A New Freshwater Crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamonautidae) from the Paleogene of Tanzania, Africa

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A New Freshwater Crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamonautidae) from the Paleogene of Tanzania, Africa 446-Feldmann.qxd 09.05.2007 15:49 Uhr Seite 71 (Schwarz Bogen) N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 2007, vol. 244/1, p. 71– 78, Stuttgart, April 2007, published online 2007 A new freshwater crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamonautidae) from the Paleogene of Tanzania, Africa Rodney M. Feldmann, Kent, Patrick M. O’Connor, Athens, Nancy J. Stevens, Athens, Michael D. Gottfried, East Lansing, Eric M. Roberts, Johannesburg, Sifa Ngasala, East Lansing, Erin L. Rasmusson, Athens, and Saidi Kapilima, Dar es Salaam With 2 figures and 1 table FELDMANN, R. M., O’CONNOR, P. M., STEVENS, N. J., GOTTFRIED, M. D., ROBERTS, E. M., NGASALA, S., RASMUSSON, E. L., & KAPILIMA, S. (2007): A new freshwater crab (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamonautidae) from the Paleogene of Tanzania, Africa. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 244: 71–78; Stuttgart. Abstract: Discovery of numerous fragmentary remains of freshwater crab in Paleogene, probably Oligocene, sediments in Tanzania, Africa, permits the description of a new genus and species, Tanzanonautes tuerkai. The fossils represent the oldest freshwater crabs known. Key words: Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamonautidae, Paleogene, freshwater, Tanzania, Africa. 1. Introduction Fossil occurrences of freshwater decapods from Africa are notably sparse. MORRIS (1976) and CARRIOL African freshwater and terrestrial habitats are & SECRÉTAN (1994) reported Miocene occurrences currently inhabited by at least six families of shrimp, of the freshwater crab Potamonautes MACLEAY anomurans, and brachyurans (GLAESSNER 1969; from Kenya and Uganda, respectively. MARTIN & BOTT 1970; KENSLEY 1981; CUMBERLIDGE 1999). The TRAUTWEIN (2003) described a fragmentary specimen family interrelationships of freshwater brachyurans of freshwater crab from Mio/Pliocene sediments in are intensely debated; however, several workers are Kenya which they referred to Potamonautidae gen. currently using morphology-based cladistic analyses and sp. indet. The only other report is a reference to a to test the numerous proposed classification schemes. new genus within the Potamidae from the Cretaceous A comprehensive summary of the history of classifi- of Nigeria (JOLEAUD & HSU 1935); however, the cation of the extant freshwater crabs of Africa is given illustration, a line drawing, of this specimen appears to by CUMBERLIDGE (1999). Even more recently, phylo- be of a necrocarcinid. It is further notable that it was genetic studies based upon morphology of the second collected in association with other marine decapods. male gonopods (KLAUS et al. 2006) and molecular Moreover, MORRIS (1976) indicated that the specimen sequencing (KLAUS et al. 2006; DANIELS et al. 2006) could no longer be located; thus, the affinities of have brought into question the classification of fresh- the specimen cannot be resolved. Hence, the discovery water crabs based upon more traditional morpho- of a new locality preserving fossil freshwater brachy- logical criteria. The latter two studies have also urans from Paleogene (Oligocene) deposits in Tanza- introduced new hypotheses regarding their origins, nia is particularly important. The discovery extends evolution, and paleobiogeographic history. the geographic and stratigraphic range of freshwater DOI:10.1127/0077-7749/2007/0244-0071 0077-7749/07/0244-0071 $ 2.00 © 2007 E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, D-70176 Stuttgart 446-Feldmann.qxd 09.05.2007 15:49 Uhr Seite 72 (Schwarz Bogen) 72 R. M. Feldmann et al. crabs in Africa and, significantly, represents the crab belonged to a family of freshwater decapods that is earliest occurrence of freshwater crabs. Table 1 sum- currently unknown on the continent. marizes the worldwide fossil occurrences of fresh- Support for placement of the Tanzanian material within the Potamonautidae is not unequivocal, given the absence of water brachyurans. Prior to this discovery, the earliest anatomical information about the postfrontal ridge, ventral occurrence was from the Miocene, by which time surface of the carapace, mouth parts, and gonopods. How- the group is known from Europe, Africa, and South ever, there is sufficient evidence for an initial referral to America. Potamonautidae pending the recovery of more complete and better preserved material. The only other family of fresh- water crabs that is currently known from East Africa is the 2. Systematic paleontology Deckeniidae ORTMANN, 1897, which is represented by very few species. The diagnosis of the family (BOTT 1955) does Class Decapoda LATREILLE, 1802 not address features visible on the specimens at hand; Order Brachyura LATREILLE, 1802 however, examination of the illustrations of the two Family Potamonautidae BOTT, 1970 species, Deckenia imatatrix HILGENDORF,1869, and D. mitis HILGENDORF, 1898, suggest that, although neither species Type genus: Potamonautes MACLEAY, 1838. bears a postfrontal crest, the convexity and outline of the Diagnosis: Mandibular palp biarticulate; postfrontal crest carapaces are unlike the specimens at hand and unlike those partly very distinct; united at epigastric region; terminal of the Potamonautidae. The front is produced in such a way segment of gonopod one (1) shorter than penultimate as to produce a sinusoidal fronto-orbital margin, the antero- lateral margin bears two relatively strong spines, the grea- segment (translated from BOTT 1970: 133). test width is attained at about midlength, the posterior Remarks: The above diagnosis does not include a suffi- margin is broader, and the branchial regions appear to be cient number of characters of the dorsal carapace and inflated. Thus, it seems unlikely that the new specimens pereiopods to make a judgment about the