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8-3-1961 The Advocate - Aug. 3, 1961

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Official Publication of the Archdiocese of Newark, N. J., and of Paterson, N. J. Vol. 10, No. 32 THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1961 PRICE: TEN CENTS ’s Heartens American Social Leaders

WASHINGTON Pope John’s “This historic document will XXIII’s dynamic addi- . . . tion to the social teachings of the Church has grasped the encourage all of us who are en- of gaged in full recognition imagination leaders in all fields of American life. securing ol the civil rights and natural More and more labor and management experts and God-given rights of all men." leaders in the social had to its field, having time digest Benjamin R. Epstein, national full implications, are comment- director, B’nai B’rith Anti-Def- ing favorably on "Mater et Ma- He said organized labor will amation League: “In urging gistral’ thoughtfully weigh the Pontiff’s that ‘all citizens feel responsible Among the latest to sing the for about “emphasis on the responsibilities bringing the common praises of the document were that attach to labor.” Unionists, good in all spheres of life,’ Pope two top-ranking labor leaders, he said, will also study the John provides inspiration and George Mcany, president of the Pope’s recommendation “that guidelines for men of all faiths.” AFL-CIO, and James B. Carey, workers be given a voice in the Rev. John LaFarge, S.J., chap- president of the International Un- management of enterprises, both lain, New York Catholic Inter- ion of Electrical, Radio and Ma- private and public.” racial Council: The Pope’s “in- chine Workers and an AFL-CIO Carey expressed the belief that sistence upon world solidarity besides being Pope John’s most important vice president. DULA ROLE: Cardinal Tardini, confidant, devoted much of his spare time to Villa Nazareth, an and the manifold on scrupulous study of the encycli- obligations orphanage the outskirts of Rome. On left he is shown a of blind man’s enjoying game buff with his “bambini.” At least once week cal “can contribute immeasura- which this solidarity places a he MEANY SAID the encyclical upon away from his work to with the At toward all of us most took a few moments play boys. right, he walks with Pope John in the Vatican Gardens. bly equipping us and the opens a fruitful "provides highly significant sign- generations to come with the spiritual perspective to American posts for human advancement at spir- itual Catholics in this time of Cardinal this most critical turn in the strength, economic wisdom world Tardini: conflict.” history of mankind.” and political acumen" needed to "Its calm create a world of peace, JAY analysis and con- plenty KRAMER, Cardinal chairman, structive and brotherhood.” New York Stato Labor Never Wished Vatican proposals for Relations Tardini, meeting such Board: The complex problems of our IN DETROIT, leaders in the Pope “speaks of the times as socialization, the elim- evils of governmental interfer- automobile industry joined in To Be Rich ination or reduction of ence in social and economic economic praising "Mater et Magistra.” life, at VATICAN imbalance within countries, the Malcolm L. hut the same times makes it CITY (NC) —"I Denise, a vice pres- clear was born and I urgency of just relations between that public authorities can- poor have never not wished Dies nations in different and must not remain inactive to become rich.” State, stages of ec- Secretary of onmic With those development will attract Pope’s in promoting the common good.” simple words Car- Encyclical Kenneth B. dinal Tardini closed the much support among peoples of Clark, psychology notes VATICAN CITY (NC)-Domcn- spoke over loudspeakers to a traveling by ambulance. in which he gave orders for ill with bronchial pneumonia all faiths,” he said. In Congress Record professor. City College of New the ico Cardinal who served crowd of ag- Tardini, some 10,000 below. In a gravated "Labor York: “Of special to disposition of his possessions. by circulatory allmenta. everywhere,” he con- WASHINGTON-Pope John’s significance the Holy See for 40 years, died as vcice shaking with emotion he THAT DAY, however, his con- tinued, "will be the social scientists and other The Cardinal, who died here dec»ly impressed social he had lived —with obedience, said: dition worsened, and during the MESSAGES OF encyclical “Mater ct 30 at condolence the students of world events July 73, summed his by rejection of has been is the up humility and faith. “Dear night he suffered an acute crisis flowed into the Vatican. the belief held Magistra” placed in attitude in another note: children, I will speak The Car- in certain quar- the Pope’s emphasis on the impera- Death of the circulatory system. Wit- dinal’s Congressional Record. . came for the Vatican just a word. Very this remains lay in state in the ters that tive need for "That which I received from early ‘socialization, economic coopera- nesses at his bedside growing The insertion was made Secretary of State on July 30 aft- morning the said Cardi- Hall of extent by the Church must angel of death en- Congregations during in and depth, tion among all the peoples of the return to the nal Tardini necessarily Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Min- Church.” er a career that included service tered the apostolic palace and immediately under- three days of solemn reduces men to automatons.’ world.” mourning. nesota, who the as and stood the gravity of his condition. view of what praised docu- S. Oniki, priest, professor carried away with him the Cardi- In has been Garry associate exec- ACCORDING CARDINAL TARDINI’S happen- ment as particularly timely TO a Vatican Vatican . nal Secretary of Domenico Viaticum and Extreme Unction old ing behind the Iron utive director, National Council State, and close Curtain, free since the Senate is newscast, no spiritual testa- Cardinal Tardini’s death leaves Tardini, who were administered by Archbishop collaborator, Cardinal labor everywhere preparing ot Churches of Christ was the closest and will welcome in the ment, as is traditional Montini of Milan also tribute to consider the foreign aid bill. with 83 Cardinals, 30 Italian and 53 of stiongest helper of the in Antonio Samorc and by the Car- paid the conclusion of Pope John U.S.A.: “The encyclical deserves Italian Pope to the dead The encyclical, he said, "ex- prelates, was found other nationalities. the dinal’s personal secretary, Msgr. Cardinal. In 1953 XXIII that ‘socialization to be widely studied and government of the Holy can and presses in clear and eloquent pon- among the Cardinal’s papers, Angelo di Pasquale. Pope Pius XII disclosed that the to be realized dered by leaders in all Church. ought in such a areas of and it is believed that will two, both at that time language the Catholic Church’s none MASS FOR the Cardinal was At the same time of to life. It is “Think how our heart is af- Pope John, way as draw from it the ad- my hope that it will be found. the Secretariat of concern with the problems man offered Aug. 2 in St. Fcter’s Ba- flicted: and at his summer residence at Cas- State, had ask- vantages contained therein be the subject of continued di- although we are and faces in the The few sheets of re- ed him not to make them mid-20th century between paper silica in the presence of Pope confident that the of the telgandolfo, was informed of the Cardi- to remove or restrain the alogue Protestants and cording his wishes indicated mercy nals, nega- and the need for reconstruction he John XXIII. Celebrant was Arch- Cardinal's condition. though he had planned to do tive aspects’.” Roman Catholics." Lord has already received that of had left a purse so. Pius social relationships in establishing a bishop Antonio Samorc, the Car- In the early hours of 30 Popo granted their re- truth, blessed soul in we feel the July justice BROTHER perpetual scholarship for stu- peace, quest, but conferred CARKY HAILED and love." JUSTIN. F.S.C., la- dinal’s close collaborator sec- Cardinal Tardini failed on them the encycli- dents as need and the duty to communi- steadily. bor - for the priesthood. privileges tantamount cal as "a fateful management department, retary for ecclesi- Archbishop Samore offered Mass to those en- evaluation of In extraordinary cate to you this cause of our sad- the world live Manhattan College: “It could connection with the schol- astical affairs in the joyed by a Cardinal. we in and a wise ident Secretariat ness and wo invite unite in a room adjoining the sick of Ford, said the encyclical well be that in arship he asked that "who- you to Cardinal for the years ahead, of State. room, and the Cardinal Montini said of Cardi- prescription building a better your prayers with from his “casts valuable light on several ever benefits it remember ours, a prayer (Continued on Page 2) by nal Tardini that “the world." lie gave the opinion that of the fundamental After the funeral his body was that touches the interest of the bed mado the responses of the policy of the problems” my soul to the Lord.” that is John had taken to a small Mass in a clear voice. Church, the relations of Pope "expressed him- facing the world. Vctralla, village entiro world. strong, self CARDINAL TARDINI left to 33 tho Church with modern even more strongly" on so- Louis miles north of Rome, for bur- After Mass Archbishop Samore nations, G. Seaton, a GM vice found cial matters than New the Pope all the of ial in the in him in re- Pope Leo XIII president, asserted that the “doc- Ready insignias a simple tomb which the “THE CARDINAL Secretary of recited prayers for the dying, particularly and Pope Pius XI. his rank as Cardinal, cent years the strongest and most ument requires and deserves including Cardinal built for himself several State is the first collaborator of and again the Cardinal recited his pectoral crosses, rings, and in the Carmelite the the determined of men." careful as regards the years ago con- Pope in the government of responses. study ap- School Bill vestments. “In of its The furnishings of vent. the universal Church. Let many instances his work Increased plicability analysis and his us pray Giving apartment were left to the A LITTLE before was decisive and was directed al- comments to problems in At the time, he told friends he for him. From where we 4 a.m. a our WASHINGTON (NC) A See, heaven, Holy "except for a few chose that call was made to Castcl- ways toward peace For me own society.” particular place be- would like to believe that the phone ... Reported by Colleges trimmed-down school aid bill family items: the little crucifix cause “I will to gandolfo to tell the that the personally his death means the NEW YORK A Chrysler spokesman gave be certain have Lord has already associated him Pope (NC) - Three is on my the little it- the being readied in an at- altar, who will for His doctors no longer had loss of a friend, of a colleague, of opinion it would have as someone pray my with angels and he any hope Catholic colleges were the the old clock in saints, among to self, the din- soul.” for the Cardinal’s a superior and the loss of much influence on social tempt salvage some of will pray for us and for the recovery. The a lofty 10 leaders in a thought group of 64 ing room, the reddish table in went at as the On 31 the Cardinal’s Church.” Pope once to his chapel example of a good and profound- schools of Pope Leo President Kennedy’s educa- the July body reporting percentage in- bedroom, which, if my and virtuous and Pope Pius XI. was sealed in a coffin with sol- offered Mass for him. When ly man," Cardinal Mon- creases in their tional program. brother he have voluntary support wishes, can THE FINAL CRISIS which end- he finished at tini said. The full emn ceremonies. Before the cof- Mass 4:55 a.m., during three recent years. FOLLOWING nature of the bill has them back.” ARE some other ed in Cardinal Tardini’s death be- The three not been disclosed. fin was sealed a lead cylinder Pope John was informed that were Dayton Uni- representative It appears, Apart from a number of sti- DOMENICO comments: two sheets of gan on July 25 at Chianciano, Cardinal Tardini had died while TARDINI was versity, St. Thomas of St. however, that there will be two which he left for containing parch- College Thurgood pends Masses Italy, a resort where he horn in Rome on Feb. 29, 1888, Marshall,' counsel. main ment giving details of his life was had gone the Mass was in progress. Paul, Minn., and Creighton Uni- National Association provisions: A grant pro- to be said for the repose of his for few and spent most of his life for the Ad- a weeks’ rest. John came in his versity, Omaha. gram for construction of class- soul, the placed beside the body. Pope immediately vancement of Colored Cardinal left the re- showed native city. He was ordained on People: lie symptoms of gen- to the Vatican apartment of the rooms, and continuation of aid mainder of his estate to the POPE JOHN himself gave the eral depression, and doctors con- Sept. 20, 1912, and for nine years to Secretary of State and knelt for a impacted areas—those which Villa Nazareth, a Rome or- first official notice at the of the Cardi- sidered It advisable that he re- time in taught theology Roman have school districts with for long prayer at his bed- large phanage boys which he nal’s when he at turn to Seminary. death, appeared Romo when his strength side. He then attended Mass for Brothers Join numbers of Federal workers. founded in 1946 and to which he He became associated Two noon July 30 at tho window of his permitted. Cardinal Tardini In his with the dedicated himself for the last private THERE WAS NO indication private library overlooking St. The Cardinal made the 100-mile Secretariat of State In 1921, when 15 years. chapel. he that the new bill will Peter’s back was named a “minutante” carry any Square. trip to Romo without diffi- in the Later morning Pope (clerk) in tho for Faculties provisions for aid to private non- After reciting the Angelus he culty on the morning of July 29, Congregation Bergen John gave directions for the sol- Ecclesiastical profit schools. Extraordinary Af- emn funeral services. Ho return- fairs. Such of HILLSDALE Two more Bergen aid, consisting a $375 ed to after County grammar million loan Castclgandolfo visiting program, was in a schools will welcome Brothers to their staffs Nicola Cardinal Canall, president APPOINTED A Cham- teaching bill that would have extended the Papal Stresses Individual of the Pontifical Commission for berlain in 1922, Tardini this fall, as the Cross Brothers take over Msgr. be- Holy the third 1958 National Defense Education Pope Peace, Vatican City, who was gravely (Continued through seventh grades at St. John’s, Hillsdale, and the Act. The House Rules Committee on Page 2) Xaverian Brothers pick up the fourth through eighth shelved that bill, along with the grades at St. Joseph's, Oradell. $2.5 billion general public school Advises on This will be the first aid bill and a $l.B billion Seminary appear- college Training move Into the old rectory at St. ance for both orders of teaching aid measure. Fr. Joseph’s, with plans for a resi- In the meantime. Norbert Brothers in North Jersey. At Rep. Roman CASTELGANDOLFO, At two audiences respect and that honesty of mind Dies; dence of their own in another Italy here, Franciscan C. I’ucinski of Illinois has intro- which the present, Brothers John outlined a to arc expression of in- year or two. A residence is pre- Pope program achieve peace. teach at Assumption Grammar duced a bill that would permit tegrity and courage. sently under construction for the If international peace is to be achieved, he told a School in Emerson. Christian federal income tax deductions “One cannot face the disin- Holy Cross Brothers here and is it must Brothers at St. John’s Gram- for all tution payments to church- Pax Christi pilgrimage, be rooted within the in- tegrating and ‘Grand Old to be independent spirit Man expected completed by dividual. mar School, Orange, and at two operated and other private, non- which superficial learning, de- September. and void of high schools, and Marist Broth- profit elementary secondary At a general audience he de- philosophical basis, un- and Irish At present, St. is high schools. But it ers Christian Brothers Joseph’s is unlikely clared that mankind would find tions, meet here and there for fortunately spreads with irrespon- schools staffed by Sisters of Charity of that new education bill will and at two high apiece in the any its way to peace if the teachings political and diplomatic negotia- sibility obstinacy, if the cler- Mt. Archdiocese of Newark. St. Elizabeth, while St. John’s is be brought out before Aug. 7 be- of the “Our gy’s against tho Of Carmel’ Father” wero applied tions which are devised in so vigilanco mania staffed the Sisters of St. Jo- of certain by cause of House action on foreign to the world. for the of distractions and non- THE XAVERIAN many ways purpose Brothers will seph of Newark. aid. essential curiosities to removing tho threat of war and wero ORANGE Rev. Norbert RECEIVING THE Pax Christi weaken.” Catagni, 0.F.M., known to of achieving peace.” and John said priests here as “The pilgrims, Pope they people Grand Old Man of Mt. must embrace the peace of Christ AT ANOTHER POPE JOHN died 1 audience, Pope told the rectors Carmel,” Aug. in St. Mary’s Hospital. Father Nor- if they arc to achieve their goal John told Italian rec- that their seminary task of forming semi- bert, had in 59 as 80, years a priest served as of spreading peace in the world. tors that seminarians must be narians has two aspects: intel- military Pax Christi chaplain, curate, pastor, superior, missionary was founded in 1950 trained to a life of simplicity and lectual and He said the preacher, and religious. confessor of to particularly Christ- 1 promote understanding of the moderation, lie emphasized the first must not hinder or harm the Church’s like reputation. teaching on peace and importance of intellectual hon- second, and that the second must U. S. in 1928 and was sent to Mt. Of the latter activity, Rev. Jo- to find practical solutions to prob- esty and respect for tradition, but permeate and balance the first. Carmel. Passaic. lems seph Mezzanotte, 0.F.M., Cap., In endangering peace. warned that knowledge unan- He said training in holiness 1931 he was transferred to pastor of Mt. says: “The If you want to communicate chorcd in philosophy can drift must be accomplished without Carmel, Mt. Carmel, Orange, where ho confessional was Father Norbert’s peace, John spent the Pope said, “we re- into a disintegrating spirit of in- weakness or compromise. He said rest of his life except favorite spot.” Father Norbert for peat to you insistently that above dependence. this training strikes at the root brief pastorates at St. Fran- all it is spent long hours hearing confes- Hackensack necessary that this peace While the deposit of faith is un- ol a spirit of independence, in- cis, (1946), which and would the he to rooted within yourselves. he it is tolerance and criticism sions, answer sum- resigned because of Yes, breakable, said, possi- which em- of failing vision, it is mons a penitent at any time. and St. necessary to cultivate ble that it could be transmitted phasizes rights but not duties. Anthony’s, Passaic (1948), of Ho was confessor to which he thoughts peace within your- without firmness and confidence “These are serious dangers Archbishop resigned also because Boland and Bishop McNulty. selves. It is necessary so that it if the clergy are weakened in which can suffocate the energies of ill health. is I’°r maintained, that you not hes- "that to that of a young mind and the years Father loyalty tradition, impair FATHER NORBERT had Norbert itate in and been the face of personal re- watchful sense of moderation supernatural efficacy of his fu- traveled around the U. S. and ill since 1948, but he stayed active nunciations, that you recognize ture even Canada apostolatc,” he declared. and worked preaching missions zealously until July to openly and joyfully the inherit- Italian immigrants. “Wherever "FROM THE 28 when ho was admitted to St. ance of wisdom and goodness that early days of the there were Italian Mary's Hospital. He died at immigrants,” each people possesses.” seminary tho candidate for the 2:15 said Father Warning Aug. l. Joseph, "he would This priesthood is someone sacred, p.m. go." self-peace, he added, re- It is reported that young distinct and Born in Montevarchi quires faithfulness to the Divine apart. His exterior in the men and women who are mem- I AT lILR “to behavior Itself, even in the Tuscan province of NORBERT Will, strict moral life and to Im- joys Arezzo, Italy, celebrated bers of the "Slaves of the Hie renunciation of self in favor of of recreation, must have nothing on Oct. 1, 1880, Father Norbert golden jubilee of his religious maculate Heart of Mary" of others." resembling and still was invested with the profession in 1946 and Still have been dissipation Franciscan the golden River, Mass., less habit in Siena jubilee of his anything coarse and world- on Dec. 1, 1895; ordination in 1953, THE GENERAL active in northern New Jersey, He is audience was ly, but must denotu someone who made his religious profession Dec. survived by several told attempting to sell copies of that the "Our Father" is the is preparing to dedicate himself 2, 1890; and was ordained brothers and in Flor- “Saints to Remember From a nephews "principal prayer of all prayers,” to God, without affectation, with- priest Apr. 14, 1902, in Arezzo. ence, Italy. January to December.” PILGRIM: After a Mass in Newark teaching us that “the Lord can- out but like Airport morning, Jeannette pose, a habit which He served as A solemn Saturday Guibleo, cels They have no Church approv- I military chaplain high Requiem Mass invalids to sins but demands that we expresses the interior harmony of World War will bo one of 54 and companions about board a plane for Canada and the al and Catholics should not during I from 1915 celebrated for Father should do likewise to thoso who the soul,” Shrine Ste. smiles from her stretcher at the book. Before buy- to 1923, after which ho went to Norbert in Mt. Carmel Church of Anne, Rev. Thomas Kennette, S.S.S., may have offended purchase The said us. Pope intellectual train- the tuberculosis sanitorium Aug. 5. The Office of director the St. Anne Shrine at St. Jean New York. Mrs. William “If this ing any religious book, Cath- of the Dead of Baptiste Church, teaching . . , wero ap- ing must he based above all “on Cuasso al wil be recited olics should inspect it to make Monte, Milan, as chap- Aug. 4 at 8 p.m. shown in wheelchair in the plied fully in the world, this a sound Christian Varick of Jersey City, background, organized pilgrim- it carries the philosophical lain until 1928. in the church. would the endeavors of sure foundation the First Club which she some spare according to the prin- age through Saturday founded. Including invalids of a Bishop. Burial will be thos’e people who, with ef in the Capuchin who went ahead every ciples, teachings and methods of HE VOLUNTEERED for work by auto, the pilgrimage group totaled over 70. Hurt and with Cemetery at St. Lawrence Monas- the best of inten- St. Thomas.” 1 among Italian in the immigrants [tcry. Beacon, N.Y. 2 TJI D V 0 C A T E August 3, 1961 Pope's People in the News Encyclical... Places in the News (Continued from Page 1) English stu- has Rev. Alculn this letter will be saluted as the Many seminary unanimously approved a res- Hemnicn, 0.5.8., Archbishop John Kodwo Amis- the document which inspired man- dents are spending summer olution opposing UN membership a native of Schulte, Kan., has sah of Cape Coast, Ghana, will kind to eradicate those social vacation building homes in West for Red China. been named of St. president receive an honorary degree from for refugees from de- Benedict’s and economic abuses upon which Germany com- Liturgical music workshops College, Atchison, Xavier University, New Orleans, the greatest threat to human dig- munism. signed for choir directors and or- Kan. on 18. Sept. florlshes.” Catholics in the Marquette ganists will be held at St. Vincent Cardinal Gaetano Cicognani Rev. John J. nity, communism, O’Mahoney, for- A. southwest (Mich.) Diocese have been asked Archabbey, Latrobe, Pa., Aug. has been named Clarence Laws, Papal Legate to mer prisoner of war in Japan, to recite in five 13-19. the regional secretary, NAACP: English impor- International Congress of the has been named the principal tant “The degree to which the spirit liturgical prayers at Low According to a study by the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be held chaplain of the British Mass. Army. of this message is understood NCWC Latin American Bureau in in Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 21-29. Rev. Paul Kim Changhyun of The and practiced by Catholics and Association of Catholic Washington, 211 seminarians Rev. Ignatius McCormick, Kwangju, who twice Korea, has non-Catholics alike will deter- Youth in Mexico has issued a from 28 Latin American areas O.F.M. Cap., rector of Sacred been jailed for his faith, has be- statement for fairer mine, in a large measure, how calling a dis- are studying for the priesthood in Heart High School, Yonkers, has come the first Korean to tribution priest rapidly disadvantaged persons of wealth. the U. S. been elected provincial of the St. be elevated to the rank of do- everywhere will achieve their A 17th-century painting of the Marquette University, Milwau- Mary’s Province of the Capuchin mestic prelate. true worth and destiny.” Crucifixion, discovered in an un- kee, has been given the public Fathers. room and of the late .. . Mother Mary T. Clark, asso- used of St. Cathe- private papers Brother has Bishops Mary’s Anthony Joseph ciate of dral, has been Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy of Wis- been Rev. Edward Muszynskl, noted professor philosophy, Cork, Ireland, ten- named provincial of the Manbattanville consin. Polish College of the tatively attributed to ’Rubens or Long Island-New England Prov- scientist and educator, has Sacred Heart: “After the clear Van Dyke. The fourth International Mar- ince of the Brothers of the Chris- been named Auxiliary Bishop of of John XXHI ian and . Mariological Congress, Kielce, Poland. teaching Pope . . The Social Welfare Week held tian Schools. 1962 it can scarcely be doubted that scheduled for in Canada, has in Calcutta, India, called for N Archbishop John J. Krol of Causes... a been religious educators have the re- postponed for a year be- will cooperative housing plan to pro- Philadelphia receive an hon- cause of the ecumenical Bishop Miguel M. de la Mora sponsibility of becoming prayer- vide homes for the area’s coming orary degreo from Villanova Uni- Catho- ot San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Died fully, intellectually, socially, eco- lics. council. versity at summer commence- The first July, 1930. Catholics in Mexico nomically involved in the solving priestly ordination in ment exercises 5. There are now some 200 Afri- Aug. have been asked to deliver of contemporary problems." Finland since the Reformation Rev. William J. his can priests in Portu- Gormley, C.M., Church Angola, will be held in September when writings to officials in a guese in has been named superior and JOHN SLAWSON, executive territory West Africa. the only other native Finnish preliminary move looking toward A petition has been filed rector of the new Vincentian sem- vice president, American Jewish with will the initiation of the beatification the priest mark his 50th anni- inary to be in Albany. Committee: “To members of the Oklahoma Secretary of State opened process. versary. Jewish and requesting a referendum on a Cardinal Fcrrctto of Rome will community religion, The cathedral at Speyer, Ger- Died new come to to . . . there are many In this FRANCISCAN Sunday closing law. Pittsburgh this fall teachings LEADERS: Newly elected officers of the Name Province many, has been restored for the and far-visioned Holy of The dedicate the new Immaculate Rev. George Stephen courageous en- the Order Friars U. S. Senate in Washington third time in its 900-year history. Luba, Minor are shown a at St. Bonaven- the social and of following provincial meeting Conception Church there. 0.5.8., of Cleveland, 63, editor cyclical regarding ture University. Left to right, front row, Rev. Harold vice Rev. Juan Antonio of two economic order which evoke a Blake, 0.F.M., provin- Bussolinl, national Slovak Catholic and director of San particular sympathy because cial former pastor St. Fair and Rev. Donald S.J., Miguel Ob- poblications for a period of over of Anne’s, Lawn, Very Hoag, 0.F.- servatory Buenos 22 their and are so M., provincial; rear, to Edmund Decries near Aires, has years. spirit expression left right, Rev. Christy, 0.F.M., president of Siena been imbued with the an Separation named a member of the Mrs. Marie profoundly Rev. E. Sobotka of College; Alvin Hughes, Rev. Brian of St. Bon- National cient biblical and zeal 0.F.M.; Lhota, 0.F.M., president Argentine Academy of Washington, 75, mother of Vir- prophetic and Rev. for social justice.” aventure; Cassian Kirk, 0.F.M., all of whom were elected as definitor Sciences. ginia Sobotka, editor of the NC- members of the in Rev. John F. X. Connolly, S.J., WC Feature Service. John J. O’Connor, chairman, advisory board. Of Family Church president of San Franciscd Uni- National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice: The versity, has been given the high- encycli- LONDON (NC) Catholics in their spiritual activities est Cubans Mourn cal "offers maximum Peruvian decoration avail- encourage- innocently do a deal to ment workers great destroy family life, Arch- able to a foreigner for his efforts to all in the field Seminarian-Stenos Recorded bishop John Heenan of said here. to promote friendship and under- 26th of interracial justice." Liverpool, Speaking at of July Gerald a conference on the Catholic standing in the hemisphere. F. Mische. Association family, he also criticized the MIAMI (NC) Thousands of for International Development, “destructive materialism” of some laity. Cuban refugees observed the 26th Paterson: “In a world where First The Archbishop said: “We do of here Vatican Council Talks July as a of day prayer newly emerging nations are ac- a great deal innocently to de- loVely and for the “death The said the Church mourning of cepting or rejecting Christianity stroy family life. Even in Archbishop freedom” ROME (NC) The detailed cil. The formula our regards the in Cuba. to whether of the oath in the midst of a heated debate, family as “the most according Christians spiritual life in the Church we do record of the First Vatican to As the Castro com- bound them strictest secrecy. “the President the bell important society on earth—every regime can provide an answer to in- rang a great deal to harm family rela- memorated the third Council, held nearly a century At the end of society is subordinate. In anniver- tolerable social and economic every session, again and again” for order: tions. We have men’s Communion every of ago, was the work of 23 semi- the Christian civilization sary the Red leader’s revolu- conditions, Pope John’s stenographers were re- “Primum Praeses lterum atque and there is this encycli- narians. Sunday, women’s Commu- tion in Havana, the Miami quired to hand their notes in a tintinnabulum recognition of the of the re- cal has clearly placed the Church itcrum sonat.” nion Sunday. We have children’s primacy bridesmaid fugees donned black Their work as the official sealed to Cardinal family. clothing on the side of social reform," envelope Fes- Masses. and team of mMlwi oftte bride ¥ displayed funeral-like crepes stenographers during sler of Sankt Pollen, Austria, IN SPITE OF the many dif- “WE on the doors the council was well done “I AM HAVE HEARD,” he con- of their homes. so who was in charge of the min- ficulties, the seminarians suc- THINKING of Sunday »On« > • Frw AtWfrtlom that tinued, “much about the Some 5,000 Cubans crowded Mi- Plan 10-Hour they earned the praise of utes of the council. Today these ceeded in their monumental when children are separated from materi- ami’s alism of the rich. What is Bayfront Park in the even- the council's historian and the notes fill 40 packages, each con- task of recording tho council. their mothers and fathers. First more and knelt gratitude destructive is the materialism of ing on pavement and Film on Bible of Pius IX. taining more than 1,000 pages. The great historian of the coun- Communion is a great opportun- the poor. More often than grass to recite the Rosary and The organizer of the team In the more than 40,000 cil, Rev. Theodore Granderath, ity for building family life. It is not the pages father of tho ROME (RNS) - Italian film family is so 1M HAHUON AVL. HAMOOM Litany of the Blessed Virgin be- was Rev. Virgilio Marchese, of stenographic notes the semi- said that the steno- very wrong to have a First Com- materi- producer S.J., young alistic that he MiWLTniLmni - fore a shrine of Our Dino De Laurentiis will who before munion on other will prefer to work Lady of becoming a priest narians left are recorded the graphers’ work “was done so Day any day on be aided by Biblical experts In had than Sunday than on be- Charity. been a stenographer in the entire proceedings of the coun- conscientiously they excluded a Sunday. Corpus Christi is Monday cause he the making of a 10-hour motion the will get time and a half Subalpine Senate of the govern- cil: not only the texts of the the very possibility of error in not day for this. Parents to or double picture, be entitled The Bible, ment ought to be there. pay. The fact that this of King Victor Emmanuel papers read, but word of the notations.” Asa parish every is the a narrative of from the one day the is episodes of Sardinia, In 1869, on the eve the inci- priest I abolished the Commu- family to- debates, interruptions, Pius IX was so impressed gether does Old and New Testaments. of the nion breakfast and wrote not occur to him. council, Father Marchese dents, protests, even the calls with their work that he to par- The movie will take gave He works overtime because three years went to order ents saying: ‘This is your of to Rome as the special by the Cardinal Presi- a silver chalice to Father Mar- great to the extra complete. Interior scenes are day. Take the children money. Often it is just correspondent of the Unita Cat- dent. chese, their as a home with chief, sign of ” for the to be filmed in Rome and ex- you.’ money. tollca newspaper. One stenographer wrote that, his gratitude. terior ones in Israel. "A large proportion of mothers He had formerly reported on 80 Park New Vatican out Avenue, Newark, Jersey authorities expressed the conclave that elected Pius go to work even when there the approval of the film and Support is no need and even when (formerly Sorrento Restaurant ) sug- IX in 1846 and had been present Negroes they that Biblical scholars have children. gested as- to report the of young If she goes sist in Its Asa Cardinal Tardini... On Beach Use out to work the making. result, the doctrine of the Immaculate regularly family producer De Laurentiis will not be a family at all." an- Conception in 1854. CHICAGO (NC) The Catholic nounced the formaton December, (Continued from of a com- Page 1) Pope saw fit to relieve him of his When Pius IX heard of his Interracial Council, the Church mittee. composed of came undersecretary of the Con assignment. Protestant, presence in Rome, he Insisted Federation of Greater Chicago, Catholic and Jewish Biblical for Af- 5th-Century Church ex- that his services be secured for gregation Extraordinary and the Board of 1929 CARDINAL TARDINI once Chicago Rab- perts who are expected fairs in and was raised to to the bis have to Found in begin work the film organizing stenographers. the rank of domestic prelate the summarized his attitude toward appealed Chicagoans Yugoslavia on in Novem- to the "Gracious Dining in a Continental ber. international relations by re- respect rights of all per- BELGRADE Atmosphere" FATHER MARCHESE’S plan same year. (RNS)-What ex- that the sons, regardless of race, creed or the 1930s marking Gospel com- perts believe to be was to recruit seminarians and In he held several Yugoslavia’s 4 Rooms to nationality. Banquet mand love one's enemies most young priests from various Ro- posts which familiarized him ap- ancient Christian church Church Function* Two From St. Louis plies not to individuals but Occasioned by racial tension at Home and Office Parties seminaries with the Church throughout the just to has been uncovered here In ruins man and colleges “social and international public beaches here, the world. In 1933 he was re- joint found at Communion Breakfast* Wedding Volunteers of various nationalities in order named to statement declared: Ohrid, a community not Receptions Papal lations as well." He added that if “As good to make certain that nothing the Pontifical Commission for far from the Greek border. Home of our Suburban and ST. LOUIS (NC)-Francis this is citizens of Chicago we are Metropolitan T. Russia, of which he later became precept ignored, “the com- would be lost in transcribing The church, a circular Clarke, 36, accounting abyss leading to war will be mitted to the principle of equal type Catering Service supervisor the president. He was named a con- structure with St. Louis Latin spoken In the strong rights in connection with a circumference of for the Regional Blue to open —beit cold or hot war.” tax-sup- 4-7200 suitor the Sacred Congregation 79 HU BI 3-7000 accents of the many nations. On occasion ported property. As Americans feet, was built on foundations Cross office, and Mary Jane Kre- for the Oriental Church in 1934. another he said the He knew well that Latin we believe in freedom of ancient Roman buildings. It is kelcr, 30, claims representative spoken aims of Vatican diplomacy are and justice by a Frenchman, an English- MSGR. TARDINI for all. As children of God reported to be well preserved, In- for the U. S. Social Security of- was named! “tranquility, freedom and the we man and an Italian not cluding mosaic flooring, and is fice, are quitting their Jobs to be- would substitute secretary of state for 1 peace of men of all nations.” recognize that He has created all ” have the same intona- men believed to be about 1,500 years come the first Volun- always ordinary affairs in 1935. He equal .., Papal was| A WARMLY HUMAN old. DON’T tion. also man, the In a separate SUFFER NEEDLESS PAIN teers from the St. Louis area. appointed secretary of the statement, the The seminarians and the Pontifical Commission Cardinal was founder and direc- Catholic Both will serve in for the In i group congratulated po- Bolivia, tor of Villa a NOW... young student-priests selected terpretation of the Code of Nazareth, Rome or- lice officials for the ef- A Whirlpool Bath in the forming the nucleus of a lay mis- j impartial Father Marchese Law. the phanage for boys which he estab- forts of police in Legation Elevated sionary team to work in two Bo- by came from At end of 1937 he be-' maintaining or- lished in 1946. der of the Roman came for at a public beach where Ne- VATICAN CITY - Privacy your own home! livian parishes staffed by St. Seminary and the secretary extraordinary! (RNS) Nlca- Cardinal Tardini was Cardinal of the Gcr- affairs in the Secretariat of State groes sought to gain use of ragua’s tics Louis priests. They will leave for Colleges French, equal diplomatic with the protector of a number of four-month man-llungarian, English, Irish, and secretary of the Congrega-i religious the facilities. Holy See have been a course in Spanish communities and strengthen- Scotch and the tion for pious associa- The were at the ed the elevation and Latin American culture in North American Extraordinary Affairs. Negroes joined by of its legation tions, including the International beach in College. In a list of the steno- Pope Pius XII by Protestant ministers, a Rome to the status of an Cuernavaca, Mexico, Aug. 2. named Msgr. Association Ladies em- of of Charity number of parish priests and the bassy, the Vatican graphers published in Civilta Tardini pro-secretary of state for Radio an- of St. Vincent de Paul, Opus Dei, Cattolica in the Americans affairs in 1952. At Catholic chaplain of the police nounced. 1869, extraordinary the Sisters of the Bishop Better are Holy Humility department. The priests Dwyer that figure Rev. Theodore the same time Cardinal —then were RENO, Nov. (NC) Sources of Mary of Villa Maria, Pa., anil present to show Catholic Metcalf of Boston and a semi- Monsignor Montini was named support at St. the Sisters of Charity of Cincin- of for the Mary's Hospital report that narian, Peter Geycr of Dayton. pro-secretary for ordinary affairs. equal rights Negroes. Motlern Miatiors Bishop Robert J. of nati. Dwyer Reno, Cardinal Tardini held his post who A. B. C. HAT CENTERS suffered a heart ailment re- ON THE EVENING of Dec. for the remainder of Pope Pius’ IN Manufacturer! flnait cently, is NEW YORK Cardinal Spell- o» nama-brand recovering satisfactori- 1, 1869, the team quality haadwaar for tha * V- ♦»» ft • '■ stenographic reign. After the Pope's death the man described Cardinal He admitted to Tardini antlra family ly. was the hos- was sworn in just a few Sacred days nam- ( as an dedicated 5. before “able, and faith- BONDS pital July the opening of the coun- cd him regent of the Secretariat' ful collaborator" of the Holy Fa- ol State during the before' period ther. The Cardinal left New York the election of anew Insurance Pope. July 31 to attend Cardinal Tar- dini’s funeral. Never before IN NOVEMBER, 1958, Pope .could your Cardinal Spellman noted that John named him a Cardinal and family enjoy professional Cardinal Tardini was one of his him whirlpool massage appointed secretary of State. in the professors when he was studying home He thus became the first Vatican bathtub. Before the de- in Rome 49 years ago. Later MOST secretary of state since 1944, they velopment of the portable POPULAR worked together in the Vatican AT LOWEST when Cardinal Maglione FACTORY PRICES Jacuzzi, died. Factory whirlpool massage Secretariat of State, where Cardi- Outlot 111 3rd (treat Pius had not named 1 Block off Newark was availhle at elinies Pope a suc- nal Spellman served from Are only 1925 to Branch Outlat 44*0 cessor. Communlpay Ava and health clubs. 1932. were both members N,,r Junction expensive They of ...... JERSEY CITY Now ontlro fomllv Cardinal Tardini soon won Phone OL MHO TM your con onloy new the papal legate’s party the whirlpool BOOK OF to In benefits, your home, distinction as state. for a secretary of Eucharistic few cent* a day. It offers Congress in Dublin in lono-laiting relief from dally His relations with the press were 1932. aches, pains, nervous tension and fatigue. usually frank and friendly. It was at a press conference in THE that he of his MONTH! March, 1960, spoke Support President ESTEEM ill health and his wish to retire WASHINGTON (NC)-The Na- from his post. Our ability to recognize the needs demanding tional Councils of Catholic Men of discriminating hosts and Hut he added that tho decision and Women have sent President hostesses You relax In the tub of water. is the was not his but the and basis for the and Like many tiny fingers, the mov- Pope’s, Kennedy a telegram pledging growth success ing water filled with millions of that lie would carry on until the their support In tho Berlin crises. of our Catering Service. vibratory air bubbles massages •very part of the body. Every month, it’s a bankbook! Hydromassage provides penetrat- ing heat and massage at the same time the to stimulate local blood cir- Enjoy wonderful peace of mind culation in Anno' painful areas of the 'Quadrag esimo body, it brings long-lasting relief comes with from pains associated with that having a growing The fundamental points that characterize the CHRONIC ARTHRITIS masterly encyclical of Pius XI IQuadragesimo can be reduced ACHING BACK cash reserve: start that cash Anno] building to two. SPRAINS AND BRUISES Change the manage pattern to MUSCULAR • The first is that one cannot take as the suit yourself. Adlust the unit fo SORENESS reserve, with regular in supreme deposits of vigorous hvdromassaoe or gentle NERVOUS TENSION criteria economic activities and institutions the interest of whirlpool bath. Unit maintains individuals or of nor free water temperature. TRY IT TODAYI a bank account here, this groups, competition nor economic payday. nor tho power, prestige or power of the nation, nor other 24-Hr. Phone Service Dally or Weekends similar criteria.

