Warren St John | 320 pages | 01 Dec 2009 | Spiegel & Grau | 9780385522045 | English | New York, NY, United States Outcasts United: A Refugee Team, an American Town by Warren St. John

Please type in your email address in order to receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. These kids named themselves the Fugees. Set against the backdrop of an American town that without its consent had become a vast social experiment, Outcasts United follows a pivotal season in the life of the Fugees and their charismatic coach. Warren St. John documents the lives of Outcasts United: An American Town diverse group of young people as they miraculously coalesce into a band of brothers, while also drawing a fascinating portrait of a fading American town struggling to accommodate its new arrivals. At the center of the story is fiery And One Womans Quest to Make a Difference Luma, who relentlessly drives her players to success on the soccer field while holding together their lives—and the lives of their families—in the face of a series of daunting challenges. This fast-paced chronicle of a single season is a complex and inspiring tale of a small town becoming a global community—and an account of the ingenious and complicated ways we create a home in a changing world. By clicking "Notify Me" you consent to receiving electronic marketing communications from Audiobooks. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. Sign up Login. Remember Me. Forgot your password? Close Login. Forgot Password. Close Reset Password. Processing Please Don't Refresh the Page. Play Sample. Give as a Gift Send this book as a Gift! Book Rating 7. Remove From Cart. Written By: Warren St. John Narrated By: Lincoln Hoppe. Date: April Duration: 6 hours 30 minutes. Similar Titles. Reviews Nelson Reyes. Donec in tortor in lectus iaculis vulputate. Sed aliquam, urna ut sollicitudin molestie, lacus justo aliquam mauris, interdum aliquam sapien nisi cursus mauris. Nunc hendrerit tortor vitae est placerat ut varius erat posuere. Duis Outcasts United: An American Town nisl in mi eleifend faucibus egestas aliquet arcu. Nam id enim sapien. Nam interdum justo eget a Refugee Team pulvinar et condimentum orci bibendum. Integer elementum tempor libero sit amet iaculis. Donec scelerisque, urna id tincidunt ultrices, nisi nisl lacinia mi, at pellentesque enim mi eu felis. Nullam malesuada egestas tincidunt. Pellentesque nec risus dui. Fusce sed nibh eu odio posuere semper. Etiam pulvinar, mi et molestie vestibulum, neque tellus pulvinar massa, vel varius nulla tellus at tortor. Sed at augue sit amet ipsum viverra ullamcorper. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. John has successfully been added to your shopping cart. This title is Outcasts United: An American Town for release on April 21, Please Log in and add this title to your wishlist. We will send you an email as soon as this title is available. Join the Conversation. All Rights Reserved. Outcasts United: the team, the town, the coach | Outcasts United *

The refugee experience of dislocation, cultural bereavement, confusion and constant change will soon be all of our experience. I wanted to talk to them, but they'd tell me, 'Keep quiet or you will go to jail. I decided I don't want to get and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference trouble for soccer. See that coach? I want him to sit down and be quiet. That's when you know we've won — when he and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference down and shuts up. There was no food, no medicine, nothing…I saw my child sick for five days. Jesus said heaven is a place for people of all nations. Outcasts United is the story of a refugee soccer team, a remarkable woman coach and a small southern town turned upside down by the process of refugee resettlement. It's a tale about resilience, the power of one person to make a difference and the daunting challenge of creating community in a place where people seem to have little in common. For more information about common reads, including lesson plans for teachers, visit the Resources section of this site. Click to enlarge. No one a Refugee Team can do everything. But we can all do something. Phil Kitchin, pastor, the International Bible Church. Welcome Teachers, Students and Readers! Thanks for stopping by. Outcasts United *

