October 25, 1979

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October 25, 1979 R.I. J EW I SH HISTORICAL ASSOC 130 SESSI ON S ST . PROVIDENC E , RI 0 2906 Support Read By Jewish More Than ___ Agencies 40,000 _ __,..--- With Your People Membe~ship_ ·"-'• ·. • r~. - .. 'i f ·..... ,•.[E,..,.• ". ~ ~"._ ""-'- ....... E"4. .. ·.•:..~ VOLUME LXII, NU~BER 52 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1979 25e PER COPY Levin To Speak At Emano-El Dayan, Navon Address For Smith Kallah Week-end American Visitors in Tel Aviv Marlin Levin, noted journalist and TEL AVIV (JTA) - Former Foreign Israel's security will not be achieved just by foreign affairs analyst for Time Magazine Minister Moshe Dayan said he believes that securing its borders but increasing the will be the Scholar-in-Residence at Temple sooner or later the Palestinians will join the Jewish population until it reaches "six, Emanu-EI, at this year's week-end of study negotiations now going on between Israel, even, eight million," he said. Dulzin said dedicated to the memory of Reverend and Egypt and the United States. Speaking lo the Soviet Union was the largest reservoir Mrs. Meyer Smith. some 200 members of a United Jewish Ap­ of future immigrants here and said he Marlin Levin, an author and lecturer as peal mission from New York at his home in believed that large numbers of Soviet Jews well as a journalist has for 30 years observed Zahalah, Dayan said that his talks wi th would come to Israel. and interpreted events in the Middle East. supporters of the Palestine Liberation Currently he is on the staff of Time. the Organization have convinced him that even Sanders Leaving national newsweekly, in Boston covering the most extreme PLO sympathizer does events in the New England region. not want another war with Israel. Post as Advisor From 1947-1977, he interviewed every " The Palestini ans know too well that in prominent Israeli politician and diplomat any new war it will be them, the Palesti­ WASHINTGON (JTA) - Edward San­ and maintained regular contact with most of nians, lhal will be caught between the guns ders, a prominent Los Angeles lawyer who them from Ben-Gurion lo Menachem Begin . of Israel and those of Jordan or Egypt," was seni or advisor to President Carter and His lengthy profiles of Golda Meir appear­ Dayan explained. "They will become Secretary of Slate Cyrus Vance on Jewish af­ ing in Life and Time were the first published refugees even before the war is decided." fairs and other matters fo r the past 15 ' by these national weeklies . Dayan said in his meetings with PLO mo nths, is leaving th at post lo return lo hi s Levin's professional experience includes supporters in the West Ba nk and the G aza previo us status as consultant lo the Presi­ these editorial positions: Diplomati c and Strip he was told they did nol wanl Israel lo dent in the sa me area. news editor of the "Jerusalem Post" ; control them. "But they don't want any ll has nol yet been determined whether a correspondent ior the United Press Inter­ barriers between them and Israel," he said, successor wi ll be named. Sanders resigned as national; T-V and radio correspondent for "and after 11 years of li ving together. none president of the American-Israel Public Af­ the American Broadcasting Compa ny; o f them want lo go back to the time when fai rs Commillec (A IPAC) in 1976 lo assist correspondent for the Lo ndo n " Daily they were not all owed lo come lo Tel Aviv, Carter in hi s election campaign. Mail." or we were not all owed to go lo Gaza." The importance that the President placed In 1958, he was asked by Time and Life to The mission, the largest UJA group ever in him was indicated when offi ces were set lo come from New York, was organized al up for Sanders al both the White House and serve as its correspondent in Israel and until die East Affairs arc heard frequently on talk the invitation of Will iam Rosenwald, State Department. He accompanied the 1976 covered the Middle East, including shows in Boston and New York. honorary president of the UJA-Fcdcration President al some of his most impoctant Israel, Cypress, Turkey, as well as Greece While in Providence, Mr. Levin will speak ,of Jewish Philanthropies Joint Campaign. It meetings on Middle Eastern affairs, in­ and Italy. Levin founded the first Time-Life at Temple Emanu-EI three times. Friday is led by Stephen Peck, a campaign leader cluding Carter's trip to Cairo and Jerusalem News Bureau in Jerusalem. night, November 2, he will speak following and Wall Street stockbroker. Levin is the author of Balm in Gilead, a Friday evening services (which begin at 8: 10 last March which resulted in the signing of dramatic social-political