1. Determine Quorum

2. Approval of Minutes from the following meetings: 5 min* August 16, 2018

3. Public Discussion - Items not on the agenda 5 min

4. Items for Discussion / Action:

a. FAA/IDOT Projects: AECOM / David Hughes 30 min i. Obstruction Mitigation ii. North T-Hangar Restroom iii. Terminal Apron Rehab 1. Consider a resolution authorizing Chair to accept an Iowa DOT grant. b. FBO / Flight Training Reports 15 min i. Jet Air c. Airport "Operations" 20 min i. Management 1. Airport Viewing Area ii. Budget iii. Events

d. Commission Members' Reports 2 min e. Staff Report 2 min

f. Consider a motion to go into executive session, to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where it’s disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.

5. Set next regular meeting for October 18, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.

6. Adjourn Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 2 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 1


Members Present: Minnetta Gardinier, Derek LaBrie, Christopher Lawrence, Robert Libby

Staff Present: Eric Goers, Michael Tharp

Others Present: Matt Wolford, Larry Bell, Carl Byers, David Hughes, Devin Mashek, John Yeomans

RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: (to become effective only after separate Council action):



The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M.


Minutes from the July 19, 2018, meeting were reviewed. LaBrie moved to accept the minutes of the July 19, 2018, meeting, as presented. Gardinier seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.




a. Consider a motion to go into executive session, to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that presently are in litigation or where litigation is imminent where it’s disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. – Libby moved to adjourn to executive session. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 at 6:03 P.M. Gardinier moved to adjourn the executive session and at 6:42 P.M return to open session. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.

b. Gilbert Street Parcel/Bell Lease – Libby stated that in the executive session, the Commission decided that they would like to offer Larry Bell a release from his lease on the Gilbert Street parcel, with a $3,000 buy-out. This would then complete the 10-year lease. Libby moved to approve the offer to Larry Bell to be released from his 10-year lease on the Gilbert Street parcel, with a $3,000 buy-out amount. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 3 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 2

4-0. Bell asked what he needs to do at this point, and Libby stated that he will need to speak with City Attorney Goers to discuss the final steps.

c. Farming Operations i. Farmer’s National Management Agreement – Tharp stated that John Yeomans, the farm manager for Farmer’s National, is present this evening. He gave Members a brief history on the farm management agreement and how the Airport has handled this in the past. Yeomans also spoke to Members, pointing out some of the benefits of this agreement. He also touched on the current status of the agriculture markets. The discussion then turned to rent amounts, with Yeomans stating that in 2017 and 2018 the rent was $30,500. He stated that he believes they should check with the farmer who does the work at the Airport’s fields and see if he is okay with this amount. If not, Yeomans stated that he will have to renegotiate things. Gardinier then asked for more details on just what the farmer does at the Airport. Yeomans responded that the farmer has been doing the cropping, the mowing of drainage ways, and mowing the perimeter of the Airport. With the Commission’s approval, Tharp stated that he will move ahead with the management agreement.

d. FAA/IDOT Projects: AECOM / David Hughes i. Obstruction Mitigation – Hughes addressed the Commission, stating that the EA has been submitted to the FAA and they have given a ‘finding of no significant impact.’ Gardinier asked what the next steps would be. Hughes responded, stating that after property acquisition, the tree removals can begin. 1. Environmental Assessment (EA) – ii. North T-Hangar Restroom – This project is finally coming together, according to Hughes. The contractor is projecting completion within a week. Gardinier commented on the length of time this project has taken and questioned what the contract stipulated.

e. FBO / Flight Training Reports i. Jet Air – Wolford shared his monthly maintenance reports with Members. Highlights included plenty of mowing and weeding. He also noted the new furniture in the Terminal building. Gardinier mentioned an area of the Airport where the weeds have really taken over this season.

Speaking to the flight training side of things, Wolford stated that they will be changing instructors around due to the departure of one of them, as well as another instructor moving into the charter department. Continuing, Wolford stated that the charter business is going well and the second XLS is in the hangar now. He then shared other employee changes within the operation.

f. Airport Operations i. Management – 1. Airport Viewing Area – Tharp stated that he is working with the contractor to button up the last few things. The benches are in now and the area is usable. Still to arrive are the display kiosks. Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 4 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 3

Once everything is completed, there will be some type of grand opening ceremony, according to Tharp. Gardinier asked about the display kiosks and what type of information they will contain. She suggested working with the Children’s Museum on at least one of these. She also suggested working with the Public Library on the grand opening ceremony and perhaps adding a youth component to this. 2. T-Hangar Rates and Lease Renewals – Gardinier and Libby recused themselves from this discussion as they are both hangar tenants. Goers then spoke briefly to the quorum issue at this point, stating that with two Members left, they will need a 2-0 vote to approve this. Tharp gave Members a brief history of T-hangar rates at the Airport, noting that currently they do have a waiting list of approximately 25 people. He stated that when contemplating the rates, he typically polls the within an hour’s drive of Iowa City. He then reviewed some of the various rates within the Airport’s T-hangars and what is included in each of those. Tharp stated that page 26 of the meeting packet lays out the recommended rates for the T-hangars. Lawrence moved to approve the recommended T-hangar rates. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. ii. Budget (including grant applications) – Tharp pointed to page 27 of the meeting packet to begin this discussion. He noted that the first document Members will see is a three-year budget comparison. He also explained the budget subcommittee, which consists of himself, the Chair, and the Secretary. Continuing, Tharp stated that he wanted to speak to some of the past grant applications that have been done, both projects approved and even those that did not receive funding. One of the first projects he mentioned was retrofitting hangar A doors from the chain and pulley system to some type of electric door. The latest grant application was for replacement of the self-serve kiosk so they could be equipped for the chip card readers.

Continuing, Tharp moved to page 37 of the packet. Here Members can see the last five years of the CIP projects. The discussion turned to priorities and things that the Commission would like to see completed first. Parking at the Airport was mentioned as a problem area by Lawrence. He also spoke to the trees leading up to the entrance and how they may need to be replaced. Members then discussed some of these projects and how they should approach getting them completed. One project mentioned was additional storage tanks for fuel, due to the amount of fuel being processed currently. The conversation then turned to long-term parking at the Airport and if this is being enforced or not.

Wolford brought up the need for upgrading and/or addition of snow removal equipment. He stated that when everything is working they can keep up, but if something breaks, the downtime is not good. Tharp spoke to the 10-year replacement fund the City has and how this works. He also spoke to various pieces of equipment that he would like to see them purchase versus rent, due to the amount of times they need such equipment. Tharp added that as they get further into this budget cycle he Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 5 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 4

will have more information on costs for such items. A new web site and installation of solar panels were brought up as possible priority projects. Tharp then spoke to t-shirts that were purchased for the 100th anniversary celebration and whether the Commission would like to start carrying these as merchandise to sell. iii. Events – 1. Optimist Club Pancake Breakfast – Tharp reminded Members that this event takes place August 26th.

g. Commission Members’ Reports – Members spoke to the upcoming pancake breakfast and trips to the Oshkosh event.

h. Staff Report – Tharp noted the upcoming Aviation conference in Kansas City, August 28th through the 30th. He will be taking that Friday off, as well as next Friday the 24th for some Airport Association related business.