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Outcasts United by Warren St. The extraordinary story of a refugee football team and the transformation of a small American town. Clarkston, , was a typical Southern town until it was designated a refugee settlement centre in the s, becoming home to a Refugee Team of families in flight from the world's war zones—from Liberia and to and Afghanistan. Suddenly Clarkston's streets were filled The extraordinary story of a refugee football team and the transformation of a small American town. Suddenly Clarkston's streets were filled with women wearing the hijab, the smells of cumin and curry, and kids of all colours playing football in any open space they could find. Among them was Luma Mufleh, a Jordanian woman who founded a youth football team to unify Clarkston's refugee children and keep them off the streets. These kids named themselves the Fugees. Outcasts United follows Outcasts United: An American Town pivotal season in the life of the Fugees and their charismatic coach. Warren St. John documents the lives of a diverse group of young people as they miraculously coalesce into a band of brothers, while also drawing a fascinating portrait of a fading American town struggling to accommodate its new arrivals. At the centre of the story is fiery Coach Luma, who relentlessly drives her players to success on the football field while holding together their lives—and the lives of their families—in the face of a series of daunting challenges. This fast-paced chronicle of a single season is a complex and inspiring tale of a small town becoming a global community—and an account of the ingenious a Refugee Team complicated ways we create a home in a changing world. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Georgia United States. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other Outcasts United: An American Town questions about Outcasts Unitedplease sign up. Is this book JUST about the whole 'ragtag misfits turn into champion team' concept, or does it have other elements about the whole war refugees, culture mix or anything else really? Debe This book explores the importance of service and engagement in a community, difficulties and benefits of diversity, the importance of mentors, and eco …more This book explores the importance of service and engagement in a community, difficulties and benefits of diversity, the importance of mentors, and economic opportunities that arise from immigration among other themes with the joy and sorrow of playing soccer running throughout the book. Lots to talk about. It's a good 'community' read. See 2 questions about Outcasts United…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Perhaps I rate this book too low. It Outcasts United: An American Town a heartwarming sports story about a rag-tag group of misfits, facing extraordinary obstacles, who are molded by a stern but loving misfit coach into a disciplined and successful organization. Since my favorite forms of literature are Jacobean revenge plays, dark fantasy, and Edwardian and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference stories, this is not exactly the ideal book for me. The high school where I work made me read it. The Outcasts United: An American Town with the administrations of over 40 colleges a Perhaps I rate this book too low. The administration—along with the administrations of over 40 colleges and universities—chose it for our summer reading book. Still, it kept my interest. The transformation of the Outcasts United: An American Town little town of Clarkston, Georgia--first swallowed by 's urban sprawl, then filled with large Outcasts United: An American Town of immigrants from disparate refugee communities—is fascinating in itself. Furthermore, the stories of the various and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference of refugees—most from war-torn Muslim countries —are both moving and historically informative. Finally, the account of the soccer coach Luma Mufleh—a young woman disowned by her wealthly Jordanian family because of her decision to remain in the United States—and how she transforms these uprooted, traumatized boys into disciplined members of unified soccer teams is not only interesting, but also an object lesson in leadership. Author Warren St. Instead, he describes the team and its struggles straightforwardly, and declines to sensationalize his material. My major problem with the book perhaps arises from Mr. John's admirable restraint. Mufleh is a very private person, and I suspect not a particularly reflective one. Consequently, this account of her great achievement is something always viewed from the outside, something and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference remains public, artistically incomplete. View all 11 comments. Feb 18, Matt rated it really liked it. Fortunately, that's not actually what this book is about. And fortunately as far as I know Disney doesn't yet have its hands on this one. What makes the book engaging is that it presents several good narratives. The author is at his best in presenting the social turmoil brought about i If Disney got its hands on this would, the script would look a lot like a true- story Bad News Bears or Mighty Ducks or Major League. The author is at his best in presenting the social turmoil brought about in the small Atlanta suburb, where the good-natured but xenophobic mayor and the ideologue police chief are cartoonishly unprepared for the new settlers. Some people and institutions in Clarkston embrace change, while others retreat from the community or resist outright. But the transformation story of Clarkston, Georgia, resulting from the dramatic influx of resettled refugees from every imaginable contemporary and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference, is topic enough for a book. These stories are captured wonderfully. The bigger challenge for the writer, a white American and a grown mana Refugee Team capturing the lives of the refugees themselves, and the kids in particular. This is still done as well as one might be able to hope. Many of these children find the soccer team to be critically important for them. They learn to take responsibility for their own actions and and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference together. But more importantly, the team and its unlikely coach give them structure and friendship, an outlet for youthful aggression, and a role model. The author particularly focuses on the growth of the under soccer team, since those kids work together, grow, and best embody the hope and spirit of their coach. But the most compelling storyline centers on the under team. These kids endure chaos in the form of a perfect storm. Many are from single parent families whose head-of-household has to work long hours to keep the family afloat. Many arrived in the country at an age advanced enough to make the language and cultural transitions particularly difficult. And to top it off, they are at an age that proves to be awkward even for the most well-adjusted of our species. Some of the kids cope well, but many others do not. As a result, the team fares poorly. Each year, San Diego's public library and public radio team up to choose a contemporary book to promote as the city's book for the year in a program called "One Book, One San Diego", and this is the chosen volume for And this is why I read the book at all. Cynically, I was disappointed when I first saw their choice and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference year. For the fourth year in a row, it's nonfiction, and I was afraid I'd get too much and One Womans Quest to Make a Difference a dose of that feared Disney pic. But this book really was much more fun than I'd feared. And given that San Diego is every bit as common a destination for refugees as Atlanta, it's a very relevant choice. View 2 comments. Jan 19, Eleanor rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction. I am not a fan of soccer, but I picked this book up based solely on my fondness for Warren St. John author of Rammer JammerYellow Hammer. This story of Luma Mufleh, a native of , and the Fugees, her soccer teams comprised of boys whose families fled to the United States from across the war-tattered globe, transcends any sport that might have served as the catalyst for their coming together. Clarkston, Georgia is one of several US cities in which refugees are relocated, and Outcasts Unite I am not a fan of soccer, but I picked this book up based solely on my fondness for Warren St. Clarkston, Georgia is one of several US cities in which refugees are relocated, and Outcasts United is as much about the difficulties faced by these communities as they are forced into assimilation of disparate cultures as it Outcasts United: An American Town about the Fugees, but the heart and soul of the book lies in the transformation not only of the boys from vastly different places but of Luma Mufleh as well. This is a big, complicated world, but in Clarkston, Georgia, Mufleh and her Fugees have found a way to build relationship between and around every possible cultural difference: politics, religion, and race. The answer is so simple: changes don't come through policies, they come through people working together, playing together. Since this was an advance reading copy, a promised epilogue is not included, and I will be waiting anxiously for the completed book to come to market to have answers to the heartbreaking turn of events at the end.