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The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


Sandspur, Vol. 81 No. 16, February 21, 1975

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 81 No. 16, February 21, 1975" (1975). The Rollins Sandspur. 1462. bocond ciau ram Mon* 327m SAKiisruir ISSHB 10 FEIE.21,1975

SOMETHING EXTRA FOR SENIORS national and local businesses and corpora­ Association has been busy developing an A prime objective of the alumnj program is By: William R. Gordon '51, tions. (Cooperating businesses are listed alumni oriented placement program. Mr. J. to develop the most beneficial program to the Director of Alumni Affairs - below). Breck Boynton, Jr. '63, Director of Personnel Rollins student that can be created and If you decide to use the Alumni program, and Career Development for Coopers and implemented. Mr. Boynton and his commit­ Soon, the major concern of a graduating your next step is to go to the Placement Lybrand, is chairman of this active commit­ tee, with Dean Pease and Mr. Bill Loving, senior will be "placement - will I have a job Office, Carnegie Hall. tee. The program is designed to utilize alumni Director of Student Aid and Placement, have when I leave Rollins?" It is a natural concern Mr. Bill Loving's office will help you as agents - "Rollins contacts." Each enrolled worked out the details of operational and one previously shared by thousands of establish your Placement Credentials and alumnus will serve as an intermediary, an procedures. alumni of this institution. The placement ambassador for a student who has expressed furnish you with a copy of the College dilemma of today's seniors is being addressed Placement Annual. You should request, in an interest in an alum's company. How do I get involved? by the Alumni Association through the writing, that copies of these Placement The alumni agent will personally see that development of a new program. Credentials be sent to the Alumni House. the students' resume and other papers are Your first step is to come by the Alumni When all your forms are completed and The "Career and Professional Development presented to the appropriate Personnel House to peruse the employment and your letter is ready, they will be sent to Bill Committee" of The Rollins College Alumni Director, who oversees the hiring process. recruiting materials of approximately 30 Gordon, Director of Alumni Affairs, for further processing. A cover letter from J. Breck Boynton '63, Chairman of the Career and Professional Development Committee, will accompany your profile when it is forwarded to the Alumni agent. From that point on, you and the Alumni agent will correspond and, hopefully, make arrangements for a job interview. This is "Something Extra". It is an effort on the part of interested Alumni to give a Rollins graduate a headstart in entering the job market. Take advantage of this program by taking the first step. Come by the Alumni House NOW! COMPANY CONTACT AREA

American Express New York, N.Y. Anchor Hocking Corp. Dallas, Tex. Citicorp New York, N.Y. Cities Service Co. Tulsa, Okla. Connecticut Mutual Orlando, Fla. Coopers & Lybrand Orlando, Fla. Dana Corp. Toledo, Ohio Deering Milliken New York, N.Y. Eastman Kodak Co. Rochester, N.Y. Eastern Airlines Miami, Fla. Ernst & Ernst B Orlando, Fla. Exxon Research & Eng. Co. Florham Park, N.Y. FDS/ i-Div. of TRW Inc. Orlando, Fla. Florida Gas Winter Park, Fla. Foote, Cone & Belding Chicago, III. B.F. Goodrich Chemical Co. Cleveland, Ohio IBM Corp. Armonk, N.Y. Kraftco Chicago, III., (Glenview) Martin Marietta Co. Orlando, Fla. New England Life Orlando, Fla. Occidental Petroleum Houston, Texas Pepsi-Cola Metropolitan We Happened To Notice.... Bottling Flint, Mich. Price Waterhouse Providence, R.I. Provident Mutual Winter Park, Fla. BROTHERS AND SISTERS seems to that the major purpose is to similar to that of burning paper! R.J. Reynolds Winston-Salem, N.C. make Whites aware of the Blacks and what Standard Oil of Calif. San Francisco, Calif. Oh, my, but the Orchesis Black Ballet was they have contributed to the American State Farm Ins. Winter Haven, Fla. Upjohn Co. Kalamazoo, Mich. superb, it was presented last Monday night as culture. This contribution, upon close look, is WOMEN BEWARE a part of the Black Awareness week, and woe Walt DisneyWorld Lake Buena Vista, Fla. an awfully damned lot. In fact, on their own Winter Park Telephone Winter Park, Fla. to all who missed this beautiful display of brochure states that one of the aims of the All concerned females must be on their dance and black culture. The dances were a program is "to facilitate co-existence of the guard for the next several weeks. Any series of half-parodies, half-glorifications of races." Well, let's see the whites get moment now, the 3M Society (Mucho Male black children's games from the turn of the involved. Let's see everyone get involved. Machismo) is expected to publish a list of UP WITH PEOPLE century, black religious services, TV and Consult the program and you'll find that Dick chauvenistic demands that they hope to take recording groups, and other prominent Gregory is coming to speak, for one thing. We to the student Senate and have passed as Up With People, the internationally acclaimed musical spectacular which has aspects of black American culture. recommend that everyone take the time to Rollins law. The list (of which we have performed at Expo '70 in Japan, Carnegie Hall Poor Edith Royal just broke our hearts the see these things. It's not a foreign culture; received only the briefest glance) contains and Lincoln Center in New