The next regular meeting of the Airport Commission will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2018, at 6:00 P.M. in the Airport Terminal Building.


Lawrence moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 P.M. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.


CHAIRPERSON DATE Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 6 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 5

Airport Commission



TERM 07/20/17 08/17/17 10/19/17 11/16/17 12/21/17 01/18/18 01/24/18 02/15/18 02/21/18 03/15/18 04/23/18 05/02/18 06/21/18 07/19/18 08/16/18


Minnetta 07/01/19 O/ O/ O/ Gardinier X X E X E X X X X X X X E X X

Chris Ogren 0630/18 O/ X X X X X X X X E X X X X NM NM

A.Jacob 06/30/18 O O/ O/ O/ O/ O/ O/ O/ O/ Odgaard / X X X E E E E E X E E E E NM NM

Robert 07/01/20 O/ O/ O/ Libby X X E X X E X X X X E O X X X

Christopher 07/01/21 O/ Lawrence X X X E X X X X X X X X X X X

Derek 07/01/22 N N NM NM N NM NM N N N N NM N LaBrie M M M M M M M M X X


X = Present

X/E = Present for Part of Meeting

O = Absent

O/E = Absent/Excused

NM = Not a Member at this time Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 7 of 38 Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 8 of 38

Office of Aviation 800 Lincoln Way l Ames, Iowa 50010 Phone: 515-239-1691 August 22, 2018

Iowa City Airport Commission Robert Libby 1801 S Riverside Dr Iowa City, IA 52246

Dear Robert:

Congratulations! The FY 2019 State Airport Development Program project you requested was approved for funding by the Iowa Transportation Commission on August 14, 2018. The Iowa DOT grant award is for 80% of eligible costs up to a maximum state share of $228800 for the following project: Reconstruct Terminal Apron and Taxiway.

Enclosed are two copies of an agreement between the airport sponsor and the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). The contract execution process is slightly different this year and is outlined in the paragraph below.

Two unexecuted contracts will be send to the sponsor address on file. The sponsor should review and sign both copies, return both to my office. Once received, we will sign and return one fully executed contract to the sponsor. You are authorized to begin your project after receiving the contract with both Iowa DOT and Sponsor signatures in place. You have 90 days to sign the grant and return it to the Iowa DOT for our signature. The 12-month requirement to have the project under contract remains in place. Any contracts not returned within the 90-day window may be cancelled.

Please review the agreement noting your required responsibilities and assurances, required affirmative action, targeted small business and audit requirements. If you will be requesting reimbursement for engineering services, you will need to provide me with a copy of the agreement. The Iowa DOT recommends that your engineering agreements are either lump sum, or cost plus with fixed overhead rate and maximum dollar amount. Any engineering agreement more than $50,000 must have a pre-audit

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completed by the Iowa DOT. All engineering agreements that are paid with state funds are subject to a final audit. Please include state related nondiscrimination and targeted small business clauses in your agreements.

The project must be under obligation within 12 months. Please note that only expenses incurred on or after the Iowa DOT signature date on the agreement are eligible for reimbursement. Submit claims for reimbursement with copies of invoices, canceled checks or other documentation that the bills have been paid. Reimbursement will be in whole dollars, rounding down; however, the final reimbursement request may include any ‘lost cents’ up to the maximum grant amount. Reimbursement requests should be made in the same fiscal year that the work is completed. Reimbursement for work done near the end of a state fiscal year (June 30) must be requested by August 1.

A final acceptance form must be completed and submitted with the final claim for reimbursement. Required forms can be downloaded from the Office of Aviation Web site at

If you have any questions regarding this information, please call me at 515-239-1048. Good luck with your airport project!


Shane Wright, C.M. Program Manager

Enclosures cc: Stuart Anderson - Planning, Programming and Modal Division Director

Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 10 of 38


This AGREEMENT is made between the Iowa Department of Transportation called the “Iowa DOT” and Iowa City Municipal Airport, hereafter the “SPONSOR”.

1.00 PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to set forth terms, conditions and obligations for accomplishment of certain improvements at the Iowa City Airport Commission hereafter the “Airport.”

Improvements shall consist of: Reconstruct Terminal Apron and Taxiway, as more clearly defined in the project application.

It shall be referred to as the “Project” and shall be identified by Project number: 9I190IAC100 Contract number: 20570


2.01 The SPONSOR shall have 90 days to sign and return this agreement or the Iowa DOT reserves the right to revoke this grant.

2.02 The SPONSOR shall have the project under contract no later than 12 months after the date of the agreement or the Iowa DOT reserves the right to revoke this grant.

2.03 The Iowa DOT agrees to reimburse the SPONSOR 80% of the eligible project costs, not to exceed the maximum amount payable of $228800, incurred according to the terms of this agreement. Reimbursement will be made in whole dollar amounts only, rounded down. Final payment request may include documentation of unreimbursed amounts due to rounding, and final reimbursement will be made up to the contract amount in whole dollars.

2.04 All projects meeting the definition of public improvements shall follow the competitive bid and competitive quotation procedures for vertical infrastructure as identified in Chapter 26 of the Code of Iowa and 761 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 180. ( ) x Competitive bid procedures for all projects greater than $139,000. x Competitive quotation procedures for airport authorities and city sponsors with populations greater than 50,000 for projects between $77,000 and $139,000 x Competitive quotation procedures for airport authorities and city sponsors with population of 50,000 or less for projects between $57,000 and $139,000, x Informal local procedures for projects less than the thresholds identified for competitive quotations.

The SPONSOR shall follow requirements of the Iowa Code Section 544A.18, 193B Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 5, Chapter 542B of the Code of Iowa, and 193C Administrative Code Chapter 1 to determine when professional engineering or architectural plans and

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specifications must be used. The SPONSOR shall submit any plans, specifications and other contract documents to the Iowa DOT for its files.

2.05 Should the SPONSOR fail to comply with any Condition or Assurance provided herein, the Iowa DOT may withhold further payment and may require reimbursement of any or all payments made by the Iowa DOT toward accomplishment of the Project.

2.06 The Iowa DOT shall not waive any right of authority by making payments pursuant to this agreement, and such payments shall not constitute approval or acceptance of any part of the Project.

2.07 Neither the Department nor the Sponsor intend to create rights in, and shall not be liable to, any third parties by reason of this agreement.

