Notes from the Headteacher...

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of St John’s Academy

I can’t believe it has been a year since I introduced you to the last Christmas newsletter. Where has 2013 gone?

Whilst I can reflect that it has been a very busy year for of all us, and therefore the time has gone by very quickly, it has also been another great year here in St John’s at the North Inch Community Campus.

The usual Christmas preparations are well underway with the sound of carols and music throughout our corridors as we prepare for the now ‘famous’ Nativity play and concerts and we plan the parties from Nursery through to Secondary six.

At this time of year, when small children (and not so small children and young people) are preparing lists for Santa and hinting for the latest ‘must have’ gifts, it’s always a joy to see our children and young people reaching out to others in greater need.

On Tuesday 19 November we had a bucket appeal for the Philippines SCIAF Disaster Aid Fund and amazingly, in just over 1 hour, we raised over £700 – amazing generosity. December, as always, is full of fun filled lunchtime activities while raising our usual thousands of pounds for SCIAF. Before we break off for Christmas we will post off our many boxes of gifts to the abandoned children and families that the Mercy Project supports in the area around Bucharest in Romania.

Huge thanks to all of you for your kindness and I ask you to keep all of the people we try to support in your thoughts and prayers.

I hope you enjoy reading about the highlights of this year throughout this newsletter.

For me, one of the highlights will once again be when we join our Polish community in their inspiring approach to celebrating Christmas.

Our term will finish on Friday 20 December 2013 with our Primary service at 9.30am; our Secondary service will begin at 11.20 taking us to 12 noon when we can all go off to enjoy our holidays.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the joys and blessings of Christmas and to send the very best of wishes for 2014 to all our families.

twitter: @st_johnsacademy

2 St John’s RC Academy- Term Two Newsletter New website - Curriculum Update

“undergoing a time of major curriculum improvement”

St John’s RC Academy (along with every school in ) is undergoing a time of major curriculum improvement. These improvements are needed so that we can enable every child and young person to be ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Under the title of ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ there have been significant improvements in approaches to learning, to teaching and to how we engage children and young people in all aspects of the school community.

“progression from the current National 5s” The most recent changes involve the introduction of new national qualifications in S4, which are called National 3-5. These replace Standard Grades and will also replace Access 3 and Intermediate 1-2 from next year. Next year also sees the introduction of the new Highers which will offer progression from the current National 5s.

“young people in S4 will have fewer exams in April/May”

Some of the changes are quite fundamental to how we assess our pupils. For example, qualifications at National 3 and 4 (and a few at National 5) do not require an external exam. This allows assessment to be gathered on a day-to-day basis and will better reflect what our pupils can actually do, without the distraction of a formal examination. This will also mean that almost all young people in S4 will have fewer exams in April/May. We are currently looking at what this will mean for exam leave with other Perth City schools and what alternative programmes we might be able to offer for those with only a few/no examinations in April/May. “all our young people can achieve”

Teaching staff in the school are working extremely hard to ensure that every child and young person achieves at every stage throughout the school. Teachers in the secondary are working hard to deliver the new national qualifications in S4, and prepare for the new Highers in S5/6 for next year. As always, we ask our parents and carers to support your child and your school in every way you can so that, together, all our young people can achieve or even exceed our expectations. “delighted to hear your views”

We would be delighted to hear your views on how the curriculum at St John’s RC Academy is meeting the needs of your child. We would also be particularly interested at this time to know your views on exam leave.

Please let us know in writing and address this to Mr Hagney, Depute Headteacher, or call the office and ask for a meeting time. Find out more at:

New website - Rights Respecting School News...

In the past few weeks the Rights Respecting Schools Committee has been working hard on promoting rights throughout the primary and secondary schools. Both schools have been linking classroom display boards with an article that relates to the display. The primary school has been working on a football charter and a playground charter so anyone in those areas is aware of rights. Also a group of pupils from the secondary committee have been talking to library staff about getting a designated area in the library for books and displays dedicated to rights. The primary committee have come up with the idea of “Right of the Fortnight” where every two weeks the classes focus on one particular right. Primary pupils who show particular respect towards that right, will receive an award during assembly. The secondary committee have something similar with “Article of the Week” in the school bulletin every day with a new article being put in every Monday. The primary committee have also organised a competition to design a banner to be placed in the street area of the school to promote Rights Respecting Schools.

Peace One Day

Here are some of the photographs from our ‘One Day, One Dodge’ dodgeball tournament held in October. Each House from both primary and secondary competed against each other to celebrate the global annual event ‘Peace One Day’. This was a great success and we hope this will become an annual tournament where pupils can work together and celebrate Peace One Day. New website -

Nursery and Primary News...

