^!„'-t!)"^?,,V^^^^^ Caplt;ali:recehtly;about~.two family congregation ot the First Baptist, eliview pHfl FOWL 'The: fact that 'leading business ties. On'tho other hand, a two-oy budgets!.thal:;,were, not on an even First Congregational, Tabor .Luther-., PER NAPKINS > 5c employee iii ai\y business. Jeal­ iuobnip'.dfops; while' the taxes rise., And liio s'tifndura of"liviii'g goeS' 'exDoutiv0s^aiid;:grbvprnmeht: officials _ _ linderod ear capable of fifty miles an' and. Trinity, EpIsoopaI'dhurcties"" do-\vn.. •-: •'• ' ' '.'•' ' ". ••'.'[.'•••••-''!:/-" keel.;'.;;... --•.•r:-r"'"'~^""*«-v'~ 4-4JS LB AVC ousy, liatred, etc., are eiautioiial tn the gasolinu gallon may meet took a promlnent'"pa:rt'ln the coh-iii^llVjoiti:i'„'"'t"'h'^ seVv^^ EVANGELINE tall FANCY MILK-FED Hislory, ancient and .modern, tells tlie story, Aiid it you think •What made It a novelty story'was Main Package Store dissipations that niake pS6r em­ i'limily demands for two cars, one terences prove that consumer edu dore Kester of Merlden will deliver Unsweetened cans 'Mm that the Monopoly Investigating cation Is a major national Interest. '23' "it; can't happen here,'.'just consider the oxpaiision^lhat has taken the sermon. A cordial Invitation Is 23c ployees. for oflloo commuting, the oilier Committee, Interesting itself In bal­ 258 Jfain Street, Oppo.sile llic Or plnep in our own government in recent years, and its competition Kenneth B. Haas of the Office of extented, to everyone of greater Branford for the rest of the family. ances and budgets, called two house Education at Washington spoke of Brantord. lib The fifth and last is a youth with private'citizens—tlien think again. ---i-., . ; CHASE & SANBORN Introduction of (he iow-priqed wives all the way to Washington to the essential conflict between bus-| patriotic organization invited are PHONE 1213 bag with au inferiority complex. Oct explain' the discomforts of unbalanc 22c LEAN ENDS car at Indianapolis Motor Speed­ Iness and consumers. He declared|-women's Relief Corps, Spanish War rid of it at oneo iiiul got a super­ de budgets. . . FREE DELIVERY TO ALL SHORE POINTS way reeently, liiia revived debutes that "peddlers of commodities have veterans and Auxiliary, Corcoran- iority complex, ,; MORE MILLIONS FOR WHAT? And all the time there were many only a materialistic point of view, sundqulst Post and Auxiliary, Red GINGER ALE MILDLY CURED current in automotive circles for harried officials at the Treasury DIAMOND 28oibllSAO CORNED BEEF Tlie kind of help wauled in thinking only of the dollar sign jMen and Branford Battery. Agents for S. S. Pierce Fine Wine and Liquors _^^^ 2 contents ^Tr t the last decade eoneerning the Prpsidont Roosevelt has asked Congress lo ajipt'opriate nearly pepartment, only a mile away, who and It Is Impossible to change this _—-. . 29 business is an cmployeL whoso would have made excellent witnesses possibilities of a new ear brcaliing two billion dollars more I'or the Wl'A. 'I'lio request comes at a time point of view by tep.ihlng the con- FIREMEN ACTIVITIES WILLIAMS' EXTRACTS oonfldonoo in lus own powfira are on the subject. , ROOT BEER and ,„ IQ^ into tlie existing used-car price when Ihe WPA is being iuvesligiilcd by a special committee of tlie not ooustantly afraid that lliey sumer viewpoint toemP;py'=«= °M Indian Neck Fire Company mem- WINES - LIQUORS DIRCH BEER °" ITrC range. Some experts feel that a House of Represcnlatives ; All Is confuslbn .— A prominent ^ bags %9# C will fail. ,, .,• , , ^ ...... , , .. .,. I Washington correspondent, weary ol "TeSro^broTlhe Amerlcan'bers will hold their annua, outing SILVER POLISH FRANKFURTS new $400 oar may kill the used Also, the request was almost simultaneous with several startling L^yl^g ^^ ^^^^ ^„-jj^ the changing Retail Federation expressed^ the ^^^^-^^^ ^^^^^ • DOUGHERTY'S 5 Yr, Old BONDED RYE qt.$1.59 OOKIIAMS l>r 25c ear business. Yet nianufaoturers rovelations before the investigatinestigatiug icomniitteo . One ^yas that the WPA I picture of policies, nolltlcs and pur­ FRESHLY MADE have avoided building under­ business vi^,^P°",f '^t"„^"^^^^^^^ testlvalJune 24. The commit­ HIRAM-WALKER'S 10 Yr, Old RYE Blend qt $1.49 EN 2ba^'s35C FACIAL TISSUES NATIONAL YOUTH had spent approximatuiy twice as inueli lo conslruel a building at the poses, recently began his weeklj ment that "This ^l^°J^/"^'"^./P tee Is Richard Brown, Howard Hills,, SKINLESS sized cars hecause the used cur had Now York World's Fair as it would have cost liiid it been constructed roundup of the Washington scene' peal is new; It l^-^^^"°^ penetiated ^^^^^^ ^ j. Collins, wiu VERMOUTH SCHENLEY BELMONT P^V 18c 2 "zoV'lSc 23 been found loo ofliciont to justify by any other government department or by a private contractor. thus:'/':.:.",;' '^ -i-^ 'V'/' f„f°?,^'°,^»r»r™tcrn^la«<=WhItcomb, Cyril Newton and Popular Brand D 2 Ills 29c The Nntional Youth Administra­ "If you feel • confused over wlial 000 retailers we have In this coun- ^ _, ^^_, •. •f SWEET RUM competition. Another revelation 'was that the WPA had spent a eoiisiderable Fred Obel. Imported tion ia to cooperate with cities Washington policies'really are, you try. These retailers must know what Reg. $2.15 $•! .29 A big factor in favor of a very sum to publish a voluminous book ot mide photograplis. And for 'what to do when you ask them for facts. 15 Year Old npd towns througliout the state in may be; consoled by;;the fact that l^t. -49' X 5th light car as opposed tn used cars purpose? The only explanatioii offered was lliut it was for use of iir Washington policies really are con­ 'Wliat kind of facts do you want? LODGE ACTIVrriES RUPPERT the oreotiou of tourist informa- Widow's Son Lodge No. 66 A. F. SCOTCH "S?," 25e 2 Cs' 25c IIALLANTWE in tlie same price range is its ccon lists I tused." Retailers have not said, 'We do not Cobb's Creek BEER DOVER HALIBUT «"H LB 19c ion booths, it was announced to believe In the consumer move­ & A. M. will visit OUve Branch GREEN mVER Now Out $1 .49 omy ot operation and upkeep. The And, more imporlant, was tlic discovery Hint a Communists or­ Preferred day by Richard A. Barrett, Dircc-1 The debate over, amending tht ment. Lodge in New Haven tomorrow eve- $•1 .49 To ^fuUSth "Reg. $2.20 $4 .59 PINEAPPLE JUICE 2tn,^23c BEER and ALE most difiloutt hurdle is the educa­ ganization had been directing Ihe aeUvities of many thousand WPA In admitting that business would ning at 7:30 p m. Two local candl- MACKEREL «^^" ^ 8c tor for Counooticut. The construe-' National Labor Relations Act fall: L qt. Reg. *3.19 qt. FEICENSPAN • KREUCER-HUU-WEHLE ted American luste for engine workers and had boon an inlluenec in dclermining llic amount of have to adopt a new approach to dates will receive the entered ap- tion of tiieso bontlis is to he the Into, that;, category of confusion power, roomy bodies and stream­ money, needed for AVPA programs. Only one thing seems certain—that consumer problems, Donald M. Nel-,prentlce degree. I^BNAST PEAS 3t.