2.08 If any provision of this agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to applicable law and the intent of this agreement.

2.09 The Iowa DOT shall determine what costs charged to the project account are eligible for participation under the terms of this agreement and the SPONSOR shall bear all additional costs accepted and paid. Only those eligible costs incurred after this agreement is executed shall be reimbursed, unless the SPONSOR receives written notice from the Iowa DOT that the Sponsor has authority to incur costs.

2.10 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement, the Iowa DOT shall have the right to enforce, and may require the SPONSOR to comply with, any and all Conditions and Assurances agreed to herein.

2.11 The Iowa DOT’s obligations hereunder shall cease immediately, without penalty of further payment being required, in any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Iowa fails to make an appropriation or reappropriation to pay such obligations, and the Iowa DOT’s obligations hereunder shall cease immediately without penalty of further payment being required at any time where there are not sufficient authorized funds lawfully available to the Iowa DOT to meet such obligations. The Iowa DOT shall give the SPONSOR notice of such termination of funding as soon as practicable after the Iowa DOT becomes aware of the failure of funding. In the event the Iowa DOT provides such notice, the SPONSOR may terminate this agreement or any part thereof.

2.12 The SPONSOR is the contracting agent and, as such, retains sole responsibility for compliance with local, state and federal laws and regulations related to accomplishment of the Project. The sponsor shall ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 STAT. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d-42 U.S.C. 2000d-4, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the end that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the Iowa DOT.

In accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 216, the SPONSOR shall not discriminate against any

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person on the basis of race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, pregnancy, or disability.

2.13 Funding will be available for reimbursement of the project for three years after the date of the agreement, unless appropriations are withdrawn under 2.10. Assurances in this agreement remain in full force and effect for a period of 20 years from the date of the agreement.

2.14 The SPONSOR agrees to indemnify, defend, and to hold the Iowa DOT harmless from any action or liability out of the design, construction, maintenance and inspection or use of this project. This agreement to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless applies to all aspects of the Iowa DOT’s application review and approval process, plan and construction reviews, and funding participation.

2.15 In the case of any dispute concerning the terms of this agreement, the parties shall submit the matter to arbitration pursuant to the Iowa Code Chapter 679A. Either party has the right to submit the matter to arbitration after 10 days notice to the other party of the intent to seek arbitration. The written notice must include a precise statement of the dispute. The Iowa DOT and the SPONSOR agree to be bound by the decision of the appointed arbitrator. Neither party may seek any remedy with the State or Federal courts absent exhaustion of the provisions of this paragraph for arbitration.

2.16 Infrastructure and/or work products developed through this grant become the property of the SPONSOR and the SPONSOR’s responsibility to maintain.

2.17 The attached Exhibit A, “Utilization of Targeted Small Business (TSB) Enterprises on Non- Federal Aid Projects (Third-Party State Assisted Projects),” will apply and is hereby made a part of this Agreement.


3.01 The SPONSOR Agrees to: (a) Let contracts according to provisions of Chapter 26 of the Iowa Code and preside at all public hearings occasioned by the Project. (b) Contract for all professional and construction services as needed, submitting a copy of any engineering/consultant contract to the Iowa DOT. If the engineering/consultant agreement is more than $50,000 and the sponsor will request state reimbursement for the engineering/consultant services, the agreement must be submitted to the Iowa DOT for pre-audit prior to execution of the agreement. (c) Establish and maintain a project schedule and provide the schedule to the Iowa DOT. (d) Obtain and provide the sales tax exemption certificates through the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance to the successful bidder and any subcontractors to enable them to purchase qualifying materials for the project free of sales tax. (e) Submit to the Iowa DOT a Request for Reimbursement form, copies of invoices, and proof of payment for reimbursement. Progress payments are allowed. (f) Inspect work and equipment, test materials, and control construction to ensure that the design intent of the plans and specifications is achieved. (g) Inform the Iowa DOT of construction completion and allow the Iowa DOT access to review the completed project. (h) Certify satisfactory completion of the Project by resolution or signed final acceptance

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form and provide a copy to the Iowa DOT. (i) Retain all records relating to project cost, including supporting documents, for a period of three (3) years following final payment by the Iowa DOT, and to make such records and documents available to Iowa DOT personnel for audit. (j) Ensure that applicable General Provisions and Project Conditions are included in any agreement between the SPONSOR and Engineer/Consultant.


4.01 None


By authorizing execution of this agreement the SPONSOR hereby certifies that:

5.01 It will not enter into any transaction which would operate to deprive it of any of the rights and powers necessary to perform any or all of the assurances made herein, unless by such transaction the obligation to perform all such covenants are assumed by another public agency found by the Iowa DOT to be eligible under the laws of the State of Iowa to assume such obligations and to have the power, authority, and financial resources to carry out all such obligations. If an arrangement is made for the management or operation of the Airport by any agency or person other than the SPONSOR or an employee of the SPONSOR, the SPONSOR will reserve sufficient rights and authority to insure that the Airport will be operated and maintained in accordance with these assurances. The SPONSOR retains responsibility for compliance with these assurances and all other provisions of this agreement, regardless of any arrangement for management or operation of the airport.

5.02 It will not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests in the site and facilities during the 20-year period of this agreement.

5.03 It will operate and maintain in a safe and serviceable condition the Airport and all facilities thereon and connected therewith which are necessary to service the aeronautical users of the Airport and will not permit any activity thereon which would interfere with its use for airport purposes.

5.04 Insofar as it is within its power and reasonable, the Sponsor will, either by the acquisition and retention of easements or other interests in or rights for the use of land or airspace and by the adoption and enforcement of zoning regulations, prevent the construction, erection, alteration, or growth of any structure, tree, or other object in the approach areas of the runways of the Airport, which would constitute an obstruction to air navigation according to the criteria or standards prescribed in Section 77.23 as applied to Section 77.25, Part 77, of the Federal Aviation Regulations. In addition, the Sponsor will not erect or permit the erection of any permanent structure or facility which would interfere materially with the use, operation, or future development of the Airport, or any portion of a approach area in which the Sponsor has acquired, or hereafter acquires.

5.05 It will operate and maintain the facility in accordance with the minimum standards as may be

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required or prescribed by the Iowa DOT for the maintenance and operation of such facilities as identified in the Iowa Administrative Code 761-Chapter 720.10

5.06 It will operate the Airport as such for the use and benefits of the public. In furtherance of this covenant (but without limiting its general applicability and effect), the SPONSOR specifically agrees that it will keep the Airport open to all types, kinds, and classes of aeronautical use on fair and reasonable terms without unlawful discrimination between such types, kinds, and classes. The SPONSOR may establish such fair, equal, and not unjustly discriminatory conditions to be met by all users of the Airport as may be necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the airport. The SPONSOR may also prohibit or limit any given type, kind, or class of aeronautical use of the Airport if such action is necessary for the safe operation of the Airport or necessary to serve the civil aviation need of the public. It will operate the Airport on fair and reasonable terms, and without unjust discrimination.