■ - 1 COLLICT CALLS ACCIPTSD CALL —. Instead, tho supreme criteria of such activities and institu- tions are justice and social WHIRLPOOL BATH Service For charity. JACUZZI County-Wide Banking Over 100 Years • The second is that men should strive to achieve a na- 1238 Rayomnd Blvd. tional and international order with MA 2-1544 juridical a complex of pub- N. lic and Newark, J. HUDSON COUNTY NATIONAL private permanent institutions inspired" by social justice, BANK to which the economic n Would Llk. Horn. sector should be conformed, thus mak- f] Plomo *ond Fro* Ut.r.tuc. vouiufcurQ/kirnti ing it less difficult for economic agents to carry out their tasks Nimt Deposits Insured Up To $lO,OOO By The Uj in conformity with the demands of justice and within the CATERING SEjjyiCE Federal Insurance City Deposit Corporation framework of the Ptnonil Annie* el M*tnN L. Hoin tr State common good Pope John XXIII in . "Masty” Js "Doh” “Mater WEST ORANGE. NEW Da y Phone et Magistra” eneyclicqj, May 15, 1961. JERSEY A S3 M Some August 3, 1961 THE Areas of Congo ADVOCATE 3 “Patriotic” Priests Are Still in a Turmoil

The Warned in Poland LEOPOLDVILLE, Congo (NC) Msgr. Victor ment if he returned to his See. van Beurden, of SS.CC., is head a Church jurisdiction It pointed out that violence twice the size of against LONDON (RNS) Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland has his native Belgium. Yet he and three priests or religious car- fellow Sacred ries the of excommunica- warned priests belonging to the government-controlled Hearts Fathers are the left penalty only priests in tion, and that Caritas that be the whole excommunication organization they will excommunicated un- territory, the Apostolic Prefecture of Kole. incurred through violence to a less they submit to Church and Twenty-six priests and 10 Sa- discipline cease collaborat- Bishop can be absolved cred Hearts only by ing with the to Brothers served the the communists, according Polish emigre missionaries are the guardians. Pope himself. Sacrilegious —— prefecture in North Kasai Prov- sources here. If the political leaders and the thefts or mistreatment of holy ob- ince when the Congo gained in- The Caritas organization is said traditional chiefs continue to jects also carry the penalty of ex- dependence last year. When for- op- to number about 300 oriests. Ear- Crusade pose the return of the mission- communication, the pastoral said. Rosary mer premier Patrice Lumumba ly this year Cardinal Wyszynski aries and the traders, was killed storm paganism ordered Draws in February a THE the group disbanded and will return rapidly and misery BISHOPS warned against 500,000 broke over Kole Prefecture and it it was reported that some will the traffic in a common priests CARACAS, Venezuela (NC)— has come back apace.” hemp, been raging ever since. narcotic. had decided to obey the direc- More than half Msgr. van Beurden said he a million turned tive to leave "To smoke the organization. out on this capital city’s A FEW HOTHEADS were the plans to the missioa of hemp is a very military parade ground to climax a four- moving spirit behind the Dekesc with two other priests up- grave sin against the Fifth Com- violence, MEANWHILE, Warsaw Radio month on his return to mandment of God. Family Rosary Crusade Msgr. van Beurden said here. "It his prefecture. By this poison claimed that members of Another shorten priest conducted by Rev. Patrick was clear that the agitators had priest and a Brother arc you your life and that of Caritas "are Pey- increasing their co- ton, C.S.C. had at Idumbc. These two your children. does not a well prepared plan, and stations, Hemp operation with the government much reduced The sea of people represented they seized Lumumba’s death as in personnel, are give courage, but drives a man authorities despite strong warn- almost half the of an occasion to all that remain of the nine flour- mad and then he commits the population put it into opera- ings from the Polish hierarchy.” Caracas. ishing missions greatest crimes. The rally produced one tion.” of Kole. For that reason The broadcast said it is representa- of the worst traffic jams in its Priests were abused and forced a mortal sin to plant, sell, tives of the group had been re- history. to flee their missions. All 13 Bel- MEANWHILE, the Bishops of buy or smoke hemp. ceived by Premier Josef Cyran- A Kivu Province issued pastoral “ helicopter flying over the gian nuns working in the prefec- a ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Many kiewicz who letter praised them for area radioed that automobiles ture also fled. decrying the rule of lies men Bands of unem- have been killed in these their collaboration. and and violence in Kivu and buses traveling toward ployed youths, formed into bri- espe- times without being judged. Do It also reported that Pax, an- the rally were halted in lines cially in the southern not ex- gades by leftist agitators from region, forget that the blood of inno- other government-sponsored known or- tending two or three miles in all as the Maniema. cent Stanleyville, attacked the normal men cries to heaven like the ganization of the "progressive” directions. The pastoral noted that school run the in Kole Bishop blood of down the by priests Abel, bringing BREAK GROUND: Rev. J. priests, had issued a statement Cardinal Richard Cleire, of John Brown, pastor of St. Cassian’s, Quintero of Caracas, village and the school and a 300- W.F., Kasongo, curse of God which pursues the Upper Montclair, welcoming breaks for the new recent Polish legisla- speaking at the noted the bed taken capital of the Maniema, would criminals ground building at School there. left to rally, hospital were over by even if they are not Lacordaire Looking on, tion which, for the first time in great number risk imprisonment and mistreat- right, Mother M. of of men present the Congolese. punished by human justice.” Dolorita, 0.P., superior general the Domincan Sisters of Cald- that country’s and remarked history, legally a- that the rally had well, Montclair Commissioner and M. bolished the "AFTER THE exodus of the Angelo Fortunato Sister Virginia, principal teaching of religion shattered any notion that reli- of Lacordaire. in state schools. gious Europeans, trouble began break- Pax gatherings are meant for women ing out within the tribes and the Romana Stresses Goals and children only. IN ANOTHER development, Father clans,” he said. "Because of Peyton has taken his Zolnicz Wolnosci, communist or- these struggles roads be- Rosary Crusade to 44 countries. ... the For Catholic gan of the Polish Intellectuals Catholic armed forces, His next crusade will be in San came dangerous, and provisions Spokesmen disclosed Differ in Warsaw that in each from Francisco in September. Luluaburg stopped coming FRIBOURG, Switzerland (RNS) The intellectuals' years of military command in Poland a altogether." Pax Romana called on all study and professional work, it number of officers and enlisted He said gasoline was in very Catholic intellectuals On and stu- continued, “should be dominat- Medical Care men are being given short dents for special There was no more to Aged supply. play leading roles in ed as by thirst for justice and a training instructors in atheism soap and very little milk. Sup- helping mankind "seek for spirit for ways of service. They should WASHINGTON troop indoctrination. of short and its fulfillment - Catholic He cited his plies clothing grew and total libera- help the to fulfill own experience an "insurance” bill as claimed tion.” university its spokesmen before the In Vatican City, the Vatican stores were pillaged. appearing at Pollack Hospital, Jersey City, or whether it mission as a center of research is a system of tax- Radio reported that In House Ways and Means Commit- to answer claims despite in- "These people, who have the a statement adopted at its that the aged ation, with the taxes raised constantly ever better and as a be- "7 h ,* Stcrt,ar * with »ho tee here not tense atheist propaganda most opportunity of raising their level 40th anniversary meeting here school of expressed differing view- do face financial problems ing earmarked for the of Finishing School Look" wisdom and science care Polish school Qualify for the the international points on the of in children are re- glamour of living and their social stand- organization of advisability receiving hospital care. the aged. Job forming men of assum- you want. The only capable to maining steadfast to their reli- •chool ing, will lose their opportunity if Catholic university graduates and adopting a bill peg medical “Many of our older patients,” The Notre Dame in New York that ing their civic and social priest also offers Speedwritlng. respon- care for the to gion. you don’t react students said intellectuals aged the Social he said, "have hospital bills far °r Pitman Shorthand, they against the pres- “must sibilities.” suggested that the improving fi- combines It said that a recent outstanding business ent state of he said. bring their intelligence to such Security program. beyond their possibility of settle- nancial survey training things,” Among speakers at the position of the aged with nationally known meet- in Poland showed beauty fields as the Among those testifying on the ment or their that 80% of and charm course. Free sciences, arts, and ing was Cardinal family's payment means that in the near future "INDEPENDENCE Koenig of Vi- bill (H.R. school students placement, guidance service. Air- was badly technical and to the 4222, the King Bill), and the only solution for the secondary attend Conditioned. Catalog. professional enna, who told the delegates that many government will be involved understood by many Congolese, life.” were Dr. Benedict Duffy, head becomes public welfare. church on Sundays and feast a major task for intellectuals is Patients in a program that has become who saw in it a liberation of the of on days and 1% declared MW.4jDdS^N.Y.36,N.Y. only The statement stressed that in to department preventive public welfare generally re- only them- “show how new discoveries unnecessary. from all the medicine and selves to to 4-1660 moral law, of which this way "we are conscious of indicate community health ceive a cut-rate charity form of be atheists. a convergence of sci- MURI'IIY opposed the the at Seton Hall Medical medical care which is medicine act on serving Church in enabling ence and College; at religion.” Scientific the grounds that it would: it, us, to to Rev. Stanley Parry of Notre its most mediocre.” (1) Convert Makers Meet through bring the knowledge, he said, "is not in Dame bring about an overuse of facili- world’s reconstruction the trans- contradiction University, and Austin S. with the Revela- FATHER PARRY testified in ties to the detriment In cendant aid of its and life, Murphy, of the business ad- of those —August Clearance—, Michigan Aug. 7 light tion. There can be no double opposition to the bill, stating that really in while ministration school at Canisius need of the facilities; respecting the legitimate truth." the facts do not warrant aban- PONTIAC, Mich. (NC) - Con- (2) grow in cost in autonomy of secular values.” College. All were testifying on disproportion vert Makers of America (CMOA) Asserting that Catholic intellec- donment of the principle of local to its In urging Catholic students their own behalf. usefulness; (3) discrimin- and tuals "are for the care because the is not will gather here in St. Benedict responsible problem ate financially against the 25-54 SALE scholars to be faithful to their fate Parish 7 of the world,” Cardinal I)R. DUFFY of the magnitude Hall Aug. for their 17th gave a strong en- alleged. age group; (4) not fill the need vocations in the Church and the Koenig declared that "intellec- Father had annual dorsement to the bill, Parry also ques- as other available meeting. world, statement declaring alternatives OF the pointed out tual laymen must FINE COLONIAL Rev. Erwin A. Juraschck acquire a deep that it "has been demon- tioned whether the bill is would. FURNITURE of that the amply actually "possibility of studying theological to San Antonio, Texas, CMOA spirit- knowledge be strated that there is a widening is a privilege for which they are worthy of the incum- ual will address the leadership gap between the financial re- director, to accountable all their breth- bent upon them within the meeting. sources of the aged and the pres- ren.” Church.” ent care.” Is to Reports on convert-making ac- cost of medical Hungary off tivities over Exerting 1/3 of 1,000 members 1/2 of this lay apostolate movement You'll find tho tiro itoro fillod with will be received. on oxciting lovingi on Coloniol Pressure charming groupi ond occaiional pioeoil Now CMOA works with individuals on Priests li tho timo to buy tho . . . cauio tavingi aro truly fob- and with priests to provide mod- ulouil A word to tho wlioi shop oarly for boil •oloctloml ern VIENNA (NC) techniques for spreading the Hungary’s communist masters are truths of the Catholic Faith. mounting anew in offensive their long campaign to bring the nations piiests to heel, to according reports arriving - here. Spinning'jff-'Wheel- of the Objective campaign is a “national church” in opennnnn rebellionrphollinn againstanainct RnmnRome. TRaThe •—— - wr

latest maneuver is direct inter- is squeezing Catholic activity vention with the Bishops, to make within constantly narrower lim- them turn the Church into about ALL an its” 'and depriving Catholics of active agent of communism. AUTOMOBILE basic human rights. Osservatore made the AIR AN EXCOMMUNICATED lead- comment in presenting a composite er of the so-called “peace picture of the Church’s CONDITIONERS priests," Rev. Miklos Beresz- plight in Hungary as drawn from toezy, said in a speech that he newspaper accounts would talk published inside and outside of to the Bishops per- Hungary. sonally to make sure that "priest- ly and ecclesiastical activity will hi positively directed and crufti- BIBLES & BOOKS fied socialism. ” by 1 OF ALL TYPES His speech was studded with REBOUND TURKISH bitter SHRINE: This is reputedly the house of the invective against priests Panaya Kapulu, Virgin NEWARK BINDERY, INC. IS Mary at More loyal to the Holy Sec. He said Ephesus, Turkey. than 10,000 pilgrims are to visit the an- FRED CORDON. expected that since Prei cient peace priests have no 71 Clinton Biblical city this month in honor of the Feast of St„ Newark }, N. j. the Assumption. The to wing authority remove the priests MArkrt 3 0961 Th the building at the right is said to be the bedroom in of which Our Lady died. loyal to Rome, they must be INSTALLED IN V dealt with by "social" means. He cited retreats and circular Ideal PRINTING Political letters from the • your Present car in Australia Bishops as meth- | Party ods of getting communist prin- B ue M: todayi HARRY F. MURPHY ciples and motivations into priest- \ J Seeks ly work. Call 78 CLINTON ST., NEWARK 2 Private School Aid MArket 1 Phone: 3-2831 THE REGIME not Clii Australia (NC) lias hesi- P I SYDNEY, case in their claim for state aid. tated The to issue letters of its own M “Banda [ Democratic Labor Party has A. Lind of the Australian Labor denounced composition in the name of the as "iniquitous” pres- Party disassociated himself from Investment [Bishops. These letters are pub- VutnliutonA, *)*G, lent policy in New South Wales his in this Jerome J. party’s policy regard. lished the state Stanley education through Bureau NEWARK, N. J. making “compulsory of * * I Religious Affairs. Such an CHURCH GOODS for all but free only for those ap- TA 4-2040 [ | parently fraudulent letter who acceut con- 116 WASHINGTON STREET the state secular sys- U.S. Religious demning nine priests on PATIIMN CAMDEN tem.” trial for Al MM ■M V4OU MA 2-5071 NEWARK, N.J. treason and anti-state activities c'»; In a letter to State Premier It. Listed U Congress was issued last spring. Heffron, the central council of NOTRE The Reds have jailed than the Democratic Labor Party DAME, Ind.-The sec- more ond National 50 other pointed out that one-fourth the Congress of Reli- priests. They have gious searched the homes 4 children in New South Wales goj will be held at Notre Dame of 1,000 priests and former teachers / to private schools. "This saved i University Aug. 16-19 with ses- of r,V sions held at religion. They have also threat- V lews/ the government 18 million pounds being the suggestion l to I of the Sacred of ened abolish what remains of (540.3 million) last year alone,”! Congregation Re- j i in religious instruction in schools •for the letter said. ligious Rome. JuCr.MHX.ttC/?.. Speakers will include Cardinal unless the Bishops cooperate with The Democratic Labor Party! CAKE Valeri, them. Jr. COFFEE LOVERS challenged Heffron to explain the prefect of the congrega- Plant the In Vatican City, seed of security £ w**t**t>> <*" stand of his party, the Australian tion; Archbishop Egidio Vagnoz- Osservatore today and you’ll enjoy Labor zi, Apostolic to the Romano asserted that Hungary I PALS CABIN Party, on inequities aris- Delegate U.S., the fruits of and Antonio prosperity CcuMtSkcpf* ing from the education Archbishop Samore, tomorrow. Open in- present an secretary of the Pontifical Com- it.?** will be laws in New South Wales. sured open mission for Latin LASTING MEMORIALS savings account at The Democratic Labor party’s America. Monroe The and watch it view state congress will with EVERY SUNDAY MORNING on aid to education open a GROW and GROW. ■■■■' J)iCLMn(h Pontifical Mass at -I can be reduced to three basic; p.m. on Aug. 9 a.m. l«. Leo A. • from principles, the letter said. Bishop Pursley of Fort Savings up to August Wayne-South Bend, lnd., will give 15th earn dividends from FROM ”1. The parents are the natur- the keynote address that eve- August Ist. al educators of their children and OSTENSORIA ning. alone to they have the right from Current Dividened: Such as in after Mass for choose the kind of education topics religious forma- Marsh Stop they $l5O never, NO NKVER want for them; tion, government of religious compro- %% mises with to a delicious coffee communities, theological trends 3 quality give you the ring, "2. The state has to in- right and life, <&> lowest on religious and the con- prices fine, gem quality makes sist on the standard of education tribution your morning of Scripture and liturgy diamonds. it wishes the children to Com attain, to religious life will be discussed pounded Quarterly coffee more but it has no right to determine enjoyable. by those attending. The Confer- the kind of education shall they ence of Major Superiors of Men's |have; Religious Institutes and its coun- PALS CABIN ”3. All Australian children for MONROE terpart women’s communities altar I should be equal before the law in will sponsor the national JEWELERS AND con- MISSALS from S2O SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1908 the matter of education." gress. PROSPECT «nd EAGLE ROCK AVES. SAVINGS Meanwhile, in Melbourne, can- WEST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY j AND LOAN ASSOCIATION NEWARK didates of the three major poll- New millburn BOSTON, York, Philadel- ■ 221 St. Bank.At Washington at 189-91 Market Street REdwood 1-4000 parties campaigning for the phia and 265 67 Millburn Avenue jtical Bardstown, Ky., tic- Newark N. J. • MArket 3-7090 OPEN ! legislature in Victoria Stale 2, WED. EVENINGS OPEN ca me suffragen of Balti- Mitchell 3-2260 THURS. EVENINGS agreed at a discussion that I public more, the first American dio- 57 HALSEY ST., NEWARK 2, NJ. OPEN MON. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. I independent schools have a good in 1808. cese, TUES. thru FRI. to 4 P.M. THE 4 ADVOCATE August 3, 1961 In Africa: Statement by Religious Leaders Backs Foreign Aid

Warn WASHINGTON (NC) - Bishops Against Disunity, Sixty- States’ traditional commitment to five Catholic clergy and laymen freedom, peace, progress and dig- have signed a statement support- nity for all men, by expressing False ing President Kennedy's foreign wholehearted support for this vi- Foreign Ideologies aid proposals. tal contribution to world peace.” The statement, together with THE Affairs DAR ES separate statements by Protes- HOUSE Foreign SALAAM, Tangan- the spirituality of the laity has the Church does into not enter tant Committee recently approved the yika (RNS)—The first Interterri- and Jewish religious and lay gained in depth and vitality.” party politics, but that “in her administration’s of long- torial leaders, was released 31 program of social July by ADDRESSING principles, she gives her range aid. The committee the Roman Catholic themselves to Warren Lee Pierson, chairman of foreign hierarchy in children to the (and all men) a safe voted in favor of a five-year, $&.B East Africa concluded here with phenomenon of the newly de- the Citizens’ Committee for In- and proven guide toward attain- billion of economic de- a from veloping areas under their juris- ternational Development. program warning the prelates ment of diction, the stated: “We their temporal goals in velopment loans. against domestic disunity and the Bishops The name of Archbishop Karl harmony with that eternal statement infiltration of are conscious of the legitimate good J. Alter The Protestant sup- false foreign ideol- for which mankind of Cincinnati, chairman of our for the was created.” porting foreign aid was signed by ogies in their Sees. aspirations people of the Administrative Board, Na- In their the 162 After advancement of their countries to meetings, Bishops persons, and the Jewish nine days of a tional Catholic Welfare Confer- discussing full said, they had focused attention statement by 30 common maturity and nationhood, and persons. approach to problems of the contribution ence, heads the list of signatures the Church we commend those who by their upon of the Also among those signing the in the emerging 'Af- Church on the statement by Catholics. in the educational, med- Catholic statement were rican the initiative, industry and public Msgr. states, conference, at- ical and social fields in their tended service, have brought them to re- THE FULL Joseph A. Costello, Newark; Rev. by some 60 prelates and spective statement says: their present stage of develop- areas. Fabian Flynn C.P., Union City, presided over by Cardinal Ru- “She I “Even the most superficial un- ment. has ceaselessly waged and James J. Norris, Elizabeth. gambwa of Bukoba, iderstanding and appreciation of Tanganyika, war on disease, ended its “In the anxieties of these ignorance, and deliberations with a jthe present world situation must poverty, and we continued to changing times, we would cau- pledge convince message East African Catho- effort in that j anyone, beyond doubt, of on tion our the dan- struggle,” the Immigration lics. peoples against : the grave need endorse the statement said. to ad- Their gers that stem from dissensions ON CAMPUS: This church is ministration's statement said the the largest in Puerto Rico. It is located on the j foreign aid study at home and insidious infiltration Attending the conference were campus propo- ‘Humanitarian’ conference "has the Catholic ! sals. given us a of false prelates from Ken- University Puerto Rico, where more than 180 American mueh desired ideologies from abroad.” Tanganyika, of of priests, opportunity to ex- nuns and Brothers are "In this crucial we ya, Uganda, Northern Rhodesia studying this summer for future work among Puerto Ricans. hour, urge Basis Asked amine the situation of the Church THE MESSAGE all citizens of stressed that and Nyasaland. in the this great nation to in our United States. several jurisdictions, to unite in echoing the United WASHINGTON (RNS)—A mes- exchange ideas on Church prob- sage to President Kennedy on be- lems common to all, us and to half of 50 national organizations, discuss the role of the Church in All Parents Should including major Catholic, Protes- the Says Have developing countries in which tant and Jewish groups, urging we serve." him to take leadership in develop- “Under God's -providence,” ing "a non-discriminatory, hu- their message "there declared, Choice in Children’s Education manitarian’’ immigration policy has been a steady growth of the was made public here. Church in this of part Africa; RIO DE JANEIRO (NO-So- Jesuit Educational The statement was released the Association, not as a juridico-political ex- by numbers of priests and re- callcd liberals who for Edward press served as delegate both of his pression of the community, but J. Ennis, chairman of ligious have increased: neW dio- state in education be- the board of directors monopoly own organization and of the as a existing of the ceses have superior entity been established; and come “bedfellows” of fascists U.S. National Catholic Educa- for the advantage of those who American Immigration and Citi- and communists by seeking to tional Association. which is co- have attained control over it zenship Conference, of form the intelligence the and its schools ordinating work of and over . . . religious FREE TRIAL! GOV. LACERDA also child into one mold, according spoke civic organizations in this field. the “PROHIBITING to the of Brazil’s on opening day of the con- private edu- governor new Religious groups signing the mes- not gress. He told the cation is the only way to stale of Guanabara. delegates: sage to the President included “Freedom of education freedom of education. 'PEANUT' Gov. Carlos Lacerda also told has suppress the National Conference of It can he the sixth Congress of the Inter- many enemies, including not a hampered and suffo- Catholic Charities. cated national Union for Freedom of few who consider themselves by denying the means The message to President Ken- HEARING AID Education: friends of political freedom and whereby the children of the of and middle class nedy called his attention to four social progress. Some con- poor can take “TO RESERVE major goals which the organiza- Danbury, Conn. Acousticon, Independent sider freedom of choice in ed- advantage of the variety and tions arc in U. S. immi- makers of the world's first education only for the children ucation contrary to the inter- quality which only independent seeking of those gration hearing aid, are manufacturing who can pay from their est of the public school. education can offer.” policy: 1. That should a "Peanut own pocket for a private school In his quotas be estab- Hearing Aid,” a tiny “There are those who concluding remarks, TEACHERS WANTED: This con- Salesian school in Quito, Ecuador, has asked for lished at one-seventh of of device worn all is tantamount to saying that Lacerda said: five 1% to- In the ear. fuse ‘public’ education with Volunteers to the rich to Papal teach English for two years. tal U. S. rather than There are No wires, No only have the right ‘state’ education. Education “We defend education for all Applicants should be men between population bulky is 21 and 45 who one-sixth batteries. educate their children accord- whether it be or have graduated from a Catholic of 1% of the white popu- No cords’ When in public if it is accessible to all public private. college. Enquiry may be made at to their own We defend lation, as at present. groups, in church, in the ing preferences or without regard to the financial the independent the Papal Volunteers headquarters, 720 N. Rush movies, St., Chicago. 2. of the or in the according to the vocation or ap- school, not only as a privilege Replacement present theatre, Just slip It in status of the parents. For some, titude of the children. to the national quota in your car. When not It is only that education is of rich, but as a right origins system needed, public the “Asia it deny scandalously, as some made possible for all through Pacific Triangle” by a carry in a watch pocket or which is open to all because it Apostleship of Prayer coin have done by innuendo, the the multiplication of scholar- formula based on relative popula- purse. You have to see it is completely tax-supported. to believe it! prior right which the family has ships. Its function will be to tions of the various countries of in the choice of the type of “CLASSIFYING EDUCATION form leaders by means of an the world. We will send you a free education it wishes to its not its education that is the de- Would Not 3. Greater in all give by quality, nor by its most Have emphasis na- copy of this device Pope Us tiny showing tional children.” but the di- manding and of the quotas on reunion actual size. extension, only by highest family The Governor, whose state in- rect or indirect source of its quality for all children—those by extending preference visai to cludes the metropolis of Rio de financial support, is character- of the poor, the rich, and the Lulled those abroad seeking to join fam- DICTOGRAPH PRODUCTS, D*pt. B. R. Janeiro, before confer- istic of a which makes middlo class. Wish Peace ily members in the U. S. spoke a society By for Sh*lt*r R«ck Lon*, Danbury, Conn. ence which money the measure of all 4. Permanent in basic brought together “BY EVERY MEANS at our provision things . . law for Nam* educators from 29 countries on . General immigration refugees by disposal, we defend the right Intention of Pope der to bring about the “Those who cannot opposite] Communion to them (pitot* print) five continents. Held at the pay more of all to education; but always John XXIII of the ideal. weekly, monthly, or allocating a percentage for August-. Opposi- as Catholic the must be satisfied with only one often as possible in reparation of the over-all proposed quota University here, respecting the right of the fam- tion to Addrtst Communism. for sin and to opening session was presided type of education—that sup- and the democratic PEACE CAN be achieved implore the Divine and by making special provision ily princi- In this month of the Immacu- only over Cardinal de plied by the state. This is what at the of mercy. for those with skills needed in city by Barros ple of not distinguishing among late Heart price suffering, the will- the of Mary, Pope John S. Camara, of Rio. enemies of freedom of edu- children the of ingness to suffer and the most Third Practice the U. Archbishop by capacity asks us it«t* cation wish to to pray “against any To Rev. Edward B. really say when determination to say the each CA-B-3 Rooney, S.J., their parents to pay, in addi- of self-sacrificing rosary day of New they claim that state-supported slacking vigilance, out of a follow the in honor of the York, president of the tion to taxes, the tuition of the for inspirations of the Holy Immaculate Heart Information Center education is the democrat- longing the appearance of of only school of their choice.” Spirit under the guidance of the Mary. (One decade is suffi- ic education peace, in the face of from cient South Afri- . . danger to JOHANNESBURG, . spiritual and hierarch- gain the at- atheistic communism temporal “Could there be now active ies. tached to this ca (NC) A Catholic informa- anything both practice.) in theory and in practice." tion center more dangerous for a democ- Novena Director Our for Afrikaans-speak- leadership must come from Only those whose names Crusades for seem to be are racy than state monopoly over peace God and If It written in ing people interested in the Cath- the world. country. comes a local league register the consciences of its future Named in U. C. sweeping Marching a olic Faith has here under from spirit of subversive arc eligible for the opened citizens? throngs are shouting a gospel of pro Apostleship of This idea leads to a test under the Prayer the Dutch Dominican Fathers. UNION CITY - Rev. Hilary slogans of no God indulgences. peace on earth to men of good totalitarian education. It takes and no Sweeney, C.P., former professor will. suffering, then it is the the child at his entrance Mission Intention into of theology, has been appointed leadership of the devil. : Christian school No ideal is more worthy of and, ignoring or oppos- director of Novena De- Peace is the work of God and Social Order Perpetual hearts that have been Chris- ing the wishes of the men of family, votions at St. Michael’s Monas- good will. lOR to tianized, fortified and information HAYES PAYS civilized, FURTHER fff trains him serve the state, Communism has tery, succeeding Rev. Bonnet achieved great W’ritc pacified by the Spirit of God. to the Archdiocesan Direc- C.P. stature and awesome It Kelley, It is an ideal which the devil power. tor, Rev. Anthony J. POSTAGI Is a Goliath Connell, Sc- Father Hilary is a native of will who can be con- ton Hall BOTH Lamb to reproduce in facsimile in or- University, South Or- WAYS Boston and was ordained in 1943 quered only by faith and a deter- Speak or to mination ange, the county directors FOR lASY at St. Michael’s Monastery. He to resist unto death Edward J. Larkin. Scton SAVING At Breakfast later St. John’s Gets every influence of Godless ma- earned degrees in sacred Hall Rev. . at ca^Bt’st| terialism in its University; James Mc- NEWARK theology and library science at increasingly many Kenna, 156 BY MAIL James Lamb, na- forms. Hancock Avc., Jersey Catholic University and taught at New President tional director of the Association City 7; Rev. George Dillon, 1235 Holy Cross in To Jesus through the Immacu- for International Development, Seminary Collego L.l.—Rev. George St., Plainfield; Rev JAMAICA, Edward late Heart of we must will be Dunkirk. N.Y. Mary Join Charles guest speaker at the an- J. Burke, C.M., has been ourselves Stengel, 194 The new director announced ap- in our Morning Offer- Washington nual Labor Communion pointed and of Ave., Little HAYES PAYS Day Ferry. that the superior president ings, our Masses, our Commun- breakfast the sermon topics for this . vc /thßf«hire sponsored by Guild St. John’s University, it was an- ions of of St. month will center on “At Home Reparation, our fidelity Joseph the Worker on Sept. nounced this week by Very Rev. in our state of our 4 in Nazareth.” Devotions are held life, patient 1 at Thomm’s Restaurant. A. Taggart, C.M.V., «*w*'’«?S£££s£ each Monday. Sylvester sufferings of the ills of our The Labor Mass life, I Day will be provincial of the Eastern Pro- complete avoidance & celebrated of sin—that Borgos at 10 a.m. in Sacred vince of the Congregation of the God’s Borgos Per Annum peace may come in all 3tx|j Heart Cathedral New Curate Named Insurance PAID by Archbishop Mission. our world. ■IT QUARTERLY Boland, with the sermon to be Formerly the dean of the col- At St. Michael’s First Practice of all kinds Account* Injured to $lO,OOO delivered by Rev. John E. llouri- leges of liberal arts and sciences Morning Offering: O Jesus, SM ban, director of the deaf and UNION at KEARNY AVENUE YOUR CITY Rev. Bede St. John’s, Father Burke suc- through the Immaculate Heart OPEN ACCOUNT NOW speech division of the Mt. Carmel Engle, has been ceeds Rev. John A. of C.P., appointed Very Flynn, Mary, I offer Thee my pray-j KEARNY, N. J. Guild. a curate at St. Michael's Mon- C.M., president since 1947, who ers, works, joys and sufferings Co-chairmen for the •lOMI J. lOROOS affair are astery parish, succeeding Rev. will continue in his assignment of this day for all the intentions John Molinari and Andy Dißella. Alim h. hah Everyone knows the oM adage "a Gerard Griffiths, who was as- as a member of the Provincial of Thy Sacred Heart, in union and penny WIUIAM J. CLACCUM SAVINGS LOAN to retreat work Council and reside at St. with the saved is a penny earned", and the signed laymen’s Joseph’s Holy Sacrifice of the money saved "Mi'l IIK Cllll ' DHENI. V/KAll at St. Paul’s Monastery, Pitts- College, Princeton. Mass throughout the world, in WYmm 1-I7M ASSOCIATION in a CARTERET SAVINGS account earns a burgh. Father Burke will be in charge reparation for my sins, for the 95 5 Broad 5t., Newark 2, N. i. dividend of the of annuallyand is compounded Ordained at St. Michael’s in seven schools of St. John’s intentions of all our Associates, which have or paid quarterly. 0 rn e 1960. Father Engle is a native University, an enroll- for the reunion of Christendom, ll ment over 0 s of Danavllle, N.Y. He attended of 10,000 students. He and in particular for Opposition is a native of Falls, to Communism. Niagara University and was pro- Niagara By opening '**«•»»• ri't/u • your CARTERET SAVINGS 1 Hill,i,., n| v V2 7V N.Y., and ordained fessed a l’assionist in 1955 at St. was in 1941 Second Practice account NOWand at To and receive making regular deposits, you Paul's. For the past year, he has Philadelphia. attend Mass can build a substantial been stationed at Our of reserve fund to serve as Lady Sorrows Monastery, West a valuable aid to your future Spring- security. field, Mass., studying pastoral and sacred CHEVYS While theology eloquence. and you are saving; your moneyis insured AT LAST! FLOOR up to $lO,OOO theFederal by Savingsand Loan PRICED TO FIT Wider Birth Control CORVAIRS Insurance Corporation and is safeguarded by YOUR BUDGET in India the Proposed sound management and ample reserves of COVERINGS HUGE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES NEW India CAR! 1' DELHI, (RNS) - ERE SAVINGS where, India's if your money Catholics are perturbed by EASIEST TERMS should be needed, it is AVAILABLE. the decision of the National CARPETS QUALITY Health Survey and Planning Committee to recommend GUARANTEED USED Open your SavingßAccount NOW at any one to In- Q CARS dia’s government a major ex- LINOLEUMS of our nine convenientlylocated offices. pansion of the family-planning FINEST SERVICE, PARTS, •<» India is PAINT & BODY SHOP aoouunU ot Iff etwee campaign. one of the few FLOOR & WALL TILES countries in the world where the A IST. 1931 • l. AMBROSINO, Pretidant government is taking an active 3085 HUDSON BLVD. part in popularizing birth control. Carloads & carloads in stock JERSEY CITY • 01 6-8000 LAHOeST IN h liw JERSEY at all 4 Blacks North of Hightil Quality Auta times Journal Square WITH OVER *2OO MILLION IN ASSETS WEEK-END RETREATS Evas, till Air Conditional Opon 9 a Wad, till 6 • Sol. till 1 FOR THE LAITY ONLY $275 Carteret SPEND Installations SAVINGS and Loan A WEEKEND WITH GOD by expert Association (Klo4t For: PLUS INSTALLATION MEN, WOMEN, THE 866 BROAD STREET, NEWARK craftsmen, Free estimates. FIRST AD OF A NEW BUSINESS and thete additional HUSBAND and WIFE eight a better PLEASE WISH US THE Conducted by the monks of Always buy at BEST NEWARK: 550 Bloomfield Avenue 744 Broad Street “Beutda Saint Pours Abboy 359 Spriagfletd-Bergea: Springfield At*. RosevUle:417 Orange Street Benedictine Oblate* Rotroat Jersey City Cos. *l*6. (3rd Ordor) Motorcycle Commuter: fenn laitroad Station City line: 712 Springfield Are*** ‘DutniiutoxA, Men & Women N. J. Aug. 18 to 20 Hudson Authorized CAST ORANGE: 606 Centro) An. SOUTH NIWARK, County's B.S.A. Dealer ORANGE: ls9So*&Oeang»Ara. Business Womens Retreot MASTER FLOORS Road is TA 4-2040 Sept. 1 to 4 (3 days) . Motorcycling a Thrilling Sport Recommended’ PAT l HON CAMDII Pleoso make reservations early. For Young Sport Al |.)SSO Route 4 & 17th St. 7-5414 250 c.c. U 5-402 J SW Star-$695 Write for Information tor For Older Sport 500 c.c. Flash DIRiCTOR OF RITRiATS N. J. $933 Fairlawn, Eves, till 9 P. M. 990 Ave. - Queen of Peaco*Rotroat House Newark Route ff 1,Jersey City St. Paul's Abbey, Newton, NJ. dose Sat. at noon during July & Aug. Telephone 01 3-2500 Pope Outlines Council Goals August 3, 1961 THEADVOCATE 5 K. NOP' of C. Now C News Service Over NEITHER DO WE wish SINCE to neg- THIS is an under- Following is a translation the truly of address given by Pope John lect the have XXIII the journalists. They taking of the greatest impor- at closing session of the ecumenical council shown much preparatory propriety though tance, the energies and efforts commissions at the Vatican 1.1 Million on June 1961. sometimes with a little of for its fulfillment Members 20, impa- man not Venerable are brothers, beloved opinions recorded in the tience, a lively desire to be in- sufficient. It is there- sons! The spoken necessary, succession formed NEW HAVEN — of days, like language of his country. regarding the acts con- fore, that our inadequacy be (NC) The Knights of Columbus has the hours morning which are the All this cerning the council. overcome the a record represents a wide by help of the Most 1,143,714 members, according to a bearers of serene lead Us To them also We address Our report pre- light, breadth of application in the in- High. It is necessary to implore for at the K. of C. little by with thanks for pared delivery international convention, little, the help of terests of the Universal Church their kind attention, the light and the strength of the God, toward the while We invite them Aug. 15-17 in Denver. completion of and arouses courteously Holy Spirit with assiduous general interest. pray- The the great task to remember that an ecumenical ers and requests. report, to be given by Supreme Knight Luke E. to which And it is precisely this which we council is not an academy nor a Thus, with the Hart, shows that 426,384 members provides so much inspiration and are all joy and com- dedicat- parliament but a solemn of have more than billion in fort. to meeting help heavenly grace, there will $1.1 K. of C. 21-man board of direc- ourselves That is say, that every- of all ing the ecclesiastical hierarchy come useful advice insurance in force under the so- thing considered these and wise sug- tors. diligently, each during to discuss questions gestions regarding for the work to be ac- ciety’s program. one days is of interest to the entire Delegates will act upon some at his re- the ordinary life of the Church complished, followed by effective The K. of C. program of Cath- Catholic Church and concerns all 150 resolutions at their conclud- spective post and the welfare of olic the beloved souls. And it is execution of the council’s recom- advertising, now in its 13th of responsibil- very sons We have in clear that all ing session, Aug. 17. These will this attracts their mendations. year, has brought more than 4.1 the world. And it cheers, com- include such questions the ad- ity, toward interest but requires of them also The whole world million as forts and is interested inquiries from readers. It the inspires Us at the same mission of Red China to the Unit- council, special respect and reserve. in the preparation of has resulted in the time. the ecu- enrollment of educa- which We be- The menical ed Nations, federal aid to preparation of the council council. Precisely when more than 425,000 in a free course gan in the It is not only you who are pres- tion, and the Cuban situation. continues and as its flowers its deliberations are put into of religious instruction mail, ent here hut it is ef- by name of the really the whole New Jersey Chapter I—Richard Lord, responding to gradually appear means will not fect, they will be made known conducted by the society’s Reli- an invitation Church in exultant work. Here L. Smith of heavenly grace. be lacking for everywhere by modem gious Information of the George Washing- beats the informing the means of Bureau in St. The hearthrob of the Church and communication. We ton Council, Morristown, has been work of the different spe- clergy the faithful and all must not Louis. for the salvation and joy of indi- elected chairman of the cial commissions, the successful those people in the world who withhold anything that may be chapter viduals and of peoples from which development of which We have are awaiting the great event with advantageous to souls. But since THE 79TH ANNUAL convention comprises councils from whose midst have like been you come, a it is a will draw Essex, Union and Morris coun- able to sample, continues sincere desire for the news question of serious and 400 official delegates a chosen progeny, as their repre- and details matters, it is to ties. Other officers are Eugene diligently. And here we are at which satisfy the im- grave our duty representing 4,694 K. of C. coun- sentatives. them M. O’Mara, South Coun- the end of the first meeting of the pulses of generous hearts. present with prudence and cils throughout the U. S., Canada, Orange without cil, vice chairman; Frank A. central commission which is con- ON THE simplicity favoring petty Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico and OCCASION of this be- New Tasks Ahead McDowell Mad- nected directly with Our humble curiosities or indulging in temp- the Philippines. About 5,000 ad- Carroll, Council, ginning of more diligent activity, Venerable presence and and which brothers and be- tation to polemics. ditional Knights and members of ison, treasurer; Charles P. Doyle, person We cannot forget the constant loved sons! It seems to Us Our Newark Council, secretary. Other began six days in such a dis- that language, serene and calm, their families will take in ago work which has proceeded fruit- the part tinguished and words of the angel to Elias must enlighten, dispel misunder- PRAYERS FOR DEFENSE: Rev. the convention posts went to Alphonse D. Mar- orderly manner. for the two Maurus Fitzgerald, program. fully past years. That echo also here enghi, Westfield; Michael T. Co- today: “Arise, standings and remove errors of St. Urban The principal points concern- is to say, an 0.F.M., Anthony Guild exam- Archbishop J. Vchr of expression of the eat; for thou hast yet with the force Press, Paterson, lonna, Montclair; James Mc- ing the structure and desires of the a great of truth. It must contents of Denver will preside Aug. 15 at a organiza- Bishops and re- to direct ines the some 2,000 cartons of Bibles and Mahon, J. tion of future way go" (111 Kings, 19,7). the universal aspirations Pontifical Mass to be offered by Montclair; Henry Fay, our council meet- ligious superiors of the whole New donated to the tasks and new activities in ol the Church toward that which prayerbooks Office of Civil and Defense Morristown; Arthur J. Hanley, ings were outlined with clarity world, the requested advice of Auxiliary Bishop David M. Ma- fact await us. best Mobilization the Bloomfield; William F. Bolan, Or- and with general the Roman corresponds to the peaceful by three major religious faiths. One loney of Denver. Charles agreement, , the opinions of Bishop ange, and John F. into With the resumption of the development of its activities. carton is to be in each of the A. Buswell of Pueblo will McDermott, brought the light and sub- the Catholic universities, who placed agency’s 1,931 preach Newark. studies of the commissions and at the Mass. mitted for study for that time have WHAT now expressed fully the desires CAN WE do for our portable emergency hospitals positioned through- when of the secretariats, We shall Vehr we shall enter the main of the clergy and of the Christian ever beloved, but out the With Dr. Fred Archbishop and Supreme move forward separated, country. Father Fitzgerald is and substantial with the of Knight Hart will speak at din- Vocation Drive phase of our people. help brothers? What a the can we do for the W. Kern, director of the affairs work. Lord, always in the direc- agency’s religious ner that evening which will be at- ALBANY With this authoritative volume tion intended many, many people who do not (NC) A 10-month by Us at the time office. tended by Bishops in the Treated of work began the of the carry on their forehead the Rocky campaign among adults to en- Subjects activity of the first announcement. sign individual That of Christ and Mountain area. vocations the commissions and it can who are neverthe- courage to religious Among the different subjects is to say, toward increased fer- On 16 elections be less the sons of God? Aug. will be life has been for the Al- which We truly said, therefore, that in vor of Catholic You can planned are pleased to recall energies, placed held for seven places the the preparation of the ecumenical well believe how sensitive Our on bany Diocese. here are those which at the service of the Christian 100 Years of for were out- council mind is to their God lined the aspirations of the and of voices and to Waiting with precise synthesis con- people their needs. their priests and the laity have been courtesies. cerning the people invited to stu- TUNGLO, Formosa (NC) The Apostles waited nine taken into account. TO PUT IT briefly but From this point of view too dy the serious of doc- com- days after Christ’s Ascension for the of the Ghost. complex it is the council is not coming Holy pletely, the aim of the coun- a speculative An trine and discipline which will old blind woman near the Maryknoll mission here waited Interest cil that the clergy should assembly, but a vibrant and liv- mark the successful outcome of of the Laity acquire a century. anew brilliance ing organization the of sanctity, that which, in the Ort Mrs. Lim’s 100th council; concerning the Another thing has comforted the light and love birthday, Rev. Maynard J. Murphy, choice people be instructed effica- of Christ, sees of of theologians and of can- Our heart in less M.M., Outremont, Canada, pastor of St. Mary’s parish no degree, and ciously in the truths and embraces the whole world. here, of the Faith called to his to onists; concerning the practical it is so pleasing to be able to The house pay respects the oldest citizen of Tunglo. and Christian morals, that the which is adorning it- rules of discussion and the meth- confide it to in this intimate self you new festively, which is TO THE PRIEST’S ods of generations, who are grow- renewing surprise he noticed on the wall above voting. conversation. It is the ever-in- like itself in the her j ing a hope of better times, springlike splendor bed a picture of the Blessed Mother and Child Jesus. AS FAR icreasing attention given by the should be educated of its precious AS Latin is concerned, properly; ornaments, is the Fifty years ago her grandson had cut the picture out of a laity, particularly by those that Church that invites it is clear that this must be the peo- attention be given to the all men to magazine and the old woman had it framed. It has been hang- Delirious ple who collaborate more closely social its bosom. official language of the council, apostolate and that Chris- ing over her bed ever since. but should with the sacred hierarchy, to the tians should have said We The faded the occasion or need a missionary Haying this. cannot picture, Father Murphy decided, offered him a i activity of the commissions and that refrain from to arise, it will be possible for one' heart, is to say, brotherly expressing again perfect opportunity to mention the Catholic doctrine behind the way grow the intensity of their prayers for and Our pleasure Madonna's to express himself and have his: friendly toward all and with at the diligence image. the council. all. with which you have brought AFTER LISTENING to Father From this hall Our thoughts ycur work to noteworthy results. Murphy for a couple of up healthy! of minutes the centenarian him are turned also to these people, Necessity Prayer interrupted with: “If you are sent OUR PATERNAL by where have been thankful as We are for this atti- As our meetings of encourage- God, you all these years? Why did I recent days O ment to you, that you have to wait 100 years to hear this?” ur Farm-fresh, Jersey produced, wholesome milk It jutt d»li- tude and We wish to congratu- draw to an end, We deem it may con- Ij at op- tinue the ciout it it Children late work undertaken with "The catechism questions and at nourishing! thrivo on It, keep hoalthy them for it. And at the same portune to formulate answers are simple com- a few ex- and Hint outstanding promptness, pared to the happy! ttrvt a glassful afttr a day of swimming time We pray them to continue hortations that We consider with piercing wisdom of one close to eternity,” suit- that alertness which said and activo exercises. the work that has been able and useful for will not stop Father Murphy. “After a few weeks of simple instruc- begun the purpose the Our milk always pleatetl Ask for ~ during summer season. tions, she was asked It at with the same devotion and atten- of the council. May again if she wanted to be baptized. Her God your favorite store or hove It delivered tion not help you all, may He foster answer: ‘I told you weeks I believed in God. I and to doubt that their We invite ago still be- door. both clergies (dio- a good attitude in lieve. How to your Phone us todayl expectations you and fulfill much longer does your God want me to wait’?” and suggestions find cesan and religious) and all the your desire to do well. Mrs. Lim a benevolent echo was baptized with the name Mary on the feast within Us. Christian people to raise ardent With these wishes in Our heart. of Mary, Patroness of China, whose she had first prayers to heaven picture together with We implore heavenly for honored. IMUilttH O'DOWD'S help, all DAIRY the Roman Pontiff that there compounded 4 timei yoorlyl may of you, for your commendable always shine in the Holy Church and generous intentions, and for Rf. 46 PINE BROOK Sava U that admirable and pirwn or by mail ... wo pay unity your KITCHEN recipro- hopes, in token of which E»t. 57 Y*or« both cal Mass Rules poitago wayi concord which it We for permeates impart Our paternal apostolic Simplified Ferias SAVINGS INSURED today. benediction. Pine Brook 6-2637 TO $lO,OOO VATICAN CITY (NC) The Sunday if the Mass offered is CApital See has further i Montclair 4-6440 CHAIRS Holy simplified either that of a feast or a votive Pilgrim the DIVIDENDS Human of rules concerning Mass on Mass, such as a wedding Mass [Bloomfield Pilgrim 3-4535 •tart Workers fourth-class or every month at RECOVERED Dignity ferias, the lowest a Mass on the occasion of the Mohawk. Open your ac- ranking of the count with days liturgical Forty Hours devotion. $1 or morr. add at much calendar. at you Stressed at The new ruling provides for ploasa, whonovor you Labor The Sacred of Ploato. $ 95 Assembly Congregation three minor changes in the Rites re- issued a declaration stat- vised code of 3* GENEVA (RNS) rubrics which was Forthright Catholic ing that chair inantly organization. The “a feria of the fourth issued in July of last per statements by two Cath- other year. leading was Rev. J. G. Stokman, class is never commemorated olic delegates full demanding re- 0.F.M., either in a festive Mass Mohawk .H E representing the Nether- or a »• spect for man’s human dignity lands votive I WESCO government. Mass, even if it is the con- SAVINGS Ann. both and Loen by governments and em- Eggermann declared ventual’'Mass.” 40 Commerce SU Newark I.N. J. ployers highlighted the 45th that “for ffil RT. 10 EAST HANOVER an- what is A fourth-class feria nual here us, at stake is the place is in ef- Rt. 23 & 46 assembly of the Inter- Mitchell 3-0260 TRAFFIC CIRCLE of man in society, the fect an open day on the Church , national Labor Organization. dignity MT. VIEW WAYNE and freedom of whole calendar, and the Mass FREE the One of men, a con- normally PARKING acrom itreet the speakers was \w? cept of social life. What counts of the preceding Sunday is of- Daily, 9-4) WED. EVIS.toSFM. TU 7-9770 - CL 6-1484 George Eggermann, permanent for us is the will we fered. The new provision thus Geneva representative of the In- bring to bear to give man the chance to eliminates the addition of the ternational Federation of Chris- be more ‘a to Secret tian Trade man,’ develop him- Collect, and Postcommu- mm Unionists, a predom- self, in short, to fulfill himself.” nion prayers of the Mass of the Father Stokman stressed that ! Priest "whatever Reports may be an individ- Polish Cultural h' , : SAVE ual's MORE...EARN MORE philosophy we will all agree i Angola Torture that the human being must be Group to Meet S3 SAVINGS unreservedly respected. We must Ohio - The LUANDA, Angola Ten An- YOUNGSTOWN. > ’ | tl recognize that the other man is W ACCOUNT golan Catholics American Council of Polish Cul- Y ~ were tortured by equal to that he far fin a b#tt#r ourselves, has Clubs SK" use for that other tural will hold a conven- ? spare Africans in an effort to the same Ur k t 0r rights and carries with p purs# ,han *0 use It tion-workshop here Aug. 22-27, it now* to nno ? ? make them renounce their Faith. him the P Savln 8* Account same profound source of - romn»°nS # Kl* at The Trust has been announced by Dr. This was reported here value and V 5 y cw Je y Try 1,1 See how by Rev. dignity. Charles m m \ iu? to * aaS! h T - easy Allen Barctski of New- v« here- how Augusto Filisberto, a who quickly your priest "That is we condemn Brows money why dis- ark, archivist-historian. ■ „ 3 a ln, * r e*t- was with a column of who Pn toanunf if # year Come troops crimination based on color, A feature of the will lZ offices or save 10 race, meeting ill by mall, we rescued the from African na- a°tM sex, religion, nationality or be 8 Rememb « r politi- a Civil War Centennial Me- IS ar/oDen Mnirt offices tionalists. He said the Catholics cal views. That gpen is why the work morial Mass to be Monday evening*. had been offered by tied with ropes, whip- of man can never be considered Bishop James W. Malone at St. ped and of food and deprived or treated as merchandise to be Columba’s Cathedral. I 11 V water. sold or hired for profit. That is Internal strife has taken thou- why also there must be consulta- //rust sands (Company of lives in Angola in re- tion in the undertaking between cent months as Portugal attempts management and the staff. of to put down extremist attempts "The New human dignity of the Jersey to gain independence. Three Itali- This** wm worker is meaningless if it does an Capuchins here to Jersey • arriving not include for City Hoboken • Weehewken the worker the Union get relief City. West New York supplies for their mis- right to • Seceucue express himself and to Hlmber Federal Deposit sions said that a number of vil- have Insurance Corporation a real influence as regards puftenpuW lages in the north have been his own labor, or as regards the abandoned and that Sisters some technical, economic and social have been forced to leave mis- questions of which he has knowl- sions in the area. BRAKE STOP edge." / why you LINING Task GUARANTEED m for the Laity sSiH should Education to act in a Christian manner in economic anti FOR * social matters will *2 50 000 hardly succeed unless those being edu- SmUiniurm cated a play an active role in their own formulation, and unless \ buy MILES n the education is also carried on through action. Just one as cannot acquire the right use of liberty except by using'liberty correctly, so one learns Christian behavior in 75 COMPLETE social and economic matters by actual Christian action in 13 ANY BEAR those fields. CAR Hence, in social education the associations and organiza- i-FREEZER tions of the FRONT END an Finance lay apostolate play important role especially , those that have as their specific objective the Christianization Saves 0 SERVICE 1. extra trips to the store 2. Gives of the economic and social sectors of the greater menu 3. Is a 16 Route 46 temporal order. In- boat variety deed, many members of these your associations can draw profit life-saver when CLIFTON from their daily to form unexpected guests in 4. Saves on experiences themselves more com- drop money food (Near Crooks Ava.> 95 pletely and also to contribute to tho social at education of youth. bargains and 5* At this it seems to leftovers Saves time. Cook PR 3-3924 point opportune recall to all, the great double-serveone...freeze one and lowly, the Christian of SM.M4P.It 6 concept life, which requires a spirit FIDELITY of moderation and of sacrifice. UNION a Unfortunately, there is every- Buy where hedonistic TRUST prevalent a conception and tendency which COMPANY would reduce life to the search for and the 000 pleasure full satis- Bank That's CIRCLE SERVICE faction of all the Th« Strong for Youl passions, with a consequent great loss to Refrigerator-Freezer at both and soul. Pope John your body XXIII, “Mater et Magistra” fcUmbtr Fadaril Deposit Insurinci Corpontios encyclical, May 15, 1961. favorite store. pvisi@siaa