We have been very busy in Nursery this term. We celebrated Halloween by coming to nursery dressed up; we dooked for apples and played games. We also invited our parents/carers in to nursery to see what we do. It was good fun showing them our folders and playing with them. We also found out about Autumn. We made a house for Percy the Park Keeper and helped him look for woodland animals in the nursery. Then we had a Scottish week where we found out about Scotland; we read special stories, made tartan patterns and celebrated St Andrew’s Day by wearing something tartan, having a Scottish snack and learning some Scottish dances. We have also been very lucky as we get to work with some S3 girls who come to visit us every week. Some came during Book Week and read us a story. We are now finding out all about Christmas and are having a party and Sing Along on the 19th December (look for the posters in our cloakroom for the times).

Mummy - Visit

Primary 3 has been learning all about Ancient Egypt. We really enjoyed our trip to Perth Museum. We got to see a real Egyptian mummy called Princess Takherheb! We learned lots of interesting facts. We became archaeologists and took part in mummifying a mummy and found lots of amulets buried inside Ken the mummy!

How Toys Work

Primary 4 is learning about how toys work. First we looked at old toys and we asked our parents what toys were like when they were young. Then we tried to work out how toys worked and explored how they moved using magnets, electricity and forces. We have made our own posters, adverts and have prepared and presented toy talks. All the class was entertained by our puppet shows, which we wrote, designed the backgrounds for and acted out. Finally, we are going to design and create our own toys using all the information we have learned. Brooke and Amy

P5 and P6 Mass

On Sunday 1st December, Primary 5 and 6 led the 11am mass in St John's Church around the theme of advent. Thank you to all who came along to participate in the mass or to support the children. Dalguise Trip

At the end of the October term, Primary Seven pupils had the opportunity to attend the Dalguise Outdoor Activity Centre. They had a wonderful time, supporting one another to take part in activities that were challenging as well as great fun. Activities included the Giant Swing, Zip wire and Jacob's Ladder, as well as night time fun with Cluedo, the disco and songs around the campfire. The children had such a fantastic time that some of them are still singing the songs that they learned there - especially the Moose song!

New website - Maths News... Peer Mentors

Maths mentoring, a truly memorable whirlwind experience for all involved. S4, S5, and S6 pupils were invited to come forward and train as Mathematics Peer Mentors. The catch: pupils needed to be available to train for three hours after school and then commit to attending follow up training sessions; a written assessment and then to work with pupils for a full intensive week, followed by debrief sessions. Not everyone succeeded in completing the course. It was a big commitment. This week sees the Maths Peer Mentors using their newly acquired skills with S1 pupils. They showed a commitment and interest that is wonderful to see. “There were moments of relaxation on “You do not need to be the training evening of course. Young good at Maths, just people need fuel of some kind -so, of have an open mind to course, we had Pizza!” working in a new way ” Maths Peer Mentors are:

Bethan Gordon, Rhea Murray, If you think you have the S2 interest and desire to train as Isobel Joughin and Evie Gardiner a Mathematics peer mentor, then please get in touch. Give your name to either your maths teacher or come S3 Orla Reid, Morgan Oates, Laura directly to Mrs Hale in Hennessy, Chloe Donaldson and FF043. Emilia Kenyon The next training sessions for Maths Peer Mentor are likely to start in S5/6 January once a week during lunchtime for Anna Durkin, Julia Skala, Jenna 12 weeks. I said it was a big commitment, Martin, Kimberly Vasquez, Jemma but worthwhile and you will find it rewarding. Smith, Laura Hutchison, Mairi Simmons, and Lewis Massie. Festival of the Arts Enterprising Maths

Congratulation to S3 and S4 pupils who successfully participated in the recent Perth & Enterprising Maths Day and who were a credit to the school. Many thanks also to Hope Stevenson for helping out the teams on the day, and Mrs. Foley for preparing the teams for the event. Pictured: Mrs Foley, David Morgan, Caleb Jack and Fionagh McFarlane. Other team members - Morgan Oates, David Harrow,Rosa Alexander, Iona Lang and Michael Rimmer.

Mathematics challenge

We have had an amazing term. 2 groups of S1 and S2 pupils have now completed the first part of the Mathematics challenge. The challenge is all about thinking of Mathematics and how we do Mathematics in a completely different way. Right back to basics. Asking the question “Why?” “How?” it is challenging. How DO YOU show a simple sum such as 6 add 5 on an empty number line? Not as easy as it sounds!! They have attended Maths Challenge sessions every day for 1 week and worked on this question on a 1 to 1 basis with a specially trained Maths Peer Mentor. SO a tremendous achievement by Cohort 1 who succeeded in the first part of the challenge in September. Congratulations go to: Olivia Bannaghan, Caitlin Millar, Leah Connor, Tommy McKinlay, Jamie McLeod, Charlene McKay, Tia Thompson, Nicole Kerr, Linzi Henderson-McAll, Owen Evan, Shannon Begley, Zoe Evans, Anya Leckie, Thomas Lewry and Brandon McLean.

