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MONDIAL FORWARDING LTD – ESTABLISHED IN 1974 – SPECIALIST EXPRESS GROUPAGE OPERATORS TO GREECE & CYPRUS E§§A¢A: KY¶ƒ√™: K·ıËÌÂÚÈÓ¤˜ ·Ó·¯ˆÚ‹ÛÂȘ ÁÈ· Aı‹Ó· Î·È AÓ·¯ˆÚ‹ÛÂȘ ·fi §ÔÓ‰›ÓÔ-§ÂÌÂÛfi, ‰‡Ô ÊÔÚ¤˜ ÙË £ÂÛÛ·ÏÔÓ›ÎË. ‚‰ÔÌ¿‰·. ¢È¿ÚÎÂÈ· ÌÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿˜ 5-7 Ë̤Ú˜. ¢È¿ÚÎÂÈ· ÌÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿˜ 7 Ë̤Ú˜. ¶·Ú·Ï·Ì‚¿ÓÔ˘Ì ·fi Û›ÙÈ, ·ÎÂÙ¿ÚÔ˘ÌÂ, ·ÛÊ·Ï›˙Ô˘Ì EȉÈ΢fiÌ·ÛÙ ÛÙË ÌÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿ ÎÚÂÌÌ·ÛÙÒÓ ÊÔÚÂÌ¿ÙˆÓ Î·È ·Ú·‰›‰Ô˘Ì ÛÙÔÓ ÚÔÔÚÈÛÌfi ÙÔ˘. ·fi ÂÚÁÔÛÙ¿ÛÈÔ Û ÂÚÁÔÛÙ¿ÛÈÔ. E›Û˘, ·Ú·Ï·Ì‚¿- T· ÊÔÚÙˆÙÈο ¤ÍÔ‰· ÌÔÚÔ‡Ó Ó· ÏËÚˆıÔ‡Ó ÛÙËÓ ÓÔ˘ÌÂ, ·ÎÂÙ¿ÚÔ˘ÌÂ Î·È ·ÛÊ·Ï›˙Ô˘Ì ÚÔÛˆÈο AÁÁÏ›· ‹ Î·È ÛÙËÓ EÏÏ¿‰·. ·ÓÙÈΛÌÂÓ· Î·È ¤ÈÏ·. °È· ÙÈ̤˜ ÔÏfiÎÏËÚÔ˘ ÊÔÚÙ›Ô˘ ÁÈ· Ô,Ô˘‰‹ÔÙ ÛÙËÓ °È· Ô,Ùȉ‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏ· ÊÔÚÙ›· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ K‡ÚÔ EÏÏ¿‰·, ·ÔÙ·ı›Ù ÎÔÓÙ¿ Ì·˜. ·ÔÙ·ı›Ù ÎÔÓÙ¿ Ì·˜.

Head Office: MONDIAL FORWARDING (HELLAS) LTD MONDIAL FORWARDING (HELLAS) LTD MONDIAL TRANSPORT Ltd 46 LOCKFIELD AVE, BRIMSDOWN, 20th KLM NATIONAL ROAD P.O. BOX 153 ISHIRON 24, MONOVOLIKOS 2, ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX EN3 7PX ATHENS - KORINTHOS 57009 KALOHORI KATO POLEMIDHIA, LIMASSOL-CYPRUS TEL: 020 8805 3344 (8 Lines) 19200 ELEFSINA, GREECE THESSALONIKI, GREECE TEL: 00357 2 5713 386 / 7 / 9 FAX: 020 8805 2299 TEL: 0030 210 5540907 FAX: 0030 210 5561697 TEL: 00302310 753 221/2 FAX: 00302310 753223 FAX: 00357 2 5713 391 ™ÂÏ›‰· 8 ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ·ÚÔÈΛ· - ÔÏÈÙÈÎË ∂Ó· „¤Ì· 33ˆÓ ¯ÚÔÓÒÓ ªÂÁ¿ÏË ÂÈÙ˘¯›· ÛËÌ›ˆÛ TÔ˘ ∞Ï› ∫ÈÛÌ›Ú ¤Ú·Û·Ó 33 ÔÏfiÎÏËÚ· ÙË ÊÚ¿ÛË «∏ Δ¢μ∫ Â›Ó·È ·ÓÂ- ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ·fi ÙË 15Ë Í¿ÚÙËÙÔ ÎÚ¿ÙÔ˜»… Ô ‰È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌfi˜ Ù·‚ÏÈÔ‡ ÙÔ˘ ∞∫∂§ ¶¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ ÙÔ˘ 1983 √È ÌÈÛıÔ› ÙÔ˘ ‰ËÌÔÛ›Ô˘ ›- fiÙ·Ó ·Ó·ÎËڇͷÌ ÙÔ „¤Ì· Ó·È ·fi ÙËÓ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… Ô˘ ÔÓÔÌ¿˙ÂÙ·È Δ¢μ∫. ∏ ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌ›· Â›Ó·È ÂÍ·ÚÙË- ¶ÔÚÓ›·… ̤ÓË ÛÙËÓ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… ¢È·Î›ÓËÛË Ì·‡ÚÔ˘ ¯Ú‹Ì·- √ ÂÈÎÂÊ·Ï‹˜ Ù˘ ∫ÂÓÙÚÈ- ÙÔ˜… ΋˜ ΔÚ¿Â˙·˜ ‰ÈÔÚ›˙ÂÙ·È ·fi ªÈ· Δ¢μ∫ ·Ú¿‰ÂÈÛÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ÙËÓ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… Ù˙fiÁÔ˘… ªÂ ‚¿ÛË ÙÔ Û‡ÓÙ·ÁÌ· Ì·˜ ŒÓ· „‡ÙÈÎÔ ÎÚ¿ÙÔ˜ Ô˘ Ô ÂÈÎÂÊ·Ï‹˜ ÙˆÓ ‰˘Ó¿ÌÂˆÓ ·Ó·ÎËÚ‡¯ıËΠÔÏϤ˜ ÊÔÚ¤˜ ·ÛÊ·Ï›·˜ Ú¤ÂÈ Ó· Â›Ó·È ˆ˜ ÌÈ· ·Ú¿ÓÔÌË ‰ÔÌ‹ ·fi ΔÔ‡ÚÎÔ˜ Î·È Î·ıÔÚ›˙ÂÙ·È ·fi ÙÔ ™˘Ì‚Ô‡ÏÈÔ ∞ÛÊ·Ï›·˜ ÙÔ˘ ÙËÓ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… √∏∂… √ Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ Ù˘ ÔÏÈÙÈ΋˜ ∫·È ÙÔ ÈÔ ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈÎfi… ÙÔ ¿Ì˘Ó·˜ Â›Û˘ ‰ÈÔÚ›˙ÂÙ·È ·fi ÈÔ ÎÚ›ÛÈÌÔ ‚‹Ì· Ô˘ ¤ÁÈÓ ÙËÓ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… ÁÈ· Ó· ·ÔÎfi„ÂÈ ÙÔ˘˜ Δ· ÌÂÁ¿Ï· Û˘Ì‚fiÏ·È· ·Ó‹- ΔÔ˘ÚÎÔ·ÚÈÔ˘˜ ·fi ÙÔÓ Îfi- ÎÔ˘Ó ÛÙËÓ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… ÛÌÔ Î·È ÙÔ ‰ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ‰›Î·ÈÔ… ΔÔ ÓÂÚfi ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È ÛÙÔÓ ŒÓ· ÏÂÁfiÌÂÓÔ ·ÓÂÍ¿ÚÙËÙÔ ¤ÏÂÁ¯Ô Ù˘ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·˜… ÎÚ¿ÙÔ˜ Ô˘ ȉڇıËΠÁÈ· Ù· ™‡ÓÙÔÌ· ı¤ÏÔ˘Ó Ó· ‰Ò- ÚÔÛˆÈο Û˘ÌʤÚÔÓÙ· ο- ÛÔ˘Ó Î·È ÙËÓ ÂÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ· ÛÙËÓ Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÔÔÈ‹ıËΠÙËÓ ÓÈÛÌÔ‡ ·˘ÙÔ‡ ‹Ù·Ó fiÙÈ Ô ÔÈˆÓ Î·È ÁÈ· Ó· ·Ê‹ÛÂÈ Ù· ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·… ¶∫˘Úȷ΋ 3 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘Ô ∞ÓÙ˙ÈÂÏ‹˜ Î·È Ô Robin, ÔÈ ‰˘Ô ‚fiÚÂÈ· Ù˘ ∫‡ÚÔ˘ ÂÍ·ÚÙË- ∏ ΔÔ˘ÚΛ· ÊÙÈ¿¯ÓÂÈ ÙÔ˘˜ ‰È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌfi˜ Ù·‚ÏÈÔ‡ Ô˘ ÚˆÙÔÎÏ·Û¿ÙÔÈ Ù·‚Ï·‰ÒÚÔÈ ÔÚÁ¿ÓˆÛ ÙÔ ∞∫∂§ μÚÂÙ·Ó›- ·¯ÒÚËÛ·Ó ÓÈÎË̤ÓÔÈ ·fi ̤ӷ ·fi ÙËÓ ÕÁ΢ڷ… ‰ÚfiÌÔ˘˜… ·˜, ÛÙÔ ∫˘ÚÈ·Îfi ∫ÔÈÓÔÙÈÎfi ÙÔÓ ÚÒÙÔ Á‡ÚÔ ÙÔ˘ ·È¯ÓÈ- ŸÏ· ·˘Ù¿ ‰ÂÓ Ù· Áڿʈ ∏ ÏÂÈÔ„ËÊ›· ÙÔ˘ ÏËı˘- ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ ÛÙÔ Wood Green ‰ÈÔ‡. ∞ÚÎÂÙfi ÂӉȷʤÚÔÓ ÁÈ· Ó· ¿Úˆ ÈηÓÔÔ›ËÛË, ÂÎ- ÛÌÔ‡ Â›Ó·È ÛÙ· ¯¤ÚÈ· Ù˘ §ÔÓ‰›ÓÔ˘, N22 5HJ. ˘‹Ú¯Â Û fiÏË ÙË ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ· ÊÚ¿˙ˆ ÌfiÓÔ ÙËÓ Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfi- ΔÔ˘ÚΛ·˜… ™ÙÔ ‰È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌfi Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›- ÙÔ˘ ‰È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌÔ‡ , fï˜ ÙËÙ·… ™Ù· ÈÔ ÎÚ›ÛÈÌ· ÛËÌ›· Ù˘ ¯·Ó ÂÚ› ÙÔ˘˜ 30 ∫‡ÚÈÔ˘˜ ÛÙÔ˘˜ ÙÚÂȘ ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›Ô˘˜ Á‡- ∏ ‰ÔÌ‹ Ô˘ ÔÓÔÌ¿˙ÂÙ·È ‰È·Ú·ÁÌ¿Ù¢Û˘ ÙÔ˘ ∫˘- Ù·‚Ï·‰ÒÚÔ˘˜. 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NN (Accountancy Services) Ltd C. Michael & Co. Accountants & Registered Auditors Sakkas Ltd G. Theo Builders Ltd √ ¶ÂÚÈÎÏ‹˜ ÂÈÛÙÚ¤ÊÂÈ! Star Estates & Lettings For details of our latest bonds offering great rates contact us on 0345 850 5555 or visit www.bankofcyprus.co.uk THE NEWSPAPER OF THE CYPRIOT COMMUNITY IN BRITAIN Deposits protected by the Financial Services Thursday 17th November 2016 - ESTABLISHED 1974 - ISSUE 2183 - English Section pages 11 - 18 Compensation Scheme in the UK. SSuuppppoorrtt oouurr iissllaanndd BBuuyy CCyypprriioott pprroodduuccttss TTrraavveell ttoo CCyypprruuss British Cypriots protest against AKEL and CTP leaders expect more progress in illegal regime in occupied Cyprus upcoming Switzerland talks