One man has been on Rev. Leo Farley, S.T.D., and Rev. Robert trial in Israel agreement was drawn it was immedi- Hunt, S.T.D., of up, Immaculate for the murder of six million Conception Seminary, Darlington, Ramsey, N.J., Jews during ately violated by the government. The Car- World War 11. are editors of Ibe Question Box. Questions be addressed The evidence has shocked dinal Secretary of Cardinal may State, Pacelli, to them there for answer in this column, or to Box the conscience of mankind. Eichmann has Question later Pope Pius XII, once said that Ger- The admitted Editors, Advocate, 31 Clinton St., Newark 1, NJ. participation in the mass crime many made more work for him than the but Q. Recently I have heard of letters in which tho Pope ad- disclaimed personal responsibility be- rest of the world combined. a case where the CathoUc dresses himself to the whole cause he acted under orders of nazi When the Church granted superi- German government finally an Church —and not to a parti- ors. This is a of a Catholic I common defense; so common suppressed Catholic lay associations, took marriage. would cular locality or diocese on like to know If this Is that the Bishops of the United States made over Catholic true, and, some point of dogma, morals, or youth groups, closed Cath- it how does the so, Church discipline. “personal responsibility” the subject of olic schools, and made vicious, unfounded judge whether or not a mar- their annual statement last November. Po- Q. Recent issues of The Ad- charges against clergy and religious, Pope riage can be annulled? litical officials, whatever their Pius XII issued vocate carried reporta of nationality, the Encyclical “Mit Bren- A. Occasionally, you will hear cannot in "warnings” Issued by the conscience go along with their nender Sorge" and ordered it to be read of some divorced person whose Office" In one marriage has been declared void “Holy Rome, party in violating the rights of God or man. in all Catholic churches in that Germany, the Church. This "Declaration concerning Sacred Scripture The extermination of by Jews was not the German Catholics might know of the and another regarding abuses per- of Nullity," as it is called, means crime of Eichmann alone but of the secution of In the field of nazi their Church. simply that the Church declares psychoanalysis. Would tell what government. In a recent statement on With this that never you please me the historical background, the there was a true mar- the Office" is? to with. It not “Holy trial, the Bishops of Germany write that Catholic of now under- riage begin docs Bishops Germany A. The Supreme Sacred Con- German Catholics moved menn that the Church can ever “are deeply by stand clearly how it was possible for the gregation of the Office is make void a valid, sacramental Holy the fact that could nazi such frightful injustice pagan leaders of one of the 12 permanent com- Germany to attempt marriage which has ben con- be to missions of Cardinals perpetrated by members of our nation." annihilate the Jewish race. For they summated! which, The The Church will along with numerous other of- Bishops, however, are under no illu- know how the Catholic Church suffered. issue a Declara- fices and assist the tion of Nullity only when it can tribunals, sion as to how such crimes against human They wish to prevent such in happenings be demonstrated Holy Father in governing, admin- could be beyond all doubt dignity committed. It was "be- the future. In the statement quoted that tho istering and for tho above, provious union was in- legislating cause the political of our nation the "Our must valid. The universal Church. Its particular leadership Bishops say: people do following are some of function is to the set aside the eternal laws of God." everything humanly possible to make the grounds upon which the valid- safeguard truths ity of a of Faith and norms of con- While many German Catholics, in their amends for the injustice done to the Jew- marriage may be at- tacked: duct committed to the Church desire to by prove themselves good Germans, ish people and other peoples.” Christ (1) Lack of consent, as would Himself. Within its com- Ignored the contradictions between call Nation- They upon German Catholics “to be the case if one of the parties petency are such areas as pro- al Socialism and Catholic doctrine, the ask God, in a spirit of atonement, to pardon feigned consent, or was totally tecting against heresy, dealing ignorant Church itself of the of tho nature of mar- with crimes against the Faith was keenly aware them. sins committed by members of our na- and riage, or was forced into the mar- unity of the Church The Vatican was of the move- and to for a (apos- suspicious tion, plead feeling of peace and because ment from riage of some grave tacy, schism, profanation of the the beginning. It took time, reconciliation.” The Bishops warn those fear inflicted Blessed unjustly by an- Sacrament, etc.), watch- though, other; for many of the clergy and laity who now rule Germany “to guard against ing over the publication and read- to (2) Failure to realize that the goal of National Social- any future attempt to set aside the Com- observe the ju- ing of books contrary to Faith ism was ridical form of marriage if the and and difficul- a totalitarian state based on a mandments of God and so morals, settling by doing en- bride or groom is or was a Catho- ties in legal questions of mixed myth of race and blood and exerting con- danger once again the and dignity the lic, that is, baptized into the marriages. trol over men’s minds and souls as well rights of man.” Catholic Faith, then marriage This Congregation is one of the as their bodies. A consent is valid nazi leader named Ro- Finally, they appeal to those who help only on the con- three which has as its prefect wrote dition that it be the senberg a book which was consid- create public to alive the exchanged in the Holy Father himself, but the opinion “keep of ered fundamental of Our presence an authorized priest practical duties devolve the to the political and re- memory the unselfish men and women to God and upon at least Prayers two witnesses (in Cardinal who at the life Secretary ligious of the new Entitled who, in those dark hours of our Germany. history, certain exceptional cases the present time is Alfredo Cardinal “The of the risked their lives even Church Myth Twentieth Century," it and died to aid the dispenses from this re- Ottaviani. denied that Christ was Jewish and divine. persecuted.” quirement); It demanded Answered (3) The existence of a diriment not only that Christianity be May we unite with the German Always Bishops impediment at the time of the stripped of its Jewish elements, but also and their in for the people praying souls Frank J. Sheed attempted marriage. There are In Your Prayers that it be in the By interpreted light of the of the countless men, women and children 13 diriment or invalidating impe- diments. “eternal race-soul," which was a substitute who were murdered because They are: age, Impo- they belonged For many people prayer means but remember body, a social element too: The second is involved tence, a these, your deceased for God. Rosenberg sought two things: a to the from whom the in the previous marriage bond, people Messias came asking God for things: as if all unless wo join in with fact of priests: national prayer that prayer is a conversa- disparity worship, clerical celi- church, essentially devoid of to the flesh. we we ever had to to God was according May pray, too, say others, that most important el- tion. bacy, solemn religious “Gimme," profession, Christianity, and racial for the of and apart from that ement in our nature Archdiocese Newark supremacy. forgiveness those whose would re- That would be no conversa- abduction, crime, blood relation- of guilt said at all. The Catholic Church nothing But, as we main unoffered to God. The or Rev. Lawrence C. tried for years no human atonement can wipe out. man tion in which one person did all ship , affinity, Carroll, Aug. May have seen, without adoration and who refuses 6, 1908 to reach an with to go to Church on the We public propriety or honorable agreement the we also ask God to comfort the gratitude and talking. must listen too. decency, spir- bereaved, repentance we have the ground that he prays better His itual and Rev. Louis P. Aug. 9, German government. Hitler way of speech is not ours: relationship, adoption. Meyer, repeatedly tho embittered, the lonely and the no real conversation with God; on a sick; green hillside under an there Some of these 1917 does not often come a mo- impediments, for stated that the Church and the could they are of the state and to make us and all men understand very essence of open sky is not simply Rev. Kenneth preferring ment at which we can feel that example, Impotence and a pre- Naudin, C.P., At prayer. There is a of outdoors get along together. times, he more and more prayer pe- to indoors: he Is we vious Aug. 9, 1959 pressured that we must love each tition re- are hearing Him: but He has marriage bond, are of Di- God wishes us to ask to the Church to fusing join with his fellow men his vine and Rev. Michael 10, negotiate. Yet every time an other as His Son loved us. own way of gliding His will origin cannot be dis- Dolan, Aug. and promises that we shall in re- the worship of God. into souls. pensed from by 1911 ceive —but our ecclesiastical au- it must be tho prayer thority, others are of ecclesias- Rev. James P. Smith, Aug. 10, of one who adores and is grate- tical oriain and 1923 ful and can and must be Latin Renaissance sorrows for his sins. from Rev. dispensed before a valid WilUsm Kocllhoffer, •"srrlago contract can 0.5.8., 11, 1938 The Latin believed come into Aug. language, long to be a last word on the subject. A recent feature article WHAT SHOULD we ask for? existence. Rev. dead has The George J. Strack, Aug. 11, tongue, certainly been in the news in in the New York Ilorald Tribune Whatever we want, rather quotes two of or Credulity The whole purpose of the 1955 recent months Never very I before has a book written America's greatest, scholars in whatever we are entitled to want: favor of increased detailed prenuptual investigations Rev. James G. Aug. in a foreign language made the American best- it would be idle Nesfsey, emphasis on Latin study. James Bryant Conant, to ask God for to which engaged 11, 1956 sailer lists. Yet for months “Winnie which couples are eight Ille president-emeritus of who has made things He has forbidden us submitted Harvard, an Is not, as some think Rev. Bernard lluebschmann, Pu," Alexander Lenard’s clever LaUnixaUon of intensive of American to have. But that is the lim- Of the Press study high schools and only of it, merely "red tape" thrown Aug. 11, 1957 A, A. Milne’s childhood classic "Winnie tho junior high schools, it.We may ask for bless- in proposes a more serious spiritual the path of marital bliss, but Rev. Benedict Howe, Aug. Pooh," has held an enviable current 11, place among approach to all foreign-language study. Believing ings such as aid against a par- a best-sellers. Louis precautionary measure to in- 1959 that the minimum ticular we By F. Budenz two years provide a mere temptation, may ask sure beyond reasonable doubt At Columbia University’s June commence- Dr. for that smattering, Conant advocates four full years things will meet our that the forthcoming ment, the valedictorian insisted to marriage Diocese of Paterson on his right for an adequate of Latin or other earthly needs such as food if we On July 19, the readers will be grasp any for- of the East Germany, On July 15, writ- both lawful and valid. address fellow in the academic Latin are New Rt. Rev. James Del- graduates eign language. Columbia's Dr. Gilbert Highet, hungry or a better job than York Times were startled to Msgr. T. ing in the communist youth pa- Q. What Is the meaning of tongue, while at Harvard some 4,000 students known we now or the chanty, widely as a scholar, writer and radio have, wc may ask for read the column by Cyrus L. term Aug. 9, 1941 rioted In per, Young World, Eisler declar- "encyclical"? Rev. protest against President Pusey’s de- speaker, attacks all counselors who steer things which contain both ele- Sulzberger. Gilbert Monroe, 0.F.M., stu- Writing from Tehe ed belligerently that Soviet A. This term cision to issue this in the dents ments such 'nice troops derives from the 1938 year’s sheepskins more away from Latin as mere educationists, as a wife or the ran, Sulzberger confessed that would Greek Aug. u, husband remain in East Germany, word for "circular.” An commonplace vernacular. not true educators. of our choice. "the Western free press” was even after a "peace treaty" with encyclical letter, As if to prove that the new Harvard ruling Government statistics likewise indicate We ask for guilty of in therefore, is one the may ourselves, wc "credulity” publish- the Kremlin was that is intended did not reflect disdain for the Harvard signed. for general cir- classics, growing popularity of Latin. In American high may ask for others. All these ing planted stories from Soviet It is 14 years dilation, that is, it is Overseer John F. Kennedy wrote a schools Latin sources. since Eisler pub- addressed much- is studied by more students than things spiritual and material lished his pamphlet, to a large audience. publicized Latin reply to the girls of New York’s any other "Eislor Although in language except Spanish. Even on the needs, the needs of ourself and ancient times Dalton School, who had sent the President 1118 IMMEDIATE reference Replies to Budenz," which de- some of the letters Official Publication of the their college level, enrollment in Latin courses has others are in the Our Father. was to the nounced me in hitter terms of Bishops to their class project of a Latin translation of his in- Increased 10% gullibility of much of for flock were Archdiocese of Newark and of the during the most recent academic Our Lord tells us to pray "Give called our in exposing him as an international encyclical Diocese augural address. year. general press publishing letters, this of Paterson. us that is mo and others term is Even Madison Ave. has revealed forged documents. But the communist representative. In now reserved to those an aware- Since it is the liturgical language of the daily bread and forgiveness." same Most Rev. Thomas A. Boland, criticism could print ho called mo ness of Latin’s value. Victor Friedman of DCA Latin has held have been direct- "a rat" and S T.D., of Church, always a place of honor said that Archbishop Newark Food Industries has stated that ads in Latin In Catholic schools OUR PRAYER ed to the carelessness of a con- he, a rat killer, would and For is „ Pybllihcd weekly by The Advooeto colleges. centuries always an- Publlahlng siderable of that come back to mete out to Corporation! Moat Rev. would have appeal to an elite audience and of this ancient but wc do not portion press In justice knowledge tongue was indispensa- swered, always got Thomaa A. Roland. S.T.D., Prceldent; would handing out stories while me. The credulity which raise the public image of the respective ble for every educated person. What what we ask for. This sounds which, per- Hours J *»'« A. Huehea, P.A.. appears not vades some Forty VQ Vloe Preeldenti forgeries, help the commu- American thinking » RU Rev. product. to be the beginning of a Latin like a contradiction, but it Is Meer Jama, V. Looney. renaissance is not. was AM.. Secretary: nist line. registered when a commit- **■«• While the examples cited Indicate a more certainly a gratifying to all who believe that A little reflection will show 2}- Caeeer M. Rinaldi end sign us tee of HI. Rev. Masr. Paul Sulzberger referred distinguished citizens spon- Archdiocese Newark Knippek. P.A.. widespread interest in Latin than might have education should rid Itself of the frills that wo are no pointedly to of Trustees 31 Clinton and return by means in- sored Eisler’s St.. Newark 3. been it is a palpable of a document canards against Aub N. J. MArket 4-0700. expected, the scholars who have the to solid fundamentals. fallible judges of our needs! forgery - *• I*4l own me...... nth Member of the Catholic representing an attack by Khru- 'Sunday After Penttco.t Preii Amocl- A man, for will he_e of instance, L lon W- _ Union want to oL \ ?** . *.i Cloater tK-oVL 1 * ~l shchev on Mao which 10 a hO c PreM Subscriber marry a particular will Tse-tung, *"- 87 Lyn " St v^i£ A ,H to tho girl, want TODAY, when Eislcr’s nSrnnX N.C.w.C. New« Service. got its start in a small Paris position o^ • EdltorUl doirdi Overlooked Workers her more desperately than he is Moot Itev. Martin W. known, there has been no h Ph.D.i newspaper. Although Sulzberger apol- A n ■MftWA- Most Her Welter has over wanted anything in his from s.c,U! „L“rL' H‘b did not seem to dwell much ogy any of these people. , ': I,;:'or.h Catholics are accustomed to life. Often on *“ ° M n, recognizing the the level of Instruction in their winter time enough he gots her, And today, too, four members of t work and in the effects of such stories on j* .|is R PlJ&r Si Rev. sjo.T splendid done year in and year out by the classes. of them hold a few yaars wishes he had the 6 " eip n Magr. (Iconic W. Shea. S.T.D.s Many fellowships and schol- Supremo Court do not seem °z '** L ° y readers, it is precisely such ac- rviv.kftr - - Y*J> Magr Thomaa ki. Rear- priests and nuns laboring in Catholic schools won not. More often ho does not ,!}•* arships on a competitive basis to universi- got counts that to understand the lesson of Mar- the land. Their silent service is taken and lives be have been aiding throughout ties in Europe as well as in the United States. her, to thankful. tha Diocese Moscow for some time. Dodd, Eisler, and hundreds of Paterson for granted: their achievement is Over four ! n,Y ' Kr*n- accepted as an Many of them are working in conjunction with We pray to God knowing, not the of otlicr such cases. In the July years CIA has uncovered Aue. 4, |94t ul Di ordinary contribution. It is true that the some of the " cur **• *"• M “ r complete greatest research experts in nuclear simply telling ourselves some Political Affairs, these gentlemen k ,i.y hopefully 32 such false papers, ini- -4"3 v ' dedication of these priests and nuns is one of the fission; others are but r PrWWU *‘ taking part In seminars con- knowing, that Ho knows our are praisod highly for their mi- Our Udy of Ulo Lake, , n V " HeV Carl J tiated by pro-Soviet sources. Culvert I.ako Wof,'ln . s T.L! ' - sources of strength of the Church in the United ducted in real needs: 11. mt by outstanding representatives all fields we pray knowing nority opinion, which gives the Managing Ttdltor. Floyd Anderson, States. is ”' h *«" d, r After Pentecoll It true that the complete absorption of of learning. Because we are inclined that if we ask OF the communists c, to expose for broad, Ho will COURSE, press is taken hope that they can m n Ore*n Poml dV Quo 54.30 yearly. these priests and nuns with the education of the Catholic educational not in * n °* West M||. ■eeondHubacrlpljon Pricei system to rather pitiless give us a stone —and it even more than by these for- overthrow the "reactionary” ma- °for<| Claaa pottage paid at Newark those committed their has N.J.. under act 1870. to care resulted in a criticism, it would be well not to overlook the happens only too often that whut geries in not following critically jority decisions. ol Mar. 3, standard of education that is as high as any in work being undertaken by these priests and nuns we think to be bread is in fact tho communist lino as it issues Sulzberger, the nation. This Catholics meanwhile, recom- have understood for so euger to raise the standard of Catholic education stone. Unless from Moscow's directive a we pray in the organs. monds to editors that they watch long, that they no longer find It of atten- on level. that This creates worthy every certainty God’s judgment credulity even in carefully the "documents" that comment. tion or It is a to as of our needs some official circles. good thing realize, well, the im- is better than our are being offored them. There is What a phase of activity in the lives of pression that these and nuns making own, we are not priests are really praying On July 22, as an would be advisable would be for these consecrated educators that illustration, AROUND THE PARISH is overlooked on the secular campus. Their alertness, their in- to God at pH but to The these a sort of Workor carried an article editors to sit down and or, where it is noticed, unappreciated. At the defatigable toil, their superior achievement, all Santa Clatll! from Prague the read Cardinal end of school when attacking Su- carefully Cushing’s every year, teachers are look- these have won for them the admiration of the promo Court ruling against the "Questions and Answers on Com- forward to some months BUT THERE is another ing of relaxation and socular students with whom they associate. In- pos- Communist The article munism.” could then it Party. They study repose from the daily grind of class, these same deed, the calibre of the work done the sibility might very well be called for tho by priests that "a wide-spreading in- critically Marxist-Lcninlst priests and nuns embark further education and in while the thing we want upon nuns the great secular universities has dignation umong the population." classics and familiarize them- to in order better equip themselves for the work done much to underline tho worth of Catholic might really be good for our- Concealed selves communists are there- with the communist line as to our which they have given their lives. educators and Catholic education. It is selves, getting it would be fore propounded in important, disastrous expected to go out and say the World Marxist The classrooms and lecture halls of for others. This too colleges then, that these workers not be overlooked by the that the of our Review, New God knows. daughter former Times, Internation- and universities both at home and abroad count Catholic It should be It provides a real al community. a matter of Ambassador to Germany takes a Affairs, Political Affairs, and their these tost of ourselves. If should among occupants same priests and pride for us that they are to we The Worker. contributing greatly still position against the majority of nuns. want to have no enhance the reputation of Catholic education in it, matter the Court. will not what Supreme They As students rather than as world: the cost to others, then our teachers, they the outside It should fill us with a sense say that the Martha is author, strive summer after summor to of know prayer no prayer: if |ove of explore new security to what they are contributing to Dodd, fled the U. S. to escape areas of science and the to God is the first arts in order improve Catholic education. commandment, indictment as a Soviet espionage of MassCalendar Jove neighbor is the second. agent getting out of this To coun- beg God to give it to us not- try by way of Mexico, a Para- withstanding, is not to o Sunday. only for- guayan passport, and thence to Aiiy. I'runafiguralion of Deaf Sunday get the love Olir !.ord Jcaua Clirlal 2ml (Tun Whitt-. we owe our neigh- the Iron Curtain. Shu und her (»l. Cr. Pref. o( Trimty. Auk. 7 To bours, but to forget that God Monday. St. CiiJuUn. Con* understand the problems facing a child until he is old to attend school. It husband, Alfred K. Stern, are fcikor. enough must loves them ap- 3rd CU»i. White, til 2nd Coll who is born deaf, too. M. Donatus; C

. one must understand the im- begin eurly in the life of a child. For this reason parently waiting until their chief 3 Common Prof Auk. U portance of and The most Boris Tuenday St. John Mary speech language in the life of the Mt. Carmel Guild's Apostolatc for the Deaf in elementary sense accuser, Morros, either > unmsy, l'onfei»*or. 3rd CltM. White 01. SS. man. Speech is the mechanics of and its has estab- should make it impossible to dies or becomes physically inca- 2nd,Coll. Curium*. J.artu* and language; dynamic and progressive program bmaraKdui. Common Prof think that God Aug. language, according to is lished a diagnostic center and two will favor me to pacitated for testimony. Then u Wt‘dntf»d«\ VisU of St. Webster, “any means, therapy cen- Lawrence, the loss Martyr 3rd Common Prof feeling thought." Language a pro- phase of the apostolate’s activities will pray ear- pro-communist two-way Auk. 10 Thurwluy St Lawrence. cess by which a nestly, and with „ Bnrt person expresses his ideas, and complement an already active spiritual, social, intensely, total Martha Dodd is one of those yr Ht (1 C ommon desires and trust Pref ‘ problems, hopes, and sorrows and cultural program. that, not even to us, thousands of links between the Aug. joys please 11 ■— Friday. Man of previous as well as these will God bunduy 4lh ClavN Green. comprehends in others. On Aug. the Catholic world will celebrate give us what would Kromlin and the Communist Par- \o Gl ~r Cr Man’s G, to be SS Hburtiua and Susanna. ability to use language Deaf prove a heavy cross, for ty here that the 3 C (P). Common Pref. distinguishes Sunday, also known as Ephphetu Sunday, proclaim party to him from ourselves or Or; SS 'niumius ami buaanna. Mar- other life übout him. It is the that our neighbor. be an arm of Moscow, as key because of Our Lord’s cure which is narrated in the tyra, lied 01. Ind 1 oil. previous Sun- opens the door to social, day i 3 C

. Common Pref educational and voca- the Gospel of the 11th Sunday after Pentecost. TWO OTHER majority Supreme Court decision tional It is elements in , *l’ dare. Vir- competence. a priceless gift that is The of the Archdiocese said. gin 3rdq Clas*. Whte Gl. people of Newark should be ( iniiinon Pref. taken for so prayer may noted briefly .j Aug. 13 Sunday granted by many. It is onu which the take pride in that the Sunday 12th after knowing hand of Christ’s The first is that Pentecoat. 2nd Claaa Green Gl. deaf child must work as prayer is the! ANOTHER SUCH figure is Gor- Cr. to acquire. Myitical Body in the archdioceso Pref. of Trimly is still reaching expression of our The which nature, it will hardt Eisler, former Communist KEY: Gl. Gloria; Cr. process by the child does acquire to those who are Creed; C from deaf, children as well as adults. have not the Votive Vlah* only its source in the! International of Holy (Jhofct. \, "I apeech and is not one that can representative here, know Sister's language wait All should for the success of this Ari-hdioeefce of Newark, P, Dioceku of prtfi program. suul and its expression in the! and’now propaganda minister for birthday." says Stevie. "When I Patereon; Coll. Collect; Pref. Preface, asked she her, said It was Feb. 31!" STRANGE BUT TRUE August 3, 1961 THE ADVOCATE 7 Little-Known Facts For Catholics Letters to the Editor By M. Advocate welcomet letters to tbe J. MURRAY owmkt. no. kcwxx km amw * Editor'tor bublUeticm' b U c ° luntn Tb should n be timely, by the writer, mi- Home’s Not Where This ’?J . - signed brief wherever possible.)