All pupils were presented with certifcates and badges to recognise this significant achievement. We were lucky enough to have Bernadette Malone, Chief Executive of Council, attend the final session, she gave a lovely inspirational short speech to the pupils and presented them with their certificates and badges. Just recently, in November, Cohort 2 succeeded in completing the first part of the challenge. Some of the pupils had heard how helpful the challenge had been and had made a specific request to join the challenge and so it is particularly wonderful to see their success. Bernadette Malone Congratulations go to: Jonathon Kennedy, Lauryn Spark, Sophie Camilleri, Shaun Lamb, Genna Given, Jacob Dewar, Chief Executive Adam Lewington, Oliver Hamilton, Owen Evans, Ben We Will Rock You S1 Retreats... Music News... We are very excited about this session's show - We Will Rock You - which is Christmas Show running from 10 to 12 June 2014. Rehearsals will begin after the This will take place on Wednesday 18th Christmas holidays and we would like to December at 7pm in the Assembly Hall. encourage everybody to get involved, It allows pupils to showcase their talents either on stage, backstage, front of in playing, singing, dance and drama, house or in one of the many roles that and students are encouraged to come will be needed. along to auditions; these will be advertised in the daily bulletin.

Instrumental Evening £200 Raised The Music Department held their annual Instrumental Evening on Wednesday 6 November in the Assembly Hall. This was an opportunity for families and friends to come along and hear performances from pupils in the school who are learning an instrument. There was a wide range of musical styles and instruments, and our music instructors were there to meet with parents, answer questions and comment on progress the students had made. The evening was a great success and we collected over £200 for Rachel House in Kinross.

Modern Language News...

S1 pupils have been exploring life in Rwanda and discussing aspects of Fair Trade. They were given the opportunity to design a Fair Trade chocolate bar label which encouraged them to incorporate French language. SocialEuropean Subjects Day ofNews... Languages

In celebration of The European Day of Languages 2013 on 26th September, S1 pupils participated in a new E-Twinning project. Pupils designed postcards to represent their country and a selection of them were then sent by post to schools across Europe. They were very excited when they received lots of postcards from a range of countries such as Spain, France, Croatia, Romania, Sweden and Norway.

“E-Twinning project”

Young Ambassadors

Julia Skala and Mark Rimmer are the new Young Ambassadors for Sport this year. They have been busy helping support the extra-curricular activities at St John’s Academy. Mark coaches the S1 football team and helps weekly with the P6 & P7 school football. Julia umpires games in the S1-S3 netball league.

Both attended the School Sport Coaching Project in June this year where Julia achieved netball coaching awards and Mark football coaching awards. They are currently working with other senior pupils on ideas for St John’s Academy to celebrate the Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow next year. They are pictured here with certificates for attending a Young Leaders Workshop in Coaching and achieving 10 hours of volunteering.

74-36 Halloween Basketball win

On the 31st of October, the Sports Comprehensive team took on Glenrothes in a heated basketball game. Despite the spooky occasion, the team (which consists of pupils from both St John's Academy and Perth Grammar School) kept their cool and won 74-36. Mr Marshall, who refereed the game, said the Sports Comprehensive team displayed a

“great team performance and we hope the success continues!” -David Morgan Jackie takes gold -Anna Durkin

Congratulations to St John’s own dinner lady Jackie Clephane for winning the national stage of the annual School Chef of the Year competition! 1 of 4 school chefs from all over Tayside competing at the Dundee College on Wednesday 30th October, Jackie had to prepare a Commonwealth Games-themed meal with a budget of only £1.60 per head. Jackie took the gold, successfully blowing away the judges – and taste testers from St John’s primary seven class! – with her “Champion Chicken” main course – chicken and haggis roulade with creamy mustard sauce – and her “Sweet Success” dessert – blueberry and raspberry bonnets with fruit garnish and butterscotch sauce. All the meals were assessed on their nutritional value.

We all wish Jackie the best of luck for the Regional stage of the competition, which will take place in Newcastle in February and see Jackie competing against chefs from all over Scotland and Northern England. If successful at Regionals, Jackie will go on to London for the UK Final of the competition.

MacMillan Coffee Morning Romanian Shoe Box Appeal £400 On October 11th, St John’s Academy This year pupils of St John's RC Academy, Raised held its annual MacMillan Coffee Perth, have come together once again to fill Morning, and yet again it was a huge shoe boxes for the orphans in Romania. The success. Over £400 was raised for a school has sent 26 large boxes to children in great cause, through the coffee hospital, local orphanages and families morning over interval, the raffle and supported by The Mercy Project in Romania. selling cakes over lunchtime. We The boxes have been sent with donations of would like to thank everyone who nappies, clothes, toys, knitted donated, cash or cakes, as well as goods, blankets and a variety of Mrs Sandilands and Mrs Golder for Christmas gifts. £1500 arranging the event, and to all the Raised sixth year pupils who volunteered, Pupils and Staff of St John’s RC setting up, serving and clearing up. Academy have also raised money to support The Mercy Project and to pay for the transportation of the gifts. To raise money, the school came t ogether through fundraising activities including a Hi-Viz Day fancy dress, games night, sponsored Recently, both the primary and silence, a kitchen raffle, events in the secondary school took part in English Department and also in our local 'Hi-Viz Day' to promote safety parish youth group, raising an incredible whilst cycling. The event, which total of £1500. took place on the 13th of -Laura Hutchison November, involved pupils wearing brightly coloured clothing to demonstrate the importance of being seen whilst out and about. Now that winter is in full swing and the evenings are getting darker earlier, it is crucial to stay safe when cycling or walking to or from school. - David Morgan Primary 5 New website -

