«V'V ■ i ’ / • MONDAY, JANUARY 5., Id42 Let Your Red Cross Dollars Express Your True Love of America! :■ f O U B T E E S iBattrI(rBtpr Eo^tiing Hfralb Average Daily Circulation Manchester Orange, P. of H; No. ____Following___ „ his Christmas Jose'ph Morlcoril, proprietor of 'loi(gh,. Private Hemian Heck has For .the Month of Deoembef, 1941 The Weather Curley s lunch, left town Saturday 31. will install 'Its 1943 officers at a public installation, _Wednes- returned to his duties at Camp About Town for a trip to Miami, Fla., where he Edwards, Mass. Heck recently re­ Buy Your New G. /E. Forecast of C. S.* Weather Bureau will spend the remainder of the day evening at eight o'clock in 7,100 the Masonic Temple, The cere­ turned from the south where he month. attended an Army Signal School. Menber of the Audit A month’! mind mony will be in charge of Mrs. Earl Swallow and her staff, made Bureau of Olrculatlons Fair and continued cold tonight. teatod In St. James* church this Bovs and girls enjoyed coasting monilng at 7:30 for the late Mi­ up <\f local members of the Grange. An* examination will be held to­ REFRIGERATOR X on Garden street yesterday. It Prior to the meeting a skipper will chael' Foley. night at 7:30 for all those who Manchester-^A City o f ViUage Charm made the hill slippery-and automo- he scn-ed for Grange members in were ilrtablc to take the first teSts biles had trouble in mnkinp the One of the best snowmen made the banquet hall. for the Air Raid Warden's School. VOL. LXI., NO. 82 (CIoasIBed Advertising On Page 10) ki this town In a good many years grade going from western cast. The examination will be held In MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1942 T w e l v e p a g e s ) PRICE THREE CENTS Compan^No. .7 of the South the High School auditorium. NOW! can be seen at the comer, of The American Legion auxil!ar\’ Church and Locust streets. Manchester Flr> Depsrtment was will hold its regular meeting thk.» .ailed last ev^ing at 6:40 for a eventng In the Legion home on chimney fire atW Benton street Leonard street It was extinguished without dam HEALTH REST SILENT GLOW •age. ^ ' oil Barter Sale* and Sorvire The Cerillan Club wfH^ omit Its MATTRESS ■ncoting tomorrow evenln^at the Guaranteed for S Tears! War Program Will Requme 56 Billions; CHAS. G. SCHELL -loiith Methodist rhure.h. ThXmcm- 1089 Main St, Tel. 3627 oers arc urged to reserve th<\date i>f the next meeting. Tuesday Xve- $18.95 ning. .lanunry 13 / *1.00 Down and 91.00 Per Three Sizes: . W eek. AUCE COFRAN (Known A* Queen Alice) BEFORE Y o r lU’Y .\NY SPnUTIJAL MEDIOI We Call For and I>eliver :em p's, INC. 6 lbs.—8 lbs. Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son KIND OF INSCR WCE Fine Bedding! Kuantaii Taken Vnur Doctor’s Frescrlptlons. Bom W ith a Veil. C.VLI. . and \ Beadings Dally 9 A. M. to,9 F. .M. WELDON DRIT. CO. \ • By Appointment. In the Serv Frescrlptlon Fharmacl>.ls BEN-LVMIN CHENEY ■sd of the People for 80 Vears. 901 Main Street 9.33 Main St. Hale Bldg. 189 Church Street. Hartford. Conn. Giant 10 lbs. Phone 6-0097 INTIII miu Sealed G. E, Naval Units at Sevastopol Make Advances Against Nazis We Have Mechanism Them Wins *David and Goliath" Battle A ^nst japs HALE’S January Sale Of WOMtN [VERYWHLPf ARL Aluminum .-Xclivator, One Control G. E. TMKING ABOUT iHt NiYi Drive Coordinated In Stock Forecast of Victor^ \ .Avoid that occasional flAVOR SAVTR' OVtN Wringer, Speedy Emptying Pump delay in the morning Tbli Muitloaal a«w kM W < With Other Rnss Buy On Hale's — bific with •Hhen your car fails Crtocttl llKni* R>n(ct—tttu m Given by Roosevelt; \Budget Plan dtlkKUuabnol to start. lood lUTOfl. Buy On Hale’s Budget Plan HOUSEWARES \ Cm* i* ndtr. Moves in Crimea Sm ihw»btmti- Our service Includes ac­ (ul obw QiB curate testing. It elimi­ Re^ilar Down RincM — Tb« IroniuK Board Pad 7 Q liijtnbip Lio* nates replacing parts unnec­ Payinent and foe l»4i. Re.^:: ^ o m e n W ill Enemy Planes Hit essarily. Fancy Salad Plates GBNBRA1.0BUCTR1C Regularly 85c PAch. Special! IroniuK Board Pad Only, 18 M ^ th s ance. Stormy Weath­ JW.HAL-C Take Place Terri fir White Knit ...... O a / i e NORTON E.ASY TERMS! MANCHESTER CONH* er; Soviet Troops Cap­ Anii - Aircraft fT s s I l ‘18.3,000 .Airplanes and 4 f o r $ 1 . 0 0 IroninK Board Covers Only...... 29c To Pay Bailee ture Number of Popu­ Of Men Fit Fire from Fortifioa- T UU n am U lg j2o,000 Tanks Set as LLECTRICAl. . tions of Manila Bay 2-Piece Pa.>edoe.s, I Partly Conscious of Vast Production Plans. S2.23 S2.99 S3.99 S3.19 «1.99 she suffered one direct -hit but brought down one bomber and limped home safely. NEA Photo. ' their fortifications, the cor­ Wa-shlngton, Jan. 6 -lA^i— The Wasliington, Jan. 6.—i/P) Danger; Not on Alert 1 i qt. Glass Double Boilers respondent of Izvestia re­ government expects women to Washington, Jan. 6.—(iT*) work in tactories, on farms and —At lea.iit .seven enemy —Pre.sident Roosevelt, assur­ Fully .guaranteed against break- ported today. The drive At Pearl Harbor. H A LE’S launched from the fortre.** yester­ In stores and offices wherever planes were hit hy terrific ing the nation of ultimate vic­ ag* over heat. $ 1 . 6 9 Indoor Clothes Dryers day, waa coordinated with other they can take the place of men Australians^ Resistance Beaten; anti-aircraft fire from the Cleveland, Jan. 6 i/T>. C apt. tors' in “a bloody war,” told llard Follahed Wood. Three Slie* Russian offensives in the Crimea, who are fit for the Army or Navy fortifications of Manila Bay U oward L Vickery, a member ofK ’ongress today the war pro- and is continuing despite stubborn in gradual mobilization of the na­ during a four hour air at­ the United .States .Maritime ; gram for the next fiscal veaf German resi.stance and stormy tion's fighting and production pow­ Com - January White w;eather, the correspondent said. er for total war. British Units Yield More Ground tack, the War Department misalon, said today that news- ' would require $56,000,000,- 8 Piece Pantry Set $1.69 $1.98 $2-^5 reported tinlat'. The fortress I'lect FXiinilIng Task Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey. di­ wa';’ra.^Am :rrrr,^ig^^^ Bread Box, Cannlster Set, Step- V' rector of the Selective Sen’ice of (’orregidor island and the be atlnrked, but that the “'n'lanes 120,000 tanks on Garbage Can, Waste Basket. "The Black Sea fleet fulftlls Tide of Battle Creeps r|||,|pop r i o i m Nipponese Continue Ad­ rountrv 1 with credit its task." he added forces of Gen. Dougins MacArlhur ------■ by tile end of 1943. To hit tha a t-I- F O R ...... $ 3 . 4 9 cryptically. (Continued On Page Four) Nearer to Singapore; vance Soiithtcard on were attacked by .50 planes yes­ (Continued On Page Four) ; >neniy "wherever and whenever Rubbish Burners terday the department said, but Soviet troop.s on the Cauca.sian Units Forced to With­ i we ran reach him," Mr. Roosevelt Wide Heavy Wire — Zipper Top SALE! front of the Crimea captured a 40,000 Japs Fast Coast of Malaya; material damage and < a.'uiiilties ) saiil American armed forces number of populated places yes­ draw from Kuantan. Hit Large Cargo Vessel to the defenders wer,c called light. | would operate all over the world. terday. he said. British Forces Text of Communique Dutch Report including the British Isles and tha Wicker Clothes Basket Troops which landed at Feodosi­ Far East. . $1.19 $1.89 18”x36” Cs^on Singapore, Jan. 6.—(/P)— Now in Trap The text of the communiqu^f^ Handy size. Reinforced for 77i(^ Famous ya in the aoutheaatern part of the Tokyo, Jan. 6.— (Official Number 47, and based on Report.* Cheered Time After Time years of wear. Special...... Crimea, already have reached the Keep Pressing The tide ■ of battle, rolling Broadcast Recorded by AP) received up to 9:30 a. ni., es.t : . Loss of Siih Cheered time after time in the We cannot replace these at this $ 1 . 2 9 Flat Steel Band Hand and Face Size Sea of Azov, cutting off the entire down the Malayan pcnin.'siila, Dcfemlers Confident of —Domei reported today that "1. Philippine theater: The forl- delivery of a message to a joint price 1 Kerch peninsula, the dispatch re­ crept nearer to Singapore to-i Iflrntions of Manila Bay. including .session of the House and Senate, ported. Axis ill Lil)va Japanese troops had /(ivcr- Corregidur island and Manvelcs, ...K LA^y PEPPERELL The Germ.-.ns, attempting to day a.s hard-pressed Britisli Wiping Out AIoHt of With British the president told of vast produc- Rubbish Burners $2*79 come resistance by about 1,- were again neavily bombed by ene- lion plans which, he remarked L«rg«a.«rgv Willow »»iiiow __ transfer part of their forces from forces yielded further ground I planes yesterday. The bom- W.1II Give Tear* of Service! the atege of Sevastopol to the Invading F'orcc; 30,- 000 Australians t^capture I grimly, would give the Japanese .\nolhrr Blow |4> Re­ at both ends of the ill-defined j Dardment continued for four h<)urs ' and Nazis "a little idea of just TURKISH Kerch peninsula to stem the tide 000 Escape to North. I the airdrome o f Kuantan. on with ,50 planes p irtii ipating. Ma­ Offieialt* Heartened hv front, under fresh Japanese' '( what they accomplished in the at­ Gothes Baskets $2*98 Sheets a^d Pillow Cases there, were showered with shells maining Main Enemy jthc t*ast coast ofXlalaya, 19*i terial damage ana ca.suallies were \^ord Wavel! Will Fti- tack on Pearl Harbor." from long-range Naval and coast­ attacks by land and sea. On Chungking, Jan. 6 - i/T F'orty ! milcs north /i)f Singapore, light. At le.ast seven enerny planes | X X al artillery and bomba from the Units in .Agedahia .-Vrea the eastern side of the peninsula, He di.sclOsed the.*c production Fhio Quality Step Ladders thdusand Japanese troops are ' ^•'''1''’ ‘he Japanese- were hit by our anti-aircraft fire. { tahlish Head(|iiartert4 p lan s: Black Sea Naval air craft, the a communique disclosed. British I "While ground activity was con- j •At Very I.ow Price*! Buy *)ne Now TOWELS account said. Indieated in Report. caught m a Chinese trap on the ‘'"nlrolleil ^t»hngha. radio report- 194*2 60,1)00 planes (10.000 more troops were forced to withdraw Chinese trap on the siderably l^ss than on ttie previous ' On indies Territory. lor Spring Cleaning! 72 " X 708 " Sheets » .e.^ed th.st -a °*^paporo broadcast had than the goal .set a y ear ago), 45,- Com Brooms 6 9 c $1.59 (The German high command, in­ yesterday from Kpantan, only IIKJ plains between the Laotao and told of a zhass attack by Japanese day, enemy pressure is continuing j dicating that the Russians ^re in Cairo, Libya. Jan. 6. ’/P) More miles from Singapore. on all American and Philippine 000 tanks. 20,000 anti-aircraft Four Strong Binder* Liuyang rivers northeast of planes^pon the city early today, I Batavia, N. E. I . Jan. 6 4*1 — guns. 8,000.000 deadweight tons of 4 ft. Ladders ...... $ 1 .2 3 full.command of the sea at least Axis prisoners flowed back to Filter Down* Straits Count outposts. 81" X 99" Sheets Changsha In Hunan province and but g g v e no details.) There ia nothing to report i Netherland.i Last Indies merchant shipjilng. about the Cnmes, said Its alf force British prison camps as the Im­ Oh the. western aide, the Malay­ Other Brooms . \ t ...... 89^ and $1.00 Chinese forces are confident of panese detachment.*, contin­ from other areas fighting strength was struck ai 1943 125,000 planes, 75,000 had bombed Russian transports an war front moved southward In­ wiping out most of them, a Chi­ 3 ft. Ladders ...... $1.7.3 off Yevpatoriya, 40 miles north of perial forces in Libya kept up their uing the advance southwanl on Double (iruunds for Elation ea. to another, the sixth, native-ruled nese spokesman said today. e ea.st roast of Malaya after oc­ blow tiHlay in the loss of a . .sub- j ■ \ Sevaatop*jl, where it was probable pressure both in the forw*ard part The hard hitting reappearance (Continued On Page Eight) Betty Bright slate as Japanese forced filtered Estimating that the Japanese cupation of the .strifkegic point of marine in Japanese-patrolled wa- I 6 ft. L a d d e rs ...... $2.23 the Russians were attempting new of their westward push a“d in the down the Malacca strait.* coast of U. S. bombers over the South landing operations to cut off most tftid suffered 30.000 casualties Kuantan Dec. 30 reached the air­ Pacific gave the capital double ters, Dutch official.* were h eart- ' mopping up of Axis resistance cen­ into Selangor. the b.*}ttle before Changsha. drome of Kuantan four miles Seif Wringing Mops *1.25 42" X 36" Cases of the German force in the ters far to the rear, British head­ Japanese appearing In the area grounds for elation today a fresh ened by official word that Gen. Crim ea, i Spokesman .said only 30,000 of the .south of the town the night of Plain quarters announced today. of Kuala Selangor. 240 miles from original force of 100.000 ^ d es­ blow h..d been dealt units of the Sir Archlhald P. W'avell will es­ Absorbent Cannon towels, white with To the north, another Izvestia Jan. 3. " the news agency said. Japanese fleet, and it offered evi­ Cocoa Door Mats .. $1 .2 9 Another blow to the remaining Singapore, w*ere believed Intent caped toward their junullng off tablish headquarter* of the Allied Flashes ! colored border.* in blue, green, gold, and The Army section of Imperial dence that American aenal rein- 43" X 36" Cases main forces of the Germans and point a t Yochow, 100 rryneu to the supreme command on Indies ter­ (Late Bulletins ol the 'JC\ W ire) Mop Heads or Refills Colored peach. (Continued On Page Four) Italians In the Agedahia area, (Continued, on Page Eight) north. , headquarters said Japanese bomb­ ritory. For Regular Wet Mop* Cocoa Door Mats .. $1 .4 9 about 90 miles south-* of Bengasi, Previous EsUmlite* Cut ers had sunk a large cargo vessel (Continued On Page Eight) A neta New.* agency said the was tndlcated by the communique, The spokesman'*^ estimate of in the Strait of Malacca and de­ exact location Of the headquarters i •New Kestrietion* on Scrap 12 oz. L3e, 16 oz., 69e, 20 oz. 7.3e Rubber Link Door Mats but it gave no details. 30.01K) casualties/w as a reduction stroyed several trucks in attacks from which W'avell will direct the |I WaKhliigion, Jun. 6-—J’,— New 20x44 22x44 Featherproof Boston Police "Our mobile columns and air from previous pStimatea of 52.000. upon Bntish units retreating l>o- I re*lrletimi* on the flow of copper war against Ja[ian has not be, n 1 and brass seriip were Issued hy the .M edium forces again were active in the Niiie^ade 111 The Japanese had retreated tw*ern K am par. a railw ay city 280 Navy Will Give chosen, Igit the official Batavia 'I S iz e ...... Agedabia area where concentra­ more than 10 miles from the Hu­ miles northwest of Singapore, and OPM toduc til tup what a priorities Cannon Novelty Plaid and Striped radio bpiadca.st that ' .letinite and , order desi rihed, os "a huge ne*w Seize Papers tions of enemy mechanical trans­ nan province capital, dispatches Degong, in lower Perak state. gratifying anncHineenients have I Dust M ops Salisbury Sheets port were succe^afully engaged," it By Gas Leak said. "Japanese bombers on the night Shipvard B aek j eopp«>r mine above ground” for reached up that Java has been j Bordered Turkish said. The third major Japanese defeat of Jan. 2 surprised and effectively I use in the war effort. l>on*4ld -M. Heavy Dustma.ster Lifetime (Imperfects of Red Label Pepperell Sheet.*.) Slight mis- chosen the seat of Ifie unified com­ I .Nelson, OPM 's priorities dlreot's-, 51 Pumplilptfl Rpuring Detertnined to Clear Rear ' at Changsha In three years was bombed Tengah airdrome from a m a n d " Du>t Mop.* Special I $ 1 .2 5 Wall Mirrors weaves, oil spot.* or uneven hems. No sizing or dressing. Will Evidently determined to clear 3 0 Portland, Ale., Resi- attributed to their inability to very low altitude,” the Army com­ ruled that lieu, t-f rtli cojijier uad PILLOW Kearny. N. J., Plant to Java is the most highly ilevel- \ lirr.ss scr :(i nia> t>e sold only to wear for year.*. Flandertt Hall MurkH the rear of Isolated Axis holdout move heavy armament south of munique also said, "destroying oped of tilt- Dutch isl.inds apii eon- O'Cedar Du'l and .oiind or ohlonc. Chipped edge dentH Driven Out scru[> dea!e.-s or br.i s mills, iin;>-ss garrisons and release British forces the Milo river because of water- hangars and causing three fires." Be Relnrneil to Own­ tains Batavia, the capital. and : Oil .Mop...... $ stvle,' True rollccUon. Grabbetl at Meeting. filled rice fields and obliteration of Ten British bombers newlv ar- spesilie uuthorirjttion Is ohinineil 1.00 Sv $ 1 .2 9 Bath Towels Of Tenement Housed. ers at Alidniglit Tonight from the O l’.M. $1.39 (Coatlnued oa Page Eight) (Continued On Page Eight) Largest Si/e TICKS feo.ston, Jan. 6 .- liP;—Fifty-one (Continued on Page Four) (Continued On Page Eight) pamphlets bearing the imprint of Portland. Me., Jan. 6 —(/P— Washington. Jan. 6 i,*P.—Secre­ W mild Ke-turr Nlitchell'a Bank O’Cedar Du*l Mop . $1 .4 9 81x99 Leaking illuminating gas sent Flanders Hall. *lnc.. New Jersey tary* of the Navy Frank Knox an- : W adiington. Jan. — The Cookie Jars fc ea. publishing house with which British Bomh eight children and a woman to a nounced today* th a t the K earny, N. ! 'k*nat«> Military ( oiiimittee rec- K Clark Built 2 9 George Sylvester Vioreck. regis­ hospital and forced evacuation of .1, plant of The Federal Shipbuild­ ieliy ariied iminu-nded today that the rank of tered German agent, has been four dou-ntown tenement bouses New Prospecting Method ing and Dry Dock Company would hricadler general he reslrode to Large a.isortment of style* and Colorful Cannon towels in two sizes. It will $ 1 .5 9 7 2 x 9 9 ------$1.2 9 early today. the. lute (ol. William I.. Mltebrll, colors; 8 1 x 1 0 8 Identified, were seized by police Docks Again be returned to itii owners at mid­ Ironing Tables $ 1 . 1 9 pay you to buy plenty of these at this price. ea. lasf'night at a CTiristian Front Police said that 30 residents night tonight after 134 days of To Help Nazis World war .\rmy aJr chief, whooe 63 x 9 9 ...... $ 1.19 m eeting. were driven out of the buildings, Navy operation mit<>|M>ken criticism of ,\m iy pol­ Made Ilf Sturdv. I'lrst Qtmlif> IjimHpr I Blue, du.«ty rose, green, gold, and peach. , on Pearl street, between Oxford For Oil Would Save Steel ( Not raiUIt (1) I — Police Capt. Robert Lynch made Fliera Raid Brc8t and The return of the ship yard. ; icy resulted In his court martial. the seizure during an address by and Laurel streets. which held $'193,000,(100 in N aval Gcniiaiiv .Set'll O tTiipy- 42x36 Saliiibury 42x36 Aubuni Percale Francis P. Moran, Boston director Most seriously affected were s ta te College, Pa . Jan. 6. i/Pi— and Geologic Survey, explained and merchant .ship construction Re-cover your old pillows Cherbourg; Damage Mrs. Leonard Harris and her two- A f r i c a I f W ater .Nupply S y ste m F'ull* *1.69 ‘2.98 ‘3-89 *4.98 4 Pc. Bowl Sets $ 1 . 0 0 of the front, a few hours after A new method of prospecting for Pirson's method was based on contracts when the Navy seized It ' iii^ Frt'iich St. Charles, .Mo., Jan. 6— J’*— Irregulars Lady Pepperell now. and-a-half-year-old daughter, Bar­ oil was announced today by Dr. anah*si* of soil. on Aug. 25 after a CIO strike, was ^ jPolice CTommlsaioner Joseph P. Tl- Big Nazi Supply V^e«»el bara. w*ho were found unconscious Not Mtire Haniuuiv. Failure of the municipal water milty had ordered confiscation of Sylvain J. Pirson, of the Pennsyl­ "It apparently depr;|ids upbn authorized oy an executive order ■ HU|i|ily* \v stem today* paralyzed PrIsrIIla in their beds. They were revived vania State College, w*ho os.serted finding a certain amo'int of hydro­ books written by Vlcreck. signed by President Roosevelt y*es- \ this .1*1 ty of PZ.OilO population, Pillow Cases London, Jan. 6.—OP—British by firemen. A General hospital at­ its use would have 1,000,000 tons Vichy*. Unoccupied Fr.ance,. Jan. Pillow Cases carbons that could be explained terday, Knox said. | In Indicting VlerecK several air raiders heavily bon)bed docks tendant said their condition waa of steel a year, "or enough to build causing shiitd'iwn of a foundry Slllovette Kitchen Ware Imperfects of Lady Pepperell months ago on a charge of regis­ only as coming from oil and gas Should Settle Issues . j 6—'/P -The weming that Gcr-' making tank* (or the .Vrmy. a Padded Ironing Tables Turkish Towels 29c Heavy Weight Imperfects of Red I^tbel at Brest and Cherbourg In Ger­ good. 30 battleships of the U. S. S. deposits,” Ashley sajd. ‘The Percale Cases tering Improperlv as a foreign man-occupied France last night The Navy secretary. In a formal many might occupy French Africa '.hoe amnufactiirlng plant and All \l«iod^n Con^trurtlon Ca.sserole With Tray, Beautiful solid color towel* that are extra absorb­ Pepperell Cases agent, a Federal grand jury con­ Also at the hospital over night Washington clas*." method of measuring la his ow*n and damaged a big Nazi supply were two other daughters of Mrs. statement, said that any unset- | unless Vichv sw ung back to closer ! eight school*. Ice clogging the Regular $1.29 Y alue...... $ 1.00 ent. Slight mlaweavcs that will not Impair the wear­ tended he wrote a variety of Flan­ The associate professor of pe­ secret." tied issues between the company'. _ ^ Missouri rU*r Intake pipe* shut ing qualities. vessel off, the Frisian Islands, the Harris, Darlene, 1H ; and Sandra, troleum and natural gas engineer­ Pirson considered his method of was given ders Hall tracts under an assort­ Air Ministry announced today. and the union should be settled i * ^ , off the citv’s wate.r for drinking. Casserole With Tray, ment of pseqdonyms. five months; Virginia McDaniels, ing called h)s method the "geody- “major importance at thl.* time by negotiation and agreement Frenchmen todav ,n an article imitation and caused $ 1 . 9 8 and $ 2 * 9 8 OUTING The raids were carried out w1^h 13, and four children of Mr. and namlc process " and said it hsd because of the war Regular $1.49 V alu e...... $ 1 .2 9 3 0 c ea. The seized pamphlets bore such no loss of aircraft, a communique Mrs. Robert McDonald. Herbert 7. If this proves impossible, he ' filling most of the front jiage of st. Jo*eph'* hospital to abandon titles u "Lord Lnthian Versus been successful in 80 per cent of May Need More Production ^ for $1 .00 said. .. Clyde and Claire, six-year-old added, the parties should take re- the ncwsfiaper Nom<*au.\ Temps, gn but nursing serviceo. PrtM-m* Metal I.eg 22”x44” Bath Size, Lorq Lothian," "WTiat About Af­ its tests. The process was tried out War needs, he said, may require coursa to the machinery rttablish- It was *he most sensational, Roul Set, Warship* Prime ObjecUte* twina. an^ Roberta. 2>,. l.aat year in the northern Pennsyl­ Regular $1.00 ...... 8 9 c Regularly .i9c ...... Th* first quality Cases ara rica?" and "The 100 Families That an increase in production over 1941 ed recently by* Mr. Roosevelt for declaration *o far in the current FLANNa worth 50c each. Extra fine qual­ Rule the Empire." (Brest, where the German bat­ Twenty-one residents of the four vania field*. H^ described It as "of from to 7.50,000,000 peaceful settlement of all dia- ! anti-government, ijfen.sive in the .Market* at a Glaaoe Slight mlsweavea. oU spots and tleships Gneisenau and Scharn- buildings, several of them gasping, based on measuring the amount of New 5 <»rk, Jan. 6—•J’— Ironing Tables uneven hems. ity th a t wUl w ear for years. 'Moran, accepting a receipt for barrels " He added this could be putes in-war industries. P a n s pre.ss Mi.ving Bowl. horst and* the crul.ser P rinz Eugen others complaining of headaches, gas e.*caping through the esrth 's 1 p artially m et by allowing oil well.* Sto<*ks—Irregular; proflt ell- ■■ rompletely Padded 16"x2,8” Hand Size. the books from the police, said to The Navy took over operations Its author. Jean Liohaire, ac­ Regular _69c...... 5 0 c them: "Keep thqse b^ks and read were sheltered at police headquar­ surface. a to produce In large qiianlities, but at the Kearny yard* Aug. 2.5, Pres­ cused Wa.'ihiiigldn of attempting Jng *t«-nia recovery. ters for the rest of the night. Regularly .l-ic .... DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH 'them. You may learn SDmetmng." (Coattau^ Oa Poga Fotv) Much Steel Lost added; 1 ident Roosevelt having ordered it deliberatel.v to provoke such an in­ Bunds—Improved; Culaui tiiaaa Mixing Bowl. CASH SALES ALL DAY TUESDAY. The Christian Fronter later told Seeps from Broliea Main Geologists explained much steel "In the long run the war de­ Aug. 23. cident ami thus divert Nazi en­ Ui demand. $ 3 . 4 9 and $ 3 . 9 8 An official of the Portland Gas is lost In tubing sunk for "dry” mends Would necessitate the dis­ Strike Started .\ug. 7 ergies thrcugh an African cam­ -Foreign Exchanga — Narrowi Regular 8.>c...... 6 9 c the audience of about 300 persons Treasury Balance Light Co., said the gas seened from |:h a t the poHgp bad e x c e e d ^ th eir holea—those in which * no oil is* covery of new* fields at an acceler­ A strike if CIO InJustnal Union paign. genrrally unrhan'td. Face Cloths, a broltcn main In the street direct­ found—and that could be saved If ated rate. of Marine aiid Shipbuilding work­ Would Take .Months Cotton — Mixed; Uquldattoo, 'iuthprity In seizing the pamphlets Waahlngton, Jan. 9.—UT)—The ly between the Pearl street houses. Regularly 12'ic . |tnd that he would confer today position of the Treasury Jan. 3: advance tests . were adequate, "For the production of this flood ers started at the plant Aug. 7. German occupation of Freflch short covering and trade buyiag. An emergency crew “cleared up showing up the presence of oil or of oil,'* th e professor declared, "It The union, claiming a membership Africa w*3uld take several months S u g ar—Q uiet; sm all trad e bw** Itli Colimtaaloner Timllty. Receipts. $25,102,571.39; expen- the trouble,” he added. J W . I U | € Moran told newspapermen he lack of It before the steel was will be aecesaary to drill t least («|f 16.000 among the 18.000 work­ against the resistance of the Ing. Blue aiid pink stripes. Ex­ diturea, $65,617,633.47; net bal- Mrs. Harris' mother, Mrs. Ed- used. i ance. $3,473,456,262.05; customs 30.000 new wella In 1942. Ufider er*. contended th^t the msnage- French there he said, and the .Metal*—Stead.v: aerap e i f f s r JW.HAU Blue, ijeach, green, dusty rose and all white. cellent for gownp and pa.famas. MANCHESTER COMN- Dr. George H. Ashley, chief of the old methods thl* w*ould require control tigbleoed. « Oa Phga roar) IrecelpU for month, $2,783,665.49. .(Ceotlaaad Oa Faga Feor> i MANCHESTER CONH* Not all colors in each size. the state's* Bureau of .‘Topographic 6,000,000 tons of steel.” (Cootlauad Oa P a^ F oot) (Caatiaacd Oa Page Fourl W o o l Topo—loocttvOk * - .1 ■ -\- MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN TUESDAY, JANUARY 6. 1942 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING H E R A L D . MANCHESTER. CONN. TU^ISDAY, JANUARY 6, 1942 p a c e tw o P ublic L edger M en Q uitting Piano Player Must' Starts Ghanging Aiitb Tire^ Shortage May Chain Wait Turn in Army M ay A haiidon H itler Is K ep t ^ W ai^to A ffect j C areer E nded Scientists Can I\oiv Urge Wickard Have Buying Habits of Nation P lane P lant Denver, Jan. 6.—i’jP)—'The P arty D iiifiers Batterson Makes Plea Plants to War Work , ^Army doesn't want piano- . A t W a r F r ^ n t Growing Rings on Teeth F u rn itiu ’e L ine! •^playing Private Pap until the Control of Ceilings Court Re^jecls Employe By Paul (teener and John Berkley T hen' t h ^ is a new 1942 tax Delay in Settling Ryan rqcords say he shoiild he back Herriiip Sugjiesls Poll* For Red Cross Support Labor S|ej[»8 into New j Ciri7 IFar CcwMofly Proposal to ' Operate New York, .Jan. 6—(d*:— What bill now bpmg cooked up by Treas­ Company Wage Dis­ in—no matter hp\y much the ■ period the calcification la better W atkins Goes to Chicago are you going to buy this year and ury expfTts to meet tremendous 30-year-old Viennese artist tics Be Adjourhefl UD’K Af Headqnart^s Except By Howard Btaiie»Ie« And Significant Roleir As Shell Disintegrates how much of It? war eg^nditi(reB. ^ f some form may want a uniform right Chicago, Jan 6^-vP)—The KSst’^Ihan any of .the h.ardeiUng that cm Farm Senators Deter­ Without Pay for Week. pute Seen Reason. til After War Ends. \ , ,' recent fire In East Hartford aa an For Occasional Trips , takes place after birth. Mart to Select IN The men who run the country’s of mlary deduction plan should _ndw. Former Hartford Mayor example. The Rod Croes was called time to begin looking after the General Price In Military Produc­ retail stores would give a lot to be/adopted, it would ifiean two Being a friend of Conduc­ The foundation tor olarting goo.1 Stvies for Store Here. mined Secretary to Cam p Davis, N. C., J a n 6— Philadelphia, Jan. 6—(i/^an. h '(Official Broad- nielit er, publication halted by a Feder­ much good:) to “ purchase and pi^t union offioiala saio today' that men brated Salzburg music festi­ Slow Progrest of ihp "Kvory mombor of a f.onilly are horn , • c* W aahipgton, Jan. 6 (iP)—The bore. He . 1* Private Harry Half Billion Dnilars . suggested today that t'h« annual Birth Itself fiirm.shes an oxampl - Wt^tkins Brothers; left .today t^>r Farm Prorluets IVices. al court, was headed today for the on their shelves to meet ypbr Added to the tax bill are de­ val didn’t keep Hans Pap should rontnbiite at least one dol- least ^d^ecorded by .\P )—Gigantic 'Thi.a fact hs ah'iawn in the grow th j one-day-old automotive labor- ' Chait of Detroit, Mich., born were quitting w'ork in large num­ Democratic Jack.son Day dinners Campaign Here. rings of hum an t'.-vtli, rings-w hich cf the i,x'M me .seii’iti'ity of teetii Ollitstgo w here he ,vill attfiu l the needs. fense bond sales. ’ In December from being drafted. Nor did _____ lar to the Red Cross,' stated Rat- ' Waj' task s have kept Adolf H itler management coinmlttee atarted more tban 30 years after that graveyard of liquidation. bers at The Ryan Aeronautical it keep him from being honor­ be abandoned for the duration of reaeniblf tie<- rings, .and tell the to theii- intirn-al environment. As jAhierKs^n Furniture“-M iri which f\irmers of Nation En­ W ashington. .-bah. 6—f/P)— A conflict. The 27-year-old newspaper’s end On the one hand, tbr^tened defense ■ bonds drained off half a ...... tmtll we teraon. 'and more If poasible. Meadily at his headquartera in converting the entire motor indus­ Company plant because of delay ably discharged several weeks the war. "We don t want to wait tm going to have a I .»ame kind of growUi story k result of 'i e .touch time b.ables' guniji of Tarni s'.itv senators or, Cbait’s unit recently biv­ came last night with rejection by shortages of many klnd*>M mer* billion dollars—dollars which never in settling a wage dispute. opt-nej 'Alonday and cOhlinue..'