MBHIOIPAL AfFAIES. forty years ago and was one of the first set- THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND SAFE DR. MCLENNAN, . I M@m§y tlers in Eau Claire County, Wis., where he LIUIJU • took up a farm and has since resided. The ALEXANDRIA. AT 6 AN^i^ CENT. WATEBWORKS. following is taken Erom the Augusta (Wis.;• Baking Powder It appears to be necessary to imfonn our OflBce and Resi4ence:—Kenyon Street. ISSUED BY Times ;— 18 THB OBNÜINE readers that we have a system of water- ,n-ly. The undersigned has made arrange- Allan McDonell died at his home in town GEO. HEARNDEN ments with private capitalists to lend works in Alexandria, and that this year of Otter Creek, Thursday, April 9th, 1896, money on improved farms of acres they will have to pay for a luxury which aged 69 years, 8 months and 9 days. THE MISSES M’OONELL .A.XJE122:./X37TX5I?,I.A- and upwards in sums not less than S500. appears to be of no use, as for tire purposes Mr. McDonell was born in Glengarry 34. Interest on sums over SI ,200, 5 per oeot. it is not now used, and as a means of reduc- county, Canada, August 3rd, 1826 and in Cook’s Friend Are now showing their for each year after first year, and 54 for ing the rates of insurance, no effort that county he spent his youth and early Ask Your Storekeeper for first year, payable half yearly, and in appears to be made to place the town in a manhood. In 1856 he came to the United MONEY TO LOAN position to demand of the underwriters à On First-class Farm, Town and Village Pro- sums under $1,200 at 51 per cent., pay - State's, stopping first at Alleghany, Penn., Iff SPMG MILIINEEY perty. Rate of Interest according to Se- able yearly, for terms ot 5 to 10 years. favorable classing of our property. W^hy is and two years later, came to Wisconsin curtty. this ? '[’he hotels need water, and private where he took up a farm, the place where McLarei's Cool’s Frioiil IN ALL TSIE LATEST STYLES AND Valuations most 5n all cases be made hv J. R. ADAMSON, either D. A. McArthur, Reeve. Alexandria ; houses vve are informed would take advan- he has since lived and where he died. He AND TAKE NO OTHER. SHADES. Alexander McDcraxall. Reeve No. ILnchiel: tage of it, but no effort appears to be made was married June 21st, 1869 to Miss Julia GLENGARRY BLOCK, CORNWALL. Duncan A. McDonald, Post-master, Alexan- to use the water now we have it within our Kennedy. They labored and prospered. Appraieeirs for the Canada Permanent Loan dria; William D. McLeod, Oheese-miiker, reach. 'J’he Canada Atlantic should be ap- Resolutions of the License Commissioners • A. H. CONROY, V. O.. and Savings Company, and General Agents or John J. McDonell, 9-3 Kenyon, to either of Unto them were born four children, three forthe Globe Savings and Loan Company, whom applicatton can be made direct, or to proached again, and a reasonable sum asked daughter.s and one son. Mary, Catherine, ALEXANDRIA. Toronto. for supplying them with water, and if Ellen, and Alexander. No. 5.—Seconded by .T.ames Dingwall, Low Rates for Large Loans. Mortgages and .1. A. MACeuNELL, (Greenfield,) seconded by Peter Kennedy, Debentnres Bought. 9-tf. AÎÆSANDRIA. necessary, some party should be appointed Mr. McDonell was one of the earliest of Veterinary Dentlstr a Specialty to canvaas the people, with a view of having the pioneers of Eau Claire county. For 37 That the license to Mrs. Mary McDonald, Good. Warm, Stable attached. 8-6 private hoYises supplied. Then last week 3’ears he has been identified with the deve- of Glen Robertson, for the ensuing year was we had a letter stating that the Chief of the lopment of this portion of the county with granted with reluctance, as there is a grow- R. MCLENNAN, Fire Brigade had resigned, as the Council such old pioneers as R. E. Scott, 'William ing public sentiment with which the Com- J0HN A. CHISHOLM. would not supply what they neede E 3sra?isT • Jobbing am! Repairing will receive obtain.