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Sandspur, Vol. 82 No. 17, March 05, 1976

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 82 No. 17, March 05, 1976" (1976). The Rollins Sandspur. 1487. Second Class Postage Paid at Winter P™* Florida, 32789 "* iRDllina B>ani,0pur Volume 82 No. 17 omns Receives NCfffl Bid! March 5, 1976 Candidates Air Views

Nancy Hubsmith Lew tieerge WestwsW In my three years of experience in the Rollins In presenting my platform, I do not want to make I have served on each of the three main College community, I have consistently involved any promises that can not be fulfilled. Further, I organizations on campus-the Student Assembly, myself in the student government of the College. don't want to present what seems to the Student Center, and the Student Court. I have been an active member of the College be popular issues for the sake ot getting elected. 1 I believe the Assembly is the best possible Senate, the CAC and its various subcommittees, am running for President to accomplish the goals form of student government. I have been very the Student Assembly, Phi Mu Sorority and the that I envision for the college, and I therefore feel disappointed with attendance at the assembly Pan-Hellenic Council. I have had the unique obligated to outline these goals, be they popular meetings this past academic year. There are opportunity to observe.the workings of these or not. I will only make one campaign promise fifty-four members of the Assembly yet only a (continued on page 3) that I know can be realized. That is that I am quorum of thirteen has barely been attained at dedicated to the ideal of truth, and therefore I the meetings this year. Since Assembly member­ will always be honest and truthful in speaking ship is an elected position which can be declined, out on issues. I would demand a maximum of two unexcused In the past few years, the role of the President absences per year with a five dollar fine being of the Student Association has been purely social. imposed for each absence after that or a I entend to continue working on social issues, and resignation from the position. (Continued on page 6) (Continued on page 6) Reagan Visits Rollins by: LAURIE PAINE the industry survive that tremulous era. During these years, Mr. Reagan was under­ going a political transition. That is, he was In 1776, Thomas Paine, author of the famed transferring his political sympathies from the Cindy Patterson pamplet, "Common Sense," wrote, "I offer Democratic to Republican party. When, in 1964, Our college catalog states that the purpose of nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments he served as co-chairman of the California the Student Association is, "To increase campus- and common sense." Political values have Citizens for Barry Goldwater, his conservative wide communication and promote leadership for changed little in 200 years. Ronald Reagan, inclinations came to the fore. participation in developing creative ideas and Republican candidate for the Presidential nomi­ Mr. Reagan was elected governor of California iiverse activities." These general goals and nation, relates much the same message: "We for two terms in 1966 and 1970. His record while verall purposes I believe are attainable in the must offer progress instead of stagnation, the in office is an impressive, if not astounding one. upcoming year. The Student Association offers a truth instead of promises; hope and faith instead An inherited $900 million deficit was turned into unique forum in which student ideas can be of defeatism and despair...Conservatism is com­ a $500 million surplus. Taxpayers were relieved (continued on page 3) mon sense." of a staggering $2 billion in welfare payments as This article is not a tribute to Thomas Paine, the number of people on welfare rolls decreased nor is it even a salute to the bicentennial. Rather, by 400,000; but, at the same time, the truly we are concerned with the present, with Ronald indigent received a 30% increase in benefits. The Reagan the man and the politician. size of government bureaucracy was stabilizes Ronald Reagan was graduated from a small through his "cut squeeze and trim" policies. college, not unlike Rollins, with a degree in Property owners and renters saved $378 million economics and sociology. At Eureka College in and $110 million respectively in property taxes. Illinois, he played football, was a member of the All this was achieved through a common sense Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) fraternity, was approach to government, by letting the people involved in dramatics, worked on the yearbook decide how much government they wanted, and staff, and was captain of the swimming team. often by going straight to the people with the After graduation in 1932, Mr. Reagan began his issues. career as a sports announcer and editor for WHO Today, Governor Reagan's stands are essen­ in Des Moines, Iowa. He became known as tially the same; they are poignant, stringent and "Dutch" Reagan, a nickname his father had given sensible. "Today, there is an economic autocracy, him as a child. In 1937, Ronald Reagan made his born of governments' growing interference in our Tkn Ryan film acting debut. After 17 years, and 50 movies, lives. Yet Washington, for all its power, seems Do you know what goes on in the Student he moved into television where he became powerless to solve problems anymore. Too often, overnment here at Rollins? Do you feel that you government is not the solution, government is e production manager and made guest appearances the power of input into the system? Does for "General Electric Theater." He later hosted the problem." In response to this dilemma. apathy exist here at Rollins? "Death Valley Days." Reagan's economic policy advocates cuts in y main goal is to eliminate a communications Politics became an important part of Mr. government spending (by as much as 90 billion §<*P that exists between the Rollins student and Reagan's life when, in 1947 he was elected dollars on the Federal level). As he' successfully Student Government. I believe that students proved in California, this can be achieved by "a tn president of the Screen Actors Guild. During the e "Rollins Community" need to know what six terms he held this position, he became deeply systematic transfer of authority and resources to (Continued on page 6) involved in the McCarthy hearings and helped (continued on page 3) L Pnti LETTERS TO THE EDITOR &ije ftallutfi &attf.jgpur Second-class subscription rate at $8.00 per year. The opin. ions expressed in the Sandspur do not necessarily reflect the instructors self improvement. The evaluations in views of the Sandspur staff, nor those of the students, ft themselves I feel are a fine idea and we would faculty, and/or administration of Rollins College. certainly complain if we didn't have them. Published bi-weekly, except vacations and holidays, « On March 9 and 10 you, the Student Body, will However, departments being as small as they are Rollins CoUege, Winter Park, Fla. 32789, at Rollins College find yourself in a position to elect: a new Published bi-weekly, except vacations and exams, atf here at Rollins, usually results in students having Entered as second class matter, November 24, 1925, at the president, vice president, college senate and to study under the same professor for more than Post Office in Winter Park, Fla. 32789, under the'act of representatives to various committees. This is an one course, like it or not! This is where I feel the March 3, 1879. election that should not be taken lightly for these current evaluation system places the students at EDITOR IN CHIEF . Claudia Wyatt positions can work "pro-student" if the repre­ a disadvantage. Presently the teachers are sentatives are conscientious people. While past ASST! EDITOR . . Sara Peck permitted and encouraged to read each and Business/Advertising Mgr. Jim Aebli experience with Student Government is bene­ every evaluation in hopes that the professor Layout Editors . Martha Makarius, Stuart ficial, I think that the most important facet of the Sweet, Betsy Byrnes, might discover areas in need of improvement, be Kiera Tchelistcheff people to be elected is their deep down, honest it course structure, materials, or teaching Layout Staff Mary Jane Fodem, concern for the well being of the student body. Circulation Carol Schubert methods themselves. The administration has Cathy Cippolla Let me urge you at this point to make an honest taken some measures to safeguard the students Feature Editor Colleen McCrane effort to listen to and ask candidates their News Editor Carol Ansehl from rebuttals on the part of the teacher, Social Editor Laurie Paine feelings as to the running of the school. This stipulating that evaluations may not be read until Sports Editor John Pattyson decision should be one that has been thought Photography . Christy Wuertenbaecher after grades have been turned in. However, after Carol Schubert through completely, and you should know an extensive course or two and especially due to Calendar Jean McDonald yourself that you are making a sober decision. Do Artwork . Bob Escher our conveniently small classes, a professor can Secretary , Anna Reppucci not just ask a friend who they are voting for and easily recognize phrasing and handwriting of his Reporters Robin Schurtz, AI check the same ballot without sincerely re­ Hulme, Gary Langfitt, or her students. Liz Rosenberg, Marguerite searching the facts of the actual election. Many Dannemiller students just sit back and say why should I vote, Laurie Paine, Carol First of all, a student may not criticize honestly Contributors Schubert, barb weiss, it's only a popularity contest. My answer - or criticize at all for fear of rebuttal in future Bob Bradley, Debbie BUNK. It is to some degree, because of the size classes. Secondly, I'm sure many students Bogatin of the college, but you are making it more so by abstain from commenting at all, defeating the not being aware of platforms or issues. purpose of the privilege which could so advan­ I think this year is a good example of people tageously be used. In talking to an active who are starting to give a damn; we had a strong member of the faculty, I've come to understand Student Assembly, and while this Assembly gave that in earlier years the teachers were presented more money to more causes, I do not think one with an IBM read-out or summary of the class penny was given away without close scrutiniza- evaluations. Perhaps these read-outs were not as tion by the representatives present. While policy informative as the actual evaluations, but I see no making is an important aspect of student reason why the reviewing committee could not government, I think the process continued far too Submit a concise and effective summary in its long with stimulus coming from within the place. This appears to me to be advantageous to committees and student administration, instead both the students and faculty in that, (1) students of coming from the student body. I think it is safe are safeguarded, leading to a more honest and to say that more of the student body is actively perhaps more in-depth evaluation, and (2) engaged in all aspects of student input and that teachers are saved the time of reading each and the majority of the campus is more aware of what every student's report, also perhaps sparing is going on within the college. NEWSWEEK uses the instructor insulting or ambiguous remarks. the term "street politics" which is receiving and giving information straight to the person on the Another issue which should be brought to the street. This, to me, is the most important and attention of the student body is the current effective chain of immediate communication, and policy changes in academic probation and there must be people who represent you to relay dismissals and minimum grade average in the the information. Without this, a small campus can major field for graduation. There are policy be riddled with destructive rumors, which cause changes in the 1975/76 College Catalog (see page either damage to an issue or over-reaction on 39) in the area of academic probation and behalf of the people misinformed. dismissal. In addition, up before the Academic I feel like I am pontificating, and this is the last Standards Committee is a policy concerning the thing I want to do. My primary reason for writing requirement of a minimum of a 9.0 or "B" average this is just to express to you, the Student Body, in your major field in order to graduate. Whereas that the people you put into office do represent I feel these changes are not necessarily unfair, you, they can