^35c MacSorley's Ale LOBSTERS uwLED CHKKEN »29c first step in establiahiiig a stule- At the meeting of the lodge May S£j£iXv DUFF lined designs, A car must be good It seems only reiisonuble now for the i)ul)lic lo iislc Congress to Congress wants to amend the Act son, vice president ot Sears, Roe­ DUBONNET 1 contents • Ml wido inl'ormuiioii service to bo op- and the' Administration does not buck & Company declared that "the 31 there will be the master Mason In make a pcrinnnont niche in ii think twice, and ccrlainly to wait until all the facts have been uncov­ GORDON / deposit 2c 3t.'ri^25c orutcd by the combined coopera- v;ant It amended. whole period of 'Let the Buyer Be­ decree. Wosster Lodge will be guests Reg:. $-|.49 RICHMOND PEAS 3t/„f29c You Will Want First National's compolitivo automoliile market ered by the investigaling eommiltcc, before granting this latest re­ tipn of tlie Connecticut Ciuimher But Congress Is contused because ware' Is gone torever. Advertising of tile local lodge iit that time. 4'" 25° $1.89 b6t; $^.50 SHAKER RUPPERT - BAiUNTINE BEER which today has only Iwoiity-soveii quest for additiniinl WPA millions. win be more productive If the con­ June 7 there will be a tellowcraft contents KREUGER BEER and ALE ot Comuierco, local Chambers of there seems to be some doubt about $1.89 bot. 2 ^pkoT 13c OjuUh O-AMiii and UeqdcMei ^ the. survivors from a list ot 1,000 auto, Congress sliould know foi' .iiist what it is appropriating the mon­ the best way of amending the Act. sumer. Is educated. I think tliat degree and June 10 at 8 p. m. tho 5c bottle quart Ml ^/\- Oommorce, and the National when the consumer knows more ot Masters and Wardens association mobile mauufaclurors who have ey of tlio tux)myers. Tho Congress knows that the pub­ IMPORTED 12 Yr, Old SCOTCH Blend $1.99 CLAPP'S deposit contents JU^^\* Weekend and I^XMA. Holiday Picnic Youth Administriilion. lic, wants the Act, changed and It the tacts, we will take out ot adver­ win meet In the Bradford lodge tried their luinds at satisfying Strained 4"" 29c . It is expected tliat there will be knows the Act must be changed be­ tising a great deal of element that rooms. • •; HIRAM-WALKER Straight Whiskey, 90 pf • qt. $1.25 Ale or Beer in Caws Amorieau motorists. — Christian fore .there can be real Industrial Is hot as productive as we some­ large influx of visitors to the New MULEHEAD • FEICEHSPAN - KMHtCER FLORIDA ORANGES Seienee Monitor, ONE IN NINB peace of mind and recovery. How It times think it Is."- ATTENDS MEETING 3 Year Old MARYLAND Straight Whiskey, qt. $1.49 WHEATIES 2 ^^ 21c England States this summer as a Beer in Cans the question/• • Other highlights ot the speeches Walter H. Palmer, chairman ot JUMBO result of the Now York World's (Prom the Phiiadoliihin Bveniug Pnblio Ledger) made at the conference follows: Imptd French Cognac, 30 yrs, old, reg, $3,50, 5th $2,19 BALLANIINE doz 49c THOSE STITCHES WE TAKE— The confusion ot the Administra­ the Easter Seal sale for crippled S.TF?RS RUPPERT SIZE ^ 29c LARGE 2 Foir. Coniiecliont is the gateway Said 'Stacy May pt the Rockefeller F8MAST 2^- 5c ^Hl Both seriously and cynically, young people have latelybeon get tion comes, apparently, because children, attended a meeting of the GORDON'S PABST EXPORT lOc to Now England and, aoeordiiig to By Eloniv I'acllco there Is doubt among Its planners Foundation; "First, the need for Connecticut Society for Crippled Hiram Walker's 4 Year Old 100% CALIFORNIA ting udvieo from their elders that their best oi)portunilies for employ developmeiit ot a consumer econ­ FINAST NEW YORKER ALE or B€ER ICEBERG 2 hMd. 15c an estiinato made by the World's Pins, needles, thread and oh yes, as to the best way of heading off any Children on Wednesday evening at BOORD'S Distilled London GRAPEFRUIT y^ cans 25c LETTUCE ment are in some liind of Governnient work. It lins also been said tliat amendment ot the Act. omics, and, second the need for et- the Newlngton Home for Crippled GIN California Wine OLD CROWN ALE Fair Committee, sliould be liosl lo'a thimble too, for those stitches we teotlve representation of the con­ Dry Gin WINESAP it present trends continue the lime 'will come when virtually every Children. Mr. Palmer reported the j contents - btl - 12 oz «^ •• 5;oq0,000 pedplo. The stale has' .V'\'='„ ^"^ ^° «"=, "'^"^.'= ^^^^^'^^ sumer element In politics" Is part of Cut $^.50 leth f\t\c Port, Sherry $^ .29 GRAPEFRUIT JU'CE 2r. 25c APPLES Fancy Eating 4 "< 23c worker w'ill bo on a Governmont payroll. Any farmer who is trying to eat results ot the seal sale In Brantord, {Muscatel JL gal ' deposit 2c '•"' ' ' , ,. . „ .. I echo of centuries and countries thework most heeded In the next which totaled $205, Including $10 To gal I One of every nine persons employed in tlie United Slates now has his cake and have it. too, by accept­ 99 4 SI 25c mnoh to oil'er and this information I „f„ ^^^ behind those Stitches wo ing "plow under" payments from from North Branford. NEW CABBAGE 3 "" lOc project is the best pi-actical moans take. u Qovernnient job, oitlier in a Fciloral departineiit or bureiui, in State the Government and growing his FOR ALL HOLIDAY USES! of letting the people from other The recent visit of Mrs. Benja­ REGENT HOUSE CLIQUOT bay'Thoss things—oe dainty r featheoriontlnr stitchel stitches ons and municipal urgnnizalions or'in the public school system. Tlictotol crops just the same, had better take min Harrison, widow of the twenty- TAKES PART DISTILLED LONDON parts ot tlio country knbw just WHOLE WHEAT BREAD .«, 8c ONIONS '.'^s 3 "^ 10c M —from the far east they came down public payroll, according to figures of the National Municipal Ijcnguc, good notice. third president of the United Sta­ Mrs. Laura Ayer of Indian Neck DRY GIN CHAMPAGNE VIENNA BREAD TE'J '°" 8C ivliat is available in every town to us. numbers more than 11,800,000 persons. This does not inqlude those The Agricultural Adjustment Ad­ tes, to the nation's capital, sent ob­ took part in the New Haven County This Gin is 94 proof, made from servers here scurrying to their his­ SHREDDED WHEAT N.BC 2 oi'»23c SNOWFLAKE BUNS 10c 4 '^ 21c and city. France with Its lure for daintiness working on relief ju'ojeel.s. ministration has just decided to W. C. T. U. 55th convention In lOO^o Grain Spirits Under an COMPARE BANANAS "'^^^""'^ the fargptlng stitches or French spend another half million dollars tory books for Information. This is Naugatuck on Tuesday. Mr, Barrett slated tliat llio The figure is large enough to bo alarming, but it is more so be- what they found concerning Pres­ English Formula mi hoQths are to be pretabrieiilod nt;iaceshe_handed down.