Five Deaths Occur Here Within Week
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••','ART~kRti PRESS i-npnlar B«br V»*ift SUPPORT YOUR Favorlt• Baby (NDS 8 P. M. NEXT WEDNESDAY ONLY SI X Mot* Dtyt Of fentett CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1940 PRICE THREB CBN1 FIVE DEATHS LIGHT' CUT IS SEOCCU1 R HEREBABY CONTEST IN LAST LAI BOROUGH TAX RATEWITHIN WEEK LEADERS IN EXCITING BATTL1 A.O.H. 38th Annual Dance Illustration Expects '40 Mrs. Hannah Carroll, Moth- Kashi Baby Again SPORT SHOW AIDS To Take Place March 16 The Leader-And A Co-Entrant fcvy To Be Under 1939's, er Of Late Pugilist, Dies To Top In New Ta DRIVE FOR FUNDS CARTERET — Tickets were Spoilsman Declarei placed on sale today for the thir- In Perth Amboy ty-eighth annual ball of Division Judges Announced Infantile Paralysis Cam- No. 7, Ancient Order of Hiber- nians, which will be held Saturday ,T is ATTRIBUTABLE paign Is Boosted By night, March 10, in G«nnan Hall. FACTORY EMPLOYE 18 RACE ENDS AT Boxing Exhibition Michael Mahoney is chairman of Rir.lD ECONOMIES arrangements, and is assisted by YEARS ALSO SUCCUMBS P. M. WEDNESDAY CARTERET The boxing exhi- the following committee i Postmast- bition staged at Carteret High er William F, Lawlor, Philip Poxc, jurtinn Anticipated Des- Michael Bradley, John- ^ffirlgp" Service* For .Cltyneot Jar Winner To Get $125 "SefcooT Tuesday nifcht by the CM*John Murphy, Jam«s O'Rourke Sharp Increase In toret Boys' Club for the benefit of, Dennis FitiOerald and Patrick dot, 68, Held Yesterday And Alto Uvinf Ct the Infantile Paralysis Fund at- Coomey, Mandatory Expenses tracted a large audience, The per- Music will be by a twelve piece At St. Joseph's Many Other Awards) orchestra, the Surf Club, and there formance featured two wrestling wttl ftlm' b* IiUh son«Mtvd ifcgn, , iii Holding strictly matches, seven boxing bouts and BULLETIN: Ju»t a* (kit i. CARTBRET—Five days to j ,,« of keeping local performances of sleight-of-hand •up went to prest it wa« learned the Popular Baby Contest, , ii,| cost to a minimum, hy Edward O'Hrlfen, local prestid- that Harold Hnwitt, son-in-law these list five days i tuition this week com- igitator now appearing profesalon,- of William TruiUum whote Shown above is Josepfc Arthur Kasha, nn of Pette* B*r|«««l for all donUatanti J • i.i til budget which In- HILAS funeral takes place tomorrow iilly. There were also exhibitions and Mrs. Daniel Kasha of upper Roosevelt Arenue, wfco now holds up votes for their final nfternoon, had died in Alexian ,, i•iinlinR to a spokesman, «f acrobatics and other profession- No. 1 position in the Popular Baby Context. The othtr picUir* la tho silver cup and ten cash i Brother!, Hospital, Elizabeth, : .niiiclion under 1939." al entertainment, 37TH ANNIVERSARY that of little Mui Elsa Marie Fleischmann, on«-year old daughter to be made nertt week. 1,1 i-ti>nt state, the bud- Mr. llawitt, an employe of tho of Mr. and Mrs. George Fleischmann of Frederick Strut. Elsa'i Tomorrow night , at 10 Samuel Kaplan was master of I'nr nn estimated nine- Local Couple Honored By Pennsylvania Railroad, had been father ia the band-inttructor at Carteret High Sekool. Htr posi- ends the second period for > .,,!?«' but the figures cm- ceremonies and Edward J. Cough- ill two weekt. He it survived by tion is now No. 16 on the contest honor roll, ing votea, and &a*t JK« :i ii ^imposition so far as !in, Jr., (Babe Coughlin) was Large Group of Friends; hii wife, Jennie, and two Mitert March 6, at 8 p, in. flie i iiimty requirements are chairman. and a brother. The funeral wilt closes. A certificate was presented the Gifts Are Presented take place Monday afternoon. ,.i, :u-f last year's. The LEGION OBSERVES Three leading citiiehs of club by the State Committee for EX-COP IS GIVEN ,. Mies for these purposes CATERET—Mr. and Mrs. An- CARTERET—Five deaths occur- Honor Roll borough have agreed to 1*1 the Relief of Infantile Paralysis I,, en -computed as yet, drew Hila, of 49 Fitch Street were red in Carterwt this week, those of judges in this final count. for its assistance. This perfor- CARTERET — With the race it ion already at hand given a surprise party by a group NINETY-DAY TERM 20TH ANNIVERSARY of Police Henry J. Bar Mrs. Hannah Carroll, mother of to select Carteret'g most popu- i IKI.MS for the belief that mance concludes the series of en- of their friends, in honor of their Harold D. Clifford of the the late boxer, Johnny Carroll; lar baby in its last lap, spirited ,i.. reduction in local tax- tertainments and benefits given thirty-seventh wedding, anniversa- National Dank in Carterst Clement Jardot, Samuel T. Bvit- Wisniewski Sent To Work- competition marked this week's All Ex-Official. Of Poit ,.