- rolled to Fight \S ar try to war production today under chandise are providing^rong in­ ago as over-age. Jn a statement released here, the see the blood of our loved tones responsibility on the.lr shoid eastern Kv.rope e.'cu'pl for occa­ These human rings have been have in .getting born, the ring g.iiiized toijiy iletermlncd to givo ouacked on an old Civil War the court of a last-minute em­ reached retail store counters. Postponement of a conciliation formVdjat that time In the bahy through J.inuary 17. This la one government orders to- double ita centive for retailers stock up B u t when the "'a r in thl> sefialor declared "politic.s should snlaahine In the streets befor?we den as a result of this war, sional one-dad trip.-, .aince the Ger- mapped,, and much of their story V ilh PloM'shures. output over the peacetime rate. battleground, strewn with rus­ ploye proposal to operate it with­ There are other question marks . panel meeting In Washington from lie adjourned until we get rid of ileclplicre-l. at the Univer.slty of teeth IS mirkedly a'.cent.iated and of the most Imp'ortant of Uie home .-1 '-iifar'y ul A'grlculVire Wickard out pay for a week while efforts while goods are stllg obtainable. Pacific began, the concert I»ke IID.”u d ” atatedaUted Walter E. Bat- responsibility re^onsl of aorvdee man-Ru-iSlaji camp.aitrn , started ty shot and shell that serve as In the retail picture that only time Jan. 7 to Jan. 12 haa created a pianist's lack of fmal eitizen- the Ja[)s and Hitler. Illinois School of Dentistry here. can e.i.si V be seen in microscopic furnishings tnaiiteta, new lines be­ a Ilia lor voice In thi •'.stablldhment With the appointment of the i reminders of fierce engage­ were continued to find new capi­ Retailers incrcased/the stocks of ■serious situation in the plant. R. Hoinn former mayor of Hartford rfe urged the parenU prasont to j„ne 22, Dr. Otto Luetrlch said to­ Chlcagi.1 .Inn fi .f With first joint committee by the Office of goods on their shelves fairly stead­ can answer. For example, how ship papers preventire veil ted hiss ac "I think it would be belter thi.'J ss he'aooks before the women of ghve their children smafl chores ] in urging upon Germany 1 hv Doctors I.saac Schour, professor se-ti-ins ing .show n by .morti, than .x75 mum] ot any n'llings for tin in pt'odui t*- ments of another day.. tal. is the rationing of tires going to J, Morkowski. UAW local secre­ The S«M-ond S tag e lucturer.s. and .Mr. \ \ \ atk(na will efTects of the food for freeilom Production Management, labor ily during 1941/f6r Just this rea v o lu n ta ry er .vonr if. everybody bought defensa St Bridi^l’t oartsh last night. to do around Uie hou.se for whlrh j "complete trust m victory I of hlsio’ogy. and .M.iiii-y’ .^tassll;r, iiiiii'. i prn v vonirol legi.s.ation. Some of Chait’a companions, Clarification of the paper's As- affect consumer buying habits? tary, wired government officials. bonds with the money." the state- hlef declared in j diti-ct'-r of the Child Researcl-. .^ho-it r ,vo weeka after tirth. m aki .selci-tloas fiihyi the luw drive of ..Vnieiican egriculture al- stepped into a new and significant -soci.ited Press membership and of .son. "Immediate settlement will m ent ip .New 5'or'k citjc ids Mr ^tierson, who was intro- they would receive pay. The child- | xh>‘ .Van press chief dec denator Ban'kh< iil 1 i> . .\la .i tn- pitching camp, selected a cou­ For many stores, this is going to home. And the .same lack kept I m ent said "We are going to rU nic I tlie .-I. i-ond tni-.th-fcii mihg s l ’ge hc- 1912 stvies while there.' reiih apmiIi-til. the more Ihoii ‘P- i role in the military production ple of the old shells as props its good will, said the court, were Oil the qther hand, though, bring about uninterrupted cooper­ Hiirsd bv Rev. James P. Timniln.s. | ren would *hcn be taught to gi'e|..in article publl.shed in all German v. 'ed I-'.'Tal -■‘n i'oi.a to a sllh-scheme—that of a co-equal of many stoiV executives are becom­ be a tremendously important fac­ Ixiwrv Field offinals in Deje- change them from defense to of- ^ the church, opened his | thus to llie Red Cros.' This would pewspapers that "for .six montlis In the prescht new A m erican gins, to I.-ISI through the age ot in | The Start i.s ' ' , OOO.OOO D. F' farmers enrolled in a for a makeshift fireplace.' The all that I'eniaincd before formal ation' in this vital defense indus­ ] fense bonds jiretty sixm. incidenl- te;.'y mi-eUng, .uid 'eld ti p irUs bo management in a war industry’s appointment of a receiver ing morjA'autloua. They are be­ tor. ver from re-aveeptmg liiiu\ pastor of fhe ' serve as invaluable instnicUon m | jjjat is, stn"e the beginning of the arniv. .aO per cent of selecteen were niopth# The formation .and c.ilci-; eral public, dea' air was chilled by a breeze For example, consider the stores try." he addeu. J ally " talk with llcation of the -leeth during this only by .special iidnii.xs.oi^ (fards. unique cffoit to fight the w-ir-wit'.-i i ivould .«('ek support from 'in- grou)> relationship with the governuniont. "rhe Ledger’s pa.ssing the na­ g in n in g /Id wonder Just how good immediately as a draftee. ■ Rsd Cross drive. U not going ovei ; semdee to others eastern campaign, the Fti'.lirer has rc;.'i 'ed tor physical defects. The from the ocean nearby and I of a shopping center which serves The telegram was addre.Hsed to \ I’riitits lor ('iuii|)ulgai I nes period is ex'reme.y h-azardoiisl in The public will have its ftrat^ ■ plowshares todav weie go.nled by | 1 O' an im'-T.iitni'iit giving ihi- Five men from each side of the tion's third largest city with only will be their sales during the com- .Secretary af the Nav.v Knox. Sid­ So P rivate Pap is [da.'itig [iX „ in Manchester and urged . An Errand of .Merry been itaylng In hts he.sdquarlers 'iHiye.st single c.ausc, 20 U per cent, rr'.ary of agrlculiura ii-'n powi-r C hait sa t down by the fire. a wide rural area. Will biiyei’s ' \1owa 1 ii-mncrat.- had .staged .'t 1.non.non men. was had teeth contrast to the portion form e,1 be- port inily to vie->v Iho new homlry! hiifho.st general price levels sir.ci- I industry's economic fence were two afternoon newspapers. The ing/rear. If they biiy more mer- ney Hillman, co-chief of the Office his piano and waiting lor ths women present to do every-' "The Red '-'"t going to in eastern Europe, dev itlng h;s ovi r larin pnrv veiltn):.'i. Pine log* crackled and the fire continue lo flock in from the same Lowry authorities to g.-t lactisnn I'ay dinner.s annuall.v- life I'ntin-lv to solution "f gigan­ • Tfce rings vn the human t.oih lie ii.r'-.biifh ' lurnushin.g.s bore wiii'ii l.h< y are' • , named to the group which will de­ grew brighteh. Evening Bulletki and The Daily cl^mii.-e.' it may lie idle and eat of Production Management, Secre­ thins In their power to help the wm this war Theirs i.s an errard ^ 3 0 . 1 lu- lU'-■-ing, ■li' a.’; ', v.oiild i-en- velop plan* to pooi tool and plant .listances? (Jr will mail order around to the I’'s in recalling sinci\l93S an-i the 1942 event was tic ta.sk.-. c.,iifn nting the 'Ivni.in ir. t h e 'i—.Hmel .mil tiu .lent'n". the ,\11 thn-ugh vhiKlh'iod the li --th. .IDplayed later .it W.ilkias Broth- As Chait gazed at the fire jNews, a tabloid. p its value in carrying charges tary of War Stimson, Dr. J. P.. .dwCf along. Market statistics showed th.it nt aio‘,f’ idhir a'lpoi't.i of the i'lll resources for production of planes, I^ht Survivor of Chain firms get their husmos.s inste.ad? discharged re.servists srhedmed tentatively for next Freedom of Thought | Into and i.iimrdiale. j \ ou muat nation In conn.-, tiop wtt'o ncj-os- liiUi r the hard substance Im medi­ remain a prey to any seiiv us iw n er.s. there came a sudden puff from or force drastic price cuts lor its Steelman, director of Federal month fh, $2.5 a plate. Profits have •h-iugli teniporary, hr;ilth 'ip.sct.s. j War's Kffbi-t the Mart of the new yter pne ■- 1111'. IPg to ta r 111 pri' I'.i. tanks, ordnance and war-essential It Was the last survivor of disposal./ In (uibiirlian districts, it is pos- eonciliation, .and R. J. Thomas, in­ “We are meeting in God s house | know what Xn do at the right time sitie.a Ilf the w-a- " ately un-ii-r the en.iniel. These tw o .•\i.mll l iu-iiig d t.lf Fight the fireplace, spew'ing hot em­ .sible th a t .some stores may bene­ been iise4iilt» this year as compared to less than melting point, had disinte­ to reorganize under the Chandler unprecedented total of $100,000,- military aircraft the aolendld chances we still have with the rem irk. It we are gi ing s[ionse to ",an Inner call.' pad Th'-.=e ni'p .stitiHics farmer.s are stiff ,l'g!i' o'. .lh‘ Bank'-i- oi act. Court-appointed /Iru.stees on worn down thinner and we begin | i equal import the war. I lUng Each Da.v growth conuiiues througlioul uie. ; the deslgn«r and the manuf.acturcr half that value in automobiles dur­ grated suddenly spraying fire 000.000. How much of it will be A con.pany spoko.sman said the I know, of course flown to Smi'li-njk from Kii-v In an weighing a.s they fqrmiilate 19t'> aminJaieiit. ing pre-war yearst Dec. 9 reported asyffs of $3..')36,- to think twice before taking, the firm had experienced a normal San Franc’sro. Jan. 6 v>' The ; veryone is attenipt to stiffen hl.s central lines. The laying d -wn of the en.iirie; von past the .age of sO. I'hi.s u- Uie -us they meet and .solve the prea- in all directions. spent in the country's stores, i.s j an all-out American during this lormaUon of new bonet about the ^ ent problem* facing them, operating nlan.s aTtm^ with advic di'n.ate Maionly l>:ader Barkley To Choose C'hairmui Today 270.01 and liahilitioS'of $1,730,116.- car out of the garage. turnover in employes, the same as Japanese allack.s on Waku and I Half Doeeii GeiicraN Dropped and the dentine begins 4 to 6 however, another matter. Midway islacds, and Guam, have iI emergency But t want tb be cer­ nv-nth.s afuT rorjieption In go.,,1 so.-kets of tieth. The teeth Im;'-r- Mr. W'alkin.s expoct.s that mod-1 received front farm er 'commit tee- (D.. Ky.i and Senator Brown iD.. Ranging in makeup from the 14. The assets inyluded a figure of Fir.st, there is a terrific tax bill It is possible that the tire .short- -ither aircraft fit;nis, but that no aieiy vwu»y. ---- ^ ^ ^ a a ,. U I, (About Ba UBUhalf dozen xjciiiiaiiGerman r.'.rn representing I'nclc >jani who inch. I* in I barge of the bill, both '1,000,000 set gs the value of its •serious sitiiatifio t’^cisted. thrown a thons.and families op th^ ‘ tain that 'VC will have aiCOTgress health, a . ring Is laid do-.s-n e-ich ceptibly force themselves farther ' em design will continue to-hold its : presidents of huge motor firms to to be paid on March 1.’), Some age may bring a wide shift in mer­ that Will he .Jiist as Americ^ in .“W e aree in a terribl® war,” con-' can do and *ro i generala wt*re reported in London ate cniv,piling rc'-'iUs of tK^ mos’ e.\;>i v.^-*ed oppoaitiun to the Bank' Tire Inspection Associated .ipress mombership, He said tl«' eonfpan.v had not American mainland into financial atterson, "an4 It may i St, Bridget s lo.id th | ^Tve gone the w .iy of day. and farther out through the gums, prominent place In home furnirh- j s'.ib-chieftans of the CIO and AFL, store exei iitives look for a notice­ chandising methods of big .stores fii'ace as irvlvar ' Unued Batterson iinu".:,’’! c.inV-.ss in e g:-icv'l,tural hi-aJ proposal, toiilending thiit the committee was expected to Willie the ly»Tiilitie.s em braced $1.- requested a postponliment. and j distri'ss. , very llvaa. No_w that we, tornie' M.uor & Von Br.aurhitarh for military ,e- Each ring Is microscopic. But nus pushing.movement is nature's mgs, and that the small home will , , . i i \ able .slackening in store .sales with greater empha.sis on mad m ean our eluded his address and left immedi­ farm prlcta were part of an "o\er- choose a chairman at its first 07.'),000 iiy'notes held by the luid not received official \vord the I Banks are unable to l arry out a j are ciJnfrcmted with it there Is no ..Verst’S or tritici.sm of rt'»t Ci'n-luct each can be brought out distinctly method <»f compensating tor the be well provided for in the matter ! Charges JiinipcMl arouno that date. and telephone orders. j deposit agrei inent betwi'i n i-on-| I'ire l)ri\es Eight lo Street ately In order to fill another en­ slow grinding down of tooth Individual f.irmeis, a 1 r e i cFy all stMicture ' which should be kept meeting today. The group will su­ tni.stees^ the Curtis estate. .se.s.sion ha . been deferred. Itjnlt to what you can do to help. of the war, 1 by staining with dyes after a tooth of "space-savers." Color, loo. will The employes' proposal was op- I tra c to rs and the workmen <'i)iiiloy- | gagement in Hartford at 9 o'clork. 18 extracted. Any serious childhood enamel by years of biting Were ,, w » -V fi 'b tln g the "battle of food" wltlV w. lhin the Jurisdiction of a single persede the Automotive Industry Both company and union\rcpre- Rad Croat Knitting "The enormous burden of work be important In all homo fumtsh- ' ^ the Curtis trustees. Their sentatives said agreem ent \..^hiid ted on the islands at the' time of: New Haven. Jan 6.—(tPi—A Father Tlirimlns spoke to the trouble leaves its record by altera. it not BO, -Human teeth would be­ hgeii' y because ot the Inlorrela- Ad'lsory Committee—which is Parkway Commission, notifying j The apeaker went,on to deacrlb'e resting on th^ Fuehrer's shoul­ ings, with rose, gray green and ; uve.siock production, have ubn.oliip of commodity price*. Hartford. Jan. 6.—(ipi,- The tire attoriiey told tile court last month been reached whereby the scale- for the a.ssault, Timothy,, p.mrdan, Ih Iho wome following the address, and Lions In the dally rlp.gs. come worn down a.nd appear 1° mauve being especially featured. [ best made up solely of management Mile Limit him of the new .speed regula,'tions. I member of the California Indus-! <'''!lar of a . hain store at Gran . .. . whieit'''everyiioily m the Llmted of strategy for the industry. yesterday, and the first few hours by women throughout the nation thin ChrlBtma.s amidst h a t^ip.s outline, coupled with Ute fact that j state.i '.i inti'ie-sted and not just oney after bad. " its al froni .50 miles an hour to 40 ■ to 60-7,5 cents, and a 10-oent an today. drove eight persm.s to the street ganirstions v.utvin the parish in ilay to davi to produce better ing down and the pushing out or U - use In characteristic groupings. It was selcct<'d from members of of its operation in Connecticu On Stale Roads miles and lower. Those under 40 in near-zero weatlier from living ■re helping the .soldiers to' stand war relief anc. 1-led Cross for the in th e forem ost .u o n t line.s. afi -.v us poultry fee.ling for egg' -ind'live­ I'ue par’ll "ila:- group, la other the Industry Advisory Committee For the last month. The Ledger, hoijr blanket boost would be grant­ Ho asked Federal and state, of­ the elemenU to a greater degree. the caso for the la.st two years " teeth, eruption Is so perfect that the .VppllancM Prominent brought reports of petty profltei operating largely on capital bor­ miles w ill not f)e changed at pres­ ed other workers. ficials to help work out some fi­ quarters on a floor above. Firemen emergen'y. An iinnouncament will stock breeding and fatleninjg for words, it's a ponsum eP* bUl." and the Labor Advisory Commit­ ing. ^ He went on to cite the German re. (A Qeruian mho bro^^a.st poc In a batch of 1000 teeth, obtain­ grinding efficiency of the teeth of According to an advance an­ m eat and dairy product* ha'S'Sibe- rowed at the court's permission, ent, but the -50 mile zones will The controversy is centered nancial provision for the work­ confined the smoky blaze to ' th>; b« made soon regarding the meet­ ed from Chicago dentists, there most persons does not perceptibly SuLstantlat Conceaslona -Made tee—both of which, groups will H artford. Jan. 6. "T' B egin­ carry new markers displaying the | men's families. tr e a t in Rueelm caused by th e cold, ing to he called to complete the 26 said H itler had spenr C'Tiristmns nouncement much prominence will comc much more attractive than oemtlnuc to function- -bv OPM Di­ Two district boards conip^lned had a daily circulation of about partly on ■ union demand for cellaf. aa a reason for women hfilttlng was unmistakable record of the change In a lifetime. be given this year to major appli­ He contended that the Senate ning January 10. a speed limit of 40 mile maximum. plans as u.su.al, am ong hi,« jamops. He was last year, on the basis of price rector William S. Ktiudseij, and to state headquarters that iire in­ 169,000 wage increases retroactive to the garmenta for U. S. soldiers. Ilei m Berlin t'ei n Tor the declara- effects of poverty. The teeth oi the The amount of wear exhibited by ances, more of- them being shown Banking Committee had already spectors were charging iC dollar 10 miles an hour on all trunk lines Ye.sterday's action follows an in­ first pay da\ in July The com­ trends, will guide them In translht- ma le sub.stnnlial concession* to A.s.siH’iate Dfrector Sidney Hill­ .urged the women to gel together ! lion of w ar lUKin the United children of the well-to-do had cal­ the teeth Is often used by anthropf than ever before at the American ing their efforts into commoditic.s for certificates that present tires in t'.onnectu lit wdl become effec­ creasing accident I'alc on the triinlc p.any offered to m ake the boosts cified better In Infancy than those (arm leaders and that under the man. JCnudsen told yesterday's In groupe and “knit for the Red : tales. I ologlsts to determine the age of Furniture Mart. The priorities for the larder of democracy. day-long meeting of labor, indus­ wore worn and usele.yr SiicJj 'a tive by order of Uie sta te traffic lines and the need of meeting the retroactive to Dec, 2. Croaa.” j Plans Giving Aid "Ai commander In chief of the of children going to a free extrac­ the prehistoric man whose skull he necessitated by the defense pro­ bii' a* di-aftcd by the committee certificate mttst accojtipany an ap­ R o u n d L p .‘>.600 commission which mol here yes­ pioblem of gasoline and tire short- P rodurtlon goals of .some com ­ the farm price level could rUe try and government rcpr.csenta- Former Mayor Batterson went German Agmy. the Fuehrer is un- tion clinic which served the poorer may unearth. The F.B.I. similarly gram have. In turn, made It neces­ modities, orlgin.ally o'ul.ined sever­ plication for new tires. terday. ape. Rich — Refreshing about 15 per cent higher th a o tives that .automobile firms and oa to describe the need for first To Authorities more tliski a single day. " Dr. Dit- sections of Chicago. determines the age of skeletons by sary to make changes In the ma­ al month.s ago. may be in leased :n workers mu.st e.xpcct civilian mo­ Chester Bowles, state rationinc Eneiiiv Alieii8 The order, was immediately is­ Besides Commissioner Hickey, i Japanese Aliens aid workers. A knowledge of first | raore Ultan a single day," Dr. Dlt- . Somevjhat like, trees, the teeth a detailed examination of the teeth. jor appliances, and complete new other commoditlc* before any con­ administrator. Indicated a prompt mcinlK'is of the commission are:, tlie light of recent developments. trols h", ame operative. tor car prixiiu’tion to be halted en­ sued to tiwn and cit.v and police aid, stated the speaker, may aavc i I trlch/v’ent on. "Even' the short have a number of different grow­ A more accurate determination ot line* of refrigerator*. *toves, | Broducers generally realize there tirely about Jan. 31. This action, halt would be made to any profi­ official.s throughout the .state in a Motor Vi'liicles Comniussioner Jolin a life. I ing seasons, quite sharply separat- age la possible In the horse, w hose ranges, heater*, washing machines, | A* . the Hanking OommIKee teering. He a.sserted that regula­ T. McCarthy and Hlgliwa.y Com- . V (five lip Swonis New York. Jsn. «— : h ^ s wldch the Fuehtei spends at 3 a Eurpl'.i's of fei'd.ing grain-. wrote the bill, price Umitationa on apparently madi inevitable be- 1 San Francisco, Jaq 6 4* Ap-. campaign to cut traffic hazards, "Some o.' you mey be capable of ! cd. The first one Is the last four or i teeth show a special arrangement Ironcrs, radios, etc., will be on dis­ C.IUSC of scarcity of steel and oth- tions, whlcii provide for penaltie.-i iiiissioiicr William J. Cox. "merit, assure and safogruard a ^altlm es with his close-st-rnilit.ary I'lrgest in JO ve.'irs. but th-it fei- I a farm prixliict could not becoma ' proxiinati'lv 3.60u of the l.hOO.OOO save gasoline and spare wear on ' ____ _ j nursing. A Red Cross course only i tavorabit public opinion" of itselfyiand political coiiaboratois are cut five months before birth. In this I of their hard structures. play. 1.3 fc.-isen'-ial for produition of meat , er materials iiveded for military for non-cooperation, set 50 cents tires. ICBta SO to 40 hours, and every effective until the price of tiia .enemy aliens in the I.'nitcd fITates Los Angeles. Jan. 6 - oPi — the liquor industry Is plannlngJkJ i down in accordance with pending This Is a xdtally Impor- ■ n'.!''r;, b.utt'i, eggs an-d the like. goods, would clear the decks for as the maximum fee for inspec­ The Merritt Parkway Commis­ .lii|>s Buy IJetense Bonds .Among items Japanese aliens .'iir- m inute la well spent. Then there is laiil iiiarkot, an iiolh inanu- I comm odity had reached 110 p er I have I'een ronnilod op by the Fed­ set up squidrohs of trained ydn-I conferences .May Exceed Lim its Proposed tuo new prodcrti'on jobs of stag- tion of tires, and said this may be eral Bur.'aii of Invo.'tigation as sion will meet Friday at the re­ rendereci voluntarily besides the the need for nurses' assistants. spectors" to asslkt state and lo- ! Confident of Victory fa c tu rc r and retailer m ust C"op- I F'.’'’hermore, government offl- cent of parity, or the averse gi ring pro|>ortion.s. Kmidsen said. char>;eil only .when the in pection Even now there is a very serious m arket price oi. last Oct. 1, ’ iispcclod spies, saboteurs and quest oi the traffic commission to F.ly, Ni V (' To.sh'.iniro Mit- required sliort wave radio .squi|i- cal authorities m conecHilg anv j "I w.lsh the ricrm an poop'e cou ii erate cloaely to'insure the be.'t In- ; :;a'..s ha'.-e indii’Hted the*,* arc red These are. first, the handling of requires removing and replacing j Fifth t'olumiii.sts James Kowe, Jr . lower the present ■’’lO mile speed .siimata iiidn'l com|dain when ho j nieiit and cameras, are 16s sw onls, shortage of trained nurses and objectionable conditions/ arising vi.‘'tcn in on the convi-r.-i-iiions wiMi torest.s of fhe bu>dng .public The j adV'use to permitting prire.s ul whichever was higher. (Parity five billion dollar:' worth of addi­ these assistants- are trained to do Interest Keeping Up price- are designed to give farm the tire. I a.ssistant to Altor- limit to 40 miles an hour. was jailed along."A'ith 39 other | 87 rifles. .">1 shotguns and .51 pis­ •mAiur from sais of ita produota. i the Fuehrer, bvi-ause then they qualify of mcn'hanJisc will be certain ooraiuodlties t exceed even tional Army and Navy orders for State headquarterX reported ni'V Gencr.al Biddle estimates. State I’olice Commissioner Fd- Jaiianese on orders of immigra- , tols many of the miscellaneous chores From 22 states, mi^esentallves i would realize the feeling ot maintained but. In order ..to do 110 per cent ot piri'-y limits pro­ ere a return equivalent to that In l inks, pianes.,and guns and other whlcd) would enable the trained a former period, ufually 1909-14.) that another deterrent would ts' Howe IS si'ling with tl.i' civilian ward J Hickey, chairman of the turn ant ill iritles In.stead. he Three Japanese said they were of the nawly tormea Allied ..Liquor strength and absolute confidence in : this. It ha* been neoeasary to vided In pending price control military equipment, bringing the the publication, probalily toda;,-. i-qmmi.'^sion. trlm honed its action reachOil into ap 'dd siiitcpsc he collectors of antique swords and nurae to be Where medical atten- Should Be Gis'en Power industry's total ot war orders to • nqiiiry hoaid in con.i-ii! : i-.g case.s Industries, Inc., nief yeslcrdky and , victory which the Fuehrer has In In Air Warden Seliool 1 shorten line* and to simplify de- legislation. If this is necessary lo of lists of authorized tire inspec­ Ilf persons arrestC'l .is enemy to H Allen Barton. Greenwich, iiouglit along. dng out $1,000 cash • gave up 100. Robert Kojima val­ Mlon was most needed." ' pledged, a "ygorous campaign | these winter months." I sign. stimulate production. Parity is the Bankhead, on the other band, more than nine billion dollar.s: and, \ Cast Hartford Fire asserted that the secretary of tors appointeii by local board.s. aliens. acting chairman of the Merritt and Bna+gl)l_t" S defense txmds. | ued his collection of 31 at $.5,000 TEA Shortly after Mr. WaUUns re­ second, a speed-up of 1942 deliver-, fhe speaker went on to'rita the i frw .s." These alms, f. "'The strength of willpower em­ ciek look over the class for an In- personally selected will be display­ I There it an unusual aseortment | tion control program which pla-.i instiyid of previously .scheduled C Ion. bodied In the F uehrer and re-layed Session: Raid Precau­ tere.sting hour, on the trc.atment of ed at Watkins Brother*. 1 of items of which farmer* will be I ■an Im portant p a rt In farm pri- 't vn and, .a half billion dollars . due to coida . . . cs movenicnU and because he wou' 1 " o r t h ^ without “doslnf ?o cooperate with military. to all who fight under him Is the | person* ijeedlng first aid. While ne I i.-i'iied to produce much groat' r i ^Ivlc and rlvilian defense authori secret of. the succe.sses of the Na- I tions Are Explained. hit only high spots on the s'lbject I qii'inlilies in 1942. Soybeans, milk be more fa'nlllsr with the sgilctil Difference On .Xhllity ties In dealing with conditions tional Socialist (Nazi) movement, of cmergi ncy medical treatment. • i:?-!. butter, cheese, pork 'v i. ! I'lr'al i'h.'u.'' of tl"' p-uhlem than There was a difference of opin- brought on by war." Dr.'Plftrirh'-v- rote, Tl-.o .vtekly meeting of Ihe Air • ru? Jul however give a clear and \^ a i i l 8 L o w c lo w ii I'l’i'f. t'M t.- Jin l Mg'.t.abl-H ir» ici general price administrator. mn on the ability ot the industry ’5h^ll?o»5 ■\nother major contTov"rs>' wa.x to do the Job C. E. Wilson, presi­ APPKOVIU BY 2 CfNEHAIinNS "Truly great victories In this Raid \Yardens School l.ait evening i-onclse l9B8on. In fact, at one time, ^■v i j I I i ''nv.ist ' list, instead of basic] life sre wop onlv by those whose ho t>e''ame ao intuit upon the re­ Clops like wheat, cotton and corn , anticipated over amen lmeaU by dent of General .Motors, told re­ at the High school here had th- v-sll iJcllDO porters after the conference that -X Treasury Asks oh.aracter haa stbpd the har lost counting of a past'first aid experi­ io v'ldch .iRriciilt'ire t'lrnr 1 i , Pi na'ir T.aft ■ R . O.) to put the tesla. . . . With eyes on th • entire claa.s present. quaiti-r of a century ago in It.i , admmlstratlon of the measure un vhile his comp.any could start pro­ ence. that-orle o; the pupils became duction on the new ordrTs "within Fuehrer, the whole German p>eoplc Raymond Cooper opened the pru- HO excited tint she faintdl .Mr, w(ir effort. But. statistics ahowel. j der a Mard instead of a single ad ceeding.< by explaining that he had C'r.i''.igo, Jan. <’ —A' —The City m.nistralor, and to require publl a few weeks, " he doubled whether NATION’S EA^ -Aid of Labor toflay ar-' rising to the'-hlghesl de- S.'ichen-k, 'I'l-.vever, came to the Council Committee Streets and prices of 'the.ic pe...... mu.*'." ' Ii t .-'' . velopnient of all their pbwer Invited Jot Elder of the Gas Com- beartTiga on any ceilings that tile industry could achieve five bil­ rescue arid Boon had her ready to Alievs wants the real lowdown on .shown the grcai st ai prc latl n in | lion doliartf In war pnxluction in pany to the meeting for a brief I continue for the remainder of the recent months, reflecting the w -ii - j might be fixed. B ridgeport, Jan . 6—Iffb— The dlscus.ilon on what to do In event | leo^ure. the desth of Italo Balbo. the Italian the 12 months. It would take Gen­ air marshal. time demand I eral Motors until the end of the Trea.sury Department has enlisted Many Enlisting of an air raid In connection with | ilg. Rani ^tates that there are the aid of labor In getting wrrk- household gas , Mr. Elder spoke Balbo made y big hit with Chi- Vi ar. he forecast, to complete its still openings at the air raid i(i-ar- Police Captain Bcnanied retooling MR tn file the'i.r income retu rn s hrlcflv on wha» the Gas Comp.an c-s^o in t9.3.3 when he led a squad­ TODAY dens .scho d, and it anyone wishe-x ron of alrplan/s across the Atlantic WED. It was learned al.so th a t in the The man who speaks In -Marine Corps wa.i doing during this emergency. | iptly. to enroll m this brg.mlzation they to the World Fair. So the city Putnam. Jan. 6- T* The new rlosed se.ssion Wilson proposed that crelary-Trea.surer John J slating that. "Wc have some of ' ■ .Hhi u il m n ta c t Mr. R.ahd. by tele­ named a etpiet after him Now ore Common rouncll reappointed Dspi jiassenger car produenon be con,- Row I P,^f the Connecticut Federa­ our best equipment on this side of Harrv Wallen and the rest of the New Haven, Jan 6 - T'— M a­ the river-and men who have stud- I phoning, Manchester. 4117 at any alderman Wants It charged to nnued beyond Jan. 31 to avoid tion oKLabor said the department rin* Corps enllatniente In C.-i.-mec- time Garibaldi/drive, contending Balbo jBolice Department Inst night I' . -: severe dislocation in the industry had esk ^ him to bruig to labor s led in England, under war oondl- 1 WAS THE WARS GRtATESI l-PO U X D tlcut during Decembei were more was'a fjrunder of Fabetsm and had i gather with I'thc appointive offi- In the role of- auctioneer, Knud- through his neck attention N^e deslrablUty of early tlons " , jeers under 1110 a'imini.etralli-in i e- BACK than one-fifth those during the en­ He cautioned those pre.sent to be fo'.icht/a.calnst the,democracies. STORY CENSORED. . sen read off to the assembled motor filing V tire period of America s participa­ A nother alderm an, however, lii- I I'lrneil to office in. the Dec. 1 elec­ makers a list of items needed b.v "I have tnqspred of the Internal sure and rem ind tholr osvn partlc- tion. 39c tion In the First World War, First iifar group not to try to shut the Orernight News slsty! nothing be done without tn- the Army and Navy which OPjil forV S-LB. reveni/e collecttw's office In Con- Lieut. H.arry W. Miller. In charge ve^gatlng etoriei that Balbo believes the automobile industry nectl/lut,’’ eald RKSf' '"and have tlow of gas off at the meter Itself, Military motor vehicles pur­ BAG STc of recruiting In thli state, Ver­ bjit to merely shut down the home Of Connecticut killed over Tobruk, Llbyft, June 28, can produce. These items, aggre­ beent Informed they are ready to mont and we.'tem Massachusetts, IMO, had been murdered because chased by the lilted Statee Army gating five billion dollars in orders The U. S. fighting plane would be like a lost bird in as^st m handling tfl^*^ reporU at appliance using gas. lust as By Aseoclated Press UPFOOOSTOKStSUPFRMmnS said today. though they were normally leav­ Mussolini was jealous of him. and must pass a torli.ous test on a 60 awaiting any taker, were spoken o ^ e " that Italian anti-aircraft guns de- per cent grade before they are for by "representatives of the vari­ A total of 111 men from Connec­ ing the hou.se ’• "'jS I * ' o blackened sky without electrical voices and ears. ticut enlisted In the corps last Thompsonville —^ e 5500 the llberat»Iv shot dow-n his place. accepted by the authorities. ous companies, and it was expected month,' compared with 479 enlist- W hat To Do In Raids that formal' contracts would be Enfield Society for the Detection ■ 1 i ments from April. 