Bucket Appeal

Kimberly Vasquez, S6 pupil of St John’s RC Academy, Perth and parishioner of St John’s, reflects on Typoon Haiyan’s impact on her own community:

When Typhoon Haiyan (called Yolanda in the Philippines) struck my home country on Friday, November 8, I couldn’t help but worry about family members back home. It was so devastating to know, through news reports, that many Filipinos lost their lives, loved ones and property.

Some family members of the Filipino-British community studying in St John’s RC Academy as well as former students were directly affected by their horrifying stories as we managed to get in touch with our loved ones. It was so heartening to hear their epic tales of struggles and survival while Typhoon Haiyan was making its presence felt in the Philippines’ archipelago.

“epic tales of struggles and survival” However, we never felt alone and helpless about this recent test of faith in God and the resiliency of our Filipino brothers and sisters. Teachers and staff members of St John’s RC Academy (as well as Fr. Tom and parishioners in St John’s, Perth) showed genuine concern and overwhelming love whenever they chanced upon us either along the school corridors or in Church.

St John’s RC Academy launched a “Bucket Appeal” on November 19, during tutor group and breaks. Pupils throughout the nursery, primary and secondary joined in by donating bags of pennies, loose change and pocket money and raised £700 for SCIAF’s Emergency Appeal for victims of Typhoon Haiyan.

Pupils and staff also celebrated a special mass led by Fr. Colin at lunch time to pray for the people of the Philippines.

We are very pleased that our community here in Scotland have been so kind and have reached out to our community in the Philippines at this time of desperate need. £700 Raised “We are very pleased that our community here in Scotland have been so kind” New website -

Spirit of Youth Award Abbie Scrimgeour Congratulations to all our St John’s RC Academy award winners and nominees! Overall Winner It was great to see so many individuals and groups being recognised for their hard work, commitments, volunteering and personal achievements. Well done to: Ÿ Abbie Scrimgeour (pictured) Ÿ Morgan Oates and Eve Barnett (winner) – Individual Sporting Achievement Award, 12-15yrs. Ÿ Abbie Scrimgeour (winners) – Individual Award for Heath & Wellbeing, 12-15yrs. Ÿ Shanagh Campbell – Individual Community Involvement Award, 16-25yrs. Ÿ S3 Silversurfers (winner) – Active Citizen Group Award. Ÿ Sports Comprehensive S1/2 S3/4 – Sporting Achievement Group Award. Ÿ Tobacco and Safe Choices (winner) – Health & Wellbeing Group Award. Winners Ÿ St John’s RC Academy S1 Buddies and St John’s RC Academy Rights Respecting Schools Group (winner) – Best Secondary Group Award. Overall Award Winner Abbie Scrimgeour is one of our S2 pupils. She is a Young Carer for her two younger brothers who both have autism. Despite being so young, Abbie is a remarkable girl as she has played an important role in highlighting the work of a Young Carer and the daily challenges she faces. Abbie has given presentations to health groups, local GPs and PKAVS. She even appeared on television when she was interviewed by Reporting Scotland. However, Shanagh the biggest challenge was to give a presentation to her peers during Campbell assembly. Abbie was not daunted by this at all; supported by Raymond Jamieson (PKAVS) she spoke about her daily routine as a Young Carer for her brothers. Abbie was very positive about the role she plays at home. She told her peers that she doesn’t have some of the opportunities that they may take for granted such as spending time with friends after school or at the weekend because of her Young Carer commitments. She also highlighted the fact that she is often very tired in school due to being kept awake at night by her brothers. Morgan “clear commitment to raising awareness Oates about the role of Young Carers” However, the school has made arrangements for Abbie to have a sleep to re-charge her batteries when necessary. Abbie uses this wisely; she goes to the room, has a sleep, then takes herself back to class to carry on with her lessons. Our school community is extremely proud of Abbie and celebrated her recent success in winning the overall Spirit of Youth Award. Abbie was presented with the award by the Depute Lord Provost, Bob Band, who commented on “her clear commitment to raising awareness about the Eve role of Young Carers”. Abbie also won the Spirit of Youth Award for her Barnett contribution to Health and Wellbeing. Abbie’s interview on ReportingInfo: Scotland can be viewed online on: Former pupil’s success

Perth College student, Natalia Konopka, was the winner of the Community Involvement (16-25 year olds) award at the Spirit of Youth in Perth Concert Hall on Friday evening (29th November).