- Let us hear what the electors have family the entire community extends most and respectably signed, from several Every mouth at prompt attention to say upon the subject. loyal sympathy. The funeral was held on sections of the license district were present- 8-lyr. We bave them NEW and ed to the License Commissioners, alleging MOOSE CREEK, 18th. ELECTRIC LIGHT DEBKSîTüRKS. Saturday last at Eau Claire, Rev. Father M AX VILLE, L9lh ,20th and 21st. that the habit of hotel-keepers permitting Two weeks ago we published a letter, but McGuire officiating, and was buried in the and conducting balls and dances in their ALE5:ANDRIA,22nd and23rd. . SECOND-HAND, iprices away Catholic cemeterj’ at that place. CITY OFFICE—25 SPARKS ST. OTTAWA.24-ly with the views expressed therein we did not respective hotels, and in halls erected on JARVIS, OTTAWA, down. Call and-see our i896 entirely concur. The letffeer came rather HUGH MCMILLAN. their hotel premises is most injurious to the late to have the effect wished, as had it young people, by begetting and fostering a PLASTERIHC! Red Sird, Goold, Brantford, been fresh after the election referred to, it We have this week to record the death of taste for liquor, and the injurious habit of FOR PHOTOS. would have been much more effective. We another old and much respected resident of treating ; as well as habits of carousing and do not believe in mixing uip religious ques- our County, in the person of Hugh McMil- keeping late hours, which should be put a Plain and Ornamental Plastering done or onr Garden Cfey, Welland lan, of 27-2 Lochiel, who was called over to at Reasonable Prices. tions in .uunicipal politics, as it is dangerous stop to. BEST VALUE IN Vale, St. Catherines. ’ If you to our happiness and prosperity. Every the silent majority on Monday morning, Be it therefore resolved, that all licensees ALL KINDS OF man should be judged upon his merits, and April 27th, at 9 o’clock, in the 75th year of who obtain license for the ensuing year Latest Stylo in CENTRES kepton hand. can’t call, write for prices. independent of his reii^aus belief or nation- his age. He had been ailing for about three 1896-97, are hereby prohibited, after the 32^2y O. H. WASON. ality. We did not intend to discuss the months with some trouble in his feet which first da}' of May, 1896, from holding or al- ALEXANDRIA, ONT, questions raised in the S-etter, but one refer- developed into gangrene, and ended in his lowing balks or dances in their hotels, or in PHOTO WORK ! ence there made is woUtJliy being looked intf\ death. He was horn on the old homestead, halls erected on their hotel premises, until All wheels guaranteed. by our citizens. It is-said that the electric where also closed the scenes of his earthly this resolution is amended or repealed ; and TK€ CANADA PLATING CO. light debentures were sold at par and by career. Deceased was unmarried, and leaves should any such licensee be found guilty of guarantees their goods to be iw TRY ME. private sale. This seems strange, if true, one sister to mourn his loss, out of a family a violation of tlie provisions of this resolu- as these debentures were worth a premium of 5 brothers and three sisters. The funeral tion, or of the regulations sought to be en- and should have been offered to tender. We took place on Wednesday to St. Columba forced by it, he may be deprived of getting Sflprior to AnytWM \i tlie Martel (Studio opp. Brunswick Hotel.) cemetery, Kirk Hill, and was largely attend- AND CHEAPSK. Biil Oslm BIOS. Ge. notice that Quebec province, 4 per cent. 40 a license another year, and tlie Inspector is I years bonds sold at $105, and Montreal 4 eROTECTietl grave. The pall bearers were John Ross, OF LONDON. at a premium recently, as did also the 4 per regulations hereby provided.