Warren St John | 9780385741941 | | | | | Outcasts United: A Refugee Team, an American Town

I know the pain of being separated from my family and living in a foreign country, but I also know that I can call anyone in my family at any time, and could get on a plane tomorrow and go and see them, if I needed to. Luma had to keep this in mind. When she was feeling very sad, she would get in her car and drive around . But for the most part, it is the two younger teams that are the focus of the book. At first, the Fugees are able to use the field at Clarkston Community Center, but that is taken from them before the end of their first season, and they must spend the rest of the book moving between fields in and around Clarkston that will permit use by the refugees. Emily rated it really liked it Sep 29, More Details. Staff View. Outcasts United follows a pivotal season in the life of the Fugees and their charismatic coach. Lydia rated it liked it Jun 29, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. More Copies In Prospector. I taught at Clarkston High School so I know the character of the refugee children. When it talks about Clarkston the city that the refugees where resettled, it talks about how the new comers accommodate into their new world and how the old comers treated them and how they think about them. Carole C Moore marked it as to-read Aug 02, Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st editionBeatrice Ziaty was living in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Showing Even while she was closing her cafe, Luma had a new idea for a cleaning service staffed by refugee women to make sure the mothers of her players had stable work in the daytime and could be home with their children in the evenings. The family was driven by a caseworker for the International Rescue Committee. Some of the kids cope well, but many others do not. When Luma started coaching soccer, she used Coach Brown's methods of strict rules and a lot of running and drills, which led her teams to be successful and disciplined. Friend Reviews. The last third would be kids with real problems and unstable families. The narrator goes back to the 's to tell a more complete history of the conflict in Liberia. Readers learn a handful of stories about boys mainly, these are those Luma came to know in her role as coach. As many freshmen have told me, freshman year is for deciding what you want to do. This story of Luma Mufleh, a native of , and the Fugees, her soccer teams comprised of boys whose Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition fled to the United States from across the war-tattered globe, transcends any sport that might have served as the catalyst for their coming together. It is a book dedicated to the sport of soccer. The issues facing both the immigrants Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition the townspeople are complex and the author does a great job of maintaining some journalistic distance in order to let readers sort out our own opinions. She had learned from experience that she needed about a third of her players to be well-adjusted kids from stable families. Jun 10, Leigh Collazo rated it really liked it Shelves: best-ofpub-date Not only did I leave my country, but also I left behind my culture, my language, my family, and my homemade food. Outcasts United: by Warren St. The book has more redundancies and restatements of information than any I can recall reading in the last several years -- both in the general narrative, but especially when he tries to write about the boys' games. It's a tale about resilience, the power of one person to make a difference and the daunting challenge of creating community in a place where people seem to have little in common. She chose the field behind Indian Creek Elementary. Outcasts United

But this book really was much more fun than I'd feared. In the 's, a few non-profits dealing with refugees noticed that Clarkston would be an ideal spot to relocate refugees because of its proximity to a major city, its high-quality transportation system, and the surplus of cheap housing newly available. It's a good 'community' read. This allows the author to explore the many financial and social problems refugees face in trying to resettle in the United States, as well as the interesting effects of such demographic change in some of the areas where aid agencies place them. LC Subjects. I met the main character, Luma, once and could tell right away she has a profound impact on the refugees she works with. Feb 11, Jennifer Jones rated it it was ok. She treats her players as her own children; doing things like purchasing groceries for their families and driving them to practices and games. Thanks for telling us about the problem. The police department began to make steady money off of traffic tickets from the newcomers. The author apparently spent time observing and interviewing Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition early-aughts season of one soccer coach in Georgia. In comparison, the families of the Fugees players were forced from their countries and often struggled financially and socially in the United States. Luma realizes that change must be made by volunteers at the local level when she is given little help by political and social organizations Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition Clarkston. It seems like it's a book about soccer, but really it isn't. Luma Mufleh, the coach of the Fugees, grew up in a wealthy family in , Jordan. The bigger challenge for the writer, a white American and a grown manis capturing the lives of the refugees themselves, and the kids in particular. Luma had many difficult challenges in her life she came over here for school. Happening upon an international cast of young men playing soccer in an apartment complex there in Clarkston, Luma was inspired to start and coach a soccer program for them. The movie rights to this story have already been sold, and if written and directed well, it will surely make a heart-warming film. Grouped Work ID:. Many are from single parent families whose head-of-household has to work long hours to keep the family afloat. White people should have, but didn't, start thinking about these kinds of issues until very recently, so even inwhen I'm glad I read this book - I learned a lot. Oct 07, Maricruz Bravo marked it as to-read. I wanted to talk to them, but they'd tell me, 'Keep quiet or you will go to jail. Margot Correa rated it it was amazing May 19, Readers also enjoyed. Another day, Luma came back with a new soccer ball and joined the boys, who thought it strange at first that an adult woman would want to play with them but allowed her to join them. They start big, and then get smaller. Average rating 3. Inwhen Luma told her family that she was not returning to Jordan, her father cut her off entirely. Rating details. Outcasts United: The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town Adapted for Young People

