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111PErgrt 1111111.L 11 SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS VOL. VI.No. 3. PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR A ND Ak4Ski=CF111 NOVELTY NEWS Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill at 1 Madison Avenue, New York, March 15, 1910 The best-known trade mark in the world "The Victor talking machine's design, ' His Master's Voice,' has become a household word, and the quaint little fox terr;i,ffa attention before the horn is familiar to more yVaiericans ti of the world's great masterpieces."-COLLIER'S, May Entered as second-class matter May 2,1905.at the post etEceat Nen 1rk,N. N..,undertrtc THE TA 1,10 NU 11,1CH1NE 11'0111,1). THE PLEASURE THE COST DOL113LED REDUCED lunit1.1111110 v: 10 inch 65c.DOUBLE RECORD DISCS;Ii.7)o Zon-o-phone Records are pre-eminently the BEST that money, brains, and a thorough knowledge of the art of sound recording can produce. They are justly famous for their remarkably clear, natural tones, absence of scratch and wearing quality. The greatest care is exercised in combining the selections, each side of the disc presenting the latest and best in popular music or standard compositions. The price appeals to the masses, the quality to the classes, making them indeed a popular record at a popular price. A new catalogue of Hebrew Single Side Selections has just been issued.Solos by Mme. Prager, Mr. Juvelier, Master Mirsky, the boy soprano, and other eminent singers.These are undoubtedly the most perfect Hebrew records ever recorded.10 inch, 50 cents, 12 inch, 75 cents. Resolve yourself, Mr. Dealer, into a committee of one and investigate these claims.Consider, criti- cize, compare'. ZON-O-PHONE RECORDS will stand the test.A trial will verify all that we say. Universal Talking Machine Mfg. CO. Fourth and Race Streets Philadelphia, Pa. Distributors of Zen -o -phone Goods: ALABAMA MINNESOTA OHIO Mobil. W. H. Reynalds, 167 Dauphin St. St. Paul W. J. Dyer & Bro., 21-23 W. 5th St. Akron Geo. S. Dales Co., 128 S. Main St. Cincinnati J. E. Poorman, Jr., 639 Main St. ARKANSAS MICHIGAN Cleveland The Bailey Company, Ontario St. and Ft. Smith R. C. Bollinger, 704 Garrison Ave. Prospect Ave. Detroit J. E. Schmidt, 336 Gratiot Ave. CALIFORNIA San Francisco .. Peter Pacigalupi & Sons,941Market PENNSYLVANIA St. MISSOURI Allegheny H. A. Becker, 601 Ohio St. FLORIDA Kansas City ....1Vebb-Preyschlag Mere.Co., 620 Dela- Philadelphia 11armonia Talking Machine Co.,1821 Tam pa Turn!, Music Co., 604 Franklin St. ware St. Arch St. Springfield . ...Morton Lines, 825 Boonville St. Philadelphia H. A. Weymann & Son, 1010 Chestnut ILLINOIS St. Louis .Knight Mercantile Co., 211 N. 12th St. St. Louis D. K. Myers, 3889 Finney Ave. St. Chicago . Benj. Allen & Co., 181-141 Wabasia Ave. Pittsburgh C. C. Mellor Co., Ltd., 319 Fifth Ave C hicago. ...... B. Olsbansky, 515 So. j t ff,rson St. NEW JERSEY IOWA TEXAS Des Moines liarger & Blish, 707 Lou',,z Ft. Hoboken Eclipse Phono. Co., 208 \Vashington St. Beaumont K. B. Pierce Music Co.. 608 Pearl St. Dubuque Harger & Blish, Security Elk NEW YORK KANSAS CANADA Topeka Emahizer-Spielman Furn.Co.,6:7-519 Brooklyn. ..... ..F, \V. Rous Co.. 435 Fifth Ave. - Toronto Whaley, Royce & Co., Ltd., 458 Yonge Kansas Ave. Brooklyn B. G. Warner, 1213 Bedford Ave. St. MARYLAND Vancouver, B.C.M. W. Waitt & Co., Ltd., 668 Gran- Annapolia Globe House Puna. Co. ville St. Baltimore C. S. Smith & Co., All \V. Baltimore St. NORTH DAKOTA Winnipeg, m4o.Whaley, Royce & Co., Ltd. Baltimore Louis Mazor, 1428 E. Pratt St. Fargo Stone Piano Co., 614 First Ave.. N. Yarmouth.. ...Yarmouth Cycle Co. The Talking Machine World Vol. 6,No. 3. New York, March 15, 1910. Price Ten Cents TEACH CHILDREN BY PHONOGRAPH. story or other first written by a master and they look the part, they are a part of the scheme 'then told by a good reader.With the retentiveof the house. No More Effective Means Conceivable for Pre-memory of childhood they can give you passage Go into another factory.The foreman lounges senting the Great Classics in English, When after passage irom Shakespeare with a rendition against the wall, his street hat on his head in Prepared by Intelligent and Able Speakers, that will make you laugh or cry, and which willthe middle of the afternoon, giving his orders Than the Talking Machine Record-Theymake them laugh or cry themselves.Some ofin a do -it -or -get -out sort of a way.He may be Learn Quickly and Retain All They Hear. the famous orations, given with masterly deliv- capable, he may be a high-class man, he may ery, they can produce in childish treble, and Ibe a comer, but he doesn's "look the part." "To my mind the phonograph is to be consid-have branched out into every literature for ma- A man may