—Carried. Pnatsct yourfamlllesby taking a Lifelns- eerit; Drainage debentures of these counties. John Munro, J. H. McCormick, R. J. Chis- \VM. B.tTHURST, Chairman. ; D§ loB ffait a Bn® ? surance Policy, Policies Issued on the meet Our debentures wes bearing 5 per cent, in- holm, Dougakl Cameron and N. K. McLeod. liberal plans and with fewer restrictions. If 8M1, got quotations from Capital, - - $15,000,000 terest, and were -a first-class security and We exteiMl our sj’mpathies to the bereaved New features now being Introduced,such as To the Editor of the QLBNCIAliniAIf;-» Accumuiated the Double Maturity and Instalment Plans. should have sold at a good premium, u'hy relatives. N. BRAY Funds, - - $18,900,000 Take an Accident Policy. Why should an they were not so sold remains to be SIR,—As the correspondent of the Corn A aocddentoripple you flaimcially when itcan explained. wall ‘ ‘ Standard” I am the unfortunate J Keopon st,, Alexandria. be procured so cheaply? Protect your pro- Allfeinds of Vehicles made to order. 31 A company which can offer such se- perty by placing a reasonable amountofi-n- ELECTRIC LIGHT. being against whom your correspondent «Jurity is the oae to insure in. snranceonlt. Our town was f»r more than a week with- Gea Hearnden, was in Glen Robertson, hurled that conglomeration of ambiguous Claims settled without delay. CoHipanles represeated:—The Man.aÿ8o- out electric light, ©wing to the power being on Monday. phrases and unweildy words on which the x Always Insure your Property In the Î torers’Llfe, the Manufacturers’ Acei’dent, rays of the standard dictionaries and en- ANCus MCDONALD, theQaardlan of England, the Northern of shut off to allow tbe rebuilding of the brick J. D. Robertson, of Maxville, was in town England,the Western of tanada. work around the boiler. Of course the on Monday. cyclopedias liave been turned in vain. J’hese PlifMiï Insnrance Co., IMM, Cofln.1 22-y District Agent, Alexandria weather has been fine, and nice moenlight murderous onslauglits to the English lang- Because ol Its strength,loss-paying power JOHNS, ROBERTSON, nights, and the places of business have not John McDougall, of Maxville, was in town uage remind one of the oroakings of a parrot and record for fair and honorabledeallng. : Blato’ctAgentfor f.ho ^anufacturers’life Wednesday. which repeats, “ regardless of sense, such; 5l-y Q.HEARNDEN,Local Agent. and AGcideiit Go’s. ,Mazv,ille,Ont. been so much ineouvenienoed, yet it seems MAXVILLE .^^Aiçentfi wanted In the counties ofSt®r« very strange tha t a work that should have E. A. Hodgson, was in Ottawa, on Tues- snatches of conversation as fall upon itsears." mont.Qlengarry.PresGottand Russell. been completed in .two or three days has day,‘on business. If your correspondent suffers from any WOOL CARDING, HARBLE WOeKS taken three times ifchat length to do, as only Rev. D. McKenzie, of Kirk Hill, was in pangs of jealousy over the “delicknis amuse -1 one mason was employed on the work. town on Monday. ment” he credits me with affording the Those who use the light will allow for acci- community at large. I decline in his favor, spiHnmo SMILLIE & RISE TSON, H. A. McDonald, of Williamstown, was all honors and cheerfully tender him the dents, but do not wish to pay for what they in town yesterday. —.iÊuisriD— do not obtain, or to .be deprived of a good “bi.scuit” as the author of the “ no plus light so long and obliged to use coal oil. K. McLennan, of Dalkeith, was at the ultra” of absurdities. As regards thelettei- Commercial on Saturday. signed “ A Grieved Christian,” your read- S^anufacturlng. BOOK Affl SHIffiLi OcB «IDEWALK.S. m, John McMartin, contractor, was in town ers are sufficiently intelligent to read be- MANUFACTURERS. Parties ivho have to travel up