In a ceremony recognising the efforts of some of Perth and Kinross’ most determined and committed young volunteers, 20 year old Natalia collected the award for her work with young people as well as with the wider Polish community in the city.

A former pupil at St John’s RC Academy, Natalia was invited in to become a leader with the Perth Catholic Youth Project which supports all three local Catholic parishes, successfully helping to integrate Polish and localInfo: young people. It was community link worker Dorota Marciniec who nominated Natalia for the award.

Says Dorota, “Natalia has generously given her time and effort to serving others. She has had to overcome a lot of personal hardship but continues to demonstrate a strong spirit. On arrival in Scotland from Rawicz, Poland in 2009, Natalia spoke very little English but went on to gain success in Technological Studies at school, continuing her studies at Dundee College and is now studying for her HND in Visual Communications at Perth College.”

“Through her voluntary work in the youth project Natalia has worked hard to learn the language of her adopted country. Her talents are put to good use within the Polish community where appointments with banks, doctors, dentists and solictors needed her interpretation skills.”

Best School Group

Our Rights Respecting School committee for primary and secondary have just won the Spirit of Youth Award for best school group. This was a fantastic achievement and will hopefully provide us with a platform to build on when we go for our level 1 accreditation for the Rights Respecting School Award next year. Well done to all involved! New website -

Social Subjects News... Criminology lecture

Our Advanced Higher Modern Studies pupils recently visited Glasgow to attend a Criminology lecture. Pupils from Perth City Campus had the opportunity to listen to various experts from across the UK discussing key elements of our criminal law system. The day was a great success and in particular the pupils thoroughly enjoyed the final talk provided by Noel 'Razor' Smith, an ex-bank robber and now journalist. The day was a great success and all pupils gained valuable knowledge which will help with their Advanced Higher coursework.

Home Economics News....

The Home Economics department have resumed the chef club that was started last session. Pupils in S1 - S3 have made a selection of items including Italian pasta and chocolate chip cookies. They also had an opportunity to design a new flavour of scone and Ethan Longhorn (S1) tried out his "Chocolate Scones" at the primary 7 parents’ information evening.

Family Mass

S 4 and S 5/6 Hospitality class produced a variety of F air-trade baking which was served at the F amily Mass earlier in the session. T his activity contributed towards our Rights Respecting S chool S tatus by encouraging the pupils to think about A rticle 24 " Y ou have the right to good quality health care and to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that you can stay healthy. Rich countries must help poorer countries achieve this." T hey discussed how using F air-trade products helps to meet the rights of children in other countries and considered their own role in helping other children achieve these rights. Science News... ChemBus

S1 took part in hands-on activities when ChemBus visited the school. ChemBus is run by St Andrew’s University and takes chemistry experiments and demonstrations designed for S1 and S2 pupils out to schools. The activities included making invisible inks, gold coins and slime. S2 had a similar experience when Abertay Contemporary Science Road Show visited. They got the chance to try out a series of experiments linked to biology, chemistry and forensic science. The pupils found out how scientists test athletes for performance-en- hancing drugs, how exercise affects the body, and how the police can use forensic science to identify a criminal.

STEM speakers As part of the National Physics and Biology courses STEM speakers were invited to give specialist presentations. Pupils were engaged by these talks from experts in their respective fields of Science and took the opportunity to have their questions answered.


Perth City Campus

As part of Perth City Campus the department are delivering AH Biology for students coming from the other Perth City schools. The class delivered presentations to peers and members of staff, including senior management, to demonstrate their knowledge of a curricular area. Outdoor Education News...

Surrounded as it is by the most beautiful countryside you might find anywhere in the world, St John’s RC Academy’s appointment of Miss Eleanor Brown as an Outdoor Education Instructor has turned out to be the “My determination perfect match. Miss Brown’s previous got me to the top experience included working with children on residential courses. Most recently, before her of the hill” appointment to St John’s RC Academy, Eleanor was involved with setting up a Pupils, staff and parents were able to get programme of activities for children with a flavour of the fun when the pupils gave a severe and complex additional needs at presentation of their experiences, at the school. Falkirk’s Carrongrange School. Another bonus of the new appointment has Eleanor says that she particularly enjoys been that the Duke of Edinburgh’s Silver Award working in schools: “Every day is so is now a timetabled subject in the school. different, and it is especially rewarding to Although most of the work is done in their own watch young people grow in confidence”. time, pupils are able to complete a Bronze National Navigation Award and a John Muir Two S2 groups were among the first to Award in school time. benefit from the enhanced curriculum experiences now on offer. This year 12 “There is a great deal of excitement about the pupils gained a John Muir Award by school’s renewed support for the Duke of kayaking, canoeing, hillwalking, biking and Edinburgh’s Award Scheme,” said Miss Brown. developing bush craft skills. “It has remained popular with young people for over 50 years and this year about thirty S3 “The John Muir Award is an environmental pupils have begun the Bronze Award, promising award scheme focusing on the wild places,” well for the future.” explains Miss Brown. “It involves a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration.” Working closely with the Support for Pupils department and the PE department, Miss Brown is supported by Ruth Wallace who works as a young Modern Apprentice. Ruth has “Gorge Walking gained experience working in many aspects of is learning the school’s work with pupils: providing training for the senior prefect leadership team, about trust” enhanced curriculum programmes, the Dynamic Youth Award in S1 and the P7 teambuilding and leadership course.