icketing the Turkish demned by UN resolutions Council, the European Union Republic has one of the Embassy in London on 541 and 550 and the illegal and international law. The world’s largest registered PTuesday 15 November, state has not been recognised resolution also called upon shipping fleets, extensive a vocal demonstration, by any country except Turkey. Turkey finally to resolve the financial and business KEL Secretary Gene- that progress has been organised by the National During the picket, the terrible human tragedy of the networks, possesses major ral Andros Kyprianou achieved, but more efforts Federation of Cypriots in President of the National Cypriot people who went oil and gas deposits off shore Aand the President of were needed in order to reach the UK, made itself heard Federation of Cypriots was missing during its invasion of and is rapidly developing the Republican Turkish a deal. despite the Embassy’s joined by the President of the island in 1974. technology and tourist sectors Party (CTP) Tufan Erhürman AKEL and CTP have always refusal to recognise the POMAK, Officers and Mem- A resolution was also sent capable of surviving in the expressed yesterday hope fought for the reunification of protest, or to engage in bers of the Federation’s to Prime Minister Theresa May, toughest markets. It would that there will be more Cyprus and we agreed to progress in the upcoming dialogue with British Cyp- Executive, the President of calling on the UK Government also offer a beacon of hope for continue this effort, contribu- talks in Switzerland bet- riots. NEPOMAK and the former to exert its influence on Turkey both Christians and Muslims ting with ideas so that the ween the leaders of the British Cypriots made their President of EFEK (Cypriot to help reunite Cyprus. alike to live peacefully toge- two leaders can overcome two communities in Cyprus. voice heard outside the Students in the UK) to deliver At the protest Mr Karaolis, ther in a part of the world difficult issues, he added. Kyprianou and a delegation Embassy condemning the a resolution to the Turkish Federation President, said: which has become unaccus- Our country will have a from AKEL visited newly- illegal declaration of the Ambassador. The letter of “Over the course of the last tomed to such a reality. future only through a solution, elected Erhürman, at the pseudo-state and calling on resolution called on Turkey to one and half years, President “However, this will only otherwise the consequences CTP party headquarters, in Turkey to remove its troops demonstrate with actions Anastasiades and Mr Akinci happen if Turkey refrains from will be immeasurable, the occupied part of Nicosia, from Cyprus and to honour its not words its support for the have made significant pro- interventions that undermine Kyprianou underlined. wishing every success in his current negotiations to reuni- gress in their efforts to reunite the negotiations and demon- Erhürman, speaking obligations to Europe and difficult task. Before the meet- Cyprus. fy Cyprus by withdrawing the Cyprus. A re-united Cyprus strates the necessary political through an interpreter, ing with AKEL, Erhürman thanked the AKEL delegation This year marked the Turkish occupying army, where Greek and Turkish will to remove its troops from attended a meeting with 33rd consecutive year of the dropping its anachronistic Cypriots could peacefully live the island, drops its outdated for responding to his invita- Turkish Cypriot leader tion so soon after his election picket outside the Turkish demand to be a Guarantor and prosper is both attainable guarantor demands and Mustafa Akinci, who briefed and noted that both parties Embassy on the black anniver- power. The resolution also and viable. Both together returns the occupied territory Turkish Cypriot parties on had “an historic duty” to sary of the illegal Universal called on the Turkish govern- would likely make the country to its rightful owners.” political developments. assist both leaders in their Declaration of Independence. ment to abide by the resolu- an international and regional Speaking after the meeting, effort to reach a settlement. The declaration was con- tions of the UN Security trading hub, particularly as the Photos: P. Pentayiotis Kyprianou said, in reply to a Our shared goal, he went question, that he expected on, is to move along in order the good climate that pre- to be able to say “thank you” vailed in Mont Pelerin last Vote for Myddleton Road! week to continue in the to both Greek Cypriots and new round of talks, starting Turkish Cypriots for voting in Sunday. favour of a settlement in the yddleton Road in until Saturday 19th Novem- The two leaders, President 2017 referenda. Asked if the Wood Green has ber, people can cast their of Cyprus Nicos Anastasia- goal for a solution has been been named as one vote via the website: M des and the Turkish Cypriot postponed for next year, of the country’s best high www.thegreatbritishhigh- leader Mustafa Akinci, met in Erhürman said that even if a streets by being shortlisted street.co.uk You can vote Switzerland between Novem- settlement is reached within in the third annual Great once a day - up until the ber 7 and 11, discussing 2016, most probably the British High Street compe- closing date. property and other pending referenda will be held next tition. If Myddleton Road wins, not chapters. year. The competition celebrates only will the street get a share From his part, the leader of From his part, Kyprianou the work that is being done to of prize pot worth £100,000, CTP said he hoped the two said that AKEL is in favour of revive, adapt and diversify the but will also benefit from leaders to display courage a settlement the soonest nation’s high streets. Myddle- expert training from Google’s and creativity and to achieve possible, but noted that time ton Road has been trans- the resurgence of this much so get voting and show that digital taskforce for shops, progress. is not the defining factor. formed in recent years with loved centre. “We Love Myddleton Road” bars and restaurants and a The two party leaders “If we manage to come up the arrival of committed new The public has the chance To be crowned champion, trip to Twitter UK’s London discussed yesterday the with joint policies, we will businesses and from local to vote directly for their Myddleton Road needs the office to further boost their present stage of Cyprus also reach an agreement” he residents keen to supporting best-loved high street online - votes of local people. Up social media skills. talks, with Kyprianou saying concluded. 12 English Section, 17th November 2016 PARIKIAKI cyprus - uk - world news Flamingo, the new mascot for Larnaka Greece unveils tourism orld Travel Market organised sinking of various visitors were last vessels, some of which are Wweek invited to en- then designated as protected strategy for 2017 gage in the new campaign marine-life areas. The waters launched by Larnaka Tourism here are also perfect for entitled ‘They always come children to snorkel safely. back’, which features the famous mascot of the region, Free Winter Excursions the Great Flamingo, chosen for Holidaymakers because of the flamingo’s enduring love affair with The Larnaka region will for Larnaka, where they can be the fourth year be hosting its seen at Voroklini Lake and popular free ‘Winter Experien- Larnaka Salt Lake between ces’ programme which run November to March. from now until 30th April 2017. Larnaka Region’s wide This programme gives appeal for the many visitors holidaymakers the chance to that return each year include take part in whole range of he Greek National with the 210.000sq m Stavros diving at the Zenobia Wreck; activities including visiting Tourism Organisation Niarchos Park. a cocktail and dancing at Coastal Village Larnaka Attracts Voroklini Lake to enjoy bird Tcelebrated a successful UK TV presenter Julia Mckenzie; a relaxing coffee Upgrade at Pervolia Scuba-divers with watching with an expert on tourism season by show- Bradbury, whose mother is New Artificial Reef hand to answer any questions, at Foinikoudes promenade; casing it tourism strategy for Greek, shared her stories of a full day out at the unique a cycle ride through Pervolia; Keen walkers will soon 2017 at the first day of this family holidays to Greece and Mazotos Camel Park, great watersports and sunbathing be able to enjoy a new Larnaka is renowned as a year’s World Travel Market. her explorations of Crete for entertainment for all ages and on the beaches of Pyla coastal walkway that is part world-class diving destination The Greek Tourism Minis- her adventure travel shows. a trip to Athienou village, and Voroklini; kitesurfing in of the enhancements due and boasts one of the top 10 ter for Tourism, Mrs Elena The President of the Chef’s to be unveiled in the village wreck dives in the world – the including a demonstration of Kiti, and birdwatching at Kountoura, discussed the new Club of Greece, Miltos Koru- of Pervolia, 16km west of famous Zenobia wreck. Its traditional Halloumi making, Voroklini Lake and Larnaka strategy that will be imple- bas, also spoke about the Larnaka. Construction on diving credentials are now set with the cheese, village bread Salt Lake. mented from 2017 onwards, rising Greek gastronomy the walkway began last to become even better with the and other local produce scene, including micro- Larnaka Salt Lake is the promoting Greece as a desti- year, and the first phase creation of an artificial reef in offered to guests to sample. nation to visit all-year round - breweries and the country’s place to see thousands of from the iconic Lighthouse the Voroklini area along with Other activities include a focusing on its gastronomic, increasing collection of award- pink flamingos during the (Faros) to ‘Journalist’s Village’ a dedicated snorkelling area, guided tour of Larnaka’s old active-adventure, nature, winning restaurants. winter as the lake fills and (a holiday retreat) is now further cementing Larnaka’s neighbourhoods where tradi- historical and cultural offering. attracts migrating birds who open. status for having some of the tional crafts are practised at New flights for 2017 take refuge here. The walk offers stunning, best seas in which to disco- the local workshops and a From January to August The most basic element of unobstructed sea views, ver the vibrant underwater full-day excursion to the three 2016, Greece saw a 7.7 per Building upon the above, the food chain in the lakes’ incorporating cycle lanes, world. picturesque villages of Lefkara, cent increase of arrivals from there are several new flights ecosystem is a small brine lighting, green areas, kiosks This is Larnaka’s first Kato Drys and Skarinou, which the UK, welcoming approxi- routes that will continue shrimp. When flamingos and and parking at various points. artificial reef, although others each retain their own special mately 1.9 million UK visitors to open up the country to other water birds are unable Phase two will see the have been successfully traditions and character. All compared to 1.8 million in the more UK travellers. Jet2 to find the shrimp, they desert walkway extend to Meneou deployed on the island since the activities are free of charge same period last year, and has announced new Greek the salt lakes and continue village – another tranquil 2009, quickly increasing upon presentation of a a staggering 14 per cent departures from Stansted and their journey by travelling coastal area of greater marine life and enriching the voucher issued by the hotels increase in August alone. Birmingham, Thomas Cook south towards Africa. Larnaka. island’s waters through the in Larnaka, with prior booking The brand new Stavros will fly to Mykonos from May only required for the two Niarchos Foundation Cultural 2017, Ryanair has expanded village excursions. Center in Athens, houses its Manchester and Birming- For more information the new facilities for Greek ham departures, while Thom- on the entire region visit National Opera, the National son will connect Bristol and www.larnakaregion.com Library of Greece alongside Chania in the summer. British Parliament delegation meets the Cypriot Youth

he United Nations Head of the British Parliament Bank of Cyprus Headquarters Youth and Student Asso- delegation, Mr Matthew Offord in Nicosia, was the first recep- Tciation of Cyprus (UN- MP, the President of UNYSA tion held in honor of the dele- YSA Cyprus) welcomed on Cyprus, Mr George Hadjipavlis gation in their official visit to Wednesday 9th November, and the Executive Director of Cyprus, which will include a a delegation of the British UNYSA Cyprus, Mr Marios number of high profile meet- Parliament, consisting of Charilaou reaffirmed on the ings, including ones with the both members of the House strong historic ties shared President of the House of of Commons and the House between Cyprus and the Representatives, Mr Syllouris, of Lords, which was organised United Kingdom, which create and the Foreign Affairs and the by the Conservative Friends a need for a close political, Refugee, Enclaved, Missing of Cyprus. economic and social cooper- and Adversely Affected The delegation consisted ation. Persons committees. of Matthew Offord MP, The event followed a The officers and members Sheryll Murray MP, Mark Question and Answer format, of the hosts - UNYSA Cyprus Menzies MP, David Morris MP, with members of the delega- - in particular expressed the Martin Vickers MP, Baroness tion addressing the concerns challenges facing our society Liz Redfern, former MP Nick of the Cypriot youth on a today which are proof of the De Bois and the President of range of issues, such as the urgent need of youth in action. CF Cyprus, Mr. Jason Chara- future after Brexit, education As a newly established asso- 1. If someone is behaving suspiciously or eyes or hidden cameras seeing your PIN. watching you, cancel the transaction and go 4. On completing a transaction, discreetly put lambous. in British Universities, the ciation they have engaged to another machine. your money and card away before leaving A significant number of American Presidential Elec- the active youth of Cyprus in 2. Don't get distracted. Be particularly cautious the cash machine. young Cypriots were present tions and the Cyprus Issue. domestic and international if "well meaning" strangers try to distract you 5. If there is anything unusual about the cash at the event from a number of The Members of Parliament affairs and have connected the or offer to help you. machine or there are signs of tampering, do Cypriot NGOs, political orga- concluded by urging the youth youth to the decision-making 3. Shield you PIN. Stand close to the cash not use it and report it to the bank as soon as nisations and the Cyprus to remain active. individuals and institutions in machine, and always use your free hand to possible. Youth Board. The reception, which was an attempt to contribute to the shield the keypad, to prevent any prying In their initial addresses, the held at the premises of the political spectrum of Cyprus. PARIKIAKI English Section, 17th November 2016 13 community Local Greek Cypriot girl to lead life-changing Cypriot community marks charity work in Central America in 2017 Remembrance Day ndri Constantinou from Palmers Although Andri is a determined Green, North London, will be lead- character, she will need some help to Aing a truly life-changing programme raise money for Raleigh International to help communities in poverty in before she can embark on her journey. Nicaragua, Central America. Andri needs to raise a minimum of £800, For 6 months, starting in February 2017, and the donations will contribute to the Andri Constantinou will officially hold the local communities she will be helping. title of Team Leader on behalf of the So far she has managed to raise most of charity Raleigh International. that money, but to boost the last bit Previous to this project, Andri has of fundraising, she is kindly asking her attained a First Class Honours degree local Greek Cypriot community to donate in International Business and Spanish and show their support. from Aston University, and has success- If you would like to support this cause fully held the role of Strategic Programme with a donation, you can: Manager at a global consultancy firm. * Visit Andri’s Just Giving page at he official Remembrance MP for Hornsey & Wood Andri now believes it is time to combine www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ Day was on Friday 11th Green Catherine West and her Spanish with her strategic planning Andri-Constantinou November, i.e. at the Deputy Leader of the Council and management skills to benefit those T * Text ‘ICSA92 £10’ to 70070 and 11th hour of the 11th day of Cllr. Bernice Vanier, on behalf who have been less fortunate than her. the 11th month, which is when of other representatives of Andri will be working for Raleigh follow the link you are sent to complete the Armistice was signed, Haringey Council, including International to complete a programme the donation (you can change how much officially ending the 1st World Cllr. Emine Ibrahim. with International Citizen Service (ICS), you would like to donate) War. Wreaths were also laid by which focuses on improving the well- * Email Andri at constantinou. Remembrance Sunday was Susie Constantinides, Chair, being of rural communities situated [email protected] to find out if there held on 13th November. At and Hasan Raif, Secretary, on within one of Central America’s most is another way you can get involved to the Cenotaph in Whitehall, behalf of the Cypriot Commu- underdeveloped countries, Nicaragua. support her fundraising the ceremony was attended nity Centre, by Christalla Specifically, Andri will be helping these We kindly ask that if you would like by the Queen, Members of Evdokimou, Secretary, and communities gain access to clean water, taking part in on behalf of Raleigh to show your support, either through a the Royal Family, the Govern- Chrisoulla Mintis on behalf of and improve hygiene and sanitation. International are close to my heart, as I donation or otherwise, to get in contact ment, Leaders of the diffe- Cypriot Women’s League and Overall, Andri hopes that the work she believe it is a human right to have access with Andri using one of the methods rent faiths, Servicemen and by Marios Minaides on behalf oversees will help to build a sustainable to clean water and possess basic know- mentioned above. Please use your voice Women and others. The of St. Barnabus Church and environment for the rural communities to ledge around sanitation which will help to help bring young communities together Greek Orthodox Church was the Greek-Orthodox commu- prosper. to easily avoid some very harmful and life from different countries to fight represented by His Eminence nity. She told Parikiaki, “The projects I will be threatening conditions.” poverty! Archbishop Gregorios of At the service, all faiths were Thyateira & Great Britain. As represented, all of whom a Member of the Common- offered a prayer, including our wealth, Cyprus was represen- Bishop Athanasios. Dimitria Jordan named Regional Finalist for Wedding ted by His Excellency the Scouts and Guides, includ- Cyprus High Commissioner, ing those from St. Barnabus, Euripides Evriviades, who laid paraded flags at the Haringey a wreath on behalf of Cyprus Cenotaph. at the Cenotaph. Cypriots who came to the Stationer of the Year at The Wedding Industry Awards At the Cenotaph in UK before the 2nd World War Haringey, there was a Civic were called up, represented imitria Jordan, a every aspect of your special Ceremony organised by Britain and fought with the Greek-Cypriot wedding day can be provided by Haringey Council and wreaths Allies, whilst 25000 volun- Dstationer based in Dimitria Jordan. For couples were laid by the Mayor of teered in Cyprus and fought Enfield, North London has wanting something truly Haringey Cllr. Ali Gul Ozbek, as the Cyprus Regiment. been named a London and unique, there is also a South East regional finalist in bespoke design service The Wedding Industry Awards. available. The prestigious national awards, recognising and Free parking to celebrate rewarding excellence in the wedding industry, take place in January. Dimitria will find out on 22nd Small Business Saturday November if she has won the regional finals to go through to the national awards. hristmas will come special guest), a range of “I am so proud to be a early for shoppers in market stalls, family activities regional finalist in The Wed- working with me”. matching your stationery to CHaringey this year and live music performances. ding Industry Awards and be Dimitria offers beautiful and your colour theme. I work when parking charges across * On Sunday 4th December recognised for my work. chic wedding stationery closely with each couple to Website: dimitriajordan.co.uk the borough will be waived to there will also be the Myddle- Part of the judging process across studio collections ensure that they adore their Email: support local high streets on ton Road Winter Festival involves voting from couples covering many styles and stationery and love the whole [email protected] Small Business Saturday (3rd including a Santa’s grotto, you have worked with, so I themes. Colour changes are process from start to finish.” Tel: 0203 239 5398 December). music, craft and food and really appreciate them taking included as standard. Invitations can also be Instagram: @dimitriajordan It will be free to park in drink stalls, a fun-fair and time to vote for me. It’s so “Your wedding stationery adapted to Greek if required. Twitter: @dimitriajordan council-run town centre car other children’s activities. lovely to know they loved their has to be perfect for your From save the dates right Facebook: parks and pay and display Haringey Council Cabinet wedding stationery and special day, and this includes through to thank you cards, facebook.com/dimitriajordan bays on the day, which aims Member for Environment, to celebrate local traders Cllr Peray Ahmet said: “Free and encourage people to parking across Haringey is a shop locally as they gear up fantastic way to mark Small Greek looking men and women wanted for ‘huge feature film’ for the festive season. Business Saturday and will There is a host of activities encourage people to shop planned across the borough A Surrey-based film casting company is looking for “Greek, Turkish and Moroccan men and women of all ages (18+)” to local rather than head to the to mark Small Business take part in a huge feature film shooting in a major London studio. West End as they look for Saturday including: Co-director of Haslemere-based Piece of Cake Casting, Alexandra Pickford, said: “We need Greek/Cypriot looking men and Christmas gifts.” women in all shapes and sizes, to feature in a huge feature film which starts shooting in the New Year. We need authentic * Wood Green High Road Roger Ward, chair of the characters! Natural hair colour and no visible tattoos or piercings.” will have entertainment inclu- Haringey Business Alliance Ms Pickford added, “At the moment I’m not allowed to describe the film or give the title away, but I can say that it stars a ding a Christmas Tree lights, said: “With all day free major Hollywood cast.” a choir singing carols, live council parking in shopping To be considered, visit www.pieceofcakecasting.com/become-an-artiste and register your details before attending. You music and DJs, salsa dancing areas there will never be will need to include measurements such as chest size and shoe size, plus both a head shot and a full and pop-up stalls on the better chance to support length photo. corner of Lymington Avenue. the small businesses who Photos are then sent to the director, said Ms Pickford, adding: “There is a whole process with the * In Crouch End there is make Harin-gey such a great director because he wants the best and most authentic people as possible. a Christmas Craft Market place.” “We create the ‘look book’ that we give to the producers and everybody is then approved by the director.” running from 10am to 5pm. Controlled Parking Zones You must be over 18 years old and legally allowed to work in the UK with a National Insurance * Tottenham Winter Festival and other essential parking number. – from 12-6pm on Tottenham restrictions including road Successful applicants will receive a minimum of £100 per filming day. Green with Christmas Tree works will remain in force on lights at 5pm (featuring a Small Business Saturday.

