Lentenactivities Lentenactivities
2020 lentenACTIVITIES Churches throughout the Diocese of Columbus will be presenting a variety of Lenten programs focusing on prayer, penance and preparation for Easter from now through Easter Sunday, April 12. Most parishes will conduct penance services, either individually or in conjunction with other parishes in their deanery. Many also will offer the traditional Lenten devotion of Stations of the Cross. In addition to those activities, special seasonal events planned by parishes of the diocese include the following: Bremen St. Mary – Retreat Day tion Rice Bowl, after 6 p.m. Mass, Topics and speakers, March 2, with Eucharistic Adoration, con- Wednesdays, March 4 to April “A Theology of the Sacraments,” fessions and Benediction, Sun- 8. Parish mission led by Father Barb Finan; March 9, “History day, March 29. Thomas Blau, OP, with theme of and Significance of Our Church “Virtue, Vice and Grace,” Mon- Windows,” Maryellen O’Shaugh- Buckeye Lake Our Lady of Mount day to Wednesday, March 9 to nessy; March 16, “Holy Thursday Carmel – Exposition of the Bless- 11, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. (identical – Washing of Feet/Eucharist/ ed Sacrament, Sundays, March 1 programs). Service. Meaning,” Mark Huddy, to April 5, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. diocesan episcopal moderator Columbus St. Elizabeth – Parish Columbus Holy Spirit and St. for social concerns; March 23, mission led by Father Thomas Philip – “Luke’s Gospel: The “Good Friday – Cross/What It Blau, OP, with theme of “Under- Good News of God’s Mercy” Means to Take Up Our Cross,” standing God’s Mercy.” Monday Bible study, Tuesdays, March 3 Sister Joye Gros, OP; March to Thursday, March 16 to 19, 7 to 31, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Holy Spirit 30, “Exploring the Symbols of p.m., preceded by Reconciliation office.
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