The Story Laugh hy Laugh

The city slicker () goes to the country looking for an easy living. His atten¬ tion is attracted to Tillie Banks (MARIE DRESS- LER) as he passes by her father’s farm where she is hard at work in the vegetable garden.

Tillie’s father () is very indig¬ nant when he finds Tillie talking with Charlie be¬ cause he sees that she is quite infatuated with this stranger. Charlie has little difficulty in persuading Tillie to run away from home and hard work—but not without her life’s savings.

Dazzled hy the Bright Lights Upon their arrival in the city, Charlie and Tillie proceed to enjoy the sights and in so doing they come upon Mabel (MABEL NORM AND) Charlie’s girl friend, in a nigbt club. Mabel is indignant with Charlie until he explains that his interest is just Tillie’s money, spending what he can’t latch onto. A few moments later, Charlie, seeing that Tillie’s attention is directed elsewhere, seizes an opportun¬ ity to abscond with all of her money. Mabel and Charlie leave the cafe unnoticed by Tillie who is in a hilarious mood after a bit of champagne. She is arrested for non-payment of the check. In the meantime, Mabel and Charlie proceed to spend Tillie’s money, outfitting themselves in new clothes and treating themselves to a movie.

In Dire Jeopardy Back in the police station, Tillie is being ques¬ tioned by the Desk Sergeant as to her identity. The Desk Sergeant refuses to believe Tillie when she tells him she is the niece of Mr. Money Banks, multi-millionaire and prominent local citizen. When her identity is proven to be correct, Tillie is im- mediately released and taken to her uncle’s home by the authorities. Her uncle insists upon her re¬ turning to the farm and her father, but Tillie in¬ stead gets a job as a waitress. In the meantime, Tillie’s uncle leaves for a vaca¬ tion in the mountains to avoid further embarass- ment at the hands of Tillie. At the mountain resort Uncle slips from the top of a ledge and is thought to have been killed, Charlie reads the news story of the reported death, which winds up by listing Tillie as sole beir to the millionaire. Charlie hurries back to Tillie in the restaurant and upon bended knee begs forgiveness and vows his undying love for Tillie. She is overcome with Charlie’s display of devotion and hurries off with him to be married.

The Villainess Returns Tillie and Charlie now proceed to take over her uncle’s big estate and give a ball for the elite of the town as their introduction into high society. Mabel learns of Charlie’s marriage to Tillie and applies for a position as maid for the night of the ball. When Tillie discovers Charlie in the arms of Mabel, she attempts to take them in hand. However, during the confusion, the uncle, who was rescued by guides at the bottom of a cavern, returns home and throws out all the guests. Charlie and Mabel are pursued by Tillie. She finally catches up with them on the ocean pier. The join with rowboats, motorboats and motorcars in a chase which also involves the res¬ cuing of Tillie who has been pushed overboard in the melee. But finally both Mable and Tillie realize that Charlie is not for either one of them and he is taken away by the cops.

The Credits

Charlie Chaplin in ’s “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” with Marie Dressier, , Charlie Chase, , , , Ed¬ die Sutherland, , Charlie Murray, , Mack Swain and featur¬ ing The Original Keystone Cops. An Eagle Lions Films Re-release. Custard Pie Tossing Comical ‘Tillie’s Romance’ Introduced to Filins Features Charlie Chaplin

