Cook's Friend
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ISAAC WILSON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50.—50C.DISCOUNT IF PAID IK ADYAHOE. VOL. XIII. ALEXANDRIA ONTARIO. FRIDAY MAY I. 1896. NO. 18- MBHIOIPAL AfFAIES. forty years ago and was one of the first set- THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND SAFE DR. MCLENNAN, . I M@m§y tlers in Eau Claire County, Wis., where he LIUIJU • took up a farm and has since resided. The ALEXANDRIA. AT 6 AN^i^ CENT. WATEBWORKS. following is taken Erom the Augusta (Wis.;• Baking Powder It appears to be necessary to imfonn our OflBce and Resi4ence:—Kenyon Street. ISSUED BY Times ;— 18 THB OBNÜINE readers that we have a system of water- ,n-ly. The undersigned has made arrange- Allan McDonell died at his home in town GEO. HEARNDEN ments with private capitalists to lend works in Alexandria, and that this year of Otter Creek, Thursday, April 9th, 1896, money on improved farms of acres they will have to pay for a luxury which aged 69 years, 8 months and 9 days. THE MISSES M’OONELL .A.XJE122:./X37TX5I?,I.A- and upwards in sums not less than S500. appears to be of no use, as for tire purposes Mr. McDonell was born in Glengarry 34. Interest on sums over SI ,200, 5 per oeot. it is not now used, and as a means of reduc- county, Canada, August 3rd, 1826 and in Cook’s Friend Are now showing their for each year after first year, and 54 for ing the rates of insurance, no effort that county he spent his youth and early Ask Your Storekeeper for first year, payable half yearly, and in appears to be made to place the town in a manhood. In 1856 he came to the United MONEY TO LOAN position to demand of the underwriters à On First-class Farm, Town and Village Pro- sums under $1,200 at 51 per cent., pay - State's, stopping first at Alleghany, Penn., Iff SPMG MILIINEEY perty. Rate of Interest according to Se- able yearly, for terms ot 5 to 10 years. favorable classing of our property. W^hy is and two years later, came to Wisconsin curtty. this ? '[’he hotels need water, and private where he took up a farm, the place where McLarei's Cool’s Frioiil IN ALL TSIE LATEST STYLES AND Valuations most 5n all cases be made hv J. R. ADAMSON, either D. A. McArthur, Reeve. Alexandria ; houses vve are informed would take advan- he has since lived and where he died. He AND TAKE NO OTHER. SHADES. Alexander McDcraxall. Reeve No. ILnchiel: tage of it, but no effort appears to be made was married June 21st, 1869 to Miss Julia GLENGARRY BLOCK, CORNWALL. Duncan A. McDonald, Post-master, Alexan- to use the water now we have it within our Kennedy. They labored and prospered. Appraieeirs for the Canada Permanent Loan dria; William D. McLeod, Oheese-miiker, reach. 'J’he Canada Atlantic should be ap- Resolutions of the License Commissioners • A. H. CONROY, V. O.. and Savings Company, and General Agents or John J. McDonell, 9-3 Kenyon, to either of Unto them were born four children, three forthe Globe Savings and Loan Company, whom applicatton can be made direct, or to proached again, and a reasonable sum asked daughter.s and one son. Mary, Catherine, ALEXANDRIA. Toronto. for supplying them with water, and if Ellen, and Alexander. No. 5.—Seconded by .T.ames Dingwall, Low Rates for Large Loans. Mortgages and .1. A. MACeuNELL, (Greenfield,) seconded by Peter Kennedy, Debentnres Bought. 9-tf. AÎÆSANDRIA. necessary, some party should be appointed Mr. McDonell was one of the earliest of Veterinary Dentlstr a Specialty to canvaas the people, with a view of having the pioneers of Eau Claire county. For 37 That the license to Mrs. Mary McDonald, Good. Warm, Stable attached. 8-6 private hoYises supplied. Then last week 3’ears he has been identified with the deve- of Glen Robertson, for the ensuing year was we had a letter stating that the Chief of the lopment of this portion of the county with granted with reluctance, as there is a grow- R. MCLENNAN, Fire Brigade had resigned, as the Council such old pioneers as R. E. Scott, 'William ing public sentiment with which the Com- J0HN A. CHISHOLM. would not supply what they neede<l. We Young Sr., ,T. Bride, S. W. Crockett, John missioners fully agree, that there are too Barrister, Solicitor, Ac., BXJOCIS:. liad a good brigade of first-class men, able Maher and othens of that class whose in- many hotels in Glen Robertson, and that Medical Hall, and wilKng to cope with tires should they dustry, perseverance and pluck turned a Mrs. McDonald’s boys would he better in Oorix-wall, 03a.t6trlo. Manufacturer