• Matsunaga medal established

'1 page 3 L ' 'acificNa11orK]( PubWcoHon of the JapaneseCitizeii American Ctllzens Lsogus (7Se Poitpcad U^)

HI Racism hits Califomia campus CLAREMONT, Calif.—The racist slogan "Aaan____ dents______in the Claremont ______area. In October of last Americans die in three>foot high bold yellow year, a ^ American resident of Claremont letters hit Pomona Cdlege students as they went to awoke to nnd feces smeared on hi^garage and the dass on March 6. words, "You rice ball eat s—." At Pomona College Orighia^y ^slogan read "Asian American Stud­ an Asian American student reported bcdna hai ies No^ in reference to ongoing efiorts to include rassedover the phone, African American students Asian^^eriean y^erican fStudies...... on the..... Pomona College have diarsed harassment by campus security, lasian american s oie curriculum. T am outraged. We are threatens and several studenU have reported recei ring snb- widi our lives whenever we riee up for equality," Semitic calls. said student Giselle Ow Yan. "It makes no sense In b^t of the racist hate message, the Pomona thatWMh^d fearfon^ livM^Unany students approve^ resolution denound^the in^ "nie^S*fMn^ofcing of Uw^wallthe wall is a clear signsin that calledontheadministrat^toremndtostudent racism exists at Pomona. With the rise

Senator's joke 'Toughest civil rights bill' ^ACL works with California Assemblyman Brown SACRAMENTO—California Assembly Legislature. In a jab at Gov. Pete Wilson, Brown not funny, soys Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Prandsco) intro­ said, "I think Pete Wilson would find it real duced March 3 a comprehensive dvil rights briD difficult to meae around with the (California) that he said would give California the toughest CSvil Rights Act of 1993." laws in the nation. The JACL is a part of a broad coalition of 19 Noteworthy for , AB3325 dvil riAtsandlabot organizations thatendoraee J^CL's Hoyoshi .would prohibit employe^ from requiring em­ AB3^. Dennis Haya^, JACL. national direc­ ployees to speak Engliw in the workplace. Other tor, said, "With thrincreasing numbers of Asians In another volley of Japan- bashing. South Carolina Sen. Ernest Hollings recently told a group of 90 wooers that they "should draw a mushroom cloud and put under it: 'Made in America by lazy and store the autbonty of the Fair Employment and ilbterate Americans and tested in Japan." Housing Ck>mmission to award relief to discrimi­ The slur was made as Hollinn toured the Hartsrille, S.C., plant of nation victims and forbid discrimination against disenmination." Roller Bearing Co. of Am«ica. Hollings defended himself in a stata- people with disabilities. mentaaying, "Fm not Japan bash­ Speaking to the Loo Angeles TTmes, Brown ing. rm^fendihg^^fttt AmehM premeted m bill wouldhe ^proved by the ^te baraforitrpasaage.* ' bashing. When you defend America, they want you to aperfe^ giie." The 70-year old senator is up for re-election in November. He continue^ "I made a jpke to make a point; the Jaoanese Speaker was wrong when ne said Florin eventgoes on despite threat that American workers are lazy rci SACRAMENTO—The Florin ter, dated Feb. 29, complained that' as the Florin JACL received a and stupid." JACL Day of Remembrance pro­ the "average public is sick and packet of hate mail and a local Hollings referred to comments gram March 7 went off without tired of reported events and lis­ Sacramento manju shop was ^ot made by Japanese Parliament any problems despite anti-Japa- tening to you on television medias up with a pellet guff. Speaker Yoshio Sakurauchi who nefe threats made against it and ... Enouc^ is enough. C^SAcel 7 But despite threats, the 10th cri tid zed the Ameri can work ethi c. the Florin JACL boerd of direc­ March cry baby gathering in Annual Time of Remembrance Reacting to Hollings' state­ tors. Florin." The writer signed the let­ program held at the Florin Bud- ments, Dennis Haya^i, JACL A Florin JA(X board member ter a "di sgusted d ti zenLast year dlust (%urch went off seamlessly. national director, said, "There is received a threat through the mail around the Pearl Harbor anniver­ "We're real pleased with the nothing humorous or funny about warning, "We have nan^ and sary, Sacramento experienced a reponse we got, "said Andy the atomic bombir^. Given the addreaaes of your board." The let­ flurry of anti-Japanese inddenU current climate, Sen. Hollings' Tm not Japan­ SMFLORUI/p«g«8 comments were extremely irre- Bponsible. It is interesting to note bashing. I'm de­ that the Governor of South Caro­ lina, Carroll Campbell, has also fending against Campaign trail taken exception to the remarks, America-bash- partieularly since the state of South Carolina is trying toattract ing. When you foreim investment from Japan defend America, and Taiwan." Hollinn' comment comes just they want you to one week after the Civil Rights, Commission releasedareport con­ apo ogi^.' demning the alarming trend at anti-Japanese sentiment in ^ . With the commis- —Sen. Ernest HoHIngs SMSENATOFVpagaS Manzonar bill signed y WASHINGTON, D.C.-Presi- The bill waacospon- dentGeom Bush signedintolaw, aored by Repreaentativea Norman March 3, H.R. S43. the bill that Mineta (D-San Jose),- Robert designates the Manzanar Reloca­ Matsui (D-Sacramento), and Wil­ tion Centor'Bs a national historic liam Tbrnnas (R-Bakari^ld). site. Dennis Hajruhi, JACL national Rep. Mel Levine (D-Los Ange­ director, jimiaed the aignif^ of the les), who introduced the bill, sttd, lalL aaying, "The Prudent haa "Establishment of this historic si te acknowledged the historic impor­ will be a powerful] reminder of what tance of the caijBpe in our natiem's can happen if our national com­ history. The designation of ths mitment to freedom wavers. Re­ Bdanzanar site as a national his­ minding future genqrations of toric site will eerve as a lastina Americans of this tragk period in and symbolic remindsr of ths need our history is one of the best waya for vigilanee in protecting the eon- Patty Miiik (MO a fuiid-r*itii.g in SrMnbra^ CaB.. lor DnM Str»xt wl» is luiming to ensure that so^ a wholsai^ stitution ri^to of all Americana." br tha lha 6th DMnct oongrtaaonal taat m CaUtomia. WiA Strand is ha wiia Ijsma. For an alaction riotation of caoatitatMoal guar- Hayashi,notingieeenttanaMBS ntjndup aaa paga 3. anteas is never repeated." 2-tadSc atlzen, Friday, March 13,1992 ,