♦ “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” Via ‘Tillie’s Romance' is a famous motion picture—any contrary-minded readers pray What’s so funny about a beau¬ Famed Comedienne consider these facts: tifully dressed woman being hit 1. “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ in the face by a custard pie? mance” was the first full- Nobody knows the psychologi¬ Marie Dressier Star length comedy produced cal explanation but the fact re¬ by laughmaster Mack mains that the custard pie is Sennett. probably the funniest comedy 2. “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ “prop” ever devised by the in¬ Of ‘Tillie’s Romance’ mance” started Charlie spired laughmasters of the Mack Anybody reading this who is Chaplin on the road to Sennett movie era. under thirty probably won’t re¬ film fame. Custard pies have gotten more member Marie Dressier—but just 3. “Tiilie’s Punctured Ro¬ laughs than the traditional bar¬ ask the older folks and they will mance” started Marie rel of monkeys. And now the pic¬ tell you that she was one of the Dressier on the road to ture which started the gooey con¬ most delightful and unusual film fame. fections on the way to laughter’s screen comediennes. 4. “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ Hall of Fame, Sennett’s “Tillie’s Miss Dressier is chiefly famed mance” introduced cus¬ Punctured Romance,” is return¬ for her Academy Award-winning tard pie tossing as a sure¬ ing in a new modernized version performance in “Min and Bill” fire laugh-getter. to the . Theatre starting and for her inspired portrayal of Local audiences will have a on . next. the immortal Tugboat Annie. chance to discover all this for Not only is “Tillie’s Punctured Now the picture which started themselves when a modern ver¬ Romance” immortal for its intro¬ Mat 2A her on the road to fame and for¬ sion of “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ duction of the custard pie but it Charlie Chaplin, Marie Dressier, the Keystone Cops and many tune, “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ mance” opens . at the also marked the first big success other top-notch of the Mack Sennett era are back again mance,” produced by Mack Sen¬ . Theatre. A special mu¬ of two of the greatest screen in “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” which will open . at the nett and co-starring Charlie sical soundtrack has been syn¬ names of all time—Charlie Chap¬ .Theatre, through Eagle Lion Films re-release. Chaplin is being re-presented chronized with the film which is lin and Marie Dressier, starting next . at the. .. being re-presented by Eagle Lion The original Keystone Cops are Theatre. Films. also on view in “Tillie’s Punctur¬ “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” In addition to Chaplin and Miss ed Romance” which has been Charlie Chaplin Still Rated which Eagle Lion Films is re¬ Dressier such Sennett notables as dressed-up with a new soundtrack presenting was Sennett’s first Mabel Normand, Charlie Chase, keyed to the laugh-a-minute pace full-length comedy and ushered Eddie Sutherland, Ford Sterling, of the comedy classic by Eagle in an era of motion pictures when Hank Mann, Edgar Kennedy, ‘Greatest Comie in World’ Lion Films. slapstick comedy was king and Mack Swain and the original Recently a group of young girls was invited to attend and Mack Sennett was the king¬ Keystone Cops are on view in maker. ‘Tillie’s Punctured Romance.” a showing of one of Charlie Chaplin’s earliest full-length Among other famed Sennett- comedies. The girls went expecting to be completely bored created stars in “Tillie’s Punc¬ by the “ancient” picture. But they came out raving over tured Romance,” which now has been modernized by the addition ‘Tillie’s Romance’ ^ the little guy whom they called “the greatest in of a musical background synchro¬ the world” (a sentiment shared4- nized with the film’s action, are by millions of others). Mabel Normand, Slim Summer¬ A Sennett ‘First’ The appeal of Charlie Chap¬ ville, Mack Swain, Charlie Chase, No producer in ever lin is one of the entertainment Picture That Bep Hank Mann, Edgar Kennedy and produced more pictures or cre¬ phenomena of all time. Chaplin the original Keystone Cops. ated more stars than Mack Sen¬ pictures without sound are still nett. playing in competition with, Chaplin’s Film Rise Sennett has more than 700 pic¬ and out-grossing, the newest tures to his credits and his list Tcchnicolcr productions. of star discoveries includes such Now the picture which started Is ‘Tie’s Romance’ ‘Tillie’s Romance’ names as Bing Crosby, W. C. Charlie on the road to fame and “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” Fields, Charlie Chaplin, Mary fortune, “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ opening at the. Theatre Pickford, Gloria Swanson, Carole mance,” has been re-edited, given on . next, is one of the Recalls Film Era Lombard and dozens more. a soundtrack which is integrated most important and interesting Charlie Chaplin, Marie Dress¬ First of Sennett’s full-length with the action and is to be pre¬ motion pictures ever made both ier, Mabel Normand, the Key¬ pictures which ushered in an en¬ sented via Eagle Lion Films lo¬ from the standpoint of those who stone Cops, Mack Sennett . . . tire screen era when comedy was cally starting . at the see films only to be entertained what memories those names con¬ king was “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ . Theatre. and those who view movies from jure up for millions of movie¬ mance,” being re-presented start¬ a critical standpoint, Many Top Names goers ! ing . at the . Theatre “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” They bring to life a whole via Eagle Lion Films. “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” I being brought back by Eagle Lion screen era when comedy was king “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” not only has Chaplin’s inimitable Films, is credited by screen his¬ and the whole world laughed at includes many of Sennett’s most drollery but also a group of the torians with having done more the