5.07 The SPONSOR will keep up-to-date and provide to the Iowa DOT an airport layout plan. The SPONSOR will not make or permit the making of any changes or alterations in the Airport or any of its facilities other than in conformity with the airport layout plan, if such changes or alterations might adversely affect the safety, utility, or efficiency of the Airport.

6.00 EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT. By resolution made a part of this agreement the SPONSOR authorized the undersigned to execute this agreement.

Signed this ______day of ______, ______, on behalf of the SPONSOR.

By: ______Attested: ______

Title: ______Title: ______

Signed this day of , , on behalf of the Iowa Department of Transportation.

By: ______Stuart Anderson Director Planning, Programming and Modal Division

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Exhibit A


Targeted Small Business (TSB) Affirmative Action Responsibilities on Non-Federal Aid Projects (Third-Party State-Assisted Projects)

May 2017

May 2017 Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 16 of 38 CONTRACT PROVISION

Targeted Small Business (TSB) Affirmative Action Responsibilities on Non-Federal-aid Projects (Third-party State-Assisted Projects)


A TSB is a small business, as defined by Iowa Code Section 15.102(10), which is 51% or more owned, operated and actively managed by one or more women, minority persons, service-disabled veterans or persons with a disability provided the business meets all of the following requirements: is located in this state, is operated for profit and has an annual gross income of less than 4 million dollars computed as an average of the three preceding fiscal years.


In all State-assisted projects made available through the Iowa Department of Transportation, local governments have certain affirmative action requirements to encourage and increase participation of disadvantaged individuals in business enterprises. These requirements are based on Iowa Code Section 19B.7. These requirements supersede all existing TSB regulations, orders, circulars and administrative requirements.


Available from: Iowa Economic Development Authority Targeted Small Business Certification Program 200 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50309 Phone: 515-725-3132 Website:


The contractor is expected to promote participation of disadvantaged business enterprises as suppliers, manufactures and subcontractors through a continuous, positive, result-oriented program. Therefore, the contractor's TSB policy shall be:

It is the policy of this firm that Targeted Small Business (TSB) concerns shall have the maximum practical opportunity to participate in contracts funded with State-assisted funds which are administered by this firm (e.g. suppliers, manufactures and subcontractors). The purpose of our policy is to encourage and increase the TSB participation in contracting opportunities made available by State-assisted programs.


The contractor shall designate a responsible person to serve as TSB officer to fulfill the contractors affirmative action responsibilities. This person shall have the necessary statistics, funding, authority and responsibility to carry out and enforce the firm's EEO policy. The EEO officer shall be responsible for developing, managing and implementing the program on a day-to-day basis. The officer shall also:

A. For current TSB information, contact the Iowa Economic Development Authority (515-725-3132) to identify potential material suppliers, manufactures and contractors.

B. Make every reasonable effort to involve TSBs by soliciting quotations from them and incorporating them into the firm's bid.

C. Make every reasonable effort to establish systematic written and verbal contact with those TSBs having the materials or expertise to perform the work to be subcontracted, at least two weeks prior to the time quotations are to be submitted. Maintain complete records of negotiation efforts.

D. Provide or arrange for assistance to TSBs in seeking bonding, analyzing plans/specifications or other actions that can be viewed as technical assistance.

Page 1

TSB Affirmative Action Responsibilities Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 17 of 38 A. Ensure the scheduled progress payments are made to TSBs as agreed in subcontract agreements.

B. Require all subcontractors and material suppliers to comply with all contract equal opportunity and affirmative action provisions.


TSBs are to assume actual and contractual responsibilities for provision of materials/supplies, subcontracted work or other commercially useful function.

A. The bidder may count:

(1) Planned expenditures for materials/supplies to be obtained from TSB suppliers and manufacturers; or (2) Work to be subcontracted to a TSB; or (3) Any other commercially useful function.

B. The contractor may count:

(1) 100% of an expenditure to a TSB manufacturer that produces/supplies goods manufactured from raw materials. (2) 60% of an expenditure to TSB suppliers that are not manufacturers; provided the suppliers perform a commercially useful function in the supply process. (3) Only those expenditures to TSBs that perform a commercially useful function in the work of a contract, including those as a subcontractor. (4) Work the Contracting Authority has determined that it involves a commercially useful function. The TSB must have a necessary and useful role in the transaction of a kind for which there is a market outside the context of the TSB program. For example, leasing equipment or purchasing materials from the prime contractor would not count.


A. Bidders

Bidders who fail to demonstrate reasonable positive efforts may be declared ineligible to be awarded the contract. Bidders shall complete the bidding documents plus a separate form called "TSB Pre-Bid Contact Information". This form includes: (1) Name(s) of the TSB(s) contacted regarding subcontractable items. (2) Date of the contract. (3) Whether or not a TSB bid/quotation was received. (4) Whether or not the TSB's bid/quotation was used. (5) The dollar amount proposed to be subcontracted.

B. Contractors Using Quotes From TSBs

Use those TSBs whose quotes are listed in the "Quotation Used in Bid" column along with a "yes" indicated on the Pre-bid Contact Information form.

Page 2 Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 18 of 38

A. Contractors NOT Using Quotes From TSBs

If there are no TSBs listed on the Pre-bid Contract Information form, then the contractor shall document all efforts made to include TSB participation in this project by documenting the following:

(1) What pre-solicitation or pre-bid meetings scheduled by the contracting authority were attended? (2) Which general news circulation, trade associations and/or minority-focused media were advertised concerning the subcontracting opportunities? (3) Were written notices sent to TSBs that TSBs were being solicited and was sufficient time allowed for the TSBs to participate effectively? (4) Were initial solicitations of interested TSBs followed up? (5) Were TSBs provided with adequate information about the plans, specifications and requirements of the contract? (6) Were interested TSBs negotiated with in good faith? If a TSB was rejected as unqualified, was the decision based on an investigation of their capabilities? (7) Were interested TSBs assisted in obtaining bonding, lines of credit or insurance required by the contractor? (8) Were services used of minority community organization, minority contractors’ groups; local, State and Federal minority business assistance offices or any other organization providing such assistance.

The above documentation shall remain in the contractor's files for a period of three (3) years after the completion of the project and be available for examination by the IowaEconomic Development Authority.


Contractors are also required to make positive efforts in utilizing TSBs on all State-assisted projects which are not assigned goals. Form "TSB Pre-bid Contact Information" is required to be submitted with bids on all projects. If there is no TSB participation, then the contractor shall comply with section 7C. of this document prior to the contract award.