For the latest news from Cyprus, UK and around the world, visit www.parikiaki.com ● Follow us on Twitter: @Parikiaki 14 English Section, 17th November 2016 PARIKIAKI PPHHIILLAATTEELLIICC NNEEWWSS && Insurance, CCOOLLLLEECCTTOORRSS CCOORRNNEERR ADVERTISING FEATURE Making Sense... by Andrew Menelaou Oncover Insurance Services Ltd is authorised and regulated by GREECE the Financial Conduct Authority. We can arrange competitive premiums for your insurances. We offer a First Class Personal Service which helps us to establish long-term partnerships with our clients. Distinguished Greek Personalities Andreas Patikis crisis in Greece. Flood strategy needs a The foundation acts as a vehicle for those wanting to offer their support and ensures ‘help’ reaches the targeted group quickly and effectively. ‘radical’ overhaul say MPs The Foundation’s awards, “IFG AWARDS’, honour con- he Environment Agency cient and ineffective flood risk obtained from Facebook from temporary Greeks live beyond and the way we handle management arrangements. being used to make decisions Greek borders, who not only Tthe risk of flooding need Our proposals will deliver a far about eligibility,” a spokesman a major overhaul, according more holistic approach to for the social network said. to a group of MPs. Although flooding and water supply “We have made sure any- the Government is spending management to include much one using this app is protected more money on managing the wider use of natural measures by our guidelines and that no risk of flooding, this is still such as leaky dams, tree Facebook user data is used to “unlikely” to be enough to planting and improved soil assess their eligibility. Face- Date of issue: 1/9/2016 “Abundance” & “Bold”. “deliver sufficient protection” management. And some book accounts will only be Entrepreneurship: John in the future, the Environment, areas of farmland should be used for login and verification The “International Founda- Catsimatidis / Chairman and Food and Rural Affairs Com- used to store flood water.” purposes. Our understanding tion for Greece” has been Chief Executive Officer of the mittee has said. Theresa Coffey MP from the is that Admiral will then ask founded in London by George Red Apple Group It has suggested that Department for Environment, users who sign up to answer responsibility for handling the Food and Rural Affairs said: “I questions which will be used threat be taken from the Envi- think the Environment Agency to assess their eligibility. ronment Agency and given to responded (to recent floods) “While Admiral’s app would a new national floods commis- very well. Since last December only have used information sioner for England and a new over 150 flood schemes have that users had consented to English Rivers and Coastal been done protecting 55,000 sharing, Facebook’s policies have not forgotten their Greek Authority. The proposal is households and remember bar companies from making roots, but who also showcase being welcomed by some also with our national flood “decisions about eligibility, and bring to life the Greek victims of flooding. resilience review, we’re now including whether to approve ideal within their work and at The last two winters have in a better place now than we or reject an application or how the same time with their seen tens of thousands of were last year. much interest to charge on a actions remind the world that homes and businesses hit by “No Government can ever loan.” was and the cradle of western flooding in areas such as change the weather but we are Privacy campaigners had civilisation. Somerset, Yorkshire, Lanca- better prepared than ever with attacked Admiral, warning shire and the Thames Valley. better modelling and mobile that its plans could be a step IFG AWARDS 2016 barriers ready as (and) when Arts and Letters: Costa- Areas in Northern Ireland, towards widespread discrimi- Scotland and Wales have also we need them. nation. “We need to think and Aspasia Leventis with the Gavras / Director Film and Theatre: Rita “There is likely to be more aim of developing an interna- Science: Dr Peter Diaman- Wilson / Actor, Producer, been affected by severe about the wider consequen- storms and floods but are not flooding but our record fund- ces of allowing companies to tional network of support for dis / Founder & Executive Singer-Songwriter ing over a long term should groups of people enduring Chairman of XPRIZE Founda- Media: George Stephano- covered by the Environment make decisions that affect us Agency. give comfort to people that this financially or otherwise based serious problems during this tion & the Singularity University poulos / Chief Anchor, ABC government is serious about difficult period of economic – Author of the books News Parish Councillor Ewan on what we have said on Larcombe has been flooded protecting people.” social media,” said Jim Killock three times in Datchet and of the Open Rights Group. believes the Environment FACEBOOK BLOCKS “Such intrusive practices Agency has mismanaged the ADMIRAL FROM USING could see decisions being Jubilee River flood relief PROFILES TO PRICE made against certain groups 300 Years Since The Siege Of Corfu scheme, increasing the flood CAR INSURANCE based on biases about race, risk. He welcomed the idea of gender, religion or sexuality – a shake up to the agency, or because their posts in some Date of issue: 20/10/2016 capturing it. Facebook has blocked saying: “The EA hasn’t learned way mark them as unconven- The island’s defenders Admiral from scouring social from its mistakes. Any change tional.” The siege of Corfu by repelled many assaults and media profiles to set car insur- from how things are now Admiral had described the Ottoman troops in July and carried out many successful ance prices, forcing the com- would be an improvement,” app as a way to use Facebook August 1716 and the final counter-attacks. Having pany into a hasty climb-down. he said. data to “better understand first victory of the Venetian forces fenced off one offensive that The internet giant said The committee recom- time drivers and more accura- has many consequences seemed overwhelming, every- that Admiral’s contravened mends storing water on tely predict risk”, and said it whose effect continues to be one expected that it would Facebook’s privacy policies, farmland to reduce the risk of could mean savings of bet- felt to this day. resume the next morning but preventing the launch of the flooding and the Government ween £180 and £350. It plan- When the Ottomans landed knew that they would be technology just hours before should consult on introducing ned to assign personality on Corfu they came close to unable to put up any further it was due to be launched. an incentive scheme for farm- Admiral had planned to use profiles such as “bold and resistance. ers by July next year, it said. Facebook status updates daring”, “cautious and relia- At daybreak, following a A grant scheme should be and “likes” to build up a “risk ble”, and “balanced and easy violent storm, the Ottoman set up to help small busines- assessment” of first-time going” based on factors such forces mysteriously withdrew ses unable to secure afforda- motorists, offering insurance as the number of exclamation – so mysteriously, in fact, that ble insurance to install resi- discounts to those likely to be marks people used in status the Corfiots viewed the event lience measures, they added. safer drivers. updates, and whether they as a miracle, attributing it to The committee said the As the move was criticised wrote in clear sentences. the strong and enduring Environment Agency and the by privacy campaigners as “Admiral does not have 020 7691 2409 protection of the island’s Saint Met Office should develop “intrusive”, the company access to customers’ Face- Spyridon. clearer explanations by the dropped the plans and said book data and does not hold The Ottoman westward end of the year, including the First car quote app would social media data to set prices advance permanently ceased, simplifying warnings about have “reduced functionality”. for its customers. Following SAVE UP TO 30%, CALL NOW* marking the end of a series of flood risk. Facebook vowed to protect discussions with Facebook the ñ BUSINESSES conquests and ultimately Committee chairman Neil its users’ privacy and said that product is launching with halting the expansionist Parish said: “Some five million Admiral’s app would now only reduced functionality, allowing ñ HOUSEHOLD conquests of the Ottoman people in England are at risk be able to use the social first time drivers to login using ñ LANDLORDS - FROM 1 to 100 + PROPERTIES state. of flooding. Winter 2015-16 network as a way of signing Facebook and share some The relics of Saint Spyridon broke rainfall records. Storms users in. The move represents information to secure a faster, ñ LIABILITY are still carried in processions Desmond, Eva and Frank a setback for the insurance simpler and discounted in Corfu to this day and are a disrupted communities across industry, which hopes to quote.” ñ FLEET & OTHER INSURANCES fundamental part of the city’s northern parts of the UK, with gather growing amounts of Despite Facebook’s inter- identity as a place that never Desmond alone costing the data about its customers to set vention, the company has a First Class Service in Greek & English yielded to the Ottomans. UK more than £5bn. prices in future. mixed record on privacy. It www.oncoverinsurance.co.uk “We propose a radical alter- “Protecting the privacy of recently came under fire for Head Office: 89c College Place, London NW1 0DR Based on information native to the Government’s the people on Facebook is of sharing data between the supplied by ELTA Hellenic national flood resilience utmost importance to us. We social network and WhatsApp, *Subject to terms, claims history, postcode Post, Philatelic Department, review’s limited solutions to have clear guidelines that the messaging service it Athens, Greece. the current fragmented, ineffi- prevent information being bought in 2014. PARIKIAKI English Section, 17th November 2016 15 healty living - arts - community Sir Stelios picks Cypriot Amazon kick off their businessman as winner in national awards Black Friday deals early asyJet founder Sir particularly tough this year, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and following a record number of Eleading international applications. The four finalist charity Leonard Cheshire businesses to join Alex at the Disability, announced this awards ceremony included an week Alex Papanikolaou from app for restaurant menus, Glasgow as the winner of the portable gyms for wheelchair Stelios Award for Disabled users, and inclusive training Entrepreneurs 2016 and the and community engagement. £30,000 prize money. All take home £10,000 for their Alex’s business, Freedom business ideas. lack Friday might still including customers enjoy- One Life has developed a next Leonard Cheshire Disabili- be 8 days away but ing a free Amazon Prime generation power wheelchair, ty chief executive Neil Heslop Bthat hasn’t stopped 30-day trial you get an designed to offer a step said: “Alex’s business is a retail giant Amazon from even sweeter deal. Prime change in reliability, perfor- fantastic example of the kind of gearing up for the big day. members have an exclusive mance and support in the innovation that disabled entre- At midnight on Monday 30-minute early access power wheelchair market. preneurs are creating right 14 November, it kicked off period to all Lightning At the awards ceremony at now, across the UK. How- its annual Black Friday Deals. the Royal Hospital Chelsea ever, Leonard Cheshire Disa- festivities. Black Friday is now the attended by the iconic Chelsea bility is all too aware that Deals run until 23:59 on biggest shopping day of the pensioners, Alex said: “I start- the contribution of disabled Friday 25th November, with year in the UK. It always falls ed this business 3 years ago people is often overlooked, new products becoming the day after Thanksgiving quantity of entrants for these reliable, durable power wheel- with the vision of a better and less than half the disabled available as often as every in the US. awards has come with no chair. product and service to give working-age people in the UK five minutes. Most of the big high surprise. My congratulations Impressed by the idea, people independence and currently have jobs. We know So if you’re already dread- street retailers take part; to all the finalists for their Sir Stelios said: “I am delight- add freedom to their lives. this year’s finalists send out a ing having to do Christmas Argos has announced its “13 success, and I hope this ed that Alex has won this Winning this award is huge strong message that challen- shopping (or perhaps you’ve day shopping bonanza.” celebration of their achieve- year’s award. The ability to recognition that what started ges assumptions about already started) Amazon Starting tomorrow, Friday ments wakes others up to the move around is fundamental as an idea is going to become what disabled people can or have given you a perfect November 18, the sale will vast potential of disabled and his Freedom One Life a reality for thousands of cannot do. It is clear that opportunity to get many take us through to Cyber people and increases their chair has great potential. It was people around the world. I am disabled people are making things very cheap. Monday, offering deals opportunities.” an incredibly difficult decision very grateful to Stelios and an immense entrepreneurial Better yet, there will also across all sorts of products. Alex, who was raised and as all candidates were of an Leonard Cheshire for this impact on our society.” be ‘Lightning Deals’ intro- Apple doesn’t tend to get works in Glasgow, has used exceptionally high standard. award and want to congratu- The award, jointly run by the duced throughout the involved in Black Friday. power wheelchairs since The range of businesses and late my 4 fellow winners.” Stelios Philanthropic Founda- sale - products available at Next, IKEA and Asda are school, visiting over 175 cities start-up was phenomenal and Minister for Disabled Peo- tion (www.stelios.org) and the a discount, in limited quan- also not taking part, but in over 40 countries with his a testament to people’s creati- ple, Work and Health, Penny charity Leonard Cheshire tities, for a short period of there’s bound to be some powerchair, but claims he was vity and resilience.” Mordaunt MP, said: “Disabled Disability, (www.Leonard- time. non-Black Friday bargains continually let down by it due Alex wins on the tenth people are one of the most Cheshire.org), recognises the If you’re already an on their websites if you to breakdowns. This led to anniversary of this annual entrepreneurial groups in achievements of disabled Amazon Prime member, look hard enough! society, so the quality and his vision of creating a more award and competition was entrepreneurs in the UK.

