Congressional Record—House H435
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February 12, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H435 NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL STRAT- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I cer- court. I think it is unfortunate for the EGY—MESSAGE FROM THE tainly appreciate the opportunity to diversity of the court and for racial re- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED address the House tonight. I wanted to lations in general; but, more impor- STATES start off by commenting on some of the tantly, somehow that they seem to be The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- comments that were made by our col- attacking the American dream. fore the House the following message leagues on the Democrat side of the Here is a young guy that comes to from the President of the United House; but before I do that, I wanted to America when he is 17 years old. He is States; which was read and, together comment about the message that we an immigrant from Honduras. By the time he is 41, he is nominated with the accompanying papers, without just received from the President of the to be the first Hispanic to sit on the objection, referred to the Committee United States. D.C. court. He graduated Phi Beta on the Judiciary, Committee on Agri- Mr. Speaker, as you know, the Presi- Kappa from Columbia College and culture, Committee on Armed Services, dent has listed as one of his priority magna cum laude from Harvard Law. Committee on Financial Services, items this year to have a compas- By the age of 40 he had argued 15 cases Committee on Energy and Commerce, sionate, conservative model to end before the Supreme Court and was Committee on Education and the drug addiction. His idea is let us reach rated ‘‘well-qualified’’ by the American Workforce, Committee on Government out to people who are unfortunately Bar Association. Reform, the Committee on Inter- trapped by drug addiction and let us He has worked at the Department of national Relations, Committee on work it through local agencies and Justice for both Republicans and Transportation and Infrastructure, local volunteers and local charitable groups, get people off drugs and stop Democrats, and he has been called an Committee on Ways and Means, Com- ‘‘extraordinary legal talent’’ and mittee on Veterans’ Affairs, the Per- addiction so they can go on to have productive lives. ‘‘genuinely compassionate’’ by the manent Select Committee on Intel- Clinton Solicitor General. But he is ligence, and the Select Committee on I think it is just an example of the compassionate conservative side of held up over in the Senate. Homeland Security: I am joined tonight by some col- George Bush, attacking drug abuse on To the Congress of the United States: leagues from the great State of Flor- one side, but doing it with a human I am pleased to transmit the 2003 Na- ida, just south of the State of Georgia, face and a gentle hand guiding people tional Drug Control Strategy, con- the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. to get off drugs. I think it is a good sistent with the Office of National HARRIS), the gentleman from Florida program, and I look forward to work- Drug Control Policy Reauthorization (Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART) and the gen- ing with it and seeing more of the pro- Act of 1998 (21 U.S.C. 1705). tleman from Florida (Mr. FEENEY) who posal. A critical component of our Strategy is here somewhere, who is the former Mr. Speaker, I also wanted to com- is to teach young people how to avoid speaker of the Florida House. ment, we heard many Democrats to- illegal drugs because of the damage I would be honored to yield to who- night talking about the deficits. I want drugs can do to their health and future. ever is ready, the gentleman from Flor- the Democrats, the Blue Dog Demo- Our children must learn early that ida (Mr. Diaz-Balart) and then the gen- crats who are the more moderate they have a lifelong responsibility to tlewoman from Florida (Ms. HARRIS). I Democrats in this body, I want them to reject illegal drug use and to stay want to hear your comments on this know that I would like to work with sober. Our young people who avoid important nomination. drugs will grow up best able to partici- them on reducing the deficit. Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Flor- pate in the promise of America. I was disappointed last year when the ida. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Yet far too many Americans already Democrats did not offer a budget. I distinguished gentleman from Georgia use illegal drugs, and most of those think that kind of hurt them, hurt for yielding. whose drug use has progressed—more their own credibility of leadership, Would it be all right if before I get than five million Americans—do not frankly, because I think that when you into the specifics, I tell you a little bit even realize they need help. While come to Congress, you have to vote about what it feels like to be a fresh- those who suffer from addiction must yes, you have to vote no, but you have man, what I have learned? I have expe- help themselves, family, friends, and to participate and you have got to get rienced some very interesting things people with drug experience must do involved in the process. I do not believe while I have been here in Washington. their part to help to heal and to make it is right just to be present. You have Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I am whole men and women who have been got to engage. going to reclaim the time to say this to broken by addiction. So I hope this year that the Blue Dog the gentleman from Florida. I am We know the drug trade is a business. Caucus will offer a deficit-free budget. going to be honored to hear what it is Drug traffickers are in that business to I know it is very difficult, because we like from both of you as a freshman, make money, and this Strategy out- are in a time of war; and I think in a but I want to underscore for the folks lines how we intend to deny them rev- time of war that deficits, unfortu- back home that you are experienced enue. In short, we intend to make the nately, are to be expected. That is why legislators. The Secretary of State has drug trade unprofitable wherever we what we are trying to do with the Re- been in the limelight many times be- can. publican budget is make sure that it fore, and the gentleman’s brother is Our Strategy is performance-based, puts us on the glidepath back into get- the gentleman from Florida (Mr. LIN- and its success will be measured by its ting out of the red and into the black. COLN DIAZ-BALART), who is also a Mem- results. Those results are our moral ob- So I am excited to work on a bipar- ber of Congress, and who reminded us ligation to our children. I ask for your tisan basis with the Democrats on this, last night that the gentleman’s family continued support in this critical en- if they can come up with ideas. That is came to America as immigrants when deavor. what we are here for. Put your ideas on he was the age of 4. GEORGE W. BUSH. the table, and let us do what is best for Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Flor- THE WHITE HOUSE. the American people. It does not mat- ida. I thank the gentleman. The gen- f ter which party gets credit for it. tleman is right, I have been in the Now, having said that, that I want to State legislature for a number of years, WHITE HOUSE DRUG POLICY, THE work with the Democrats on that, I DEFICIT, AND SUPPORTING THE and the private sector; and I have to also want to work with the Democrats admit I have been kind of caught off NOMINATION OF MIGUEL on something else that is not really be- ESTRADA guard by some things in the few weeks fore the House per se, but it is before I have been up here in D.C. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the American people, and that is the the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- nomination of a young potential judge b 1900 uary 7, 2003, the gentleman from Geor- named Miguel Estrada. Some things that kind of hit me kind gia (Mr. KINGSTON) is recognized for 60 Mr. Speaker, it is unfortunate that of in a strange way, I have to admit, minutes as the designee of the major- the Democrats are rejecting the nomi- maybe it is just because of the Wash- ity leader. nation of the first Hispanic on the D.C. ington phenomenon, is how I hear VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:25 Feb 13, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12FE7.074 H12PT1 H436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 12, 2003 things thrown out there that are not he was a naturalized American citizen. Born and raised in Honduras, Miguel based on facts. The gentleman just He came here when he was 17 years old. Estrada arrived in the United States at mentioned some of the qualifications He was not born an American here like age 17 as an immigrant who knew little of Miguel Estrada. I do not know of a I was; he was naturalized.