Page 3

Form 730007WP 7-97

Contractor ______Page#______


City ______(To Be Completed By All Bidders per the Current Contract Provision)

In order for your bid to be considered responsive, you are required to provide information on this form showing your Targeted Small Business contacts made with your bid submission. This information is subject to verification and confirmation.

In the event it is determined that the Targeted Small Business goals are not met, then before awarding the contract, the Contracting Authority will make a determination as to whether or not the apparent successful low bidder made good faith efforts to meet the goals.


NOTE: Every effort shall be made to solicit quotes or bids on as many subcontractable items as necessary to achieve the established goals. If a TSB's quote is used in Meeting the bid, it is assumed that the firm listed will be used as a subcontractor. Commission









Total dollar amount proposed to be subcontracted to TSB on this project $______. List items by name to be subcontracted: Page 4 Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 20 of 38 UTILIZATION OF TARGETED SMALL BUSINESS (TSB) ENTERPRISES ON NON-FEDERAL AID PROJECTS (THIRD-PARTY STATE-ASSISTED PROJECTS)

In accordance with Iowa Code Section 19B.7, it is the policy of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) that Targeted Small Business (TSB) enterprises shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or part with State funds.

Under this policy the Recipient shall be responsible to make a positive effort to solicit bids or proposals from TSB firms and to utilize TSB firms as contractors or consultants. The Recipient shall also ensure that the contractors or consultants make positive efforts to utilize TSB firms as subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers, or participants in the work covered by this agreement.

The Recipient’s “positive efforts” shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Obtaining the names of qualified TSB firms from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (515-725-3132) or from its website at:

2. Notifying qualified TSB firms of proposed projects involving State funding. Notification should be made in sufficient time to allow the TSB firms to participate effectively in the bidding or request for proposal (RFP) process.

3. Soliciting bids or proposals from qualified TSB firms on each project, and identifying for TSB firms the availability of subcontract work.

4. Considering establishment of a percentage goal for TSB participation in each contract that is a part of this project and for which State funds will be used. Contract goals may vary depending on the type of project, the subcontracting opportunities available, the type of service or supplies needed for the project, and the availability of qualified TSB firms in the area.

5. For construction contracts:

a) Including in the bid proposals a contract provision titled “TSB Affirmative Action Responsibilities on Non-Federal Aid Projects (Third-Party State-Assisted Projects)” or a similar document developed by the Recipient. This contract provision is available on-line at:

b) Ensuring that the awarded contractor has and shall follow the contract provisions.

6. For consultant contracts:

a) Identifying the TSB goal in the Request for Proposal (RFP), if one has been set.

b) Ensuring that the selected consultant made a positive effort to meet the established TSB goal, if any. This should include obtaining documentation from the consultant that includes a list of TSB firms contacted; a list of TSB firms that responded with a subcontract proposal; and, if the consultant does not propose to use a TSB firm that submitted a subcontract proposal, an explanation why such a TSB firm will not be used.

The Recipient shall provide the Iowa DOT the following documentation:

1. Copies of correspondence and replies, and written notes of personal and/or telephone contacts with any TSB firms. Such documentation can be used to demonstrate the Recipient’s positive efforts and it should be placed in the general project file.

2. Bidding proposals or RFPs noting established TSB goals, if any.

3. The attached “Checklist and Certification.” This form shall be filled out upon completion of each project and forwarded to: Iowa Department of Transportation, Civil Rights Coordinator, Office of Employee Services, 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50010.

Page 5

Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 21 of 38 CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION For the Utilization of Targeted Small Businesses (TSB) On Non-Federal-aid Projects (Third-Party State-Assisted Projects)

Recipient: ______Project Number: ______

County: ______Agreement Number: ______

1. Were the names of qualified TSB firms obtained from the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals? YES NO

If no, explain ______

2. Were qualified TSB firms notified of project? YES NO

If yes, by letter, telephone, personal contact, or other (specify) ______

If no, explain ______

3. Were bids or proposals solicited from qualified TSB firms? YES NO

If no, explain______

4. Was a goal or percentage established for TSB participation? YES NO

If yes, what was the goal or percentage? ______

If no, explain why not: ______

5. Did the prime contractor or consultant use positive efforts to utilize TSB firms on subcontracts? YES NO

If no, what action was taken by Recipient? ______

Is documentation in files? YES NO

6. What was the dollar amount reimbursed to the Recipient from the Iowa Department of Transportation? $______What was the final project cost? $______What was the dollar amount performed by TSB firms? $______

Name(s) and address(es) of the TSB firm(s)______(Use additional sheets if necessary)

Was the goal or percentage achieved? YES NO

If no, explain ______

As the duly authorized representative of the Recipient, I hereby certify that the Recipient used positive efforts to utilize TSB firms as participants in the State-assisted contracts associated with this project.



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FY 2019 State Aviation Program Airport Improvement Program 4,616,091

Aviation Safety 521,314 AWOS maintenance and data link, runway marking, immediate safety enhancements, obstruction mitigation, wildlife mitigation, windsocks, education and outreach

Aviation planning and development 4,094,777 Airport development projects, air service development, statewide planning and research

Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure 1,500,000 General Aviation Vertical Infrastructure 731,990 Total Aviation Program $6,848,081

Airport Development projects Total Project State Airport Project Cost Amount

Algona Municipal Airport 3 Stall Hangar Approach Paving 57,000 42,750

Ankeny Regional Airport South Apron Access Road and Utilities ‐ Phase 1 520,000 225,000

Boone Municipal Airport Construct Apron for 8 Unit T‐Hangar 172,104 146,288

Carroll ‐ Arthur N Neu Airport Entrance Sign and Landscaping 20,000 10,000

Creston Municipal Airport Install Wind Cone 50,000 42,500

Des Moines International Airport South Quadrant FBO Site Development Phase 2 982,000 392,800

Des Moines International Airport Taxilane Repair 308,769 154,384

Estherville Municipal Airport Repaint Beacon Tower 9,450 5,670 Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 24 of 38

Airport Development projects (continued) Total Project State Airport Project Cost Amount

Fairfield Municipal Airport Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation ‐ Phase 2 195,000 165,750

Fort Dodge Regional Airport Install Subdrain System for T‐Hangar 40,000 34,000

Iowa City Municipal Airport Reconstruct Terminal Apron and Taxiway 249,900 228,800

Mason City Municipal Airport Construct Taxilane 310,000 217,000

Northeast Iowa Regional Airport Replace Airport Beacon 50,000 40,000

Ottumwa Regional Airport Apron Reconstruction 335,500 285,175

Perry Municipal Airport Apron for 100x100 Hangar 73,200 62,220

Red Oak Municipal Airport Fuel System Upgrade 42,000 31,500

Sioux County Regional Airport Terminal Area Paving & Vehicle Parking 500,000 425,000