have merit and still not "look the ered as something more than a source of amuse- terial. part." Why not avail yourself of both these ad- ment," saida well-known merchant while he "With all this, children in time get somewhatjuncts to success? showed an interested friend his new machine.of the tremendous sweep of thought and the It simply requires the thought and care of "That's why I thought it worth my while to buygreat things that are taught by the masters of theyour personal self that you owe to yourself and the best I could find without regard to cost.Or pen.They learn in a way that I truly believeto those whose lot is cast with you in the busi- course, one of its best uses, as anyone will ad- should have a vast effect on them in later life. ness place or in the home. mit, is that it does give one access at all times "In my opinion the phonograph can be turned Don't overdo it.In this case sins of commis- to the best musical renditions, and particularlyinto a wonderful educational medium for thesion are greater than sins of omission.Don't the wonderful voices of the opera stars.But'lime if only people will avail themselves of thebe a fop, a featherhead; walk and look like a my idea goes deeper than that. chance." man. "It has always been a source of regret to me Can you afford to sacrifice anything, any de- that when I was a boy I didn't have somebody HOW "MISERERE" WAS COMPOSED. tail, no matter how seemingly trivial or insig- to show me, almost from the time I learned to nificant that has bearing on your personal suc- read, the art of what is generally called by thatSome Interesting Information on How Verdicess in your chosen line? asks Geo. W. Wilkie. threadbare term, elocution.That, however, is Got the Inspiration for This Sublime Compo- don't believe you can. not quite my meaning. The point is that if you sition Now Immortalizedby the Victor Co. give a child from the first only the finest things the pen has produced for his reading, he soon One of the most successful and most popular acquirescertainstandards-correctanddis- high-class records ever put out by the Victor criminating standards-that willstick to himTalking Machine Co. is the "Miserere,"fro m "II throughlife. The powerful emotionofthe Trovatore," No. 85030, sung by Mme. Alda and writer communicates itself to him; and becauseCaruso with chorus of the Metropolitan Opera his heart is thrilled by what he reads, the fineCompany (directed byGiulioSetti) and the art by which it is expressed sinks into his soul. Victor orchestra conducted by Walter Rogers. Such a one will some day learn to write trulyIt may be interesting tothe talking machine with his own hand. men who handle this record to know something "Now, there is thing that stands in theof the event leading up to its composition by way of giving a child the best literature to read the great Italian master.It appears that when and that is that the language and thought are Verdi was working on "II Trovatore" he stopped too often beyond him.There is as much differ-short at the passage of the "Miserere," being at ence between good writing and bad as there isa loss to combine notes of sufficient sadness and in music, between ragtime and classic from Bee-pathos to express thegrief oftheprisoner. thoven, and it takes an educated ear to pick outManrico. the melody in either.But there is one way of Sitting at his piano in the deep stillness of overcoming the difficulty in the matter of the the winter night, his imagination wandered back reading, and that is that the child should hearto the stormy days of his youth, endeavoring the thing read, not as you or I might readit, to extract from the past a plaint, a groan, like but as some trained specialist might readit. those which escaped from his breast when he CANINE REPARTEE. with such cadences and fine inflections of thesaw himself forsaken by theworld. Allin voice aswill convey the meaning almost in- vain!One day at Milan he was unexpectedly dependently of the words themselves, even as acalled to the bedside of a dying friend, one of A talkative young doggie, song the words of which are in a foreign lan-the few who had remained true to him in ad- Who spied this poster gay, guage will sometimes affect you. versity and prosperity.Verdi, at the sight of Thought he'd stop and have a chat, "A literary classic presented to a child in thishis dying friend, felt a lump rise in his throat; And so he yelped out: "Say! manner will sink into his understanding, first How do you like your job up there? he wanted to weep, but so intense was his grief Do you think you'll make a hit?" through his emotions and secondly through his thatnot atearflowedto the relief of his intellect.And, of course, that is the secret or Sir Victor cocked an ear and barked: anguish.