York and for the previous weekend to see her wooden much of it is very recognizable to any such detonating items as an amendment visiting gymnasts from the People Republic of ballerinas knocking themselves out to produce American as an integrated part of his or her nSquiring Home Ec courses for all girls; all China, will be appearing in Winter Park in it's a stiff and dull series of steps, while the own way of life, past and present. girls sports will be focused on domestic last United States performance. The cast will perform at the Winter Park High School Orchesis company, with a calculated infor­ requirements (i.e., figure, training for child­ Auditorium on March 1st at 8:00 p.m. mality and indescribably good choreography, HOT BOOKS birth, back exercise for housecleaning, etc.) Immediately after the show, the cast will be knocked the audience right off their chairs. It instead of the present emphasis on com­ flying to Puerto Rico. was a very exceiting thing to see, and it is a The Mills Memorial Library had a near miss petitive sports; special nights would be set Up With People is an international musical shame that so many students missed it; last Tuesday night when a flourescent light aside once a week, according to one article, group of 120 students from as far away as Melbourne, Australia to as close as Atlanta, attendance was very poor. fixture on the fourth tier overheated. The tar allowing mens' dorm kitchens to be open for Georgia. ballast inside the fixture smouldered and the use of girls to cook lavish meals for their Which brings up another point. A lot of The cast is being co-sponsored by the produced such a smell as to prompt librarians Ybite people seem to think that Black Aware- boyfriends. There is more, but the list, as yet, Winter Park Mail Merchants and WKIS Radio. to call John Beaumont, Deputy Director of ess Week is just for Blacks. This strikes us as is not complete. All interested males are Don't miss this musical spectacular, March Campus Safety, who in turn wasted no time in 1 silly attitude; the Blacks are already a'ware, urged by the 3M to write the newspaper for 1st at 8:00 p.m. in the Winter Park High calling the Winter Park fire department. School Auditorium. Tickets are available at *ause after all they're Black. Granted, the information on the society and how to join. It Firemen arrived shortly thereafter, found the the Bill Baer Music Stores in the Winter Park, should be made clear, however, that the Program is designed in part to make cause of the smell and removed it. Doesn't Colonial, and Altamonte Malls at $3.00 for uninformed Blacks more aware of their sound so bad, but it caused a bit of a stir, for Sandspur does not support or condone such adults and $2.00 for students and senior cultural heritage, but at the same time, it the smell that filled the second floor was very politics. citizens. NOTES CAMPUS NOTES CAMPUS NOTES CAMPUS CAMPUS NOTES CAMPUS NOTES CAMPUS NOTES addition, students may choose among a wide to the state capitol. Each intern will arrange television auction, or be involved in projects t variety of physical exercises and sports. The for academic credit for the internships with a insure the continuation of such televis^ BRUSHING NOTES: theoretical part of the program will consist of faculty advisor. Generally, internships run programs as "Sesame Street" and "Master" lectures and discussions in English on such from September through May or June. The piece Theatre," or work with mall displays or The deadline for Spring submissions is March topics as: health and nutrition, body-aware­ program outline is flexible and alternative any of the hundreds of other pro 1. Manuscripts should be sent to: Projects ness and fitness, etc. approaches to research of population policies connected with a television station? You Brushing may The total price of the three-week program, will be considered. do just that by becoming a FRIEND n Box 1070 including round-trip transportation New York- Activities of past interns have contributed to CHANNEL 24. Copenhagen, local transportation to the such positive results as the creation of a state Anyone interested in obtaining back issues The FRIENDS OF 24, volunteer service school, board and room (double accommo­ quality of life commission (Massachusetts) organization of Public Television station (1971-74) should also contact Box 1070. dation), insurance, and all program activities and the development of a population educa­ WMFE-TV/Channel 24, will hold its annual is $825, subject to modifications due to tion curriculum for state schools (Washing­ meeting and luncheon Tuesday, February 18 Brushing Editor changes in currency exchange and/or travel ton). Florida and Hawaii's interns have been at 11 :30 a.m. at the Channel 24 studio on Oak costs. The deadline for applications is April 1, involved in their states' first data systems to Ridge Road. 1975. measure and monitor the characteristics of FRIENDS President Mrs. James A. Naftel SCANDINA VIAN SEMINAR For further information please write to: in-migration. In Boulder, Colorado, interns extends an invitation to those members of the SCANDINAVIAN SEMINAR, 100 East 85th have provided legal research for that city's Central Florida community "who are con­ Scandinavian Seminar, which for more than Street, New York, N.Y. 10028. model open spaces and controlled growth cerned about Public Television, have some 25 years has offered a unique living and policies. free time and are interested in being a part of learning program in Denmark, Finland, The Intern Program is supervised by the a television operation." Norway