No.2,SM Calendar

* information: 303^92-6003. the West Valley JACL Seniors Club. fnan and Jack Barthell, Kenneth Cost; $100 per team. JACL teams wi Leventhal ^Company. Cok: $26 Bt*cHv*da«*______have priori^ if registration received by per pereon, plua $4 parking. In- Brighton March 14. Toumamantwatcomas those fonnation: 213/629-0634. Please send the Pacific Citizen for witf) imiied voleybaH experience. Prizm awarded. Information;Oaniei Yoehitawa • "Japaneae American Intern­ _i yr/$25 __ 2yrs/$48 __ 3yrs/$71 Through Uar.Sl»‘Keniiro Nomura: ment: 50YearsLater," an evening An Artists View of the Japanese (day) 415/573-8222 (eve) 415/571- Name:. American Inlemmenl." wil be at the 8049. of videos and dial^e, co-apon- Address. Adams County Historical Society in aored by the Asian American Literary and Arts Society City. State, Bp. Brighton. Catal^avaOebio Information: Patrioa Erger 303/659-7103. Sunday, April 26—Yu-Ai Kat's 13lh (AALAS) and thd Center for New Al subscriptions payaW© In advance. Forelon: US S 13.00 ©irtia pot year/ annual fashion show. *Cotm in Motion.* Television, 7:30 pjn., ^turday, Checks payable to: PacIflc CIteen, 701 E. 3rd St., Los Arrgeles. CA 5001a Red Lion Inn. San Josa. Tickats; $35 March 21, at the center, 14^ EXPIRATIONNOncC: RthelMttatf digIb enttwtepIneodddnMbMrMdiiiel.tieeo-dcrgraai each. Information: 406/294-2505. pwtodendierfmtheMlMuvtarFetmary. 1802.1JACl.itMtffc»H»h»bMnwnawd«idgMpep» North Dayton, Chicago. Included: •bp*. ptMM twdly the P.C. ClKutttton ORtoe ImmidMr. ReaT^jiria-HiatoryandMemory: Modesto For Aldko and TakaahiTO"; "Ex­ Salt Lake City ecutive Order 9066," produced by Saturday, April 11—Reunion of Jean Halevi and featuring Wil­ Saturday, March 21—The NationalA residents and friends of pre-evacuation liam Hohri, past chairman of the JACL Credit Union’s annual meeting. 6 Japanese American community of National Council for Japaneae p.m., Clahon Hotel, 999 S. Main, Salt Modesto. Eks Club. Speaker: Cressey Lake Ci^. Cost; $ 10 member advance American Redress. Admission: $3, Pacific Citizen Nakagawa. Contad; Modesto Reunion members of the center and reservations. $12 nonmembers with Committee. 1555 Oakhurst Ave., AALAS; $5, others. Information: reservations. $15 at the door. Two LosAltos. CA, 94024. 701 e ?ni St, SulU 201, Los Angeles, CA 90013-1817 positions on the board of directors are Center for New Television: 312/ (213) 626-6936 / fix 626-8213 up for election. Nominations for the 951-6868. (ISSN: 0030-8575)tl» PocSt CItw. k puuereO by n» J®onw. Ametcon positions must be in tihe credit union by Orange County • "50-500 Committee," anedu- Cttor«L*(«ue.70l E 3»dSI..»201. Lo« Anoe>e».CA900iMei7,yyeWy—eepl the Mar. 14. Brief resume required, eational-cultural-apiritual pro­ »k of the y«ar. bfcnieeWy dtring July and Auou«. onia eem^morthN information; 801/35S-8040 or 1-800- DeewT*ier.AnnudutMCdpti»nfalei:, . ------ttW J $12 at the ntfional duet Ssturdey, March 28. So-Phil of gram, 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday, piovideonevecronaone^-heuwhotdbaih. t nnbe» 1 yecr - $2S. 2 yeas 544-8828. Orange County annual fashion show March 21, Centenary United -.S4B.poyableinod«nc5e' AddKoneOpe*»aoeperyecr-Poielgn:SlSUS,AJrmol- luncheon. Anaheim H8ton and Towers. Methodist Church, 300 S. Cen­ US-. Coroda Meidco: $30 US. Jopan/Etmpe: S«0 UC (Subject to chonoe Mtrhoul Saturday, March 21—IOC spring Charityevent features tesNon consutent tral Ave, Los Angeles. Informa­ meeting, Clarion Hotel, Salt Lake City, Lois 0-Hem. Tickets: Ailene Ho. 714/ NahorxdheoOdualmt 17d6&^a..Sanftancbco.CA94n5.(4l5)92l-a2S noon to 5 prm. information; Randy 531-2868. tion; 213/^5-0687. Harww, governor. 503/869-5532. • 23rd Annual Pilgrimi^e to or National OMetordeiwt r r fotectJAapoley. Manzanar, Saturday, April 25, Secondn Msmager: Isao Andy Enomoto to 11 p.m.,SacramentoJapanese Untied Showcase," new television show, Administrative Assistant/Business: Joyce Kato Method Church. 6929 Franklin Blvd.. Saturday, March 26, Simday, Subscrlpdon/CIrculation: Frances Okuno $10 per person. Information; 916/835- March 11 a.ih.. Galleria at 26lSor916/421-1017. South Bay, Hawthorne and “ JACL President: Crauay Nakogowa San Francisco Area Artesia Blv^., Redondo Beach, JACL National Oectof: DsnnU Hoyoshl Calif. Information: 213/629-4974. Sunday, AprIIS-Nitoi Widowed Cslandar /f»mt must bs sub- • Book Fair, Friends of the Group monthly meeting. 2-4.p.m.. 556 Little Tokyo Branch Library, Pacific atizen Board of Directors Sixteenth Ave., San Francisco. mittsdst hsst THREE WEEKS in Chairwoman: LtUlaii Klmura Information; Elsie Uyeda Chung. 415/ sdvsncs of ths dsy of svsnt trt- Japanese Village Plaza, 2nd Street entrance between San Cathy Maoda «lohanakabaU 221-02^. or Yuri Moriwaka, 510.'482- ehids dsy or night phons num- 3280. Pedro St. and Centra] Ave., Los Bffl Hoaokawa Oreg Harutanl bars tor furthsr tnformstlon. Angeles, Saturday, ^Tril 11,9 to Ter«ioe J. Yamada Sandl Kawasaki Saturday. Aprill 11 —3rd Invitatic^ 10 a.m. for members; 10 a.m. to 5 Peggy 8. UggeU- Sherrie Shlmamoto Golf Tournament. East Bay NilAei p.m., general public; and Sunday. Singles. Tony LemaGolfCourse, 23800 April 12, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hard Neptune Dr.. San Leandro. 18-hole and soft cover books in English medal play goH loumamenl for men and women; low net, dosest-to-pin and best kedress workshops and Japanese and Japanese effort p^es. NCGA. PWGA or dub • San Josa—Wednesday. magazines are needed. Dr^ them handkap (tiiese with no handcap wi March 18, Weslay United Math- off Saturday, March 28, and Sat­ use maximum 36 handicap). $30 antiy odist Church. 566 N. 5th St. 4 urday, April 4, fhxn 9 to 11 a.m. lea indudas elactric cart (mandatory) to 7 p.m. (more locations to ba at the Japanese Village Plaza, 10am,, regkawtion. t1 a.m..Jirsttae- Service Delivery Area, on 2nd olf. 36-piayarmhaimum: dearftne March announcad) 20. Dinner et clubhouse restaurant 8 • Albany, Calif.—^Thursday, Street on the east si de of the plaza. p.m.. C;20. Information; Yuki Shibata, March 19. 1035 San Pablo Information: Ron Hirano, 213/ 510/352-3115; Hank Hamataka. 510- Ava.. Suita 4.4 to 7 p.m. 481-2888 or Janet Minami. 213/ 525-9048: Tee Yoshiwara. 510/523- • Los Angalaa—Friday. April 625-697L 5205; Millie Nakano. 510/223-5619. 3. East San Gabrial Valley • Free tax counseling for se­ Japanese Community Center. niors over age 60, San Jose Yu-Ai 1203W. Puente. West Covina. Kai, Japanese American Commu­ nitySeniorService,Wednesdays, 4 to 7 p.m. \ San Jose through ^ril 16, 10 a.m. to 2 25 DATGRAa PERIOD Redress hotline: 1/800/395-^ pjn. Sessions for federal and sUta - Saturday,Marcl^l—New Members 4672. forms, renter's credit. Appoint­ Potiude. West Valey, JACL 6 p.m.. chapter dubhoute. Idembors bring main ments; 40%'294-2505. Day of Remembrance events • UnNarsity D.O.A. (Iwedey program fea­ 662-5102. Through March 22 turing Hisaya Yamamoto. Don LOG ANGELES—PersonM Remem- NakanithL Sua Embrey, Bert Nakano. Thursdsy, Aprl 30 brwtees: A VwuM Art EMit {persons Bi & Yuri Koehiyama. Gra)^ Uyehara LOS ANGELES—Grand Opening erbfects. camp documenu), JACCC and othars TBA) (203) 4360861, 436- * National Japaneae American Nationaf Doizaki Qetiery. 244 S.San Padro St. 1154. Muaaum.E. 1S18N. Central. (213)625- 10a.rn.-6 pjn. Saturday, March 21 0414: gtoa dtivtar May 2 (Sal). Join the Natioaol JACl Credit Unios ond htcomi Through May 30 ALBANY. Ctff.-NCRR Workshop; SACRAMENTC-Continuii^ Trw5- . TeechIngAbouttialniBmmantof Jay­ ellglhle foi oui oei VISA cord. Fill oiit tht lions-Japaneee Americans: Story of a nes# Americans, Abtoty MMdto School. uS‘ANGELE&-Frmd in C«iu- infornoHoi bilo* loi auahstshig lofonsQlioa. Peopfa 1809-1992; Histoiy Museum. 1000 Jackson 8L. 830 a.m -3 p.m., $5 loid: FIm Festival on JA. imammanL Stanford Bldg . Old Sacramento. regisration includes bento and hand­ UCLA (dato-ptoQS TBA) Saturday. March 14 outs. (510) 526-2884 ctay. 524-2093 SAN F^CISCO-Bil of Rights and avgs. Japanese American Internment Cases. Saturday. April 4 ^?^SctS(:O-lmpeel0l(:M(» ' (High school teachers to preaeni lesson BERKELEY—Syntoosium: Intern­ on Famt, Uk (peneQ. Chn« United . AMrio____ plwis). UC Hasitogs Colege of Law. ment and the Japartaaa American Com­ P>*»b|rtHian Oioreh. t TOa SuiwSi.. 1 • 198 McAlistorSL, 930 ajn.-1:30 p.m. munis (2 panels}. UC Berkeley 145 4 pm.. (510) 23>9595. (NMwheelchkr Oir/swi/a^- (415) 431-5007. Owinele Hal. 1 pm. (510) 6420605, Sunday, Ma^ IS (310)852-8964. SIM