Taylor affirms the Greek system. He is the Inter-Fraternity Council President. I couldn't RGQQQI1 (continued from page 1) expect him to say anything derogatory. Further­ more, he asserted that Freshmen and transfers the states" in the areas of education, housing and need some method whereby they are initiated welfare. Furthermore, by stabilizing the market and introduced to Rollins and its social milieu. A place through these Federal budget cuts, Big Brother. A Big Sister. A Tour Guide. A unemployment will consequently drop; "...the Governess...The freshman must be ushered into tolls of unemployment all stem from a single the social life at Rollins. According to Mr. Taylor source: the belief that government, particularly one of the Greek Group's purposes is to help the the Federal Government, has the answer to our inexperienced find a foothold, but here are other ills." Greek effects. Many of the students at this school Mr. Reagan opposes abortion and the legaliza­ need some group identification, something con­ tion of marijuana. Forced busing is unnecessary - crete to associate one's existence with. As in the "It is insulting and demeaning to infer that a rest of the world today one finds comfort in black child can only get an education by sitting escape from the standardizing world; participat­ between two white students." National health ing in a group and thereby being able to say "I insurance, he feels, is a fallacy-ridden solution to belong." Affiliation with some limited-member a problem caused by "Government intervening in group provides self-esteem and self-awareness, the health scene." The Equal Rights Amendment but there are also those who neither need nor could eventuallv deny women the rights they want a fraternity or sorority. have now ("I think that it opens a Pandora's box. Randy came to Rollins with the pre-med I would prefer to solve things by statute."). plague. This was premeditated in his high school, Governor Reagan opposes gun control, but but he'd also had a lot of experience with advocates more austere punishment for crim electronics. "I was always fiddling around with involving firearms. electronic devices," he explained. On his second In the areas of detente and defense spending, Governor Reagan fervidly contends, "There can by: ALHULMt day at Rollins he walked into the WPRK office and hasn't come out yet. Doc Rogers was there, not be a peaceful world or a guarantee of our Drawing by STEPHEN WERK but the great staff that services the station now continued existence as a free people unless we Rockin' Randy Rollins reveals a rabid review was not; so Randy was accepted with open-armed start now to build whatever "is necessary to for you every Sunday night. Confused by the encouragement. Since that day he has grown fat insure that we will never be second to anyone in babbling alliteration? Forget it, just listen and with radio-vocal talent. His eloquent way of the ability to defend ourselves... It must not be enjoy. It's Randy's sound that pleases, his words regurgitating music lingo has become a Rollins compromised by some cosmetic consession by the are just pieces of mind, his mind coming at you characteristic. Soviets..." Detente with Cuba and China will like military commands - or dirty fraternity Randy Taylor has contributed much to Rollins. depend on "internal developments" in both songs. That's right, he's full of words. But he does Consequently he was listed on the Who's Who in countries and forthright recognition of policies slow them down. I got a chance to interview him American Colleges in the fall. He's WPRK's Big and mutual cooperation thereof. at a docile hour in his room at the Sig Ep house. I Daddy. He's the Inter-Fraternity President. And The "simple facts" have been stated and "plain even got a chance to confuse him with words, but above all, he's a jovial extrovert, expressing arguments" set forth by Ronald Reagan. The unwittingly and it made things a little awkward - amusing intimacies throughout Rollins College - race is on. interviews are delicate, you know. particually in the Sig Ep house where the Little As in 1776, our country is beset with grave Unlike Richard Spencer of last week's fame, Sisters dwell, giving him his spirit. concerns. We, as college students, will carve the Randy Taylor placed Rollins as his first choice Randy would like to continue to one of the destiny of our country. It is essential, therefore, when it came to applying to colleges. He wanted better post-graduate institutes for Broadcast that each of us becomes aware of the issues at Rollins specifically for its uninhibited living Management. He's gotten a few connections via hand and the various candidates' views in this conditions. "Buck" liked the idea that one could WPRK with local T.V. networks which he may Presidential election year. Each eligible voter walk around campus in bare feet and leave one's take advantage of for either short or long term must make it his responsibility to cast his ballot at the appropriate time and place. After all, the dorm without any garment alterations. He employment. Luckily for Randy his future could 70's and 80's will be the dawning of our age of agreed with me that Rollins induces a unique and very well fall into place with grace, and his great rule. We will be responsible for the maintenance lasting cultural awareness to its students, and he affection for broadcasting and affinity for a good of what was born 200 years ago. thinks that this is good. line will be the catylist. The words of Thomas Paine again become appropriate: "This is not the concern of a day, a year, or an age; posterity are virtualLy involved in the contest, and will be more or less affected to Student Association Candidates the end of time, by the proceedings now." (continued from page 1) L NANCY HUBSMITH college governmental bodies, and I realize that -It will be necessary for each representative to ie structure of our government can provide us have been present at the meeting at which a CINDY PATTERSON (continued from page 1) vith endless opportunities for dynamic change. specific issue was discussed before he will be y foremost goal as President of the Student permitted to vote on it. Association would be to make the Student -Each representative will be held responsible expressed and exchanged. Furthermore, it can Assembly more intimately involved with the for the students whom they represent by be effective in molding student concerns into esponsibility to the students themselves. reporting back to them after every meeting. concrete policy proposals. Although the Student Assembly has improved -There will be a Student Government column the quality of student life during the past three In this regard it is the function of the Student in the Sandspur to inform all students about what Association President to provide the kind of years, I do not believe that it has been a truly is happening in the different governmental representative organization. When, in the recent leadership which will facilitate the realization of a organizations on campus. these stated basic organizational goals. This is P st, has your representative inquired about -The Student Association budget must be the kind and quality of leadership I believe I can what YOU would like to see occur at Rollins designed so that every allocation is justifiable, in honestly pledge. It would be unrealistic and Allege? Are you even aware of who does the sense that a majority of the student body will deceitful for any candidate for this office to represent you in the Student Assembly? benefit and not just a small elite group. promise this campus a specific list of objectives Do you realize that a representative may vote -All campus rules and policies must be opened or policies he or she would see obtained. What I on allocation of funds for a specific purpose even to criticisms and suggestions for change by the can genuinely promise, however, is a presidency f he missed the discussion concerning what the students, so that the Student Assembly becomes which will be service oriented. One which will money would be used for? Are you being fairly a means for all students to have a voice in strive to be responsive to the needs and desires represented by a person who only periodically governing the College. of the entire student body. Mends meetings? Are you aware of the -The need for more student involvement could "nportance of the function of the Student be accomplished through the sponsorship of an There is one specific issue I will address mvself ssembly? The Student Assembly has control of annual campus-wide event by the Student to: the "housing issue." In the past three years no n issue has had a more divisive or destructive °re than $70,000.00 of your money. It is Assembly, possibly a Basketball Homecoming effect on this campus, mainly because this issue esponsible for making decisions about where during the Winter Term. has been diluted in an atmosphere of ethical wur money goes. So, if you are uninformed about I have only touched on a few of the problems Wfto spends it and on what, it can only be said abstractions. This problem can only be resolved that affect us as students of Rollins College. I by placing it into a more realistic and objective t $70,000.00 of your money has been wasted. realize that there are many more problems to be As Student Association President, I would like scope. I believe we must begin, not as "Greeks" } solved and questions to be answered, and I want and "Independents", but rather as equal mem­ see an informed student body with a Student to get involved and do something about them, Assembly which does it's job effectively every- bers of the common Rollins community to work and I am asking you, the students to let me know together to divise a solution to this problem ay, not just on Thursday nights. I also recognize how I can help. I hope that you will give me the e need to make certain that every student is which will be beneficial to the entire community. opportunity to put these ideas into action by I am advocating egalitarian housing, viz., equal formed about what actions the Assembly takes. giving me your vote for Student Association ;°w do I propose to make these changes come rights to housing preferences for all students. President. about? Page 4