dered.) Chinese communists have Homemaker’s Heart Is Letter on broken every law of human de- Modesty cency and are not a peace-lov- By. Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. ing nation, the most fundamental requirement of the U. N. Charter. Assistant Professor of Sociology, St. Louis University Seen It is time for Americans to We’re senti- married three and have one child. as Challenge forcefully articulate their years My roles or their personal implica- that wife hasn’t Editor: ments, so we can support just grown up. She likes to go out every night, tions so that she tends to think of our government and prevent ap- I happiness as The letter forgetting that have to work the next day and we have something to be open of Bishop Curtis to Catholics on mod- peasement forces from gaining limited funds. sought outside the home. in The She dislikes leaves un- esty Advocate, July 27, was a momentum. The Committee of housework, beds Lose refreshing challenge made, dishes no opportunity to praise to our Catholic The and One Million Against the Admis- unwashed, floors unswept, and dirty linen and her people. Bishop The Advocate are encourage when she does be sion of Communist China to the in the closet until I Then I well to congratulated, the Bishop for his complain. she claims don’t around the home or in car- timely appraisal United Nations is circulating peti- respect her, because she came ing for the to of a growing problem and The from a broken home. baby. Try build up tions and all to Advocate for its prominent urging Americans Judging from your letter, her esteem for these roles and to dis- of decency in our Fred, people. obtain same. The committee has play of the article. you’re in for a rough future. Aft- for give her self-confidence by show- the happiness outside the home. I HAVE support of 340 congressmen er three years of her that love Coming from a member of the FOUND our Catholic marriage and Like children ing you and appre- and hundreds many of broken hierarchy school children of prominent citi- the arrival of a child ciate her as wife and and an eminent theo- especially respon- most marriages, she lacks self-confi- mother. As- zens. who sive to the couples are to sociate with some balanced logian, as pastor of a parish appeal for modesty ready accept the dence and self-assurance, hence young Copies of the petition may be routine demands whose is close to the people, as a virtue most to of domesticity. her couples outlooks and activ- Bishop pleasing God obtained protest that you don’t respect Curtis’ by writing: Marvin Lieb- It appears that ities arc in line letter should be an en- and mirroring the spotless fem- your wife hasn’t her. with what 79 you man, Madison Ave., New York, quite made her mind aie to couragement to parish priests to ininity of Our Blessed Lady. Too up whether trying accomplish. aside the often Marilyn Whelan, she wants WHAT CAN YOU do? her lay common defeatist their mothers and often their marriage as a vocation Help Be firm when you must, yet not. attitude that can be fathers Kearny. or In to see that her real nothing done deprecate the teaching of every marriage there happiness a\oid criticism that reflects on to stem the are some and fulfillment must current tide of im- the priests and nuns. While basic- unforeseeable and un- be defined her as a person. Remember, the in modesty in dres’s and behavior. ally good, these predictable elements, ba- terms of her roles as wife and parents rub Sends 'Gracias' though more fulfilling she finds her ex- Curtis treats shoulders bies, mother. because Bishop admirably so often with worldings housework, and restrictions Unfortunately, perience with you in the home, the problem Editor: social of her and the remedy. He that a lot of the world rubs on life are not among previous experience, she the less need she off on Thank much will have to points out a fact you very for your them. has no too often over- them. They have lost the spark- adequate image of these seek happiness outside. fine story on Latin American looked, that modesty applies to of There are several reasons ling spirit a child who is anx- why and Catholic Press. Papers like yours men boys as well as to wom- ious to be different for Christ’s some young wives find it difficult God Love You can do a very good work in order en and girls. The daughters of sake. is to adjust to the roles of mother- Conformity the easy way to make clear to American minds Eve are not immune to sug- out for the soul. hood and homemaking. of lazy the differences and similiarities Many gestiveness on the part of the them received little Let our parish priests constant- between work training for male. your and ours. such work. ly the Much of their pre- keep before eyes of their With your permission I shall have FROM vious education and Show CHILDHOOD we have people the ideal “that it experience Really Catholics translated and in Big reprinted our was related to learned that sin left must be holding a job out- original in different.” On the en- bulletin, the first issue of which us a strong inclination to side the home. Hence they not evil. trance doors of our Church of the will be off the presses this month. lack “know Basically immodesty flows from Immaculate Heart of Cesar Luis only adequate how" For tßogm Intentions Mary, we Aguiar, for Missions August our nature wounded fulfilling their domestic roles, by original have prominently posted the no- Secretary FOR THE CLERGY General, but their The Holy Father’s in- sin, but certainly in these days tice “This is the Union personal attitudes are general House of Latinoamericana By Bishop Fulton J. Sheen & SEMINARIANS tention for of frequent Holy Communion the God. geared to working with others August is: Girls or women in shorts or de Prensa Catolica, grace rather than in of God more than repairs slacks not the relatively iso- A Against may enter at any Montevideo, Uruguay. nine-year-old boy, the oldest what have any slackening of this defect. Our Catholic lated environment of you to the Holy Father girls and time.” to an incipient of eight decided vigilance, out of a longing for Going Confession is re- children, to help that he may aid the missions of women who receive the Bread of family circle. the missions. the of in ceiving a great Sacrament He put on what he the appearance peace, the and world. If the Holy Spirit so Life weekly, if not not Anti-Communist face of danger from atheistic daily, will even little girls should called a "Big Show” with the appreciate MODERN WOMEN face a dif- guides you, send your offering to need much urging to seek the the of the communism now active both in sacredness of the occasion ficult dilemma. help younger members of the for ideal of rather than by They are as ca- Society the Propagation and practice. modesty slav- being attired. Program Offered his family and a few friends. The theory modestly Parents pable of a job follow- of the Faith. ishly following the crowd. holding or can kill a child’s sense of report: $5.24 for the missions. The mission intention sug- Where modes- TU TULANCINGO, Mexico ing a career as are their broth- good Catholics fail in ty The GOD LOVE gested for the by laxity in the child’s dress. Bishop Adalberto Almeida Merino ers, and modern Big Show in the basement YOU to K.H. and Apostleship of modesty it is not society provides so much malice included: A.H. for $26. Prayer by the is: of this diocese has issued a ample opportunities. On songs and dances ("Old "My sister and I Pope as thoughtlessness that lies at the BISHOP CURTIS pas- the other stresses well toral letter “10 have worked That the outlining a three- hand, in contrast to their King Cole,” Litle Indians,” many years and by preaching of the root of their a fact broth- reprehensible con- that is causing much con- of the Church’s point program to fight communist ers, when “Ants Are Marching"), a "west- would like to retire. But when Gospel teaching duct. cern today the young women marry, among priests inroads in Mexico. ern adventure we read your the true social order The pastoral they are to play” and a appeals for the may be The calm, persuasive and sen- prevalence of impurity the expected give prior- established among has gained wide attention to the demands “championship wrestling match.” missions we realize we should among pagan races. sible of the ity of home, that appeal Bishop's open young —and he sees a connec- “Donations" throughout Mexico. is, must yielded $1.34; "old keep plugging a while longer in letter repeated in tion between this and they either quit their every pulpit the neglect Bishop Almeida said Mexican toy rummage,” admission and order to give money to the mis- would awaken the dormant of jobs or hold them subordinate to sense modesty. This is a fact of Catholics sions.” must: soda and ... to F.R.M. the tasks of bearing and raising popcorn sales netted for $3. w’hich parents are unaware or “. have recourse $3.90 for “In the name of St. Jude - . to prayer, children or keeping house. Be- a total of $5.24. for all about which are uncon- they pilgrimages, penance and the this column has done for cerned. cause they are the principal me." Outside of the Catholic Sacraments. ONE WONDERS if in the The ideal gift for Detroit Text Church bread-winners, men face no such priests, nuns, today there is little sense “. diffuse ledgers of heaven this $5.24 from . . the bold and gen- dilemma in seminarians or laymen is a sub- of sin. The marriage and contin- attitude of the world erous Christian social doctrine John Lapointe and his friends scription to ue to give attention to Worldmission, a seems to he prior job does lessening our own of the Catholic Church, and set not represent one of the quarterly review of In or career. missionary our Specialized De- concern about sin. it in opposition to maximum contributions to the activities edited partment, for Shows up communism Most modern wives meet this by Bishop Fulton exclusively Progress There is tremendous in and communistic missions for 1961. As Our Lord J. Sheen. Send $5 the and good plans. situation for a one-year Clergy Seminarians, remarkably well, though sat our Catholic people. Grace ”... act in the Temple, those on our social doctrine, their watching subscription to Worldmission, 366 we have a increasing demands for comprehensive abounds in our day and the Grace implanting social who had donated He selection of Cloth- By Msgr. George G. Higgins justice, and more and shared money, slh Ave., New York 1, N.Y. quality of God is not wasted in them. all companionship praised the widow because she ing and Social uniting Christians behind it.” social life indicate Cut out this column, pin your Accessories. Director, Action Department, NCWC But that they find as St. Paul admonished Tim- gave more than all the others sacrifice to it and address it to Here’s a partial listing. isolation of domesticity more try- othy, "We must preach in season she gave all she had. The Fulton J. They are than did their Bishop Sheen, Nation- moderately priced, Fifteen years ago John Gun- out Cuban ing mothers. Your in Detroit, as elsewhere, is and of season" —and this Chapel Lord measures our not and letter suggests that charity al Director, Society for the Propa- upward. ther in his book, ’’lnside enormous. Labor and is true your wife has U.5.A.,” manage- especially of Christian so much by what we give as gation not been by of the Faith, 366 Fifth characterized Detroit as "the ment Now able to reconcile herself in the automobile industry modesty. Dance Hall what we have left. These children IN STOCK: to Ave., New York, or to your dio- most town her new roles within the home. explosive in the West- arc still at odds on many issues had suns HANDKERCHIEFS Msgr. Edward J. Scully, BUENOS AIRES (RNS) nothing left; therefore, they cesan director: Bishop Martin W. ern Buenos The topcoats SPORT SHIRTS Hemisphere, Aires' and this will become apparent be- Wayne. WHY SHOULD gave ON S s IMI v*AI I N I l KN Jesuit in Cuba where she remain everything. Stanton, 31 Mulberry St., not excepted.” Detroit, he said, fore college Newark, SHUT FRONTS TAJAMAS they conclude their current this will or Fidel Castro once childish and 1 Perhaps example in- Rl. Rev. William f! JURATS N was on the of studied, a irresponsible? Msgr. KOHI verge serious round of negotiations. to of Blur I T AS LOUNOINQ JACKETS school dedicated to God to think you uncovered the root of spire you give just a part Louis, 24 DcGrasse St., Paterson. trouble between Negroes and However, labor and Bishop’s and SIIIRIS I UGGAUB manage- Bouquet the education the trouble when COTTARS whites and and welfare of you remarked HATS was living in a con- ment in Detroit have decided to HOSE CAPS is used that she came from stant state of crisis young people, now as a a broken UNDERWEAR UMBRELLAS in the field of let bygones be bygones and, de- For 'Open Letter' BELTS communist youth indoctrination home and reacted to criticism CANES labor-management relations. It spite appearances to the contrary EARN MORE ON SUSPENDERS SHOES with the YOUR SAVINGS! was "a city with Editor: center. protest that you did not GARTERS CASUAL SHOES packed hate, during periods of collective bar- RAINCOATS And the college where respect her. SLIPPERS and representative of the 'tycoon gaining, have learned to I’d like to send Bishop Curtis chapel OT OVES RUBBERS cooper- Castro Because of her mind’ at its most backward. a "big of roses" worshipped as a young family back- MUFFLERS ARCTICS | ate with one another to a much bouquet for his man is now a dance hall. ground, she grew CUSTOM MADE: than perceptive “Open Letter up without be- "Here, men who could scarce- greater degree Gunther to Cath- These and other ing able to olics on Castro acts observe a healthy CASSOCKS suns ly understand a head- i might have thought possible. Modesty." newspaper were detailed Bank’s VESTS TOPCOATS Indeed I at a press confer- model of happy family life based Broadway CAFFS line became millionaires wield- thought modesty in OVERCOATS ence here | ALL THIS IS by way of calling dress was fast by three Cuban Catho- on mutual cooperation and af- SASHES PRELATTAL GARMENTS ing vast economic becoming a thing power over- lic leaders exiled Iattention to anew high-school of the past in our from the com- fection, and she Members night. The great automobile casual-minded consequently of (he Clergy are given com- munist-dominated learned r 10 rb discount all* I textbook, "Labor - Management culture. island. never to regard house- on purchases panies for years were not only by the De- But the hold work as a *Satc merchandise excepted anti-union; Dynamics,” published now good Bishop has rewarding exper- vehemently they RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Board of Education. This is restated the traditional Catholic was ience. thought of labor simply as an in- jtroit To those who may wish to ordered in the animate ]cne of the best books of its kind I teaching on the subject and it New York Prov- Chances arc she thought of commodity ... A work- offer gifts to the or ince the Duke of Clergy have ever seen. With a few mi- comes as a welcome breath by York in marriage as an a bid for man never knew whether or not of escape, Seminarians may we suggest fresh 1664. the next inor revisions it would be suitable air in the stifling welter freedom, an opportunity to seek man to him on the as- of a Gift Order. Just phone the 'H. the for use in high schools all over pagan culture in which we Department. sembly line was a spy.” Clergy the country. It could also be used have to live. MUrray Hill 2-8170 WAS THIS INSTITUTIONAL an accurate picture in labor schools and other adult Rita Campbell BUYERS!! of Detroit in the 40s? I suppose it education programs. West Orange, dWrti andclfftrtanfl Tint was. But it doesn’t beat much What makes this book signifi- TS resemblance to the Detroit of cant, is the fact that it was pre- Action FOR MOST interestfrom 1961. a of Urges pared by committee repre- day To be sure, Detroit, like almost sentatives of labor, management, fleet TASTY MEATS of (ilOljfl.i 7 every other industrial and education in Detroit. As the On Red PROVISIONS to big city, China deposit day Ol'<- / is still confronted with a editors out in the introduc- PHONE variety point PHONE of Editor: COIIECT /'D.J. of cwnjmmj"" racial, industrial, and econom- tion, it is the first truly "nego- ff. , 3* withdrawal U. S. CSS S FIFTH ic problems. But these problems tiated book." opposition to the admis- AVENUE at 41it St. sion (“t«E«a) KINGSTON /' *no p«seoby! are less critical than those of Red China into the U.N. MA 2-1505 of the "An undercurrent of common FE is the one barrier 1-3500 ’4os, and preventing the UwlcuSlmf' • NO WAITING a greater effort is being concern that be FOR SPECIAL PERIODS understanding of this m V “ T Also made to solve them. reached," seating brutal regime. the editors note, “was (Their YOUR • INTEREST in estimates: 35 million mur- COMPOUNDED & PAID QUARTERLY Boston and Washington Particularly the field of notably present at all times even labor-management • SAVINGS IN relations the when disagreements arose re- BY 10th EARN FROM THE Ist difference between 1945 1961 and garding the channels used to ar- OF EVERY MONTH rive at the basic objectives ... Both sides of controversial issues • HIGHEST COMMERCIAL BANK INTEREST RATI are given . . . whenever it is nec-

essary and convenient for ex- New Health Plans for ample, with respect to ‘right-to- work' laws ...” ... unafraid freedom of expression lurs TM within the circle of good taste. REAL PKTIIRI OF NOW INSTANT INTitIST Men and Women Over THE THEME of the book is 65 WORKS... APPLY IT that "our highly complex indus- TO TONR OWNSAVIMSACCOUNT ANN SU NOW trial civilization has made us IT WORKS FOR TONI Now Senior Citizen anew plan is available to those in normal trustees of each other, benefici- health who are 65 or over, and to sons and daughters who aries of each other, and hostages want to assure this for their The of each other," or, to put it an- protection parents. plan It have substantial benefits other way, that, "in his function- Exampltt you provides toward: SlOO in ing in various groups to obtain your savings ac- count on 1, add HOSPITAL COSTS FOR certain economic goals, the indi- August 10 and vidual needs to give thought not <£r $2OO on September • Room and Board • Medical Cara only to the personal benefits that ill $3OO on October 10, your • £ total m Surgery . Nursiag Carrf may be obtained, but how soci- of $6OO at Broadway ety as a whole may be affected.” Bank would earn Including nursing hon w cart following hospitalization The fact that representative INSTANT INTEREST No upper age limit. As long as you are age 65 or over, you can spokesmen for labor and man make application. If only one of a coupleis over 65, the other agement could cooperate in the of textbook may be as young as 56. drafting a aimed at developing this theme is cause $?45 Both husband and wife can be covered under a single policy. for rejoicing. It doesn’t mean, of course, that the millennium has Renewable for life. Premiums will not be changed because of At arrived in Detroit; but it does in-! Banka occurrences to you, as an individual—but may be changed Most dicate that phenomenal progress; You only for all policyholders in your classification. Earn has been made since Gunther Only 75c characterized j A Detroit as “the WHY NOT CALL most explosive town in the West- OR WRITE ME FOR DETAILS TODAY 1* ern Hemisphere.” FRANK D. CAPPIELLO Parish Established Metropolitan Life InsuranceCompany For Puerto 585 KEARNY AVE., KEARNY, N.J. Ricans BROADWAY curio cabinet *22 5 - BANK WYman 1-5656 YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio A na- Divider, or tional parish for Puerto Ricans Pleaw lend me. without obturation. your booklet entitled "To Peoplo has been & Trust Over 65." established here by Company Bishop Emmet M. Walsh. exclusive with— 51 The will Broadway, Paterson, New NAME parish serve some Jeeeey ARmoay 8-4000 AGE 4,000 immi- Spanish-speaking ©.I? Mtmttr r«Uml Dtpotil /marauu CoqnnMm And Admit IWu Syptm ADDRESS CITY grants., Rev. James Cliannell. who copyright 1961 148 ROUTE 4, PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY speaks Spanish, was named Park Frcs At Our Lot On West pastor. Broadway, Mali Block From Bank 8 THE ADVOCATE August 3, 1961 Book Reviews: Television FilmReview High Court May Get Roundup SUNDAY, AUO. 6 H. Novel . By William Mooring 8 »■")• ,5> Face World. Rcy. of ° f Conflict Robert I. Gannon. S.J. the townspeople have not reckon- 9:10 a m. (4l Talk About God. Honeymoon Machine A PLACE OF HONOR, by acters lack the V.?? p , m - <4) ~ Catholic Hour. ed with is the frightening stature of truly MISS VERDICK has England Revisited: Sir Thomaa Very Good Censorship long More.” (Family) over Ruling Mary Verdick. Doubleday, tragic changes that have come figures their feet are been a writer 4 $3.95. short-story for p.m. (4) Open Mind. "Catholic We are not asked to believe these unfortunate characters dur- too firmly planted in the tn America Today." pages the slicks. This is her first nov- James O'Gnra. but to —The this, laugh at it and most ing their captivity. One boy is HARRISBURG, Pa. S. this is a story of of the slick magazines SATURDAY, AUO 12 (NC) U. Supreme Court Structurally (The el, and while .. ar it has faults, it :45 am 'ID of us shall do just that. Three wild and kills his kin, which Q, u ' Christophers. will be asked to reconstruct a love-triangle; as women are all own Pennsylvania’s latest movie essentially, breathtakingly does to below the Schools Aro Up to You." Dr. John modern begin get musketeers from a U.S. leads Another the cover blurb it is Thcobold. to a lynching. Js the promises, beautiful, the men are irresist- censorship law from shambles made of it the Penn- surfacey writing of the wom- atomic navy ship docked in Ven- by a novel ‘‘of moral and spiritual ible and a little socially ostracized because she sylvania Court. mysterious, and en’s magazines. ice try out the ship’s "electronic Supreme conflict.” Inexorably webbed characterization has been taken as a wife by a leans too often This for State Anne into reviewer, one, brain” for data with which to Comanche leader. Richard Wid- Attorney General X. Alpern indicated the the conflict are the doc- on externals, like iris blue Radio awaits the author’s next book- beat the roulette tables at the mark and liven appeal would be made to the na- trines of the Catholic Church. Shirley Jones up blouses, haunting perfume, and length effort when Miss Ver- Casino. While make tion’s tribunal The clouds they a kill- the scene romantically but have highest after thr liam Goldman the conflict is rooted in the of dark hair). SUNDAY, AUG. 4 Theaters, Inc., dick may well emerge more ing, signals flashed to them from little else state high court decided (July 26) character of Jotham Bartwell, 8:13 a.m WNEW Sacred Heart. to do. The film has Pennsylvania Association of Still, Miss Verdick has mature 7 WNEW aboard a gift in the novelist’s craft a.m. Hour of Crucified create panic involving some dull by a 4 to 3 decision that the who involved ? spots and a few excit- Amusement Industries and the deliberately him- for evoking a Colorado vista and ci* * tn. WNBC Hour of St. Fran- their admiral or produce a really signifi- and the Soviet Con- ones. censorship code was unconstitu- Fox Film self in a long illicit love affair the ing 20th-Century Corp., fragrance of a new-bloom- cant novel of “moral and spirit- -7:30 a.m. WHOM—Sacred Heart Hour sulate. Meanwhile Steve Mc- tional. with the 7:30 WOR in Dauphin Court, which beautiful, amoral wid- peach a.m. Marian Theater. County ing tree. And her han- ual conflict.” 8 WPAT Queen, a revelation in his first “„m. IAM-FMt-Sacred Heart The decision was announced ruled on July ow, Lolly Winters, to God 8:30 by 30, 1960, that the spite dling of the illicit love theme "A Place a.m. WMCA Ave Maria Hour. zany role, is sparking the ad- Sin Doesn’t for of Honor” will be WWRI, Ave Chief Justice Charles Alvin Jones. code was unconstitutional. the blow that had been is tasteful enough for Marla Hour Says any nor- a good 1 ® a.m. Spiritual miral’s daughter which gives the dealt his was jumping off place for 'f;Mother drama.WFHA-FM—'"Our He is scheduled to retire from The county court decision was pride when he mal adult. Mary Productloni this. A.M.B. 12:45 WFUV-FM only clue to the film’s title. the bench asked to leave p.m _ Sacred Heart inapt Make Novel 'Bad' shortly. Gov. David L. appealed to the state court the seminary 1 WFUV high p.m. CFM>* Ave Marla. This is riotous comedy with ac- Lawrence already has named by Attorney General Alpern and shortly before he was to re- 2:30 P.m. WNBC Catholic Hour. MINNEAPOLIS real- Alcoholism: Problem cent on youthful characters and (RNS)-A Miss succeed the ceive the subdiaconate. Ilis ' and Hope." Alpern to him. Pennsylvania Catholic Wel- Mrs. Marty Mann. appeal. istic of life includes a Professional 3 WFUV picture p.m. Maria Hour. The code was the latest at- fare Committee. guilt emerges full-blown when —Ave Religion 0 p.m. WFUV (FM) Hour of certain amount of and In- Cruel- sin, of dies after tempt the Legislature to write Lolly learning of RELIGION AS AN OCCUPA- fled. cluding moral in fiction CHIEF the laity is not to take 7 p.m. WWRI, Hail Mary Hour Tell failing a movie code within JUSTICE Jones said Jotham's to her likely Tammy Me True censorship marriage TION, by Rev. 11. Fich- 7:45 WBNX Novena does novel the Joseph to the term "clientele." p.m. not make a "bad,” limitations code violated both the U. S. kindly 8:30 WVNJ made by court deci- niece, Amy Holden, a young ter, S.J. University of Notre p.m. Living Roaory. Fair (Family) Hillard and One almost to Rev. Gerard W. Walah. according to Rev. sions recent Pennsylvania constitutions. authoress expects run in years. The code who was never meant Dame $6.50. 10 p.m. WABC Christian in Action. In this Press, across sequel to ‘Tammy," Brozowski, S.J., of St. Bonifacius He said that it vi- to a description of the Holy "Magazine of the Air.” Rev. was designed to replace one en- specifically be brought up with the idea Charles This is a useful book. F. X. Dolan. S.J., Ronald Beck. producer Ross Hunter switches olated state constitutional It could Spirit as a con- College. acted in 1951 and enforced until provi- that ‘‘God is dull.” “management 12 WNBC have been Mid. Open Mind, "Cath- from Debbie Reynolds to Sandra sions with the of interesting, but it is sultant." olic in America Today." James Speaking at a libraries and lit- 1956 when it was declared uncon- dealing right not. It could have been “im- O'Gara. Dee and transforms the char- freedom of expression an in- CATHOLIC TEACHINGS—on Another is erature workshop of the St. Paul stitutional by the state high by fault that the MONDAY, AUO. 1 portant,” but it is not. acter from country girl to shanty- Catholic dividual. suffering, on morality, on vo- study, in its 3:48 WSOU Archdiocesan Council of court. The new code had not particularly statis- p.m. (FM)—Sacred Heart boat Sal. This time has The What Father Fichter at- 7:45 p.m. WBNX Novena. Tammy Father Brozowski said: been into effect the Chief Justice also said the cations, on fanaticism, even tical aspects, is not based on Women, put pending tempts to do is the 10:03 p.m. WSOU (FM) Hour of a yearnin' for leamin.’ Befriend- code allowed precensorship since something of the Mystical Body study priest- any recent, large-scale, all- St. Francis. "Sin and evil do exist and have ftate high court’s decision. ed by a old whom hood and religious life as a pro- rich, eccentric it would restrain the first show- are expounded embracing TUESDAY, AUO. I a place in fiction as long as they accurately; fession survey of a type she hides out the but from a 5:45 p.m. WSOU (FM)—Sacrod Heart. on boat, our THE MAJORITY at- ing of a film for 48 hours upon with more depth of artistry sociological which Father are depicted as such." opinion Tenafly-bom 7:45 p.m. WBNX Novcna gauche Galatea notice from it all point of view. In the process quickly makes a Father he tacked a section of the code deal- a three-man censor might have come off Fichter does so well. Rather 10:05 p.m. WSOU (FM)—Chrlilophers. Brozowski said con- he divorces it from young professor her board. He also its divine this WEDNESDAY, AUO. 9 Pygmalion siders Graham out- ing with contemporary commun- said that fees re- sounding a little less like pulpit represents a collation of Greene an element and after all romance is quired to films As it to concentrate on its previous 5:45 p.m. WSOU (FM) Sacred more his ity standards. The state argued register were a . is, grace never work, some of it out- Heart. standing novelist, although human implications. important than ’rithmetic. The that all “plain to tax the exer- really force in fiction "disturbs few Catholic of Pennsylvania should be attempt” emerges as a dated, some of it the work of THURSDAY, AUO. 10 creaks a cise of free the plot; 5:45 p.m. WSOU (FM)—Sacred Heart. script with improbabili- librarians. considered as a communi- speech. the reader himself FATHER FICHTER’S non-professionals, some of it of Life is made up of single strict 9:30 p.m. WSOU (FM) Ave Marta. ties, but as romantic has to questionable fantasy is ty. The decision said: “This is superimpose it on the technical approach and reliance validity. Conse- FRIDAY, AUO. II many things that aren’t very A sufficiently well done to appeal IN DISSENTING opinion Jus- words of Father what 5:45 WSOU he patently specious. The moral Milici, the suf- on sociological quently, could have been p.m. (FM)—Sacred Heart. to pretty,” commented, “but I jargon detract 8 WBNX undemanding patrons, teeners standards tice Michael A. Musmanno said ferings of Jotham the an important work p.m. Novena. don’t think Greene them of the average resident Bartwell, from the interest. Beyond becomes 9:30 p.m. WSOU (FM) Hour of presents the this especially. of not majority ruling had swept searching of Holden. I merely useful in that it makes Crucified. "Touch of Wounded as should imitate.” a metropolitan area are Amy am sure more than one something we the “most formidable priest the Handa." Rev. Fidelia Rice, C.P. the same as the away dykes Somehow, too, though the will results of previous research moral standards resent being classed as an The average and normal read- of the constructed by the people of plot is more available. The Ladies Man average resident of a rural absorbing enough, and “ecclesiastical functionary”) readily er shouldn’t be disturbed by ac- Pennsylvania their the events community.” through rep- tragic, the novel that Bishops, pastors and In three separate Fair (Family) counts of the side of resentatives in su- sections, Films seamy lift, Harrisburg never quite achieves the sta- not Father on TV The case originated shortly aft- periors do look upon them- Fichter considers voca- Jerry Lewis fans may enjoy Father Brozowski added. “It does against the flood of cinematic ture of true er the had tragedy. Its char- selves as “management”; tions and their the this lavishly take a to take Legislature enacted filth that sources, pro- Following Is a list of film* on TV decorated, technicol- mature adult mind always pounding at the bor- fessional Aug. the new code in 1959. career of the religious 3-LI. There may bo changes or comedy about the correct approach." September, ders In a shy college of our commonwealth.” and his some due to cuts for TV use. but Suits challenging the validity of social status, and the generally the original Legion of De- graduate who takes a job as a Another dissenter. Justice Mi- interior cency ratings may be accepted as cor- the code were filed by the Wil- structure of Church rect. houseboy in a lush Hollywood chael J. the Eagan, challenged Current groups as it relates to the in- hostel for career girls. Helen Plays in Brief FOR THE FAMILY Drama ruling that was in- dividual. Ratings precensorship Traubel as the house mother is Abductors Rugglei of Red Following volved. He contended the la a list ol current or censor Down Farm more By Joan Thellusson Nourse, Ph.D. on Gap genuinely funny than Jerry recent playa compUtd by the Lealon board Father la Prince would disapprove a film Santa Fo Passage who of Decency of the Newark Archdloceee. “MANAGEMENT-MINDED” 15 Maiden I-ane Secrets of Monte produces, directs, co-writes only after at least one Flying Deuces Carlo FAMILY public All th. Way Horn. M superiors will find the most and largely hogs the show. There Absorbing, compaa- * rv M.ry-Jean Kerr , From Un- Camelot sionatr n funny, frothy Giant Singing Kid showing. study of the effects of a sudden adult, - about - death comedy an all-but-dlvorced pair provocative material in the fi- known Straight, Place are some hilarious moments but Do Ra Ma upon a close-knit middle-class Amer- too to admit that stubborn they're .till Girl on Spot A Show Hamlet ican family. in love. nal two sections. much of the is forced. deeply However, vo- Give Me a Sailor slapstick Leave It The Stranger In Town to Jane Best Man— Fast paced, adroit L cation y ~ "* nl Minesweeper Thunder Over Little Political satire, whose £ *l BrU melodic adap- promoters indeed, Mary Sunihloe Presidential choice lation..{ft, of lShawfc about the My Star Arizona of For a “ a h, minded liberal • comedy Cockney Lucky Malorlty Ono Delicious, „ . Sh Intellectual of no flower-girl anyone interested in vocations transformed by the proud pro- Nick Carter. Mae- Thunder Over Trouble in The Miracle Worker religion and pretty flexible domestic feasor of Sky speech. Some low, broad humor at all will be most ter Detcctlvo Tangier The Unelnkablo Molly trown Nutritious Bread morals In interested scenes featuring her raffish father. Our Neighbors. Thunderblrda Fair The Sound of Mini* The non-conventional in the the (Family) Blacks—Wildly Eu- Noontide— Stimulating adult drama opening section where Carters Time Out for ropean play scoring racial prejudice. In- French by Prisoner of Zenda Murder What causes the crash ADULTS Catholic writer Paul Claudel, in I' ather Fichter jet to Sim.,. cludes some gutter talk and blasts Church explodes some SHerwood 2-7309 Palr °* «nd through Union Pacific Advlta and Content as dated form of tyranny. V pM* during take-off at an Indian air- sorrow the way back to God. popular notions, to wit: ADULTS, ADOLESCENTS All the Wey Heme Bys Bye port? Does Birdie - Clever, brisk, light- Paradise Island Romantic the blame rest on Socket hearted musical teenager Hawaiian- families Beyond Tomorrow take-off on rock type musical at Jones with true Large produce more Iydla man or Brloadoon 2-8220 n* roll fads. Beach, Big City Man Run machine? These love triumphing amidst exotic fire vocations on ques- Bye Bye Birdie dances, (most vocations are Big Street Marie Antoinette Camelof Splendid daring cliff leaps, exploding and tions involve a his Cernlvel .. pageantry, cap- volcanos pilot, chief, tunea and produced China Sky Night lias 1.000 tivating a likeably idealistic Guy Lombardo serenades. by families with four Crltle'a Choice Cosmic Monster Eyes an airline the book make this Lerner-Loewe Arthurian Rhinoceros—Off-beat or less supervisor, plane Crucible Tonesco fantasy in children), rural families D. O. A. San Antonio musical a brave and joysome geste. manufacturer’s The Devll'a which all men except one turn, through give Daughter of West Sea Shall Not spokesman, and Advocate Ca rn, val ~ conformism, more priests Donnybrookl . . Charming, wistfully gay into ugly, stupid beasts. Re- to the Church Dracula’s Daughter Havo Them BANQUETS musical nw-ts deep the hapless pilot’s pretty A Far Country about an orphaned French girl be- pessimism of modern liberals. than others Exclusive Story .Sea Wolf daugh- friended the Th# Sound of Music (they produce far by performers of a traveling _ Enchanting Fast St Furious Simba ter, to Florolls! circus. with less say nothing of nameless song-feet winsome Mary Martin as than their proportionate High Powered Sundown Hedde Oablor the lively convent girl victims of a disaster. Mary, Mery Ml—Fresh, fast and funny musical who launched Hitch Hiker Unknown Inland jet with,p.° the Trapp children s choral share), poor families outdo the Fair Phil Silvers comically frantic as career. Lady at Midnight Voodoo Man My Lady a Stratford Shakespeare BEEFSTEAKS shoestring operator out to be jukebox Feetlvel-Non-coo* rich in sons Rhlnoceroe a ventlonal direction giving and daugh- FOR blgabot. achieves novel and in- ters ADULTS The Naked Take Me Alono productions of “As You Lika It*' to the Church (it’s the Gates of Paris D vbroo * “‘ Ca teresting just Edge .?£!? , F' *««ty musical version of The Quiet Man,*' reverse, and the with capital clowning A Teste of* Honay—Naturalistic British middle class OBJECTIONABLE Good (Adnlts, adolescents) by Eddie Foy. Good family fare. P l ** *bo«t • shiftless aging trollop lops them A Far and all). City That Never Phffft film Nuns' on TV BREAKFASTS Country—Absorbing psychological her bitter wayward daughter. Objectionable Gary Cooper’s final plays Story drama in which a l)r. Freud Sleeps San Francisco young proves for underlying cynicism, seamy situations Like Father Fichter’s against type, as a sus- that Cry Vengeance "Coop” - a patient's crippling Uls can be traced and coarse dialogue. pre- Story NEW YORK (NC) A story vious Eve of St. Mark Sarumba to emotional pressures. Wildcat Big, colorful works this book has de- pected murderer. This makes less about brassy musical Frankenstein's Sensations four nuns who braved phys- Florellot Brisk, sparkling musical witti Lucille Ball In a 1912 boom town cided sense than proa- merit. But It’s not what Daughter Shield for Murder it should although di- ical humorously charting the political rise pecting for oil and an oilman husband. hardships to establish a hos- WEDDINGS Hi Diddle'Diddle Too Bad She’s 01 * explosive Family fare. we Bad rector Michael n young LaGuardla. have come to expect from Impact Top Anderson will m Youno Aba Lincoln of World applies pital be rebroadcast on the Hamlet-Lively and strikingly original Tuneful one-hour him. Man They Could Winter treatment musical for children. J.T.j.t. Carnival a profusion of gimmicks at the Phoenix. Not Hang suspense Playhouse 90 TV show Aug. 22 at to create melodrama. Cabler—Explosive version of Ib- exciting At- 9:30 p.m. “Four Women In aen a drams about the tragic consequences tempts to the as OUTINGS of an upper-class bride's boredom with her exploit picture Black,” features Helen Hayes, bourgeois husband. Summer Stock i ■* •v • iTii'ifiWMmC another “Psycho” are hardly jus- Katy Jurado, Janice Rule and Irma la Douce Paris atmosphere, Charley'. Aunt tified. The is ■weet and Venerable but atui story fairly trans- Ralph Meeker. will fov¥ tones a charming new star MOVIES It is based on a Yo*r entire family the funny farce about a college who lro- national squandered on aordld history of a boy IKSSrtCTSf parent. IFrench prostitute. peraonatea a atatd chaperon to further hla true story of four nuns who cross- 928 East 24th tfils wonderful bread. roommate', romance. Family lun. St. Ride. For ed the desert from San Oeatry Again Lively WaaUrn- further Information can.- MA .13700 AD 28900 Diego to atyle muatcal with determinedly or a no-run to Bottom Tucson in 1870 to set a NEW YORK aheriff atandlnf to Voyage up hospi- up tbe badmen. Dance, Morally Unobjectionable for Everyone tal. Paterson, N. J. ball acenea ret a little wild. Absent-Minded Flaming Star Dark of th# Moon Folk tale about Professor On the Double Sword Si Dragon the At Its Best Francis of Assisi Of Sea Dining witchcraft in the mounUun country. On- Alamo 101 Dalmatians Teacher A Miracle Frontier Uprising stage assault scene set up for ihock appeal. Parent Trap 10 Commandment* All Hands on Deck Gorgo Good (Family) Flnlan s Rainbow A rousing score with Passport to China 10 Who Amazing Trans- Green Helmet Dared that Glocca Mona lilt largely make* for Pepe 30-Foot Bride Highly piece of GILHULY'S up parent Guns of imaginative the hodre-podt* plot . .Man of Navarone about Hibernian »u- Ben Hur Police Dog Story Candy Rock -peratltlona and Hand in Hand science-fiction for adventure film racial Intolerance in Uie Bernadette Question 7 13 Ghosts BERTRAND RESTAURANT and BAR South. General of Jungle Cat patronage. Lourdea Bomanoff A Juliet Trapp Family fans. The Van Allen For Love Ladles Man belt of radi- IBM) oe Money Smlrky little com- Beyond Serenghetl Shall Trouble In edy which Time Last Days the Sky ation threatens Drliclnua Luncheons manages to be quite suggeatlvs of Not Die Under Flag* to burn up the and Dinners Barrier Pompeii 10 about relatively Innocent goings on. Snake Woman ISLAND served In Homelike Atmosphere Bo ho °" Last Voynge to the Bot- earth and an A Majority of Ono Pleasant plea for s, Voyage Snow Queen only atomic missile Dally and SUNDAY. Air Cond. Mu„o'j: Left. tom of the Sea international amity at an American Jewish Bight A Snow Whit* and Wackiest fired from the < nnvrnlrnt lo Coliseum It Theaters widow Cimarron Center Ship a super-Polaris sub place is gallantly courtod by a Japanese Three Stooge* Choirs Wlnea and Minsk In Army can Liquors, tycoon. Family fare. Cinderfella Little Shepherd of Soas save us. Politics and science Amusement Park POR of South Ad- When Comedy SPICIAL PACILITIU Tha MsrrU|o-00-Round Slick, sophis- tteya Thrill* Kingdom Come venture PRIVATE A Was King the for PARTIES ticated study of modem matrimonial Laughter laost hamper enterprise but in the ' 'round prob World Stop, l/ook A Wings of Chance year vacations ACCOMMODATINO IS la 40 lama that specializes In risque lines Doacrt Attack Michael on and Strogoff Laugh Would-Be nick of time, the plan is success- situations. !>ondl Misty m Elahth Ava„ at 44th St. Swiss Family Gentlemen Tha Pleasure of Hit Fabulous World fully carried out. Undersea NEW YORK CITY Company—Suavely Mjr Dog. Buddy Bobinson pho- written comedy about a globe-trotting play- of Jules Verne LAKE boy who returns home tography is effective even Just In time to up- highly set his daughter's wedding plans. Adults. the for tha Seesaw Unobjectionable for Adults though story is over-stuffed Two Clever two-char- , Adolescents HOPATCONG acter All Younc Men to 8 drama with mme raw dialogue, sug- Ferry Hong Man in Cocked Hat Shadow of Cat with fanciful and fortuitous inci- Day-7 Night Atlantia. Lost Con* Kong Man gestive scenes, and generally muddled val- Died Twice Sniper’s Ridge dent. tlncnt Fiercest Heart ues. Man In Moon Something of Value Open Atomic Submarine Garden of Evil Mating Km I JO-Sun Time Steel Claw Uabette Goea to Giant Package Tours Sit. 2 P of Marathon Mein Kampf Wid. .w Sunrise at P.M War General Mountain EVERY Sun. 2:10 of Road Campobello Ttco Rode Hot Indictment RatUn Reiii Della Rovere Murder. Teas Together Inc. of Storm BaUad of Soldier Goliath A Dragon Naked Edge Country Good (Adults and adolescents) Available Because They’re Greet Imposter DAY and Naked Jungle Time Machine Younc Hand Shall Of 'Cold Wind' Night Fighters Tormented a mercenary, eccentric, Belle Are RlnclnC Homicidal Operation Black Two Rode To- small-town Sunday Hoodlum Prleet Bottleneck Marshal (James Stew- EVENING Blueprint gether NEW YORK (NC) The for House of Usher Pleasure PLAN IT w, Na- Robbery of Hie Two-Way Stretch art) go to the rescue of white NOWI Houseboat Company • tional of Brldee of Unforiiven Legion Dency employed Dracula Ice Palace Posse From Hell prisoners long held by Comanch- Bride* Valley of Redwoodf Swimming Thinking about some of the Jallbreakcrs Raisin in Sun os? going to Ber- RDVENTUIIB sternest language It Ci*e of Village of Damned For the answer is Evil Journey to School for money, • mail and phone orders Acamo Visit to Small muda? Then by all means get ever has used in placing one of ( anaduns Lost City .Scoundrel* that he shall and he does. What Amusements Craiy for Love Planet two Konga Secret Partners a free copy of “A to motion pictures on its Class Hr. Blood'a Wake Mo When • Key Coffin Last Time I Saw Secret Ways Enemv It’s Over Kiddie Land Bermuda.’' II C (condemned) list. The films General Archie Sergeant Rutledge \ Fanny Last Train From 7 Ways From are: “Cold Wind in $33 oW- POEKEL • This August," a Gun IUII Sundown Young Picnic colorful and informative 7 Sevagea Outings 1-opert production, and "The Magnificent folder contains an excellent !1U! iB TRAVEL BUREAU Truth” ("La Verite”), a French • of the and Morally Unobjectionable for Adults Boating map Islands, over- All In Nicht’a production. Facts of Life League of Bio Bravo flows with hints Work Fast A Sexy Gentlemen on The Rocco and , Spend 15 Glorious helpful following strong objection All the Fine Fate Man His Days of a Let No Man Write Brother* Nothing, FREE KODAK FILM was Younc Cannibal* In shopping, customs, posted against the “Cold Fever Blood My Epitaph In Aniry Savage Innocent* Silence French Mlatrcsa Magician duty, transportation, to Wind in Seven Thieves things TOM’S August.” Bit Deal on 4 Fast Guns Make Mine Mink > Hawaii and California 331MY3 N31Y38 FILM SERVICE Sins of Rachael see and do. Madonna St. Grass Is Greener Man Who Cade "Anyone in the American mo- Illack Could Box 111 Summit, N.J. Orpheus Hell Is City Cheat Death for VHOi 1003 MIMS tion picture industry who is Bleat of Silence Heller Pink Spartecus i $499.* Well gladly send re- In Murder. Inc Tiger Bar you one of By Love Poaaeaaed sponsible for the dis- Tights Nude in White Car Touch of Larceny including air travel these useful folders if BUCK AND WHITE SERVICE production, ('•Ptaln's Table Heroes Die Young Ocean'* 11 or, you Tunee of Glory i Departure daten tribution or exhibition this Career Home Odds Jumbo 8 - FREE FILM .89 of re- From Hill Against Two Women prefer, one Exp. Chance stop In, pick up, film deserves Medina House of Intrigue Tomorrow Unfalth/ule Aug. 25; Oct. 13; Dec. 22 Jumbo 12 - FREE FILM 1.00 pulsive the severest and let Exp. Crimson Kimono Hypnotic Eye One Eyed Jack* us help you plan Upstairs A Down- ,For fast friendly Travel Service, your of indictments Crowdrd Sky 1 Passed for On# Toot In HeU from the public. stairs call or visit trip. Damn Yankees White Operation Elch- us soon. KODAKCOIOR SERVICE The Virgin Spring • plu ANARUS“ _ 1 seduction of an Italian-Amcr- Dark at Top of Ikiru » T "H“rH Jumbo mann Virgin Island Remetnber, 8 Exp. - FREE FILM S3 25 Stair* I'm All Bight. Please year Key” ican Turn Over Why Must 1 Die teenage boy by a End of Innocence Jack CEnter 9-3377 Jumbo 12 - nympho- Plunderers I* Exp. FREE FIIM 4 25 Wild Strawberries Free, meed ter N today. maniac Eve Wants Inherit the Wind Purple strip-teaser is developed to Gang Wonderful OIdWATO Key Witness Country 860 Bloomfield Avc., XHVd in Bleep Return to Peyton Young Have KODACHROME FREE FILM a atmosphere of bla- Exodus revolting Place No Time N.J. JOS. M. BYRNE CO. 1 MM 9.55 tant indecencies Verona, NOIONIAHI dOOMBIdVW Movie Reg. in dialogue, eos YoungYounc One 135 Travel Service MM 20 Exposure) - 2.95 turning and situations. Condona- Morally Objectionable in Part for Everyone Writ# for moiling envelop*). tion, and even encouragement, of And Quiet Kiowa Gangster fltory Love 828 Broad St Market 3-1740 St Private Live* of Newark2, H. A the Don Girl in Room Frenchwoman Ihiß degrading liaison j 13 Adam A Eve by tho boy's Anael Baby l/ove In the FREE FILM FOR LIFE Go Naked In Goldfish Rat Race Busmen loans “Serving Public Since 1886" father Between Time and compounds the moral ob World Howl Right Approach Eternity Goddess of Love Mad Dog Coll Rosemary jeetion to the film." Hlc Show Automobile I Gone With the Mania Sanctuary Loans Hlmbo the Great Wind Marriage-Go-Round Shakedown A Itoaea BlOOd Goodbye Again Matter of Morals SOna A Lovers Breath of Scandal Hell to Millionairess Checking Accounts Eternity Squad Car of Butterfield Cartons 8 Hercules Morgan the Pirate Take Giant Step Can Can Unchuined Misfits Terror of Tongs Carry on. Nurse Herod the Orest Most Dangerous Two Love* Mortgages Circus of Horrors Hiroshima. Man king Alive Underworld* U.S.A. size Cry for Huppy Mon Parrish Personal Amour Warrior Empress loans i of Werewolf urae It Take* a Thief Pharoah’s Woman Where Hoys Are »telre Dust bottles give in I*a Strads Portrait »»f Mob Wild in the Coun- you MORE Entertainer Last Sunset ster try Savings Accounts Father A Kinc Let’s Make Portrait for your Love of World of NEW money. Female A Kleah Look In Any Sinner Biillo Wong Flesh la Weak Window IMP •* Separate Classification A classification Commercial tropic^- separate 1* civen to certain film* which, while not morally trust Cos. offensive In themselves, require analysis and explanation some as a protection of Canada to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions. NewJersey Dry C ircle of Decep- Crow-nmc La Dolce Expert' Vita Suddenly. l.a«t tangy-^' tlon ence Summer SPARKLING OS MAW OFFICE* 15 Condemned Eadtonge Place, JatasfC% |T te Breathless Heroes A Sinners Mademoiselle Saturday Night. n'ific.. Cold Wind In U Bond* Gohette Sunday Morning II Comrmimkmi Offices PEFRU August rA % I-ady Chatterley's Mademoiselle Strip- Savage Eye Come Dance With l^ver tease Smiles of Me Llane. Jungle Mating Urge Summer Night Ecstasy Goddeae Never Sunday BfIYOHItE • Grapefruit on Third Sex JERSEY CITY - Espresso Bongo Love Game Night Heaven Fell Trials of tmtON CITY HAS FRESH FLAVOR Flesh la Weak Love Is My Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde FRUIT Garden wwbbi nm «nmt of Uden Profeeeioo Parle Nights Truth (La Vente) B*nßun>«uMi deposit mm oa» Green Carnation Lover* Private Property Woman of Rome Nuns' Hopes Ride on a Rickshaw

