Environmental technologies are technological solutions of environmental problems, and they mitigate the impact of production on the environment. Environmental technologies are used in such sectors as industry, agriculture, services and , as well as in everyday housework.

The impact of production on the environment is determined by the fact, that during the process of production, raw materials, water and energy are used, making products and

3 Environmental technologies can be classified into three large groupsgroups::

end-of-pipe clean environmental production climate technologies reduction technologies technologies

Production can be made “clean” if the emissions and waste are used as resources for another plant

Environmental pollution reduction facilities are installed in order to purify exhaust gases and wastewater and to ensure

Climate technologies include both above-mentioned environmental technology groups when they reduce the impact on climate change


Clean production is a process in which hardly any waste is produced, but all the raw materials are used up for the end product. Clean production can be achieved by implementing: minimal use of water, no wastewater, minimal use of energy, economical use of raw materials, and no waste.

It is possible to make production more efficient with lesser input (materials, energy and water), producing the same output of the same or higher quality

In order to implement clean production, technological processes in enterprises are changed or enhanced by other processes

5 EndEnd--ofof--pipepipe environmental pollution reduction ttechnologiesechnologies

Environmental technologies of this group are purification technologies

Pollutants are separated as soon as they have been formed, then they are treated before they are re leased into the environment

6 Climate technologies

Those technological processes reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere

Climate technologies include also clean production technologies and end-of-pipe environmental pollution reduction technologies when they reduce the impact on climate change, as well as those technological processes that reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

7 Development of the environmental technologies

Development of environmental technologies became quite fast only at the last 50 years Before has been known mainly purification technologies and end-of-pipe environmental pollution reduction technologies

8 EEcoco--efficiencyefficiency

economy of raw reduction of materials and emissions and waste energy eco-efficiency

reduction of improvement of environment- negative the quality of friendly impact on the water, air and products environment soil and climate during the life cycle


Environmental pollution reduction measures can be ranked according to their priority. The first stage includes the identification and classification of environmental pollution types and their impact.


Cleaner production is a gradual approximation of the actual production to clean production

The simplest way to implement in an enterprise is to use the best available technology. The best technologies for almost all industry sectors are available to producers in the EU.

Cleaner production scheme

Products are called environment-friendly if the impact on the environment and natural resource consumption is minimal during the process of their production, use and discharge into the waste flow 11 CLEAN PRODUCTION

Clean production can be achieved by implementing the following conditions: minimal use of water, and no wastewater, minimal use of energy, or the use of energy generated during the production process for the production needs, economical use of raw materials, and no waste.

A zero-emission production is a technological process or a set of technological processes which uses up 100 % of the raw materials, transforming them into 100 % of the end products

12 EnvironmentEnvironment--friendlyfriendly products

Products are called environment-friendly if the impact on the environment and natural resource consumption is minimal during the process of their production, use and discharge into the waste flow.

13 ECO--DESIGNDESIGN The aims of eco-design are to reduce the consumption of resources, to use environment-friendly materials, to optimise the production, distribution and use of the product as well as to ensure proper management at the end of its life cycle, i.e. renewal, or disposal.

14 Environmental pollution reduction technologies

It is not easy to decide what is better – either to prevent, eliminate or at least minimise the causes of pollution, or to fight the effects of pollution by purifying the flows of contaminated gas, water and solids already after they have passed the technological process

Groups ffoorrthethe environmental pollution reduction technologies:

Gas Solid waste purification Water management technologies treatment


Depending on the aggregative state of , gas purification technologies fall into three broad categories: purification of separation of gaseous polluted gas and air separation of liquid substances from technical from dust and droplets from air gas, flue gas and air flows

The choice of the polluted gas purification technology depends on production requirements, which determines the selection of engineering solutions based on the principle of cost optimisation


Purification of polluted air from dust and aerosols a – cyclone; b – bag filter; c – wet scrubber; d – electrostatistic precipitator