^ chocking up on any such goings on. $5.50 $ m eauso it steadily and perKistentiy increases. About 200,000 more square miles of ident Harrison's record; "Sueh Harmony" by Susan Bcgular $'| .29 VALUE 2.89 NYA work centers and then Italy, when they drew the first farm land Is soon to be photograph­ "His administration was marked Goodyear...,The author's previous $1,69 qt, WEEKLYmOUBIDITY REPOIIT sembled at sites selected by tlio threads for drawn work so many SPONSOR PICTJURE ed by the Government from the air; by a revival of American Industries navels have been concerned with Nashawona Council, No. 36 D. P. That Is how the cheek up Is made and a reduction ot the public debt, offioials of local Chambers of,years ago, laid the foundation lor No diphtheria bacilli carriers were life centering in .English cathe­ POPULAR BRAND 4 YEAR OLD RYE $1.95 will: sponsor Merle Oberon In and at Its conclusion the country dral towns. Here, she enters Into Conimorcc, It is planned to make,the beautiful laces we now know, reported this week to the State of Bottled in Bond Under Gov't Supervision •»• qt. Connecticut Department of Health, "Wutherlng Heights", at the Bran­ Television Sidelight: Word reach­ was left In a condition ot prosperity wider scope, presenting with her tho bootlis along tho lines of the That pretty slip—stitched hem on your new Spring dress—is an echo, Ewt Haven reported one case ot lo­ ford Theatre, June 7, 8 and 9. es Washington that even before the and on friendly terms with foreign psychological grasp and witty CARSTAIRS WHISKEY $4.48 briginol Connecticut "Salt Box" bar pneumonia, one of whooping television Industry Is born, tour rival nations." insight Into character, the dil­ ot the old Romans and Oauls—who 90 PROOF CUT PRICE full qt. ••• • homo,' or- to. construct a simple tiring of westing^ar.'defrayed hem-:- cough, nine ot measles,' and one of SUBSCRIBE TO THE labor unions are fighting In New All'of which inakes pleasant but emma ot two sisters whose past York over which shall control iti unfamiliar reading I FlRlt Nj^fllSlAL StORES panel unit that can bo readily put ut the first hem. ~ scarlet fever. BRANFORD REVIEW threatens to catch up with them. --'-fflj'l

r /,-*>/• *-A'^ A/ A ' PJSC. Tjit^.-.'i; • ^•5'i???^?^^g^rrrv^•. Il •* ^i^J'K,: v f r

-»i^iiw» PSgiStt- •tut fiftAWdliD" litiVffiW, f flOftSBAY, MAY 25, 1939 THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1030 M^rideh Beats 1 B^aseball Continued Irom. sports pope EAST HAVEN L. Nosal p .. * R 0 fl * 0 Football SPOST NEWS Parmclce p 0 0 10 2 0 Arrived , ,• , ' , '• > Sports Editor Miss Doris Male, daughter of Mr. ranging to bring heie as the prin­ Totals .... 3li i 6 si 13 1 Boxing ino cipal spoalicrs and guests of the Dr. John Dtivls dt New York has a\id lifts. John M'ale or ^dWard St.,| M0f(dRn,,, Qlb poo OOp 001—2 evening some ot the leading flgure.'i avrlved ^or ,hls suiiimer vacation at Wh'o was graduated trbm thelfurses' Hlgganum ,...001 000 OOO 000—1 in the sDorls world and these will Stony Creek. Training School-of tsraco Hospital Two base iiits; \(rysochl; , stolcii include lepicsentatives ot the ma­ last week,'was awarded a prize ol* biseS, i&lclet'dl sasririce,s, Spencer, jor athletic fields. Flower Cjiri..: . ... $W offered tiytlie Board of .blrec- Miss Ann Borden Doolitllo ot tint-qiil!, dtjubic iJltivsi Sokol to JaK- Merideri Here Sunday For Came With Branford Townies ibi's' tb' a' iiiemb'er ot the, grdduaiibn Mrs Maui Ice J Sai asohn ot ^^ain Stony Creek will be flower girl at (elo |',wc I9, of ^w. cousin qualities and leadership as demon- Miss Fibi'bnco Elsthbr DboUllle to kiiiie, Ij, itruck but by itilnc ,•>, ,by mKHAKii; TO KACE IN illness al her home. LOCAL OUTBOARD CLUR stffiiing ability ill a'niHlVher corii- Mr. Speiicbi^ B. illi'st: Nb^ili 71 hlls off kltne |n 12 Ihnlnfes Branford High Sluggers Nl'W JERSIiY SATURDAY |-lowThe>i[ Stand HOin DRAWING IVIAY 30 Locals Play Essex Club nleiidkble to' the ifaculty of the 51 o^t N'dsM lii 11 Innlpgs a; ,p.tf Par s6hbol. . ' Miss Stephanie Skcel, 323 High licliirliliica.....;.. liiHlijp hi 1 Innlii'K ,^. wild Bitches, Stieel is convalescing from a re­ Paul liirbarlc of nnlsjilc Av­ Mr: Knd Mrs. John C, Carr of kllHe! umpire; ^hcer; tlirie of gtimo Face Mil ford At Local enue, local outboard mo'tor riic- TJiK, prantoird^^outpqar Memorial Day; Both I'liii t^elfare ,bepiirtiTicht amiou'n- cent operation. Rogers Street onnounoe the phgns?- 2l3d. liiK star, \yhd ,Mr.s- B, Pttlhier Sarah plant. Harrison and Judge cu two hil ball ilhVrfann'cd' sl5('batsmen via tli« strikeout route last Al house, a|| gala opening day pro­ the icicptlon coiiimlUco foi the vlo- excellent shape fii'r the race Ihls Saybrook 1 2 . .33;) ^ames over the week end, playing host to the Meriden St. .Stans on its kind ever held here and' the com­ Linslby at Paved Sti'cot. HartLynde Harrison tor many years Saturday against Xjliffilff HdlV rf Wallingfon is expected to be on week end. gram will bd discussed. mittee headed by Bob Wilson is ar- toiv Mee((lng, May 28 In New Haven BRANFORD ...... 1 2 .383 Sunday .aftern'oon and the Essijx Lillies here .on. Tuesday (Nfpnfiorial a, resident of Branford. the mound for the Knechtmcn when they face Milford High at Essex 1 2 .333 planned by the > ' Paul at shortstop, and Tremblay on ? Meridenl Beats ringers, won 15 to 4 last Sijnday and Essex. ,Samniy,Bella, the ,pnly. postT on your way to a season lit l^i-jisldqnti.Mlss. Helen,Stri\zynskl,iof turned from a visit with Mr. and Baseball league pack with similar ting tlVp lidll IViiM and taking ad- league under the supervision of |;iori(ius funl Nine ipecac • The award is from a fund of the third base bpK. In the pijtnold EVINRUDE Townspeople ire invited' to' attend Mbmau'guin; secretary, Jyliss,Helen Wirs. Jb's'epl'i SvJebiViis* ot Nu'tley, N. ii'pcords of, Hiree victories and ,no vantaafd o'f "Butcnle" liJdlmo's wUd- n'ow they are ph the top, of the athletic, director Harry Brazeau,.got mastef. playiijig >ball ,,ln );he..T,eag^^ MATE. livinrudcs to choose from ^70,000 given to Renssoloar by the win be CroclMr'at $ght,'^halSwil!|^ a'll — all available on our the Garden Club flower show Tues­ Rpbionson pf . Gcrr\sh. Avenue, an" J. • ii^efeats vt^mie ChBsllSi? d'nd" Sal&i ness ,, , Hi^gariuW Qisb Middlesex league. .. s'tahdlhgs. The under way last Monday night with yill be on third base for the/ i;ond J34:50 co/ivcnicnt payment plan, ilate William C. Gotshall o{ Albany, ^ Used Car Sale center and Klvfii^S at jdtt ribld {los- •TreaRurer, Miss Doris Wlilte ot Fox- Bud Fi'sher, who pitched eight In­ stlckwork included two doubles, a the Sportsmen Tavern team taking Lillies. For the Townies Walt Bran r.CB. V&ctorr •plus small (Iclivcty clrargc. day afternoon In the lecture room Itlon. \fere rui'lM'.iaijV fS l»n\SVs.;„ , on School. iNew York, to be conferred upon nings and played flr^t base one lijr triple and two homers by Blssell, the spotlight.by trimming ,, the Pl.E^n will. dp,,the .twlijllng y/J(|h ot tlie Hagaiman rd'emorlal' Llbi-ary. Union School , Study Group met ' Moodus held the pace with a 15 In Tight Game Mi'ii. Gladys Klein is' sho'* chali'' students wlio have been' at jtlioj^i- 1932 td 1938 M6deis For Branfofd' Czapllokl on the to 5 victory over Westbrook while i]ln6f,\had' if li^r'foct dfty at ba't/wltlV one ..by \yall. .. ,.. . ,. , Bronson Chevies who were supposed either Jerry, pa^den or Tony Mott BOATS and SUPPLIES slltute at least one yejirj^^ricl viha iqi ifelStay,iheotlnE at the home ot hill with Miy, ',liaMklrtli him up. Guilford swampea'MldaieftBId',' 8,0' t'6 Ave sihsiesi' P, Mnsslnl hit a trl'ple . Each tearri' scored lt\ .(jhe fli;st, then by. be. the tops -In. the, league., . .. behind the plate. ,..,,,.„ have shown evidence of senoltifah'if) t^fS; E. J. Rodvd'on. T '• ' ' " '"' wis MOVE THEM FAST AT Paelleo at flraf; base,' Gi*ttAdel at 7. Chester found Ol.d'Iiymb pnSy, 11 dnd two singles. Tony Mott of Vale, Merlden. (Special).