“It was an experience that’ll change me”

“it’s easy to get a feeling of accomplishment” Megan Black Memorial Netball Game

A mention must be made of the Seniors vs Staff netball match on the last day of term in October in memory of former pupil Megan Black. The match was watched by staff and pupils of all ages, and was enjoyed by all. Although the Seniors suffered a heavy defeat, their competitive edge may just show through in the rematch they have demanded. The event was a huge success, raising money for Megan’s memorial garden and allowing staff and pupils to have fun in her memory, as well. -Ross Gardiner

School Uniform Reminder

SECONDARY Ÿ Black dress trousers or skirt Ÿ A white school shirt Ÿ A plain black jumper which allows the school tie to be seen Ÿ A school tie for pupils S1-3 Ÿ A senior tie for pupils S4-6 Ÿ Plain black shoes or trainers with black laces Ÿ A school blazer is compulsory for S4/5/6 pupils but optional for pupils in S1-S3 Ÿ The PE kit is a plain white t-shirt/ polo shirt, dark shorts and trainers

PRIMARY Ÿ Black dress trousers or skirt Ÿ A white school shirt Ÿ A plain (or school branded) grey jumper/cardigan which allows the school tie to be seen Ÿ A school tie Ÿ Plain black shoes or trainers with black laces Ÿ Purple and white summer dress during summer months Ÿ Purple or black school branded jackets are available Ÿ The PE kit is a plain white t-shirt/ polo shirt, dark shorts and trainers

I would also like to remind parents that the following items of clothing are NOT acceptable to our dress code and so should not be worn to school – jeans, tracksuit bottoms (except for PE), white trainers (except for PE), football tops, tops with offensive slogans, low-cut tops, large hoop earrings, large necklaces, facial piercing jewellery, brightly coloured shoes, scarves, basketball style boots (converse), leggings, lace jumpers/tops, leather or denim jacket.

School uniform can be purchased from Academy Uniforms, Tel: 01355 244 879 or . School ties can be purchased from the school office.

“We are very proud of our school uniform and appreciate your support in ensuring children wear it.” Feast of St Nicholas

Families were invited to take part in a series of craft workshops making festive decorations. Drawing together children and their parents, some who have very recently arrived in Scotland, they had a chance to meet and share skills, traditions and culture. Slovak and Polish parents taught the participants how to make imaginative Christmas decorations from inexpensive materials like twisted aluminium foil and a washing peg or bake traditional Christmas biscuits.

People of four nationalities took part and produced some lovely pieces. They were so engrossed in their creative work that the time passed really quickly. A final workshop celebrated the Feast of St Nicholas on Thursday 6th December. St Nicholas' Day is significant to many European countries for spiritual and cultural reasons. Biscuits in the shape of the great saint were baked and decorated with support of experienced bakers. Tips and ideas were exchanged. Some comments: “It was fun and I enjoyed spending quality time with my child!” “I liked putting the icing on the biscuits.”

Polish GCSE

Another first for St John’s This week sees the start of a new venture for over 30 of the Polish students who attend St John’s RC Academy in Perth. For the first time they are able to study for a GCSE in their own language. Mrs Audrey May, Headteacher of St W tym tygodniu rozpoczęliśmy zajęcia John’s Academy, has secured support from Mrs przygotowujące do egzaminu GCSE z Wioletta Hass-Lipinska, headteacher of the języka polskiego jako języka obcego. Jest Polish Saturday school, who will teach and to nowa inicjatywa skierowana do polskich support the pupils through to sitting their GCSE uczniów uczęszczajacych do St. John's next summer. The pupils are so excited by this Academy. Dzięki wspόłpracy dyr.St.John's opportunity that they are happy to attend for Academy Mrs.Audrey May i dyr.Polskiej these classes in the evening at St John’s. This Szkoły Sobotniej w Perth p.Wioletty Hass opportunity has been extended to Polish ­Lipińskej udało się zrealizować to students in other Perth secondary schools and przedsięwzięcie. Zajęcia przygotowujące do 8 have already taken up the opportunity. w/w egzaminu odbywają w każdy czwartek o godz.16.00 i 17.30. For more information please call 07547365353 Możliwość przygotowania się i przystąpienia do tego egzaminu daje uczniom okazję do podniesienia kwalifikacji i dodatkowe punkty w ogόlnych wynikach nauczania. Oferta jest skierowana do wszystkich uczniόw szkόł średnich znajdujących się na terenie Perth & Kinross. W celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji prosimy o kontakt tel.07547365353 Art and Design News...