and Sweden, is now offering a new Youth and Student Division of the Population The meeting is designed to acquaint non- three-week coeducational program in sports, GRANTS OFFERED FOR POPULATION Institute with offices in Washington, D.C. The members of the FRIENDS organization and gymnastics and body-awareness in Denmark, AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Institute is a private, non-profit organization give suggestions of how interested persons geared to college students and others who are concerned with the population problems and may become involved in the activities of actively interested in physical fitness. A Internships offering grants up to $600 plus the broad range of related issues affecting the Channel 24. If you are able to attend you are maximum of 50 American students will be travel and research expenses are available quality of life. It seeks to relate to and evoke invited to contact Kathi Harper at Channel 24 accepted into the program, in which also from the Population Institute for students positive response from key leaders in our 855-3691. Danish and other Scandinavian students will interested in working on population growth society in helping to balance population participate. and environmental issues. growth with resources. ALASKAN PIPELINE! 10,000 TO 15,000 The program is organized in cooperation Students who participate in the Intern Application deadline for the September, WORKERS NEEDED THIS SUMMER. THIS with the Gerlev School for Athletics, located Program will work closely with state legis­ 1975 - May, 1976 program is April 30, 1975. REPORT EXAMINES JOB OPPORTUNITIES, approximately one hour from Copenhagen. lators and agencies in researching and Students interested in applying should request WORKING CONDITIONS LIVING COSTS AND This school has a large indoor swimming pool, analysing population-related issues, policies applications from: David E. Baker, Director, WEATHER INFORMATION. ALSO, COM­ several well-equipped gymnasiums, and an and legislation. While continuing to attend State Student Intern Program, The Population PLETE LIST OF CONTRACTORS AND SUB­ outdoor sports arena with tracks and a soccer regular college or university courses, the Institute, 110 Maryland Avenue, N.E., Wash­ CONTRACTORS. SEND $5.00 TO: field. intern will also spend part of each week with ington, D.C. 20002. The daily program will include four hours of his/her sponsoring agency, meeting with FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES physical activities and two hours of theory. All other groups and individuals, doing needed BOX 13721 students participate in gymnastics. In research and writing and making periodic trips Would you like to be a part of a live, NEW ORLEANS, LA. 70185 "Educational" Programs- Brevard County in A Dubious Direction

Documentary Close-Up Well, dear friends, it seemjs that the Rollins years ago the English Department reportedly Family is in for an interesting Spring Term. By had to turn away W. H. Auden because they the time this reaches your hands the third couldn't scrape up $2500. Matter of fact, such folks as Thomas Edison and Edward R. cludes newspapering, free-lance writing, and annual Black Awareness Week will be just Murrow used to talk for free, at Rollins. Of Orlando Public Television Station WMFE- writing and producing several films, and about over, once again a great success. We course, they didn't have huge bills for legal TV/24 has begun production of the most award-winning cameraman Jack Kreiger are will have been privileged by the appearance of defense, either. And then there's always complete, authoritative film report ever done already involved in research on the Brevard the Florida A & M University Orchesis Club, inflation to consider. on Brevard County as it was in the 1960's story which will take them to Washington, Don L. Lee, the Orlando School of Black -Dean's appearance at Rollins will be of when this nation's aerospace effort was at its New York, Houston, and Huntsville. They will Performing Arts, Dick Gregory, and others. little, if any, benefit to any positive aspect of zenith. be interviewing Brevardians in business, We will have been emotionally, physically, the College. He is not to be lauded for "Brevard: Anatomy of a County" will be a government, civic affairs, and long-time intellectually and philosophically stimulated, attaining any higher moral consciousness for documentary not of the space effort, but of residents of the county. not only by but with these people. having testified against his former col­ the people of Brevard who were caught up in Steck said: "Channel 24, which belongs to And the Rollins Black Student Union will leagues; neither is he to be denigrated for the fever of the race to put a man on the Brevard County as well as to Central Florida, have put the whole thing on for approximately having ratted on them. When the American moon. . .the governments and the community welcomes suggestions and input from Bre­ $4,900. public lauds a creep like Dean for having and the people who were a part of the effort, vardians during preparation of the film. We Meanwhile, the Rollins Student Center is confessed to what he shouldn't have been sometimes against their will. feel it is important for the state and, hopefully, dickering with the infamous John Dean, doing in the first place, then I say that we The project is financed by the 1974 Florida the nation to see an accurate, articulate hoping to entice him to our sunny clime on should erect monuments on the Washington Legislature, through a production grant treatment of the county in