narrative of the p.m.) in the Meeting House. His topic will After arriving here, the group met wi th the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. He also at­ Zionist adventure in Israel and Palestine. be : "The New Mid-East Triumvirate: Israel, President Yitzhak Navon, who told them tended the negotiating sessions at Camp that American Jewish leaders should " no Davi d in September, 1978 . His comments and an;ilyscs of current Mid- Egypt and the U .S." This will be an account longer be surprised" when they arc met Sanders said that he believed he will be of the new strategic lineup that the U.S., with the " demand" that they personally " more effective in the coming months" by Israel and Egypt have formed quietly as the make aliya. Israel's greatest need is "peo­ returning lo his previous position as a con­ world debates the Palestine Arab issue. ple," Navon declared. "Come with your sultant because it will allow hir,i " a lot more Nobel Prize Refreshments will be served. Saturday mor­ money, or without your money, but come." WASHINGTON (JTA) - Two ning, November 3, Mr. Le vi n will speak at flexibility" than as a full -lime government A li ya does not mea n that American Jews physicists, one the son and the other the 9:00 a.m., preceding Shabbat morning ser­ cmploye. "I have nothing but affirmative should give money for Jews lo come to grandson of Jewish immigrants, became the vices. This early-bird lecture in Room 11 will feelings for President Carter and I continue Israel from Iran and Turkey, but they third generation of Jewish professors al Har­ be preceded by coffee and danish. Mr. to believe in him for his leadership for the vard University to win the Nobel Prize for Levin's talk , entitled "Israel Report" will be should immigrate themselves, the President U.S. and for the good of l.srael ," Sanders achievements in their specialized field .­ an in fo rmal account of a month's (this Oc­ added. said. Leon Dulzin, chairman o f the World He said " I will do all I can to help him but Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg who tober) visit lo Israel. This report will reflect were classmates in their high school and Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency being in government inhibits me more than college days.and now teach al Harvard, will (Continued on page 8) Exectuives, also stressed the need fo r aliya. (Continued on page 8) share the $19:l,OOO award with a Moslem scientist from Pakistan, Abdus Salam. The three scientists have been friends for years. The Royal Academy in Stockholm an­ O~awe Sholam Synagogue ~roundbreaking nounced the awards for their work in the With a groundbreaking ceremony at noon electromagnetic interaction between Sunday, a drea m will finally be realized for elementary particles. In announcing the the many members of Ohawe Shalom Con­ awards, the Academy said the contributions gregation who have been awaiting the con­ of Glashow, Weinberg and Salam were of struction of a new temple. great importance to the development of par­ On October 28th, dignitaries including ticle physics during the 1970s. Mayor Dennis M. Lynch, R.I. Secretary of Glashow and Weinberg, both 46 years of Stale Robert Burns, and Rabbi Kaplan will age, were born in New York City. Glashow be present to commence the digging of the is the son of Lewis Glashow and the former foundation for the new sy nagogue. Bella Rubin who immigrated to the U .S. The plot of la nd, which is located on from Bobruisk in White Russia in 1905. Eastern Avenue in Pawtucket between Weinberg's father, Frederick Weinberg, was Loudin and Glenwood Streets, has been in - born in New York and his mother, the for­ the hands of the Congregation since 1951. mer Eva Israel, was born in Germany. His The four men first involved in this purchase grandparents came from Rumania. Salam is were Max Alperin, Dr. Charles Jagolinzer, the director of the International Center for Samuel Shlevin and Charles Steingold. Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy and a Various attempts have been made through professor of theoretical physics at the Im­ the years to build on the site, but onl y now perial College of Science and Technology in have the factors making the building possi­ London. The three will have a reunion when ble come together. the Nobel awards are presented in Projected completion date for the Stockholm. building is set al late nexl summer, certainly I.I. Rabi, the noted nuclear physicist, ;.,as in time for the High Holidays. "We envision the first of three generalion·s of Jewish this building as a community building for professors of Harvard lo win the Nobel .
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