1917, to Novem- Mr Cooper himself then took drawn soon. To provide instantaneous communication for pilots' I her, 1918, Lieutenant Miller said, the floor, to give an Interesting of "rhievee and Robbers had laid The OPM last night set passen- ] Wednesday andThursday SpeciaK i Most of the enlistments chme af- and educational talk on what to do aside for tracking down horse ' ftec car production quotas for the ! who wing through the stratosphere at rocket-like ! ter the surprise attack on Pearl In the event of Incendiary liombs thieves will be invest-d in U. S. . BLUE ORCHID DINNERWARE piesent month at a total of 204.- H arbor He told how each hou.-ehold should. nh'fi'n.He hond.s. At the society's ' 848 cars, instead of the 102.424 a n ­ speeds was a problem that confronted the armed The 'Hartford area led the statu Include the following Items: A 119th annusl meeting last night, i nounced ill December, The 204,848 wtth 77 enlistments long-handled shovel, gloves, gog­ TO OUR figure had been fixed three months forces of Uncle Sam. members decided that despite au- i / gles and at least one bucket of tomoblle rationing horse thieves L A D Y ago but when war broke out it was sand. He went Into detail, explain­ wouldn't become any rqore preva- '■ PATRONS PLUS .1 \NF, WTTHERa 1 cut in half. The restoration w'a-s Western Electric, manufacturing unlL of the Bell Sys­ Rand to Be ing the use of each of these Items lent than they have been in recent , FREE! “SMALI, T0\t N DFJr ordered to permit companies to i,se and any possible , good* which FREE! FOSTER’S years, and voted to lend the money | up materials already fabricated. tem, contributed by making a "thrbqt microphone" — might substitute if none of these THURSDAY. J.VN 8th. AND FRIDAY. JAN. 9th Mxjrried Todav to Uncle Sam. Lawmence Klein. 80- | THURS.; ‘'SNYL.UtK” were av-ailable. The class of year-old pre.-ident, was reelected ■ And Every Thursday and Friday..\f(ernrK)n or Evening ingenious device that picks up a pilot's voice through For Fine Foods wardens Interestedly voiced their for his fifth term. x. Thereafter, To Each Lady Purchasing a 30c Ticket Movie Actress : Dial 7386 views and questions throughout his neck and eliminates noises and clatter of gun-fire. 84 Oakland Si. Free Delisery' I Glendora. Caiijf.. Jan . 6.—tiP,-^, Mr Cooper's talk. Newtown. — Mrs. John Angel. I This Is Sslly Rand's wedding day. sister of Pr#.sldent Charles' Sey- I Details of Bombing Seeks Divorce but the ceremony (about 3 p. m . mour of Vale end of Mrs. George ; TOO.\Y The device is but one of many items now being turned Kidney Lamb^ Chops lb. 42c • e s t 1 vvhlch will m ake the fan I He supplied the class with ec- C. St. John, wife of the headmaa- : AND (fancer Mrs. Thurkel Creenough curate and Int-restlng data about ter of the Ghoate school Walling- CIRCLE WLD. out for Uncle Sam by Western Electric. Carload upon >hf»uMrr «tr Hih V ill hx- read In the rectory In.iti-nil incendiary bombs. Foi instance, an ford, died yesterday at her home" Hollywood, Jan. 6.— - Tlie I of Grace Episcojia] chureii.' incendiary dropped from an enemy in Sandy Hook She leaves her hus- ] St'PER GIANT SIIOWI film colony reports a new engage­ carload of switchboards, microphones, radio-tele­ Lamb Chops lb. 35c The rector. Rev. Henry Scott plane has the penetrating force bazid and. two sons. John LewTence ; ment. a broken one and a suit for Rubel, said It would be contrary to enough to pierre four inches of and Henry Seymour 'Angel, ^ l- ' divorce. phones, field sets and other complex equipment are Lamb Patties lb. 25c Episcopal church law concerning conerste or one-quarter inch of ' vate funeral-services will be held I Actre*s Nancy JCelly. who mar­ ' marriage of divorced persons to th a t .solid Bteel.' I in the home tomorrow at 3 p. m SPENCER TRACY ried A ctor Eklmond O’B rien In being delivered to the government every month. ; conduct the wedding in the church. Thu* it can be seen that an ordl-, waterburv.—Mrs. Rose Buona- mcRio it>i> February, separated from him in Lamb Stew 2 lbs. 29c I He Bald the question had been nary house roof "ould offer smwi, jg waterbury, wa* killed Ju n e 'aird m ade up in July, again i raised by the Grace church vestrj' resistance to one of the**- ^mt>a. i ^ automobile a* she 6ERGMANJURNER Because of these war-demands, together with the Large, Juicy -• Plus Thl* Grand Screen Program •- '•eft him Christmas Eve. She asks j and referred to Bishop W. Bert- It will penetrate the roof ana crossing W.atertown Bvemie a divoriie on charges of cruelty. Oranges 2 doz. 49c I rand Stevens of l!iOs Angeles, who plunge on dowTi lntx> the interior o i' near the Connecticut Children's •TOM, DICK AND HARRTi"” With Ginger Rogers, Geo, Priscilla Lane said -she and John shortage of many materials entering into telephone I cited the canon. the dwelling, until it collide* with hospital. - Sergt. 'Charles MeWee- Murphy, and -PRIVATE NURSE” With Brenda Joyce Barry, Victorville, caiif., news­ I "With a little more time for ap- the first dnished floor. It will then ney identified the driver a* Floyd i paperman, had agreed to break manufacture. Western Electric is urtable to meet the Fine Cooking Apples 6 lbs. 25c j peal and Investigation, things commence lo bum and emit quan­ Cameron of Watertown. ALSO their engagement because their ducrent abnormal demand for telephone equipment I might has'e been otherwise, but un- tities of magnesium, which may be New Haven.—Mrs. Harriet Ame­ “J SONS OF GI NS profession* would keep them Jumbo Tangerines doz. 29c ' fortunately the time was lacking,” thrown a* far a* fifteen feet. Af­ lia (Oaks) Sargent, 87, a member separated) I Mr. Rubel commented. ter approximately forty *econd* of for civilian use. of a colonial New Haven family PLUS! Selected Shorts! Joseph Paatemsk, who produc­ Seedless Grapefruit 5 for 25c I Greenough, Red Lodge. Mont , this, it wiu break into a furtou* Slid widow of Henry Bradford Sar­ ed nooet of the Deanna Durbin pic­ I rancher and rodeo bronc buster. flame. One car. imagine the In- gent, died yesterday In her homa ture's, and DonCer'-Aetre** Dorothy Thus we may not always be able ■ r Evaporated Milk 6 cans 50c ’ dlTOrced his first wife, Mrs. Helen tenaity of heat at thU point upon Her husband was a eon of the STARTS 'niUBS. ANT) FRL Darrell, 21, are completing ar­ i Greenough, Dec. 16, In B utte. knowing that the temperature of founder of Sargent and Company, rangements for their marriage at to give you the kind of service , Mont. ' an incendiary w'hlle burning 1* hardware manuifacturers here. She Blue Orchid Dinnerwarc Palm Springe Friday. Lux Flakes 2 Ig . pkgs. 39c 2300 dfgreee F. Thua the reason ieavea four children. Ziegler Sar­ F R E E TO LAOIEB! you want, when and where you for the gloves and gogglea and gent, ■vice president and treasurer t COMWJETE SHOWS THURS. ill Be H arsh long-handled *hove!. of ^rgent^s. Mlsa Elizabeth C. AND rnroAV evenings want it. W e know you will under­ Mr. Cooper passed out some Sargent, both of New Haven: Mur­ LADIES! PLEASE NOTE.! 6:30 • 6:00 P. .M. Staff of Station ' Ou Tire Thieves sample forma, which each air- ray Sargent of New York City; la Order To Aocommodate the Thoiuand* of Ladles of Manchester stand—and will want to co-oper­ warden woudi be expected to fill and Mrs. Rhoda M. Tllney of Wea- and Vicinity Have Expresaed Their Enthnslaam About Start­ Joins M arines OPEN 01" In event of dlaa*t*r and ex­ to g u a ing This Set. ttaeManageroent Has Arranged To Show... ate as America goes "All-out for plained these at length. He then YOUR TOEPHONE COMPANY IS SERVING New Haven, Jan. 0—OPi—Judge Waterbury. — The appointment TWO COMPLETE SHOWS THURS„ FRI. EVENINGS Victory." 24 HOURS Abraham A. Wbicoff of the Hart- cIoBod bis p a rtic u la r _*e*«lon o f th e of Miss Kathleen Crowley as a Bu- school by ssying. "It la not th* STARTINO AT 6:80 AND B:0P P. M. IROVEN PIGTUR Denver, Jan. 6.—(JP>—On* af In 100 GallbB Lot*... i-ford police court has let It be. pervlstjr. of probation for the New Colorado’* nine porta of entry went bomb which, I* ao dangerous—It'* Door* Open: Matlneee 1:43 — Evening* At 6:18- THEATRE • Horttord YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY Range Oil, 7<]C gallon. ■ known that he would "deal severe- Haven District Juvenile court was oiit of biudnesa today. ■ IV '.'1th pereona convicted of the fire. We must prepare every announced by Jiidge Fred D. Fuel oil. 7.2c gallon. house to be In a condition to meet ,E. L. Reilly, chief of the port*, stealing automobile tire* and Faulkner. Mis* Crowley, formerly TONIGHT AT 10:15 P. M. which Inspect truck* and collect parts, in a move to aid national this danger. juvenile probation officer of the THE First Hartford Showing certain fees, received tl^a telegram * DIAL 8500 defense. Nine Take Exame Waterbury Municipal c6r~t, wUI SOCIAL DEBS ON. THE ^ O S Z from the three patroloogn manning I And in New Britain Icity Clerk J. E. Rand conductad an exami­ have charge of probatipB In Wa* yEJT CIRCLE one of hia stations: Harry E. Scheuy ha* discovered nation for tboae who wished to be­ terbury. Naugatuck, Wolcott, THEATER GAMBLING “We hav* *11 jWeided to Join up SI3 t'E.NTEB what rationing of rubber mean* come air raid wardens. The at­ Orsmge, Milford, Haihden, Ches­ with the Marlnea’’ in th* little things about hia office tendance at this particular class hire. B eacon FaiU. Seymour. -nu «iur . rttin?e» BROAD BT. \1Z la t is ..iv-’nlnq Lro.vd DAUGHTERS MOsilARTY BROS. ': He ordered two dozer eraser* and , . dj V-venty-two men. and women Southbury. Ansonia.* Derby, Mid- ^ ______Iv ^received J5. ^ Mr. I^nd wka highly pleased with 1 dleburyf and W bddbU dge, MANC^HKSTER EVENING H E R A L D . MANCHESTER CONN. TUESDAY, JANtARY 6, 1912 LCHS F O U R '

implication was that lines remain-, MANCHESTER EVENING HEftALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. ' TtJESDAY, JANUARY 6. 1942 ‘ PAGE n v t f' cd essentially unchanged on. the M anchester An Afternoon Trade School central sector, the most active Autoists Here Start Run Daily Radio Programs battle zone of the Leningrad-Tag- | Date Hook Well Equipped anrog front. i With Masters On Car Wrecking Concerns Change Seen EMter-i Stmard Time (Tile German stronghold of ; Boltou. . H Tract Changes , Mozhaifik, 57 miles west of Mos­ Tonight cow oq the Moscow-Smolensk Special m.ecting Army and Navy \ "" Fro; Mrs. Clyde Marshall Machines Received and highway, remained^ under the club at 8. . 'Cllaniinadf Club Mem­ It seems that the trend of shop- • Pantaleos is not the only 'con- In Philosophy PboiM 405S Are A])proved Jr. Chamnci .of Commerce meet- pyrs here in Manchester, (especial- cern doing a gigantic business in threat of a 160-mile encirclement bers Present Program Quiz Kids Reverse Roles Expected Will Cost in arc whose spearheads wer? i f ing. Hotel Sheridan. ly those with tars) is not so much this lirte. There are many garages Holy .Name- .Society meeting. St. towards the- shopping district on and usqd car concerns, both hero The Bolton CenW Re;i CYoso Vicinity of $80,000. StaTiLsa, on the upper Volga 125 O f Selected Works. Work Will Replace Se* Selectinon Look Over » • ______miles northwest of the capltalT and | James hall. Main street. Although the items and in Hartford, where each day, Sewing Group will meet' Wednes­ Meeting anc lecture, Men's Lea­ opposite direction driven by to; J. I neotic'ut F'arm Bureau Federation In Special Air Program Kozelsk, 140 miles to the south- which would undoubtedly interest cars of e4|ry make, size and eurity as Result o f day at 10 a.m.'in the F'irep^ace Eli/'aheth Park Map Increases In equipment in the vari­ gue.' Center Congregational church The Chnmlnade Musical Club of them, could be found at various, description drive into, iit their Rockville OeMas'si of 14 Ure svenue. East / w ill be held on Thur.sday, January we.st. Volokolamsk,' Nanifomlnsk, | Manche-iter enjoyed an afternoon Haven ' and Jerome Peirano of Tolland ! 8, at the State University at Present War. Room of the Community Hall for ous departments of" the State Bo'rovak, Maloyartxslavelta and Ka- | at 8. ■ stores downtown, there is a mat- quest for ear shoes, .\iifl O. B. New Lilies. Naw York, Jan. 6.—yP)—The, Tuning: tonight: Trade School, received and expect­ Girl Scout Council meeting at With the Ma.sters at Its meeting bt restrietlon. just now. \ Lewis H. ChapmB# Mahwah, N. J.. near the Eadie Mrs. John H. Steele' i Storrs, Conn., The session will an all day meeting. Attention is luga were Intermediate bases from | It fs not only b)e tire fndustry 'residence on Route 15. Mrs. Marion called to the new arrangements for Quia Klda In reverse might well xhe war, Bubject Jo change— ed soon, will total in cost approxi­ Y. 'M. C. A. at 2 p. m IIt tlie Center church Monday aft­ Therefore, necessity being the ] start in the riviniing at 10:30 with Hartford. Jan. 6.—i/P,-A phil­ which Sovjet pressure was being' which is being rushgd for goods, 96, Oockvllle IIT 8-S Rockville transportation made by this Robert J. .siniith. owner and d#« the program title for a apecinl 7 .00, MBS; "il.'i, NBC-Red; 7;30, mately $85,000, including consider­ Sa'liirday, .Ian. 10 ernoon. mother of invention, an Identical Peirano. waa'sllghtly Injured, It reixu ts of officers and presenta­ osophy bf work wifi replace a applied. in fact dealers all fveV town have group; Mr-s. -Mark Carpenter is in v'doper of Elizabeth Park, ap­ 8;5.’5, CB.S; 9;15, MB.S; able equipment to be supplied Installati'ili M .otfu'ers Local The works of Johann Seba.stian idea enters the cranium of many wa.s estimated that the damage to tion of resoliilluns. Luncheon will philosophy of security in the U nit­ program they are doing w^th a MBS: noted'thnt the housewives ar? buy­ both the DeMassi and Peirano charge of transportation for the peared before the .Selectmen la.st MBS: 10:30, NBC-Blue; through Federal aid and destined m ^ T t h e bl^diea^ ^ 30 Bach the greatest of a family Manchesterites. And thus, the Mis-s Alice F, HaU ha? letunied he sm-ved at noon. F'rom two un­ ed -States as a result of the pres­ group of five doctors on Thursday 10:00, some ing up all of the available rubber cars was about $400 each, as •they n-emliora in -South Bolton and she nieht. with a plan for th8 further CBS; il:00, CBS; 11:15, fot'* the machine shop. Director a r.mnnu-n ...... iiotcd for its mu.sical talents. Were reason for the snow being so well to East Haven High s< hool .iftcr til fotn- slu'leiih guides will con- ent war. in the opinion of James Bight, instead of answering ques- 10:4.5, the German-Ruasian campaign ^ jar rings they can lay ttieir'hands Elk^ to Greet were both met h^ad on. All three reports that Louis D. Flalon ha-s development of,the traet. The sec­ 11:30, MBS: 12:00 NBC, John G. Echmalian stated today. Mniiday. Jan. IS I compo.sitlons to be en- | trodden down in the direction of on at present. Looking forward to -spending the holiday at her Tolland ilii.cl. a tour of inspection. Slater, vice president in charge of tions, they will do the asking. MBS; would develop In the Mozhaisk Installation of officers. Red | ip»veTiV N. Y. The Grille car skidded aventre. Tolland. , _ Nelson Bavier will pri’iili .in, school permitting any person to Berlin reports of German bombing | I ter s work by Sabit Saenaz to Merirtoii Lodge at theVcgrtlnr Chicago. Claud Brenner, 12-year- MBS- 8, Wluifs My Name re­ Schedule court on Jam'isry 29th. Dr W- W. neuritis ■States ,anrt the rlead soldiers .Jo­ Iielifs of researi'h for glass to ei’ii- their own lunch lin'l .sci.ssors ' 'At the nieetiiig la.st night Mr. take up studies in sll of the es­ a.lacks on Soviet 'Shipping at I For an Instrumental number. 40,000 Japs meeting in the honte here ThWsday old who has performed that role turns: 9:.30, Fight for Freedom sential departments of the schirol, CTurtls of Sjtony Brook. L. I-, who Mrs. Sarah Usher and Mrs seph Tashlik ma'ie an appeal for brace the, whole sphere The Quarryville Red Cro-s-s .Sew­ I.■smith e.vpi.'iine.i ho'.i it -.v'-nild be Feoilosiya were Interpreted in Brit- ' Shipyanl Back ' the "Largo" movement from the night. Exalted Ruler CIiSt Ics before, will be master of cere­ rally. GOv. Keen Johnson of Ken- Tomorrow: was passing g iv e first air until Emma Crandall attended the Val­ the Red Cro.ss W a r'R elief Fund ing Group will meet Wednesday at ' possible to rnnnett with the sanl- including mathematics, and Ish quaitcrs today as an indica- I "Concerto in D Minor," arranged '*'■ ' -Sample's of Fiber Glass monies, while Ruth Duskih, who is tuc.kv and other.s. 9:00-'10:0i) -Second shift recrea­ O'Brien and his suite Of offi^ rs the arrival of the Rockville am­ ley Bridge (Tlub (."hristmas part;, and collected $15 , 10 a.m. for the regular all'day I tary se-.ver and 'xater systcm.s. courses in the carpentry, electrlcal, Uon Unit Uie Rmasians were 61- | Now in Trap He Illustrated his talk, given in only seven, w'ill be "guest observ-1 (('onllnued‘from Page One) for two violins and piano, was tion group, gym. will come from Meriden to exer))- bulance who took tjie man to the held Monday afternoon. •Mr and Mrs Archibald Sharpiv meeting at the home of -Mrs A ,N drafting and macliine. tempting to land more tro o ^ in r the auditorium of The Hartford The linai'i los' no tin-.c in accept- er." I playeil by Mrs. Flora Chase, Ru.s- 10:00-12:00 Women's gym and plify t-he ritual and Initiate a cla Rockville caty hpspHal. Mrs. Harold Clough and son have , have announced the marriage, of -Skinner in North Bolton. , :-.g the ' hangex and signed th* What to expect Wednesday; All persona interested in taking the eastern t"rimca in an effort ■ Gas Company, with a number ot ment refused to. grant a contract sell Wilson, violinists, and Mrs badminton, gym. (Continued From Page One) of candidates for Rockville Lodge Charles O'BriFn Congregational Meeting returned from several days spent j their daughter. . Phyllis Randell Firemen's fleeting The war—Morning; 8:00, NBC, up course.a in the Trade st bool eve­ to regain control of the p^in-suia samples of fiber glass, some used , ma p Aa a preview to the broadcast i ning clasw.s may make application including a maintenance of UniOn Klcanoc Bennett, pianist. Tin 1:00-3:00 Third shift recrea- The lodge session will begin The V’emon Center \Congregs- with relatives in Boston. : .siiarpe, to Harold Lee Shuft of The Bolton Volunteer Firemen I Offered I„and CBS; 8:45, NBC-Red; 8:55. NBC- A inilitniy jpnkcsinan galled at- |i^usc. a.' rc'iommemicd by the . low.-n\oving, melodic and expres-z fmn group gym. I the roads by Chinese forces who prornptly at eight Ih'clock. because In garments, household furnish­ o f the Joe Louls-Buddy Baer fight ' at the Trade S' hool olTice for the lights have been ordered for OonsI church wifi hold ^helr an­ On secount of the poor trap.s- j Auburn, III , on Deeemher 29. The ings. filtration, pre-fabrication A1 II hold the. regular meeting on I Flverclt McKinney appeared be- Blue; 9:00. CBS; 10:00, MBS; ' tentlon to the statemen't of the |Dcfcn.se .Mediation Board. | sive mcloily was much enjoyed-by 2:3o Girl Scout Council Tea for the first time wore able to ■ | a long program has been planned. portation, the speaker si hecluled | l eremnny w as performed at the Friday night for the benefit of the course of their choice. Mr. Kchma- .alreeta without light's where now i nual meeting on Wednesday eve­ aii'l many other’ categories. Wednesday at s pm in the F'lre- I f"ie th.- boar.l an-l ma.le an offer 10:15, NBC-Blue, MBS; 1 1 :00, I Kusainn Army organ l^d Star that ' As early a.s ,5ug 11, President | the audience. ! first floor social room concertrate superior artillery fire Following the inillatorv i crenionies j lor the 5’oung People's meeting bride s home by the Rev Dr. O. C. Place Ri/im of the C'lmmunUv N avy reUef fund, MBS Is planning iian said. houses have been built. I believ# ; ning. A prtt Lurk supper tiyill be In an earlier t Ik at a dinner i . f 2 1-2 a. res of lan.l owned by MBS; 11:15, MBS; 12:00, CBS, the Kerili peninsula,^ the eastern ' L. H. Korndorff of The Federal,' The Bayh group concluded with i o .jo Baby clinic B.anquct hall, upon thcii foe. the visiting officers and members I Sunday evening wa.s unable to he •Nelson of .‘summit. N .1 The at- Hall A I'ugc ntt<'n l.incr' r, re­ a half-hour at 9:30 Wednesday new Woperty owners arc entitled served at 6:30 followed by a re- meeting al the Citv Club. Dunu l • F'l .-.Ici 1. k Pitkin on the n'lith-si'lo night in which Walter Wlnchell, MBS. ! Crimea, had been nearly cleared dl :Shipbuilding and Drydock Com- Hie singing of the. familiar chorale ’ 3:30-5:iH) Cjicn .gym. boys. Yale-in-Cliiim University at tioni .Meriden and the raerabers ol pre.sent. The meeting was postpon­ lendanl.s w.-re .Miss .Maigerta Bry­ quested a.s Ihi.a IS the first' regular to thisXseniee. My attention has ceptioti when the new pa.stor •and Palaski. Hartford manager of The I 'if I'liit'-r street In the I'lWn. This who is a lieutenant" commander in Afternoon; 1:45, NBC; 2 : 00, 1 German forces. p.any proposed that the Navy take "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring." by , 6:30-9.36 Men and Women Changsha was .used by the Ja­ Roi'kville lof th'- i loll." j Mrs, F'nsl .lohn.son of .siouMi Road from 'Baer. A large tnrno'it of the members (oa.l is quite Hark at night. It i.s I The Asses.s.irs Philip Nlrun lie pointed nut the impiirlnn' e o| j "n the South si'ie of Porter .stree:, Revcll presents; 2:15, Mystery Moves ill (Crimea UtvAplure l.ost (irounil Knox reported tliat iftider .su­ nOs, and Mrs. E.-thor Seelcrt, con­ square and folk dancing, banquet Japanese set fire to the premises. The Roi knlle Lions rhjh will ' Air .Raid Wai'len ' Iti ad'litio'n.il , Mrs Letilia Lairabee an'i .Mr.s j As the front receded the sound of Rorkville lo«!ge is expected , to nc'-es.sary for tiy.police officer on I Madi.s'.'ii Woodward, and I>>ster 'ivilian cooperation in ,ieipn.se he sas'l. the water -xas no.v rtivert- Man; 6:30, Stella Unger movies. ■ The l^change Telegraph Agency pervision of Rear Admil.rtl Boweri tralto. The cftonis was under the hall. hold a meeting this evening at the j speaker -aIII be furnished hy the I c,iafi:,-.s ( -rehore gav<' a ■x rittr'n ex- | Fred Allen’s Wednesday night ’ of gunfire, which had reverberated greet the Meriden lodge delegation duty to lise a fla'xh light to dirert , Hiit'tiins are no-.v meeting al the warning programs and .stres.sed the ' e'l. The offer nf these kwh an.l CBS—11 a. m.. Buddy Clark I quoted, the Berlin radio today as I the ship yards had laid krel.s f..r direction of Mrs. Eleanor Ben­ 8:00—University Club. Roekinlle House at 6:15 o'clock ! Connecticut Defense foiincil whojfian to work on the 1941 tax li.st.s' aminatlon on the suhjert ma'ter guest on CBS Is to be Andy De- (Continued Fmm Page One) ; reporting from the central sector ' throughout the city yesterday traffic and it l.s datigerniis for per-' preparation required for siici css- nne-half ai res of land whi.ch ii'l time; 4:15 p. m.. News for Wom­ 12 ve.sscls. h.id. launched 10 sliip.s nett. 8:00-10:00 Badminton, Coun­ Nmv Board Inaugumted Folhnling this the group will ad­ I w ill disruas questions regarding th covered -so far in tlie .ourse. .Arti- vine, just In from the west coast of the Ru.ssinn front that the Ktis- morning, diminished to a low rum- sons rro.ssing the ,«Weet. I suggest - Several local people ha\'e been t'l air raid -.vardens and observation l.rt .t een • A'lelai'le .street, Richard en; 5. Song of Centuries. i.ncliiding four de-itroyers and the The second great master, try Club, gym. The oath of office wa.« given to journ to the Elks I'lub where Chief plaie of the-yaverage town.snien in lirial respiration will be demon- , and reported to be bearer of a de­ correspondent reported that Red ': sians succeeded yesterday in I hie by night fall, the dispatches that the fighting ccHrmiltee take post.s. riiail. V\'!llow road and Porter layed Christmas present from NBC-Blue -11:30 a. m., Pres­ Army unit.s whi,:t. had routed tlie ^ fast cruiscis Atlanta and Junc.aii. George Fnedrich Handel, who let) 6:30 Bowling league, all alleys. -Mayor Raymond F: Hunt at the A ir Flaid Warden John Datley will the National Vfen.se program. -MlAll • ’/ '’‘"'''I' stratrsl an'i pra. tised at the next j breaking "the German mam line' j said. this matter into- consj^deration to ommunily r a ^ are invited the airplane oh.s.ervation post in ^ bpled from British street, is ■'m the .'on.lition that the cott presents. 2 p. m.. Lopez or­ Germans from Tim. 40 miles east and commis.sioned 7 vc.ssel.s.. th' Germany to go to Knglaml where meeting of rhe Board of .aldermen explain "Air Flairt Preparation as meeting to he hefil .Monday eve- j Jack Benny to Fred. And that 'fiul a German counter-attac k re­ I .lap IManes Bomb Changsha .see if fliiod lights could, not be in- i Oiir "sv-stem of conininnications town rnhuil'l the section of Ade- chestra; 4. Arthur Tracy singing. of Kursk, some days ago, were.' .■Vtlnnta, 3 destroycr.s. 2 Maritime iii.s talent and f.anie us a master held on Monday evenirff: in the It Pertains to Rnrkvifie •' F rlUHV Ht 6 p. \M iu»" i-«i$.ij]r:4 zvri t'u- t „ 1 • * « r, a . ning _ . ■ ■ . I present may be productive of captured the lost_ ground. j _ Japane.so planc.s, however, bomb- .stafied, at this location w r use on in the event of alarms signaling lai'le ro.-nl from Rirhar'l road to M B S--3, Music by Willard; 6, advancing rapid.y Conimis.slon freighters. and a .11 tile oratorla Held wa.s og- Blakely Reported council rooms Eastern ."ktar ,Sor.etv of the -J\ll.and Federated lo ' ’' ' i ' k 7 J -Mrs 'fames RngFrs of Bolton some of the gagging between the Heavy los.ses were inflicted upon ' ed Changsha again during the dayt -\Ionday and Saturday n i^ ta when ' the approach of an eiieniy. he said, j Porter .street. John Scurge.ss, baritone. The nmd in this sector, 2^0 tanker ' nizid and rewarded, wa.s repre- Retiring Mayor Claude A Mills Worthy llrand Matron of the i-hiirch will .serve X Jan. 9 p'lbfic 7 ? /'"'" m l Center has returned from a sasit two. the Russian.s. the Berlin announc­ ; and al.=o attacked districts on the traffic IS heaviest. TheVost of supper in the^u -u «\oom s of the ' I was copied from tbl? British Air The offer was not accepted by miles uth of Moscow, is littered •\ppends Executive Order. .'iontod in the program by the sing­ a'Imini-Steied the oath to Mayor i .aanie should not be exee.ssiVe Order of Eastern .'-tar of Con­ to her sister. Mr.s ,\, P. Fait of er said. He repoitcd that fighting Killed. Is Alive I opposite side of the Si.ang river. church. Mi.ss Lm ife .^ a rd Mi.ss preci'.iii.s to the amtiiai ohurch biisi- j warning centers h,a\'ing a yellow I the fself' tmen last night as It-waa for 15 miles with German copt'.ses. Knox appended to his statement ing of his ana from "Theodora" Hunt who m turn a'limnisterexl the necticut and her a.s.s'iriatc grand Fpnngfiel.l, .Ma.as. .11 the SI', t'lr w.i.s continuing. I 'The (Thlr.cse claimed, meanwhile, There w,a.s considerable \ dis­ Dons Caniph'dl .Mrs ^ sep h Dii- nes.s mi;eting last Friday night, fight tlashed, he added, are notilicd looked upon a.s a temporary w/ay mutilated machmes and vehicle.s, ,i copy of the exec itive order "Angels, Ever Bright and F a ir,’ oath to the "ther officials ami lodge offieors -wifi pay an official Rehearsal of the minstrel spoh- 1360 , I that their troops In we.stern Hupeh satisfaction 'luring the past year F'ore and .Mr.s. C:irne Aye^s are in The f.'llnwing oflic'-rs and commit- enemv rraft is from lOo to to ovei' iime the storm water trou­ W DRC he said. ■vhlch' provided that the Navy's t.y the club president, Mr.s. Mar- Francis H. Blakely members of the 0 (y Coun' il in ronnei tion w ith the collecaim visitation to Hope ("hapter this tees 'acre electe.l: Trea.surer. FLav- I nnles awav. bine, .50 to ion -aore.l hy the ('..mni'jnity Helpers WTic Kilocycles ! Phovinre had slain approximately ' cha rge ble, m tliat se.'tion It would al.«r> ^ Kilocycles Although the Germans rushed possession should he tcrmihatial...... "'A joiie Nel.snn, accompanied by Mrs. killed in action at Wake Island. rvnon , J.-ipancsc lo a series of suc- •Mayor Hunt gave his first mes­ evening. Supper will he serve.l at w-i'll he helne and have the water go to -Pepper Young’s Family. 3:55 Russian tranr’i. it.- .11.'ll ii-ppeaied I defense...... " and which added ■ Major ' in four movements. Axls powers to coordinate all mat­ the H*»norablr ( nurt i'»f ( om* j prtatoM last year .Thi.s a meeting will be he(f national defense, Christopher Willibald von Gluck G. E. Keith Company in Marches- j,prve on the committee to be head­ ■wlio have niH'le an audit of the Birth ‘ 'lay. It was rcqxirte.l that the chapter 8:30—Ad Liner trated then rear. " i ter, and to several relatives of purpose of ifian^iirHtmR another -Mis-s Maimn Holme.s; .religious ed­ motorist.s to .^top ten feet behind ] essary to lay the pipe through 4:45— Young Wldder Brown. • cast coast, tile Geriiinn' high com- The president directed the Navyly I reached— I..,.l .V,.,the —ll.-.—Vclimax ofnt V.his drama ed by Wang Shih-CTileh, Chinese (Tty's hooks aiVd record.s for the i -Mr. ami Mrs N, Morgan Camp­ j -Mr and .Mrs, L Flrncst Hall ha.s a total membership of 361, II 6:00— New.a Loc«l Artinns Outlined the young man in Manchester. ye-ir of Mumripal ( Jovornment. a ucation iwimniittee. Mrs. .Mina Fl,m- the hu.s v^hen the bu.s ta di.si hnrg- 'lork. 5:00—When a Girl Marries. mand reported toilay. !8iecrelary "imme liately to relin- ,I til’ it) thn ojieraryrvorn "AlCOSlt*. minister of information. past tivn years have ma'Ie bell of ini Union st^ et are the : Merritt Csher an.i .Mrs l-iirv \5 over Its q.iota set for la.st year 6:05—Hedua Hopper's Hollywood A series x^f local actions costing | Tlie message telling of his death yoar which will un'lo»ihle«jly he cisori. .Mi\ -Martha Tibhitls. .Mis mg «>r taking on passengers. 6:15— Portia Faces Life. iThe pre.sence of Rmssian trans-I quish pos.sesslon ' of the pUriL |"Divinites d u S ty x ," Similar biMlies are being estab. ihoroTi-h a i'lit and suhniifted true f a son/horn - .Sunday I Csher atlcnde.] the funeral ..fM is Henr".' L M'>ore. rh.altman. pre- C;20—Rhythmelotlies the Germans-, both material and gave meager details and the moth- 4)iyo of th^ jhiportant in the . , , ,, , , I'arolyn R'\insi,n. ' 'hivl'.n Hunt, The .srnaHe.st space into which 8:30—We, The Abbotts, ports off Yevpatori.ya apparently 1 w h ich employs about 20i000 work- Alce-te was sling by Mr.s. fished at Wa.shington and Ixmdon. and detaiieii report-s of the fin.an- night at the Rorlgvfile I'lty hospi­ I .'Vineha Walhri'lg si'le.l at the City Cfi.)) .sessum an'i 5:45— Studio Program 6:45 — The World Today manpower with more than 600 . er wrote to Congressman Herman hi.storv of our <'«overnment tal. y ■ ' , n M th v' ' ttf-. tri-coiint V ^cciitive committee, .