February 1996 Vol

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February 1996 Vol 1 1 —I 1 'l Li h ) 1_ established 1948 1 I h ^ ^ FEBRUARY 1996 VOL. 22 NO. 1 A SOUTH AFRICAN ZIONIST FEDERATION (ISRAEL) PUBLICATION INSIDE People: A R EPAIR JOB huerview with Abie Nathan ISRAELI YOUTH B u s i n e s s P r o fi l e : Perspective from CET TO WORK the Saddle A Special Breed: The saga continues Sport: The Israel Eisenberg Open G u e s t C o l u m n : Freda Keet 46 SOKOLOV (2nd Floor) RAMAT-HASHARON Tel. 03-5400070 Home 09-446967 - F a x 0 3 - 5 4 0 0 0 7 7 January 1996 Dear Friends, So much has happened since I sat down to write my last letter that it is very difficult to know where to begin. These last few months have surely touched all of our lives in one way or another. It may not surprise you to hear that I've also been abroad a few times within the last few months. What I really want to tell you about is our trip to BALL Yes, Bali does seem to be the sort of place that one only reads about in books or sees on the screen Well friends, it actually exists and believe it or not you can visit this paradise yourselves. Carol and I flew via Hong Kong where we spent two very interesting days not only exploring the never-ending shopping malls and markets, but just being overwhelmed at the "New York of the East". In July of 1997, it is being taken over by the Chinese and even though there is much speculation as to its future, I recommend a visit before. From there, a four hour flight to Den Pasar, capital of Bali. You may be surprised to know that Indonesia is in fact the largest Moslem country in the world with 180 million inhabitants. Bali, one of the Indonesian islands, has however a'95 percent Hindu population and therein perhaps lies its beauty and special attraction. I often read in publications peoples' 'favourite vacation dreams' i.e., "Where would you like to visit?" One of the most popular replies is Bali. After our fantastic and fascinating week there, 1 can only warmly endorse all those sentiments. It is simply the East at its best ...friendly people, maginificent scenery, good food, really fascinating cer emonies and culture and of course good and cheap shopping. I know that a lot of you think that only travel agents get to these exotic places.... believe me, its not so. Israelis are already discovering this really beautiful island and coming home enchanted. How about you? A little bit closer to home. Last weekend 1 went to organise a large group to Sharm el Sheikh. A one hour flight on Arkia takes you there twice a week. All the ingredients exist for a great holiday at very reasonable prices. For approx. $375, 3 nights in a 5-star hotel B.B. including flight and transfers ... by the way there is also a new casino for those interested. 1996 looks like being another big year for travelling. As usual my staff and 1 will be very happy to assist you in all your travel requirements in a courteous and professional manner. Best regards. Terry Kessel CONTENTS CHILDREN OF ISRAEL and experience that comes with age, begrudg "> Withthe advantage of accumulated wisdom PEOPLE ing adults oft bemoan "why is youth wasted on the youthT' In the wake of the Rabin assassination, such COVER STORY in adult lamentation is rare. The unique and sponta BUSINESS >0 neous response to the assassination confounded, but touched Israeli adults. With each passing hour, an TIYUL ■>6 army of the young evolved nationwide that hud dled together to cry, to sing as if in prayer, and to ART SCENE light candles. Some youngsters wrote poems, while others, less restrained, scribbled graffiti on public SPECIAL BREED 30 walls and sidewalks. In the days and weeks that NUPTIALS 36 followed, they would join in the public debate over the political rifts and religious cleavages that have N O T I C E B O A R D 40 so ruptured this nation. For our cover story, we assembled nine teenagers, children of former South TELFED TIDINCS.... 4) Africans, to share their thoughts and fears concerning Israel and its future following the assassination. RELICION 46 In our Telfed Tidings section, we interview KEREN TELFED 4R Sidney Shapiro, recently returned from Boston, having attended the largest assembly of Jewish or- CUEST COLUMN ... 