of and dealer te come, bat they have been discouraged with wilderness into a garden and made for some other employment, and this resolution Offices—iKlrkpatrlck’s block, entT«nce on the apparent lack of interest in getting them is to intimate that the probability is that First st reet. TIN & SniEET IRONWARE, ALEXANDRIA. themselves beautiful homes. license may be withheld from the hotel of Branch office A. J, McDonald’s Block, Main into condition to do their duty^ We think Mr. McDonell was a man of strict in- street, Alexandria; U, J. Patterson manager^ PUMPS, SINKS, CIST-EHNS, it is telly time that insurance rates were re- tegrity and upright honesty—his word was Mrs. McDonald another year, and it will he MONET/ TO LOAN AT LOWEST KATES.37 duced, and they never will be while we as good as his bond. He was a devoted well for all interested parties to be guided BATHS. LEAD AND IRON have things as at present. Fine weather hu.sband, a kind and loving father, and a by this intimation.—Carried. hasicdme, and tine weather may depart be- generous and just neighbor. In the home WM. BATHUR-ST, Chairman. VriLLIAM A. LECGO ROOFING. fops an effort is made to get our town up-to- he has left, sorrow has supreme control. Moved by Peter Kennedy, seconded by M.D.S., O.O.S., ’ date, and I’eady to take advantage of the There he was best known and most loved, James Dingwall. system we have spent so mhoh money to and there is the greatest gi’ief. To the No. 7.-'That whereas petitions numerously i2> E 3sra?isT • Jobbing am! Repairing will receive obtain.- Let us hear what the electors have family the entire community extends most and respectably signed, from several Every mouth at prompt attention to say upon the subject. loyal sympathy. The funeral was held on sections of the license district were present- 8-lyr. We bave them NEW and ed to the License Commissioners, alleging MOOSE CREEK, 18th. ELECTRIC LIGHT DEBKSîTüRKS. Saturday last at Eau Claire, Rev. Father M AX VILLE, L9lh ,20th and 21st. that the habit of hotel-keepers permitting Two weeks ago we published a letter, but McGuire officiating, and was buried in the and conducting balls and dances in their ALE5:ANDRIA,22nd and23rd. SECOND-HAND, iprices away Catholic cemeterj’ at that place. CITY OFFICE—25 SPARKS ST. OTTAWA.24-ly with the views expressed therein we did not respective hotels, and in halls erected on JARVIS, OTTAWA, down. Call and-see our i896 entirely concur. The letffeer came rather HUGH MCMILLAN. their hotel premises is most injurious to the late to have the effect wished, as had it young people, by begetting and fostering a PLASTERIHC! Red Sird, Goold, Brantford, been fresh after the election referred to, it We have this week to record the death of taste for liquor, and the injurious habit of FOR PHOTOS. would have been much more effective. We another old and much respected resident of treating ; as well as habits of carousing and do not believe in mixing uip religious ques- our County, in the person of Hugh McMil- keeping late hours, which should be put a Plain and Ornamental Plastering done or onr Garden Cfey, Welland lan, of 27-2 Lochiel, who was called over to at Reasonable Prices. tions in .uunicipal politics, as it is dangerous stop to. BEST VALUE IN Vale, St. Catherines. ’ If you to our happiness and prosperity. Every the silent majority on Monday morning, Be it therefore resolved, that all licensees ALL KINDS OF man should be judged upon his merits, and April 27th, at 9 o’clock, in the 75th year of who obtain license for the ensuing year Latest Stylo in CENTRES kepton hand. can’t call, write for prices. independent of his reii^aus belief or nation- his age. He had been ailing for about three 1896-97, are hereby prohibited, after the 32^2y O. H. WASON. ality. We did not intend to discuss the months with some trouble in his feet which first da}' of May, 1896, from holding or al- ALEXANDRIA, ONT, questions raised in the S-etter, but one refer- developed into gangrene, and ended in his lowing balks or dances in their hotels, or in PHOTO WORK ! ence there made is woUtJliy being looked intf\ death. He was horn on the old homestead, halls erected on their hotel premises, until All wheels guaranteed. by our citizens. It is-said that the electric where also closed the scenes of his earthly this resolution is amended or repealed ; and TK€ CANADA PLATING CO. light debentures were sold at par and by career. Deceased was unmarried, and leaves should any such licensee be found guilty of guarantees their goods to be iw TRY ME.