\ld In Kecrultiiig I a parachute can he folded is sai4 soldler.s killed in- one engagement iidicated ihiit lA- Rii.ssians were ers. . . . Bcllodiia he said. cial romiition of the City, .-iinre lernoon m the \orth i m entry , yj^,, ' Harry FT .‘sloanc. Jr. vire presidcm 6:00—News. 7:00-A m os 'n' Andy Man.sur. She followed ^ n^pplemann for further informa- -\t IhLs time I wi.sh to I’ongratu* .VnnyAI Meeting Soiitii Bund. Ind ''I' Bet aus< to be about IS by \H by 4 indhe«. I was outlined by the Soviet In- attempting fresh landing opens-! " The maintenance of membership tliese aiidit.s have lieen nna-Ie much ('ongregational chun h, ’ ' ' .j., \ , of Tile ihishinan Clunk Co . leih- 6:15— Strictly Sports. 7:15 Lanny Ross , lion. She'Was informed at that Claim Changsha Captured I'ile "Mav«»r Mills an-l the 1911 , , , The anriual/m»etmg of the High­ tie,'was .')t tlie .NJaw' wouMn t formation Bureau to^lay in sup- lions in the Crimea in order to riamsf, central issue of the "Orpheo " The - . 'ietaue,i uitoimation h.a.s been w . dncs-i.iv .-vei-ing the F'ello'.i. I I-ham repoit- nical rhairman of th>' ' hapter. pre- 6:30— PatU Chapin. 7:30— "Second Husband" I time by the Congressman that Tokyo. Jan. (> i Official Bcnail- l 'imuion ( 'Miicil Upon the etl-i- ' land lU.stri^! Boy Scouts 'if Amerl- T.'ike \\ lUiam y. ni.-.rn M^hen he i port of a routine announcement j squeeze out the German A rmy . requires that any union ^ , I omitted in tlie Annual Citv Re- ship n( Priiver will m.'ei at , ' '"C t.hi . mem- "I'le.l at the ses.sioirin the gas c m . 6:45— Lowell Thomas. 8:00 —Are You A Missing Heir 7 there seemed to be some error, but casl Rccordeil by A I’ i A Hankow I'lent manner in which llie City will h^r'nel'l this evening a tried ft» ir-enli^-t after iVarl Ffir- I that "our troops engaged the ene- which has been besieging the , n^ember presently employed at the , P'lrls During mv term of office It the h'.me ,,f M, .ami .Mr, Fnierv '''" '''C 'he pa«t p.sny a'lihtoriiim. 7:00— Fred Warlng's Orchestra. 8:30- Bob Burns it Was not until this week that ilispali'h of Don'iet. .I:\panesc news G'lVemnient was rond'ti ted If you I'llh' Hnus* • ; ’.'•'Rr Hn ith;*’ ’ huon t-.v n | i'*»r B ,t .siroe he m a.s turned I my on all fronts " ' , .Naval ha.se of Sevastopol. |-hipyard, or any workers . .IS Citv Clerk I had many requests 7:15— News of the World. '8:55—Elmer Davis—News word came from Francis telling agency, a.sserted today that Japa­ do as well this yeai. ami I feel .sinner/Alcor/Alco F. Taylor ari'l .Sco'it d'’’An. he s •bei'n bat k to the re- I The m 1 d - d a y communique, j (5 evpatoriya s a ^ u t 40 miles later join the union would I wonderment at j for information which I was able Thiir.sdav. the all ijavdav .se-x.se-xing mg ^ rnembei.,)np gam I six .Miners Blast M ellm * 7:30—George Bums and Grade 9:00—We. The People the that he was well and happy. nese forces had completely occu­ certain that you can. the citizens FTxeriftive Parker \ D'lvle will fnnting offiee 12 time.s, each lime ■ broadca.st by the Moscow radio. north Ilf Sevastopol, acros.s a required to maintain union j j to obtain only because it had meeting for R.-.l Cros.s will boNiel'l f fnur I/,inilon. Jan 6 '-r iSix oal Allen. 9:30— Report To The Nation size of the voice coming from ! pied Changah.i, Hunan province will h.ave no cau.se for enti' ism. ! attafid ' said two units operating In the broad bay from the .naval base rnembership in good standing a# l.yiously lieen pi|hlished in the O ty j at the home of Mrs -s:,imnel -Simp-! fo i^ n a l renort .sh.vAed to -' miners were killed and f ur ui-rv with a young man he'd per.suaded 8:00— Johnny Presents. 10:00—Glen Miller’s Orchestra such a petite miss. capital, after four days of street I have heard manv mesaag-'.s f 'S2.199 1 U' e>f wluch , centralI sector had wiped out 40 i ^c"'let troops placed there, coop- condition of his employrnment. j Report. I am of the opinion tliat Si >11. All women in the C.'imnuinitv ' he'"'d'fs injured in an explosion m a ' to Join The twelfth recruit ha*! a 8:30— Musical Treasure Chest. 10:16 Public Affairs ("onsidered the greatest master Group Organized fighting with the 10th Chinere Ti i'l hy mv pri'dei es.sors ami cich Germann officersonicers anuand men and capcap- ' seating with Iroojis advancing Ker-ognltion of I ninn I wi' shoul'l Continue tn piihli.sh this |; ■ire in-.'ite.l 1., fie pr.'s.'nl h,.t ' .'ourees supplie.l ap- collury at Lei^h, l^incastiire. I t)Hfl tooth. <^!sen took htm to hi.^ 9:00— Battle of the Sexes. 10:30 —Juan Arvizu 5?ongs of all, Lu dvig, van Beethoven's Army corps. hive stresse-l iipoii economy It lured Ihrco field gups, six ma from the Kerch peninsula, would Under Navy operation there iii'Iiort aa formerly. l.lush an.l <-ol-e will be fiirnishe.l fiv I I'''">dd»‘*> "I.'' ' hese pe: rent ,iges' In- 1 osen (lenti.st to get it pullt'd. 9:30—Fibber McGee and Molly. 1 11:00 .News lompositions (ornied a fink be­ -shoiiM he nee.fie.ss for me to state t eresi fruni !/fi fund. 31",; chine-guns. 42 trucks, five mutn tlireatrn encirclement of the Ger­ wai* no recognition of any unloB For the Retl (a’oss I In conclusion I wi.sh to state Stafford Springs I t he host('.ss, 10:00— Bob Hope. '' 1 1 ;0,5 - .SporUs Roundup tween the romantic and the for­ collection.s. p;. dg'.s an'i speeial ()f- cars, a radio transmitter and i mans in front of Sevastopol. aa such, the same situation pre­ that at the present time with that I expect the cooperation nf ^ John Ril'-y fia.s returned f.. 10:30— Red Skelton and Company'. 11.30 Benny Goodmans Orrhes- mal style of music. Primarily an Full W arning fermg.s. 36'-", . La.lie.s' .,Ai'l Societv. quantity of shells Would Kodirert Threat vailing In regular Navy yards. prices nf oonimodities eontinually each member 'if tlie n t y iT./mrn- John O. Netto , I.-irehnion:. ,N 5' . /ift(*r .seven! 11:00— Neivt. orchestral composer, he used each Mrs. T. Edward Brosnan was rsing and Ke.dera! hi-:her iC> ; spe(;l;il i( tivilles f..r ■ hnpel I . tra "Our forces operating on the (Ati attack from Yevpatoriya In proposing government oper­ ini'pt as well ,a.s ilt vV emptoyee.s 47-i. SUSord I (lays a.s guest ..f .lohnnv An'ld scfi 11:15— Bruce Fahnestock. 12 .00 Linton Wells, News instnfment to express Its peculiar named chairman of the St. Bridg­ than ever heard of before nnv sav­ I rej.air fuh'l. i.5';^ 3'he large>t ,'lis- 1 would be a direct threat at the ation of the 8hipyard.s, Korndorff Given People \5'e all shoul'l have on 111 M is .'saniiiH .siimp.-.>n and S"ii. 11:30— Polish Orchestra I southern front in one day's fight­ shade of meaning and imbued his et's church War Cabinet, at a Red ne Ihoiigiit I hursementwere a t"tal "f .51,477 ing destroyed two enemv block­ German line of communications to J August said the strike Involved ing you can make in the Cdv ex- mind to give the nM t4 vA./- 'o u r U-.-*best Billy .Simpson, of W(-stport. Conn, 12:00—War News, Roy Shield’s Or­ Tonjorrow't Program . works with this orchestral ca-st O oss organization meeting at the TTie funeral dt -Mrs Mans Z. for .salarie.x and approximaiel v houses and a German artillery hat- tlie _ north ...u .V.through----- V. .w- the ------narrow J maintenance of pendltures •ill he .liniblv appre- | rffotts toward good gSvemmeitt are guest.S of .Mr aii^ ..Mr.s. Sanni';l chestra. AM. and style. He used the piano to church last evening. Mrs. Richard Before War riated by o ir taxpayers Be. aiise u v have been ele, te ftn serve the .Vmprimo, 7!, widow of Domenico -Simpson N-”^V fnr rppnirs to the chap<“l Thr 12:55—News. : tery and dlsiiersed up to two eom- Perekop Isthmus I the open shop. W'e are unwilling Brannlck was chosen secretary, 6;00 - Sleepy SUm Serenade experiment his ideas musically. of the war we h.ave alra-adv be.eii | „oc>ple and they lo,^ to us to oh- Amprimo, a re.side Mrs .Mancrn \ Baker nn-J .Mi.s.s uhuri'h rontrihut^.l $94 4S to mis­ ' Jianies (perhaps 400 men i of en- The German communique said to abandon the defense of the free­ and the others on the committee resident here for 40 7 00 - .News The work# chosen for the per­ j Liu-ile .Agard h.ave had a.s reCent sions an J $27 »3‘\for m \ to 'Aar vic­ Tomorrow’s Progrsun eniv Infantry. " the communique fighter and_ pursuit squadrons dom of the American worker to are Miss Annie Paganl, Mrs. Ed­ (Continued ftoni Pag* One) CH led upon to make expenditures' the best po^S-fiile results I i ye-xi# was held vesiesterday morning 7 :10 - .Shoppers Special Mus e. ^ .said. formance were the piano numbers whiih were not anticipate.! when trust that v.ni -^.ii v... . guest.s their nit-ce and family ul tims iiunne Urn year The balance A. M. .swooped upon the tran.sports and choose whether he will belong to ward J. Murphy. Mrs.- George H. tile 194'» Bii.lget was nuade 110 1 . 011 ill he pumli.al .m gt. FJdward s church. J -V. fur the rntl of tlir fiSA'al.-ye.ir when Time "Adagio" from the "Moonlight had remained only partly conscious F'ayettrville. .N Y. 6:00— Reveille with Dove O'Dell I (The scene of the action was not .damaged three of them. One of a union or not." WUltaras. Mrs. Karl Karpuskl and an.l regular iiv attendance at o u r.,. , . all hill-s arc p.ul u'lll be about 7 30 Robart Program de.signnted. hut it niay have been Sonata," played by Mrs. Dorothy of danger and thus "partly para­ How niiieh we will have to ex[K’n'l ‘ meetings / Henry L Chabot was celebrant of Mr and .Alr.s John St.'ele enter- and Agricultural News. 7:40-ABond Program the protecting speedboats was Peter Flynn, vice president of Mrs. Felix Godleskl. no 'ine (an foresee at this lime I il'>o I in the ('rinien. where .Soviet troops sunk, it was said. H. Keeney; the chorus numlxn- lyzed. I < miiinJIteevs Announced the requiem high ma-ss. Burial wa.s tame.] a small family partv a,' 7K)0— Morning Watch 7..",^ News the Striking union, countered with The next meeting of the cabinet am (-ailing your attention to this in St. .F:dward s ceifieiery. The The executive Ci'-mnuttee fif the 'are reliorted driving we.stward German defensive fire and coun­ a declaration^ that the company s "Prayer." and two movements is scheduled for Monday evening. i "The armed forces were not on j -Alayor Jd/irtt then announced his their home Th'irsda.v,'New Year .' 8:00— News. 8^ ) riie World Today matter not because I have any honorary bearers were Mrs An­ Parent Ten* her A.*'sorn1ion \^ill from landings on the Kerch penin­ ter-attacks by German troops from the compact and vigorous ------•- Uhe fl4ert st Pearl Harbor. the (Ommillffe appointments as f..|- Day The honor guest was Air 8:15— European News Roundup. 8c L5 Choppers Special .Music', "arrogant Insistence on the open January 12 at the church. doubt that the t.axpayers woiihi riot h'»l'l ii.< nmnthlv the PROOF Fifth Symphony. The first move­ gelo Aigepta. -Mrs. Mary Pelliz- sula I h.-ive caused heavy los.ses among shop' stands exposed as merely .Naval officer told a Cleveland liiw.s finance. .■Mdernien F'ahey. .Steele, whose 86lh hirth'lav fell 8:30— Radio Bazaar. Tihie ment was played aa a piano duet approve of this expenditure But to han. -Mrs. Clara Introvigne. Mr.s. homox^of Mrs P.-iuline L>^hr On 8:65— WTIC's Program Parade. I A reconnaissance unit killed til* Russians on the central sector .another exhibition of the, "dollar Chamber of Commerce audience, cb.Di^an. S('hmnlz. Heorminn. on that day He received man'- 8 30 .News” by Mrs. Keeney and Mrs. Eva T'-mind you tha.t in oi'ler to k(v>p Amelia Agostini. .Mrs. .Mari' Chi- ( rtp'l.s, gifts and a partv of yo.ing Tue'S'i.iy evenmc 9:00—Playhouse. ' more than f.OO Germans at the vil- .Ilf the eastern front, the German patriotum' of the Kearny con­ Vichy Warned "but neither were the American Piit)fir Work.s. AMernien Sihln- Mrs Mel*»n Bisselt, tco'fier 8 3.5 Shojipers Special Con­ . lage of "P ' the communique said, Wood and tvas the calm and beau­ people on the alert. the tax rate do-xm you will be dl^. rhairman. Lippitiann. Ross iiatti. Mrs. Josephine Carocari. fnend.s ( alle.l lo copgr,at’ila'e him 9:15— Food News. tinued liigh command said in a c’ommu- cern." obliged to use thq atnrle.st econi>- Mrs Lury Crevefii, .Mrs. Virginia the (.‘enter Schrv)! toi»k her i'%e\ei,th with the Russian leader alone ac­ riique today. tiful movement "Andante 03nt4f- " It needed no military Intelli­ Kloter. Bakulski F'lre. Al'lernieii Many of his older frien.ls ealle.i of Highest Quality 9:30— News Reporters 9:00 - Press NNew* To Help Nazis ni.v in your departmental expenses Corsmi. .Mrs. Lena Ttziani. Mrs. rlchtji grade pup-ls tn vi.^it the counting for 13 with hand-gre­ It cited a Croatian flight of bUe." gence to tell us that we might ha Lippmann. chairman. -Menge. through the djiy and evening. 9:45— Aa the Twig is Bent. 9.45— Stories Aft)erlca Loves Eva DalPian anct Mrs Rena' airplane nh^ervatinn poat last nades. planes for having "eapeclally dis­ ■R) conclude the program and In attacked. The attack was foretold .Approximately one third of the Roihe: Police. Aldermen Baer Rodney Carpenter has been 10:00— Bess Johnson. 10:00— Betty Crocker Women W ill .Natale, members of the Ladies Mondav afternixm Povliff raiders were said to have tinguished Itself by daring, low- keeplpg with the .'Victory move­ in China, In Czechoslovakia, in money appropriated for City fx- ( hairman Ross. F'ahey. Lights, spending the hofidav xaeaiion a' lOilS— Bachelor s CThildren 10:15—M yrt and M^rge (Coutinued From Page One) .Auxiliary of the Italian Club. The 10:30—Help Mate destroyed 36 railway cars, laden ' flying attacks" In air operations ment slogan of the present war, S^paln, In Norway. In France, in p( nses for the . oming yeijf i.s •Mdernien Hoerniinn, ('hairman his Tolland home This is th- j^.st 10:30 - .‘(tepmother with infantry and war supplies, in Take Place the theme song of Victory as told England and in Russia. No access within the Ruhlic. Works Depart­ Kl('ter. Heller: Health .'Vldei'men active bearers were Angelo Ar- time Rodnev has had experieni .■ .,| 10:45— Road of Ij/e. 10:45—Woman Of CouP*ge against Russia. Nazis would not return It after e 5sa>li r\rrAtliini' willi the Leningrad sector. by Beethoven In his Fifth Sym­ to secret cables was netessar,'. The ment. and the greater part of the -Menge chairman. Raer. .Schindler genta. Roinildo GaloHo. Domeniro playing in sniaw. as hi.s life h,i. 11:00— Mary Marlin. 11:00-Treat Time. Buddy Clark the war. phony. "Allegro con Brio," was newspapers carried warnings every amounts appropriated in /ither de­ Ordinances. .M'lermen R.ithe. DaDalt. Frank Fiamengo, Um­ been spent in .southern ('allfornis W apping ,SO\l\ 11:15—Rlght'to Hapidnf.ss. 11:1,'>—Tlie Man 1 Married Of Men Fit Luchaire warned that a victnr- /Finns Suddenly played as a piano solo by Mrs. day for four years'. partments are fixed rharges where chairman. F.shey. Bakulski: berto Ravetto and George Pan- 11:30— The Story of Burt Barton 11.30 -Bright Horizons 300 Square Miles ^ iMis Germany might partition Mr*. \V. \V. Omnt Daisy Canade. "F or four years. while the | no saving tn any great extent ran Claims. Aldermen Sehmalz. ehair- '■lera. Mrs. Amprimo died at her 1145— David Harum n;1,'i- Aunt Jenny's Stories iMunch Attack France permanently after t)ie war V >lainl rirhind the seii-ulional 12:00 noon Gene and Gl-nn Of Territory Retaken (Continued from Page One) The afternoon's program was If further provoked. ' armies of the Axis dictators were be made 1 wo\i!d th'erefore earn­ iiian, Heller. Baer home. Saturday after a short ill- ^SHt. Manrhnt«^ 12 00 - Kale Smith .Speaks spreading destruction over. the | P. M. , * Kuibyshev. Rus.sia. .I.m f> Helsinki, Finland." Jah. 6 /f5 — under the general direction of the He tsld there was a change of estly request th.1 t the Ihihlir. A'.surprise eeremonv took place ! She wa-s bom in Italy and P M. " system, outlined this broad ob­ world, we debated whether there since coming to thus (xiuntry has Gil0ad l,aiintl*‘iT«l Sliirt*' aiiar- 12:15— Luncheonaires — Red Army troops backed . i,v Finnish forces suddenly have ppigram chiarman, Mrs. Eleanor attitude In Vichy which he at­ Work.s Department be as economi­ imniedialclv after the mayor's The Wapping ".Senior A' ' b.i.s- . 12:15 Big Sister anps 1 launched an attack below the Svlr jective in a radl6 , address last Bennett, and comments on the would be a war." cal a.s pixs.sihle ill its ex)>endiluiea lived in Stafford Spnngs. She w#.s 12:30— Day. Dreams American-made fighter tributed to a growing French con­ mesjiajre when Dr J Ralph .Alorin Conuiiiiniorr .service wa.s liel.l al ketliall team will play the F'.x- V", aiit<;«-. 12.30 Hi'lcn Trent river admittedly after, a long night and added that only one composers were read by Mrs. Gus­ The ,str(“et.s of our (.^ly are in ex­ tiorn in Italy and since coming to 12:45— Singln’ Sam were reported today to have/ecap- viction that the war tide had turn­ in behalf of the Defense commit­ the Gilead Congregatmnal chureti 12:45- Our Gal Sunday period on the defen.se during the thing would determine the event­ cellent condition generally, and this country has lived in Stafford Old Timer- t"niorr(C.v evening at IzOO—News. tured 300 square miles of territory' tafson. ed against Germany and to back- tee .of the RoCkv'ille Lodge of Elks Sunday morning Rev tie ir g c '- '^ 1 00 - News Gcrmari retreat farther Bouth-n- ual size of the Arm y—"’It roust be Aimouncement was made of the stage Intrigues by United States Boston P<»lire with the exception of Improyinc Spnngs. She was a member of the 30 at the C.ammiinitv Ho'use lh 5 —The Little •Sh-'A on the Leningrad front In Hve d.ays presented Mr. Hunt with a flag for .Milne spoke on "The Lord s Sup­ 1:0.5—Main Street— Hartford and have captured a number of large enough to win this war. coming visit In February of mem­ Ambassador Admiral Willia-nn some cif the new streets ahouM I.adies Auxiliary of the Italfan 1:30—Marjorie Mill- of enunter-attacks after/checking ii.se jn the Couni il room. Mayor per." Due to- the slippery trii'. el- The plavets )..r the old timer-, -xiri All -hirls' riatrd wlirii iirw and 2 :00— H'lW to F",’ ''r ('■mtest 1:15 -Woman In While Ru.s.slan po.sltlona, a communique Win Expert Sufcdtltutlon bers of the New Britain Music Leahy, to whom he pictured aa a 1 Seize Papers need little attention .Hunt eXpres.serl the eity's appre- Club. She leaves, four sorus, I-riuls 1 30 Vic And Sade a German offensive. ' V I ifig. the attendance wa.s .-iiiall tie Be.l' -Shaip. Gir.- .Smitli ru'-ig and Win I Soviet galn.s In the fryzen wa.stea leclared today. ' ■The Selective Service system Club when a group under the di­ "Mephistophelea" using Petain aa The Polii e Depat I ment 111 any (lation for the g-ift Ainpnnio of Crystal L.ike. R a y 1:45 Life Can Be Beautiful .Mr? Wiiitlircp I'lirter s|M.„t the ifi ant R 'ger .S|.i iu er, I'hil VAelff'-, 2.1.5— Medlt'v Time- ' of the north came wiUi announce- It said Soviet forces Were rout­ will expect Industry and agricul­ rection of Mrs. Charles W. Smed his "FausL" Community i.s an important factor A ' (Ximmunicatinn was rci-eiveil I inond Amprimo of Rockville. Fti- laiiiidrrrd I»a H VINBOW r'xt'lti- 2:00 —Young Ur. Malone week-etui in .New Britain. the K ms Karl-en and John .Al led H.ar- 2:30—Medical Talk ^ ments of further inyn.q,ds ag.alnst ed. leaving behind 130 deqd and ture to use to the maximum In­ ley will give the afternoon's pro (Continued Friyn Page One) but conditions as they exist today from George B Milne expressing I ( ardo Amprimo of this town and 2:15- Joyce Jordan Girl Interne guest of fier eoii.sin, Afrs. J ile.s rison The .s.-nicir 5' plivers wi'l 2:35— ('"oncctl Matmee I the legions of Adolf Hitler at the considerable waf material. dividuals who do not possess the gram on "Folk Music." Mrs. Mar­ I believe it is most ImporlanL The appreciation for the resolution re­ I Aldo Amprimo of Stafford Spring.,, 2:3ft— Fletcher Wiley Rebillard. ,Sr he Waller FK.sler. Jr. liarrv siAtdv arc (;i AKAM A H LI. 2'5.5—News center and in the south. North of Lake Onega, however, capacities for service In the armed gery Daley will also give a brief London Discusses had talked with Tlmilty prior to I National Defen.se program h.ss cently presented to him hy the i former representative and a mem­ ' 2 45 —Kate Hopkins Mr.s. F'loyd F'.igil and ((iiMron Welles. Frank IN..M Ray Riirge: , ' Russian dispatches said that the war bulletin acknowledged the forces.” Hershey said. ‘T h e se­ talk on "Current Musical Events." the meeting and that st the com­ pl.aced many - additional responsi­ CoiiBcil on his retirement after 25 ber of the police force at the State Break Possibility spent Sunday in Welhetsliefi] the Melvin .stead Walter W ayner. j four Curtiss Tomahawks, msnii- Red Array remained on the offen­ lective service system will expect New members welcomed Into missioner’s request he had agreed bilities win this Departnu'iit. Our years a.s fire chief. Office building, Hartford: two ^ LAR'S FAR or rrplareint'iil. London, Jan. 6 - ( ^ —The possi­ not to sell the books under dispute gue.st.s of Mr. and .Air,-; Max .Si'ottle F'ergiuson H | vjlod ineelmg for m^m- A Soviet 'Inform ation Bureau are invited bv tne officers of the been a frequent target of the R. I - w • would recommend that the Police In addition to the Green and Mc- as in 'ffll of the other Red Cro.ss It was necessary to return to thsl on Tuesday evening. Jan. 13th. Mr«. E K F oolr calltul at the i bor.s of the ehurrh will follow at 37 Ford sedan, with the marker communique broadcast by the Holy Name Society to attend the A.F. The warships have been the ; J a p a H 0 g 0 l l O n O r Committee talte thege matters Into Ice Cteuaea .Aeoldenta Burton L. Sweet and fam ily of home of her .hikIi' t, Mrs. \\‘, E 1t ;30. Donald homes tourses in tow'n there is no admis­ steam propelled locomotive today Main street. numbers 2A-513. It wqts travelling Moscow' radio emph^lzed the meeting to be held in St. James s prime objectives.) * consideration immediately and 1 The' icj' condition ojf' the .roads Hibbard in .Manchesfer on Frnlaj | The c.'nditioii ot Mr.s . Ctiesler sion or membership fee. The -to draw the train out of Manchea? The Ellington Fire department west on Hartford road and when aerial theme, saying; hall tonight. During the past year A prc-ilawn foray by a lone In­ ►el sure the citizens will vote the iii the vicinity of Rockville caused afternoon. j Huli-hnison who tias be.-n confined r "course wifi require 20 hours of in­ ter for Boston. The new Diesel en­ was called out .at 9 a. m. Sunday the driver attempted to turn into Our Air Force on Jan. 4 dis­ a great manv new men have mov­ vading bomlier today caused aotne Anierican Flier tdditional funds If the Common three aeetdents on Monday with The Woman .s ('fiih will h.'l.i its i to. lier le'd l*V ifine.s.s for o\-ep 'n Bridge street. It caught on a sec­ struction and the periods, wifi be gine put in use last month was not I to the home of Mrs Mary Pefiiji persed and annihilated more than ed into the parish and tonight, the damage at a place on the north­ Uo'jncll sees fit to make stirh a eonstderable damage to ears, but monthl.V meeting this week oniwe k. rema ns the sani* Personal Notices tion of icy well-packed snow and three regiments of infantry (per­ divided Into l ' » hours once a week. officers feel, will be a good time able to carry the load that Is now| , ►eommendation on Sand,Hill awiuie where a rhi'ri)- west coast of England, the gov­ being pulled oyer the line. only one person being injured seri. Thursday afternoon at two o . l-'i-k j Ptplip Hutrl.ifi.son .sou of Mr. skidded across Bridge street, on In­ haps 6.000 men),, destroyed 790 It is hoped that applicants will for them to become acquainted. Rome. Jan. 6.— (Official Broad­ I can think of no recomm’enda- ney fire was in. progress, the fire ernment announced. No casualties There ha# been consldcrnhlej ously. at the Hebron fire house. A gen-| and Mrs Chester Hutchinson of In Memoriam to a town wooden fence, through truck.s loaded with troops and shot telephone 7200 or come to the^ Y New members will be admitted cast Recorded by A P) --An Ameri­ Cloni to make in connection with waa soon Drought under' control were reported. trouble with the new locomotive a| A car driven by Marion Gillette eral invitation baa been extended | F'ort Bragg. North Carolina, is In lovlni: memory of our d»»r that, and the next thing the driver down 41 German planea w ith # loss to register previous to the class preceding the short business can pilot shot clown In an attack »ur Fire Department. The addi­ and no material damage resulted. CL£AM£KS& LM/MOEREftS of 48 Grand View avenue, Wollas­ to all the women in town to be .spending a few days at his home father Kvereli J, Keeney who paat- knew, there g was his car. deep in period on Wednesday- night, on a Japanese air base was burled "since they were started last we- The Men's club will not meet a4 away Jan. 4. IffO: of 11 ^ v i e t planea." meeting. tion of a new booster tank for the ton. Mass., carrying Eva Batcb- present. Jim Taylor, a member of-here the anow many feet from the high­ In various actions aground yesr .Miss Mary M oriarty R. N.. a After the meeting Ftank CTan- ^ p a m a g e Merchant Ships with military hondra, a correspon­ and on several occi.aions It 1 this week as was planned but the HARMSON ST, iMANCF "f (Thief Milne is to be regretted, social rooms of the Congregational . ----- 5»- your nan-e. Ing Putnam for Manchester, r Town rarm, went off the road and Church. collectfon for the Red Cross First Jiist .six blocks from the shoppini; center, Fand hea'ta t)tat loved yon with Also noticeable this morning vvhich cost the Germans hea\-y Fuel Company. It Is known as ships in attacks last night on caat today .by Stefanl. ^dowever, w'e are fortunate In hav- Seattle — ..n -- The AVilli'am Len­ British aupply lines off the The correspondent said the fallen as Hampton Hill and the long puUl landed in a swamp. Neither of the Tax Collector Howard E. Little Aid Station will be received. Mrs. one block from East Center Street. deep affe.-tion. - were many cases of freerlng of losses and "occupied, a number of One Pulitzer prize o f $2,000 Is 'Trees and Men” . In addition there |ng such efficient men as Chief noxes kitty rat let out a noctumsl Jkjwar e will love you' In death Jutt Faeroes 'iancl .the English west filer wa# Identified a.s L'eut. Riis- .'rora AntJover tn the’ top 6. the hlU occupants were injured and' the of Ellington avenue is confuted to Alphous AVright, Mrs. Joseph the ea-re. cars and Tor a while the service inhabited localities. " awarded for the best Ixiok of the •jt’ill be several reels of sports arid ll^nrady and Asalatant Chief car damage was sliffht. howl that normally would bring a Open 7 M. to 8 M. stations did a rushing businese of (N o toniM were narked In the yaar about the hlatory of the comedy. Folloivlng; refreglmient* coast. th8 Nazi high - command selt Cfiiurch. 28. of aar)c Field, in Boitpn, seems to be too muchj bis home by UIs m s . Oliffin^ Mrs. Herbert Porter and ball of old shoes, gunsboi and .Plenty of ParkingU^ce. for Hie new type. iierty to taka over the supervlaim About 8:80 qi- a car driven by Mrs. aorenc« Portar are tbe Wlfa. Children. Uutta’tng them ouL early morning communique. TTie United States. ■lirlli be served Inxlhe lower hail.—- sidd t oda^ , northwest of MsniU. . Itf this Pepartssent. Dr. Leonard Levlneiaqd Mrs. Le­ flerre languogA But It w(>n only Ruth Allen o f 27 falrm ont avenue, vine have moved ints their home bosteasea fo r the afternoon and rtatun^ays: 7 to 4 P. M. Friendly, Personal Service. ThC Street lig h tin g Department Brookline. Maaa, foing skid­ gratitude from his owners, awak­ Ob Hapte Avenue from the tene­ m#.. Charles Fillmore is leader. ened in time to escape fronx tbetr ~ been well takcu care ot. Mew ded and struck cars g o io g lif