S2 pupils have been working on a Rights Respecting Banner within the Art Department. Big thanks to:

Eilidh McKenzie Dio Paderog Weronika Bernat Lynsey Davidson Sean Montilla Ann Fernandez Gina Grossi for all their hard work and contributions.

Christmas Card Competition

The School Christmas Card Competition is now in its second year. Pupils worked at home, in Tutor Groups, in the Art Department and produced some fantastic work. All year groups contributed. Some super work did not make the final cut as pupils missed the hand in date but the best of these will be on show outside the office in the run up to the Christmas break. Mrs May will be giving out prizes to the winners at a future assembly.

Lauren Ferrier S6

Maja Mlynarczyk S5

Brajan Barszczynski S2 Winners 2013

“on show outside the office”

Miranda Hutton S2 Lucia McLaren S3 “I think the best things about Animal Magic were when we sanded and measured things.” Design, Engineering & Technology News... Charleen McKay 1.7

S1 pupils have been designing and making their Animal Magic pencil holders this term. The project is designed to develop confidence, numercy, creative thinking and to let pupils see there are alternative ways of communicating ideas through sketching and modelling.

“I enjoyed drilling the holes for the pencils. It was great fun and a fantastic experience.” Szymon Klus and Jeffery the pig.

“I really enjoyed using the machines. I felt a bit nervous using them at the start but now I’m confident with the tools and machines.” Katie Menzies 1.7

“I really enjoyed making my wooden penguin and using the different machines. It has been a very enjoyable and unforgettable term.” Lyall MacDonald 1.7

“I think the best thing about Animal Magic was getting to use the machines and doing it by ourselves.” Lauren Corcoran and Geoffrey the giraffe 1.7 “I enjoyed cutting out Stu’s limbs with the Fret Saw and I was amazed at how all the animals worked. I now feel confident at using equipment in the wood workshop.”

Col Young and Stu the stag - don’t talk about the hunting accident!

“I really enjoyed Animal Magic because we got to be very creative with our animals.” Jodie Cameron 1.7

Romanian Project

As part of their National 4/5 Graphic Communication Course this year pupils, have redesigned certificates to help raise funds for The Sisters of Mercy Romanian Project.

- Steven Netherington

Brodie Smith -

- Anna Suchanek Senior PE Baton Twirling - Senior PE on a Friday afternoon has taken on new activities to help meet the needs PE News... of all the pupils. Shanagh Campbell has run a very successful Baton Twirling class this term which has been a new experience for the participating pupils. Great to see such variety. Well done and thanks to Shanagh for her dedication.

Girls’ Football Team The girls have formed a great team together with the help of Mrs Marshall and Lauren McDonald. So far they are unbeaten having beaten Perth Grammar and Kinross in recent matches. There is a tournament coming up in the New Year and coach McDonald is hopeful of a trophy! This would be the first one for girls’ football in about 5 years! No pressure coach!

SCEN China Youth Summit at Gleneagles Tom Clark, Alex Ralston and Jennifer Mclaughlin recently attended a conference at Gleneagles golf resort. This was a celebration event on their return from a trip to Hong Kong in October this year. The pupils took part in a team marathon across Hong Kong and raised money for a local charity. It was a great experience for them and they are now sharing their experiences with other pupils in the school. Thanks to the parent council for their financial support

Gymnastics Our fantastic gymnastics team represented the school at the recent Perth and Kinross Championships. This was the first tournament that the girls had been involved in and they did themselves and the school proud. Thanks to Mrs Tomb and Morgan Oates for coaching the teams. They look great in their new leotards!

Senior pupils Mark Rimmer and Dale Murray show their leadership skills Refereeing Expertise by helping out with the girls’ football by using their refereeing expertise!

U/18 Select Football Team - Steven Jarvie, Dale Murray and Artur Brodlo have recently represented the authority in the Perthshire select football squad. They played games against Aberdeen and Fife and although were narrowly defeated in both games, performed exceptionally well. The coach of the team, Mr Boag, a teacher at Perth High, made a point of e-mailing the school to say how impressed he was with the boys’ attitude, effort and Perthshire select squad timekeeping throughout. Well done to you all! Jordana Dow P7 and Abigail Sharp P6 were both successful in being selected for the Perth U12 netball team, after attending trials on 1st December. They will begin training weekly with the team in the new year. Well done girls!

Spirit of Youth (Sport Comprehensive Rugby Team) - Pictured are some of the players from the S1/2 and S3/4 joint Sports Comprehensive Rugby team. They recently picked up a certificate at the annual Spirit of Youth awards in Perth Concert Hall for the continuing progress and success of the joint team. This sees pupils from St. John's and Perth Grammar working together in positive ways. Well done to all involved.

