^^^^^^^S^^^^ -» » r t, i > . i. ::^*/v-k ".,.„;,,-,., .V-l;-!: ?.. , o.tt. t~t^^^ '--,'%'-V"v^W- ^-".,->. ; t •'VVJI-N.-W •> -^v*"i ^" THE BBANFOED BEVIEW, THqRBDAY, MAY IB, 1930 Udgcunau Xdeyory PaRC Eight -anaunu Baat Haven, Ossim ' vm-.e as a result of the IftUlng birth Toscanini, Eh? Oh, YEAH! -ate which has made It possible tor IS to ccmblno two grades to effect ). ™E MOVIE GUYED f Calendar Of Events * an economy to help off-set the In­ THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A creased costs of high school educa­ THE HOME TOWN PAPER VITAL FORCE IN EVERT TO^VN tion caused by the Increase In - of — 2nd and 4th Tuesday night,' NnsliawenB Council, Degree of Po­ BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD HOU-YWOOD GOSSIP: | school population at that grade PORTRAVING AS IT DOES cahontas in Rod Men's Hall. STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD Dennis O'Kecto on the lookout tor, Ist and 3rd Fridays—Vasa Star Ijodge, No. 150, Svca Hall. level. LOCAL' HAPPENINGS IN SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK a new amateur boxer to sponsor. College Notes Tlnirsdays: 12:15, East Haven Kolary Club. Signed; FAMILIAR LANGUAGE GRANNIS CORNER — MORRIS }. His former champion, Tommy Gar­ First Monday—Indian Ncclt I'^ire Co., Social Meeting. Members of the Board of Education tKJje Pranforb i^biein COVE — EAST HAVEN Second Monday—Indian Neck Piro Co., Business Meeting AND EAST HAVEN NEWS land, turned professional Natj Mrs. Ellen Walt of New York city Kendall Lewis of Wllllston Acad­ Third and Fourtli Mondays—Indian Neck Fire Co., Drills l>endloton back at MOM studios af­ win visit relatives here this week. ter a Vireek's vacation at Palm emy Is the guest of his parents Mr. VOL. Xn—NO. 7 Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, May 25, 1039 Springs .Frank Morgan auto- and Mrs. James Lewis of Stony EVERY WEEK Price Five Cents I ] i graphlnB the hood of a fan's auto­ Creek, ' Fridays—Pawson Tribe, I. 0. R. M. at 8 P. M. in Rcdmen's Hall. mobile with a piece of green chalk. FOUND '1 .' Lionel Barrymore still thrilled Wliltby K. Maddern, rising sen­ Undergraduates jPoppy Time Is Raymond Corbett over the gigantic birthday given In ior In Trinity College, Duke Uni­ • MAY 10th White gold wedding ring East Haven Will Honor Patriotic Organizations his honor on the lot, with all of the versity, was this week elected treas­ ring in First National Store urer of the men's glee club for 1030- Auxiliary o£ Indian Neck Fire Co. Meets Will Promenade 'Giving Time Receives Award stars and executives In attendance. Main Street. Owner may When a hat brings $500, Just be­ "10 and was also appointed to the Initiation, Order ol: Kainl)OW in East Haven Freshman Advisory council. • _ MisHJonary .Socioly mcelH with Mrs. C. J. Upson have by identifying at the Veterans Of All Wars cause you wore It—you're famousl Tomorrow Night Once again Poppy time is here For Bravery Unite Sunday Evening In Minstrol, Ijnurel School I'TA at 8 in East Hiiven Town Ha 1 When Tyrone Power climbed out of Young Maddorn, son of Mr. and store. and no doubt there'are still n few Mrs, R. Edwin Maddern, 188 Mon- Tlireo Cent supper. Ladies, Society of North 13ranford fi o clock. the piano at Port Alegre, Brazil, du­ Tomorrow night in the Pine Or­ who do not know,lust where the Raymond Corbett, 13, of Hopson ring his recent 20,000 mile airplane 'tnwesd Street, was graduated from 4-11 Flower and Vegetable Club, HosteHS, Mrs. Wm. Paohco. At Fitting Ceremonieschar d Country Club the Junior Cards, Short Ueaeh PTA, 8 o'clock in tlio school. money received from tho sale of Street was awarded.a cerlltlcale for Union Memorial Service Jaunt to South American, his hat iWorcestor Academy, Worcester, I Shorthand, •rypewrltlng. Book­ Prom will be held with music fur­ Mass., In 1030. Ho, Is following the 11 IS Ailluiio Tdsconiin, ofncer, no fooling. From here it them goes, and Just why they are on bravery by Scout Commissioner Carl was lost In a swirling mob of fans... keeping, Accounting, Business nished by Doc Heller and his or­ Dlekman on behalf of tho Qulnnl- business adrhlnlstratlon course at MAY 20th looks as if 1.1.0 Mnestro \^ gcllinK a lickct--aml not for ".liroad- sale In the first place. Disabled vet­ During the filming of "Rose of Administration, Dictaphone, chestra. plac Council of the Qulnnlplac Coun ii 'i Washington," In which ho Is cur­ Duke. Ho has been outstanding In B. 11. S. Class of 1031 reunion at Rustic Inn. ^ cKst Or maybe it's a ticket tor tho police hall. Ihcn, again, pci- Will Hold Parade And Appropriate Services To Honor erans In hospitals throughout the American Legion Sponsors Timo-Honored Ceremonies musical activities