—A single by East Hampton added two In the fifth The schedule for next Monday eve In the remaining Middlesex lea- Harry H. Johnson and leadership'. second, Captain' Pr6V6' ii"t shortstop to 1, and Madison overcame Salem daught hl'ii' fliiiil game for Branford. Jake Jttklelp In the 13th Inning last four In the,sixth, one.in the eighth'nlng at Hammer Field will be the'gue schedule -Sunday, MIddletown Thb Po'kbn Park Social Sewing GAD-A-BOUTS •i'lii'Mi meotluK of, tlVo.J^Mary and Palma at third base. In the Sunday, .with' ^F'pli^ys fl>? second Cl'uli' iTiet ihif evening in tlVb home LOW PRICES 8 to 5. Report Is that Old Lyme may Paul' WaW v}Si out's"tn'ndlng for the aricl seven in the ninth. The Queens Bronson' Chevies taking on the goes, to East,Ifamptonj Saybrook,at Post Hoad lU'aul'ord MlBS Ru"tliiB^fl5er .Wl^U p'tii'ilb'lftnlto lot,the Eiai'an NuMc.pi^b' Co. will be outer gardens are Petola at rlgfit Tov/iilbs','ffffttlhf thre'e sln^lda'olit oJ base, decided a m'ound du'el between added two Ip the sixth and one Inishlrt Factory combine,.Sportsmen Hlgganum and Deep River at.Essex ot Mi's: Frink Llp^. Held, Duell at feiitSi AWIJ Trfmull-; quit the longup/lf. Ijroannpt secure in the Pembroke Cblle^p Social pro­ hfild June 1 v)'im the following in four trips to the plate. I George (Ace) Kline .and,Lenny. No- the eighth frame. Tavern meeting up ,wlth. the Red Telephone 540 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Buller hav6 High AllowttiiCfe 6ri NtW and USED OARS vlch at left fleM, stfongor jmteVijiV ,a'l\d tftW pl&hers On Memorial Day,:Meriden travels gram scheduled for to'm'orrb'W 6vb'- oli'ar(!0. MK^ Clifford Collins, Mrs. sal, 17-yearold pitcher, ^brptj-jef of East Hampton Ab li po c Men. Seniors,, and, the. Alumni will •fiVe AtixUiary ot Fire Department im\iy be,.66iillE dvd'UaBllJ' when' school Al) r h po to Deep River, MIddletown at Say­ left Deland, Fla. and will arrive at nlng., • itiJym'brid Reed, Mrs. Virgil Crlsman In last week's two league contest Eddie ,Nosal,.as the., Merjden St. P, Brahsfleld Si .A 2 2 01 meet up .with .Cooper^s Book Shop Get bur Price, tirst closes to help the team along. PoatiW.?"i' . ...,.;5.1 0 5' brook and Hlgganum goes to East their cottage. Stony Creek the mid­ and Mrs. Richard Brown. Branford lost^a phe' sTded affair to Stans beat HI'geanwn 2 to 1 for E. Brahsfleld cf Oiln the American league. Pitcher Knbara hold Westbropk liist MassJnf If 5 1 1 Hampton. dle of June. Seymour on FrldftV i'nd ^fiturday Sunda...... y .t o six hit. s as Moodu•^'^..±.^n:s woh Itj^^s , their first victory of the season. Phelps lb The Brati^ord Young Republican p. Masslnl ss ..... 5 " I Oh Wednesday night In the Na- The Bellrln^ers, play their, ne^t Mr. Richard Green of this palce with young JoV('>\ny g|ttpllcki, pitch­ third straight game, 15' to B';: AWlJ- 3, \ " . Nosal ^was not on the. mound at Barber c ..le Krall Go. Gas Club will, hold a dinner dance and ing the best ball ever seen in high Teshfir p-'lb ..; ...... 5' B 0 " tion league we find the Branford two games at h'o'm'd. On Sunday the Mi'ss LlUia'n Biirne^ ot, this place •will bo Si-i u'sh'er iiiirib 10, at th'e mi'r Ing Wlnnlger for U hits, one of "ilijW time' tVi'e winni'n^],ru'i\',came in, fiairber o " Point Cubs crossing up bats with Guaranteed First Quality Gas That You,Buy Here was a receni guest of Mr. and Mrs, social in the; B,ummlt House Friday school games, allowing but two hits J. CQull'er c .,... .•....-,5 1 13 MIddletown Giants \Y111,,be tj'e,vis­ ovsnlnBl>•TJW(^ft^i^lr^'«'^J^,^l)PBlnsali-B rfdffo : in Mbrld^n, of Miss Florence ,them a'triple by Plafek, "iHe had retired In the .lltVi hihlng H. Bransffeld 2b 2 the T. K. P. team. Junior Varsity johW ffirbst of; aullfpirdi .iv;;w;w!ra= i nnd tanjilng^Bljt V)al{im!sn,;.aUl'ti6'kt 4. Ylgglano rt 3 1 i ^|and Hal Parmclcc^togk.'hls place. ^ Blssell rf iting team. On Memprl'n'^ D'ay,,H1^7 ,,aiv.es Saitlsf alcti'on. and: S.a-ves.:.!^pji Money, a'nd-tt' turkey dUiher'will be sbrvbd Esther DooUttie to Mr. Sponcor B. > 'Wist MttiA Street , Bra the game to •Walllngtord 9 to'^ZaxW Way,ct;,,...^ ,.„ ...... 1 o; 0 "; versus the Red Men-Jiinlbrs and the ganum,'secbnd'' pl'ace'-team In the late in tho evening.. Hirst. . ,, . , •;Mti%fia''wtl%Srgi^^ " ' T,ho„S'aWtS.sqqred\'iJie» tlrst'ruh'i-vvall It ...... '.....'..'.. Mi.ss Ruth Linsley,Oliver, of,Brad to his teammates many mlsiSays at' !i.i;v.B. -•4:;-;4 *(^U\v.fc'e.^eo^'nd fif&ne 6n"p.walk to' C J: jBrass Foundry combine taking on league will P,ay, them a visit.. 8 gaHons for' $1 glimpse' Into'''her 1D40 Olympic I ^mij] Madlgan S3 ...... ley Avenue has returned from Ipaltl- numiimi opportunte monioiits, V...... 4 2 C 11 Zaiac and' a single by Wysookl'.' • '^ Ithe Thutiderbolts.. East Hampton',' who h'a's won ttfree Games at the New York World's' HalY'ot Fei'r'aHp ;...... ;.", nibi'o, Md. ,wli'ere she was .a dplcgalo 3 1 1 ' 0| Hlgganum's run,ca'i^e ln„the third successive, league,- game^bjft oyer- Branford' wllj liaVe t'6 win more Fair. A mode! of the pdslnskl.stn^- Marcbllnl' to the National Federation ot Miis- ...... 0 0' 0 • 0^ IhiUhg oh' a slhglb' by, Lenny, N'psai; East .Hampton, and ^Hig^aniini 'whelniln^'M'pre, jWllljJfacq g(:(,Qd*purve East Haven Station of their ronialnlng 8((mSs If they lum where the innln'o\>e'nts wUlitalie Totals .45 15 19 27 •W'- slc Clubs. want to end liii'soiAowhbre near the —'an.e,rrpr by ,F. Zajhd.and pi, wide'Deep River Ab h po c have the jump on the otheir clubs ball'pitchers, with Al' Grosvenbr of place will form part of the Finish ,, Tot'ids", at Hemingway Ave and Short Beach Road loj) In the Housatonic league stand 40 B 15'27' 2 throw to C. Za,)ac by B. Zajac. |p. Lindner 2b 4 2 2 o'tias the Middlesex County Baseball the Giants and HalParmalee throw- OSCAR BOLDTKAN, M.magci exhibition. Films revealing prepar­ iSranford lag. They have but t\yo more games Ab • h po 0! Lenny Nosal pitched great ball Smith cf 4 0 .league .goes into Its fourth set of nig 'em over In the next two big Miss May o'Ncii has returned to ations for the Olympics will bo vlew- Tobin 9f to play, June 2 Sholtlbn' lind oh' iMe S 0 0 0 1 for 1,1 innlngjs, allo.wing, but six 'hits ifoser p ...... 2 1 'games Sunday afternono. games. lior home in Chestnut Street after :e* froW dd'sy dlfelrs. Hylento' 2b PriGes From U Stratford away,' 4 1 1 while kll'ne gav'e only flvein 12 in- Hoplcihs rf. 4 oU r- a trip lo New York. poiWfria'i'f 4 0 0 0 nlnirsnlngs. 1 ' i TL/imtm^i-t IH Deep River lias not yet hit their sokolowsky If 'Mozzoccl 3b 4 l''or All Mia'dteiicx tdilguo Results 1 0 Mdriaon' Ab 1" li Ho 0 W. Lindner If 4 John Zvonkovic, letter carrier on stride, but are due to piny better Nalmo p ned'd •riVe' Branford Read I" 0 .talrlelo 2b ... 5 0 2 0 P 'W.'Watkinson lb 4 vacation, plans to spend part of his ball this season. ' Mott c ...... 1 1 East Haven High Seheel 0 s'jSkol ss 5 • I' 6, Olson c 2 holiday at the World's Pair. . Gob^l' 3h' 1 $4200 0 W. ZaJac c . 5, t 0 Stannard c 2 Dombeo ,ss 0 1 B, Zajac 3b . 4 1 0 Dutka p 2 Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnet and Ward lb' MIddletown Giants Win 3' 0 C.