Maths Study Support Notice Board Remember that teachers are always available to help and support pupils to attain the best grade possible in their SQA exams, as well as in class assessments and prelims. The Maths department is offering pupils, from all year-groups, a number of study support opportunities during the week. Pupils should look out for displays around the maths department giving the days and times of study support sessions. Or ask a teacher in the maths department.

Study support sessions provide Maths Homework Requirements excellent opportunities for each pupil to obtain help and support, according to their particular Parents are reminded that all pupils receive needs, in an informal homework on a regular basis, written homework as atmosphere. Learn a few study well as MyMaths online homework tasks. It is tips, get valuable advice from expected that this homework will be completed and your teacher, practise some returned to class teachers when required. Pupils, and exam-type questions, parents, are reminded that homework consolidates complete homework tasks, classwork, and that better grades can be achieved revise for important exams, through a healthy attitude towards homework. assessments, prelims, etc. The completion of regular homework is a crucial part Pupils should take full of the learning process. Homework is not optional, if advantage of lunchtime pupils are to achieve to the best of their ability. tutorials and study support sessions that provide Further details or advice can be obtained from Mr. excellent opportunities for Barker in the mathematics department. concentrated support in mathematics.

S4 Parents’ Night Parents are reminded of the importanceth February. of The attending SQA exams the S4 for parents’ night on Tuesday 18 your child take place in May, the most important set of exami- nations yet for your child.

Teachers in the maths department can give pupils and parents expert advice on how to prepare thoroughly for these exams, For more information on information more For the new in order that pupils maximise their full potential in maths. Key Dates... Primary

Monday 6 January 2014 School resumes 9.00am Thursday 9 January 2014 P7A Show Racism the Red Card event Monday 13 January 2014 Parent Council Meeting – 7pm Sunday 19 January 2014 P2 Mass – St John’s Church – 11am Monday 20 January 2014 P5M Assembly 1.30pm Thursday 30 January 2014 P7J Show Racism the Rec Card Event Thursday 13 February 2014 P4 Sacramental Retreat Day Sunday 16 February 2014 Rite of Enrolment – St John’s Church 11am Wednesday 19 February 2014 School closed to pupils – In-Service Day Thursday 20 February 2014 Holiday – School closed Friday 21 February 2014 Holiday – School closed Monday 3 March 2014 P6 Assembly 1.30pm Tuesday 4 March 2014 Parents’ Evening 6.00-8.30pm Wednesday 5 March 2014 Ash Wednesday Thursday 6 March 2014 Parents’ Evening 4.00-6.30pm Thursday 13 March 2014 P3 Reconciliation – St John’s Church – 7pm Monday 17 March 2014 P1 Assembly – 1.30pm Monday 17 March 2014 Parent Council Meeting – 7pm Saturday 29 March 2014 Parent Council Eggstravaganza (tbc) Monday 31 March 2014 P4 Assembly 1.30pm Friday 4 April 2014 School closes for Easter holidays - 3.20pm Non uniform day £1


Monday 6 January 2014 School resumes 8.50am Monday 13 January 2014 S4 Assessment opportunities start Monday 13 January 2014 Parent Council Meeting – 7pm Tuesday 14 January 2014 S2 Female vaccinations – HPV mop up only Friday 17 January 2014 S4 Assessment opportunities finish Monday 20 January 2014 NQ Prelims start Tuesday 21 January 2014 Perth and Kinross Badminton championships S1-6 Wednesday 29 January 2014 NQ Prelims finish Thursday 6 February 2014 S2 full reports issued to parents. Tuesday 11 February 2014 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Thursday 13 February 2014 S2 Parents’ Information evening 5-6pm, parent night 6-8pm Thursday 13 February 2014 Immunisations S3/4/5/6 Td/IPV/MMR Tuesday 18 February 2014 S4/5 Parents’ Information evening 5-6pm, parents’ night 6-8pm Wednesday 19 February 2014 School closed to pupils – In-Service Day Thursday 20 February 2014 Holiday – School closed Friday 21 February 2014 Holiday – School closed Saturday 1 March 2014 Ski Trip leaves Tuesday 4 March 2014 S5/6 full report issued to parents Wednesday 5 March 2014 Ash Wednesday Thursday 6 March 2014 Vaccinations – S2 female – HPV Monday 10 March 2014 S5/6 Parents’ Reporting evening 6-8pm Tuesday 11 March 2014 Perth and Kinross schools cricket tournament S1-6 pupils Thursday 13 March 2014 S3 reports issued to parents Monday 17 March 2014 Parent Council Meeting – 7pm Wednesday 19 March 2014 S3 Parents’ Information evening 5-6pm, parents night 6-8pm Wednesday 19 March 2014 S3 NHS Drama tour 9.00-3.30pm Friday 4 April 2014 School closes for Easter holidays - 3.30pm Non uniform day £1