its heyday, and we April 16th for a paltry $3,500. mall to Charles Van Doren and Whittaker administered by the Educational TV & Radio feel a responsibility to produce such a film. Without going into a major sermon on Chambers as well. And while we're at it, why Division of the State Department of Educa­ Comments should be addressed to me at the economic responsibility-or, more bluntly, just not Aaron Burr? tion. The film will be shown first on the state's station, 2908 W. Oak Ridge Road, Orlando plain damn good sense-let us explore a few of nine Public Television outlets, then offered to 32809." the more ludicrous aspects of this anomaly, to Don't misunderstand me: God knows, I'm the Public Broadcasting Service for possible wit: no fan of Nixon; and, God knows, I believe nationwide distribution. -Dean's agent wants half the money in fully in the freedom of speech. Indeed, as Principal producers of the project are the CALENDAR front, half on appearance, with the press some other old curmudgeon said, "I may not Holmstrom brothers - John and David - both having no access to him other than during the agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." award winners in their field. Cinematographer FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21 normal course of his spiel. According to John left the film division of the Ford Motor 9:30 a.m. Board of Trustee Meeting reports, Rollins has never operated on this My point, finally, is this-when we contin­ Co. in Detroit and researcher/writer David left Crummer 2 1 3 basis with any speaker. ually pander to people like Dean and ignore Bethune-Cookman Chorus his position as San Francisco bureau chief of 2:00 p.m. -Dean is going to talk about. . .three more important, more worthwhile events like Knowles Memorial Chapel Black Awareness Week, we are fools. the Christian Science Monitor to work on the 3:00 p.m. Student Music Recital guesses. Give up? "The Standards and Ethics Brevard project fulltime. Both are now Keene Hall of Good Government," no doubt. Now what in Whether our ignorance be in terms of residents of Brevard. 8:00 p.m. Dick Gregory-Enyart name of God is this ex-gunsel going to reveal audience size, speaker's fees, or indif­ Alumni Fieldhouse Channel 24 Executive Vice President & to us clammy-fisted collegiates that he didn't ference, it is foolish. 7:00 p.m. Patrons Dinner And if Dean does come here to speak, he'll General Manager Stephen M. Steck, com­ SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 already tell Sam Ervin, John Sirica, and menting on the ambitious project, said: "The 2 <& 8 p.m. Travelventure Film- millions of television viewers? probably have a huge turnout. I'll probably be mass media have covered different aspects of Bush Aud. -Dean's price of $3500 is the same as Ron there. We'll probably pay him $3500, too. And the aerospace effort in Brevard for the past 6:00 p.m. Corporate Associates Ziegler's, who has even less to say about our pride, our good sense, our moral Field House decade, but none has done the kind of 8:00 p.m. Basketball/vs. Florida anything, and yet we didn't ask that philosophy will be hanging from some tree o in-depth, people-oriented job we-re doing. Tech. once-great Washington Post fan to come the library lawn, "twisting slowly, slowly in the This is the story of the people who lived in the SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23 down for a chat. Matter of fact, a couple of vind" ' By: PETER TURNBULL shadow of the rockets, rather than of the 9:45 a.m. Black Worship-Knowles Memorial Chapel rockets themselves." 8:00 p.m. Music in the Chapel John Holmstrom, a New York Film Festival MONDAY FEBRUARY 24 award winner whose credits include "Hon­ 4:00 p.m. Senate Meeting- THE SAMIISPHK duras; Aftermath: Hurricane Fifi" for the Bush 108 TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25 World Relief Commission and "Mother Earth, 8:00 p.m. Casa Iberia Club- Father Sky," said: "The film will tell of the Hauck Aud. EDITOR IN-CHIEF KA1E O CURIIN economic rise, fall, and beginning resurgence 8:00 p.m. Basketball/vs. Florida MANAGING EDITOR MARGARET PRICE of Brevard as it relates to the massive amount Southern WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26 of Federal dollars poured into the county in 1:15 p.m. Guidance Counselors the '60s. . .the results of the de-emphasis of Conf.-Crummer Aud. aerospace exploration after America reached THURSDAY FEBRUARY 27 Second-class subscription rate al \ 7 50 per year l he opinions the moon. . .the crying need to deversify 9:00 a.m. Guidance Counselor Conf.-Crummer Aud. expressed in thc Sandspur do not nccc sanly express thc views Brevard's economy in light of the absence of 8:00 p.m. Philosophy & Religion of thc Sandspur staff, thc students, faculty, and'or administration firm plans for space activity after the joint Club-French House of Rollins CoPege U.S./Russian space shuttle. Ours will be a FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 Published weekly, except Vacations and holidays, by Rollins College story of the people who lived the equivalent of Parents Weekend Winter Park, Honda 32789. bv Rollins College Publication office a lifetime in less than a decade under the m Carnegie Hall, first floor Used m second dav, matter November spotlight of world attention." 4, 192S at the Post Otficc at Winter Park, F londa 32789, under David Holmstrom, whose experience in­ the act of Mjnh 3. 