Top National Servicemen Given Awards

25 Jul 1997

The Ministry of Defence paid tribute to all Armed Forces (SAF) regulars and National Servicemen (NSmen), at the 30 Years of National Service (NS) dinner held at the Westin Stamford Hotel, this evening, 25 Jul 97. The dinner, attended by more then 1,300 NSmen and their spouses, was held to commemorate the 30 years of contributions by NSmen to Singapore's peace, stability, and progress. NSmen play a vital role in the defence of Singapore as they form the core of the nation's fighting force. As a small nation, Singapore cannot afford to take security for granted. Singapore needs the commitment and support from NSmen to achieve Total Defence and to maintain a strong SAF. The Ministry of Defence recognises this and rewards NSmen who have demonstrated outstanding performance.

The highlight of the 30 Years of NS dinner was the presentation of awards and certificates of commendation to the ten winners of this year's "SAF NSmen of the Year". The annual "SAF NSmen of the Year" awards were first presented to NSmen in 1994. These awards are presented to NSmen who have demonstrated excellent performance both in their NS appointments and their civilian jobs, and consistently set exemplary standards in training, discipline and attitude towards NS. (A list of the 1997 SAF NSmen of the Year Award winners is attached.)

Among the guests present at the dinner were President Ong Teng Chong and First Lady, Mrs Ong; the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Dr , and Mrs Tan; the Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, Rear Admiral (NS) ; the Minister of State for Defence, Mr Matthias Yao; the Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant-General Bey Soo Khiang, and Mrs Bey; the Chief of Army, Major-General (MAJ-GEN) Han Eng Juan, and Mrs Han; the Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Richard Lim, and Mrs Lim; and other senior SAF officers. Factsheet & Speech:

- Factsheet - 1997 SAF NSmen of the Year Award Winners (MINDEF_19970725002.pdf) - Keynote Address by Dr Tony, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, at the "30 Years of National Service Celebration Dinner" (MINDEF_19970725003.pdf)