S * A MANCHESTER EVENMNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, TO42 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1942 PAGE SIX PAGE SEVBlfl 5 not expect eaay automatli the third time, to win an Impor­ Ann Sheridan Jap Restaurant Owner Waits Hitch-Hike for Six Days JbmIfrBttr vlctoriea, nor aeiudie that one de­ tant battle In Its four-year-old Connecticut SERIAL STORY Ship, Plane, Truck, Rail EgyptDrafts Mother Thi feat meant final defeat. To do war with China. . Here is China Man About Manhattan For Old Customers to Return Hoping to Join Navy one U as bad as^ the other. This winning, in its sphere, a battle as / Weds Brent Somittg 3Rrral5 By Ueorge Tucker Thanks ]>Jote Local Womai is not, the kind of war which is important as that the Russians Yankee TAMBAY GOLD Routes of WorldKnown Cailcago, Jan. 6— (A>) — A u ta won by one victory or one defeat. are ladnnlng against the Nazis .COPVaiOHT. 1041, New York, Jan. 6.— —Every Jie said. "I know It would hurt my father and son who hltch-alked New York — There's *an old - tl\e process he broke off the Jegs By A. H. O. BY SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS night amid vacant tables In his native country, but I love U. 8. A. X It Biitell 81 rest Here, behind the bold and the ef­ NtA- SBRVICB, INC. Surprise Hollywood by Formal Meslage to Bf for six days through subzero Uancheiter, Cohn. It is Up to the good member of the brass bed In storage in the base- of «'> expen.su-, Steinway piano^ the Persian gulf, Is Basra, in the spacious dining salon, one of New more. I have been anti-Japan for cold to sign up with Uncle Writes from Atlanta V THOMAS FER0U80H civilian army to remember that fective Itihge Japan has made at . , ...... -Next dav Ashton Stevens, noted Ordinarily^ a special congres- Lines of Supply for Culminating “Ou and York's best known Japanese res­ long. I have always condemned Oentral Msnsscr njent of the Ast.or hotel. , U hen drama , riti,-„ comnfented on the The story: Mom Baumer, 10 land of the Arabian nights. At the Sent Roosevelt on Sam hoped to be In .» warm. Bigelow St. Woi Founded October 1. 1111_____ we have not lost the war with Ma­ all the rest of the Pacific world, i.s .aiohal election would be- a routine be a .sight draft on the U. S. Treaa-, junction of the Tigris and Eur- taurants, Kazuchi Tsukada waits Japanese 'ImUatlon'.” Navy today. Jimrjiy Durante heaves his funny- breakage eihtotinlly: it was well ydars on the road with her trailer tiry, but It ain’t hay, either. By Lend-Lease Serve in Off” Romance. for his old customers to come back. With him was Hlj uniformed, 23- nila, or jwon it with l^bya. the tolling weakness which Japan matter of politics. A' job Is va­ “Feederia,” atopg~ at run-down phrates rivers. In the cradle of civ­ Lend-Lease Offer. Roy Nellis, 43, an unemploy-, Who Entertained Soi Pobllehed Eeerjr Evenins Escept bones to town, this bed is resur­ u o rlii It. snul Steven.s What's a cant: two or more Then want it; the way. who’s the Hairy Ainu ilization, Basra, home town of Sin- (Closed by police a fte r P earl ycar-old nephew, Amerlcan-bom ed stesmfltter and veteran of' Sundart and Holldaya Entered at Finally, if the member of the is trying to hide and cure by .sucli few pianos v. iio'n the crowd got Tombay Plantation, wrangles a War to Assist the tbs Poet Office at Mancheeter. rected. with many a sign-by the the electorate gives them a ca.sual and why do you keep him In a bad the Sailor, la the eastern term­ Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 6— tJP)— Harbor, the restaurant, whose Ori­ Y e 11 c h 1 Kuwayama, Princeton Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 5— (Delayed) th e W orld Wap. Rainbow DivU suicidal boldne.es. hired hands,- and set up in a room such a laugh. nlght’a lodging from Jahe Ann ental fittings cost $33,000, Is open Those housewives in Moncheat Conn., at Second Cieee Mail Matter. civilian army, meets all formal de­ glance; the polling is light; the stockade,?” Allied Forces. inus of ■ the “Berlin to Baghdad Movledffhi’i "Oomph girl,” Ann graduate who was drafted Into the —(A')—The Egyptian cabinet draft­ Sion, and his son, Ted, who will that looks straight down Broad­ Mr. Stevens Is a man after Jim­ Judson, last of the ariatocratle. “Oh, ” she said, "he won't both­ Sheridan, and Actor George Brent again with the Treaaui^ Depart­ U. 8. Army before Japan's assault. who opened their homes 8UBSCRIPTION Ra TEB mands, like that of the Red Cross, In both main theatres of the strongest machine pulls throng; railway," one of the reasons the be 17 next month, hiked from way. It's the only bod and the only my Uuraiite's own ti-nrt. Only, M aurle line. .Mom recalls fond and' er you. He's an Indiah-dlggef." honeymooned today In this Florida ment's consent, but no longer Is it Kuwayama—his fellow-soldiers ed today a formal message of Thanksgiving and Chrlatnut One Tear by Mall ...... »• «« and carries his good discipline in­ war, then, we haVe the spectacle Jimmy would say it this way. another politician Is on the way envious memories of Tamlray from By .lohn Lear German kaiser fought the last Duluth, Minn., to Great Lakes soldiers on duty here with Per Month by. Meil ...... J room the Sebnoz will sleep in. to bury hlitiself In Congress. And "You don't mean a Digger In­ W orld W ar. resort after they surprised Holly­ the 'busy, glittering rendezvous it call him "Kelley" - described the thankk to President Roosevelt for Naval Training ktaUon but to all the other phases of wartime of a prepared.,!- military machine He told me tliis seven or eight What anythii.g matter.’., when her days with a corny stiow, de­ Washington, .An. 6 —(.Pi — Al­ was a month ago. Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Batt Stnsle Copy ...... » when there Is a war on, perhaps dian, do you?" ' Road to Rich Markets wood by marrying in the culmin­ I’eafl Harbor attack as "dirty and offering Egypt aid under the leaae- were told they would have to Delivered One TeeV ...... bogging down before the stoic re- ! .vear.s ago, an,' 1 set it down as tlie you can get a few laughs" rides alie'd like to pork her trailer though the United States was at­ The 65-ycar-old restaurateur, a deceitful." were convinced of the appr rife, he or she is privileged,, in this all this Is fated to be even more "He’s a professor or something tacked by surprise, it went into ation of a romance declared "on, lend program—aid which was ex­ enlist In Chicago, Police Sergt. . . • . .' ..... 'genial tialaver of a guy who felt there for awhile. at Welliver University.” To the Kaiser, the railroad was Japanese national who came to "1 would give my life to defend Hubert Kelah related. tlvenese of the men by thetp MEMBER o r demoSratle kind of army, to siig- sistance of s whole people -in the ■ talking 1 was wrong. Durante This tearful story was told me so. * • • this war with an aijvantagc it did fulfillment of his dream of a Ger­ and off" many times by gossip pected here largely in the form of presslons of gratitude. Mte. C THE a s so c ia t e d PRESS "Did he just happen In and writers. ' ' America In 1903. said the war had Amr '-1 against Japan."' he de­ They continued toward Chi*- Far East the Chinese. In the Eu- | has a standing order for that bed by Anthony W I.udescher over Rightly nr wrongly, we can't C hapter II not possess when'it. entered World man road to the rich • markets of food and other supplies. HUdlng, of 65 Bigelow street, wh The Aeeoclated Preee le eeclueive- ge^, .originate, and carry out in­ build that picket fence around The couple arrived unheralded plunged him into "terrible sad­ clared, "1 \yould kill any Japanese -cago but stopped off. half froz­ 1* entitled to the use or repubitca- ropean theatre the Russian, ' In 'to' be resurre.ted and sheeted for midaflernoon caffein the other eonrelve of the approaching “What do I owe you?" I asked W ar One. the Orient. To lend-lcnsc, it Is one ness.” The prcsldent’i action was in­ was one of the Manchester moth"| tlon of all news ditpatchee credited dividual policies which contribute fifth district election In this h im ? ”, by train ye.stcrday from Hollywood cnCjpy to keep him from our Soil." en, In suburban Evanston last hi.s benefit whenever he is in town. day. Five of his red-hgired gir.ls her, figuring I'd better pay for a It has supply line., alreaily of the two safest and quickest His unhappy eyes swept across No Mention of Aneentry terpreted by observers as a reflec­ era playing hostess to soldiers _ to It or not -oiherwlee credited In to the common cau.se of victory. each theatre, this fagtor,^ can have left him for miitrimonv. light. Rather, we see the mess "No. there's some sort of an­ after weather conditions cancelled night. Kelah offered them a this paper and also' the local newa Jim m y i.s in town now .And this night’s lodging at Tambay If I operating to foreign fronts. roads to help Russia fight the Kai­ the patronless room and he sighed: Tlie American soldiers he has tion of Washington's keen Interest cell for the night. doubly gratlfled that she had en* There will be m.any who do more, made ,tfhe Instrum ent .of final vlc- liidi'oii.s token of a vaiiislied ele­ It should be exf>Iaiiied triat Mr. the world is In as a rom|ielllng cient lease that gives the univer­ These were set up liv the lend- ser's successor. Adolf Hitler. their 'plane flight en route and in the; Middle East, where It is DUbllfinrd h*r^in. intended to set up shop there. ^sity a right to dig holes in my forced postponement of their wed­ ”“There; my friends^American met, he said, have treated him terta/ned some of them at dlnner.L All rishte of repuSlIcatlon of than is expected of them, aml,Avho tory^: gance is in its place at the hotel. Ludescher tins 28 girls, -all red­ factor toward more scurehlng "Nothing” She set down a nice lease administration months be­ The railroad Is an example of people—sat every night. They were "splendidly and there Is no men­ felt that a food shortage affecting because she received .a letter ocl epeclal, diapaichee herein ere also ; "I love it, " the clown says "Best heads. He s 'he manager of a discrimination In the selection p ro p e rty " fore the Japanese bombed Hawal. the thoroughness of the w ar sup­ ding originally planned last Sat­ civilians might Impair the conduct reserved. ______' i become more than privates -in the Blit in each theatre, again. string of mottled perch. “ You don't -like It, do y o u f” urday. my friends because there was no tion of my ancestry." thinks from the mother of onql :slecpin' bed in town.' string of restaurants. including of men for public office. Now, "That isn't business,” I told her. American ships, planes and ply lines laid down by lend-lease. of the war. of the boys. I there Is a similar problem posed; "Not much. But there's nothing They were married last night war, and now they turn awaV- In Photographs of "K elly” In uni­ rull ••rvtcs elieni of .N. ^ A | ranks the .M.synn, the Nows Center, and more than ever, our democracy "I'm a business woman and this truck.s have traversed the routes United States men. and money our hearts, we are still fH/mds, form are .displayed throughput the Must Import Wheat Tanker Ready The letter Mrs. Hildlng has re*| Service Ine. ___| Blit most of us will be privates, (for the out.slde democracies. The ^ James Diirnnte. who came to the Internatiofml. Tlie News Cen­ needs to be goiMl. It needs to I can do about It.” by which sujiplies mii.u. stared me in the face. I ing line, to speed wnrstnff.s north best man. Miss Sheridan was Jimount of chemical fertilizers re­ feel so at home. pesring in sdvertlsemente ths n th r r on<'■ uinre than the ordinary . . political , or something , - ? " • a , with the special problems faced in America strong and keep America • channels of supply to China Ls ivory funny film I haven’t seen it. ushed open the gate and the overland to Tabriz, on another rail­ unattended. Carry Cards i , Dallas, Tex., Jan. 6—(A^— quired to assure good crops this Usnchsstsr Evsning Hersid I On the way to Ne*w York he “Thoy "ot married,”married, " he sighed ‘ciindldate. lindidate. F'ltherFlither would be an ex- ' “Not"Not exactly.exactly, Here s my fltyle^ worker looked up. foreign land.s. "You must know that a mere | I handed her uj road which tics ilirectly into the The oinly o ther persons a t the (Dne ot Miss Marion Flagg’s year. Boston. Jan. 6. (A 8-The 12,700- .strong. Lowly as the details oI j perhaps the most Important objec- ! stopped off in Chicago to do a resignedlw "They all do . You cellent choice, and an appealing and quality." • • • In China, fighting fliers on leave pupil." heard loo much hum ­ ton tanker Sinclair H-C undergoes thank-you doesn't say It all the indenendenl business card, a small copy of /tno from the L'nlted State., Army R'i.*!Sian rail sy.stom in the vital ceremony were Mrs. Whiter Giblin: In addition to drafting the mes- Tuesday, January 6 th a t task may .seem to us. we are ! live of The Japanese lunge out In­ benefit th a t wa.« w itnessed fiy 2S think yml ve got everything about candidate, for the independent business card, a small copy of Well, I was prepared for whisk­ CaMca.s'i.s region. ming, whistling and mumbling .sage to President Roosevelt the acceptance trials today, 100 days the pnly way we can repay you la I road-ca.svass I hung out whegever giiani the Burma road with United the former Constance Talmadge All .4irport» Must Fiil-| ju st to po-ss It on to sdme of th e | the only ones who can accompUs.a to the paelfic. To close the eliiiii- oon people. His reception was so straightened out. and pronto -- voter, ers, but thi.s bird looked like the K.i.st of Basra at the top of the of screen fame, Mrs. Cain and Mrs. when a theatei audience sang cabinet decided on a third meat­ after her keel was laid—a world enthu.siastic that Jirti reverted to it's riee .and old shoes. It does This status is. probably, more I settled in for trade. / States-built planes. "Tlic, Sti r .Spangled Banner." record for constructing a ship of Boys who come down our way. The Civilian Army nel of siip'jdy to Riis.sla Is likely players’ bench of the House of I I’crsian gulf is Bandar Shahpur. H arris. (ill New Regulations less day weekly for the nation. it. his form of olhei days and began seem that in spite of everything, widely accqrded to Jo.seph E, Tal- Stop & Eat ^ David. Above the waist he wore Their job is the -double one of line port, with the only througli ' "Tliey duJn't know very her size and type. "May God bless and keep yon I ' It takes an extraoFdinary to be Hitler’s next attempt, if his breaktng the -furniture. During young girl.s will get married. ' tvit. the Republican nominee, than a t defending the Burma road and Ann wore a champagne-colored and yours In this New Year end The headlines, even to the most a pair of sun-glasses. -lailroad linking tlie Persian gulf tulle dinner gown, adorned with To Operate. many of the words, " was the The tanker was built and awareness of danger to make the .Nazis have the energy and morale ______I to John S. MonAgan, the Demo- THE FEEDERIA "Good afternoon. Prof,” I said. teaching Chinese soldiers to fly^ au'l the Ua.sptnn sea. This railroad, child's report. "Why?" launched at the Fore River yard grant that this cruel nightmare { careless reader, tell of a world cratic candidate. T ^ at Is. however. Everything of the Boat. and fight. Army men say it is not” white orchlils, and a white man­ Fire Destroys of war that Is hovering over us eO soldier left to strike Out immediately in He leaned on his pick. "How one of the product." of modorniza- tilla that once belonged to her Hartford, Jan. 6—(Ah--Glenn L. The music teacher’s answer of the Bethlehem Steel Company struggle In which the future of j ordinary civilian a good any kind b> tightening up his due more to the fact that Talbot Sandwiches with a. Soul. at all impossible th.at thc.se Chi­ was distribution of 20,000 in 63 working days, or 76 days by may soon be dispelled. mea.syrc pro. ised Is that the pat­ do you do?” he said. "Didn’t you I I ion of Iran 'A ncient P ersia! — grandmother. Brown, chief Inspector of the Civil everything American is staked. for such routine tasks. He does some new- direction. nerves. i.s one or two steps ahead of Mon- Coffee with Character. nese students might bomb Tokyo copies of Ine words to pupils Home of Doctor the calendar. The previous record, Sincerely, ent office and SEC moves he made cee. the .sign"" otlv-rs arc mnnad.'im roads, edura- Both Married Before Aeronautics AdminLstration for not give easily, even to the Red When One realizes the impor­ temporary for the duration and The doctor who frequently agan. in range of service, than to Yum-yiim Pancakes and "Sure, 1 saw the sign,” I said. ■with United Statcs-hiillt homher.s I tion. in Ills! ry. nn Boat club In And each American, as he or i always easier to do the big, exett- ' survey of decentralization possi* questions And .Vnawera „„ distinctive showing In Water- thought and work into my lay-out •• j and handed out my ward Tabriz and the line into the all state pilots mu."-t appear befon* East Portcheater who saw flames required to place a tanker of her Mm * Oseee ing, headline sort of thing. Washington ‘ blllUes had not been completed... I don’t 'believe there s anything trucks. Cau asii" and Rus.sia. But there i.s years. Some of his more recent size in commiaalon after launch­ 666 C««aS Dree* she gets this feeling. In answer (Lunipn In The .Neck) burv. In Litchfield County, or In Built five years ago to keeji the Inspector to be fingerprinted Bootlegger Raises burst from the side of the build­ t t t 4 W aaeM tal Question . Mrs. Rudolph in- the'state as a whole, better on wheels. Jane Ann took ,-phank you. " he said. He a long rail-less gap cast of Tabriz. pictures include "The Fighting ing 200 yards away. ing. hut that was cut to 24 days. to this or that exhortation, comes When the news fads of the day, CTiina In touch w ith the outsuh 69th," "Adventures in Diamonds," They must supply two photo­ LlatmMit qulro.s: "Why Is it th a t I hav e, q j. after two years In of- it all in table with benches to ^ j^e card as If he didn't Lend-lease men are closing that graphs 2’a by 2'a Inches and Firemen readlicd the Island Over up against what seems a deaden­ the editorials, the radio exhort several small lumps at the side ol world afte r the inv.a-'’P''Clally plainful, iinles.s .. I ing widened an d 'p av ed w ith h-nd- Xerxes. Cyril" and Alexander the \aiiie May Be I/'indon Jan. 6.—(Ah—As the re- suction pumps. It la every one’s Instinct to want they mean —not the sort of thing telligent and honest. And in this plates and cups racked along the j house this lease money and materials that date pilots who have been re­ -sult of a growing shortage of Wa.shington.—Being head over j on them with my fingers. year, his personal strength hao walls, and an overhead trolley, my idreat .staged some of their mopt instated will be permitted to fly to do something specific. We re all which wins medals, but the enroll- Furnished by the McCoy ,-My doctor s a y they are not tu b e r­ .\nw rlean B rains IMrts-t , famous campaigns. . Side by side liquor due to wartime conditions spread. He ran Well ahead of the own invention, for carrying filled | j that he didn’t Trouble Cause without the Identification cards, the bootlegger is raising his heaii willing soldiers, clvlUan and o t h - | mcnl of 130,000.000 privates in a heels in a world war doesn't keep Health Senrtoa cular but arc enlargements of the Along this road moves a never- ! with the Fngli.'h are the Free rest of hLs ticket, and even slight­ orders. want to, but he couldn’t figure ending proces.slon of United State.'- Mr. Brown said. in Britain as he’ did in prohibition Board Exonerates Washington from having Its tea­ lymph nodes.' "It's the neatest thing I ever Frencli in .Syria and exile armies Mr. Brown has already started erwise; we want our marching or- highly disciplined, highly deponil- pot tempests. | ly ahead of Kay Baldwin, not only how to get out of it. I put up a hullt tnicks carrying arm.s and d.avs in the United States. \ddrr«! comraunlcaMons to'l*bt Answer; An enlargement or saw In my life," she said. of Greek." and Vugo.xlav." all sup- Fresno, Gallf., Jan. 6 —(Ah—H e’s to Issue the Identification cards to jei-g. , j able army which will be aulomatt- The latest la over the Presi- ! swelling of the lymphatic nodes in Naugatuck, but in Waterbury. llrst-iclaa.s feed for him and he food and gasoline and tires from !"'r.tcd by lend-lease money and Hi." advent has been marked by Former Teacher Herald, .Altentlon Mejt'oy . "All It needs la standing rw m liked It. As a conversationalist a second generation American of student pilots of the civilian pilot "What should we Amerlcaqs do, | cally good for all the drudgery of dent’s order moving 12 govem- I or gjands at the side of the neck And, with the one exception of the Indian port of Rangoon to th'- 111!' lerlals. the appearance of poor quality Health Servtoa ' Baldwin him.self, he was banner for Its four wheels." I said. “What he w as hard going. But 1 dredged Polish descent, six years In the training program and those en­ liquqr in m any night-spot* In the victory. ment agenclc^, with approximate- , I commonly follows the develojiment Interior regions where China mii.s’ la'nd-lease supplie." go to Rusiila speclflcally, as- individuals? What man on the Republlcah state tick­ do you say to a dollar a day?" ^out of . him...... that he... was/Assistant...... begin its pfoclalme.l t nk of driv I'. S. Army. She’s a third genera­ gaged in defense work. Non-de- Wc."t Eml and In the suburbs, Saugus. Moss., Jan 6.—(Ah—Isa- I ly 10,000 employes, to other cities. | Of iofeetion or Infiaiiimation at- through Arciinngi l, the Near Fast, tion American (Scottish) and her tense fliers will receive the cards j can we do? This "decentralization ” of gov- | et not only in Litchfield County, You mean you want to start In i pj-ofesjor of Amerind Ethnology Ing back the Nlppone.«e. Organiz­ v.h' re prices for liquid refresh­ I lielle Hallin, former high school The Irritab le Or Jijfnstlc Colon I (p-gtlng the no.se, throat] sinus cav- business here?’ and the aliuo' t unknown hut high- name used to be .Smith. after this phase is completed. Unfortunately, the opportuni­ Schuyler Gillespie ernment has been talked for a long Many readers arc re’quesling , ities, ear, etc. Temporary enlarge- I but In the sta te as a whole. over at Welliver, on a special as-i ing brains from the United .-itaiei ,j Iv fortdiel rTatural harbor Fort- ments liiive rocketed. I tencher, has been exonerated by ^ " S ta r t" ’ I said. "Listen, gab igjgnment to excavate for relics. It But’ the bank tried to freeze The identification card does not , The sitii.'ilion already has'drawn the Saugus School Committee of ties sometimes seem petty and ] tim e and a few- sm all agencle.s intoriiialion on the "irnlable j ment is a frequent s>mplom when 1 If this (iresent honor doesn't direct these tnicks in an integrat­ , of I'ctrajiavlovsk on Kam- Death has struck too often ' come to him, there are others I've spread my smoke and wowed | delicate work; nobody but ed .system cslled the Snuth.vest I their funds and ever so many other require proof of loyalty to the tile ,-it'ent im of authorities and I all unjust accusations against her routine In comparison with our In have been Irgnsferred. These how- | and on the colon which is the patient has an acute cold; I rh a tk a poriin.aida Petrapavlovsk 1." j embarrassing things have hap- gountry, bqt the reinstatement ahead for him. the feeders In every state in the expert could be trusted with Transportation Uomt'anv and ^ I:alf an hour's flying time from llu'ie his been agitation in some ! character" — 11 days after her the family of the Stamford Advo- " “w^tly regional offices | gjastic, producing the symptoms ] more or less permanent enlargc- Union this 10 years and better, * v^-rapped up in It; j pened since war in the Pacific. procedure does. A temporary Iden­ expansive desire to be of service. which have been tran.sferred disfurb- ment often accompanied chronic .lohn .Monagun hasn't, os yet, headed by an American. .hdin Urid'-1 .‘tt.aie" air and naval base" fliiartiT," for quick government ac- I death in her gas-filled New York cate, and the passing of Schuyler to I apasiic colitis. These disturb- ment often accompanies and now I'm about ready to be a ! ^^^ £ould see he’d much rather He doesn’t know w hat .t cpiiM tification card will he issued to the ^ ti';n ap.artment at the age of 32. Unfortunately. It takes lots of lit­ other cities nearby. Although it ancea produce symptoms sofije- catarrh. Very often the enlarged ! had this widespread ap|x>rtunl- E arl B aker ■.a 'he .\l'*id:."n i.;'ar 's It ha." ' 'le unless it's the name: "Mr. and I Wood Gillespie, who a.asiimed ae- violet by a mossy stone for a spell, alone to think about The truck proce.ssion ov.-r ttii’ 11.er at the time of application The 1937 .School Com m ittee ous- tle efforts, casual, routine efforts, ua.s known that the budget bu­ V, hat similar to those seen in mu- glands will be reduved in size I t> to show himself. But he Is a I well gu '.rili'd land and wat. r coni- Mrs. Fl'iryan Kujawa." Oiie card will he filed w ith the Eed- ' live direelion of the paper upon reau. under Director Hanild D. What's the stretch of groumj pro- ^.hile he ate, than have to talk B urm a road h.as frequent tria b le . ted Mi."S Hallin from her teaching cou8 colitu. ,I through placing the patient on a young man of many talents and nuinicat |.'ns to the tran.a-Siheriar I . ' . ^ . .. qfal Bureau of TdenUlication and a to make a nation run. Relatively 3mllh, one of the President's close tastes, and of sincerity and In- duclng for you ? Sparkleberry and | j j^^njed him one. w ith m echanical breakdown., nr. : r.ailwav. Kal)hils Eating I Job as a result of accusations that j the death of his brother, R. H.. a If the colon Is to do Us work; truit juice fast and then following ragweed. Could you . use the ■■There mu.at be a reason for peri.iancnt card Issued within iio she served cocktails In her home few of us have the destiny of advisors, had been .studying the well, all of Its parts must move |\thla with a diet containing an telllgeiiee, as unusual a presi­ j engine difficulties due to dirty .MI tlie."e Intricate linos of sup­ I I little less than a year ago. create! pos.slbiUties of booting some agen- money or not?" w-hlskers like yours, I^rofessor." gasoline. Lend-I.ea8e will huil.l Diilc’li Official days. I during rehearsals of the school pressing the lever that sinks a hariiionlously or rhythmically, ajjqndance of both cooked and raw dent of a Board of .Aldermen as ply by .«ea. hv land and hy air Reicorda .Aeoepfable ' FHiit Trees Bark " a deep and continuing sense sen.se of ] cies out of Washington to make any Connei'tlrut city has ever "Oh, I could!” she said. "Gnats," he said. I expect I filling stations aloni: the mad. wit!i arc fiart of the lond-lea'-'o contli- i dramatic club, which she coached. Jap battleship or downs a [.roduclng the steady, even waves < ntm-aturchy vegetables. Recovery I I -Miss Hallin later was cleared of ! loss in the Conneetlcut |iublishing )i iblishing f'”' tbe defense hordes pour- o' conlra’cliorf and relaxation j will be mor# rajud if the diet is j Imasted. He Is a devotee of Jus­ "Then, do we deal?" {looked startled for he went on materials shipped from the Unit­ hiitlon, official." sa>-, to America's To See Curlii’ -Mr Bro'xn said that in the ca.'-os j plane or stops a Nazi tank. In­ mg m, "In.siders" that jiyedlcted "You had this In mind ^ hurriedly. "Insects, you ed States, to guarantee clean fuel. readiness for war. native Americans birth cer- Kansas fhty. Jan 6 -Ih Clyde the- accusations In a clril court ac­ field, which bring about peristalsis, rhru llmHed In rcganl to starch and j tice Holmes and Ring Lardner, tion stead, it Is our destiny to do a just recently that nothlrlg ever the iienstalilic action, the contents sugat, or it lhe.se‘foods are omitted | of Gershwin' and Beethoven, you came'" know. It keeps them off." Mechanics will be sent in fmm the t ll.'.ates, baptismal records, or 'iinr.lnghnm. n.ssBtnnt Jackson Schuyler Gille.spie had, for would be dune about it, -"Well, I didn't just exactly ^ “Are you going to be here right United States to keep the truck. U arherra. ■Australia. .Tan 6 - A’ othi-r records which oi'fer po.";tt.e -■ iilv agent, has been heseiged I One of the committeemen who num ber of relatively Colorlc.s.s • • • of Itie large inle.stine are moved cnlircdy for a time. A reasonable j and, despite the fart that he. voted for her removal four years many years, won his reputation was seldom. If ever, beaten happen In on you," I admitted. j along ?"’^ asked. In smooth running order and to Before Action Taken H J Van ?Iook, lieutenant gov- p:oof of Citizenship will be a - Mlh inquiries from farmers a." to things. along until they are ready to. bo ] amount of riieal may be used with ; ago was among those voting last in the printing .pehl. rather than Then t>op out of .the box. the eliminated. This peristaltic action I berj^efit. You do not tell me whether ■ while going lioekwards as ba<*k- She grinned at me. "Y’ou’re a “No,” he said. "My months Is te.'ioh the CTiinese' the job Spare [ emor of Tiie Netherlands East In­ ccptable. '■ivv to prevent rabbet* from eat- We are playing dur first great Rural Electrification and Farm dangerous character, Mrs. Bau-I ^ a - few days. Then I go parts will he sent from fhe Unite'' Wlchtt.a. Kas . Jan 6 T The dies, ha" arrived In Australia to He added that notations ma le in •"T the tiark from fruit trees. mght to exonerate her name. I in that of newiipaper puhlishin IS produce! by the action of the your Teeth hive infected roots. It] stroke man on- the swimming (The committee’s exoneration role in this war when and If we |"I"; m new.sj.aper puriu.nmc preslden, i.s.sues'hls ord.^, "-vlng ^ “ ^ lu o T u c - 'c o lo n , Tou’ hk\Trsmus\ro^^^^^^^^^ mer ” ; back to my classwork. But I ex- State., for the me.-harii , to work .ScUoi'l Board met last night to confer with the government of family records, such as Bil'le.". Ue comniled ah open letter pre- I teams at Crosby High snd j con.'iiler tiil-ioar-old J. L .Vri hcr ." action apparently was prompted and such muscular action is con- I have chronic catarrh. If any or i Partmouth, perhaps the best “Skip the flattery." I said. ".I’m , pect to be working here weekends. w ith. ^ Prime Minister John Uurtln. baby books, or d;ar.es, at thj' time ■erihine fo'T s ire fire methods: support the current drive of the "J. I "iid such muscular action i. con- | have chronic caUrrh. If any \f 1 icrpic.'t that he bo retiicd But no by Miss Hallln’s death). ^ * ' I joiirnali.'-tir circle sufficient I * New York, the Seeurl- Uolled anc regulated by nervous I the^e have developed the abnormal thing about him In his forward dangerous only when roused." : Those’ are very fine baiter cakes, Before many months, the narrow I Curtin said the visit gave "lan- of birth or shortly afterv.ard I’rovide th,e rabbits with some Red Cross—not as if it were an "Bu( this Is a side road,” she I Mrs. Baumer." twisting road will not be enough I action was taken. The aged em­ "llile ovlilonce of fhe clo«e c-op-; wo?ild be considered and al.?o hos­ ■ ''"r food. to convince his fellow pubU.shers •‘jV? ""'i impulses. ! cxmdilion found niust be taken into awareness In fields which should ploye, a vcter.an of 3fl year."' 'cr- ordinary drive, but as If we knew ' Alien Regi.*.traUon and several one ot the chief abnormalities account in working out a treat- conrrm a congressman of the said. "Nothing much comes "Sour milk. ” I said. "Ready to to handle the iMfric g heduled to emtian" in fhe war effort of Th« pital rccorils or statement of a I'ever the trunks with flypaper. and fellow editors that he was a , other# to Philiuliflphia, the Wage j’ vice in the city «ch' ■! s'jsstem, died N’etherl.snd.". Australia, Britain It to be America's momerit for go­ seen when the colon la Irritable or , ment to fit your ‘individual case. | United States. through hero.” serx'e any tim e." pass that way. In n'ntlrip.'ilion of physiciaiYHhat he "has a record i-n Errct fences around the trunks kindly, oourteoua, honorable man. | “nd House division and one other "It’ll be coming." i 'I'll remember that.” he said, that time, lend-lentle Ls building ' .a few hour." before 1 and- the U nited S tates. kis poascsslon sho.vlng date of his Shoot the rabbits. ing over the top. I r! reev. - u. a i ' suasiic.