• ••t'fccted, ihere to help this fund, for which ry The affair waa held at the St. Andrew J. Hila, Jr., of the L__, ton, William "Truatrum, and Stefan work among the supporters of \l,. •. IKIIK'C of the approximate Alfred Wohlgemuth and Frank Elias Hall. house For Failure To Auxiliary Honored At it Bank and Trust Corapany,J( Borys. the various entries. Herewith ' . onus only through the O'Brien were chairmen. •onduct the final count-nexl At the main table there was a Britton Services Support His Wife are the standing! of the contest- Banquet Saturday ,• iif rigid economy by large wedding cake and a banquet iiesday night, Results will Mr. Britton, whose home was at ants as of Wednesday night: i, ,.|>h W. Mittuch. It will of flowers and the other tables tabulated and winners ant 33 Wheeler Avenue, died Wedn'es- CARTERET — Alex Wisniew- Standing This Standing Pre- CARTERET—Past commanders i.'il in the face of the rc- MEMBERSHIP DRIVE were decorated with daffodils. A ski, who wns discharged from the in the issue of the Carteret ] 1 day in Perth Amboy Hospital after of Carteret Post, American Legion, :i MI tin: ten per cent sal- delicious supper was served after Count vlous Count of next Friday, March 8. long illness, His body was larterct Police force about fifteen and former presidents of the La- I'li-tion ucceptcd last year which singing and dancing were l....Joseph Kasha 1 awards will also be presented! brought to the Bizub Funeral years ago, was committed to the dies' Auxiliary, were honored Sat- i, iiiil employes and despite LAUNCHED BY ClUB enjoyed. The couple were present- 2....Edwina Urbanski 2 Home, 54 Wheeler Avenue, where workhouse for ninety days by Re- urday night at the banquet held in Friday. Details will be In the ! > imi' of $7,830 additional ed with a kitchen cabinet. Rev. Al- 3.. ..Joseph Farlacoski 6 the Service will be held tomorrow corder Michael Rcsko when he ap- No, 1 Fire Hall to mark the twen- of the Press that date. relief appropriation. exis Medvecsky was the master^ 4....Theresa Varomy 3 Camera Enthusiasts Seek- morning at 11:30 o'clock. Burial peared before him Friday night. tieth anniversary of the organiia- Contestants aree urged to] ih.-ic is an increase of ceremonies, E....Dorothy Mickla 4 will be in the family plot of Trin- Wisniewski waa sentenced for con- tion. Ovet 100 members and guests their votes in promptly for j| in in (he item for debt 6. ..Edward Wudiiki 8 ing To Increase Roster; The following^uests were pres- ity Cemetery, Bayville, N. J. tempt of court whnji he failed to ware present. last two counts, tomorrow ;i mutter over which the pay his estranged wife a stipulat- 7....EUanor Ann Poll 7 ent: Father and .Mrs. Medvecsky, Mr. Britton had lived in Carter- Fred Ruckriegel was toagtmas-, and next Wednesday, ^he i. iimiK'il has no control, Open To Everyone Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pallnchar ed sum for support of herself and 8....William Sebok*.: 9 et twenty-two years, during eigh- ter and speakers included: County of the count tomorrow will I put added requirements of Mr. and Mrs. Johj Ladanyi, Mr their children. 9....Gloria Lyuk '. 12 BY "CANDIl>" teen of which he waTs employed as Commander Albert Miller of Old-ed outaide this office as ii; m the reserve account and Mrs, John Sersun, Mr. and 10....Robext Abaray < 6 a carpenter for the UnitedJJtates Isadoro Cohen, who was fined brtdgeY Department Vice Coro- the votes are recorded, 'olli'dnl taxes, U....Martin Mhrue 13 end tha second period. it , interesting to not* a( this •WEtr* th« four pr«i m 13.. .Frantis Plwong ... ..,,,.....j0 bridge; County Vice Commanders mi tihtt ihe total reserve for un- tipn on a New York drivers license, t Joseph Kasha, Edwin* n! ta 14 ..Arlyne O'Donnell...,., 14 Albert. Roft and Carl Rosa; the M in Carteret under | interested in photography are in- Mary Torok. member of Carteret was fined ?15 for a similar viola- Joseph ParlacoRki TttA' "Cas"/"'aoKh BasiHaaias LawLow" iui sI , . , Patgy Johnson 17 Department President, Mrs, Au- vited to join. You don t have to Nicholas Kunak.jMrs. Mary Lau Lodge No. 267, I. 0. O. F., and tion. Veromy are all close in ! This is another Y d h t Elsa Marie Fleischmann .16 gust Braun of Irvington; Mayor ra, Mr. and Mrs. ^Charles Stroin the American Mechanics Council Michal Kowal, of 11 Lafayette strength, others on the ho .Miii'h is mandatory and over be1 abne export]ttA; an toyM fellop yowu membewit h y0UIr ..Lauretta English 18 Jo«(|ph W: Mittuch, Chief of Pp- still have a fine chance U Mrs.