and down for a few days this week. tween the lines and discover the true pur- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. the sidewalks of our Main Street, will we Father McRae, of Glen Nevis, was at port of this despicable attack on the parties A fuiH atock of Lath, Clapboards, Sash, have no doubt be struck with the number Moose Creek, on Monday. and societies named therein and the silent Cloths and Tweeds, (fine and coarse'). Doore^Sfaingles, and al! osaterial required of broken boards, btd and dangerous cross- contempt which it ivill receive is tlie sever- in finishing off houses, kept constantly; ings and holes in the planks large enough Jas. McDougall, of Glen Roy, was in est rebuke to its pitiful writer. But I was Flannels, Blankets and Yarn Exchanged town a few days this week. for Wool. Also, Cash paid for Wool. ■on baud, at right prices. ‘ to cause broken limbs. 'The snow has dis- greatly surprised that you should give space appeared long enou^ to have had repairs John A. Cameron, of the Grand Union, to such fabrications after publishing the OROEMsEXECUTED AT SHORT NOTICE made, loose boards mailed, and nails driven was in Maxville, on Monday. letter which appeared in the GLENGARRIAN C. F. STACKHOUSE, Kiln Drying, Planing, and Match- down where needed, .and the cost would not Hugh McMaster, of Vankleek Hill, was fully explaining where tlio error of your 35-ly PEVERIL, P. Q. ing done, Satisfaction Guaranteed. have been very great. Delays are danger- at the Coinmereial Saturday. correspondent’s writing occurred and 1 our. think in common justice you, at least, owe Nap. Page, editor of “ Le Spectateur,” an apology to the society and parties so Hull, was in town on Monday. MsLEAN & KENNED-'Y, grossly maligned thereby and also to prohi- MONEY JBHORIiS! ^ OBITUAR?. P. Jesmer, of Cornwall, was registered at bit all further controversy on the subject in MAXVILLE, &- Inapcrters and Manufacturers of Monu- ■ the Commercial on Wednesday. your paper. -D'd.TV/r v..»OTST/TH'V AN iü< A little'tie good root Isof accomplished all evil ; yet mental and Cemeteiyiwork. MAXVILLE, OWT. JOHN H. MCDONALD. Angus McDonald, of Glen R03', was a A’ours etc, without it. Best grades of Scotch and Canadian.Gran- guest at the Commercial Saturday. ite. and all klndsof Marble. Superior quality It is our sad duty' to record the death of H. J. STAFFORD. of material and workmanship. t promising young mac from the Township Angus Campbell, of Dalhousie Station, Lancaster, Apr. 27, 1896. MOMEY^S KING, Satisfaction guacauteed. OÎ Lancaster. Jolin H. McDonald, 34-8 was at the Commercial on Tuesday. Lancaster, died on Saterday last, at 1 p. m. ST. ELMO. Christians Covet It. DRESS HOTTING ÂSADEMY Miss Teaa MoDqn.ald, of Glen Robertson, Maâsime E. L ET^IER, after an illness of two y-ears, aged 31 years. Behold, spring sweeps o’er the world Good People Worship it. He had a severe attack of la grippe at that spe.nt a few days in town this week. again, j All People Love it. CO2V£:E 88 St. BenlE Street, MONTREAL. time, from which he nerer recovered, but Dan. J. McDonell, of Munroe’s Mills, was Sliedding soft dews from her ethereal ‘ lingered on until death released him. He a guest at the Commercial Sa turday. You Want to Borrow it. AKD SEE OUE .