1917-05-00 Index
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THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. There shall be published daily, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, under a contract to be made as hereinafter provided, a paper to be known as the CITY RECORD. And said CITY RECORD, and the newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the present City of Brooklyn, shall be the only papers to be included within the term corporation newspapers, as the same is used anywhere in this act; . There shall be inserted in said CITY RECORD nothing aside from such official matters as are expressly authorized. All advertising required to be done for the City, except as in this act otherwise specially provided, and all notices required by law or ordinance to be published in corporation papers, shall be inserted at the public expense only in the CITY RECORD, and the publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring publication of such matters or notices. The Comptroller shall cause a continuous series of the CITY REcoxn to be bound as completed, quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of New York, in the County Clerk's office of said County, and in the office of the City Clerk, and copies of the contents of any of the same, certified by such Register, County Clerk or City Clerk, shall be received in judicial pro- ceedings as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof.—§ 1526, Greater New York Charter. MAY, 1917. VOL. XLV. PART V. BOARD OF CITY RECORD: JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor, LAMAR HARDY, Corporation Counsel. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. [AVID FERGUSON, Supervisor. M. B. BROWN PRINTING & BINDING CO., . 37-41 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. DAMAGED PAGE(Sl MAY, 1917. INDEX TO VOLUME XLV.-PART V. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Bronx, President, Borough of, authorized to porch ase Queens County Court House, authorizing an issue o f Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to con- coal in open market, without public letting, 3032. special revenue bonds for alterations contemplated i n tract for construction of the foundations of the Park Brooklyn, President, Borough of, authorized to pPt the, 3409. Avenue Viaduct, without public letting, 3201. chase coal, without public letting, 3410. Queens, President, Borough of, issue special revenu e Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to re- Brooklyn Public Library, Trustees of, authorizing an bonds to relieve dangerous highway conditions ii number buildings on Forsyth st., 3687. issue of special revenue bonds to pay assessment Thrall ave., 3409. Manhattan, President, Borough of, issue special reve- the site of the old Fort Hamilton Branch of the, 34)5. Reports of standing committees, 3405, 3633, 3833, nue bonds to provide flagpoles and flags for public Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, request for authority to Resolution in regard to continuation of night schooI buildings in the Borough of, 3690. purchase food supplies without public letting, 3830. classes during summer months, 3254. Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to con- Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, request for authority to Resolution of sympathy on the death of Joseph Hodgess tract for renovation and preservation of the City purchase wire screens, without public letting, 3830. 3629. Hall building without public letting, 3888. Bible Teachers' Training School, permit to constru et Special Orders, 3261, 3837. Manhattan, President, Borough of authorized to pur- a vault, without payment, 3634. Street Cleaning, Commissioner of, authorized to pur. chase coal without public letting, 3889. Communications from City and County officers, 3249,4 chase lumber, without public letting, 3635. Naming McKinley ave. in the Borough of Brooklyn, 3401, 3631, 3829. Standards and Appeals, Board of, authorized to issuee Communications laid over, 3256, 3257, 3260, 3407, 383 special revenue bonds for equipment and other ex- Naming Monastery Square in the Borough of Brook- Comptroller authorized to advance money to the Ar my penses, 3261. ,lyn, 3686. and Navy Veterans on account of Memorial DD2 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Naming "Kuyter Park," in the Borough of Manhattan, observances, 3833. issue special revenue bonds to provide for advance 3687. City Surveyors, appointment of, 3402. wages of pipe caulkers and tappers, 3258. Ordinance to amend section 91 of article 5 of chapter 5 City Clerk, request for authority to enter into contract Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, es- of the Code of Ordinances relating to suburban lim- for the. purchase of steel cupboards and shelving f or tablishing various grades of positions in the, 3264. its, 3199. the proper care of records, 3253. APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT- Ordinance designating a site for the location of a Central Purchase Committee, request for authority t 0 Chambers and hours, 3211. building for use as a Children's Court, in the Bor- purchase coal for various departments, without publi C APPROVED PAPERS- ough of Brooklyn, 3199. letting, 3253, 3403. Armory Board, authorized to purchase lockers without Ordinance to amend subdivision 6, of section 215 of Commissioner of deeds, appointment of, 3254, 3262, public letting, 3200_ article 16 of chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, 3404, 3632. Armory and Navy Union, U. S. A., issue special reve- relating to signs and show bills, 3201. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, establishin nue bonds for Memorial Day observances, 3691. Ordinance to amend article 3 of chapter 23 of the Code the grade of position of Architectural Draftsman i n Brooklyn, President, Borough of, authorized to pur- of Ordinances by adding at the end thereof a new the, 3264. chase coal without public letting, 3889. section relating to public assemblies, 3201. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, resolution to Brooklyn Public Library, issue special revenue bonds Ordinance to amend section 26 of article 2 of chapter amend corporate stock issue for installation of fir e for rehabilitation of the Pacific Branch of the, 3888. 15 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to the Man- alarm systems in buildings under the jurisdiction o f' t Brooklyn Public Library, authorized to issue special hattan Bridge Market, 3203. the Department of Public Charities, 3402. revenue bonds to meet assessments for old Fort Ordinance to amend section 45 of article 3 of chapter Education, Department of, is hereby requested to as- Hamilton Branch of the, 3888. 10 of the Code of Ordinances of The City of New sign the playgrounds of the several schools, for th e Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Trustees of, issue special York in regard to waiving of fees required to be use of the Home Defense League, for drill purposes revenue bonds for repairs and alterations to the Day paid by charitable Institutions, 3888. 3405. Camp Boat, "John H. Huddleston," 3689. Ordinance to amend article 1 of chapter 13 of the Finance, Department of, amplified statement showingg County Clerk, Bronx County, authorized to purchase Code of Ordinances, relating to Hospitals, 3888. and pending requests for special revenue bondss office furniture without public letting, 3199. Ordinance to amend subdivision 17 of section 43 of year 1917, 3251. County Clerk, Queens County, authorized to install cer- article 3 of chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances, Granting leave of absence to City employees who are tain equipment without public letting, 3199. relating to explosives and hazardous trades and par- Spanish War Veterans, on Sunday, May 27, 1917, City Clerk, authorized to enter into contract for pur- ticularly relating to fees for permits, 3888. 3264. chase and installation of steel cupboards and shelving Ordinance to amend subdivision 1 of section 61 of General Orders, 3262, 3410. without public letting, 3692. article 4 of chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances Hearings by Committee on General Welfare, 3401. City Departments, establishing various grades of posi- relating to "Storage Sale," transportation, use and Minutes of stated meeting, 3249, 3401, 3629, 3829. tions, 3199, 3203. possession of explosives generally, 3889. Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to make City Surveyors, appointment of, 3889. Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan and Richmond, alterations to the Criminal Courts Building by pro- Comptroller, authorized to expend $500, the City's share issue special revepue bonds for purchase of fuel for viding an additional part for Court of General Ses- of expense of the State Conference of Mayors and remainder of year 1917, 3202. sions, without public letting, 3630. other City Officials, 3199. Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan and Richmond, Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to con- Comptroller authorized to issue special revenue bonds issue special revenue bonds for the purpose of tract for the renovation and preservation of City to be offered as reward for information leading to making certain changes in the Aquarium, 3203. Hall Building, without public letting, 3410. recovery of jewels worn by Mrs. Elsie Lee-Hilair Parks, • Commissioner of, Manhattan and Richmond, Manhattan, President, Borough of, authorized to pur- at the time of her murder, 3201. authozired to purchase a high-power tree spraying chase coal, without public letting, 3408. Comptroller authorized to advance moneys to the machine without public letting, 3692. Memorial Day observances by the Army and Navy, Grand Army of the Republic on account of Memorial Parks, Commissioner of, Manhattan and Richmond, U. S. A., issue special revenue bonds for, 3258. Day observances, 3203. issue special revenue bonds for improvement of site Office and office hours, 3210. Correction, Commissioners of, authorized to make re- at 1st ave., 67th and 68th sts., Manhattan, for use as Ordinances on resolutions, 3254. pairs to steamboats without public letting, 3201, a playground, 3692. Ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances as relat- Correction, Commissioner of, authorized to purchase Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, authorized to ing to amusements and exhibitions, 3259.