industry, making more than with a new Comedy penned entertainment and music ..... with 200 films, breaking so many by Vasilis Panayi. news coming soon! bones, finally… This is mine. The action takes place at a Until next time… x Mwah Katerina “As well as thanking his hotel where Stella, the recep- friends and family, Chan also tionist, has caught the atten- Catch all the latest music thanked “my hood” Hong tion of both wealthy hotel Xclusives on Katerina’s This week Kong and Hollywood “for owner Nikos and penniless Live DJ Show: ‘Young & making me little bit famous” chef Costas. Who will win her in Xclusive! Connected - Scandalous! and his faithful fans: “I have a heart? A show that promises Two hours of unadulterated reason to continue to make “plenty of laughs, entertain- Modern Greek hits; 1st for Legendary martial movies, jumping out windows, ment, music, songs and danc- new music, celebrity gossip, artist and actor kicking and punching, and ing!” chart news, interviews and Jackie Chan has breaking my bones” he Performances of “My Big of course listener’s special received an honorary entertainingly concluded. Greek Bed & Breakfast” will requests and dedications! Oscar after making Chan is currently joining be running every evening this Not to mention a few sur- more than 200 forces with fellow action man week at 7.45pm until the 19th prises along the way! Live movies. Arnold Schwarzenegger, November at the Dugdale on LGR 103.3fm, online at The popular per- filming Russian-Chinese fan- Theatre, 39 London Road, www.lgr.co.uk and DAB former was present- tasy adventure movie “Viy-2” Enfield EN2 6DS. There will Plus, on Tuesdays 8-10pm. ed with the iconic alongside Jason Flemyng also be a matinee show on SCANDALOUS! statuette by his Rush (Lock, Stock and Two Smok- Saturday 19th November at If you would like your Hour co-star Chris ing Barrels) and Charles 2.45pm. CD or event featured or Tucker at the recent Dance (Games Of Thrones) Tickets are priced at £14 reviewed in Xclusive! annual Governors (£12 concessions) at the contact Katerina via email: Awards in Los Ange- ********* including the album’s title Mars is currently one of the venue or online for £13 (£11 [email protected] / les. track, “Chunky” and “Versace biggest selling male artists of concessions). Facebook: Kat Neocleous / The likes of American singer Bruno on the Floor.” the moment, notching over www.kat-whispers.blogspot. Denzel Washington, Mars is breaking his four year To promote the new album six million sales worldwide That’s all for now. More co.uk Emma Stone and album hiatus this week as he the charismatic performer will thanks to his previous two Amy Adams were prepares to drop his third be embarking on a stagger- releases; debut “Doo-Wops & among the stars at studio record “24K Magic”. ing 85 date world tour from Hooligans” (2010) and follow- the event to witness Fans have been treated to March through to November up “Unorthodox Jukebox” charming Chan’s a taster of what’s to come with in 2017, stopping over in (2012). Not to mention last heartfelt acceptance three tracks already unveiled, London next April. year’s surprise single release speech celebrating with Mark Ronson “Uptown his life’s work in Funk” – a global monster films. smash that epitomises Mars’ The Hong Kong uplifting, feel good sound.

CLUSIVE! actor revealed he Bring on the third album has always wanted Bruno! an Oscar ever since he saw one at ********* Sylvester Stallone’s

X house 23 years ago, If you fancy indulging in a where he “touched night of theatre celebrating it, kissed it, smelled all things Cypriot, get down it”. to the Dugdale Theatre to Jackie explained, see “My Big Greek Bed & “I still can’t believe Breakfast”. I’m standing here. Enfield’s own Greek It’s a dream… After Theatre company “The Actors 56 years in the film Theatre” returns this year 16 English Section, 17th November 2016 PARIKIAKI


by George Savvides by Barney Efthimiou In totality it’s totally wonderful eing a bit of a football fanatic and old enough to recall the 1970 World Cup Final where the sublime Brazilians thumped the DogDog EatEat DogDog Bpedestrian Italians I can also remember when the term “total football” came into being. It was just four years later with the fantastic he unpredictable career It is an intriguing film superb- Dutch team led by their talismanic magician Johan Cruyff. You will of Paul Schrader, who ly photographed in black and also have a memorable experience, to be mentioned in future years, when Tfirst made his name as white with a committed and you see Amadeus (National Theatre). For this is as fine an example the writer of TAXI DRIVER, gusty leading performance of “total theatre” - a performance that includes all or most of the theatrical continues with this violent from Olszanska, who effort- elements, including music, dance, song, spectacle, special effects and crime thriller which arrives via lessly carries the film as the superb acting - as you are likely to see. the London Film Festival. eponymous heroine. Peter Shaffer’s play premiered here in 1979 and the writer, who The story is based on the It is a brave and complex sadly died in June, would have rejoiced at the creativity and imagina- novel by Edward Bunker and performance that neither cares tion in Michael Longhurst’s production. It overflows with colour and follows the adventures of three nor relies in winning the vibrancy on Chloe Lanford’s magical set which is design alchemy as ex-con men desperate to keep audience’s sympathy. it changes shape and form in moments of visual wonder. The musical themselves out of prison. But elements are totally wonderful. They include live playing on stage by when an eccentric mafia boss We Are The Flesh The Southbank Sinfonia who stealthily move in and out of the action, makes them an offer to kidnap occasionally pausing to perform simple movements, but primarily to the baby of a colleague they bring the magnificent music to life. The premise for the fictional plot is through the confession of a find it hard to refuse. sharp exchange between animation feature was also dying Salieri who admits to being unbearably envious of the young Troy (Nicolas Cage) is the Marcus and the college Dean screened at last month’s upstart Mozart, capable of compositions of which Salieri could but mastermind while Diesel Hawes Caudwell (Tracy Letts) London Film Festival and tells dream. He decides to take it out on God at whom he rages for being the (Christopher Matthew Cook) is particularly impressive. the story of a teenage boy creator of his musical nemesis and thus leaving him with a life wasted is still on the mob’s payroll but Lerman makes a sympa- and girl who have never met and unfulfilled. Lucian Msamati’s portrayal is intoxicating as he swings it is Mad Dog (Willem Dafoe) thetic protagonist, an innocent before but begin to share the between a man obsessed with the Devil lost in total darkness and evil who will probably be the cause young man who never same experiences. thought and then in an instant a soppy and pathetic self-deprecating of the group’s downfall... ceases to question his own wimp, addressing the audience directly in the hope we may offer a Schrader is given final cut existence and mortality. This intriguing post apoca- by the studio for the first time lyptic shocker, which was fairer judgement of his confession. Alas, just like the Brazilians and the in ages and his unorthodox recently screened at Frightfest, Italians above, we will always favour virtuosity over the prosaic. methods of filmmaking are Gimme Danger tells the story of a brother and Mozart is another bag altogether and Adam Gillen gives us a man who very much evident here. He is sister who find refuge in an is the personification of eighteenth century bi-polarity. No it wasn’t reunited with Cage following abandoned building now the known as that then but he physically and mentally embodies the their disastrous DYING OF home of a strange hermit. He condition. Dressed in an assortment of charity chic clothing including THE LIGHT a couple of years puts them to work creating a gold half-length trousers and pink DM’s he ricochets around like a ago and his casting of Dafoe bizarre new environment in fully wound up jack-in-the-box talking in bursts of machine gun fire, all as Mad Dog is truly inspired. this dilapidated place while he while playing some astonishing compositions. In an instant he morphs into a fragile, sensitive soul laying bare his own personal struggle to Cage delivers his best per- Mitsuha is a teenage girl begins to act out his perverted come to terms with his genius while also acknowledging an inability to formance since his Oscar living in a small mountain sexual fantasies... engage with the adult world. triumph in LEAVING LAS town dreaming of a life in This violent and extremely There are several moments that will take your breath away with their VEGAS and his impersonation Tokyo while Taki appears to provocative film is expertly innovation and execution. The sequence which carries most dramatic of Humphrey Bogart is truly Jim Jarmusch’s passion for be enjoying his schooldays in photographed and performed impact and poignancy is the realisation from Salieri that he can do terrific. Dafoe is given the music is evident in most of his Tokyo until he wakes up one by a brave cast. You could little to match the extraordinary talent of his rival. Flicking through the freedom to be as nasty and as films particularly in his 1997 morning in Mitsuha’s body... argue that this is a porn film sheet music, in an act of despair and submission, he drops them to the offensive as possible deliver- Neil Young documentary It is a highly original subject disguised as an art movie but floor only for the Southbank Sinfonia to instantly perform them causing ing the most shocking dia- YEAR OF THE HORSE. for an animation feature which you have to experience it and yet more anguish for an already beaten and downtrodden man. Their logue imaginable. Schrader “I am going to interrogate is perhaps not entirely suited then make up your own mind. continual presence which also gives an Ancient Greek chorus dimen- has also given himself a Jim Osterberg,” he says as he for children as is deals with Definitely not for those sion and a persistent torment of a tortured soul, coupled with singers cameo as El Greco of all addresses his subject in the more complex subjects like easily shocked! who breathe life into the beautiful music, demonstrate vividly that be it people. opening scene of his fascina- spirituality and body swap. On God or Mozart his tortured words will only ever fall on deaf ears. It is a mixed bag – often it is ting new music documentary. the other hand that was the Korean Film Festival A total triumph that you cannot miss. silly and incomprehensible but Osterberg, of course, is the theme of many Hollywood Meanwhile Christiana Efthyvoulou is knocked out…Jack Johnson was when it works it is fun! name of Iggy Pop - the iconic films like FREAKY FRIDAY and The Truth the first African-American world heavyweight champion and Marco rock n’ roll figure that became VICE VERSA but is done here Ramirez’s play The Royale (Bush Theatre at The Tabernacle) draws notoriously famous when he with more sophistication and Indignation Beneath on his story as we get close up and personal with boxer Jay Jackson, created the legendary band style. a man on a personal and professional mission. It is early in the The Stooges. In the beginning The designs and colours are twentieth century and Jackson not only has to fight his opponents but it was the Psychedelic amazing in this unpredictable also the massive obstacles that the racially divided society puts in his Stooges but after seeking and highly enjoyable anima- way. Director Madani Younis gives us highly stylised theatre that has great permission from the popular tion feature – another success impact and we are made to feel as though we are part of the crowd at comedians THE THREE story from Japan! STOOGES they allowed him a big title fight. to use their brand name as Inside the ring Nicholas Pinnock’s Jackson displays enormous long as he didn’t use the I, Olga Hepnarova fortitude with elements of Ali’s bravado but in his quieter moments number three. Everyone never quite sure that his chosen career is the right path. He certainly possesses the appropriate physicality and during the beautifully hated them in the sixties and Lee Kyoung-mi’s intelligent choreographed sparring sessions with Fish (Martins Imhangbe is seventies and their popularity thriller opened the current excellent) their warring torsos say as much about the art of pugilism as was very low before they Korean Film Festival which they do about the scarring history of slavery. A ninety minute bout that James Schamus directs became a cult group around is now celebrating its 10th punches well above its weight. intelligently his own screen- the globe and changed the anniversary with a much And Julie Neophytou celebrates middle-aged stoicism…Bits of Me Are play based on Philip Roth’s image of rock n’ roll Iggy bigger and more ambitious Falling Apart (Soho Theatre), yes I know the feeling. William wakes up novel that takes place in 1951 reminds Jarmusch as he programme and with screen- one morning, middle aged and cranky. He’s alone, sleeping on a and tells the story of Marcus tells his story with colourful ings not only in London but mattress in his office and bits of him are falling apart. Ade Edmondson Messner (Logan Lerman), a anecdotes including the one also in cities across the UK. offers up 75 minutes of the spiralling depression of a cranky middle working class Jewish boy from when he lost his front teeth This powerful film from She tells the story of a aged man who’s been dumped. While his friends are worried about Newark, New Jersey who wins after jumping off stage towards Petr Kazda & Tomas Weinreb politician’s wife (Son Ye-jin) how bad their golf swing is he’s counting up his coppers and trying a scholarship to a college in the audience who immediate- takes place in Prague in the whose daughter disappears to pay them in at the Post Office. Bravo for his fighting spirit of not Ohio. His mother is worried ly cleared the way for him. His early seventies and as the title one day during the heat of a jumping off a quarry in case he regrets it on the way down. A very whether there is kosher food signature to always perform suggests it follows the story national political campaign. entertaining show for anybody in the first stages of middle age. available in Ohio while his shitless was very much influ- of Olga Hepnarova (Michalina She is determined to find Finally Rose Goodenough enjoys a Parikiaki first…Hallelujah, The overprotective father wants enced by the look of the Olszanska), a solitary young her missing child while her Mousetrap (Yvonne Arnaud) opened in London in 1952 and finally we to know every detail about Pharaohs particularly by woman with no friends what- husband appears to be more have reviewed it! This touring production ticked all the boxes you would his daily activities. But when Yul Brynner’s presence in soever followed by years of preoccupied with his own expect from any Agatha Christie classic. The longest-running show in Marcus falls under the spell of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. being bullied as a child. Like political career... the world deserves an excellent cast and they imbued the whole evening his beautiful classmate Olivia Iggy is a good storyteller her chain-smoking she goes The production values are with moments of high drama, high camp and superb murder mystery. Hutton (Sarah Gadon) things and so is Jarmusch who has from one job to another until excellent- superb cinemato- Even Brexit got a look in amid all the tomfoolery and machinating. An begin to take an unexpected gathered fascinating archive she settles as a truck driver. graphy with an atmospheric evening to savour and the murderer was…my life is worth more than that! turn... material here for this satisfy- Her sex life is similar – she has score complimenting perfect- It is a sad, melancholic film ing new film. sex with women but no one ly the action. AMADEUS - 020 7452 3000 that wisely takes its time to wants to have a steady There are many twists and THE ROYALE - 020 8743 5050 unfold. The script is written Your Name relationship with her. One day turns in the labyrinthine plot BITS OF ME ARE FALLING APART – 020 7478 0100 more like a stage play with Olga concocts the perfect plan that will keep you guessing till THE MOUSETRAP – on tour many long scenes and the Makoto Shinkai’s popular for revenge... the very end! PARIKIAKI English Section, 17th November 2016 17