-STOCK OF Madame Ethiar who has wings. made a thorough study of was a son of the late H«gh Laughlin Mc- Reeve .Jas. Burton, of Maxville, was in And I Want to Loan it. Donald, and leaves his laother, two sisters, R. G. Watt will preach first Sabbath the art of cutting in Abel town on Saturday, and gave us a call. afternoon at four o’clock in the Conite- Cauband’s celebrated fashi- residing at the homestead, and two brothers Rates, 5, .5^ and 6 percerrt. in the Western States, *o mourn his early A. R. McDonald, of Glen Nevis, was re- gational Church here. j Acoordlngto amount and security. It is characteristic of oar business tliat ion house in Paris, where gistered at the Commercial on Monday. Sandy Graham, the renowned violin- the system of dress cutting taking off. The deceased was a fine young * we never insist upon yo«rr buying. Ap- map, of a good disposition, and was univer- A. D. McGregor, of Williamstown, was in ist, of Sand ringliam, made tevera’ calls ;NOTK-1 am not connected with any other preciation is pleasant. Every day we is She most renowned in the in town on 'Thursday. loan person. universe, will give instruc- sally liiked, and will be much mis.sed by his town on Wednesday, and gave us a call. hear kind expressions of pleasure at our neighbors and friends. Yiie remains were Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Munroe spent J. W..~WEEGA.R, display. Every show ease containsi tions to ladies on cutting all followed to St. Raphaels burying ground by J. F. Cattanach, of North Lancaster, was Monday evening in Athol. kinds of dresses, ;garments and ntantles. in town on Thursday, and gave us a call. Mrs. D. C McDougall and Mrs. D. A. MAXVILLE, ONT. bright things at Rock Bottom Prices. a large number of friends, about 60 vehicles .Even if you don’t purchase now, you will A short course only is necescary to being ii.u the procession. Arrived at the -A. Cameron and L. McLeod, of Lancaster McDougall visited the east end on Satur- perhaps see something whieii you would /earn this system which is simple and church. High Mass was celebrated by Father were guests at the Commercial, Monday. day afternoon. be pleased to purchase later on ; you can gierfect in its application to all the McMillia, of Alexandria, swing to the ill- Duncan Kennedy was a guest of D. C. SEEOSJ ^EDS! select now ami we will put it xside until whims of fashion in styles. The fee for ness of rather Fitzpatrick. The pall-bear- Harry Wilson, spent Sunday in town at McDougall on 'Tuesday evening. you require it. s thorough is very small. Out of ers were John J. McDonald, Glen Nevis, his mother’s residence, Catherine Street. The funeral of the late little Annie The Head-quarters for Reliable Seeds in town pupils can find accomodation in Patrick ajid Wm. McEvoy, North Lancas- M. J. McLennan and Wm. McPIierson, of Ferguson, daughter of Gordon Ferguson, IF*- the academy while learning if desired. ter, Angus H. and Alex. McDonald, of 1st Williamstown were in the town Tuesday. occurred on Friday, the 24th. We extend MAIN ST.. ALEXANDRIA. Full particulars up®» application. Lochiel, aad Myles McDonald, 8th Lancas- our deepest sympathies to the bereaved J GLEN ROBERTSON, ter. Amongst those present were Major D. H. McMillan and J. A.Kinsella, of Lan- parents. AT McLennan, M. P., A. J. McDonald and caster, were at the Grand Union, 'Tuesday. Not in his anger but in love, ' ! daughter, D. J. Williams and wife, and the D. J. McMillan and Neil McLeod, of Not as an eagle but a dove, A. CINQ-MARS

We are Giving Away Goods from now until Election Day at Less than Montreal Wholesale Prices, TUB GOOD'LUCK STORE, 'Alexandria, Ont.

GtLENaAKEY AND DISTEIOT. The miHinery openings this week of outlay in cleaning the river. No doubt ^iiuiaiummiuiiimiumiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiimimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitumuiiiiaiiitimuiiiiiiiiiiniiQÉ Mrs. Burton and Mrs. A, Edwards, were that much credit is due our representa- NORTH LANCASTER- we believe a success. Both places were tive Major R. R. Mcl^ennan, who was Bev. Mr. Clarke, of Ottawa will (D.V.) beautifully arranged and a fine display the means in obtaining a good sum of J Look for tho Little Card in the Pockets. I OTTAWAiS preach at 11 a.m. and 7.30 in the of Millinery were to be seen. money from the government towards s S Baptist Church at North Lancaster, the Miss Hattie