placement of the would be referrable to this family. It is noteworthy that BOTT fossil specimens considered herein. CUMBERLIDGE (1999), (1955: 219) incorrectly attributes the authorship of the however, presented a detailed description of the family that family to himself, rather than to ORTMANN. Further, he provides a broader basis for assignment. Several characters refers to the two taxa as distinct species in his descriptions that he recognizes support placement of the new genus but considers D. mitis as a subspecies of D. imitatrix on his within the family, including the general outline of the cara- Plate 1. pace with its greatest width in the anterior third and a narrow posterior margin. These features are consistent with those preserved on the fossil carapace. However, there is no Genus Tanzanonautes gen. nov. evidence of a postfrontal crest, comprised of postorbital and Type species: Tanzanonautes tuerkayi new species, by epigastric crests. Examination of several species of extant original designation. potamonautids in the collections of the Natur-Museum und Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Ger- Etymology: The generic name is derived from Tanzania, many, by one of us (RMF) indicated that the crest varied in the site of discovery of the fossils, and nautes, Greek for sai- degree of development from extremely prominent to rather lor or seaman, a common suffix within the family. The gen- subtle. Thus, the crest in the fossil specimen may have been der is masculine. subtle enough that it is not preserved and visible on the spe- cimen. The absence of a diagnostic crest, which is present in Diagnosis: Potamonautid with nearly flat transversely; postfrontal crest apparently lacking or strongly reduced; virtually all African freshwater crabs (CUMBERLIDGE, 1999: 113), may suggest that early members either had a very strongly reduced definition of regions. Posterolateral mar- reduced crest or lacked the ridge altogether. Alternatively, gin long, straight. Mesogastric region the most strongly because the front of the fossil carapace is badly fractured defined of the axial regions. and broken, it is quite possible that the postfrontal ridge is simply not recognizable. The morphology of the chelipeds also supports place- Tanzanonautes tuerkayi sp. nov. ment of the new fossils within the family. The merus is Fig. 1 triangular in outline; has toothed margins; and bears a flatte- Etymology: The trivial name honors Dr. MICHAEL ned, smooth region, the meral tympanum, on the proximal TÜRKAY, Natur-Museum und Forschungsinstitut Sencken- end of the posterior surface. The carpus bears two teeth on berg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, an authority on fresh- the medial margin, of which the first is largest. Finally, the water crabs. chelipeds are heterochelous with the major claw being both longer and higher than the minor claw. Two of these charac- Type specimens: The holotype, RRBP (Rukwa Rift ters, the form of the merus and the morphology of the Basin Project) 05177, a partial carapace with parts of right carpus, were recognized by CUMBERLIDGE (1999) as key and left chelipeds and meri of left pereiopods 2-5 (Fig. 1.1- synapomorphies of the family in a recent cladistic analysis. 1.3). Paratypes include: RRBP 02001, a partial finger; Those characters exclude the new fossil from other African RRBP 02029, finger of left propodus; RRBP 03015, right crab groups. It would seem even more unlikely that the new cheliped with dactylus (Fig. 1.5); RRBP 03024, an isolated 446-Feldmann.qxd 09.05.2007 15:49 Uhr Seite 73 (Schwarz Bogen) A new freshwater crab from the Paleogene of Tanzania, Africa 73 Fig. 1. Tanzanonautes tuerkayi n. gen., n. sp. (1-3) holotype—RRBP 05177, 1 – dorsal carapace with meri of pereiopods on left side; 2 – closeup of carapace surface showing low nodes developed on the surface of the endocuticle; 3 – frontal view of holotype showing weakly heterochelous
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    Syst. Biol. 64(4):549–567, 2015 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Society of Systematic Biologists. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syv011 Advance Access publication February 3, 2015 Multilocus Phylogeny of the Afrotropical Freshwater Crab Fauna Reveals Historical Drainage Connectivity and Transoceanic Dispersal Since the Eocene ,∗ , SAV E L R. DANIELS1 ,ETHEL E. PHIRI1,SEBASTIAN KLAUS2 3,CHRISTIAN ALBRECHT4, AND NEIL CUMBERLIDGE5 1Department of Botany and Zoology, Private Bag X1, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland 7602, South Africa; 2Department of Ecology and Evolution, J. W. Goethe-University, Biologicum, Frankfurt am Main 60438, Germany; 3Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Peoples Republic of China; 4Department of Animal Ecology and Systematics, Justus Liebig University, Giessen 35392, Germany; and 5Department of Biology, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 49855-5376, USA ∗ Correspondence to be sent to: Department of Botany and Zoology, Private Bag X1, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland 7602, South Africa; E-mail: mailto:[email protected] Received 15 November 2014; reviews returned 22 December 2014; accepted 28 January 2015 Associate Editor: Adrian Paterson Abstract.—Phylogenetic reconstruction, divergence time estimations and ancestral range estimation were undertaken for 66% of the Afrotropical freshwater crab fauna (Potamonautidae) based on four partial DNA loci (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase one [COI], and histone 3). The present study represents the most comprehensive taxonomic sampling of any freshwater crab family globally, and explores the impact of paleodrainage interconnectivity on cladogenesis among freshwater crabs. Phylogenetic analyses of the total evidence data using maximum-likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) produced a robust statistically well-supported tree topology that reaffirmed the monophyly of the Afrotropical freshwater crab fauna.
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