-Zajac,lb , 3 .1 Mlezeskl cf 1 Nine Meet Seymour At Charles Pellert of New York city • — — Is";'Mysbiiki rt 0 Majowski cf ...: 1 were week end guests ot Mr. and to Totals .. ..35 2 .8,24 7 3 P,' Zajac It ... :::;;::^ 1 Carlson If 1 Mrs. R. P. Dlngman, Laurel Street, Saybrook ....301 200 210—0 I^esslng cf .., 5 0 _ East ila-ven. ;BranY6rd On New Field Friday As Al Grfo'svenoir Misse^d 000 O'OO' m—Z rfllne n- ...;..,., ;:.;..:5 P ,: Tqlals '... ..35, 4 10 27 13 3 Twq b^se lilfs, Smith, ,La(Jastro,|qbrm'6Wy I't ...;.:.2 0 6aSt Hampton Mrs. Theodore Rbbsevelt Enqulst .100 024 017—15 Coach Maher's filiie And Gold Diamondeers In Clash .With Va hey $4750 .SokolowsKj); tT:i\M(i ba's'e' hits, P. Mas Wlnhel It 1 0 Deep, Rlyer ... ..100 002 010— 4 has returned from' a visit with rela­ Baseball's Hall Of Frame jslnl;' atoliSrt' b^?ei SJiil't-h', G'etf^i; s'd'c — ;,Tw6 base . hits, • p. Bransfleld, Team Oii Ne\v .East Haven Ball Field Tomorrow.Aftern'oon — tives In Stamford. irlfices, A. I\iasslni, Hylcnskl; left on • Totrtl's^: ,.., 7i' Z 8 21 Phelps,' W. •Watklnsoh three-base Meet Hamden Combine Away Monday At 3:00 P. M. bases,' Sa^brobk 3', BrA'n'ford' iO; iKigganifni, ,,„ Ab, h.po o hits, Barber; home, runs, Blssell 2, Misses Betty and Virginia Boldt GiaiiLS Ace Twirler AMibk' I'o's.s'ud No'rWilt'cr,- As MIddletown ibasp on, bRlla.pff Fisher. I,-off Mar- :Bci/chulskl 2b 5 mann of Short Beach Road spent 1 8 OjWaz. stolen bases, Phelps; sacrifices :, Johnny Maher's East Haven high diamondeers wfil play a strong Trims Essex.4 To ()_Crevelli Spoiled Feii,t With Double—Al :Collnl 1, off Nalni,o 0; struck out by i^afpnl Sb* .5 d' d' P Rteiili'ean; left on bases'. Deep River Sunday at the World's Pair. -Fisher 10; li&riJ'ollnl'2'; Mt's'd'l'f Fish iSeympur ,club at'their new East Haven high ball park tomorrow and Grosvert6V StriR^s Out 10 Opposing Balsmei;, in' i'6iVgh B\xitk rHelei\ek'' rf ..-...;; ; ,5 d 3 d|6| East" Hamptori 7; bases on balls, er In 8 innings, 5;- MttilcblllVl lii' 1 In p. Todeschlnl It ... on Monday will talce to the rp!)d again and meet the Hamden high ^ ?i 0.|off r;errarl none, Haser 2,.Dutka 4; nlnig 33 ; wild pitches, MarcoUnl; um- i^penctfr ilJ' d|'stniCk. out; by Ferrari 7, by Haser 2, combine at the, lafiter;s home, field.' ' MiddletoWn (Sjiccial).—Af GMsvenor jiiit, iWs^cd frasebaCl'^' h\ill e, mi\i; tlriiV 6t garfe 2:36. plre, j^ralna/d' cf : M* d] Dutka 4; hits off Perralr In 9 In- By winning th'e I'ea'gue game with of fame last^Sunday afternoon, at Municiixd field when pitching Happy Birthday W. Todeschlnl ss 0 3 Ijlrigs 10; off ,Haser..iri,7 innings 13, ^eymour tomorrow. East Haven has WALDORF FOR against the ljss*>x Pond LiUios./.thc lean rightfendcr l!v)i'rlVd lii'tlifss Subscrlp.^ To' The Bj'^n(6rd C. N'oiill 0, 0 5 0 off Dutka In 2 Innings' 6; umpire a chance,to,, .Improve tl\elr .league c'aws3ra«Rr!3«scr3s«i3EaaKS''* A srriad down payment and the rehfiai'nder ball for seven Innings, only to have Review fo'r All Local News WEDDINGS (Continued on page 0seven 0 ) 'Muldoon; time of game 2 hrs. standing which' is far below what it Coach CrevelU spoil his effort in the ed and advanced on Harris' sacrl- Organizations are entitled to birth should be. The Mahermeii have had day.s, too. Greetings were extended like rent makes this come true eighth ' wltl>'a* doublif Ihto" ri^Ut tii6 hlt.,,Wlsrtdsia seoVdd both'run- a curious in and out season but it 11 Hold. Behind this grea^ pitching ex­ ne'rs with single Into right li'eld. yesterday to the Woman's Auxiliary is not safe to put them' doWn ag a ot Christ Church, East Haven. hibition, the oi^Ata'pBik^d' a"^ay at AH>; r A li'o' poor team. Their perfbrmance just Bannister, the visitors' hurjer, to The home iilaStfated abbVe' is on^e^ of many designed by us- Muscalino cf ., 0 0 2 can't be predicted as .shown, Ijy. the ituthie Peterson, Hollywood, Short push four riifls'aVr^iss' thtf flllfte to' r'a^'aSib ss ;., do' 2' COMMENt fact' thai; they ca*n boast clear-cue win their secon^ league victory of ON SPdl^TS Reach, was 15 years old ohMsiy 10. Bannister p ... 0, 0 1 victories over West Haven high and The nrevious Sunday she was ton- to give you all the comtortsand convenience of a'm'6dern home the season, * to'O; IS".' B'fll'a' 3b .V... 0 0 0' Milford! firmed in the Swedish Church In Grosvcnor i'n ft'i^ fi^'ie ^SiVi^' {aV6d' IC'^e"'^eilV lb,,. „. ,0' I'id '"" a four tripper. . ', Cpijch jvlaher.wil^ prpbably.hav.e only 32 batteris, ^CrevelU' gettl'ng a W. Janoski rf 3 0 00 man and relief pitching, lils arm Is New Haven. After many lean seasons, Eastl; ••••• coming back again. ,to rely oh Leavst'ro'm' to carry the hit and Janosljl; reaching on ah IHpii'elskl. If .V. 0 0 a - FEATURES - Hampton today was on top pf the |; Hlggapum has a big brother act. BIU9 .and . Gold's , liopeg, on the Rcna Bernardo was tour years old error In t^i slxth\ ^rairid while ho lEsppstl q .'.•..,.. •tfO 5 '^'•'^f^'f County Baseball League r,enn'y Nosal; who pitched his'first ' Th„ AI„M„ c^ eV ' ^ , mound. Baltimore will be at first Sunday. was fanniiig 10 batters and issuing P. Janoski 2b 0 0 2 steam Heat _ Spac6 For One or wfew ROOM but one base pn balls. Two runner^ standings' with a record' of thr(3e dame last Sunday, and Eddie Nosal h jm„J! 1 ?v, ; ^'""1^''^'= f"'^'' .Ijase, Messina at the keystone sack, Modern Cuta-ways reached thiB KeystbndsaJck but not I Tu'tttis . j^ j straight wins and no losses. ,The S-ho c^Ught; him. The two brothers „ffi'|' ?" 'S^^'^?^^ '^'^ ^^"™"' Tyler! covering' shortstop and De On June 2, John Peter, son ot Mr. oh the Second Flobr 1 2* 7 2 Fllppo at third base. In tpe outfield Dress Suits'. Tuxedos 9 Oak Floors one of these could get to third. I Bellrliigirs sto'od alone, Aligahuili's ilave-«een worlilhg out together on f„ ""L P,?„',r^"^ Zajac.'Cuz Za- and Mrs. Herbert Hagstrom 34 Bry­ • i'liliyianHkcaied Ray Wlsneskl was the' slego gun *"'**'«'*^'" Ab r h po unbcated robbrd liiinfe blasted Sun- the quiet and Lenny made up his i^f/r o, „^ Zi\ ^^^° who rival the will be Clark at left. Walker at cen­ White Dinner Coats an poad win blow out one cindle • iittalche'd Gfaifage for the GiriiVt^, when ho' connected Harris 3b , 3 o 0 0' day With Meridbn by 2 to 1 In a game rfund t'o try out as a pltilier: He' i°r,!i°'„1"^"°!? brotherSjOf the pow- ter and Poskus at the right field oh his birthday cake. erfui East Haiiiplon teain'. post. Blue i), B. Coats • Modern Electrical I*ixtUre8 for three hits out of Ave trips to the ^l^"S^^\ " ^ \. that went 12 Innings. nrnde good at Merlden, allowing ONE OEMONSTRATlbN 9 Standard Fixtures plate, a aD\ib'le and £wo slngejs T.''P.P„^*. 6 o six hits In 11 Innings. ' On the other hand, Seymour will airid! Flannels WILL PROVE tomorrow John, son ot Mr. and >• Septic Tahk which batted across two runs and he WitkowskI 6 4 1 East Hampton kept lis recjli'd In­ >Vell fans, tickets arc out for tho 1)0 gunhlng for another loop win, Mrs. Frank Kamlnsky will be' one • Fire Place All Star game on July Oth. The game Shirts, collars, ties shoes, silk WHAT A DIFFERENCE scored anothfi" rOn hims'ilf. Irv Se-' ^^y"" "=' * 0 tact with a 15 to 4 triumph over Al Grosvenbr almost pitched him- U thr. nor M,„ VT.