•qiastic isIs Limethat methe fferistaltic at- ' Those , ,iuSe /dn /measures which build up ^ He was, for instance, one of the worthy of high esteem In his own V “““ several disturbed, fhe movement the entire body will prove helpful. "How do you know?” j 'Thank you very much. I've en- parallel to fhe ro,-id the Yiinman- This is a deniand made upon us vcr>--rare-at-the-tlme .men who community and throughout the• j Ineli.ding t^ Railroad Retirement j ,,e too rapid and such''^ exerciae, ex- knew what. Munich meant when • • • * 'joyed It.''' Burma railroad Fifteen niilh n — not some voluntary effort we loard and tpe ( fTice of Indi.in Af- ^]-e therefore emptied too posiire to sunlight, fresh air. and ‘It's my bus'iness to know about ; i figured that I'd maybe wOn dollar* worth of United .st.i.te, .state, a sterling representative of fairs, to ('hirago. I i Munich happened. And l9 say a case, the patient ( Improvemeiil of the skin ellmina- 'roads and what runs on 'em. ! me a boarder. * materials are being place;! ondhi.s seek out As good m em bfrs of a-fine family. To that personal' A After- fter - that came the storm. that of any one is a high o w r ot I says his food goes right . through ; tlon through bathmg followed by praise. # I There’s a short cut booked I , The hour After lunch' I put In road under direction of Un.te'l the Chilian army, we must be Members of Congress, as usual. States engineers. Five thous.in'l tamily w.hich remains, and to th,* I were« rii- ijiIn theme thickmicH «iiof ii.it. Some of mm. brisk rubbing wdtb a coarse towel. We havven t been over-geherous | through here to hook up with the I looking around the plantation automatically and 100 per cent In the spastic colon there oc- Attention should also be given to coolies, men and women, are level­ larger family on thfc Advocate it­ them called it "silly" and "ridlc- to either of these candidates. Both 1 mai« route 50 »outh." I got ^ The grand old place waa all gone responsive to this demand. This lur.s a temporary contrai tion Of ] the intestinal elimination. I will are the kind of men the American out my road majf. "Look. Here's to seed. There had been a gale ing off the roadbed In scatterr 1 self. the Connecticut Fourth Es- ulnus.” Others hailed It as a wise small segments. Is our rde: llu re shoul.l be no the muscular libers. Such a spasm ' be glad to send you Dr. Frank Mc- people ought to be voting foi;.Trom Tam bay. Two hooLs and a holler of wind the week before and the tnte extends heartfelt sympathy. move and the only solution toward lu rigidity narrows the colon a t. Coy’s article on Swollen Neck broad lawm In front was all clu t­ Ahead of the railroad hiitlrlcr.s doubt about our filling it If W’e j stemming the tide of government this, time on. down-creek the new bridge goes ‘"X” the .sjKil where it occurs, anJ In- Glands which will provide you in. T here’ll be a detour set with- tered. The garden was a jungle. goes Dr. Victor Haas of the Unit really meai8 victory for America’! workers that threatens to fd States Public Health .Service the capital a modern Danny brook ! Cuecs more or leas of an obstruc- |with further information. This in a couple of weeks that'll begin |bam-a shell, smokehouse a wreck, This Red Cra.«s drive is merely At the Enemy’s Vitals t;on to th ! passage of the food I article will be mailed to'any one to divert the traffic to ua. And and half the stables had fallen In with 15 medical helpers from t’u. Fair. U nited States, 15 ("hlncse doi t r the first of the formulated de- ' How essentially desperate th • On the latter, side is the Civil ' residue. The result Is constipation, who desires a copy who write to Op en Forum w-Ul w-e be sitting pretty! Here's a scrawny cow mooed out In the meadow, anij a flock of draggle- and 200 aides, and .'lOO coolie ;■ u ■ ir.and.s w hi. h will bo issued up fevled area Under such conditions of this newspaper,and enclose one | the hotel there? A dump. Lever- tailed eWekens huddled In what ters. It la up to them to msk.- th ^'There*s one ray of light, though us. as the eivilian army. We arc | world really is ha.s just been writ­ . wmke^;'wlli'b; empl’ov':;,;^^ ; the patient may try to u« the ! large self-addrea«d envelope and ' to the E dX ‘’;“ ‘'*’* ton’s 20 miles east with a two-by- used to be a shed. Burma route a healthy place t < already being a.-ked to Invest our | ten in the tliird battle of Chang­ four Inn that'S dying- on Its feet The house wasn’t' any better. A work—or at least not a death'* July; the frantic search for office ‘’l rh '..fh: *’‘tTomtromely difficult for me pe.stholf. money in defense stam ps and | sha. the im portant free CTilna ' space to take care of The present i “le narrov.-mg of the tube , to believe that Manchester people from trying to put over blg-towp person with a busted glajfa eye ~Jim planned well for tiF* prices. Beyond that is Welliver could see that the whole show was On half a dozen fronts other bonds That is a minor contribu- i ommunu ations and riee center. j government staffs: and the already allow t e know that this country Ls at war. than Burma, lend-lcn.-e has beet, ' cHiicn^ lack of suitable houslnp 1(Yibaiis Approve I'ertalnly the general support of U. We ought to be able to cut In headed for the junkplle. It didn't tion no lia:J.stu|'. In T939 the Japanese drove to- aecummodations ■ In ste ad of ^ e usual rhythm cAl : the Manchester Chapter of the for a piece of the college trade. seem .right for anything as young helping our Alli'es prepare to fight \\ <■ m .ft met t that demand as ward this city, seemed to be ma’k- • • • I movements of the large Intes- i Defense IMeasiirep Red Cross la most disconcerting. I Competition? Not a decent feed- and fresh and vivid as Jane Ann Japa*n. l’nlted States money h.v- line, the movements are clutching, fully appreciate that many like joint at a reasonable price for 40 Judson to be burled In the' land been appropriated to strengthen Thi.s Widow is secure in the knowledge that her husband not only pro­ if we km w tint tt.at too means ing gooe .•ui; other de- present to the Emperor—a trl- their departmental bosses: fhe up- 'delected by the X-Ray._e^ecially can frankly say that we had hoped tion today iF to build morale and been accepted by mUljont from when necessary. rooting of personnel that has es­ when It is used during the Irritable, features. that every chapter in the sta.te those in the great halls of. Con the British In Africa and the Ncai mands up'm ii.s, as the civilian umph celebrating the opening ot The voluntary service Is to be prepare-a r^al opportunity for our E ast. tablished homes here; and the or spastib phaM. A'ould exceed Its quota. boys when they return. gress to the hum blest w orker ln*j We ^lope you’ll permit uw to explain the Life Insurance Trast to you in army. To ibeui. too. we must re- the Chinese war four years be- great turnover in personnel result­ Patients with the trouble known established immediately for pro­ the field. We have an American United States ifilofs wl)o f»ke M anchester's quota of $18,000 la Thousands of Townsendltes have' these planes across >the Sojith At­ detail. spond as a highly-trained, eager, fore. The Japanese reached the ing from refiisal of workers to as an irritable colon and those tection of the national territory not excessive. The Red Cross needs sons, grandsons, nephews and oth­ answ er. K string along with their jobs. experiencing a crisis resulting from and for custody of industrial and In order that many more Am­ lantic are ferried l|ack on a “mall high-m orale tivdy ■ I’f nu-nn am: ity, pniclainicd their triiimjili. more than the fifty million dollars er relatives in the armed forces. and spare parts'! line e.stabli.«heri Center of the whirlwind of argu­ spastic colitis .are generally of 1 agricultural centers, it asked for. Our mlncU, hearts and hands—at ericans may learn of this answer, women. and then, once more, the Chinese the Intelligent, nervous typie. Prob- | The compulsory service is to be the Townsendltes of Connecticut by Pan-American Airways for the ment now is the I’atent Office, I honestly believe that a Hjtle long last—are joined in solid aup- purpose. Sii'-h deniar.-ls represent, per- struck back. Then the Japanese with officials of that agency and ably the underlying cause of their | organized .on a skeleton basis to are holding their Birthday Cele­ serious cqnsideration as to the job port of our President and the hard TTie sir ferry lii the key to most haps, t'le iii'-.-t S[>ecific things , admitted that their occupation of approximately 700 patent attor­ filfficultles is- an Instability of the j prepare for masa military training confronting the Red Cross will course he must pursue. We could bration, Sunday afternoon and nervous system. Many physicians in the future. evening, Jan u ary 11, In the Y. M. of the other operations iend-lense there- w ill be for ,s to d< ' the city was to be only temporary. neys here who live off our patent stimulate Manchester interest^ pay no greatei tribute to our lead­ system and the litigation that specializing In Irritability of the I Dctajl.s of measures adopteur Founder's vision when Peace ■right. help her friends defeat the Axis. Worinn, In fartory and offlea, know that a much ntodod MANCHESTER tum. the fountainhead .for morale until the ripe moment, and then ployes. these conditions are undoubted­ or;' Board for submission to the a day which we believe will be at last Is won. AU authorities are The afternoon meeting will be TTie sir ferry runs ffpm 'Belem snd Natal jn Brazil to Bathurst In In the armed forces. It is ble job let go with...... the most destructive In addition, the Patent Office ly Important and It la vitally State Defense Oouncll. celebrated throughout the years agreed that post-war conditions held from 2:30 to five ahd the eve-i pauM, now and then, noodt rofroshmont, too. With icorecious men. What answer has been given from draughts, direct sunlight, ments of sraos’ into Libvs from .You trust its qoarity IOC seriously for his own g;ood and basis lu a means of ejecting a blood that we ma; retain the free­ for this problem? .and th e b e a t of fires an d radis-j C slro. COCA-COLA BOI''iI.I^G C0.>ll*ANY. K.CST IlA!rrK()lll), CONN. jnfraae of #lt war. He ahouKi.] Here.rthen. is'Japan unable, for|;" p';tuburkh!’‘’?S.e^^ M m p ro ^ that he reacts to strain or load of 150-pcr cent saving on truck tlrae. dom our fofefnihers bequenttoed Just oae. Dr. Towiiseod dared to rs. * Ob Uu oU ur aU» ot Arabia, in ear , , lo.jo anl't'lio with .Mis E.lna P. G: a . prc.ddent. "NVi h-.'itter w hat our em nuo.^. | which the British so far have tak- Mrs. Crawford succeeds Mrs. Ruth Polish Americans, turned back the title tree, gratis and for noth- j Rot)«rt My era re-eleced vice president, and 1 ago to make her home w.th her ' -Sport (enter -m Well.s street-, he c’a.se'l’arkCT in charger Other committee members Marv McGovern. Irea.surcr. i daughter.■.'The leavr.s.ber daachter. ! engaged for the affair. The seating in t'u'ir ,|.'-|'i ration may all. nipt . eji 7,082 pri.soners. including 1,804 Waddell who ha.s held the position ■Lee'a Esso 3 to 1. ing for Navy Relief, Joe Louis aj)- 1 Phoefiix, Xilz., Jan. 6— (ie)^| 1.1 1 lermans. Nine hundred of the cap­ arc Olin Dutra, Los Angeles; • Svveet was ehosen see- a giaivldaughtei, and aeveral |'arrangements would b- ideal hep- til . to u.s we will say .as tiw j The Wr.n-.en'.-i League of. the .Sec- during the past year. Both Pagani’s and the West pnrently still has to win a unanlX ;i. .,f lair,.) .11 hS'.e ,sa,;.l.^'Wv ' tives wiere wounded. Leo Dlcgel, Philadelphia; Ben Harking backXover nearly fiel E iw ta ’ry to s'lieceed Mr.s. tv. G. Craw- ! nephew.s. , an.I upwards of ,-loo e.mid he b a r 1- ..11'! Cong;.g vt 1. .mil church will The evening .* luograiu wa* Side Tav'ern rollers may be some­ Hocan. Herahoy, Pa.; Paul mous vote as a great champion. ' ’’ Rac^iiig Season an t ik.' .d ,\nd cc hat - more, ■ Only Raiding .\\.is Ijnea I years of college rimtball, the gen- and Mrs. Norman Ciihlierly ' The L. . |e: moral . at ; 'nmro .uilj h*-' a'Tnrrt. ni.'. I I'.IU' 1 fi.'.v aft.-rno.ii’i at fw.ij iqiened w ith a supper at 6:'.0 jn the. what aurprisei' at the above Runyan, W hite Plains, N. Y.; chalnnan of the Finance com- ; M.un an 1 II i l.-vm .'treot- aill be ' ,ng of the general eouumt'.-e thi an give 't li.ii-k an.I " e wi'l ^ O • lork with .'.Its Ileoige Stiie.s o( | British .sources aai'i the patrols score as the scorckeoper erred in But Louis, wore he not so mod- | I tleman from LehigH'^'niveraity ob*' banquet hall, under the supervision C raig Wood. M am aroncck. N. est, might say, "Consider the ' 'Served that if old tfh)ers thought I (.pen fr’om f"'ir o'elor-k tins ifler- [evening at 8 o'rjoek at the Mar.- It hank .‘ I'h r..mpour..! in- i: M‘ xtrort. operating we.«t of the .\ge.labia the last game which by his figures I of Chairman Mrs. Johanna Jesper- Y.| Mark Fry, Los Angeles;, source, " or ask, "On whom did Is Definitely the game was rough, \hpy ougfifl Reports indicated that the au.xil- noon through thi.^ o\ening f r j rhester Po.-it..friee, aeioi .lir.g to area so .far were only raiding the son and her roinmlttee. The ta­ went to Pagani's but the 'official Tom Mann, Bo.*ton, Mass.; « S- _ -S W ■ . n • * M VS ^4 t*iN Cj T 1 m nv*'\ ''hiili*':'.; they ever agree?" to play It t-oday. \ C ?H ry has had a busy and pro.spor- | m .-nmts of .'dr.s Law i.n. e T h e ' I’nit ina.ster rhonia.« .1 Q'lmh. • •n OiT ^^r.*5 r in s o G>r.r.f: \\’i>ocih4msc. Axi.s lines of rommunications w ith bles were deeoratevi in the lodge scorer caught the error of ten pins Wally Mound, St. Paul: will be .-.-nt ta. i;.u iner I Th.' ban on the local St ate ..\rm- Confessor Fred Fulton calls j Surprised at that? ho weri’ EtSua year. Of the *1200 pledge.! j.ho.ly 'X ''‘rt'I.frr 'nt St.it*-. o ttiMoO Tripolitania an j were n.>t strong colors of pink and green and ni- and the ball game went to the George Srhnelfrr. Ogden, Louis a third rater. , Over Out West ninrnirig -.r tie re or% forr*'*! thr thi.-« yrar t' r. r I h • f t)\' is.-s’unt’p rf ;uiditi«inHl niiarps, enough to face the enemy s mam ■ Tavernmen to give them a dean i i* I several of rulemaker Walteri.Oke* 1 % for the new addition to the .Memo- Ma.s.s., tojn.mr' Miss fails .Xrlene .\gard vanged in the form of the letter Utah, and Larry Nabholtz, Louis would knock out a Ian- j .son's ■ listeners, who always r 'S l i l Sl'OdO has been p.aid tim.-ral .seivie.- will hr hel.f at tic tn* S'*rk annthrr plarr to he ^mlh- .-iniith Kiineial M' lre i- two •nt*d Jtr and Mrs Harold Agard of Distriet Deputy Pie.sident M i .h. \'ic Kausett, Clarence Nielson.( Fulton with his first flurry of making a five yard gain through the mud In the first quarter of the game in New York's Polo Stable Owners Ship to J f doming shortly. Due to the inerea.sr „k Thurs.la;. an.uii.-.n Rnrial • iprorat thr Sp'-rt « ‘'•’’rr ran hr f him.-i*':! f'T th* !-i the. fnrni.r .8piiinir,s Unable to close the roa.stal high­ and Clarence Freheit featured for | ■ with the flying wedge and m ass^, Mill of East Center street announce the Eleanor Johnston of Distfirf No. 66 R ^ ln the number of bod.s, it was voted , ^^,,j in I’m. 'Irow' i-.-mCeiy in madr mu>t a\^ait a<’t.n'n on thr Chenev Brotl-.ers. way and cut off the Axis' supplies. the West Side ' Tavern, Kausett i punches. Grounds Bears players are Fortmarni t2Il and Turner ( ), guard and center respectivelv'other offense, shin guards, han’dlebw ' engagement of their daughter. 19. who with her staff, all mem­ Tony Gaientp still insists Louis All-.Star player Is Isbell (17), halfbark. The Bears, scoring three touchdowns In the second period Florida for Shot at part of thf penf*ral rommittop. U Tl-.e nVs.*ag '.as .the ann .al i ------j An R. A. F. raid on the Ger- and Nielson shooting 126 for the mustaches and a hospital. ^ raise the sum to be expended fer ] Templeton. .Ma.s.*. Miss Lois Arlene Agard. to Leon­ bers of Welcome Rebekah Lodge I is a bum. finally defeated the All-Star.* 35 to'24. wa.i exprrtpti, howevrr hhat thr ne to Copgi'-.' >11 the stale of single and then turning in scores Buddy Ready Rich Purses; Santa I “It was a hard game In tbo84 linens to *600. p ------Thero w dj be’ a special meeting ' o’®" submarine base at Salamls. ard Carl Nie.se son of Mr. and of East Hartford were guests. The worst thing Louis ever did As an example of the work done rh tir? orcTHiration would prr* the Vnion \At th- verv o.it.set the the Army-and Na-. v rh/b P'^rl west of Athens, was The meal consisted of Philopena of .335, 327 which with Clarence I 'lays,’’ said the a-stute Okeson, Mrs ''Richard G Niese of Grand to Beer Barrel Galcnto was give Anita Handirap Off. (present chairman and a membet c* ^ "th c ’ suxlUary. In addition to' fert-rd tnnljjht and artjon taVm ji!' idcnt .s.ahi h'' ■' to re-|..|g;it ■. .I.j.-k ' t.-night The meet - , *'V ^ ^ Middle roast I meal loafi. mashed pota­ Frehelfs 330 turned the trick for .\veuuei Rihckvill^ To take All him an ill-deserved break. Louis I for 20 years of the .National Col-, MWingi mending and raising funds ’ Funerals I a»«iit-e the prmtinp of Mrkrt? ..dl that the\spinl ot tiv: Amen-| iiig has been called for the p’jr-| East command today for the scc- toes and turnips, cole slaw, rolls, the Tavernmen, Mr. Niese Is b setlTor a t P ra tt believed he w ould silence the foul- for linen mid com forts for patients. | I Plans for several sports benefits | people wa, never higher, that i pose of drafting a defense pro- ' °h(l successive day. coffee and baked apples with The Polish American's after los­ Los Angeles, Jan. 6—'Ah —Denied I Football Rules Committeo, Institute of Fine and Applied Arts I mouthed Galei.to and remove him I Intent Rules 1 It WM reported that s total of 48 - ! Mrs. A. H. Dixon ' srs sdvanrtng rsptdiy and one the fntori w'a*'never more close gram for the rl’tb in cooperation ; T'’* Greek peninsula Is directly whipped cream. The artistic deco- ing the first game came back to | Boxing Fraternity Joins a shot at the $100 000 Santa Anita in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is a mem­ Louis Gives 'from the piigilistlr picture, but the ,, ‘^auia Anna I conclude its meeting to- j W 3 sungical dresaings were folded Tt-.e funeral of Mrs Ada How r basket ha It-game has been mniple- knit togetl I'r \hat the rieuitry with tl-.p local, slat- and national , across a narrow neck of the Medi- vat ivins were the work of Past No­ dump a subborn Lee’s Esso 3 to 1 | latter was all he succeeded in do­ ber of the,''Omega Iota Pi Fiatcr- Handicap In March, Mioland, Chal- nighL Pi during the year by the rhembers. I hxon wa.s held Ihi.-s afternfsm. at I ted for January 18 at the ,<8eh.».l ■vii.s never nor.' Xilceplv' deter- defense coum 'Is A spei ial '"Kingo Kiiigo '" terrancan from the hump of Libya ble Grand Mildred ■Miller and her by virtue of the splendid work of | ing. nity. Ajmateur Game Icdon and Pictor will try to sal- ; Hut in those day.*," he con- The group leaders are .Mrs. 1 o'cli.ii'k at the home of her .stroet Rec The Sport Center has- iiuiii'il to la ic th e\oleinii ta.sk, party will b heir) at the 1 liih on and, therefore, in a strategic posi assistants. Ed Kovis and "Butch’’ V'ojeck. Jack Johr.son continues' to point Fight Against Paralysis / llnuc'l. “the man' carrying tht II James M. Shearer, No. 1. During j daughter, Mr '. Jame.a Ri ivard ol |ketball team ,ion skafe.-i will also ! I tore t iTuysdav night. .laiui.iry 20 all the' ti'in for German I'-boats nionac- The regular business meeting Kovis was credited with a single,; Cliallenper Confident He out th at Lou is' stance is bad. vage half that amount in Florida. t , M rs. Shearer's ab.sem e m Florida, i •JO CenlertieM .street with Rev | hold a benofit aee.iirdiiig t» Krnnki. ing Brrtish ships supplying the fiillowed the .*iip|ier. eluunxed by of 132 and a triple of 363 while ball seldom ran more than two own Oh|e«ll\e*\,( lenr llr^iilecd.* tv go to the Red Cioss Louis has undone all the harm New York. Jan 6 Boxing eom- With Santa Anita’s $1,000,000 I t. Mrs. W. W. Eells is acting leader. |Thomas Street of the i. oiigi-ega. ! Ada-nis. manager -jf the team He .\rm ics pu.shing westward in the inatallaion of officers. Vojeck whipped out a triple of 341. ill Be \^’inner Fritlax display collcctiiin boxes at tiieir IN^led .\iithonty Claims yards before he made contact with Me outlined the .steVs leadin.g •W-ar Fund. A rthur Johnson did the gam e that iiussions in the 37 member states racing .season finally cancelled be­ -Mrs. George W. House is leader ol Itional .'hureh of Tah ottvllle. .,fTi-! i« trying to get the fa.u Meri.ler North Africa Other Olllcers Arthur Pongratz turned in a\ entrance and take up rolleotions the opposing team. He had n« [I t I n'crii'.i • entry \iito th'- Night; Sax) He'll took him from the Galveston of the -National Boxing Associa­ Eastern Teams ('.arrv cause of war conditions, a few "Group 2. Mrs. David M. Caldwell i' latmg. after whi h the L.dv wa« | skafor.s' team here the latter P-aC Egi-pt. Britain's non-belligerent,' Other electtve ntficers are: Vtre wharves to riches during their bouts throughout ,Ian- blockers his teammates were all . I wiiild I i-iiinii t an.'! vleclared I . Private F ra a e is Rrog.-.n of the 1 Weddings splendid score for the filling sta­ tion today wen urged by Presi­ rich owners plan tb ship their top 3ahd Mrs. Wiihflni Knot- a’-.d shippe.l Id I of the nionfti ally, decide J today to bleak nfi grar.vl. Mi*.* Giiu'e Hat'h: leeoirt-. tion team but his good work wa.* ^vXlllg.It Out. Whom did lam is ever fight ? iiary, and that each fighter be ask. Edge .Against West. behind him, pushing. ^ e . Group 4. The Rroups n.ee^ ^'|Ken^t^^ HaMf M n'lr o-A II ol'iect j^es\ -.vere j l!*2nd Kiel.J A rt dleiw . Lid I ’lviMon diphimatic relations vvith Riilg.a'ria : dent iXbe J. Greene to join the ed to donate 10 per cent of stars to Miami. New Orleans or "And contrary to general opin* r\« Rnjn.s\Mrk ing seeretHi'v:. Mrs. Mildred Miller,, not enough. They asked the question when Mot Springs, Ark. '• v ery Mondny in thr month, arid ■ - ir .'Urna.-hing the militiirism 'amp Blur,'ling. Florida. I,* enjoy and Finland, on both nl whoih th.e ^ March of Si>orts Against Infantile of his January purses. ion, a man seldom was hurt in the burial a jII tak f plarp to- |-.i.ii| tiv will lotd.s on their. CM mg one week furlough he.ie a* the tinancial seeretar.V.. .Mr.* E'ldh Wednesday Kve«ilng By Sid Fe«ler Gene Tunney and Jack Dempsey Paralysis Insisting that ea.stern ha.skel- When five Mondavft o<'cur in an Koose\«‘ll British have declared, war The Walsh Smith. treasurer. Mu-s bossed the Works, and they were K\ery dollar rai.scd. (Ireen (loi^it- hall offieials rule .by intent rather Charles S. Howard's Mioland ^ pileups, where there might be a> « !• m<>nth. they meet together and j mot row J l.'i'. cd peoples, lihcratir.g sutViu home of 111- p,aieni'. Mi' and .Mr.* Ta.% lo r-M c C lu sk e y Scheduled to meet Wednesday- Lakewood. N. J , Ja n 6 - -T' - Greene, who doubles a.s one-man ed out. does a same decision also hB.s\been taken Emilv Ku*.*mann. highly satisfactory champions. double patr/otic than by what happen's, Dr. For­ yesterday "as topweighted at 128 i [^any as all 22 players M o" taka turns at entertaining. Ye* Accompanying the body wa.* g it< 1 ip-ilion*. establishing Brogan, of 1 19 Adams street, I Mis,* Alice M ary McChi’skev. evening are Moriarty Bros, and the ' Jacob i Buddy) Baer is boxing roniniission of .New Jer- duty by giving I oncerning the Vichy F"tench gov The oftirefs appointed by the'in­ a simple Louis is now within three little congratujafor.v rest C. Allen of Kansas attributes heavy panU pro* i * twiUy Group 1 member.* w ere Mrs. Ridyai'ls husband, who i.*- Virlorv Fdrcra? unng f i c lorn of sjicC' h [il.iughtor of Thoma.s McClii.*key ol West Side Dairy while the Para-» > i. ' sey and .NBA boss, sent personal pat nn the back " to the Pr/sident .stakes at Hialeah Park March < | tected the player against alugglfii I 'cnm ent. coming noble grand. Mrs. Cr.T,’. - defenses of the total of all pre­ this to the old professional game boatesaes. As the clinic room at a f itizen of the I'nited .States but m o| religions, frtedoni Liicien Pesmehers. 22 of ,5 i Dewey .Xvi’niic. Newington, was chute Co. Will take on Mike Haber- 1 ^ Ph>l<>*ophy. appe.Tls to each commi.ssion chair- and by "lending a helping iiapd to ford, are a.-i follows Warden, ceding h.'Bvyweight rhampions. and the former money players Pid (*>iS?'’'i ® ''® " '’ *|Or kicking if an adversary tke hospital Vs inadequate for such had to secure letters showing this lb! and freedom fmin lochedale avenue,, Lowell. Mas.s , married Saturday to Walter John en's Sllbros team. So when he sits down for a chat man asking him to cooperate witir the crippled children of An'erica." (Oontiniied From Page One) Althea .Shorts: conductor, Ruth A better ijuestions is: Who roarhing along the Atlantic I icto^and Challc'lon. prepping for ' able to move a muscle in the tan- M large number. It was decided to to be true so he could again re- l■|■•.wll•^c in the world I: driver, was arrested by CifTi- Seven of Enemy Taylor of 11 School street this Pagani's West Sides (0) and tell.* you, m atter of factly. the National P|>"it.s Counril of the Cooperation with the/ various now coaming along me Atlantic comeback ami Gustave Ring s gi, ' Beckwith; chaplain, Marion that he can't see what he has to ha.sn't J'le Louis fought? /have the all-group meetings at I’lrn to Manchester Mrs. Ri'ivard, tanks. .1,8 000 anti-am iaft gui.s : " 881’ shall not slop short of VV R I'a.ssells at T'20 yester- town. The ceremony^vivas per­ Paganl 89 120 And the answer is: Everybody (-’ommittre lor the (.'elebration of state birthday celebratiun commit- seaboard , \ Marion are other Anita re'si who IS not a citizen of the l.'ntte'l Siraughan: mu.sician. Jessie Dow­ worry about from Joe Louis, you the President'i Diamond Jubilee sajd also ^Xoulcl bnnR j One-time profe.'^sioiials have ,Jcnt.3 oligiblo for the Widener "Today a ball earner fftay gel : the T . whenever they occur. and lOOOOfKiO tons of shipping. | 'I'c-c ohi-" ti\cs pof shall -we hi; day\aftrrn".-in for parking near a formed at nine o clock' m St. ling: right supportei to the noble Schubert around. up full steam , and usually does, .^tate.s, but of Canada, eould not Plaires c\re Hit Brow-n .. have to come pretty close to be­ Birthday. The pre.sidcnt will be 60 further credit to b^ing.” Said , ^ However. W arren L. Wright's Cabinet member.* in the prest- ; .Mtistu’d mcielv to gain them an l iTV'drlVp on North Main street. Peters church by the Rev. Jere- grand, Emmd Dowd; left. Minnie Rhode Island State has the ' I before making contact./ He geti Fqlier . . lieving him. 1. . 1. " . u T. years old on January 50th and the aggressive progiessive .NBA j ('°'‘Cgiate game , thst permitv ' and a score of other go as she w-otild be detained in dent’s audience were Sccret.arics ' th.' n call it a day, Mr. l-.oosevell mmh BnnlerKk at a nuptial high Krau.se; rqihl suppoiter ti> the strange.st baske ball technique I ve Greene a.skcd that the hit in the open far m.i6re than be­ Hedlund He tells you this, mind .vou. In commis- chieftain who succoksfull." rleared | "creening," says Dr. Phog Allen.'l turf stars, along with hundreds of that country. A daughter of the Perkins, Labor: JOncs Commerce. ,ii..scrt.jd The tSalv.atlon .\rmy Womens (Continuesl From Page One) ma.s.s. Mrs. C.athciine Daly, sister vice grand. Beatrice Manning, seen in a long time ^ n d islo . •a tone about a.s worked up and i 8 . (I . arrange oenefit shows in up three title mu'wles in his first was director of the 1936|h?s.ser steeds, will slay at Santa fore. He has merv' clearing th* dead woman, Mrs. George Holt of Wickard, Agnciilturc Knox. | ’ Ic explaine.i that tins time ri e Home ijygiie will resume meet­ of the Imulc, vva.s matron of h'inor. left. Mafa’l Dowd; inside guardian. The Rama shoot tense as a fellQw asking "please ^ ' every city where boxing is legal ye.ar as iirosidcny * , Olympic team. Anita for varying periods. Whirly path in front of him, ahd that' Red Cross IlAmilton, Ont , came to Manches­ NaVv: .Morgenfrau Tic.asiirv . ' are i|cl»i n,11.cd not o n ly io -.'.in the ings. suspended over the holidavs. forcemente were arriving in the aii'l the bridesmaids were Miss I.Xrhne Kenyon, outside guard'.ir, from all over- most of them one- contact comes at ^ull speed." Total.s 525 .505 498 1528 put a head on my beer. " The bic on this night. Our . sport ev/r has been will- "~hc old pros had a rule that if I and most of the other horses nom- ! ter to attend the funeral. Because Stinison, War. Attouicv 1 tcnrral T'.-i: hut al.so to ic.ainiain the sc- tnniorrow- iVf'emonn a' the citadel far east. M.ary Frazier of H aitfor-l ,Mi.*s handed flips. I Be.s.sie Flet' her. W est Side Tavern (,4) guv is no niore ,*oared than a "The boxing world.” Greene ing to dig dowij into its jean s and : dul' It was a foul. . , , The Rules Cothmittee chairman of the rule that only $.8 can be Biddle and Postmaster General ('iint\ of the pe.ace whuh w dl fol- There WHS a definite feeling that , .'\nna iP Naniara of this , town an'l ^ I Following the in.slaUat'.on rr- They feign a normal defense, inatkd.for the hundred grand gal- .,aia^c7nrhomes'Tw^ ‘I’'''’ improved equip- S t Mary’s War Cabinet in charge rowded Hnu.se (Chamber that ineiit.*. ' II ■’ i.s then that he s.iid g-nev Mrs 'InjAi- Ci'irlts. who is town; District Dei'Uty Presi'lent • weeks before his big flop eroo with been linWl up for the M arch of 111 h.id pist sent a letter to .ip- lu-esHiepi of the I.Ajgiii', and Mrs. Burm a ereiliting the .Anieru an 1 fow Leona Reel, art'! Pa.st Pre.si'ieiit ot .best defense is to shoot and keep C"’, tha food aale for the War Fund , ^ ' America mav suffer further sef- Totals 535 593 502 1628 l>iqi9 and then resting on one I on shooting. : ®"d m o f' money is need- .Sports by' the National Sports ‘ InrdoM promoter, to ein^jloy offi ^ I aiil (f. >erri« ! hacks in this war. the pre.si'ieiit , pi "pr.iite go-, ernnu-ntal de|i,irt t’ecil Kittle will be noslo.sses. I VoUintei-r Corps there w ith S, two- /The hri le w h" 'w i.* given in the Rebekah .X.sseinhly. .Mis. Howard al.sp will send .Porter's ' tion. . ,to ba held in Hale's store Thurs- knee shaking his head a.s the They put s tremendous pressure invader Counripol the Committee for the ciala who wotild not carry fortn The funeral of Paul Gould Ferris, j as.serted thatAmerican lighters ! ment,* and agcrrie* ordering im- ' dav b;ig of 66 er.cm.v planes at the idviarnage by her fath-vr -.vore Emm.i L. Netlleton of this to-wn. ruthlessly. wrecks human Cap to Florida, He. Brann and There was not a single colleg* 4ajr morning. gown of white satin ami lave and Polish Am erican C'luh (3) referee asked him to get up. If • on the opposition \vith this race- , .. Celobi/tion of the President’s the concepts of the ea.stern coach­ "f ^ 0 Mam’ street, well knownI will "zive it hai k with compound iiiedi ite .step*: P.ist i.'ist of four of their own. 4ii\eii Jewel Ring had made prior arrange-/foqthall fatality last se.ason. Oke- mati"-’.* of Tebiide Chap-’^ earned a boiuiiiet of vvhi'e roses, D iib a ld o ...... 89 104 99 292 Buddy is afraid of what micht i horse stuff. They throw the bail Birthday. Chairman Grnntland es," - Rabbi Berthold Woylhaler has locaTresidenl who died at hi.* ^irtie | interest ' to the Axi.* 1 " IncreiiM* PriMliiction H r. o For result.!, the No. 1 exi>l/U R. tiring Nobli; Giaii'l Ruth W.0 I- Greene .submitted to the NBA 10.000 ments to ship to Miami. •sph recalled that one year along F . -S... . will - meet . Thursclav-i n riie maid’ of h'inor w ore ro.se velvet V ojeck ...... 102 113 341 happen in his nose-Ilattening fro- j the length of i he court, drive hard, Ric^ has organized, high i Pointing out that Dave McMil- announced the War Cabinet for Saturday evening, was helry this! ■ a page buy, sitting in an ai-le. "1. I'o iniie.i.se oui prinliirtiun reported in the final U. S. i/vm- 'I' ll vva.s pi e.*'’nte'i"with a I’a.- 126 states an eigh'-point plan for sr E. F. Wo(«lwarcl sent three car-,About 1905. there were 32 dcatli% v '.ering at 8 o’i'Iih k with Mrs. Mar--; Bn)zo'wskl .. . 103 111 102 lie* with I>mis in Madison Square t never let U[). iTetnple Beth Sholom as follows; afternoon at 2 o’clock, frohi the * ied his eMera in cnihii.*ia*l n ap- "itc of a.rplane* *0 rapidly that niuniques ve.'trrdHv was the work •an'l taffeta, with arm hiyiique’ ot nolile gi aii'l * jewel by Mr.