50 gani.sations in the world. He relates new insights into the evolving nature of Israel-Diaspora relations. CONDOLENCES 54 Returning to the youth. December wa.s an ex citing month during which Telfed welcomed 130 RECIONAL NEWS.. 56 students from South Africa who had come to par NEW ARRIVALS 59 ticipate in Israel Experience programmes. The Jewish leadership of tomorrow awaits the SPORT 60 youth of today. David Kaplan CLASSIFIED 63 Chairman of the Editorial Committee PRODUCTION ADDRESSES Editor: Becky Rowe South African Zionist Federation (Israel) Editorial Committee Chairman: David Kaplan Beit Clal, 5 Druyanov Street. Tel Aviv 61110 Design and Layout: Becky Ruwe P.O. Box 11556, Tel Aviv 61114 Business Manager: Lena Nulman Telephone: 03-6290131, Fax: (03)6295099 Business Coordinator: Rossie King Regional Offices Editorial Committee: Sharon Bernstein. Haifa: contact 03-6290131 David Couzin, Janlne Gelley, Hilary Kaplan, Beersheva: 07-418697 Mark Kedem, Narda Korakin, Liana Koton, Jerusalem: 02-618135, 02-634822 Jonathan Osrin, Sidney Shapiro, Marcelle Weiss, Ra'anana Merkaz Klita: (Wed. afternoon, call Tel Aviv Debbie Zabow office for an appointment) Cover and Artwork: David Kaplan South Africa Advertising; Lena Nulman 2 Elray Street, Raedene, Johannesburg 2192 Proofreader: Victor Sanua P.O. Box 29203. Sandringham, Jhb 2131 Telephone: 011-4851020 To advertise in Telfed Magazine, phone Lena: (03)6290131 The views and comments expressed in articles in this publication are not necessarily those of the South African Zionist Federation (Israel) or of the Editorial Board. The organisation i.s not responsible for the advertisers and the insertions in this magazine. People dian and an IZL recruiter. "Our mission was to steal five planes and stealthily fly them to Pal estine. After run-ins with the French authorities, we flew to Palestine via Czechoslovakia. Soon after our arrival, independence was declared and we were recruited into the fledgling Israeli air force. I flew hundreds of runs during the War of Independence. We flew Dakotas with no auto matic bomb control so I would hold the bomb in my hands and throw it out the window. I dropped hundreds of bombs, day after day." Looking down from his cockpit, Abie felt distant from the death and devastation below until, "Circumstance had it that I was taken by jeep to Sasa, a village on the Lebanese border which I had bombed the day before. It was horrible; lines of refugees, homeless women and children. The next night, I was assigned a similar bombing run Abie Nathan in the Telfed ojfices discussing his on the northern border. My bombing lights were planned trip to South Africa. broken so I couldn't see what I would be bomb ing, and the image of those ragged refugees plagued ABIE HEADS SOUTH me. I just didn't have it in me to release those bombs. I veered westward and dropped my lethal load into This will not be the first time that Abie Nathan the sea — out of harms way. I wasn't sure what has tried to initiate a project in South Africa. In I would say to my commanding officer, but I needn't 1986, he planned to raise one million dollars from have worried because as soon as I landed my plane, the South African Jewish community to establish I was greeted with the news that a cease-fire had medical clinics for the black community. During been declared." that period he had been calling for the freedom of Nelson Mandela daily on his Voice of Peace PEACEMAKER EXTRAORDINAIRE radio station, and organizing anti-apartheid de Memories of the war distant, the Abie Nathan monstrations in Israel, "so I was not surprised that of the early 60s emerged as a fixture on the Tel they viewed me as a persona non grata and refused Aviv nightlife circuit. Playboy and restaurant owner, to grant me a visa. Now I'm trying to find that Abie led a jetset life with apartments in London, letter, so I can frame it." Now, readily granted Tel Aviv and Paris. Abie's restaurant. The Cali a visa, Abie plans to be in South Africa in the fornia, became a meeting place for politicos, first part of 1996 to establish a medical clinic in entertainers and journalists. Abie would rarely Alexandra Township. He plans to meet with participate in the boisterous exchanges until one members and leaders of the Jewish community. day "I opened my mouth on a particular issue and "My feeling has always been that whenever there one of the journalist regulars drew me aside and is a disaster or a need, the first people to be on said, 'you know what, you're right.'" That evening, the scene should be the Jews. That is why I want Abie, as if back in the cockpit, veered again, now to involve the Jewish community in South Africa was the time for action, not talk. It was May 1967. in the building of this clinic. I want them to say, Abie purchased a plane in London, formerly owned 'we are a part of this.' " by Jordan's King Hussein, and planned to fly to Abie's lifelong romance with Israel began in Egypt on a mission of peace.
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