Annual General Meeting Tuesday 18Th February 2015
Annual General Meeting Tuesday 18th February 2015 Present: Pippa Jones (chair), John Handley, Anthony Jones, Heather Calderbank, Pat Baker, Anita Willoughby, Chris Frankland, Jane Selva, Dee Moore, Diana Jerman, Denise Renshaw (minutes), Apologies: Andrew Backhouse, Marianne Broadgate, Jean Hill, Garry Olson. Business Arising from previous meeting: 1. Visit of Rob Hopkins - suggested programme; Meet Rob from train 14.45 7th May; visit community orchard and garden at the Temp; Lindow Moss walk; pot luck meal with local foods and evening presentation by Rob - Denise to check availability of Meeting House. Invitations to go to Transition Wilmslow members and associates and other Transition type groups in the region. Arrangements to be finalised at March Steering Group. 2. Love Wilmslow, Love your planet - The feedback forms from the day were very positive. Expenses for the day were a £300 donation to the Centre for Alternative Technology and Paul Scotts expenses. Churches Together in Wilmslow Treasurer has paid the balance after donations made on the day. Anita will make a donation of £70 on behalf of TW towards the shortfall and will reimburse the printing costs incurred. It was agreed that in future the practice of having feedback forms for events should be adopted. Appointments Chair: Pippa Tyrrell-Jones was appointed to serve for a further year. Treasurer: Anita Willoughby was appointed to serve for a further year Membership Secretary: Heather Calderbank was appointed to serve for the coming year. The role will consist of maintaining the list of Transition Wilmslow members, updating the email contact list of associates and dealing with incoming emails to the Transition Wilmslow Google mailbox.
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