Celebrity news ...and gossip with Andrea Georgiou

ey everyone, hope artists Jess Glynne and footage and is shooting the rules of the music indus- you’re all well… MNEK with the Vanguard additional interviews for the try. H Award, songwriters Amy project. The success of his first solo Wadge for her collaboration The feature documentary album Faith resulted in him Hannides brothers with Ed Sheeran on Thinking will include the original five becoming one of the few scoop Out Loud (song of the year, supermodels from film direc- artists who could shift millions top digital song) and James tor David Fincher’s Freedom! of albums worldwide. This was ASCAP award! Newman for his Calvin Harris ‘90 video, Naomi Campbell, a dream scenario for the label collaboration Blame (top EDM Christy Turlington, Cindy but he had different plans. This Congratulations to song- song). Crawford, Tatjana Patitz and resulted in a difference in writers-producers Michael and In addition, Sir Paul Linda Evangelista who will be opinion between him and the Anthony Hannides who both McCartney’s Fourfiveseconds coming together for the first label over how the follow-up scooped a Global Impact and Ella Henderson’s Ghost time to talk about the experi- album Listen Without Prejudice Award at the ASCAP Awards were both recognised in the ence and celebrate the iconic was promoted. last Thursday (10 November) ASCAP Hot 100 Winning music video. To coincide with the for co-writing and producing Songs. The film will also feature documentary’s broadcast in the smash international #1 hit Ella is another artist the famous fans of George and early 2017, Sony Music will Pillowtalk by Zayn Malik. MYKL boys have collaborated the album: Stevie Wonder, be re-releasing George’s You may remember the with, having penned a song Elton John, Ricky Gervais, iconic album, Listen Without duo, who operate under the for her upcoming album. Mark Ronson, Liam Gallagher, Prejudice Vol.1. This was the moniker Make You Know Love The follow-up to Chapter One Mary J Blige, Jean Paul Gaulti- singer’s second solo album, (aka MYKL), from the boy- will be released in 2017 via er, Tony Bennett and James but the first where he has band 4-Tune who had a great Simon Cowell’s Sony imprint Corden. said he felt fully in control run on the UK’s X Factor com- Syco Music. It will be a very personal artistically. petition. Michael and Anthony also documentary revealing how It promises to be a real treat the boy from north London for fans! Pillowtalk was co-written co-wrote and produced Craig Anthony (left) and Michael Hannides with their ASCAP awards. became one of the most by former One Direction mem- David’s Louder Than Words, The brothers won the Global Impact Award for co-writing and influential recording artists of Ciao for now, ber Zayn together with the taken from the artist’s latest producing the smash hit ‘Pillowtalk’ for Zayn Malik Hannides brothers and Joe studio collection, Following all time and helped to re-write Andrea xxx Garrett. It featured on the My Intuition, which debuted exciting new feature documen- Prejudice Vol 1 and the infa- singer’s debut solo album at number one on the UK tary Freedom, an amazing and mous battle with his record Mind of Mine, released earlier Albums Chart. engaging film which covers company which followed this year. We wish the boys well in all an eventful five year period in ending up in the high court Pillowtalk debuted at #1 they do and to continue their the Greek Cypriot superstar’s where George challenges the on the US Billboard Hot 100 fine journey in the music life. standard recording contract. chart, making Zayn the third industry! This period saw a complete Freedom: George Michael UK act in history to gain that change where he was able to is being produced by Sony honour. George Michael grow as an artist and finally Music Entertainment UK The ASCAP Awards, which putting finishing take full control of his life as limited. The film is narrated took place at London’s well as his career. He fell in by George himself, giving One Embankment, honoured touches to feature love for the first time, which viewers his own personal iconic British group Duran documentary sadly ended in tragedy. account of this dramatic peri- Duran with the prestigious It also follows the gripping od in his life. Golden Note Award. George Michael is putting story of the making of George He has discovered some The event also recognised the finishing touches to his Michael’s Listen Without incredible, unseen archive George Michael’s feature documentary will air in 2017! 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ0HGLWHUUDQHDQ4HE2OYAL#HACE(OTEL 3$&.$*(3$&.$*(

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hat does it mean to be Cypriot? There in English, the word Chair is referred to a Tsaera diverse populations of Cyprus. With all has always existed a somewhat and the French word for fork, Broche which communities including the British having Wcultural mix up with identity of the is where the Cypriot word Protsa originates. centuries of history on the island since the population of Cyprus. And of course, this Tomato in Greek in commonly referred to as crusades when 1192 when King Richard I of confusion is heightened once we begin to Ntomata yet in Cyprus many refer to it as England more commonly known as Richard Cywinefest consider the expats and thus the communities Pomilori from the Italian word Pomodoro, the Lionheart who was Lord of Cyprus. English living abroad. We know that it doesn’t get another example would be Conno meaning presence continues to this day not only via more confusing than for British Born Cypriots, nut, the word Kounna is used where as in the military installations on the island but also conveniently dubbed the ‘BBCs’, a Greece the term Xeri Karpi is used. There are with the thousands of Britons that know call terminology of which would not work had our many Turkish words used in the Cypriot dialect Identity community labelled themselves under the - the most common is Tzisves which takes its Cyprus home. We are in a linguistically broad term of Greek; BBG doesn’t quite have origin from the word Cezve or the alternative overlapping timeline whereby English words the same ring to it. Yet for the purposes of to Olive bread Kattimeri from the Turkish have found their way into the Cypriot dialect @ convenience even the most adamant Greek Katmer; the more common word used in in a more modern sense, a lot of which are Cypriots surrender their personal love affair Greek is Eliopitta, which there is a distinct only understood by BBCs words as marketta for with a purely ‘Greek’ identity for this difference. There are of course various market, ketlo for kettle or paso for bus -we find cultural fusion associative title. common words that are derived from ancient an ever-evolutionary adaptation of the There exists a certain dilemma where Greek to English such as agoraphobia from Cypriot dialect and it would be a fantastic identity is concerned, are we Armenian, the agora meaning market/market place and exercise to be able to formulate this into some Greek, Latin (mainly referring to the French phobos (phovos) meaning fear and likewise sort of lexicon. and Italian communities), Maronite, Turkish, the English word yoghurt and coffee derives The link with various nations is what makes add to that the confusion of living in the from the Turkish Kahve and Yogurt. But the this ‘dilemma’ so intriguing, other diaspora, does that make one predominantly Cypriot dialect encompasses words from the Mediterranean islands also have a similar British, English since they’re citizens of that past and present adaptations of modern history but none quite as superbly strange as country? languages which makes it such a diverse Cyprus and it is this uniqueness that makes the There are many differences between dialect. fabric of Cypriot society so adaptable and in Republic of Cyprus Greeks and Greek Cypriots as there are many The great thing about all these differences between Turks and Turkish Cypriots. discrepancies between languages is that it turn makes us such an understanding Words that are in use in the Cypriot dialect creates by default a solemn Cypriot identity community with a strong willingness to are not found in Greek but may have Arabic, whereby the backgrounds encompassed in celebrate life and the best way to sum up all English, French, Italian or Turkish origin such as: Cypriot history are ever present. Yes, it’s true this history and present this explosion of Funduk, the Arabic word for market, which in that many other nations have communities character is at our very own Cywinefest. Ministry of Energy, Commerce, the Cypriot dialect is a Fountoukos or of varying ethnic backgrounds but they are Industry & Tourism Ministry of Agriculture Fountouki. Let us move on to an unusual one not as historically embedded as the multi- George Charalambous

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† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ∞ÓÙÚ¤·˜ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘ Andreas Demetriou (·fi ÙË §¿Úӷη) (from Larnaca) ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 31.10.2016, Passed away on Monday 31.10.2016 at the age of 70. Ô ∞ÓÙÚ¤·˜ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 70 ÂÙÒÓ. He came to England in 1962. √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Úı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1962. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ ª·›ÚË, 3 ÎfiÚ˜: §›ÏÈ·, ÃÚ˘ÛÙ¿ÏÏ· Î·È Andreas leaves his wife Mary, 3 daughters: Lilia, Chrystalla and Anna, ÕÓÓ·, 2 ˘ÈÔ‡˜: ª¿ÚÈÔ Î·È ¡›ÎÔ, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ 2 sons: Marios and Nick, grandchildren and many relatives and friends. Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. The funeral will take place on Monday 21st November 2016 at 12.30pm ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 21.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.30ÌÌ at the All Saints Orthodox Church, North Benfleet Hall Road, ·fi ÙËÓ All Saints Orthodox Church, North Benfleet Hall Road, Essex, SS12 9JR and the burial at Chelmsford Cemetery & Essex, SS12 9JR Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ Chelmsford Cemetery & Crematorium, Writtle Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3BL. Crematorium, Writtle Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3BL. After the funeral there will be a gathering for refreshments at ªÂÙ¿ ÙËÓ Ù·Ê‹ ı· ‰Ôı› ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ÛÙÔ The Rose & Crown, The Rose & Crown, The Green, Chelmsford, Essex. The Green, Chelmsford, Essex. Δ· ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· ·ÔÛÙ¤ÏÏÔÓÙ·È If you wish to send flowers please send them direct to funeral Chelmsford Star Co-operative Funeral Services, directors: Chelmsford Star Co-operative Funeral Services, 60 The Green Writtle Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3DU. 60 The Green Writtle Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3DU. ∂›Û˘ ı· ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ÎÔ˘Ù› ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÁÈ· ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ There will be a charity collection box at the Church where you Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó ÁÈ· ºÈÏ·ÓıÚˆÈÎÔ‡˜ ÛÎÔÔ‡˜. can donate.

§ MEMORIAL SERVICE The 1st year memorial service of our beloved and dearly missed husband, father, brother and uncle Costa Andreou will take place on Sunday 20.11.2016, at The Greek Orthodox Church of St. Mary’s Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.

His wife Sophie, sons: Alex Darius and Achilleas, step-children: Arianne and Peter, siblings Rena, Chris and Tony, nephews Andy, Kyri and Adam, nieces: Ellie, Megan and Tia and other relatives T A year has passed since you went away, not a day has passed without saying your name I hold you in my heart and still feel your pain. I miss your smile, I miss your grin, I miss everything within. When the stars shine so bright in the sky up above I see your face and I hear you laugh Costa, life is not the same without you, it never will be. You truly are so missed by us all. Heaven gained my loss but gained you, to walk the path of life above. Love you forever,until we meet again. We miss you so much Costa. Sophie Always in our hearts. ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 25

¨ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ¨ ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ·˜ °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ (·fi ÙËÓ ∞ÌÌfi¯ˆÛÙÔ)

Platon Georgiou (from Famagusta) 20th June 1934 – 4th November 2016 "We love you with every little bit of everything that has ever consumed us and will forever love you, and forever find you in every life time until the stars die out and the universe leaps, but even then, our love for you will remain." We love you forever Dad and Papou Platon x

ŒÊ˘Á ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 04.11.2016, Ô ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˜ Ì·˜ ·Ù¤Ú·˜ Î·È Platon leaves us to join his recently departed, beloved sweetheart ·Ô‡˜ ¶Ï¿ÙˆÓ·˜ °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ ÂÚÈÙÚÈÁ˘ÚÈṲ̂ÓÔ˜ ·fi ÙÔ˘˜ ˘ÈÔ‡˜ Isabella. ÙÔ˘ °ÈÒÚÁÔ Î·È Ã¿ÚË, ÙȘ Ӈʘ ÙÔ˘ Î·È Ù· ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· ÙÔ˘ ÁÈ· Ó· Carrying on his wonderful legacy are his loving sons George and Û˘Ó·ÓÙ‹ÛÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ Isabella Ô˘ ·‚›ˆÛ ÛÙȘ 20.09.2016. Harry along with their wives and six granddaughters. Platon was surrounded with love as he passed away peacefully in ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË 29.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.00 ÙÔ his home. ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙˆÓ ¢Ò‰Âη ∞ÔÛÙfiψÓ, Kentish Lane, The funeral will be held at 12 o'clock on Tuesday 29th November 2016 Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Herts, AL9 6NG Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ at The Twelve Apostles Church, Kentish Lane, Brookmans Park, ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate (Saint Sophias). Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL9 6NG, United Kingdom. The burial will be at New Southgate Cemetery (Saint Sophia's) and H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ. the offering will be held at the cemetery. £· ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ÎÔ˘Ù› ÁÈ· ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó There will be a collection box for the Alzheimer’s Society at the ÁÈ· ÙÔ Alzheimer’s Society. funeral. Donations may also be made to this important cause via the https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/PlatonandIsabellaGeorgiou Isabella and Platon Just Giving page online: ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07753 823 696 https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/PlatonandIsabellaGeorgiou ™ÂÏ›‰· 26 ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016

§ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ § MEMORIAL SERVICE EYXAPI™THPIO TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ The 1st year memorial service of our ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood beloved and dearly missed wife, ∂ϤÓË Ã·ÚÈÏ¿Ô˘ Green, London N22 8LB ÙÔ mother, grandmother and great- (∫ÂÏÏ¿ÎÈ §ÂÌÂÛÔ‡) 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ùo˘ ÔÏ˘·- grandmother Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ ˘ÈÔ‡, ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ Î·È ·Ù¤Ú· Eftyhia (Beba) Stylianou (Larnaca) ¶¿ÌÔ˘ (÷ڿϷÌÔ˘) will take place on Sunday 20.11.2016, ÷ڷϿÌÔ˘˜ at The Greek Orthodox Church of Ss. Constantine & Helen, 69a Westow (ÕÁÈÔ §Ô˘Î¿ ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘) Street, Upper Norwood, London SE19 Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó 3RW. ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. ∏ ÌËÙ¤Ú· ÙÔ˘ πˆ¿ÓÓ· (Δ˙Ô˘‚·ÓÔ‡), ·Ù¤Ú·˜ ¶·ÓÙÂÏ‹˜, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ·: ∞ÓÙÚ¤·˜ Î·È ¶¤ÙÚÔ˜, ÎfiÚË Joanna Husband George, daughter Androulla, son-in-law Tony, Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT

¶·Ó›ÎÔ˜ ∑·¯·ÚÈ¿‰Ë˜ Panicos Zachariades MË ·Ó·Î‡„·ÓÙ˜ ·ÎfiÌË ·fi ÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ï‹ÁÌ· ÙÔ˘ ı·Ó¿ÙÔ˘ Ù˘ (·fi ÙËÓ ∂Ù·ÎÒÌË) (from Eptakomi) ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜ Î·È ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ ∂ϤÓ˘ ÷ÚÈÏ¿Ô˘, ı¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ M ‚·ıÈ¿ ıÏ›„Ë ·ÁÁ¤ÏÏÔ˘Ì fiÙÈ It is with great sadness that we ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, η٤ıÂÛ·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó ·‚›ˆÛ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 31.10.2016, announce the death of Panicos Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ st Ô ¶·Ó›ÎÔ˜ ∑·¯·ÚÈ¿‰Ë˜, Û ËÏÈΛ· Zachariades on Monday 31 October ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜. 2016 aged 64. 64 ÂÙÒÓ. ¶·È‰È¿: ∑oe, Koulla Î·È Philippos, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓ· ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ Bridget, ÙËÓ He leaves behind his wife Bridget, Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ÎfiÚË ÙÔ˘ Tina, ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi ÙÔ˘ daughter Tina, son in law Chris, daughter in law Sarah, four grand- Chris, ÙË Ó‡ÊË ÙÔ˘ Sarah, 4 ÂÁÁfi- children: Nicole, Joshua, Jason and ÓÈ·: Nicola, Joshua, Jason, Chloe °È· A°°E§IE™, MNHMO™YNA Chloe and many other close family Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È and friends. Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. Î·È £ANATOY™ The funeral will take place on ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË Tuesday 22nd November 2016 at TËÏÂʈӋÛÙ ÛÙÔ 020 8341 5853 22.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.00 ÙÔ 12.00pm at the Greek Orthodox ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ Church of St Nicholas, Godolphin ∞Á›Ô˘ ¡ÈÎÔÏ¿Ô˘, 60 Godolphin Road, Road, White City, W12 8JW. § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ London W12 8JW Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ The burial will follow at North Sheen North Sheen Cemetery, Lower Cemetery, Lower Richmond Road, ∫Ô‡ÏÏ· ÃÚ›ÛÙÔ˘ Richmond Road, Richmond, TW9 Richmond, TW9 4LL. 4LL. (∞ηÓıÔ‡) The family has requsted no flowers, ∏ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ· ÂÈı˘Ì› ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· but any donations will be gratefully Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ Muscular received for Muscular Dystrophy and Dystrophy and Mind. 01.03.1952 – 31.10.2016 Mind.

IN LOVING MEMORY Stella Aresti (Toulouras) Zacharias Aresti (from Rizokarpasso) (from Rizokarpasso)

ΔÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙˆÓ ∞Á›ˆÓ ¶¿ÓÙˆÓ, Camden Street, London NW1 0JA, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤- Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜ Î·È ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ ∫Ô‡ÏÏ·˜ ÃÚ›ÛÙÔ˘ Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË Ù˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. January 1929 – November 1981 June 1928 – February 2013 ¶·È‰È¿: Maria, Sotira Î·È George, Á·ÌÚÔ›: Andreas Î·È Mike, Ó‡ÊË ∫aterina, Our most beloved parents, the years and months pass by, but not a day goes ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Koulla, Christopher, Alexandra, Adam Î·È by without you in our thoughts. You are in our hearts forever, never forgotten. Nicholas, ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓË Andrea Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.

§ DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT - FUNERAL Andreas Constantinou (from Vouno, Kyrenia) Passed away on Monday 7 November 2016 at the age of 64.

Andreas Constantinou from South London, who was a wonderful husband to Iliatha and father to Adam, Johnny and Androulla, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his loving family on 7th November 2016 – he will be deeply missed. The funeral will take place on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 at the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nektarios, Wycliffe Road, Battersea, London SW11 5QR at 10am. The burial will then follow at Beckenham Cemetery, Elmers End Road, Beckenham BR3 4TD at 1:30pm. This will be followed by the wake at Time Bar, 1-4 Southend Road, Beckenham BR3 1SD. A donation box will be available on the day and these donations will go to the hospitals that cared for Andreas. Flowers are also welcome. ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 27 ∞ÊȤڈ̷ ÛÙËÓ ·Á·Ë̤ÓË Ì·˜ ÎfiÚË ª·Ú›·

¤Ú·Û·Ó 40 Ë̤Ú˜ ·fi ÙËÓ Ì¤ÓË Ì·˜ ‰ÈfiÙÈ ¯ÚÂÈ·˙fiÙ·Ó ·ÎfiÌË ÚÈ¿ÓÓ· ÎÔÈÙÔ‡Û ÙÔ Ê¤ÚÂÙÚÔ Ì ÊÔÚ¤˜ ·È‰È¿ ÛÔ. °È· Ì·˜ ‰ÂÓ Â›Ó·È ÚÔÛˆÈÎfiÙËÙ· ÙÔ˘ Jimmy. ¶ÂÚË- ¶Ì·‡ÚË ÂΛÓË Ë̤ڷ ÙȘ 15 ¤Ó· ÕÁÁÂÏÔ ÛÙÔ Ï¢Úfi ÙÔ˘. ∫¿- ·Ì˯·Ó›· Î·È ‰ÂÓ ÌÔÚÔ‡Û ӷ ÙÔ ‰˘Ô ·ÏÏ¿ 10 ÊÔÚ¤˜ ·È‰È¿ Ì·˜. Ê·Ó¢fiÌ·ÛÙ fiÏÔÈ Ì·˜ ÁÈ’ ·˘Ùfi Î·È √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ Ô˘ ¤Û‚ËÛÂ Ë Ï¿Ì„Ë ÓÔ˘Ì ÌÈ· ¢¯‹ Ô £Âfi˜ Ó· Û˘ÌÏ‹- ÈÛÙ¤„ÂÈ fiÙÈ ÂΛ ̤۷ ‚ÚÈÛÎfiÛÔ˘Ó ªÂ ÙÔÓ Jimmy Û˘Ó¯›˙Ô˘Ì ÙÔ ™¿‚- ÂÛ‡ Ô˘ ÙÔÓ ‚ϤÂȘ ·fi ÂΛ „Ë- ·fi ÙÔ fiÌÔÚÊÔ ÚfiÛˆÔ ÛÔ˘. ™Â ÚˆÛ ٷ ηÈÓ¿ ÙÔ˘ Ì ÙËÓ ‰È΋ ÛÔ˘ ÂÛ‡, ¤Ó· ¿ÙÔÌÔ Ô˘ ¿ÓÙÔÙ ÛÎÔÚ- ‚·ÙÔ ÌÂÙ¿ ÙÔ Ì¿ıËÌ· Drums Ó· Ï¿ ı· ÙÔÓ Î·Ì·ÚÒÓÂȘ Î·È ı· ·È- ÂÌ¿˜ fiÏÔ˘˜, ÛÙÔÓ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÛÔ˘ ·ÚÔ˘Û›· Î·È Ó· ÌËÓ ÎÏ¿„Ô˘Ó Ô‡Û ÙÔ Á¤ÏÈÔ Î·È ÙËÓ ¯·Ú¿ ÂΛ Û˘Ó·ÓÙÈfiÌ·ÛÙ Ì ÙÔÓ ¶¿ÌÔ Î·È Ûı¿ÓÂÛ·È ˘ÂÚ‹Ê·ÓË. ∞‰¿ÌÔ, ÛÙ· ·È‰È¿ ÛÔ˘ Jimmy (¢Ë- ¿ÏÏÔÈ ÁÔÓ›˜ Ù· ·È‰È¿ ÙÔ˘˜ ‰ÈfiÙÈ Ô˘ ‹Á·ÈÓÂ. 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Δ· ·ÎÔ‡·Ì ÎÙ· Ô˘ ¿ÓÙÔÙ ¤‰ÈÓ˜ ÙÔ ·ÚfiÓ ÙȘ ÛÙÈÁ̤˜. away. fiÏ· ·˘Ù¿ Î·È ÈÛÙ‡·ÌÂ Î·È ÂÌ›˜ ÛÔ˘ Î·È ¤ÌÂÓ˜ ̤¯ÚÈ ÙÔ Ù¤ÏÔ˜ ÁÈ· ∂ΛÓÔ ÙÔ ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›Ô ‚Ú¿‰˘, Ì·˙› ÛÔ˘ fiÙÈ ı· ÁÈÓfiÙ·Ó ¤Ó· ı·‡- Ó· ¿ÚÂȘ ÙËÓ ı›· ÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·. οÙÈ ÚÔÛ·ıÔ‡Û˜ Ó· Ì·˜ ÂȘ, She had a fighting spirit which was rare. Everybody she knew Ì·. ∂›¯Â˜ ÙfiÛË ›ÛÙË Ô˘ ¤ÏÂÁ˜, √ Jimmy ¤Î·Ó ÌÈ· Ôχ ˆÚ·›· ·ÏÏ¿ Ù· ÏfiÁÈ· ‰ÂÓ ¤‚Á·ÈÓ·Ó. ∂Ì›˜ had their lives turned around by my mum. «‰ÂÓ ÈÛÙ‡ˆ fiÙÈ Ô £Âfi˜ Ì ¤ÊÂÚ ۇÓÙÔÌË ÔÌÈÏ›· ÂÎ ÙÔ˘ Úԯ›ÚÔ˘ ¿Óˆ ÛÙÔÓ fiÓÔ Ì·˜ ‰ÂÓ ÌÔÚ¤- She made her parents proud, she made her husband proud, ˆ˜ Â‰Ò ÁÈ· Ó· Ì ¿ÚÂÈ ·fi ÎÔ- Î·È ÂÓÙ˘ˆÛ›·Û ÙÔ˘˜ ¿ÓÙ˜, fiÏÔÈ Û·Ì ӷ ÛÔ˘ ··ÓÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì ·Ó she made her children proud. ÓÙ¿ Û·˜». ∂Ì›˜ Û˘ÌʈÓÔ‡Û·Ì ÙÔÓ ¯ÂÈÚÔÎÚfiÙËÛ·Ó Î·È ‰¿ÎÚ˘Û·Ó. ‹ıÂϘ Ó· Ì·˜ ÂȘ οÙÈ ÁÈ· Ù· ̈- And now as my mum is in heaven, she is not only in Ì·˙› ÛÔ˘, ÌfiÓÔ Ô ıÂfi˜, ÛÙÔÓ ÔÔ›Ô ∏ ·Á·Ë̤ÓË ÛÔ˘ ÂÍ·‰¤ÏÊË ª·- Ú¿. a better place, but is in our hearts. fiÏÔÈ ÈÛÙ‡ԢÌ ÙfiÛÔ Ôχ, ÁÓˆ- Ú›Ó· ·ˇı˘Ó ÌÈ· ˘¤ÚÔ¯Ë ÔÌÈ- ∫ÔÈÌ‹ÛÔ˘ ‹Û˘¯Ë ·Á·Ë̤ÓË Ú›˙ÂÈ ÙÈ Î¿ÓÂÈ, ‹Ù·Ó ‰ÈÎfi ÙÔ˘ ı¤ÏË- Ï›· Ô˘ Ô ÎfiÛÌÔ˜ fiÏÔ˜ ‰¿ÎÚ˘ÛÂ. Ì·˜. °ÓÒÚÈ˙˜ ·˘Ùfi ϤÓ fiÙÈ ÙˆÓ Your son Jimmy Ì· Ó· Û ¿ÚÂÈ ÎÔÓÙ¿ ÙÔ˘ ·Á·Ë- ∏ ·Á·Ë̤ÓË ÛÔ˘ ÂÍ·‰¤ÏÊË ª·- ·È‰ÈÒÓ ÛÔ˘ Ù· ·È‰È¿ Â›Ó·È ‰˘Ô

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TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Road, Wood Green, London N22 8LB, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜, ı˘Á·Ù¤Ú·˜, ·‰ÂÏÊ‹˜ Î·È ı›·˜ ª·Ú›·˜ ∞‰¿ÌÔ˘

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† MNHMO™YNO § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·˜ ªÈ¯·‹Ï (AÁÏ·ÓÙ˙È¿, §Â˘ÎˆÛ›·) TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ EÎÎÏË- Û›· ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, Wightman Rd, London N8 0LY, ÙÔ 12ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ Ù˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤- Ó˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙ˘ Ì·˜ ÌËÙ¤Ú·˜, ÁÈ·ÁÈ¿˜ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊ‹˜ ∫˘ÚÈ·ÎÔ‡˜ £ˆÌ¿