Anne Mae By Buckley There is a pint-sized library WEST PATERSON Receiv- (most of the books have to be ing packages from Latin Amer- stored in the basement), the ica or Europe or China is not corridors are dreary narrow unusual at the provincial house caverns floored with worn lin- of the Missionary Sisters of the oleum runners. The small liv- Immaculate Conception here. ing room of the farmhouse has Nearly 500 members of their been furnished with two studio “This congregation are serving in couches; is where our candidates missions abroad. “Bring the sleep when they to come package right in the vesti- to visit before they en- bule," quoth the Sister-portress ter,” explained Sister Bonfilia. to the postman. “They love it, but ...” An old Said the postman, unceremon- barn, where the rickshaw and iously: "Not this package, other odds and ends had been is lady." stored, now being converted into a Whereupon Sister - portress recreation room for the peaked out at the huge bundle new postulants. In front on the lawn—it might have con- of the old farmhouse tained anew foreign auto. She the Sisters’ acreage slopes down knew what the postman meant. toward the road. “We would love to It was actually a rickshaw have it cleared which was inside the package—- and landscaped someday,” said Sister a thank you gift from a friend Mary Grace, wistfully. “You in Formosa. And if you think can see the manpower—- it was a useless gift you are and the expense it would NEW IMAGE: Robert E. Briggs, who is the revolutionizing traditional female not clued-in to the resourceful- take,” added Sister Bonfilia. image of the nursing school director since his recent appointment to that post ness of the gay and wonder- at St. Michael’s THE IMMACULATA Hospital, instructs students Cecilia Silesia and Helen ful Immaculata Sisters. Sisters, Tyskie- a of Franciscans with aid They’ve found a way to have congregation wicz of anatomical model. known by their the rickshaw help buy them white habit, royal blue Nursins Director’s a He sorely needed bigger quarters. scapular and black veil, are banking heavily on ON AUG. 5 AND 6 on the their bazaar for the future of provincial house grounds on their eight foundations In the New St. with their breathtak- U.S. and their missions abroad. Crashes 'Woman’s World' ing view of the Preakness It . is here at the provincial Mountains and the valley be- house (which was the world event low, the first fund-raising motherhouse until the latter Ed Grant use of the available By space,” he fields.” was ever will be presented by the moved to Middleville, in NEWARK—The of a explains. “Student lounges will image Briggs himself has been Sisters. Billed as the Summer Sussex County, last be year) that IIANDYWOMEN: Diminutive Sister nursing school director which added, visual aids are be- Mary Corona of Formosa left tn partly responsible for one new Festival, it will star the rick- woman-power for the hospitals Hollywood has ing increased and the a ladder hammer in hand, to Sister helped to create library vista for the male nurse. As shaw—area in coolie hats and schools in Latin help Mary Incarnata of boys America (Huber) Irvington cen- in the mind of the American is being overhauled, both as to head of the alumni rick- and Formosa a SlSt r Dana 0f association will treat youngsters to a (where the famed BraZl1, decorate a bazaar booth with is that its its Tho int f f gay oilcloth public of an efficient physical layout and con- of Alexian Brothers, shaw ride after which they will Immaculata 0 ° f , Chicago, Sister-doctor, Sis- Immaculata Sist ers was for the but starchy female of dubious tent." he was involved ter ti J®,“S p i preparing fummer“ Fes- in a seven- be photographed against a Chi- Hilda, 5.M.1.C., tival at the West Paterson ~L practices) . provincial house Aim tn 0 j f, age with pince-nez glasses, year battle to the laws landscape, all for 50 cents will be trained. r BRIGGS ENTERED the change nese How many needed enlarged facilities. (Even grumpy and a which Sisters*kn ar e disposition ten- prevented male nurses —and dozens of other attrac- young Sisters will be getting intothe’StSS £5? nursing profession rather trained Ml “' s dency to eat aiid pretty late, from the latter here brother. Bin Huber, will young after following their profession tions. Not the least of depends upon the financial portray clown “ar students before serving in the medical .^U breakfast. when they entered the will be a kiddie zoo complete help made available and World II armed soon. patrons the first of the above corps during War in delighting kiddies.) Only services. In 1956 a bill was fi- with a live hippopotamus, an Of Sister Hilda an American characteristics both the North African cam- efficiency nally passed and on the doctor quoted in from China. In 10 paign and the China-Burma- signed per- orchestra playing roof, The Reader’s years at Sis- applies to the new director of mitting male nurses to clown to spoof the Digest last ter Hilda’s St. India theater of He be a wandering August once said: Joseph Hospital the operations. I nursing school at St. Mi- commissioned as such in patrons. "When get in Kaohsiung over took his training at Alexian the discouraged and alone, 11,- chael's Sisters tired I 000 Hospital, Robert E. Army and Air Force. The Right now the are go and watch Sister in-patients, and over 250,- Brothers Hospital School of Briggs, who has broken tradi- Navy is still a holdout. busy with hammers, saws, and Hilda practice medicine. 000 have Nursing in and has I ra- out-patients been tion Chicago tum by becoming the only to that lengths of gay oil cloth with with confidence that treated; St. Joseph’s has but also had advanced studies at "Up time," he ex- every- male director of a Catholic which they are covering their thing is possible to the makeshift and Sis- DePaul plained, “the best a male man equipment, school University and the booths. The who has faith nursing in North Jer- nurse could lawn with bazaar in God and love ter Hilda often has to College of Our Lady, Huber- hope for was to beg sup- As one of his will be in business in his soul sey. bazaar . . ." plies from the Navy, whose young tus, Wis. become a non-com in the med- put “We like him. 10 a.m. to 9 Seventh charges it, ical corps. from p.m.'each Fleet has declared it- Almost all of his nursing ca- They were just as THIS REMARK He makes us toe the line, but day. The results, say Sister seems espe- self beholden to her for her reer has been spent in the ad- likely to become cooks, bak- he’s fair.” vicaress, and cially appropriate to a ers, Bonfilia, 5.M.1.C., member treatment of sailors when they ministrative field, the common stenographers, infantry.” of the Mary Grace, Missionary Sisters of the were without fate of male Sister 5.M.1.C., medical aid. ST. MICHAEL’S feels it nurses these days will determine Immaculate IN ADDITION a councillor, Conception, for Sister Hilda’s dramatic story scored real in landing He was assistant director of to the physi- whom a coup “how much courage” the con- the impossible has been is better known at cal overhaul of the at perhaps than at time when he was nursing Alexian Brothers plant the Briggs a may assume in con- normal at so that of St. Michael’s. Briggs is also gregation many points the congregation to about to take a Hospital for seven years and in their major position templating building plans. history. which she belongs. Yet her later at introducing several morale- in the nurs- served hospitals in Their midwest, revising very beginnings, for ex- determination boosters, such as an awards quiet in spite of ing education at several Kankakee, 111., and LaCrosse, THE CONGREGATION ob- ample. Early in this night century in odds that would cow oth- Wis. He has had planned for next month. many schools conducted there by the many articles served its 50th anniversary last Germany a He is to young teacher ers is the sort of that published in grateful the St. Mi- spirit Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, professional mag- year, but this will be its first named Elizabeth Tombrock vis- is the Immaculata chael's School of Nursing animating who also direct the Newark azines, has authored manuals The ba- ited Lourdes to Alumnae for their fund-raising activity, prepare for a Sisters in Paterson. for use recent con- hospital. in hospitals and zaar was decided upon when death that seemed imminent as tribution of eight anatomical schools of and lectured Sisters realized that they a result of WALKING THROUGH the Nor has the new director nursing the tuberculosis of the models for the refurbished at medical conventions. were unable to accept all the bone. At the shrine crowded provincial Sis- wasted any time making classrooms. of Our house, candidates who apply for en- Lady, during the ter Bonfilia pointed out changes at Schervier Hall, "NURSING IS Blessing of groups ever becom- Not grateful .the of beautiful which houses St. Michael’s enough, how- trance to their congregation. Sick, she was cured. She smiling novices. ing an expanded field for ever, not to be planning on “It looks large," said Clifton- entered the Poor but "They come from magnificent School of Nursing. Appointed men," he Clares, says. “Many men changing the name of the Bonfilia responded to homes with in or- bred Sister indicating the need for a swimming pools, June, he immediately began who not can find the financial ganization from alumnae to the facade of the teacher some of them.” she said. “And a of reevaluation of provincial expressed by visiting program backing necessary to attend alumni. For, among the appli- house, a collection of buildings Bishop Dorn Amandus Bahl- yet, look how happy they are available facilities and, ns a enter medical school the nurs- cants for admission to Uic St. Mi- of various architectural motifs mann, 0.F.M., of Santarem, here, even in these crowded, result, entire building is ing profession with the of chael’s hope this fall are four men which house 100 religious. "But Brazil, where she inadequate conditions.” turned inside out. became with THE REASON being specializing after graduation. and WHY: Novices brush shoulders at their Briggs hopes that at least the main part—the ‘new’ wing him the co-founder of the Mis- “The youth of today,” Sister “We are to facil- Quite a few’ administra- desks in crowded attempting enter a couple of them will qualify —is Holy Family Residence for sionary Sisters of the Immacu- Bonfilia declared with love in classrooms of Tombrock Junior Col- itate the educational others program tion, become anesthe- to up another 60 is late her lege at the of ring first for St. ladies which our only Conception in 1910. She be- voice, "are searching for a provincial house the Immaculata Sisters. by the best possible tists or enter making other technical Michael’s. of livelihood." came Mother This the source Immaculata challenge. is what these Making best of things and hoping the Summer S.M.I.C. girls want." Festival, will a INSIDE THE And the Aug. 5-6, push building program, are, provincial Despite the hardships of the challenge the Mis- the need for from left. Sister Mary of house new facili- Amazon region of Brazil the sionary Sisters of the Immacu- Anthony (O’Byrne) Black- Blind to Use ties is revealed Twen- little late wood, N. J.; Sister Helps Hearing painfully. community flourished, Conception face is: make Mary Karl (Schmidt) of Short Hills, for Vocation Indulgences ty postulants entering this fall caring for the sick and edu- room them. and Sister Mary Rose Sharon (Steiner) of Bergenfield. will live in the old frame Don- cating children. The Members of Sisters a the Apostolale nelly Farmhouse which was the As Way of Earning Living came to the U. S. in 1922 at for VocaUons can U. S. gain a plen- first convent of the Im- the invitation of the Francis- MIAMI (NC)—Miami’s newest telephone answering service ary under the ordi- maculata Sisters when they can Fathers at St. Bonaven- is operated a blind man who is determined to nary conditions by young be on: came to Paterson in 1923. The ture self-supporting. University, N.Y., who Aug. 5, Our dining room of the farmhouse is needed Lady of the them to manage the Frank Zeller of Corpus Christi parish, a native of River Snows. the lab of Tombrock Junior Col- priests’ kitchen. That same Edge, N. J., was blinded in his left through administration eye Aug. 6, lege for the Sisters—one end of year Mother of too much after birth. He lost Transfiguration. Immaculata suf- oxygen shortly the sight in A the long narrow room is the fered partial 100 a fall at St. Bonaventure his eye the result of thrombosis at indulgence of right as a 13. “bio lab," the other end for which Now days may be gained for each kept her bedridden until 21, he is engaged in an effort to provide an income act chemistry. Some of the class- her death of charity or 14 years later, but for himself and to give other persons piety per- handicapped a similar rooms are as small as 9 12, did formed for the intention of fos- by not prevent her from effi- opportunity. to accommodate, sardine-style, tering vocations to the priest- ciently managing the affairs of eight or nine Sister-students at the ZELI.ER OPERATES the service in a small building at hood. congregation. desks placed flush against each the rear of his family’s home. He calls it the A.J.P.M. for other. (In other circumstances, MEANWHILE the Advance, Jobs, Prosperity and Motivation. He explained that congrega- a crlbbers’ paradise.) tion has grown to a “through the operaUon of the company we will be able to member- pro- ship of 638, vide the blind with employment." with 165 Sisters in eight U. S. houses 31 All incoming calls are tape recorded, then and nov- transcribed, ices in typed on record cards for reference to Paterson. Foundations customers. Sighted per- sons to include St. Walburga’s arc employed deliver the messages. Orphan- >~T. In 1957 Frank age, Roselle, and /* was graduated from Archbishop Curley hospitals, High School here after schools and convents in Illinois, \ winning second prize for two consecu- Tlie tive in the AdlOC 0 Texas and New York. South Florida dt Mother years Regional Science Fair for his save here M. projects on the human eye, ear and brain. 9 Veneranda, 5.M.1.C., is the August 3, 1961 superior general, Mother M. Candida, 5.M.1.C., the provin- MadisonAre. cial superior. The 1960 chapter divided the And Christ congregation into four prov- inces: U. S., Germany, Brazil LOVELAND, Ohio (NC) - and Formosa. The Sisters Christ walks es- f) on Madison Ave. tablished themselves © on For- as well as on Main St., a young mosa after were HIGHEST television they expelled RATE producer has re- minded. IN THE AREA © Richard J. Walsh, award- Late, Late Show winning director of the TV Catholic Hour and other Cath- Features Priest olic radio and television pro- told students and vis- grams, DETROIT (NC) —It was 1:10 Sam by itors here at a m. Grailville Com- and the late movie on sta- the 15th munity College: tion WJBK-TV just ended. “It's true of course that Earn from Moments later the late, late we haven't solved the problem show starring Rev. Raymond the Ist of living in a status-seeking, R. Schlinkcrt appeared on the affluent other-directed, society. screen. He spoke of obedience But we must never forget that to parents, fidelity to marital WINGS it is God’s world." vows and other aspects of mar- ■A**TV He emphasized that Christ’s YOUH riage. © AVI message remains unchanged, Father Schlinkert, assistant YOUR SAVINGS and that today is the "most pastor of St. Patrick’s parish m fully Christian time." PROTECTED BY in nearby Union Lake, has been » 10.000 "This is what we try to part of station WJBK’s Sunday F U.S. GOVERNMENT cos meditate on in our Madison night (Monday morning) TV Ave. office," he said, “the INSTRUMENTALITYin*ikumm fare since last Feb. 11. His pro- y,\m marvelous mystery of the gram is called "With This placement of you and me in Ring.” the present time.” "1 try in the 15 minutes I Walsh, director of radio and have to offer counsel the television for the National on Council of Catholic problems that arise in the home Men, said; COLLEGIATE CHAT: Pierre student at as well as in marriage as "If the non-Catholic doesn’t un- Pulliat, engineering Toulouse University, IVING SAVINGS France, seated such," he derstand the we must center, consults to on explained. Church, French-English dictionary carry conversation AND LOAN share American One rating service estimated ASSOCIATION the blame." collegians Nancy Noland, Peter and Kathleen Pierre is The in which withat Giuffra. stay- that Father Schlinkert reaches 2 RKET STREET ( near area Cath- ing the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frank of the 12lI Main) N. J. .AR 4-4204 Montclair, members as viewers. Fa- l PATERSON, olics he is in not Giuffra of Family as many 150,000 1 Eyei 6 ’ B Qt fall, said, Life Parkin9 Maiden Lane Lot COr Apostolate's International - Hamil,on & Union Street, Friendship project, duringhis metropolitan area tour ther Schlinkert gets mail from Sf mntn ' ' ' the Church ade- »UlVK.fcs: • understanding Account, Vacation Club • with Saving! Chri.tma. • the in Club Mortgage loan, . Mom. in Experiment International Living. Peter is a student at Catholics, Protestants. Jews f quately or to live Giuffra loan, • Go, & El.ctnc failing Holy Bill Payment, • Traveler*' Cross Kathleen "and those who have forgotten Chock, • Money Order, fully the kind of life Catholics College; and Nancy, who lives in are recent SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Warrontown, Va., grad- FOR SAFEKEEPING OF what it was used YOUR VALUABLES are supposed to live. uates they to be- Junior College, Pa., where they were roommates. of Immaculata lieve in." 10 THE ADVOCATE August 3, 1961 Pope Tells Addie Comes With a Up Colorful Contest Youth to By June Dwyer were the the that you mascot of we need for judging. and $2 to winners in each of Addie has asked us for Advocate Club? large Young the divisions as well BOTH THE Junior Young Ad- as certifi- Love horns to blow this week but we The cates of Age contest rules are simple. vocates boys and girls from award. There are also couldn’t find any so we’ll just All have do beautiful CASTELGANDOLFO, you to is to color kindergarten through the fourth certificates for the Italy pretend and say: “Ta-ta-ta-ta (NC) John the picture of Addie on this —and the Senior Young boys and girls who are runners- Pope XXIII has ta-ta-ta-ta! grade page and send it into Of in the contest. counseled a large group of chil- us. Advocates boys and girls up “Announcing, the newest, dren at a (July 25) general course you are going to be very from the fifth So Addie is most colorful through the maybe right after contest in the his- careful to fill out the entry box all. audience here “always to re- eighth grade are invited to Maybe this is an extra spe- tory of the Advocate spect older and Young on this and to be sure to enter. cial contest. There people to sur- page Anyone who is not a is money for Club. A contest so bright and write round them with every kind- neatly so we will be able member will become one by you, certificates, and above all shining that it will inspire even to ness.” read it. You will also double out the fun of in the filling the entry blank and joining on a Club dullest, sleepiest boy or girl check to The Pope told his be sure that you have sending it in with his entry. project. young to action. the hearers that older "have Announcing given us all of the information people We will give checks of $5, $3 Happy coloring! Young Advocate Club Color con- a real treasure of gifts and test.” help which the Lord has giv- en them along the long road of EXCUSE the quotation marks life and which will be very use- and all of the excitement, boys ful when the time comes for and girls, but Addie insisted them to end their pilgrimage that we make a big thing out on this earth.” of our newest contest. We ask- Pope John also urged youth ed her why all of the excite- to add this respect for the ment. "After all,” we “we said, aged to a generosity in the have anew contest almost service of God both in youth month. What’s every so special and as they grow older in ma- about this one?” turity. “What's so special?” Addie replied. "Why, I’m surprised Grant a Housing Loans at you asking such silly ques- HEADING SOUTH: The First Communion clothing that is being in the tion. Why, this is the most im- To Catholic inspected portant, the the Colleges poor of Latin America. the biggest, gay- picture500 above is on its way to the Checking shipment WASHINGTON (RNS) The similar outfits are, left to Mrs. est contest in the world because of right: Edward L. Shea of Westwood, Catholic Community Facilities it is the one we are working on Administra- for Latin American tion of the U. S. and Relief Services project supervisor countries; Auxiliary Bishop now. Because we will have Housing Home Finance Sylvester A. Lowery, chairman new winners because some Agency announced Edward Swanstrom, CRS executive director; Mrs.E. college loans Archdiocesan committee on relief which lucky boys and girls will be get- housing of 51.637.000 of the Philadelphia foreign presented the to Barry Miami garments; Senora Fanny founder ting checks to help them enjoy College, Shores, Aristizabal., of child care centers and-orphanages Fla. and $1,500,000 to Merrimack in Colombia; and Eileen consultant themselves because ..." Egan, on foreign relief projects for the Nation- College, North Andover, Mass. “All right Addie," we said. al Council of Catholic Women. “We get the point. What do the Young Advocates have to do in this new contest?” Child Puzzle “Why they have to color a Mary picture of me, of course,” she replied. ’

THEN IT ALL made sense. Addie wants to see what the Young Advocate Club members •H? are to do with her going pic- s\ \ ture. Wo thought she might be getting a little proud, but we didn’t After all, say anything. at wouldn’t you be proud, too, if $ wa Is "Every Day Family Day“ \

NEW BOULEVARD When ordering flowers consult THE ADVOCATE florist list

POOL HANOVER FLORAL CO. i MORRIS COUNTY Complete 1 HUDSON BLVD. A CITY UNI Cemetery Service REV. GABRIEL Richard be- 41 Ridgedale Ave., Hanover BAYONNE HE 7-3434 TUcker 7 0305 came the ever chosen • SWIM • PICNIC only priest Advocate Club MARVEL INC. ROCKY'S FLORIST for the House Young FLORISTS, INC. $ • SUN AND SHADE of Representatives Louis C. Bevacqua Wedding J, Funeral Designs J • FREE PARKING when he was elected in Michigan 41 Broadway, Danville, N. J. 300 Main St., Boonton, N. J. l in 1823. OAkwood 7 3113 DE 4-3093 DEerfleld 4-38C3 1


William JUNIORS AND SENIORS: (Boys and girls from the kin- West, Prop. 310 Main St., Butler, N. J BOSLAND'S FLOWER CAMP ST. dergarten through the Terminal JOSEPH'S VILLA "newVS" Color the of 8-5580 SHOP] eighth grades). picture 1400 Ratier Rd. We Res. 4-4347 * >**. N. J ( «lnd Season Addie that you see on this MUIberry page. Complete e- v * j 1 FOR BOYS Completely Steffod by Xavarlan Brolhon AR 8-3138 The beat looking for In Health SORANNO FLORISTS you are WANAQUE FLORIST, INC. Site Sanitation Supervision Recreation Alex Soranno — Frank Malini [ Nam Patsy i> Jennie Longo. Prop. ] MAMMOUTH e 47 Park Place, SWIMMING POOL Age | Morristown 1083 Ringwood Ave., Wanaoue, N J ■ JE 8-3400 d -Open TEmple 5-4338 TEmple 5 1363 Air Theatre Roller Skatlns Rink Vast Ball Field Address | Ploneerlns Home Cooking and Bakery INSPECTION INVITID FROM MID-APRIL ON School Weekly Rateei S4O Seeaen Rale 9320 I Booling: or 3,6, 8 or 2 weelca Seaton from July lit fo August 26th. Town Grade j A 614 get Teacher For Information and Direction, Consult . NSW YORK OFFICE: Rt. Rev. Masr. John J. McEvey *O7 leaf 13rd St., New □lam a member York H, N. Y. Tel: Murray Hill 5-9IM □ i wou ld like to join j PLEASE TALK ABOUT US

Rules: Entries must LIKE MOST PEOPLE, WE DON’T LIKE TO BE be sent to June V. Dwyer, 31 Clinton TALKED ABOUT. But St., Newark, N.J. we ask to mention our by Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1961. you anyway name—so that Earn will know Each entry must be /">* people what we’re trying to accompanied by the above coupon or by a copy of it. do. Priests, Brothers, and Sisters by 0 the thousands bad Checks of - something to eat S5, $3 and $2 will be awarded to winners in the today, clothes to Junior and Senior divisions. wear, a place to sleep DIVIDEND because people like you mentioned ON * Cj °“ r name That’s our purpose to tour V1 / "i&m to - keep our missionaries at work in IN- SAVINGS ADJUSTABLE DIA, JORDAN, EGYPT, SYRIA, LEBANON, IRAN, IRAQ, TURKEY and ETHIOPIA. You can help tre- ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO SIOOi HOLLYWOOD mendously, simply by telling people %A 95 can Tht Holy Fjtbtr 'i Mission Aid they help—by joining the CATH- OLIC NEAR EAST AS- BED FRAME tlx Oriental Church WELFARE [or for ACROSS to Sixth note of diaton- SOCIATION, instance, by educat- for and Simmons ing a native Priest Sister, to bnild Headquarters Sealy Bedding 1 Father o.' ic scale or by helping a chapel or Mary school, or by sending us a gift "no strings attached.” The 7 Finish 17 Bower pos- ROUTE No. 46 sibilities if DOVER are limitless, only we can get to help. 8 ' lit Road (Abbr.) everyone upon a Please mention our THE CATHOLIC FO 21 Pound (Abbr.) name— NEAR EAST 1-1704 time' 1 WELFARE ASSOCIATION. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Hint o tmir • Igcment 22 244 Open [very 23 Doctor CHESTNUT STREET NUTIEY, N. J. Evening !2 (’’sane of Medicine 'til 9:30 • 3 Jr • (Abbr.) YOUR TWO CENTS’ WORTH BEDDING and (Abbr.) FURNITURE CO. 25 That’s all we ask—less than two cents 14 Therefore Myself a week—when you 26 become an annual member of Happy as a lark our ASSOCIATION. The dues, per year, for individual The 27 Postscript (Abbr.) membership are $l. dues per year for Is less DOWN a family are $5 (which than 10* a week). llow is the money used? It’s |>ut to work where It’s needed 1 City where Mary most—in pagan countries like those mentioned above, lived in the Temple the countries entrusted to the Sacred Oriental The 2 Nine lront ten Congregation. pennies that com* from people like you arc responsible today, 3 Name of first man under God, for schools and clinics, convents and 4 Little Red Riding seminaries, native Priests and Sisters. With we your help, feed orphans in these pagan coun- tries, care for old people, 5 Tavern give medical attention to lepers, build and churches furnish them. Our purpose: To do for 6 Master of Ceremon- pagans what Christ would do. Will you help us? By becoming ies (Abbr.) a member you’ll receive incalculable spiritual benefits. You’ll 9 Make participate a mistake in the benefits of than more 15,000 Masses each year You’ll 11 Relish share in the Masses of the Holy Father, of Cardinal Spellman 13 Challenge of all the bishops and priests engaged In this work. You’ll also 15 Sphere be able to gain a Plenary Indulgence on the day you enroll, on 18 Second not of dia- 53 days during the at year, and the moment of death. How to tonic scale join? Simply fill In this form, and mall it to us right now. 20 Inspring fear Dear Monsignor: 24 Garment girl wears enroll Pieaec me as a member. 25 Sketch or plan Answers Nam*

Map 23 A» 20 Drca* 24 Me 23 Street Dreadful 20 1). M. 23 Us I Ut Refer 22 Orb in Lb. 21 C*y Dan- lit lUI. 10 State Savor 11 Arbor 17 Err 9 La 10 C. B^nPDIHDCWDOAL DKAMII.Yt** M « So 14 □PERPETUALH^^,^^ Inn 5 Dr. 13 □INDIVIDUAL ($2Ol Q ” Hood 4 Mad 12 Adam it Keason 10 One 2 Once 8 Jeruftalem 1 SISTKK *■ *“ l4 « End 7 N»e years, uvd It costa DOWN Joachim 1 altogether $3OO. Would you care to help underwrite the S. l». 27 ACROSS cost of training ooe of these novices? SISTER BKKNARMNA ST. ANNE’S Shrine, Quebec and SISTER LF.ONIA of the CARMELITE dates from 1658. SISTERS hi PAL U, INDIA; SISTER LEA and SISTER GOD- of FRET fee CARMELITE SISTERS In OIXUR, INDIA: SISTER ANNIE JOHN A and Wedding Reception SISTER POLYCARP of the ADORA- TION SISTERS In KORATTY, INDIA. The Sister you help to train now wtH be spending her _ IMe doing good, probably after PLAZA HOTEL long we’re dca, ~* l,bert,n hi alt fee good six ittfnd $%.. itnty City, N. i. provktoo: • Olomflod •iitßwtd Rmimi UNIJCSS YOU US WRITE NOW. TOW WONT WRITE HI »• IMi AT AUAIJ PI. EASE WRITE. * • iipinir Ci^lm • MoJhI

• Cmfhfi mHnmkmn t«

**••• BCnioHut Oldfield 3-0100 *u* Amplt |p«M fttt Am Co«

STILL to TOOAV M THE FA LEAD AT » ncmnotCd *3 A Family Institution Serving The Public And The Since ed» Clergy 1928 roV ApP This Family Organization consisting of Wm. Hannon and V ed! ApP r ° r his noct° five sons, each of whom is trained to do a specialist’s

job, bringing you the combined years of experience totaling • Expertly fitted to the exact shape of your foot 135 years. This is • Your correct “last", sizes 3-12, AAAAA to EEEE experience your assurance that Hannon’s READY TO SERVE: A meat dish an Wide choice of with extra appeal knows • seasonable, flattering styles all the answers when it comes to floor is our recipe for this week. coverings. Visit Your Foot Doctor Periodically FLOOR German Dish COVERING SPECIALISTS ' 84 MAIN STREET With A w' PATERSON Complete Line of Ex-Serviceman’s Favorite CUSTOM RUGS, BROADLOOM CARPETS 4% Mrs. George Collins Jr. of Irvington brought a German recipe back with her from her with 630 Main European stay her hus- LINEOLEUM, Assets Street band who ASPHALT, VINYL & was in service there. The meat dish is ideal for a More than Hackensack, N.J. when the like "fun-party" guests to get into the act, when a barbecue is the order of the day or when the children want RUBBER TILE 6 CONVfM* <>n 1 a treat.