dflb Sumitomo Bank SunMocTvSumlonu Bv* o( CsUomiaCsUoma Mwt*wFDICFD»C MiFUL.^eitaAvr.iitne, CQUAL osposrnssrr csfOfT OFtotItSfe, iloTBurKm iwfissr oRiAMi Fitiwees g) ■roHAte. 4v^aclflcatl2ai, Friday, March 13,1992 Opinions Letters . PC letter policy Lenars should be trie! s«l are subject to wttng. priOffl the frying pan Please sign your letier but make sure we ere able to read your name. Include maiing address and tol^ phone number. You may lex ledere b 213*26-8213 oumaJ Ihem b Leaers b Jre Edibf, Pecifc Citoea ' iw 701 E. 3rd Si. Ste 201, bos Angelee. Caw 90013. Henry from Koyukuk River Valley Compromise fbr vets monument Havirv aerved with T Qompan^ Regi­ mental Combat Team durii^ all of its com - ach week Fait down intending to write natured boy. He was accepted by the other could drive dogs and do maniial work and of bat ^ys and currently active with I Com­ Xli abouteomething other than the Evacu­ students, but the Eskimo women refused to course read and write. He had never seen pany, 442hd Club of , I ation, which happened ao long ago. Usually accept his mother because she was an In­ mor€ than 50 people at any one time.* tee] a strong p«^nal need to tpesk out on I succeed. But fhacinatii^ Evacuati(m-re- dian. His parents had very few, friends; Yet, under E.O. 9066 the government the war memorial issue. I have previously lated stories keep pqaping up and it is their English was broken and they prob­ classified him as a sedirity risk because he hesitated to do so in fear of causing frirther difficult not to report ^em. ably spoke no Eskimo. / had been fathered )sy an unknown Japa­ division among my fellow veterans frtnn The latest has to do with a lad named *Lutie was a good soul and a^fnend of othw companies, but I can no longer re­ nese. main silent. Henry whose mother was lndi|m and his mine, although we could hardly understand “My husband and other Faiibanks dti- When the preeentconcept oflistingnames father Japanese. Hemys last name has each other. Lutie and^ammy were getting sens,* Mrs. Ditmer continues, “petitioned ofliving veterans and KlAs of KKV442/MIS been forgotten by &e woman>adto told me up i n years and Henry was to have been the the government to make an exception of only on a veterans war memorial was first about him^He^ name is Esther Hill Ditmer mainstay of their old age. They were very this fineyoung man who was needed to hel p and she lives in a suburb of Denver. poor, living by subsistehce, hunting and support his elderly paren^! But to no avail. Back-before the war, the big war, Mrs. fishing in season, and Sammy cut and sold He was shii^>ed to the Outside, but where Ditmer and her husband were teaching in firewood.” he was interned or whether he survived to to the concept. In V'^-wing the a one-room school in a small mining village The Ditmers moved to Fairbanks in the return to Alaska to see Lutie and Sammy intent of listing all lO(y44!^IS veterans, called Wiseman. It was, and is, in the re­ spring of 1941. They never saw Henry or we as living veterans should never feel that again, I do not know.* we ever deserve equal space on a monu­ mote Kt^kuk River y^ley, north of the Sammy or Lutie again. But early in 19^ It is likely that Henry, along with a few ment as frhoae who made the supreme sac ­ Arctic Circle near the center of the Alaskan after President Roosevelt signed Executive others like him, was sent to the Puyallup rifice. landmass, 180 miles north of Fairbanks. Order 9066, they heard Henry was seized Assembly Center south of Seattle. While More than two years of controversy have There were about a dozen pupils in the by federal offidals under the authoritypven lodced up there I remember hearing about passed and many articles and letters have school, Eskimo

» Hqf 9* •MDIM k) ■MBiF «(;

Or.i TDIIPI 4*CL Pacific Cltlzea, Friday, March 13,19i92—-5

Commard^AIndusoiai Acting up Air^Condiboning and Mhganboo Contncbx Kimura Glen T. Umemoto ^ PHOTOMART Uc. No. 441272 C38-20 CamernSr SAM REIBOW CO., 1S06 W. Vernon 316 E.2n4St..Ut$ Los Angeles - 29S-5204 - Since 1939 ai3) 62222-WM

ALOHA PLUMBING ^ ED SATO Ue. #440840 Plumbing & Heating -SINCE 1922— RtmoM ma RaRtn MWMtHmiks 777 Junlpwe S*rra Dr. Fumaoea. Garbage Diapoaata 8m GabrM,CA 91776 (21S)2M016 (216) 621-BBiq, 286-7000,766-0557 * J.apanesc Ajnerican KAMON »’ I- A Tkt Original BRONZE "M- KAMON ' Individually handcrafted Kamon. designed especially for to pass on to their descendants. A lasting, one-of-a-kind record created to oommcmorate the Issci in your family! • KAMON RESEARCH / CDNnRMATlON SERVICE • KAMON GUIDE BOOiOrr ($4i)0 Pbstpwd) • BASICFACTSHEETONYOURSURNAMEXS(md$7inwAary wribi^ofname.) Mail Orders / Inquiries to: YOSHIDA KAMON ART P.O. Box 2958, Gardena, CA 90247-11S8 • (213) 629-2848 for AppL mmIH KEI YOSHIDA, Researdter / Artist . NINA YOSHIDA. TransUtor R.E Fnanoe £xperter>oe Sjnce 1965 CommefdaJ R.E. LoaiB-SBA Also Available Apartmanis. Indusrial. ■A Stic* o( Rice,' presented by Great Leap, Inc., a Ltjs Angeles-based Asian American contemporary Strip Centers performing artsgroup, is a production involving theater, dance, story, and music. Perlormers are, back row, Residential 1 si & 2nd Loans Best Fixed and Variable-Loans from left. Nobuko Miyamoto, Jude Narita, Amy Hill, and Dan Kwoog; in front row, from lelt, are Shishir Home Calls at Your Convenience Kurup, Louise MiU, and Long Nguyen. Following performances Match 13 and 14 at Cal State Long Beach, We re Looking Out lor Your Best the group will perform March 28, 29 at The Little Theater, 18111 Nordofl^.^'^Cal State University, Interest Northridge, and April 18 at Cal Poly Theater, 3801 West Temple Ave., Cal Poly, Pomona, Tickets: $10, general admission; $8, senbis and children under 12; $6, students: and group discounts availabis. Call Tom Morita, Broker Reseivatbns: 310/392-7937; informatbn: Anne Etue, 213/669-0553. A.M. Funding Resources, Inc. .-■Si'. (800) 635-0178 or (714) 939-0155 Free Credit Report With Loan Appbcatiott

L.A. businessman heads Nisei Week festival Available Exclusively To JACL Stew OkayAma, abuanMsman School, Los Angeles City College Individual Members And Group in the Uttle Tokyo area of Los and An uxia State Col lege. He was Angeles, has been named 19^ assigned to the 442, then to the Nisei Week Japanese Festival gen­ Military Intelligence Service Lan­ The eral chairman. guage School at Fort Snelling, The new diairman, who had Minn. After the war, Okayama JACL-BLUE SHIELD served in this position in 1983, in graduated fhxn the University of turn, appcHiit^ James Okasaka Southern California with a de­ Health Plan to the position offesti val first vice gree in pharmacy. chairman. He is also actiw in a number of Okayama also announced that organiiations, including the Japa­ the 52nd festival has beeii sched­ nese American Optimist Club; uled earlier thisyear, from Satt^- Uttle Tokw Community Devel­ day, Aug. 1, through Sunday, Aug. opment Advisory Committee; the 9, because ofsch^uling conflicts. He is a native of Los Ar^es and attended Glendale High Little Tokyo Quality Blue Shield Coverage STEVE OKAYAMA Anti-Crime Committee. At Special Rates ForJACL Members - • Your Ctioice 01 Doctors And Hospitals • Wide Range 01 Benefits Including Ptglessional Seivices, Matsui: Civil rights just beginning Hospitalatoi, And Dental Coverage ^y GWEN MURANAKA ity is that they don't care about •-lndudes HEALTHTRAC---a persona) wellness program to Assistant editor civil rights, they're not con­ help keep you healthy cerned about those who are c 'LOS ANGELES—Redefining • Over 36,000 Physician Members To Help You Save On Oui- redress and its potential beyond pressed. But the reality is we tfie Japanese American commu­ have a caiiee to be concerned. Ol-Pockel Expenses nity was the focus of the civil Because if it happens to an Afri­ • Up To $2,000,000 in Liletime Maximum Benefits rights conference held March 7 can American or a Hispanic • Worldwide Coverage at UCLA. American, we can see thatit can Rep. Robert Matsui opened happen to us as well." • A JACL Endorsed HealthPlan Backed by Nearly 50 Years 01 the conference echnng the dread Matsui encouraged Asian Blue Shield Experience JACL members 18 dtip over may many in the Japanese Ameri­ Americans to become "players" apply to ^11 In the Blue Shield of California Group Health can community feel in light within the political sy^m cit­ recent Japan bashing. Ogling ing the fact that no California Plan sponsored by JACL. Applicants and dependents under redress payments "token," State AssemSly members are age 65 must submita statemenl of health acceptable to Blue Matsui said, "I believe that the Asian American despite the fact Shield belore coverage becomes ellective. Members age 65 emotional strides, although not that Asians make up 10 percent quite healed, are beginning to of thestate's population. "I wish and over, covered under Medicare parts A and B, may join fade in the backgrou^. I find it ‘WeVe become thoM of us in the Asicin Ameri­ without a health staternem. interesting that in 1992 at a can communiW can begin to look " time when we memorialize Ex­ smug, and be­ beyond ourselves, to hght for ■ For Atore Information, Write Or Call Today: ecutive Order 9066.^nd its come very proud causes greater than ourselves, meaning in history, just last of who we are. But that is what we must aspire to ______(415)_93K6633 _ ^ ____ jponth a fourth generation do." ‘ ' ^American of Japanese ancestry, the reality is a myth. The dvil rights conference, Yes! I want to know more about the JACL-Blue Shield of a 13-year old mrl, a Giri Scout, entitled "Beyond Japanese could be in a topping center in -RobmtMoltuI Americans: Civil Rights in the California Group Health Plan. Los Angeles-Califomia selling 1990s," focused on a broedran^ I I I am a member of______chapter. Girl Sco^oookieeandapproach- of issues ranpi^ from redrew inganotherindividual and hav­ blamed Asian Americans for al­ anditsimplicationstotheglqss ' I I I am not a member of JACL Please send me member­ ing that individual say ’I only ^ lowing it to happen. ‘We'w be­ ceiling, sexual harassment a^ ship information. 1 understand that JACL membersNp is buy from Americans.'" come ^ug and belmne wry hate crimes. Participants in the Matsui also related an inci­ proud of who we are. But the event included: Ro(U>lfo Acuna, required to obtain this coverage. dent last year at a Dodger game reality is a myth. Because after professor of Chicamo Studies Name .______^______Aoe when he and his wife wete redress passed what did ws do California Stats University walking to their car and pec^le ... what did the average Japa- Northridge; Dennis Hayaahi, Address ______- ______told him, "Why don't neee American do? They went JACL nationa] director; Alan^ City/State/Zip______■ your own country if yoti don't back into their homes and shut Nishio, associate vice president know how to walk. I bet they their doors and said, we deserve for student servicee at Califor­ Phone( .).______□Work [ZHome can't driw either." this. And what did ^ey do with nia State University; Mari Biatsui said the model minor­ the $20,000, they're buying au­ Matsuda, visiting professor at Send To: Frances Morioka, Administrator ity my^ was to blame for recent tomobiles with t^ $20 jODO. you the UCLA Schod of Law; and JA(X-Blue SNeld of California Group Health Trust rsiciaJ insensitivity and pertly know it and I know it The r^- ^ko Herzig, advisor to the Of­ fice of Redt^ Administration. 6—PadiBc Citizen, Friday, March 13,1992