^H '"^eame as they have soin'e one-sided wins and opera hats, spa^^,. g\oves. year old. 4 Tile Bath • dapper Flashing gal oonneo't6'd Mr two safe blows, ^te.al rf -, 3 0 Deep, River aiid MIddletown eontiiv- self into-the hall of fame last Sun- i\'lL'° ""[,^, ^3, ,^'?,f !%^,f °"" ^ over 'Walllngford high and Bran- Ascot ties, pearl gray vests, GREAT ENGiNEERiltiG getting a single and double. Lauro ^"'^ ^^ -; 3 0 uod it's comeback'with" a 4 to 0'shul-'dajdaj>> by holding i^^^Essevx to„ ^Lon e y,ihit 'League will play In the lOOth anni- jford and a're a'nxibus to give East Robert Mal.llh.^bn, Hemingway. (i BrEfBs l^ijiing versary of baseball, Jewelry, etc. MAKES • Bfuilt-Iii ititclieA' OaTjinifs Palumbo, tn4' Plants' noW first saVilt Pal"'"bo lb a I out (}Ver Essex. Saybrook knocked CrevoUl' spoiledH'1 the ch'jilVces of the Haven a trimming. Avenue, East Halveri started d new cr, connected for one of the other °''°''^'^"°'' P 2 1 off the Branford Townies 0 to 2. Gi'ant' pltolier \Mth a double. ****'« • On Monday afternoon', the East X lO'HIHUTE RIDE , Great engineering gives you year yesterday. two hits when he drove a single be- '^"f ^'°"'' " " Ben Phelps, former Weaver High llavep (line will go to Hamden for AND YOU'LL DECIDE _i, the world's 'smoothest ride; Mrs. Pasqijaie Profo, 113 South tween center and left and Al Gros- "'=°" " " " The Bellringers arc at the ton of Orosvenor added to his laurels school star, seems to be th'iJ answer a nqn-league battle with tho Ham- for East Hampton as a fli'st base­ Great' engitibermg gives you brilliant performance. Mon.towese Stret, celebrates her venor got the other filt 'ivitl'i an the League because they have been with 10 strikeouts and a double, pas­ aeniles''at" thl; latter's home park' in Totals 31 4 7 27 13 1 man, a position which' lias been CLOTHING <2<5. In short, gr6at er>gineering makes Pontiac America s "other sin'gld. murdering all pitchers they have sing but one man, while Middle- what should be a pre-hollday birthday tbday. town nicked Bannister for seven very weak for mhny s'easoiis. Phelps thriller. Men's Formal Wear—Exolusively finest low-priced car-exact/y tu/iaf you a>ant7 Harlaco C&fi^rucMm Co., fnC. The ai'ants scored first In tlie Stolen bases, Wlsneskl, Witkow- faced In tho three games they have hits that included" a double apiece Is retmnliig to oldtlme fdrm and Thfc next meeting of the Auxiliary second Inning with out tho benefit skl;_^ sacrifices, Harris 2; left on won. With 00 hits, an average of 20 hit and double and two singles Sun­ 90 Oentei; Stripet . V,.,T =»«.L l-OTO..- ..H.=,.» " ™n «.« ,.»K «.= ..« "•"'^'•"° "l"'';'' ''";l of Sidney Beach Cnmp, U- s. w. V. for Wlsnewski and Segal. ioi thi too on balls off Orosvenor 1, off Ban­ rod. At Deep River, Hal Bransfleld Castro ^ho is out with a bad ankle. out Wisnesk'l'^lOd off with a double Ofien .Evpniiigs Until 7:3'a' Mrs. Edward Tobin is delegate to' NEW HA-^EN, C6WN! and scored \^hen',Muccallno dropped nister 7; struck out by oVosvenor 10 made three single to keep his aviir Big Bud Plsh'or, Baybi-pok pitcher Johnny taCastro, who is at Rhode Later by Appointment the state convention .June 9^ ajid 10 Flynn's long fly £0 center. Tho final by Bannister 4. passed balls, Wltkow age high and Roy BlssellII., playing I and first baSDma1i,ls a hahdy^maiV Es&ox will welcomb' tli'd,return of Island Slate, and Bob cbiiller who| eEmTflAL GARAGE in flolei 'tafiMfs. Klafy Scahlon is two runs we're' scored^ In the fourth sky; umpires, Dunn time of game I his second season as a regulari!gulttr.-hlt|t, o have arpund.with^his'hard';hit- Johhny I'festdi \ih'd^^vliV' join the cannot play regularly due to hls{ CALL 8-3523 alternate. 2 hrs. 68 Mdin Street Phone 968 Branford. Conn. when Paluin'iiV and drPSvcAolf walk two home rung and O. Wall also' hit I tings, good' ft'eldilig- as' a- fli^st Bite's' (ilUll' aWr liljjtf stlibW^dlte'Ss. jPb'asbils'dWver, ' " ~^?, \ p- 4 •r € m»u i - . r i.'-,r. ."Ml*-%^. IS^ M J}>*^^*^K^^^#Si»^Sr''4,» W,'«*STiV»J-^i»,t'^^««v+»*-« J-*»-»*-«»-»-4t-»»~»j>'••»»•--••»•• • »**•* r*»*»** •''•-",-:?* - »**V=*S»*^I

WflaA* »Liri>Knc4j:7««

page Eight THE BRANPORD REVIEW, THORSDAY, MAY 25,1939 Qrade 6—Virginia Levesh. Dr. II. B. Perrino ot New Haven Announces list :ia,3 made extenslv? repairs follow- THE MOVIE GUYED Clony Creek School in:; the hurricane and plans to oc­ Calendar Of Events Conttnutd from page on* Grade 5—Frederick Adams, Ph'.l- cupy his cottage tor the summer Kollch Anna, Sescske Helen, Zvon- Ip Barnard, Harriet DooUttle. months. Iliillywooil Gossip: 2iid and 4th Tuesday night, Nnslmwena Council, Degree o£ Po­ kovlc Michael. Grade 4—Catherine Dickinson Lane Turner buying play-clothes cahontas in Ked Men's Hall. College Course—Bradley EUzabeth Grade 6—Ruth Kelsey, Jean Ma­ Mr. and Mrs. Flske" are in to match the brilliant red ot her First Connecticut 1st nnd .'trd Fridays—Vasn Star Lodge, No. 150, Svea Hall. Corcoran John, Schwantelder Wil­ rie Ablondi, Rae Barnes, Edith Cec- their new, home, Second Avenue, Thursdnys; 12:l.'i, East Haven Uolary Club. car Lew Ayrea postcarding liam, Jerry Collins, colini. Hotchklss Grove. friends from London whore he la Auto Theatre First Monday—Indian Neck Kirc Co., Social Meeting. Hccond Monday—Indian Nock FIro Co., 15usine».s Meeting Seniors Harbor Street School The Congregational' Players will spending a brief vacation Hedy Commercial Course—Belanic Alice, LaMarr buying ice cream cones for Opens InMilford Tliird and Fourth Mondays—Indian Neek Fire Co., Drills Grade 3— Shirley Holmes, Valerie hold a picnic at Cockaponset Park, "Lady Of The Tropics" company at General Course—Amatorl Victor, Morawski, Francis Reyonlds. Saturday, June 3. ,,. MOM, only to discover she had for­ Donnelly Regina, Zwaoki Mary, Grade 4—Bertha Arrlngton, Dom gotten one for Robert Taylor and EVERY WEEK College Course—Bishop Randolph, inic Delgrego, James Murphy. "Sons ot The Puritans" by Don running out to get one herself from Tremendously popular In other Fi;ldMys- -Pawson Tribe, I. 0. B. M. at 8 P. M. in lledmcn'a Hall. Bracken Virginia, Holtberg Gladys, . Gradt 5—Eleanor Delgrego, Mar, Marquis The lost work of the passing commlsary truck lor him cities throughout tho United Sta­ Kelsey Beatrice, garet Morawski. creator of "Archy," "The Old. Lionel Barrymore instructing tes, the much-antlclpatcd Open Air Normal Course — Van Egghen Grade 8—Nancy A, Bradley, Ruth Soak" and other well-loved char­ youngBobs Watson In the,lntrncl- p^j^^.j^ Theatre come to Connect- MAY 2Cth Oermalne. Crawford, Mark Freeman, Catherine acters, a semi-autobiographical clos of lopo twirling..,. ...Mickey ,j^ ^,^g opening ot the MU- Ifccilal, AVliyte lOudio ot Dunchig, Fast Haven Higli School C. Hines, Olga Hynovlch, Marguerite novel telling of a boy reared in liooney off to San Francis to,make, ' _ „„ ^^^^^,. Junior High School Murphy. the self-righteous atmosphere of personal appearances It's badi'ofi^""-"' ' " oj,„„i „„ MAY 27th 7th.Grade— Bogackl Anna, Brad­ a small mldwestern town and of enough to acquire a crop ot bllstets. ton Post Road and Cherry Street on ley Alan, Carey Virginia, Clasen his struggle for a career after But when you acquire them digging'Friday, May 20th. Food Sale, Indian Nocl^ Fire Co. Auxiliary. Richard, Corcoran Dorothy, Cutler her had left