Diver's Guide to a soon to be completed term as President of The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Bicentennial Spirit These different activities have given me an opportunity to develop my skills in research, and /During a telephone interview with Mr. Grant Bicentennial displays. Also found here will be Parliamentary Procedure, while providing me Hunt, Winter Park's Bicentennial Coordinator, I tanks and trucks belonging to the different with experience in presenting the views of others found out that Winter Park is quite a bit more branches of the service. as accurately and as fairly as possible. I would involved with the Bicentennial Spirit than I had The big July 4 celebration will be held at the like very much to be able to continue my work in ever imagined. Lake Baldwin Park. There will be a picnic, these areas as a member of the Sentate. Winter Park started off the Bicentennial games, and fireworks (which the Navy is Thank you very much. Celebrations last Spring when on April 15, 1975 spending $10,000 on) making it an all around WILL GRAVES the famous ride of Paul Revere was recreated on family day. the Rollins campus. The ride started out at the The final event on the schedule is the Winter For the past three years, I have been involved Field House while 500 members from the Orange Park Founders Day Celebration on October 16 in student government here at Rollins. During County Choral Group gave a concert. and 17, 1976, featuring Rollins students involved this period the Rollins community has been On June 7-12 the Bicentennial Travelling in the drama presentations. guided along a steady line of improvement. In Exhibit, consisting of a few trailers, parked at On the smaller scale, the committee has had running for re-election to the Senate. I am in no the Winter Park Mall. The theme surrounding the fire hydrants and city vehicles painted red, position to make fool-hardy promises. But I can this exhibit was "America - Past, Present, white & blue and is flying historical flags on Park assure you, the Student Body, I will give my best Future." Ave. There are many garden and flower shows to the position and do everything in my power to On July 1, 1975 the Lake Baldwin Bicentennial going on weekly, and tours are being given represent the opinion of the students at Rollins. I Park was officially opened. This is located near through the historical homes of Winter Park. strongly urge you to vote and support your the corner of the Navy base. At the park you find Located on the Rollins College campus is the student government on March 9 and 10. sandy beaches, recreation houses, picnic tables, most famous site of Winter Park - The Parsonage Sincerely, pavillions, and nice water to swim in. of Congregational Church. This building has EPHRAIM W. HELTON October 12 was the Annual Autumn Arts stood since 1881 and has been allowed to Festival, and December 6 the Christmas Parade deteriorate. marched up Park Avenue. Freedom Week, Get into the Spirit of 76. February 8-15 was set off with a rally at Sir The Winter Park Bicentennial Committee is SENATE Walter Field with Presidential Candidate Ronald looking for volunteers from the Rollins Com­ Reagan present to lead the rally. Performances munity to help gather the memories of Winter I have spent the last two years on the Student were done in all of the local schools to celebrate Park residents. Many of the residents remember Assembly and the C.A.C. In those two years I Freedom Week. when Rollins was begun and many other have dealt with student, faculty and administra­ The next big event on the schedule is the historical foundings. These volunteers will have tion problems. I would like to bring this Armed Forces Day Celebration, May 15-16. tape recorders and questions to ask; so will only knowledge and experience to the Senate. There will be a parade' down Park Ave. with need to give up a bit of their time. If you are many floats and bands. The parade will end at interested please contact Mr. Grant Hunt at TINA HOWARD Central Park where there will be many 644-0692. I am running for a seat in the college senate because I would like to bring to attention the desires of my fellow students. There is much that Candidates' Platforms Expressed can be done to improve the life of the students.

ED KELLY I really wanted to run for President, but I'm fraternity. I was also active in numerous not good-looking enough to beat you-know-who, community and high school government and so I'm just running for the College Activities service organizations. Committee and Senate. Seriously, it has been a Again, I ask you to please lend me your rewarding experience this year on CAC, and I support. I won't let you down. My name is Federico Ruiz and I am running for would like to continue in that capacity. And even GRAIG DITTRICH the College Senate and the Standing Committee though most legislation from the committees on Academic Standards. Being a sophomore, a ends up in the Senate, its importance is often Being a concerned student I would like to be member of the Lambda fraternity, a member of underestimated. I strongly support the move­ elected to the Senate and make a lasting the Spanish-American club, and having played on ment toward reform of our housing policies, and contribution to Rollins. I will work to improve the soccer team here at Rollins, I realize that feel that the success of the houses this year is communication and relations between students student involvement is an important factor here at the college. Students should take an active role indicative N of the strength of "alternative and campus security - for the benefit of both housing". My involvement includes the Housing groups. I would like to see more interaction in the policy and regulations that effect them. Review Board, Resident Aide in Holt, Student between Winter Park residents and Rollins One of the most important changes that should Assembly, and the CAC Student Life and students because I think each has a lot to offer be made here at Rollins is for there to be a Government subcommittee. I would appreciate the other. I will be an active contributing supplementary section added to the R-Book on your vote, and any input throughout the year. member of the Senate, responsive to student the academic policies. This would help to inform RICHARD A. ATWOOD JR. ideas, and work to make Rollins a better the students of the proper procedures and outline institution for educational and social activities. the policies to which the college adheres. The College Senate is an important entity on Sandspur: Students should be made more aware of these our campus. The issues and their subsequent Thank you for the opportunity to express my policies. decisions affect the entire student body. As the views to the students prior to the election. I have a sincere interest to represent the needs of society change so do the needs of the JOHN F. DURKEE JR. student body on the College Senate and the student. The ability to maintain a tight yet Committee on Academic Standards. Student progressive educational philosophy is vital to our As a member of the College Senate and the representation is very important. I would purpose as an institution of higher learning. The Academic Standards Committee, I would try to appreciate your vote on March 9 and 10 to Senate is just one of the instruments of the maintain a balance in my mind between meeting represent you. students which helps mold the direction of school student interests and maintaining a highquality FEDERICO RUIZ policy in areas such as academic standards, college community when dealing with issues that academic^objectives and standards of ethics. As a arise. I would especially like to see a policy on member oiHhe Student Assembly for the past academic dishonesty that would place more It is my desire to become a working part of the A.wo years, I have come in contact with many of responsibility on students while maintaining high school mechanism rather than viewing it from the same issues and considerations facing the academic standards. the outside in. As a member of the Sentate, the senate. Student senators are agents of the COLLEEN P. GILRANE singularly most important legislative body, I will •tudent body. The responsibility of an agent is to make a sincere attempt to reflect the student his principal (the student). Keeping this in mind I If given the opportunity, I feel that I would be opinion. In addition, if elected to the College ask for your vote on March 9 & 10. Thank you. able to make some positive contributions to the Activities Committee, my efforts will be directed WILLIAM BREDA JR. improvement of the Rollins community, as a towards further exercising those opinions. College Senate represenative and a member of I am asking for your vote to help elect me to the College Activities Committee. JOHN SHUBERT the College Senate because I feel I have the Thank you capabilities, qualities, and experience necessary LUTHER P. GRAHAM I am running for a position on the College to serve you to your maximum benefit. If elected, Activities Committee for this coming next year; I I pledge to use this office to the fullest in My name is Will Graves, and I am running for a feel that with your support, I can be of some improving the Rollins experience; placing special position on the Senate for the coming year. My beneficial use to the college community as a emphasis on the social atmosphere. I am also sincere interest in the Rollins Student Govern­ whole. I have been a student here at Rollins for seeking a position on the Professional Standards ment may be traced back to my freshman year almost three years now and have knowledge of and Ethics Committee. when I was a member of the House Council and a what runs and affects this campus. With your During my last two years at Rollins, I have candidate for the Student Association Vice- consideration, I hope to contribute to making been a member of the Student Assembly, Presidency. Since that time I have gained Rollins a better environment in which to work founded and served as vice-president/treasurer valuable experience in a variety of jobs and and live. of the Chess Club, and maintained the post of extra-curricular activities ranging from a Re­ WARD SIMONTON House Manager for the Phi Delta Theta search Associate position with The International What's New in the News... Page 5 Over Here - Over There

by: ROBIN SHURTZ The House Intelligence Committee approved Loyalist ^troops in Nigeria rebuffed a coup president Ford vetoed a $6.2 billion public- recommendations for tightening congressional attempt by junior officers calling themselves works bill that supporters said would create control over U.S. intelligence operations. The "young revolutionaries." Heavy fighting was pre than 600,000 jobs. The President called the committee urged that the House establish a reported in Lagos, the Nigerian capital. bill "an election year pork barrel," and said that it permanent committee to oversee intelligence The Federal Trade Commission accused the would create only about 250,000 more jobs. activities. nation's three largest auto makers of cheating Ford sent Congress proposals to increase The Central Intelligence Agency said it will buyers whose cars they repossessed. The FTC Social Security taxes and to provide Medicare remove from its payroll all American journalists said that General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, in recipients with insurance against "catastrophic" working full time or part time with U.S. news reselling some cars for more than the amount that defaulting owners owed on them, pocketing illness. Under Ford's proposals, /the Social organizations. The CIA said it will not divulge the sale profit instead of returning the surplus to Security tax rate would be increased to 6.15 per the name of any journalist who co-operated with the owners. cent from 5,85 per cent, and Medicare patients the agency. The American Medical Association criticised a would be required to pay a larger share of doctor President Ford signed a $112.3 billion defense- congressional report on unnecessary surgery as and hospital bills than they do now, but, limits appropriations bill that bars covert aid to Angola. "a monumental deceit on the American public." would be set on their yearly payments for health Ford said that he was "deeply disappointed" that The AMA cited as "unscientific" and "invalid" a costs. Congress had voted to halt aid to Western- supported factions in Angola. House subcommittee report finding that Ameri­ In related news, the House of Representatives can doctors performed about 2.4 million un­ passed a bill creating 280,000 public-service jobs Soviet-supported forces in Angola captured the capital and several major cities controlled by necessary operations in 1974, causing 11,900 and continuing such jobs for 320,000 other needless deaths. persons. The White House said President Ford Western-supported factions reportedly aban­ doned further conventional warfare and planned Marijuana is less dangerous to a user's health probably would veto the $6 billion authorization than are cigarettes or alcohol, according to Dr. "11. to adopt guerrilla tactics. Hua Kuo-feng, Communist China's public- Robert DuPont, director of the National Institute President Ford offered House Speaker Carl on Drug Abuse. The institute, in its fifth annual Albert "all services and resources" of the security minister, was named acting premier to succeed the late Chou En-lai. U. S. officials said report to Congress on marijuana said the drug executive branch to investigate a leek of cannot yet be given a "clean bill of health." legments of the House Intelligence Committee's they were surprised by the appointment; they had expected Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping to report. The weekly Village Voice, a New York succeed Chou. newspaper, published what it said was a partial ; of the committee's report, which the House refused to make oublic. STUDENT CENTER STUDENT ELECTIONS