Personally speaking Obituaries pal of the Benjamin Park6TSchool dren in how to learn small musde ABdb.T«aUo.Sa,M«san Hill. J«a.S3; coordination. They like to make, Hawan-ben, sarTiTad by 6 mh Nofaoni. HRS.HICHIIWASAKI in Kaneohe on the Windward side Sadic, Allwri. Bmto. Uoyd. 4 4ai«htarm Furwral wrvioM torths Mi IH. Mdi of Oahu for the past five years, to create. They seem to t^e great Tama* Itoknaa^ Manr Miaaba, Baby kMto.7»YWoUSvFnriciK»bomNiwi hasledin some important change pride in their art,’ the veteran KariMobo^ lilhaa JonkM-, S4 frandduf indreudwj^ iwheg»jid with 39 years of claasroom experi­ draa, 4 paatp-araadciiDdmt. athers<^ool: changing the public Arila. KaMd. Tl. U«hb Latoe. WMh.. perception of the school from rough ence related. She taught junior Jai>.^a«gato.aBrmadbymfcAiko. hi^ school for 10 years in Japan, « Rom HU Umonil Chto»l «ilh Ftov. & tou^ with low test scores to the Goo^Ald oflici^ M Fukui Moftjwy other end of the academic scale. came to USC for her masters in "^Datkoka, jTSnTbA 8an Uatao, Fab. special education, studied Span­ 4; E3k Orava-bam, aia»itad by haaband She has been working to put com­ Gak and Nonm CaUvaD, ■ survivid by hr htstrend puters in every classroom, wired ish a half-year in and was bmhara Aaao, Se^, Saboro Sawada (Jpo), TrsMi thret daughirs Hvcm Ybko (Rob- to the school library, state Md hired 23 years ago by the Moun­ aialanllitaaeOltubo.TataeBiabap.Midon rt}-French. Jm Erri (lAcM) Bwood national data bases and having tain View school oistrict, teaching toMda (Jpn), broUia«»-tii -law Sfadfato. rid Dm T- and video with students in other proudly added that *32 of my chil- Farakawa, Brian T., S4, Moorovia.' Inr Lily Incu: and ruphsMs and riMM. parts of the world — including dren have been completely Fab.21;LcaAnadaa bora, aanrivadbypar- Russia .... Hawaii-bom Nancy mainstreamed.*.... The James B. enU TomOara. brathar Derak Ibrnio. aw- McPherson School library in tar Artoen Tarako. wife Sumi. son Gerald, daughter Barbara, Ichinaga, 61, principal of Baraaoo, BhniUl, 74, Dartw. Fab. 16; brothera Yoahio, Harold, Ed. aiater Mabel Bennett-Kew Element^ School cite sago’s northside was dedicated Loa Angelea-born, aurviVad by wife Mary, Tskata. in In^ewood, earned high praise J^. 31 to the late Taka Kitsuae, aoew Ben. Andrvw. daughter Paart Hoghaa KobayaskL Tsayo, 93, Loa Angelca. RAYK.TSUCHIYAMA who devoted 25years as a teacher (Mflaa City, Mont.). dgrmnddiOdren. Doc. 10; Kumamoto-turn, survived by son from the Los Angeles Unified Roy, daughter McrikoTakaaaki, 1 grand­ atthe school. Herhusband Nelson Harada, Minora, 34, SeaUk, Dec. 30; EDUCATION School District for having hermi- Sea uk-born, aorrivad by paranU Mack and son, 1 grutgrandchild, brother Sosaku • Massachusetts Institute of nority children match or eVen ex­ Kitsuse, family and friends were Bevariy.brotbo-Mitchen. Murakami (Jpn). Technology named R-ay K. ceed their counterparts in present at the dedication. Haraao, Gas 77, Loa Angaka, Jan. Konkbl, Ray. 66, SeatUe, Nov. 16; aur Trochiyanuk who has been in­ HEALTH 31;LiverTnare-born.Burviradbyi^eChieka, vivod by wife Chicko, dau^ters Lauren. wealthier areas. With no extra ton Woodrow, da ugh tern Wandie Ynmori Robynne, brother* Joe (GrandviewX Tom volved in Japan-U,S. business re­ money or fancy enrichment pro­ • Dr. Toshiye Togasaki, who (HawahX Winifred, 1 gnndaon, brother* (Tacoma), nstcr May Williara (Wapato) lations, Japan office director for grams, she adopted programs that retired as a Contra County public Ben (Sacramento), Kiy^ (Berkeley). stepchildren Mike and Jamie Shualcr MITs Industrial Liaison Program, (Puyallup). Mia and Ron Carper (RentonX focus on phonic-based reading and health officer many years ago and Kitayaaa, Kaa Saeaaa. 64, Koyama, Tsutonu, 65, Sacramento. based in Tokyo. 'Rie program, es­ foster an atmosphere that stresses continued to assist many persons WalaonviHe, Dec. 21; Bainbridge ialand- Dec. 21; Guadalupe-born, survived by-wife tablished in 1948, has expanded academic excellence - i.e., no bi­ and ^oups, will be honored for born horticuHuriat, poat-WWIl veteran. Patty, sons Kenneth, Doan, Craig, daugh­ to over 50 high-tech companies in lingual or remedial classes. A her lifetime achievements and WaUonville JACL praaident, Santa Crux ter* Gwen K Nakahara.Karin N. Young. 6 Japan for development of com­ selfless devotion by the Diablo County FanneroT 1991, Farm Bureau and grandchildren. graduate from the University of Grower of the Year, aurvived by wife Keiko, Kobo,CUraM, Hacienda Hcightt, Dec. ply relationships with MIT pro- Hawaii in secondary education, Valley JACL on the occasion of *on J(^n (Loa Angriea), daughlar* Diane 28; lioa Angdes-bom Sansci, aurvived by vi ding access to research andstaff she earned a master’s in educa­ her 88th birthday on Saturday, (LoaAngcka),Kalhy(PeaccCkrpa-Bcli*e). huaham^clvin, sons Mike. Victor, mother resources. A graduate of Western tion psychology at UCLA before March 28,6 p.m., at Silver Dragon Kriaiinc (Seattle), Joyce, brothcia Toth MiyakoOda, brother* Noboru and Susumu Washington University at Restaurant, 835 Webster, C^- (Union (?ity). Ted (SanU Cara), aiater* Oda, fislcr Grace S. Monji, mother-in-law going to Bennett-Kew in 1974 as a Yoahiko NakaU (Bainbridge Island), Chiyoko Kubo, brothcT*-in-law Hitrrxhi, Bellingham, with a master’s from school psychologist. land. The Urthday party wil) kick­ Martha Kawanami (San Jeae). Katsuji (Hawaii) snd Wayne Kubo, sister- University of Massachusetts- • Japan-bom Nobuko Kishii. off the Dr. Yoshiye Togasaki &hol- KJyomura, Waaa, 67. San Jose, Nov. in-law Sachiku Milmsn. ■ Amherst, the Aomori-bom execu­ a special ed teacher at MonteVistr arship Fund with $10 of the $30 26;(kalnn*iUo-born.survivedbyaonMin(ru Kubota, Lance H. SB, San Gabrid. tive has written pieces for busi­ dinner charge deagnated to the Hugh, daughlcia Yuki H. Masuda. Tatauc Dbc- 7(funeral); survived by mother Esther, Elementary School in El Monte, Maloba. Kiyomi Miyabara,8gT*ndchjldren. 