1879 Black Awareness: JAZZ MARKS NEW '"ZZZZJk&ntojfa AGE IN MUSIC At the end of the 19th century, jazz was Dear Sir: Dear Editor: production relates theatrically to the original; born. Some say it began in the red light I hope she calms down her style and just tells district of New Orleans; others claim it I have been told that I cannot have a girl in I think you should be made aware of the folks whether or not she liked the damn thing; simultaneously began all along the East coast. any room after a certain time (the time being fact that some madman is writing your theatre and I hope she finds the space to mention the It's creators were black. Their creation was variable due to the fact, apparently, that my reviews and signing them "Fran Goldstein". people who went through the trouble to put and is America's cultural contribution to the drives discriminate between weekday and The article on Cock-A-Doodle Dandy is a together and perform the show. That would be world. It is strange, however, that the end- That is I am given a longer period on the nitpicker's delight, and a group of us over at nice. popularity of jazz lies mainly outside of our weekend to accomplish any deed). Now I do Bingham Hall last Friday night had a grand country. Witness the numerous jazz festivals not intend to get into the endless arguments time tearing it up and nailing the pieces to the y (Name withheld by request) in France, Switzerland, Germany, Belguim, as to whether college-age students are ceiling. and other European countries. Likewise note sufficiently mature or not to handle their own This is not to say that I am distressed at Ms. the former U.S. jazzmen now residing in personal affairs. There is not one among them Goldstein's criticisms of the play or actors, or Europe where their talents are properly who believes they are not. There are few anything of that sort (though she did not seem appreciated. It is ironic that the youth of among you who do now that didn't then. America appreciate European rock musicians to have any opinion on production itself); Dear Editor, Besides the question remains purely aca­ quite the contrary. Ms. Goldstein is entitled to while European youth prefer our jazz demic. Like Pot-leagalizing it would do whatever opinion she may have. However, musicians. As any other American who drives a car, I nothing more than take the allure of risk and when it is apparent that so little research was Once a year there is a summit meeting. am a virtual slave to the whims of the major oil intrigue out of it and consequently reduce its From around the world congregate the cream done on the subject of the article, then tiny companies. Therefore I was upset to hear on frequency. Who wants to do that? I shudder to of the crop to display their wares for fan and little gripe-people start crawling out the the news that the Exxon oil corporation think how dull life would be without the hushed critic alike. It is the annual Newport Jazz woodwork and infesting vunerable souls like collected the biggest profit in the history of exit and traipsing about in our beloved Festival held every summer for 10 days in myself, causing them to raise their eyebrows organized business, over two billion dollars, domiciles. Hit and run. Just like an exhiopium New York City. Several hundred musicians and cough loudly. As an example, "by making according to the most recent fiscal reports. I host a couple of hundred thousand listeners in guerilla. (Marianna, the Spanish maid) foreign, female became outraged when I heard that the every conceivable setting. The Hudson turns No, my letter concerns a question of cliche and obviously sexy," he does not "set three president of Exxon said that gasoline prices into the Mississippi as New Orleans jazz is impart: discrimination, Yeah, like black and strikes against her." O'Casey originally wrote would go even higher during the next year. white restrooms. Like female profs getting the part as that of an Irish girl. The director, featured on boatrides. Yankee stadium roars less than male counterparts. We got it folks. Marty Rader, changed the character because to drum solos instead of home runs, Radio Right here on Rollie Collie. The campus Maggy Delgado did a better Spanish accent City Music Hall vibrates to monator midnight comatose. Honest-to-Goddiscrimination. than an Irish one, and in doing so made a bit Obsessed with the idea that something jam sessions. The Commodore presents the should be done about these money making Now I never had any particular disregard role a bit better. In fact, it took "Robin Adair" most elaborate dance of them all as Basie, monsters, but realizing the need that Ameri­ for homosexuals. It takes diversity to make and the rest of the cast the better part of Ellington, provides the music. Jazz, cans have for their cars, the idea of boycott this world proper. I'd hate to see my sister winter term to get used to saying "Maid jazz, and even more jazz; starting at 9:30 was dismissed immediately as ridiculous. I marry one but that falls under another Marianna" instead of "Main Marion." each morning and ending with midnight jazz then hit upon another idea. What if, suddenly category of rationale I admit. But between I also must argue with her statement that sessions. The individual music programs the people of this country were to boycott only themselves, as consenting, conscientious "O'Casey has a habit of. . .lulling (his provide something for everyone: A night of Exxon products for a period of time? (Nothing adults, I see no reason why any external audience) almost to boredom" so that the the blues featuring the living ledgens, a night personal against Exxon, but they seem to be authority has a legitimate right to interpose in climax is more dramatic and "unanticipated." of