Student Center Elections will be held Satur­ Casino Night, one of the activities scheduled to day, March 20. Anyone interested in becoming highlight Parent's Weekend, is being sponsored involved in helping to determine the social by the Student Center and will be held in the atmosphere of Rollins next year should submit Fieldhouse. Saturday, March 13. Parents pay their name to Marie Brown in the Student $7.50 and students pay $4.00 for all the food and Association office (ext. 2186) by Monday, March beer they can consume, plus receiving $100 in 15. Positions are open for President, Comptroller play-money with which they can play blackjack, and people to co-ordinate dances, films, lectures roulette and engage in other forms of gambling. and special activities. Look for some changes in the upstairs of the Student Union! Games and sports equipment will be made available to all students through a loan policy. The Student Center's purpose is to make life at Rollins more enjoyable and profitable for you. Come to the Student Center meetings on tiWJUKft Tuesdays at 4 p.m. in the office on the first floor Bill Breda of the Student Union and air your views.

A survey to determine student interests was HINGS TO DO distributed to all students Friday, March 5. The Student Center would appreciate your taking the WHEN YOU VISIT time to fill out and return it since the object of the survey is to aid next year's Student Center in MEXICO. determining what sort of activities Rollins students prefer to see on campus. The Student Look at the sky. Center spends our money and would like to do so Go into an elevator and press 3. in a manner pleasing to the greatest number of Have lunch. students, and your completion of this survey is one way to help determine where and how this Ride in a taxicab or bus. money is spent. Ask a person for directions to the nearest The Student Center social calendar for early Post office. March is packed with exciting events including a Have breakfast. concert by Livingston Taylor, movies, lectures Walk on the sidewalk. and Parents' Weekend. Chuckle. Livingston Taylor preceeded by Vernon Hall tfave a shot of Jose Cuervo. will perform in the Rollins College Fieldhouse Oliver a lecture to the Mexican Sunday, March 7 at 8 p.m. in a free concert sponsored in a joint effort by the Student Rational Assembly on the Centers of Rollins and F.T.U. torical significance and potential Peter Sharp peacetime uses of the nectarine, l$seen through the eyes of Keats. Anyone interested in spending their summer overseas should look into the program to be Rollins which offers round-trip air fare from New York to Zurich, Switzerland for a mere $450. The cost of the excursion includes up to 14 weeks free lodging at a camp ground in Lauterbrunnen and free guided hiking tours in the Swiss Alps. Application forms and flight schedules will be distributed at a Meeting Tuesday, March 9 at 6 p.m. in the Student Center Office. If you are interested in the program, attendance at this meeting is mandatory. rpr>»Km JOSE CUERVO* TEQUILA 80 PROOF. AND BOTTLED BY £ 1975. HEUBLEIN. INC.. H ARTFORD. CONN. DR. SER MEETS BOZ

When Dr. Ser attended the various libraries by: ROBIN SHURTZ footnotes the rest. Often, the variants number upwards of six and seven, and Dr. Ser footnotes and museums in England, the procedure for entry was quite different from the States. A If sometime you should wonder, "Whatever them all. The purpose of the general trip itself was to visitor must write formal applications, get happened to whatsizname, I wanted to take an recommendations, and cards for admittance. Ser easy distribution course from him this term," the get access to rare manuscripts of Dickens, and to visited the Reading Room and Student's Room of answer may be that he has taken a Leave of examine copies of the original editions of the the British Museum, as well as a sojourn to the Absence. As the faculty handbook describes it, it periodicals - like Bentley's - that he wrote for firm of Bentley and Sons for a look at Dicken's is an "enrichment program for professional publication. He also conferred with his general original manuscripts. Often the procedures were development." The program is open to tenured editor and publisher as to the continuity of the even more difficult; for the Victoria and Albert professors who have been at Rollins for at least series, and the guidelines that he had to work Museum, not only did Dr. Ser need a special card, five years, and who hold the rank of Assistant within. Another of his chores within the title of but the card had to be specially endorsed by the Professor and above. The leave shall be granted editor is the writing of the various introductions, during either the fall and winter terms, or during appendices, and notes on illustrations, if curator of the museum before he could view the the winter and spring terms. Faculty members applicable. manuscripts. Another of the more famous places receive full salary during the leave period and Dr. Ser spent his evenings, as any good tourist he visited was the Bodlian Library at Oxford, receive priority consideration for grants from the would do, visiting London and its environs, where the bulk of the work was completed. Faculty Research Fund. This is not to mean that catching up on the newest films, both foreign and If you are a "Dickensian" as Dr. Cary Ser this is a period of time for the profs to prop up domestic. As the foremost authority of films on professes to be, and are waiting with bated their feet and relax; it is, indeed, an enrichment campus (a few contenders come immediately to breath for his definitive edition of the early period for the faculty members to work outside of mind), Dr. Ser feels that the films he saw will add works of Boz, you better relax. The publication the classroom on a specific project related to to his expertise In the genre, and in the long run, date is set at 1978, and you may find the cost their field. will help him in general class discussion. Some of prohibitive. In fact, the price will be so high that his more memorable evenings were his attending only college and university libraries will have copies. Because of its limited interest, Dr. Ser This is exactly what happened to Dr. Cary Ser, a oneman show given by Ron Moody (he played will most probably receive little or no financial English Department Head, during winter and fall Fagin in the movie Oliver!), and watching a film renumeration for his efforts. "Even with the help terms of this school year. The program is a of dubious merits called Blow-Out, dealing with a of the ALC on campus," says Ser, "the entire relatively new one, instituted within the last two group of people who eat themselves to project will cost me, personally, about $ years, and for Dr. Ser, it was a profitable wonders if perhaps the varieties of human is a labor of love, and done for the-gratification of experience, in more ways than one. The primary experience have been exhausted for use in the purpose of his leave of absence was a trip to cinema. a Dickensian." England with more than a vacation in mind. Dr. Ser has been contracted to write and edit a volume entitled Sketch by Boz for the Oxford Student Association Candidates University Press, as part of the series The Clarendon Dickens. The series is Oxford's LEW LERMAN (continued from page 1) attempt to establish the definitive reading texts I plan to open the question of 24-hour visitation increase in the faculty-student ratio in the of the works of Charles Dickens. Boz, as the and co-ed housing. I feel that if the\tudent body classroom, especially in Economics; 2) the in­ astute student will remember (go back to your strongly favors these issues, then the admini­ fringement on the student's right to privacy that foundation courses, kiddees!), was the stration should provide them as options. the teacher evaluations create; and 3) the in­ pseudonym used by Dickens during his early Aside from the social concerns, 1 also want to fringement on the student's right to privacy that days as both parliamentary stenographer and accomplish goals in the academic Segment of the is created by security guidelines for entering general observer in and around London in the college. I intend to recommend to the 4 college rooms, specifically in denying the student the 19th Century. Dr. Ser will be responsible not committees issues that I believe are relevant and right to be read his constitutional rights. I feel only for Dickens' Sketches By Boz, but also that should be discussed, and I will work closely that this forum is needed so that students can Sketches of Young Gentlemen, Sketches of with each committee to bring about improve­ have a positive input in their government and so Young Couples, and his completed contributions ments. My main concern is with academic there can be a greater system of communication to Bentley's Miscellany - a popular periodical of dishonesty, which I believe is the most serious at Rollins. the day - with the exception of Oliver Twist, academic problem at Rollins. In closing, let me urge you to vote in the which Dickens wrote first under his nom de If I become President, I plan to re-institute the election on March 9th and 10th, no matter whom plume of Boz. Another of Dr. Ser's tasks is the college forum, where the whole student body can you vote for. All the candidates are good, and selection of the variant forms of Dickens's come together, twice monthly, in a social manuscripts; those being the changes and whoever becomes President deserves and wants atmosphere, to discuss relevant social and your support. general corrections that "Boz" made before and academic problems with faculty, administration after publication. Dr. Ser chooses the best and amongst themselves. This forum could GEORGE E. WESTWOOD(continued from page 1) "variant," for inclusion in the main text, and examine such college problems as: 1) the 1 would also propose a faculty review board be initiated consisting soley of students. This board would represent the student opinion on tenure and termination of faculty members. Being a judge on Student Court the past two years, I have seen a great deal of improvement in BECOME A this branch of government. However, the court has much work yet ahead of it. First, the Student Bill of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct is very foggy and somewhat paradoxical at parts. Since it is the court which works with the R-book more than any other group on campus, I believe it is this groups responsibility to completely review the R-book and implement the necessary changes (with the review and approval of the Assembly). Second, the court must work out the various legal complications in the open court proposal. It is my opinion that it is a students right to request an open court if he so desires. Third, the court must review the reasons and procedures for the appeal of cases. This again is a very foggy area which needs to be made clear. With regards to the Student Center, one of the complaints I frequently heard was that the Board MARCHING S • C i E T i of Directors was a small family unit whose election of new officers was not objective but predetermined. I helped correct this by pro­ posing five amendments to their constitution and by-laws in the Assembly this year, all of which Wednesday Men's Night were passed. Also, the Student Center was allocated $30,600 this year out of total budget allocations of $86,450, or just over 35% of the allocated funds. Before their budget is accepted $.05 Beer for next year, I would want a thorough review of where their funds went this year and what the returns to the student body were (how many ComeOne events were held, attendance at events, etc). (continued on page % Student Association Candidates