4 brothers Martin, Tomm y, Gary, Tcdd, ness, computer, U.S. and Japa­ Calif., is a nnalist for the “Bravo* fund. Reservations and contribu­ 10 great-grandchildren. sister Vickie. Kiyoaaki. Ralph H.71,Honolulu, Nov. nese newspapers and magazines. Award sponsored by the Los An­ tions are being handled by Yukio Kurawaki, Fusac, 73, San Jose, Dec. He was previouslybasedin Hono- 9; hailed a* 'Hawaii’s architect oTmodern- geles Music CJenter, often cited as Wada, 2817 Trotter Way, Walnut ' dayDcparttnenlorEducaUon.'Paia.Maui- 20; San Jusc-born, auryivod by husband . Mitsui R^l Estate Sales the Southern California Academy Creek, CA 94596 (510) 944-1696 born, Bchool teacher, prindpal. Big Ialand Henry, daughter Jean Kuraaaki, 1 grand­ Award i n arfBduca tion. Her cl ass- .... Los Angeles County Supervi­ district school superinlendcnl who aerved child. • Naomi Matsuzaki, princi- room walls are covered with tom- sor Kenneth Hahn appointed as chair of Hawaii Rodevelopment A^cy Miyamoto, Henry, 73. Madrid, Neb., Kazue Shibata, who has been in wake oT the Ma>^9G0 Wunami that Nov. 10, Fort Lupton-bom WVVII (442.id paper figure^ drawings, origami, dmtroy^ much oT Htlo, directed Univer­ Cannon Co.) retenin, furmcrtyufThicnton. ESTABLISHED 1936 collages of brightly-coloi^ paper, involved the past five years as sity of Hawaii Peace Cropa training fnp- Cola, survived by wife Mary *Katy” (nvv handmade Valentines, Halloween administrator of the Asian Pacific gram (1966), then appointed aupcrintenl of WirrhX 4 sons Dennis {Grant, Ntb.). Su-vc masks and whatever her stu­ Health Care Venture, as an alter­ Sute Dept of EUlucation (1966-1970) and Rogers (Madrid, Neb.), Mike Wull ^isei Trading nate to the county’s HIV Health set master master plan and new programa, (Wcalmorvland.Tcon.), HanJd Bukcr(IX.-n- dents—physically and learning including innovative method of teaching vcr),daughtcr« J« Anne.Monicdbipid City, Appliances - TV - Furniture disabled—oeate. “I like to use art Services Planning Council. She is standard English to pidgin speakert. sur­ S.D.), Brcky Poulin (Casper. VVyu.), 10 and creativity to assist my chil- a eSU Humboldt graduate in eth­ vived by sons Robert, Jon H, daughter* grandchildren, 4 sister* Mary- MaUuno SHOWROOM nic studies with a master’s in Asian Beth, Barbara. 3 gra^children. brother* /Brightonl, MnbleT.ikmioiofPacinnvi. Ca­ 612 Jackson Street Robert. Wayne, swler* Cherry Sakakida. lif.). Penny MaUuda (Sacramento), Amy American Studies at UCLA. JuncT^kana Kimura (Loa Angeles), 2 brothers Joe , Los Angeles. CA 90012 DISTRIBUTORS Kiso. Kenneth Y, 53, Monterey Park, (Arvada). Jerry (Aurora). Nov. 23; Loa Angeka-born Sansci.aurvived (213) 620-0882 U Mien Dolor Jo^ Uormlioooj Co. HooumMls 6 Nsrlrert tor Al CwmMas Mori. Yoko, 58. 1am Angela. I)k lounchti uniqw pradgOi Erw in U.S. Ground by wife Jonc, sons Ale*. Matthew, brothers Paaadcna«born, survived %y husband door opporltfMty to «m trira ♦ port fc'm* or Yasuyoahi, Winfrod, Robert, aiater* Ullian KaUuichi, sons Bryan, Francis. 1 grand Utaumi, Grace K«a-Blair. G fiotfrU tiW For inkrmotion^: (80Q| KUSHYAMA SaOKHA aocK BERNIE'S CARPET & 673-9265 «(818) 373-8603, Vat Nun CA Kobata, George, 73. Gardena. Dec. 7; UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Foe (818) 9090049. ' EVERGREBlHONUHBnCO. Gardena-born WWll veteran, aurvived by Se# OBrrS/pagt 8 2ROOM» 2M5 E. 1M SL, LM Aligiln, U won SPECIAL $39.95 Bu>.:(2i;2S1.727« RM.:pt3)2S»IH LIVING ROOM KAiMIYA Serving the Communilty CHNING ROOM I.VSLIRAN'Ci; forOoeriOYean 2 BEDROOMS Los Angeles ^FUKUI SUPER LOW PRICE $67.90 AGKiN'CY, IX'C. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Japanese Casualty # MORTUARY SPECtAUSTS Eggkhshed 1949 Insurance Assn. KUBOTA NIKKEI HoBov caltan vsNst, Mhir. sic. NO HIDDEN CHARGES! (213T626'8135 COU>l£Tt mSUlWKC mOTHCWH MORTUARY 30 YEARS EXPBHENCE 120 S. San Pedro St.. #410 7t7 Ctsl Ttaille SHtl oiKAM 911 VENICE BLVD. UC. #300-1529 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Aihara Insurance Agy. Inc. Lo,*«,$kt.CA9B0K LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 (310)547-0579 2S0E 1st St . Los Angeles 90017 (213)749-1449 SuieTOO 626-9625 Ph. 213‘ex-mi R.H4yiinizu.Pwded Funakoshi Insuranca Agency, Inc. H.SuzukLVJ’jCei.Mfr. 200 S. S«i P«to). Lh AngolK 90012 Fu 213‘617-2781 M. Motoyisu. Awt. Myr. Sum 300 626-5275 Coroc Ho Insurance Agency, Inc. Ho«eBlde.ia0S Lto*Ave..l205 Pasxtoni. 91101 SERVICE and QUALITY (818) 795-7059. (213) 681-4411 LA SINCE 1969 Kagawa Insuranca Agency Inc. - SAN GABRIEL VniAGE Jipsnese Charms 360 E 2nd St. Los Angokis 90912 Sum 302 628-1800 TAKEI 235 W.Fairvicw Avc, Japanese Family Crests - Kamlya Ins. Agency, Inc. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. San Gabriel, CA 91776 120 S. Sm Pe6o. Ln Angatos 90012 12SSaVileyVlB» Sum 410 6264135 OENERAL CONnUCTOR (213) 283-5685 QffhnGRwa,CAB2645 COMMERCIAL (818) 289-5674 (714) 8054554 The J. Morey Company, Inc. ROY TAKEI a TOM TAKE! 11060 Anna BL S» £. Cerrtoe 90701 (213) 6*1-9972 577-7485 CONTRACTOfi LICENSE 301»2 (213}9244«»V(714)SS2-215^(400)260-5551 Slava Nakajl Insurance National Business & Professional Directory il954WtstovuePte Japanese Phototypesetting Your businen c^jrd m eoch Issue la 25 Issues b S16 per Ine.throMne mirtmum Los AfigMes 90066 391-5931 I, Lorget type (12 pt.) counts os two Ines. Logo some os line rote os tequled., Ogino-Alzuml Ins. Agency 1818 W. Bmdy BL UorMbelo 90640 TOYO PRINTING CO. Greater Loi Angeles Orange County Sue 210 (8l8)S7ie911/pl3)72S-74e8 U ASAHI TRAVEL L. Kurtis NakagBWB, CFP, RHU Ota Insuranca Agency 35 N. Ltoe Am.. Pastoent 9t 101 .ata. Bubdom 6 LcMtmi TEavh, raa Sum 250 (2l3)617-2057-(eie) 7954205 309 So. San Pedro SL, Los Angeles 90013 4^1^ Gaotn.FaHiLia61nEviDtMia. fvM 19iaKtawtiirB>wLaia.314 >OFFlaoeBtia,CAn87»* (714)iSU176 T.RoytoanlAAsweltoM (213)626-8153 yo«m 6 LMOtsm Sonca Quality Ins.Services, Inc. -1543 W. Olympic Blvd, #317, LJl 90016 SanJoae,CaUf 24iE PtAmaBM mS) 487-4SB4 • FAX (31$) 487-1073, Uoni6MyPMti91754 (213)727-7755 A|| HENRY & MURAKAMI FLOWER VIEW GARDENS Sate Insurance Agency (mrem Flower*, Fruit, Wise 6 DEANWimSBEYNOUMINa 366 E. 1ft Sl LosAngetos 90012 DEUGHTTUL 1B199 Steveaa Craak Blvd, Cnpariiiio, CA 626-5861 - 629-1425 96914. (900)4864199; (46«riM100 Tfuneilhl Ins. Agency, Inc. seafood treats 1801N. Weatem Ave-, Loa Aagelea 90037 Mrs Fride^s (SIS) 466-7373 / Art 6 Jim Ito Sacramento, Calit 327 E. 2nd SLLMAngelM 90012 Suto221 * 626-1365 DEUCIGUSand SHABCm NODA ColdweD Banisei TAMA TRAVEL’INTERNATIONAI AHT Insurance Assoc, Inc. so easy to prepare Martha Igarashl Tamaahiro (916) 3934600, Fab (916) 437-3097 dba Wade Auto Amoomm, Inc 636 Wilkhire Blvd.. 8te 310 Pager/Volcc (916) 682-1739 1451W Aitosa BM. Gantona 90247 Sum A (213)5160110 MRS. FRIDAYS SANSEI BUILDERS Kenneth M. Kamlya biiurance 373V«NaMA«e.SuleiM Gourmet Breaded Shrimps and Fish Fillets SYLVU K. KOBAYASHl TortwMa.CA 90501 010)781-2066 Calvlu B. Okeya, AU (213) 821-9239 ALASKA B£AL BCTATB, Jack White Co. For You Business & Prbfessiond Needs Futdiing ProMSson, 1327 E. I5th St., Los Angeles, (213) 746-1307 Pacific atteen, Friday, March 13,1992—7