guitar featuring a select group of the doing the most bragging about their profits.) their activities so long as it does not prove I doubt very much if any playwright of any old world's finest, or a night of solo Not all gas companies, just Exxon. Go buy dangerous to anyone else, anyone, ah, less quality, let alone Sean O'Casey, would care to featuring pianists who are orchestras in your gas from Gulf, or Mobil, or Texaco, or inclined to that particular bagatelle. This has, lull his audience to a state of boredom, themselves. But following the individual anybody, but not Exxon, until they are forced in fact, become a major judiciary accom- enticing them to leave at intermission; I have shows comes the climax - the midnight jam to bring down their gasoline price. Then, by lishment as of late I believe. So, despite their difficulty picturing even the most inexperi­ sessions. The elite top few of every instrument the laws of competition, all other gas plea of ignorance, this school subscribes to enced of playwrights slumped in the back of are invited to participate. Old musicians companies would be forced to lower their the same principle. the theatre on opening night, watching the reunite after years of being seperated. Old prices or face drastic revenue loss from It does so in their allowance to prevent it audience pour out in droves, hoping that the friends reacquaint themselves, but most of gasoline. Anyone who has ever had a gas war right under their noses. De Facto and de nure. few die-hards that stay will be stunned by the all, on one stage there occurs duels to decide (remember those) in his town knows what this That's right tars. Now, again, I'm not saying imminent power of his climax, in comparison for fan, critic, and musician who holds the does to the price of gas. Mr. Critchfield is an advocate of 24-hour with the intentionally dreary somnulence of his honor of being the best in the world. visitation for homosexuals. Humm? That is first two acts. If the play was boring, blame Drummers square off and exchange fours at pretty heavy isn't it? the direction, the acting, the lighting, the breathtaking speed. Trumpets and saxo­ But alas, I am much too idealistic. Just Yet while I theoretically must turn off my make-up or anything else comprising the phones swing the audience to their feet. Stand because Caesar Chavez did it with Non-union drives at 2 AM on week-ends and quench it by individual production; but for God's sake up basses walk you into for corners but always lettuce and grapes, doesn't mean we can do it 12 on week-days these fellows and ladies are don't blame poor old O'Casey; the actors can return you to familiar ground. All in all, the with gas prices. So, I guess we will just have permitted all night to light their fires. Now. write in and say they think you are nuts; but jam session is it. to put up with spiraling gas prices. But consider reader. Would you deprive this poor Sean is dead and can't argue back. The spirit of a huge jazz festival can not be wouldn't it be nice to see those signs back minority of the thrill and intrigue which we I have some stylistic disagreements that I properly described by words. It must be down to 39.9 a gallon? . luckless heterosexuals experience in our find hard to pass up without complaint; how experienced. Likewise, the music of jazz must sexual subterfuge? I mean wouldn't the music can be both "unbearable slow" and be experienced. It was, is, and will be a relationship prosper for it? And we are "haunting" at the same time is a little beyond Sincerely yours, minority music. It is an acquired taste. The interested in improving relations here at my comprehension. Bob Sullivan listener must patiently listen many hours to properly appreciate the spontaneous impro­ Rollins aren't we? I think Ms. Goldstein should have properly visation that is the hallmark of the music. The Or consider another alternative. Why not entitled the article "A Literary Breakdown of a listener must rise to jazz for when jazz lowers retract the law which prohibits 24-hour Play That Recently Happened To Be Per­ itself to the listener it ceases to be jazz. It visitation. It is not being applied universally formed at Rollins." Her review seemed to dilutes itself into "jazz-rock" or "soul jazz" or anyway as we have seen. It will be a good have little relation to the production at the other popular brand of music. deal less fun on us "straight-boys" but then it Annie Russell Theatre some weeks ago. She Student Center To the musician it is a unique way of making doesn't seem to have taken that much of the seemed at pains to deal with the little play in a a living. There is far more psychic and thrill out of our bisexed brothers has it? very high-handed manner. And when I think material gain. Babs Gonsales best described about it, it seems equally silly to deal with the It is now spring term and the Student Center Gentlemen, ladies, and the rest. What do it in his book titled Good Times-No Bread." article with such a high-handed letter. All I almost has a new schedule planned to try to you say? It is a life of drugs, alcohol, pimps, and hope is that Fran reads the plays she plans to give you students something to do. The term reversed hours of the day. Life insurance is Mike McKinny review in the future, to find out how the started with a dance on the union patio with Harpoon. It must have been a success-there impossible to get unless your Duke Ellington, were complaints about the volume and it was but even that does not suffice any more. called off early. This week belongs to the Nevertheless jazz will always be. Where it is Black Student Union, so the Student Center going is hard to say. Perhaps another Charlie ETCETERA itself has nothing planned. "Bird" Parker is needed to provide direction. Only time will tell. In all, jazz is the black's The video cassette player has finally been greatest contribution to America which in turn repaired and returned to its proper place and ZPG QUARTERLY MEETING Price: adults; $4.50 - students: $3.50. (no is America's greatest cultural gift to the world. the shows began last week with "Jim Hendrix Monday, March Third reserved seats) at Berkley", and this week, in conjunction . 