* Mui- 310 oooo r" ' lan of .Minnesota is the onlyfor- loads of his Vahlina Farms horsesJanil where there was one collegt j"Mc Straw 5.’’i Hrookfielfl street ' of the .\rmy bomber flight/W hu ll Better Times rones The bndes- Saven ck 102 105 93 300 Gar,len Friday night, then’ he! At Mad,.sun .Square Garden, ■ Chairman, Mrs. Sidney Brown, Watkins Funeral home | plaii.se as the pre.-udent .cssertcl -n ttii* yetir, 1P12 we .sli.ill pro- Tl.e llo.-ites.* vv'd he a.s.si.-vWd hv iiie Smith. h'T right siipiioiter Stfe I'lipht to hav.e B arry rnores profile Fordham uncovered to .New Orleans Sunday. He took team playing then, there are 100 blasted ac cnciny destriiycr to mai'ls Were sim ilarly go.-, ned in also received a mahogan.v t-rble Kovis ...... IM 117 132 363 .president of the Sialerhood, Mrs. Rev W. Ralph Ward. Jr., pastor | that ttie .Iapane.se ha t failed ic due,. c,o (1110 planes. Ri OUO more Mrs, Ellen Pirklcs. The\ p.i.st because he's every bit the actor. I from basketball's ancient history ' charity drive 'college-trained coach without p ro - hav' ®t®ble aituatlon by .today 'Manning Kendell, treasurer of the <)f the Soiilh Melhodl.st chiin h, : their plan to .stur. the .'Xmcri' an th.m the goal .set a year and a half the bottom of Davao bky in .the blue brocaded tatTeta. with match­ with tl'iver le.if top rrom-tl-.'' "f- fit show, each club be asked to/tn sports history. ! nvitrnr.s are to be in charge f\{ the ing bonnets ami arm bouquets of T otals . . 510 550 "Look.'• he explained tod.ly as “ ® double standing guard. The i fc^Rionftl r»nprii»nr. h«. hi. rxi.*. c©n?ttructed for his I The toll that year brotiKht do' 'Sisterhood, Mrs. B. Baum, prcsi- "tiicialed. Ml.* P. K. .\nder*iin.I j„.i,[,ie tiy the .sr.e.ak .attu 'K on ag"Thi.s tm hides t.'i hon l onibat Philippines and scored three di- tii'crs an't gu ii'l team. 1 he pivseii- 552 1612 -Kith anniversary i-elcliration of thc I 0 1 he at.arted tapering off fo r. his/Kosc_^HiU Ram s kept two men deep ^ ora nlav the ball which nmvirtn* ' Howard. \V. C. public wrath anti aImo->l ended/he Ident of the Brotherhood. Saul M. organist. rendered appi "pciate i H.irf'ird . ipl.i ""* liuiidM'i s. di’v e-lii,i|d«'i *. reel lilt.* on -a b.itllT.stui’ in the | .-X ir.ei u ;ui'.B<"iiit,v roses. .Shirley tation vva.s ma'le I'V Mis* K.nily ( ) . ball which proudos ^nd the Mili.stlalr Stable sport. Eighteen State chapter r,n Janii.iry .lanii.irv 14 at the T' Ti-^pi- same vvate:.* All thi" bombi’r.* got 1 Daly, mere nt the bride, who vva.s Blanchard 95 105 301 ■se.'ond Track at the heavyweight III the back-court, attacked with {SllVersteln. chairman of the ways seleetions. ( a nnisv demonst 1 .-I’lion , atiw piiisuif planes The rate of in- I’le, .ail'l I'l il Ki.s.’.mann. Mr* U I'l'iell Juu* luul a ins will lie roni[’leted i»t bark um.lani.iged/to their secret | flower girl wore p...uh lafTeta amt Pongratz . 111 130 - 359 only t h r ’e. th.Tt the foothnil game wa.* a .sell- a more^opeVc^^^^^^ had bill, un.ler consid^titxl I means committee, Mrs. Jacob The bearers were: Elton A. .Tohn-I w I,nn he said that the Stars and|'ir.ise will he cnntimicd .so tli.it the nveetiii) most .*u''ce*.sf'il yciir. tit the .J6 title. "I took Joe's .'-unilay shots iig Thursd.i.v evening bH.-e j carrie-l an old-fa.shioned lauiquet. Bronkie ■ 86 90 I-yiode Is'and would be snowed ' "lit three weeks before either of .ontemls ^when vou ntav’^h " '’ailuhle at .New Drieiin;* to make football either q/misde# iRublnow. A fund of *60 has al- son. William-S. Hyde, Alexamler jupp^s again would tiv over the i next v-ir, lliFl, we .shall [in>cliire ne'w meiiihvrs eiir'jlled. Mis. ttS'l- 284 last May and I'm still alive Right’’ ( j ’lislier ( 4ISCV Tho.se unable to attend should tele­ The big Ihrdller. however, was , -Mr.s. -M^rv' E. Humphrey, with Breen . . . . 102 100 299 Well, then, knowing that, all I under bv a team like Washington i them appeared. . . The Item, in- Jtisady been turned m s^d now new J. Lang. John Parsons, all of Man- I pacllic i.sies of Wake and G'lani.' IJ.a.dOo airplanes in, hiding Ihu - phone, Mrs. Stiavv, 7208. ■ lell personally .secured 22. the be.*', or Rice, but not before the Rams i i'lenlally. elaini* the Sugar IViwI wreslline mai, h , becauae the Army .sa>d it wanted It was in 1906 that rta Rage answered at Churchill Downs Gerlach. Wells Tolson for the James's church said the prayers and bond.* and ta x .'* ,’ -Mr Roo.se- ' I To increa.se our production The monthly biiihn Muss M'-ic Dl'kiiison made the Guard, Los Angeles Intends to hold I player may cause contact. In such i.il'' " f rr.ciI hatit ships S" rapidly I*ocals in Closing to Of this, the Navy Relief Fuml turing Maun/e "The Angel" Til- Springfield Ace qilendld work they have done in and also was in charge of the coni- veil a,*.-erl.-il. It me.iiu* - uUiiig 'f Center...... < 'hill ' h Mr:- 'r?'"' i s k t I'rescnt.itioii. Its annual midwinter regatta In;, , canvassing for their team and niitlal services, which took place luxuries an.l other n"i'.-e.'*f*. lUuil.* , tli.it in, this vear 1912. we .slui'l on will be held'tomorrow cv^en[ng j fought hi.s ship Lieut. \Villmm .| Engagements Mr.s. T h "ia Stoehr Mal'jn'-y was will be the big winner. Mike and the Catalina Channel as scheduled, the rminstrou.s Frenchm an lls office eil^alS , . . that the Giant* ^ cd solel*- by the apparent intent To Whi 39-27. and Steve '’Crusher " Cn.*ey in the crily fsju g h t' Hank I^’iher condi in S t. Jam es's cem etery. In a word. word Itit mean.* an ’all-out’ all-out 1i I’luld 8 oou ouq de.sd-w MKht tons : 8 o’, I'M k. F"llow/ng the husf- Kabler, th* skipper^ v^^s pre.sonted with a goM biaielet tiy Joe are giving their shares, ami Feb. 19-22. I . .1 1°^ offensive plavcr." 111 Second Pl^c^ other teams as well. mam attraction tionally Francis Albertanti. I .,x . .. war bv m'iivi'lual effort and tarn- | corup.jred with a HMl prtKl'if'- I ■ssrii film will be/shown of the ' »*®'''led the Nay.v^ cross an'l im- Session-Kearns .Mra. .Marion, Siraughan. the gift ot Buddy, who figures to need s lit­ As ohc skipper points out face- i Dr. Allen argues that this un- ' Perry After tle really rash for Arnica and a.s- This nmr of "top" performers the noted space-grabber, brings The local Red Cross Chapter tlV efl’orl in a united vountry. |'"’n 'if 1 KmI’mmi. W V sliall ron- ' -[-jraw .Xsiatic expiedili mediately promoted ti* lieiitetnant offu er.s and giiar'l team in rerog- The Bristol Tramps carried just tioualy, a submarine being a pow- , savory and unworkable aulhonlv Memorial Mas.s Ihat .next •Mrs. .Mr. and Mr.s. La'Arenre J. .sorted liniments after It’s over. Is met a nyintn ago with The Angel back word from the We.st Coast By The .\»socialed Press has received, the following letter The rhie< ex'Wutivc' m-’n'.ioucl ' ' iMue that inc;ra.*e Wall.sce Pa.vne’.s/grbup of w orkers commander. niiion of eight years of faithful enough reserve power to overcome er-dnven vessel. Would have to A mass will be celebrated m St. ■ear 194 vve shall build 10 ikjfi,. Kearn.* of 68 We.*t .street announce turning in a good chunk of his getting/the verdict after a .tough R.,.v w ,„ '„ b , Kovaes’ Sealp Bill Summerhill, Springfield . from the Soulh-xestern P.egiOn of James s rhiireh tomorrow morning American reveraea at the (jiit-sei ol vill be hostess's. All'women of The Heron '.was th* firft navy the Tigers of .Manchester last give right of way to sailing yachts. UOO t'vn.* •the engagement of their daughter,’ ‘ cut. The hitch IS that the Japanese battle /vben Casey was thrown the hi’st lightw eights In the husl- shot-maker has a chance to go England: at 7:10 in nieniorv '^ the late John the conflict, but he d'wlared that the chiirch vvjjl lie welcome. *hjp to be cited by name since the thing but s guessing contest. Ju lia, to Robert ?e.*.sion of R ock­ night. 39-27. The game, rough No one except a fellow name«l aren’t ever good enough sports­ through the ropes and counted out nc.-'S if he had a smart haniller to 'out In front in the American Lea- ■'Will you . pleas* convey the Digney, who died in February. "powerful' and olfensive actions I war starte.l. All previous com­ ville. ‘ He wants offscials to call 'em as mendations of fleet units In actii.n GomiPil Enjoys from the afart. got out of ountrol Buddy Baer is giving Buddy Baer men to do that. aftcr/n mixup witti an over excited cure him of a couple of bad h.abits Former Tennis C llU IIl- (Tue scoring race tonight. grateful thanks of us all here in must and will be taken in proper Dr. F F^bes Bushnell of Wood- for a few minutes but the officials spectator win grabbed Casey by Ever hear of Tledu.stclujuok- ‘ they see ’em. No more guessing , At present nr and Gordon Pet- the Southwestorh Region to the. hridge st,^et. left last evening for have omitted identification of the much of a chance of making the Ume ’ ' Diltdi Report Saunders-Pollansky "bore’’ down and aoaumed com­ Bomber's 20th title defense his the/leg as he was climbing back .*u... Don't run. It's just s Fin- piO Il .MPPtS r aniUUS tinger of Hetsh-’y^are tied for aec8 members of the Manchester Con­ ConaoUdstton Being Achieved | Ithaca.,le- receive^ his call to -report, I Wilton Garrison. Clisrlntte England and the letter 'v.i.* mailcvl forces. cific was the presence in Aus­ heavy sweater wool, sock and sea Japanese to resort to costly frontal S. Gryzb. rg ...... 2 iN. C) Observer: "The month of ter bewilderment on the faces of pearance 'since he suffered an arm t The Rockets able to collect only , ha.'7 been contacted f'lr c(>ntribu- Vincent J. Mines of St, Janie.s s A s .pile the fait that he has not seen i lust from the Womens '.'oluntary .Serv­ T h e m ilitarists in Berlin and tralia. fr r conferences with Prime boot .vam at the headquarters at assaulU for every inch of ground Scrabaez, I g ...... 0 By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. |December. 1941. will long be re­ western' players after an eastern injury in a match at Madison points 1 1 26 games are in th * [.ttons. the patronage of the towns-- „'hurch and Rev. Francis Breen ol 1 2 •mv National Hockev league com- -''"fillaManI or lome p.ace where I can ices cloth'ng .sli.K Hi i.\ White Tok.vo started this war. the chief .Mini.-ter John fiir tin ’s govern­ present, and those who have been gained. (Continued From Page One) Ginolfl. I g ...... New York. Jan. 6 /P At least membered as the month th" Jap* Square Garden last month, and cellar and have permitted their 'people is carnesllv solicited. .St. Bridget a. 0 a 0 get ( ifficial had called a blocking foul ■ ladies ro.iii, 1 Bruitul executive charged sternly. .But ment. of the In’lies' lieutenant- waiting for the delayed Red Croas The reappearance of American petition this sea.son! " A/’l/V ""Z":.•'"P* two of the proposals the football attacke'l Pe.irl H.arhor and N"t-e since Fred has been out of action. (’PPonent.* to ram in 103 goals— : Mrs Frne.st Bantly vvho is chair- yarn shipment, will rind what they Although presenting of the gilt* Manager Art Ross of the .Stan­ The sooner the b*'tter ' This difference in interpretation England. the maased. angered force.* of com­ governor -general. Dr. H J, Van bombers in the South Parlflc thea­ rived at Klang. on the Strait of .T o ta ls -...... 10 ■ 7 rules.comniiltee has uiulef eonsid- Dame e'ected a football enpt.ain has developed into more than a we.'ikcat difcn.se in the eastern ! man of th' committee arranging want at the B. W. R. workrooms. started at 8 .Hi) It was nearly lu;.1u ?' ley Cup ehaiTiplons. now irr a tir.st I Kovai s and Riggs have been go­ mon humanity will finish it " i Mo"k. ter promised to increase the pnee Malacca 210 miles northwest of Bristol Trampi) i-ratioii were tried out in the .south- named Murphy " variation of teilinique. half. . . fiyr the sale states that a wide va- It is all for the common cause. before all had been di.stribiited. The place tie with the Thronto Mnp'e | Steve Brooks Lends ing wild in the doubles against ■ Dr. Robert !’ netv of .home-baked foods has The war cannot be waged in a Nn OITIcial Comment the enemy will have to pay for the Singapore, were declare'! to have B F T. '.vest last fall . . In a good m an y. It has resulted In a whole new Budge and Gene Mako. the latter of the k'Cdl I'.el ' To-ss chapter annual award of a belt, which each t.,eafs. haii hopes of giving the I college gam es subs were allow ed to been promiseii, including horoe- defensive spirit, the president de­ There was no official comment Philippines, by attacks on trans­ been destroyed in a- surprise at­ McCabe ...... 4 0 8 New Orleans. Jsn 6 'P .Steve style an i theory of glay. some­ subbing for Perry. » , mr» » « * r * * stated t •day there arc nmw suffi­ The Ladles' Guild of 9t. Mary's year Is given to the biggest 'liat Rusher several workouts with th repot t to any official ins^ad of ■Sprinter Return* ma'ie brea'I. tiaked beans, rakes. clared. adding: on establishment of the Allied ports. supply ships and their Naval tack Sunday. D Aprile ...... 3 2 8 Brooks, le.iding rider at the Haw­ thing the founders of the game However, with Perry bacK, EU St l\ lgn t S F IgtltS cient Revi ''r'-s-s fu".| -tii'l instruc­ church will hold Us annual meet­ was put off by the committee. Bruins before piitting him into s just to the referee and witnesses | (V'okie's and jiie-. •'2Ls our power and our resources command In the Indies, but such escorts. However, there was no in­ An enemy fighter,was shot down Spooner ...... 1 1 3 thorne track in Chicago, is pacing never Intended. things will be different. Perry will tion textbo'Hcs on ki)rrl ’ t'>r all. ing with election of officers Thurs* dication of an Improvement in ga'm'e. The shoulder tnjurv suffer­ -lay it kept things moving right Philadelphia Return of Filward Oftlers working on the sale ih- are fully mobilize i. we shall carry a move ha'l been urged hero for the communique said, b.v Japane.se I^avese ...... 2 2 6 jockeys at the Fair Ground* meet. Rule interpretation* should be face B'uige in a singlea m a tc h -it Th'»se ivho i.ei- 1 textbistk.s day afternoon at 2 o'clock. A good MacArthur's local situation, for ed by Milt Schmidt, the first-line along. . . Coach Wgrren Wood- Hueber. brilliant spriiitir. who was rliide Mrs John Jenney. .Mrs Har- the attack again.sl the enemy —wc some time. In a recent interview formations which blast(yl at mili­ Bergeron 0 1 1 The 20-year-ol(l .Nebraskan has standardized .•\s things staml. 8 30 and then will ti’iim with B> The .Associated Pres-s ahould apply for th- i'i to their attendance is hoped for. The host­ his pressing need is fighter planes /Viiollier Stalion 0 center, in Sunday's game with the son of H.ardin'-Sirimoiis used intra- , unable to rompete las' year be- ol'i Dougan. Mrs. Frank ('rocker. shall hit him and hit him again Lteut. Gen. Hein Ter Poorten, tary objeirtives tn Singapore. The .Snntorso ...... 1 5 hooted home .seven horses in the the We.st ami Ea.st are playing al­ R'l'lge tp face Kovacs and Rigg R.'iltimori' Slugger White .roapectlvc clas.s in/'.: actors. esses will be Mrs. James Harrison, and fields from which they can mural games to try oijt the stunt niise of Illness, h.as'strencthi nc'! .Mrs W illiam Thornton. Mrs. Gor- w'herever and whenever we can Army commander in chief, de­ Japanese were said to have suf­ Mn.si ...... 3 2 8 Amerimns in .New York, has pro- j first eight dav* of the 42-dav meet most two different ganjes. That a in a doubles. .13.5’'« Baltimore, outpointed Joe clared that the Indies "sincerely Mra. Herman Schendel and Mrs. of allowing a score0 gallon tank. In addition cast Recorded by' AP) — Difficul-’ amusement .tax netted the federal Will. tnterv’irv4' applicant.". Hospital Ndtes advisable to engage enemy forces, enemy gained by the sneak attack Manchester t.st. " street Thomas defensive and in others offensive a second was ''effectively bombe

RED R YDER Sounds Too Plausible BY FRED HARMAI ?oR F b lT35PPlD5Y/eED''VVjC\s. ® o f s W d Sense ami Nonsense >AMOM HAS A f RENT ed SSPlOC^S----- '"NAIUf? NAIURtc- ■L^K IW A The little woman- had worried RtDeR,SUH5UH-*' — (fFT VOSS , Howard—Bay. but your mother- —That was the spirit lM fi6 riOUW.' the grocer over trifles at the busi­ in-law Is thin. oF yo u r uncle which turned the' 78 est time of the day.' At least he William—I'll say, why when she 35 Wanted— Real Estate 77 Legal Notices table over and made- It do such Automobiles for Sale 11 Help W antea-Fcm ate Board Names had managed to aatlafy her. drinks tomato juice, she looks like queer'stunts. Lost and Found 1 It-II' ■ rt of ii'D cf p Man- Chain Parties Help "Do you know, Mr. Meek," said a thermometer. W.VNTED- I:X PE R 1ENCED cook, FARMS * COUNTKY E.STATE.6 ■ Man- Hayton— I believe you. He al­ 38 OLDS. COUPE, extcllcr.t con­ the little woman, "when I canie ways did have very bad Uble man­ _J S T — SATU R D AY NIGHT, near j References required. Dial 5419. wanted The New York Herald >f bn»i- dition. tirp.s like new. heater. Tribune will publish its Annual •uVmbf r Ray Robinson Into your .shop 1 h.ad a dreadlul ■ Oliver—How tall waa that fam­ ners. ^Stlk City Diner, one men's new ' or coll in person, 139 Hartfonl hOadacbe? I've quite loat it ous old Indian hunter? tan pigskin glove, fur lined. Tel. S375. Iilquirc 116 Oak .aUeet. Road, Mr.s'. S L. t.'Tieney. Spring Farm Ll.stings Sundajs. Red Cross Campaign ■now," . Andy Oh, I imagine he was Experience that is giizen ■ nveitltile I January 18, 25; February 1. 8. 15, .uhI -I.- n'w »• iT 1 :f.:t ' away 3017^______I rl.- black Spitz dog. An.swers to name Plvmduth. .seiian. ' 195 home or your.a. T elephone HI40. full description. Sngge.stcd a By Seleetmeii. When a man is too accommo­ slowly. argument. So she encourages 4164. periemed press operator High ad reprinted free in lierald Tri­ \K hol.s, f ■!' f T dating he is apt to become a Yet they grind exceeding small; <- N < n . t Drive; Every Dollar Is him to find fault with things out­ C0»« 'WUr.mM*';'!! 1 HMCU ~ Announcements______2 wares. Teleplioiie 6-74.'i9 bune's .Spring Farm Catalog. Ad: :i tl il fl \ 1 u I i Raymond A Robinson, elected a Center Items nuisance. Though with patience He stands 1959 ( ’HKVP.OLKT .s»'d;in. radi 1 s.-t \ f r-T r|. l-r. - side the home. dress Herald Trihune Farm Desk. ■J 1 ' ' 2- '■ Needeil for the Cause. waiting, :uui I'.eater. after ?.ii Tolei'lione I- I constable at the last election but U K B SKATING ? See .lame.s H. 250 We.Ht il.st .Street, N Y. C. ‘ t ,1 f '■ t .1 k 1in Today; A yourigster waa being taken, , With exactness grtn'ds He all". OUT OURJVAY 7749. Help NNanted— ,Mal6 3ti who failed to take the oath'of o f­ First Communist—Nice weather BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARUING HOUSE Foley. 65 Mather street, telep­ ir,.l r T. 1. 6— Junior boys' game room somewhat unwillingly, for a stroll WITH MAJUK’^O tlFLl f .. W 1.. . 1 m : fice, was renamed by the select- The local Red Cross W ar Fund we'rs) having. hone 5841, for .skate .shariM-ning. open E. S. and W. S. by a doting uncle and aunt. ''H el­ I .Many men and women tie up FOR .^ALF: 1932 FOUR door WANTF'.I) HOYS FOR full time iM h.iti'l anil i1 If reached $7,139.58, Chairman Ben ' .Second fgrudgingly) —Yes, but / ------NOW l is t e n . . . I ’M I,egal Notices 1 1 ' T C ' ! men last night to "fill the unex- 6- 7 Small gym open for box­ lo, Bobby!" called an acquaint- {their dogs at nlg-ht but let their OH .WELL. WE’RE O.K. M A R TH A new and used figure .skate.s. and Plymouth, ir, g ...... ;»iei hanu al uoik-. IC Hah s C,iiM ly Dept U.il;k * the rich are having it, too. oClNcSt OVER TD VOUR I'VE LUNGED ^ t'v'H SfiSiy^$LTO' figure skating in.'trucliAn. I pil ed term ' to w hii h he was ing K. S. Cheney announced this noon. Dona­ ance, "it that vour father. an/| j I hlldren run around promlscii- t h e n .' I THOUGHT MAKING / , ,-iiulilion. he.iter. fair ' ‘tu-.- " .H ,\l'plv to Ml Wrden .. tl i; • H a SISTER’S TOPAV-- AND a t t h e l a s t a ; FCR Ai^'tOpTH- .s.'il 1 ea.son.alily C:U1' il"'-’-’' eieeteil. 7- .S Small gvni open for hand­tions are still coming in slowly and mother?" jously." Many couples continue to marry t h i s WAS STUFF VOU The iniitter was brought lo the , b r in g t h r e e p l o t t e r s , W ANTED TR A N S RCi RT A PI (V.N’ \\\n i f ;o y o c .m M. A N 1' ■ Ir ball E. S. ; ' althaugh some teams have com­ ■'Naw," was the sour retort. : a ----- for love, not, as do others, to ob­ IP NOOVE AROUND . THAT WAS TAKIN' OVER TO pou ‘'^ '! 'H d L b - to Aircraft. 7 tn .h o'< lock sliilt. I!i.5l I’LY.Ml I f I'H ' "U| . <99 19.;:. W'lik in pain' -st 'iI e and . di r. < !) L fi <1 A-1> • .:■ .1 • • I attention of the board through a 7-9 Night school .sewing cla.s.s- "That’s my convoy. " Dub Did you read about tha tain sparring partners. BAG IS FOR THE LAUMORy 6 u t M is s e d e v e r y MNG THE SYRUP ! h:i6 I’.i. k- f-.T-iJa eAf ,T• 'ti.' f'r li tier written by Tirwn Clerk S.ani- e.s ft. S. pleted their district canvasses ‘ SISTER’S' AN’ T WAS JS ■Woodland street .ceelion "f f-'.vii P.'ick.irl ."icdap' .S149 , l|.;,k Mu.-it have di V. I .s la (•'n.* * ;.• V. I n • 1 The board also aei i-pted tile .Articles for Sale l.j S. and \V. S throughout the town under a plan "The banana axa' held aloft B a t c h ' Aulo .\ccessorn's— Tires b tl ,r n t .»fu] p<. nt.(1 • I \ - I rocbmmenilatioii of Town Clerk | introduced here by Mrs. Ernest AIR ! nX d- [u « 11 s 1 Turkington that John J Wallett, 6-6:45- Junior boys' plunge E while consuming;' sausage are F'Olt .SALF; MF'.N S P.FIBUILT i 11. |i tl ■* I Tlie permanent .appointment, .Mr. jI E; S. 6- 8:30 Boys' Intermediate bas-arc included in numbered slips “ In case of sgusage, both con­ Classified Advertisements ^^antl‘.c^ ,\utos- unpaid ...... 1 Turkington said in his letter, available at Red Cross headquar­ Fuel and Feed 49-.Y I’.i 1 > pa > «T r* '11«- 1 kctbafl league E. .^. clusions are attached to others. . . Count 111 Average word* 'o a iin« 1'2 i would be made later. I Initial*. numt>«rg and *bbr«vi»tlont Motorc> fles rounlB and other bor- I 7-8 —Beginners .swimming clas.s ters in the House and Hale build­ sausage; banana, on other hands rmwinc**— ron-, rn »*r r i 31 I New Director I ing, 953 Main street. They arc as •aeb count *■ * word %nd compound Legion Bingo for women E. S. are attacheiyone end to stem and (\VA.NTF:D 1941 rno.lpl a'ltnmo- FOR S A LE — WOOD Eugene Gag- d'p.irt ((lent . ... Mis.s Helen Estes, a teacher in follows: words St two words Minimum cost 1 fi t • r» «t, . t ,i ,T n 8- 9 - Intermediate stvlmming opposite termination entirely loos'x 4 s ortco of thres Mnss ’ hilp rail 2-0255, hi'tw.-cn 7 and liardone Bolton, Tel, >5234, .Manchesfer High school, was nam- ‘ The Original Hoste.ss starts by Lias rsto* i>rr dsT for trsnslsnt *.( l,* r e xpetKv R ed as a library dircetor. taking the : class for women FI. S Finally, (iknana are ?trictly of ! ,< p m .Vn doalcr.x To Aid Drive r; u* 'I. fiinl iinpaKl inviting seven friends lo her home vegetable kingdom while alTUta- Rdt.‘ ()lher ll.iMUliep place of Mrs. C. R. Burr, who had ' 7:'30-10 Bowling alleys re- for a cup of tea, and asks each one Mrrtivs IT. IMT tion of sausage often undecided" ^ Cstb Charge -Household Goods 5 1 resigned. The application of Miss ,«erved for Mr. Ralmer's group E. to bring 25c. That means that al HIUr . pa> able and r e- • CoASScutlvs Ua>s...| 7 etti • ets Movinjj— Trucking— Estes was before a meeting last S. the first tea there will be eight t ContscutWs Days... * ctstll eta CLEARANCE SALE! Red (L’.ross ^ ill Benefit dlscount^ — p.ixinne month, but action was postponed 7- 10— Bowling alleys re.served common sense Is almost scarce 2(1 depariM e n t ...... people i including the Hostess i Dty ...... Ill otsfll at* Storage 3 rooms, consisting of a complete until last night. There was no oth­ for men's senior league W. S. enhugb to be classed as uheom- All ordsrs for Irreffulsr insertions Toiiifiht from So 4‘ia I; H* H«-rve f'T and clearing $2 00 .STORAGE living room, complete bedroom and p.cnt.t *•*. *1epteci.i- er candidate The following week tho.se seven nsbn. 0 B A D t h e y bs chgrffsd St ih* one tim* rats. 1 , •II . . . Spsclal rates for long term eysrj .Moving and Racking The Aiodin l omplete . kill hvu * with elei trivul riie I sual Prizes. g, ■\ letter was received from have SIX friends in. In other words, C0»»OOP* 1M)I tv M« *f evict "ec. LACK FOOTBALL y / appliiiiives NOW on sale for only |n f .4 I ■ Stuart Eiigli.sh of 900 Tower ave­ V ^ »ic I OP? WHV m o t h e r s g e t g r a v #sy sdYertlstng given upon reqdesl- A, Chambers Co. felephonc 6260 (Ml . f. I I there are seven groups of six. or 42 ______/-e TRAiMlMG’= ^ Ads ordered before the third or $24 I This exceptional iiurgam caii- • ■••ttinioti stock nue, Hartford, telling of a fall on Defense Bond / fifth day will bs charged only for In ad.iition to the u.siial prizes, peopile, clearing $10.50. STORIES IN STAMPS ------not he duplicated, nor will we be .■-^urplii* ...... Oak .street on December 8 when The next week there will he 4 2 ths actual number of times the ad offered by the American Legion rinllN id fl pt i\t- BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES appeared, charging at the rate earn- Kepairing '23 able to offer this outfit again at 'int he injured ms leg and served no­ groiip.k of five, or 210 people, clear- Coin’ Home •d but no allowanca or refund^ can ------I this low pile e $lu deposit will re- Bingo eommitlee there will be r<»t.al cap.i.al tice that he intended to ask the Sales Go Up BY EDGAR MARTIN bs mads on six tlms ads stopped other valuable . prizes tonight ing $52.50. MOWERS SHARRFINFID repair-- uerve your seleetion F'.asy terms r.u al liM-; 'lU nm- . i oil ,i. town to n/mbiirse him for his in­ Tile next week there will he 2.10 6 LORY s t l MtSTOK After the fifth day. at the Red Cross Bingo benefit at .,,.-.'ini ., 1 ■ juries. Ti/vii Engineer Bowen said H’YAK - 6ET AK SEES 'EM - AVM-VJ.VOO 1 VEEL SEXTEa a l r e a d y , OH ,LEVT - \>5 SO No "till forbids'; display lines not ed, shear grinding, key fitting, I’hone or write for free 'lourte.sy groups of four, or 840 people, clear­ AH\ Otd OE SOOTS LOOK y\9V»EE ->.» the Rost Home on l.eonard street 2 Pearl This .H»uvii e plaecs you under no 1 IUrt*M »* .Uv-»rd 'rnasurtr r.f It/ The next week there will be 840 HALLELOJAK ------Y OO ,'a k o u n a b l e t o for mors than one incorrect inser­ 7:15 o'clock Regular games will th* abov^ nani4(l bank. d'> Roloninu Th. se/eotmen denied liability. | bor Starts Big liierease UNCLE TOSE*. tion of any advertisement ordered, street. otiligatioii groups of three, or 2,520 people, OAT'S A SEE U OH ,\T MOST ALBERTS E.ST 19U get underway one h-.iur later, at ^\^*•ar th.ii th^ abo\e Rt.tl«in*nl l« His Damaged HhNE. SEEM fox mors than one time H:15 The proceeds will be turned frii^ IfliR b* st uf my knuwlfd^* Here I^ast ^lonth. clearing $630.OO. ^ g u l f Tbs Inadvertent omissiun of in- i SAWS SET A.ND FILFID, rX)RD 43 Allvn .“ 'i .»ii'l w • n I" b* f c i •• Manchester re.^ldents are re- -A •f tbs charge made for the seryice m* tui- Mil d.»\ of JiiniMry. I 'U*. mibursi'd for damap' done his , ^^^^L-ring IVarl 'Harb..r with clearing $1,260,00. rsndsred. , years expcriein r Capitol Giind- F'OR SALF; F'.LFICTRK,' refrig- ,'harge this evening, H .M.trt6* automobile by an alleged defect in money. The sale of defen.se The next week there will b« 5.- "I won't need lo )»o to ground school— I ^adiiated from All advsrtlaements must conform I ing Company. .531 Lydall street. orator and nine piece dining room.I (•„mniandrr Otto Heller of the .Not.vry i’libhr. the road on Charter Oak street on 040 groups of one, (that is. Hostess In style, dopy and typography with I' Rhone 795H. , set. Call 3662 i ii„a| po.st announced tcslay that bomlA here, since last May, was regulations enforced by the publitb- H- :-(>. December 21. He said that follow­ going along Ju.st ordinary until the ami one friend I clearing $1,260.00. an agricultural colleger ----- ' the entire corps of Legion workers. Defenses of Manila •rs and they reserve the right to I WANTED TO TUNE, repair and ing the accident he had notified news came that Pearl Harbor had 1 The total cleared by.the parUe.s edit, rtvise or reject any copy con­ who handle the games every Sat­ the police and that Officer John sidered objcrttonable. I regulate your piano or player Machinery an^ Tools 5i been bombed by the Jajis. I will be $3,425.00, Rushed to Completion urday night would he on hand this regular games with prizes ranging Cavngnaro had investigated. The The rules are; FUNNY BUSINESS . CbOSINtL lluinia— CUaained ada piano Tei. Mam hester .5052. from three to fifteen dollars. Extra, During the month of December \ TA N ILA , once the moit vulner- to be pubUihed same day must l>o . -I i.-rp X (• ( -I' \ W l F’KS see o . i evening He lonfeired w ith Chair- matter was referred to the town the Manchester Trust Company 1. The Hostess does not contri­ received by It o'clock noon Satur­ (LF.II.Ai ( I.AWl.F.K.S I svilfred Clarke lasi night and dc'or prizes wilt be given through­ ■ sbla city under the American now nil' ir you want (■oun.sel. 1 sold $69,250 worth of bonds and bute 25c when a grmip meets at ( . days 1 0 :3". Help Wanted— Female d.'pendablc evefvthing wa.s put in l ea.iiness for out the evening until the regular The bond for $1,001) pre.Hcnted i her homie. After each Hoste.ss has flag, is now one of the most t.. t.,.y ( 'lellA games start and one at the end of the Savings Bank of Manchester Telephone Youi Want \ds n at every th»' games this evening I by William A. Andrulot. special ] held her Tea, she haa two more strongly defended of U S outposti 11,0. tor w it^ • 1 r.u tl In all there will be twenty-five $68,700, making a total .sale for Ada are acetspted over the lels* Tractor Gonipany. ! the se.ssKm. constable for the park d'.part- ; iluties 111 She must make her in the warring Pacific. 221 inch Diihrtn the month of $134.9.50 .Added to fboBS at tbs C H A R G E R A T E givsa WANTftD -- \VA1TRES.« ad, Willi mantle. ment. was ace opted ' return- m a .sealed envelope to the M.inlla's position in the Phlllp- ahor* as a conveneince to adver­ Provi'leruCe R this IS tlie $40,000 ufild at the Man- W ASH lU B U S North Main .street. ,V riqiort of the building activi- i hester piistolTice f->r the ir"iith of Red Cro-s-s within 2 days'. i2i She une Island group U shown on Iht G6od Old Ea.«y tisers. but The CASH RATES will be tie.s diiMug .N'pvetnber was ri'iid RY ROY CRAM Acerptsd St f*'ULL P a y m e n t if PopuUtr Dress ( ioasler 1« Hurt Docemher IS responsible for each guest hold­ map stamp above, issued tn 1987 paid at the business .office on or be­ W.V.NTED WO.M.y.N ^5 I TH : Thi.s wa.s the la.st month that Ed- , ing a Vanishing Tea P arty. within sombth'h:-s ing cxpeneiu e to lepre-ent Uooms Wilhout Hoard to G'lnmemorate the' 'Euchaiistic fore the ssNenth day following the ward C Elliott, Jr., Served. Il ' one week. Congress there. wSo n **. the fllA lE S f N£TEAD first insertion of each ad otherwise in this area. toll, or p u t t 1 111 Accident Here showed house construction amouiit- 2. Refreshments mu.'t, be on a f'EU.A NTHE OF PLAriUA SAFE. ths C H A R G E R A T E will be collect- I f'OH RF:.NT t w o furmsheil Local Residenls Direct atUck on the city from i BUY KKSS X « 0 STCKMG 707 Main street. • rooms, for light hoii.sekeepinr ied to $109,OtX); garages, $2,000; j Wartime basis—tea and one article VEXT ROOM •d. No responsibUlty for errors in miscellaneous. $180 and additions ■ the sea is blocked by the Island r ^ SOJUDS A5 IF MY M 0 « UTD 0TH6C telephoned ada will be assumed and G IR L OR W'p.MAN, GFNNFIRAL 364 Rarker street Tel. 6339. William Harris. 