Short takes PC Classified Advertising

From .. -Busitipss Opportu QMOppOftunhyFerEntrapranwra*/ HOME TYPISTS USACAUFORNIA Desecrated Japanese Iriqnds 4 sssocistes in Japsn. Rnanciat n- PC users needed West Los Angelos dspendsnce & isirily time freedom. 4500 $35,000 polentisi By owner cemetery redraicated 00 srriving in Js- Details 10 urat ^ bldg V/, years new. excel­ CHEMAINUS. B.C.^ Kven- pen from USA vis Csnsds, Hong Kong. Cal (805) 962-6000 lent investment, low maintenanoe, near yeareffortrestored the desecrated Tsiwsn, then Austmis & Europe. ExlB-1317 aH freeways. (613} 567-0662, tax (613} 232-6240 Tel: (310) 4774012 Japanese section of the Che- Ifitormationsl Directory mainus Cemetery vandalized dur­ Private Investor To Invest S2 MH VEMCE.CA ing WWII with a new memorial Reoerve 35% annum return. Equity par­ 16 Unit Apt Building $1.2 Ml US '/< block monumentandresettdngsixhead- ticipant in foreign country casino. 1st to the beach 3 story bldgs. 6490 sq ft Wedgswood Dinner Set For 12 Laundry faediies. 5 yr old rod. Al remod­ stones recovered from a nearby mortgage as coBaleral. Only principles. eled. very good conation, wel maintained. Clvysanttmurn paBem. Red WgoU leaf. 6 SEATTli WA&HWQTON dirt pile. Art Miki, national presi­ Fri-Sun (213) 713-6149 pieces toeacriseQing * 1 chopdtsh. Over 50 Rasidenl mgr. (^ross $10K US morkhiy. As­ M-F (816) 356-7540 WoodInviUe S bdrm. 3 btti 3000sq ft dent of the National Association yrs old Abeolutely n perfect cond. Value sumable $^ US. 30 yr adustabie rate. home w^>od, hot tub. rec rm. fmly rm. of of Fai: (616) 358-6769 $40,000 Afikng $15,(M0. US Funds. Wil Low taxes. Cdl (310) 4504^ laundry rm. 2 car garage, vaulted ceAng sandpit. Call (S14)933-1216orwrile;M in LR. new carpeting, gas 6 solar heat, Winnipeg, was among the digni­ Rne Women’s Apparel Israar4300 Demalaonneuva #930, West- For Sale. Former Playboy Ckib, Famous taries who attended the August and insulated windows. On 1 acre in High six figure income from three exclu­ moti Quebec. Can^Z 1K6______restaurant/nighldub in Century Ciy/Beverty prestigious area Near good schools. 10 restoration ceremonies, wMch sive shops in LA's finest hotels. includes, His. CA. iCgOO sq It Cap liquor, $215^ US (206) 450-0973 was funded by the Japanese Ca­ luxurious furniture, fixtures, improve­ LPioltaciiMi entertainmenl. dancing icenses. $485,000 nadian Redress Foundation. ments andlhe finest inventory. Owner America's laroM private most vahiabie. US. Terms neg Other commi, residrtl. iv ratireinfl after 40 years. $i^S,000 with 49.000 seaMTlO^IOgO. Classica). op­ vestmerk preps aval. Ken Selgel Agency, Texas Game Ranch. By owner. 1200 ac W terrhs. Contact Iterlln Bloom, agent era. eound4rackfr^xigna] caris. rock, soul, egtllieha.(3l0)2n473S,(213)67Ml64. Fax (310) 2774161 USA. Iff elecfencew/mourkainous topography W Canadian war museum (61^5064)092 or (213) 676-5508. jazz, big band, greaiast Ms. atanterd-pop variety d wkd game w6500sl h vocal, easy ista^, ccxmlry, foA. oom^, hot tub. 6 log cabins sleeps 50. trap s Autogarege She nCarUt ethnic, documentary. Bvis Preslay. Aval- Bevwriy HUM AdjacMtt honors vets able indrvidurily or in iott. (203) 2274326 ing, gun & archery rangn md. Operating available. 2 locabons. Santa Monica— Speda) Spring Price Reduction Starting hunting bus attracu hunters worldwide. CALGARY, Alta—The War Now. Corxlominium quality luxurious 1 Museum of the West opened a 4X.000 car weekly movement Major Animation Cals Guided 6 unguided hunts, wid boar, deer, Blvd. Some office and storage. Needs & 2 bedrooms. AB amenities. Individual turkey, quail, chukers, pheasants & various display honoring the Japanese Japw>ese, (German, Swedish cars, and enoy control system. Near Robertson & exdics inNo Texas. So of Wichiu FIs. (IsMi) Canadians whofought with motorcycle repairs.* From $12(X>-up. WiisNre No Pets. $2,500 Ml Terms aval. Contact: Robert the Canadian Expeditionary Force Ask for R J. (310) 452-6146. (310) 2714147 Saxton, (917)7534444.lax(617)7534344 in Worid War I (1914-1918). Mentioned in the recently pub­ USA Equity Investors Sought LAKELAND. FljORIDA Must have rnininuim US M mllion net Sforth Penthouse Deluxe Estate Uquldation. SOO unit apt site; lished military history of Alterta’s 60 s/fam developed loti, 150 units/lam lOth Battalim, *Gallant (^nadi- and US $1M to invest in properties acquisi­ Ad] Beverly Hills tions in rrtetro New York and New Jersey. We site; G07 acre golf course communihf ans,” are three Japanese Canadi­ pay 15-25% return on invest and 20% o«w>- 7—Autos For Sale Large, jacuzzi, fireplace, site: over 1350 acres in Lakeland, ans: Matakichi Yoshikawa, who er^. You receive 8% ROT after we cash FDR, wet bar, private Rorida 45 min W of Disneywortd. 30 was awarded the Cross of St. ou at year 2. Principals only . HaslingB Prop- CHEAPI FB1AJ.S. SEIZED mr E ofTvnpa. (813)647-1326 days. erties.Fax (212)643-0112.YsaAdyarS^ 89MERCHDES...... -...... $200 sundeck, laundry, central (813)646-2673 Isx. George, 4th Class, Russia; ...... $so Masumi Mitsui and Tokutaro 87 MERCEDES...... $100 air & heat, balconies, full LAKESHORE WOOOSLAKE ANA. VA Iwamoto, the Military Medal for 5—Employment 65 MUSTANG...... $50 security. Nsw Homs. $175,000. 2 bdrm. 2 bth on Bravery in Action, Great Britain. Choose from ttwusands starting $25. main level mast suite on is Ivl. Huge Tour GuMWDriver for Oskar J's Tours FREE 24 HourReeonfing Reveals Detels “A Must See!” basemerkas4thbdrmsep FDR.cathceiA In Vancow^e Stanley Park, Male or female .for cortducting local (801} 379-2929 Copyrisft 9CA200JC. frpic h LR. Cent AC & heat punp, oei fans Nov. 11 rites arOie Japanese Ca­ sightseeing tours, driving 14 passenger Reduced to $2000/mo. thru^aul. Lra deck owlookir^ wooded kk. nadian War ^^moria] paid trib­ van . Ouaiificalions; Must be over 24 yrs Ferrari 1990 Testarosa Call (213) 556-2305, Prof Indscpd. Yr round vacation home! ute'to the Issei servicemen of old, know Los Angeles well, people ori­ 400 mi. brand new. Red/tan int. Cov­ Cdlfordlrectlona. Ph: (703) 6944464 ented. well-groomed, capable of han­ ered in garage since new. Must Sell World War I. A cenotaph plaque, COVMA.CAUFOmW SAG HARBOR LL dling prwsure, xkit driving record, must Price $149,500. funded by the Japanese (Cana­ be biliogual Er^ish/Japanese. speak House 6 Hares Property . $4S0K US. 3 bdrm. "Win Win Investment** 6am-5pm (716) 392-5222 1 bih on aknosti scof Ind Wrm to bid eddi hsa. dian Redress Foundation, to Ca­ both languages ifuenthr, must enjoy driv­ Evea (516) 621-1667 Commercial bldg for tale in luxurious ing. )0nt pay for qualified person Send At rww hitch wbuit-ns & cerarrk tie Ir. Cntd nadian Nisei who died during Fax (718) 392-6527 heat & A/C. hrdwd fk n LR berber crpt in BRs Sag Harbor. L.I-. Al sections of bldg WWII and the Korean War was resume lo: OSKAR Tours, PO Box leased. Hi annual yield. Some owner 55723, Sherman Oaks, CA 61413. 