Sioux Gateway Airport Rehabilitate North GA Ramp Taxilane 525,000 367,500

Sioux Gateway Airport North GA Ramp Pavement Island 580,000 425,000

Southeast Iowa Regional Airport Reconstruct T‐Hangar Taxilane ‐ Phase 1 108,740 91,340

The Eastern Iowa Airport Replace 14 Thermoplastic Surface Hold Signs 146,000 124,100 Total $5,274,663 $3,516,777 Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 25 of 38

General Aviation Vertical Infrastructure projects Total Project State Airport Project Cost Amount 3 Stall Hangar Extension 282,000 149,460 Construct 8 Unit T‐Hangar 480,250 150,000 Cherokee County Regional Airport Paint and Repair Hangars 75,000 37,500 Estherville Municipal Airport Hangar Paint and Roof Repairs 24,800 14,880 Perry Municipal Airport Construct 100x100 Hangar 656,500 150,000 Red Oak Municipal Airport Rehabilitate Hangar Doors 65,000 48,750 Sioux County Regional Airport Construct 100x100 Hangar 600,000 150,000 Spencer Municipal Airport Rehabilitate Hanger Bi‐fold Doors 20,500 16,400 Webster City Municipal Airport Terminal Building and Hangar Repairs 30,000 15,000 Total $2,234,050 $731,990

Commercial Service Vertical Infrastructure projects Total Project Allocated Airport Project Cost State Share

Des Moines International Airport South Quadrant FBO Site Development Phase 1 995,000 593,616 Relocate Airfield Infrastructure and GA Terminal Renovations 105,815 105,815 Renovate Maintance Facility, Hangars and AFSS Fort Dodge Regional Airport Building 96,061 96,061

Mason City Municipal Airport Boiler Replacement 170,000 96,208

Sioux Gateway Airport Hangar Repair 105,330 105,330

Southeast Iowa Regional Airport Terminal Upgrades 96,002 96,002

The Eastern Iowa Airport Install Overhead Roadway Signs 322,000 304,613

Waterloo Regional Airport Hangar and Terminal Improvements 102,354 102,354 Total $1,992,562 $1,500,000

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09/17/2018 11:08 |CITY OF IOWA CITY |P 1 mtharp |INVOICE LIST BY GL ACCOUNT |apinvgla


76850110 Airport Operations 7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-436050 Registration 090102 PAYPAL 248022 0 2019 2 INV P 275.00 pcard P-Card invoice for


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-438030 Electricity 010319 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY 20180822124702 0 2019 2 INV P 1,669.47 082418 7438 MidAmBilling 082220


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-438070 Heating Fuel/Gas 010319 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY 20180822124702 0 2019 2 INV P 41.27 082418 7438 MidAmBilling 082220


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-438100 Refuse Collection Charges 010507 JOHNSON COUNTY REFUS 109576 0 2019 2 INV P 165.00 082418 208163 Refuse & Recycling 010507 JOHNSON COUNTY REFUS 109580 0 2019 2 INV P 30.00 082418 208163 Refuse & Recycling ______195.00


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-438110- Local Phone Service 011937 AUREON COMMUNICATION 0789004025.2018.08 0 2019 2 INV P 85.80 082418 208100 Basic Phone Service


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-442010 Other Building R&M Services 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003427 0 2019 2 INV P 600.00 082418 208158 Cleaning/Janitorial

013610 STANDARD PEST CONTRO 36006 0 2019 2 INV P 30.00 083118 208823 Pest Control Servic


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-442060 Electrical & Plumbing R&M Srvc 010564 LYNCH'S PLUMBING INC 24829 0 2019 2 INV P 174.70 082418 208171 Repairs to Water pi


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-443080 Other Equipment R&M Services 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003425 0 2019 2 INV P 645.00 082418 208158 Maintenance Reimbur


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-445030 Nursery Srvc-Lawn & Plant Care 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003425 0 2019 2 INV P 550.03 082418 208158 Maintenance Reimbur 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003426 0 2019 2 INV P 5,500.00 082418 208158 Maintenance/Grounds ______6,050.03

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7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-445110 Testing Services 010647 CENTRAL PETROLEUM EQ 40208 0 2019 2 INV P 300.75 082418 7407 Annual Line/Leak te


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-449055 Permitting Fees 010243 IOWA DEPART OF NATUR IA-329-226-2018 0 2019 2 INV P 700.00 081718 207685 Stormwater Discharg


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-461050- Other Agriculture Materials 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003425 0 2019 2 INV P 59.43 082418 208158 Maintenance Reimbur


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-466070 Other Maintenance Supplies 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003425 0 2019 2 INV P 7.75 082418 208158 Maintenance Reimbur


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-467020 Equipment R&M Supplies 010856 JET AIR INC IOW IVI-18-003425 0 2019 2 INV P 56.04 082418 208158 Maintenance Reimbur


7600-70-70-850-850100-850110-000-0000-469190 Minor Equipment 014113 STOREY KENWORTHY COR 84168 0 2019 2 INV P 7,154.16 082418 208229 Furniture


ORG 76850110 TOTAL 18,044.40

======FUND 7600 Airport TOTAL: 18,044.40 ======

** END OF REPORT - Generated by Michael Tharp **

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09/17/2018 11:41 |CITY OF IOWA CITY |P 1 mtharp |YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT |glytdbud

FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 Airport Operations ______

76850110 381100 Interest on Invest 0 0 0 2,022.90 .00 -2,022.90 100.0%*

76850110 382100 Land Rental -50,000 0 -50,000 -10,312.78 .00 -39,687.22 20.6%*

2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -325.00 REF LAND RENT 2019/02/080829 08/07/2018 CRP -368.75 REF 2068573 ARMED FORCES RESERVE LEASE PAYMENT

76850110 382200 Building/Room Rent -275,000 0 -275,000 -44,847.50 .00 -230,152.50 16.3%*

2019/02/080035 08/01/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #19 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #7 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #16 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #24 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #19 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #47 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR RENT #15 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #20 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #10 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -217.00 REF HANGAR #46 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF Hangar Rent #41 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #11 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF Hangar #2 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -358.00 REF HANGAR #33 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -110.00 REF Office Rent (Bldg G) 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #5 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -210.00 REF HANGAR #57 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #38 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #27 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -332.00 REF HANGAR #56 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #8 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -4,606.00 REF D, E, F, H 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -500.00 REF Hangar M 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #1 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -185.00 REF HANGAR #59 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -185.00 REF HANGAR #60 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -650.00 REF HANGAR #72 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #51 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #13 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #42 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -4,392.00 REF HANGAR #35 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -652.00 REF HANGAR #32 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #9