HACKENSACK Rculaden Main-and Deny Slaata FREEZER OWNERS Upon B to 4 dafty-HSrac* Mood* 2 lbs. thinly sliced beef 2 No tblsp. margarine currsioE park down 4 to FREE! DECORATING money ... months pay! 1/4 lb. fat bacon sliced Herb seasoning (optional) SERVICE 740 Andaraon Avanua 1 lge. chopped onion salt and pepper Opan oto 4 daily—6 to lon Friday 1 lge. dill pickle 1 hot stock TCAMECK cup Decorating anew office, Full home, factory, convent, & Lana at Hindquarter Pound meat lightly until flattened. Rub with salt and church, or redec- Csdar Laaab Ammo pep- Place a room or a home Opan B fo 4 daMT-fl toe off per. on each orating complete . Call Mfep a strip of bacon, some chopped onion . . on Hannon’s decorating PALISADES PARK and pickle; roll Tie with fix with skewer. of up. string or Lightly service. We are ready to help with all SS3 Broad Avanua you your rug and saute until brown. Gradually add the hut sauce (can be made carpeting Opan 9 to 4 dally-a to I on Monday from problems. bouilloti cubes) and season with salt and pepper. decorating Now you can select PARAMUS U. S. your Choice Beef Cover and continue meat Cardan SUia hau cooking until the is tender. Take floor covering needs in rolls right your own home. Opan 9 to 4 Ju» I fc>*on«ataar from pan, thicken gravy with flour and water, add herb Custom cut into |There is no extra tHDSEFtCLO enough delicious seasoning. Cook for two minutes then pour over the meat charge for this service. 601 BrOAd AYMIIM rolls. Remove string or skewer and serve with noodles, rice Phone HU 5-4343. Opan 9 to 4 dally-* to 0 on MoadW Sirloins, Porterhouses, roasts, stew, or potatoes. ' beef, chopped beef, etc., to serve ban- meals to quet the average family for Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association four months. Flash-freezing, freezer, Legal Reserve Life Insurance for the Whole Family mo-mt wrapping and delivery included. SUPREME TRUSTEE MRS. SARAH J. FELLER, 380 Broad Stree 140 ROSEVIUE AVE., NEWARK 7, NJ TERMS AVAILABLE BRANCH OFFICERS; REC. 158 MISS KATHLEEN HARNEY. Newark, N. J. Ifyou want the best 18 MARSHALL ST., APT. 6F, IRVINGTON 11, N.J. ... F. S. 20? MRS. REGINA BREMSETH. Corner (■ Bth Avenue 286 FRANKLIN ST., BLOOMFIELD, N.J. REC. Air Conditioned 396 MARGUERITE BONNELI, for your com is the 24 HUTTON AVE W ORANGE, N.J. §hekakdl place , Open Mon.. Wed.. Fri. to » p. \ PRES. 1334 MISS WINIFRED McENEANEY, Tues., Thur*., Sat. to 0 3227 BOULEVARD. JERSEY CITY, N.J. ... M. THE 12 ADVOCATE August 3, 1961 Chuck Pezzano to Participate in New Frontier CHUCK PEZZANO CLIFTON New frontiers of ger for the New York Gladia- all A PREVIEW of the league into play when bowler sorts seem to be mighty im- the a scores background in the sport into tors, local entry in the cir- was offered to 210 portant these fans in Kansas or more for a game. One the NBL. The 32-year-old Pat- days. And Clif- cuit which will at play new City last week with a Holly- will he ton's Chuck Pezzano, point given for between erson native has been bowling already alleys to be constructed in To- wood-like 210 premiere to intro- and 219, two qualified as a bowling pioneer, towa points between since 1944 and has averaged Borough in Passaic Coun- duce new rules. 220 scoring Match and 229, to JO for is getting ready to launch his up points 200 or better for the 10 ty. and bonus points, well past second claim to as as a perfect game. League officials such an honor. ‘‘Of don’t years. course, we know if player substitutions, will make say this will inject Bowling is reaching out for it the ele- will go over or not,” Pez- the league differ from conven- ment STANDING OUT in those sea- of the home run in major league status and will tional base- zano says, ‘‘but the fellows are league bowling rules. ball, the four 300 and a start toward that long pass in football sons are games goal this fall. In really up on this the conventional of hepped thing system, and the birdie sanctioned 824 three-game sc- Pezzano, one the founders the putt in golf. and most of them are anxious team that knocks down the Free of the Professional Bowlers’ As- substitution will enable ries, putting Pezzano in mighty most for it to start. pins is the winner. In the a team to put select sociation, has been one of the a player into company. NBL, however, a different “We’re going to have a 26- point ft given situation to throw His case holds awards leading figures in establishing ono trophy week with teams bowl- method will be used. ball. for the National Bowling season many championships, begin- League, five Five-man teams will bowl a brand ing days a week,” he con- For ning with the Eastern Intercol- new circuit which will against example, a specialist tinued. “Minimum salaries for each other with each legiate title. He the operate with 10 teams across might be used to gained man in his pick up a those 26 weeks are position competing semi-finals the country beginning in Octo- very good. tough spare. If the sub throws in both the All-Star to against the man in the same ber. This is attractive many more and World Invitation tourna- than one ball, he must bowlers since position on the other team. the salary is remain in the match ments, among major events, NOT ONLY Match points will be until its WILL he help guaranteed. In contrast, if registered finish. and probably reached a high this new when a bowler defeats his pioneer move, but he’ll they’re on the tournament cir- Besides point by taking second place opponent. his founding interest be doing it in a vital post. cuit, there is no assurance of in the National Doubles Tourna- in both the PBA and the Pezzano will be player-mana- income.” new ment, teamed with Dumont’s BONUS POINTS will come league, Pezzano brings a solid Lou Campi, in 1956. O. L. Valley sports spot Pius Grads Drops Scott Pope ORANGE—With one open date In the Good Old Summertime Book Clifton or. its schedule. Our Lady of the Valley High School will have vir- PASSAIC Former football tually the same football sched- players from Pope Pius and Clif- ed ule in 1961 as it did last year with by woodward ton High Schools are planning the Some the exception of Clifford Scott. people suggest using ested in should first of what the sponsors hope participating program last week. The 15- Scott was dropped, leaving Val- word association when the call LA 3-2869. will be an annual series of alumni year-old former national inter- ley with eight games. weather gets hot. Think about the clinic football games. Conducting again mediate champion also captur- that to The will be the The schedule: something seems go will be Johnny Bach, coach of ed the game played at with junior men’s three mile Clifton the winter Fordham High School Stadium on Sept. months, they University; Vince 24, at Marlst. miss-and-out event, lie was Oct. 1, St. Mary's: explain. Aug. 25. The rain date is at 7. at St. Luke's-; Well, formerly you Herald, former coach of Don timed at Aug. 13, at Harrison Of); 20, at 8:04. open; 29. could use basketball for that and Dick 28. DePaulV Bosco, Tarrant, for- Pete Mylenki of River Nov. but not Edge to William 5, Queen of Peace: 11. at West purpose, any longer. mer coach of St. Cecilia’s (E). and According F. Orange Mountain; 19, Immaculate Bergen Catholic Con- The Vinnie High O’Brien, co-chairman, each team ception*. cage sport is outdoors in Ernst, the St. Aloysius School continues the kind • of will be composed of 25 Big Six Conference. full force, its bid for graduate and current Provi- players (N)—Night making a bowling which game. helped the Cru- who will be limited to 10 of share of news space. Catholic dence College ace, will be saders to the days North Jersey practice prior to the contest. Leo schoolboys and collegians dot among the instructors. Catholic Bowling League title and Lou the rosters of the several Hud- Callaghan Kourtz, for- during the past season. out- His mer Pius son EARLY REGISTRATIONS in- Pope gridders, have County summer basketball 624 standing scries helped his been named to coach the leagues. clude a few North Jersey Cath- Pope team to stay on top of the Pins team. olic schoolboys. Among them Bowler IN City Junior Classic Lea- ADDITION, thoughts are are Dennis Bott of St. Participating players will be Mary’s gue last week. now given placqucs the alumni turning to summer basket- (R) and Rich Corrigan of Don by ball His games were 200, 222 and of the camps, growing more pop- Bosco SchooL groups two schools. An High 202. Richie of St. alumni ular each year. The local edi- Gillespie Ce- queen contest open to TIIE A former North cilia’s Finishes 11 Over Par FIRST Conference of the tion of the Jersey (E) backed him up with 1961 Pius and Clifton summer cage clinic, Pope grad- St. Vincent de Paul Society in schoolboy standout, George a 577 set. uates a one-week will be held in session at Don Bos- conjunction the U. S. was founded at St. Blaney of Jersey City, is al- with co High School, Ramsey, from DOTS the game. Louis in 1845. ready at work for the New ‘N’ DASHES Joel 3 Aug. to Closing Holes in PGA 21 26, is still accepting Pascale of North York Knickerbockers pro bas- Bergen, who applications. was ketball team. a member of an All New New Faces Dot Judging by the first two Aork City Prep Quintet in the Proved H. Browne After graduating from Holy Farrell's Joseph years, the rush to fill the roster past basketball Undoing Cross College this year, he season, will en- List probably won’t be until the fi- roll at Fairfield in Oratory CHICAGO signed a contract with the University Billy Farrell of Baltusrol two weeks. will long re- However, that September. He SUMMIT—Two new faces Knicks and promptly was as- played with Loy- are member the last three at the Company isn’t very far off. Anyone inter- ola holes Olympia Fields Country to Prep of New York listed on the Oratory High School 1904 signed help conduct basket- City. Club here where OUR 57th YEAR 1961 John football schedule his dad, Johnny Farrell, won the National ball clinics along with New Kropke, a St. Peter's for 1961 with three 1960 Open golf in York's Prep graduate, received a var- from having been championship 1928. ATTENTION Willie Naulls and John- Institutional ny Green. sity award and letter at the an- dropped, leaving the local squad Young Billy, making his first start in the National pp.a i • _ _ , to nual sports dinner of the Unit- with eight games instead of nine PGA j - UNDERTAKERS !• The trio travels around New championship and fresh Cleaning Supplies ed States Merchant Marine as played last season. from his victory in the New Jer- York, New and New • ASH CANS • Jersey Academy. He Marist and took MATS • SOAP 1959 graduated July Bayley-EUard have sey Open, 55 strokes to ne- Petreans Plan MURPHY BROS. PLYMOUTH England showing films and • POLISH giv- 31. gotiate • BROOMS • BRUSHES joined the ranks of Oratory the three par-fours over ing instruction at op- summer • WAX • SPONGES For Their 9 ponents while powerful St. Bene- the four rounds of the tourna- • PAILS Passenger Sports camps. The programs are for One Big Change dict’s and Newark and Montclair ment. • TOILET PAPER Suburban Station one day each and are St. Paul's Plans designed - Wagon Academies have been dropped. JERSEY CITY One impor- • MOPPING EQUIPMENT both to aid the youngsters and UNBEATABLE Ideal for business THAT WAS strokes tant change has been made in & pleasure. Color The schedule: seven over PAPER • PAPER TOWELS • CUPS black/ wall tires/ steer- stir interest in the Baseball Night white power up team. the 1961 football schedule 24 3t St Lukc,i 291 at Carteret par for those long (the shortest of St. Inß/ power brakes, power rear win- JERSEY School' ‘ ' dow. Sacrifice for quick sale to CITY - “Greenville Peter’s 278 IN SOME OTHER Oct. 8. Morrlatown at of the three went 428 yards) and Prep. The Petreans will Wayne Street first buyer. summer School: IS, Night” will be observed at Roose- Morist: 22. St. Mary's; 27. St. Bernard's. harrowing holes. And be renewing a long-dormant ri- DEALS Est. 1918 activities, bike and bowl- Nov Billy’s per- riding at velt Stadium on 17 ' -12' Bayley-Ellard; 17. at Har- Jersey N. J. Aug. when formance with St. Benedict’s Oct. 22. City, ing come in for some of the the tlson (N). on those closing holes valry Jersey City Jerseys play the (N) Night came. two HEnderton 2-8678 spotlight. kept him from making par for The Catholic grid powers ON THE NEW PACE MOTORS Toronto Maple Leafs in an In- round. premise to provide ac- Alan Grieco of ternational any interesting Hackensack, League game. 47 the New After tion when this series is revived 1961 CENTRAL AVE. Jersey junior cham- The Dons to a disheartening 75 in the observance is being Face after more than 30 Hack- BREAKING A BOUIDER EAST pion, was a close second in the spon- opening round, young Farrell re- years. • ORANGE sored by St. Paul’s IMPERIALS half-mile at Holy Name ensack was dropped by St. Pe- OR A the Eastern Cy- covered to shoot 72 on eacli of his MOVING MOUNTAIN Society in an effort Memorial 11 to • cling Federation to keep a next ter’s make room for the Gray CHRYSLER bicycle racing professional three trips around the 6,700- baseball team in Jer- Bees. WHATEVE RAMSEY yard course where • PLYMOUTHS sey City. Eight opponents, his long hit- ting was The schedule: one a newcomer, are listed on expected to be an ad- • Sept. 24. Bayonne. VALIANTS THE TO A NEW the 1961 That CLOSEST CAR OR TRUCK BISHOP Don Bosco High School vantage. gave him a 72-hole YOUR James A. Healy be- Oct. 1. St. Joseph’s (Pa.>: 7, at football schedule. total of 291, which 11 Snyder; 13. Demarest: Now on Display came the The Dons also was over 22. St. Bene- A first Negro Bishop in dict’s; 29. at Lincoln. MICO REBUILT MOTOR have an Oct. par. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY the U. S. when open date, 1, which Nov. 3, Memorial; 12. St. Michael’s he was con- (UC>; are to 23. at Dickinson. (All Kamos will J08... secrated for they trying fill. Farrell finished in a tie for COSTS LESS THAN CONSTANT REPAIR Portland, Me., in be played in Hooscvclt Stadium). 1875. Memorial, the Hudson County 33rd and MURPHY OR COMPLETE place picked up $262 for OVERHAUL! power, will replace Ridgewood, his efforts as he placed ahead of RENT rop-qoality Ingoroolt-lond AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS one of such notables Essex compronod air equipment through Bergen County’s top as Ken Venturi, County teams, as Don Bosco's Lew our BROS. CLUTCHES, BRAKES, opening Worsham, Dow Finsterwald, RINGS, TAYLOR day foe. St. Luke’s has COMPUTf AIR RENTAL PLAN also been Mike Souchak and Marty Furgol. CYO Standings REPAIRS.^ Individual tooli Motor Sales MUFFLERS, OVERHAULS, motor SALES, INC. dropped from the schedule. However, had he been to or an Air lon let able ne- INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE of International & CCP Credit Cards Honored 149 The schedule: Package compreuor, fuel, hose, Elizabeth 5-5600 ,i,,h *»«•, Paterson gotiate the final holes in regula- Sept. 24, at Memorial. Sacred Heart Cathedral 4 Air 1tool and two sfeeli (or onlr tion St. Catherine. 501-511 No. Broad Stroot AR. 4-9030 Oct. 1. open: 7, St. 13. figures he would have stood Cedar Grove 4 1 Joseph's*: St O.L. tis/do r . !ary ß,: 2 st Valley, Orange 3 1 »V J ’ - Cecllla'a \ to pocket like (> L. Optn Daily 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. 29,on at Queen of Peace. something $1,300. Lourdes. West Orange 2 1 THERE IS NO Nov. 5 Pope St. Francis. Newark Saturdays to 6 P.M. Pius*; 12. at Xavier; 23. 2 2 at Benton St. Anthony’s. Belleville l 4 DALE-RANKIN 40 MARKET ST., PATERSON Catholic*. STILL, HIS performance FOR * was 81. Sacrament. "AFTER WE SEU - WE SERVE" 415 SUBSTITUTE Tri-County Catholic Conference. East Orange 0 0 MONTGOMERY ST., JERSEY CITY ■MOW, H. J.—Route 10—Phi TU 7-1212 3ft more than adequate for a first FAIRMOUNT AVE., NEWARK Last Week's Results Seciucui, N. i—1631 Potoriio QUALITY attempt at the PGA. Not all first- St. Catherine’s 6. Sacred Heart 1 Plonk ltd.—Phi UN 4-ltll St. Francis 0. 81. Sac. O (forfeit) *• _ N. Y.—Route Our oblectlvo Is to BTOCk, 99-Ph: U (-SOD to otter to our year men manage qualify for O.L. Valley O.L. Lourdes customers only - (protested) the best of the Marist Expands the 36 final holes as • w * ~k* ln ,r * d «- Our Billy did. Schedule for Aug. 6 SALES DENTAL • SERVICE tonc,rn ■» *® (At Brookdale •*».!h!Le deliver e And Park, Bloomfield) trouble-free used by finishing out he avoided 01. cer to you. Grid Schedule Valley vs. Sacred Heart Cathe- not the of dral. 1 Why stop in end see onet necessity qualifying for p m. O.L. Lourdes St. Catherine’s. BAYONNE Expanding its this week’s Eastern in vs. 3;.'io £ "BUY WORD SEOANS Open St Anthony’s vs. St. Francis. 3:30 MICHAEL J. Reliability schedule from Maryland. HARRIS SUNROOFS seven to eight After that he’ll return KARMANN JUNIOR LEAGUE CHIAS games, Marist High School will lo New for the State PGA INC. STATION WAGONS Jersey W L two St. Lucy's, Newark 1956*» to have new opponents listed at the Homestead 5 1 HIGH LEVEL IttO's championship Sacred Heart Cathedral 4 1 for the 1961 football season. Golf Club, Sacred Heart. Vnilsburg AT The Spring Lake, Aug. 9-11. 3 1 ROOFING DOM'S AUTHORIZED St. Thomas. Bloomfield 4 EXPERTS Royal Knights have added Jo- 2 St. St. Benedict's A. . Newark 3 2 SHEET METAL seph's (WNY) and Oratory. St. Paul's. Irvington 3 2 CALL NOWS VOLKSWAGEN Blessed Sacrament. Newark COOL OFF • LOWEST Fordham has CYO Swimmers 2 3 Prep been drop- St. Francis, Newark 2 3 CONSTRUCTION SHOP IN AIR-CONDI- prices Ya\ dialer St. Hose of Lima Newark 2 4 ped from the slate. FOR SCHOOIS St. Benedict's B. Newark . . . . I 4 CHURCHES, TIONED COMFORT • MICHEST The schedule: To Vie in Essex St. Antoninus. Newark 1 AND m .... 5 INSTITUTIONS TRADE-IN m Scnl. DOM'S SHOWROOMI DOMESTIC 24, Our Lady of Ihc Volley; 29. Last Week's Results PL at (N). SOUTH SPECIALISTS IN ALLOWANCES 5-8400 Harrison ORANGE - The Es- St. Lucy’s USED CARS A 9, St. Thomas 2 * BETTER CARS TRUCKS Oct. 0. at Pope Plus ; 13. < athedral 4. St. • Oratory: sex CYO will an- Antoninus 1 Residential BANK AT 20. st. JoNcph'a (WNY). County hold its Sacred lit. (V) Roofing WHOLESALE PRICES 3. St. Benedict A 1 LOWER PRICES IMMEDIATE Nov. 5. St. Luke's: 11. * FINANCINC CREDIT OK! at Weehauken; nual swimming meet and parents §{• Ul. Sacrament 3 Leaders & 23. Bayonne. St. Paul’s Gutters night at the 13. St. Hose 2 oor director Impala Hardtop Impala Hdtp; Mtralcht fctick; bl*r VALIANTS of the CYO swimming NO MONEY UP '4O PONTIAC $2395 rim. DOWN, TO 7 YEARS TO PAY '59 CHEVY Air. 2 Dr. $1095 Bonneville 2-Door 80l program. INSURED • Hardtop '59 CADILLAC $3095 GUARANTEED

Fleetwood Air-Conditioned "S»rvlt. ... |, th ( BIG PIUS" Anlliori/nt Or.lf. The feature races will be the ‘59 OLDSMOBILE • ALTERATIONS • GARAGES • MASONRY $1595 50 and 100-yard • PATIOS CONVERTIBLES "BH" 2-Door Hardtop freestyle swims • ATTIC ROOMS • HEATING • KITCHENS • TILE WORK '4l CONTINENTAL 5495 '59 BUICK 2 Door lldtp $1595 WEST CALDWELL for advanced fifami swimmers. • BASEMENT • IRON WORKS • 4-Door Convertibles. JUOO Mile* '59 PONTIAC 4 Door $1795 I'H'i PAINTING • ROOFING '4l CHEVROLET $2595 '5B CHEVY Blscayne 4-Door 5895 • BATHROOMS • DORMERS • SIDING '37 • STONE '4O CADILLAC $4195 DODGE $693 AUTO MART FRONTS 3508 Hudson Blvd. FOR FREE . _ __ '4O CHEVROLET $2095 Custom ltoval 4 Door Hardtop r „ _ UN 6-6300 1071 BLOOMEIELO AVENUE DAY, NIGHT '4O THUNDERBIRD $2895 '56 FORD 2-Dr. Hardtop $695 UNION CITY ESTIMATE CALL SO 3-0040 '4O FORD $1995 WEST CALDWELL.N J OR SUNDAY '36 BUICK 2-Dr. Hardtop $695 2-Block CARPARK. Entor 361 h St. '4O PONTIAC Catalina FIORE $2395 CAp.ljl 6 MOO BROS., INC., 15 VOSE AVE., SO. '4O PONTIAC Honnevllle $2595 MANY GOOD '5l-'SS CARS ORANGE '39 FORD $1495 '39 OLDSMOBILE $1795

*on See the Brand CLOSED SUNDAYS! C0| Authorhtd CHtCKtK Dialtr ROSS MOTORS PLYMOUTHS 0 C H[\, ’6l CHECKER NIGHT ON ROUTE 22 IN NORTH PLAINFIELD VALIANTS Sr MOVING? ••dan, St. Wig- °CK s26so $2995 ■57 FORD UD • COUNTRY SQUIRE Factory Equipped FLORIDA CALIFORNIA - Delivered MIDWEST STATION WAGON 5 REZZA 1 R call: DOWN 4 H, P.S., P.B. lit Payment Due Auth. De Soto Plym. In October 5 Valient 514 ENGEL We Pay Your Old 1095 River Dr. Garfield I BROTHERS Car Balance ■L GR 2-9600 516 Union Blvd./ Totowa Boro moving & storage AR 4-4600 Open 9 A M. to 9:30 P.M. MA 2-1170 or consult yellow pages Intermediate Leaders in Essex Correspondents August 3, 1961 THE ADVOCATE 13 Learn Reading Ready for of War CLEVELAND (NC)-More than Four-Way Tug 170 and boys girls are enrolled in a reading improvement cor- NEWARK A second consecutive of hectic big blow for the who Sunday winners, respondence course sponsored as action is in in the Junior face Blessed Sacrament (New- special prospect Essex County CYO a summer project by Baseball ark) on League as the four top teams play each other in Sunday. Chanel High School here. The believed the final prelude to playoffs for which the bottom three ALSO MOVING course, the first up was Sacred of its kind clubs be in this area, was will dropped. Heart (Vailsburg), 5-1 victor over started last summer for Chanel St. Benedict’s It is possible that all the cur- protest and has not been entered A (Newark). Mike students only, but this year was rent leaders will avoid the cut- in the standings. Whichever one Graham was credited with his offered to all high school stu- off third win Bene- although St. Francis Xavier is the loser will have to win on as he limited St. of dents the Diocese of Cleve- dict's to four (Newark) still has a chance of Sunday in order to avoid elimina- hits while fanning land. replacing a laggard. tion. seven. He will be favored to win Rev. Raymond E. Ilcaly, his fourth on when St. S.M., Sunday director of COMPLICATING the situation B the course, pointed Benedict’s provides the opposi- is out that in some instances the fact that the status of a See schedule tion. stu- standings, dents of game between Our of the Other exceptional ability can Lady on Page 12 games found St. Francis Valley (Orange) and Our raise their reading speed to Lady beating Blessed Sacrament, 4-3, up of four times the normal rate. Lourdes (West Orange) is still and St. Paul the (Irv- Apostle “With the practice uncertain. The game is under given in the The schedule finds Our of ington) moving over the .500 level Lady course, the with 15-2 average high school Lourdes booked against St. Ca- a victory over St. Rose reading speed of 250 words a therine of Siena (Cedar Grove) of Lima. minute can be Bayonne Corps Boh doubled,” he add- and Our Lady of the Valley listed Chadwick’s two-run, hases- ed. to play Sacred Heart Cathedral. loaded double in the sixth inning Host to was the blow Buglers St. Catherine’s moved into a tic that enabled St. Francis beat Catholic BAYONNE St. Vincent's Ca- for first with Sacred Heart by to Blessed Sacra- U. Buildings 6-1 ment in a game in dets will be host to the 10th an- beating that team last Sunday. which both Nearing nual Dream Contest drum and Besides this contest and the the winner, John Harkness, and Completion the WASHINGTON (NC) bugle corps competition at Roose- Lourdes-Vallcy setto, the only loser, John McNamara, gave Five three hits. nc-w buildings under construction velt Stadium, Jersey City, on other action found St. Francis up at the Catholic Aug. 6. Attendance of about winning by forfeit over Blessed University of 20,000 America here are scheduled for A is expected. Sacrament (East Orange) to keep L: CamP P rograms of Drum completion in supervised games, handcrafts and dramatics have been established Competition will be held in its alive. Contest September. Being fH^,F^h i b tK . by hopes V 0 h ‘ zat ‘ on for built at a cost of 0rgan in cities senior and divisions with $2.5 million, inner-city parishes throughout the These sessions are junior H° IH H country. they include a ns.nlKusualh held in the school exhibitions IN THE JUNIOR circuit. St. In and a parish playgrounds and auditoriums. counselor being given by St. Clifton nursing Above, a CYO for the Cleveland Dio- biology se Vincent’s and the St. William Lucy's (Newark) defeated St. building and three resi- supervises a game at St. Edward’s At she schoolyard. right, unconsciously demonstrates that a coun- Thomas the Apostle CLIFTON The St. Brendan dence halls. being Cadets of Dorchester, Mass., a (Bloomfield), selor isn't all work Cadets will their third and seriousness. 90-member unit making its first 9-2, to break a first-place tie. sponsor annual appearance here. A1 Drugcts was credited with the junior drum and bugle corps contest at Clifton High The competing senior corps will victory, dropping St. Thomas to be the Hawthorne fourth St. School Stadium on Aug. 5 at 8 St. Cecilia's (N.J.) Cabal- place. Lucy’s will be Establishing p.m. leros, the Reilly Raiders of Phil- idle this week as St. Thomas at- adelphia, the Archcr-Eplcr Cor/iS- -tcnipts to regain lost ground at Competing corps will include St. Vincent’s Student of Upper Darby, Ta., the G*r- tnW expense of St. Rose of Lima Cadets, Bayonne; Emergency Fund harini Rhymers of New York ind (Newark). St. Vincent’s Cadets, Madison; St. ENGLEWOOD An the Pittsburgh Rockets. Haw- Another key junior game saw Lucy’s Cadets, Newark; the Emergency Educational Fund thorne was the 1960 winner. Sacred to Knights of Loretto, Brooklyn: the for at St. Heart Cathedral climb students Cecilia’s High School here is being es- Fair Lawn Lawmen; the Newark In the junior division entrants second by registering its fourth tablished the Father’s Club. Woodsiders, by Include St. Kevin’s of Boston, win in five starts, beating St. An- and the Selden (L. 1.) Cadets. Frank Dowling has been named fund chairman. Hfe the 1960 winner, the Scldon toninus (Newark), 4-1, behind the said the fund will begin in (L. 1.) Cadets, Knights of Loretto hurling of Ed Cilcnto, who struck An exhibition will be given by functioning September and is designed to for books and of Brooklyn and the Audubon out 10. Tony Faria’s two-run dou- the Hawthorne (N.J.) Caballeros, pay tuition of students from families of the fund (N.J.) All-Girls Corps. ble in the fifth frame was the j 1960 national senior champions. will be sent to all Aug. 13 is the rain date. where the breadwinner dies or parents before the start of the becomes disabled. school year, according to Jack BECAUSE Moles, president of the Fathers For Persons Over 21 OF an alleged A LETTER announcing details club. 9:00 P.M. to 12:30 A.M. “Popish plot” to burn New York City, four whites were hanged 11 and Negroes burned at the DANCING stake there in 1741. Savings Received On Or Before New Air Cooled Auditorium AUGUST 10 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT i DIVINE WORD Earn Extra Dividends From l AY P0R D ° LI S: Partici ants in the annual doll P contest sponsored bv the CLUB ST. LEO MISSIONARIES ™ n r 3t ; AUGUST 8 Jersc y Cit V are shown with 1 ?u°° - - - their counsellors and Market St., at the East Paterson, N.J. Girard, Pa. or Island Crack. Mast some of the dolls which Boulevard, were entered. Winners were Linda Wessel Horn# and Missions (funniest doll) I Foreign Eileen I (most PRIESTS lannery original Maureen O’Dea Featuring BROTHERS! doll), (cutest doll), Ann Maria De- Alternating Pinto DELAYED but NOT LATEI (prettiest doll). Awards will be at your ORCHESTRAS presented the final camp outing later this Special courses given for ex-| month. savings G. I. School Directions: », High or College Graduates earn We have a special! Driving South on Garden State Exit 158 THE FRENCH Parkway, College for YOUI Academy was I founded Driving North on Garden State Parkway, Exit 157 in 1634 by Cardinal Youth Leader Chtck Richelieu. one □ Pri#,t Q Brother! (One Minute from either Exit) Castigates Name ACADEMY OF Violence, Crime on TV SAINT ELIZABETH WASHINGTON You are invited to eonfl or a loved (RNS) a “fantastic youreeN aae SKCONDARY Denouncing ICHOOL FOR • IRIS r*u«d*d IMO variety of bloody and brutal ruUr AtaraAiiad I offerings’’ on television, a tlttara Age Grade at Charity national Catholic youth leader implored to Ca»»a»t. Naw Jaraar Congress take action to JEffarion 9-1600 bring program presentation and policies in line | with decency and the public interest. Msgr. Joseph E. Schieder, di- B rector of the NCWC Youth De- ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF THE 01 shock from the Senate subcom- R partment, told the Senate Juve- leatherette bound certificate moiled mitee and the crowded hearing iaaodtotely BLESSED nile O SACRAMENT Delinquency Subcommittee room as he described how he had CBSTOMARY OFFERING: headed by Sen. Thomas J. Dodd been called NEW upon to counsel a 17- PERPETUAL INDIYIDHAL MEMBERSliP A GOSHEN, YORK of . . J&.00 Connecticut that there is . Conbucted a year-old boy who admitted by: Sisters of If. Dominic of Blauvelt, the D New York direct relation between atrocious FRANCISCAN ••lON presenta- murder of a MISSIONARY Boording and Day High School for Girls 16-year-old HACKENSACK MUTUAL SAVINGS tion of program after program classmate because be had 135 WEST 31st STREET, NEW TOW l ■> I(KX L Academic with seen Commercial Electives with crime and violence dealing a program on television where U*jwe 30077. N no suer, eel RNMF E a Catalog on on television and statistics And Request rising man proved to a girl that he was Loan Association of crime. Telephone: AXminster 5310 juvenile a real he-man. 4-6133, Hockensock's Oldest Plnan August Pray for Them Record Dealer Arrested; Moslems Ground Sister Gaining Mary Martina Dies, Weider Firm Hit Again NEWARK A wholesale rec- oids seized at his establishment ord dealer here Stanton’s Sister has been held by the police. Rapidly Through Africa Bishop for grand jury action on charges of importing obscene records. BRONX Auxiliary Sister MEANWHILE, the Hudson In Africa, for Bishop Rudolpha was born in including William F. Tonne He is Joseph Martin of every new Cath- Martin W. Stanton offered Jr., the County prosecutor's office is busy Moslems a Pon- Austria in 1882 and entered the development director Apex-Martin Cos., olic, arc converting as tifical Low Mass at the Col- 351 Washington additional of Requiem at Benedictine Order in in studying magazines as 10. It has for the Elizabeth lege of St. Elizabeth. St. A resident of Plainfield, many been estimated Society Propagation Visitation he a Monastery here Aug. 1 1902. picked up during search of the that in 50 She taught in the primary was years, at arrainged before Chief Mag- continuing of the Faith for his sister, Sister Mary Mar- grades offices of Weider Periodicals, the present rate, the at Sacred Heart School Hubert istrate Nicholas Castellano and Moslems tina, V.H.M. O’Neill Inc., 930 Newark Archdiocese of Newark: and Benedictine Eliza- Ave., Jersey Will have the largest in Academy, paroled in the custody of his at- religion Sister Mary UNION — A Solemn City. This raid was a sequel to the world. Most Rev. Martin W. Stanton, S.T.D., Ph. D., LL.D, Martina, a mem- beth, and later served as novice Requiem torney. ber of the Order Mass was offered an earlier raid on Weider Pub- ‘ 31 of the Visitation, mistress. on 24 at Rev. E. S. Stevanin of the Pon- Mulberry St., Newark 2, N. J. Phone MArket 2-2803 July He is the second a contemplative community Burial St. Michael’s Church for record dealer lications, Inc., Palisade Ave. and tifical Institute Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 9 was in St. Gertrude Hubert for Mission Ex- p.m.; Saturday, a.m. to 12. arrested hy Essex County sher- Bth founded in France by St. Francis Cemetery, J. O’Neill, 38, who died at his St., Union City. tension explains each Diocese of Paterson: Woodbridge. that coun- iff’s detectives and Newark de Sales and St. Jane De home here on po- Joseph Weider, head of the con- try in Africa Chantal, July 20 after a presents an entire- Rt. Rev. Msgr. William F. Louis died of pneumonia long illness. lice in their campaign against the cern, is currently under indict- at the monas- ly different situation. The 24 DeGrassc Sr. Dolorosa distribution of St., Paterson 1, N. J. Phone: ARmory 4 0400 Agnes He was all types of ob- ment on tery July 31. She was 70. a native of Jersey City obscenity charges in Es- problem can be illustrated by Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 9 scene material. a Daily, p.m.; Saturday, a.m. to 12. A native CONVENT — A Mass and had moved Police obtained a sex Hudson will also seek few of Jersey City, Sister Requiem to Union 10 years County. statistics from their mission Donations to the the conviction Society for Propagation of the Martina was said at St. Anne Villa chapel ago. He was a in the first case. indictments if law enforcement In Mary joined the Visita- member of the Portuguese Guinea, a small Faith here Martin’s case is to are income tax deductible. tion nuns on Oct. July 31 for Sister Agnes Do- Holy Name Societv going the officials feel there is actionable Country of 16, 1928, and at St 27,000 square miles. lorosa Canavan grand jury to get an expres- was professed two years later. of the Sisters of Michael’s and of Union Council material in the latest batch of In a population of some 300,- sion of She 33 Charity of St. Elizabeth. Sister K. of C. contemporary community magazines handled the con- 000 spent her years in religion by there are 26 tribes, 26 lan- but since most standards the 76 Church, are polyg- Agnes Dolorosa died at the villa Surviving are his regarding rec- cern. here, holding a number of impor- wife, Mrs guages, sets of customs, rules amous there is little can 29 a priest Obituary tant posts in the July after a long illness. Veronica Ward O’Neill, five chil- and rulers. “Practically all the do.” community. She It is had been A native of dren, two sisters and ly at his home 30. He was tribes a holy and wholesome bedridden for the last Boston, Sister Ag- a brother. July Mrs. F.B. are enemies," he says, 400 a Henneberry Moslem membership of thought to for the dead five nes Dolorosa entered the Sisters Mrs. O’Neill’s sister is Sister M. member of St. Joseph’s Holy “but remain peaceful pray years. they be- million is close Name NEWARK — A Requiem Mass behind Cathol- that they may be those of Charity in 1912 and taught at Margaret, O.P., Society. cause loosed from Among attending the Re- supervisor of wars are forbidden is -at strictly icism with about half a billion St. elementary education He survived hy his wife, five was said Blessed Sacrament the their sins. We recommend to quiem Mass was Auxiliary Bish- Nicholas, Passaic; Sacred for the by government. From the and Church here 1 now, Father Stevanin poses the Dominican Sisters of children, three sisters Aug. for Mrs. Flor- prayers of our readers the op Curtis. A Low Mass was said Heart, Jersey City, and St. Caldwell. including smallest tribe of 500 to the larg- the question: “Is Africa lost to Sister Alice Eugene of St. Jo- ence B. Henneberry of 883 S. 18th repose of the souls of the fol- in keeping with the Mary’s, Plainfield, after a first est of 100,000 all of them community’s St., wife pagans Christianity?" It will not he if we who have rules. in Mass. Frank seph’s Hospital, Paterson; one of the late John F. Hen- remain lowing recently de- assignment Waltham, Gasper completely independent send more missionaries to pagan brother and 10 grandchildren. neberry. Mrs. died parted this life: Besides She was stationed at St. Henneberry of one Bishop Mary’s — another. areas and Stanton, who is CLIFTON Rev. John 28. support them through Sister Martina when she was transferred to St. Caspar July Mary pastor of St. Acdan’s, Jersey pastor of St. Among the tribes there arc the Society for the Propagation Brother Francis Anne Villa in 1943. Stephen’s Church,’ Survivors include two daugh- Federici and director a Harry Quinn Sr. 8,000 Catholics, 100,000 of the Faith. City, of the Society offered Requiem Mass for his ters, including Sister Rose Con- pagans Elisabeth S. O’Brien for the She is survived two sisters, Propagation of the by brother, Frank KEARNY — A. Quinn and 200,000 Moslems. In some Faith, Gaspar. Aug. 1. Harry stance, S.S.J., of Our Lady of Mrs. Florence B. Henneberry. survivors Agnes and Alice Canavan of West Sr., other include a Ag- Mr. Caspar died 76. owner and founder of countries of Africa there Settlement sister, Roxbury, Mass. following a brief Good Counsel, Newark; three* Boundary nes, of Jersey illness. Acme Linen Co., Is an even higher City, and two Supply Kearny, two sisters and a brother. percentage of died sons, Forces Church brothers. Judge Thomas Stanton Mr. recently following a ill- Mohammed’s disciples. Even if Move the month of Gaspar was a member of long November, 1960. of Morristown and Sister Helen Francis St. ness. all pagans could be converted to Joseph P. Stephen’s Holy Name Society. The boundary dispute between The Rio Coco the two A separates Stanton of Jersey City. CONVENT—Sister In addition to his brother Requiem Mass was offered New Anti-Smut Bill Christianity, there would still be Nicaragua and countries and Helen Fran- he Honduras, finally Nicaraguans living cis is survived at St. Cecilia’s Church July 28. more Moslems in cases. on Clark of the Sisters of Charity by his wife, ’two OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. many settled after years of controver- the north side of the river "In of St. Elizabeth daughters, seven Mr. was — the 18.000 square miles died at St. Anne grandchildren Quinn a member of St. (RNS) Gov. J. Howard Ed- sy, was also the cause of a major were required to move south. Six that PIME Villa here 29 two other brothers and Cecilia’s Name mondson has as its missions, moving operation mission- villages in the Suhi Brother, 94, July after a long ill- three sis- Holy Society and signed into law a meas- among area, includ- ters. Our there are whose ancestors ness. The Requiem Mass was of- Lady of Grace Council, ure which makes it a misdemean- many aries in the Central American ing the church and main station became Catholic fered on 31. Knights of Columbus, Harrison. or to distribute or take but who have countries. Following the latest of the Capuchin missionaries in July publish, is not had priests for four Dies in N. Y. Sister Helen a native Thomas He survived by his five part in preparation of or five battle for the border, both coun- the Vicariate of Bluefields, Nic- Francis, TJber wife, obscene, centuries. of Newark, entered the sons, four two materials Amazingly, these peo- tries agreed to abide the de- aragua, were part of the Sisters of RIDGEWOOD daughters, sisters, or presentations. by move. — A Mother — Requiem ple still practice many Catholic cision handed down the NEWARK A religious Charity in 1910 and taught the including M. Henrietta of by Inter- Mass was offered at Aug. 2 10 the Sisters of St. ALL customs and want to be in the national life of over 60 primary grades at St. Michael’s, Joseph, Phil- LATIN AMERICAN coun- Court in the Hague in Music for Missions years ended a.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Jersey Carmel adelphia; one 28 tries on City; and St. Cecilia’s, brother, grand- except Mexico maintain dip- July 26 when Brother here for Thomas A. Uber Project Launched Kearny, where she was stationed of children and four great-grand- lomatic relations with the Francis Ridgewood who died Ho'y Federici, S.A.C., 94, to her 1957 unexpected- children. Anew project of the Pontifical prior transfer here in See. died at Francis because of illness. She Institute of Sacred Music in Schervier left no im- mediate Rome is music for the missions. Home and Hospital in Riverdale, survivors. A German-born missionary and N.Y. composer, Rev. Michael Konz, Brother Francis, who was born Sister Leo Maria in In Time Need S.V.D., was called to Rome to be- Coscnza, Italy, had served as of CONVENT — A Solemn Re- come head of this new depart- quiem Mass was offered ment. on July Consult Your 28 at St. Anne Villa Chapel for Catholic Funeral Director Father Konz, 51, served in the □s Sister Leo Maria Rivers, who Argentine for 20 years. He ex- r died there on Whose careful and service is in accord with the July 26 after a long plains aims of the depart- understanding ment: illness. , v 1 5? “Every land has its own the traditions of Holy Mother Church &l= TVtfi distinctive type of religious Daughter of the late Mary and —-- Robert "3tl. -. CV JZr-x music, ahd it will be our task Rivers, Sister Leo Maria to foster its born study among mis- was in Canada and entered i? :• <•» ‘T> sionaries and to assist them the Sisters of Chanty in 1907. FRANK McGEE NECKER-SHARPE with Her entire 51 practical suggestions and teaching life, ' advice BERGEN COUNTY 525 SUMMER AVENUE FUNERAL HOME *3S on how to adapt this years, was spent at All Saints music for use Grammar NEWARK, N. J. 525 45th STREET - in liturgical func- School in Jersey City. tions." In HUmboldt 1959, she was transferred to HENNESSEY 2-2222 UNION CITY, N. J. The Department for St. Anne Villa due to UNion 7-0820 Music in illness. FUNERAL HOME MURRAY the Missions also plans She is survived 232 to supply by one sister, KIPP AVENUE UNion 7-0120 mission music Mrs. Justin FUNERAL SERVICE centers with rec- MacDonald of New HASBROUCK ord HEIGHTS, N. J, MICHAEL J. RIEMAN FUNERAL HOME players and recordings to aid Brunswick, Canada. MURRAY, ATlas 8-1362 1914 NEW YORK AVENUE in giving instructions in Gre- Director UNION gorian Chant. Is anyone 206 BELLEVILLE AVENUE CITY, N. J. Worth interest- Sister Mary Olga TRINKA FUNERAL SERVICE ed in helping this venture? N.J. UNion 7-6767 CONVENT - BOGOTA BLOOMFIELD, — A MAYWOOD Solemn Re- PI LEBER FUNERAL HOME quiem Mass LITTLE FERRY 3-2527 AN was offered on July ANTI-PRIVATE school bill 20th ST. & HUDSON BLVD. saving 26 at St. Anne MURPHY Villa Chapel here HUbbard 7-3050 FUNERAL HOME sponsored by Scottish Rite UNION N. J. for Sister Mary Olga who GRACE CITY, Masons was Smith, MURPHY, Director adopted in Oregon Brother Francis died JOHN J. FEENEY & UNion 3-1100 for in July 24 following a long ill- SONS 301 ROSEVILLE ■ ■■■ Whateveryoursavings goal, whatever 1922, but failed before the U.S. 232 AVENUE ness. FRANKLIN AVENUE WILLIAM SCHLEMM, INC. you want, you can get it faster with Ist National Supreme Court three years later. sacristan at St. Neri N. J. a Savings Philip Sister NEWARK, Account ....where Church here from 1931 until he Mary Olga, a native of RIDGEWOOD, N. J. HUmboldt 2200 HUDSON BLVD. your savings earn 3-2600 Elizabeth, was the of Gilbert ST. JOSEPH'S VILLA entered the hospital two years daughter 4-7650 UNION CITY, N. J. the late FLOOD FUNERAL ago. A Margaret and William HOME PfAPACK, N. J. Solemn Mass of Requiem CLIFFORD WILLIAM SCHLEMM, Outit Smith H. PEINECKE House for Woman and and had entered the Sis- Andrew W. was offered at St. on Flood, Mgr. MANAGER fITttSM Retreat Houio Philip's ters 1321 . of Charity in 1904. She taught TEANECK ROAD 11 2 Dm St WnUnttai ArtlaUc French Chateau July 29, by Very Rev. Guido So. Munn Ave. it SI of breath at WEST UNion 7-1000 Stout "* ln elementary schools in St. Mar- ENGLEWOOD N J SI it CM Si NATIONAL i?» 'he Somerset Hill. Carcich, provincial of the East N. J. BANK "',ern S.A.C., Orange, . I.*. m facllltlea. Healthful garet’s, Morristown; FRANCIS X. OF E * Assumption, WILLIAM INC. su*M«to»nait PASSAIC COUNTY * c ll « n ' meals. Open American Province of the Pal- FAHEY, SCHLEMM, m roar 4-4445 Morristown, where she sta- ORange sin im Sim Pvt A,. round to Coovaleacenta. vacationists lotinc Fathers. was Manager 539 BERGEN AVE. ' Aw SL It Sato. ■nd permanent guesta. tioned for 42 and St. Pat- MArket 2-2530 *JUk*>to.lttofec«tA,. IIOOMMUUI UStbtoSl RINCWOOO:«u. b Ontrtik September years, TE 7-2332 it M. to June Brother Francis first came to JERSEY CITY, N. J. MOUKTAIItraw except t ho Thanksgiving. Chrlatmaa. rick’s, Jersey City. ,&im lomm It It «Mti a lOWOUGHat TOTOWATttou 11 it Tw* I and New Years Weekends. the United States ns an immi- OPACITY JOHN J. fownwiuui Day. In Sister CARTY, 115mu;**,. WAXAQUEIOROUCH|.,|«eAA, .it Champagne thusiasm, participating thus in experience matur- lescents who become "social sively a part in the working out ward THE NEW kets in a Europe with fron- ed mis- God until the end of the region, and the zealous shepherd the harmonious generations arc open the wisdom and of development of prudence fits,” is it not because of decisions. world. of the Archdiocese here. must tiers. they have, of Rheims, the great human They be given a good adults, on the one hand, is there family. almost in every case, grown Archbishop Francois welcome; be not reason to up Marty, will they must offered Inevitable wonder sometimes without a TO CREATE posts of employ- TO MEN Tensions home or in a home WHO are tempted to welcome the and listen- THIS WELCOME and this con- first of all a home whether the lecturers capable of re- setbacks and disap- where there ment in sufficient numbers is one or tribution Happy is the country which is was no real love? forget to deny human values* ers of this session from July 11 arc taking place in a ceiving them as fast as the fam- pointments of life have not im- of the first necessities. To make the Church the laws “The city,” said Pope Pius recalls &nd affirms to 16. world undergoing constant and ily circle must compelled by of life to paired their XI, expands; they be courage or weakened the efforts of imagination, of re- the true renew itself to “is what families and men dignity of the person, in- On rapid transformation. Science given also and make new ef- who this occasion, the Fa- a framework of life their enthusiasm for action? search, of as is com- Holy forts! live in it make it, as the is prospecting, telligent and free, as well as the ther is to and have made which is body pleased encourage once technology spec- physically sound and made of limbs” monly said, to foresee what the great importance of social tacular But the principal difficulty does THE FAMILY home is indeed up (Encyclical life, again the patient effort of the So- progress which does not morally educative. It is hoped world of the future will be and based not reside in the first for Casti Connubii, A.A.S., v 22 p’ on truth, on justice and on cial Weeks to fail to have repercussions on the that the people responsible for demographic and place this dialogue. what functions it will is the study thoroughly economic questions. It Because 554). require, brotherly union of all. But she the mind and on morals. the is found, of the profound bonds social Christian message. He Moreover, “great (social and civic) another, and no less ne- knows above all, in the that unite the urgent, also that there are limits congratulates for several since the have juxtaposition of members of a fam- its members on the years aging groups” thought of this! Delegate cessity. to these values. Lived of the French has the generations. To tell the truth, ily, it is easier for parents than by sinful good work for so populace given Schools bo This will not be and accomplished must built, teachers there has been for other anticipation redeemed men, they must be way to a always an inevit- people to understand many years in the service of demographic awakening must be recruited Responsibility based only on local transformed and trained. able tension between their present-day by the grace of the mankind. full of promise. genera- children, to prepare them Begun in the family, the but will also Every child must be given, along climb needs, be inspired Lord so that men may enter one One must tions. Youth looks toward the fu- also to develop sound rejoice in this new with the instruction judgment of youth continues outside the by a Christian concept of the day into the of the Father. Theme of Week proportionate ture whereas adults often and to make glory dynamism, due without doubt to with his capabilities, remain personal decisions. family circle. Here again the ini- common good which embraces all a complete attached the Is it in The theme you will discuss the courageous attitude of the education to past. It is not sur- not, fact, the whole art of tiative rests places and looks toward Expectation of Church which will arm him for the principally with the fu- this year, “The Entrance of hierarchy and also to the prising, therefore, that this phe- educator to help the adoles- adults. ture. Man happy life. This requires the collabora- Overcoming spontaneous is, in fact, a part Society expects a deal, cent great Youth into the Adult World,” has social to the of nomenon should occur more to reach the age of manhood attitudes of defense before of the different and with disposition, zeal, tion of all men of good will and the communities to good reason, from the in itself great It acutely in our times, when chil- and to form his thrust of which importance. is, family organizations and, above the establishment of a real and personality by a vigorous youth, men of he belongs; a mother lives rising generations. For its part, in of to dren grow in a different progressive control of himself? fact, great importance that all, the generous fruitfulness very position must become for her children as one the Church can discern lasting “scholastic peace," which It is consciously genera- already the adult generations should world from that in which their sufficient to say that the their wel- of the homes. One cannot deny, respects the rights of the Church aware of solidarity with the tion lives for the following one. among the young those who will come the fathers were trained. Christian education given rising generations with however, that the in the entire human community. This fact creates be in the future the topic suggested and the demands of healthy free- home choices, re- ministers or kind and patient will strive to make the chil- Far from understanding by the Rheims social week is of dom. THOUGH THE youth of hoarding jealously a quires sacrifices, involves the helpers of its apostolate and it re- today dren develop and to permit them of heritage riches, of technology agreement of a whole communi- joices in this. SPRING LAKE OCEAN GROVE PENNSYLVANIA ty and particularly the enthusias- Speaking, on the Feast of Pen- PENNSYLVANIA tic agreement of youth. This is tecost, after the consecration of why youth must be the new which LAKINSIA HOTIL associated Bishops he per- with the 11 Seavlew Ave. Ocean Grove, N.J rut roconor new orientings of econo- formed, the Holy Father PR 4-2282. V 4 block to Ocean. Block J»HHK VIMA6I my and of institutions. ed thus this of the to Aabury Perk. Li Tlrrou at ... expectation RESORTS Nr. Cafeteria. TATTON, PA. » Phone: 226-4596 Comfortable Hot A Cold Hawley Church: "The generations endow- rma. water SAT LAKE Color TV. LODCE A SO IN THE SAME as there is Continental bkft. DAVID Cozy Cottages on Mountaia lake way ed with rich experience and those A. JOHNSON. Mir. Altitude MOO ft. Pollen free. All Sports an apprenticeship to learn a which follow ■ntertalnment. Famous for Flno Foods. them ... offer a trade, there is also a preparation Wrlfo for Froo Book Ist. happy expectation for the good POINT PLEASANT Mss* Premises for the duties awaiting the citi- on success of the future. ATLANTIC CITY zens of the future. This follows ASBURY PARK A Hotel of Distinguished Reputation in "At great from the sight of so many young * Fomoui for Its Distinctive Clientele part personal obser- PETERSEN'S NEW vation people brimming over with life, * Ntw Swimming Pool A Dining Tcrrocs YORK and reflection. One of the ASBURY S NEWEST OCEAN - FRONT NEW YORK fervor and * • elements courage, trained in Privoto Ocean Bathing Beach All COLONIAL MOTEL which make many Cath- • good morals Social Activities • A Pleasant and in the respect 100°o FIREPROOF HOTEL Sports 210 ARNOLD AVE. olic youth movements in France Looking forward to Drive Via N. J. Turnpike Garden a wonderful season 31 st at of traditions, a thought comes to a COMPLETES. or POINT PLEASANT BEACH. N. J. beginningMay worthwhile is precisely that Slate • 2 Blocks they Parkway from St. Modern Family Units Efficiencies Our mind; Why should there not know how to bring method to self- )nrnfarm ' St. Catherine's R. C. Church. and Kitchenettes Located In Rest* bo kindled in of them the dential District One Lone Block education. many vacation Convenient to Monmouth Psrk HYLAND from Beach & Boardwalk. HILLS HOUSE fire which will lead them for- Rece Track 3 Blocks to from Railroad Station 4* Shopping Before youth throws itself into sake Attractive Rotes: Phone Gl 9-5000 Center. Phone:* TWlnbrook 9-2394. ROU T ° P N Y everything so as to dedi- ...byoars at the Marl- MAdison 2-3268 action, these movements teach Write for Color Brochure i™ '. - - cate themselves to the priesthood, borougb-Bteoheim Hotel in With Cool Rooms Homolike them to observe, to Felix H. Airy Atmosphere appreciate to to the Atlantic City. no Standen, General Manager religious life, accom- Sundecks, WILDWOOD 11 Swimming Pool and Adjacent Kiddle institutions for ALUaWNIiOiTL*? Pool behavior, and situa- plishment of the works of etwfge pool or ocean vifrh. Ping-Pong Shuffleboard. Horee Shoe*, Etc mercy, Nearby Excellentr. .n Golf, tions in terms of the battling, poolside cate, pri- "tnonmoutH Riding Steblei. Bowling. Holler Skating evangelical to the immense pastures of the H RA! P R ATION vate beach f1.5.« rJ t S. P I PROVIDED IF NEEDED message. accustom youth entrance, air- Calaklll R They It is ISLE OF missionary ... CAPRI MOTEL WEEtO.V n*Tfi"Si * * tr »«L Howe Ceverni, S State Lookout apostolate? conditioned DmiCTLV ON TH* OCCAM also to estimate Ocean Wing & NEW MOTEL P*. P« r »°n and chUdren 10 year, or its Our 111 (nr,or cMdrchlld?.n nn r over undertakings duty to and to with television on Ocean at Sth Ave. * *nuPto $23 encourage and private Spring lake leads, M, J. «>;.pfage for children 8 yra. to 10 yra. in terms of the _ RATES INCLUDE possibilities of the terraces. the WILDWOOD. N. J. Parkway Kxlt « 2 FULL MEALS PER DAY pray, today as yesterday and al- Ask about inclu- At Boardwalk & 2d Ave. Lome share with us a view the moment. sive Plan. Twin beds with With its ocean view, perfect rest on beautiful of Catskills! ways ... Deus dabit incremen- foam bedding private patio, lowest bath from $l4 Mod. IVJ. turn” (God will give Am, Asbur.v Park. *_lJ rates. Could you ask for more? Yes! Program for Youth increase) 58.50 European each per- Reduced rates In June and Sept. Reser- So. N.Y. (L’Osservatore Romano, May 22- Finest Location—ln Cantor of Town PRIVATE BEACH • Cairo, “Ireland In The Catskills" MAdison son. Ph. GLORIOUS SURF vations call Wildwood 21991. 2-9528 The growing generation would 609-345-1211; in Convoniont to Churches. Shopping, 23, 1961). N.Y. r THE not be MU 2-4849. POOL on Premises, Air Cond. rooms. XI T FAM OUS HOTEL CONNECTICUT equipped for life were it FREE Healthful Ocoan Bathing Emerald Isle House not careful to acquire, in addition IT IS PERMITTED to hope that flkrlbor<«fib«* Unban i Per Perion-Per Day Warren to the indispensible aptitudes and the Social Week of u >~ Rheims, by Up • Doubt# Occupancy DIRECTLY ON THE O r y^un * ,nd o> d The beet In courtegy and hospitality technical uSJ/e Vl?i ™o^? o- . , knowledge, a of Christian solution oumtotimu • mime cm ,50 OCEAN system preparing a to | INCLUDES FREE AT f?e«h r » Hillhome cooked maals SaUrlali SPRING LAKE, J. n»- caU Jjr.J.V ities of the country; in a to monious and flour- fully appointed. Wonderful golf. Barbecues, denclng. •KJt.?**• ,s vrs. A over full rate. word, development e ‘’Children alwaya food. Coif. OWEN A JULIA welcome" assume its responsibilities. ishing of the most noble All iport*. Super* Modern eccommodetions. In LAME, Props. aspira- ***ed How could it do this tions of the activities for children. the Berkshire Hills, only Balsam House without growing generation TPHSt 9r on Friends Lake recklessness for the satisfaction iMac pAontfor Altrmcti n Rmtm hours from N. Y. Catholic if it were not certain of the Holy Reynolds] FBFD O. COSGROVE OUR • Glbum 9 8800 Church adj. New color folder. 14H. SEASON of possessing that body of defined Church and for the great benefit ATLANTIC ASBURY N.J. of the national CITY PARK, Special Honeymoon Pten. Adirondack Mountain!, Cheitertown, N.Y. truths, offered by the social doc- community. situated 2 blocks from OPEN JUNe 2 < ,h ,0 SEPT. ’' h trine of the which will this Delightfully j Mac A. Chamberlin, Owner ./ i . Church, Formulating wish, the Holy WBBM Seoul,fola Scenery, Private beautiful Sunset Beach, Excellent Free permit it, when the unnymede ocean opposite < WAKE ROBIN HTN Table, Baal., All Sport. time comes, Father grants with all his heart, lake. Comfortable to rooms. Especially \ participate successfully in civic to you who are about to LAKEVILLE, CONN. discharge meals. good 3,000 sq. ft. of spacious J uJKSSUst life and even to solve new for the second time with V HEmloch 5-2000 > mJA* prob- zeal and hatham veranda with sundeck. Convenient J The Lake View lems which will not fall to arise? competence your functions as churches. HOTIL to Rates $4O • $65 weekly 1 Sprint Leke Beech, N.J. president, to the members of the -hat from per person. WITH WONDERFUL • YOUTH WILL, I a Srtp Inch Block to Ocrsn & THE moreover, hierarchy present and to all the MEALS. RESERVE NOW. Boerdwelk. Modified Or BoothKvl Pork Mm WESTMERE strive to develop in Itself the val- American Plan. On Lake. participants in the Social Week of Between & Free CAVE HILL uable Indiana Ohio Ave 307 SUNSET AVE. PRospect 5-1462' Parkins. Golf. ATOP 0F THE CATSKILLS qualities which will facili- Mora For Your Vacation Monty Madam Rheims, an abundant apostolic Flailing. etc. GI 9 8915. "The friendly. Informal, family l , 200 Rooms. Most with Private private ad, c A tate greatly its successful inser- as Ask for folder A. re.ort" b.lh.T 'c?cTt.U* Mu'n. blessing token of the finest Bath. Many with Ocaan View. l ,. iorJi *y**'n. JAMES E. FITZPATRICK MOODUS 1, YIAH tion into the adult world; to learn Including single, double and CONN. S*TH grace. • Swimming Pool . Colling, Tannla T * sultas. Also Large Family Oolf * ***• (Located luit patt famed docility and patience, while at the • Horiat • Racraatlon Hall Ceurae.) * Windham Mr. Rooms. FREE PARKING. 4 Accept, President, together HOTEL BRIGHTON • Daliciout Food same time forming its Beautiful Lobbies. A En- • ■eating, Flthlng character, Open Alvar Water- Write *er with my personal wishes for closed Sun Decks • • so as to the good Overlooking 211 Third Ave. Asbury Perk, N. J. front progress beyond in- Ocean. Elevators to Street. Ceeklet the success of these important Block Beech—Open stinctive and sterile Free Bathing. Television One to All Yeer • Churchea .Modern Accom- WILDERNESS LODGE opposition of 3 meetings, the assurances of Lounges. modation! to cultivate the my • Efficiency Apartment' INDIAN adolescence; gifts Our Dining Room The Pachi TRlanolo 11147 LAKE. N.Y. devoted sentiments in Our Lord. Famous • Hoorn* with connecting door for of the Servas Delicious Rea- HULETTS mind and of the heart, to Meelt, Private loll* - femllles Swimming - sonably Priced. Flihing acquire a broad out- • Free Occen Bethlng AL-S competence, AN - AMERICAN or FLORIDA Riding Squar* - • TV Room for Children Dancing Cocktail ON LAKE GEOROE look, and EUROPEAN PLAN perseverance tenacity, • Church Neerby RESORT loung. - American Plan Come now or MOTEL - respect for oneself and for • Rozee St A.N.A.F. Member Houi*k**ping Excluilve housekeeping men 7-HOUR SERVICE Write For OPEN ALL YEAR - cottage colony • Rate* t;i per Person Delly Cobini FOLDER for New - New Deluxe Motel on Lake in the of God. FREE double Ore. Created true Jersey E. Shore at George. the moil sight Phone 344 6134 Vacitlonlnt In the Writ* for beautiful • Special Weekly Rate* casual Booklet B lake In America yt mile Such is the which BLACK Manner. program and WHITE Mr. A Mrs. John Kawes •horellno 2 sandy beachee awaits the 77 ULTRA-MODERN UNITS . Ideal youth of and PR 4 9124 Asbury Park PR S 9301 2 50 today SWIMMING POOI.S - TV for children cottages _ SPECIAL BEAUTIFUL RESORT *n- which will make of them RECREATION ROOM LOW to the uetrd high |„ „. y, RATES tso $75 per week FILMS Completely Air Conditioned m adults whom the world of the fu- mitre from N.Y.C. Swlm- for June * Sept. Write for Booklet HOTEL ANNESLEY Also: Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge & mlmt. AD •CoShSi DmSwl netting, shuffle- ture will need. “The re- JUMBO Dlnlnx Room. board Playground!. —Huletta—on—Lake George, Hulette nation,” CHARMS A BELLA BRENNAN, (Independently Re- called managed on creation Landing. N. Y. Pope Plus XII, of vener- • I room. other SIZE Owntr Mgrt. the Premises Ha eporu TV. Excellent Ta- able memory, “thrives on the Route cSJkSrj '’ omfortahle 512 First Avt., Asbury Pork, N.J. 35 Spring Lake, N.J. l'I'’ 1 1 rooms. Aug IS4SOO wklv sa.oo day. 1 fullness of the life of the men Double ana single rooms with or Gibson 9-6146 P.O. Box 14 rhi*i-li° Vllla “ c ' c “ thoUc who form it and in which each without bath. Running water In Sept "~>QO witt Breakfast l Dinner ALS() wolff's one, in his own and man- rooms. FREE OCEAN BATHING. Sin- HOUSEKEEPING COTAGES place 539 Carl A Weekly (2 in room) $l5 Double Marla Scheperi ner, is a person conscious of his gle rooms, weekly. WASHINOTONVILLf. N Y MAPLE 8 EXPOSURE Hr Conditioned $23 SMBTSAL Til. BREEZE own convictions” (A.A.S. rooms, up weekly. OYPIY 4-3701 ’ v. 37, p. SPRING LAKES ONLY MOTEL OPEN ALL YEA It Modern retort 230 13). Developed and Printed Oiilig loom & Ml on acree. Accom. BO xueeti. New ceblne A heated deluxe ★ v Froi Parkins SIS Third Ave. Yeur motel unlta with private batha. Naw ON THE BASIS of these re- (111 Ciripm tin SHOREHAM Aiburv Park, N. J. The Chateau Travel 1 DAY SERVICE Ph.: PR 4-9409 Aeent BARLOW'S—I recreation hall. Movlea. danclnf. awlm- how could H P. STITZER flections, one fail to 35 A 8 Fret Ocean Bathing Prom Hotel minx pool private lake for boatlnf. mm mm PH. 344-III] MOTEL-HOTEL • AIR CONDITIONED VALLIY INN state again that the Church, al- Brat location. 1 block to beach. Home- East Durham «. N. Y. Tel. Melrose flahlnx, barberuea. lawn xporta. Oer- faithful to its like atmosphere. Near restaurants and 4-IJIJ Swim • Fish • ways mission, de- Rales $5 • Bicycles American. Dellcloua meala. Golf, honea. KODACHROME churches. —Weekly, $7 per person double • Handbell • Tennis Boom rates sinslc • fhu« Board votes immense interest to the ‘i Movies Cocktail clone hr Churchaa. MS A up. Booklet. SIM up Double SIS per person. Also The • • lounge • Casino COLOR PROCESSING occuponcy. Only Motel with development of the of private baths. • Orch. on From. • Horses • Colt history FLANDERS All churches • Owners Pool Send Free Booklet C describ- near 1 meals J. O'Connor J. Helmbecker. & Ocean Bathing Privileges at lllus. delicious men and to the of their • variety IT. JAMES PL, ATLANTIC CTTT ing low rates for Summer vacations. dally Showers • Baths • H. A C . the Beautiful communities? Not does 25% Reduction Spring lake Beaches. Water all rooms. • Acc. 100 *4O- TELL THEM only the • MO MEN • TV Name e . MADISON HOTEL - weekly. O.C. Barlew prop. Bklt. Church rejoice in the rise of - • ILIVATOR • SOtARMMI Address lot 7TH AVI. AIBURV PARK, N. ). PROMPT REPLIES • Guaranteed COLOR BOOKLET City State youth, but exercises toward them Quality by - Tears Good 2 Bis Torches Overlooking Ocean Sixty of Innkeeping John E. Eastman Kodak Amrr. L Kuro. Plan Family Hotel. Mod- P. Smith, Tel: Gibson 9-9SOO YOU SAW IT maternal solicitude, full of un- erately Priced. Famous for Our Home + 500 feet from St. Nicolai Church derstanding and love. Cooklnc A Baklnf. Catholic Ownership. FMf SILT PAJKINO • YSABELLE AND ARTHUR YON FOR 800 OKU BLK TO OCIAN • NEAR CHURCHES In contact with the changing LISS’ FREE PARKING ADVERTISED world and under the pressing ac- PR 3-4444. Jtenne-Jacques, Owner-Mgr. REA AVON HOUSE tion of the Holy Ghost, the Star* CHATHAM HOTEL Drug Dapt. 214 Monmouth Ave„ Amaricatebprasa Church overflows with supernatu- Spring Lake 51 JOURNAL SQUARI /THE CORNER HOUSE 304 . 4th Ave., Asbury Park. N. J. IN ral life. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT lIATI Friendly Family Type Hotel - Homey *6* MAY »J to »SPT M ALSO 2 ROOM p JERSEY CITY Atmosphere. All outside rooms. APTS. RKASOS Eternally young and conquer- Guest house. Near beach and rooming weekly ABLE. PERFECTLY Churches, hot & cold running Complimentary $ up LOCATE! ing, the Church contemplates HE 5-1004-7611 Qatholic per person water In l5 Gibson 0 9738 . Glbraltnr 2 7391 every room. Breakfast Free Bathing in the light of the divine Word 9 194 Woodland Avenue Marie Merrick. THE ADVOCATE Also Rooms and Meals 133 Weekly the - AVON BY-THE SIA, N. J. vocation given to all gencra- Josephine Farlello PRospect 4-9523 wvf PR 4-1359 Amarica's Most "FUN’darful Rasort-Motel Mri. Hol.n H.ral.r, Mir. __ Ocaan at 163rd SU Miami Baadi>eh 54, Florida W DAY • WEEK • SEASON BAY-HEAD Write for FREE Color Brodaaac EUROPEAN PLAN HOTEL lay head, n. j. THE WEDGWOOD :OCEAN VIEW HOTEL SPRINO LAKE BEACH, TRAVEL Ult Full FREE PARKING American Plan From ttO wk. J Meals 201-205 FIRST AVENUE lllnrk from Ocean A Lake Ocean SPRING LAKE, N.J. Pool Bathing, Golf. Tennis, Thcat * P«r parson, lOO 304 Until Saptambar Available. of rooms. 4, Mrs. Gerald Dundon Gibson 9-9844 FREE Parking. Booklet RESERVATIONS; Mitchell 107)1 or It* vour Trtvtl Request. GL 9 9090 Harold A. Taj Aotnt • Church A Men Information.