6 haD. cedar-lned dosets. new pexit, brick dedicated. BBQ $ Bcuzs. S car gar. 3 cov stala/2 pipe financing to qualified buyers. 9—Real Estate corrals. Movonn cond. (618) 3394792. (516) 7254695 after 5:30 pm. Hui Naauao, a coalition of more Earth Spirit Festival Poworfulinfo tnd service on SAN FERNANDO VAUEY. CA Searsdele than 30 groups, with a three-year West Hllle Area ^ owner. 3 bdrm. 2V| bth EA formal attracts 100,000 plan to diecuaa the native Hawai­ discounted loent and real estate 4 b0 2 houeas * 1 mobde home. CompMa house 2170 sq ft home, pak firs in entrance. Klph 8 spacious, split level ooionial.' kieal tam- Ainu spokeman Shigeru native Hawaiian families through baordrig%ainng fa^ for 20Ck horses. frriy rm. Central AC & heel Fenced bekyrd W iy home on seokided cul-de-sac. 5 kg Kay an 0 from Japan related the a federal $150,000 grant to pur­ Dred aooetsto Sana Ana River Trals 15 pool. spa. ganbo. buft in BBQ. 2 cvatigar W txkmt. 4 bths. (MxjIous EDCw/kpic. ac could ba V| ac aquastrian propaities. opener. Designer deertd. kidecpd. grt firiy studio. environmental devastation occur­ sue its own plan for so^reignty UvelMew. $1.4mOon. (ri4)734^. PO nghbrhd. nr kansp. sdk. shopping. (Xvner can (212) 599-2566 wkdaye ring in Japan, and Canadian education. Box 4es,NDiee,CA 91760. move n Xdays) (616) t9^M». lax (212) 966-0594 Sansei geneticist Dr. told of the environmental investment Opportunity AOOURA HXIS, CA concerns in Canada. w/3 story home near NatiorwJ Fomst. Private Country Home Prime location. 4600sf. 7 bdrm. 3V, bth. $336K US,' 3 bdrm. 2 bth. LR. FDR. Art Miki,' preodent of the Na­ .leads of na­ tional Association of Japanese 2 frplc. 2 car gar. wood deck 6 patio, Woofixxning & gas frplc Central AC. New Canadians, from Winnipeg ex­ tional space agencies and ecien- picnic area, fim. goM, schts. hosp & rec applianoes. Covered pete, gazabo, healed LOS ANGELES. CAUF tiste from institutions worldwide w/in 15 min. Excellent invest $650K. pod. Tie roof. 2 car garage. Al on */j acre. For Rent plained the event was spawned (714) 5654457. Fax (213) 4894935. Loted fruk trees'By owner. (618) 991-2669 By owner. 4350 So Man St. Brick BkJg. bytheaftermath the l988Japa- gathered last October to prepare for 1992: International Space Year 5000 sq ft. Foranybusmess. nese Canadian redressmovement mvaecAUF. C»(AnD.CMJFOnMA $2500 per monto —adream thatthelate Sen, Spark Attached Townhouee. $339,000 US. ^ owner. On Golf Cm (10th green). Exec as Nikkei became concerned over Matsunaga had in 1985 to pro­ Cal 64 Mon-Sat rrtom the rights of other Canadian mi­ Woodbridga Windeor aalatoa. 4 bdrm. 2V| area gaud comm. 3bdrm.3blh.Eet-inkHeh. all (213)234-1214 mote peace .through scientific bth, 2300 aq It on culde-aac in move-ri nmi appL fcml Dm Rm. kg l>r Rm 2 fr^ uti^ norities. Author Joy Kogawa, one cond. 2 car garage, baautiuly landfecapad rm wrisasher 6 dryer. Usage of prvt pod. spa $ of the originators of the festival, coooperation. tanris erti. 2 car gar A much, much more. "Sparky coulc^'t have timed it yard, siepa to pod and park. Fetidied aeic • was elated. lor Storage, bnmaculata cond. knmadiata $a.S00.(605)9»1ll2.Openhsewknd.9- 14—Mfscelianecus better,* the Advkrti*er said. “Ihe ooofiancy CaU (714) 7334595 5.2213BerrrsidiOmPI. recent relaxation of^tensions B.C. school named around the world should make Huge Veeenl Parcel. Commi zor>ing. MARM COUNTY, CAUFORNU Software Services ^ft frordage. MajorL Bconidor. Busy Luxury Apartment Compla. 76 urals. 2 6 for Issei pioneer possible cooperation to a degree We recommend, set up, consult & residential naighborhood. (3reat Oppty. 3 bdn». Wel makkdned 6 managed. Park­ train in:Computersecurity (viruses), RICHMOND, B.C. -A .chool that fulfills his fondest hopes.” Poes JV, $1,075,000. ing on tie. MMon dolar views d San Fran- named for Tomekichi Homma MM AolU to. ttexi lomator kM Ctr. daoo. PraitiginiN area $13 mBion. Th$ Micfosott Windows, ot++. On site/ * LB. Drastic^ reduced to off site, satisfaction guaranteed. opened here last November. An Brig. Gen. $4.5M. (3WC. Lrg Uly assumable 1st PrudentMCaHonua Redly. Martin Levy. Ph Issei pioneer who came to Canada AeMit Uura Martin, (310) 597-2147 (707) i2e-77i1 ext322, lax (707)529-1460. fftVfax: (213) 734-0186 at the age of 22 in 1887, he settled Kenji Sumida retires in the fishing comrountty of HONOLULU — Brig. G«n. L06 ANOaES AREA. CAUFORNtA StoVMton and formed tiie Ja^- Kei\^ Sumida retired Aug. 4 as Echo Park 2 Story, turn of tite Century nesaXanadian Fishermen's As- commander the Hawaii Air brick house. Lrg bsloony. overlooking National Guard at Hickam AFB Dwntwn. 3 bdrm, 1 kg Mh. FDR hrdwd Top Investment aodation, the first Japanese lan­ Its, custom drapes, chandeliers, kg Irv guage school in Canada and the after 38 years of service and trans­ ferred command to Col. Allen M. rm. basement, must see. $270Ktobo. first newspa­ P/p (213) 250-7010 Opportunity per, Conodo Shimpa. Homma Mizumoto. pas^ away in 1945 in Slocan, Sumida received his commis­ 8AMTA MONICA. CA Luo’alive 900 telephone numbers are available now! one of the wartime internment sion in 1953 through Air Force Teiwile Court Estate. $2 1 ml US. In- Be part of the fast growing $3 billion a year industry. facilities, at the age of 80. ftOTC at' the University of Ha­ oomparafate tonalinn. 3000 sq ft home waii, joined the Gu^ri in 1957 on (2) 60 n lots, last ramaMng 120 ft Exceptionally low initial investment w/unlimited frorittM properly in Santa Monica 4 after active du^, commanded a bdiQ btii. Lxcalant ardtaactiifal de- potential yield. Omnitel Corporation is the United From Hawaii... combat support equadron in 1973^ 364ygB ci^ (310) States’ leading pay-per-call service bureau. promoted brigadier general in Please call for more details at Narive Hawaiians i 1985 and nar^ ecnnmander in 1991. A command pilot with more DO YOU HAVE A NEWS Tr? (818) 709-5603 delve into sovereignly than 3,600 flying hours, he is in­ Cdl tito nave da*. (2i» 626- or write to: 9420 Reseda Blvd, ste 591 . WASHINGTON — With the terim president at East-West On- 3004: or tt» oWM wtih dMs ter, married to the former md eouroe by Northridge, CA 91324 USA 1993 centennial of the overthrow or by iraB: PaeMe CMtan, 041 E. of the Hawaiian monarchy in the Kathleen Ikeda ofPaia, Maui, and 3rtl^ Loo Af^Mos. CA 90013- Fax (818)709-8839 wing, the Administration for Na­ they have a eon and two dau^- tive Americans has fiinded the S-^a^Bc Otiaen, Friday, March 13,1992

