Censura Literaria
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HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY CENSURA LITERARIA. VOLUME IV. Singula lcetus Exquiritque auditque virum monomenta priorum. Yiaau> ■UUlap AMD FARLBT, *4l»»<r Strut, Lmkm. CENSURA LITERARIA. CONTAINING TITLES, ABSTRACTS, OPINIONS OLD ENGLISH BOOKS, ORIGINAL DISQUISITIONS, ARTICLES OF BIOGRAPHY, AND OTHER LITERARY ANTIQUITIES. BY SIR EGERTON BRYDGES, Bart. K. J. M. P. SECOND EDITION. WITH THE ARTICLES CLASSED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER UNDER THEIR SEPARATE HEADS. VOLUME IV. ILonboti : PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERXOSTBR.ROW. 1815. /0&S7.3O) '. ; r I I . \ARY J TABLE OF CONTENTS TO VOLUME IV. HISTORY. Art. Pace 255 Caxton's Recuyell of the Historye of Troye, 1471.. 1 256 Seige and Conquest of Iherusalem, 1481.. 2 257 Froissart's Chronicle, by Lord Berners, 1525 3 258 by Johnes, 1803-4 5 259 Nicholas's Conquest of New Spain, 1578 35 260 Old Spanish Historians of Mexico 43 261 Gage's Survey of the West (ndias, 1655 53 262 in French, 1695 55 263 A. Cope's History of Annibal and Scipio, 1544 59 264 J. Proctor's History of Wyat's Rebellion, 1555 60 265 R. Ascham's Report of the Affairs of Germany, 1552 63 266 Les grandes Annalles de la Grand Bretaigne, 1541.. 65 267 Newton's History of the Saracens, 1575 67 268 Letters from Venice on the Victory over the Turks, 1571 72 269 The whole Discourse of the Victory over the Turks ib. 270 Letter of J. B. on peopling the Ardes, 1572 75 271 Churchyard's Wars in Flanders, 1578 89 272 Stockar's Wars in Flanders, 1583 95 273 Doleman's Conference, 1594 97 274 Answer to Doleman, 1600 121 vol. ir. b ti CONTENTS. Art. Pao» 875 Victories of the French oyer the Rebels, 1589 128 276 French King's Declaration, 1589 131 277 Discoverer of France to the Parisians, 1590 132 278 Occurrences of the Army at Paris, 1590 ib. 279 Underdowne's History of Heliodorus, 1605 133 280 Verstegan's Restitution of decayed Intelligence, 1605 ib. 2S1 Hayward's Lives of Norman Kings, 1013 134 282 Percy and Catesby's Prosopopeia, 1606 136 283 Sir Walter Raleigh's Demeanor, 1618 137 284 News of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1618 ib. 285 The Court of James I. 1620 139 286 Duschesne's Scriptores Normanni, 1619 142 287 Maseres's Emma; Encomium, &c. 1783 14T 288 Vicars's Parliamentary Chronicle, 1644, 1646 151 289 N.Bacon's Historical Discourse, 1647.. 160 290 Weldon's Court of King James I. 1650 162 291 Sanderson's Aulicus Coquinarite, 1650 163 292 Osborne's Memorials, 1658 ib. 293 Warwick's Memoirs ib. 294 Sir T. Herbert's Memoirs, 1702 164 295 Roger Coke's Detection, 17 19 170 296 Welwood's Memoirs, 1700 ib. 297 Jones's Secret History of Whitehall. ib. 298 Walker's History of Independency, 1661 171 299 Blount's Boscobel, 1651 17 6 800 Idol of Clownes, 1654 178 301 Cecil's Secret Correspondence with K. James I. 17 66 179 302 Nauntoa's Fragmenta Regalia, 1641 193 303 Fuller's Worthies, 1662 194 304 Lloyd's State Worthies, 1670 ib. 305 Winstanley's Worthies, 1684 ib. 806 Carter's Kentish Expedition, 1650 19T 307 Wisheart's Affaires in Scotland, 1649 199 308 Lord North's Narrative of Passages in the Long Par liament, 1670 801 309 Letters of Sir William Temple, 1700, 1701 »b. CONTENTS. tli Art. Pagk 310 Letters of the Earl of Arlington, 1701 203 311 Fragmenta Aulica, by T. S. 1662 205 312 Reresby's Memoirs, 1734 209 313 Roll of Battle Abbey examined 219 314 Overbury's Observations on the United Provinces, 1651 249 315 Philipot's Catalogu eof the Knights made by James I. 1660 ... t59 316 Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, 1714 ib. 317 Commines's History, by Danett, 1674 251 318 Anglorum Speculum, or, Worthies of England, 1684 254 319 Mariana's History, by Stevens, 1699 255 320 Destruction of Troy, 11th Edit. 1684 257 321 Rex Platonicus ab Isaaco Wake, 1663 268 322 Kennet's Historical Register, 1728 260 323 Parochial Antiquities, 1695 263 324 Mrs. Scott's History of Gustavus Ericson, 1761.... 265 325 Northern Memoirs by R. Frank, 1694 ~ 270 326 G.Bridges's Memoirs of the Duke of Rohan, 1660.. 278 BIOGRAPHY. 327 Gall's Virorum Doctorum Effigies, 1572 278 328 Holland's Heroologia Anglica, 1620 279 329 Fuller's Abel Redivivus, 1651 285 330 Lord Brook's Life of Sir Philip Sidney, 1652 288 331 Cavendish's Life of Cardinal Wolsey, 1641, 1667, &c. 289 332 Mrs. Scott's Life of Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne, 1772 290 333 Lawrence's Nicholsii Vita, 1780 302 334 Forbes's Life of Beattie, 1806 316 335 Wooll's Life of Dr. J. Warton, 1806 340 336 Mrs. Hutchinson's Life of Col. Hutchinson, 1806... 