Fall and Slide Show for the Meeting
THE NEWSLETTER OF THE WILDERNESS CANOE ASSOCIATION, VOL.2, NO.3, SEPT.1975 EXECUTIVE Chairman: Gord Fenwick 140 Porchester Dr. Scarborough, Onto MIJ 2R7 (431-3343) Vice- Chairman: Sandy Richardson 5 Dufresne Court Apt. #2705 Don Mills I ·Ont. M3C IB7 (429-3944) Sec'y- Treas.: Vacant Member- ship: Vacant * * * * CHAIru1AN'S REMARKS A great summer for canoeing! WCA If you haven't yet received your members travelling the Otoskwin, copy of the planned agenda for Attawapiskat, Missinaibi, Ground- the Saturday meeting and Sunday hog, Mississagi, Nestawakow, outing on the Moira River, write Spanish and Durnoine; on Lake or call one of the Executive. I Superior, in Quetico, Killarney, hope you can attend but, if not, Algonquin and other areas, shared be sure to send in your proxy. the bond of wilderness. Your executive is at a low of 2. I hope you enjoy reading a few We invite members to offer help members' memorable summer adven- in such areas as editor, typist, tures in this newsletter. advertising, membership and co- ordination for the Sportsman's For our General Meeting near Bow- Show, safety, ecology, etc. manville on September 20th, Vice- Chairman Sandy Richardson would We've grown about 400% since last like you to send him your slides February's meeting and I look for- of WCA outings so that he will be ward to seeing many of you at the able to prepare an integrated General Meeting •.• on fall and slide show for the meeting. All winter trips •.. or other activities possible care will be taken with to corneA _ 6~ ~ your slides and they will be returned immediately following ~~"iI4~V-.tL,--"k"(' the meeting.
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