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 382200 Building/Room Rent 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -310.00 REF HANGAR #34 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #53 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #18 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #14 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #40 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -210.00 REF HANGAR #58 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -243.00 REF HANGAR #61 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -217.00 REF HANGAR #55 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -650.00 REF HANGAR #71 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -185.00 REF HANGAR #63 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #49 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #36 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #37 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -217.00 REF HANGAR #45 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #25 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #44 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #50 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #28 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #17 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -144.00 REF HANGAR #6 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #30 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #22 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -185.00 REF HANGAR #62 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #43 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #23 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HARNGAR #21 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -204.00 REF HANGAR #64 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -404.00 REF HANGAR #31 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -89.50 REF HANGAR #48 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -89.50 REF HANGAR #48 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #39 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #12 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -100.00 REF OFFICE SPACE RENT 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #26 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -151.00 REF HANGAR #29 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #54 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -179.00 REF HANGAR #52 2019/02/080620 08/20/2018 GBI -75.50 REF HANGAR #16 (HALF AUG 18)

76850110 384900 Other Commissions -36,500 0 -36,500 -7,818.30 .00 -28,681.70 21.4%*

2019/02/080543 08/17/2018 CRP -3,892.40 REF 2069599 EASTERN AVIATION FUE OTHER

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 393120 General Levy -100,000 0 -100,000 -16,666.70 .00 -83,333.30 16.7%*

2019/02/080330 08/31/2018 GEN -8,333.33 REF REJE#2 Ptax from Gen Fund

76850110 411000 Perm Full Time 60,965 0 60,965 9,379.20 .00 51,585.80 15.4%

2019/02/080095 08/03/2018 PRJ 2,344.80 REF 072818 WARRANT=072818 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 2,344.80 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/081050 08/31/2018 PRJ 2,344.80 REF 082518 WARRANT=082518 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 413000 Temporary Employee 700 0 700 276.00 .00 424.00 39.4%

2019/02/080095 08/03/2018 PRJ 112.00 REF 072818 WARRANT=072818 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 68.00 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/081050 08/31/2018 PRJ 60.00 REF 082518 WARRANT=082518 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 414500 Longevity Pay 500 0 500 .00 .00 500.00 .0%

76850110 421100 Health Insurance 5,394 0 5,394 903.96 .00 4,490.04 16.8%

2019/02/080095 08/03/2018 PRJ 225.99 REF 072818 WARRANT=072818 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 225.99 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 421200 Dental Insurance 415 0 415 64.60 .00 350.40 15.6%

2019/02/080095 08/03/2018 PRJ 16.15 REF 072818 WARRANT=072818 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 16.15 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 421300 Life Insurance 151 0 151 22.82 .00 128.18 15.1%

2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 11.41 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 421400 Disability Insuran 263 0 263 37.10 .00 225.90 14.1%

2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 18.55 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 422100 FICA 4,704 0 4,704 731.88 .00 3,971.67 15.6%

2019/02/080095 08/03/2018 PRJ 185.67 REF 072818 WARRANT=072818 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 182.35 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/081050 08/31/2018 PRJ 183.97 REF 082518 WARRANT=082518 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 423100 IPERS 5,869 0 5,869 911.45 .00 4,957.11 15.5%

2019/02/080095 08/03/2018 PRJ 231.92 REF 072818 WARRANT=072818 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/080623 08/17/2018 PRJ 227.77 REF 081118 WARRANT=081118 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY 2019/02/081050 08/31/2018 PRJ 227.01 REF 082518 WARRANT=082518 RUN=1 BIWEEKLY

76850110 432020 Annual Audit 669 0 669 .00 .00 669.00 .0%

76850110 436030 Transportation 1,000 0 1,000 .00 .00 1,000.00 .0%

76850110 436050 Registration 1,000 0 1,000 275.00 .00 725.00 27.5%

2019/02/081079 08/21/2018 API 275.00 VND 090102 VCH PAYPAL P-Card invoice for statement c

76850110 436060 Lodging 500 0 500 .00 .00 500.00 .0%

76850110 436080 Meals 200 0 200 .00 .00 200.00 .0%

76850110 437010 Comp Liability Ins 4,400 0 4,400 1,460.00 .00 2,940.00 33.2%

76850110 437020 Fire & Casualty In 12,612 0 12,612 .00 .00 12,612.00 .0%

76850110 437030 Worker's Comp Insu 190 0 190 .00 .00 190.00 .0%

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 437041 Bonding & Other In 870 0 870 .00 .00 870.00 .0%

76850110 437200 Loss Reserve Payme 5,000 0 5,000 .00 .00 5,000.00 .0%

76850110 438010 Stormwater Utility 19,302 0 19,302 3,155.44 .00 16,146.56 16.3%

2019/02/080405 08/15/2018 UBB 1,577.72 REF 180815 C -180815 4200 UB AR GEN

76850110 438030 Electricity 18,663 0 18,663 1,945.78 .00 16,717.22 10.4%

2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 423.48 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438 2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 24.44 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438 2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 1,075.01 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438 2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 134.71 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438 2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 11.83 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438

76850110 438050 Landfill Use 156 0 156 36.00 .00 120.00 23.1%

76850110 438070 Heating Fuel/Gas 2,755 0 2,755 47.22 .00 2,707.78 1.7%

2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 13.45 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438 2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 13.45 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438 2019/02/080716 08/22/2018 API 14.37 VND 010319 VCH MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmBilling 08222018 7438

76850110 438080 Sewer Utility Char 2,059 0 2,059 334.07 .00 1,724.93 16.2%

2019/02/080405 08/15/2018 UBB 204.74 REF 180815 C -180815 2000 UB AR GEN

76850110 438090 Water Utility Char 2,231 0 2,231 404.10 .00 1,826.90 18.1%

2019/02/080405 08/15/2018 UBB 249.67 REF 180815 C -180815 1000 UB AR GEN

76850110 438100 Refuse Collection 2,386 0 2,386 390.00 .00 1,996.00 16.3%

2019/02/080603 08/15/2018 API 165.00 VND 010507 VCH JOHNSON COUNTY REFUS Refuse & Recycling Pickup & Di 208163 2019/02/080603 08/15/2018 API 30.00 VND 010507 VCH JOHNSON COUNTY REFUS Refuse & Recycling Pickup & Di 208163

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09/17/2018 11:41 |CITY OF IOWA CITY |P 6 mtharp |YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT |glytdbud

FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 438110 Local Phone Servic 1,049 0 1,049 171.60 .00 877.40 16.4%

2019/02/080604 08/15/2018 API 85.80 VND 011937 VCH AUREON COMMUNICATION Basic Phone Services 208100

76850110 438120 Long Distance Serv 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0%

76850110 442010 Other Building R&M 13,000 0 13,000 1,230.00 .00 11,770.00 9.5%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 600.00 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Cleaning/Janitorial Services 208158 2019/02/080914 08/24/2018 API 30.00 VND 013610 VCH STANDARD PEST CONTRO Pest Control Services 208823