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TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ¶·È‰È¿: ∂ϤÓË, °ÈˆÚÁÔ‡ÏÏ·, ª·Ú›·, °È¿ÓÓ˘, ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚ˘ ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Δown Road/ Logan Road, London N9 Î·È °ÈÒÚÁÔ˜, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·, ‰ÈÛ¤ÁÁÔÓÔ, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· 0LP, ÙÔ 40‹ÌÂÚÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜. ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ ·Ù¤Ú· Î·È ·Ô‡ ∞Ó‰Ú¤· ªÈ¯·‹Ï. ∂ÀÃ∞ƒπ™Δ∏ƒπ√ £¤ÏÔ˘Ì ӷ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÛÔ˘Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ·Ú¢ڤıËÎ·Ó ÛÙËÓ Îˉ›·, ¤Î·Ó·Ó ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ Alzheimer’s Society, η٤ıÂ- °È· A°°E§IE™, MNHMO™YNA Î·È £ANATOY™ Û·Ó ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ·, ·¤ÛÙÂÈÏ·Ó Û˘ÏÏ˘ËÙ‹ÚÈ· ÌËӇ̷ٷ ‹ Û˘ÌÌÂ- Ù›¯·Ó Ì ÔÔÈÔÓ‰‹ÔÙ ¿ÏÏÔÓ ÙÚfiÔ ÛÙÔ ‚·Ú‡ Ì·˜ ¤ÓıÔ˜. TËÏÂʈӋÛÙ ÛÙÔ 020 8341 5853

§ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ ∂˘Á¤ÓÈÔ˜ (∂‡Ë˜) ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˘ ¶Ô‡Ï·Î·˜ (·fi ÙËÓ ∞ÛÁ¿Ù· §ÂÌÂÛÔ‡) ∞‚›ˆÛ ·fi ·Ó›·ÙË ·Ûı¤ÓÂÈ· ÙÔ ™¿‚‚·ÙÔ 12.11.2016, Ô ∂˘Á¤ÓÈÔ˜ (∂‡Ë˜) ∫ˆÓÛÙ·ÓÙ›ÓÔ˘ ¶Ô‡Ï·Î·˜ Û ËÏÈΛ· 59 ÂÙÒÓ. √ ÂÎÏÈÒÓ ‹Ïı ÛÙËÓ ∞ÁÁÏ›· ÙÔ 1964. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ Vesna, 2 ·È‰È¿: °È¿ÓÓË-Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ Katherine, Î·È Marisa, 2 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: ∞ϤͷӉÚÔ Î·È ¡›ÎÔ, ÙÔ˘˜ ÁÔÓ›˜ ÙÔ˘ ∫ÒÛÙ· Î·È £ÂÔ‰ÒÚ· ¶Ô‡Ï·Î· ·fi ÙËÓ ∞ÛÁ¿Ù·, ÙÔÓ ·‰ÂÏÊfi ÙÔ˘ ∞Ó‰Ú¤·, ÙË Ó‡ÊË ÙÔ˘ °ÈˆÚÁÔ‡ÏÏ·, Ù· ·‰ÂÏÊfiÙÂÎÓ· ÙÔ˘ Î·È ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 24.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.30ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙˆÓ ¢Ò‰Âη ∞ÔÛÙfiψÓ, Kentish Lane, Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Herts, AL9 6NG Î·È Ë ·ÔÙ¤ÊÚˆÛË ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate. °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÁÈ· ÙÔ Macmillan Cancer Support. ∏ ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙÔ Ariana Banqueting Hall, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London N11 1GN.

§ ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ § DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT ∞ÓÙˆÓ¿Î˘ °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ Antonakis Georgiou (·fi ÙËÓ ∞ÌÌfi¯ˆÛÙÔ) (from Ammochostos)

∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 10.11.2016, Passed away on Thursday Ô ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˜ Ì·˜ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜, 10 November 2016 at the age of 80. ·Ù¤Ú·˜ Î·È ·Ô‡˜ ∞ÓÙˆÓ¿Î˘ °ÂˆÚÁ›Ô˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 80 ÂÙÒÓ. He was a beloved husband, father and grandfather and will be sorely ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙË Û‡˙˘ÁÔ ÙÔ˘ Elli, 2 ÎfiÚ˜: missed. He leaves behind his wife Georgina Î·È Andrula, 4 ÂÁÁfi- Elli, 2 daughters Georgina and ÓÈ·: Anthony, Elli, George Î·È Andrula, 4 beloved grandchildren Nicholas, ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi ÙÔ˘ Paul Î·È Anthony, Elli, George and Nicholas, ÔÏÏÔ‡˜ Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. his son-in-law Paul and many ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË relatives and friends. 24.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 1.00ÌÌ ·fi ÙËÓ The funeral will take place on ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ¶·Ó·Á›·˜, Trinity Thursday 24th November 2016 at Road, Wood Green, London N22 1pm at the Greek Orthodox Church 8LB Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ Ùo˘ of St Mary’s, Trinity Road, Wood New Southgate. Green, London N22 8LB and the burial at New Southgate Cemetery. °›ÓÂÙ·È ¤ÎÎÏËÛË ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È· Ó· Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ Ô˘ ı· ‰ÔıÔ‡Ó Instead of flowers, there will be a ÛÙÔ North London Hospice. donation box for the North London Hospice, Whetstone. H ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿ ı· ‰Ôı› ÛÙËÓ ÔÈΛ· ÙÔ˘ ÂÎÏÈfiÓÙÔ˜, 37 Broomfield The wake will be held at his home, Lane, London, N13 4HH. 37 Broomfield Lane, London, N13 4HH. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 020 8967 3587. (Family telephone 020 8967 3587) ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 29

† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ™Ù·‡ÚÔ˜ ™Ù·˘ÚÈÓÔ‡ ª¿Ì·˜ ∞Ó‰Ú¤Ô˘ ¶·Ó›ÎÔ˜ ¶··‰ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘ (§ÂÌÂÛfi) (·fi ÙÔÓ ÕÁÈÔ °ÂÒÚÁÈÔ ™·ı·ÚÈÎÔ‡) (·fi Ùo ΔڛΈÌÔ) TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ ¢ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘, Town Road/Logan Road, London N9, ÙÔ 5ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘- ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤- ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘ Î·È ·- Ù¤Ú· ¶·Ó›ÎÔ˘ ¶··‰ËÌËÙÚ›Ô˘ Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂ- H Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ EϤÓË, Ë ÎfiÚË ÕÓÙÚË Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.


5 ¯ÚfiÓÈ· Â¤Ú·Û·Ó Ô˘ ¤Ê˘Á˜ ·fi ÎÔÓÙ¿ Ì·˜ Î·È Ë ÌÔÓ·ÍÈ¿ Ô˘ ¿ÊËÛ˜ Ì·‡ÚÈÛ ÙËÓ Î·Ú‰È¿ Ì·˜. ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 09.11.2016, Ô ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˜ Ì·˜ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜, ·Ù¤Ú·˜ Î·È ·Ô‡˜ ™Ù·‡ÚÔ˜ ™Ù·˘ÚÈÓÔ‡ Û ËÏÈΛ· 78 ÂÙÒÓ. ∞πø¡π∞ ™√À ∏ ª¡∏ª∏ ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞ÊÚÔ‰›ÙË Â›Û˘ ·fi ÙÔÓ ÕÁÈÔ °ÂÒÚÁÈÔ ∞‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ¶¤ÌÙË 10.11.2016, Ô ª¿Ì·˜ ∞Ó‰Ú¤Ô˘ ™·ı·ÚÈÎÔ‡, ÔÈ ÎfiÚ˜ ÙÔ˘ •¤ÓÈ· Î·È ¢‹ÌËÙÚ· Ì ÙÔ˘˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘˜ Û ËÏÈΛ· 83 ÂÙÒÓ. ÙÔ˘˜ William Î·È Geoffrey, Ù· ÂÁÁfiÓÈ· ÙÔ˘ Phoebe, Nathanael, ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞Ó·ÛÙ·Û›· ∞Ó‰Ú¤Ô˘ μÔÚο ·fi ÙÔ˘˜ ™Ù‡ÏÏÔ˘˜ Maeve, Katherine Î·È Ciara ÏËÚÔÊÔÚÔ‡Ó fiÛÔ˘˜ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ∞ÌÌÔ¯ÒÛÙÔ˘ ·‚›ˆÛ 25.08.2016. burgeon ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ ·Â›ÌÓËÛÙÔ˘ ™Ù·‡ÚÔ˘ fiÙÈ Ë Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· ÙÂÏÂÛÙ› ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ Ù· ·‰ÂÏÊfiÙÂÎÓ· ÙÔ˘, Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. floral design ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙÔ˘ ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹ ÛÙÔ Wightman Road, N8 0LY ÙËÓ ΔÂÙ¿ÚÙË 23.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 12.00 ÙÔ ∏ Îˉ›· ÙÔ˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÙË ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· 28.11.2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì SPECIALISING IN FUNERALS ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New Southgate fiÔ˘ ·fi ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ∞Á›Ô˘ πˆ¿ÓÓË ÙÔ˘ μ·ÙÈÛÙ‹, Wightman ı· ÚÔÛÊÂÚı› ·ÚËÁÔÚÈ¿. Road, London N8 0LY Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ §Ô˘Ïo‡‰È· Î·È ÛÙÂÊ¿ÓÈ· ÁÈ· Îˉ›˜ £· ˘¿Ú¯ÂÈ ÎÔ˘Ù› ÁÈ· ÂÈÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ÛÙÔ Prostate Cancer Research New Southgate. ∞ÔÙ·ı›Ù ÛÙËÓ HELEN ·ÓÙ› ÏÔ˘ÏÔ‡‰È·. ΔËÏ. ÔÈΛˆÓ: 07887 555 207 106 Cockfosters Road, Cockfosters, Herts EN4 0DP t: 020 8441 6661 f: 020 8364 9146 www.burgeon.co.uk e: [email protected] °È· A°°E§IE™, MNHMO™YNA Î·È £ANATOY™ TËÏ.: 020 8341 5853 WEDDINGS CHRISTENINGS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES CORPORATE SPECIAL OCCASIONS ∂π™º√ƒ∞ ™Δ√¡ ∂ƒ∞¡√ Δ∏™ ∫∂ ∞∫∂§ 2016 ∏ ∫ÔÌÌ·ÙÈ΋ √Ì¿‰· μ¿Û˘ Enfield ÙÔ˘ ∞∫∂§ μÚÂÙ·Ó›·˜ ηٿıÂÛ ÙÔ ÔÛfi ÙˆÓ í1,300 ÛÙÔÓ ŒÚ·ÓÔ 2016 Ù˘ ∫.∂. ∞∫∂§ ·fi ÙËÓ ÂΉ‹ÏˆÛË ™Ô˘‚Ï¿ÎÈ Î·È ¶˘ÚÔÙ¯Ӌ̷ٷ Ô˘ ‹Ù·Ó ·ÊÈÂڈ̤ÓË ÛÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙˆÓ ·Ôı·ÓfiÓÙˆÓ Û˘ÓÙÚfiÊˆÓ ÌÂÏÒÓ Ù˘ ∫ÔÌÌ·ÙÈ΋˜ √Ì¿‰·˜.

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For all funeral related Assistance with DSS Claims Δ·Ê¤˜ Î·È ·ÔÙÂÊÚÒÛÂȘ 24-ˆÚË ÚÔÛˆÈ΋ Â͢ËÚ¤ÙËÛË requirements 24 Hours Personal Service ÃÒÚÔÈ ·Ú·ÌÔÓ‹˜ Î·È ÍÂÎÔ‡Ú·- Δ·ÊfiϷΘ Û˘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ·˜ Î·È Û˘ÁÁÂÓÒÓ Burials and Cremations We guarantee best prices, μÔ‹ıÂÈ· Ì ÂȉfiÌ·Ù· ÙÔ˘ °Ú·Ê›Ԣ ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ ÙÈ̤˜, ÔÈfiÙËÙ· Î·È Worldwide Repatriations quality and professionalism ∫ÔÈÓˆÓÈÎÒÓ ÀËÚÂÛÈÒÓ Â·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÛÌfi˜ Chapel of Rest Facilities Memorial Stones ªÂÙ·ÊÔÚ¿ ÛÔÚÒÓ ÛÙÔ Â͈ÙÂÚÈÎfi For further information, call us on: 020 8889 9888 131-133 Myddleton Road, Wood Green, London N22 8NG Tel: 020 8889 9888 Fax: 020 8888 9205 [email protected] www.d-e.co.uk ™ÂÏ›‰· 30 ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016

°È· ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘Ó· Î·È ∂˘¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÚÈ· § ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ·Ú·Î·ÏÒ Ó· ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ¿Ù TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ Ì·˙› Ì·˜ ÙÔ ·ÚÁfiÙÂÚÔ Ì¤¯ÚÈ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙˆÓ ∞Á›ˆÓ ¶¿ÓÙˆÓ, Camden Street, London NW1 0JA, ÙÔ 3ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË ÙÔ ·fiÁÂ˘Ì· ÛÙÔ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, 020 8341 5853 ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚË ΔÈÌÔı¤Ô˘

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† ∞°°∂§π∞ £∞¡∞Δ√À - ∫∏¢∂π∞ † DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT AÁÁ¤Ï· §¿ÌÚÔ˘ Angela Lambrou (·fi ÙÔ §ÂÔÓ¿ÚÈÛÛÔ) (from Leonarisso, Cyprus) ªÂ ‚·ıÈ¿ ıÏ›„Ë ·ÁÁ¤ÏÏÔ˘Ì fiÙÈ ·‚›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ΔÚ›ÙË It is with great sadness that we announce the death of st 01.11.2016, Ë ∞ÁÁ¤Ï· §¿ÌÚÔ˘ Û ËÏÈΛ· 83 ÂÙÒÓ. Angela Lambrou on Tuesday 1 November 2016 at the age of 83. ∞Ê‹ÓÂÈ ÙÔÓ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ Ù˘ ™Ù¤ÏÈÔ, 3 ·È‰È¿: Lambro, Angela leaves behind her husband Stelios, children: Gina Î·È Mario, ÙÔÓ Á·ÌÚfi Ù˘ Graham, ÙȘ Ӈʘ Lambro, Gina and Mario, son-in-law Graham, daughters- Ù˘ Sue Î·È Anna, 6 ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Jacob, Elizabeth, in-law: Sue and Anna, grandchildren: Jacob, Elisabeth, Isabelle, James, Ava Î·È Lena Î·È ÔÏÏo‡˜ ¿ÏÏÔ˘˜ Isabelle, James, Ava and Lena and many close relatives Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜ Î·È Ê›ÏÔ˘˜. and friends. ∏ Îˉ›· Ù˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ·‡ÚÈÔ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ 18.11.2016 The funeral will take place on Friday 18th November 2016 Î·È ÒÚ· 10.00Ì ·fi ÙÔÓ ∫·ı‰ÚÈÎfi ¡·fi ÙÔ˘ ΔÈÌ›Ô˘ at 10.00am at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy ™Ù·˘ÚÔ‡ Î·È ∞Ú¯·ÁÁ¤ÏÔ˘ ªÈ¯·‹Ï, Golders Green Road, Cross and St. Michael, Golders Green Road, London London NW11 8HL Î·È Ë Ù·Ê‹ ÛÙÔ ÎÔÈÌËÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ New NW11 8HL. Southgate. The burial will follow at New Southgate Cemetery.

