From: Shelby Managh To: Mailroom Mailbox Subject: Proposed Plan Change 7 to the LWRP Submission Date: Thursday, 12 September 2019 1:07:54 PM To whom it may concern, Please find attached to this email Trustpowers submission on proposed Plan Change 7 to the Canterbury LWRP. Thanks Shelby Managh Environmental Advisor - Policy Trustpower M 027 269 9488 E
[email protected] Trustpower Limited, Private Bag 12023, Tauranga 3143, New Zealand The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not use, copy or disclose this email or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail in error and delete both emails from your system. It is your responsibility to check this email and any attachments for viruses or other harmful code before opening or sending on. Trustpower Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively, Trustpower) accepts no responsibility for any such virus or any effects of a virus on your systems or data. Trustpower does not endorse anything in this email that is not related to its official business. Please think of the environment before printing this email. rrrust . ' powerm Proposed Plan Change 7 A submission to the Canterbury Regional Council September 2019 Trustpower Submission 1 September 2019 SUBMISSIONS ON PROPOSED CHANGE 7 TO THE CANTERBURY LAND AND WATER REGIONAL PLAN UNDER CLAUSE 6 OF THE FIRST SCHEDULE TO THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 To: Canterbury Regional Council Email:
[email protected] Submission on: Proposed Plan Change 7 – Part A Submitter name: Trustpower Limited Address for service: Trustpower Limited Private Bag 12023 TAURANGA 3143 Att: Nicola Foran Phone: 021 908 951 Email:
[email protected] Trustpower Limited (“Trustpower”) makes the following submission to the Environment Canterbury Regional Council on Proposed Plan Change 7 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (“PC7”).