7:30P.M. Tickets available in advance after February with Black Awareness Week, with "Right On" 5, at Streep's Ticket Agency, 641 N. Orange and "Shirley Chisolm". Some of the tapes for Avenue, Orlando; in Winter Park at Golden Rollins College the rest of the term include "Buckminster Cricket, 150 Park Avenue, At Cheese Crummer School of Finance Fuller", "Lenny Bruce: Without Tears'.',, Cottage, Winter Park Mall and at Bill Baer, and Business Administration "Billie Jean King", "Harry Chapin", "But is T.V. and Radio, Colonial Plaza, W.P. Mall and Room 213 This Progress?" and "The Heavyweight Altamonte Springs Mall. Championship Fights." For information call Mrs. D. Eddy: TOPIC The films this term are excellent and they Joe Walsh will headline a big rock concert 647-0631 and Mrs. C. Weishar: 898-7665. will be shown approximately every other in the Jacksonville Coliseum on Friday, Feb. "Why Must We Stop at Two?" week. The films include "Andromeda Strain", 21. Walsh, a 25-year-old Kansan who earned "American Graffiti", "Mysterious Island", three gold albums as lead guitarist with the TO ALL GREEKS! "Medium Cool", "French Connection", and James Gang, is highly regarded by music ALLIANCE FRANCAISE "The Godfather". The first film of the term will critics both nationally and in Europe. After his Chi-Omega is sponsoring two tables at the be on February 28--"Hotel", based on Arthur amicable split with the James Gang, he was Flea Market on 17-92 on March,1-2. Le Treteau de Pads, Jean de Rigault, under Hailey's novel. joined by Joe Vitale (who plays drums, Contributions of crafts and time are the sponsorship of the Government of the Plans for a major concert at this time are tympani, gong, flute and synthesizer), bass- essential to the success of the project. All French Republic through the Association still up in the air-but there WILL be a concert. man Kenny Passarelli and Rocke Grace on Francaise d'Action Artistique with the patron­ monies will go to the Central Florida Zoo. Because of the success of the first mini- keyboards. The Cleveland Press has labeled age of the Cultural Counselors to the French Please help out if you possibly can. concert (Liverpool) we're going to try it again this group's sound as "a super-mixed Embassy, in the United States and in Canada, in March with the Star Spangled Washboard package that's thoroughly enjoyable. . .soft presents a new production, in French of: Band. The big speaker this term may be John lush harmonies. . .heavy driving boogie." MUSIC LOVERS LEND AN EAR Moliere's L'AVARE, staged by Georges Dean. Confirmation for a date in April has Special guest at the concert will be The Werler been received, however, due to a family crisis Charlie Daniels Band. Daniels was a premier On Thursday, February 27th at 8:00 p.m. in Comedy in five acts and in prose, written there may be change in Mr. Dean's plans, sideman for years in Nashville and has proven Keene Hall (new music building) the Rollins by Moliere in 1668. (and the Student Center's) himself as an excellent musician, capable Music Guild will perform in, "More Mozart." Presented by the Alliance Francaise of Keep an eye out for the dates and times of vocalist and a very good writer. Soloists are Scott George. Gigi Keefe, Rollins College, Thursday evening, February these events which will be posted in all the Showtime will be 7:30. Tickets are $5.00 Charles Threate. Cary Boyd, and Patti h 1975, at 8:00 P.M., at Winter Park Junior usual places (for those of you who do read the per person. For additional information call Desisto. Admission for the general public High School Auditorium, 528 Huntington posters) and also here in the Sandspur. (904) 633-2900. Avenue. Winter Park. $2.00 and for students $1.00. HYMN TO POSEIDON as^s SPORTS SCHEDULE "TAfsiNQ TEASERS M App/wg? J I gonna »dfe Poseidon, attired in his robe of sea-weed, MENS BASEBALL SCHEDULE regally astride his diving board steed lA?PLKAliONQ| foDA\. regarding the minions from this mariner's Feb. 28 Friday Florida Southern Away throne we lie in repose till his resonant tone WOMEN'S GOLF TEAM booms forth his measured Olympian demand: "So you dare to wear cut-offs—get odt of my Feb. 24-25 U. of Miami Invitational Miami land!" MEN'S GOLF SCHEDULE

Feb. 28 Friday Seminole Invitational Mar. 15/17 Sat. Tournament His gaunt form outlined against the savage Sun. Tallahassee sea F.S.U. He stands, ominous, looming like some MEN'S TENNIS SCHEDULE mammoth tree. His name strikes fear in the hearts of us Tars, Feb. 27 Thurs. Furman U. Home His fame is widespread from Rex Beach to the Feb. 28 Friday Fla. Inter­ stars. national U. Away


Feb. 22 Saturday U. of Fla. Home A shame-humbled soul scurries out of the gate lest he find the feared trident impaled in his fate. DEADLINE FOR REFUND OF $1.00 stu- Another subject is warned when his swimming DENT TICKETS FOR ROLLINS/FLORIDA tesfs late: SOUTHERN BASKETBALL GAME (RAINED "Get your ass in the pool or you'll not OUT) WILL BE NOON ON FEBRUARY 25, graduate!" 1975.

