GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. REPORT OF PROGRESS FOR THE YEAR 1845-6 . .:t1rlontnaI ! LOVELL & GIBSON, PRINTERS, SAINT NICHOLAS STREET. 1847. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. REPORT OF PROGRESS FOR THE YEAR 1845-6. MONTRE;\L, 1st May, 1846. SIR, I have the honor to transmit to YOll the accompanying Report of the Progress made in the Geological Survey of the Province, in the year lS45-G, ,mel request you will do me the favor to place it bei()[e His ExceIlel1c.I', the Governor General. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, W. E. LOGAN, PrOt'incia/ GeolofJi.t. To the llollorau]e D. Daly, Pro1'inciai Secretar!). &c. &c. TO HIS EXCELLENCY LIEUTENANT GENERAL THE RIGHT HONORABLE CHARLES MURRAY, EARL CATHCART, OF C_UHCAI,r, l~ rilE conuy OF RENFREW, K. C. B., GOVERNOR GEKERAL OF BRITISH ~~ORTII AMERICA, AND C.\PTAIN-GENERAL A::-lD GOVERNOR-IN-CHIEF 1:" A~D OYER THE PRonNCES OF CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, AND THE ISLAND OF PRINCE EDWARD, AND VICE-ADlI1IRAL OF THE SAME, Sec. &0. &0. MONTREAL, 1st May, 1846. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY, In conformity with my duty as Director of the Geological Sur vey of the Province, I have the honor to place before Your Excel lency, a Report of the Progress made in the investigation during the past summer. In reporting to the Government on the Progress made in the year 1843, a short and very general sketch was gi\"en of some of the main geological features of a considerable part of the Province, as connected with the physical structure of the bordering States of the American Union on the one hand, and the Sister British Colonies, on the other.
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