This section includes 154 letters of provided by members of the CHILDES consortium documenting their usage of the CHILDES system. These letters are provided by groups representing a total of 232 researchers. On February 4, the following letter was sent out to the
[email protected] mailing list, as well as the IASCL (International Association for the Study of Child Language) mailing list. All letters we received were responses to this request. The collection of published papers listed in these letters is now also included in the cumulative bibliography found in section 7. That bibliography includes a total 3104 publications, of which 1500 appeared during the last 5-year period, many of them cited in these letters. Dear Colleague, The NICHD grant for CHILDES is up for renewal this year and I am busy soliciting letters documenting its usage over the last five years. So, if you, your colleagues, or your students have indeed been making use of data or programs in CHILDES, could you please ask them to send me a letter documenting their usage. The new proposal is due March 1. However, I would appreciate receiving your letter as soon as possible. There is no need to send the letter in paper form; email is fine. The new proposal will propose work on: · continued expansion of the database, · web-distributed user tutorials, · creation of a new, user-friendly interface for CLAN, · more powerful search programs that work with the new interface, · fully automatic computation of IPSyn and DSS, · extension of automatic morphosyntactic analysis to more languages, · fuller support for coding of sign language with links to ELAN, · fuller support for Conversation Analysis (CA) coding, · computer-assisted methods for very rapid first-pass transcription, · extended support for video-based transcription, · extended interoperability with other major computer programs, and · a first generation system for web-based collaborative commentary.