Morrison, of Pigeon Hill the work. An act that certainly should S Shorey’s celebrated ready-made clothing has a c | is visiting friends here. be appreciated, at least by all interested. first two Sundays in Maj'. Friends cor- 5 in the pocket of each garment guaTai^eeing jvxi | d'ally invited. An effort is being made Fire was discovered to be in the roof WILLIAMSTOWN sfiiiSiWtSssI I secure Mr. Clarke for the pastorate of of the, engiu'e'room of the saw mill,Wed' 5 used in its manufacture to be thoroughly, ged i need ay afternoot). The whistle gave a Miss Mary Hay. arrived iiome from I ae Baptist Mission in Lancaster. Ottawa Friday last. = and Shrunk and its workmanship to ^ » i Seeding operations have commenced report and immediately a crowd of tyill- James Munroe, of the Globe Mills, in this vicinity. ing workers gathered. The fire was jgeoiifti quickly extinguished. town on Tuesday. be sound in every particular. x\hvays ® ® = We are pleased to learn that Miss Jacob Flemming, of the Glen arrived ’ Carrie,B. Leclafr, daughter of A. Leclair J. C. Watt will the Congre- home from the Royal Victoria Jlospital, ask for and be sure that you get Shorey’s y Made s For practical tralolne In Book-keeping, gational Cnurch, Sunday miming next. S Offlee-work, Shorthand,.Type-Writing, Tele- is recovering from her severe illness. Montreal. B make. Every reliable dealer keeps it. Clotllîllg 1 araphy and Penmanship. COME TO U8.^ John Barrie had a stone bee on Mon- Extensive preparations are being made I Wehavehelpedthousands-.can’twe belpyou for the celebration on the 23rd. Miss Sarah Williamson, who has been day, and with 10 teams and 25 men did Write far Clrcnlar descrlblng*i«.£>ocasi«aa]ly a com-munity is thrown Is it not a good time now for our coun- ment exegesis, and 1st in Divinity. Sunlight Ci *0 jiao a state of serious brooding and e^ger J. C. Brown, B.A., M.A., 1st class hon- cil to provide some fire protection. ANTEDi—Trustworthy men and t^uiry. Mach Of the conversation in- Tanks couRf be erected, and filled by ours in English, and 1st class honours W -T dulged in is performed like as if a spec- the springs flowing down our Main and medal in History. women to advocate a popular tre stood in the door-way ; such would J. A. C. Cameron, B.A., L.L.B. cause at home. $40.00 to $00.00 monthly, street, at a very small cost, and then to suitable persons, .tddress. Drawer j perhaps describe the state of things with water w9uld bo handy even if we only E. Rayside, passed Mineralogy and 1 us at this Bi.Qoaeat. The list of the sick tlius secured her B.A. 29, Brantford, Ont. had a pail brigade. Now, who will take , BOOKS ros WRAPPERS ft* Cl -< WH f-i N O? to V and ailing is long, with some very serious steps foreatosi in tais matter, before we \ For every 12 “Sunlight” • ^ cases, al'out wliom hourly enquiry is - i have another blaze. I wrappers sent to Lever Bros., S*c made, Peter McIntosh and Mrs. Hep- At the last meeting of the W.C.T.Ü. ^ Ltd., Toronto, a useful paper- WANTED.—YOUNG OR MIDDLE ^ g rH .r. tfv C CO Wdrth, 6ÏÔ not yet out of danger. The important business was laid on the ÜLÜ0NS F9R \ bound book will be sent, or • AGED MEN of character Hun- w I ,'iwînkling ray of hope that flits over the table. Therefore a full meeting is re- 1 a cloth-bound for 50 wrappers dreds foremost in Canada, started with o ■ us. About $14.00 a week to begin with. z fever-BCenU d horizon of their being, is as quested next month when these mat- DEFENCE! 