What the book was really about was a woman from Jordan named Luma who comes to this country and only wants to play or coach soccer. Georgia United States. Overall this book was amazing and thanks to my 7th-grade teacher for getting me this book for my birthday I loved it and I will read it again. The older residents of Clarkston did not protest the increase in refugees, but they Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition, and many felt negatively about the changes happening to their quiet, Southern town. Details if other :. Oct 07, Maricruz Bravo marked it as to-read. The administration—along with the administrations of over 40 colleges a Perhaps I rate this book too low. Online Collections. However, Jeremiah was passionate enough about soccer to defy his mother. As time grows close for the game to begin, a large crowd shows up to support the team playing against the Fugees, while the Fugees' sideline is empty. Tim Lewis is gripped by the story of a female football coach who has transformed the lives of refugees in America's Deep South. Having lived in Clarkston, Georgia, the setting of the book, for several years in the early 's and having been a 'soccer mom' for the better part of the last ten years as well, this book 'spoke' to me on many natural levels. Living near Clarkston myself, perhaps my opinion is tainted by the grim realities of Clarkston. Though an extremely original idea for a book, St. Finally, Luma had to quit coaching the girls' team at the YMCA so that she could focus entirely on the Fugees and the refugee community in Clarkston. During Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition junior year at Smith, Luma visited her home in Jordan. One day, she drove to a place that surprised her; she found women walking the streets in hijabs and a Middle Eastern market that had foods and smells she missed dearly. This book is so heartwarming and it gives me hope that even though bad situations good things can happen and it can cause a ripple of goodness to happen. Outcasts United is written so that it's easy to get into. Beatrice Ziaty would later tell the narrator how scared and hopeless the situation felt. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. But although it was a bit about soccer, there was enough description to keep me involved but not too much to lose me. She promised herself that she would find a better field after the season ended. It also teaches us how to make our own decision as Luma did in the book. In the story there are particular stories of some kids that lost their families, they have lived I war zones and one of them saw how they murdered his family. Unfortunately, these are undermined by the book's significant narrative problems, as the author skips around quite a bit, diving in and out of the lives of his subjects, never settling long enough on any one to provide any focus. Luma and Beatrice agreed that the coach would drive Jeremiah to and from practices and generally take responsibility for him. The gear Sport and leisure books. The key was having a love for soccer and a will to win that no other team had. St John, a reporter for the New York Times, has produced a dense and unjudgmental portrait of America in the 21st century and a vital primer to African and colonial history in the last one. John creates by telling this story. I am personally not a fan of soccer myself, I just never found interest in it. And fortunately as far as I know Disney doesn't yet have its hands on this one. More Like This. In recent times, Clarkston has become one of the most diverse communities in the United States: during the late 80s, resettlement agencies determined it had a number of features cheap housing, good public transport, proximity to fast-growing that made it a perfect place to drop refugees. American-educated Jordanian Luma Mufleh founds a youth soccer team comprised of children from Liberia, , Afghanistan, and the Balkan states, and elsewhere in the refugee settlement town of Clarkston, Georgia, bringing the children together to discover their common bonds as they adjust to life Outcasts United The Story of a Refugee Soccer Team That Changed a Town 1st edition a new homeland. The narrator explains the fragility of the Fugees; they have no field of their own to practice, the players are all grappling with the new customs of America, and the coach has never been trained to deal with issues like PTSD and poverty.

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