11, son of Mj. of food, such aa cake or cookies. fortress of Corregldor, at the STITAUy n o f M i eUS»JES6! their accuracy cannot be guaraa- and alterations, $4,665. The total (ict Big Boiiiis<‘s 3. Flach Hostess divides rules hou.sework. .5 moriung.s or atter- and Mrs. Roy C. Harris of 340 i’or- mouth of Manila Bay. Although I tsed. was $115,9-15 and the fees $426 .50. equally among her guests. These ntains. on Saturdays or Sundays ter street sustained slight injuries Jspane«e forces' have l.mded in Index of Claissifiiatioiia F'OR RrtTx'T a t t u .v c t iv f : d.'U- Permits granted for electrical must be distributed at each 'tea to Telephone 2-0041 yesterday afternoon at 4:30 when Mrs. William Shea, of 372 North ble room Call 2-0077 work amounted to another $6,676 .save expense of mailing. There arc Isolated parts of Luzon and other Births ...... ,...... A a sled on which he was sliding wa.s Main street, and Michael RcKetts" * u ^ Islands, their path to the capital Xngagamtme ...... fi struck by a car driven by G. E. and the fees $.59.50, while healinp of 787 East Middle Turnpike wore only enough printed slips for each F'OR KF'..N'T R liO M , su ita b le permits cost $13.’(3®) and oil burn­ * I ______nil aMrxa laPA Is blocked by mountaint and mlle^ Marriages ...... C I WA.NTFID RASTRY cook Apply Wjllls. of 164 Flast Center street. complete group, and all slips are Deaths ...... O (iiie or two. GimkI location. er permits added $6.,327 50 and the the winners in the last three of swamp. Card of Thanks ...... B , at onre Sheridan Hotel t>r. A. B. Moran was immediately months sales contest conducted by nuniN’ red. In Msmoriam ...... F W inter str.'.d summoned to the scene and the boy fees $18. ' l.'^All returns must be made by Ntanil.i i.x ilt-defendod agiiint Yules Is Paid $300 Montgomery Ward & Co. Mrs. Shea sir raids, for shelters could not be Lost and Found ..... I F'OlV RF:NT F'UK.N'jSHF:i) front waa taken lo his home, a short dis­ recelvp'l $188 in bonus money the various hostesses to the Red Announcemnets ...... S Attorney Herman Yules waa Cross Headquarters within tw;o constructed under gfound. Water Fsrsonals ...... room', for two, twin iied.s, Tele- tance away for treatment. while Mr. Rogetts received $238. 1 Last night, the youngster was paid $300 for his work as examln- days after each tea. Each hostess ts reached at s depth of six fee' AatvMobllee jihone 48,56 Dr ' eT of records. This was $.50 more Bonuses are paid on a monthly Automobiea for,Sale ...... * A K T H t K A. given X-ray treatments by basis and the highest sales getters must Include in her envelope of re­ Recently created civilian defence Autoniobllys for Exchange .••• > ' than paid last year, but Mr. Yules f o r RENT ATTRAGTIVE .Moran at his office, after which he over a three months' period are turns a hat of names and addresses groups are prepared to evacuate Auto Accessories— Tires said there w(Ss'"much more work I J <str.'et town, but' in view of the appoint­ months. I ■ A LLE Y OOP Autos— For Hire ...... ^ Bertha Danger of Woodland the fund, and as they spread The greatest threat to the Recognition Oarages— Service— Storage ••• lO ment being h?ld for him until through town the fund will In- BY V. 1. HAMLIN llolorcycls*— Bicycles ...... 11 after he had been discharged from street and Roy Blanchard of Fos- Islands and Manila is that of INSURANCE A CAV.AM1TV OF THE .Wanted Autoe— Motorcyclee ... It Boarders Wanted 59-A : Carrol Club Sees the army, be made the bill, $300. ter street were second prize win- , crease rapidly. blockade, which would precipitate Biialaeea. and Profeselunal ierTicea ■------I Another list of contributions is H.OPP.2 AN YOUR HAIR. \ F.RST MAOAJITJCE.VOUR ■th.e e..-.RoNs "7 '^yj RE ^ HDU ^ ' D IT , 7 I COn T TMINk ZU A.sk Your Neisrhhor! The bo.ard Accepted the five new ners in the above contest .Mi.ss a food problem However, as the kiNG J<3m n TOO LATt, H'Oh n E5.« .. TATO'■'h ia OFLm.F-.ic.j ( I (. Lv. xn ^ B.ihineas Services lyiffered .... li BOARD AND ROOM Young Danger who is in charge of hos­ printed in Th^ Herald today in jm- i t u o n e d vcHrrEj >^OHNjess.” o A 4 c r a c k h a le CSoANiZEDAWD' Household Services Offered ....ll-A .streets. These are in such condi­ defenses fC(r civilians and soldiu'.. « * • • I* • It • :I TDaE-THEft.' ,MY F,DE­ li- ' . ’■‘Y."'’' H" rWS PR.IB- ' l l OR I .-.'ILL i WA- mE 875 .Main St. Chooe 5t40 fi entlemaii.,. family \ privUeges. AIot ies qf Mass other column/ “ ■ * 9*$ io v s r n io h t . Black Gu a r d lA/AS On l y B- M M ED iAlt Building— Cont facting .... w.... I ♦ tion that they are ready to bc^ iery and lingerie, received national were rushed to completion before SDv, HMAT A , OENPRAL / WIPED OUT TO A MAN . ACTION \ND IN GREAT FEAT HERaD TMis^ -'"-'.Y t-ALED ;l w.wr BE«oPE^ GA " ( .showvr. Re.strii t.*d. I'er.- 3.533. friends • ENC-UAND. TK N'.OHT 'S FlorlstR-v-Nurseries .... It turned over to the town. They arc recognition m the company maga­ BREAK..' ' w h a t } ONwV 1 ESCAPED. 2WJD WBCE CAN XXJ HOF'S Funeral Direc'ore ...... !• the U. S. Navy's the Japanese Inyasicn, reserve OVER.' The Carrol CJub of St. James's zine for her fine sales performance Omcials on coal h a p p e n e d 7H«T 9/ A MliaA._i^ ' TO ST-*vE. C'FF a Heailng-r^Plumblng — Roofing IT of the proper width, have been the anawet* to trie food supplies w^fe cached in stra­ 'Tm saving this winter— I hired an Eskimo 1 Church held its regular meeting graded and. hardened and will be last month. She had the highest new Helldiy CA - .V 3T ROPHE Insurance ...... Boarders Wanted 59-A and will out-per- tegic spots. ianitorl” i blillinery — Dressmeking ... It last evening in St. James's school presented to the voters at the personal sales in the entire com­ German Vunmil .Meetiiijr forefgn-made dive-. M' vtng— Trucking— Storage ,. TO l-f)R RENT F'UR.NISHED ^n t hall. The meeting was opened meeting in March. They are Grand pany for girls doin(^ a similar type form afiir P.uMr Passenger. Service .... I0 *.< bomber. Fainting— P;.T*erUtir ...... Sl — I room, with heat. reasonaWe. with prayers, following which Rev. view street, iiAiated in the eastern of work. lOONfeilfVILl.E FOI-KS •/ / Professional .'>#f\i>ee ...... It Ih a. .ordari.c, with the charter' .Meals op'tional. Telephone Vincent' Hines, principal of the pa­ part of the town, being part of BY FONTAINE FOX >7^ F.vpairing ...... Jt of till- ('onnioluut Cliildu'ii's Aid rochial .school, addre.««sed the club. the McGuire development; W ell­ Tailoring— Dyeing— Clean’nd .. l ><«r.lre !• the annua! mll. ting ol the corpo- 1 celebration of. the Mass in technl- MfGuire _____ and part in land formerly ANOTHER BATTLESHIP i;dureil4»Dal lation xVill take plppe Thursday, Suburban for Rent 66 color was shown to the club fol- j owned by Dr. T. H. Weldon; West- REPULSE NEW jAP MORE TRANSPORTS! Couraes and 'Jiaxtra ...... 17 lowing t)$e address. Father Stack wood road, located in the Blue- S U N K BY..... Private ins'r’j*'tl‘'r,s ...... lanuarv 1.5, in the Society's ot- FOR RENT THREE ROOMS in LANPINO WELL, Danclrg ...... Ife- A Uc. n ’luttbrd roniiexlieut File.- of St. Thoma.s's Seminary wa$ field section; Dreoher road, also ralvotlville ATso 2 girl boarders celebrant of the ila.ss. located in the McGuire tract and Uusical-7-Drani.iMc ...... tioii 'I'f 'iiieitors. annual rep.jrt • ; or rcuners wanted \5 rite B.*x *3, w e l l ! Wanted— I nut tj 'i'»na ...... H ir.d .sii. h other •li'i.siuess as ina\ I The meeting closed at 8:15 with Ttimbull road, located in ■ the 0 -/•4 . v T t - l- I'Lnanrlttl Taleotlville, Cohri. a few concluding remarks by Fa­ Woodland Park tract. B .nds— St HMor:K-ges I' gally be t ’ lins.'oted at this lime | Buslnes^ r*'.n;»‘e» S3 will conslit:ite the agen.J'i.? ther Hines. FRECKLES .\NDHIS FRIENDS Money t< in . • ...... t* 73 More Truth Than Poetrr BY MERRILL BLOSSER Help and Hitaatlona 1'h.sngc.s in the hy-la’,x's of the So- Lots for Sale Help Walilt'd— ^ e'T.ale ...... Ifc ' letv will be proposed at this time FOR .SALE BU ILD ING lot, on 1 No. 4 lo Hold North Coventry B o v , ARE WF GLAD YJ Help. War»ted--Male ...... *• .'onne-tlcut Children ,s .Aid T here v. 3 Help Wanted — Male or Female 17 for farm land, or build house to AND TWO TbeeTWER / WFLL.O a C'OY. T 9 l itgenta Wanted , ...,17-A 13" Washii.gtoii Stn el Aiiiiiial Banquet The variety aW^w sponsored by L - HWE . POP P WPITTfN ON CH O fiUuatlons War.' ed — K**male .... ‘ Hartford. Conflecli'ul. ,suit 136 Bissell .street. Telephone "Y e Old Social Club, a few week.-) paeTTv. LATC — rsv c'-o'.ooY . IF hiacM ARE 'rt3L» OOA'G 5 T.-i.e' wardrobe always has iliary to help'swell Coventry’s quo­ Articlestmciv* For r or Sale sai« v • • ...... A U C T I O N > room for another shlrtwatst dress! w ill cater will be aerxed promptly ta which la $380 for the North VNTIQl KS tiR.A.N'D-I'l.A.N'O GL.\SS B anti Accessories/...... Herexis one to add to your winter at 6:30. Parish; The drive is not completed l/'Idirg .r...... AT HF.inS- AlCnONTOKII'.M, BOLTON. CONN. A fter the dinner Lleutenan.t B . rock collectlotv.xYou'll like it par­ yet but it is hoped to reach the 1' 3 ro'>ndt — W a ’cbes— Jewelry (On r, S. Route 6. S .Miles East of .Manchester) Lenzi Of the State Police depart­ E.eutncsl Appl’ances— Rid'o . ticularly for the original detailing goal. Fuel and Feed ...... c'f the pockets and .the unusual ac­ ment will be the principal ai>eaker. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Leary Ha'•dta —Farm — Ds'ry Products An entertainment program has 2 Salefi Sessions ^ tion slit sleeve.s-rmsde to be worn and family of ?iew Hampahlre o um SHORTAGE OP t i t Household GuoJ*' ...... "pen or closed with buttons. Con- also been arranged. H -H ! X HOPE THAT STORE v: Machinery and.Tvols ...... have entered the employ of John . A. ua u s F4T Miislca) I n ^ rti merits ...... Afternoon and Evening isteqtly easy to make becauae of E. Kingsbury this week. Patrick. Ru bb er Prio rities GOLF BALLS ! IS STILL OPEN f 1 A / -/ Office .and St -re F'ju'.pment ... ‘ s simple style, smooth in its tail- Jr has started to work already. Bpeclals at the Stores ..... Progress Reported RESULT IN .... WEDNESDAY. ,IAM ARV i. 1942. 1 P. M. AN D ’ P M. ..red effect, this is a frock you can David Wathem of Kentucky has S U P P L Y a l r e a d y SCORCH Y S.MITH Wearing Apparel— Fura .... InsiM-ctlon Sale Day Only, From 11 M. to Time of >*ale Parting Shot! BY .lUHN C. lE R R Y Planted— To' Buy ...... easily produce at home, in a fav­ been employed at Kingsbury's 5 1 4 8 A L M O S T ll«Mias» »BAar4«Rfilel» -ItMnrts AFTERNOON; ANTIQl'ES: Rrinripally from the estate of orite material, at very low coat. On Underpass f rHer/t£ escA^Nc Heatsaraais Mrs Lena K Sal.in, removed here from I-ee. Maas. 2 Victorian Pattern No 8053 la designed for Mrs. Ell Carver o f RockiriUe Is EXH... 'A AMU.K3N » X U K B'I'ms Wi»ri0 'j» ...... Sofas 'one-ruse lai vedb Victorian rocker. 2 Victorian fhVb"' I /V BoATdsrs Wsnr«Ilomes For Kent ..... cle. t'A'o 3-piere parlor sets, sewing machines, aluminum ware, New Haven rajjfoad had two plana comfort for an invalid or an older plain knit! % 'iVanted'to Rent ...... For any event which comes up Sabbath School teacher to some of Real Estate Eet Sale glass, china, linen.s, chalm, stands, Me. -you'll find a correct, proper that would be presented to the woman as it can ao eaally be For knittii^ Bfiartttsnt Butldlng for bale .. these men. .. . thrown around the ahouldera. Strlp^ n JS New Gla.s.'ware ( s.alesman's aamplesi, Heisey and Ixitus, will style suggestion ill our Fashion selectmen later. If one or the oth­ Mrs. Wilfred Hill, vice president B us Ibsss Proparty for Fsls ..• er is accepted the work will be RtHn^d\cor Dlfiin) fihfiwl Ifi 30 send 10 cfintfi In Coin, Your Wfiin Barms and (.and for fisls.... ■be sold at D'th se.ssiun.i. Book, a catalogue of our recent of the Mothers’ CTub which wiU started at once. Aa no great infhes’l ^ sn r2 S ’ inche. deep «,d Addre« a n ^ e ^ R suaes for Sale ...... ROBERT M. REID * SONS, Auctioneers patterns. Send for your dopy to­ • meet Wednesday evening. * p. m.. from the ^ te r point to the top. i her to Anne CabjA The ManchesteiJ MS for Sate ...... E'.tahlixhed 1907 amount of new', steel will ha ne.cded 106 Seventl Bsaor* Property for Sale.... day. in the proposed chengea the work at the home of Mrs. Reuben Mc­ 201 Main St.. Manchester, Conn. Phone 5198 Pattern 15c, Pattern Book 15c. Cann is hoping to have a speaker This one waii done in atripes t fOtv . finburron for ...... will not be held up on that account pale beige, red, blue and canary' Avenue. New York City. Beal rttat# for Bschaate •••• 8 W oodlawn .St.. Springfield. Mass. Phone--S.7I One Pattern and Pattern Book on defense for the meeting. Waatsd^Real Batata [ ordered together 25c^ the engineer said. iaaeftaa i liSROl Hetleeo ‘L m s I ^ioUcea lu a s iJ A ,!, JAWUARY_6, 1D42 Ettgnittg Hfralit \ The Red Cross Moves Swiftly to Meet Any 'hey Pace t played by American mamifactur- ’Mr. and Mra. George Flske Ham- era fn the defense effort. Emergency Doctors nriond of' Santa Barbara, Cal. and of Juniors RegislereiJ Nurse C. C. Business Slated Average Daily Circulation ‘AboulTow n their young son, George, who have /K nominating committee of five HALE'§ SELF S^V E The Weather v Dr. D. C. T. Moore and Dr. been spending the holidays with members will be chosen at this For the Month of December, 1041 Alfred Sundqulst.£M the phy­ Mrs. Hammond’s parents, Mr. and Meet Tonight evening’s meeting for the purpose The OriKinal In N.ew Hngland! Forecast of D. 8. Weather Bureau __icheater Or»nye will install sicians of the ^ICTanchester Mrs. Seth L. Cheney of Hartford of selecting a slate of candidates officera tomorrow evening in Medical Assofiatlon who will, Road, left Saturday for their home. for election at the annual banquet 7,100 Fmtr and nindi- colder tonight, SlMonlC Temple, and following respond to emergency calls to- Mrs, Cheney . received a telephone Camlitlstles to Be .Selecl- next February 3. Other business Member of the Audit lowest femperatiire zero to 10 de-- ceremony oyster stew will be message today from her daugh­ AND HEALTH MARKET ^norrow afternoon. ' ' slated for presentation by Presi­ Bureau of dmUSUoni greea below; diminishing winds. 1 ed, with Roy Warren heading ter saying because of unfavorable eil for Annual Klerlion dent- Edward O’Bhien win th e se­ cojmmlttee of arrangements. weather they were in Logan, We.st lection of an Annual Banquet Com­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm Mrs. Simon Hildebrand, of Lin­ V’irginia, two days. They came —IVIovir.s S ln r^ii. mittee to assist in making prepar­ Inasmuch class of the den street, Mrs. John Gribbon of here and are returning in their ations for February’s Banquet. lurch of the Nazarene will meet own plane, leaving St. Louis, -Mo. The .Manchester Junior Cham, George H. Wilson, treasurer of the Wed. Morning VOL. LXL, NO. 83 (ClassISed Advertising On Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) Center street and Mrs. James Top- today. Mrs. Wilcox,. George Jun­ PRICE THREE CENTS irsday evening at the home of liff of Oak street left for Albany. her of Commerce w/l hold its Junior Chamber, will submit his I. Frederick M. Wood, 44 Hart- ior's nurse was a member of the Georgia, to visit Sergeant Ray­ monthly business meeting tonight prepared report on the Holida.y road. mond Hildebrand of Turner Field party. Tea Dance, sponsored by the or­ STORE CLOSES AT NOON WEDNESDAY AS USUAL, in the C ham ber rooms in the Hotel ganization at the Manchester Ga., where he has been for .11 The Mothers Circle of St. Ger­ '^Jgr. and Mrs, Robert Scranton months. They will make stops at Sherideji at 8 o'clock. Country Club a week ago. STARTING THIS W’EEK. gtod family of William street have ard will meet tomorrow evening Indlcati\-e of the Junior Cham­ Atlanta, Georgia, mid Washington, at eight o'clock with Mrs. William Hft for a several weeks’ stay in and expect to return to town about ber’s effort to bring Manchester’s t}ie South. Burke of Hamlin street. younger neighbe.rs together again, Green Stamps Given WTIh Cash Sales. January 20. a large attendance at tonight's M r and .Mrs. A rth u r .1. , • The Alplna Society will meet Company No. 3 of the meeting appears in thr offing—in BEFORE YOU BUY ANY Jlbr Its regular meeting tomorrow rossir of 51 West Middlr Turn response to President O'Brien’s Federal Debt To Go Above 110 Billions; KIND OF INSUR.YNCE Oikndmother’a ManrhCMtcr Fire Department will | have reoo'vrd word from Itieir ' ^ght at 7 o’clock in the Itallan- hold its monthiy meeting tonight appeal to all Junior members to .American Clubhouse on Eldridge son. Arthur J. Danrossr Jr. df the invite Intere.sted friends for the CALL 6637 in. the firehouse. 2-Lb. Jar street. I’nited States Navy, sta t^ that .showing of the war movie. BENJAMIN CHENEY Marmalade 29c he has been pri.moted to /he rank "Streamlined " ».5.S Main SI. Hale Bldg. ------of petty officer DancoaSe i* ata Defense .Mo\le Featured Del Monte * tioned at Alameda, C This interesting sound movie ih ■ lYiMdlflff)\V WEDNESD.VY THK Tlh, Ol'R UK(il Ml«« PatrieJa K. D eller will be showji by \V. Alexander Officer David Gajbgan haa en­ Cole Immediately following the ad­ 14-Or. Btl. 17c * ■ WEDNESdV SCIIE11L I.E tered the i;. S .V^rana’ hospital Ketchup Forces in Philippines Constantly Bombed Miss Patricia A. Deller. daugh­ journment of the discussion period. • STARTS AG AIN I'n Newdngloc fo /a general diag ter of Mr and Mra. Stanley Del­ "Streamlined■’ was produced in the Dosia. ler of 123 C enter street. Who w as interest of better acquaipting Am­ Hetnx—Fresh •p- graduated as a nurse in October erican audiences with the part KOPPERS Pinishurst Meat Troop 13./5irl Scout.r of St, from St James's hospital In New­ J.ame.s’.s chytreh. will meet in the ark, .N. J.. has received notifica­ Cucumber Pickle L f e. Jar 21C $56,000,000,000 Answer to. Axis F resh Pork .school halj/to n ig h t a t 6:30. Roast Pork tion that she ha.-i successfully ALICE COFR.VN COKE Retreating Nazis SPARE RIBS . . . passed the state board examina­ Pork Chops At th/m eeting of the Exchange (Known As Queen Alice) Burt OIney Roosevelt Asks War Limited Number of Corned tions in .New Jersey and is now a i SPIRITl'AL MEDIVM Beef Liver ' Club l/ be held in the Hotel Sher registered nurse. j THE W. G. SPARE RIBS ...... idan U)I/>night at 6;,30 the speaker Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son Cans Turkeys Miss Deller was graduated from , Bom With a Veil. Diced Carrots 2 21c Fowl wdll/be Detective Sergeant Jo.«eph the Pontiac, Michigan. High i GLENNEY CO. Yield 572 Towns A./Prrnlicr He will have for hia Readings Dnlly. including Sunday, From Milk-fed Veal. .. school and the family, has lived i Coal, Lumber, Maanna' Suppilea, Roasters s/bject ’’Chemical W arfare/’ in Manchester for the past four , 0 A. .M. to 9 P. M. Or By .Appoint­ Large, Juicy Fryers ment. In the Service of the Peo­ P ain t Budget of 56 Billion; Rib Veal Chops...... lb. 39c vears. I Broilers , Earl Armstrong. Herald n^'S- ple for 80 Year*. 336 No. .Main St. Tel. 4148 Duz. ;69 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Florida Oranges 21C During Five Days K raut...... lb. 10c Loin Veal Chops ...... lb. 48C* boy in the Btickland section, called , in to t e e d forcements pouring steadily into plosives on the fortifications. Sev­ Yellow Onions 3 0 c Red Army linea. Pincers tactics, Nothing short of a maximum will Cauliflower Of Airdromes eral hits on the Invaders’ planes Set as Goal suffice. I cannot preiiict ultimate White Onions Green Beans Served 11:.30 A. M. $50.00 SWEEPSTAKE these accounts said, are harassing were recorded. Dial Germans destructively in the Cri­ coats because I cannot predict the to 8 P. M. Japs Inch Closer to Singapore; On the entire front, with the changing fortunes of war. I can mea, southernmost of the combat Sale through Wednesday on Grade A Blue Label York 3 2 3 0 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE! Acute Concern Is Iinli- American and Philippine defend­ say only that we arc determined AT sonea. Roosevelt Asks Solons State Green or W’ax Beans .. .2 cans 33c; doz. $1.89 CImui, Comfortable Cara! O ers drawing their forces together to pay whatever price we must NOTICE! The extent of central front cated by QiieNtionfl; Courteous Service At All lim es! in the peninsula west of the occu­ To Impose New Levies; to preserve bur way of life.” Cottage Cheese, 16c. gains since New Year’s Day w as Tokyo Admits Another Sub Sunk pied capital city, there waa heavy Date & Nut Bread, 15c. S IL K C IT Y Indicated by a report of the seiz­ Expert to Form Spe­ He added at a press conference flghting and increasing pressure Inrome Rate Double that it was the biggest budget In ST. JAMES’ SCHOOL HALL ure from the Germans of such but the soldiers of Gen, Douglas Park Street arms and military supplies as cial Airportfl • Guard. Present Lew Plaiiiiecl. the history of the world. Govern­ CITY TAXI DINER Mac Arthur were making valiant ment estimates indicated it was DENNIS MTTRPHY. Prop. Doors Open A< " B. M. Playing Starts .\t 8:00. These Stores Will Close 1.340 tons of grain, 1,235 tons of British Admit Forces It .slatance. ^PdiuhiiTsi Givce A Good Place To Eat! food, 58 tanks, 28 armored cars, London. Jan. 7.—(A»i —Acute con­ Washington. Jan! 7.— (iPi P res­ nearly double Germany’s annual / DIAL ^15' ' 302 M/ 3,091 other motor vehicles, 14,000 cern over repeated losses of'air­ Boost Compelled to fT'ith- The text of the communique. war expenditures. It called, the Number 49, based on reports re­ ident Roosevelt asked Congress to­ mTH Of POST OFFICE ’ ONE BLOCK FROM bomba, 85 anti-tank guns, 52.309 dromes by Britl.sh Empire forces- Plane Attack: Claim day to impose $9,000,090,000 in pre.sident said, for a step-up In the mines, nine locomotives and 364 Kuantan in Malaya waa the latest draw I nder .Steady Bat­ ceived here up to 9:30 a. m., e. a. t-, rate of war spending from the At Noon On Wednesdays Fleeing Japs’ to d a y : new taxes, and T reasury ))rop-iimnager of Heavyweight Cairo. Jan. 7.—i/P>- "The British (Continued on Page Ten)* (Continued On Page Eight) Chinese forces hIocki,ng their line penetrating the British lines at (Contlnued On .Page Ten) (Continued on Page Ten) Champion .loe Ixruls, who received asserted today that 44 Axis planes of retreat. one point. a two and one-half to five-year Our battle fonnaBon, to protect CAHOIISe^SOH, term. He was charged with dealing were destroyed Sunday In the Chinese dispatches previously es­ Continue to Withdraw your motor, is point by point Lubri­ in policy slips. cation, by skilled men, using the INC R. A. F. raid on Caatel Vetrano timated that the Japanese had lost On the opposite side of the pen­ latest equipment and the right airdrome in Sicily. 30,000 men in their abortive at­ m Sacauie it 5 Poor visibility and stormy insula, where the Japanese were N avy Incn-BM* .A uthorized Lubricants. Get a modem Lubri­ Convinced Britain Will tempt to take Changsha' Hunan admitted yesterday to / have cap­ Farm Bloc Foes Claim weather hampered the operations Washington, Jan. 7— (AA —Tha cation, not a grease job of yester­ province capital which twice before tured K uantan. only 190 miles day. Come to VAN’S HERV’ICE of British ground and air forces had beaten off the invaders. House eonipleted c'ongrewilonal ac­ which for days have been Mshlng from Singapore, the British mn- tion today on lejrislaUon authoris­ STATION for complete service. Many Taken I’rlsoners tiniicd to withdraw amlliward at the main body of Gen. Erwin Be Base^ for Invasion In addition to the heavy losses Backing of Roosevelt ing an InereUM* in enlisted person­ "according to plan." the bulletin Rommel’s German and Italian in dead and wounded Inflicted upon nel of the .Navy and Marine Corpo, forces concentrated near Agcdabla, declared. and also pasMd and sent to tka the Japanese, the,Chinese declared The announcement failed to dis- British headquarters said today. Initial Unii«i siai« they had taken many prisoners — Brown A.ssprts Presi­ .Senate legislation authorizing aa This Is Giving In The Air A ttack s Reduced British BomI) exactly how many they did not cloee the extentit of (he the withdrawal 5845,0U«,0UU e\|iansinii of Naval VAN’Sl^T^r,'o^5 Bad weather also forced the Force Lx|>ected to Be The disclosure that heavy fight­ Report Straus ship-biilldtng and ordnance facili­ 477 HARTFORD ROAD PHONE i&bb say. dent Favors Single ,\d- R. A. F. to reduce the scale of the An official announcement said ing still wa.s continuing in P erak ties. Increas*- of the enlisted ■ Navy attacks .it has been making against Token Mechanized and F rC llcll PoPtS I that Chinc.se troops seeking to served to dispel doubts whether Will Quit Post ininihtrator to Curl) personnel from 300,000 to 500,000 < the Axis garrison isolated at Hal- block the retreat had taken irp the British still held any part of and of the Marine 4'orps from 60.- Supporting Plane Unit. ____ . ,\I1 (^inniodilv Prices. Fullest Sense of the Word- faya Paas on the Mbyan-EgypUan positions on the north bank of the that state -doubts which were I 000 to 104,000 was authorized by border some 300 miles east of Breflt and Cherbourg I.aotao river northeast of Chang­ rai.sed yesterday by reports of Con)|>roi)ii8e I.<« Sought the measure sent to President o Agedabia,. a communique declared. London, Jan. 7. — (/P)— sha and had met the Japanese with BritLsh withdtawals on that front Bulletin! Roosevelt. “In this area, however, our President Roosevelt’s an­ a withering fire when they at­ and by mention of Japanese ac- ' The other day a youth of 19 stepped Into the Targets'; .Also Attack in tlvity in- Selangor state to the On Defense . Housing Washington. Jan. 7.— Confeases Setting lira forces are steadily closing In on nouncement that a new AEF tempted to crosa. National Headquarters of the American Red Crosa the Isolated enemy garrison,’’ the W’esterii . Gernianv. A Chinese spokesman said yes­ south By Coiifereiiee Group. -Sehator'^ Brown (D.. Mich.). New Britain, Jan. 7— ■”)—IJeut. k communique added. would be sent here convinced terday that some 40.000 trixips .Makes No More Prqgmui in Washington and said he would like to give some­ brought the administration j many observers today that were trapped on the plains below It appeared today that invasion , Washington, Jan. 7. - lAA—Sen­ price control bill before th e ; Arthur E. umHirich. 70, had coa- z thing to the Red Cross. He drew out a roll of bills, Bulletin! the Laotao. Whether any of this forces wliich had infiltrated along ' FUEL Raid Devastating this island kingdom would be ate and House Conference Commit­ Senate for consideration to-' fe»sed to setting a fire that caus- kept two small ones “for carfare to get home,” laid turned into a huge base for Loudon, Jan. 7.— —.A force still remained south of the the coast into the Kuala Selangor tee members sought a compromise St tajJOk irnflA, t Eight-Hour Bombing Joint Navy and R..A.F. raid on river was not Immediately clear. area. 240 miles from Singapore, today on the 5450,000.000 defense day with a declaration that it > UJ down the remainder of . his money and departed invasion of the continent. Rains .Add to Confusion town building on -Arch street- laai London, Jan. 7—(/P)—The Air Reliefjord on the Norwegian had made no further progress. housing bill amid capitol reports had become necessary to night. He was janitor of the build­ hastily. ^The roll amounted to $272. Ministry reported tc^y that an Due to pressure in the Far coast yesteiday was announc­ Heavy rains, which turned the "There is nothing further to re­ that Nathan Straus. United States avert a “tremendous rise . in ing. Hynn said Goodrich would be OIL R. A. F. attack Sunday against Ektst and the immediate needs In ed today. A joint communique area north of Changsha into a sea port from the Selangor area." the housing administrator, had sub­ charged with arson In police court COAL IS BEST that area, they said they expect­ aoBonneed that one German of mud. were said to have con­ communique said tersely. mitted hla resignation to Presi­ prices.’’ Brown told his col­ tomorrow^ lie faced a te c h n ic a l Q. Castsl Vetrano, Sicily—passed anese also bombed These members said that Straus' Storks—Irregularly lower; rails O .Manchester's quota is $18,000. Many, juring of IS. home defense force—the . Army! to see caused the Na\-al units Klaiig. on the Malayan west coast Washington, Jan. 7.—(/P) resistant. doesn’t make smoke or soot. It’s the easy> economical way to to do Utile flring at another lUO miles north of Changsha from action might clear the way fur 5145 The British said the truth waa Navy and Britlah Empire troops, about 200 miles mirth of Singa­ -Anal dlapoaition of„ the defense —Direct backing of Presi­ Bonds — .Steady: Inipreveasaat. Oernma factory. It was said. solve your heating problems. many more dollars are needed to meet this that bombers destroyed a large plua the Home' Guard—oatenaibly. (Continued on Page Ten) pore, but no damage or casualties housing measure which has been after budget beasage. number of German troop-carrying need^ no United States Army to were reported, a communique said. held up for some days because of dent Roosevelt was claimed Foreign Exchangn—Quletj Oir figure. planes and spread chaos at their defend the British Isles against lAindon. Jan. 7.—(/P)—British air Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Lay- differences between Senate and today by Senate leaders op­ nadlon dollar higher. airdrome by low-leving machine- the Invasion which almost every­ raiders bombed the German-occu­ Treasuty Balance top, commander In chief of ’ Brit­ House. - posing a farm bloc proposal Cotton— I'nev'ea; trada boytegt gunning of Nazi soldiers mustered one thinks Hitler may launch hedging and proflt taklngi pied French porta of Breat and ain’s Far Ekutern fleet, has left One of these differences was the to give the secretary of agriT for flight to Africa. early In the spring. 'Waahington, Jan. 7.—(.(P)-rThe Singapore to organize the eastern action of the Senate in striking 8ugar — Quiet; awalttag wmm Bmiway Dsefroyed The return of the Tanks after Cherttourg again last night and position of the Treasury Jan. 5; fleet "so that the Allies may gain from the blit a House proviso culture veto power in apply­ celling for reflaed. British pilots reported the air- 25 years was generally regarded alao attacked targets in west and Receipta.1 $63,839,414.74; expen­ sea supremacy In the Far East as which would have prevented fur- ing wartime controls to farm Metals — Steady: ditures. 5164.643.574.92; net bal­ plows to ntinMiato lead < ance. 53.403.715.767.16. (Ooatlatwd M (CoattaiMd D a .Pagn Elgbt) . W’ooJ To**—laaeflpr*.