¨ 1ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ª¡∏ª√™À¡√ ¨ ∞ÓÙÚ¤·˜ ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙÔ˘ (Lissharos) (·fi Ù· §ÂÈ‚¿‰È· §¿Úӷη˜)

TÂÏԇ̠ÙËÓ ÚÔÛ¯‹ K˘Úȷ΋ 20.11.2016, ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ÙˆÓ ∞Á›ˆÓ ¶¿ÓÙˆÓ, Camden Street, London NW1 0JA, ÙÔ 1ÔÓ ÂÙ‹ÛÈÔ ÌÓËÌfiÛ˘ÓÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÏ˘·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘ Î·È ·Í¤¯·- ÛÙÔ˘ Ì·˜ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘, ·Ù¤Ú·, ·Ô‡ Î·È ·‰ÂÏÊÔ‡ ∞ÓÙÚ¤· ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙÔ˘ (Lissharos) Î·È Î·Ïԇ̠fiÏÔ˘˜ fiÛÔÈ ÙÈÌÔ‡Ó ÙË ÌÓ‹ÌË ÙÔ˘ fiˆ˜ ·Ú¢ÚÂıÔ‡Ó. ∏ Û‡˙˘ÁÔ˜ Kathleen, ·È‰È¿: Andrew John Î·È Julia Helen, Û‡ÓÙÚÔÊÔÈ Samantha Î·È Paul, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Elizabeth, Andreas Î·È Margot, 3 ÎfiÚ˜ ·fi ÙÔÓ ÚÒÙÔ ÙÔ˘ Á¿ÌÔ: Androulla, Miriam Î·È Eva, ÂÁÁfiÓÈ·: Eva, Mitch, Petra Î·È Zara, ·‰¤ÏÊÈ· Î·È ÏÔÈÔ› Û˘ÁÁÂÓ›˜.

Andreas † In life you were my special Angel, In death you are my precious Angel Kathleen

Our Dearest Paps The rivers of our souls flow from the same well. Your love and zest for life, with us will always stay I loved life and I lived it well You will continue to be our beating hearts A Golden heart stopped beating, I loved you all but I could not stay another day Your love, laughter, humour and cheer Hard working hands at rest God blessed me and sent me on my way will accompany us until we meet again Your spirit flew before we knew Andreas † Love you forever That you from us had left. Andrew and Julia Your loving family Anniversary Masses will also be held in ∞Á›· ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ Church, Livadhia, Larnaca on 20th November, St Gabriel’s Parish Church, London N19 on Friday 25th November at 12pm and at Westminster Cathedral, Victoria, London at 8am. ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016 ™ÂÏ›‰· 31

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CCYYPPRRIIOOTT FFOOOOTTBBAALLLL NEWS FROM GREECE Cyprus scrape through against Greece snatches late equalizer with Bosnia

In an unconvincing display Giorgos Tzavellas scored with against the joint-lowest FIFA- virtually the last kick of the game ranked country in the world, to spare Greece from a home loss to Bosnia for the World Cup Cyprus managed a 3-1 win over qualifiers and earn the hosts a Gibraltar to claim their first three 1-1 draw in Piraeus. points in 2018 World Cup qual- Miralem Pjanic scored from a ifying. direct freekick on the 32nd Cyprus almost ended up be- minute as the ball hit the right ing an embarrassing evening post and went in off the back of for the hosts, with the visiting Karnezis, with UEFA recording team creating the better oppor- that as an own goal. tunities. Then the two teams were left Gibraltar had the better of the with 10 men each as Kyriakos first half. But just when Gibraltar Papadopoulos and Edin Dzeko received their marching orders were experiencing the best spell after a tussle among a number of the game, Cyprus earned a of players. free-kick of the game on the Greece is now second in the counter-attack. Christofi’s strike group with 10 points. deflected kindly into the path of Laifis who calmly poked the ball the ball over the line from close restore their lead – Christofi’s home for 1-0, against the run of range. low cross found Sotiriou, who England beat Scotland 3-0 play. Straight up the other end, then turned his defender well to A similar trend of the first half Jason Demetriou hit a rasping make a yard of space for himself Three great headers gave continued at the start of second effort from around 30 yards before finishing beyond Ibrahim England victory over their neigh- as ’s excellent left- which was saved onto the for his first ever international bours Scotland who put up a footed deliveries wreaked hav- crossbar, and headed in on the goal at the 19th attempt. fight before being swept aside oc in the Cypriot defence, and rebound by veteran defender Eventually the game was put 3-0 in Friday’s World Cup qual- this time it would prove costly. Elias Charalambous only for the beyond any reasonable doubt ifier at Wembley. A whipped cross to the far linesman’s flag to deny Cyprus with three minutes to go when Daniel Sturridge’s bullet head- post found at the once again, with another cor- Sielis rose well to powerfully er in the first half and equally im- far stick whose header was rect call. head home from a corner to pressive efforts after the break poorly flapped at by Panayi, and Against the run of play, it took give Cyprus their first points of from Adam Lallana and Gary Lee Casciaro was there to head Cyprus until the 67th minute to the campaign. Cahill ensured England emerged from international foot- Star footballer turns up at ball’s oldest fixture having con- Rugby: Cyprus solidated their lead at the top of the permanent replacement to Snodgrass had one blocked Group F. Sam Allardyce. from a similar range. AEK Youth U8 training session While it was not the one-sided “Tonight is down to the play- Within moments, however, 28 Israel 38 romp the scoreline suggests and ers they have shown what they England put the encounter to England only pulled clear in the are capable of,” he told re- bed showing the sort of quality second half having survived porters. in front of goal Scotland had some nervy moments, the result A sprawling Scottish defend- lacked, as Danny Rose’s cross will have strengthened interim er blocked Raheem Sterling’s from the left found Lallana on boss Gareth Southgate’s shot, but the ball fell kindly for the penalty spot to head power- chances of claiming the role on Kyle Walker whose driven cross a permanent basis. was angled superbly into the net fully past Craig Gordon. With his side having moved by Sturridge. England’s third arrived on 60 onto 10 points from four match- There was a series of let-offs minutes as Wayne Rooney’s es, two clear of nearest rivals for England, when James corner found Cahill, who flashed Slovenia, Southgate now looks Forrest pulled a shot hideously his near-post header past almost certain to be appointed wide from 10 metres and Robert Gordon and into the far corner. Omonia Youth observe minute’s silence Community Youth results There was a big build-up to Sunday 13th this game.The Moufflons, still November 2016 smarting from their defeat in Malta two weeks ago, were de- U16 termined to revive their winning ways in front of the enthusiastic Omonia G 3 Brady Mac 0 home crowd on the home Hadley R 3 AEK Gold 2 ground at the Paphiacos Oakhill 1 Olympiacos 4 Stadium. Within two minutes of the Community football club Omonia Youth FC, observed U15 Star footballer Etienne Capoue surprised the AEK Youth U8’s by a minutes silence for Remembrance Sunday. turning up at their training session this week. kick-off the Israelis were award- Brady Mac 0 Omonia G 2 ed a penalty in easy kicking dis- Etienne is a French international and plays for Premier league Olympiacos 4 Hadley W 6 team Watford. tance; the kicker missed but Omonia Youth at Tottenham FC Academy from the drop-out , Amit the U14 Israeli center, crossed the Alexandra Pk 7 AEK B 2 Another win for UK Cypriot line for a try to put 5 points on the board after they Boreham W 13 Olympiacos 3 Cypriot Nick Parpa failed to convert. Whetstone W 2 Omonia W 2 The game see-sawed until half-time witnessing the Northwood 1 AEK Gold 0 Moufflons leaving the pitch with U13 a 1 point lead at 18-17. Alexandra Pk 7 Omonia G 6 A wave of excitment prevailed with many of the supporters be- Omonia W 4 St Albans 1 Community football club Mike Koumi, coach of Under lieving that the home side would U12 dominate the next half having Omonia Youth FC was repre- 9 White, Savvas Zavros from the witnessed how the home backs sented by three of their coach- U11 Gold and Adam Demetri Omonia Gold 2 Maccabi 1 had penetrated the opposition’s es at an event hosted by Premier from the Under 8 & Under 11 Omonia W 2 Brady Mac 1 League club Tottenham Hotspur Silver were joined by coaches defence. Whetstone 3 Omonia S 2 The second half opened with training centre. from other local clubs. Holden putting winger Luke Greek Cypriot Nick Parpa, a his sponsors the Gentlemans Peters over for a converted try talented boxer who is starting to Barber in Arnos Grove. taking the score to 25-17. With KOPA Football League Live on fulfil his undoubted potential Spraytech, Dr Zaks nutrition, 15 minutes to go the visitors be- stooped his opponent at York Muscleworks gym, punch lon- TV gan to dominate, it was clear ELLENIC Hall on Saturday the 12th don boxing gym, Edmonton ea- that the Moufflons were fatigued HELLENIC TV November 2016 on the Steve gles boxing club, Greek city, and the Israelis exploited it. The next football match from The same game will also be LENIC TV internet site www.hel- Goodwin show in the second Greek beat radio, Parikiaki, LGR A late penalty gave Holden a the Cypriot league KOPA to be shown recorded on lenictv.net on desktops, laptops, round by TKO. His opponent and boxfit U.K. His Manager Dr chance to increase the shown LIVE on HELLENIC TV1 Wednesday 23th November tablets, i-pads, i-phones and an- was Mario Lakatos came into Evangelou and Coach Don Moufflons score to 28 but at the and WNN will be the match: 2016 at approximately droid devices. Also on High the ring with an 18 bout record, Charles for their continued sup- conclusion the Israelis had gar- Olympia v Livadia 10.20 pm. Definition on the CYTA UK ROKU. 10 wins and 8 losses. port. We will keep all the sup- nered 38 points with the final on Sunday 20.11. 2016 HELLENIC TV1 and WNN you This game comes to you Team Parpa would like to porters inform with regards to score Cyprus 28-Israel 38. Their at 10.15 am can watch on FREEVIEW Channel in association with thank all the Parikiaki readers, his upcoming bouts. supporters were exultant. from Whittington Park 244/International, or from HEL- SAPO GIVEAWAYS LTD. www.parikiaki.com English Section Sports, 17th November 2016 – 35 ueiopasdfjklcvbnDZCM


FIXTURES Sunday 20 November 2016 FA Sunday Cup holders First Division Second Division KLN v Brotherhood Asha v Pantel New Salamis off to a good start 11.30am Lucozade Power 10am Southbury Leisure League, Summers Lane, Centre, 192 Southbury Road, London N12 0RF Enfield EN1 1YP Olympia v Livadia Apoel v Cetinkaya Cinar FA Sunday Cup 10.15am Whittington Park, 10.00am Enfield Playing NLO v Omonia Holloway road, London, 1pm Mill Meadow, Gravel Hill, Fields, EN1 1HQ N19 4RS Chalfont St Peter, Komi Kebir v Achna St Panteleimon v Anorthosis Gerrards Cross, SL9 9QX 5pm Silver Jubilee Stadium, 9.15am Lucozade Power Townsend Lane, League, Summers Lane, KOPA League London NW9 7NE London N12 0RF Book Partners LEAGUE TABLES Division 1 Division 2 TEAMS P W L D GD P TEAMS P W L D GD P New Salamis 6 6 0 0 31 18 Apoel 6 5 1 0 10 15 the next round. ed with seven goals coming from Olympia 5 4 1 0 8 12 FA Sunday Cup Komi Kebir 5 4 1 0 5 12 This is the creme de la creme Livadia 5 3 2 0 4 9 Second round Nico Muir 2 John Kyriacou 2, St Panteleimon 6 3 3 0 3 9 Pantel 6 2 2 1 –1 8 of English Sunday football where Steve Velandia, Chris Xiouris and New Salamis 7 Belstone 1 Omonia 6 3 3 0 –3 9 Asha 6 2 3 1 3 7 02083425555 ñ DDI: 02083425568 ñ Fax: 0208342565 the top clubs of Sunday football Deniz Mehmet. Brotherhood 6 3 3 0 –6 9 Last season’s FA Sunday cup Cetinkaya C. 5 2 3 0 –3 6 take part so it will not be an eay Arachne 5 1 4 0 –4 3 winners New Salamis will not be task for any team to win this tro- NLO v Omonia Achna 6 2 4 0 –10 6 Anorthosis 6 1 5 0 –15 3 letting go of this cup very easily phy. NLO v Omonia game called Maronites 6 1 4 1 –4 4 Cyprus Youth 5 1 4 0 –18 3 After a comfortable 7-1 win New Salamis in front of a big off due to waterlogged pitch and Second Division over Belstone to take them into crowd at Cheshunt were reward- will now be played next week. Maronites 1 Pantel 1 The live match of the day from Hellenic TV definitely lived up to its expectations and the game was full of end to end ac- tion. Pantel took the lead in the 30th minute when a free kick taken by Alex Constantinou from outside the box took a de- flection into the Maronites goal. But the hosts Maronites did not take things lately and fought back creating chances and were rewarded with a penalty in the 70th minute which Michael Anastasiou scored. Maronites Stefan Capsalis and Pedro Yiakoumi It was a great game great atmosphere and a brilliant barbecue after the match too. First Division Livadia v Anorthosis Game abandoned by the referee in the 80th minute with Livadia leading 4-3. Tzouvanni brothers Maronites Barbecue time Website www.kopaleague.com Follow kopaleague Facebook.com: kopaleague Twitter: kopaleague @kopaleague1975 where you can view the latest results, news and videos of goals and highlights from the Costas Sklavou Pantel Goalkeeper hero Melanie of Pantel Coffee time KOPA League games as it happens. Chris Philippou Family day out

Maronites Pantel ™ÂÏ›‰· 36 ¶¤ÌÙË 17 ¡ÔÂÌ‚Ú›Ô˘ 2016

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