IOWA CITY AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING 1801 S. RIVERSIDE DRIVE IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 – 4:00 P.M. 1. Determine Quorum 2. Approval of Minutes from the following meetings: 5 min* August 16, 2018 3. Public Discussion - Items not on the agenda 5 min 4. Items for Discussion / Action: a. FAA/IDOT Projects: AECOM / David Hughes 30 min i. Obstruction Mitigation ii. North T-Hangar Restroom iii. Terminal Apron Rehab 1. Consider a resolution authorizing Chair to accept an Iowa DOT grant. b. FBO / Flight Training Reports 15 min i. Jet Air c. Airport "Operations" 20 min i. Management 1. Airport Viewing Area ii. Budget iii. Events d. Commission Members' Reports 2 min e. Staff Report 2 min f. Consider a motion to go into executive session, to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where it’s disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. 5. Set next regular meeting for October 18, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. 6. Adjourn Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 2 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 1 MINUTES DRAFT IOWA CITY AIRPORT COMMISSION AUGUST 16, 2018 – 6:00 P.M. AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING Members Present: Minnetta Gardinier, Derek LaBrie, Christopher Lawrence, Robert Libby Staff Present: Eric Goers, Michael Tharp Others Present: Matt Wolford, Larry Bell, Carl Byers, David Hughes, Devin Mashek, John Yeomans RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: (to become effective only after separate Council action): None. DETERMINE QUORUM: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the July 19, 2018, meeting were reviewed. LaBrie moved to accept the minutes of the July 19, 2018, meeting, as presented. Gardinier seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC DISCUSSION: None. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/ACTION: a. Consider a motion to go into executive session, to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that presently are in litigation or where litigation is imminent where it’s disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. – Libby moved to adjourn to executive session. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0 at 6:03 P.M. Gardinier moved to adjourn the executive session and at 6:42 P.M return to open session. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. b. Gilbert Street Parcel/Bell Lease – Libby stated that in the executive session, the Commission decided that they would like to offer Larry Bell a release from his lease on the Gilbert Street parcel, with a $3,000 buy-out. This would then complete the 10-year lease. Libby moved to approve the offer to Larry Bell to be released from his 10-year lease on the Gilbert Street parcel, with a $3,000 buy-out amount. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 3 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 2 4-0. Bell asked what he needs to do at this point, and Libby stated that he will need to speak with City Attorney Goers to discuss the final steps. c. Farming Operations i. Farmer’s National Management Agreement – Tharp stated that John Yeomans, the farm manager for Farmer’s National, is present this evening. He gave Members a brief history on the farm management agreement and how the Airport has handled this in the past. Yeomans also spoke to Members, pointing out some of the benefits of this agreement. He also touched on the current status of the agriculture markets. The discussion then turned to rent amounts, with Yeomans stating that in 2017 and 2018 the rent was $30,500. He stated that he believes they should check with the farmer who does the work at the Airport’s fields and see if he is okay with this amount. If not, Yeomans stated that he will have to renegotiate things. Gardinier then asked for more details on just what the farmer does at the Airport. Yeomans responded that the farmer has been doing the cropping, the mowing of drainage ways, and mowing the perimeter of the Airport. With the Commission’s approval, Tharp stated that he will move ahead with the management agreement. d. FAA/IDOT Projects: AECOM / David Hughes i. Obstruction Mitigation – Hughes addressed the Commission, stating that the EA has been submitted to the FAA and they have given a ‘finding of no significant impact.’ Gardinier asked what the next steps would be. Hughes responded, stating that after property acquisition, the tree removals can begin. 1. Environmental Assessment (EA) – ii. North T-Hangar Restroom – This project is finally coming together, according to Hughes. The contractor is projecting completion within a week. Gardinier commented on the length of time this project has taken and questioned what the contract stipulated. e. FBO / Flight Training Reports i. Jet Air – Wolford shared his monthly maintenance reports with Members. Highlights included plenty of mowing and weeding. He also noted the new furniture in the Terminal building. Gardinier mentioned an area of the Airport where the weeds have really taken over this season. Speaking to the flight training side of things, Wolford stated that they will be changing instructors around due to the departure of one of them, as well as another instructor moving into the charter department. Continuing, Wolford stated that the charter business is going well and the second XLS is in the hangar now. He then shared other employee changes within the operation. f. Airport Operations i. Management – 1. Airport Viewing Area – Tharp stated that he is working with the contractor to button up the last few things. The benches are in now and the area is usable. Still to arrive are the display kiosks. Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 4 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 3 Once everything is completed, there will be some type of grand opening ceremony, according to Tharp. Gardinier asked about the display kiosks and what type of information they will contain. She suggested working with the Children’s Museum on at least one of these. She also suggested working with the Public Library on the grand opening ceremony and perhaps adding a youth component to this. 2. T-Hangar Rates and Lease Renewals – Gardinier and Libby recused themselves from this discussion as they are both hangar tenants. Goers then spoke briefly to the quorum issue at this point, stating that with two Members left, they will need a 2-0 vote to approve this. Tharp gave Members a brief history of T-hangar rates at the Airport, noting that currently they do have a waiting list of approximately 25 people. He stated that when contemplating the rates, he typically polls the airports within an hour’s drive of Iowa City. He then reviewed some of the various rates within the Airport’s T-hangars and what is included in each of those. Tharp stated that page 26 of the meeting packet lays out the recommended rates for the T-hangars. Lawrence moved to approve the recommended T-hangar rates. LaBrie seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. ii. Budget (including grant applications) – Tharp pointed to page 27 of the meeting packet to begin this discussion. He noted that the first document Members will see is a three-year budget comparison. He also explained the budget subcommittee, which consists of himself, the Chair, and the Secretary. Continuing, Tharp stated that he wanted to speak to some of the past grant applications that have been done, both projects approved and even those that did not receive funding. One of the first projects he mentioned was retrofitting hangar A doors from the chain and pulley system to some type of electric door. The latest grant application was for replacement of the self-serve kiosk so they could be equipped for the chip card readers. Continuing, Tharp moved to page 37 of the packet. Here Members can see the last five years of the CIP projects. The discussion turned to priorities and things that the Commission would like to see completed first. Parking at the Airport was mentioned as a problem area by Lawrence. He also spoke to the trees leading up to the entrance and how they may need to be replaced. Members then discussed some of these projects and how they should approach getting them completed. One project mentioned was additional storage tanks for fuel, due to the amount of fuel being processed currently. The conversation then turned to long-term parking at the Airport and if this is being enforced or not. Wolford brought up the need for upgrading and/or addition of snow removal equipment. He stated that when everything is working they can keep up, but if something breaks, the downtime is not good. Tharp spoke to the 10-year replacement fund the City has and how this works. He also spoke to various pieces of equipment that he would like to see them purchase versus rent, due to the amount of times they need such equipment. Tharp added that as they get further into this budget cycle he Airport Commission Agenda & Info Packet Meeting Date: September 26, 2018 Page 5 of 38 August 16, 2018 Page 4 will have more information on costs for such items. A new web site and installation of solar panels were brought up as possible priority projects. Tharp then spoke to t-shirts that were purchased for the 100th anniversary celebration and whether the Commission would like to start carrying these as merchandise to sell.
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