000 ' fleet as fickle, and often seemingly vain ters will he dealt with. THE BSADLKY GABRKTSOV CO., (Ltd’J o and delusive as the transient phosphor- We would advise those who afe ob- BRANTFORD, Out. o eecenCe of the sea that chimes upon the structing the side walk#on Church St. to Not One Cent VILLAGE PROPERTY „^ater. However, the sanguine live, be cautioned in time and remove same. „^Svait, and serve with hope. Our lacrosse team ought to soon begin FOR SALE OR RENT. For Tribute. • S • • ® • • ' Alexander McNaughton, of the 4th to practice if they wish to excell. WANTED :Ë : ’.'o : : . concession of Lancaster received a bad The unde»*slKned Offers for sale that valu- 3 ' *2 • 3 • • . LOCH GARRY. able property in the Village of Alexandria, A EVÎAN To sell Canadian and U. S. r fleab wound in his shoulder and armpit Safety Of Canadians having a frontage on Lochiel Streetof nearly as . ® —il t--* ^ while working at the circular saw cutting Our farmers are busily engaged at four hundred feet and a depth of over three grown trees, berry plants, roses,,^rubs, Btove wood on Friday last. He is said their spring’s work. Assured. hundred feel. hedges, ornamental trees, and'seed pota- There la erected on said premisea a New o « a o A Q ce s'— C,2 to be progressing favorably. Miss M. A. McDonald, (Lake Shore), TWO-STOKEY FHAME HOUttB, 22 x 26 toes, for the only nursery having testing Ds, TobiH has given the contract of left for Montreal last week. having a flrst-claas .stone foundation, with bnilding ills new hotel on the site of the P. A. McDonald, accompanied by Miss When Paine’s Celery Com- cemen'ed cedar under the whole main build- orchards in Canada. We Igive you the L C. HARRIS, Agent, Alexandria, old one' to J. Parisan, contractor of Co- ing. The cellar contains two large va s benefit of our experience, so your success ^ Maggie McDonald, passed through here pound is Used,. which can be used for a cistern, pickle eggs, 1 Landing. The foundation is laid. Sunday evening. or arranged f< r wintering bees The house is guaranteed. If you are not earning Structural work is to commence as Louis 0’Briet!,of Alexandria, called is well finished ouiMde ana i nside,partitioned $50 per month and expenses, write us at in as ptjssiblo, and the entire,building on friends here Sunday. it has ever been the boast of Britons, lathed and plastered, and made very that they never shall be slaves. The There is a Good Stable,Î8 x .30,on theprem- qQkupleted early in September. The The party given in D. McDonald’s ises,and the^ntire lot is Well fenced. U is a once for particulars. Liberal commis- l|. liyidirg will cost nearly $4,000. Briton’s heart warms to freedom ; his desirable lot for a naan with a family who sions paid part time men. Farmers house, 3rd Kenyon, on Wednesday night, blood is aroused when human beings be- ATreati .interest has been, infused to the was a trand success, and all present en- wishes to keep a few horses or cows. Desira- sons should look into tliis ! It pays bet- r* subject of the burning of W. Stickler’s come mere chattels—bought and sold ble for gardening. If the eniire lot. is not joyed themselves very much. required, a portion can be divided off Into ter than working on the farm, and offers wharf at South Lancaster. The fire tooa *ir«o*ooo i o «ÇS 0 treal on Monday. , J. Fraser, of Ottawa, was down here on aminations, at 'I sSg gSe ing and tormenting enemies that come ci — c CÎ oi o* CÎ CÎ •Kr:®' si®’ ; .sSo « ^ D. B. McGregor intends opening his Saturday attending to the interment of too often in the form of rheumatism, : c« cheese factory May 1st. his brother, the late Jas. Frazer, which neuralgia, dyspepsia, indigestion, con- teC; Z • Z ^ Z Dr. Kirk moved hjs family this week were placed in the vault at the time of stipation, heart disease, nervonsness, 13 & Wiamstaii, : J3 ! from More wood. \Ve wish them suc- his death. OMUrÉfsWyiorülen ; ; ; : sleeplessness and blood diseases. COMMENCING ON j ; c -« • • • . i cess in their new home. GLEN ROY. W(^y encourage and pay tribute to J. J. McCuaig bought (juite a number Most of the farmers have commenced THURSDAY, 2nd JULY,’96,' : o V of horses last week for the English mar- such death-dealing masters ? Our bod- > *- ft I S'- ® sowing. iea^hould be free, clean, pure, and fit- At 8.45 a.m ® i. S'® •“2 ^ ' ' ket, for which good prices were paid. Miss Sarah McDonald arrived home teô for the full enjoyment of true life. iF cS23®« a 5 2* I S = ®Ï,.