356 337 Watson's Memoirs of the Warrens, Earls of Surrey, 1776 388 338 Ditto 1782 389 Viii CONTENTS. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Art. Page 339 Hakluyt's Voyages, 1598 403 340 Purchas's Pilgrimage, 1613-1626 404 341 English Collection of Voyages 410 342 Frezier's Voyage to the South Sea, 1727 413 343 SirE. Sandys's Europa? Speculum, 1637 416 344 G. Sandys's Travels, 1627 420 345 Blount's Voyage to the Levant, 1638 427 346 Gage's Survey of the West Indies, 1648 432 347 Journey from Honduras to the South Sea, 1735.... ib. CENSURA LITERARIA. HISTORY. Art. CCLV. The Recuyell of the History s of Troye : composed and drawen out ofdyverce Bookes of Latin into Frenshe, by the right venerable Per- sone and worshipfull Man Raoul le Feure, Freest, and Chapelayn unto the ryght noble, gloryous, and mighty Prince in his Tyme, Philip Due of Bur- goyne, of Brabant, Sfc. in the Yere 1464, and trans lated and drawen out of Frenshe into Englishe ; by Willyam Caxton, Mercer of the Cyte of Lon don, at the comaundment of the ryght, hygh, mighty, and vertuouse Princesse, his redoubtyd Lady Margarete, Duchesse of Burgoyne, 8fc. whiche said Translation and Werke was begonne in Brugis, Sfc. the first of March, 1468, and ended in the Holy Cyte of Colen, 19 Sept. 1471. This is generally understood to be the first book printed by Caxton; though an ingenious and learned gentleman has argued for the probability of his having before printed the original, viz. " Le Recueil des His tories de Troyes." Caxton, having printed this abroad, did not import the art itself till he returned to England a year or two afterwards He concludes in the Colo phon of this book with the following words : " For- VOL. IV. B 2 asmoche as age creepeth on me daily, and febleth all the bodye, and also because I have promysid diverce gentilmen, and to my frendes, to address to hem, as hastely as I might, this said book, therefore I have practysed and lerned, at my grete charge and dispence, to ordeyne this sayde book in prynte, after the manner and forme as ye may here see, and is not wreton with penne and ynke, as other bokes ben, to thende that all men may have them attones; for all the bookes of this storye, named the Recule of the Historeys of Troyes, thus enprynted, as ye here see, were begonne in oon day, and also fynyshid in oon day," &c* Art. CCLV1. The Seige and Conquest of Iherusa- lem,with many other Hystoryes therein comprysed: and of the Meseases of the Cristen Men in the Holy Londe; and of their Releef Sfc. and how Godeffroy of Boloyne was first Kyng of the Latyns in that Royamme ; and of his Deth. Translated and reduced out of Frenske into Englyshe, by me symple Persone Wylliam Caxton. Emprynted in thAbbay of Westmester, xx of Novembrejr 1481. " The end (or design) of this performance, Caxton tells us in his Colophon, was, that every Christian man may be the better encouraged to enterprise war for the defence of Christendom, and to recover the said city of Jerusalem, in which our Saviour sufFred death, &c. Also, that Christians might go thither * See Bib. Har. III. 193. Herbert's Typ. 1. 2. f See Herbert, I. 35. 3 in pilgrimage, with strong hand, to expel the Turks and Saracens out of the same, that our Lord might be there served, &c. Matter of fact appears to have been the chief pursuit of the author in this history ; and, though some " mervallous workes" do occur in it ; ye it seems not so over-run with romance, as some other histories of this age and subject are. Our translator says he presents this book to King Edward IV. which very presentation-book was sold in the auction of Mr. Rich. Smith's library in 1682. It was much read by our old warriors.* Art. CCLVII. " Here begynnith the firste volum of Sir John Froissart, of the Crony cles of Eng- lande, Fraunce, Spayne, Porlyngale, Scotlande, Bretaine, Flounders : and other places adjoynynge. Translated oute of Frenche into our materalft Englyshe tongue, by John Rouefuer Knyghte, LordBerners : at the com aundement of our e moste hyghe redoubted soveragyne Lorde Kynge Henry the Eyghth Kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and lrelande, defendourof the faith: and of the church of Englande, and also of lrelande, in earth the su preme heade." On the back of the title are the King's arms. Next follows u The Preface of John Bouchier Knight, Lord Berners, translatour of this present cronicle," which fills one leaf ; at the bottom of the second side of which is " Thus ended the preface of Syr John Bouchier * Bibl. Harl. III. 193. f Sic.