17 Gas Purification System

18 Gas Purification --HH22S Removal & Purification for Pipelines

19 Car’s and track’s exhaust emissions

Three-way catalytic converter 20 “Three“Three--way”way” catalytic converters

• Reduction of nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and oxygen :

2NO x → xO 2 + N 2 • Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide:

2CO + O 2 → 2CO 2 • Oxidation of un-burnt hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and water :

CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2]O 2 → xCO 2 + (x+1)H 2O

Cutaway of a metal-core converter Ceramic-core converter


Consumers need water with quite different quality parameters, therefore, water treatment generally falls into three broad categories:

▪ preparation of drinking water,

▪ preparation of technological water for production processes,

▪ wastewater treatment for or to the quality of environment-friendly water before discharge into open bodies of water.


Water consumption

Supply for Wastewater consumers collection

Wastewater Water treatment treatment

Water source Drainage


1 – adding coagulant; 2 – coagulation; 3 – settling tank; 4 – filter; 5 – disinfection reservoir; 6 – water pumps and supply to a water distribution network PROCESSING OF DRINKING WATER

Settling is the process by which Coagulation is precipitation of settle to the bottom suspended particles as they of a liquid and form a sediment. Aeration is the process by which air is circulated increase in size (by any of through, oxidise a several physical or chemical compound dissolved or processes) suspended in water

(H 2S, CH 4, NH 3, volatile organic substances) – unpleasant odour and taste are reduced.


Adsorbed molecules

Activated carbon Pore

Chlorination is the process of adding the element chlorine to water as a method of For water purification from water purification to make it fit for human dissolved organic substances use consumption as drinking water. Water sorbents activated carbon, purified which has been treated with chlorine is anthracite or hydrophobic synthetic effective in preventing the spread of sorbents waterborne disease

26 14 steps of the quality process Nestlé Waters uses to produce NESTLÉ PURE LIFE in North America


Wastewaters are all polluted waters resulting from human activity

Wastewater types:

residential industrial precipitation agricultural wastewater wastewater runoff wastewater

Wastewater treatment depends on the composition and source of pollutants



Eastern Treatment Plant, Melbourne, Australia


Aeration tank

Primary clarifier Filter-settler

Anaerobic methane production tanks

Final clarifiers 31 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

Waste dumpsite in India SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

33 Solid waste

Waste is solid substances generated as a result of human activities, and, being no longer of value for the respective economic, physiological or technological process, are removed from it. Solid waste in a broader sense is understood as any household, industrial and agricultural materials that have been used up.

The term also denotes such types of waste as ash generated in thermal or electric power plants, sludge from wastewater treatment plants, animal farm waste, gangue rocks from mineral extraction.

Solid waste in a broader sense is understood as any household, industrial and agricultural materials that have been used up. Since such waste accumulates in the territories managed by municipalities responsible for its removal and storage, it is termed “”.

34 Solid waste classification

Waste is formed in the processing of natural resources; it can be classified according to its origination: ▪ , for example, from food, different sectors of industry; ▪ specific waste, such as tires, sludge, street rubbish; ▪ municipal waste, for example, household, ; ▪ waste.

Waste is also classified according to its properties and effects on humans and the environment: ▪ – waste which has properties that make it dangerous to human life, health, the environment, property or material assets, and which conforms to the hazardous waste classification categories (explosive, flammable, toxic, corrosive, infectious and carcinogenic substances); this waste differs by the degree of hazard: ▫ , such as waste containing radioactive and toxic substances, ▫ dangerous waste, such as garden waste or kitchen ; ▪ – waste with a low content and insignificant toxicity; it does not have a negative impact on the environment or human life and health, and it does not affect other substances or materials with which it comes into contact. 35

Green waste is that can be composed of garden or park waste, such as grass or flower cuttings and hedge ( dzīvžoga ) trimmings, as well as domestic and commercial food waste. The differentiation green identifies it as high in nitrogen, as opposed to brown waste, which is primarily carbonaceous. Green waste is often collected in municipal curbside collection schemes or through private waste management contractor businesses and subject to independent audit. 36 FOOD WASTE Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. As of 2011, 1.3 billion tons of food, about one third of the global food production, are lost or wasted annually. Loss and wastage occurs on all steps in the food supply chain. In low-income countries most loss occurs during production, while in developed countries much food – about 100 kilograms per person and year – is wasted at the consumption stage.