it. your own grave—that's Irony. That I uggiaonti In.' this vicinity and Internalinnal l'\)od Sale, On The Green, Trinity Aid. Mildred, Fitzgerald Anne, Helm At the Shore was Warner Baxter's conclusion f^g^^ dU pf southern Connecticut Cliapel Food .Sale, Main StrocI, Short Ueacli Lois, Johnson Elaine, Johnston Shorthand, Typewiitlng, Book­ when he gazed at the palms ot his looking forward with keen Interest JAjoil Sale, Z'um I'ariHli Guild, North Brifnford. Jean, Lake Betty Lou, Lasko John, keeping, Accounting, Business hands after an eight hour session jg the first showing ot this latest Lubesky Stanley, McCarthy Carol, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ford of New Administration, Dictaphone, Melander Norman, Mlschler Robert, with a .shovel on location for '"The in„ovatlon in the world ot moving MAY 28th Haven have arrived.at Seavlew Av­ Comptometer, Day and Evening ncturn Ot The Cisco Kid" now sliow picture entertainment, Morris Sophie, Nobile Eleanor, Or- enue, Hotchklss Grove for the sum­ Sessions, Co-educatlonal. Enter sene Joseph, Palumbo Leonora, ing at thoLoew Poll College Theatre,'newsroei Featurse wiattractionsn be viewe,d bshorty thes auandd Memorial Services in Tabor Cemetery, 3 P. M. mer. at any time. for one week only. Food SJIIC, Allar Society, North Brantord. Pepe Louis, Pommer Josephine, Ran lonce as they sit In their parked dazise Angelina, Rosenthal Richard, STONE COLLEGE COTh digo sscen hise owwans thgrave ohe obefor whiceh Clfacs ­ Outing, Indian Neck Fire Co. Among the early arrivals are Mr. cars. Tho "auditorium" is construct­ St, Louis Roland, Santos Charlotte, and Mrs. Lester Lyon and family ot 128 Temple St., New Haven ing a firing squad. Every time Bax­ ed in the form of semi-circular ter­ Sohwanfeiaer Audrey, Sliney Betty ter completed tho .scene, two men races, each terrace raised above the Merlden who are at Hotchklss MAY 29th Ann, Sobolewski Edmund, Grove. would step In and fill up the hole one in front, so arranged that the 8th Grade—Brandt Samuel, Dro again. In order that the set-up could occupants ot every car will enjoy Rotary—12;l!i—Congregntioiml Clinroh Parlors. tar Rosemary, Erlcson Joan, Gen Anna E. Hinchcliff has again op­ WHEN IN NEED OF be re-shot from various angles. perfect vision and hearing from ev­ Exiiibition, Claremonl Hotel, Short Bcaoli Men's Club. rich Carol Goodrich Dorothy, Har WALLPAPER "The Return Of The Cisco Kid" ery part ot the vast theatre. Behind ened the Variety Store, Linden Av­ rlson Barbara, Holcomb Elizabeth, enue, Indian Neck. or PAINT features Warner Baxter and Lyn each terrace Is a road loading ,to Katowskl Anna, Meglin Anna, Men- Barl, also in >tho cast are Ceasar the outside ot the theatre, allowing , MAY 30th VISIT for cars to enter or leave at any guzzi Rena, Northam Adrienne, Rob A great deal of work Is being done Romero, Henry ItUll. ertson Melvin, Rogaisky Anna, UNITED WALL PAPER Tho 2nd big hit on tho same pro­ time during the evening without the Memorial Day Services at the Arc end of Indian Neck by slightest disturbance to others. Skroza Eleanor, Softer Harriet, Stan way of making repairs to buildings, CO. gram Is "Missing Daughters" with nard Claudia, Steglna Helen, Sy- Richard Arlen and Rochcllo Hudson owned by Clam Islanders. Former 93 Crown St., New Haven Occupants ot each car will enjoy JUNE Ist monds Rul^h, Terwilllger Pearl, Wad buildings, chiefly garages were ser­ 8 ee you In the Movies the privacy ot their own car, smok­ ka Helen, "We Save You Money" Your Movie Guyed ing or talking among themselves Bast Haven Holary, St. Vincent de Paul Chnreh, 12:15 iously wrecked in the storm. without disturbing others, One may dress entirely to suit himself, a wel­ Laurel Street School Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tarrant The Dead Fnd Kids staging a JUNE 8th Grade 3— Helen Moleske, Eliza­ and family, of Hamden will occupy bicyolo race on tho lot while come feature during the warm sum­ beth Townsend, Barbara Skommars, FrederickCDahl the messenger boys give chase for mer evenings. Patrons will enjoy ail Siiaglioltl Supper, Ladies Komii Society. the Barnacle for their third sum­ the advantages of a feature picture Anegla Polastrl, mer. N-^s their bicycles John Lltel Grade 4—Lazarus Anastaslon, Ca­ PAINTER teaching Jeffrey Lynn to roll a showing right in their own homes. The inclemencies ot New England rol Erlcson, Irving Hoadley,, Elaine Mark Len Wliitney ot Southington and cigarette "one-handed',' ...... Levy, Katherlne Moleske, Barbara has made some necessary repairs to James Cagncy lunching in a weather will have no affect whatev­ er on the crystal-clear showing ot Oppel, Louise Smith, Kenneth Erie- Camp Loyal, Pawson Park. DECORATOR bright sport coat after weeks ot each picture. Tho projection mec­ son,, Shirley Locarno, Robert Lake, prison gray In "Each Dawn I hanism is so designed and construe William Corcoran, A thing of beauty is the house ESTIMATES OHEELFULLY Die." ted as to remain completely unaf­ (3rade 5—Nancy Jacocks, Gladys and grounds of the William Hitch­ •' GIVEN fected by rain, fog or mist. Patrons Edwards, Elaine Bedard.'Emlly Ny- cock property at Pawson Park. Tel. 4-0988 Miriam Hopkins in a slack suit gard, Ruth Harrison, Charles Lake, may sit in the comfort of their own 429 Main St. East Haven looking at a picture ot hersoll in oars whether It be a rainy or moon­ Joan Morris, Lutina Van Wllgen, Mrs. Louis Lounsbury returns to­ an 1B05 wedding gown ...... lit night, hot or cold. William Pinkham, Donald Stevens, day from a trip to Maine. Betle Davis another daradox— Mary Purceli, Elica Barnes. driving a station wagon while at- Shows are continuous from 8 p. Grade 6—Faith Hooghkirk,, Jan­ Our marshes and meadows are by I Here Is John Carlson agaln-they Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kingsbury are tlicd In a hoop skirt creation .... m. to 2 a. m. and are presented ev­ ice Baldwin, Ann Ely, Josephine established at Haycock Point for the Eriol Flynn taking a roping les­ ery night in the week Including Sun­ tat the things of most unique beau-(say ho spends lots of time in Hart- Raiola, William Holcomb, David day. It is expected that the MUIord | ford. Can It be love? season. BRANFORD son from cowboy Sara Garrett. ty,that we have In Brantord. i Clark, Fred Chlroli, May Llndberg, Drlve-In Theatre wlllj become the Bfitty Lou Miller, Henry OleJarozyk. climax to tho-ovonln'gk:dl:iye;:as''lt' VfiWhon once we have .our eyes Tho writer prowled through tho "Wampas" Carlson and his family LAUNDRY whole shop recently and was struck are making their permanent home has in other cities, patrons dropping open we can see them in their calm Short Beach School in to sen a show at almost any how. with the good order and arrange­ at Indian Neck. FLAT WORK Pequot Theatre beauty with many a wooded,penis- ment ot ail utensils' and tools. Grade 3—None. Admission is 35 cents per person. Grade 4—Joan Armstrong, No charge is made tor cars. ulor and Island, Flasks neatly piled and isorted and Eve Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vciser ot WET WASH Jurczyk, Walter McCarthy. Hartford are at the "Llndy" cotage. l'^i., .Siil.