In addition to the Assembly, I would recom- TIM RYAN (continued from page 1) This student input is essential to decrease the nd the formation of an executive council listing of the president, vice-president, and the powers, activities, and decisions of the monopolistic power of the faculty and trustees; to easurer of the Student Association, the Student Government are. I propose "unification increase the possibilities of 24 hour visitation, hairperson of Student Court, the president and through communication." This essential com­ and to examine the tenure system that Rollins t easurer of the Student Center, the president of munication can be accomplished via the Sandspur has adopted. In short, student input is directly the BSU, the presidents of IFC and Panhell, and and/or summary newsletters distributed to related to reform and both are dependent or the editor of the "Sandspur". This would be a mailboxes. These newsletters would provide directly related to communications. (rreat asset for the co-ordination of activities on knowledge of past and future activities. These To decrease the apathy that exists in relation campus. letters would be an invitation for student input. to the outside world, I propose another form of communications. I feel that the Rollins Com­ I have had experience in each branch of Without communications between the two bodies, no efficient reform can take place. munity has a need for more intellectual guest student government at Rollins. I hope you will let speakers. I believe that these programs tend to me put my experience to work for you with your Communications will decrease apathy, and those progressive individuals who do have an idea or promote a more realistic experience that is vote. However, no matter who your favorite essential in a Liberal Arts education. Again candidate is, please vote. Let's Get Involved!! grievance, will have an avenue to follow. For example, there has always existed controversy communications is essential because the Student on the allocation of the student budget. Some Center needs to know who and what you want!! WM. BREDA JR, FOR VICE-PRESIDENT students want more concerts, other individuals At this time I see housing as the most desire more cultural programs. How does the controversial issue that concerns members of the The concept of student government at Rollins Student Government know what the students Rollins Community. I plan to devote my time to is self-government. A responsible Student want? They can decipher through a process the solution that will be most equitable to all Assembly makes this more than just a concept. known as student input. Student Input can not students. The problems facing students at Rollins will be exist without the communication of a message to resolved only if we, the students, challenge them. the student; therefore, the unification of the Communications is essential to alleviate the As real as the issues, is the need to explore the student body with the Student Government is discriminatory social structure that exists here in underlying sources of our dissatisfaction. essential. the Rollins Community. I believe more com­ The present appointment procedure for Stu­ munity sponsored activities are needed to dent Court judges should be a major concern to promote desegregation in the Greek and Inde­ all students. Individuals are now nominated and BRIAN S. MOORE FOR VICE-PRESIDENT pendent System. Again this depends on student appointed by a committee within the student input. government. Court decisions ultimately affect As Vice President of your Student Association, I have not had much experience in the Student students in areas such as social probation and in I will be able to offer you a responsible and Goverment here at Rollins; however, I believe an some instances even dismissal from school. determined candidate, dedicated to a closer unprejudicial attitude in objective viewing is Clearly then, the entire student body should be relationship between the Student Body and essential for progressive reform. I am not going aware of the general ideologies of a perspective Student Government. This lack of communication to make any radical unfulfillable promises, and judge. For these reasons I feel that judgeships which now exists, must be corrected. The historically, change doesn't occur overnight; should be filled via general elections. Student Association controls a great deal of however, progressive creativity and patience will money through student fees, which the students prevail in my encounters with the communica­ As a member of the Student Assembly for the should know what their money is being allocated tions gap, housing, visitation, trustee and faculty past two years, I have observed some of the for and what this money is accomplishing. power, and any other problem that presents shortcomings within our present system. One of itself to me! the basic problems is apathy among student The primary duties of the Vice President of the representatives. Although a somewhat vague Student Association are to assist the President in term, by apathy I mean the failure to adhere to his or her job and to serve as a member and an PETER A. SHARP FOR VICE-PRESIDENT principled responsibility. Attendance at meet­ advisor to the Standing and AdHoc committees. ings has been below par. Partly to blame is that Additional duties include sitting on the Board of The student association is a vital and necessary elections for assembly representatives have not Trustees meetings and helping to select the means of communication and action within the been conducted in a proper manner. For Student Center and Student Court chairpersons. student body. It is through this body that example, there have been students elected to the There have been major advancements in the students can participate and voice their opinions assembly who were not even aware of their Rollins Community ove the past two years. New on school policies, activities and regulations. At candidacy until long after they were elected. living situations, such as the possibility of living times, a feeling of apathy tends to engulf the in a politically oriented, fine arts,\and/or coed student body, making administrative duties by The elections of assembly representatives dorm provide an incentive for other ideas that the student association somewhat difficult. This must be made more formal. I suggest that each increase the range of our educational opportuni­ lack of concern not only stimies the Student dormitory hold a special session, under the ties for student interaction. Unfortunately the Association, but, also creates a bad rapor supervision of the head resident of that dorm, to Greeks and non-Greeks both play a very between the faculty and the students. conduct the election of their appropriate repre­ important role in the Rollins community, which sentatives. Hopefully this would produce more could be greatly enhanced by mutual coopera­ As a concerned student, I recognize the responsible representatives. Strict enforcement tion. If elected I would push to have this importance of the student association and the of attendance regulations is also imperative in immediately referred to committee for study and many ways it can be valuable to the entire order that students not be deprived of repre­ answers to the problem. \ student body and college community on the sentation. In addition I believe the quorum whole. I feel that the position of vice-president is requirement should be changed from a majority In my three years at Rollins I have been a viable means in which to participate and enact °2/3, a move which would make voting a truer involved on campus in several capacities. In this the benefits which the student association is representation. past year I have served as a member of the capable of doing. Many important duties sur­ Academic Objectives Committee, member of the round the office of vice-president of the student Communication of the business and affairs of Financial Subcommittee, the Board of Directors association including membership on the stand­ the assembly has been lacking in the past. Many of the Student Center, an investigator for the ing committees, direct involvement with the students aren't even aware that meetings are Student Court, and a member of the Student student court, and most important the organiza­ open to all students. How many students realize Legislative Action Center. Through these activi­ tion and responsibility for the student association J amount of dollars appropriated by the ties I have worked with and observed the Rollins elections. student government? And to whom is this money student government, sometimes functioning well ven? In fact, the assembly allocates approxi­ and sometimes not so well. mately $85,000 to the various campus organiza- I feel the expectations and promises of this 1Q People ask me what I will do for the student ns. This figures to $70 per student. Students school rest with the students, but can only be body if elected to the office of vice-president. My Jould be informed as to where this $70 is spent, brought into student government by repre­ main concern is to honestly represent the herefore, the minutes of all assembly meetings sentatives responsive to the Student Body. Give students, doing this with the aid of both the should be published in the Sandspur. me a chance to be your Vice President and I will students and faculty who hopefully will become strive to be responsive to the central pulse of more involved with the activities of their student Rollins College government. It is easy for one to complain of fhe campus bookstore is plainly a ripoff. Prices present conditions and policies at Rollins, but excessive, yet as students we are at the only through student involvement and action can The visitation guidelines now in effect are too y of the bookstore. There is no reason why the laws be changed. rigid. Coed housing has proved successful at bookstore should be run at a high profit ratio. . ProPose the formation of an adhoc committee to Rollins. The restrictions of our present visitation inve policy fail to reflect popular opinion. I propose As students, we are here at Rollins not only for stigate the present bookstore situation, the sake of education, but most important to mother student concern is tenure. While that each dorm determine their own visitation policy. learn how to cope with dilemmas that we may enure does allow for progressive teaching it also encounter in the future. No dilemma is at stake °ws for complacenty by teachers who become If you have any questions concerning my position on any issue, drop a note in Box 1283 or here, it is your responsibility as concerned secure. Rather than granting "standard" students to take the time and vote for the r call extention 2630. The election is March 9 and e, I suggest tenure be granted on a 10, please do vote. Thank you. candidate of your choice. strained basis. PageS /