OMr«eM,.81.F SENATOR OBITS rbb.l7;Ha«aii4 FLORIN (ContlnuMl from pag*6} Prancae Taimnaha, 2 graaMOta, sb- 'We hod four (ContlnuAd from pig* 1) (Contknwd from pag« 1) NskMsnrm, Maty, 84, Deover. Nor. 7; Nogudii» ccxhair of the Florin Shn^riff's depu­ non raport in mind, Hayaahi Lm- a^naD)a•-bom. ■orvivod by danchten HdMiI Maniyania, Maik>ria Kawano, 4 12; Hito-bom. Iw wu P»«I, JACL Civil Righte and Redress added; ihis latest instance of aurfi»,w,n««,««Tu.ad.6*» Japan bashing and racial MiMrm Tl,Ta>i|.b CMr. r*. Committee. Nopxchi saidthe turn­ ties, five private Nakano, Kasoe^Vr, O^land, OcC83; scapegoating clearly indicates the Fnkt»ka-ban)» aurvHad by wife EUoko, 1; B unriwJ out of approximately 350 people need for elected officials and the wasbetterthantheyhadexpect^ security guards aoB DIdt. daughter .Omce Shimono, awtor general public to understand and YukwaNakana 'yfe heard people say, *1 had other embiM the recommendations set Nakjw, Chrlatepher L, S8. Sacra­ things i^uled, but I thought I and two patroi mento, Dec. 14; Secramentobom, aunnvod forth in the commission's report. lm NdCMmnm. ••nu.JcInM™.4 shoiddI come and show my sup­ by mother Kimi. brother Clyde. cars patroiing Further criticizing HDllings' NekMono, Johnie. 65, La Palma, Dee. iraabliwdddhim. port' It was overwhelming, people statement, Steve Clemons, execu­ 26; Compton-born tiuvived by wife Peari, amrauki. Mekl. 71, Tomnofc J«n were really pulling together." At a tive director of the Japan America tons Gragory and Gary Lagm. 6 grond- 1». B Mo,il,bon..»irrtmdl» wire pressconference c^Imbecause of the neighbor­ childron. mother Kiyoko, brother Thomat. m EtavM. Bodiy. iknihlm S« SocieU of Southern Caltfomia iMlm Setauko Niluvioik, 8 p«i.dcliil*wi. the death threat, representatives said, “Idiocy runs in all cultures. mterSumi Hoahixaki. hood where the NakaUnL Scltcbt, 91, San Jeae, Dee. from a broad b^ of coalitions There's no redeeming value and 16; Wakayama-born, aurvived by aooa attended including, Jerry event was be­ nothing to look for that's either Kiyoya, Akiloahi, 4 daughtera Yoriko Juba aitd SiMaa. 3 feielar* Sally Pvnkava. Enomoto, JACULEC; Sacramento positiverconstructive or worth Ichimani, Miyoko, ScUuko, Sachika Clara YtAoyama. Julia Neiabi, bruthare JACL, the Jewish American tdting about in his comments, Nakawataao, Toyo, 98, Loa Angdaa, Hidao and Frad, brethar-in-law George ing heid.. omilarlywithSakui^uchi'sstate­ Nov 3; Kagoahima-born. aurvived by aoiM Mateui. aieter-in-lew Lorraine SeUi. Council of Sacramento, Asian Bar Scichi.Shiaoo, daughter* ChiyeWaUnabe, SeUgakaM,8atDri66.Frarmnt, Fb>. ments. There's lots of igncrance Association of Sacramento, the —Andy Noguchi Kiyo Hori, Sayo Nakatani, 10 grandchil­ 12; Htroahiate-bora. eurrived by wile State Employees Association, and on both aides. I see fiothing wrong dren, 8 groat-^ndchildrcn. Kindyu, eooe Jim, Tad, Setoehi. danghtw* the Chinese American Council of came in and checked in advan^ with constructive tritidsm shot Nakaaawa. Fiji, 91, Loa Angclea, Dec. Yuki Nomura. Joyce Tahira, Darieoe backandforth,butradallydriven 2; Niigata-born, aurvived by 3 aona Biae, Sacramento. and 9lso there has been increased Kango, Kokichi. 4 daughter* Alice Iheeveningincludedanaddress secuinty^und some of the board slurs especially about the atomic Morikawa, Mary, Chiyoko, Kiyoe bomb are really idiotic and don't Bara, Oaorge 8, 88, Gonna, Jan. 22; by Rep. Patsy Mink of Hawaii, a membtn^ homes," said Noguchi. Kobayaahi, 6 granddiildrcn. OaUand-bom WWII vetaran, emvirad by deserve much oiscuasion." memorial spe^toMike Masaoka "We Know things are getting Okawaekl. Klaalyo, 9^ OaM»^,.Dy- *ilb Yobib. eon Glena, daughlma Jaaiee. worse and. worse. Unfortunately, "I think we're entering an age 7; aurvived by daughter* Fumiko, Ncdnke Aanette Carpenter (FOlmoreX 2 c™»»eha- bv JAQL President Cressey where our nerves are raw. A lot of Henmi. aona Shigdeaxu. Jeuneo, Kimie, dren. brother Jay F. Sera (Salt Lake City). Nakagawa, and a historical ex­ that's the state of thin^ with Ja­ Americans are angry over Jaj^'s Hirofumi. CHtwa Rita Yaeude, Yo Shimotaaka, na- hibit in the hall. Given the threat, pan bashing and politicfd candi­ seeming inattention to the Pearl OkasakL Kataomi G. 74. Selma, Oct. ter-in4aw Frances Swa (Alameda). dates like David Ihike and Pat 26; Sdma-boim. aurvived by wife Ktyona, Skiba, Mlyoe, Salt Lake City, Jaf Ifr. security was very heavy for the Harbor anniversary. The Japa­ ton Randy J. daughter* Karen end Wakayama-born, eorviTed by hu^nd Buchanan. Only by getting broad event. "We had four Sheriffs nese really failed to understemd Okazaki, brother* Satoru (HawaiiX Jin>, TakaUro, edaughtara HanayoN4f^«s. deputies, five private securiw support to let fringe groups know American sensitivity. Fifty years *ister-in-law R>wko Okazaki. IWko Sqpehi. Minac Imamora, Tl^ guards andtwopatrol cars patrol- this is unacceptable can we pre­ Okita, Joaepb IL 78, Loa Angelea, Dec. Hideehima, Soiaiko Takriiara, Yunko beyond Pearl Harbor, the drop­ 26; LoeAngdea-bom. aurvivedbywifeToye Uyeda, eieterTokieOe(Jpn),brotherTmnc ling the neighborhood where the vent things fr«n happeningin the ping of the bomb, and Executive Ttrecita. 7 aona Kenneth. John. Thomaa Oe. brotber-in-Uw Kaku Shitaa, grandchil event was being held. The Sheriffs future," said Noguchi. Order 9066, with the intense ri­ (WMhirtttoo). ArKhony. Peter(Bakei^eld). valry and competition between Stephen. David. 2 daughter* Mary Rivera ShlbaSTwS? T.. Tokyo.*Jan. 4; pio­ neer Eimheh eection editor with Maini^i whom were American citiiens, Japan and the United States, (FreanoX Monica Maldonado. 14 grandchil­ emotions will flair but emotions dren, 2 great-graftdchildrcn. brother newepaper* in Japan, Univeraily of Wash­ MANZANAR were confined at Manzanar and Toehiharu-; atepmother-in-lew Monica ington graduaU. prewar jenrnaKit with will also subside" said Clemons. Takahaahi. Japaneae American Courier, Seattle, and (Continuad frorn paga 1) nine other camps during the war." "I am wormed about the fact (Editors note: the actual figure is RyoaALJalckt. Tit Gardena, Jan.31; PaciSc C^itixen. between the \}S\ and Japan, said, that Americahs for first time in -Guadalupe-born, eorvivadby wife Tomoko, Bhlmamolo, Jerry H., 84. Los Angeles. "As the frequency of attacks 110,310) the post World War II era are eon Kenny, daughter Joyce Mwimoto, atep- Jen. 23; MontcMlo-born WWII veteran, against Japanese Americans and "They were interned and forced measuring ourselves by Japan. aon Roy Noda, etepdaughter* Jane ^ survived by litteT* Sachiko Tomhnoon, toforfeitmostoftheirpossessions, Grace Yonemore, 6 eieter* Toehiko Shigeko C^herry. Asian Americans escalates be­ We've never looked at ourselves ShimMsa. Watara, 90, Loa Angdee. their homes and their businesses Nagamoto. Mitzie Shiehino, Tomiko cause of thesejim^asing racial by tne measuring stick of another Hamano. Grace Ito, Maaako Yenage, Feb. 21; Yam^ochi-barn natoralizad US. tensions, the lesma of the intern-' despite the fact that they were countty. I think it grates on the brtrther-in-law Kiyo Maruyama. grandchil- citizen, survived by wife Koto. mentare mwerelei^tthanever." \oya\ Americans, and hadcomfliit- American ego." Levine, whorecently announced ted no crime. Their only offense his candidacy for the U.S. Senate, was their Japanese ancestry. This Brassy Mounts Aanch CHIYO'S added, "More than 120,000 men, was a grievous injustice which re­ A aim, and Ouo» loncf. owned ond operatKl by o tn*f couDle.aUhe tool dtlhebedutSiiGraieyMoiinldin, near lowraond, Japanese Bunka Needlecraft women and childr^ of Jappiese sulted from wartime hysteria and Montend. Honebdck «».g, chuck wopn te«ii icMke don<^. ancestry, the vaist majority of prejudice." (W^. 01 dey (tdek cookooti Log cookv w*h pdrate both, and Framing, Uunka Kits, Lessons, Gifts ftepScek He«ed eetTming poa Wholekxne lonch food. Come 2943 West Ball Road »lo«.have(unonotiuly»«leinvocotlon. ______BokC. Townsend, MT 59644, (404)547-3402 Anaheim, CA • (714) 995-2432 UPCOMING 1992 TANAKA TRAVEL TOURS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE • QUALITY TOURS /DISNEY/EPCOT/NEW ORLEANS...... (9 days) FEB 29 raCH SIERRA TRIPS JAPAN SPRING ADVENTURE. Including Festival...... (14 days) APR 6 GRAND CHIIWTOUR...... (ISdays) MAY 11 C«.7-Oct. 17. 1992 YowsrtKmdSequoa-ICir^ Naionti Puts }otvi Mur Htd Ar^ Aduia wademesi Afcas YELLOWSTONEA4T. RUSHMORE. Opt. Heart Mtn...... (9 days) MAY 24 Autumn In )apan Bifeyre CANADIAN flpCKIES-VICTORlA...... (8 days) JUN 10 Tokyo-l(eiiiikm.-H,ko.ie-lJteYen»n.k,-Ml,n4i-lCT 8 ($8485) Deluxe Touck Tour - Ml. Rurfimore. Cod/. Yelowstone. Grand Tetons, New Zealand’s North A South Islands and Australia. Auckland- Pork aty. Self LekeOty. Waitomo-Rotorua-Christdiurqh-Canberra-Sydncy. Includes harbor SCANDINAVIA/RUSSIA HOUDAY TOUR...... JVL 2