during three Comptometer, Day and Evening Anna Kollch, Chairman Is assist­ cU of the Boy Scouts of America, at rently co-starred with Alice Fayo Pood Sale, Sunshine Assembly, St. Andrews Church haps the reproscnlativc of the law is "l^^'y 1™^'"K '"'cfj" Sessions. Co-educatlonal. Enter Dead, Particularly Veterans Of Civil And Spnish ed In making arrangements by Paul country make thesBjPopples to help the meeting of Monmuguln Parent- Which Include Parade, Decorating Graves And Ex­ ond Al Jolson which Is now show- years, and has also maintained a Ijnst Man's Club Dinner at Barlioni's name and address with a retiuest for a ticket for an NBO bi m- support them and* their families. creditable scholastic record. at any time, American Wars. Blrbarle, Michael Zvonkovlc, Walter Teaeher Association last Thursday. orcises At Tho Green. nig at the Locw Poll College Thea­ phony Orchestra broadcast. Come to think of it, what s the photo­ Tamulevleh, Dorothy Brada, Lois The popples are made during tho \ .•'• • Corbett's award came tor bravery ! } tre tor a 2nd Big Week, Tyrone grapher doing around here anyway 1 STONE COLLEGE ' , MAY 22nd ' ' Peter G. Weber, Jr., marshal of MacParlane, Douglas Bray, Marshall whole year and thpn are purchased demonstrated during the hurricane learned' that the hat had been Ruth A. Huglns, daughter of Mr. 129 Temple St., New Haven Holablrd and Harold Damberg, Arrangements have been made Rotary—12 !l5—Congregational Church Parlors. atlons for themselves and children. the Memorial Day parade of East by Legion Posts an^ sold, by either of last September 21 when he res­ found and put up for auction, so and Mrs, Morritt A. Huglns of Bran- Rotarians Hear , Patrons and patronesses are: Mr. complete for the annual Memorial It Is planned to extend this hospi­ Haven, has Issued orders on the them, their Auxiliary or the Sons cued two elderly women from a cot­ Announces List the people of tho town could pre- ford participated In the 44th annu­ Girls' Prien'tlly Society Banquet „ . , „ Board Members and Mrs. Milton Bradley, Mr. and Day exorcises. tal plan to all the employees who parade. The parade will move of tho Legion. Not 6;ie cent received tage that had become completely •sent him with a remembrance. It al Concert of Sacred Music given by Mother and Daughters' Banquet 0:30, Trunty Parish House. promptly at 2 p. m. In columns of Talk On Alaska Mrs. T. Holmes Bracken, Mr. and Assembly will be at the Armory wish It, as soon as possible. ever reaches the general treasury surrounded by raging water. Of Honor Pupils brought $500. , The Northfleld Schools on Sunday ' MAY 24th WHEN IN NEED OF four over the following line of Mrs. J. Connelly, Mrs. Flora Gold­ at 0 a. m.. The iwrado will list pro­ afternoon May 14. The first half of Continued from page one of the post. The original cost of the The rescue was made In a rowboat ceed to Hobart's Bridge where ser­ Power promptly cabled Instruo- WALLPAPER march: Charter Oak avenue to Ty Hugh J. Lee, editor of the Merl- smith, Mr. and Mrs. Irvlhg Harri­ tho Sacred Concert was broadcast Bridge in Old Stone Church Parish House, AVoman's Aid Society It Is Interesting to know that for poppy goes to the disabled Veteran and moments after the house had vices tor the sailor dead will bo ,tlons that the money bo turned ov­ or PAINT ler street, to Hemlng\iay avenue to den Morning Record and formerly son, Mr. and Mrs. Wliltney Marsh, The following Is a list of honor by the Blue Network of tho National every 100 pounds of metal put In the located In the Borough, would bo who made it, and tlio entire balance been emptied the building collaps­ students Issued this week from the held. Prom the bridge the lino of er to charity. MAY 25th VISIT River street, to Park Place to the United States Commissioner In Al­ Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Morehouse, ed. The row boat was lost after the Broadcasting Company on a coast- furnace by Comeron and his men loss than one half a mile from the goes into a special fund reserved office of the Superintendent of mareh will be via Montowese, South Alice Faye Is a one-woman fash- Military Whist, Musonio Hall, Banquet Hall, East Haven. homes of easily more than 50 per Green, with short halts at Green aska, spoke on "With Perry In the Mr. and Mrs. Jolin B! SUney, Mr. women had been brought to safety. to-cottst hookup- from 3 to 3;30 that only 45 pounds reach Joe Ifko- [UNITE D WALL PAPER Lawn cemetery In Tyler street at solely for the welfate of the sick or Schools, Raymond PInkhnm, Main, West Main, Lincoln, Cherry ! Ion Khow In "Rose of Washington Arctic" at the weekly luncheon of and Mrs.
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