Votes Nein Soutt
Votes Nein Soutt No. 1. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THR LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. WEDNESDAY, 27 JANUARY, 1875. • 1. OPENING op PARLIAMENT :—The House met at Twelve o'clock, at noon, pursuant to a Proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, bearing date the twenty-eighth day of December, 1871, of which a copy was read by the Clerk, as follows :— " NEW SOUSE( WALES, I ProclamationLy His Excellency Sir HERCULES G-EORGE ROBERT ROBINSON, "to Wit Knight Commander of' the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Oovernor and Commander-in-Chief of the "HERCULES ROBINSON, Colony of New South Wales and its Dependencies, and Yi ce-Adnziral " Governor, of the same. "In pursuance of the power and authority vested in me as such Governor as aforesaid, by virtue " of the Act intituled ' An dot to confer a Constitution on New South TVales and to grant a Civil List to Her Majesty,' as assented to by Her Majesty, under the authority of the Act of " the Imperial Parliament, passed in the Session of the 18th and 19th years of the reign of Her " said Majesty, intituled 'An del to enable ller Majesty to assent to a Bill as amended of the " Legislature of New South Wales to confer a Constitution on New South Wales and to rant " a Civil List to Her Majesty,' I do hereby proclaim that a Session of the Legislative Council " and Legislative Assembly for the Colony of New South Wales, for the despatch of business, " shall commence and be holden on Wednesday, the twenty-seVenth day of January next, at 12 " o'clock, at noon, in the buildings known as the Legislative Council Chambers, in M.acquarie- " street, in the City of Sydney ; and the Members of the said Legislative Council and Legislative " Assembly, respectively, are hereby required to give their attendance at the said time and place "accordingly.
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