is" I : performances were open to the public and Rollins students both. :' This annual performance sponsored since 1959 MIME PREVAILS OVER MATTER by Theta Alpha Phi consisted of six different acts from popular ballets. Included among them were D the famous "Swan Lake" Act II and "That's How il A very clever twist was given to the Garden of BY: DEBBIE BOGATIN It Was 200 Years Ago," the story of th* ?' Eden when the forbidden apple was sold with the Congressional proposal for the Declaration of 1 style of Monty Hall and a slithering serpent. The Annie Russell Theatre was the host of a Independence told through the combination of e Madison Avenue's hard-sell was concerned with celebration February 25th - The Celebration movement, costume, and song. "Variations From u the fate of man. Mime Theatre, that is. Day to Day" was the portrayal of the poem \i It was an evening: of frolicking fantasy The group's contribution to boys' summer "Monday's Child is Fair of Face." "Stop, Look and performed by talent-filled leotards. The group of camps was wonderful Camp Wahoo. The antics Listen" was an unusual piece consisting of the eight mimic manipulators comes out of South were identifiably funny like the mosquitos' screaming, hissing, and moaning of the dancers Paris, Maine. They are under the direction of attack, a defiant bedsheet, and an evening while they hopped and leaped across the stage in Tony Montanaro, who has brought more "life" to fireside tale. an attempt to communicate with the audience mime since Marcel Marceau. He has added sound. Seeing the Celebration Mime Theatre was a and illicit a reaction - an example of modern The troupe performs an unlimited array of memorable experience. The troupe's attention to dance creativity versus classical ballet. The interpretations from "The Legend of Tilliston detail and facial expressions were amazing. The "Double Das de Quatre" and "The Village" Twitchell,"a Maine farmer, to an adaptation of entire performance was two hours of delightful completed the presentation. design. Saki's short story, "The Lost Soul." Their "The Ballet Royal" is comprised of mostly high ingenuity of making a human ball bounce, a fire school age students who attend regular ballet out of wriggling toes, and a Sears catalogue Ballet Royal school classes in addition to their company tractor work is overwhelming. classes. They perform year-round for schools, The opening "American Collage" is a patch­ civic organizations, and festivals in a serious work of modern American life executed in fast Performs effort to develop their skills and gain exposure in paced pano(mime)vision. Never before has the performing outside of their own school. sport of wrestling been captured in less than two on Campus The performances at Rollins were well minutes or the most intricate operation been a by: barb weiss attended though the night I attended hardly a failure so quickly. The sketch contains every­ Rollins student was present. Though the per­ thing from subways to a roller coaster, a football Though gyrating to the hustle and the bump formances were slightly less than professional, lineup to a lesson in singing "America." seems to be the current dance craze, one of the time and continual practice and performances oldest forms of dance, ballet, is still alive and such as these will produce many fine performers, I'm sure. e kicking. (?) This past weekend "The Ballet m Royal," the ballet company of the Royal School of I enjoyed the "evening of ballet" It was a nice 1 Dance in Orlando, performed "An Evening of change from Nickel's Alley's contortions. Be­ IV Charity Benefits Ballet" in our Annie Russell Theatre. The sides, we can all use a little Cult-cha! D from Kidnapping It takes the best

On Monda^, February 9, the Lambda Fra­ I r to challenge ternity S*: ed it's 4th annual Indian activity for the bem of local charity. The pledges, well made up i.o Indians of different tribes, were sent all the rest. out in roving bands in pursuit of the six sorority presidents. Once captured and de­

livered to the house, the presidents were held for :i ransom. The sororities were informed of the kidnapings and were instructed to drop off one can of food for each sorority member in exchange for the safe release of their presidents. All sororities quickly responded, and by the end of the ordeal, the Indians had collected 350 cans of food. As in the past, the food was given to St. It Margaret Mary's Church which distributed it to 0! the needy in the area. The Lambdas and St. n Margaret Mary's extend their thanks to the sororities and their presidents in aiding us in this most worthwhile and enjoyable event. 'I Also, the Lambdas held their 2nd annual campus'

wide car wash for the benefit of the Chapel Fund. it This event took place Saturday, February 21 at u the Fieldhouse parking lot. Many' students, n faculty, and local residents stopped by and a donated $1.00 to have their cars scrubbed. By the c end of the afternoon, the Lambda's collected approximately $50 for the Chapel. We would like to thank all those who helped the Lambdas help

the Chapel. l!

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Student Election Potential MARCH 4th Central Florida Fair, Exposition Park thru is a second semester junior, I feel as though I March 6 extremely well qualified to represent you on Our school needs people who care, to bring the desires of the students to attention. The College 10 a.m. Fla. Citrus open Golf Tournament, College Senate. My involvements here at Activities Committee is an excellent vehicle to do Rio Pinar Country Club, thru March 7 lins to date have given me the experience so It able to serve on the committee, I will 2 p.m. Tennis vs. Furman Univ. at Rollins r to be sensitive to a wide range of attempt to voice the student opinion, by first 8 p.m. Gov. Reagan speaking at Field House 8 p.m. "Orlando Presents" Kodak Multi-Media Cents' Needs and Desires. These involve- asking questions and only then relating re­ lins jts include: Bicentennial Show "Profile '76", Municipal sponses to the committee on the diverse range of Aud., Orlando Qne of the founders of the Student inquiries brought to its attention. 959 ijslative Action Center (S.L.A.C). S.L.A.C. 8:30 p.m. Fred Stone Players, Bingham Hall, "Oh, icts RUSSELL RIZOR What A Lovely War." vides you with the means to redress local, 9 p.m. WPRK "The Mad Dog Radio Hour" with ere le and national political problems; the first Having previously been a member of the Howl and Bones tow anization of its type at Rollins. 10 p.m. WPRK. Ernie Valez the I am the co-founder of the first co-ed dorm Academic Objectives Committee and having held 10 p.m. Union Performer of to be approved in Rollins history; the various offices as a member of the Kappa Alpha 11 p.m. WPRK. George Sweitzer Theta Sorority, I think I could contribute very of Jjent Center for Social Concerns (S.C.S.C). om j S.C.S.C. resident and non-resident partici- much to the Senate. Having been involved in MARCH 5th these various activities has taught me the em pts alike, are provided the opportunity to 2& 4 p.m. Fla. State Soccer championships md Jement constructive social change. parliamentary procedure used at meetings. I 3:30 p.m. Baseball vs. U. of N. Carolina , would not have to be taught these procedures, so the Chairman of Special Projects on the Student 8 p.m. Film "Kelly's Heroes" Bush Aud. the Senate would be able to go into direct action srs iter. My accomplishments include bringing 9 p.m. WPRK. Carolyn Hancock if people like myself were members. Having been ^in Broadway production of "Grease" to Rollins, at Rollins for three years I am very aware of the ice iging a car exhibit to Rollins, and the MARCH 6th things that are going on around the campus. I am :rn bblishment of a Switzerland Camping Club. 10:30 a.m. Cafezinho Book Review Casa Iberia very interested in being able to be a part of this 'he sincerely believe that the combination of all 1:30 p.m. Baseball vs. U. of N. Carolina decision making body. My interest in law would |e" ese factors would make me a highly effective 2 p.m. Soccer Championships be an asset to being a member of the College presentative of yours on the College Senate. 2& 8 p.m. World Travelventure Film, Bush Aud. Senate. If interested people like myself were 8:30 p.m. Fred Stone Players, Bingham Hall gh JED STANDER chosen as members of the Senate. I think it could let "OH What a lovely War" n be a very worthwhile body on the Rollins campus 9 p.m. WPRK. Tom Cook y aving been on the College Activities Com- as I would be willing to take suggestions from 12 p.m. WPRK. Pat Roney Is, for one year speaking for my fellow people to the Senate and fight to see necessary us dents, I would like to continue to voice my changes. Thank you for your support. MARCH 7th lion and the opinions of my peers in order to 6 p.m. WPRK. Grover Gardner tablish a better student life for all. MARY HOVER 7 p.m. WPRK. Nancy Ausbon TYRONE STEPHENS 8 p.m. Concert - Field House - sponsored by After attending Rollins for three years and Student Center Assoc. king my last term on the Student Life and serving on the ASC for one, I have become aware 8 p.m. Music in the Chapel ernment Subcommittee I have shown much of the strong and weak points in the College's 8:30 p.m. WPRK. Scan ^rest in both new housing proposals and in Academic realm. By way of the ASC, I would 9 p.m. WPRK. Top 40 Takeoff with Rockin' ecial committees on activities involving help to maintain the standards now in effect, and Randy Rollins and Jumpin' John dents. I will continue to serve in the best of would work to improve those standards to any MARCH 8th ability for the betterment of student degree which would be accepted by and bene­ vernment and college life here on the Rollins ficial to the college community. 2 p.m. Tennis vs. U. of Maryland at Rollins mpus. 2 p.m. Baseball Exhibition-- DAVE EARHART Orlando TYRONE STEPHENS 4 p.m. Student Council Meeting - Rm. 213 Crummer or those interested, (and I doubt the 9 p.m. WPRK. Thane Maynard ssibility of there being a large number), I am to Libertarian News 10 p.m. WPRK. Susan Jenkins plain the desire to attain a position on the 12 p.m. WPRK. Tom Mazie ).C. and the Professional Standards and MARCH 9th lies committees. After reading the previous 2 p.m. Tennis vs. Fla. International U. at tides on the campaigns of President, Vice In open debate with MacBride, it would be Rollins esident, and on down to the inglorious immediately apparent that a chap like Ronald 3:30 p.m. Baseball vs. Columbia U., at Rollins flies", (myself included), whatever I had Reagan is really Jerry Ford dressed up in a 4 p.m. Women's Crew vs. U. of Alabama mned to relate would probably be of little cowboy suit." at Rollins terest and lack of prerequisites for inspiration, -Nicholas von Hoffman 8 p.m. Film "Stage Coach" Bush Aud. WPRK. Steve Howe ccordingly, I only submit my humble ambition Washington Post 9 p.m. r the designated positions, and would 10 p.m. WPRK. Paul Hartke Roger Lea MacBride, author, rancher, tele­ 11:30 p.m. WPRK. Jim Aebli ipreciate your support in the upcoming elec­ vision producer, and lawyer, and now "politician" ts. At any rate, have a good day! is the Libertarian candidate for the Presidency of MARCH 10th GEORGE A. SWEITZER the United States, in a nutshell, the Libertarians 3:30 p.m. Baseball vs. Columbia U. espouse a strict free market economy, full civil m running for the Rollins Senate because I 8 p.m. Alliance Francaise, Hauck Aud. liberties, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. WPRK' Simon Talbot 'extremely interested in stuclent government 9 p.m. Expecting to be on over 30 state ballots, 10:30 p.m. WPRK. Bo Russell d would like to become more involved and MacBride optimistically hopes for 10 V2 of the ier 12 p.m. WPRK. Jim Rice related to the government policies here on total vote come the major election. The following m pus. This position entails responsibilities that interview was held on a bright Saturday morning Sandspur: It is recognized that the libertarian m fully willing to undertake and will devote as MacBride closed his Florida campaigning, part party at its present infant stage is more of a ch time to. In an office such as Senate it is of his intensive nationwide tour, with a stop in learning program than a political program, but wrtant for the one elected to be there as a Orlando. His personnal red, white, and blue DC-3 nevertheless, how are the voters reacting to your tentative for the whole student body and touched ground at McCoy Airforce base to a message? just a select few. I feel I can represent modest gathering of curious news media and MacBride: very well indeed, at least if you can 5 in such a way as to eliminate the libertarians. The interview went as follows: judge by the rallies I have had or by the people 'plaints they have about the system and see Sandspur: As an uncommitted Presidential who call in on these call-in shows. Most of the l what they like will continue. This can only be Elector representing Virginia in the last election, people say they have never heard anything like °mplished, however, by working with the you abandoned the conservative camp by casting this ever and that "it sounds the way I've felt".. ^m and those in it, and not against it. your electoral vote for the Libertarian candidate, Altogether the reaction is a very exciting thing. a m also running for the Committee for John Hospers, rather than for Richard Nixon as Sandspur: There exists in the libertarian party >e Activities because the issues with which designated. (Final score: Nixon 521, McGovern today a split regarding the means to the end of a committee deals are important to me and can 17, Hospers 1) What turned you from conserva­ free society. Specifically, there are the Omental to students unless those on the tism to libertarianism in order to make this "Austrian" and "Chicago" economists who rest their case on utilitarian grounds and the Ayn tittee are there with benefiting the student move? Rand Objectavists who argue on the moral as a whole in mind. MacBride: I never really was a conservative, grounds of reason and free choice. Which means ins seems to be divided into groups of but I was made into a libertarian around 1946 e do you present to the voters? who really like it here, those who are when I met the late Rose Wilder McLane who ». and those who do not like Rollins. If MacBride: I am really issue oriented in this wrote that great libertarian book, The Discovery campaign, and I'm not trying to lay out the ^ I will capitalize on those things that of Freedom. But like many other libertarians, I r philosophical framework of libertarianism. I °ne likes and try to change those aspects was working within the Republican party trying na leave that to the S.I.L. (Society for Individual ke Rollins so unenjoyable to others. I will to nudge it into the right direction of libertarian­ 1 with the administration to express the Liberty) and other groups that are interested in ism When I cast that vote, that was my "swan exploring those things. I'm giving the principle of [ opinions and will always be there with song" to politics: My recognition that you can't do enefit of the majority foremost in mind. human freedom and applying it to foreign policy, it. Politicians are all alike and you can't nudge economic policy, and social policy. CINDY TALL ANT very far. Page 10