. OUR MIDWEEK SPECIAL • • Avoid week end traffic: Mon. 2 i*.M. to CRuiSES AMKRICAN TOURtSTER Vacation I'l.tnnliut NfORC OCNKOM DAYS fori If you plan to tra - Fri. 1 P.M., FOUR FULL Chateau Heuins with Sun • • 132 each. Double occupancy. Ilkfast an

■ >atmM *»** m* tH«M« itr—i 16 THE ADVOCATE August 3, 1961 Protestants St. Clare’s Opens Encyclical Text Church Removes Increase Carvings in Therapy Unit Well Publicized Cloistered Nuns Tell DENVILLE Anew Story Latin America physical WASHINGTON (NC) Pope Murder therapy Alleged Jews department has opened John XXIII's new encyclical, Of by BOGOTA, Colombia (NC) at St. Clare’s Hospital, it was Mater et Magistra, is RINN, Australia (NC)—Church Protestants in Latin getting Little Food America announced this week by Sister the largest full-text publica- , No authorities have ordered are four times Of Privacy increasing the re- as fast Mary Kunigunda, administrator. tion in the U. S. Catholic Press moval of wood as the general carvings of the al- CWV to Hear population, accord- The department will be located of Vatican document in his- NEW any ORLEANS (NC) Months of priva- to leged “ritual murder” ing to statistics released the move to another room when the militia de- of a three- here by on ground floor and is equip- tion. harassment tory. and interrogation —then cided to year-old Christian boy Jews the Latin American Bishops’ ped to give all types make a search. One sick nun, com- by Federal Officials of physical The full text has been pro- vxile. This is what 27 Poor nuns in 1462 from the Council (CELAM). Clare endured pletely helpless, had to be moved each Church of St. therapy, including whirlpool vided to their readers by two in Cuba. during Anderl at Judenstcin-bci-Rinn. ATLANTIC CITY John W. CELAM reported that 185 mil- baths, ultra-sound, search. diathermy and national Catholic newspapers This is their story: An Austrian organization known Macy chairman of the U.S. lion of Latin America’s 204 mil- others. A complete gymnasium The yard man for the nuns told the militia Jr., is and 75 diocesan papers. Handy In January, 1961, Cuban militia as “Action lion occupied that he would die before lie allowed to Against Anti-Semi- Civil Service Commission, and people are Catholics. Its sta- included in the facilities. the them pullout supplements have been nuns’ Santa Clara in tism" had been tistics showed total Monastery Havana, molest the nuns, lie was beaten and tortured pressing for re- William J. Driver, deputy admin- a of 7.3 mil- Mrs. E. Hamilton Albert of printed by most papers, permit- despite the fact that it was cloistered. by moval of the istrator the Veterans lion Protestants, an increase Morristown strictly the militia. The next morning his was carvings for years. of Admin- of will serve as full time ting the readers to save the he militia, most of body The 10 from them women, installed found hanging at the front door of the organization has maintained istration, will address a joint ses- a year ago, compared therapist. She has guns monas- previously encyclical, while others have on the roof of the monastery and that the with overall am- tery, so arranged as to the story of the so-called sion of the 26th national conven- an population rise been associated with Monmouth serialized it. munition inside it. give impression “ritual is tion of the Catholic War of 2.6%. Memorial that he had hanged himself. killing” a lie, stem- Veter- Hospital, Long Branch, I he Poor Clares depended on their property ming from a ans and ladies 17 The Protestant and campaign of slander auxiliary Aug. increase, the Presbyterian Hospital, New or support, but when the THE ill against CELAM Castro regime con- NUNS, many still from months of the Jews. in the Ambassador Hotel here. report said, came most- York, and has engaged in re- Public Tours fiscatcd it they malnutrition Holding sought other ways to exist. and suffering under the Castro re- to the ly through conversion search According legend, An- At the same of Cath- programs on multiple I hey baked food session, greetings and candy and sold they gime, arc now safe in St. Clare Monastery of dreas Oxner was sold his fos- will be extended olics in areas without priests. sclerosis and muscular At Scion Hall U. sewed it; by to the delegates dystrophy and washed clothes for Cuban families. the Blessed Sacrament here. ter - to CELAM father itinerant Jewish by Gov. Robert B. Meyner, Sen- reported that there are in New York City. SOUTH ORANGE-Public tours When the Castro The Mother regime stopped virtually Superior and three companions merchants, who killed the ators 135,000 Orthodox, 681,000 Jews child Clifford P. Case and Harri- of Seton Hall University arc be- every source of food to the stayed in Havana to try and retain their Anderl and 191,000 Moslems in supply monastery, monas- ceremonially. —a dimi- son A. Williams State Sen. Latin conducted every dur- the nuns were forced to Jr.; ing Sunday live on canned tery. What their fate will be, knows. nutive form of Andreas America. More than 10 million fish, nobody has Frank S. Farley of Atlantic Coun- ing the summer under the aus- cornmeal and canned But milk. none was permitted to bring money. since been venerated it said, are without Cana Calendar as a saint ty, and Altman of people, re- each Mayor Joseph pices of Phi Beta Sigma, honor- Instead, carried some The ligion to THE NUNS whisky. super- in the Tyrol. Atlantic or belong primitive re- were City. ary service fraternity. interrogated frequently, ior had bought an expensive brand of whisky “Action ligions. their rooms were searched Against Anti-Semitism” The convention will open Aug. PRE-CANA CONFERENCES The tours begin at 3 in and they were even in the hope that it could be sold in the p.m. accused of U. S. and similar groups are 15 and continue Aug. 20-27 St. Rojo of Lima. the main making bombs. For continuing through Aug. 20. lounge of Boland Hall. safety’s sake, to provide the refugee nuns with some cash. their efforts to Newark. (HU 4-4944). Rev. John they lived and have be made slept together in one room for Of 27 depictions Committee to Meet Mahon. Arrangements may the nuns, one had spent 70 years in of ritual murder Sept 10-17 St. months. Often, even at of Christian Michael’s. Jersey through Thomas of Phi night, they were forced the City. (HE Gasquc cloister; another, 55; and a third, 50. children Jews Law JERSEY CITY A meeting 3-9561). Rev. Raymond by removed from Writing Winner Wald con. Beta Sigma at Seton Hall Univer- churches. of the centennial Sept. 17-24 Immaculate There are several in committee of Conception SOUTH Montclair. (HU 4 4944*. sity. Austria ORANGE Victor B. St. Paul’s will be held Rev. Thomas and southern Germany. on Aug. Davis. Christian Brothers Palmer of South 16 8 Sept. 17-24 Lay Apostolate Orange, a 1961 at p.m. in the grammar Immaculate Heart of Weigh graduate of Seton Hall school Mary. Maplewood. (HU 4-4944). Rev BY TIIE University building. The celebration George Macho. School for Parents Guide 1840s, when this na- law Issued school, has received honor- is to be held in November Sept. 2-Oet. 1 St. Genevieve’s, Eliz- with a on tion saw the of the abeth. (EL 3-3597). Rev. John Meyer. Alberta Tax beginnings able mention in the annual legal Solemn Pontifical EDMONTON, (NC) - Appeal ROME present school Mass cele- Catholic Ruling (RNS) A biblio* public system, writing contest sponsored the brated parents of the Edmonton by by Boland ST. JOSEPH’S guide on the and Archbishop SAN - graphical there were more than on Orphanage, Archdiocese FRANCISCO (RNS) said. laity 200 Catho- American Law Student will spend a week “But is the converse true—- Associa- Nov. 19 and a centennial banquet founded The Christian lay apostolatc activities has been lic elementary schools in exist- tion Philadelphia, in 1814, here beginning Aug. 14 Brothers are con- is every and the Conference on Per- and parish re-union learning religious organization a issued on Nov. 20 was the first Catholic the by the Permanent Com; ence. sonal Finance Law. institution how to teach their children cate- sidering feasibility of filing church?” at the Bayonne Skating Rink. for children mittce of International Congress* in the U. S. chism. an appeal against a federal court es for the Apostolatc of the ruling which held that the opera- Laity tions Christian for here. Rates: 1 insertion of the Brothers Pray President The n 40c per line - 4 inser- The publication contains dr- Advocate winery arc subjected to federal a tions 35c LOS ANGELES (NC) Cardi- per line. Minimum 3 lines. tax. rectory of 80 works from differi nal Mclntyre of Los Angeles has Deadline: cnl countries around the world Monday 2 P.M. Judge Sherrill Halbert, in issu- directed all Catholics here to of- and illustrates the position of Write to The ing his had ths Advocate decision, suggested fer prayers for President Kenne- 31 that the Brothers file laity in the Church, their mis* CLASSIFIED Clinton St., N.J. an “imme- dy and his advisors after MARKET I Newark, all |sion responsibilities PLACE and diate to settle their or call MArket appeal” a question Masses for the next . 4-0700 three months. actions of law. in international fields. . HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE REAL ESTATE AGENTS MOUNTAIN LAKES The judge had ruled against the FARMS - HOMES - ESTATES order which was to re- NUTLEY seeking GIRLS - WOMEN LAKEFRONT GIRLS - WOMEN COLONIAL cover $489,800 in federal taxes 400 ft. shore frontage BUY NOW SEuToRTRADE on big lake. 4 New 3 under bedrooms. 3 baths; Bedroom paid protest. INVESTIGATE OUR must be seen to be X 9 7 Stouffer's TRADE-IN PLAN. ROOM Newest Restaurant appreciated. Call for The suit was filed two We will Hit home for appt. Ask for years your sale or Mrs. Kelley. RANCH HOMES conaider buying It If ago to ON THE you purchaaa' an- recover taxes paid under MALL IN SHORT HILLS, N. J. other house ROBERT H. through our office Let STEELE protest in 1951, COLONIAL us know requirement*. 1952 and 1955. A FULL your Evenings Eastbound Lane Rt. 48. DE 414D0. from $14,500 TIME, 5 OR 6 DAYS and Holidays call Mr*. Kelly. WE 9-3922 countersuit by the government MOUNTAIN LAKES TOWN SPLIT LEVELS PART TIME AND WEEK ENDS STANLEY JOHNSON & VIC. & LAKE REALTY for an additional $1.3 million is New "Matings'* as complete with photos. Oak Ridge. N. J. High St., Nutley. NO 7-8000 OX 7*4772 still The Christian and KLINTRUP, Realtor pending. INC., Brothers also Waitresses 150 Rlvd. MORRIS HUNTERDON WARREN paid protested tax- UNION est Milford St. 6-3700 declared free from taxation Fabulous OX 7-6221 or Br. 0-4432 any Excellent Resort Construction . • Starting Salary; Liberal Benefits - Appeal NO DOWN PAYMENT • Ing to Best Clientele - Principals only "church, convention or associa- PARSIPPANY - TROY REAL ESTATE APPLY IN PERSON ALL . 123 HILLS DIRECTIONS: WEEK Aqulltna Vine St. . Pltuton. Pa WANTED Garden State Park- tion of churches.” Exclusive Solei way to Keyport-Matawan Exit 117; Representative: STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT then Route REAL ESTATE FOR NEW HOMES' Wanted Caldwell Little The Christian Brothers contend- 35 xouth to Key-port- SALE or Fall, area New BROUNELL & KRAMER The Mill In within 3 block, Monmouth Rood (Kinney Shoe Short Hill., n. J. 817.200 and up. Six split of bu.e>, 541 room ed that their order is Morrli room levels house an “integral Store). Turn left and proceed 1 Turnpike & River Ro*d Three bedrooms, ultra modern to rent or buy. Cal! Clifford 6- MU 6*lBoo BERGEN COUNTY kitchen, mile to Boybcrry Lane left (£7o knotty pine playroom 3919 after 0 Mrs. Powell. part" of the Catholic Church. and Bui Line) • H/W oil heat, turn to models. Model full basement, Home Phone: OS 1-1278 help garage choice of all dec- During the trial last October tes- wanted female AUTO REPAIR MAHWAH VIC. orations. SUMMER HOMES FOR SALE & SERVICE timony was introduced to show SEPT. Ist LILLIAN DELANEY, GIRLS - OCCUPANCY INC. that “teaching of GIRLS~GIrTs WAYNE We SEASIDE PARK religion” the TRANSMISSION have several lovely homes avail- - the WOMEN - able for Immediate Looking for a Summer Home? purpose of order is “one WOMEN WOMEN SERVICE occupancy Value of 18 °' Priced with liberal Plus the opportunity for Income? * h " b *“ J° b mortgages available the great functions of the c r om?*toi *- Repairs on all automatic for qualified buyers. RIDGEWOOD I am tho owner of two .tucco bunga- transmissions. low.. They’re 4 Bedroom Colonial wonderfully cool and Church.” TITLE Leo 517.900 Whltty . INSURANCE Suburban Placement R 3 Kach ha. Service my Nyhula Bedroom Ranch TOO Ridgewood and spacious. two bedrooms, a 21 Sl9 Vicinity living mo Mmbura At ». (It Maplewood Sherman St.. Wayne. N. J. 3 Bedroom Cape room, kitchen, and full bath. However, Judge Halbert, in his Loop) OXbow 8194)00 ARE YOU Hourw 9:30 to 3:30 4-3586 4 Bedroom SELLING One also ha. a breczcway SO 2-2878 Colonial (NEW) $22 500 porch. Both decision, ruled that while the or- are In excellent condition. 3 Bedroom Ranch 825 YOUR HOME? I art SO'xlOO THROUGHOUT NEW JERSEY NURSE * R.N. OR BEAUTY 950 der be considered LP N nn nr SCHOOL INSTRUCTION Approx W Block to beach. Adzing may an "inte- DUTY, NUBSINO HOME.BI THE DATOR AGENCY ' Put It in the National Spotlight 519.500. SSS^ by list Call MA 4-0333 or SE 9-0361. gral part of Church” OR ALE a under can- HELP Mahwah, N. J. LA 9-3000 •*» T HE MURRAY WANTED - AGENCY.ArrVv Whenwl multiple At Erakine Lakes—3 on MALE Open Sunday! to 8 P. M. listed, ovei room. 3 bed- law, its novitiate, schools and Modern seventy local offices employing rooms. heat, furnished, fireplace: patio, College mori than winery were “not a HILLSDALE two hundred fifty sales peopli barbecue area, club plan. Iteasonable. church” in Many OP New York. Interesting Opening* are working for you —and i GR 3-47113 or weekend. YO the meaning of the tax member of —as 2-7669. law. At Owner Irani, TransAmcrlcan Real Estat. Top Salaries BEAUTY INC. lUlladale. muat aell faat the 8 2 leading Nationwide "Every church is obviously a Aasembler* . Auto Tcachlnf rmi. year spill. 2 baths, full base! Corp; Systcn Pt. Pleasant Area. nr ★ Mechanics experience for ovcr3o of Housing specialists; 4 room * * years. ment. your home li private the - . with religious *!'P. cb Turret Lathes 292 Main Street. Hackensack, N. J garage storage, patio, lgc NATIONALLY lake, very reasonable. Owner organization,” judge Cabinet ; **£»• lot. 3 bedrooms. Big beautiful EXPOSED to Sffloc leaving Makers . Carpenter* HU 8 9106 kitch- buyers throughout state. ES 2-7181. dining the United States Chemical Opera- Lab assist. en, room, living room, 2 rec Incoming buyers who sell througt Denville. Cedar I-ike Driver* It Helper* rooms or possible bedrooms. Excellent —3 bdrms. fire- TransAmcrlcan Agents place. private lake, Firemen Forman* Parochial school situation (new addl are referred all Impts. wooded St. Rocco • PARISIAN directly to this office. 20 mile, Society ■ to secluded. from Grinder all type* tlon). walk Paacack Valley Regional FOR Paterson. Guard* high school. Golf and FAST-EFFECTIVE RESULTS- LISI OA 7-6871. • Porter* BEAUTY swim club near # SCHOOL YOUR PROPERTY by. 40 WITH Sets Machinists . Ist * 2nd class min. to G. W. Bridge and Con- Anniversary mach.. venlcnt to Garden Slate Parkwav THE MURRAY AGENCY VACATION HOMES elect.. repair NATIONALLY and TO LET Pipe5UJnt. ; KNOWN HONOR N. Y. Thruway. Under fitter* • Plumbers »30.000. Princl. 45 No. Brod St. JERSEY CITY The St. Roc- EMBLEM SCHOOL pala only. Power. Punch Drill Pres* EXpreaa 12333. Ridgewood. N. Avon good location, Calholii 362 State St., Hackensack, N. J. J near co of will Stock shipping- clerks OLIVER church. 3 bdrms, furnished. Society Jersey ob- New HUbbard 7-2204 BOONTON 2-2181 Reason JerseyRealty Tool maker* ■ Tool TOWNSHIP able. Avail. July 1 to * Die Aug. 1. ES 3 9890 serve its 50th anniversary on Welder* Elect. RIDGEWOOD A VICINITY . . Ga* . spot. NEW CAR DEALERS Hve old ranch. Llv. WE CODDLE OUT OF TOWNERS Delaware Riverfront Bungalow, sleep Aug. 16 with a Mass to be of- yr. R m .. Din. Rm FOREST HILL AGENCY modern OVER 500 8. Inside safe EMP. kit, 3 bedrooms. 1W baths, nlc MULTIPLE LISTINGS facilities, swimming foi children. At fered at 11 a.m. in Rosary TITLE INSURANCE CO. 888 Broad St. Newark Mrozek Rambler basement. I low ESTATE « Wallpaek. N. J.. susaei Holy . MA 2-8103 Pontiac acre, taxca. near nr mooo school. Asking 138 franklin Ave. County. $6O per week. Call Church Rev. MIN, MO 1. St Oeo. Ave„ Linden. *22.300, Aik for Mr Ridgcwooi reverx by Gerard Santora, Jf I H CAR. NEW JERSEY HU 6-161 C Bacon. OPEN 7 DAYS AND Paul Brennan Wl 8-4668 areas.Aoy?o Cali,r. 7 EVENINGS on churches pastor. NEWARK SHCOOLS. HOME Mullins - PT. AND GENERAL CON IMPROVEMENTS Rasmussen, Inc. PLEASANT AREA 4 room bungs GILSENAN private Msgr. Walter of tractors, dignified line oi Rt. 48 DE 4 9400 & COMPANY low. lake, reasonable Aug. 19 t< Artioli, pastor Mt Lake • window shades, DE 4 1811 UOn Sept. 2. Call HU 3-3061. TRENTON HACKENSACK insect JOSEPH H. MARTIN & SON Eve. “ >OUr tUar * "« Mt. Carmel, Jersey City, will SCREENS . ETC. KNOWLEDGE sathrficUom* n « Ol House, I eat. 40 hot water, heat, sleeps eight preside at the Mass and preach A CTI BUSINESJ ~ yeari BLOOMFIELD NEW <• HELP*™ SS’S? i!S Aluminum 2 blocks from BRUNSWICK FREEHOLD statinge experi Awnings 1.000 water: *63.00 weekly SSWKfcWgrm Combination Listings of the Finest available the sermon. and beginninc Window, from Aug. 12 thru Sept Doora CAPE COD BARGAIN in Bergen County REQUIRED, steady . Venetian BUnda S 16.300 Properties Kingfisher Cove, Breton Wood., N J work Aluminum 4 bath lit floor. 384 E. Ridgewood Avc. Sldinc . rooms, on 2 bedroomi GI 5-1601 Call TW 9-6361 or write BUS,nSD nRM BOX 102 Jalousie, In Geraghty.’ 2: ?/?4^A.A expansion all., garage. Dover St., -. WALTER MURPHY SPARTA OUR SPECIALTY Drookwood ....HY ~ Really Cos. Blfd . N J 23 Butler. N. J VACATION APT. TO LET - , ED 8-8711 POSITION WANTED TErmlnal 6-2000 LAKEFOREST RESERVATION At Upper Hopatcong CLIFTON SEA GIRT—3 room apt., modern kit "" 11 experience Uatrr frontage $3O. . scml li LANDSCAPING per foot. chen ceramic tile bath. TV. fl hlm'L".0 , 1 a sleep* co v * l** crat Half and * acre lota 5i.650. 1 to private famUy c Six room 3 large block beach. $l5O to $173 aaulti.Iduti; 3e j’ colonial. bedroom Three bedroom weekly Pictu re days. will sleep In ranch (new) Chateau the if m modem kitchen, att. garage, low taxe *19.990 at beach. 100 Chicagc Charming ctiwry. TA 4-1839. LANDSCAPING . Monthly Maintenance. Shore front Shawnee cabin Blvd. Gibson *10.300. GR 1-7381. *10.500 9 4994. Mr*. O'Brien. Tractor. Dump Truck Church • for beat buya on New Jersey's large - l ** Hire. Of c her . akc at Suburban desires position. Institution Industrial . Residential. # }? p the L»kcforcat Hcserv LAKE PROPERTIES Liv JSZTK1 to .5 preferred., ! * ungl Write Bos 10; Pilgrim 3-1019. DENVILLE tion Office • Club plan o**** * 3l CUn ‘°" N^.rk >IV?.* 0 iSt.? ARTHUR D. CRANE CO. AT GREEN POND. LAKE TAMARAC! DENVILLE and other lakes In New PIANOS - ORGANS Route 13-6 miles north of Northern Jer Dover. N. aey. round and Position teachln Year summer homes Hlolory . History . NEED SALE Enjoy bathing, boating, Ensllsh. Newark c WE QUICK FOX HOLLOW fishing am Essex County BUY and sell FARMS other lake area. 20 yeirs NEW 43 min. N.Y.C. Very activities conveniently nea experience. and USED PIANOS and ORGANS close parochial Call PI B-Maa 8 ROOM RANCH Patcraon. Newark and New York City elementary A high school!. 4 bedrm. obin ROBBIE'S MUSIC Year-round CITY Tech-built contemporary Thst's right. homea from *8,900. Sum 514 on 2 beautiful 8 rooms, 2 tile 2 liood Route 46. baths. CARD OF Wayne CL 6-1717 landscaped mcr cottages from *3.600. THANKS Passaic wooded acres (min acre car garage. All on one level, full base- PR 8-7484 zone) 20x24 ft. Ilvln* ment. superb BUCKLEY A. WHEELER Hackensack room, fireplace, kitchen (28* cabinets) HU 0-1121 built-in GE kitchen, u (lining room. 2 triple exhaust syetem Including attic Route 23. N. 1. SiXFi; imp^Mbirr: NEWARK ... MA 3-5038 Newfoundland, full baths, large separate don-studlo fan with motorised louvres. Oversize OX 7-7100 Eves, ox 7-4101 meane of expreaalnlf All with 2 3 brick septic aincerVan^heart typea of planoa & organa tuned A car garage. pallos. ask- system, extra quantity private repaired; ing low thirties. OA water old ones restored- Call ES 7-3608. system. All this on a wooded LOTS FOR SALE and friendi for their 4-2581. lot In worda of con sere Sussex County's finest real Estates *° *‘ on beautiful floral tributes GRIFFITH INC. denttal lake community ; an" PRIDEAUX, opposlto Our Flans; lots located; ap rituai bouuueia. at tha death Lady of the Lake church mortgages of ou PLUMBING & HEATING RE4I TORS - INSURERS and school, center In Designed For Living. Inc. Kinderamaek Road, PARK RIIKiK 18 InJlan ltd . N. J. Sparta. Hubert J. O Nelli. Danville. 332 Rt. 10, Hanover TU Warm special thank Ready in time for school 7*1230 OAkwood 7-4300 Call 7 Days Week Nite* Michael T. Inspect Now by Appt. or KING-SIZE, LUXURY-STYLED SPLIT Ms*r. Edward J Baudermann, Inc. the Huh ol LEVELS Begley. Rt. Rev. Ms«r "Serving Morris County" E. G. Thomas J PLUMBING AND HEATING ANDERSON, REALTOR FAYSON LAKES ON Mulvaney. Rev. Frederlcl 15,000 SQ. FT. WOODED PLOTS Eld. Rev Joseph 161 WILLIAM ST.. NEWARK 3 15 Sparta YEAR-ROUND VACATION LIVING (120* FRONT) Driscoll. Rev. Rober KINNELON __nt. PA 9-8181 Heyer, MA 2-7407 BUILDING LOT S.J.. Rev. Joseph A. Ryan Rev 110* 113* Albert Steile. Rev. SUSSEX COUNTY x Peter J. KhertJ Excellent Location: Mother N. Dolorlta. 0.P.. WHITE BIRCH HILLS the Sister PILLOWS - $4,000 of St. Dominic of Caldwell, N J QUILTS SUSSEX AREA—Farms, Lake th Acreage, Price Include* Knlihla of Columbua of SEE A Country Homes from public wateer supply Model Union. Cour $5,000. Shells Year-round Homes Shown: «<*• •<»« from 83,500.00 Available «*} and associate PILLOWS - QUILTS ■lf® Rranch From $13,000 to $40,090 of the Union County Sheriffs olllc Windswept Split ALFRED E. DINTER, REALTOR "THE SHERWOOD" and the ord *r end Renovated, Plllowa 9 Finished funeral „ Roams Sunday by t: • director William 1 11 d appointment only. FAYSON LAKE m McCracken for efficient the * * y * nd uown •»» lots 100x150 1 Loomis Ave. Sussex. service peund" ' N. J. 7 Room* j Bedrooms / IVi Beths rendered. City Water & Gas Inc. COMMUNITY, Pentled Room / Th* PENNER BROS. AH 81887 TEANECK Avt. Family Built-In Bereaved Family Roonton Fayson Lake He _ «0 n-B way Directions 23 to Boon, Garaoo Bayonne f'E 9OSOJ North on Rt. Kinnclon Morris County, N. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY Since 1910 ton Ave. hsht. turn left 300 yards to HOWSK REALTY TErmina! 0-4840 development. 845 Palisade Ave., Teancck TE Rarncgat Pine* Forked River. $ APPLIANCE PRINTING 8-1010 TE 8-2221 3 lot REPAIRS each 22,900. 20x100, Business property o LAKE PARSIPPANY Near lake A WEST MILFORD Lacey ltd. ocean and ei HEIGHTS RADIO “jv SERVICE trance A exit to (I S !».. also 2 lots boi Tower CAPE COD 815.990 Year Hound St denng G.B.P Package Deal $4.30i M3 Summit Ave.. Jersey City 7. N J. Print Summer Homes Shop D. GALLO* BROKER Write Box #lO4 c'o Tho Advocate. RADIO. TELEVISION. HI-FI. STEREO. SOCIAL at Pinecliffe Lake : Si Lake I’artippany TUcker Clinton St., Newark 2, N. J. P. A. AMPLIFIER. TAPE RECORDER. commercial printing 71580 Sales St Rentals Located in an established PHONOGRAPH AND AUTOMATIC INV EDWARD ACREAGE FOR neighborhood 98 'TATIONS MORRIS COUNTY A. CASEY, SALE Also See: of flna homes In RECORD CHANGER SERVICE. a cholca (action of Park Rldaa ons of SERVICE IN "THE NOTTINGHAM Beroen County-, most desirable residential • Realtor communities. Arlington I.yndhurst • Kearny f* no ana. THE IDEAL SITE Our Lady of and Harrison - Elizabeth • Hillside CARLTON J. BRUEN, 13 Union Vtley Road PA 8-8931 Marcy Church school nearby, local stores 800 beautiful in North t Rooms nursing _ acres Jersey / 3 Bedrooms / and a Irvington - Newark . homes Realtor This land site with ma|or shopping canter, a beautiful country American 00 acre lake. 3 Beths / Family Room park, AND VICINITIES 17 Elm St. JE 9 3435. 82017 Early and / Built clubs and golf Kvea. JE dwellings other buildings is the courses. Within a few minutes In "ideal" 3-Car Gareue drive ars E. H. NOWICKI PROP, 6 ROOM RANCH & spot for a resort, the Cardan Bloomfield, N. J $19,500 up campsite, State Parkway, New York CALL SW 3-2414 monastery, convent college For Thruway, Oaorga Hazelcrest REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Beautiful wooded trees, lake or de- Washington plots, tailed information Bridge and Tappan Zee Bridge. Nursing Home with club privileges. contact M j $ AUTOS FOR SALE COMPLETE Hishko, ItKR, 20 St. James Place! , SERVICE RENTALS —-SALES 3 B/R. Living Rm., science kitchen IV* J. PH 8 5000. 26,900. Awd. c°nv, e Clifton. N. leK n We • . ti chroS«Uy ill. cover • Lakeforest • Shawm*® baths, attached garage, select own lot FURNISHED MODEL OLDSMOBILK 1038 88.2 dr. Ill, 1 own HOME OPEN DAILY Winona • LAKE HOI’ATCONG HIGHCREST LAKE. A SUNDAYS Full 60 at LAND WANTED er. 39.000 miles. power. Asking Hazelwood Road LAKESIDE AGENCY PHONE PA 4-20 IS 11230. Call HU 2 8418. A. and M.D., Inc. Rt. 15. 5 ml. from Dover HO 8 2500 Furnished Pilgrim 3-2366 by, H. K Mahmarlon Sons, TE 8-1050 eve. HA 7 8316 LARGE TRACTS or ESTATES A Ridgewood AUTO SERVICE & REPAIRS Directions: Rt. 23 one mile pa&t Butler Sales Aoant MOUNTAIN LAKES Suitable for sub-division industry entrance of High Crest Lake. East or to commercial development anywhere SAM DIRECTIONSi UPHOWTERMUPCOVEW lake Northwood Drive in KLOTZ From Cao. Washington G.M. Transmission Service side of to and New Jersey. Bridge, Rt. 4 to Klndarkamack models. KITCHEN MULLINS - RASMUSSEN, INC. 111 Main St. Rd. continue north Plymouth. Ford. Chevrolet. Bulck. Olds- CHAIRS Ed. J. Broker on Klndarkamack Rd. to Park Ridge and Modal EXPERTLY Fengya, Hackensack mobile. Cadillac, any make auto; we RECOVERED Town Homes—L*ke Properties—Farms homes m, WAYNE 1341 Hamburg Tpk. Wayne OX 4-4303 on right. ORi Forest Ave. will Install a rebuilt transmission, guar- Rt. 48 DE 4-9400 MT. Lakes Phont: HU 1-2010 north to and of street which Is anteed 6 months; 1 price quoted, no DISCOUNT CITY Washington Lois wanted by builder of eustoin built Another Ave./ turn right to Klndarkamack Road, ups; K-Z terms. 1-day service. 331 Hal- 542 Montgomery . than left St.. Jereey rti. homes. lash buyers. All sizes & loea- HARRY WELLS sey Bt., Newark. For prices call Ml TELEPHONE lf N J Sanders & Bracken, Realtors JOHN WEISS CO., Realtor Protect to Robin Hood Estates. DE^ ' tions. Gerald T. (> Donoghue. Broker, 0i A. M.4,P. M. Open U 10 One Boulevard a.m. p.m. Cloaeu Sup. Mountain Lakes 1207 Paterson Hamburg Tpk. Wayne at Designed For Living Inc., 332 Ht, 10, DKKIU UXD to 7:30 to 5. OX 4-3300 41318 Open Hanover. TUcker 7-1230. , August 1961 Community Center and Bus Service Saw 3, THE ADVOCATE 17 Report Mill Estates Sales REAL ESTATE Are Featured at Crandon SECTION Being Lakes EDISON TOWNSHIP the (PFS)— Wedgewood, includes an en- full basement. This model is SUSSEX Sales have almost reached the try COUNTY (PFS) A without foyer, lavatory, recreation priced from $21,990. charge by the developer es, docks, rowboats and a shaded half-way mark free since Saw Mill room with doors community bus service has of the mountain sliding glass The Femwood bi-level model, 1,200-foot-high picnic grove. Estates was inaugurated two been inaugurated for at leading to rear grounds, science priced from features residents lake resort on Route 521, four Lot $22,500, an prices start at $295, with a weeks ago on Grove Ave., off have seen... Crandon kitchen, with rear en- entry you beautiful Lakes, an 800-acre vaca- miles west of Culver separate foyer; and on one level, Lake. minimum of three to a parcel to Oak Tree Rd., here, reports John tion colony in the try, and dining room—all on formal living room, picturesque Kit- The $75,000 community center insure Under separate din- Mountains spaciousness. terms Cali and Association, builders. grade level. The formal tatinny of western was picture- ing room, eat-in kitchen, three formally opened with a of an unusual arrangement, To date, 11 homes have been New Jersey. windowed living room is on a bedrooms and two baths. dance for property owners and homcsite buyers may purchase, purchased at this 18-home sub- level itself and overlooks the Educational The bus, which makes the their friends by facilities, including on July 29. The club- on a cost basis, a division where two rounds fully-equipped four-bedroom room. an Forest of the dining within Lakes rising tiers of wood- house contains a elementary school, are stage, dance two-bedroom vacation home for homes of split - level and ranch ed homesites, carries The sleeping level includes four walking distance with residents to floor, private rooms for 82,995. anew jun- parties. Also available on a cost design are on and of- full-sized and from the display, bedrooms, plus two full ior soon to be built bathing beaehes on Other recreation high adjoining Route facilities at basis is a two-bedroom shell for fered on 1/2-acre landscaped and 206, Andover, N. J. regular runs Crandon baths—including a stall shower the elementary school. St. Ce- every day. Lakes include tennis and $1,995, and a finished three-bed- The shrubbed lots priced from $21,990. in the master bath. In celia’s Church transportation is provided handball courts, two sandy beach- home addition, and school are room for $3,995. The split - level model, called there is an attached garage, and just five minutes away.