hysterical antics of Sennett’s famous comedy personalities. It greatest talents ever developed in than any other single picture to celluloid maniacs. stars Charlie Chaplin and Marie motion pictures. It was produced launch the world-wide popularity Mat lA The first full-length Sennett Dressier. Other great names in by Mack Sennett the guiding of Charlie Chaplin. The inimitable Charlie Chaplin film which marked the real start¬ the cast include Mabel Normand, spirit of what Life Magazine has I In the picture Marie Dressier is back in another of his great ing point of this entire era was Charlie Chase, Slim Summerville,^ called “comedy’s greatest eraj’ j is co-starred as an ill-fated coun- comedies, in which he is starred “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” Hank Mann, Ford Sterling and^ Heading the lengthy list of I try matron who listens to the with Marie Dressier and a host of which has been completely mod¬ Edgar Kennedy. Also included famous personalities who appear I blandishments of the debonair other fun-makers. The picture, ernized by Eagle Lion Films for are the original Keystone Cops. along with Chaplin is Marie I Chaplin and flees with him to “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” its presentation starting . The picture has been completely Dressier, beloved star of the si¬ the wicked life of the city. There the.. at the . Theatre. modernized by the addition of a lent and early talkie days. Also both her happiness and her for¬ Theatre. Hollywood authorities recog¬ full-length musical score. in the cast are such memorable tune are endangered by the re¬ nize “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ names as Mabel Normand, Eddie appearance of Mabel Normand mance” .as .the picture .which Sutherland, Charlie Chase, Slim playing a slinky siren who had Chaplin Is Voted started both Chaplin and Miss Summerville Mack Swain, Edgar previously been Chaplin’s light- Dressier on the road to film fame. Kennedy and the irrepressible of-love. Keystone Coppers Best of All Time In the film Chaplin plays a Keystone Cops. Introduction of a new musical “confidence man” who beguiles background co-ordinated with the Recently a poll was conducted Miss Dressier and then is caught Return to Screen fast and furious action of “Til¬ to select the greatest male screen in his own web. Many of Sennett’s lie’s Punctured Romance” adds personality of all time and Char¬ The Keystone Cops in action famed funnymen are cast includ¬ much to the mirth of the picture. lie Chaplin was the overwhelm¬ are a synonym for complete in¬ ing Miss Normand, Eddie Suther¬ Coming Soon! “Tillie’s Punctured Romance” ing winner. What makes this sanity. land, Charlie Chase, Chester includes many of the stars who poll even more significant is that Their lunatic antics delighted Conklin, Charlie Murray, Ford The great comedy which intro¬ became world-wide favorites un¬ the voters were all veteran Holly- millions all over the world and Sterling, Hank Mann, Edgar duced custard pie tossing to a der the aegis of Mack Sennett. woodites — who have seen them carved them a lasting niche in Kennedy and Mack Swain. delighted world, “Tillie’s Punc¬ Among them are Eddie Suther¬ all come and go. the screen’s Hall of Fame. tured Romance,” produced by land, Charlie Chase, Slim Sum¬ The results are not surprising Now the buffoonery of the ori¬ Mack Sennett and starring Char¬ merville, Chester Conklin, Char¬ when it is considered that twen¬ ginal Keystone Cops is back on lie Chaplin and Marie Dressier, lie Murray, Ford Sterling, Hank ty year-old Chaplin silent com¬ the screen of the . Theatre opens next . at the . Mann, Edgar Kennedy, Mack edy “,” is currently Chaplin Starrer where they return starting .... Theatre. Swain and the original Keystone playing on Broadway and out- in “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” A complete musical score has Cops. grossing many of today’s Techni¬ To Open Here co-starring Charlie Chaplin and been written for the re-presenta¬ color specials. No one has ever Marie Dressier. tion of “Tillie's Punctured Ro¬ duplicated Chaplin’s appeal to In keeping with the belief that “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” mance” by Eagle Lion Films. The ‘Tillie’ Comes Back millions all over the world. a Charlie Chaplin comedy is al¬ first full-length comedy produced score is synchronized with the ac¬ “Tillie’s Punctured Romance,” The picture which started ways a welcome feature, the by the famed Mack Sennett has tion of the film and serves as starring Charles Chaplin with Chaplin on this unparalleled ca¬ Theatre has made ar¬ been completely revised for this background for the antics of Marie Dressier, Mabel Normand, reer, “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ rangements to show the new up- presentation by Eagle Lion Films. Chaplin, Miss Dressier, Mabel the Keystone Cops and a host of mance” which will open to-date sound synchronized ver¬ A new musical score has be^^ Normand, Chester Conklin, Slim other great comics of the Mack at the . through Eagle sion of “Tillie’s Punctured Ro¬ synchonized with the action ^ Summerville, Charlie Chase and Sennett era, is being brought Lion Films release, casts along mance,” in which the great com¬ the comedy. other laugh headliners including back to the screen with a new with Chaplin such famed screen edian is starred with Marie Also appearing in “Tillie’s the original Keystone Cops. up-to-date sound synchronized personalities as Mabel Normand, Dressier and a host of other fine Punctured Romance” are Mabel In the picture, Charlie is cast version. Marie Dressier, Charlie Chase, fun-makers. Normand, Mack Swain, Chester as a city slicker who charms a The picture is being re-released the original Keystone Cops, Mack The picture is being re-released Conklin, Slim Summerville, Ed¬ farmer’s daughter, played by by Eagle Lion Films, opens Swain, Chester Conklin, Fdgar by Eagle Lion Films and will die Sutherland and many other Marie Dressier. . at the . Theatre. Kennedy and Slim Summerville. open here on . next. Sennett-discovered laugh-getters. MACK SENNETT’S