FINAL I-H SOCCER RESULTS 1976 W OVERALL Sports Profile: Boyd Coffie Lambda 7 9-0* was All-Conference 3 years straight and was the PDT 5 6-2-1 most valuable player in the conference as a KA 5 5-2-1 senior. He also received All-State honors in his TKE 3 3-5-0 2 Junior and Senior years. SPE Fresh 1 Upon graduating from Rollins, Boyd pursued a Indies 1 career in professional baseball with the N. Y. XClub 0 Yankees. He started in the Rookie League and moved up through the ranks to Class AAA of the PDT defeated K A in play-off match minor leagues where in 1961 his 3 year career as Lambda defeated TKE in play-off match a player was interrupted by his being recruited Lambda defeated PDT in Tournament Championship into the National Guard at Yonkers, N. Y. He Match then became stationed at Ft. Devins, Mass. where he played for the base team. In 1962 BABY FACES IDENTIFIED Rollins was in the market for a new head The Cheerleader - sponsored baby picture basketball coach and Boyd who had just contest came to an end with Dede David completed his tour of duty in the reserves and correctly identifying the Rollins Cagers. Dede who had just married was in the market for a job. recognized Bruce Howland's free-throw stance in So the two got together and before he knew it, picture #1, as well as Bobby "Blue Eyes" Boyd was back at his alma mater. Klusman's boyish grin. Tom Klusman's agile He assumed the role of head basketball coach hand clutching his stuffed animal in picture and led the Tars to 10 consecutive winning was unmistakeable, according to Dede, as was seasons ('62 - 72) before turning the team over to Brian Campbell's (#4) gentlemanly pose. "I Coach Jucker. During the 1969-70 season Coach Morris was a difficult one^ most agreed, (#5) but Coffie's team showed a 16-9 record which up to that innocent gaze gave away his identity, that time was the best record in Rollins' history. Congratulations, Dede, and thanks to all who He was also the assistant baseball coach under contributed! Coach Justice from 462'70. In 1971 he took the Keep an eye out in future Sandspurs for more helm of the Tars' nine, and in his first year as Cheerleader activities! head coach his team finished with a 19-19 record. However, since then the improvement has been Coach Boyd Coffie chats before Florida Southern immense. The next year the team sported a 26-20 game. season, followed by a 29-18 year, and last year by: JOE UVA they enjoyed a school record 32-17 season. Boyd Coffie came to Rollins College as a To complement his coaching career here at student in the Fall of 1955 from his hometown of Rollins he also managed professional baseball in Athens, Tennessee. He played four years of the N.Y.-Penn League with the Auburn Twins, a basketball and baseball here and became one of farm club of the Minnesota Twins in 1968, '70, the top athletes in Rollins' history. As a freshman and '71. His team won the league title 2 out of the he started in basketball but saw little action in 3 years and he was named "Manager of the Year" baseball. It wasn't until his sophomore year that all three. In 1972 and '73 Coach Coffie had the he earned the starting catcher's job for the Tars' pleasure of assisting Hall of Famer Early Wynn, nine. In basketball Boyd made several All-Tour­ who at that time was the manager of the Orlando nament teams and was tabbed for All-State Twins another farm club of the Minnesota honors in his senior year. In baseball his organization. accomplishments were numerous. As a Today Coach Coffie is very optimistic about the sophomore and again as a senior at the National future and would like Rollins to remain his home Tournament in Alpine, Texas he was named to for quite some time. And how does Rollins feel the NAIA All-Tournament Team which is about Boyd Coffie? Well, he's definitely their cup equivalent to the All-American Team today. He of tea. Bill Miller appears to be in good form against I). of Florida. Balance and Experience Key to '76 Baseball Team **& -S^ For the first time since Boyd Coffie became second and excellent speed on the bases." On the mound duties. Newcomers who are expected to head baseball coach at Rollins, some five years left side of the infield third baseman Bill Walczak add depth to the mound crew include Charlie ago, he can boast of an experienced team returns after hitting .218 in '75 and committing Cacciabeve, Bob Krueger and John Ralston. sprinkled with several talented returning vet­ only 13 errors at the "coffin-corner slot." Bruce Rounding out the 1976 diamond squad are erans and a handfull of promising newcomers. McAlister, veteran utility infielder will be the utility catchers Tom Meyer, Mike Johnson and "All preseason indications point to a well- only new full-timer to the infield diamond crew as Steve Uher. Ricky Page and John Brickley will balanced squad," offered Coffie. "We have depth he enters the shortstop position filling the gap help with infield duties with Don Kiwor serving at each position, highlighted by an exceptionally left by the graduated Frank Smith. As a utility as a backup.outfielder. good outfield — potentially the best in the infielder McAlister poked out 15 hits in 62 at bats Embarking on one of the nation's most rigid country." (4 extra base hits) for a .242 clip. and competitive schedules, the Tars will be Patrolling the outfield in '76 will be veteran Behind the plate this season will be veteran looking to improve on last year's 32-17 record - performers John Castino, Larry Hart and David receiver Kevin Carney. "Potentially one of the the best in the 29 year history of Rollins baseball. Hall. Castino, who knocked out 64 hits in 193 at best collegiate catchers in the country," accord­ bats last season, led the '75 club with a .331 Highlighting the diamond season will be the ing to Coffie, Carney knocked out seven extra 29th Annual Rollins College Invitational Baseball . batting average. The pro-prospect's nine home base hits in '75 to contribute to his .237 average runs, 16 doubles and five triples led the Tars in Week Classic which is scheduled for March % in 44 games played. through March 27. Highlighted by daily- the extra base category during the fifty game On the mound for Rollins this year will be last campaign. doubleheaders, this year's classic will feature the season's winningest college Division II hurler University of Cincinnati, Wisconsin and Ten­ The infield positions can also boast of top Blake Lorenz. Lorenz, who led the nation with a nessee along with host Rollins College. returning talent with Jim Liakos securing the 14-4 record last year returns to head the mound "I think we are capable of having a g00" first base spot and Woody Keys holding down the corps which "is one of the best in recent years," second base slot. Liakos batted a healthy .303 last according to Coffie. season," offered Coffie, now in his fifth year as head coach. "Our talent and desire should prove year with 12 stolen bases to his credit - second Bill Miller (6-4); Scott Trethaway (6-2); Tom only to speedster Woody Keys. Keys, a solid .275 to be a winning combination in what we hope will Anderson (2-3), Jim Poropatich (0-1)', Bill turn out to be a highly successful season." hitter, has what Coffie calls "good range at Matzkevich and Todd Munson all return to aid in Page 11 Tars Prove Exceptional Ability by: FRED CAFFREY again beat Florida Southern in a well played When asked how he felt about his pitching ballgame. Senior pitcher Bill Miller went eight performance Miller said, "I only felt about 60 e Rollins Tars are a tough, competitive full innings giving up seven hits while recording percent out there today", but he still managed to ball team and they proved their might with his second victory of the season. Miller was aided keep the Moccasins at bay during the afternoon. victories against Florida Southern College by two infield double