Apples ( Granny Smith variety ) are among the most wasted foods in the UK - 190,000 tonnes per year are thrown away. 37 Limiting food wastage has seen the adoption of former WWI and WWII slogans. Biogas production in rural Germany 38 Biogas production in Latvia


40 Solid and transporting

A front-loading truck in North America. 41 The weigh bridge is the two part platform over which trucks are driven. The upper works is auxiliary equipment for leveling the load in the truck and is not part of the scale. This scale uses electronic measuring equipment. 42 LANDFILLING

Landfill operation. The area being filled is a single, well-defined "cell" and a rubberized landfill liner is in place to prevent contamination by migrating downward through the underlying geological formation. 43 Construction of sanitary


45 Landfill compacting



Gads Saražot ā Sadedzin ātais met āna Sadedzin ātais met āna CO 2 ekv. elektroener ģija, MWh daudzums, m3 daudzums, t tonnas

2002 5 098 1 283 676 911 19 131 2003 17 887 4 503 946 3 197 67 137 2004 25 748 6 483 346 4 603 96 663 2005 25 425 6 402 015 4 545 95 445 2006 26 331 6 635 412 4 755 99 855 2007 27 361 6 894 972 4 936 103 656 2008 28 742 7 242 984 5 184 108 864 2009 31 130 7 844 760 5 569 116 949 2010 31 099 7 836 984 5 564 116 844 2011 31 295 7 889 928 5 601 117 621

49 50 Sadz īves atkritumu apsaimniekošanas re ģion ālie projekti un to statuss (2005.gads) ZIEME ĻVIDZEMES (iedz.sk. 190 t ūkst.) VENTSPILS (iedz.sk. 58 t ūkst.) PIEJ ŪRAS MALIENAS (iedz.sk. 159 t ūkst.) (iedz.sk. 92 t ūkst.)

RĪGA AUSTRUMLATGALES (iedz.sk. 111 t ūkst.)

VIDUSKURZEMES (iedz.sk. 74 t ūkst.) ZEMGALES (iedz.sk. 195 t ūkst.) LIEP ĀJAS (iedz.sk. 132 t ūkst.) VIDUSDAUGAVAS (iedz.sk. 132 t ūkst.) Ieviesti projekti DIENVIDLATGALES Projektiem apstiprināts finansējums (iedz.sk. 229 t ūkst.) EK iesniegts projekts Sagatavošanā esošie projekti


52 plant

Incineration is a process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment systems are described as “” . Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. The ash is mostly formed by the inorganic constituents of the waste, and may take the form of solid lumps or particulates carried by the flue gas. The flue gases must be cleaned of gaseous and particulate pollutants before they are dispersed into the atmosphere. In some cases, the heat generated by incineration can be used to generate The Spittelau incineration plant in Vienna, generate electric power. designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

53 Incineration plant

54 Composting

Composting organisms require four equally important things to work effectively: Carbon — for energy; the microbial oxidation of carbon produces the heat, if included at suggested levels. High carbon materials tend to be brown and dry. Nitrogen — to grow and reproduce more organisms to oxidize the carbon. High nitrogen materials tend to be green (or colorful, such as fruits and vegetables) and wet. [7] Oxygen — for oxidizing the carbon, the decomposition process. Water — in the right amounts to maintain activity without causing anaerobic conditions.

A large pile that is steaming with the heat generated by thermophilic microorganisms 55 A modern compost bin constructed from plastics 56 Composting plant

Composting plant, Edmonton, Canada

57 Sorted plastic waste prepared for further processing 59 Thank You for attention ! 60