source in Sun-weathered eyes Weigh the throngs in keen stare organizing for in concert through the visor brief land-life compels him to wear. Give thanks to Great Zeus, let the Skralings healthcare rejoice JOE WALSH Let us look to the skies and cry out in great a tool for change... Special Guest voice: "Poseidon all-mighty please smile kindly on ... a manual for challenging the profit-oriented THE CHARLIE DANIELS BAND us, health industry ... describes hundreds of groups extra added attraction working on mental patients rights, occupational the sun-decked sardines who submit your our health, women's health, community-controlled STRAWBS trust. clinics, challenges to drug companies, and much We seek peace in your waters from the sun's more ... reviews books, pamphlets, periodicals and films useful for education and organizing. Jacksonville Coliseum beating rays 256 pp. $5.95 We seek fun in your waters on the work-dreary FRIDAY, FEB. 21 days. also available Shotimew -7:3T o/0% $C Per In return for your guard and your unending Source I: Communications, 116pp. $1.75 Source II: Housing, 264pp. $2.95 O person toil "Demand for Day Care", 45 pp. $1.50 COMING ATTRACTIONS we proffer Tar-nymphs basked in coconut oil. Source, P.O. Box 21066, Wash. D C 20009 MARCH 7 — JACKSON BROWNE Special guest PHOEBE SNOW So give us this day our daily pool swim Jacksonville Civic Auditorium, Two to keep us, our bodies, in good health and Shows 7 and 10 P.M., Reserved sleek trim. Seats — $4, $5, $6, $7 And we promise your Grace to give you wide • • • ••••• fame. APRIL 7 — DOOBIE BROTHERS Even more is our promise for no hair in the Jacksonville Coliseum, 7:30 P.M., drain." All seats $6, general admission Michael McKinney APRIL 8 — JOHN DENVER Jacksonville Coliseum, 8 P.M., Reserved Seats — $5.50, $6.50, $7.50 EUROPE MIDNIGHT SHOW BOUND APRIL 12 — NEKTAR IN '75? Special guest PAVLOV'S DOG Jacksonville Civic Auditorium, wouldn't you rather come with us? 12 Midnight, Reserved Seats - $4, $5, $6 Last year over"2Q0tihj\j atUdeht't; ::umn.ered in Europe. And the travelwise flew on charter:-: I & cause it cost:: about HALF! This year a 3 - 6 week ticket to London is $512.; 2 - 3 weeker $597. And its $767. for over six weeks from New APRIL 18 — J. GEILSBAND York. (That's what the airLines say now. Last year there were two unforcar-t Lacrosses J ) Jacksonville Coliseum, 8 P.M., All seats - $5, general admission Not only do you fly with us at half, but you can just about have your choice of dates for U, 5, (:, 7, p-, r>» 1() week dur­ ation during the summer. And all' you have to do to qualify is reserve your seat, sow by r.e'ndJLnj* $100. deposit, plus $10. MAY 23 — ROBIN TROWER registration fee.. Under recently new ii. ?, Govfcrhriont reg­ ulations we must submit all flight participant: nzuwir. and Special guest — GOLDEN EARRING. full payment sixty days before each flight. If you bak« the Jacksonville Coliseum, 7:30 P.M., All .June 21 - August !' flight '..<• London for nxn::.] re", lUjpo.iit re­ serves your a::d April 1'. you send i,Le- $1 /<•. bn *-iree. seats $5 —General admission. -lust one price for all flights whether -js.u f.i.-k a weekend departure ($1'.. extra • :. rty.ui-i'r Vhf'i -i i f: L r.«.. ' ur [••JK season surcharge date. ADVANCE TICKETS BY MAIL. Send money orders only, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope

Liu sen.d for' our co 1 et .' ; • i • I tO: (Name of Group) Concert «!' ' ' ' ' • ' ) .;orv3ti(>n i. OW, ! ,ai 1 iiir lit'] 300 Water Street depart urn. froi:. • lu" 11 • < br: Ugh . , .j 1 ••• ! Jacksonville, Fla. 32202 you want to U'J v«i. •i hi for 1 '".w lor. ill W i : Orders received 3 days prior to exact date con f L :•:•. it U)l: and r •eeo ipt by r< * . ••• flights are -. i •> fu! ! y rt i r cat • ••!; show will be held in box office for :•<• you. For more information call ,iet and nil :'i! J : i. • .' .en 1 c i •. student f:i Ui •i 1 part. • " h <• p part Lire.- an it : PLENTY OF REPL Bl-IC ftlR S Y STEMS INTER NATION 663 r ,t-T« Avr •S.IH TICKETS IMC w VOO i mo? AT DOOR 6 (i)& G> Charter flying is the biggest bargain