plays keeping out of any Florida Southern threatened in the top of the t weekend. The Moccasins, 1975 small college serious trouble. ninth by drawing two walks off Miller, so on came tional champions were dropped by the Tars 9-1 Woody Keys reached first on senior Scott Trethaway to get the final three Lakeland, Friday afternoon and then again 5-2 an error and Jim Liakos doubled to left center outs, doing a commendable job. The victory t Harper-Shephard Field Saturday afternoon. creating a second and third situation. John Saturday can be attributed to the combination of On Friday, junior Blake Lorenz scattered Castino came up and doubled to right center timely hitting, good defense and Miller's smart seven hits through nine full innings, picking up scoring Keys and Liakos. Castino then stole third pitching. his first win of the season for the Tars. The big on smart base running and scored on Larry story of the day for the Tars was their timely Hart's infield single. Golf Not Up to Par Miller was provided with two insurance runs in hitting and excellent defense. Rollins Places Last in Tallahassee jn the third inning, Rollins picked up all the the fifth as Mike Johnson singled, went to second on a sacrifice bunt, third on an infield out, then runs they would need for the day as second by: BILL APPLE baseman Woody Keys ripped a double to left scoring on a wild pitch. This brought up Castino center scoring Kevin Carney and Mike Johnson, who got back on track with a 380 ft. blast over The Tar linksmen turned in a disappointing performance in their first tournament of this ffho had both singled. The Tars continued to hit, the fence in left center field. pushing three more runs across in the fourth. spring. Playing in the Seminole Invitational at This time, David Hall walked, Bill Walczak UPCOMING EVENTS Tallahassee, the Tars placed well behind the singled and Bruce McAlister also drew a walk to leading schools. Auburn University won the load the bases. Up came Kevin Carney who hit a March 6-Baseball - Rollins vs U. of North event with host Florida State finishing second. sacrifice fly to right scoring Hall. The big blow Carolina (H) Rounding out the top ten were several schools s then dealt by designated hitter Mike March 8-Baseball - Exibition game - Minnesota from the powerful Southeastern Conference wa along with perennial power Georgia Southern. Johnson who drove a long double over the center Twins Pacing the Rollins team was Senior Jim fielder's head scoring Walczak and McAlister. March 8 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs U. of McNamara with rounds of 76-76-79-231, followed The Tars turned the game into a rout in the Maryland (H) by Senior Jeff Hadley, 77-79-77-233 and sopho­ sixth inning as they scored three more runs. March 9 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Columbia U. (H) more Mike Nicolette 80-77-77-234. Mike Davino Senior center fielder Larry Hart opened the March 9 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs. F.I.U. (H) was fourth, followed by Craig Watson and Tim inning with a 375 ft. over the rightfield March 10 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Columbia U. (H) Brennan. Rollins next golf outing is Friday at the fence. Bruce McAlister drew a walk, Mike Palm Coast Invitational and the next major Johnson reached on an error and then Woody March 10 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs. Duke U. (H) tournament is the GAC Intercollegiate during Keys singled to left scoring McAlister. Jim spring break at Cape Coral, Florida. Liakos walked to load the bases and John Castino March 11 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Duke U. (H) walked as well to score Johnson. March 11 - Womens Tennis - Rollins vs. U. of In this game, a great deal of credit must be Florida (H) Tars go to NX.A.A. given to Rollins' outfielder's Castino, Hart, and March 12 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Duke U. (H) March 13 - Womens Tennis - Rollins vs. Hall as all three came up with tremendous Midland J.C. (H) catches, keeping Lorenz out of pitching trouble. by: JOHN PATTYSON March 14 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Yale U. (H) At Harper-Shephard Field Saturday, Rollins This past Tuesday Rollins College Head Coach March 15 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Yale U. (H) Ed Jucker was informed that the Tars were March 15 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Clemson U. (H) Women Exhibit Prowess March 15 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs. Fla. selected and given an at large bid to participate in the NCAA post-season tournament in Chat­ Presbyterian (A) tanooga, Tennessee. Even though F.T.U. won the March 15 - Mens Golf - Palm Coast Inv. - The Women's Basketball team ended their Sunshine State Conference and the automatic regular season victoriously by beating two of Ormond Beach NCAA bid, Rollins will be competing as a result their three opponents. March 15 - Womens Tennis - Rollins vs. U. of of its fine 18-5 record. The NCAA selection With St. Leo having the home court advan­ South Fla. (A) committee took Rollins' record and its caliber of tage, Rollins faced one of their least ferocious March -15 -16 - Womens Golf - Rollins-Rollins competition into consideration before making teams. Having a tough start, Rollins had to Invitational (Sheoah) their selection. The decision was due at 1 p.m., accept St. Leo's lead at halftime 27-22. Played for March 16 - Baseball - Rollins vs. Clemson U. (H) but it wasn't decided until 3 p.m. Jucker said, a rally, Rollins came through and won with final March 16 - Mens Golf - Rollins vs. F.T.U. & "I'm simply elated and words don't express the score 61-44. Stetson (Tuscawilla) gratitude I have for the team and the apprecia­ For their next game Rollins faced the March 16 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs. Tennessee tion I have for the fans. It's just been simply University of Tampa at Rollins. As the game Tech (H) beautiful and wonderful." Center Steve Heis progressed each side was almost even in their March 17 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs. Miami of replied, "I was confident we would get a bid, but scoring, half time being 27-27. Rollins came on Ohio (H) it's a whole new season now." Sixth ranked with another second half surge and out played March 17 - Baseball - Rollins vs. U. of S. Rollins will play unranked University of Ten­ Tampa 59-48. Leading scorers were Captain Carolina (H) nessee at Chattanooga in their first game on lissie Collins with 20 points and Bonnie Bell with March 17 - Mens Golf - Rollins vs. St. Leo, Fla. Thursday, March 11th. The University of 12. S., S. Fla., Stetson (Dade City) Tennessee at Chattanooga has a 19-7 record The last game of their season was played away March 18 - Mens Tennis - Rollins vs U. of while Rollins sports an 18-5 record. WPRK will at University of Tampa. Having led the entire Kentucky (H) broadcast the game direct from Chattanooga. £ame, Tampa won with tf final score of 51-47. March 19 - Baseball - Rollins vs. U. of S. So let's get behind the team and help them to Rollins played well despite Tampa's effectiveness Carolina (H) go further than any other Rollins basketball team in scoring. Leading scorers were Lynn Welch March 19 - Mens Golf Rollins vs. Emery has ever done. To the team I say GOOD LUCK- with 13 points and Cissie Collins with 9 points. Riddle, FTU - (Sheoah) We're Proud of You!

(VnA. ; . ' ; Mnn'wwi Steve Uher, Mike Johnson, Woody Keys, Bruce McAlister, Rkky Page, John Brickley, John Ralston and Tom KXJ1C& £")^SSSMJSSSS! W3S£5£ Poropatich, Kevin Carney, Bill Matzkevich, U^ Hart, Jin, liakos, Bfll Miller, Scott Trethaway, Ton, Anderson, J°hn Castino, Blake Lorenz, John Hall and Bob Krueger. Page 12


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