—Jluy :2G-27 Located conveniently at the Junc­ We think the marshes have been no mixtures of sand with refuse or even though there there is a back foreign material and every mould­ Grade 5— Betsy Samson, Nellie Indian Neck. SOFT DRY tion of Routes 1 and LA, or the Bos­ Rathbun. "King of Chinatown" ton Post Road and Cherry Street, country ot rugged beauty and a er's bench ready for action,in the with Akim Tamiroff and shore line broken Into every fan- morning. We hope the.,^remlses will Grade 6—Henry Armstrong, Pa­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers ot New tho MUIord Drive-In Theatre is ex­ tricia Mescall. Anna May Wong pected to take high rank among the tantastic shape and wooded and look Just the same '.'When better Haven are at their cottage at In­ grassed to the waters edge. times conle'again, ..|,. dian Neck. Alio many popular summer entertain­ Indian Neck School "ARIZONA WILDCAT" ment features that serve the resl Unfortunately the tides draw One passes foundries on the train FINISHED WORK many a carelessly thrown can and Grade 3—John West, Patricia Cas- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Baker, Linden with Jane Withers dents and vacationists ot southern or by auto and what a disorderly Connecticut. paper Into the middle of a lalr place the Inside of some ot them sldy. Avenue, Indian Neck- have been at BACHELOR SERVICE Grade 4—Ernest Pozzi, Gertrude their waterfront cottage. Linden yuii., Mun., Tues., Miiy 28-20-30 meadow vista and the stumps from must be It one can Judge trom the the hurricane heaped in many outside. Daley. Avenue for the past month. The "THE HOUNDS OF places on the banks are now eye Grade 5—Caroline Plnneran Bakers rent cottages and report Alice Daley, Evangeline Joyner. business as "improving." i-^fj X THE BASKEBVILLES" sores. -— WITH Just Arrived George Marsh frequently adorns Tel. 572-2 — 572-3 Eiohard Greene, Wendy Banio a rocking chair on the porch ot the Granite Bay — Also — Yacht club. We can't see any good WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT CHOICE OF B. W. Nelson, Prop. "Blackwell's Island" Announcement is made of the reason why he should; not admire a Vf ITU birth ot a daughter, Mary Betsy, to yacht returned from Florida, and Mason Rogers Women's Relief GOOD USED CARS FOR RENT— Furnished room and John Garflold, Rosemary Lano Dr, and Mrs. George Nordmeyer of some one has got to produce a chart Corp held a public social this after Morgantown, W. Va., in Grace Hos­ to show what th's has to do with board, Mrs. W. £. Elumford, 95 noon at the waterfront home of AT REAL LOW PRICES Rogers Street. Telephone 1035. Wed., Thurs.—May ;!1, .Tune 1 pital, New Haven May 19. The little George's work in general. Mrs, Maude .Walker, girl, who Is named for her great We see George and chart on the Trade-ins On the New Dodge and Plymouths Sapphire Tablowaro Nights LOST—Pass Book No. 11021. If 2 Sherbet Dishes to each Lady grandmotlier and her great, great road with patterns for the foundry Mrs, Walter Ackes ot Boston, grandmother Is a granddaughter ot and wish the pieces required, ran SERVICE found return to Branford Savings Mass, Is visiting her mother Mrs, Bank. "THE ADVENTURES Dr. Wilson E. Thompson ot Bran­ into the thousands Instead ot being Rudolpli Illlg ot Grove Street, M. R. Ziegler SALES and tord Point, Mrs. Nrodmeyer was Miss in the dozens. OFJANEARDEN" Barbara Tliompson, . 302 Main Street Phone I Brantord The Assessors were in Granite LOST: Poss Book No. 10703. If found — vcnii — We have a lot of Jokes handed in Bay this week looking over and re­ Eosolla Towno, Wm. Gargan Just arrived— a son, Gerald, May about John Carlson, We wonder It valuing the property. return to Branford Savings Bank. AUO 20 in Stamford Hospital to Mr. and he Is a good fellow or a bad one. All "Comet Over Broadway" Mrs. Gerald P. Calialian. Mr. Calia- his movements seem to interest Mr. and Mi's. John Knowles of lian is the son ot Jolin p. Callahan someone intensely,- whether he is East Haven were the recent guests ot Laurel Street, looking at boats on the bridge or of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of Business Directory i Capitol Theatre examining someone's auto. We think Grove Street. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Wandelear he must be all right on the whole :281 Main St., East Haven of Stevens Street, East Haven an­ as questions about other shopmates Rudolph Illlg who is still confined 42 Inch sink and tub combinations nounce the birth ot a daughter Sun­ seem to bo referred to him. to Grace hospital with appendicitis I Sun., Mon., Twos., May 28-29-30; day in St. Raphael's Hospital, Mrs. Is hnproylng. $29.95 comiilete. Toilet ontBts ' Fred Astairo, Ginger Rogers in Wandcrlcar was formerly Miss We hear a Jot about rollers and complete $12.95. Bath tubs $14.50. Phyllis Boucher can't tell whether Domlnlck Bon- "The Story of Vernon The Good Fellowship Club of Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Flumblnr tatlbus pushes the roller or pulls it Short Beach went to the "World's and Irene CASTLE" ; A daughter, Geraldlne Anno was or whether it pushes or pulls him. Fair on Friday. Among the Granite and Heating Materials Co., 1730 Also , born May 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Has tills anything to do with the Bay group were Shirley Fenn, Jean State St., New Haven, Conn., Bob Burns in H. Pratt ot 15 Bradley Avenue. Mrs, superman at Pine Orchard who has Allen, Ingrld Lind and George I'M FROM MISSOURI' Pratt was Miss Gladys Gell, one weighing 1500 lbs? Dickinson. Phone G-0028. WE FIGHT DUST, TOO Wed., Thurs.—May 31, Juno 1 (FRIDAY) rYPEWRITEUS — ALL MAKES - Tiny bits of dust can cause no end of .Vew, Kebuilts, Rentals, PottablM, Jeanetto MaoDonald in Opens Tomorrow Nighf 8 P.M. trouble in the delicate equipment housed in Supplies "Broadway Serenade" GREATEST AMUSEMENT SENSATION IN CONNECTICUT our central office. So "good housekeeping" is Convenient Xerms ALSO our -watchvyord. We use our vacuum cleaners "Tarnished Angel" constantly and wrap our brooms with damp RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. Milford Drive-ln Theatre C. B. GUY, Mgr. vifith Sally Eileis cloths to raise as little dust as possible. Little Telephone 7-2738 .lunelioii Routes 1 and lA, Post Rd. nnd Cherry St. housecleaning tricks with which most women 109 Cruwn Street, New Haven • Ladies G-ift Nights are familiar play a part in our effort to give Continuous Nightly 8 P. M. to 2 A. M. Rtjin or Sliino you the best possible telephone service. Too, Fri,, Sal.—Juno 2-3 Selected Shorts this constant fight against dust keeps repairs MATURO BROS. "ANNABEL TAKES 'at a minimum and helps offset the rising Loam—Sand—Stone and Fill A TOUR" costs of doing business. By the way, have Contractors and General Trucking list , 'you a telephone? The Southern New Eng­ vnth Jack Oalde, Lucille Ball land Telephone Company. Bradley St. Tel. 726 Branford, Conn. . ALSO 'Secret Service of the Air' FOUND—^Ilowboat. Owner can have with Ronald Reagan SIT IN YOUR, CAR—SEE AND HEAR MOVIES , same proving pcoperty and pay­ Porfoot vision and Oomfort in Any Weather per person ing (or this ad. 9 Montowese St.

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