76850110 442020 Structure R&M Serv 2,843 0 2,843 .00 .00 2,843.00 .0%

76850110 442030 Heating & Cooling 6,000 0 6,000 .00 .00 6,000.00 .0%

76850110 442060 Electrical & Plumb 3,000 0 3,000 174.70 .00 2,825.30 5.8%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 174.70 VND 010564 VCH LYNCH'S PLUMBING INC Repairs to Water piping - Term 208171

76850110 443080 Other Equipment R& 5,000 0 5,000 645.00 .00 4,355.00 12.9%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 645.00 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Maintenance Reimbursement 208158

76850110 445030 Nursery Srvc-Lawn 45,575 0 45,575 11,550.03 .00 34,024.97 25.3%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 5,500.00 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Maintenance/Groundskeeping ser 208158 2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 550.03 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Maintenance Reimbursement 208158

76850110 445080 Snow and Ice Remov 24,245 0 24,245 .00 .00 24,245.00 .0%

76850110 445110 Testing Services 1,200 0 1,200 300.75 .00 899.25 25.1%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 300.75 VND 010647 VCH CENTRAL PETROLEUM EQ Annual Line/Leak test 7407

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 445230 Other Operating Se 269 0 269 273.00 .00 -4.00 101.5%*

76850110 446100 City Attorney Char 6,682 0 6,682 1,171.70 .00 5,510.30 17.5%

2019/02/080330 08/31/2018 GEN 585.83 REF REJE#2 Airport to Attorney

76850110 446120 ITS-Server/Storage 538 0 538 81.68 .00 456.32 15.2%

2019/02/081055 08/31/2018 GNI 35.93 REF AO Storage of files AIR 2019/02/081056 08/31/2018 GNI 4.82 REF AO Storage of Email

76850110 446130 ITS-PC/Peripheral/ 11,975 0 11,975 2,353.20 .00 9,621.80 19.7%

2019/02/081060 08/31/2018 GNI 1,176.60 REF AO AUG ITS Repl Chgbk

76850110 446160 ITS-Infrastucture 8,761 0 8,761 .00 .00 8,761.00 .0%

76850110 446190 ITS-Software SAAS 216 0 216 37.00 .00 179.00 17.1%

2019/02/081057 08/31/2018 GNI 18.50 REF AO Office software

76850110 446300 Phone Equipment/Li 1,371 0 1,371 229.70 .00 1,141.30 16.8%

2019/02/081061 08/31/2018 GNI 2.00 REF AO CH AUG LONG DISTANCE CHARGES 2019/02/081067 08/31/2018 GNI 112.50 REF AO CH AUG PHONE ASSET CHARGE

76850110 446320 Mail Chargeback 172 0 172 2.12 .00 169.88 1.2%

2019/02/080878 08/01/2018 GNI 2.12 REF AO JUL Mail Charges

76850110 446350 City Vehicle Repla 27,000 0 27,000 4,082.10 .00 22,917.90 15.1%

2019/02/081092 08/31/2018 GNI 2,041.05 REF TLA AUG REPLACEMENT COST

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 446370 Fuel Chargeback 3,124 0 3,124 647.92 .00 2,476.08 20.7%

2019/02/081092 08/31/2018 GNI 288.81 REF TLA AUG DIVISION FUEL

76850110 446380 Vehicle R&M Charge 20,000 0 20,000 1,960.10 .00 18,039.90 9.8%

2019/02/081092 08/31/2018 GNI 481.29 REF TLA AUG DIVISION SERVICE

76850110 449055 Permitting Fees 1,200 0 1,200 700.00 .00 500.00 58.3%

2019/02/080410 08/01/2018 API 700.00 VND 010243 VCH IOWA DEPART OF NATUR Stormwater Discharge Permit No 207685

76850110 449060 Dues & Memberships 1,225 0 1,225 .00 .00 1,225.00 .0%

76850110 449120 Equipment Rental 297 0 297 309.75 .00 -12.75 104.3%*

76850110 452010 Office Supplies 328 0 328 .00 .00 328.00 .0%

76850110 454020 Subscriptions 254 0 254 .00 .00 254.00 .0%

76850110 461050 Other Agriculture 392 0 392 59.43 .00 332.57 15.2%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 59.43 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Maintenance Reimbursement 208158

76850110 466070 Other Maintenance 3,007 0 3,007 7.75 .00 2,999.25 .3%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 7.75 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Maintenance Reimbursement 208158

76850110 467020 Equipment R&M Supp 1,667 0 1,667 56.04 .00 1,610.96 3.4%

2019/02/080614 08/14/2018 API 56.04 VND 010856 VCH JET AIR INC IOW Maintenance Reimbursement 208158

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 467160 Other Vehicle R&M 200 0 200 .00 .00 200.00 .0%

76850110 468030 Asphalt 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0%

76850110 468050 Sand 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0%

76850110 469040 Traffic Cntrl Impr 1,200 0 1,200 .00 .00 1,200.00 .0%

76850110 469190 Minor Equipment 1,500 0 1,500 7,154.16 .00 -5,654.16 476.9%*

2019/02/080603 08/15/2018 API 7,154.16 VND 014113 VCH STOREY KENWORTHY COR Furniture 208229

76850110 469200 Tools 250 0 250 .00 .00 250.00 .0%

76850110 469210 First Aid/Safety S 516 0 516 .00 .00 516.00 .0%

76850110 469360 Food and Beverages 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .0%

2019/02/081106 08/31/2018 GEN 52.97 REF AO Void JE 70941 s/b project 652

76850110 475010 Furniture & Office 10,000 0 10,000 .00 .00 10,000.00 .0%

652 100 Year Anniversary Celebration ______

76850110 363910 652 Misc Sale of Me 0 0 0 -415.00 .00 415.00 100.0%

2019/02/080252 08/09/2018 CRP -275.00 REF 2056215 AIRPORT OTHER

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


76850110 469360 652 Food and Bevera 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .0%

2019/02/081106 08/31/2018 GEN -52.97 REF AO Food purchased for IOW100 vol

TOTAL Airport Operations -104,191 0 -104,191 -24,465.03 .00 -79,725.86 23.5%

TOTAL Airport -104,191 0 -104,191 -24,465.03 .00 -79,725.86 23.5%

TOTAL REVENUES -461,500 0 -461,500 -78,037.38 .00 -383,462.62 TOTAL EXPENSES 357,309 0 357,309 53,572.35 .00 303,736.76

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FOR 2019 02 JOURNAL DETAIL 2019 2 TO 2019 2


GRAND TOTAL -104,191 0 -104,191 -24,465.03 .00 -79,725.86 23.5%

** END OF REPORT - Generated by Michael Tharp **