by Eagle Lion Fil

I Col. Ad Mat 101—104 Lines

SEE FRONT COVER FOR 2 COL AD 3 Col. Ad Mat 301—375 Lines MAT 203- 200 LINES BACK...b, popolar demand! I chMie CHAPLIN Mack Sennett' BACK.. BY POPULAR DEMAND!

I Col. Ad Mat 101—16 Lines Ra-tclatsad by EagI* Lien Film

I Ccl. Ad Mat 102—30 Lines

2 Col. Ad Mat 201—42 Lines 2 Col. Ad Mat 202—100 Lines Copyright 1950 byPatheIndustries, Inc—CountryofOrigin U.S.A. lllilllllllliiiillliililllllllln' the adsandposters.Copyforthisdisplay back inthepicturethatbroughthimfame, which canusecaricatureartselectedfrom ing toyourtheatreviaanadvance40x60 marquee andinalobbystandee. in theadsandpostersisfeaturedon should beexploitedfully.Makesurethat "Blanktown's KeystoneCop"andfetedat presence in"Tillie'sPuncturedRomance" Punctured Romance'wasthefunniestpic¬ Punctured Romance"from National tive. Thispersoncanbedesignatedas who fancieshimselfasanamateurdetec¬ 'Tillie's PuncturedRomance'." can read:"CharlieChapliniscoming Chaplin alongwiththecaricaturesused ost boxofficeattractionsanywhereandhis showing. purposes that"Tillie'sPuncturedRo¬ the openingofpicture. ture intown.TodayBlanktownisolderbut ing: "WhenBlanktownwasyoungTillie's date. Screen Servicewellinadvance ofplay- 'Tillie's' stillthefunniestgalintown." mance" hasbeenre-editedandgivena It shouldalsobenotedforexploitation play ofpicturesyourtowntakeninthe worked aroundthepicture.Setupadis¬ complete musicalsoundtrackforthisre¬ of thestillsfrompicturewithcopyread¬ favorites theworldover. Mabel Normand,TheKeystoneCopsand dozens ofotherfamouscomedystars. Sennett, CharlieChaplin,MarieDressier, which centeraroundthenamesofMack ous picturewithmanyexploitableangles out angleswhichhavemadeSennettfilms 1915-25 era.Alongwiththesedisplaysome SUGGESTIONS EXPLOITATION Charlie Chaplinisstilloneofthegreat- Tell yourpatronsthatChaplinisreturn¬ Be suretoorderyourtrailer for"Tillie's Most townshaveatleastoneperson A complete"old-time"routinecanbe Give yourexploitationplentyoftheall- "Tillie's PuncturedRomance"isafam¬ O A C S S R S C E E I 22X23 INSERT CARD PHOTOS FROM 11 X14LOBBY ACCESSORIES ORDER ALL INCLUDING NATIONAL SERVICE SCREEN , Scanned from the United Artists collection at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research.

Digitization and post-production completed in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Communication Arts, with funding from the Foundation.