Ê*- Intending Candidates must notify NOT s ^ 0° ^ •^IcagcV- MAXVILLE. from Ogdensburgh last week. That world-renowned prescription, LATER than the 1st day of .May n..xt. 0®®C^QOO O.H a . ® a The past week has apparently been a Dr. P. and Mrs. McDonald were visit- ■PiHne's Celery Compound ^es perfect D. MCDIA.R.VIID, ® ^ : ■ : 6 i 3£5« a week of “ home coming.” Friday morn- ing at D. J. McDonald’s on Tuesday. heâ%, Blrength and life. It removes P. 8 Inspector. > I? ! aK os ing Miss Christie McDougall and Mr. A. John McMartin passed through town *e'ver)|jt.ra^ of disease from the body, Maxvllle, 11th April, 1896. pl-8w. Ft s oiw H. Robertson returned from New York on Tuesday. and purifies the blooii. a Ô :S- l5fe2E^ where they have been attending the Mrs. Benwa, of Montreal, is visiting at Thiff;*f4.^thw'%ea80n to banish every CURES ^iO^-rco«ee Christiar^ Alliance College. We learn her father's. weigtrtaqjd oppression. Let the renovat- POSITIVELY Mes !’«o 4hat M'S? ..McDougall is an accepted ing Work’be, commenced now, so that Alex. Berry passed through town on CIDER* and FRUIT JEliLlKH. Lost Power, Nervous Debility, mi8sio||av fl>r India and will probably Sunday on his way to Chas. Brantford’s. sumrner and the hot weather may be met a cormyated paa over tikebox, doabUng Failing Mânhood, Secret Di- ,^oô3î t: o::: “jjj';; leave some time next winter for the Berry purchased a nice driving with strong and vigorous bodies and capacity ; BmafivinterehaBce- seases, caused by the errors .. -B! ' able Byrap pans iconnected by and excesses of youth. gisis : iD«ap:a field. sulky from M. Emberg, for the training clear heads. Paine’s Celery Compound siphmis), easily haodled ^ for oleansins and — Young, 'middle-aged or old S «0 Saturday evening’s train brought .Tohn of tiis trotter, which ho intends putting has in past seasons saved thousands of etoring ; and a i>er- men,suflfering from the effects Mnnro anti friend, ,John McRae.of New- on the Course ttiis summer. sufferers ; it.will do the same for you feet autOHintic of follies and excesses, restored -to health, man- Tickets ts.ned and Baggage checked reirnhitor. The hood and vigor. through. For Information, tickets, Ac., ap- foundland, both of whom have neen at- D, A. McDougall arrived liome from to-day, weary and sick mortal. Champion is as ply to any avent of the Company. teudiug tilt' en’s University, Kingston. Beaudetle on Tuesday. When decide to use the great great an improve- Price $1:00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail, ment ever the swurely sealed. Write for our book, "*Startlinfr E.J. CHAMBERLIN, C. J. SMITH , , M s- .1 Hide McDougall, who for some The water has fallen very rapidly in health giver, see that your dealer gives Cook {MU as the /'ar/j,” for Men only, tells you how to get weU Qeneral Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt Ottawa Ont. .time was in Montreal, is spending the the River BeaudetUa this spring. It was you the kind thatcuRKS. Ask for Paine’s tatter was over the and stay well, , eea here w th her parents. hardly ever seen befori so low this early Celery Compound, and see that it has lUdhon kettle hunif dtt a fenoo rail. Ii. O.HARRIS Agent. Alexandria. ' Mrs. Casst Iman, of Anltsville, was in the season, and goes to show what the “stalk of celery.” No other prepara- THE G. H. GRIMM MFG. GO., Addreaa/QiÜEEN Nr£DICINE CO., Box 04T, Visiting at Dr. Munro’a last weak. benefit the ratepayeis receive from their < tion will sait your case. UUDSOIf, Oblo, 4b MONXRSIAI,, MONTREAL. Subscribe for the Glenga’’^^’^