v', ", n- Retirement CHOICE LAGOON LOTS -4 Section Set NO MONEY DOWN S', \ ,; | EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS LUXURIOUS By Berkeley a package^dlal BAYVILLE (PFS)—Special at- tention is being given by the de- ; lli velopers of the more than 1,000- acre Berkeley Shores community SPLIT LEVEL and RANCH in Berkeley Township, to senior citizens of retirement age who 5f > C EDISON. N . seek housing along the New Jer- v /‘ sey shore area, reports Anthony :^v DePetro, president of Berkeley Shores, Inc.

8 Berkeley a sub- Eleiantly styled rooms. In Shores, Inc., 3 and 4 eludingling Sand bedrooms.bedrooms, sidiary of Hydrocarbon Chemi- YOU GET ALL FOUR ... Natural DOWN $Q QQA Unspoiled C on beautifully wooded -I r\Qi of is Beauty cals, Inc., Newark, develop- LOT MOTOR O,TTU V4*acre lots in PAYMENT IU/‘ HOUSE, BOAT, lovely ing the year-round Berkeley convenient Edlion. 5990 DOWN $92.89 PER MONTH k Shores which will of- Formerly a private estate, available for ALSO.liberal financing By The community Prudential Insurance Company fer in excess of 4,000 lagoon and those who want the best for present use bayfront homesites. The tract ex- SHELL HOUSE on INSIDE LOT $ A QQA 9 tends from Route to Barnegat NO DOWN PAYMENT ■f|T7U or future investment Bay and is about two miles south • Water Mains • 4 Beaches Btaohen 1. Pottar of Exit 80 on the Garden State Your homo wldt lagoon boat dockad In back Architect on • your your own a tacit majestic Parkway. yard family anjoylng Summar • Paved Roads colonial uttdig your ovary plaaiura and yaar 'round • Boardwalk !AW MILL'! comfort now at a avaryona can proridaa th. background for a modem CHARMING ENVIRONMENT . . . prlca afford. Amer- DePetro, who cites a national ican HamUr'l dream of perfect U«n* . offer, eeerrthlnt In conranlant. auburban Limited Number . . report that at least 65 of ON BEAUTIFUL of %-Acre Plots charnUne, apecloui Llelna Room*, llTlna Including Urea, modarn Bhopptn* Caa- noting aeparata Priced at Dlnkna Roomi. tara, nearby School, the wants more WINDSOR Reasonably only $1995. 3 and 4 Bedrooma ultra- and Werarounda, Bwlm- over-60 group PARK BARNEGAT BAY modern Balance XUohene with bullt-tn mln» Cluba Oolf Courlea Boerllnt Cemtara orana suitable says Berkeley DIRECTIONS FROM NEWARK: Sherwood Forest Drivo Mid ar>d aodal housing, Carden State Parkwar South to Exit 82. the Rotunda Sections Now Open aparkltof appliance, and Eormloe manr and pahtloua organlea Mona Then Route oountera is 37 East approx. 5 milfca to spur 540 (Fisher Bird.). Left Near St. Paul’s Two full Bathroom, Shores, Inc., placing special on Abbey plua Powdar Room s4o * pp^ox % mll# P»rk Office. Turn riiht to model • ALL emphasis on these Home • t 0 wlnd,or ROUTE 206, ANDOVER oompletetr flnlahad Raereatlon Rooma. CEDAR IHINGLEI fulfilling needs. ‘ PHOW DR 4-407 CH 4*1132 FU 14704 a 1 and l-CAR At Berkeley Shores, where • OAS-EIBED nOT-WATEB HEATING OARAGES six model homes on • TULL are display, • COLONIAL DOUBLS HUNO WINDOW! BASEMENT the developers are featuring a • I EL'LL BATHS ELL'S POWDER BOOM Tire Parnwaod two-bedroom ranch house which caters to buyers In the retire- ment age group.

’ : ■ wt m 8-Story VWfflOHf Apartment EXPANSES ® Dnuciiflndmu! I *ne 'hildren For Fort Lee Rapid Tranaporlaflant do 25 MINUTES TO NEWARK FORT LEE Cross- Nights (PFS) 40 MINUTES TO NEW YORK CITY an 10 PARKWAY, u.l. ROUTE bridge Towers, eight-story 35 rvtlrNUMINUTES Ch -I, J 7 AND pgNN „ „ STATION m apartment costing $4 million, is y. Mi. to ST. CECILIA'S CHURCH & SCHOOL now under construction here and will be ready for occupancy early f"L«r Wilt t» tilt 131 t«.J. lilt) 271. P '* 1,1 Him. left •• 0.1 Trt. Sear, in 1962. Designed for the middle- I"*,•! '•V'4 Ji Ciiit ..* lIEHt (aaeaill. in alll). Tara lISHT income Tow- •* Srni A*imi. Oat lltal ta lav Hill Eitataa. family, Crossbridge ers a H»4il Hearn will feature swimming pool apia Dally, SinSay. aooa aatU Sark. Pkoaa llfcarty 8-9674 with cabanas, two baths and a SALES AOENTSii Jocobton, Ooldfarb & Torn moo Cos. 7x2o' terrace in and a 290 Hobart St., Por#i Amboy, N. J. Phono Hllkroit 2-4444 every unit, separate laundry room on each floor with background music. The 112-apartment complex, located at Lincoln and LeMoine Ave., will be built by Crossbridge Towers, Inc., with Ivaldl Development Cos. PROBUtos of Fort Lee acting as general contractor. SOWED There will be 14 apartments on each floor, with the size of the units ranging from 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 at rooms. In terms of bedroom New Jers space, each floor will consist of ey's two apartments with one bed- Newi room, six apartments with two bedrooms, and six apartments hfltidofi featuring three bedrooms. Exciting Each apartment in the T-shap- LAKES ed building will have an electric /loiv' dishwasher, a garbage disposal At Stillwater unit, a 13 cubic-foot self-defrost- Township COST built-in Alou ing refrigerator, ovens NEAR »»toin and counter - top range, walk-in NEWTON, N. J. •lofce closets, a master TV antenna sys- Coni, tem, hot water heat, carpeted BEAUTIFUL VACATION HOMESITES Nullity hallways and oak parquet floors ALL ON OR NEAR ONE OF THE throughout. In addition to the liv- LAKES ing units there will be four pro- Here’s fessional suites available. Everything PER low You’re Looking For LOT In Happy Family Reflection *5O - *5 Lakes DOWN A MONTH Living! Beady (minimum ol 3 per purchaitr to insure plenty of "elbow-room") The homes are right LAKEFRONT SITES . the location is For fo location . . right . . . Opening TIIESE ARE TWE METROPOLITAN aSTHrEATESHANDANDHOMEBUYSI the price is right! Schools, PRICED FROM REFLECTION BUY YOUR LAND houses of worship shop- LAKES (PFS)- NOW! m West Milford Homes at Reflec- ping and transporta- BUILD ANY TIME! ’Jti.UOO tion Lakes, a community of 220 tion are ALL WITH- General Electric Gold Medallion IN WALKING houses on Park Ave. off Union DISTANCE! Valley Road and north of Route beautiful 10% 23 in West Milford, is being FEATURE-PACKED opened to the public this week- end. jr. 81-LEVEL AND DOWN West Milford Homes, Inc., is developing the tract which fea- CAPE COD HOMES tures two ranch models and of- 25-YEAR "T -\-i MORTGAGE fers homes priced from $16,990. On Fully Landscaped FINANCING 5 3,4% The builder also plans to show bilevel Wooded Plots ranch, Cape Cod and • 100 Acrei ef Wooded Wonderland U2995-- a Docks, floats, Meet of safe INTEREST AVAILABLE 7S"xlOO split-level homes. ,0 .Aluminum SHdlng • 1200 Healthful Feet Above rowboats, ball field, tennis, James E. Hanson and Cos. of Sea level handball and shuffloboard • 6 A 7 Room* Kinneion is sales agent. coeds, children's playground. of • 4 Bedrooms with Closets Color* The who 13 • 5 Mitel Panoramic Shore Front developer, has -zzzr- Magnificent Club House • Full Six* Dining Room Around nearing years of experience in the home- Cab, h Crystal-Clear, Spring-Fed Colored Til* Bathroom foundation completion • Ceramic With .Full Concrete lakes building field, expects to start T ,- Fixtures Colorod Fixtures & & Electric Vanitory ,a a Stokes Forest Slate Park delivering houses late this sum- • Three close by • Science Kitchen with Built-In Oven, new 400-ft. Private Bathing mer and in the a Centle, rolling terrssin Counter-Top Range, Birch Cabinets with early fall. The Beaches makes homes rssssissr. and Formica Work Counters are to be placed on fully- landscaping construction • Free Bus Sendee • Full Basement landscaped plots 75 by 125 feet easy and economical • Laundry Room FURNISHED MODEL HOME and larger in an area which is Clothes • Norge Dryer serviced sewers and ’SSssms^^SSL OPEN DAILY & WEEK ENDS by city in • Utility Room eludes a five-acro lako on the • FINISHED RECREATION ROOM DIRECTION!: Rt. 10 S Rl. 46 to property with beach and play- Drive Out or • Gas-Fired Forced Air Today Any Day! Heating Rockaway (Main St.) to Lynch ground. SQUmes • Full Insulation; Weatherstripping Modtl Chevrolet; turn right to TO REACH BY CAR—Take Route • BUILT-IN OARAGE The homes can be 46 to new Interstate Route 80 (Thru SPARTA) Home Walnut St. purchased on into Route 15, thence Into Route 206 and north to McKeown Restaurant Culver Lake. NfYVTOfI Hamburg • Aluminum Gutters A Leaders with liberal conventional terms. s at left and The Turn on Route 521 follow signs to property. Sales Agents furnished models include ENTIRE INTERIOR PAINTED the 60-foot long, seven-room two- WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE! LOWERRE AGENCY bath Rancher priced at $19,990 WRITS FOR FREE BROCHURE CRANDON LAKES, N. Y. Office Dover and the six-room El Dorado TOT Sewers & Utilities OA 42nd N. Y. N. Y. City All 7-0695 or PHONE or VISIT . SL, 36, (Suite 1142) ranch from $16,990. llarsen and In & Paid For Phone Wisconsin 7-7035 Take Dover es Modal Horn, Phona: OA 7-774 Johns, Tcnafly architects, de- ByPbss J (In ppany N.J. ter date Routv*Bo) signed the homes which feature Property-Phone Windsor 8-3680 NewarkNewark .riaJ Newark extft'iors of aluminum siding. Cityj 18 THE ADVOCATE August 3, 1961 Dover Sets Hearing Franciscans Cornetta Is Assistant Receive 28 On Sales Sunday LAFAYETTE, N. J. At St. Michael’s Twenty-eight men have been DOVER A second Morris County community has received as novices and 21 introduced a which J. Sunday closing goes beyond novices their NEWARK William Cornetta Jr. of New Mon- the pronounced state’s county-option measure currently in force in mouth has been assistant of St. first vows as Franciscans appointed administrator Morris. Michael’s Hospital, it was announced this week by Sister after their one-year novitiate in The Board of Aldermen in Dover passed the ordinance M. Felicitas, F.S.P., administrator. ceremonies here. on first reading on July 24, short- For Very Rev. Celsus R. Wheeler, the past five years, Cornetta has served as per- ly after similar action had been sale of the chairs was not a work 0.F.M., provincial of the Fran- sonnel director at St. Michael’s. taken by the Rockaway Borough of necessity or Seton Hall and mem- charity. Feiring ciscan Province of the Most Holy This position will he taken by University a Council. agreed that the testimony did not Name, presided at the Frank ot ber of the committee on per- recep- L. Shcningcr Verona, consider this sonnel administration of the New A PUBLIC the point. tion and profession. while a third appointment will hearing on In Somerville, meanwhile, mer- Jersey Hospital Association. He Dover proposal is scheduled for chants cooperated in observing AMONG THOSE received as joins Sister M. Rosaria, S.F.P., Aug. 14. The public hearing in the borough’s strict Sunday clos- novices were Fratcrs Arthur Ma- and J. David Luckhaupt on the Rockaway will be held on Aug. ing law. The law had been rion (Edward) Rcihl of Wana- administrative staff at St. Mi- 10. Municipal governing bodies adopt- ed at a public referendum in que, Boniface Ehrhardt chael’s. must hold (Joseph) public hearings on pro- 1959 but no attempts were made of Pompton Lakes and Gaudens Former assistant director of in- posed legislation before voting on to enforce it pending decisions Francis (John) Schulmeister of dustrial relations and personnel them for a second and final time. on cases challenging similar laws Prospect Park. manager with the Kcarfott Man- Like the proposed Rockaway before the courts. Police had New Corp. here, the Dover an- Jerseyans making their ufacturing Sheningcr ordinance, measure nounced CONSTRUCTION STARTS: This is what the new St. Elizabeth’s would ban they would make their first vows were Fratcrs Marcel- Hospital, Eliza- has recently been associated with all Sunday activity check’ beth, will look like when million first for violations on July lus Marabeti of Fair Lawn, Dom- the $5 construction program which was initiated the Aircraft Radio Corp., Boon- other than works of charity and 30. inic Francis Carnevale of Secau- on Aug. 1 is completed next year. ton. the sale of certain specified items cus, Ternan of Secaucus Cymansky is a graduate of the such as drugs and food. Convic- Joyce and Germaine Michael Scott of Merchant Marine Academy at tions in both Rockaway and Outdoor Breakfast Wood Ridge. Kings Point, L. and is lieu- Dover under the ordi- 1., a proposed LIVINGSTON—The Cana group Construction tenant in the U. S. Naval Re- nances could result in fines Starts on New up of St. Philomcna’s will hold its serve. He to $2OO to was previously em- and jail sentences up fifth annual Communion break- Ask International P. Ballantinc 90 days. ployed at and Sons fast Aug. 19 in the parish picnic here. grove after 7:45 a.m. Mass. Mr. Medical Periodical MEANWHILE, four employes and Mrs. James Berg are chair- Million of the Two Guys From Harrison LISBON (NC) The Interna- Food for Fun men. $5 Hospital Building outlet in Watchung, Somerset tional Organization of the Catho- NEW YORK - Tile annual County, have been acquitted of lic Medical Press has called for ELIZABETH Construction of anew hospital build- gency or medical change for the night of fun for the Catholic In- making illegal Sunday sales by the establishment Feast of an interna- ing for St. Elizabeth here started next stitute of the Food will Magistrate Paul E. of Assumption Hospital on Aug. 1 short- 25 years." Mr. Cornetta Industry Feiring. The tional periodical for mcdical-mor- after was broken at The hospital was designed be held on Oct. 28 at the main four had been accused of The office of The Advocate ly ground ceremonies at which by selling al-pastoral-social problems. Msgr. ballroom aluminum will be closed Thomas J. archdiocesan Eggers, Young and Holdcrncss of have Leon A. become of the Hotel Shcraton- folding chairs on five on Tuesday, Aug. Conroy, director of Cymansky The organization at the close hosptials, pre- New York. in the Atlantic. Sundays. 15, the Feast of the sided. Participating superintendent of plants and Assumption of its here also of meeting passed groundbreaking besides Msgr. the While the sales were admitted, the Blessed Virgin The grounds at hospital. Mary, a resolution $5 million program also construction and alterations in and seeking the founda-, Conroy and Sister Ellen Patricia THE HISTORY of Catholicism the defense claimed that the a . calls for to pros- tion of alterations the exist- 1962, she said, the hospital will were a center for medical docu- Rev. Harrold A. Murray, as- CORNETTA IS a graduate of in England dates from ecution failed to that 203. prove the ing six-story main and be able to a total of 330 mentation and bibliography. building provide sistant director of hospitals; of old beds to meet the demolishing an four-story needs of the 17 Mother General Joanna Marie, building on the construction Union, Essex site. and Middlesex president, board of trustees; and communities it now serves. The John A. NATIONAL DREAM CONTEST OF BUILT OF reinforced Conlin, president, board DRUM concrete, present bed is listed of the capacity as managers. DON'T FORGET! new eight-story hospital will 198. be fully air-conditioned and will CORPS CHAMPIONS SUN. AUG. 2 In addition to air-conditioning, 6, P.M. contain the most modern facili- TICKETS ON SALE there will be other innovations ties, including anew operating that will make the new St. Eliza- 553 BROADWAY ! p »°ne department, delivery room, x-ray beth’s At Your one of the nation’s out- department, laboratory, central standing bc-twcon ?sth & FE hospitals. A number of 26th Sts. 9- sterile AIR supply, pharmacy, kitchen, automatic devices will be in- RjDE Popular AAA BAYONNE < 7800 laundry, new administration of- stalled to provide better SPORT CENTRE and fices, and anew entrance lobby more efficient service. The inten- and hospitality shop. sive care floor will Shopping BOWLING SHIRTS FOR TEAMS (See Us First) have one-way TheNjnain entrance to the hos- comuthwed glass construction so that ser- OPEN THURSDAY o wiU front on Williamson St. MONDAY, Y . pital Centre ant FRIDA TO p. M TUESDAY, WFDNESDAY ttncl SATURDAY TO P. iously ill patients may be l 6 M. between kept Pgarl and South Sts. tinder around-the-clock observa- The prcscht hospital building tion. STORE WILL BE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUST will become for NEVER OPEN SUNDAYS the new (flFrigiKing hospital and wi ll be used pri- ST. ELIZABETH'S Hospital FOUR (4) - SALE DAYS ONLY THURSDAY - ■ FRIDAY SATURDAY - MONDAY marily for administration and was established in 1904. Present service faciltics have purposes, according to been considered in- Vacation Time Tennis HAVE FUN Sister Ellen Pifricia of the Sis- adequate for the past 10 Racquet years. TROPHIES ters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, However, Sister Ellen Patricia m SPECIAL said the Specials IRON HORSE SHOES administrator. design of the new hos- 5 PLY STRUNG made to m pital “is such that it will be able your order, on our WITH THE COMPLETION of to of handle adequately any emer- Good For premises, onyx, marble & Cushions $199 & IRON QUOITS NATIONAL MIAM Boat wood. i CONTEST NEW 61 JET-AIR ROTOR U ! Beginners OLCRUM CORPS CHAMPIONS COAST GUARD APPROVED Phone or send for in sets of 4 shoes or 4 catalogue quoits of - mmirniw List religious and E. for the youth and adult* sports PAUG Racquet Covers 49* plaques and medals. • jersey cirr ■ Orange Passionist FOR Price PRESENT 12P.M. FRFE PAHKINI- $3.95 $2« AT LOWEST PRICES Racquet Press 95* ENGRAVING DONE TICKETS ON SALE HERE WHILE YOU WAIT Heads New KIDDIES SWIM VEST TENNIS BALLS MEN'S & BOYS' BOY'S - MEN’S College CAR...NOW! to 45 lb. to 90 lb. C.Y.0., INDUSTRIAL, CALL up up 3 For 3 For 3 For BATHING VINYL PLASTIC UNION CITY Rev. CLUB AND SCHOOL Reginald Arliss, C.P., a native $2.99 $3.69 TRUNKS 9f East 1.39 1.59 2.00 OUTFITTERS Orange currently serving in the Philippines, has Raincoats VALUES Baada TO 3.95 been named- rector of the established VOIT WATER TRAPEZE newly Philippine IDEAL EMERGENCY Pontifical in Rome. will 49 College The college open Oct. 7 ButiiSutyU, *)kC, TENNIS RACQUETS COAT FOR ALL WOMEN'S $3.99 WEATHER *1 and will serve Philippine seminarians studying in Rome. NEWARK. N. J. £?5 IN STOCK AT Announcement of the appoint- TA 4-2040 JAMAICA ment received $ 29 was here by Very iti 1928, and was ordained in 1934 . $495. LOCKER Rev. PATERSON CAMDEN $595 Canisius Hazlett, Pas- at 1 C.P., St. Ann’s Monastery, Scran- A» 8-3550 IN 5-4023 WATER SKI BELTS sionist 95 9S 9S SHORTS BATHING provincial, in a letter from ton. - $6 $8 - *9 6-12 - Men'* S-M-L Boys Cardinal Pizzardo, prefect of the $3.45-$4.00-$4,601 MANY UP TO $21.00 COLORS SCUFFS Sacred Congregation of Seminar- SPECIAL GROUP ies and Universities. FREE BALL! WITH FOR BEACH WATER FLOATS MEN'S CREPE SOLE Any Racuet $3.45 up s]99 s2’9 $3.95-$7.45-$9.95 CASUAL 59 DAY CAMP $?45 extra dividends... OXFORDS WOMEN'S highestin State, compounded LARGE SELECTION AIR MATTRESS 1 quarterly NECESSITIES NOT ALL SIZES IN STOCK EXTRA EARNING PLAY & CAMP SPORT IDEAL FOR BEACH DAYS... savings received 15th of month AT LOW OR CAMPING by earn PRICESI MEN’S & WOMEN'S from Ist TENTS SLACKS HEAVY CANVAS ST&K BAGS - SHORTS ROPE-EZE OXFORDS RUBBERIZED extra services... postage-free SUMMER COTTONS banking mail AT LOW PRICES li.. by T-SHIRTS - TRUNKS $449 PER BLUE EXTRA SA99 $0 99 10.95 ANNUM PROTECTION... savings FISHING TACKLE MARKING PENS WHITE insured to $lO,OOO Large Size With Pillow AT GREAT SAVINGS Cord Non-Slip Sole SWIM FOR HEALTH HOODED PARKA ROUND ENAMELED savings ANY SPIN REEL EAR PLUGS 19c LARGE SELECTION TrhMVfr SWEAT PICNIC TABLE ASSOCIATION NOSE STOPPLES 39e s SHIRTS MEMBER OP SAVINGS 120 S. Orange Ays. STOCK 40% n! SPORT 3” Reg. $199 A LOAN FOUNDATION Newark 3, N. J. WATER GOGGLES 79c YOUTHS ADULTS 3.95 s ,s [j SWIM JACKETS s FOR THE BEACH Good Bait Cast Rods MASKS 69c up SNORKLES *9c $1.95 CHARCOAL and to $1.95-$2.95 Swim Fins ANOTHER BARGAIN Father Arliss :P All Styles $2« $345 PICNIC STOVES "CHANCE Representing the American 51.95 up to pro $11.95 Crew Hats SALT WATER RODS m -m v AT LOW PRICES Passionists at the installation in Yacht Caps J|JL Rome will be Father Arliss’ BOYS' - MEN'S OF $3.95 $39.95 BADMINTON SETS Rev. Hubert A ,o Motor Caps BRIQUETTES brother, Arliss, C.P., pastor of St. Joseph's Monastery In Our Ivy Caps 39' BERMUDA 3 LB. 5 LB. 10 LB. Church, Baltimore, and former ARCHERY EQUIPMENT VALUES UP TO $1.50 Stock pastor of St. Joseph's, Union City. LIFETIME" BOWS & ARROWS 30%s 29* 48c 79c SHORTS FATHER ARLISS went the Quivers & Accessories to ODD LOT Special Group Star Crab TRAPS $7.75 Philippines in January, 1958, with At Reduced Prices BOY’S & MEN'S the first group of Passionist mis- Badminton up sionaries. GIGANTIC BOAT Racquets SJ99 Snapper Rods He is presently pastor CHINO - CORDS • POLISHED $249 $l.OO AU RUBBER OUTDOOR Values of Our Lady of Peace and Good MANY COLORS BUT 1.80 to COTTON FABRIC Trout Nets $l.OO Counsel parish, Dodiangas, Gen. NOT ALL SIZES IN STOCK VOLLEY BALLS 3.50 89‘ Santos, Cotabato. CLEARANCE SALE! Crab Cord 25c c Father Arliss had served in the List Price SLACKS -50 BOYS' & MEN'S China missions for 10 years $5.00 BIRDIES where he was rector at s2’9 3/50* Killie Trap $2 of the dioce- wholesale and less!! san seminary of Yuanling. Later $ F BIRDIES 1.00 prs. TENNIS he rector of the while ALL RUBBER OUTDOOR 3/ ss°° Scap Nets was appointed they last! Hunan regional seminary. He was Not All Sizes In All Color* VOLLEY BALL SET SKIN DIVING GEAR SHORTS Crab Traps expelled from China in 1951 after being under “house arrest" for USED MOTOR CLEARANCE STAKES VALUE List $6.50 MEN'S & BOYS' two years. N AT LOWER PRICES FAR BELOW REGULAR SA99 TO In 1952, he was named master PRICES p o[es KNIT STYLE MESH $4.95 s^9s of novices for the new mission & ball Hr Tanks Regulators society of the Sons of AND COMBED YARN Mary, in Stock at all Times Health of the Sick in Framing- And Don't All Forget NATIONAL DREAM CONTI ST ham, WIFFLE 3 for Mass., where he served un- DENVILLE BOAT BALLS til SPORT Baseball Of DRUM CORPS CHAMPIONS his Philippine assignment. WATER SKIS AT Equipment SUN mmusmiv IN and 19* - 29* - 39* sroo BORN 1900, Father Arliss AT GREATLY AUG. 6 ■ jersey cur • REDUCED PRICES SHIRTS attended Holy Name School in P.M. FREE WIFFLE BATS -79 c12 | PARKING East Orange, Seton Hall Prop and For those in Stock Val. 2.45 to 4,95 REDUCED PRICES SPORT Comp. TICKETS ON SALE HERE Seton Hall College and Holy CENTER Cross Seminary, N. Y. Items in Large Dunkirk, Many Closed Wednesdays He was professed a Passionist Route 46, Denville & Quantities, one Many JULY AND AUGUST of a kind, Some not all THE FIRST American Catholic OA 7-3030 AAA WE PERMIT TRY-ONS of Vv: SPORT CfNIKE paper a strictly religious na- sizes in all or styles REFUNDS CHEERFULLY ture was the U. S. Catholic Mis- colors. OPT\ MONDAY T't. r-n.*. , cellany established in South Caro- 4:30 MADE WITHIN 5 DAYS open every day A.M. 'til 9~P.M ina in the 1820's by Bishop John England of Charleston.